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s ,.,,,,--,,( S PORT ST. JOE Modern, Progressive Community With a A Progressive SWeekly Newspaper 4"f THE STAR THE STAR Published in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County "Port St. Joe -The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" VOLUME XVII Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1953 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 7 I I I I I P-T A Hallowe'en Carny Will Be Held Saturday Funeral Services Held For Mrs. Mamie Wall On Friday. at 3 o'clock funeral services were held at Trinity Epis- copal Church in Apalachicola for Mrs. Mamie Wall who passed away at 12:40 a.m. on Thursday morn- ing, October 15, at her mother's home in Apalachicola. Mrs. Wall was 62 years old. She was bonl in Apalachicola, the daughter of Mrs. Nancy C. Roan and the late Joseph Roan. She lived for many years in Jacksonville after her marriage to A. T. Wall. Aug. 25, 1909, later moving to Port St. Joe. Mrs. Wall was a lifelong mem- ber of the Episcopal Church and active in its work. Her lovable dis- *position and sincere interest in oth- ers endeared her to the many friends who now with her family and relatives, mourn her loss. The survivors include her mo- ther, Mrs. N. C. Roan. her.husband. A. T. Wall, four .sons, Thomas, Jeff, "Mystery Man" Contest Baffling Citizens HIear ye. Hear ye! The spooks and goblins will be ridin' and prow- lin' the afternoon and night of Oc- tober 24th for they will all come to town for the P.-T. A. Hallowe'en Carnival. The carnival will be on the va- cant lot facing the boulevard be- tween Long and Reid Avenues. At 4:00 p.m. the carnival will be- gin with the parade. Prizes will be given for the three best floats and t'e three best costumes being judged by most Halolwe'en prettiest and most original. A "Lass and Laddie" are being chosen by popular vote of the stu- dent body of both schools to repre- sent the different age groups. Grades 1-3, 4-6, the Junior High and-the Senior High. The Elemen- tary winners being announced in the afternoon, the High School winners at night (exact time will be announced at the carnival). Highlight of the carnival will be John and Charles, eight grandchil- the unveiling of the "mystery man" dren and two sisters, Mrs. W. O. which will be at the evening cere- Anderson of this city and Mrs. W. monies. Keep your eyes and ears H. Harris of Albany, Georgia. Open for all clues, they will be in There were a large number of your merchants' windows, papers friends attending the funeral from and handbills. Panama City. Port St. Joe as well iho knows, maybe you will be, as from Jacksonville, Tallahassee. a winner! X'H Carrabelle and Apalachicola which were conducted by the Rev. Harry B. Douglas of St. James Church of this city and the Rev. J. W. Ander- son of Trinity church of Apalachi- cola. Active pallbearers were the Ves- try of St. James: honorary were the Vestry of Trinity Church. Moose Club Giving Kids Hrnlowe'en Party Saturday All children of Po:.i St. Joe are invited to attend, a Hailowe'en Party given by the Moose Lodge at their lodge beginning at S p.m. Saturday night. Refreshments of cold drinks, candid: and sandwiches will be served free. Commission Queried About Disposal Plant A group of citizens from ,the Ki- wanis !Club appeared before the City Commission at their regular meeting Tuesday night to approach them on the matter of the sewage disposal of the city sewage sys- tem as not being first class work- ing order. The group asked that the situa- tion be straightened out so as to avert possible future pollution to the city. The Commission assured the group that it was. acknowledged by them that the plant was not op- erating properly but that repair parts were-on order to repair the plant with now but due to the scar- city of repair parts for the local plant, the shipment of the parts had been delayed. The commission answered the querie of the health hazard that they were not notified by the State Health Department, who inspects the plant regularly that any suc ' condition existed even though por tions of the plant were not func- tioning properly. HEALTH OFFICE TO BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY No clinic will be held at the Gulf County Health Office Satur- day, October 24. Clinic operation will resume as usual Monday. P.-T. A., Hears Intel At grammar Sch Just a hint: he could be your' daddy. your next door neighbor. One of the most unique and inter- best friend or maybe even your testing programs of the coming year rival. for the Parent-Teacher Association There will be amusement and meeting was held last Thursday concession booths of all kinds so evening at the grammar school. come on out. eat. be merry and Te program, under the leader- test y-our skill. Remenlbe)r that es your skill. Remember shi of the program chairman, Mrs. each penny you spend will be used Franklin L. Jones, was a "Back to to better our schools: Gralmar School" program with all The Hallowe'en Carnival is spon- parents taking part. Each parent d each year by the Parent- was asked to report to the room of Teacher As'sociatiou. their child and see just what was Tell your pals, "I'1 meet you at ain ace in that particular takin place in that particular the carnival Saturday, thile 4th aund be there". ------~---- - METHODIST MEN'S CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY, OCT. 27 The Methodisr M. nT. Club will meet Tuesday, ,:roie!' at 7:30 Tell all your friend's that they at the Methodist Church for an eve- are in fur a real treat this Satur- ning of fellowship. A special pro- day night (HALLOWE'EN) begin- gram has been arranged by the ning at eight. program chairman. George Wim- This invitation was issued, by G. berly. Sr., and each and every F. Lawrence. Governor of the local member is urged to attend the meet- chapter. ing. Bish i Hamilton West Coming To St. James; Plan Week of Many Activities Beginning tonight at 7:00 with a Parish "'upper St. James' Episco- pal Church opens a week end cele- bration marking 22 years of life and growth in this community and the completion of a seven room addition to the Parish House. Spec- ial guests for this occasion will be the Bishop Coadjutor of Florida, the Rt. Rev. Hamilton West, and two former rectors and their wives. They are: the Rev. Thomas D. Byrne who served from 1946 to 1948 and the Rev. Lee Graham in charge here from 1948 to 1951. Al- so attending will be the Rev. George A. P. Jewell who assisted in 1951- 1952. An Open House for the commun- ity will be the event of Friday, the 23rd from 6:00 to 8:00. On Sunday, the official visita- tion of the Bishop Coadjutor will highlight and conclude the events of this celebration. The schedule of services for that day include the Holy Communion at 7:30 which will be a Corporate Communion of the Parish; a breakfast meeting of the Vestry immediately following that service; the Bishop's address to the Church School and conclud- ing with the Sacred Rite of Laying on of Hands or Confirmation at 11:00. Those to be presented by the Rector, the Rev. Harry B. Doug- las, Jr.. to Bishop for confirmation are Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bobbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Fite and Mrs. William B. Gaillard. grade for the coming year. Each teacher explained their program for the child which was very infor- mative, with the parents asking questions. During the business session, Mrs. W. D. Jones presided-with regular business transacted. It was voted by the group to have a "calte walk" this year at the carnival. Miss Mary Harris! gave several piano selec- tions and Rev. Harry B. Douglas, 4th Annual County Fair To Start Here Monday -- C. C. (Cy) Williams Is Pepper All State Shows Taken By Death Tues. To Occupy Midway Thie Fourth Annual Gulf County IFuneral services for C. C. (Cy) Fair opens to the public Monday, Williams, 66, who died here Tues- October 26 for a full week of exhi day night alter a brief illness, will bitions, fun and gaiety for the citi- be held today at 1 p.m. in the First zens of this county. The fair, as it Methodist Church here. is each year is being sponsored by The Rev. Fred L. Davis, assisted the Willis V. Rowan and Grier by the Rev. L. J. Keels. will offi- King posts of the American Le- ciate. Burial will follow in Mount gion and their Auxiliaries. 'Pleasanit cemetery, with Masonic A special attraction of the fair graveside services scheduled. will be the Pepper All State Show Comforter Funeral Home of Port amusement company with a host St. Joe is in charge of arrange- of rides to thrill all fair goers. ments. The fair will start on opening A retired railroad conductor of day at 2 p.m. with a parade. A spec- the Apalachicola-Northern, Mr. Wil- ial prizes is being awarded for the liams was widely known through- best decorated car participating in. out Northwest Florida. the parade. Judging will be made Survivors include the widow, in the Women's Division of the fair Mrs Ira Williams, two sons, Ben exhibits will be held at 10:00 a.m. C. Williams and W. C. Williams; Monday. one daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Fer- Tuesday, Judging will be made in. ris; and six grandchildren. All are the Agriculture Division with the from Port ,St. Joe. awarding of prizes. Two sisters and one brother also Wednesday is Colored Childrents survive:, Mrs. J. A. Kelley, Mrs. Day from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Pearl Smith and A. E. Williams of Thursday, is Mooseheart day. Port St. Joe.. This will also be School Children's Day. resting program Friday, the 4-H Club and Home SDemonstration Club will be fean ol T3hurs y ight cured on their' day. 1 f ySaturday is All-County Day. The fair will close Saturday evening. Jr.. the devotional. Everyone is urged to attend the .,Group singing was led by Mrs. fair and view the exhibits of the Norma Jean Russell, music teach- many products produced in Gulf er of the elementary school. County and to have a gay time oa Mrs. Sara Fite, sixth grade teach- the midway. er, gave an interesting and infor- mative explanation of the new re- Another Big Clue To port cards that are being used this ."Mystery Man" identity year. An announcement was made that Saturday night at the P.-T. A. on October 2S at 3 p.m. a movie Carnival a mystery man will be will be shown at the grammar revealed. He is a local man nd school auditorium with a special the clues as to his identity are to invitation to all parents. This mo- be found in the store windows. En- vie will be of special interest to try blanks will be given in most parents of children in- the lower of the stores with every $1.00 pur- grades. chase beginning Thursday through Delicious refreshments of iced Saturday. Place your votes in the punch and assorted cookies were hat box at the P.-T. A. Carnival. served by the first grade room mo- Winners will be given prizes wheu. others. the Mystery Man is revealed at Prizes for room attendance went 9:30 that night. to Mrs. Clark's fourth grade and Clue: He will be in the Post Of- to Miss Sims' room of the high fice between 11 and 12 on Satur- school. day the 24th. Group Starts. Organization Sharks Down Altha in Sluggish Game; Of Chamber of Commerce Tom Moore. secretary of the Meet Bay Baby Tornadoes Here Tonite Panama City Chamber of Commerce appeared before a group of busi- The St. Joe Sharks defeated Al- sed being good. Coach Craig then ness men at the Motel S.t. Joe on tha last Friday night 26-2 in a very gave his reserves a chance and Monday afternoon to explain the slow game, the 'Shark reserves they played the remainder of the workings and requirements for a playing the majority of the time. quarter. The score at halftime was Chamber of Commerce to the local St. Joe's first score began with 19-0 in the Sharks favor. businessmen who are interestedMcCall carrying the ball 50 yards The third quarter was hard in starting a local chamber. I in starting a local camber to Altha's four yard line. Quarter- fought, both teams being unable to The group present appointed a back Joe Adams plunged over on a score. Craig put his main team back committee consisting of Wayne quarterback sneak to make the in the game in the final quarter 'Buttram, chiarman, Earl Atchison, counter. Dennis' conversion at- and Adams promptly passed to Den. Otto Anderson, J. Lamar Miller, tempt was no good. The Sharks nis for the Sharks final TD. Adams Bobby Bellows and Charles Garra- quickly set up their second TD on pass to Chism was good for the ex, way. The committee is to conduct a seven yard pass into the end tra point. In the final minutes of a survey to determine the need of zone from Adams to Frank Dennis. the game the determined Altha a chamber here in Port St. Joe Adams passed to Ronnie Chism .team threw-the Sharks for several and will make their report at the for the extra point making the losses deep in St. Joe terirtory and next meeting of the Retail Mer- score 13-0 at the end of .the first finally caught Joe Adams back of chants' Association. quarter, the goal line for a safety for Al- ---- --- The high light of the second quar- tha. The game ended with a 26-2 More than 52 per cent of all to- ter was a pass from Adams to score in favor of St. Joe. bacco products manufactured in Freddy McCall who scampered 45 The Sharks meet a strong re- the United States are made in yards for the third Shark TD. Den- serve team from Bay High at S:30 North Carolina. nis' conversion attempt barely mis- tonight at Centennial High. ____________________ -.. -R -' -.a'-ow SSocial Activities Personals Clubs Churches Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 Garden Club WilE Sponsor Flower Show Course Here Beginning Nov. 19 Mrs. G. S. Croxton, chairman has Mrs. Yaste is a board member announced that the Port St. Joe of the national council of State Gar- wer School course numberwiden Clubs and is chairman of the F.lowver School course number wi naioa accredited judges. Until be held November 19, 20, 21 at thenational accredited judges. Until recently shYe was also national Farish House. chairman of instructors. She is Instructors will be Mrs. Guy E. associate editor of the "Florida Yaste who will teach flower ar- Gardener" and publicity chairman Taneement and J. M. Crevasse, Jr., of district one of the Florida fed- PTA Group Formed At Highland View The faculty of the Highland View school and a group of interested parents held a meeting at the school on October 14, for the pur- pose of organizing a Parent Teach- er association and the following of- ficers were elected. President, Mrs. Evelyn Williams; vice-president, Mrs. Edith Whitfield; secretary, Mrs. Maxine Coker; treasurer, Mrs. P. G. Safford. The president ap- pointed the by-laws committee and membership chairman at this time. The by-laws committee is as fol- lows: Mrs. Williams, Miss DeWitt and Mr. Safford. The membership chairman is Mrs. Ted Richards. Mrs. Ed Ramsey and Mrs. Rush Chism were active in helping the new chanter to organize. whose subject will be horticulture. eration of Garden Clubs. Teachers present were; Ruby M. SMrs. Yaste is. a life member of the Bartlett, Sue Lawrence, Mrs. How- Highland View G. A. Meets national council and in addition to ard, Fannie L. Johnson, Miss De- Tuesday At Mission having been an accredited judge Witt, Mr. H. F. Ayers and two visi- ufor many years she is also listed tors, Mrs. Ed Ramsey and Mrs. The G. A. Auxiliary of the High- in that category by the American Rush Chism. land View Mission met Tuesday af- camellia society and the American The following parents were pres- ternoon at the Mission for their iris society. For the past year she ent; Mrs. Thelma Rhames, Mrs. regular study meeting. has served the state of Florida as Lucille Godwin, Mrs. Inez Linton, Mrs. Earl Beech, new sponsor for a member of the state park board. Mrs. O. V. Sculley, Mrs. Mae Clark, the group along with the leader, Course three is being sponsored Mrs. Ted Richards, Mrs. Evelyn Mrs. Belle Du Bose, helped the here both for those who wish to Williams, Mrs. Edith Whitfield, girls in their study for advance- be flower judges and anyone in Mrs. Nell Patterson, Mrs..Nita ment. One group worked on "The the community who is interested is Webb, Mrs.. Ruth Burch, Mrs. Lil- ,Step of Lady In Waiting" and the invited to attend. There is a charge lie Cumbie, Mrs. Mamie Cooper, other group, "The Maidens". One of $1.00 per lecture. Mrs. Edna Floyd and- Rev. P. G. princess, Gail Roberts, daughter of Required- reading for the course, Safford. 'Mr. and: Mrs. A. D. Roberts of Gar- is as follows. "National Council The new PTA president stated prison Avenue, is working on her Hand Book and Supplement", that "It was, a good start for the advance requirements. "Complete Book on Flower Ar- first meeting, but we are expecting Little Miss Pinky Whitfield was rangement" "Woman's. Home Com- a much larger attendance of the initiated into the auxiliary as a panion Garden Book", "Art of Col- parents at the next meeting which new member. or and Design", "Color Notations", will be announced later. We have The meeting opened with the "All About-House Plants". swi e teachers and a beautiful watchword, allegiance, and prayer Some of these books are available some fine teachers and a beautiful and Fay McCormick dismissed the at the city library, or they may be building. The teachers are showing meeting with a prayer. Fifteen ordered from National Council a great interest in our children and 'members attended the meeting. Books, Box 5298, Philadelphia, Pa. we as parents can show our inter- tb dfnu apni P.ation bv joining and 'i@0 0P0E0S0 0 300 -** *A* *T 0 1*00 **4 THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. b1b-6-n.4~ a a 14 ++++ B b 6*4 THURSDAY FRIDAY l .rn PAYNE SUNDAY, MONDAY LATEST NEWS and Cartoon LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "TRICK OR TREAT" "PICNIC WITH PAPA" e*c8&&**e .SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. --- "TOPEKA" WILD BILL ELLIOT -- FEATURE No. 2 --- TUESDAY WEDNESDAY STANDAT APACHE RIVER S STIPHEN McNAtLY "JULIA ADAMS LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "VILLAGE METROPOLIS" - COMING SOON-- CHAPTER 13 of SERIAL ""CAPTAIN VIDEO" and Cartoon: "PHILHARMANIACS" eaonn CRAIN *. Dale ROBERTS,1 i~: ~,: LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "FLOP SECRET" esL an apprecilauti DJ JoIn IIgai attending these PTA meetings. Membership dues will, be fifty cents. Let's all cooperate and work with our PTA f. io our children's better education. We have a good start, let's keep it going." Mrs. A. V. Bateman Hostess To WMU Circle No. 2 Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. Cir- cle 2 of the First Baptist WMU met in the home of Mrs. A. V. Bate- man for their regular meeting with eight members present. The meet- ing was opened with prayer by Mrs. Statton. Election of officers for the coming year was held with Mrs. Tom Parker, Sr., chosen as chairman; Mrs. W: 0. Nichdls, co- chairman; Mrs. George Davis, sec- retai-y and treasurer; Mrs. A. V. Bateman. program chairman; Mrs. Statton, Mission Study chairman; Mrs. W. Ensley, children's home chairman; Mrs. Nix, community mission chairman; Mrs. Campbell, war relief chairman; Mrs. William Wager, training school chairman; Mrs. Joe Bracewell, young people's sponsor. It was agreed to sponsor one orphan child. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Nix. Next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Joe Bracewell. The hostess served cake and cof- fee to the members present. COL. STRIPPEY SPEAKS TO PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Col. D. Strippey of Tyndall Air Force Base spoke before the Pres- byterian Women's Club Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ba- sil E. Kenney, Sr. Col. Strippey gave a most inter- esting talk on the "Peoples of Rus- sia". He lived in Rus'ia while serv- ing in the army during the, last war. He closed his talk with p:'ay-- er. Mrs. M. H. Elder. vice-presile;nt. presided. Reports from the various officers were heard. Refreshments were served during the social hour. .Star Want Ads Get Results Circle 1 Organizes For Coming Year Monday Circle 1 of the WMU of the First Baptist met Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the home of Mrs. W. I. Carden. Nine members and two visitors, Mrs. L. J. Keels agd Mrs. E. C. Cason attended the meeting. The devotional and repeating of the watchword opened the meet- ing. The watchword taken from Psalms 96:3, "Declare His Glory Among all the Nations", "His Mar- velous Works Among All Peoples" was given, followed with prayer by Mrs. Keels. The main event of the afternoon was the organizing aof the circle for the coming year. Mrs. C. A. McClellan was chosen as chairman with Mrs. J. D. Lane, co-chairman; war relief, Mrs. J. D. Lane; secre- tary, treasurer and publicity chair- man, .Mrs. W. I. Carden; Mrs. E. L. Stevens, children's home chairman; Mrs. H. A. Shirey, training school chairman; Mrs. J. C. Horton, stew- ardship and mission chairman; Mrs. J. J. Clements, program chair- man; Mrs. G. W. Parish, Sr., com- munity mission chairman; Mrs. Roy Ervin, social and flower chair- man. During the business session, it was agreed by the group that $1.00 would be given a child of the or- phan home for spending money each month. It was also agreed to sponsor the Oak Grove Sunbeam Band and $1.00 would be given or their use each month. $6.00 was given for war relief. Mrs. J. J. Clements gave out the parts for the Royal Service program which will be at the meeting next Mon- day. It was announced by Mrs. Ca- son that all members visit on Visi- tation Day, which is Thursday, in behalf of the WMU, BTU, church Robert Hewett Honored On Seventh Birthday Mrs. M. L. Hewett honored her young son. Robert on his seventh birthday with a party Thursday, October 8 at herhome. Games were enjoyed by the little guests after which refreshments of ice cream and cake were served to: Chris Gaskin, -Peggy Henley. Dottie Sutton, Betty Thomason, Ellis Stevens, David Hoker, Kitty Jones, Lloyd Beasley, Maurice Butt- ram, Roddy Herring, Laney Branch, Bob Craig, Reddie Carol, Daniel and Cherry Martin. EPISCOPAL CHURCH TO HOLD OPEN HOUSE FOR COMMUNITY The Rector and congregation of ,St. James' Episcopal Church ex- tends a cordial invitation to the people of this community to visit with them on Friday evening, Oc- tober 23rd, between the hours of, 6:00 and 8:00 to inspect the new completed Parish House addition and to share their pleasure with a cup of coffee or punch. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FACULTY TO SHOW MOVIE The faculty of the Port St. Joe Elementary School will show a pub- lic relations film, "Skippy and the Three R's" on Wednesday, october 28 at 3:00 in the Elementary school auditorium. Everyone is invited: to attend the movie. and sunday school and all auxil- iaries. Mrs. Cason dismissed the meeting with prayer. SRefreshments of ice cream, cake and Cokes were served by the host- ess. The next meeting will be held in the home of Mrs., J. J. Clements. FRIDAY and SATURDjAY MONDAY and TUESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE --.- Also --- GILBERT ROLAND LINDA FARRELL APACHEE WAR SMOKE" SUNDAY ONLY Shelley IIfOTI MRichard ,'OL sl Sephen MctMl Cha~rles WNW BIAlex ININIL Wednesday & Thursday HUMPRHEY BOGART "TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT" Your name in this ad entitles you to one free ticket any day this ,we-ek Pt this theatre. H. R. WALKER ED. F. McFARLAND PAGF TWO _____,,~,~,----~--------^-^-----~urrrrrr ~Mnm\M'~MMmWWvr~Mn~Mn s- -- -- - ~~,~~~.~Q-~~~-hbb0~C~~~~~+bQ~fF~~~~i O THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 10,-3 THE STAR, FORT ST. JOE. CULF COUNiTY. FLORIOA THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I EXTENDED BY POPULAR DEMAND! Boyles Greatest CA P APiN For More Thrifty, Happy, Cask Customers! 3rdi' Quaarte ming Up Thurs. thru MaEn, Oct..22-26! SCORE: Hundreds of new customers and frEenids These new vaolues gooed for several touchdowns in this quarter. READ! $25.00 Merchandist Certificate to be Given : - Away FREE! Just write your name with each $5.00 purchase. Place ticket in the lucky jar! "'-. ftvi. _ Lowest price in years! full size 81 by 99 f. guaranteed SHEETS 1$1 77 Good' for 100 wash- ings, no limit! 63 by 99, Quality as above SINGLE SHEETS--------- each $1.67 Quality /to match sheets--4 Days Only! 42 by 36 PILLOW CASES ------- 2 for 88c Here is a 600 yard run! 36 inch, pre-shrunk, woven Cha Mbay 4 Yds. For %R Va Bright colorful fall stripes and stunning solid colors. 600 yards to sell! Only 25 to sell ct this amazing low price!' Closely tufted, single ond doub le CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Worth More $3.88 Assorted bedroom colors. Better get in on this one quick, or you'll be too late! Mark up another touchdown for Boylest Men's Warm Fleece-Lined SWEAT SHIRTS, in Grey or White 99c ea. This is a record run never before accomplished here! Get 'em the next four days! Positively The Last Call On This Value! Men's fine-quldlity shower-proof crease-resistant Rayon Acetate Nylon GABARDINE SLACKS $4.99 CUFFS FREE. The colors are grey, blue, brown and green. Sizes 29 to 40 Ii ?T..YC. z-L' ,IiQ1Y CO'iR Y SLACKS icnud'edi u{ 0h1s rtK w price. (-7.'5 ( $9 '5' Caon you 'W e r y- j'' .i THURSlDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1953 -T. j-. ;IPI-T** -I. ~.~--- --*r .--C-~ .:i--~ PAGE THREE First Baptist Circle 4 Meets With Mrs. Costin Circle four of the First Baptist WMU met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. C. G. Costin, Sr., with seven members present, Mrs. E. H. VanLandingham presided ov- er the meeting. Mrs. W. C. Roche, Sr., opened the meeting with prayer. During the business ses- sion, officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Mrs. E. H. Van Landingham, chairman; Mrs. Perry Elliott, co-chairman; Mrs. S. J. Taylor, secretary, treasurer and publicity chairman; Mrs. Earl Chit- ty, children's home chairman; Mrs: Richard 'Saunders, stewardship chairman; Mrs. C. G. Costin, Sr., community mission, war relief and flower chairman; program chair- man, Mrs. L. S. Bissett, Jr., Mrs. Coleman Bulger, literature chair- man; Mrs. H. F. Ayers, mission study chairman. Mrs. C. G. Costin, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Mel Magidson served refreshments to those at- tending the meeting. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. H. F. Ayers at the beach. First Baptist Members Attend Study Course Mrs. Wesley Ramsey, Mrs. E. C. Cason, Mrs. Mildred Chafin, Mrs. Richard Saunders, Mrs. A. R. Tom- linson, Mrs. W. P. Dockery, Mr. and. Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Char- les Gill, Miss Helon Jones and Mrs. W. I. Carden of the First Bap- tist Church attended the leadership study course and luncheon for Aux- iliaries that was hed at the West Florida Baptist Assembly Grounds in Panama City last Tuesday. Chief speaker for the occasion was. Miss Elizabeth Providence, State Young People's, leader and State WMU Secretary, of Jackson- ville, Fla. Miss Providence- ,is well known here. -----jc-----*, Intermediate G. A. Meets- At Church For Program Intermediate G. A. Auxiliary met at the First Baptist Church Mon- day afternoon with their sponsor, for their program meeting. Miss Vivian Stevens, program chairman, presented "Grab Bag Quiz program" on the Intermediate Manual book which was very in- teresting. Those taking part on the program were Miss Frances Lewis, Miss' Celia Tomlinson, Miss Bon- cile Alsobrook, Miss Edna Earl Molton and Miss Barbara Kay. A special invitation was issued to those interested in joining the G. A. Auxiliary. The meeting was closed with prayer. FIRST BAPTIST WMU TO MEET FOR ROYAL SERVICE The Woman's Missionary Union will meet at the First Baptist Church, Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. for the Royal Service pro- gram. Circle 1 with Mrs. C. A. Mc- Clellan, chairman, will have charge of the program. The scimi:ar-horned oryx, an an- telope of southeastern Arabia. may have given rise to the legend of the unicorn because its horns, when seen in profile, appear as one. Dr. Charles Reicherter O PTOMETRIST EYE" EXAMINED -LA.MEE5 FITTED CLCS-ED V'OINEEDAY FTERinCn*-E H=-.F,'E e -D 5 F-c.r OLU'.EE- 5-5C65 eiTz T'-E':LTC, Eul.; n-.3 PANA.MA. CIT', FLOE IDA ___ ,_ ________ I f~B3 ~~" 8 D ~L1~~J;i:l~d~: ~~;JI~L IEi s -~$- . ~~-.~~-;~p .~i~E;t~pFi~ST~ 5 WG U T.L .T own race?" When the Frost is o C"rTH E ST ARDl When we speak of "world brotherhood", do ....-. ...... ... - T H E ST A R we mean really that? Do we want, and show by . y Fy A 3 W our actions, that we want to live .in a world in .,'.:., PublIshed Every Friday At 306 Williams Avenus, Port St. j '** ' Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Com.a~-y which all men are brothers under one God? :: ..'.. WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Do we want life, liberty, and happiness for : - Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, C o&ianit, other: people and other races to the extent that Reporter, Proof leader and Bookkeeper .. Reporter, rooeader and Booeeper e will share our money, friendship, and ::.. , Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the SPostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March S. 1879. concern? SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE In October of 1945, a group of men met in SONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.5S San Francisco, California, to take one of the ,., ,. STaREE MONTHa $127.15 greatest steps in world history toward world --*-( TELEPHONE 51 .- peace arid unity. These men-working on the ;:. idea of a great idealist, Woodrow Wilson, drew :.. TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omission a ader- i ifor a great body wthiitthey called tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves able to upa great body wichthey called damages farher than amount received, for such advertisement. Urted Nations-the liations of the'world united *- The spoken word is given scant attention; the prite4 Word for eaet ]brothehood, and advancement of is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asa*tta.. peac ... n the printed word thoroughly convinces. The saiteu wor education. Through the exchange aid improve- ";.: . is lost; the printed word remains.. meint of0 e\vei nation's-culture and discoveries, the world would reach its peak of art and intel- MEANING OF THE U.N~, lecf. education-the door leading from dark- "We hold these to be self evident-that all ness;: and :cofusion to light and organization men are endowed by their creator with certain: would 6peii ,wide to reveal a world of peace, inalienable rights, among these being life, liberty progress. arid happiness-a world in which all and the pursuit of happiness." men would :njoy their God-givenright of life, So these immortal words of a great Ameri-,. liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. can, Thomas Jefferson, have. rung down through' October 24, marks the eighth anniversary the ages. They have become a sort of American ".of, this great' organization. Let us 'resolve to means of playing is cruel. Lt is a creed-as familiar to us as the Golden Rule. We .celebrate the great birth of the beginning of crime of one man toward his iel- have woven them into our themes, speeches, and :world brotherhood with much thought and eval- low man and should be wiped out thoughts, but do they have a real meaning- nationn of its necessity in our present day, modern completely. OR--Do we nrean "all people who are fortunate 'world. . enough to be Americans and members of our St. Joe High School "Purple Wave" Y t can't win in this busi- : ,,YOU u iu can't win in ,this busi- ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Although we never expected to ever see it happen, Republican President Eisenhower has cut the pay of the service men, especially abroad.-He hasn't cut the base pay -but the extras which the GI needs to live. Especially hard hit is the GI with his family abroad. Certain PX privileges have been remov- ed, prices raised, overseas pay re- duced or removed, off base subsis- tence reduced and various other reductions that help the GI meet the high cost of living. Ike ought to be ashamed. It would seem that the GI would be in "high cotton" as long as a mili- ,tary president is. in the chair, but such is not proving to be the'fact. If the government didn't want the - GI to take his family abroad, they should flatly say "no, no families abroad" and that would end that. But, instead, Sammy says, "wel- come abroad service man's family", then proceeds to cut their pay un- til they can't exist financially. :SNAFU. We hear from one side or the other every so often, "what hap- pened to your fight against lot- tery"? That's what we would like 'to know. There for awhile we were getting all kinds of things we could print to try stir some-public senti- ment so that responsible citizens would start the ball rolling to clean up the mess. Then all of a sudden, no information. We would accost citizen after citizen who would tell us he "knew all about the lottery operations". Well give, we would say, but would receive nothing by way of answer but a negative shake of the head. This doesn't fill up news columns very fast. So what else could we do but print what we had on the subject, nothing. It is a shame that a leech like this preys, especially on the poor, citi zens of our community. We will con- cede that it take only a few cents toplay the insidious game, but to the majority of the class of people playing, every penney has a place in the household budget without di- verting a cent to outside activity which 999 cases out of 1000 will yield him nothing in return except an empty space in his pocket. A person would have to be migh- ty hard and cruel to take from his fellow citizens and neighbors the few cents that he knows the play- er can't afford, knowing full well one of the laborer's children needs that no one is going to benefit but all because the man has a foolish the lottery banker. If the lottery notion that he might; become rich. pusher takes a dollar from a labor- because of a little number. It's er, he is probably taking a dollar's foolish and cruel. worth of food out of his family's The man playing the numbers is mouth, or that pair of shoes that foolish and the man furnishing the ness. This week we had a good start toward getting through early with this week's issue of the Star and-wouldn't have to stay upl until 3:00 in the ayem this Wednesday making up the last run. Yes sir, we had a beautiful start. Then lo, and behold, all the newsprint we mn the Pumpkin .. ' ^*"^''4' had left was the wrong size. We haven't 'figured, how that wrong , .size got here, But right at the bot- tom pf our stack of newsprint that we got in our last shipment, wai this small newsprint. So a hurried telephone call to Tallahassee and we got the print Wednesday. Yes, we had to rush around then and work late again to get the paper out on time. Star Want Ads Get Resulta TH E BIG DEAL DAYS ARE HERE! . . . MODEL COMPARISONS SHOW Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks outsell the next two makes combined! More Chevrolet trucks in use S than any other make! t - From light delivery to heavy hauling, there's a Chevrolet truck to fit your needs. You'll save on price! And you'll save plenty! With all their extra ruggedness and 'thrifty power with all their exclusive and advanced features . Chevrolet trucks are the lowest priced truck line of all! You'll save on operating costs! In both light- and heavy-duty models, Chevrolet's ,advanced valve-in-head engines deliver outstanding economy. And you get extra ruggedness that keeps upkeep down! You'll get a belter rade-in! You get more truck for your dollars when you buy . more dollars for your truck when you trade. Chevrolet trucks traditionally command a higher resale value. BOy no truck untit you get our deal Let us show you how easy it is to start saving money with a new Chevrolet truck that's juit right for your jpb. GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe, Florida THE STAR, PORT~ ar-tut5, ouir UOaJNTY, FLORIDA,, THURSDAY, OCTOB.Erl ""'y 19U VfrFe rOUrtit I ' ,6. I~*I-A. 6 E 22. 13 THE-- STAR. PORTSA=AG;-?, 'PrtezCig is one of theb sinimjliet adi~ lbst time-consuming ways to -reservb foods at home. ..__'.usuo~ 0% $CAM! This IalI on a jry; ry DpY means it's 100% SCAB-MADE. The company Calcauieu alper Co. and Southern Industri Inc., Elizabeth, La.-is in partial Speakers, induing ex-cnVicts. productjin with qui-tbtinq strike- AFL AptfeR MAKER and PULP wohkf'hS have beer on strike - --r t4icent--wa*tin'g conditions eince* Sept., 1952.? (Wabes are not an issue$. , These union merIL6ps have been '(eaten by scabs, shot at by com- 'tny guards,' their homes set ~tire, their automobiles ~ynamit- ed, their wives and children ter- orized. DON'T support unipn-busting. DON'T patronize merchants who put your purchases in SOU- THERNMAID bags. Watch for this emblem on paper bags. It means "100% SCAB- MADE!" I . International Brotherhood of "Paper Makers; Albany 1, N. Y. (Paid Adv.) a ,a a. "Pee Aret Funny" Says HUtty N. Ostt: SocialSecurity Office Mtmaoger Harry Scott, manager of the Dio- cial security, a sufficient leihth oi than field office, says-- time and are 65 years of age, or People ARE funny! Up until ye- the survivors of such deceased per-, terday I thought that I had. heard sons. All checks in. payment of. just about all the absurd things ri tlhes claims are printed oB a stiff, garding social security :hat were paIr 4 a distinctive agree; color in the book. Now I'm beginning to an, are issued by a "Disbur-.ing of- wonder. fice for the Treasury Department". A pleasant mannered soft spoken And another thing: Din't ever lady called me up the other day accept a. sMcial security c4rd fs a, and wanted to know if she could means of identification. Its ohly biing In her PVper nd collect right u-lue is as rpeAegs for ide-tif-ipg away--or otld other be sobe bm 'd a soial s-curity a~count. Thee lay. It was an: odd sort of request cards are frequently, losi or .tol]n. and I asked "hr to describe th There is no certainty that it Ac- "paper". She went on to tell m 'tually belongs to the person hold- that a middl-aged mmn owed her inh it. We do not require any prqf some money and she needed it. It or identification ,.t th time of is- appears that the msan St da6w and sue--we do, however, require proofs wrote out an order on the Socia.l when a claim is filed. Security Adm;niL-Lailon" to pay Our representative willbe' at the itr;'the knount :f mO:.ney h.e ow.ed Cit3 Hall on the 2nd: Tu.iiAyo of her. each mrinth at 10:30 a.m."i Not so long ago a man who was drawing social security monthly Gladioii irc:.MAetstA At benefits worked for more than $t75 Hmne bf Mt.- H; Mbige and brought his check in.fopr that . month as he was not entitled to it. SThe Giadiolus- Circle of the St. e issued him areceipt showing Joe Garden Club met Oct. 15 at that we had accepted it. He boughtthehome of Mrs. Henry Mage ...e grderie -d ,id the o .. .the home of Mrs. Henry Maige some groc.ris and paid the girocer with Mrs. Ethel Bridges as co- with the receipt. The grocer tried hoste. Mis Lois Milto esidd. Hostess. Miss Lois Milton presided. to deposit the recepit with his The horticultural chairman br The horticultural chairman bro, bank but they refused to cash it. two plants and identd tm. two plants and identified them. He came to our office expecting us The cipl't decided to sell pansy to re*eem it. Of course, it war The circle -tecided to sell pansy to reem it. Of co t ws plants at 75c a dozen. Mrs. Nedlby valueless. Yes, people ARE funny! vuel. Y, was appointed to take care of sales. No money is paid by the Social Mrs. Nedley reported that Mrs. Security Administration except to Tompkins from.Pensacpla wil Icome persons who have'worked under so- December 9 to give a demonstra- tion of Christmas decorations, The circle voted to make this a joint project with the Azalea circle and Inviae the-public. -.. ... .. Miss lIOai Milton.-waselected cir- cle chairman to replace Mrs.- Roy Hallman. er show school to be held in No- vember. Mrs. Kenneth Brodnax, Mrs. Carl Arms rtong. Mr."W.D'ssf ; yks Mrs.- Buck Griffin and Mrs. Gordon Thomas were visitors from the Azaleaa cirloe Mrs. J. C. Arbogast gave a thor- .. Cok ough ind interesting revlie of the Sandwiches, cake and Cokes book, "Art of Cqlor anl Dle sig". were served at the conclusion of This book is to bet-sed for the flow- the meeting. Ticklers, .eorge "i wonder if we're main' a mistake in a-lettin' our Min- nie elope with Zeke? I don't like the way he comes dowa a ladder!" DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOU CANT BEAT A PONTIAC! It's the RIGHT CAR! What's the "Aght car" for you? It must be handsome, of course. A good performer, too. And dependable? Economical? For beauty, Pontiac offers the Silver Streak distinction that is adqnired everywhere. The power and stamina of Pontiac's rugged, high-compres- - sion engines are unmatched at anywhere near . the price. Pontiac's dependability and long- . life economy are a matter of record. For every important value extra Pontiac's your car! It's the RIGHT PRICE! The price of a Pontiac will never sway you from buying the right car. Pontiac engineers discovered long ago that-for very few extra dollars in price-they could build into Pontiac cars a great deal of extra quality. Come in and let us pro\e how easy it is to own a big, luxurious, fine-performing Pontiac! It's the EIGHT TIME! Your present car will never be more valuable as a trade-in! So don't put off the pleasures of Pontiac ownership. "Dollar for Dollar you can't beat'a Pontiac" never meant more than it does today! We're sure you'll agree it's the right car-the right price-and the right time. GENERAL M-OT.ORS LOWEST PRICED EIGHT WI MaeBERLY 201 Monument Ave., Phone 94 -Port St. Je,, Fla. -~~~ ----- -m~r~a~~~~~~r-r~~rr~~ -a --~- TH'E STAR, P013T ST.J E'B.Crlr.] COUNTY, FLORIDA ~Ctl~jlP~~n~ :~Li~i~Bs-~E~R'''22' l~iS3 PAGE F tl PONTIAC COMPANY P.Ag4T STAR. P i NY LC CAMPUS INN News of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTIN Housing For Student Council Convention The Student Council has begun a canvass of our community 'in or- der to obtain a list of homes where students can stay during the North- west Florida'Association of Student Council.Conventiod. to be held here February 13-14. The students will arrive on Friday and stay untill Saturday noon The families that house students will be expected to feed them breakfast on Saturday morning. Anyone that has not been eotacted, and wishes to house a student please notify Martha Cos- tin, chairman .of the housing'.com- mittee. It is imppQtant that this in- formation be obtained as soon' a* possible so that further, plans :can be made. 4-H Club Rally Night Big Success The 4-H Clubs of Gulf County. have begun a big year by holding a County Rally Night atthe Centen- nial Building last Saturday. Mem- 'bers attended from the :five, girls and the three bbys' clubs in he" county. Recreation was directed by Ruth MiltOn,' lbne Demonstration Agent, and CuSte Laird,' County Agent. ' The 'highlight of the evening eame when County Awards were given to the winners In program ,and project fields. In addition ,to county' medals donated by the sponsor of the project fields, each; county winner was also given a; gift from the cofincil. Individual winners were Nancy Maddox, We- wahitchka. leadership; Iri. Davis, Wewahitchka. food preparation; Martha Costin. Port St. Joe, lea- dership. 'Special consideration was given to girls between ten and fourteen years of age. Out of this grbup, Dianne Pilbert -of this`city -.on' an LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLA. ED C. WRIGHT, Plaintiff, -vs- MARY F. SMITH, if alive, and if dead, her unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, and grantees, et al, Defendants. NOTICE TO APPEAR THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Mary F Smith, if alive. and if dead. her unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and grantees; George F. Paul, ii aiive. and if dead, lis unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and grantees; Minnie McKinnon Rhodes, if alive, and if dead. her unknown heirs, devi- sees, legatees and grantees; Sidney Foy; Mary Rcagan; Clara Roberts; Edward Foy; James Foy; Luke Blackmer; Frank E. Lloyd; Walter S. Blackmer. Jr.; Sidney A. Black- mer: Walter S. Blackmer, III; and to all spouses, successor'. heirs, devisees, lega- tso.. .-r'ntPfec issignees, lienors, creditors. :.-., I. r.. claimants by, through, un- der or ,.:i,'.' the above named or desig- nated I. -I,.',, r and each of them, and to all persons or parties having or claiming any right, title or interest in or to the fol- lowing described lands situate, lying and being in Gulf County, Florida: TRACK NO. 2: Comprising Lots 2. 5 and 6 of fractional section. 25; Lots 2, 3. 4. 5 and 6 of fractional section 36; all in T8S. R12W, Tallahassee Meridian.. con- taining 331 acre, more or less, TOGE- THER with any and all riparian rights appertaining thereto. TRACK NO.. 3: Comprising all of frac- tional section 12, T9S, R12W, Tallahas- see Meridian; all of fractional sections 4 6, 7, 18, 19 and -); Lots 2. 3, 5, 6 and 7 of fractional section 20; Lots 4, 5, 11, 12 and 13 of fractional section 29: and, Lot 2 of fractional section 32; all in T9S, R11W, Tallahassee Meridian, con- taining 1305 acres more or less. TOGE- ITHER with any and all riparian rights appertaining thereto. You and each of you are hereby notified that a Bill of Complaint has been filed against each of you in the above named Court. The nature of the suit the abbreviated title of which is set out above) is one in equity to determine the title of the Plain- tiff, to obtain a decree establishing, quiet- ing and confirming his fee simple absolute title to the above described property. re- moving 'therefrom the clouds .ii- :- in said complaint, cancelling and -iI. side, an right; title, interest or lien which you or any of you have, claim, pretend, or as- certain, to. on or against said property and enjoining you and each of you from pre- tending, claiming or asserting any right, title or. interest in or lien upon said pro- 'perty. You and each of y6fu are hereby notified and required to serve upon Silas R. Stone, Plaintiff's Attorney. whose address is P. 0. Box 245, Port St. Joe. Florida, copy of your answer or written defe nses, if any, to the bill of complaint filed in said suit. on or before the 9th day of November, 1953, and to file the original thereof with said Court. Herein fail not or the decree of this Court will be entered against you by default. This Notice shall be published once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Star, a newspaper published in Gulf County, Florida. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said Court at Wewahitchka, Gulf County. Florida, this 6th day of October. A. D.. 1953. (Circuit Court Seal) /s/ GEORGE Y. CORE Clerk of Circuit Court SILAS R. STONE Attorney For Plaintiff S' was duly carried, atsaid ase 'torney *to'Pinike a studyrofthe land COUNTY COMMISSR MINUTE meant be'accepted and recorded in involved and to obtain an abstract the public Records'of Gulf County. (Continued O- Page 7' Tthe same being recorded in Deed- WEWAHITCHKA, FLA. Motor Grader, for $15,025.98. Book 24, pag 532. OCTOBER 6, 1953 Seabrook-Truck and Tractor Co. For nd offered to The Board of County Comims offered one Allis-Chalmers Model g. Couny or the tt sioners of Gulf County, Florida met AD-40 Motor Gradet for $15,186;00. give the County ad or theStat this date in regular session. The Afteri due consideration 'there par o lad 30 fi t wide and f800i following members were present: was a motion by omm. Cooper, long and abutting the ri of Parker G. Hart, Chairman, T. D." scond i by conim: Daniels and. way of U S Highway Not 98 in Bay ,t Whitfield, B. E. Kenneyi Jim s.'. way.9f.U. S. Highway No. 98 in Bay Whitfield B E enney Jim S. p vote, was unanimously carried View Heights Subdivision. The c Daniels and George .W. Co that th'e bid recei.edfro Ray- same to be used for a parking area. The Clerk, Sheriff and Attorneys rooks Maihinery Company, Inc., The Board agreed to accept the . were also present be accepted and that the County deed as .soon as it is properly exe- The meeting came to order ati purchase the Model 550 Adams Mo. cuted. B . 9 o'clock a.m,. and the following tor .Grader for the .bid price' of t, ir fis ily proceedingss were had. $14,g0.00 o ;..', Mr. J. A. 1ckley ppeareId, bie-l The M'inutes of the last regular f. .ore .the Board and requested the meeting were read, approved and I Mrs. C. .G. Rish, Supervisor of County to clqse certaju alleys -in, so reir 'adopted", I Registration,-appeared before the Beacon Hill Subdiviion and ex- Frpe -w. Pursuailit to notice published in iBoard and discussed the.adoption plained why these alleys should be 4 oIM the Gulf County Breeze, calling for of the Permanent Registration Sys- closed. The Board informedd Mr. 4 mMIu sealed bids on the Heavy buty Mo- tem for Gulf County. After an open Cleckley that these alleys could not 1 torfGrader, etc., the following bids discussion on the adoption of the be closed until a bubli:: hearing j "W were received. permanent Registration System, the was; held according .to law and that Ray-Brooks Michinery Co., Inc., Board authorized Mrs. Rish to pro- as soon as the proper legal steps offered one Model 550 Adams Mot- ceed to install the Permanent Sys- are taken, the Board will be glad or Grader for $14;880.00. tem and to place an order for any to hold a public hearing pertaining uford-Tootaker Tractor Con- supplies that may be needed. to this matter. E LEADER SOE pany offered one Caterpillar No 12 r. W. H. Weeks presented the The Board entered into lengthy i.,. County an easement for a drain- discussion with reference to obtain- age ditch in Bay View Heights Sub- ing right of way easements for a award for improvement. Awards division. Whereupon, there was a public road that wdulA intersect L. J.. HERRING, Owner . were also given for the boys by the motion by Comm. Kenney, seconded the State road between Wewahitch Phone, 363 P.. Prtt St. Jo * County Agent.. ,, by Comm:; Wfitritldfdianid 'upon vote ka' The Board auth4i'zed the At- S- See the NEWEST S eas ofthe r 1954 HUDSONS including t rige HI/DSO 1 Hr II] New Flight-Line Styling.for the Fabulous 1954 Hudson Hornet Sedan Introducing Instant Action Engines with Super Induction SPECTACULAR NEW HUDSON JET The Jet brings to the lowest price field, performance that can be com- pared only to the fabulous Hudson Hornet itself. Lovely as a jewel case, this compact Hudson Jet is easy to handle in today's thick traffic, yet, has ample room for six. The Jet is the most exciting thing in the lowest price field in years! .GLAMOUROUS ,NEW HUDSON WASP A smash hit in the low-medium price field-the glamourous Hudson Wa ~p-lower priced running mate of the Hudson Hornet. Here's new beauty, new power, new style-and response from its Instant Action Engine that happens right now! [f you thrill to glamourous motoring- the Wasp is especially for you! FABULOUS NEW HUDSON HORNET For beauty and sheer luxury, noth- ing can touch the Hudson Hornet. Exclusive "step-down" design gives ,. you a smooth-as-satin ride, and rock-solid safety. The Hornet's In- stant Action Engine responds with split-second getaway. Till you've felt it, you can't know how exciting motoring can be. Most beaut ful Hudsons ever built Standard trim and other specifications and accessories subject to change without notice. M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Panama City Highway Phone 6 Port St. Joe, Florida I THURSOAY, OCTQI49R--A,,"iS.,B. cmtE STAR, PORY .-,. jor- uio,.r- COUNTY,. FLORIDA --w *IV 1' 4 PAGE SEVEN m soV, s EMM t A IUR2E PO! WHAT \ E, TWAT PICTURE AND I RAW' RAH'i -- :' utr R AT A CREAM THAT RI ARE ON, UR WAV OVER TO R70 sM Commissioners Mi nutesLZ_ Pop < 'T TrIN<'e e-,. < -I O ,wTMe FOOT- BAH (Continued From Page 6) I Wal 0OU A.JCED 0 AR- 3A..A&. 6M! AlMD IT ASJIM /T if necessary. TAK B CK The Board' instructed the Clerk IN 2V1? t' to. add the name of Mrs. M. Ina- ,jt .. t gram to the County Indigenc ro, l - for $15.00 beginning with the month of September And to discotinue making paymenfl of the same amount of Mrs.-Eva .McKuhen. The following bills were presenr- .I ed, examined, approved and: order- - ed paid, to-wit: There being no further business s to come a before the, Board at this, . GEORGE Y. CORE injunction which was filed by the County G- Vo0ri i er further Urgent plea Made For Safe Fi rea Clerk, City of.P.ort St. Joe against the agree that on dr before Mar h 1, " PARKER,G. HART Gulf County and the.temporary d- 194 io draw- and pay over to the Chairman straining order issued by the Court. City of Port St. Joe an additional fu o ha hieti After lengthy discussion, there County VWarrant in the sum of $2.-e . S WrAHITCHKA. FLA:. as a motion by Commissioner B. 474.03 and that a certified copy of OCTOBER 9.~ 953 E. Kenney, Jr., seconded by Com- this motion be forwarded to -the TALLAHASSEE-An urgent plea son records, four persons drowned i Thea of C Commis. mssioner Jim Danies and upon City of Port St. Joe and that the for safe firearms handling during while n hunting rlps. siors of uiif Cunty, Florida met vote was unanimously carried, that Board of County Comimssloners the coming h hunting ,season was I Director Pace said that "we feel:' this. date in special session with the attorney for this Board be aU further agree.th comply with chap- made Monday by Charles W. Pace, these deaths and injuries were caug the, ifit6wln~in members .pr sent: Ithorized and directed to advise the ter' 343.17, Florida Statutes, 1951 Director .p the. Game and Fresh sed through carelessness in the Parker G. Hart.' Chairman, T. D. City of Port St. Joe thru its attor; ,for the year 1953-1954 and succeed: Water Fish Commission. handling of firearms and boats. WhitfiAd, Vice Chair man, B. E. ney that in the event the City of in g years. "We're making, this plea several "Before heading for the deer run Kenney, Jr., George W. Cooper and' Port St. Joe disls ses the present There.being-no further business,.weeks bfeore the opening.of shoot- or the duck blinds this season, Jim S. Daniels, The Clerk. Sheriff sIuit against the County, the Clerk to come before the Board at this ing season this year because we we'd like to suggest that every h n-. add Attorhey Silas R. Stone were of this Board is hereby directed by time, the Board then adjourned. want to impress upon the sports-1 ter bh thoroughly familiar with cor- also presei~1t s aid Board, upon dismissal of said ATTEST: -- men the need for serious considera- rect gun handling practices and TheJ nmeacl g came to order at suit and release-of Fund% impound- tion of huntingsafety," said Pace. boating safety i, order to assure O'clock. A.M. ed by Couit Order to immediately GEORGE Y. CORE Last year there were nine report- his own hunting pleasure as well The Chairman announced that. draw a County Warrant in the sum Clerk ed accidents in t e fields, four of as that of his fellow nimrods," sta- this meeting was called for the of $5,000.00, payable to the City of PARKER G. HART which resulted in deaths. In addi- ted the Director, purpose of discussing the bill for Port St. Joe; and that the Board of Chairman tion, according to Game Commis- The Game CommnisSlon officir l S. .: 'stressed that the loss of a single hunter's life through negligence was too much when that fatality could so easily have been avoided. ... .I I -"E. He urged that hunters write to the S. Commission office in Tallahassee S o for a copy of the "Ten Command- Sments of Safety," a pamphlet of common-sense, everyday precau. tions by which every sportsman ought to live. First Baptist Circle 3 .O..... .,tee see A hw Ae ., Meets With Mrs. Pridgeon; $2416.62 Circle Number Three of the First Baptist WMU met with Mrs. W. dsivered lo.lly; stats mad ocal taxes e art C. Pridgeon, Monday afternoon to Your price depends upop choice of model elect officers and chairmen for the .i and body style, optional equipment and new year. Mrs. E. B. Dendy opened accessories. Prices may vary slightly in adjoin- the meeting with prayer. Mrs. J. 0. S1 ing communities because of shipping charges. Baggett acted as temporary chair All prices subitct to change without notice. man. Y Oldsmobile value is top alueh! That's The following officers and chair- Swhy so many people are switching men were elected. Circle chairman e iovr to Ohls! Actuaalv. yoil can o r, a Mrs. Charles Gill, secretary and- "Roet"'. O nldsmobi~e for less tIhr !te treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon; ". Ccost of mano- modelss in the,' "bwest- program chairman, Mrs. J. O. Bag-. Sgpriced"ett; 'community chairman ,Mrs. J. .,. .,,-. tprioue I"" fihld! You'll command the . ti. rA. Garrett; young peoples' worker, trentendous power of the famnous Mrs. Charles Gill; social chairman, "Rocket" Engine ride ist the "Rockee Mrs. Rush Chism; stewardship big-car luxury of Oldsmobile in- chairman, Mrs. E. B. Dendy; chitl teriors ride in style-every dren's home chairman. Mrs. W. L. n, "' -"Rocket" mile with the dramatic Smith; mission study chairman, i beauty of Oldsmobile .Power MArs. J. E. Hallman. Styling--all for much less than After election of officers, it was you'd guess! See us for a demon- voted to sponser a child from the station. You'll soon learn that the Baptist Children's Home. smartmoveis... OVER TO OLDS! Meeting was dismissed with prayer..by. Mrs. Baggett. The hostess served apple pie with. ice cream and cold drinks. Gift of c Lijetimrel Car illusrrated abete: DeLuas "88" 2-Door So"dn. 2l.. I3"*U A General Morra ters ae COMIC OVER "T0 a " Free! Fascinating 48-page book-- ONLY *) 3l "How to Yatch Footbaff'-by 13 top, " "coaches, See your Oldsmobile dealer& AND GET A ROCKETT" POR Y VOUR MIIONEY TR Set with 2 Diamonds 1.7 Jewels GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Parker's Jewelry Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 388 Port St. Joe, Florida 24-Hour Wrecker Service Lawson Hotel Building Port St. Joe, Fla. t~ft STAR, PORT-,ST. JOE#' GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THUAS&A'y," CT04iER 22'095 rHE 't'l. (i~'TT.I~O. GUP CUNT.. PORIA rURS~,~ CTCtER 22.195 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burch and son Dewayne spent the week 'end JiA Graceville, with friends and relatives. A revival has' been going on at the Highland View Methodist Church for the last two days. Ev- eryone has a cordial invition to' attend the services. The Rev. Fred Davis is conducting the services.' Services beingeach evening at 7:30. Mrs. Allie Griffin of Wausau, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Street spent the' week end with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Senterfit and family. Mi-. 'and Mrs. Donald Miles and children spent- the week end in Youngstown; with 'relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Thorpe and children spe.dt the week end in Hosford, with relatives. We are happy to say that Mrs. Mildred Walko is home from the hospital. Jimmy Dole of Millville spent the week end with friends and relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Butts and children spent the week end in Andalusia, Ala., at the reunion of the latter's father's Mr. B. E. Blow, he celebrated his S7th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright spent the week end in Darlington, with relatives. Pvt. Jackie Lee of Fort Benning, Ga.. spent the week end with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bratcher and children spent the week end in Panama City with friends and rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lewis and daughter spent the week end in DeFuniak Springs. with relatives and friends. S-Sgt. Gene Canington is home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Canington. We are happy to know that lit- tle George Kelly is getting along just fine after his operation. Elmer Kent has returned to his former home in Georgia where he will work there. He is the-son of Mrs. W. P. Coppedge. Mrs. Howard Canington spent the week end in Quincy with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richter and children spent the week end in Al- ford with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tyndall and Watch For The Famous BORDEN TRAIN and ELSIE THE TALKING COW Coming Soon! H arden's Dairy S Wewahitchka, Fla... ! I. children spent the week end in Panaima' City "with relatives. Mrs. Lee 'Watts and Mrs. W. P. Coloman spent the 'week end in Hosford with Mrs. Delo White. Mrs. Vester Burke and daughter Glenda spent the week And 'in Joe Britt, George Hill In FSU Circus TrouP TA-LLAHAS'SEE, Fla., Joe Britt and George Hill of Port St. Joe have been successful in he tryouts for the Florida State Uni- ver-it. 61"'3PiYa. *-HipB"'-ntlona! y. famous collegiate circus. Britt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Le Gione, of Port St. Joe and Hill is the soi of Mrs. W. C. Good- son of 523 4th St. ' Bonifay.with relatives. An all-student presentation, the S. circus is proddiced by the physical Among Israel's exports are mar- education department at FSJ.' The ble, citrus fruits and' cut and more than 200 participants-in' i t polished diamonds. & show are chosen from the student body art large on the basis of.yearly tryouts, held at the beginning of school each fall. The FSU circus is currently be- ing featured in an internationally- distributed short color' film pro- duced by Paramount Films, The annuaJ circus home show at th-eDoik S. C'.dpbelf' Stadiumis'is schedUled this school year for May 5-8.' ----- --- Visitors From GeorerG Mr. 'and Mrs. T. H..G-aeriy of *Savan iah, Ga., brother of Mrs. R. A. Costin are visiting at the home of C.. L. Costin this weelk. f "Copyrighted Material I Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" g iw -.- E1).- 9,' See how new lower work-saving design saves you time and effort! Pick-up and panel floors are as low as 22y inches from the ground .... tnee-bigh for loading ease! Lower running boards for easier fDtrm! Loner hood for 'greater visibility! New low center of gravity for extra stability, safety, handling ease! New grille, integral fenders, sparkling chrome! New colors! New sleek lines! New Dodge "Town Panel" combines brilliant beauty with the greatest cubic capacity of any 2-ton panel! New two-tone interiors! New Dodge, styling will build prestige for any business! New! !efi g ngne i'ni&-ups l POWERFUL NEW V-8's-FAMOUS THRIFTY 6's! America's Greatest Array of Truck Power! In addition to cost-cutting 6's, Dodge now offers the most powerful V-F engines of any leading trucks! Available in 1/2-, 2-, and 2V2. ton models .,. iandard in 2V4-, 3-, 32-ton! Hemispherical combustion chamber for bigh efficiency! Free book tells how high engine efficiency saves you nioney. See us for your copy! &ew! 4MQ W-06,^ =nwPi~ta Wndow v4gisiO New Dodge cabs offer real easy-chair comfort! New cab heat- ing and'ventilating available! New sealing against dust, drafts! New easy-to-see arrangement of instruments! New convenient glove-box Jocation! New higher, wider doors! Big, one-piece windshield! Total cab vision area of 2261 sq. in .. more than any leading make! New value throughout! Shorter conventional tractors make 35-ft. trailers legal any- where-3,000 to 5,000 extra G.C.W. in 3-, 3/2-, and 4-ton con- ventional models-and Power Steering.available in 4-ton trucks! NEW! Even greater values... yet still priced with the lowest! See them today! McGo eotor Co y Corner Ba[hzeil Avenue and 4th Street Pc:: 5,. -'cc, F'!::-' Elbert Senterfitt Honored On Fourteenth irthhday Mrs.-Eugene 'tS~iterfcwitt booorec -. her son, Elbert on his 14th birth- day with'a party on Saturday night Games weie pl'aed and prizes went to Carolyn Thomas, Jimmy Redd. .Refreshments of' cake, soft drinks, cookies and sandwiches were ser- ved to the Senterfitt children, hri Keel children, the Thomas chil- dten, the Armstrong children, the Daniels children, Nadine Boyeote Ward Richards, Jane Coker, Wil- liam Staffdrd, B'uddy Wdod, Jimmy Redd, Richard Ziper, Jackie Grit- fen, Margie and Lewis Rogers, Jim- my Dole, Mrs. Keele, Mrs. Thomas. *Mrs. Senterfitt,' Mr. Ruth Gitf- fen assisted Mrs. Senterfitt. DR. WESLEY GRACE S OPTOMETRIST 317 Reid Ave. Phone 456 ' EYES EXAMINED.,, GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOURS . to 12 a.m. 1 to 5 p;m. CLOSED ALL DAY WED. '4 LS S- . NEWS FROM HIGHLAND VIEW As Reported by MAE IRS M-- .4- Brilliant new design opens new era in trucking+ i 1 -rmE svk' gbfT VT. 3oF. GULF COQIYTV.,.~ 7HeuRsIJD,YOCTICtER ,2z, 1932 4m oft TI HE, TAR vvPOT ST G CY.. . I IR 9C SUPERMARKET R IC H Port St. Joe, Fla. 6 LEMONS and 6 LIMES .. GRAPEFRUITS -------4 for New Crop PECANS-----b. Juicy ORANGES -- doz. 1 AVACADO PEARS ---------- each Sc 5 Lb. S U G AR (With $10.00 order) 29c :B AK ERI TE ------ 3 Ib. can 69c GUARANTEED GOOD GEORGIA SYRUP ----- gal. 59c U. S. GOOD BEE,.. T-BONES -- lb. 69c Chuck Roast -b. 39c SIRLOINS, Ib. 65c u Rump Rost lb.49c ROUND --- b. 69c SHRIMPI' I b.49c INDIAN PASS MULLET -_ .. 2 lbs. 119c WE HAVE FR:SH PORK CUTS PrVOcDBAYBY -Evil NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS night at the home of Mrs, Jessie Ahderson. Hostesses for this oc- casion were Mrs. J. B. Porter and Mrs. Jessie Anderson. Several games were played and prizes went to' Mrs. Audrey R. Tanner, Mrs. 'Patterson and Miss Louise Todd. Cake with a baby on. the top and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hollomai Cokes were served to the follow-, and children Douglas and Sharron ing Mrs. Mary A. Neel, Mrs. W. S. spent the week end in Marianna Love, Mrs. W. B. Dykes, Mrs. P. S. with friends and relatives. Revell, Mrs. A. W. Murphy, Mrs., "Mr..and Mrs.- E. Hellman have T. C. Mears, Mrs. M. A. Conner, .a their guest, Mi,.: Emma Sow- Mrs. Buck Dormany, Mrs. Joel Lov- ell. She will go from here to South ett, Mrs. James Lovett, Miss Louise Florida to spend the winter with Todd, Mrs. Bessie Dykes, Mrs. G. friends and rEraltvei.. A.- Whittington, Mrs. Shorty O'- Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Levins and Brien, Mrs. Audrey R. Tanner, Mrs. daughter Regina -spent the week Mary C. Porter, Mrs. Minnie Good- .end in Bonifay with friehds' and son, Mrs. Allie Porter, Mrs. Lloyd,' relatives. Mrs. Lizzie Newsom. Mrs. C. D. Mrs. Lloyd Riley honored her Gay, Mrs. Delilie Graves, Bill son, David on his 13th birthday. Graves and Mrs. Jean Shoots. - with a party, There were 30 at the Una'ble to attend but sending party and all enjoyed the. party. gifts wei'e: Mrs. John McKenise, They were served cake and cokes Mrs, Eleanor Bland, Mrs. Frank and cookies. LeHardy, Mrs. Kem Ellis, Mrs. R. There will be a special play at L. Hanlon. Mrs. .Jewel Callahan, the Oak Grove Assembly of God Mrs. W. C. Roche, Mrs. Maggie Church given by the Dirgeo Park Walker, Mrs. Ruth Griffin, Miss Assembly of God church Everyone Jimmie Lee Butts, Mrs. Kitty is cordially invited to attend. Wetherington, Mrs. Allen Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McFarland and Mrs. Lois Jean Baxter, Mrs. Ten- Mr. and Mrs. Everett McFarland nie Stones, Mrs. Hazel Durant, and and son, Patrick- visited in Panama Mrs. Louise Hackett. City Wednesday, afternoon with Mr. and Mrs,. Joe L. Kelley and Mrs. James V. Norris, wife of family of St. Andrew and Mrs. E. Cpl. James V. Norris received word M. Nixon and Miss Jonola Musgrove from her husband now stationed of Panama City.. in Japan that he had re-enlisted Mrs. L. A. Nt-wton was honored for three'more years in the service with a stork sbowe-r Thursday and would arrive home around --- 7- 7 -**- - December of 144. Cpl. Norris ia with the 423rd Engineers in Camp Koura, Japan. i ,i-_-Ma-ita a 'L H1(1 'Of {l ~JT~8~P~1 B~ia~'i BRISKET STEW -------- 3 lbs. 59c T-ONE and POUND Ib. Steaks - SIonlO and CLUB 1b. &%A SteaksC Baby Beef CHUCK ROAST ------ b. 33; Baby Beef CHUCK STEAK ---_ b. 33c 3 Hour Special FRiDAY NIGHT ONLY, 6 to 9 p.m. SWEET POTATOES, ONIONS SQUASH, PEAS, EGG PLANT ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT All For---___ b. S es, today's homes require proper wiring for complete electrical living. If you are build- n.g or remodeling, now is t-he ioawor time to install a wiring system that will.not only, take care of your .present electrical -appli- ances, but also those you may add In the future. It's. smart and economical to be.; prepared. Just install plenty of convenience outlets, switches, :: enough branch circuits and an S'" 'ample. service entrance. Then you will have a wiring system that will meet any test. For a blueprint to fit your home, consult our trained wiring ex- perts. They will assist you- without cost or obligation. Giant Size TREND Washing Powder _ 39c Fresh Ground HAMBURGER 3 Ibs. 59c FRYERS- _---_ (limit 2) ------ b. 39c A TAX-PAYING, BUSINESS-MANAGED w UTILITY WITH 54 YEARS OF SERVICE R. E. PORTER, Manager a I k Sharon Goay Honored On Sixth Birthday Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gay honored their daughter. Sb.irono on her 6t. birthday with a party given a tbier home on Long Avenue. The little guests pilived minom games, and contests t e ir whi. - refreshinents were ?erc-d to, th6 following .guests: Margie and Norman, Hall. Dapny Odum, .Janet 'Safford, Linda Kay Webb, Jeraldine Campbiell. Billt Carr, Mel Magidson, Jr., Carolyni Oarr, Bob Craig, Jake NicholS, 'Sandra (Harper, Paula Lovett, Wayne Duperrouzel, Belinda Jor- dan, Sandra Baxley, Bobby and Da," vid Henderson, Rober;' 'dd .Lynn Marlow, Linda Graham, 'india Cox, Lonnie Bell, Jr., Sandra Ensley, Sherry Willis, Polly Sue Pyle, Su- san Willis, Fran Gunn, Susan Max- well, Rita Rasmussen, Ann Belin, Danny Hall, Betty Hammond, Fred- die Chason, David Horton, Cather- ine Ramsey and Ray Ramsey. Those not present but sending gifts were, Larry Parker, Annie C, Ford and Martha, Elsie and Billy Ford and Mrs. E. R. DuBose. Some 3,000 species of insects and twice as many diseases attack. crops in the United.States. rru~ii~- PAGE NiN5t TH-E. STAR, PORT ST.,JOE, GULF-C6UNT~i. FLORIDA -rWIJRpqnAY. OCTOBER 22 1963 I ~' ' S rt,'Ve*' WT.f .IS3!. OUW b COUNTY, FLORIDA 9 Days Danleys Fall Home Furnishing Sale Left VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE OUR MANY MONEY SAVING VALUES !,;-. .l t &.'; ^A' d**n- .. 6 i *- -.f'- A r" r~ Feather Pillow---- pr. $3.95 Double Bed Spreads ___ $4.95 Complete Bed Outfit $44.95 S(Bed, Mattress, Springs) Complete Bunk Beds $89.95 Hepplewhite-Inspired Eir u i; .Designed for day-atr-r-day living, its 18th Century charm adapts itself cotngnially, to other periods, as well. For a modest $129.95 you're cff lo a good start with a lovely swell fiot double dresser v.-nhh framed wV-l mir- ror and graceful high pester bed. Authentic detaiihng and deluxe features throughoit. Panel Style I;cd .. --- :.5 Chest ...---..--------------.- 49.95 Vanity and Mirror t-_ 9.95 Vaults' Bweih P.95 ..C~fr -' ; Pneudeuis Daubte Crcsser, Mirror ad .Fertr Bed. 9I ENS#Y TE"R:4 K' K $25.00 DOWN DELIVERS THIS! Gorgeous 5-Pe. Chrome Set Choice of Color: Modern ex- Tension table, fast cleaning op 4 chairs upholstered n rn atchning piastic. F:i" cr:~ $ ,- P 'Complete Home Farnichinjsi qUpF ~ I P"AMMIURE C PAGE TEN 7HURSDAY. OCTOBER* V... 19-3 ' k" Night T70,7'e -------- .. 17M6 06950g THURDAY OCOE 22 L9L TH STR PC~RT ST.--" JOE GUL CONY LO ID PAG ELEVEN- SAssembly of God C1hurch were: Mr. into her new house here. land Mrs. Coleman K~irkiand and Church services are held regular- 'daughter, Betty. M~r. and Mrs. Ty every Tuesday night, at the C'harley Sanpn Mr and rlst Lewi.s Community House with Rev L..J by MRS. GEORGE HARPER SiCordell. M r. and Mrs. H. A. Hardy have Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dav:is and d w t s received word that thiire son, Aub- son were called to the bedside of will sail from Sasio. Japan Mrs. Davis' mother, Mrs. Howard ot 3 H h about Oct. 30. He hopes to reach Lindsey, who was hospitalized in Miaranna. They returned home home before e Chritma ol aunday. days. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Braxon and Friends of Mrs. I. Strength who .children, visited. Mrs. Braxton's was in an auto accident will be glad mother. Mrs. E. H. Pippin and other to learn that she has been released relatives in Cottondale Sunday. from the Municipal Hospital. Also Among those attending Felow- her sister. Mrs. Blackmon of Wewa- ship meeting which was held at hitchka. Panama City Monday night at the Mrs. James Harper has moved Gulf County Fair PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA October 2 thru 31 6 BIG DAYS AND NIGHTS Featuring On The livdwoy PEPPERS ALL STATES THOWs Keels conducting. B. A. Pridgeon. Jr., left Sunday after spending a ten days leave here with his parents. He is sta- tioned at Cocoa. White City Home Demo Mrs. Ralph Nance Presides Make Christmas Gifts At Circle 5 Meeting The ladies, of the White City Mrs. Ralph Nance, chairman, pre- Home Demonstration Club spenr sided at the meeting Monday af- last Wednesday working on idea? ternoon of the Circle 5 of the First for Christmas gifts. Some made Ba~itist WMU. aluminum trays while others work- I The Circle met in the home of ed nl ctufffed toincs and ames for I rn.J- T 0.. m JB i ^. mTn. nn- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Spotts of children, ened with a devotional given by Green Cove Springs visited Mrs. The Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Nance. Routine matters were Spotts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Car- Miss Ruth Milton had a number of transacted and reports of officers ter Ward over the week end. They things on display with their pat- and committee chairmen were took their baby home after a week terns that could be made for gifts heard. stay with her grandparents. or for the home including hoop At the conclusion of the business Friends of Miss Marie Spotts ring aprons for adults, play aprons session, election of officers for the will be glad to learn that she has for boys and girls, tea sets for ensuing year as follows Chairman, beenreleased from a Jacksonville children, felt baby booties, stuffed Mrs. Ralph Nance; co-chairman, hospital, animals, cork pictures, painting. Mrs. J. W. Player, program chair- S tin can Christmas tree decorations, man. Mrs. Fred Maddox; secretary belt hangers made of cup racks, treasurer and publicity chairman, FISHIN' and HUNTIN' and huck weaving on toweling. Mrs. B. W. Wilder; community StAaigt F After a very enjoyable covered chairman, Mrs. Clifford Tharpe. Straight Fromi A "Harper" dish luncheon especially the "hon- The remainder of the officers will Named George ey orange cake and custard made be elected at the next meeting in -- from Gulf County honey". Mrs. E. the home of Mrs. W. S. Quarles. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams of L. Antley acting president, presid- A social hour was held with the Eglin Field-and Mr. and Mrs. Jack ed over a short business session, hostess Mrs. Belin serving refresh- Bowen of Blakely Field, Calif. fish- Mrs. Harold COhafin, Mrs. G. S. ments to the six members and one ed here ovre the week end. Croxton and Mrs. Robert Daniels new member present. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon and were appointed as nominating com- Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and mittees. GULF COUNTY HEALTH daughter, Rebecca had an enjoy- Those attending were Mesdames COUNCIL TO MEET TUES. able trip to the river over the week Carl Stevens, G. S. Croxton, Robert The Gulf County Health Council I will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at ,the udn. Daniels, Henry Sewell, D. R. Hat- wll meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Mrs. Ellen Kirkland and Mrs. G. cher, James. Martin, Alton Hardy, Ward Clinic. Ths meeting s cal- E. McGill seemed to have had fish harle v led to discuss plans for a county- iE. acGillley Stevel, Ea. L. A-ntley, Ru- wide survey of health conditions. ing fever last week. They fished a dolph Shirah, R. L. Smith, Harold All captains and workers are ur- portion of every day. Chafin and Clyde Gentry. ged to be present. Mrs. N. Comforter, Mrs. Mary Gore and Mrs. Oscar Roberts fish- ed in the canal Monday, Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Smal Cost. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huntington of Chicago are fishing here during their annual vtsit to Gulf County. N t- o InSULATIOn ;~ !`~~:r to a friena uff Nso Now on Display! Ele oga lt Noew O GE The Dodge with more than ever bore ! 'Th2:jfZ~Z 1? ~a~ More to it-More i n New! "Color Harmony" Interiors with Exquisite Jacquard Fabrics As tasteful and colorful as your own home! New! Fully-Automatic PowerFlite Drive! newest, smoothest, most powerful of all automatic transmissions! New! Dodge Full-Time Power Steering! Tales the work out of driving-leaves all the pleasure in! New! Stepped-up 150-hp Red Ram V-8 Engine! ' Most efficient engine in any American car! New! Dodge AirtempAir Conditioning! Tr:kes the heat and humidity out uofthe stickiest day' t-More of it! ,,.. .. New! Sweeping Style Distinctive Beauty! Longer from bumper to bumper-headlamp to tail light! Now'54 DODGE V-8 Shcitar: 196 AAA Rccordis! to f.tiirial A AA performances tist on R.i- B-evil Salr Flats. Doldg prI'o.cd the tan-inu. n-t1ranlc and C.,,M- thm --A- it "Th, AHtior, Specif-chon equipment end prices subject to change without notice. DEPENDABLE PREPARE YOUR HOME NOW WITH A TITLE I L AN . No Down 2 Months Payment To Pay SEE US TODAY FOR DETAILS W;%U Corner BalIzell Avenue and 4th Siieet Port St. Joe, Florida ;- 5 14 ~ncr..2 SWr~fl..nZ2ZhhaCoflt.,o~,. c ..r.ocs< ..tbn.~ .tawsa.sno..,u-n..n..au~a r."urnr..- -'r-. ~ ~ ~ - ,.zJh1~~Vif!zW U2T C..- .. ...s .z.. WHITE CITY NEWS Sponsored by: AME-RCAN LEGCON THE STAR, PORT~ ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE ELEVEN THURSCCAY, OCTOBER 22, IS9z- pcii'r SI. JoeE, Fla. Mc6OWIN MOYORTB CONAPA.HY rd-4E STAR; PORT .4, it j. m i L;ULiNTY. FLORILA - a A.4 '-- -n' vV THURSDAY, OCTOSE? 3 22. t')53 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE-30-Gallon gas water heater. Practically new. Phone 320. Mrs. R. A. Costin. FOR SALE-4-Bedroom house. Fur- nished. Jim Sealey. Phone 1913. FOR SALE in Apalachicola. 3-yrs. old modern bungalow. 5 rooms and bath. 2 lots some extras. $5000. Easy terms. Corner Ave. G and,16 Howard King. 10-22-3tp FOR SALE-2 bedroom house on 13th Street. Call 171-J 4tp-1142 FOR SALE-3 Bedroom house on two lots at Highland View. See Cawthon Williams. Inquire at Cox Grocery for location. 10-S-4tp FOR SALE-Order early. Person- alized Christmas cards. Parker's Jewelry. Lawson Hotel. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Furnished apartment. Corner 4th and Woodward. Mrs. Sheffield. Itp FOR RENT-One bedroom, furnish- ed apartment.- Suitable for cou- ple. Phone 452-W. FOR RENT-2 Bedroom apartment furnished. Downstairs. Kitchen electrically equipped. Phone 235-J. FOR RENT-Room. Private en- trance and bath. Gentlemen pre- ferred. R. A. Swatts, R. A. Swatts, 208 8th Street. Phone 104. 2tp FOR RENT-1 bedroom furnished apartment for couple only. Phone 452-W. tf FOR RENT-Furnished apartment. adults only. Phone 39 or 100.-B. W. Eells; tf-10-15 FOR RENT-Nice furnished apart- ment for couple only. Interested parties c.!1 no. 63-J or se- Mrs. A. M. Jones. 9-17tf SPECIAL SERVICES Cigarette lighters repaired. Parts in stock to cover all Ronson models. Star Want Ads Get Results Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH Bicycle Repairing All Makes Reel Parts and Repairs WESTERN AUTO tf ATTENTION ALL HOUSEWIVES Here is good news for any mem- ber of your family who is constant- ly tired and lack energy and pep Highland View Sunbeams Meet At Mission Monday The Baby Sunbeam Band of the Highland View Mission met Mon- day afternoon at 3 p.m. at the mis- sion for their weekly meeting. Mrs. H. G. Parker, new leader, served refreshments to those present. Bible stories and games were en- joyed. The children are working on a coloring puzzle which will be completed in this quarter. All children of Highland View that are of this age group are -in- vited to meet with them on Mon- day afternoon at 3 at the Mission. ST..JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. Harry B. Douglas, Jr. Priest In Charge Oct. 22, 7:00 p.m. Parish supper honoring the Bishop Coadjutor of Florida and former Rectors of. St. James' Church. Oct. 23, 6:00 p.m. Open House for the community. Oct. 24, 8:00 p.m. Coffee and des- sert for Bishop and Confirmation Class at Rectory. Oct. 25, 7:30 a.m. Holy Commun- ion. 8:30 a.m. Breakfast meeting of the Vestry and Bishop. 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and the Sacred Rite of Confirmation. CARD OF THANKS In mourning our loved one, MIa- mie Wall, we sincerely thank our friends for their prayers and thoughtful services as well as for the many beautiful flowers. -Family of Mrs. Mamie Wall COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 601 Long Avenue PHONE 326 Oxygen. Equipped Ambulance LODGE NOTICES LOYAL ORDER ,OF MOOSE Meeting night ev S ery other Monday. . Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth St. due to a dietary deficiency of vita- SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0. mins and minerals. Your WATKINS O. F.-Meets first and third Thirs- DEALER offers you Watkins mul- days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All ti-vitamins with minerals capsules. members urged to attend; visiting the outstanding dietary supple- brethren invited. Henry Geddle, ment. Each capsule contains 11 N. G.. Robert Williams, V. G. H. minerals and 10 vitamins. It pro- A. Hardy, Secretary. rides the established adult daily requirement of needed vitamins MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- and furnishes minerals needed in Port St..Joe Lodge 111-Regular human nutrition. Just take one each meetings 2nd and 4th Fri day. Your Watkins dealer is offer- .,- days each month, 8:00 p. m. ing a special on multi-vitamins with Members urged to attend: minerals. Be sure and take advan- visiting brothers welcome. E. Y. tage while this offer lasts. See or Cowart. W. M.; W. L. Jordan, Sec. write. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of W. L. BURKETT St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. The Watkins Dealer M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit P. O. Box 482 Port St. Joe ing companions welcome. W. C. Mail orders delivered promptly. .Forehand, High Priest; H. R. Maige NEW! BOY'S DUNGAREES with VULCA-KNEE Knees Guaranteed Not To Wear Out $2.50 $2.95 Sizes 2 to 16 Auslin-Atchison Company Exclusive but Not Expensive Highland View Circle 1 Meets With Mrs. Watts Circle 1 of the Highland View Baptist Mission held their regular meeting, Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Lee Watts. The meeting was opened with a prayer and devotional by Mrs. Ralph Macomber, chairman. She gave the 24th Psalm. The group repeated the watchword for the year followed with prayer by Mrs. P. G. Safford. A program on "I Shut The Door" from the Royal Service booklet HANDSOME DINING GROUP S..: cl.'. lines of modern at its . :y :-t, and bright metal *.v;: pulls make this an out- . .:cing ensemble. You get the arm chair, three side _u'ffC: 01or clhi;. 1199 9 FOR RENT: Several modern cot- BRIDGE BEING CONSTRUCTED tages and apartments, furnished. ON TENTH AND WOODWARD 45 to 75 dollars per month. Call e advent of e recent hurri 320. 10-22--tfe i 20. 10-22 can presE::.:ed the need of a drain FOR SALE-25 .hp Johnson Out- under tb" road under Woodward board Motor. Good condition, al- venue at the corner of Tenth so practically hew 25 hp Johnson street. Motor, Century boart and boat vdnedav morning, city street house. Call 320. 10-22-tfc maintenance crews started con- struction of a six foot bridge at wa presented by Mrs. Lee Watsthis corner to allow passage of n az presented by Mrs. Lee Watts. I Mrs. Charles Davis dismissed the water under the street to connect meeting with prayer a drainage ditch on both sides of ,p ......i..n ..,.... t ... v Woodward Avenue. enmlllemerllUrs anll two vi sVlors were served refreshments by the; hostess. BEAUTIFUL MAPLE 5-Pc. SET This lovely dinette features the famous Pennsylvania Dutch styling, The table opens to a full 54". Set has been rubbed and polished to show off the d'3t!ncti-e maple finic:.. $129"" Only 9 Days Let To Get Your Free Turkey At Danley's '~RiEY NCLU DED WITH EACh" SUITE... NO EXTRA COST! Don't Forget To Visit Our LR..C WISHING WELL 'lte a mornings.. AMPNITLfff C - _W W -- -a -* wwwah'iriK .j ~a~cwmr~u ~R ~WDIT)PLls~a~VCI~P~~D~'~`P- u i IIWS~Y- v Adl~t.':-ii lg Lioe,':LL'* L eo-it :L-It ... ---I |