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PORT ST. JOE A Progressive Community With a. Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper THE STAR THE STAR Published in Port St. Joe SBut Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County "Part St .Joe -The Outlet* Port for ther Aaalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" VOLUME XVI Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 36 II II I I | I I Saints Defeat Navy Meet B'town Sun. The Saints defeated the Navy Countermine Station Sunday be- fore a crowd of about 200 by a score of 9 to 3. Lamar Freeman started on the mound for the Saints and allowed 4 hits, 1 walk and chalked up 8 strike-outs in seven innings. Sa- lamone relieved Freeman in the Seventh and gathered 5 strike-outs, allowed 1 hit and no walks. Wright went the whole game behind the plate. Scott, Knapp and Pilcher made up the battery for the Navy and Scott allowed 4 hits, 6 walks and 2 strike outs. Knapp allowed 2 hits 7 walks and gathered 3 strike-outs. Shirley gathered hitting honors for the day with 3 hits for 5 trips to the plate. The Saints meet Navy again to- night on the Navy's home grounds. Sunday the Saints meet Blounts- town here for their first time this season. The Tigers have 2 wins and 2 losses to their credit with the Saints carrying a 5 win and 1 loss record. Tallahassee, who recently drop- ped out of the league, is returning to league play with a completely reorganized team and promise to offer good competition through the circuit. Cape Sani Blas Station To Have Open House Officials at Cape San Bias re- port to The Star, that they will hold open house Saturday, May 16 from 12 noon on. The open house is being held in connection with Armed Forces Day and the public is 'invited to attend and see the exhibits and routine which is carried on at the base. Council Being Formed To Provide Youth Recreation NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Notice is hereby given that Dr. LaRue Garrett, DVM, will be located at the City Hall at Port St. Joe, Friday, May 15, 1953 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of innocu- lating dogs against rabies. A charge of $1.50 will be made for each dog treated. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE H. W. GRIFFIN, Chief of Poilce The Long Avenue Baptist Church Has Organizational Services Here Sunday The organizational services of national director of the First Bap. the Long Avenue Baptist Church tist Church of Panama City; Rev. were held Sunday afternoon at F. G. Safford, pastor of the High- 3.30 at the High School Auditor- laud View Baptist Church; Rev. ;im. Adolph Bedsole, pastor of the Im- Rev. L. J. Keels, pastor of the First Baptist Church here, repre- sented the .Northwest, Coast Assoc- ;7. iioji o, BaptistChurcheas.' s mod-, srator. Other associational minisk ters who took part in the program w re the Rev. Qloyd McClung,.edu- EXECUTIVE MEETING The last executive meeting of the current year will be held by the PTA tonight at 7:30 in the Ele- mentary School Auditorium. KINDERGARTEN TO PRESENT- manuel Baptist Church of Millville; Rev. G. T. Hinton, pastor of the Pust Baptist Churc 0 of Wewa- hialthka, and the Rev. E. L. Mixbn pastor of the First Baptist Church of Apalachicola. Special music at the organize. tional service was provided by the Young Peoples Choir of the First Baptist Church here, directed by Mrs. L. J. Keels. The first services of the new church will be held Sunday, May 17 at the Port St. Joe High School. PUPILS IN GRADUATE t --- Mrs. E. R. DuBose will present 9:45; morning services at 11:00; Isn't it peculiar that the human her Kindergarten, "Jack and Jill" BTU at 6:45 and evening services brain begins to function from the pupils in recitations and graduating at S:00 p.m. Rev. G. T. Hinton of moment you are born, improves as exercises on May 22 at 7:45 in the Wewahitchka will bring both the you grow older, then stops com- High School Auditorium, morning and evening messages pletely when you stand up to talk? The public is invited to attend, for this first day of services. Buffalo Troop, Peter Duperrouzel Take Honors At Scout Field Day Port St. Joe Boy Scout Troop No. 47 entertained several hundred people last Saturday afternoon with a field day at the High School ath- letic grounds. This was the first activity of this kind ever produced by the scouts and scoutmaster John T Simpson termed it very successful. Events, winners and the partici- pants' patrol are listed as follows: 50 YARD DASH; First place, Pe`- ter Duperrouzel, Buffalo; Second, Freddy Owens, Cobra; Third Tra- vis Jones, Panther. STANDING BROAD JUMP, First Place, Wesley Atkins, Buffalo; Sec- ond, Jimmy Montgomery, Arrow; Third, Jimmy Howell, Flyiig Eagle. BASEBALL THROW, First place Peter Duperrouzel, Buffalo; Sec- ond, Ronnie Chism, Yion; Third. Bert Munn, Jr., Cobra; 100 YD. DASH, First Place, Jack- ie Adams, Wolf; Second, Frankie LeHardy; Cobra; Tiird, Wayne Taylor, Buffalo. FOOTBALL THROW, First place Wayne Taylor, Buffalo; Second, Frankie LeHardy, Cobra; Third Jimmy Stevens and Tommy Wil- Tommy Wolder, Apache. ger, Apache; Second, Wesley At- MILE RUN, First Place, Ronnie kin and Peter Duperrouzel, Buffalo; Chisin, Lion; Second, Wesley At- Third, Bert Munn, Jr., and Freddy kins, Buffalo; Third, Frankie Le Owens, Cobra. Hardy, Cobra. WINNING PATROL, Buffalo BROAD JUMP, First Place, Individual scores by boys Peter Wayne Taylor, Buffalo; Second, Duperrouzel, 17%, Wesley Atkins, Ronnie Chism, Lion; Third, Tra- 151/, Wayne Taylor, 13. vis Jones, Panther. SECOND PLACE, Cobra Patrol. 50 YD. SACK RACE, First Place, Freddy Owens, 5/2, Bert Munn, Dennis Williams, Wolf; Second, 4 and Frankie LeHardy, 7. Freddy McLean, Seagull; Third, THIRD PLACE, Apache Patrol. Jimmy Montgomery, Flaming Ar- Tommy Wilder, 7%, W. L. Smith, row. 3, Jimmy Stevens, 1%. 220 YD. DASH, First Place, Peter Fourth place, Lion Patrol; Fifth Duperrouzel, Buffalo; Second, Place, Wolf Patrol; Sixth Place, Bert Munn, Jr., Cobra; Third, Bud- Flaming Arrow Patrol; Seventh dy Byrd, Flaming Arrow. Place, Seagull Patrol; Eighth place HIGH JUMP, First Ple, Panther, Patrol and Ninth Place, HIGH JUMP, First Place, Tom- Ptl- Beaver Patrol." my Wilder, Apache; Second, Fred- Beave- Patrol. , y, we, ah Peter Duperrouzel of the Buffalo dy Owens, Cobra; Tlird, Wayne y O s,. C ; T W e received a prize of 10.00 cash for Taylor, Buffalo. . Sthe most points accumulated. BASKETBALL SHOT, First A fish-fryI supper was held at Place. Wesley Atkins, Buffalo; Sec- the Centennial Auditorium'lbar-be- ond, W. L. Smith, Apache;' Third, cue pit' Satirday "night following Larry Stafford, Beaver. the field event with 122 scouts and 440 YD. RELAY, First Place, fathers in attendance. Civic, Religious Groups To Sponsor Project Thhe Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club, under the leadership of Dr. Robert King is launching a campaign this week to secure a program of supervised recreation throughout the summer months for the children of Port St. Joe. The Kiwanians are not going to attempt the project by themselves but are in the'process of con- taching all the civic organizations in town to aid them in this Giant undertaking. Fire Department Gets A meeting will be held tonight Two Calls During Week by the different representatives from the civic organizations to The Volunteer Fire Department determine plans 'and methods were alerted Saturday morning at of operation for securing the 7:30 by a small blaze in the Color-, , ed quarters. The blaze was due to best in supervised recreation for a faulty oil range. Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 the department was called to put out a woods- fire at *Monument and 11th Streets. The department now has, the uise of another pumper, as the old tliuck was. delivered, to-tthe d -' menti last 'Week with a new pump installed and ready for action.. he new pump is a singlerstage Peter Pirsch with a 500-gallon per min- ute capacity. -------- Garden Club To Hear High Officers At Luncheon Speakers for the Garden Club Luncheon which will be held May 29 at Motel St. Joe are Mrs. S. W. Adams, District Supervisor, who will give a short report of the State Convention which was held children of all ages in Port St. Joe. According to Dr. King, plans are to hire a full-time supervi- sor to carry out'lhe summer rec- reation plans and supervise 01,ipug and i. \-', manze the vahi.-.s superA lse d playcti. cities. King stated 'to The Star that they were going to strive toward making the wh6le6 program sup- ported by ilonations from the different civic organizations with no canvass of 'funds. XKing also stated that if the program can- not function with just this back- iog 'then the council will then call on the people of Port St. Joe to aid the program finan- recently in St. Petersburg, Florida. cially. At this time Mrs. Adams will act The Kiwanis Club started as installing officer, installing the the donations Wednesday by do- new officers of the local club for nating $250.00 and hoping that the coming year. the co g year. iach civic organization will do Mrs. Guy E. Yaste of Pensacola, who will give a report on the ac- same. tivities of the National Convention Any citizen of Port St. Joe held recently in San Francisco, who wishes to do so may attend California. She will bring to the the organizational meeting of club the highlights of the conven- the council at the Parish House tion. Mrs. Yaste is Publicity Chair- ton man for District. One and National tonight. ChairiAan of Flower Show Judges. Civic clubs which have named All members are asked to keep their Council representatives are: this date in mind and make reser- Kiwanis Club, Harry McKnight; Rotary Club, J. Lamar Miller; P. vations for the Luncheon before May 28. T. A., Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, Jr.; Moose Club, Floyd Roberts; Mer- chants Association, C. W. Long; Dr. L. E. Porter Will Fill Methodist Church, Mrs. Ed Ram- Pulpit Sun. At Methodist sey; Catholic Church. Mrs. Ken- neth Brodnax; Episcopal Church, S Mrs. B. H. Munn; City Commission Dr. L. E. Porter of Blountstown will be the guest speaker at e J. C. Belin; Gulf County School will be the guest speaker at the Boad, J. B. Harris; Woman' 11 o'clock service, Sunday.morn- Club, Mr. B. Culpepper; Fire ing at the First Methodist Church. Department, Dave Maddox; B.I.r .Department, Dave Maddox; B.I.E). Wednesday, May 20, family night W., 875, Bob Jackson. will be observed at the First Me- Other civic clubs taking Other civic clubs taking part thodist Church. but who have not named their rep- Judge E. Clay Lewis former resi- resentative yet are: First Baptlit dent of Port St. Joe, will be the Church; Presbyterian Church, Ma- guest speaker. He will speak on sonic Lodge, Junior Woman's Club, "Church Loyalty". St. Joe Paper Co., Papermaker.s The program will consist of sup- :'79, Eastern Star and the Machin- per, speaking and games. Each ist Union. family of the church is asked to -- -- bring a covered d'ih and supper Miss Pat Ward is'visitiig in Tal- wll be served beginning at 7:30. lahassee with her aunts,,Mrs.-Wal- Every family of the church is ex- ter Moore and Mrs. Charles Gor- pected to attend. Idon. PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 WMU Studies Mission Book The WMU of the First Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at the church with 18 members pres- ent, for the mission study book, "The Way of Missionary Educa- tion". Mrs. J. C. Horton, who has been conducting the lessons pre- sented the third chapter of the study. The meeting opened with the Sunbeams singing, "Ten Little Playmates" which represented the spirit of "No Racial Prejudice In All Nationalities". Scripture was given by Mrs. Horton and taken from John 6:1-13. The School Boys' Lunch was given with special em- phasis on '"Our Youth Or Leaders of Tomorrow". Assisting the Sunbeams with the program was the Junior R. A.'s, led by their leader the Rev. L. J. Keels. A playlet on "How Far Can We See" was presented by Mrs. J. C. Horton, Mrs. E. C. Cason and 'Mrs. J. O. Baggett. Mrs. Baggett gave the Expression on Activity For Our R. A.'s. Mrs. Horton, dressed to represent Pocahontas, American Indian woman and wife of John Rolfe, representing "Greater Vi- sion" or "Spiritual and Material Eyesight", followed through by all giving the watchword of the year. "Look Unto The Fields Fsor They Are White Already Unto Harvest" taken from John 4:35. Poems brought by the R. A.'s v,ere "God's Great F'am'iv" by Da- vid Rich, "Let War Cease" by Da- vid Musselwhite, "We Need To Know and Love All PepleI" by Jackie Sheffield. The song "Oh Master Let Me Walk With Thee", was sung by all., Mrs. Horiton pre- ceeded with the mission study, "Mission Studies Produce Mission- aries". She closed the program with "Youth Sees With Pure Eyes". t lrs. C. A. McClellan dinii,.. .ei te meeting with prayer. Miss Marion Watts and Oakland Lee Ard Are United In Marriage Sunday Miss Marion Watts, daughter of model in navy blue crepe and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Watts of this wore a corsage of white carnations. city and Oakland Lee Ard, son of Immediately following the cere- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ard of Samson, money a small reception was held Alabama, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents Sunday, May 10 at 2 o'clock in at 1027 McClellan Avenue. The the afternoon. The wedding was bride's table was overlaid with a held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. lace cloth with silver candelabra Carl Norton, sister of the bride, on either side of a beautiful three at 517 Eighth Street. tiered wedding cake with'wedding The Reverend Warren Lindsey bell atop filled with pink carna- performed the double ring cere- tions. The crystal punch bowl was mony in the presence of friends placed on the buffett and surroun- and relatives of the young couple. ded by pink and white carnations The house was beautifully appoin. and fern. After the cake was cut ted with all white arrangements by the bridal couple, Miss Versie of Queen Anne's lace, easter lilies Ard, sister of the groom, took and gladioli, charge of the serving, assisted by Robert Shaw rendered a program Miss Annette Parker and Mrs. of nuptial music at the piano Harry McKnight. Miss Hazel Bur- which included "Concerto" by nette presided at the punch bowl. Rachmaninoff, "Poem" by Fibich, The bride's book was kept by Miss "Serenade" by Schubert a nd Sue Stewart. "Traumerie" by Schumann. The bride chose for traveling, a Miss Norma Jean Lewis, solo- light blue figured silk with a dus- ist, sang "O Promise Me", by De ter of navy taffeta. Her accessor Koven. ies were all white and her corsage The bride, who was given in mar- a white orchid. After their wedding riage by her father, was lovely in trip, Mr. and Mrs. Ard will make a street length model of champagne their home in Jacksonville. linen fashioned with an eyelet Mrs. Ard was graduated from sheer flounce. She wore a close the Port St. Joe High School and fitting flower hat of cameo pink held a secretarial position with with matching lace mitts and shan- the St. Joe Lumber and Export tung pumps. She carried a purple Company for the past four years. throated orchid on lacelon. Mr. Ard was graduated from the Mrs. Carl Norton, sister of the Samson, Ala., High School and bride and her only attendant was was employed for the past two lovely in a pastel pink summer years by the St. Joe Paper Corn- sheer. Her accessories were all pany. He is presently connected white and her corsage was of with the St. Regis Paper Company white carnations. in Jacksonville. The bridegroom had as his best Out-of-town guests present for man, his brother, Herman Ard, of adding were Mr. and Mrs. W. the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. tis city. Immediately preceding L. Ard, Miss Versie Ard and Miss the ceremony the candles were lit argar pa n, Mnargaret Spann, all of Samson, by Harry McKnight, also of Port Ala., Miss Jean McGowan of De St. Joe. Funiak Springs, Mrs. R. S. Payne, The bride's mother wore a mo- The bride's mother wore a mo- Miss Carol Harris, Mrs. J. T. Gary del of gray nylon sheer with pink and Mrs. W. H. Robertson all of and black accessories. Her corsage .antaa, :Ga' and Mr. and Mrs. :Col- was pink carnations. The mother S. c a cnet Bowers-,at ,Panama City. of 1ie groom chose an attractive A h artv l t" h ld o St. Joe Drive-In A MARTIN THEATRE Phone 424 W2 Your name in this ad entitles you to one free ticket any day this week at this theatre. H. S. JACKSON DOROTHY McDONALD FRIDAY and SATURDAY LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, SUNDAY ONLY - Also Cartoon -- Box office Opens 7:30 p.m. SHOW STARTS 8:.00 p.m. Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Fair' MONDAY and TUESDAY EVEN FUNNIER THAN "THE PALEFACE'I BO8 andWLCILLE HOPE BALL AIa Alorbya n Pc A Paramount Picture W PLUS CARTOON Wednesday & Thursday JOHN. WAYNE ,MAUREEN O'HARA Color by TECHNICOLOR REPAoC PnIuU O -I' Cartoon - A re earsai party was new on So urday night, May 9 in the home of Mrs. Carl Norton. Mrs. Norton was assisted in serving her guests by Mrs. Leo Shealy. Mrs. Ricketson Will Present Dance Pupils In Recital Mrs? Lorene Ricketson will pre- sent her dancing pupils in their Revue, "The Fair" on May 15, Fri- day, at 8 o'clock p.m. in the audi- torium of the Port St. Joe High School. The WSCS of the First Methodist Church is sponsoring the Revue and members of the society are selling tickets. Admission will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents fpr children. The public is. invited to attend. Advance sale of tickets are under- way and you are urged to purchase your tickets from any member of the organization. Among the numbers you will see will be the "China Dolls", "Danc- ing Clowns", "Shoe Shine Boy", "Easter Parade", "Below The Bor- der", "Pop Corn Balls", "Stepping High", "Five Foot Two", "Parade of The Wooden Soldiers" and "Can- died Apples". There are 28 numbers to be pre- sented by the pupils; over two hours of entertainment. Dances and costumes are by L.:.rene Ricketson and scenery by -;,iney Major. Fifty-one children .,il take part in the Revue. KENNEY QUARLES ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Basil Edwar. .Ken- ney, Jr., of 1405 Cohstitutiona Drive announce the engagement of their i lighter, Jacquelyn Logan to Wil- ham' Sh'eltohi .Quarles, Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. William' Shelton Quarles, Sr:, ot this city. tli wea.dng will take place on June' 11 at t. James' Epiiacsp.al C012ur'1;. BNG CROSBY. Bob HOPE Dorothy , LAMOUR ; ; ,. .. . --- Also --- LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "MYSTERIOUS COWBOY" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY and Cartoon: "Rock-A-Bye Bear" -- Plus- Pete Smith Specialty- "FNSHING FEATS" . 0 0000 00....* ni - COMING - THURSDAY FRIDAY Alan LADD Deborah KERR Corinne CALVET. Charles BOYER - Cartoon - "WHAT'S SWEEPIN" SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. 1 -- "DESPERADOES' OUTPOST --- FEATURE No. 2 - --- Also --- CHAPTER 2 OF SERIAL "Govt. Agents vs. Phantom Legion" -- Also - "MADIELNE" Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 Mrs. Jack Liles Honored METHODIST CIRCLE ONE S. ,k Lile H -MEETS WITH MRS. MOSELY With Stork Shower Friday Circle 1 of the W'SCS of the The home of Mrs. A. H. Woffarth First Methodist Church met Mon- on Tenth Street was the scene of day afternoon at 3 p.m. in the hone a very lovely stork shower last of Mrs. W. T. Mosely, Jr., with Friday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Mrs. Chauncey Costin, presiding. Jack Liles. Mrs. A. M. Jones gave the devo- Co-hostess with Mrs. Wolfarth tional and prayer. She used as her was Mrs. P. C. Fleming and Mrs. topic, "Mother". Norman Fischrer. Nor n F Mrs. Costin conducted a brief Pink and white was the color business session. scheme used, featuring arrange- Speaker for the afternoon was ments of Easter lilies and Queen Mrs. Jake Belii, who gave an in- Anne's lace. Gifts were presented teresting talk on "Barabas". in a baby basket with pink and Refreshments were served by the white streamers, decorated in pink hostess to the eight members pi-es- Refreshments of ice cream and ent. and white. cake were served to the following guests: Mrs. Otis Walker, Mrs. Dan Dr. Joseph B. Spear Meeks, Mrs. Hubert Atkins, Mrs. Max Gaskin, Mrs. P. D. Whetstone, OPTOMETRIST Mrs. Peters, Mrs. J. C. Bunting, Mrs. Roland Jackson, Mrs. Knox Wood, Mrs. Charles Shirley, Mrs. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Earl Hobaugh, Mrs. Robert Bel- lows, Jr., Mrs. Jim Maness, Mrs. Office Hours, 8:39 to 5:00 H. A. Stikes, Mrs. W. E. Mann, Mrs. H. C. Beaty and Mrs. Ed Office Phone 322 Dodd. V. I ta APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA Send The Stat to a friend. -** Pooe9010 R1~-~----~ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 PAGE TWO SUNDAY MONDAY THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. So* 4 ,** S ~,., asa THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORJD7A PAGE THREE CAMPUS INN News of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTIN 'Tri Hi Y To Work With Community On Projects The weekly meeting of the Tri Vi:Y was held Monday night-in the. sociall room at the Metlihdist Church. The primary reason for the meeting was to discuss projects fpr ,the coming year. Those voted upon were: .. ... 1. To work with the community 'to secure a recreation center for the youth. 2. To work with the community in an effort to restore the old graveyard. 3. To carry flowers to the pa- tients in the hospital. '4. To put 'a "Thought For The Day" on the bulletin board in ev- ery home room. 5. To increase school spirit in the school. After a brief program, the meet- ing was adjourned with prayer. Community Calendar Drive Began' The 'Band Boosters Association is again sponsoring a community birthday. calendar. This is being done in an effort to make our community more friendly. Your birthday or wedding anniversary may be put on the calendar for 25'. The calendars are being sold for 75c. New Honor Society Member- Installed, Fifteen new members were in- stalled into the Senior Honor, So- ciety, in a very impressive candle- light service last Wednesday. The members, were judged on four character traits; Scholarship, Lea- dership, characterr .aild .Service. Npw members inducted into the society were: Mary Geddie, Carol Mercer, Margie Davis, Ouida Kemp. Judith Mahon, ]Donal'd "Parker, Bil; ly. 'Fred Pari'h', Faye Anderson, .Patsy Wilder, Pat Clark, Tudie Kilbourn,' 'Janice Lanier,' B 0o Smith, Tillie (Stafford) -McKier- p.an and Barbara Jo Bond. Scouts Form New Troop Of Senior Members The Senior Scouts of Troop 47 met at the Scout Hut, Tuesday night in order to form a new troop for Scouts" 14 years and older. The Troop will consist of three patrols. Patrols formed at the meeting ,were: First Patrol, Ronnie Chism. leader, members. are Robert Ned- ley, Bert' r Mhini,: Jr,, Travis Jonies, Blair Shuford, George Wittington. 'Bobby Plair and W. L. Smith, Jr. Second Patrol: Jackie Davis, lead- er, Peter: Duper'rouzel, boug V'al- ters, We'sley Atkins, Frankie Le Hardy, Jimmy Howell, Buddy Byrd; Ralph Swatts, with Peter Duper- rouzel, sergeant-at-arms. Requirements of this troop is that the Scout must be 14 years of age, a first class. Scdiit and must conie up through the ranks. The initiation committee is com- posed of.. Rober.t Neal'ey, Bobby Plair, R'alph Swatts; .Bert.Munn. 'Jr., WeSley Atkins, Fiankie Le< Hardy. Treasurer named was ley Atkins. The dues will b 10 cents a week. / BERT MI NN, /cribe -----*.----- ,Have Guest From Pensacola Mr. and Mrs. George GCOtingham have as their guest, Miss Patsy Bass of Pensacola. -, w v v v v v v r r r r DR. WESLEY GRACE ORVOME RIS'PT1 317 Iheid Ave. Phone 4564 1 4 EYES EXAMI ED' GLASS S FITTED OFFICE H SCL9SED "ALL DAY THURS; -- ------- --- l^^^,; I BOYLES STAGES ANOTHER GREAT VALUE EVENT EXTRA! EXTRA! - BOYLES 88c DAYS - The First and Last Time! Men's Rayon Linen S PaO R T COATS ea. $9.88 Quality you'd expect to pay twice the price! - BOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS - Closing Out Entire Stock Men's SPRING and SUMMER SUITS $19.88 / Values up to $29.50 Values up to $29.50 Now slashed for a quick sell-out! BOYLES; 88c DAYS - Unheard of Value Giving Sanforized Denim and Twill SHORTS 2 prs. 1.88 A gay assortment of colors and Styles! DAYS' THURSDAY Through MONDAY MAY 14 T 148T:8 JUST IN!!m ' Men's Denim SLACKS $2.88 - BOYLES 88c DAYS - Sheer and Beautiful 51. Gauge, 15 Denier NYLON HOSE 3 pairs $1.88 New Summer Shades .. SAVE 49c BOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS A Sensation for Miss and Mrs.E... a BLOUSES and Knit SPORT SHIRTS each 88c White and pastel colors ; + + , BOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS - Men's Full Cut, Sanforized, SPORT SHIRTS 3 for $3.88 C Clol, easy, to launder Cjottons in assorted summer colors. ALL SIZES, - BOYLES 88c DAYS - Light Weight Unbleached SHEETING 6 yds. 88c Splendid for curtains and many "household uses You' - BOYLES 88c DAYS - Colorful Terry WASH CLOTHS 15 for 88c Hou can you afford to missithis unbeatable value - BOYLES 88c DAYS - Sanforized Eyelet Trimmed Cotton SLIPS 2 foi $2.88 They're worth $1.95 each Sizes 32 to 46 ... You'll need - several:for the summer Attractive checks and floral SBOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS 2 Big Value Groups! SUMMER DRESSES I S4.88 TO $7.88 SCool cottons aid nylons .. Sizes for Juniors and womeni Spencer's Knit TEE SHIRTS ---- 3 for 88c For Boys and'Girls 2 to 8 White and pastel colors --BOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS - "For Boys and Girls Men's First Quality SEERSUCKER SHORTS H tRTS and, 2 to 8 SHIRTS 2pr. 88c 2 for 88c Cool, easy to launder, no ironing. Boxer or elastic side sanforized Dark assorted stripes and prints Shorts. Swiss ribbed shirts. patterns Assorted co'ldrs - BOYLES 88c DAYS - 1 Special Group COTTON SKIRTS I $2.88 each Values. up._to.. $3.95- ... 'New, exciting styles and colors BOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS - Men's First Quality White HANDKERCHIEFS ..12 for 88c Boy's Panel Ribbed Knit SPORT SHIRTS 2 for 88c SSizes up to 16. White and colors Men's and Boys' TENNIS SHOES -- .pr. $1.88 1 Sensational Group SUMMER SANDALS --$1.88 Sizes for ladies,.and children .. ., Men's Firsti Quality . TEE SHIRTS --- 2 for 88c A 'delightful weight for summer wear. Full Cut. - BOYLES 88c DAYS BOYLES 88c DAYS - 36" Fasti Color SEERSUCKER PRINTS:' 2 yds. 88c I'' 1,1 ~- 6111 11 a an THE STAR, PORT Sri JOE,, GULF CeU~NTY, FLORIVAA THURSDAY, MAAY 14, 1953 PAGE THREE ; STHE STAR, PORT ST.!JOE, GULF;CO.UNTY, FLORIDA,, ..-.-. PAGE FOUR THE STAR Published Every Friday At -0 Williams AvniJ4s Pbrt t. Joe, Florida, By The Stiir Publishing eCthinmny WESLEY R. RA.MSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linot4pe-sperator, Ad ian, Floor Malt, olumnist, I R-Eeporter, Proof(,teader and Bobkkkiper Entreed as second-class' matter, December 1, I-S7, at .ii Postoffice, Port M8. Joe, Flt., udder Act' f -Malch I, . SUBSCdirTION INVARIABLY PAYAILLE IN ADVANCE ONE VIEAR 3.o0 six MONTH Sl 'S1.5 .iOr4IEE MOH9Ti Ta 1'7 .15 Sg -f TEIPONE 51 '.- -TO ADVERTISERS-In case,-of erJor, or oauitwiolin adver- tisementf, the pnblishertdB r't' ed table o damages futerthai ams strAf. sive meut. 1 p -L'a:~ -~ani:E*:^W^^^i"*wrttttmCwtlnt; e 'piiiki~tslWwetd t iughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely evert: the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken we l Si lost; the printed word remains. YOU ASKED FOR IT--IHEREIT f S! For the past few months, ever since the threat of juvenile delinquency showed itself in our town and our schools, the hue and cry'has been, "Let's provide something for our :youth to do, especially during the summer months". This hue and cry was heard by many sym- pathetic ears and almost to a man these "sympa- thetic heads" nodded in the affirmative. Some- tiing should be provided, everyone agreed. But no one would.take the initiative and start the ball rolling. This week, as you probably noticed by the headlines of this week's. issue of The Star, the ball has started to roll. Sparked by the Kiwanis Club and being pushed by that club's president, Dr. Robert King, the goal of this project is supervised play> for all the chil-: dren of Poirt:St. Joe. The project is to 'be super- vised and ran by adults and plans are to hire' a full time director for the summer months. We can se 'those dollars that will be need- ed taking shape. We can also see those of you who are shaking your heads and saying to your- selves, "Just something else coming around to beg money". We .will say here alid now that there will be a solicitation of funds. There is no organization in town that is financially able: to support stuchan undertaking. Even if there were, it could be ejxpectd 'f no one to fully furnish finahieil support for ,a undrtaking such as this. So, IIMr. and Mrs. Port St. Joe you wanted this for~i of recreation for YOUR children, so prepare to pay for it. Probably some of. you ari thinking that the City could pay for this plan. 'The City is not financially able to undertake more than it is already doing. Even if the City did furnish funds, YOU would still be footing the bill. You can rely on the City furnishing a great deal of the labor that must be done on a project such as this, but the citi- zens definitely should not look to the City for financial aid. There is nothing in this world that doesn't cost money, except the air we breathe. There 'is nothing in this world that is worth owning that doesn't have a fair sized price tag on it. This program can fail or it can be a success. All depends upon what is put.into it. You the citizens of Port St. Joe have been asking for this thing and-now you are going to have the chance to prove just how bad you do want it. We shall now see just how much you care, for your children and-their welfare and happiness " .men on duty to serve the town seven days a week, 24 hours a day iand jince -that 'time, the size and population of the town has nearly doubt e. Nearly everything has ex- panded except the water depart- ment Miad tie police, department. The City Commission is taking steps to rectify [he water situa- tien 40*0ir. And still, with all this growth, :he nearest cemetery in 28 miles away. ~ titurn Fr6m Jax Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Fleming have teturn:d to their borne lir after spending several days in Jacksonville. I ~ ` ~.ni ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY SMrs. Douglas' boy, Rev. Harry can do himself. right proud f-,ara after dinner'. speaker. The MLer Thursday night he disphlatd-his agentss before the Rotary O' tb at (thieir annual Ladies Night and kept the crowd just literally en- ithralled with his remarks on con- ditions as they are throughout the field of after dinner speakers. Harry gave his own version of the "gushey type" after dinner speaker, the "'mumbles" after din- uei soIaker, the timid matter din- ner speaker andd the guy -who has ,absolutely, "nothing' to say-". Usu- ally we are bored with 'after dinner speakers, but- we are here to tell you now that Rev. Harry is some- thling extra-special. The Methodist ladies 'served a meal for the above-mentioned oc- casion that almbost' made us turn "Methodist". They cooked up a Wess.-of these Port 'St. Joe crabs iito a dish that .as something to write home about. We have never eaten very ,itich sea food :and to oiur knowledge ave -.eaten ..crab o1ly two ways, boiled ,in'.-erAr and' frozen deviled cral 'We queried those old ,salts of this region, George Suber and Jake Belin as to what "that concoction was doing all that- b lubblng'-imr ta1t- casserole' dish" and were,-infor.md that it was "crab ,So'iffle". We had never heard of it (pore igoor'ut ouf: thal we are) :but brave .to .the. end we ta ki a- ample aidt liked it. The nieal was very good; but wo just e4laldn't go that cube of; frozen vegetabie juice withthe.little tibh leat of someating or other in it. BOlt bby, tli rest of the meal S. W r s - Dr." C"- .e -"- : ", theares ReicAheMter SOPTd'METRI ST EYES Ek4tffi *ED GLASBES FITTED' 'Rl .tH'rEATRES BUILDING t SFIRBT FLOOR. - 'aUtRa 'a so PHONE s.5 6 'PANAMA-MITY, .Fll' ' wUnA )-., W, UV *fW'. ~ *W- >'^. :, would have made up for anything, even if the potatoes (which they didn't have) had have been burned. SYou think it's safe' to take- down the stove? Unmistakable sign of spaing:- Drive down iieiarly, aay Asfreet in town after five o'clock and count the lawn mowers cii6dciig away. Last Saturday morning we were laying in bed about 7:30 and try- ing to decide whether to get up or catch another 15 minutes of sleep when the fire whistle blew and decided for us. Up boy, Up! The residents 'of the 'city are going to get their supervised rec- reation for the summer. Now there 'needs to be some energy expended -Maybe -we're always looking at toward getting another policbmat the dreary side but we are dreading on duty here. For the past nine ti4' cotmlng .'f Jufi and August. years there has been rily thrae 2 Mzany new v ccultven McCulloch fektuire. We can recommend the McCuloch S4-30 for steady fast swing in timber up to 5 ft. in diam. IOW ON DISPLAY Come in today for a free Sdemoritiration. Try this saw out; feel its power, speed, and ambottiep . *5' manufactured a d . guaranteed by the world's largest builders of .chain saws ELEMENTS STANDARD SERVICE STATION BLOUNTSTOWN, FLORIDA Announcing a superb new Dodge r E CORONET SIX A new high in luxury at a new low price! SMeet the newest addition to the Dodge family--(th iasar; n.w Coronet "Six!" Here's a car that offers all. the .deluxe trim and quality features of its s~yle-mate-the luguriouR Dodge Coronet V-Eght. It's power Sby the famous, dependable and economical Get- '";, Away Six engine. 'Now. if ,you want smooth;: economical perform- ance 'plis the added stye .and.prestige long asso- ciated with the Dodge Coronet name, here it is! It'g:youis at a new low price-only sli gtly aabove :the lowest-priced cars! See it-drive it at your nearby, odge dealer's today! 2'" -SpeCrciefions and equipment subjedt idoc,, 0"r w s4no#oj .All the style, and dqsh of it. companion V-eight J' * beleue trim and appointmets throughout I * tvumioui "rrdei Lounge" interior with Cor b foam rubber seal c.i.ions * Bigger, soer, easy riding Iow-p retw* re SSpadding new sprilagroom in' haoetanitgioo gI M -e V-EIGHT T! SIX NOW ON DISPLAY AYQ :iNAtBY E S .. t AK A,"ROAD TEST RIDE", DAY Mc G OWIN M'OT OR COMPANY PORT ST. JOE, FIO0IDA .Caierpaet mII !AVenue .b~d 4th SWeet HIGHLAND VIEW G. A.s MET MONDAY AT THE CHURCH The G. A.'s Qf the Baptist Mla- sion of Highland View. met Mon- day afternoon at the"church with eighteen members present, ai"si&a visitor. The meeting .was 'opened with prayer by 'Mrs. Floyd, follow- ed by-all repealing the watch word. The sfqg ofG.. A. was then sung by, the entire gropl. - One member passed the Lady: l Waiting Stp,.. The meelitg was brief due to'tAe practising for the play that 'is tb be presented at the 'MissUhh on Wednesday night. Mrs.' E. R. DuBose dismiis dthe group with prayer. ' I i THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953. THRSA, A 1, 9~ H SAR OR T~JOGUFCONTFLRDAPAEFIM Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost! Try 'Em! CROSSOUNTRY CHAPTER Lc with Mac White Had sort of a rugged week. ;A long haul im Tampa to Naples to Miami to Key West with motor trouble. en route. Then, .when j got back. to Jacksonville, Mary, my ,~'fe had a patch over her eyebrow and looked sort of pale. "It was like this, Mac,"- be told me. "I tOnk' the kids.down to Daytona n :Sunday., At Bunnell, our right froit tire "burst. When Igani ed-o the brakes, they lopked.'My head hit the rear-view mirror. Don't ..be worried -'the kids are all right. So am I." SI looked her over carefully and wiped the sweat off my neck. "Whew!" I said. "Looks like the doctor fixed you up all right, honey. Glad it happened near a town where there was 'a doc." Mary chuckled. "Three min- Utes after it happened," she Said, "a big trailer truck pulled 9nto the, shoulder. Who do You think was 'at the helm? MacDowell, from Orlando. He patched up my face, quieted the kids down, changed the tire and trailed us into Daytona." I grinned. "Good old Mac," I said, "He knows his first aid." "And 1:know this," Mary Said. "Now I know exactly what you mean hn you ay Florica' truck driver 'are cour- tepus, dleiendable and helpfuL I'm right proud of your indus- try and its men. Mac." "And don't forget." I said, my chest espariding a little, "the industry is paying its ,way. During 1952. the owners of Florida's 200,000 trucks paid almost $7.000,000 in regis- tration fees and for license tags. That could improve a lot of public roads where we'd have less blowouts if only it %was used.for that purpose." "Sroi the oc*torv, Msc.," ssid M{ary. "The corfflee s h,.t." ---'-1 Corner Hlighway; 98 and 4th Street Rotary Club Entertais. With Annual With Annual Ladies' Night Dinner The Port St. Joe: Rotary Club Rotary Anns give. the classifica- held their annual Ladies.Niglit on tion of their husbands, but the Thursday, May 7, in the recreation ladies were slightly confused, not rooms of the First Methodist understanding that the Rotary clas- Church. sification was wanted. Upon registering, each Rotarian pinned a corsage on his Rotary Ann,. with the corsages featuring the Rotary colors of blue and gold. Following the invocation, group singing was led by Briggs Scisson. The ladies of the Methodist Church WSCS served another of their fam- ous dinners, consisting of shrimp cocktail, tomato aspic, baked ham, green limas, crab casserole, home' made hot rolls, coffee and dessert. Floyd L. Hunt, master of cere- monies, introduced Mr. and Mrs. Max Kilbourn of Wewahitchka, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Buck of Apa- lachicola As out of town guests, and George Hill, Jr., of Port St. Joe High School. Mayor Jake Belin and Cecil Cos- tin, Sr., attempted to introduce the Rotary Anus by their first names, with Jake. Belin far outstripping Cecil ,Costin in their efforts. Efforts were made to have the Miss Jane Allemore, Club pian- ist and Daniel Temkin, music di- rector of Port sical numbers. Miss Allemore's' piano *solo was Gershwin's "Rhap- sody In Blue", and Mr. Temkia'a 'violin solo was "Oriental Lullaby'. The outstanding feature, of the evening was the 'Rev. Harry B, Douglas' presentation of vari,'ui types of speakers talking to a ga- thering of Rotary Annis 't L-dj.s' ,Nights. Mr. Douglas had the. croqd laughing from the opening of 'his .talk, until the end. It was by fa r one of the best acts that ;hbe 'lcai club has ever had at Ladies Night Special recognition was given to Franklin 'L. Jones, president and to J. Percy Fleishel, incoming presi- dent. The program closed 'with ie- singing of "Good Night Ladies'". ' ST. JOE MOT OR COMPANY lew "DRIRIVERZED" CAS . cut driving fatigue! Now-the truck driver gets the greatest working comfort of all time-in the new Ford Truck "Driverized" Cabs (Deluxe shown)! New, wider adjustable seat with new, non-sag springs; new counter- shock seat snubber! New 4-ft. wide rear window, new push-button door hardles! Completely new-to help the driver stay fresh, save time on every trip! IN TODAY'S SWIFT-FLOWING TRAFFIC STREAM-- TliE DRIVER IS THE KEY TO TIME-SAVING TRUCKING ; ; - N0w! A truck drivers dream come true! The new Ford Trucks for '53 drive so easy, ride so easy, you won't believe you're riding in a trucks SNEW TIME-SAVING FEATURES TO GET JOBS DONE FAST! NEW TRANSMISSIONS ... -' widest choice in truck history! L NEW LOW-FRICTION POWERl ; s 5 engine choice, V-8 or Sxl i 0* NEW SHORTER TURNING a ; for time-saving maneuverabllltyl VASTLY EXPANDED 61 E d o, over 190 new mdld4sl FOR TRUCK SAVE TIME SAVE MiNEY LAST LONO E Marion L. Van Horn Receives Promotion ..FT, CAMPBELL, KY., Corporal Marion L. Van Horn, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van Horn, Beacon Hill, Port St. Joe, was recently promoted to his present rank. He is now serving with, the 11th Air- bourne Medical Battalion of the famed llth.Airborne Division, sta- tioned at Fort Campbell. Prior to his entrance in the Ar- my in 1951, Corporal Van Horn graduated from Gordon Military College, Barnesville, Ga., and. at- tended Lincoln Chiropractic College Fndianapolis. Indiana. He received lu_ baish. training at'Fort'Ja'ck'dn, S. C. and graduated froj jump ihool at Fort Benning, Ga,, July 11951. At present he is 'assigned a4 medical technician for his munit.- Corporal Van Horn is 'i3iarried .o the former Nita E. Nelson of Pen- sacola, Fla. The couple have one child, Michael, 4 months. JIMMY HOWELL ENTERTAINED WITH WEINER ROAST FRIDAY Jimmy .Ho-ell was entertained at a weiner roast Friday night by his., parents, Mr.. aid Mrs. W. H. Howell, at Beacon Hill. Guests were Rounei Chisiu. Bert M-unn, Jr., W. j.. Smith, Jr., Jackie Davis, Frankie LeHardy, Lamar Wise, ,Bobby Plair, Walter Wilder, Ralph Swatts, Gail Bateman, Cora Sue Smith, Bobby Porter, Bobby Ward, Ann Ward, Mary Agnes Culpepper, Gypsy Ann Love, Dorothy Sealey, Wylene Jolly, Sonja Ann Blount, Robert Nedley, Paula Duperrouzell, and Joy Dell Baxley. CARD OF THANKS It is useless for me to try to des- cribe my feelings of appreciation toward everyone. Words can never say what your visits, cards, flow- ers and prayers have meant to me. Also I want to thank the nurses and doctors at the Municipal Hos- pita.L They can't be beat the world over.saMay 'God's richest blessingrgs-" rest upon each of you, is my prayer. VERA BURGER Return From Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson have returned to their home here after spending a three weeks vaca- tion in Hot Springs, Ark. and in- Smackover, Ark. Mrs. Thompson visited with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Belin who has been quite ill, in Smacko.ver. RUN DOWN... DOG TIRED? Special Formula supplies iron you may. need for Rich Red Blood Do you feel jun down, nervous or de pressed? Lost yOpr appetite--consti-. pafed-bbtlfefed by digestiveptipet.?* You. maybe suffering from iron-and- vitamin starvation over a prolQoged period. BE:XEL,the Special high-potency Formula supplies supplementary quantities of iron for rich r'd blood and quick vitalizing enerrgy.. Each BEXEL capsuile gives o 5 times. the dailyminimumi requirements of blood- building iron; more thah the diily minimum of all essqetial B-vitamnins; plus amazing Vitanmin B,, and trace minerals. Get wonderful new pep and energy with guaranteed'i EXiB- new available at ll drug stores. 'Thse a mptoaS In i thuNves do not beeesatil Om awy d lknclfcy = hto -w h-ve w b Caoi n" be do i m.ecto 1 io"Ml dsrW-. LESS THAN 64 A DAYI HIGH POTENCY BEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA CAPSULE S SMITH'S Pharmacy PtWf5 - - _ __.I_,.....-.. .- -.... .- ~.~ ~m---~.ur-pr~-r~c- "'"'' 'r~ylc~A~H~AQ~Ba THE STAR, PORT ST, JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE. THURSDAY,K kY,11, 1.9,53 .o,.A.I. i .~c~"ma 'Phone 37 PW .j~,H~JT E X TE S P T S *-.@ OW ado 44uw 60 as 9 0-s * * S. Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" "--TV I', ww w- - WHITE CITY NEWS by MRS. GEORGE HARPER Mrs. Ethel Bell of Tallahassee was the guest of her brother, Col. Smith Harris at Wimico Lodge .ov- er the week end. Miss Betty Carter of Wewa- hitchka was a cuest f.or a we_ o_. Mr. and Mrs. Roberr Da is h'ere... Preston Farmer was a business visitor to South Florida Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Yates of Tallahas- see was a week end visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Prince. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis were visitors in Panama City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conner and son, Danny of Pensacola were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon. Milton Conner left Monday for induction in the U. S. Army. Mil- ton has been employed by the West Florida Gas Company for sev- eral years. Assembly of God Revival The Rev. A. L. Williams will be- gin a two weeks revival at the As- sembly of God church here Satur- day night. White City is proud of the honor of having two recognized seam- stresses. Mrs. H. A. Hardy won first place in the Home Demon- stration Dress Review which was held in Wewahitchka Tuesday. 1Mrs. G. S. Croxton came in with fourth place. Lending Library The lending library of Tallahas- see which is sponsored by the Home Demonstration Club is locat- ed at the home of Mrs. G. S. Crox- ton. The library will be open from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. each'Tuesday. ---*- -- COLDEWEY'S ENTERTAIN SATURDAY DINNER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coldewey en- tertained Saturday evening in their home on Palni: fuilevard. Guests were'the fiemnbers of the Saturday night diner club and guests were George Tapper, Sen- ator and Mrs.i Geprge Laird and Bill Gray, gudet of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Kenney, Jr. :. ,, The home was lovely vfth ar- rangements of yellow gladiolus and red and yellow- gdrber dhisies. ' Twenty guests enjoyed the af- fair. Maybe two can live as cheaply 3ne-but not as quietly. Mrs. Tom Coldewey Is Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs. Tom Coldewey was hostess Tuesday at a bridge club luncheon at Motel St. Joe. Guests were the members of the Tuesday bridge club and Mr.s. Lawrence Vissett and Mrs. Paul Fensom. Prizes went to Mrs. J. Lamar Miller and to Mrs. Floyd Hunt. Others playing were Mrs. Harry Saunders, Mrs. Roy Hallman and Mrs. Percy Fleishel. Arrangements of spring flowers in a copper bowl mere used as decorations. ----K------ EPISCOPAL AUXILIARY TO SPONSOR CAKE SALE The Woman's Auxiliary of St. James' Episcopal Church willspon- sor a Cake Sale, Saturday, May 16 beginning at 2 o'clock at the Wall Electric Shop. Mrs. N. Comforter, Mrs. Victor Anderson and Mrs. Robert Bellows, Sr., will be in charge. Proud Parents Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gautreaux, of Hunter Circle are receiving con- gratulations on the arrival of a baby son, 7 lbs. 10% ozs. born Monday, May 4th, at the Municipal Hospital. The baby has been named Kirby John. Called To Brooksville Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Hardy was called to Brooksville Monday morn- ing because of the death of Mr. Hardy's youngest b other, Ralph Hardy. Funeral services were held Tuesday in Brooksville. Send The Star to a friend. Spending Leave Here Cpl. and Mrs. Marion Van Horn and son, Michael are spending a thirty day leave with Mr. "Van Horn's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Proc- ter Van Horn at Beacon Hill. Cpl. Van Horn is stationed at Fort Campbell, Ky. Called To Georgia Mrs. Gus Creech was called to- Moultrie, Georgia Monday night due to the death of her grandmo- ther, Mrs. Julia MacWhite. She would have been 98 years old on her next birthday. Star Want Ads Get Results R. E. PORTER, Manager %ftm* 4 aS O V 4- - "Copyrighted Material No doubt about it... Chevrolet trucks must be the best buy! This year-for the 12th straight production year They are discovering things like the tremendous new -truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks power in advanced Load- than any other make, That couldn't be true unless master engines in heavy-duty I models the remarkable Chevrolet trucks offered more of what you want. gasoline economy the extra ruggedness and :. strength of heavier, more rigid frame construction. Already, 1953's official sales figures tell a remarkable of heavier, more rigid frame consction. story of clear-cut and decisive preference f6r Chev- And, irn addition to all these advantages, the Chevrolet rolet trucks.-But, this is not surprising, for truck users line lists for less than any other trucks of comparable everywhere are discovering how far ahead of all size and capacity. So, before you buy any truck, stop others Chevrolet trucks really are. in and see us. GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MAY 14? 1953 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX F : "'' THUSDA. MAY 14 93TESAPRIT O, UFCUTFOIAPG EE C|HR9 SUPER-MARKET R IC H S Port St. Joe, Fla. St. Joe's One Stop Food Store Large WATERMELONS FRE E WITH $10.00 GROCERY ORDER SUNNYLAND (Cello Wrapped) SKINLESS FRANKS Ib. 49 c ARMOUR'S CRESCENT SLICED BACON Ib. 33c BONELESS BOTTOM ROUND STEAK lb. 65c LOADED WITH GOODIES Lean CHUCK ROAST lb. 45c SMALL CHOICE PIG LIVERS lb. 39c Bargain Specials FIELD PEAS 2 Ibs. 19c Frying Size OKRA 2 Ibs. 19c Ye!liw Tender SQUASH 2 Ibs. 19c Nice Fresh CORN 7 ears 29c YES! !-NONE BETTER ! Bailey Supreme COFFEE Ib. bag 75 c POTATO OES 10 Ibs. 29c IN GLASS JAR LIMIT ONE JAR SIGNET SYRUP /2 Gal. 43c SUGAR limit 5 Ibs. for 39c 2 Hour Special FRIDAY NIGHT, 7 to 9 p.m. These Items Good Only Friday Night Fresh GROUND BEEF lb. 35c TOMATOES : can l0c ALL SOUTH LAND Frozen VEGETABLES 15c BAKERITE ' 3 Ib. can 69c I -- Panama City Highwc F HIGHLAND VIEW NEWS By MARJORIE ROGERS H. P. Richards of Key West, is visiting with his sister and fam- ily, Mrs. O. V. Scully. Mrs. Helon Lester of Wewahit- chka is visiting with her daughter, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Walko and children. Mrs. H. A. Richards of Foley, spent the week end with her daugh- ter, Mrs. O. V. Scully and children. Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Roberts are spending the week end in St. Marks with the former's mother, Mrs. G. B. Roberts and the latter's sister, Mrs. Charles Ovzles. They celebrated Mother's Day there. Mrs. J. W. Cumbie and daughter Katherine spent the week end in Opal with her sister. Mrs. Ola Bar- ington and family. Mrs. Dathon Gross and children of Panama City spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cannington.. Mrs. J. V. Canington and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Canington and chil- dren are visiting with her mother, Mrs. G. B. Roberts in St. Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and children are visiting in West Villp, with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Dykes are visiting in Westville with relatives. Mrs. D. M. Jones spent Wednes- day in Panama City with Mrs. A. J. Owens who is a patient at the hospital. International ROADLINERS are America's most popular tractors for semi-trailer operation-and have been for 21 years. WHY? Be- cause truck operators know from experience that ROADLINERS deliver more ton miles per dollar. In 1952, America's most cost- 58% more heavy-duty Interna- tionals than any other make. Every new International ROADLINER em- bodies the advanced engineering principles that have kept Interna- tionals the heavy-duty sales leader for 21 years. Let us show you the new Inter Port St. Joe, Florida I Phone 6 NEW LOW PRICES! Available SAVE P $152.00 Convenient TermsSAVE.UP $152.00 HINERNTOA TRCK A 0 AStadr fteHgwy conscious truck operators bought nationals today. M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE - "' 4t Y~p I~F 7 r r THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORNDA PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chestnut Legion Auxiliary Elects sent the week end in Macon, Ga., New Officers May 5 with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chestnut. . SMThe .American Legion Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cain of held its regular meeting May 5 and California, Fla., were' week end California, Fla., were week end elected its officers for the coming guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lance Cain ye and Miss Vivian Barbee. year. and Miss Vivian Bare Mrs. Nadine Hardy, Overstreet, Henry Morris of Wewaitchka president; Mrs. Madeleine E. Whir- spent the week end with his grand- baker vie-president; Mrs. Lo son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Cstin, 2d vice preside; Costin, 2nd vice president; Ms. ton Porter. Louise Beard, secretary; Mrs. Flo- Pfc.. Larry Dudley of Great razelle Connell, chiplaiA; Mrs. Mo- Lakes, Ill., spent the week with zelle Trammell, sergeant-at-arms. his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. T. M E S Mrs. E. F. Humor, State Auxil- Dudley. Pvt. Dudley is enroute to .ary Preset has oerre a San Diego, Calif. where he will at- r reent h onere tend electronic technician school.- great honor onhe Willis V, M- wan Unit. She has asked Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cox and Whitaker to lead the preamble on children spent Sunday in Carra- the opening day of the Convention belle with the latter's mother, Mrs. in Orlando, May 22. The St. Joe Mary Maige. unit is top-rahking unit in the state Mrs. Lucille Godwin and Mrs. with 237%. in membership. Marie Gay spent Wednesday in Al- Delegates elected to attend the tha with friends and relatives. Convention are Mrs. M. E. Whit- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King of Al- aker and Mrs. P. G. Hart. Alter- bany, Georgia were week 'end nates are Mrs. F. E. Trammell and guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Florazelle Connell. Delona King. - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McQuaig and Visitors From California son, James Lester were week end Mrs. Marie Konzak and her sis- guests of the latter's parents, Rev. ,ter and brother Carl and and Anna and Mrs. J. W. Wilkins of Jasper. Hammerschmidt of San Diego, - Mrs. W. H. Weeks .is attending Californnia have been the recent the Postmaster's convention in Mi- guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ni- ami .this week. chols, 601 16th Street. They left Mr. and Mrs. Vester Burke and Monday morning for a tour through daughter, Glenda spent the holidays the southern part of Florida before in Vernon, with the latter's par- returning to California. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Skipper --- - and family. Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS! ay OMN "'h TUPS, FO..rt,' THE STAR PR S G C Peggy Philyaw Chosen Mrs. Swatts To Present To Attend "Girls' State" Pupils In Piano Recital Peggy Elise Philyaw was chosen for Girl's State by the American Legion Auxiliary last week in Lake CIty, Florida. Peggy Elise is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Philyaw of this city, and is now making her home with her aunt, Mrs. L. R. Sanders in Lake City. She is a junior in Columbia High School there. 'She has many friends here who will be glad for her that she has been so honored. Mrs. Fleming Entertains Son On 11th Birthday Mrs. P. C. Fleming entertained in her home on Palm Blvd. Friday, May 1 with a birthday party hion- oring her young son Byron Blanke on his eleventh birthday. The birthday motif was used in decorating the table, green and white predominating. Rubber skele- tons were given each guest as a favor. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served to the following guests: Sharon Maness, Linda At- kins, Carol Whetstone, Bernie.R' i- zett, Fred -Griffin,'Bobby Craig anid Mikey Fischer. To Visit In Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey .Tempje left Friday for a three weeks vaca- tion trip to Arkansas. They will be the guests of ,Mrs. Temple's mo- ther, Mrs. W' L. Belin in Smack- over, and before r turningg honie will visit rth i -.1 i: .. in Shreve- port, La. It pays to adverise-try it! It pays to advertise--try It! Mrs. Ralph S watts will present her piano pupils in recital, May 19, Tuesday evening at the First Methodist Church. Parents- and friends are invited to attend. Taking part in recital will be Beth Garraway, Brenda Ward, Ste- phen Whealton, Jean Mixon, Bobby Ward, Ann Ward, Mary Evelyn Garraway, Betty Ward, Diann Han- non, Freida Trammell, Patsy Smith, Dianna McKnight, Jan Rawles, Ann Miller, Sonny Eells, David Musselwhite, Barbara Eells, Judy Fensom, Elaine Musselwhite, Mic- key. Thompson, Kathleen Dowd, Janice Nell Gaskin, Janice Lindsey, Ruth Lynn Ramsey and Virginia Swatts. ----- Visit In Apalachicola Mr. and. Mrs. .Earl. Atchison were the guests of Mrs. Atchison's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Austin in Apalachicola, Sunday. R.A.'s ATTEND: ASSOCIATION MEETING IN,'PANAMA ,CITY The R.A.'s of the First Baptist Church and Highland View Mis- sion attended an R. A. Association- al meeting at the First Baptist Church in Panama City last Fri- day evening. Guest speaker was Mr. McClung who spoke on Considering Organi- zation of a R.A. Conclave in the near future. Seventy-two young people attended the meeting with three pastors, two young people's directors and nine counselors en- joyed a spaghetti supper at tlhe con- clusion of the meeting. ..-------.4------ CHARLES R. SMITH INJURED SLIGHTLY IN GERMANY Charles R. Smith, stationed in Frankfort, Germany received a bro- ken leg :and discolated ankle in a recent accident. He is reported to *be recovering good. Your hat is too old to wear when a fellow refuses to take it from a crowded rack. rU~yIaE Exclusive Selective Cooling for perfect comfort all day, every day ...and bonus economy, tool Two Meter-Miser Compressors-in .one Room Air Conditioner-give you the flexibility and efficiency of Se- lective Cooling. On moderate days> just one Meter-Miser provides cool- ing and dehumidification for pen- nies a dby. Second. Meter-Miser is always there for economical cooling pbwer when needed. Beautiful all-steel cabinets. Whis- per-quiet fan. Full-width cooling coil. See it today I Building, Fixing Up? Depend onOur Service Proper- wiring -,means - rIore,,convenience .and grnvter vjlue. Call us for help. WALL ELECTRIC S OP $389.75 STwin 75 % hp size with com- plete Selective Cooling. Other models available with thermo- static control for fully automatic operation. S229.95 Budget priced, single Meter- Miser, "Super 33" provides true air conditioning ata new lo price. Features Great Cirde Cooling. Surrounds you with cool, clean, healthful comfort... no hot or cold spots! Jp-and-around air distribution circulates air above head level so it can gently enfold you No disturbing drafts. No pockets of warm, moist air. Here is the right way, the healthy way, to r keep cool and comfortable...and it's exclusive with Frigidaire. Ec 1o0 .Ad SRemoves Sticky Dampness -a '\ Dehumidifles the air takes out muggy, excess moisture. Keeps Out Dust, Dirt. ,^ff'"; Shut windows to keep out summer grime and disturbing noise. Removes Harmful Pollen A boon to suffer-rs from pollen caused hay fever, asthma. Removes Stole Air S Brings in fresh, filtered -' air and exhausts smoke and odots. -I -e ,vlif PffOME2*1 Low, low down payments .. small, easy monthly terms ROCHE'S Appliance Store PORT ST. JOE, HA. Spend Sunday In Apialachicola Visit In Blountstown Mr. and Mrs. Gannon Buzzett and Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Gaskin, Jr., children spent Mother's Day with and daughter, Janice Nell were their (parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. the guests of Mrs. Roy, .Gakiin. Buzzett and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wiz Br., in Blountstown on Moti er's therspoon. in Apalachicola. Day. MADAM LULA Fortune Teller & Advisor Without any questions wili reveal your entire life--- o success, hap- piness, health, love and marraige. Open to hie and colored. Located at Highland View beside Coppedae Fish Market. Route 98. Port St. Joe, Florida Open Daily and Sunday, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY* FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY, 14, 1953 PAGE EIGHT a ' THU SDA AY 4, 95 TH ST R, POR ST J E, ULF CO NTY FL RI A P GE IN SOens Improfin Leave For Vacation Mrs. A. J. Owens who is a patient Mrs. W.C.;tit,jtMrs. ( George at ctfie ay Memorial hospital in Anchors, Jr., and children Michael c anama City, is imtproying nicely. and George left Monday morning, d after undergoing surgery oh an for an extended vicaion with rala- < _e_ :iveo i Peunsnyfvakia. "~i~' ~Get Acquarinted... I REFRIGERATOR HOME FREEZER RAMrE --4 V,K j\I Il~ ~ 611edqP To"Illountotowm ..Mr..and Mrs. Ro.Y Gaikin were eailerd to 'Blount tL).w a` erly Tue,L- day morning b~ecauss of the death of Mr. G 4ki n's uncle, H. B. Ga&- kin, -w44'o~--~ died of a beart attack.: i Motor To, Pensacola...' Friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. 'L. -ir. and Mrs. FlcoydRobberts and Antley. ",will 'b6 glad to learn that Bill Xav~addook .moton'.ed ito;-pensadqla their~ dsiughter, Susann,, age. 2, has Sunday,% returning, Sunday. nlg~t. reclover~ed from drinking. a: glass of TheT v isiite&: with ~rellativ~ea,';Iha kierosene, which' she .draw f roni .111 are patients. in;-Itlie hospital i thar`e. Dan'le~y Furfirlture Co Nithl ALL theses A01BWIONB L convenience " FULL-WIDTH FREEZER BONUS BOTTLE SPYACE-.'. . fteezesl and -stoxosei28 po;"d room for 12 qIqs.,,of~mwjlk- of food and ice. vpace for tptllor'bot,* Joo. S4~ACK 'RACK IN, DOOR *TWIO 'rem "i :~~kl 4kj;;ecial shelves .for eggs8, f ROLS .. i lot. opu vhmpo bottles, small cartons. the exact cold~ ybu Vv~ent to k- TW l~lv oodp 1-h-h " FULLrNIDTH HU4UDRAWAMER *LIFETIMEII DOOR SIPAL . oppsko over' b~eiifir~llof eyruihs e'o'sW 4ffignifik~~h vegetables crisp andfresh.- plus blue vinjyl gasket. " ADJUSTABLE SHELVES,. ow.OI 4 *"E S VVE-D . plus lift-oixt~nix,41ffor maxi- even~~~jt~te~n ~ r the nmm ease in'storingt food. most compact kitchens, 9. ftitith PU4,M mW E~r Rtmtn u cw an'OU .. opf51esd" 17er -rmURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE NiNE H"ITE CIT'Y NEWS by MRS. GkORGE HARPER Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hatcher and On' Earl S~ pent th'6 Week"' "ad in Alabama and Georaia vl-iidag rela- tiv+)3 Includinjg tj6ir. -*On and bro- ther and family. ~Mr..an& -Mr*.- Hom. er Hatcher in Cqlutnbwci'-Ga. Miss -Virginia, Pope who i, erv Tuesday from Denver, Coloradu TO; spand er'leavi !with .her pareati here Nir. and"Mrs. Y.-1H. Pope ~be-: fore goingli!on'tto Greenville, S C. Mlr. and iMrs. X. P. smitu and children Of PaJnaiul City Spent the 7Vbtber*% Day week'en d witli Mrs. Smith's, mother and broj-1er, MIrs. 'Efi4. Stebkl 'and,*Bobby. af' aid' Mrs. J I c Mahon and~ daughter" Deborah Ann' of Panama City spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hardy. pv L., Williams is conduct. ing a two weeks reri~val at the Assembly of God Chu,ch here. The public is invited to attend. putside dirun. m. Prover PPpia sj'nt tfhe W-".k end in Jarkkonville visiting irjanda there. M: r.. and Mrs.,J. W, Seal-ly left Saturda v or Pensi~cola. Mrs. Seal- JY will center the bi,.):tpft~l .%ra, Where she will receive treatmea M and Mrs. John Seally. 4. clhiildron from Houston. Texa3, ar rived here Friday, and will e here f'or several dav3 Mlr. -and -Mrs. G. W. T%1410 and family of MFoblie. Ala., were wq94j endgue'sts of Mri. Daniee s. Prayer meeting was 3:h6ld4,haefk day'nigbt .,at the commitnity bduae *alh th.- Rev. L. J. Keefe, ack-W.t Visit In Apalachical ' Alr. and MY3. Qharles !Wall and children spent MlothWrl',:LPaY1::J.t Apalachicola withr Mr' Walya par- ents, Mr. ailft Mrs. A. T. Wall -and -xiit his grandmother" Mrs. Nan~y ptoan. ..... ..., , With Wedifkwho;se WOI*-Saarig F1ectrc Applianceso LAUNDRY TWINS . Ir .:''rii .phone...07l o.. No. 612-60 gauge, 12 denier, ~ iplglnr* I NOW.i~, A;* regularly 1.50. NOW, ][20 No. 60, with contrast heels. Irregularly 1.65, NOW, 9 No. 51--51 gauge, 15 denier.''.i.I' regnlarly 1.35, NOW, l~ No. $1, with Contrast h".is regularly 1.35, NOW, 1088 No. 30--51 gauge, 30 - regularly 1.35, NOW, 108 Contrast beels are available in black'. :~"C:; i ~; b)Pwni~ad ::lle. No,6Qa 5j ,;are iilvailzie* vuil~thr, do ms 114se Petai Camellia Stardust warm Weige blush beige rw tacupe AVE eor from Maylca 18 to' May 30. fes tG f r"S'i ei~ano of -a lifetime! Rtunthlirct Bird sb~~ine-n;tirral y known for their great' beauty, outstanding qu Iity and wonderfully regular prices-- are Uw, fa tl fir time, rleducd a full 20%Y WI (Bx's 11'ejace .,to filqA you rhqmier.-v-,Ai~rdrohe:', Ri 1(-rrirk Nav'in 'Aja (4ery pir P-) Davenfit- i,:. for better fit. Don't wait to order. Thle supply is limitAd DISHWASHER WASTE-AWAVO WATER HEATER 9?5 .~I.. ONLYL~ 100% a ftn-i-ee Chorni "Nefigorator-Freeze for the FIRST tirme e I er., SALIEH """" -stockings""" PAGEI TE TH STR POTS.JE UFCUTFOIATUSAMY1,1 Girls' Auxiliary Northwest Council Held Meeting At Panama City May 9 The Girl's Auxiliary Council of the district were issued special in- the First Baptist Woman's Mis- vitations to' attend the dinner siidary Union of the Northwest which was the highlight of the day. Coast Association held an all day During the dinner, at the request meeting at the Baptist Assembly of the girls, songs, speeches and .rounds in Panama City, Satur- recitations were given by the pas- flay, May 9 in observance of their tors, their wives and other visi- F'o.cus Week, May 10 through 16. tors. Two,.hundr.ed and..thirty girls from Mrs. C. B. Davis; president of .over the district' with their coun- the AssociatIonal 'WMU was in ,selors attended this 'meeting. charge of preparing the dinner. Miss Marietta- Chafin, daughter She and'her workers wereheartily -of- Mr.-and-Mrs.'William Chaf in of appreciated by the 267 members Port St. Joe and president of the and' visitors who enjoyed the chi- ::council, presided over the meeting. cken dinner. The meeting was called to order Immediately following the din- at 11 a.m. and after singing the ner, Rev. Cloyd McClung held a: G. A. hynn. Miss Lynn Avery ii- song period and showed a film of produced Miss Joy Bryan, who gave the Baptist Orphanage in Italy. the devotional. Miss Celia Torn- Mrs. E. R. DuBose, Associational linson, also of Port St. Joe, waa Young People's Leader and Mrs. -pian.st and Miss Glee Ann Hend'y 0. C. Wilson, G. A. Counselor for led the singing for the day. Miss this Council. planned this meeting Jane Keels of Port St. Joe read the with the WMU presidents, Young minutes of the previous meeting. People's \Directors and Counselors Good reports were received fro n from each church represented. the following committee chairman, Thirty five girls and their coun- M iss Mary Leslie Addison, Mem- selors and young people's directors bership; Miss Carolyn Shivers, from the Port St. Joe First Bap- Community Missions and Mission 'tist Church attended the Council Study; Miss Angeline Bedsole, meeting. Stewardship and Miss Barbara Jo ---- Bond of Kenney's Mill, Social. HIGHLAND VIEW WMU "God's Troubadours" written by MEETS FOR ROYAL SERVICE Miss Elizabeth Provence was The WMU of the Baptist Mission taught to the Junior Girls by Mrs. of Highland View met Monday af- W. M. Hightower and to the in- ternooi .at the mission for The termediates by Mrs. Ray Crowder. Royal Service program, with twelve At 1 p.m. a picnic lunch was en- members present. joyed followed by an hour of mis- Circle 2 of the church had charge sion study. From 3 to 5 p.m., swim-- of the program, "The Excellent mning and games were enjoyed fol~ Way For Excellent Youih". Those lowed'dby ahoolter'hour'~of mission 'taking part 'on the program were Study. During the Fun Period, each Mrs. Ralph Macomber, Mrs. Ruth girl's auxiliary had a chance to Burch, Mrs. Sculley, Mrs. P. G. show,their talents in song, skit or Safford, Mrs. A. D., Roberts, Mrs. stunt. The Port St. Joe Kitchen Homer Echols and Mrs. Edna Band rendered several good num- Floyd. bers. The meeting was dismissed with Pastors from all the churches of prayer by Mrs. Floyd. LADIES' SANDALS Sand BEACH SHOES You'll recognize, the name but we can't advertise them at this price. $PAI5 WASHABLE Many Styles To Choose From VALUES TO $4.95 PETERS , Saddle Oxfords LOAFERS 50jI4 SKeep Comfortably Cool With The Best Performing Room Air Conditioner YOU CAN BUY! H POINT We shall be pleased to install a HOTPOINT Room Air Conditioner for Trial. If desired, we shall be glad to arrange very painless terms. LET US HELP YOU KEEP COOL! Gulf Hardware & Supply Co. Phones 2 and 4 r 11095 Z000 f you want the BEST performance out of that new car... Get Improved Crown Extra Gasoline the motor fuel that really gives you something extra! RPEAK PERFORMANCE, today's high compression engines call for a gasoline with an extra high anti-knock rating. And that's what 'you get in every gallon of Improved CROWN EXTRA Gasoline- , now with 'tje'' Ii'hest' anti-knock rating in its history! . Try a tankful today .and find out why CRowN EXTRA is the i:;hest selling premium gasoline in the area s 'ied by STANOARD OIL dealers. J. LAMAR MILLER, Agent AUSIN-ATCtISO MPAY Port St. Joe Florida STANDARD OIL COMPANY (KENTUCKY) THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE,.GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TEN THWISDAY, MAY 14, J6539 vp P\b~~ 'B S MA 4 1 WSCS Circle No. Four Meets With Mrs. McNeill Circle 4 of the WSCS of the First Methodist Church met Mon- day afternoon in the home of Mrs. J. T. McNeill, Sr., at Indian Pass, with Mrs. C. J. Bunting, chairman, presiding. SThe meeting was opened with the chairman giving the call to worship taken from Romans 8:28. Theme was "All Things Work To- gather for Good To Them That Love God." Mrs. Joe Grimsley's thought for the day was "God's Everlasting Kindness", followed with a hymn and prayer. Scripture taken from Psalms 4:6. was given' by M's. S.'B.I itt fol- lowed with a prayer by 'Mrs. Mc- EI Neill. Mrs. Ed Ramsey gave a medita- tion on "God Our Great" Helper" S. GOOD GROU followed with a song, "Take Time To Be Holy"'. Mrs. McNeill and Mrs. Bunting gave two articles on mother Rou tine business was transacted* With B all officers giving good reports. Mrs. R. A. Costin and Mrs. A. J. Owens were reported on the sick U. S. GOOD CLUB' list. The meeting closed with prayer. Return From Jacksonville Return From Jacksonville 1'oys IUl dATS ND LB. 33c oK LB. C Stokely's Tiny SI IM A AC Mrs. -J B,.I-Hairris .and. daughter, .a w. L="'A i r Mary Pearse; have returned .fr I. Jacksonville, where they attended funeral services id Or Mi's.: i 'ri : U. S. GOOD CHUCK LB. brother-in-law. Dr. Lrther W. H..ili- i. . S-- ROAST 37 Attend Funeral Mrs. C. J. Bunting and Mrs. Gus ROAST 3 7 Creech attended the 'funeral of Mrs. Creech's grandmother, Mrs. Julia McWhite in Moultrie, Ga., U. S. GOOD SHORT RIB LB. last week. Mrs. McWhite died atW the age of 97. Spend Week End In GeorgiaW Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shuford and S T son, Blair, spent the week end' in West Point, Ga., as guests of Mrs. Shuford's mother, Mrs. Charles E. U. S. GOOD BRISKET LB. Hill, Sr. Mrs. Hill returned to Port St. Joe with 'them for a visit. S T E Baptist WMU Will Meet S In Circles Next Week t Announcements of WMU of the FLA. GRADE "A" LB. First Baptist Church. Circle 1 of the WMU of the First Baptist Church will meet in the home of Mrs. Al Smith, Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. Circle 2 will meet with Mrs. W. F C. Pridgeon, Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. Circle 3 will meet in the home 5 LB. BAG of Mrs. S. J. Taylor, Monday at Mrs. Clifford Tharpe, Monday at 3 p.m. Circle 5 will meet in the home of Mrs. W. B. Richards.n at 3 p.m. Monday afternoon. WITH $5.00 OR MORE FOOD ORDER Circle 6 meets with Mrs. W. P. Roche in Oak Grove, Monday at 3 p.m. Marion P. Cowherd Circle will FREE SAMPLES meet with Mrs. Merle Sherrell at 8 p.m. Monday evening. Saturday On: ARTHTIS Saturday Oni' ARTHRITIS I have -bei' wonderfully biessed in being restored to active lile BAILEY'S SUPREME after being crippled ,n neia-ly ev- ery joint in my.body and wi'l- muscular soreness fro n head rj foot. I had Rheumatuil Ar'hri isG and other forms. of RKnaumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. Limited spape.e.prohibits 4 tellint.- you more. here but- i[ you will I i write me I will reply at once and' LIB. CAN tell you how I r-ceiuve this.: .."-a derful relief. Mrs. LelaS. Weir FREE SAMPLES Served in Our Store 2805 Airbr Hills Drive SATURDAY ONLY P. 0. Box 3122 Jackson 7, Mississippi. F L I I1 H J Green 303 can 23c Stokely's Cut 303 can REA M 1IQ Stokely's Yellow CORN 303 can 17c SUPEI STOKE SAL 10 FREE BASK GROCERY TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT SATURDAY ONLY--AL THE DAY AT INTERVALS Stokely's Party PEAS Stokely's Tomato JUICE 2 f( Stokely's CATSUP YOUR CHOICE Canned MILK* NO. 2 CAN TOMATOES ONE-FOURTH LB. Box TETLEY TEA WARWICK--PAPER ROLL TOWELS ERVINGWEAVE--PAPER DIiiER NAPKINS Borden's BUTTERMILK FREE SAMPLES Borden's BISCUITS FREE SAMPLES BAKED RIGHT BEFORE YC Large Display Of BORDEN'S CHEI FRiEkSAMPLES ' I I I I U " T TAR, POR~T ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA 'OAG'E ELEVENY THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1953 R iT LY E ETS of ES OUR STORE L THROUGH 303 can 22c No. 2 cans r 25c 14 oz. bottle 17c 3 FOR 38c 2 FOR 25c 29c PKG. 15c PKG. 22c 2 Qts. 36c 2 For 15c )UR EYES ESE I E W T T M 4 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA IN CHANCERY MERCEDES YVONNE LYDA, ) Plaintiff ) vs. ) THEODORE ROOSEVELT LYDA, ) Defendant DIVORCE NOTICE TO: THEODORE ROOSEVELT LYDA, whose present address is 353 East Fifty-seventh Street, Chicago, Illinois. On orefor e the 1st day of June, 1953, the defendant, Theodore Roosevelt Lyda, is required to serve upon Cecil G. Costin, Jr., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 211 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, a copy of, and file with the Clerk of this Court the original of, an Answer to the Bill rf Com- plaint for Divorce filed against him herein. WITNESS my hand and official seal of Lowery Home On Leave Rich's Have Guests Sgt. Ernest Ldwery, Jr., is home Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rich have on a thirty day leave from twelve as their guests, their daughter and months duty in Korea.. Sgt. .Low- son-in-law, Lt. and Mrs. Fred Mee- ery is the son of Mr. and Mrs. kings. Lt. Meekins left Monday for Ernest Lowery of 4th Street. Willa New Orleans and from there will Dean Lowery, their daughter, is go to Korea. with the State Board of Health in Brazil. She is employed as a labor- atory assistant. said Court at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Florida, this 27th day of April, A.,D. 1953. 4-30 /s/ GEORGE Y. CORE Clerk of Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Fumes cannot pfe0ii te ." SPITTSBUIr I FUME.RESIS2 ' V HOUSE PAINT The tough, elastic white film resists ' penetration by fumes, smoke, soot i-- or dust. Self-cleaning too! $ allon 57 Gallon ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phone 14 - 203 Reid Ave. TOP QUALITY! BI6 FEATURES! A5' 4r1 PRICE! Ot more for yoor money with the new 1953 Westinghouse .4 i SPEED*ELECTRIC RANGE 13 FAST-HEATING TEL-A-GLANCEI sURFACE UNITS CONTROLS "% BIG CAPACITY MIRACLE SEALED OVEN -- yOU CAN SE SURE...I: rrs-- Westhighouse ".Lw_ f Iome ingsm CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Small 2-story house. Electric hot water heater, elec- tric refrigerator, circulating oil heater, venetian blinds, sidewalk. Phone 152. FOR SALE-5-room house at Oak 6rove. See John Williams. BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE NINE LOTS in Yon's addition to Beacon Hill. Two front lots and seven back lots on clay street. All for $3000. Cannot sell single lots. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED 2- bedroom beach cottage on Fron; Lot in good condition. A good buy at $7950.00. SIX FURNISHED HOUSES and store building situated on four lots at Beacon Hill. This is a re'.l bargain at $15,000. $5,000 down bal- ance on easy terms. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker 211 Reid Ave. Phone 61 FOR RENT 2 ROOM APTS. For Rent. 529 4th Street and Woodward Ave. Itp APT. FOR RENT-One bedroom ef- fiency apt. Electric refrigerator and gas range. $35 mo. Call 187-W. HELP WANTED RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN A Watkins Business is now open in a nearby locality for a reliable man or woman with car. Experience not necessary. A good job with good pay. See your Watkins dealer. W. L. BURKETT, Port St. Joe. 5-7 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Gold link bracelet wtih 3 ruby colored stones. Lost on nite of April 27. Sentimental value. Re- ward. Call 55-J. ltp SPECIAL SERVICES COVERED BUTTONS and belts, madeito order. Call 328-J-2, Mrs. Richard Saunders. 5-14-4tp BE FORTUNATE. Use Martha White's Qwik Fortune Feeds in pretty, pretty print bags. It's the Qwik that does the trick. We carry a complete line of poultry supplies and baby chicks. Free delivery. Phone 340-J2, Jake Gavin, 7th St. Highland View. 5-7-tf Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH Bicycle Repairing All Makes Reel Parts and Repairs ,WESTERN AUTO tf SAND FOR SALE For Masonary and Concrete Work 6 yard Load --- --$18.00 1 yard Load $ 4.50 Fill Dirt 6 yard Load --- $ 8.00 GRAVEL .------. yd. $7.50 CALL 66 WALTER DUREN LODGE NOTICES SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40; 1. 0. O. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting brethren invited, Henry Geddie, N. G., Robert Williams, V. G. H. A. Hardy, Secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Meeting night ev- S ery other Monday. Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth St. MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- Port St. Joe Lodge 111--Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Frl; days each month, 8:00 p. n. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. E. Y. Cowart, W. M.; W. L. Jordan, Sec. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. Air visit ing companions welcome. W. C. Forehand, High-Priest; H. R. Maige Sec. ly.p. 4-16, 0 Visitors From Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGill and daughter Vicki, of Childresburg, Alabama are here for a week due to the illness of Mrs. Andy Owens, Mrs. McGill's mother. They are al- so visiting Mr. McGill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E McGill. -- ------ We have always wondered what would happen if a rattlesnake bit a drunkarid BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Captain and Mi-s. James L. Bates announce the birth of a son on May. 4 at Tinker A'FB hospital. (Mrs. Bates wil be remembered as Mrs. Ned Gainous). ------ ----- Friends of Mrs. Rush Chisn will be glad to learn that she has been released from the Municipal Hos- ,pital to her home on Garrison Avenue. *w U U U U U w U w U V U** -** WP UU S* 4 SUMMER COMFORT AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD I ITHT AIR CONDI MITCHELL AIR CONDITIONER AS LOW AS A MODEL FOR EVERY HOMI H.P. 229.95 LAU "Nite-Aire" WINDOW FANS Provide COOL, COOL Comfort 20-Inch Window Fan Adjustable steel panels fit amy window up to 39 inches wide. Fan can be reversed fro m'exhaust., to intake position or can be, used as a portable floor fan. $5975 24-Inch Window Fan Will cool an entire apartment or a small home. Two-speed motor is reversible- can either exhaust stale room air or pull in cool outdoor air by a flck $ 1 1 of the switch. When Temperatures Soar Keep COOL with a G. E 12-INCH OSCILLATING FAN Pay as Little as $2 Wk. Firestone has a complete line of l famous-name faces for your selection. Double Duty Fan and Heater For Year-'round Dependable Economical Phone 100 P. rf St. Joe, Fla. 0$ 0 .S .... a a a a0a0 a So a0a0 a a0 a $ a 44a 4Za0460' Tirestfon HOME & AUTO SUPPLY STORE B. W. EELLS, Owner THE STAR, PORT ST..49E. GuLF COUf4TY, FLORIJDA PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, MAY- 14, 1953 |