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PORT ST. JOE A Progressive Community With a Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper THE STAR PuLtished in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County -i *- L.CA I-- TL- D-# J- *L..A lL i Lh ..L'.....p P Vaita." 0 r orr 3T. Joe- me T urter rorr ror me .auuiuc. ivu-r uuw vw mne v w*.ay -- ----.. VOLUME XVI Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 12T L. W. Dowell Drowns Sunday L. W. Dowell,. 31, a crane oper- ator for the Tidewater Construc- tioi- Company was drowned Sun- day in one of the Brothers. creeks. Dowell and his companion Melton Floyd, were squirrel hunting when their boat overturned. Floyd man- aged to get ashore, nearly drown- ing in the process, and Dowel] clung to the boat.guiding himself and the boat to the shore when hb apparently got the cramps and slid under the surface of the wa- ter. Floyd was in no condition to attempt a rescue due to his own narrow escape. A diver from the Tidewater com- pany located the body Monday and a Coast Guard boat brought his body'to the surface. Dowell is survived by his wife. Beatrice, one daughter, Wanda Lee of White City, his mother, Mrs. Mary Dowell, Lindsey, Va., six brothers, Cyrus, Hilton Village, Va. Willie, Louisa, Va., Louis and Benny of Lindsey, Va., and Tom and Clarence of Port St. Joe.; three sisters, Mrs. John G. Cole- man, Lexington, Ky., Mrs. J. W. Askew, Arlington, Va.; and Miss Abel Dowell, Lindsey, Va. The body was shipped to Gor- donsville, Va., Tuesday and the 'funeral was set for yesterday. Comforter Funeral Home-, of, Pert St. Joe was in charge of lo- cal arrangements. --.---*i--- Lemon Butts Burned Bad In Bay View Fire Lemon Butts, colored, is in ser- ious condition at -the Municipal Hospital and is expected not to live after being seriously burned about the face and shoulders dur- ing a fire at the Bay View Hotel in the quarters Wednesday morn- ing. ' Butts was trapped in the top story when the front and only en- trance was engulfed in flames and was overcome by smoke in the hall of the pitch pine structure. Although the fire had a start, very fast and effective action by. the Port St. Joe Fire Department quickly brought the fire under con- trol and in just a very few minutes the flames had been extinguished enough for men to go in and bring Butts out. The fire department is to be lauded for their fast and efficient action. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED ON REID AVE. The city this week installed col- ored Christmas -lights up the length of Reid Avenue to add to the colorful decorations already put up by the merchants. I A19 ~ r Ot^ ~:rc Kmasmvs Wtwwif.* Christmas Shopping Season Starts This Week End; Santa To Pay Visit 9- Early Mailing Is Urged By P. M. Merchants Putting On Gigantic Pre-Christmas Sale of Gift Items; Santa Claus To Take Toy Orders And Present Gifts To Kids Today and tomorrow will herald the booming official opening of one of the most popular Acting Postmaster J. T. Simpson seasons of the year-The Yuletide Season-and to help it get off to a merry start the Port St. Joe- reminds Christmas mailers that Merchants Association is launching a gigantic pre-Christmas sale of gifts and other products regulations for the coming Christ-necessary to the complete celebration of Christmas. Along with the sale the association is also, mas season is the rate for un- sponsoring the appearance of Santa Claus for youngsters which they do every year. sealed Christmas cards, local the Santa will parade all over town same as out of town 2c. Sealed C T o Annual P l amSaturday afternoon on the fire first class mail 3c out of town and JuRior .Clss Present Annal y "MamaS truck and will also make his ap- local the same. it pearance at Oak Grove, Kenney's He pointed out that cards at the Bby By" Tonigh At Hi School Audiorium Mill, Highland View and in the- 20 un-sealed rate are not forward- colored quarters. All the kids wilt able or returnable and recommends; h hget a chance to see and talk to that they be sent at the first class Hi School Basketball Hh chl hespians Santa and tell him their wants and. rate, 3c which permits their being I Present 3-Act Comedy extoll their virtues of the year. forwarded if there has been a Season Starts Dec. 16 At 2.30 p.m. Santa Claus will change of address,. and their re- At last comes the most longed come to the end of his parade and, turn to sender when a return add- be parked in the vacant lot across f t f th i Ll th be parked in the vacant lot across ress is shown. Christmas cards The basket for out of town delivery should be Port St. Joe mailed by December 15. Greetings gin Tuesday for local delivery, a week before the basketball Ohristmas to insure delivery dur- Blount.stown ing the Christmas rush. tennial Audit Christmas parcels for distant i The Sharl ,st4,tes. should.,., be- mailed immed- games over. lately, and all Christmas parcels of them to li should bt on its way by Decem- S her 15th. He states that all patrons Dec. 16 check and.revise their Christmas Jan. 13 card and gift addresses. Be sure Jan. 17 to furnish street and house num- Jan. 20 bers on all mail for city delivery. Jan. 23 Strong wrapping paper and twine Jan. 27, with proper preparation together Jan. 30 with' accurate and complete add- Feb. 3 ress is the best insurance against Feb. 6 loss or damage. Packages are lim- Feb. 10 ited to.70 pounds in weight. Feb. 12-13-1 Simpson also pointed that there Tournament is now a special slot in. the post Feb. 17 office for the mailing of local let- Feb. 20 ters directly below the regular Feb.'24 letter slot which, in the future, will Feb. 27 be designated as the out of town Feb. 28 mail slot. Simpson urges the p.eo- March 2 pie's co-operation in the separation March 5-6-7, of these mails. Tournament. etball season for the High School will be- , December 16 when all Sharks meet the quintet at the Cen- :orium. ks are slated for 16 the sen-ie- i- ii- eight, '' p ia ed at li,:,lll:- SCHEDULE Blountstown Altha Altha Sopchoppy Bristol Blountstown Sopchoppy Carrabelle Frink Wewahitchka 4. Northwest at Graceville Carrabelle Open Apalachicola Frink Wewahitchka Apalachicola Group II, Basi President-Elect Buys Christmas Seals The next President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower sets an example for the nation in the fight against tuberculosis by buying Christmas Seals from the National Tuberculosis As- sociation's President-Elect Mark H. Harrington (left). The 46th Annual Christmas Seal Sale, which began. November 17 and ends December 25, supports the tuberculosis control and prevention programs of the 3,000 voluntary state and local associations affil- iated with the National Tuberculosis Association. Here Here There Here Here There There There There Here Florida Here lUor VeilL UL L e year wn wll1 LCne Junior Class of the Port St. Joe High School presents, "Mama's Baby Boy", a three act comedy by Charles George. This will 'be pre- sented tonight at 8:00 n.m. in the High School Auditoriui. The- laughs begin as the curtains rise and continue til they fall about 9:45, when you look at the fices of: Mrs. Shephard McLean, a young widow, played by Judith Mahon. Shephard McLean, her son, by Woodrow Harris. Luther Long, a, widower, played by Robert Walters. Judith Long, his young daughter is to be played by Virginia Swatts. Mrs. Matilda Blackburn. Mrs. McLeans mother played by Mary Geddie. There Wilbur Warren, a friend of Here Shephards. played by Bobby Mc- There Knight. Here 1 Sylvia Kline, Wilbur's g ir I ketbali friend portrayed by Pat Clark. Mrs. Carlotta *Anglin, a friend of Mrs. McLeans, played by Lois McFarland. Cynthia Anglin. her you ng daughter, portrayed by Helen Du- rant. Max Moor, a real estate agent, played by Leslie Coker. Minnie, the maid, is to be played by Pat Hall. ' You will wonder how these peo- ple changed names and became actors so soon. . Make plans now to come Friday night, December 5, to the Junior Class play. $454 Collected In Seal Sale First Three Weeks The annual Christmas Seal Sale campaign, now ending its third week has collected a total of $454 through ,Tuesday evening of this week, according to officials con- ducting the sale. This total is comparing very fav- orably with the returns of last year and it is expected that the sale this year will net more than last year when the total return amounted to $1136.00 for the com- plete sales. According to Miss Clara Pate there has been 13.7% of the seals sent out, paid for and received. The campaign lasts until De- cember 25. from the Florida Power Company- Office where he has extended a cordial invitation to all the chil- dren in town from 65 years old: down to come by and receive a& free gift bag with his complinesits- The only requirement to receive- -s rF- r bu.ra r *at'B must ibeiE-e e\pliciily in the 'old gentleman with the long white whiskers and the red coat and: stocking cap. Santa assured the editor of The Star that he would , have sent out special invitations to all the girls and boys but that there are just so many of then that by the time he had all the- in,- vitations to all little girls and boys addressed that it would be past Christmas, so he just issues this informal invitation for all his be- lievers to meet him at the lot across from the power company and have a good time. Now, you boys and girls remember that Santa's visit here this early be- fore Christmas so. that you can get in an early request for your toys is being made possible by your Port St. Joe Merchants Associa- tion. All this weekend the Port St. Joe Merchants Association is of- fering a gigantic pre-Christmas sale for the first time in the his- tory of the town. According to of- ficials of the association, this sale is being carried on to make it pos- sible for the shoppers to have a complete un-picked-over choice of (Continued on page 10) -----*------ Rich's Super Market Celebrating Anniversary E. J. Rich and Rich's Super Mar- ket this week are celebrating their second anniversary in their big modern super market on the cor- ner of Third Street and Williams Avenue. The super market is celebrating the occasion Saturday by provid- ing a string band to furnish mu- sic for their customers to shop by and are giving away 25 free large bags of groceries to some of their customers. Mr. Rich stated that Santa Olaus will be in his store all day Saturday with gifts for the kiddies. Mr. Rich extends his thanks to all of his loyal customers who have made his market Port St. Joe's favorite food shopping center. S-TAR -HE sm.......... a i ~L~~- L .asa--a,,. --- -,.--dt--- - Social Activities .Personals Clubs Churches PHONE 51 WMU Meets For Monthly HELLO, WORLD'! Business Meeting Monday Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Bowlin of The WMU of the First Baptist Highland View announce the Church met at the church Monday birth of a daughter on November for their monthly business meeting 13. with WMU president. Mrs. W. J. Ferrell, presiding. The meeting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nance of was opened by all singing the Beacon Hill are the proud parents SW1MU song of the year, "Christ For of a daughter born on the 15th of .The Whole Wide World". November. Following the opening of the P, meeting the members repeated in 'Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Senterfitt unison the WMU watchword, of Highland View are the parents The devotional was brought by of a baby girl born November 19. -M:rs. L. E. Voss from the scrip- ture passages of Luke, Romans, A daughter was born on Novem- and First Corinthians. The theme ber 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ,af the devotional was "Love". Sumner of Wewahitchka. Prayer was then led by Mrs. Voss. Mrs. Voss was elected chorister Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cooper an- and devotional leader for the nounce the birth of a 'daughter on sMUIJ. December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper During the business session re- live in Port St. Joe. "ports were given fr6m th'e chair- S w (All births occurred at tile Port St. Joe .man of each committee. Good re- Municipal HospitAl) .ports were also heard from each ..ircle chairman. The committee the WMU, BWC and Marion P. chairman also reported that eight Cowherd circles. basketss df food has been given for Mrs. L. W. Cox dismissed the' .'Thanksgiving to needy families by meeting with prayer. 610?044.414tal- C a ,r WITH NAME IMPRINTED S$2.50 and $3.00 per box SSee Our Beautiful Selection e 5HE STAR SPhonee 51 '^.,t~-~~I At /p T a &eeit atqoW.tk QB0 Mrs. Betty Jo Rich Honored With Shower; Receives Many Beautiful and Useful Gifts Mrs. Jack Sheffield, Mrs. George ter Stafford, Carter Ward, Gordon Montgomery and Mrs. T. E. Vande- Halmark, J. C. Lamb, Dave Mad- vender honored Mrs. Betty Jo Rich with a bridal shower given at the Florida Power Corporation office on Reid Avenue, Friday evening November 2S. Those present enjoyed several parlor games with Miss Alma Bag- gett and Miss Ernestine Durant taking the prizes. Refreshments of sandwiches, chips, cookies and soft drinks were served to the following guests: Misses June Smith. Ernestine Durant, Alma Baggett, Dot Wil- liams, Edith Garrett Fay Pippin, Joy Clark, Sara and Louise Wil- son and Mesdames Vance Rogers, L. Z. Henderson, J. G. Hersey, T. E. Vandevender, Harry McKnight, W. C. Goodson, J. W. Plair, WT. L. Durant, J. B. O'Brien, E. H. Vit- tum R. D. Prows, E. C. Cason, W. J. Daughtry, George Montgomery, E: J. Rich,. Jack Sheffield, T. E. Vandevender, Clifford Tharpe, H. E. Rich, A. C. Stephens, Foy Schef- fer, J. O. Baggett; A. E. Dockery, Joe Ferrell, John Core, Hosie Ow- ens, G. A. Garrett, Joe Alligood, James Horton, P. B. Fairley, J. A. Connell, Lonnie Bell, G. A. Padgett, Johnny Sampson, Brady Jordan, James Wise. Wilbur Smith, Roy Tharpe, E. H. Vanlandingham, Those not present but sending gifts were: Miisses Sue..Dobbs. Syble Smith, Lois Cook and Ann Pate and Mesdames R. G. Boyles, Carl Nor- ton, W. O. Anderson, N. F. Nelson, Bill Ford, G. C. Adkins, Coleman Tharpe, Frank Pate, Frank Chand- ler, Wayne Hendrix, Buck Griffin Ben Ferrell, C. G. Costin, W. F. Ferris, Nick Comforter, L. E. Voss, John R. Smith, L. J. Keels, Wal- Drilve- In Phone 424 W2 Box Office Opens 6:30 P. M. SHOW STARTS 7:00 P. M. Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Fair FRIDAY and SATURDAY "WAR OF THE WILDCATS" with - JOHN WAYNE PLUS CARTOON "SWISS MISS" SUNDAY ONLY 'JAPANESE WAR BRIDE' -with- DON TAYLOR PLUS CARTOON "BLUEBIRD'S BABY" MONDAY and TUESDAY. "SUNNYSIDE OF THE STREET" --with- ALL STAR CAST PLUS CARTOON STEEPLEJACKSS" Wednesday and Thursday "SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR" with - RAY MILLAND Also Cartoon - "NITWITTY KITTEN" dox, Pat Bray, Red Gunn, C. W. Long, E. J. Rich, Wayne Buttram, Ralph Jackson. Jimmy Spotts, Bill Quarrells, C.' M. Garraway, I. W. Carden, George Cooper, Duref Brigman, Carl Stevens, Junior Bax- ley, A. D. Lawson, Jimmy Greer, Charles Whitchard, William Cha- fin, Ted Beard, Jack Justice, Joe McLeod, Nelson Gardner, Granny Tharpe, J. F. Davis, C. L. Chatham, Kenneth Creech, Lewis Ellis, Ed Wynn, Johnny Adams, A. W. Mur- phy T. M. Watts, Walter Rich- ardson, N. Williams, L. H. Bartee, Lewis Johnson, Grady Plair, Carl Armstrong, H-oward McKinnon. J. D. Sexton, Benny Burke, Grover Pippin, L. W. Cox, W. L. Jordan, E. Frank McFarland, H. L. Lillius, J. C. Nedley, J. D. Johns, Clyde Gentry, Vic Anderson, W. W. Ens- ley, Charles Gill, Wade Barrier and John, Kenneth and David Rich. Visitors Here Mrs. G. E. McGill and daughter, Vicki and Mrs. David Swanger and daughter, Deborah Jean were vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Owens of this city over Thanksgiving. The Owens' accompanied them on to Bradenton and St. Petersburg where they visited with Mrs. Ow- ens mother, Mrs. G. T. Tompkins. * '"s CHRISTMAS PARTY SLATED FOR WMU MEMBERS All WMU circles of the Baptist Church are invited to attend a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. C. G. Costin December 15. Hostesses of each circle are ii- vited to assist in expenses'andt serving at this party. Each mem- ber is requested to bring an inex- pensive gift for exchange and a toy for the orphans home. Send The Stai to a. friend. Let ERLINE Make You A Lovely Velvety Fiber CORSAGE Hand-Painted Shell EARRINGS For Christmas Box 324 Phone 104' Apalachicola, Fla. 4t Dr. Wesley Grace ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY AT 317 REID AVENUE Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 456 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOURS CLSED-1 EDNE1-SDAYS CLOSED WEDNESDAYS _=. ^ Port Theatre A Martin Theatre SPort St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS DAILY3:00P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. ( ". I 'wm i^ *-,,,, .,,.., m ,THURSDAY and FRIDAY * ) '. . 4 P BSrim Latest News "Spunky and Cartoon Skunky" SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. -- --- FEATURE No. 2 --- "THE GREAT MAN HUNT" with - DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. Plus -- Chapter 6 of Serial "DESPERADOES OF THE WEST" Cartoon - "Woodpecker In Rough" SUNDAY MONDAY C, .R OSBY- Latest News and Cartoon "Willie The Kid" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY I Cartoon, "Beaver Trouble" Short, "Football Thrills" m-THURSD**AY- **** THURSDAY FRIDAY LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "Haunted Cat" S*** ********6 ** l I* UU** W* US**** !I GO TO A MOVIE THEATRE.TODAY OOCelebrati the GODEN E of the 00erican ovie T Celebrating the GOLDEN JUBILEE of the American Movie Theatre ............... ...... .... I ............ ..... ............... iff . r - 'PAGE TWO THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 n F~P"^ J IDAY, DECEMBER 5. ~952 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOEGULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE 3.Mailyn Knight, Roy Knight, Cer- GHLAND VIEW NEWS IOyden Campbell, Hazel Creamer. Raymond Stokes, James Lee Tuck- By MARJORIE ROGERS Honored On Birthday er. Junior Whitfield., Wanda and Sue Odam. All enjoyed a lovely evening. Honored With Shnvower Mrs. Alonzo Knight honored her .Je.t onor . _Irs. Jeff Duval honoreJ :Mrs. >n Ralph on his sixth birthday Itandal Lee on Friday, November ith a party on Friday evening, a, hower at her home 28, with a stork shower father home N november 28. Refreshment of in Highland View. Games were c: ike, cookies and chocolate drink played and prizes went to Mrs. Snd candy filled basket favors were H. G. Parker and Ms.. Arvi! Mc- ;iven to each little guest. Those Kenzie. Refreshments of cokes resent were; George Kelley, Os- and cookies were served to Mrs. car Zorn, Sister Wright, Rickey j. j. Larrimore, Mrs. Lizzie Car- Lovette, Carol Stripling, Lamar Lovette, Carol Stripling, Lramar roll. Mrs. Archie Floyd, Mrs. Ed- utt, Lamar Oval, Betty Creamer, gar Williams. Sending gifts but not To Relieve present were, Mrs. Curtis Griffin. iser o0 h'Mrs. Lester Mc.Quaig, Mrs. Bruce i l \IoM5itchell, Mrs. W. H. Weeks, Mrs. Lily Echols, Mrs.,. Mettle Cooper. All enjoyed a nice evening. The honoree received many lovely and FS M useful gifts. LIaUID OR TABLETS-SAME AST REUEI l gif Personals 1 Ulysses F. Whitfield, Seaman. SDr. Joseph B. Spear 1st of the USS Coral Sea, son of M\r. and Mrs. C. F. Whitfield is OPTOMETRIST home on leave. Pvt. James Jones is home on :Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted furlough. He has finished train- Broken Lenses Duplicated ing at Fort'Belvoir, Virginia and has to report to Seattle, Washing- APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA ton on December 8 for further duty. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Peterson and children spent the Thanksgiving holidays in DeFuniak Springs with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Flo- rala, Alabama with the latter's mo- ther, Mrs. N. A. Thomason and family. Gene Gay of Youngstown, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and .Mrs. Jeff Dural and fam-. ily and Miss Barbara Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hagan and son, Jimmy from Panama City. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Echols. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Darris of Bogalusa, La., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. McMillan. J:)an and Joyce Levins of Boni- fay, spent the Thanksgiving holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chestnut. Charles Lewis of Bonifay, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and iMrs. L. iI. Kelly. Mr. and rs. Peinanm evell and children, Joyce and -Jerry spent the Thanksgiving holiday with relatives. *- Miss Bonnie Mims of Panama City, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Sosey Barfield and family. Billy Skipper of Bonifay, spelit the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vester Burke and family. ,Miss Mary Cox who is a student at the Birmingham Bible College. Birmingham, Ala., is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cox and family. -Miss Velma Johnson who is a student at the Massey Business College in Jacksov:.'lle, spent Ithe ,T'hanksgiving holidays with he: parents, Mr. ft1 Mrs. James John- son. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hutto and tmilly of Panai.:: City, spent thi Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. M., Williams. Vivian Ramsey and Roy Mar- shall shot a big bobcat last week in the woods near Highland View. (xfIso 9 b low-pricd FORD F-6 carries up to than other leading 2-tonners! It's the only 2-tonner with Doublb Channel frame and Gyro-Grip clutch! And this Ford F-6 gives yov-i roll- action srtee ing, :hoirc of three wvheel- '' of t.' ab Only V-8 or Six choice in 2-ton field! New power! Your choice of famous 239 cu. in. Truck V-8, now 106 h.p., or the BIG Six, now 11 2 h.p.! 3 out of 4 F-6's had running costs for gas, oil and service (but not inclJd;inq fired expenses, such as taes, depreci- atlon, licenses, etc.) of le : than -J: am;l. See PROOF in the Economrn Run bo.:k!! Up to 800 lbs. less d-ad '.we;qht than other 2-tonners. Load up to that much more payload, within 16,000 lb. G.V.W Availability of equipment, accessories anid trim as illustrated is dependent on material supply conditions. The low-priced FORD F-5 .~r '~m- i'- '77 .>;'-. The Ford F-5 offers t li..''..-.e %..-' te5Sr R Cab or, at added OSt, 5-STAR SEXTR% (zhown). ... Only 1 V2-ton truck with choice of 106-h.p. V-8 or new LOW-FRICTION 101-h.p. Cost Clipper Six! Saves up.to 1 gallon in 7! The Economy Run proved that 3 out of 4 Ford F-5's run for less than 32/ a mile (gas, oil and service costs, but not including fixed expenses, such~ as taxes, depreciation, licenses; etc.)! G.V.W. 14,000 Ibs.-payload capacity goes over 8,600 Ibs.! FORD TRUCKING COSTS.LESS FORD TRUCKS LAST LONGER! Using latest registration data on 8,069,000 trucks, life insurance experts prove Ford Trucks last longer! F.C.A. ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUNDAY SERVICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:45 ,a. m.-Sunday' school. ' 11:00 a. m.-- Morning worship. 8 p. m.-Evening service. Prayer service Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. .R / ST.-JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Fr. Robert O'Sullivan, Priest Mass the first Sunday of each month at 8 a. m. Other Sundays at 10:30 a. m. KENNEY MILL BAPTIST ,Rev. W. B. 4iolland; Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.-Worship service. 6:30 p. m.--Training Union. 7:30 p. m.-Worship service. W. M. U. meets each Wednesday. afternoon. Mid-week services at 7:30 each Wednesday evening. Everyone welcome. CHURCH OF GOD Highland View James B. Mitchell, Pastor 10:00- a. m.---Sim~ay- school. 8:00 p. m.-Evangelistic service. Prayermeeting 'tuesday night at 8 :O0 6'clo ..k. : "' Y. P. E. Friday nights, 8 o'clock. at .. AS,SEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Oak Grove H. HA Jones; Pastor 10:00 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. ri.--Morning worship. 7:45 p. m.-Evening worship. Midweek prayermeeting Wednes- day at 7:45 p. m. Young people's service Friday at 7:45.p. m. BEACON HILL BAPTIST Rev. John T. Dudley, Pastor 10:00 a. mI.-Sundaay-school. 11:00 a. il.-Morning worship. Everyone welcome. HIGHLAND VIEW METHODIST Rev. Warren Lindsey, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Worship service. 7:30 p. m.-Sunday 'school after M. Y. F. meeting. THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Warren Lindsey, Pastor Services for Sunday. September 21 9:43 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. 7:00 p. m1.-Methodist Youth Fel- lowship. 8:00 p. m.-Evening service Praye.rmeeting Wednesday, 8 p. n.; choir rehearsal 8:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURpH Hev. L,. J. Keels, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday school 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:45 p m.--Training Union. 8:00 p. m.--Evening service. SPrayer service Wednesday eve- nings at 8 o'clock. ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Harry B. Douglas Jr., Minister 7:30 a.. m,-Morning prayer and sermon. 10:00 a. m.-Family service and' church school. 6:30 p. m.-Evening prayer. Highland View Baptist Mission H. G. Harvey, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Training Union 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Prayer service Wednesday eve- nings at 7:30. First Pentecostal Tabernacle Kenny's Mill Rev. T. P. Moseley, Pastor Sunday 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 5:30 p.m.-Young People's Ser- vice 7:00-Evening Worship Thursday, 7:30 p.m.-Mid.weel prayer service. -Eyeryone Welcome- Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street AIDAY, DECEMBER 5, o~ 'THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA,' PAGE THREE P FS 'P T ,GTY O[a-DilAY.LihtP t ErCEM.-E 5..- *-- jfa- T a arcirlamif -w~ij-Sv 1* *lW HEro t aim' ^T^-aiuw m'.miichjffMKCwwi *_ THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entfeed as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the SP'ostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREF MONTHS $127.15 -- TELEPHONE 51 #- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omiEsions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves lia~e lot damaese further than amount recefiedj for such advertisement. The spoken word is riven scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely teerta; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country -S Right or Wrong IT'S HERE AGAIN! Yep! Old Santa is just around the corner. For some it has slipped up stealithly and with a sudden surprise. For the kids it's behind sche- dule. This year, as usual, the Merchants Associa- tion is planning to have Santa Claus visit our city and present gifts to the children. We think this is a wonderful gesture on the part of the merchants toward our young folks. We have noticed that the legend of Santa Claus has died down in the past .few years. Anything we can do to keep this tradition alive and thus keep up som of the joy of Christmas for our children should be done. Maybe, it seems silly to some of us, but just think back to when you were a child and eagerly expecting and waiting for the visit from old. Saint Nick that you waited 365 whole days for. We think it's a necessary tradi- tion to keep alive. t STARDUST and MOONSHINE h ihi By Col. W. S. Smith, Retired. Mayor of Buckhorn Well, well and well! 'Here we are way up here in Georgia and boy, are we freezing to death after our good ol' St. Joe, Florida wea- ther! We're up here on Doc 'Coody's farm, near Eastman, and it's a good thing we brought along our long-handles and our super- padded jacket, for the thermome- ter hit 26 Thanksgiving morning. And speaking of Thanksgiving .We anticipated having chitlins' and trimmins' but come to find cut, Doe doesn't kill his own hogs anymore Just takes 'em in to the abbatoir in Eastman and they return everything to him but the squeal Folks, it just makes me sorta sick. Used to be that when Myrtice and me came up here to Doc's that we'd return to St. Joe with a 20-pound home-cured ham (of course we paid Doc for it) and that doggone ham had any o' your store-bought hams beat forty ways for Sunday Now 1 drive in to Hawkinsville with Doc and he buys a half-dozen slices of factory-made ham and him the best ham-maker in Georgia . Folks. it's just pitiful. I came up here to Georgia weigh- ing a neat 180 (?-ed.) pounds (of' course, I would like that to read 165, but just seems I can't make that), but today I'll be willing to bet that I've already passed., he 185-pound mark Scrambled eggs, hot biscuits, bacon, ham, wild grape jelly and what-not for breakfast Baked pork ham, sweet potatoes, fresh vegetable salad, gravy, hot biscuits and home-made butter for lunch . All the above and fruitcake or peach cobbler for dinner How in heck can a guy keep down to 180, let alone endeavoring to his 165? Jist ain't be done! Well, I contributed my little bit to the economy of Georgia last Friday One of Doc's sons, Robert. who has about 300 acres hereabouts, asked us if we wanted SAME SUBJECT-STILL URGENT Maybe this is the same subject as last week but we think that we cannot harp on it too much. Our rherchants are doing all in their pow- er to build our town. They need your help. How? All you have to do is to do your buying RIGHT HERE IN PORT ST. JOE. Maybe you reason along these lines. "Sure the merchants are urging trade at home to build their busi- ness." But, by building their business, you are also building our city and increasing the ser- vices the city can offer. After all our merchants pay a good percentage of the property taxes of the city. We think it is a known fact that the city taxes give us a good portion of our benefits here. The more you trade with your local mer- chants, the more you will increase your civic opportunities and the services that your mer- chants can offer you. How many of us would go beyond our neighbor's house to borrow a cup of sugar? Why not use this same logicin our buy- ing and trade with our next door neighbors, our local businessman'. Don't be fooled. What a merchant charges you for a product is a long way from being all profit. This year, let's see if we can't break' down and HELP OURSELVES and do our buying right here in Port St. Joe. To borrow a slogan, "Just See The Difference Trading At Home Makes". Home Makes." We guarantee you'll be amazed at your savings and at the growth of our city. After all, we live here, and we had just as well spend what' we earn trying to better our town instead of neighboring 'towns. When the government undertakes to provide a living for any person or a group of people, the cost of that living must come out of the work and the earnings of other people. And, that sort of living comes high for the people who foot the bill through taxation.-Weatherly, Pa., Herald. Faces are easier made up than minds. to go out and. help him sow his winter oats. We told him we didn't mind sowing winter oats, but that if he wanted m'e to help him 'sow wild oats, he was about 25.years too late. (F:ober-r a done sowed his wild oats, for as we vrite this, he's expecting a Robert I, although his wife, Doris, says t's going to be a girl) Any- vay, we drove his Farm-All tractor vith seeder attached around an eight-acre field and folks, we ain't going to do it again! . Way back when we were 14 and GARDEN NOTES By ELLEN CLARK Jacksoiqille, Fla. In opposition to more temperate zones, we here south of the Mason- Dixon line have an all year plant- ing period. This month, tfib month of -December, is our best time to ilant shrubs and bulbs. Although f.,ll planting in the North continues rip unt'" the time when the grouni treezes, summer planting goes on 15 years old we used to pilot one: "' aU"LuusL h4C Uecausl < Lnu of those old-time Caterpillar trac-lrew and better methods of hand tors that sloughed along at about 1rig plants. We in the South firdi five miles an hour. Thev laid their our greatest planting activity in own track, and the ride was fairly December and June. even But, folks, one of these !We. of course, have the advan- modern stepped-up farm tractors stage of getting a head start in our wil! give you a pain in the planting instead of waiting antil . Well. let's not say just where spring. By planting now, plants the pain is, but anyway, those ba- bies are some rough riding. Doc has a flock, or a bevy, or a grove-whatever you want to call 'em-of pecan trees, and we've been out picking up the nuts . If we stayed here very long we'd be ready to be prc:nrre-a for Christ- mas pecan-fed hams, for every 20 pecans we pick up we eat at least three and, folks, those things are loaded with calories, or am- phibians. or whatever it is makes you fat! Don't imagine Wesley is saving too much space for this, so will sign off, and hope to give you an- other'column-not next week, per- haps, tat the week following-from Birmingham. Passenger Cars Steam heated passenger cars, doing away with stoves or hot water heaters, were introduced in 1881. Passenger cars were greatly improved in 1903 by the introduc- tion of the vapor system of heating. With this system, live steam from the steam train line is reduced to vapor at atmospheric pressure and admitted to heating coils inside the car. -----+---__--- Heavy Sleeping Blankets In the eight hours you spend sleeping each night, your breathing lifts the bedclothes 7,000 times. That takes energy! Lightweight bedclothes, however, will 'cut the energy spent in pushing up those bedclothes 7,000 times. will begin to grow and mature earlier in the spring. This is an ex- cellent time for new home owners to put greenery into the ground to take away the bare look of the property. The old settled property owner, however, takes this time to do all the planting he has been putting off all summer. Now is a good rime to shift hardy shrubs and,put in the flowering shrubs you plan for beautification. To be specific, young and budding aaa- leas and camellias will do well now. Hydrangeas that will bloom later in the spring do very well if put out this month. A word on landscaping. Watch the plants that you put in the ground many years ago. They may have outgrown their original pur- pose. Around one-story 'ranch or cottage type houses a newer and slower-growing shrub may suit your purpose better. Replace your tall shrubs to keep your landscap- ing effect up with the changing times. A natural and informal look to foundation planting has taken the place of the more formally laid out design of ten years ago. Word of warning on ever- greens. Don't fertilize evergreen shrubs during the winter months. Don't prune them either except to remove dead or diseased branches. These two practices will give your shrubs new growth which might be killed by the first frost. We can safely recommend that you trans- plant evergreens provided you keep them well watered after trans- ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY We have noticed in the many papers throughout the state that we trade with. that the editors try filling a little space and get in a few little items that might make interesting reading under the by- line of their own. These columns have various and sundried names. some of which refer to something or other and some names, we know, must have been thought of in a dream or maybe a nightmare. Any- way, this column will have the old standby "space filler" of all lino- type operators, ETAOIN SHRDLU. If you want to know what that means, just drop by our shop some day to shoot the breeze a while and we will be glad to show you. You should have been to the fire at the Bay View Hotel the other day, "Red" Fuller was run- ning around with just the pants of his fire fighting suit on. (Over his other clothes, of course). If his was hair was just black instead of red and just a mite more of it, he would have looked just like "Riddles Barlow" in the Snuffy Smith comical strip, what with -hose oversized overalls on. We noticed in some big head- lines in a daily paper, the other ,day that some scientist over' in Denmark has made a:woman out of' a naon .now.thar nlt-o,; like a waste of good talent to us. It looks like someone with that much knowhow \ought to be operating on someone who is mortally ill and planting. You can keep that brown look from creeping into your lawn by sowing a little Winter Rye and dressing it with pulverized soil. Rye should remain green', until May by which time your regular grass should be getting green again. Don't forget to mow as so, in as the Rye is tall enough. This en- courages branching and gives you a denser lawn. This is the time of year when gardening comes into the house, so next month we'll, have some in- formation on house plants. nsP :h.e ai:ention of a good s. geon. Sort of makes you begin I believe in Frankenstein doesn't. We have read so much abo Editor Earl Sellers of Chipley past issues of The Star that x have started reading his colun regularly every week too, (Nar ie of Brainless Babble) and find it right interesting. Of course h s son Jim in Graceville writes a co- umn too. They both have nice look ing weekly efforts. to this paper with the intention ol printing as large a paper as we could of course, but the main thine we are striving for is 100% loca news in our columns. In order tdo have this we are going to need, your help. You might as well get some use out of your telephone for your monthly service rate. S) do it by calling us and telling us about your visitors, trips, parties weddings, and other items of local interest. There is a lot of people in this town and it would take about 10 reporters (which we can't afford) to get all the news and report it as it should be. So con- sider yourself one of the reporters .of The Star and give us a jingle when you know something. After all, it's your paper. Speaking of. fires, Wednesday, during the c'iase of the fire wa- gons to the 'fire in the quarters, the new city fire truck was in the lead, followed by the other city fire truck. BEehind-it was the pow- er truck and behind it we were churning tip the road. We parked about a quarter, of a block behind the lead fire truck and by the time we walked to its position, there were two fire hoses in play on the blaze. Fast work isn't it. .The Chiistmas season is defin- itely here, all the merchants are decking out their emporiums in all the appropriate bunting. ---.-^--S---- Screens Out Dust No matter how clean your home, there's bound to be some dust in the air. An air filter, easily in- stalled, on your forced warm air gas furnace screens aut dust, keeps it from going through the house. Ihe Ilel Six Sdrd of ttAeri ad !53 MoDn - ifCy or Fotd Deafet - I -.-- T-E STAR., POP. ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5,.l FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA ~77 Li -~ ~ i HEY KI Santa Will Be In Port St. oe With Gifts for AI of You AY, p Season's Greetings and Gift News From Headquarters for Your Holiday Needs Port St. Joe Merchants Association I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 5, 1952 p~s~ l"til 1 M I~ III d -- Chris Trigi dH j# qwvKiZttw Complete line of Frigidaire Electric Ranges is finished in Lifetime Porcelain-inside and out! Sensational "WONDER OVEN" model RO-50 illustrated) cooks at two different tempera- sures in the same oven-same time. -ibjM#fOMVUL And here's the beautiful Frigidaire Automatic Washer-with Live-Water Action, Rapidry Spin, sealed Unimatic mechanism and dozens of other exclusive features that make wash days completely carefree. New Cycla-matic, De Luxe and Master'models now available with porcelain exterior finish. Acid-resisting porcelain on all interior food compartments. De Luxe Model DR-90P, above, has Roll-to-you Shelves, Super Freezer Chest. The completely new and different Filtro-matic Dryer is a perfect match for the washer-dries clothes indoors, whenever you like. No mois- ture or lint problems; built-in Filtrator elimi- notes extra plumbing or venting. EXCLUSIVE Lifetime Porcelain Finish Adds Lasting Beauty to Highest Quality Materials and Design Resists scuffing and scraping Heat won't scorch or discolor it Even iodine won't. stain it Scouring powders can't kcrolch it Cleans as easy as a china dish-stays snowy white for life SLP4l ts-48 I" 4 J4 it Roche's Gulf Investment Company 213 REID AVENUE PHONE 291 ____________ .. I .I _....,,, ~ -- ---- ------..---o --.-----.---.-----.-"'-.i-.---------- -- -~.I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBERR 5, 1952 I _______________--._16~-p~-~~iri~ m~~a-x--~-m --B~~R~~iL~r~~Lr~~~ -- I----I-:~ MAKE OUR FURNITURE STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR GIFTS FOR THE HOME BUY NOW PAY NEXT YEAR FREE GIFT WRAPPING FREE CHRISTMAS EVE DELIVERY EASY CREDIT LOW PRICES pm-- - HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR SUGGESTIONS WE IN- VITE YOU TO COME IN AND INSPECT 0 U R AMPLE STOCK OF CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE BOUGHT ES- PECIALLY FOR YOU. GIFTS FOR EVERY ROOM DESKS Ideal for Brother or Dad CURIOS Just Arrived, Good Selection TABLES New Shipment From $3.95 up HASSOCKS Good Assortment FOR THE MAN OF THE HOUSE- choose this BIG reclining chair, covered- in practical DURAN in beautiful masculine $ a 50 shades & up PICTURES Excellent Selection ROCKERS Ideal For Mother Magazine Racks SOKERS Good Assortment To SMOKERS LU Choose From $1.95 up Good Sel WE HAVE A TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LARGE AND SMALL GIFTS GGAGE section for Men and Women St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Company YOUR HOME TOWN FURNITURE STORE LOCALLY OWNED EASY CREDIT TERMS LOCALLY P-- ~ C -- OPERATED __ PAW ; 1'1 7/,/ THE STR PORT ST JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOR D R SECOND ANNIVERSARY SALE We are swinging open our doors to welcome you for the fine reception we have enjoyed for the past FIVE YEARS FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! 25 BAGS OF GROCERIES- Will be given away this weekend Come In And Register - FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! Bailey's Supreme COFFEE 79c Ib. FREE SAMPLES Bassett's BUTTERMILK 2 qts. 35 c FREE SAMPLES PECANS 2 Ibs. 79c They're Pacershell HILLBILLY MUSIC SATURDAY String Band From Panama City Will Furnish Music From 3:30 til 7:30 p.m. HEY KIDS--COME SEE SANTA He will be in our store Saturday afternoon with free fruits, nuts and candy for ALL. BRING HIM YOUR LETTERS ID E Large Box with $5.00 Order ic Lb. Box Choc. Covered CHERRIES 49c SHOPPING BAG OF FRUIT 59c Red Bag ORANGES 22c Yellow Bag Grapefruit 19c Tampa Home Grown TOMATOES 2 bs. 25c Peas or Okra lb. 29c Yellow Golden Corn 3 ears 19c Yellow Squash Ib. lOc Wadell Meal 5 lbs.39c Dixie Lily Lge. Limas 22-oz. pk. 29c SWIFT'S GOOD TENDER BEEF SALE CHUCK ROAST Ib. BRISKET or RIB STEW Ib. SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. TENDERIZED STEAK Ib. St. Joe's One Stop Food Store RICH'S SUPER-MARKET Port St. Joe, Fla. "Where Friends Meet For Good Things To Eat"- 39c 29c 69c 79c Pure Hog LARD gal. 69c WITH $5.00 ORDER Sliced BACON Ib. 59c Lg. Salt FISH Ib. 19c White Fish ROE lb. 29c FRESH DRESSED SMALL HENS and TURKEYS UNTIL JANUARY 1 GIVE A GIFT OF VALUE GENERAL ELECTRIC FOOD MIXERS AUTOMATIC RCA RADIOS BED LAMPS SUNBEAM and $38 to TOASTERS ALL COLORS With twin flexible' stems BETTY CROCKER $46.50 $18.95 and up $29.95 and up $18.95 SEALY TUFTLESS IRONS MATTRESS and Blankets $5.95 up SOFA BED $9.95 to BOX SPRINGS Bed Spreads Plastic upholstered with TABLE LAMPS foam rubber padding $6.95 up $18.95 $99.00 $4.95 up Only $84.50 $6.95 up $2 Down--$2 Week $1.00 DOWN $2 Down--$2 Week NOTHING DOWN END TABLES COCKTAIL Step Tables Lamp Tables WESTINGHOUSE NOTHINGNETTE SUIT $49 ELECTRIC SHEETS --- $31.95 DOWN I $1.00 DOWN ELECTRIC BLANKETS -__ $43.50 MODERN FURNITURE COMPANY 232 REID AVE. PHONE 181 ......... ~~___^-1-1-1- -~11 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, .1,952 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA A LOVELY SELECTION OF USEFUL GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY "All Gifts Wrapped FREE" LINGERIE A Lovely Gift For MOTHER, SISTER or your BEST GIRL Nylon GOWNS ----- $6.95 Nylon GOWNS ------_$12.95 Nylon SLIPS __$3,95 to $10.95 Nylon PANTIES _$1.00 to $1.95 Rayon GOWNS _$2.95 to $6.95 Rayon SLIPS --. $2.95 to $4.95 Rayon PANTIES -- 59c to 89c BED JACKETS __$2.95 Perma Lift BRASSIERES -- $1.95 to $3.95 to $3.00 Maiden Form BRASSIERES $--$1.95 to $2.50 Men's Pleetway PAJAMAS -- $3.95 and $4.95 Solids and Fancies Five Brothers FLANNEL SHIRTS -- $2.50 FOR DAD! Give Dad A Useful Gift! WINTER PANTS $5.95 to $12.95 Men's Long Sleeve NYLON SHIRTS---- $5.95 Boy's Lined JACKETS ---- $6.95 to $12.95 Arrow SHIRTS White and Colors $3.95 ea. Arrow Shorts $1.35 A GIFT FOR DAD! A GIFT SHE WILL,APPRECIATE HUMMINGBIRD HOSIERY 51 Ga --- $1.35 60 Goa $1.50 PLAIN AND DARK SEAMS THIS MAKES A NICE GIFT CANNON TOWEL SETS $2.95 and $3.95 Ladie's FALL SUITS $15.95 CDrIAAI 100% Dynel BLANKET Warm As Wool, Moth- Proof $15.95 Lovely Colors' *9NDOUS Ladies Nylon ROBES -- $12.95 Ladies SCARFS 79c to $1.95 LadiesHANDKERCHIEFS --49c ot $1.00' Ladies POCKETBOOKS -$1.95 and $2.95 Ladies Moray Satin ROBES ---_ $8.95 "Interwoven '2 pr. for SOX ----$1.25 Arrow Handkerchiefs 39c 49c 79c Men's Nylon SHIRTS _---_$4.95 Men's Corduroy SHIRTS $5.50 $6.95 BOYS _. $3.95 to $4.95 JUST THE GIFT FOR HIM 100% Wool SPORT COATS $19.95 "Mark Twain" GABARDINE SHIRTS $3.95 When You Give "HICKOCK" You Give A Real Gift! BELTS $1.50 to $4.00 CUFF LINKS $1.95 to $2.50 TIE PINS $1.95 to $2.50 Stetson and HA $5.95 to Chesterfield TS $10.00 Wembley TIES $100- $10- $2.00 Bow TIES ---$1.00 Lovely TABLE CLOTHS $1.95 to $3.95 A Useful and Timely Gift Boxed Embroidered PILLOW CASES $1.95 to $2.95 GIFT FOR MOTHER Ladies Bedroom SLIPPERS $1.95 Children's Bedroom SLIPPERS $1.95 Why Not Give Her A BEDSPREAD Lovely and Serviceable Field Crest Spreads $6.95 to $10.95 FLORSHEIM SHOES for Men $16.95 to $19.95 A G-FT TO BE PROUD OF Men's House SLIPPERS $3.25 $3.98 $4.95 Ideal For Dad Make Your Christmas Selections At COSTIN'S ^H e^' -N ^^J For Quality Service And Low Prices PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA IL I,~a ~AII~Ai----art~sm~.- --~aPIB~P~I~ -WP- Is l~e~ --I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, &ULF COUNTY, FLORIDA' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 TH S OR ST. O G C FR I E 5 1552 GIFTS GALORE AT BUZZETT DRUG STORE View Master Gibson $2.00 Christmas Cards and REELS 35c Wrappings TLD Y S Yardley SETS For All Ages $3.25 to $12.50 Foam rubber Filled COMPLETE ANIMALS COTY LINE 98c to $.75 OLD SPICE SEAFORTH \ IHawkeye FOR MEN CAMERA OUTFITS HAIR BRUSHES and INCLUDES: Camera, Flash, Film, SETS Bulb and Batteries $1.00 to $5.00 S ELECTRIC RAZORS .00 t SRemington and Sunbeam Shaeffer .Norris and Whitman M0MS N J i I CHOCOLATES $3.75 to $27.50 j SChristmas Specil 9 $2.50 pen and Pencil Deluxe Set _- $1.19 ''. " Me COY'S REID AVENUE Men's PANTS Wool, Tweeds, Gabardine $1.00 OFF ON PAIR Falcon $5.95 Men's HATS $5.00 SWEATERS for the family Reduced $1 91"-$29" Girls' DRESSES Fruit of the Loom Sizes 4 to 14 $1.88 and $3.88 ALL SALES ARE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Ladies' SKIRTS Silks, Gabardine, Shantung $2.49 and $3.49 Men's Colored DRESS SHIRTS $2.00 Ladies' HOUSE DRESSES $1.88 and $2.88 Boy's SLACK PANTS 4- 12 in Corduroy $3.95 Gabardine $2.98 CASH AND FINAL DELUXE VANIITY MIRROR $100 We Service All Makes of Cars and Trucks Stop By and See Our Selection of -GOD CLEAN USED CARS / ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 :::, C 51"1 II .j;,,....,......-.-.-~--.i.------- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FL6RIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER' 5, 195Z'' RDilnAV DCnEMBFR 5. 1952 ] FREE! 5 50-yd. NYLON CASTING LINE with purchase of any Pflueger Reel $1.00 SPECIAL . I 50-yd. NYLON LINE FOR $1.00 With purchase of any Glass Rod. I 8-1b. Capacity WASHING MACHINE With Pump and Wringer only SS99.95 We have a very nice selection of small I Electrical Appliances, Radios, Record SiPlayers, Sporting Goods, and other SGifts too numerous to mention. .,E D" FULLER'S S ST. JOE SUPPLY CO. / r 'r a r ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^- New Georgia PURE CANE SYRUP Gallon 69c OLEO ;' DELBROOK Colored Quarters 19c pound STOKLEY'S Very Young PEAS 2 No. 303 Cans 35c Baby Food HEINZ 6 Jars 65c YOUR FRIENDLY STORE CLERKS POLITE PRICES RIGHT QUALITY GROCERY & MARKET GET YOUR FRUIT CAKE MATERIAL HERE CATSUP Hunts -- 14-oz. Bottle 2 BOTTLES 35c BAKE- RITE 3 Lb. Can 79c COPELAND'S PURE LARD Y2 Gallon Jug 45c Copeland's HOCKLESS PICNIC HAMS 45c pound SUGAR S5 Lbs. Factory Pack 49c Stew Meat Brisket U. S. Good and Choice 39c PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can Sliced RO-TEL 25c 2 Ib. jar Bama APPLE JELLY 25c Ii I Protect Your Car Thru The Christmas Chilly Weather With Our Quality Lubrication Products . Lamar Miller Standard Service asoline- Oil-Greases Kerosene FRILJAY ur-tor-mor ri 9ipr I a ~- --g -aC i IC~sC` THE STAR,. PORTa ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FBObRIDA r "- "I TII -il II I Give something for the HOME Make our store your Christmas shopping headquarters. We hawe gift ite.s for the entire family. Here are just a few of our many special buys. Shop us before you buy. $1.00 down reserves your gift selection BUY NOW SAMSON Tables and Chairs Other 5-Pc. Se $33.9 PERFECT FOR HIM Tbe, Padded fp 101"Ionle-,,:.. Co'ering.95 095 eMa chp usicol CadaFer.. tab I. an fou A. Van.,y O'Nl,. s1750 a. Q.uk Ir.lpper, $19:50 C. Ladies' Wardrobe, $25.00 D. Two Suitet $25.00 E. Pulltpn, >27.$0. ANM( p,,,.A,.t( m c A A,.q SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BEDDING VALUES FOR THEM FOR ALL THE YEARS Use ~ A Rocker, Recliner or Lounge Chair Choice of Fabrio All Colors in Plastic $59.95 837 Coil MATTRESSES Matching BOX SPRING $4995 Reg. $69.50 Value _ea. w 220 Coil MATTRESSES Matching BOX SPRING $29 95 'Reg. $39.50 Value ..ea. 2.9e LAY-A-WAY i 1L ANE CEDAR CHEST 'c^ee 9w.' Yi ow l SWEETHEART WIFE SISTER , MOTHER DAUGHTER -i. ~ ---~ 48 blod ~F~", ~ i p-;--e is 48" .blond COMPLETE BUNK BED With mattress and springs Includes Ladder and Rail .u 32-Pc. SET Floral $95 - SWhite .$95 A'4 Cosco Utility Rollaway Table Russell Wright (All Pieces as adv.) 16-Pc. Starter $795 Set 7 Red Yellow, $795 White 7 Cosco Stool $11.75 Buy THIS YEAR Pay NEXT YEAR 5-Piece Dinette SPARKLING CHROME spring filled seats in chairs, plastic upholstery IV a.i1 OTHERS Os Low As S49.50 SPECIAL ITEMS - Aluminum Venetian Blinds $3.95 9'x12' Linoleum RUGS __ $5.95 COFFEE TABLES ------ $9.95 FLOOR LAMPS -- ---$8.95 TABLE LAMPS --------$4.95 SHAG RUGS (18x24) ---- $2.39 Chenille BED SPREADS --_ $4.95 Plastic Platform Rockers $19.50 CHILD'S Plastic Platform Rockers -_ $9.95 ROCKING HORSE ----- $9.95 Complete Iawe --frnishings.. ' - -- ~ ~gRL ~II 9--11 ---. rsl -,~CI ~a '~T~III---,. Cl 1 -- r3e I -- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY-.FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBERSW T95Z: ~O~lA nEEME 5. 195 TH STR OTS.JE GL ONY LRD *LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS 2-DAY SPECIAL Fully Guaranteed WESTERN FLYER $44.50 EASY TERMS Quality built throughout! "Lifetime" welded tubular frame, full crown fenders, gleaming chip-proof enamel. USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN Wheel- Barrow e" 2.39 Steel body. Rubber tire. Bicycle Baoskeit 1.29 18x13x6". Fits any bike. Sturdy. I E7012 Doll-E- Swing 1.75 Holds 20" doll. Steel for, wear Wrist Watch 6.95 plus tax Mickey Mouse on dial. Shrewsbury ROBES $9.95 to $19.95 Shrewsbury Lounging Pajamas $9.95 Bedroom Shoes (To Match Robes) Satin, Completely Washable $2.95 ALL GIFTS Seamprufe Gowns and Slips $3.95 and up Alida "NYRON" SLIPS $3.95 Alida GOWNS $5.95 and up Gotham Gold Stripe HOSIERY $150 $165 and $1i WRAPPED FREE Western Auto Associate Store Phone 234 C. W. LONG, Owner MOUCHIETTIE' STYLE 3l6 REID AVEl ) PHOP 316 REID AVE. PHONE 288 - -------------------- -- -- ------- New Baby WEE PANTS Reg. 79c 2 for S1.00 Resists Wetting-Worn Over Diapers ASH TRAYS 2 for 40c COTY Perfume Trousseau $4.00 Value For $2.00 Evening in Paris Stick COLOGNE $1.50 Value for $1.00 Evening In Paris PERFUME $1.50 Value For $1.00 HALLMARK CARDS Old Spice Cosmetics Revelon Cosmetics Harriett Hubard Ayer Cosmetics SHOP WITH US FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Toys Bicycles Waffle Irons, Irons TRICYCLES Sheaffer Pens Electrical Appliances Men's and Ladies' Percolators, Toasters WATCHES Mixers LUGGAGE Smith's Pharmacy John Robert Smith PHONE 5 Port St. Joe THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 THE TARPORTST. OE, ULF OUNT, FLRIDAFRIDY, DCEMBR 5,195 IF YOU DON'T SANTA Just Look VAL for MEN a 'BELIEVE IN CLAUS At These UES ind BOYS ONE LOT OF 2 PANTS CURLEE SUITS From December 6 Through December 13 All Nunn-Bush Shoes REDUCED 10% VALUES TO $70.00 * MEN'S ALL WOOL SPORT COATS Regular $21.50 to $22.95 THIS WEEK ONLY $19.50 Men's No. 1 Army Twill KHAKI PANTS $4.95 IF YOU CAN'T THINK OF A GIFT FOR HIM, THEN GIVE HIM Stetson or Adam Hat FROM OUR STORE A COMPLETE LINE OF STYLES AND COLORS $5.00 and up Children's Play or School SHOES SIZES 121/ TO 3 $3.50 $3.95 All Leather Tops With Heavy Rubber or Crepe Soles MEN'S 100% Wool Shirts SOLIDS, COLORS or PLAIDS $7.50 Look Over our Bargain Table of MEN'S ard BOYS SWEATERS, Values To $10.00 for $1.49 TO $4.95 COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF Suits, Sport Coats and Slacks Curlee, Manhattan, McGregor and Many Other Nationally Advertised Lines IC ~-" I II I I r -Y 1I AUSTI "EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE" SON lCO REMEMBER-Quality Is Always Your Best Buy A sawC~P~I 8- I ~IPI L absb I d~s~t ~ II IJ-~ III -- I ~ ea --a~p--I ~ ~ ra- ---- ~e~s~-sc-L-~1Psm4~-r. ~ 1 J~-sl L -I I I I a I' -'11 9 '-C ' ~ -~a~laa~e~----a~s~R$Illrapgsl~~ ~ -pJB~L~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I I 7'~ 5c- ;.] II rd :I ir RI DCE 5 19 T T O T ,U Wheel Toy Headquarters Bicycles Tricycles Wagons s ti R4ie, Shela, Ksites, 7Jecoa,, .li4w qiakinh 4wle GULF HARDWARE Select Now! Use Our Lay-A- Way Plan. This is only a few of the many, many items we have in stock. Come in and, make your selection early and use our lay-a-way plan. SHOP EARLY WHILE STOCK ES .....COMPLETE DOLL BEDS $2.49 to $3.98 HOLSTER SETS Single or double style complete with cap gun. 79c to $3.98 PISTOLS 59c to $1.98 ELECTRIC TRAINS $9.98 FREE! To Youngsters-The New Comic Book "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" Mechanical TRACTORS $2.69 to $3.98 TABLE and CHAIR SETS $7.98 SEWING MACHINES : $4.49 to $6.98 TOOL SETS $1.98 to $7.98 FOOTBALLS $1.19 to $1.98 DOLL HOUSE $3.98 Games for Indoors and Outdoors METAL TRUCKS 98c to $5.98 RED WAGONS, 4 sizes 29c, $2.29, $3.98, $5.98 TEA SETS China ---..79c to $3.98 Metal _-25c to $1.98 Aluminum __$1.49-$1.98 SIDEWALK BIKES $16.95 LOVABLE DOLLS $1.98 to $7.98 TRICYCLES $3.98 to $11.98 TINKER TOYS 61c to $2.60 DOLL STROLLERS $2.98 PEDAL TRACTOR $19.95 With Road Grader $23.95 Tractor Trailer __-.$9.95 VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS COUNTER FOR MAKING THAT CHRISTMAS TREE BRIGHTER TREE LIGHT SETS 79c to $2.49 Bubbling LIGHT SET $2.49 O. M. WEBB 5c TO $5.00 STORE ~- ~ I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 THE HAPPY CHRISTMAS STORE FULL OF GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! FREE GIFT WRAPPING We Pledge Our Efforts To Make This The Happiest Christmas of Your Life! THIS SPACE FOR THOSE THINGS MORE VALUABLE THAN MERCHANDISE As the year 1952 draws to a close we are inclined to stop a moment and think of your friend- S ship and goodwill which has been the main factor in making it possible for us to live and work successfully. We gratefully acknowledge this splendid asset as worth far more than the dollars we may have earned or spent. We thank you, friends, from the depth of our hearts, .F for that faith and confidence you've shown us. We pledge our sincere and best efforts to pro- S/ tect this unequaled asset with all our might. We extend to each of you our Sincere Season':; Greetings and Good Wishes. Signed, R. GLENN BOYLES, ERLMA M. BOYLES and Boyles Department Store Employees SYou Could Be Smart To Make This A Linen Christmas! Attractive Gift Boxed PILLOW CASES I Simple, neat embroidery, all white with colored embroidery. Gift Boxed TOWEL SETS -- $1.79 up LUNCHEON CLOTHS _----_ $1.69 up u Cheerful, colorful, appetiziing colors in plaids and florals. Our prices are RIGHT on LACE CLOTHS, COLORED SHEETS, BEDSPREADS and other Home Linien Necessities. Most Attractive and Inexpensive LUGGAGE $4.95 to $9.95 each piece You can match Train Cases with various size Week End Cases in Blue or Brown It'll Be Easy To Shop Here For Mr. Man This Christmas! SHIRTS by Van Heusen and Tulane for Sport or Dress wear $2.95 to $7.50 Fine broadcloths, Flannels, Ray. ,ons and Cot- tons with long sleeves, .-E y e- catching plaids Checks, If - rals and solid colors. The finest and best selection ever! (We have 31" sleeve lengths in dress shirts Gabardines, Corduroys, Every Christmas Our Selection Is Better! CLOTHES FOR REAL BOYS! By Jack Tar and Mon-Tog Suits, Pants, Jacket s, Shirts, Sweaters, Dungarees and overalls, long winter or short summer underwear, Ties, Sox and Belts, Handkerchiefs and other gift items. 39c to $16.50 YOU HAVE PLENTY OF LEEWAY HERE ; WE'LL JUST SLIP IN THIS FEATURE BOYS KNIT BRIEFS --- 3 pairs $1.00 You can buy him a year's supply for so little! We INSIST That You Visit Our Ladies Ready-t o-Wear De- partment This Christmas! All Garments are Fall "'-2 Choice Styles! X DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, ROBES and SWEATERS $1.95 to $39.50 For Miss and Mrs. (Mr. can buy them, too). These will help to make her happy. We couldn't begin to tell you all about them .. Come See! Probably you already know but we'll mention these Heartlifting Items that cost so little. HANDBAGS, BILLFOLDS, GLOVES and BELTS CAN YOU BEAT A Men's CHRISTMAS / HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAL 12 for $1.00 Many other big Christmas Surprises in store for you at BOYLES Shop early, Shop leisurely You won't be pushed around here! These Items are necessary and inexpensive for Christmas PLAIN, FANCY and INITIALED HANDKERCHIEFS by Van Heusen BELTS and SUSPENDERS by Paris GLOVES by Stetson TIES by Van Heusen and Wembly UNDERWEAR by Hanes and E & W 35c to $4.95 We'll gift wrap any purchase no matter how small. DRESS HIM up for CHRISTMAS (He'll keep putting it off if you don't!) Our Own Brand SUITS (Every one Guaranteed) Happ TROUSERS, SLACKS and JACKETS SPORT COATS In Corduroy, Flannel or Rayon, Rainwear, Pajamas by Van Heusen Wright Hats $3.95 to $40.00 We'll take his measure for a new GLOBE SUIT for Christmas if you wil hurry. ($59.50 up) EXQUISITE HANKIES, Only 35c to $2.95 BET LIKE THIS You'll Save If You Clip This Christmas COUPON Bring it along .It's worth a Straight ,10/o on ANY PURCHASE Amounting to $10.00 or Morel No Questions and it's got to be a GOOD DEAL! BE SMART CLIP IT OUT N-O-W-! Lovely Lingerie For Christmas Gladdens the Hearts of Girls All Ages! Choose From Seampruf and Sans Souci Breathtaking Panties, Slips, Gowns, Bedjackets Robes. Exquisite Nylons, Fine Rayons and old Standby Cottons. S'$1 .00to $10.95 BRAS by Gossard and Lovable ItsBe rvdTa h .It's Been Proved That She Loves Beautiful Nylon HOSE For Christmas Exquisitely made by MOJUD and FINE FEATHERS $1.15 to $1.50 45, 51 and 60 Gauge Plain Seam, Dark Seam, Plain Heel, Picture Frame Heel, Black or Brown Heel. Choose the best fall and winter shades. We Have Them For Christmas From The We Have Them For Christmas From The Cradle Up Hundreds of Kinds of SHOES for the FAMILY $1.95 to $14.95 Choose' from famous names Natural Bridge, Trim Tred, Poll Parrot, Star Brand and Rand. Styled for the best looks and the most comfort . .Guaranteed to wear to your satisfaction. We've built 'our shoe business on quality at a price you can afford to pay You and I will stand on solid ground with them! Don't Miss BEDROOM SHOES for Everyone: pp FRDY DECMBE 5, 195t THE-~I STAR POTS. OGLFCUTLRD Lighted by 25-Watt Bulb Brightly u Colored with Bulb illuminated Plastic SANTA CLAUS SAlunminum Base Actually Warms Ui JEWELRY GLITTER SET $1.69 wo complete changes of Sure to please! All plasic WiTh )welryinclude-bracelet, watck arms and legs that move-. arrings, etc. eyes move too! $485 for the Entire Family! DOLL CARRIAGE A deluxe model! Collapsible frame, tip-toe brake, rubber tires, visor on hood. Big 18-inch BABY DOLL $5.89 Her Eyes Move She Cries . Lifelike Saran Wig Her Wardrobe is Complete. iSlumbertone CLOCK-RADIO Lulls You to Sleep or Wakes You With Music Illuminated VILLAGE CHURCH 3595 * SwisR M usic Box Plays Carols $750 Every Boy Would Love This SPALDING OFFICIAL BASKETBALL Long-Wearing 5 Rubber Cover 595 Roy Rogers I PLAY BALL KIT Contains baseball, 279 basketball, football and whistle. TWIN HOLSTER SET Twin 50-shot repeater Only pistols puff smoke. With belt and leather qo 89 holsters. p$3 PORTABLE ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH * Plays All Sizes and Speeds of Records Young Hairdressers Love to Shampoo and Wave Her Hair! TONI DOLL 14-Inch Doll Complete with $11.95 Accessories . Gorgeous doll with wash- able nylon hair. Com- plete kit of Toni play preparations for giving permanents. * Western-Style COWGIRL OUTFIT S$4.98 Consists of skirt, hat, lariat, ban, danna, spurs, hol. ster and pistol. Texas Ranger COWBOY L SUIT D $6.75 IComple te 'ith shirt, pants, vest, hat and lariat. A'IS Take her by the I eBHand an t She'll Walk with You! $159' "Saucy Walker" TODDLER DOLL All plastic with moving eyes, lifelike hair, beautiful costume, TRANSFORMER Lionel 275-Watt $27.95 AMAZING LOW PR/CE! LIONEL 3-CAR FREIGHT With Headlight and "Manumatic" Couplers, '4 0. - Sfor the Young Hostess! Mirror 46-Piece PERCOLATOR SET .,ach pack contains a \7-in. nn- "breakable 78 B.P.M. record, and C olorful story about the record 'With,"punch.- Oats." $2.59 Complete service for six! In- cludes plates, cups, saucers, knives, forks, spoons, napkins, per- colator and serving tray. Firestl e Home & Auto Supply Store B. W. EELLS, Owner Phone 100 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Avoid Disappointment $17.75 a" 50 Holds It -KIs2 On Layaway The envy of every "young trainman"! Cars have railroad-type Knuckle Couplers and are uncoupled by means of the amazing "Manumatic" device. S- Locomotive is the modified 2-4-2 Columbia-type. Includes locopn. tive, gondola, box car, track, transformer. 198 MUSICAL c PACK-0-FUN'EAP .,,,TV's F famous t i -~P~- L. -~s LI-~ -----_---, n~ I. __ .FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1959 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA .? b~ey 4iis HOME SHOPPING IS HAPPIER and EASIER 00 Lo1 Merchants are Anxious and Able to Serve You the Quickest and Best Way The Following Merchants of Port St. Joe Are Participating In This Yule Celebration 0M.M. WEBB'S 5c to $5.00 STORE BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE RICH'S SUPER MARKET SMITH'S PHARMACY FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLY CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE COSTIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE MODERN FURNITURE CO. QUALITY GROCERY & MARKET ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE ST. JOE SUPPLY CO. qOCHE'S GULF INVESTMENT CO. J. LAMAR MILLER'S STANDARD STA. McCOY'S DEPARTMENT STORE ST. JOE MOTOR CO. MOUCHETTE'S STYLE SHOP DANLEY FURNITURE CO. AUSTIN-ATCHISON COMPANY GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE ST. JOE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO Make These Places of Business Headquarters for Your Holiday Needs TH ) rA ii PR r. jn, 1--A THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 M FlIfA T 2CME .15 H TR OTS. OGL ONY LRD AEFV LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a toni doll with white hair, trunk and clothes, blackboard and telephone set. I will try to be a good girl. Love, SHELLEY Dear Santa, I would like to have a piano and ,truck for Christmas. Thank you, BRENDA CONOLY Coatings for Castings Castings of gray iron are widely used as machinery parts. Specially .form lated finishes are effective in improving their appearance and in 'protecting the surface of the casting against rust and corrosion. These finishes form a continuous film -which prevents contact of the metal -and corrosive atmospheres, liquids -or gases. ------4- Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! Dr. Chaes Reicherter OPTOMETRISBT EYES EXAMINED Ie.AS SE FI TE i - RITZ THEATRE UILODINDa FIRSTr aF OOR HOURS S TO 5 PHONE 5665 PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA CLOSED WEONEBDAY AFTERNOONS COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 326, Day or Night 601 LONG AVENUE Port St. Joe Florida OTTO- Patrolmen To Bear Down On Slowpokes Florida Highway Patrolmen are going to bear down on the highway slowpoke. Patrol Director H. N. Kirkman said today that speed to either ex- treme can be, and more often than wanted is, a killing factor. The fellow who pleasure-drives on the highways, often holding up long lines of traffic, is going to feel the effect of intensified pa- trol "enforcement action" which the director has ordered. The legal limit of speed in Flor- ida is fixed by law. Sixty MPH in the daytime and 50 MPH at night. with regulated speed limitations in restricted areas. "While excessive and unlawful speed on the highways of the state continues to cause deaths at an alarming rate, the highway slow- poke is a contributor of very def- inite proportions," declared the di- rector. Re-emphasizing his remarks with figures to prove them, Kirkman said "In 1951 there were 54,000 acci- dents in Florida; 10,127 were caused by improper passing and following too closely. Those acci- dents caused 57 deaths." "It is safe.to assume that in both instances of cause, there were many slowpoke drivers indirectly involved, although only 18 persons who were in the 'slow drivers' classification were directly involved in 1951 wrecks." In some areas of Florida, local traffic'.laws 'have been activated to regulate traffic movement by a maximum speed, and enforcement officials report satisfying results. ------><----- -K Color Blindness Color blindness is a relatively un- important factor in highway acci- dents. Inability to, distinguish red from green is the most common form of color blindness, but stop lights have sufficient yellow in the Sred and sufficient blue in the green Sto prevent confusion. By Charlie Garriway Just because Otto's car now goes "MOO MOO"-when he goes down the street, is no sign that his car has a pedi- gree. But if you really want a fine car that does have a PEDIGREE and is the CREAM OF CROP, so to speak, you better hurry up to our USED CAR place and pick you out one of those dandies that we have now . GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe Final Plans Made For Holiday Trail Tour Final plans for the Holiday Trail, sponsored by the Garden Club, were made at a called meet- ing of the committee in charge at Mrs. Franklin Jones' last Friday, November -28. The opening of the Trail will be 3 p.m. Sunday, December 14th, and the trail will close at 6 p.m. Nine points of interest have been planned. A list will be provided visitors. At the end of the tour refreshments will be served. En- joy the Holiday Spirit by seeing Port St. Joe's first Holiday Trail, Sunday, December 14. Garden Club Urges Decoration of Homes The Garden Club of Port St. Joe urges citizens of this town to dec- orate the outside of their homes and make this the most colorful Christmas we have ever had. Prizes will be awarded the winners of those who register their intention to compete. Contestants should call Mrs. G. D. Cottingham, phone 3164 by December 22. Entries will be divided into two groups, Gar- den Club 'members and non-mem- bers. Awards will be giyen in both groups. -, Make your plans now to decor- ate call 316J, and you might be among the lucky winners. NO UNEMPLOYED IN GULF COUNTY FOR THIS WEEK TA1LLAHASSEE, Nov. 28-Re- ports from 49 out of the 67 coun- ties in Florida report total 'wdekly unemployment insurance payments of $126,429 to 6,255 unemployed for an average check of about $18.50 the week ending November 21, ac- cording to a report by Chairman Raymond E. Barnes of the Florida Industrial Commission. This is a slight increase in employment and a n increase o f approximately $5,000 in weekly payments over the previous week. In the same period of 1951, some 5,146 claiments received only $89,- 702. In this county none received un- employment benefit payments. ---K HIGHLAND VIEW WMU HAS XMAS WEEK OF PRAYER The Highland View Baptist WMU Lottie Moon Christmas week of prayer opened with everyone singing "Hark The Herald Angels Sing." The scripture lesson was taken from Luke 21;21, John 3;16 and Romans 5:8. The program theme was "Lovest Thou Me and Feed My Sheep". There were S members present. Mrs. T. O. Richards closed the meeting with prayer. Acorn Crop Assures Good Squirrel Crop. A good acorn crop during the past year has helped Florida's squirrel population and hunting for this species this year should be better than the last shooting sea- son, it was stated Tuesday by bio- logists of the Game and Fresh Wa- ter Fish Commission. There are three species of squir- rel here in the state, with two of them the grey or cat squirrel and the fox squirrel considered game animals. The flying squirrel, found everywhere but in the sou- thern part of the state, is non-pro tected. Smaller of the two game spE. cies, the grey squirrel is found chiefly in dense, broad-leaved for. ests and cypress swamps. The fox squirrel is an open pinewoods ani- mal and falls as easy prey to hun- ters. Fox squirrel's are slow and awkward in 'their movements and are considered to be inferior to the grey squirrel in- sporting qual- ities and popularityy as game ani- mals. -*---------- --- University Makes Report On State Medical Needs The final results of a study of medical needs and iesourc'es- of Florida made by the University of Florida will be presented to the 1953 legislature, but already the University is being praised for its work. Th. University received a $96,- 500 grant from the Commonwealth Fund to help meet expenses of the study. In its annual report pub- lished this week, the Fund author- ities state, "The University of Florida is thinking like a univer- sity." The study is under the direction of Dr. Russell S. Poor, and many outstanding figures in medicine and allied fields are associated.with him. Star Want Ads Get Results For Christmas delivery- 4 Harley- Davidso- See the new Harley-Davidson 165 today. It's on our show- room floor and it's sure to make your boy happy on Christ- mas morning. Safe, easy-to- handle and so economical. W. B. HOLLAND Kenney's Mill I - Prices Lowered Each Week On Stock Carryover 1950 Buick "8" 4-Door with Dynaflow. Clean $1469.00 1949 Buick "8" 2-Door Sedanette $1129.00 1 94.9 Pontiac "8 4-A r Chieftin, fully e 9auippe $1449.00 1952 Oldsmobile Super "88" 4-Door Loadedi (Demonstrator) $3149.00 1948 Willys "Jeep" Station Wagon 789.00 1946 Plymouth 2-Door DeLuxe $669.00 1947 Dodge 4-Door DeL., Nice Accessories $775.00 1950 Chevrolet, 3-4 T. Pickup with Stake Body $1059.00 1949 Buick Super '8' . 2-Door Sedanette, Black Beauty, Fully Equipped $1295.00 1946 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan $745.00 1949 Dodge /2-ton Pickup $795.00 "AS IS SPECIALS" 1946 Mercury Convert. $495.00 1939 Chevrolet 2-Door $129.00 1941 Chevrolet 2-Dr. $195.00 1938 Dodge Coupe $175.00 GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY PHONE 388 24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Port St. Joe, Florida WE WILL STAY OPEN each, WEDNESDAY EVENING FROM NOW TIL CHRISTMAS DANLEY'S -- THE StAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, IS52 2 ; 0~ VIII TUE STR POR ST JOE GUL CONY FLOID FRAY DEEME 5, 195 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FR,: AMENBIMENT OF LETTERS PATENT (YflCE1 IS UIEREBYI GIVEN that St. 4.-eph Telephone & Telegraph Company, a; ,rpWra.tion, will apply to the Ilonorable V~itdler Warren, Governor of the Siate of 4l-ri.a. at his office in the State Capitol, in the Cit' o .Tallahassee, Florida, on the f ttifeeth day of December, A. 19D. 92, for otMtes I'atent covering the following: enmdmejjts to its charter adopted I:,' the stoWauiders of sail corporation at meet- ig held in Jacksonville, Florida, on Oc- wer 21 1952, at which meeting more Atafour-fifths, to wit, all of the out- k-ahisg capital stock of said corporation Sias replmeented either ill person or by y and votedd t unanimously, that is, by a of of more than four-fifths .of all its -ack l .aImend Articles III, IV, V, VI, and VWi, 'f said Letters Patent. The resolutions adopted hby the stock- .& aders .are.-as follows: Bl IT, IESOI.VLI) lbye the Stockholders .r .S- Josephl Telephone & Telegraph Coom- - ii. that .Ajrticle In of the Letters Pa- aunt of this corporaiton shall be amended Sthax the saltm stl ll rea l as follows: ARTICLE HI "Tb- h tliti l stock of the corporation balIl be One tHIundlrel Tlhousand ($100,- OOO-u.) Dollars divided into onet thousand (1.000) shilares of nliII' llhtudred (g100.00) .1Iblanrs 'each. RE IT RESOLV.E1) by the Stockholders -ai St Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Com- psyu that Article. IV of the Letters Patent at this corporation shall be amended so Itmt the same shall read as follows: ARTICLE IV Tilsh corporation hall have a ne'petu.tl BE.IT RESOLVED by the Stockholders S~St Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Cont- pnmy that Article V of the Letters Patent 'at this corporation shall be amended so V t .stthe same shall read as follows: ARTICLE V ie -'business of the corporation shall .e conducted by a Board of not less than .at'se (3) aor more than nine (9') Direc- it. They shall be stockhblders qualified o wete at the election at which they are fse. One of the Directors shall be cho- rm President oby the Directors or by the a how(eF9 as s the .y-Laws hall direct. tib oficenr of 'the corporation, in ludi- ;-isf to the President, shall be ao',- mIn.' Vice Presidents, ,a- Secretary, a TIr*zur.r.t Asui.i A-.i itaril Orslt,.i ,l, imirs Tp .._ <-, .11 tl,.r L. r.:citon a.li ,p,. r.sip irlf ct. One. person riTay .ini 1 .1, "' at tihe ease int. .., . IE IT lS'LSO L 'D .Ub; the 'r, i.l'l. Id -f St. Joseph Tel.h...ne i Tel.eb-ga,'i I.'m-. rmsy that Article TI of the Lett'rs Patent 4W anis cororration shall be amended so a-fldt the same'shall read 'a, :foil'jvs: ARTICLE VI ":rK -h'iest amount of indobtedneil's or 'iTlility to 'which the corporation may at .ay time suibject- itself snall be tue su~i t One, llioe ($1,0000000.00) Dollars. Bf; IT RESOLVED by the Stockholders t S t loseph Telephone & Telegraph Com- Tircy tlkst Aticle VIII of the Letters Pa- tent of this corporation shall be amended :.a'? that the same shall read as follows: ARTICLE VII The telegraph and telephone lines con- '.tc6ted, romaintainetd and operated or to 1l- aurnstructed, maiirtained and operated '', ii *' .i ..-; ii..a. are as follows: :. i .'... i. City of Port St. Joe, PVlorta, to the 'City of Chattahooclee, '~erida, by way of 'Apalachicola, Sumatra, T"elogia, 'Tosford and tGreensboro, Florida, .- distance of approximately 105 miles, 'thmre- I and into the Counties of Gulf, P-rankli, 'Lierry and Gadsden, ilr tlhe '.-Statr of Flui'da: (b) From the City of Port St. .oe, :,'rlida, to the City. of Panama City, Flor- ir.i A distance of" approximately 36 miles. ft hough and into the ,,iir,.: '- I'I.n ..1 B.., in 'the -State of : in.;i.. (,e) From the C.r; I !'.-.mt r i... Pl.andda, to the City of Blountstown, Flor- -,ia, a distance of approximately 51 miles, rlsuttr and into the Counties of Gulf and oiCbon, -in the 'State of Florida; 1W't rom the City of Apalachicola, uRlnla, 'to the Town of Lanark, Florida, -sa Isitance of approximately 27 miles, istriBuh -and in the County of Franklin, .iBn the State of Florida; t(eF From the City of- Blountsatwn, lo-riaa, to the City of Tallahassee, Florida, .,a distance of approximately 49 miles, 't;iugh and into the Counties of Calhoun, Jgierty. t;,dsden and Leon, in the State hitMeritds. Gf I-11lwra. l'ir T.om point at or near the point 'f~iere Lr., Road No. 65 crosses the Apa- ladicols Northern Railroad at Beverly i;' aclikfln County, Florida, to the Town Of 'TEnark, Florida, a distance of appr-,i- :mtely 36 miles, through and in. the Coua- ;.y of Franklin, in the State of Florida; (g) From the Town of Lanark, Flor- 'da, .to ithe City of Tallahassee, Florida, "by wwy -of St. Teresa., Panacea and WakuHa :.Springs, Florida, a distance .of approxi- mea tely i miles, through and into tinh auonties of Franklin, Wakulla and Leon, in ,tg State -of Florida; <.lk From the Town of Lanark, Flor- 't,. to the City of Tallahassee, Florida, by ay of l poppy and Crawfordville, Flor- ist, a distance of approximately 53 miles, through and into the Counties of Franklin, Walullua mll Leion, in the State of Flor- (i) From the City of C'hattlhoocheoe. Florida, to the Georgia-Florida State Line. a distance of approximately two mllile. through and in the County of G(adsden,' in the 'State of Florida; (j) From the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, to the City of Apalachicola, Flor. ida. a distance of approximately 30 miles by way of U. S. Highway 98, in tie Coun- ties of Gulf and Frank:lin, in the State of Florida ; (k) From the City of Blountstown, Florida, to the City of Marianna, Florida, a distance of approximately 28 miles, by way of State Road No. 71" and the Marianna and Blountstown Railroad, in the Counties of Calhoun and Jackson, in the State nl Florida; (1) From the City of Wewahitchka, Florida, to the City of Panama City, Fur- ida, a distance of approximately 2 miles, by way of State Road No 22 in tlhe Cour.n- tilu' of Gulf and Bay, in the State of Flor- id, ; (m) From the City of Chattahoochee, Florida, to the ity of Sinl ds, Florida, a distanIe of approximately -six miles,' by way of 1. S. highway No. 90, in tlhe Coun- ties of Gadsden antd Jackson in the State of Florida; (ii) Flrom each telephone exchange operated by this company to points to be realedl for rural telephone service, Iby wiy of Stat tloalds, County lRoads, or any other means of accessible rights-of-way inl the Counties of Bay. Gulf, Franklin, Wa- ktilla, Ieon, Liberty. Gadsiden, Calhoun and .Iackson, in the Slate of Florida. ST. .O1SEI'H TlELE'lIONE & TrELL (I hA I'll' COMPANY By ISI ROGER L. MAIN Its Treasurer Seil Attest: s Ireene Walshl Its Secretary L;tted this '24th day of November, 1952. ROBERT M. AVENT, Atty. Jacksonville, Florida r$ato Pa 4lp Potala palace, the rnapVy .real- deaaO it ithe baltl'Lafla oa Tibet at Lhasa. is belaevd to 'bs "t only tIWldng fn Wll TiBtet which has eaeetrloty. Kiwanians Hear Rev. Billy Daniel Wednesday Kiwanians were treated to a very fine address on Wednesday noon by fellow club member, Rev. Billy Daniel. According to club president, Mickey Stone, Bro. Billy gave members much "food for thought". Using two well known and often used American words, "indepen- dence" and "freedom", as his topic, Rev. Daniel presented convincingly his argument that the word "in- dependence" is completely false as regarding man's relationship with man and nation with nation. "This word should be discarded and the word "interdependence" substituted. Neither individual nor nation can exist independently of the other in this modern world," was the substance of his talk. As for liberty, Bro. Billy cited mem- bers to the following passages in the Bible: Luke 2:13-14; John 8: 31, 32. In closing, Rev. Daniel called upon club members to exercise especially at the Christmas season, the good will that brings peace among men,--the good will that .eapot comIe front the application' CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my apprecia- to our friends for taking care of our furniture and valuables while we were away during the occasion when our house burned. B. C. GILLIARD 4(_- Giraffes are the tallest of all mammals. of any civil law in existence, but which springs only from the heart. Visits Little White House Mrs. C. M. Palmer, 9th Street, Port St. Joe recently visited The Little White House at Warm Springs, Ga. where President Franklin D. Roosevelt lived part time and where he died in 1945. Now a national shrine, The Little White House is kept just as he left it and is open to the public the year round. Send Th Sta to a ren Send The Star to a frlendL BISHOP JEWELRY STORE LADIES' M Solid Gold. BIRTHSTONE RING $10.00 $1 We have the latest styles in Elgin Watches For Ladies and Gentlemen E We also have many other Swiss Watches, Ladies Ear Ring Necklace Sets, Lockets, Brooches, Compacts, Cigaret Cases, folds, Pins and Many Other Gifts N'S !.50 and Bill You will find these and many other gifts at prices you will like at BISHOP JEWELRY STORE Opposite Port Theatre 2t Port St. Joe, Fla. US EOUR LAY AWAY PLAN "'Let Bithop repair yoir watch, glasses or jewtrly" .I+ -- *.yf s .. .. ) NEW Economy! Higher compression ratios squeeze top economy out of each drop of fuel im- proved cooling system gives more efficient performance. Plus filtered crankcase ven- tilation, dual fu4l filters, oil-bath air cleaners. NEW! Super-safe brakes! Super-safe brakes " give smooth stops when going forward or backing, with less pedal pressure . new increased stop-0 ping ability on 1- thru 2 -ton trucks. From -A-tin through 4-fon... -fhee' one to fit ywrjob! Pa *ie new DODGE' MBtd'TRUC K( at your dealer ...TAURC, Dee. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP L. J. HERRING, Owner Ptone 363 Pert St. Joe Long Life! More dependable than ever! Tough new floor in pick-up and panel bodies... rede- signed propeller shaft center bearing mounting for longer bearing life. Dodge trucks can take it! NEW! Over 50 features! 50 ways new! Reinforced cab construc- tion, larger exhaust system, extra-capac- ity radiators. Dedge-tint glass, heaters with stepped-up heat output available. Plus moistureproof ignition, high-torque capacity starting motors, and other 4 features. See your Dodge dealer today! McGOWIN MO TOR COMPANY Corner Baltzell Avenue and 4th Street PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA ANNOUNCING NOwfDODGE TRUCKS YearK ahead "+ NEW! More powerful engine ti Fysa NEW! Truck-o-matic Transmission! New Truik-.o-matic trans- mission ..ith g,'rrol Fluid Drive ., .lablhi:w i .- and -t.in I)Dode. trucks .. saves hitlir clus driver fatigue, p.'rmnits I.-u to rock out t 3no,'. mud. and sand. it --- - - % I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 PIAGrrE SIX I ,, THESTA. ORTST JO. GLFCOUTY LORIDA PAESEE' FPIDAY. :ECEM.EER 5, 'n&2 CAMPUS INN News of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTING Honor Roll The honor roll for the second six weeks of school is below. To be eligible one must have made no lower than a "B" and must have no "U's" in conduct or effort. An unexcused absence disqualifies the person also. All A plus Ann Kenney. / All "A's" Marietta Ohafin, Barbara Das- singer, Annette Ward, Martha Cos- tin, Ruth Lynn Ramsey, Pat Hall, Joy Clark and Ruth Coe. "A's" and "B's" 7th Grade June Coker, Betty Mitchell, Mike Morton, Karen. Jammes, Patricia Spears, Terrence Hinote, Wanda H-by: Ki Pbo'urT.. Junior Ciass Play The Junior class s presenting irs annual play Friday night at S:00 at the High School Auditorium. The play will be "Mama's Baby Boy". It is a play in three acts and is a comedy. The play is un-- der the direction of Henry Dan- dridge and Miss Katherine Nix, the Junior class sponsor. Junior Honor Society The National Junior Honor So- ciety installed its new members in a very impressive program. Be- fore the new members were es- corted onto the stage, members ex- plained the meaning of the four character traits; Leadership, Schol- arship, Character and Service and also the meaning of the flaming torch, the emblem of the honor society. New members are: Carol Thompson, Marion Hance, Valeria Roberts, Jerry Buchart, Wayne Davis, Carolyn Creamer, Barbara Ann Kay, Celia Tomlin- -- P~-.-l- T~>.-, -a.,,1 Tl P t n,,.,- Kennington, Kenneth Hurlbutt, Abe son, 'aula d uperrouelr e u- Miller, Jon Kent Mickey. Wigley. perrouzel, Deanna Duperrouzel, th Grade Barbara Dassinger, Oliver Harper, 8th Grade Martha H m Ca T n Gypsie Ann Lowe, Betty Lou Kirk- Martha Hammock, Celia Tomilin * Math H o, Ci land, Bruce Parker. Barbara Mit- son, Bobby Ward, Carol Thompson, chell, Frances McGill, Billy Mc- IBarbara Mitchell, Wayne Davis, Billy McKeithen, Deanna Duper-Kethan. rouzel. Banner For Honor Room rouz. The room receiving the highest 9th Grade scoring for the "Clean Campaign" Buddy Seymore, Mary Agnes shall receive a banner made of Culpepper, Gypsie Ann Lowe, Ra- purple-gold felt with the letters, chell Wimerly, Ida Nell Canning- .Hono oom". This project is ton, Sonja Blount. sponsored by the student council. 10th Grade -Good Manners Week Mary Harris, Sydney Jammes, The Port St. Joe Future Home- Bob Smith, Lynda Gail Pyle. makers of America under the di- 11th Grade reaction of Mrs. Eula Pridgeon is Bill Durant, Joyce Causey, Carol sponsoring a "Good Manners Ann Duperrouzel, Ruby Lee Mad- Week" beginning Monday of this dox, Judith Mahon, Gloria Mlardock, week. The main purpose is to help Virginia Swatts, Boncile Wood, the students to be aware of the Hildreth Dunlap, Glenn Garrett, importance of good manners. The Freddie McCall, Fred Parish. main points stressed are: 12th Grade 1. Table Manners. Leroy Gqinous, Mary Katherine 2. Traffic In The Halls. Stephens, Jane Allemore, Ida 3. Respect of Other People's N~lllFmm)lN CHRISTMAS CLUB 1953 im FORMING F Our Christmas Club for 1953 is now open. Nearly 100 persons are receiving one of our Christmas Club checks this year. Are you one of them? If not, why not join now and get a check next year. We know that you will be glad you did because over 80% of our Christmas Club members this year were members in prior years. Join one of the following clubs this year: 25c weekly will pay----- $12.50 50c weekly will pay ----- 25.00 1.00 weekly will pay- 50.00 5.00 weekly will pay -250.00 FLORIDA BANK at PORT ST. JOE MEMBER Florida National Group Federal! Deposit Insurance Corporation I IF ANYBODY HAS- Died Eloped Married Divorced Had a Fire Sold a Home Been Arrested, Been Your Guest Started In Business Left You a Fortune Bought a New Home Swiped Your Chickens Met With An Accident Had a Visit From the Stork THAT'S NEWS! TELL THE EDITOR Phone 51 THE STAR Property 4. Respect of Older Persons Second Half of Dove Season Starts Dec. 15 The peak of the winter dovy population will occur on or about Dec. 15, the opening date of the second half of the split season this year, and will furnish simon-paie dove hunters with one of the beh; shooting periods in years, announ- ced Frank Winston, dove biologist of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. While the first half of the spli. season was considered a success in all but a few areas in the state, A A. A. A L .A .A A .A . Pen and-encil Pencil Once Served Well Today, modern methods get results! LET US SERVE ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS FORMS, LETTERHEADS, CARDS, MENUS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, ETC. THE STAR Your Home Town Newspaper Phone 51 70 PdbbA SEW9WWE (N.e Wih DEMAel D (Name Withheld Due to Drastic Price Reduction,) ,1 I 4 0 4v -IPINKING 5-YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEE I pS HEAR ALL MODELS ARE BRAD NEWI ABSOLUTELY NO Given With Each ODEFECTIVE PARTSf '* Aead dd Au mechRt Sew.g Machine Purchased! Auhomot Foot Contro Setf-Adjuiting Tenrion Sewing Machine Puchased.1 Det:hoae Load Cord Automav: Stitceh Regulator siltt-In Sew ght Sef-Treodirg Spring Gu THEY'RE WORTH Limited One to CusomwOerVER6.9 .-- A A L A A L ..& , SEW E. L. THOMPSON ACME VAC -- Local Representative 224 E. 4th. St. Panama City, Dear Sirs: I would like a FREE home demonstr without obligation of the Brand New 1952 Flyw Electric Portable Sewing Machine at the special petitive price of $19.95. NAME * ADDRESS IF R.F.D. G 0** Phone.--- CITY GIVE DIRECTIONS TO HOME f Mail coupon or Fla. ation DIAL Fm eight ' corn- PANAMA CITY Fr Hurry! For Yours! I- Sthe second period will probably b.? Send The Stai to a friend. tops with available dove-shooin.-; opportunnities throughout the en- NOTICE FOR DIVORCE IN 'r'ill, CIRCtJiT lC t 111 tire state, adds Winston. tI L'F COLNTY, FLOIIDA. In Chtncere. The second dove season start- .JoYCE -lANXNETT:Y SIOONER, Plaintiff. ing Dec. 15, will end Dec. 29, and vs. .I.MIBIS 1OB1E SPOONER, Defendant hunters will be allowed a daily NOTICE TO: JA.IMES OBIE SPOONER, in llst' plaice of r'siddlCole is unknown. limit of eight, a possession of On before t is5 ay of december, eight, and shooting will be- per- A.D. 1952 the defendant, Sames Obie Sp'ooner IS REQ'iIRtEDL TO SERVE UPON emitted from noon"until sunset each Cecil G. Costin, Jr., Plaintiff's Attorney, day. Rifles are prohibited and shot-, "Iwose address is 211 Reid Avenue,. Port St. Joec, F'lorida, a copy of and file with the guns must be plugged to three- Clerk of Said Court, the original of an an- Sswer to the Bill of Complaint filed! against shell capacity, 'him herein. WITNE'Ss uv hand and official seal of K said (Court at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Slorida, this 110th day of November, A.D. The term "holiday" derives from 1952. "holy day". GEORGE Y. CORE Clerk Circuit Court. 12-5 1 wwmrrr~ww -, - ,___ Ir"~iu F~~O~;~)~,~~~~~,0~Pcl ,, PAGE SEVEN HE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA . ..F ,ii I r w w T~esa~ Civil Defense Adopts for military purposes was an- Civil Defense uniformly through- areas that have been made danger- eight inches on the two lower nounced Monday by Col. R. G. out the United States and its pos- ous by atomic, biological or chemi- sides. .Hazardous Area Signs Howie, State Director of Civil De- sessions. cal warfare agents, or by high ex- - fense. The State Control Center, lo- plosive bombs or mines. Need Room iiMoption of the same system of The system has been approved ;cated in Jacksonville, stated that The marking system uses upside- Overcrowding leads to rapid -arking hazardous areas for Civil by the Federal Civil Defense Ad- the markings will. warn Civil De- down triangular signs measuring spread of respiratory diseases In akMse-asC.the armed forces use ministration and will be used by I ense workers and the public of about a foot across the top and farm animals. J-roese atng En iac0 DUALS~E~-4 W COMPLETELY NEW DUAL-STREAK STYLING NEW LONGER WHEELBASE LONGER, LOVELIER, ROOMIER BODIES PONTIAC'S WONDERFUL NEW POWER STEERING* * NEW ONE-PIECE WINDSHIELD-WRAP-AROUND REAR WINDOW SPECTACULAR NEW OVER-ALL PERFORMANCE .SEE THIS NEW DUAL-STREAK BEAUTY IN OUR SHOWROOMS TOMORROW! _More New Features Proving That Dollar for Dollar You Can't Beat a Pontiac! Here, in the greatest Pontiac ever built, is the finest, most beautiful, most luxurious car that ' New Comfortmaster Ride New Roomy Cross-Country Luggage Compartment can be built at a price so close to the lowest. The -W tew Parking and Steering Ease New Deeper Rear Seat Cushions new 1953 Dual-Streak Pontiac is completely s *rew Panorama-View Instrument Panel New Curve-Control Front Wheel Suspension restyled, inside and out. And it has Pontiac's - w New Color Harmony Inside and Out New Easy-Pull Hand Brake traditional dependability and economy. Come .W SFew Concentric Gear Shift Lever Great Economizer Rear Axle in for dramatic proof that dollar for dollar you a ?New Key-Quick Automatic Starting Your Choice of Pontiac's Two Great Power Plants can't beat a Pontiac! *Optional at extra coat. WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY Corner Second Street and Monument Avenue -- TF4E STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 "'YKE. EIGHT -I r.~p Port St. Joe, Florida THGEMIE AT it93395 PAGE NINE DO. SCHOTT-BEASLEY ose Will Prepare Donald R. Schott, son of Mrs. o Beity H. Leech, and formerly of Baskets For Needy this city, was married October 5 at .the Donovan Christian Church in With Christmas near, the Loyal Donovan. Illinois to Miss Mary Order of Moose hope to add a Lou Beasley. Following the .cere- li i little cheer to some needy family mony they went to Chicago for a ony they went to Chicago for a on this day with a basket of food honeymoon. and fruit. After being released from the It is one of the principal pur- army, where Mr. Schott has served pos of the "Loyal Order of the for the past four years the couple Moose all over the world to help will reside in Donovan, Illinois. the needy, not only with-in their own fraternity, but. those in need within the community in which they are located. For-the past five years Port St. Joe Lodge No. 1035 has taken a grre'at deal of pride in being able with the help of the good people of Port St.. Joe, to distribute has- kets to the neely of Gulf Counly. They will d'o s, o -ain this year. HuntTMr. MI'rk Tomlinson, chairman Hunts Tomatof the .Loyal Order of Moose Christmas basket program asks KET C U the help of all civic ,clubs, chur- ches and private individuals to 14 Oz. help him get a list of the needy t families in this community. Bottles If you know of a needy family, please get the name in to either V V Mark Tomlinson or Weldon Roach before December 15. Libby's Elberta -------- Yellow Freestone Merchants Seek Repeal PEACHES Of Parcel Post Limit No. 303 i Repeal of present parcel post Can 23o size and weight limitations on packages moving between first class post offices is. being sought V by the Florida State Retailers As- self-rising 49o Super Right U. S. Choice ROUND STEAKS 89C lsb. 321 Reid Avenue PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA R"LRPfIIBIYUCmPI*<^^~fl[^^si~^fli^*^^mffV*^J'UIiIglH" uy Lt he 1FUIloUia tLaLta RLtCL.Cl es. AS- sociation and other state and lo- cal trade organizations. (Establishment of a Statt ~-wide task force for repeal is now in pro- gress, under direction of J. E. Saltz president of the state merchants' body. Dallas L. Hostetler. execu- tive director of the association, is Florida chairman. Orlando offices of the Florida State Retailers As- sociation will be task force head- quarters. Hosteller. has pointed out that until last January 1, parcel post packages up to 70 pounds in weight and up to 100 inches in length and girth, could be shipped throughout the country. Since that date, par- cel post moving between first class post offices has been restrict- ed to 40 pounds in zones 1 and 2. and to 20 pounds in zones 3 to S. and to 72 inches in length and girth. The prior restrictions of 70 pounds 'and 100 inches were not changed with respect to second. third and fourth class post offices. CIRCLES TO MEET AT CHURCH MONDAY P.M. All circles of the Baptist WMU wili meet at the church Monday to study the third and fourth chap- ters of the mission study book en- titled, "Scattered Abroad". Mrs. J. O. Baggett will teach the chap- ters and all are urged to attend. It pays to advertise-try it! New Dual-Streak Pontiacs Announced for '53 I% a1 I4 . In nationwide dealer showings, Pontiac Division of General Motors today introduced its new line of Dual- Streak Chieftain models, featuring longer wheelbase, increased vision and new curve-control frpnt suspension. Advanced styling is marked by smooth contours, rear fender fin and high deck lid, one-piece curved windshield, . ...-2.. .:"-1 I I ....: DRINK FENHOLLOWAY MINERAL WATER Deliveries Made To Homes By Truck Every Two Weeks On Friday and Saturday. This Water Guaranteed To Help Kidney Trouble and Rheumatism. YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR IS . RICH'S SUPER-MARKET He carries this water in stock. You can pick it up there or, if you care to wait for truck delivery, you can phone 306 and place your order. BOTTLED AND DISTRIBUTED BY A. E. JACKSON & SON, Perry, Florida We also sell Distilled Water and have a nice line of Water Coolers for sale ------- - - ~ _1-- - -- - SEE YOUR DEALER NOW! AN ADVERTISEMENT OF FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION Pillsbury's Best FLOUR wrap-around one-piece rear windows, roomier interiors and entirely new radiator grille and chrome treatment. Above is the new Custom:Catalina, one of 11 body types in three Chieftain series:. Special, De Luxe and Custom. Wheelbase for all series is 122 inches, with Power Steering as optional equipment. . I ~IIII r l ! plain or 5 Lb. Bag U. S. No. 1 POTATOES 10 Lb. Bag PAGE NINE I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULFI COLIMTY, FLORIDA FFIAY, DECENIDER 5, 1932 I PN~uCE i ~ TE THE ~L STARl PORT-Y ST. JOGL ONY LRD IADCME ,15 CLASSIFIED ADS FAMOUS TYLER ROSE BUSHES From Rose Garden of America Best varieties. We ship anywhere, prepaid. Write for price list. COOK'S PLANT SHOP 315 S. Glenwood, Tyler, Texas FOR SALE-Apartment size gas range. Perfect Condition. $35. SSee at Star Office. FOR SALE-Two bedroom house in nice neighborhood near school. Lifetime roof ceiled with, ju- niper. Tile floor in bath Lot is 60'x150'. House is in good con- dition. Total cost only $65861.45. Buy equity for $1975.00 and as- .ume mortgage for balance. No red tape. Immediate possession. FRANK HAN.NON Registered Real Estate Broker 211 Reid Ave. Phone 61 Order Before It's Too Late Personalized CHRISTMAS CARDS PARKER'S JEWELRY Lawson Hotel Building Port St. Joe, Fla. SAND FOR SALE For Masonary and Concrete Work 6 yard 1 yard Load ..---$18.00 Load ---- $ 3.50 Fill Dirt 6 yard Load ----_$ 8.00 CALL 66 WALTER DUREN FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT. 510 Eighth Street. APARTMENT. 529 Fourth Street. A. R. Sheffield. HELP WANTED H E L P WANTED. Experienced stenographer for general office work. Please contact No. 9 ex- tension 25, Port St. Joe. SPECIAL SERVICES PAINTER and DECORATOR. C. W. Newman, Bay View Heights, Highland View. Professional and Satisfactory service. 12-2-2tp WILLIAM'S CAFE Corne- First and Reid Regular Dinners Daily Home-Style Cooked Food Eat With Us and Fuss With Us Operated by Mrs. Y. L. Wages Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH Bicycle Repairing All Makes WESTERN AUTO tf LODGE NOTICES SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. O.F.-Meets first and third Thurs- days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting brethren invited. Pervs Howell, N. G.; Henry Geddie, V. G.; W. C. Forehand, Secretary. Shopping Season (Continued from page 1) merchandise to choose from for those gifts at sale prices. This is to be one of the biggest sale events of the year and every- one in town is invited to take advantage of it. The merchants have worked hard and long to plan for this event so that the public may reap the most benefit possible. Accord- ing to the merchants association this pre-holiday sale is to be a yearly event in order to stimulate home-town buying and better cus- tomer-dealer relationship. You are invited to turn to their special Holiday Sale Section in this issue of The Star and see the many bargains outlined for your budget and convenience. ---- ----- REV. JEWEL INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT SUNDAY The, Rev. George Jewel, retired Episcopalian priest was injured in an automobile north of Port St. Joe Sunday. He suffered painful bruises when his car overturned while he was enroute here for the early morning communion services at St. James Episcopal Church. Florida Highway Patrolman C. W. Saunders said slippery pave- ment caused the car to spin out of control and overturn, NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that the under- signed, pursuant to the "Fictitious Name Statute," Chapter No. 20953, Laws of Flor- ida, 1941, will register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Gulf County, Florida, upon receipt of proof of the publi- cation of this notice, the fictitious name, to-wit STAR PUBLISHING CO., under which I am engaged in business at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida WFSLEY R. RAMSEY First publication November 14, 1952. Comic for uo Basketbalers Start League Play Monday The city basketball league team will open its regular season Mon- day night at the Centennial Audi- torium when they meet the Kinard team. Game time will be at 8:00 p.m. The local team has won sev- eral pre-season practice tilts and go into the season in fine shape and are favored to have a good win percentage When the season is over. The quintet has received the services of a very valuable player, Johnny Aydock since they first started practice. The team is sponsored by. the local Kiwanis Club. DODGES SEA GULL AND ENDS UP IN BAY, SUNDAY Haywood Griner of this city was pleasure riding with two of his friends, Leo Land and Bill Smith, Sunday afternoon along the Bea- con Hill Highway just beyond Highland View when they spied a dead sea gull lying in the road. Griner dodged to miss the dead gull and lost control of his car and wound up in St. Joseph's Bay. Neither of the boys sustained in- juries other than a few cuts and bruises. ----- --- REV. POLLOCK TO PREACH AT HIGHLAND VIEW MISSION Rev. Jesse Pollock of Bain- bridge, Georgia, will be the visit- ing minister at the Highland View Baptist Mission and will preach at both morning and evening ser- vice on Sunday, December 7. The public is cordially invited. LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS Visits With Father OFFERING BEING HELD- Tierce C. Fleming, Jr., USNAF The Lottie Moon Christmas Of- of Jacksonville and his wife visit- ed for four days with Mr. Fleming's fearing meeting for the foreign mis- father T. C. Fleming, Sr., here father T. C. Fleming, Sr., here sion board is being held at the Baptist Church this week. All la- dies are invited to attend. Spend Thanksgiving In Cottondale Mr. and Mrs. Don Birath and children spent Thanksgiving in Cot- tondale as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shores. ______-'C Spends Thanksgiving Here Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haire and son Johnny of Lancaster, Ohio, and Philip Trexler spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Trexler at their home on 16th St. Visitors Here Thursday Mr.' and Mrs. W. T. Oliver of Cairo, Ga. visited with Mrs. Tom Parker and family Thursday and Friday of last week. CARD' OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation for all the flowers, cards etc. received during my recent illness in Atlanta. J. E. BOBBITT Corn Cure? Do corns bother you? One woman applied a strip of cellophane tape around her corn and reported that it disappeared-in time. prior to leaving for a six-month cruise in the Atlantic. Poaching Eggs, When poaching eggs, use a per- forated pancake turner to remove the eggs from the pan. Blot the turner and the egg on a paper towel before placing on the toast, and this will prevent water-soaking the toast. Smokey Says: ,O RTHEe W AT A MtE j I*MAIC- CAN 'of Yes ... in your passing car, some: miles back along the highway, you may have started a mess by your carelessness! Use your ash tray. MEET YOUR FRIENDS ---AT --- LeHARDY'S BAR Phone 52 See why you can be sure you get the deal you deserve here. See how you get more with e e e Chevrolet... pay less with our low prices. ' See for yourself... urself 1 Theres MO Value ie CHEVROLET Value! ~ :! : :: 1 r.~B " ;" '' : i' rr ~-~L rj :rr:L ': r .; ~.. ; .r. raqprr ~888888888888Ll-'~P .: .`9 , L_ t:' '::''~;k'~l(l;-_ ~jpVi~z You can always make money with a McCulloch! Wherever there's wood to bt cut, there's profit to be made with a McCulloch chain saw. Blade sizes are available for every type of cutting operation, from felling giant red- woods to making fence posts. You can increase your earning capacity- make extra dollars for a long, long time-by investing now in a depend. able, fast-cutting McCulloch You're Invited Within the next few days, stop by out store for a real demonstration of wood cutting. Or give us a call and we'll try to arrange a show for you at your place. There's no obligation. We ,.nt you to see what a McCulloch can do. 6 Models Available CLEMENTS STANDARD SERVICE STATION Blountstown, Florida 0l.P-.. "J . LOWEST PRICED IN ITS FIELD! This beautiful Styleline De Luxe 4-Door Sedan lists for less than any comparable model in its field. (Continuation of standard equipment and trim illustrated is dependent on availability of material.) SEE WHAT YOU GAIN WITH THESE EXCLUSIVE CHEVROLET FEATURES More Powerful Valve-in-Head Engine with Powerglide Automatic Transmis- sion (optional on De Luxe models at extra cost) Body by Fisher Center- poise Power 0 Safety Plate Glass all around, with E-Z-Eye plate glass (op- tional at extra cost) Largest Brakes in its field Unitized Knee-Action Ride. SEE WHAT WI TLowest.Priced Line in its Field! S WIN $25,000 FIRST PRIZE IN THE GENERAL MOTORS BETTER HIGHWAYS AWARDS 162 awards totalling $194,000. Come in for free "Facts Book" containing entry blank and complete details of contest. GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. PHONE 388 -- I -- --- ------------- -- ---------- ----- -- PAGE TErN' THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1952 Port St. Joe, Florida |