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PORT ST. JOE THE STAR A Progressive Published In Port St. Joe Community With a But Devoted To the Con- Modern, Progressive H tinued Development of Weekly Newspaper : Gulf County S .- "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Aplochicola-Chattahoochee Valley" " VOLUME XV PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 NUMBER 26 Smallest Field In City Water System Garden Club FlOwer McCarty Against Seven Assuredof SearsI Stae s On Paying Basis Show Set for April 5-6 Increase In Taxes Being R 25 Years In State Being Ritued Meet First Payment On Refunded Invitation Extended Everyone To Speaks Here Wednesday At Fish, . governor's Race Bonds and Have Small Surplus Compete In This,Big An- Fry Staged By County To CoIty fffl w Toward Next Payment nual Event Committee Five Democratic Caniates Perhaps a lot of our citizens were Plans are well under way for the Gubernatorial candidate Dan Mc- Contests for Repreentative not aware that the city of Port St. flower show held each year by the Carty stands squarely against any and Three On Republi- Joe, up until this year, had never Port St. Joe Garden Club, the date increase in state taxes, he assured Senator, Assessor and can Ticket made a payment of interest or prin- for the affair having been set for Port St. Joe voters-here Wednes- County Commission cipal on the $146,000 worth of bonds Saturday and Sunday, April 5-6. day noon following a downtown issued in 1937 for building of the The show is open to everyone in fish fry sponsored by the Gulf Florida's fluid gubernatorial race city's water system-but it's a fact. town and all are welcome to bring county McCarty for Governor com- Gulf county's slte of political solidified Saturday as the qualifi- But now, with continued growth exhibits. Exhibitors, it is pointed mittee, whose chairman is Silas R. candidates bears the. names of cation deadline.passed with no sur- of the community and refunding of out, must furnish their own recep- "Mickey" Stone seven who are unopposed out of th6 ise entries seeking the hot seat the bonds recently, which included tackles for display of specimens. Approximately 500 men and 'o- 13 elective offices bing sqighit this Ps '.-e..e.ri.. sF -: the original $146,000 and $33,320 in Due to lack of space, the entire men heard McCarty declare vigor- itow held by Fuller Warren. interest, for a total of $179,320, the list cannot be printed here, but the ously that while he never will en- year. 'In the race are five Democrats- city is getting in a position where arrangement portion is as follows: gage in "mud-slinging," he will not Those without opposition are B. Ato Adams, Bill Hendrix, Dan Mc- payments can .be made to retire the Artistic Arrangements "take anything sitting down." He E. Parker, sheriff; George Y. Core, Carty, Dale Spencer and' Brailey issue, the first payment having. Division I-Illustrating the Four pointed out that now, as in his circuit court clerk; Tom Owens,.su- Odham. It's the smallest Demo- been made in January, when the Seasons: Spring-New leaves, fruit first campaign for governor in '48, perintendent of schools; Uncle Edd oiatic slate in 25 years. first $4000 bond fell due, carrying tree blooms with accessories such "my hands are untied and I have Pridgeon, tax collector; Billy Ham- The Republicans have a larger $3,362.25 in interest. asbirds (optional)young flower commitments.".. mock, harbormaster; Earl Prid- ce th ianus haei entriesbe- teraingftis$, 5t. Ibuds: Summer--Mixed bouquets, no commitments.".. h. P- choice than usual, their entries be- After paying off this $7,362.25, the .full blown blooms, vegetables. Fall He pledged his support as gover- geon, county judge, and Mrs. C. G. g -etsupeervisorofregistration. ,"g Bert Lee Acker, Elmore Kiitz- city finds it has accumulated a -Pine cones, berries fruit. Winter nor to a wide conservation pro- Rish, supervisor of registration. findse int -arry accumulate awa -ow 11ier and Harry S. Swan. How- small surplus toward paying off the --Bare limbs, dried material with grand and the expansion of forestry, The two biggest contests, and the ver, one of the fiveDemocrats un- second .nd, which falls due on accessories (optional). and that he would work to give ones thatprobably will rosethe 4dubtedly will be Florida's nextuly 1 The interest payment wi n Division -Miniature arrange- our school teachers the cost of liv- greatest interest, will be for state btedy will be Florida's nextJly Theinterest payment will ments under 3 inches (including .. . governor, since the state hasn't had not be as high, and will drop on base) ing raise they deserve." senator and representatveInthe a. Republican chi'e executive since succeeding bonds as the principal Division .III-a-rill arrangements McCarty said his program would senate race we have George G. Tap Reconstruction Days. is taken up! under 8 inches (including base). not call for "any additional tax bur- per and Ben C. Williams from St. The three mijor contenders for ---- -- Division IV rrangeniint in a den,".as the state is in good finan- Joe, and Floyd Lister from Wewa- .tlhe gov-rnbr's chair, all of whom vase. cial shape, with a sizeable treas- hitchka. Candidates for representa- have spoken in St. Joe during the Kiwanis Sponsoring Division V-Arrangement in unique ury surplus. tive are C. G. Costin Jr., and C. C. phst week, are Adams, McCarty and Reptile Exhibition container. ----- Wilson. ddham. These are the heaviest __: Division VI-Arrangement in a Another contest that is creating hanging vasIe or.i St. Joe bRanda s rs and the widest campaign- By HARRY McKNIGHT ha g vaseor container., interest is that for county tax as- s. T Division VII--Ta bles: (Exhibitor Attend Annual Festival sessor, with Sammy Patrick, incum- es. ll Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club 'to arrange for tables. Foymal (make There are four contenders for will bring to this city. on Friday, reservation with Mrs. Maige). In- bent, B. B. Conklin and Felton tde one seat on the state railroad Ai pril 4, one of the most' unusual. formal. "Supper on the Terrace" The Port St. Joe high schoolband Smith all out working hard for the commission, Richard A. Mack, 'the and t hillin. l.-ows of its kind ever (make re-seri action *ith Mrs. Flei- will be in Tallahassee Friday and nod of the voting populace. Commission chairman ein op resntd m c-ity rdeeelsWi shb O ccasii nal m reservation Saturlda; Mrch :. '. for the a.n There is a wild sratife for th Sco~mission. I.hladirmam- em.. ,-;. resglttd In ou -.-'t ., P de- i "~ ,h"-,w h rs. Fleishel). ..i DtiBa'd Festival' raree seal on tine ,loa d oM eeunty) posed by T. S. Perguson, Peaslee ee used by the clulh ;n'its under-I Division -VIII-Mantels: (nmate nual Sixtl Ditrict Band Festival Three station ithe board of county Strdit and D. S. Dansby. privileged children's Work. relertation with Mrs. T. Minute). to be participated in by 23 school commissioners, with16 ontistants8 For prt~ident of the U. S., Flor-l From the Ross Allen Institute Division:IX-Plaque's: Wall, dried 'bands from his area. having decided they would like to ida To.erR may choose between Sen- will come the nead lecturer and per- material mounted on a board to re- The concert audition will be held sit on the board. ator Ribard B. Russell of Georgiaformer, Brad Bradford, the world's semble.ood carving, 14x18 inches. at Florida State University Friday In District 1 (Wewahitchka) we former, Brad Bradford, "h cworld's Wall plaquke, any sizeDiied pressed lrn and Senator Estes Kefauver of most popular .authority on reptiles, Walloeaue, ary si Dd a preied afternoon at 12:30, and the march- have W..R. Connell, T. D. "Doc" Tennesseb, each with a full slate to entertain the people of St: Joe. picture frine, any'sise. ing.exhibition will begin at 8 p. m. Whitfield, Thomas McDaniel, B. T.., of delegates committed to vote for He will bring with him a collec- Division r--Wild Flowers: .rtis- in Doak Campbell stadium. At 3:30 Taylor, Cecil E. Glass, Henry Boze- t in he national Democratiction of g reptiles including tic arrangement. Named specimen, in the afternoon all bands will par- man and Tobe Gay, incumbent. n in the inof this city i o in etles, lig (contair, olive botte) ticipae in a parade. District 3 (Beacon HiiandOver- convention. JakBeli of this city rare foreign species,turtles, alliga- DiDish-Gardens: In ticpae in a arade. District 3 (Beacon Hilland ver being among those for Russell. The tors, lizards and all the poisonous dish or planter. In a shell. Hang- On Saturday, individual entries street) has five candidates, Parker election of these delegates will oc- snakes of America. The specimens ing. will be judged. Jane Allimore and G. Hart, Floyd 'George Davis, John cur in the second primary,May 27,1 will be displayed in lighted cages Division XII-Invitational Class: Virginia Swatts will play the piano H. Story, J.' C. Arbogast and Peter when the voters will choose the ,ether i la le ce isl from out-of-own garden and Timothy Elder the cornet. G. Strange, incumbent. run-off winner of the first primary. equipment. __II n-c Band students taking part will be District 5 (Port St. Joe) finds in Efforts of the state Democratic At the close of the thrilling per- i l DeJune Wise, drum majorette; Jane the race the incumbent, J. F. Mil- committee to put "little cabinet" formance, Bradford will demon- y iDelivery Allimore, Marietta Chafin, Patsy ler, John C. Dickey, Foy Scheffer (Continuer on p ge' 7) forate the actual "wilkin" of a Serving Over 2000 Clark, Ann Costin, Katherine Clark, Jr., and George W. Cooper. large Florida rattlesnake. Everyone lAudrey Duren, Mary Harris, Tim ----- ------ Reviv Il TO Be Held At !in the audience will be presented! Chauncey Costin, acting postas- Elder, George Hill, Jimmy Howell Gain Shown In Woods Fire ith vyineesti freeb t ter, states that around 694 families Sidney Jammes, Margie Lytle, Etta First Methodist Churchwith a ery interesting reebooket and over 2000 individual patrons of Martin, Madolyn McFarland, Bob Prevention In Gulf County Re. n eindse u on reptile idente irmaaton on the treatment the local postoffice are now being McKnight, Ralph McLawhon, Bar- Rev. Warren Lind ey announces PIe their bite o served! by the city mail delivery bara Mitchell, Ed Ramsey, Benny GuIf county has shown a definite that a revival will be held in t of the service. Roberts, Blair Shuford, Jack Sir- gain in the prevention of woods Methodist Church March 23 to 28, .He also announces that collec- mans, Bob Smith, Cora Se Smith, fires this year, according to County with services each evening at 745, of South Africa and has spent his tion boxes have been set up at Long W. L. Smith, Virginia Swatts, Mel- Ranger H. A. Hardy. with Dr. J. L. Daniel, pastor of the letime in this work. He has ce- at this time 2,036.4 p,w ith Dr. J. L. Daniel, pastor of the "e mn history e s Avenue and 10th Street,.Long Ave- ton Taylor, Ronald Taylor, Caroline "Last year at this time 2,036.4 Opp, Al., Methodist Church, as the in oyoo an hs appeaies 0 nue and 16th, Second Avenue and Traweek, Annette Ward and Joy acres had already been damaged by principal speaker. Madison Avenue in Oak Grove and illiamson. fire, compared to only 389.5 acres "We urge everyone to attend in many films in action scenes. He Aene F and Avenue C in he col this year," he said. Some good rains every service possible," said Re.has lectured before the leading Avenue F and Avenue C in thecol- this year," e said. Some good rains every service possible," said Rey. orhs lect d bet e thede quarters. FASHION SHOW TO BE have aided in, keeping the number Lindsey. "The choir willbring spe- sports and scientific groups ofthe Two large collection boxes will STAGED NEXT FRIDAY of fires down to 37, compared to 95 cial music each eveing. Come and nation and has performed at Silver be received shortly and will be Spring is here and with spring, over the same period last year. worship with us." Springs before niany attdiences. ] placed in front of the postoffice and of course, comes-new fashions. The Hardy asks Gulf county residents Remember the date, April 4, at 8 1 . Sp..Remeber te et, Apri at 8 at the corner of Long Avenue and Junior Woman's Cluib, with the co- to "keep up the good work" for the RECEIVES NURSES' CAP p. m. at the elementary school au- 16th Street. The present small box operation of local merchants, will remainder of the 1951-52 season. At a capping exercise held March dtorium. at the latter point will then be give everyone a bird's eye view of "Be careful with fire in the woods 7 by the Frasier Ellis School of moved in front of Hotel St. Joe. 1wvhat's new this year in milady's and the fire problem is half-licked Nursing in Dothan, Ala., at the MOTHER OF MRS. GARRAWAY Costin'urges those desiring city dress. already," he added. chapel of the Lafayette Street PASSES AWAY lIN MARIANNA delivery service to fill out a change There will be added attractions, Methodist Church, M\iss Minnie Ola Mrs. J. J. McCaskill, mother of of address card at the postoffice to too-a little song and dance of- Attending Convention Ray of this city was among the 15 Mrs. C. R. Garraway of this city, : have their mail transferred from fered by St. JOe's talented. So Leaving this week as delegates to student nurses receiving their caps, died Sunday morning *at a Mari- box or general delivery to city car- everyone come out to the high the tenth national Sunday school denoting completion of six months' anna hospital. rier. The idea is to serve patrons school auditorium, March 28 at 8 convention of the Assemblies of training. Miss Ray is the daughter Funeral services, which were at- at the point where they wish to get p. m., and have an enjoyable eve- God, to be held March 25-28 in of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray and she tended by Mr. and Mrs. Garraway. their mail. ning. Springfield, Mo., are Rev. H. H. is here for a three weeks' visit were held Monday afternoon at the "We wish to serve our patrons to ---Jones, Buford Griffin, Mrs. Nelson with her parents. Mrs. Ray at- Marianna Presbyterian Church. the best of our ability," said Chaun- M'EMBERS OF MEN'S CLUB Gardner, Jesse Anderson, J. Paul tended the capping exercises. ----- --- cey, "and we ask them to confer VISIT AT WEWAHITCHKA IPitts, Ed Wynn and Miss Jimmie ---- Visit In Georgia with us on any problem concern- Twenty-seven members of the St. i Lee Butt of the Oak Grove Assem- Spend Week-end-In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheffield and ing their mail service." iJoe Methodist Men's Club visited bly of God Church. Rev. Jones re- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beaty and son son Jackie visited one day last ---- ----- Monday night with the newly-or- ports that this international meet- Stevie spent last week-end in Moul- week in Donaldsonville, Ga.. Re- TO PREACH SUNDAY ganized club in Wewahitchka. A de- ing is expected to attract over 10,- trie, Ga. They had planned to at- turning with them for the week-end Dr. J. V. Talmage, returned for- licious dinner was served by the 000 Sunday school workers and tend a rodeo there, but due to in- were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Daniels. eign missionary, will preach at the ladies of the church after which leaders from Alaska, Cuba, Canada clement weather were unable to do Mrs. Daniels is Mr. Sheffield's sis- 11 a. m. service Sunday at the First officers were elected for the Wewa and Latin America, as well as from so. ter. Presbyterian Church. club. I every part of the United States. PAG TW TH TR OTS.JE UFCUTFOIAFIAMRH2,15 Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Miss Faye Hill Becomes Bride of Leslie Preston Daughtry At Impressive Candlelight Ceremony In an impressive candlelight cer- mony, a reception was held at Ho- emony Sunday afternoon in the tel St. Joe. The bride's book was First Baptist Church, Miss Faye kept by Miss Ernestine Durant. Hill, daughter of Mrs. W. C. Good- The sunroom was decorated with son of this city and Riley Hill of potted Easter lilies and the mantle Panama City, became the bride of was centered with an arrangement Leslie Preston Daughtry of Mont- of yellow gladioli, snapdragons, daf- gomery, Ala., son of the late Mr. fodils and pompoms. Brass candle- and Mrs. L. P. Daughtry of Ope- labra holding lighted tapers carried lika, Ala. out the yellow color scheme. The Rev. L. J. Keels performed the bride's table, overlaid with a cut- double ring ceremony against a work cloth of imported Italian linen, background of potted fer:-, floor was centered with crystal cande- baskets of white gladioli and mag- labra holding lighted white tapers nolia foliage. Tiered candelabra and a floral arrangement of white holding lighted tapers completed gladioli, snapdragons and pompons. the altar decorations. The three-tiered wedding cake was Nuptial music presented by Mrs. topped by a miniature bride and L. J. Keels, organist, included groom. Nosegays of white gladioli "Largo," by Handel, and "Prayer and bridal wreath completed the of a Young Girl," by Bache. Pre- lovely picture. ceding the ceremony.- Timothy El- After the wedding cake was cut der, soloist, sang "The Wedding in the traditional manner by the Hymn," by Mendelssohn, "O Per- bride and groom, it was served the fec Love," by Barnley, and closed guests by Miss Joyce Sexton and the ceremony with "The Lord's Miss Jane Allemore. Presiding at Prayer," by Malotte. The tradi- the punch table were Miss Jackie tional wedding march and reces- Kenney and Mrs. Will Ramsey. sional were played. The young couple, after spending The bride, given in marriage by some time with their guests, left her father, selected a ballerina- for a wedding trip through South- length gown fashioned of satin with a full skirt of net and chantille type lace over satin. The long sleeves came to soft points over the hands. Her fingertip veil was gathered ' from a halo of net and pearl or- ange blossoms. She carried a Bible 'CLUB 22' ORGANIZED BY REBEKAHS FRIDAY NIGHT The ladies of Melody Rebekah Lodge No. 22 met last Friday eve- ning in the home of Eliza Lawson for the purpose of organizing a so- cial club to be known as "Club 22," and elected the following officers: Mrs. Eliza Lawson, president; Mrs. Elwyn Blount, vice-president, and Mrs. Cora Lee Miller, secretary- treasurer. Next meeting of the new organi- zation is to -be held at the home of Mrs. Blount on 7th Street at S p. m., Monday, April 7, and all mem- bers of the Rebekahs are urged to come and talk over plans for a spring social. MRS. McNAIR HOSTESS TO BUSINESS WOMAN'S CIRCLE The Business Woman's Circle of the Firsst Baptist Church met Mon- day evening with Mrs. Lillian Mc- Nair at her home on 3rd Street. Baptist mission work in Cuba was the topic discussed, with Mrs. A. P. Martin in charge of the program. Present were Mesdames Sarah Herring, Ralph W. Jackson, A. P. Martin, Blake Thomason, Margaret Walker, Joyce Jackson and Wayne Hendrix and Misses Mary Alice Leaton, Yvonne Dykes, Alma Bag- gett and Sue Stewart. J. A. M. CLUB TO MEET The J. A. M. Club will meet Mon- day night, March 24, with Mrs. W. S. Smith. All members are urged to be present. ern Florida. Mrs. Daughtry was lovely in a traveling suit of ice'blue with beige accessories and a white orchid. Following the honeymoon, Sthe couple will be at home at 72 Pleasant Avenue. Montgomery. Ala. Mrs. Daughtry is a graduate of centered with a white orchid. the Port St. Joe high school and at- The matron of honor, Mrs. James tended Massey Draughn Business Avant of Bryan, Texas, only sister College in Montgomery. of the bride, wore a ballerina-length Mr. Daughtry served with the U. gown of nile green net over taffeta S. army and is now on the staff of and carried a bouquet of red rose- the Montgomery Advertiser. buds. The bridesmaids were Mii", Out-of-otown-.guests attending the Martha Wilson and Miss Hazel ceremony included Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who wore identical gowns Ira Hill and Mr. and Mrs. James of nile green and carried bouquets Bailey, Panama City; Mr. and Mrs. of yellow rosebuds. Bernard Goodson, Quincy; Mr. and Best man for the bridegroom was Mrs. Rudy Gaskin and Dr. and Mrs. James Pope of Opelika, Ala., and Harold Canning. Wewahitchka; Mr. serving as ushers were Ira Hill Jr., and ,Mrs. M. C. Jackson, Columbus, of'Panama City, cousin of the bride, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Jackson and George Hill, brother of the and Hattie, Miss Louise Harmon, bride. I Mrs. A. J. Osmont. Mrs. H. A. Pope, The mother of the bride wore Mr. and Mrs. James V. Pope and navy blue with navy and white ac- James N. Osmont, Opelika, Ala.; cessories and a corsage of white Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rigsby, Barbara carnations. Lesis and Rebecca Irvin, Montgom- Immediately following the cere- ery, Ala. Baptist Circles In gave the devotional, after which Mrs. Daughtry, circle chairman, Meetings Monday conducted a business session dur- The various circles of the Baptist ing which reports were received W. M. U. met Monday afternoon in from various chairmen and some their regular meetings as follows: work was done on the membership 'Circle II with Mrs. C. E. Mussel- chart. Plans were made to give an white with"six members and two Easter basket to a needy family, visitors present. In absence of the and several articles were given for chairman, Mrs. George W. Cooper, an Easter box for the children's Mrs. E. T. Gunn, co-chairman, pre- home. Mrs. E. R. DuBose dismissed sided, giving the devotional from the meeting with prayer, and the John 20:14-19, "Then Send I You," hostess then served delectable re- followed with prayer by Mrs. W. I. freshments to the six members Carden. Mrs. Gunn then gave an present and one visitor. Mrs. Ralph interesting reading, "A Visit In Macomber invited the circle to Cuba," while Mrs. James Horton meet with her in April. gave a readingi'on "The Cuban Wo- t It : men." After a short business ses- VIRGINIA HAGOOD G. A.'s MEET sion, the meeting was closed with The Virginia .Hagood Girls' Aux- prayer by Mrs. H. G. Harvey. iliary of 'the Baptist Church met Circle IV met with Mrs. W. S. Monday afternoon at the church Smith at her home on Williams with 13 members present arid one Avenue, the meeting ,being opened visitor. The program on Cuba was by Mrs. P. B. Fairley giving the most interesting as Mrs. E. R. Du- devotional from John'and Romans. Bose, counselor, described the cus- An interesting program on Cuba toms, climate and activities of the was given by Mrs. C. A. McClellan people, also illustrating with pic- and Mrs. Milton Chafin, and Mrs. tures the work being done by the H. C. Beaty gave a chapter on Mrs. Southern Baptist Convention. The Crystal Enette, a Florida mission- meeting was closed with sentence ary. The meeting was closed with prayers. Next meeting of the group prayer by Mrs. S. J. Taylor, after will be held at the church. which the hostess served refresh- 1 I st ments to the nine members pres- BAKE SALE SATURDAY ent. The April meeting will be with Don't forget the bake sale to be Mrs. S. J. Echlin at her home on held tomorrow at 11 a. m. at Buz- Palm Boulevard. zett's Drug Store, sponsored by the Circle V met in the home of Mrs. Woman's Auxiliary of St. James' W. J. Daughtry. Mrs. J. J. Clements Episcopal Church. COLD STREAM SALMON TALL CAN 49o V HARRIS TUNA FISH 6 OUNCE 23 CAN 2 V V GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Plain or Self-Rising 10 lbs. 95 c V V FRESH SHRIMP 49c Ib. V V FLORIDA PASCAL CELERY LARGE BUNCH 321 Reid Avenue PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA O. E. S. TO INITIATE HELLO, WORLD! There will be an intiation service at the regular meeting of the Or- Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Dyken of der of Easter Star on March 25 at this city announce the birth of a 7:30 p. m. All members are urged :son, David Anthony, on Friday, to be present and visiting Stars March 14, who weighed in at 6 are invited. Refreshments will be pounds 8 ounces. served. Drakes Are Week-enders Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Drake of Au- burn, Ala., were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Eells this past week-end. While in town they tried to see as many of their friends as possible and, needless to say, their many friends here were happy to see them again. Dr. Joseph B. Spear OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Broken Lenses Duplicated APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Atkins are an- nouncing the arrival of an 8-pound 5-ounce daughter on Wednesday, March 19. (A!1 births oiccrred at the Port St. Joe Muoicijail l,)sital i Adertising Doesn't Clst It PAYS Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED RITZ THEATRE BUILDING FIRST FLOOR HOURS 8 TO PHONE 565s PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS I Po. eae...... Port Theatre A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe,. Fa. "DEDICATED TO COMMUNITY SERVICE" THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS. AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE Rough, Tough Adventure! "THE DAKOTA KID" Starring the ROUGH-RIDIN' KIDS MICHAEL CHAPIN SEILENE JANSSEN S"FLYING DISK MAN FROM MARS" S--- Also --- :Cartoon "Unbearable Bear" *SU 6* Y *NDAY I**AR*6H 23 2$S64 SUNDAY MONDAY MARCH 23 24 LATEST NEWS and Short: "IT'S ONLY MUSCLE" 0e*e S eSOllOOOS* ..e$... C S*SeSS Seedll TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ..... .cu starring - Wendell COREY Vera RALSTON --- Added --- "CHAMPION JUMPERS" THURSDAY FRIDAY :"BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON" Starring SRAY MILLAND HELENA CARTER HUGH MARLOWE Sand FORREST TUCKER S LATEST NEWS Cartoon, "ANDY PANDA" P6W 6i*6 6#6@*9''*6*.**g -** 6sees* THE STARj PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 PAGE TWO FRIDAY,~---I MARCHA 21,- 195 THE- iL---- STRPRTS. O, UF OUT, LRIAPAETHE Return To St. Joe Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Joines have re- turned to St. Joe to make their home after residing in Chattahoo- chee for the past year, and are lo- cated at 1002 Garrison Avenue. "It's good to be back," says Mrs. J. Chapel on Wheels The Rev. and Mrs. Sam T. Mayo of Atlanta, Ga., operate a chapel on wheels-believed to be the first in southern Baptist. missionary his- tory. No End To Honest Valuegiving Here! Another 4-Day Sensational Savings Event! BOILE nIm Madeto Order c MARCH 20, 21, 22, 24. A Great Demonstration of the Buying Power of Your Dollars!.. THURSDAY /FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY A Fight Against Inflation! BRIGHT, CHEERFUL, CLEAN NEW MERCHANDISE! Sanforized, Eyelet Trimmed .FIRST QUALITY COTTON Half Slips $1.00 ea. SAVE FOR EASTER NOW! SUPERB QUALITY RAYON PANTIES FOR MISS AND MRS. Made to fit and render permanent service Pairs 1 0 B r We'll Buy You A Stick of Candy If You're Disappointed They're Buying and telling others the glad news! Spring and Summer SUITS for Men FOR $45 Save $13 on two suits WE'RE SAYING IT WITH QUALITY MERCHANDISE! SMILING NEW FOR JUNIORS AND MISSES COTTON FROCKS TUBFAST AND SANFORIZED $2.95 Value$2 Each ------- ALWAYS A BIG HIT! A Break and a Cheer for Mrs. Sew and Sew Hundreds and hundreds of yards, glorious new patterns and colors, crisp and new, SHEER COTTONS Dimities, Lawns, Batiste and Flock Dots Florida prints. 4 yds. $2.00 HERE'S A TRIPLE PLAY! Genuine Hanes Quality Guaranteed for permanent fit and service. SHORTS and SHIRTS 2 Suits -- 4 Garments Mixed as you..wish for $3.00 SANFORIZED, STURDY QUALITY BLUE DENIM SHORTS BOXER LONGIES 2 TO 12 BOYS 2 TO 6 BOYS PAIR $1.00 1952 Atomic Patterns Boys' 4 to 12 Sanforized SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 each MOST DESIRED, FIRST QUALITY CHILDREN'S COTTON PANTIES 5 prs. $1.00 SIZES 0 TO 12 WHITE AND COLORS LITTLE TOT'S FABRIC AND NYLON HANDBAGS for Easter $1.00 ea. SEE OUR NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT! Choose from scores and scores of styles & patterns Spring and Summer Sandals FOR MISS AND MRS. White, red, green, black, multi, yellow, orchid, etc. You get a box of CAVALIER SHOE POLISH in the price with each pair . $2.00 and $3.00 BOYLES FAMOUS $ DAYS! SEasy to Launder, Colorful Striped Crinkle Cotton Bedspreads 82x90-- $2 82x105 $3 Men's Full Size Hemstitched WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS For tears of grief or joy, drops of sweat and heard colds Lucky 13 for $1.00 IT'S FUN TO:' MAKE DOLLAR DAY VALUES! Famous makes, colors - and patterns that will make you smile and buy! MEN'S SPORT Shirts $2 ea. MEN'S FULL CUT SANFORIZED BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS_---__ $1.00 ea. SEE OUR NEW LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPT.! Outstanding In Style, Quality and Appearance! HAND PICKED* EASTER DRESSES This Special Group of'Spring and Summer Fabrics, sizes for Juniors, Misses and halves Worth dollars more! Each $5.00 Another Happy Group Each $8 Another Out of this World Group_--- Each $10 LIMIT 2 TRY A TASTE ... YOU'LL LOVE THESE SAVINGS! Happy HAPP SLACKS and PLAIN FRONT Spring and Summer Weight Trousers Favorite 1952 fabrics, patterns and colors. $5 -$6-$7 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA and $8 II a Il B~P -n ----- a C- 1 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 THE STAR, FORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Flrida, By The Star Publishing Company W. S.. SMTH, huditor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as fecond-class matter, .1e-ember 10, 1937, at the Poetffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCBfPTtON INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEARN i.oa six MONTK 1si.o0 THNr MONTH a$127.S1 -.T TELEPHONE 51 )- TO AOtVRTIS5-In damages further than amount recertd for s ua adversttlie t T*he $pq "e ad.-i t A i tot:tetitD e prated or ie thsilgfullv wteid. T&e Ep.qen wardbarely aiMgt. the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken wa f ts lost; the printed word remiails. a w \' '*s:~ ;ws \!,?WR**.;-*;'*) '^'e dur Country sr Right Wor EARLY BIRD GETS WORM We don't know how well that provisional gov- ernment in Cuba will function, or whether, the new regie of Dictator Filgeniio Batista will be an improvements oer that of fugitive President Carlos Prio Socarres. But there's something down- right nostalgic these days about a revolution con- ducted without a public relations buildup, a "voice" of this-that-or-the-other, without radar, sonar or loran, or even a modest supply of trial- size atomic bombs. As we heard it, General Batista and friends merely got up early (3:00 a. m.), went out to Camp Columbia before breakfast was ready and told the troops of the Havana garrison they had a new boss, since the old government had be- come a collection-of "ward-heelers." From there, Batista and party (now in proper marching or- der) went to town-specifically to the presiden- tial palace in Havana-and announced the new government. President Prio had gotten up even earlier and scrammed. On May 31 President Prio would have com- plet'd his term of office, to which he could not legally be re-elected. By our standards, we would "say those Latinos are just plain impatient. MAKES NO DIFF IF YOU CAN'T VOTE Remember, no matter how anxious you are to ,back your choice next November 4, you can't unless you're registered. Find out now: When? Where? and How?. to register-then do it . or you'll have to sit madly on the sidelines while your relatives and friends help decide wholl win the presidential fight that will undoubtedly be one of the closest in U. S. election history. Deadline for registration is April 5. Trade with your home-town merchants. Visitor From Dothan ,Mrs. Madaeline Whitaker of Do- than, Ala., was a visitor in the city Monday. "I'm moving back to St. Joe,"-'she 'said, "just can't keep away any longer." Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS; 8 480 - hII2I ow 0du 4- MIN- - FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 Oil Reserves Up According to most recent authori- t.tive information, dying. 1950 the total proved U.S. reserves of oil climbed from 28.586 billion barrels to 29.952 billion barrels, .'an iii- crease during the year of 1.366 bil- lion barrels. During the same period& 2.17 billion barrels were produced. .0 4m~m 0 0 mob TEN YEARS AGO From the Files of The Star Draft Lottery Completed The first draft lottery of the cur- rent war, affecting some 9,000,000 men, ended in Washington Wed- nesday and established the order in which the new crop of selectees will be called. First number to af- fect a Gulf county registrant was 441, which is held by Neville St. Clair, white, of Wewahitchka. Hoarde Hoardes . Mrs. Paula H~ orde ard Jolh W. Hoarde were married last Sunday morning at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perritt, with Rev. R. F. Hallford officiating. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilmore are announcing the arrival of.a daugh- ter, Sammie Jo, on Monday, March 16, at Dr. Norton's clinic. Work Underway On Pier Due to the continual sinking of tankers by submarines in the At- lantic, the Southeastern Pipeline Corporation has started construc- tion of a 580-foot wooden dock to accommodate two tankers at once, as against present facilities, which al- low but one tanker at a time to tie up. Several large new tanks have been completed and the pipeline will soon be prepared to handle a greatly increased gallonage. Two .More In Commission Race Two local men, Harry Saunders and W. C. Roche, this week quali- fied with Clerk Joe Hunter as can- didate for the board, of county com- missioners from District 5. Heat Loes .,. ... Aluminum paint, which helps prevent the lqss of hqat, car, be ap plied to advarr'tre on the insula. ting jacket of steamn 'pipes. _666 UOWI OIRTABLETS-SAME FAST REClIE COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE , Phone 326, Day or Night 601 LONG AVENUE Port St. Joe Florida Ford cuts Truck Running Costs Again! RRIR SS 1Z Now...Three new Engines in . IH compreotL [L ow friction )RD TRUCkS for 52! F.D.A.F. 101-N. COST CJP5 SIX: Now LOW-44KT"iO doeweL 215. as.K Avemble Seifts NJ Ilb M. 144-ND. CAUO NMO V-U w..LOW, PICTIO dedgie. 2?t as. bSaended 6, Srd.. P.7 snore Newt ultrs -mmedevm e4 4v"*j* L- give yes - More dgpligementloeelgimedfor lodera Speod ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p-t onleIEgnee t m e 4 Ford Truck engineering ha always been Step-ahead engineering! nWsspta-. Pord- pioneired V-8 power for trucks! Example: Ford built loer life into Ford Trucks and proved it with registrations S. "Ford Trucks Last Longer!" Example: Ford demonstrated Power Pilot economy in 50-millioA-mile Ford Truck Economy Run and made the results available in an exclusive Book for every operator's benefit. NOW eeF tos.3 mew Low-#uctos ku* e*Mew--rmw .-w. Ca-*se King V-. sMi rW Ce0t0 CKpper SX-Irat i a ;e i *e o fgs in *evry 7 .. deliver mor power per cubic inch. time-saving power tned to tedoday's Speed-Hauing needl New LOW-FRICTION design liberates "cap- tive" power: Ordinarily, efigine friction steals as much as 30% of the power your engine develops. Ford short stroke Low-FlacnTON design cuts 185-8-P. CAIGO KING V-: New LOW- MICTION d*ei.i 9317 es. b Sloodard ir Series F- . C.K'wl4 4~ hSuct fric- Mh**e OIe *d hea#* *^ * theis :fiction-fighting features: rew pe,-fAited Autothermic Pistons; New Pre- ciWeo-moIded Cast Alloy ,Cranks.afts; New : Yoi OilA t F ters!. Niw Cooiug! #old's economy-proved, world-famed 9 em. in. V-8 enilne rating s increased o 106 h.p. And the 254 cu. in. BIG Six is spped to 112 h.p. Now fve great truck engines over 275 series power combinations ... in the new 1952 line, there's a new Ford Truck that's right for your hauling job! COME IN-SEE US TODAY! Ford Trucks for'52 cost still less to run ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Fourt Stt g y 8 PR ST J l "Copyrighted Material - 1 Syndicated Content . Available from Commercial News Providers" PAumh F-VUK PAMF FOU R :... ..l.i c.. r' Sh PORT ST. 'JOE, FLORMAA Corner Fourthi Street and H~ighway 98 4paM.1 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA r Qn.1 5,aM C 1952 Adams Takes Crack At Present Administration Alto Adams, candidate -for gov- ernor, said here Tuesday morning, "I favor keeping the homestead ex- emption on property owners as it now stands." He also said he favors the "'removal of tax from gasoline used in farming and fishing." The former jurist said the mush- rooming of some sixty appointive 'boards, responsible only to the gov- ernor, had taken th'e government away from the people. He referred to the state tag de- partment as a "political dumping ground" where workers are re- warded for political support, and said the improvement commission is purely a political setup composed of the governor and four "appoin- teess" and said this group has in- volved the state in bond indebted- ness of millions in the past few years. After taking a crack at the state road department, Adams concluded by saying that he is not running to reward friends, punish enemies or to enrich allies. He asserted that his only desire to become governor is to 'give the people of Florida good government, ,Bacteria can cause stains on iron and steef surfaces. Minutes of Board of Public Instruction Wewa'hitehka, Florida March 4, 1952 'The Board of Public Instruction, Gulf countyy, Florida, met on the above date in regular session .with the following members esen' r,.l acting: Feanon Talley, chair- man; IJi-. H GCrer, J. A Whitfield, George Calain Jr., and Neva HL C'oxton, members. Tr. vi', ri.trI.n'dr nFr was also present,:',and , The minutes of their precedidig' meetirig were read and adopted as read. SThe financial statement for the month of -,ebruary was examined and approved. S The board aecepted $30.00 for the old bus to be used as junk. , The reports of the public health nutire were Teado a~paved -and ordered filed4. . SUspon recommendation of the trustees the fllowingV-,we etavpoiqlteld to. their posi-5 tionr for',the. 1w -2-8 school.year:.. , SB. B.-Scission, "general supervisor fo), the, county and principal of Port St. Joe high school ,. . Eloise McOhiff, luschrsoosn aupervisar. R. C. Maddox, principal Wewahitchka high schooL sh. oE. Richards, principal Port St. Joe elementary school. ,Jesse L. Meuse, principals George W. Car- ver chooL . Emile A. Twine. principal Geoige Wash- iigton high school. Moved 1iy .1. A Whitfield. seconded by J.imes H. Greer and upon vote the following resolution was adopted: "That J. Pope Baird (or other person ias may lie liereafter duly appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction to act gt purchasing agent for tires and tubes for the respective county boasnls of public in- struction) is hereby designated a the pur- chasing agent for tires and tubes for the Gulf county board of public instruction and is authorized to represent mid county in making purchases of tires and tubes upon Tequisi.ion'by the county superintendent of 'public'instruction in" accowdande with 'state Ain.rnl of edlucation. regulations." It was moved and carried to transfer $16 82 from Bond Fund No. I (old) to Dis- trict No. 1 Maintenance Fund. . It wa ,t-decided that all members that, could attend hte School Board Association aHO Superintendents Association meeting in Miami, April 16 dnd 17, would do so. There being no further, business to come blefore.them, they did then adjourn to meet again in regular seasion nn Aoril n. 191R. FEN ON TALLEY, Attest Chairman. THOMAS A. Owens, Superintendent. EXPENDITURES FOR FEBRUARY, 1952 m, General Fund Name Purpose Amt. Thomas A. Owens, salary ........ $3138.53 Thomas A. Owens, travel, expenses. .i.00 Ella G Cligfin. salalT ........... 131.10 Mrs. R. C. Maddox, salary ........ 84.75 Mrs.. Kate .Alsolirook, salary ...... 107.70 Ida S. Porter, salary .. ..... 90.;30 Teacher's Relirement Systeli, contri- bution ......... .......... .22 Federal Reservoe Board, tlxi ....... 113.00 Protective Life Ins. Co., insurance. 6.70 i Ready- Mix Concrete SBuild Your Own Sidewalks, Driveways, Floors! No fuss, no bother with economical Recdy-Mix Concrete. GEORGE G. TAPPER COMPANY 1i one 38 Port St. Joe, Florida S ..... ....i ...... a ..... d .. ......`. I* OTTO By Garraway Chevrolet Co. Otto may be "up in the air" but he knows that lubrication, at regular intervals, is far best for the car. Oil is cheaper than machinery, and the best insurance for a car's long life is to keep it properly lubricated. We have a special "Lubrication Plan" that gives you six complete lubrications and inspections for a full six months for only $5.00. GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe FEIDAY, FAAK)~rl 41, VDZ T J. A. Whitfield, salary ........... 10.00 George Gaskin Jr., salary ........ 10.00 James H. Greer, salary .......... 13.90 Fennon Talley, salary ............ 13.90 James A. Talhot, travel .......... 4137 Angeline S. Whitfield, travel ..... 13.50 Eula D. Pridgcon, .travel ......... 25.00 O. R. Kinsey, salary ............ '246.10 William Rasmussen, salary. ....... 211.60 Walter L. Oats, salary .......... 192.90 David Johnson, salary ........... 192.90 Wilson, Holiday, salary'.......... 192.90 R. C Maddox, salary ........... 28.30 Leroy T. Hodges, salary ......... 29.90 Robert A. Woll, alary .......... .. 29.50 William C. Martin, salary ........ 29.90 George J. WVilson Jr., salary ....... 12.60 James J. VeaSey, 'alar.y ....... ..29.30 Hubert E. Richard, salary ...... .46.10 .lames Joiner, salary ............ 106 25 C. B. Brown, salary ............ 50.00 H I. Scishon, travel .......... .. . Eloise McGriff. travel .......... I: , Federal Relerve Bank, ta.'. ....... 183.10 Transportation Fund Otis Davis, salary ............... $ 50.00 John Land, salary .............. 110.00 .1. Bragdon, .alar ............ 121.00 Roland Hardy, salary. .......... 187.50 Gordon .lford, salary ............ 110 00 lames Gautier, salary .......... 93.50 Frank Faircloth, .salary .......... 60.00 Dan Creamer, salary ............ 100.00 Wiley Collinsworth, salary ........ 50.00 Mrs. Alton HIardy, salary ......... 10.00 Moz.elle Wright, salary .......... 75.00 Flossie Wilson, salary ........... 75.00 Instructional Fund 'B B. Scisson, salary. ......... .. 7Q r7 William I. Linlon, salary........ .- ;. . Russell C. Maddox, salary ........ 286 65 William C. Martin, salary ........ 174.51 Robert A. Woll, salary .......... .. 227.0 Robert M. Craig, salary ......... 269.25 hiubert .E Richards, salary ..... 274.84 'Terchers'-i~st. sysftem'.ontlribution.. 1t66.04 fedelih Resetre Bainkttax ..... 210.2'0 Protective Life Ins. Co., insurance. 11-45 Louise 'Ackley, salary ............ 197.15 Janie C. Dunn, salary ....... 200.20 Mrs. Rudy Gaskin, salary ......... 153.04 Lauia W. into, salary ........ .. 183 12 Florence H. Pridgeon, salary ..... 163.50 Magdalene Hubbard, salary ....... 176:0S8 Letha H. Roster, salary .......... 129.67 Beverly J Smith, salary ......... 154.56 Clinton F. Smith Jr., salary ...... 155.49 Irene U. Conne1l, salary ......... 191.40 Leroy T. Hodges, salary .......... 204.92' Jacque Price, salary ............ 158.68 Amy l.ou Rish, salary .. ....... 1.18 James A. Talbot, salary. .......... 191.58 Angeliue S. Wlitfield, salary ..... 172,20 Fannie L Brown, salary ......... 193.40 Rachel S. Camp, salary .......... 16(0.82 Joe D. Case, s alaryy ............. 191.65 Margaret E. Clark, salary ......... 139.87 Sara B. Cody, salary ........... 166.25 Sara Jo Costin. salary .......... 1. 62.40 Willie Mae Davis, salary ........ 153.21 Alma DeWitt, salary ........... 191.32 Mary T. Edwards, salary ........... 152.32 E.tellr Flo\d, salary ............ 166.33 Le-isi .1 Ford, salary .......... 158.52 Carolyn B. (;off, salary .. . 14 .3S Juanita Goon. salary . ....... 198.47 M'innie D. lownell. salary ... ......... 15SS valv. e '. M lrtin. sA;l; -. ........ 19S.92 M\Iar S. lPIillips. sala . ........ 1 2.3.5 urIalila Rasnlmuson, salary .... 17S.013 HI elle 0. Rollils, salary ....... .. .. 194.02 MarMgaret L. Smith, salary ..... ..207.70 Sue StOwNart. salary ........ .154 43 Sara W. jButr;t i. salary ..... ........ 1S Ilenlry IN. )Dandrilge. sala.ry. ....... 153 04 John Goff. sal:ar ...... ... 1 8.57 Kathi rine .etier. s alary .......... 220.5)0 Lillian 'I. Ki ninil ton, salary .... 161.40 onll .1. lini. i salary ........... 155.22 NMary A. Lrvton, salary. .......... 179.9(1 Dorothy McDonald. salary. ........ 156.73 Eloise McGriff, salary ........... 10.90 Catherine NTix, salary .. ...... 218 50 IleweNy P. Phillips, salary ........ 207.39 Eulla D. Pridgeon; salary ........ 204.55 Edithl B. Stone ,salary" .......... 207.90 Daniel Temkin, salary ........... 221.39 allies Veasey, salary.. ......... 211.15 Netta Xiblack. salary .......... 185.0( Albertha Browin, salary .......... 124.80 Gwendolyn Bryaut, salary ....... 171.4(1 Joshua A. Logan, salary ......... 154,14 Jesse .L Meuse, salary .......... 207.25 Lula M. Young, salary ........... .169.01 Wanna Mae Anderson, salary ..... 132.15 Hazelle Baker, salary ........... 189.81 Eva M. Crawford, salary ......... 144.81 Edith M. Fitz, salary .............. 155.25 Emile A..Twine, salary .......... 170.32 -Beatrice Woodfaulk, salary ....... 124.6 Wilhelmina Wright, salary .......168.94 Gwendolyn Young, salary ........ 158.38 IIarriet C. Carr, salary .......... 145 05 Thlma N.arri.ar salary ......... ..161.31 Johnnel Palm. salaly ........... 139 57 T.n llie Pin,'kney, sala ........ ... .. 164.55 Annilce L.. Roberts, salary ........ 16. 4.4 JIlia Tliopnapon, salary .......... 134.0S Ul\sses 1). Twine. salary .......... 159.71 Teachers' RI(.. Sv\irl. rcontrihuti tion S.5'4.27 Ferlc:rl Rescrvr lanki. itx ...... 1630.00 I'roteetive I.ife ins. Co insurance. 16;.3 Fla. Ilospital & Sern. Corp, insuran ci 73 641 Rosenia Kilbourn, salary ......... 13.00 Kathleen Woll, a:l~y ........... 3.50 Kate Lanier, sal.llr ....... .. 7..00 Mac Holgco, salary .......... 28.00 :mnlmien RBa1t1111 salary .......... 14.00 \illianm Rasmulssen, ;ilairy ....... (5.0110 Ray Kinsoe, saliar ............ I .01 0 Nell Mitchell, salary ........... .. 42.0 Sara KS" noy .l.. alary .......... 14.00 Julia I'latte salary. ............. 3 .i0 Rosenia Kilbonll-n. salary ......... 169.(00 Mar Hnodges, s alar ..... .... .... 56 Oil Emmlie iBalntlill; 1,alar1. .......... 35.00 Kate Lal:er, salary ............. 21.011 l,aura (Gedldir, sanlar .. ....... 5i.00 Ray Kinsey. salary ....... 32.510 Transportation. Fund Motor Vehicle Commin.slonvir, Iu , tags ..... .. ........ ....... $ 20.25 'Wewa Ilardwaic Co., .,upplics .... 193.26 lport smnan's Sneriice Sat., labor .. 3.25 Alvin McGlon's Service l;arage. sup- plies and parts .............. 5..74 St. Joe Motor Colmipan, supplies and parIts ....... .......... ..... 309.68 Clarence Gowan, transportation for chill ........; .... ... ... 16 00 General Fund ThmaN .A. Oweins, exi)enpiss ...... 62,25 Gullf Coast Electric Co-operative. Inc. services .. .... ... ..... 2.52 St. Jlos. Tel. & Tel. Co.. services ... 5.25 pl'irlt1-oy ols'pllh Store, supplies .. 5.25 I I I ,t. ., Inc., supplies ... 109.36 Prank & lot's Age'.y,. inisuance .. 10.01p1 11 B. SciusonI, expe ses ......... 20.8: Stailr Publishing Co., )pub. iniutes. 2-1.00 Gulf County rcecze. pllub. 1inn es. (i0.4.)5 All,ania Scih I Supply (Co.. supplies 46S.25 l)a1hlev Fumitur,' Co.. supplies . 439.11 \rti Fia. Ga.s ,k Fu1l Co.. stoic 671.40 Silver I rdett Co ,. supp lie's ...... 32 55 ThI, St 'k Co., supplies......... 4 ).00 .zouthlw 'estein I'nhli;hini Co.. supplies 6(2.!1(; Cordonl S. Colok. sul)plies ........ 13.50 ['ort St ,Is(' Iili Slioiel. hln n 1rool1 1"0 06 VI,.\\!i tl hl;ai lliv-h Sti'osl. sh ,1.0roo11 121]. i George Waslhington High Sclhool, lunchllroom ................... 44.34 Geo. W. Carver School, lunchroom.. 27.06 Port St. Joe Elemnlentary School, lunchroom ..................... 298.62 Transportation Fund, transfer .....1100.00 Alt Millergren, postage .......... 5.00 Geo. W'. Carver School. expenses 50.00 G;eorge Washlington High School, espenlses .................... 50.00 Current Expense Fund Fla. l-onwer (Iorporation, services .$326.85 Max W, Killourn,. gas 1... ... .00 (Gul Coast Electric Co-oplerative, inc. sel'; ces. ........................ 7S.. DRINKING W E Rb DRINK FENHOLMOWAY MINERAL WATER Deliveries md'e to homes by truck every two weeks at present, and deliveries will be maiide every week in the ner future. , YOUR. LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR IS . RICH'S SUPER-MARKET He carrie' this water in stock. You can pick it up there or, if you care to wait for truck delivery, you can phone 306 and place your order. BOTTLED AND DISTRIBUTED BY A. E. JACKON & SON, Perry, Foida Ve also sell Distilled Water End have a nice line of Water Coolers for sale ,. ,,,, ,m,, = : ..........~~-~ TO PURCHASERS OF NEW 195t 48" JET;TOWER DISHWASHER WITH HYDRO-ELECTRIC CONTROL To introduce the new 195 Y'Vungs- town Kitchens 48" Jet-Tower Dish- washer with.Hydro- lectric Control, we are making the above offer to purchasers who will promise to show and explain it to five friends, neigh- bors, or relatives. SNo other method washes dishes so clean, so fast! In less than ten \ 'l minutes, dishes are washed, flushed and rinsed hygienically clean, spar- kling bright! *$75.00 allowance on the 27" model YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS 48" ELECTRIC SINK Retail price.................... 4299 Special allowance........... 10000 rYou y i nly............... EASY TERMS e ort3 15- ay 31, 195 I95e Youngstown Kitchens Electric Sink, 4" wide. Jet- ') Tower Dishwashing, full sink facilities. Food WHaste Disposer and rinse spray available at extra cost. 213 Reid Avenue PHONE 291 Port St. Joe, Florida Im esm o Conncll Water Works, water ... St. Jos. Tel. & Tel. Co., services City of Port St Joe, water .... Southern Liquid Gas Co., gas ... Jesse Dawson, wood ........... Standard Oil Co., oil ........ Wewa Hardware Co., supplies .. NASCO NatiolnaI Agricultural Sup Co., supplies ............... J. E Whatley Typwriter Co., serv Standard Science Supply Co., supp 0. N. Griffin, supplies ....... Revell's Grocery & Mkt., supplies Quality Grocery & Mkt., supplies Port St. Joe High School, reimbul m ent ............ ........ World Alm'anac, supplies ...... H & W B Drew Co., supplies .. Bowen Supply Co., Bupplies ... Gulf Drug Co., supplies ....... Orkin Exterminating Co., service 7-- --- .. . PAGE FIVE ... 30.00 Cascade Paper Co., supplies ...... 50.52 42.30 Miller's Service Station, supplies .. 8.30 17.06 TEK Manufacturing Co., supplies... 140.75 3.(10 St. Joe Hardware Co., supplies .... 99 72 88.00 Kronk'su Music Store, supplies .... 11.50 .182.60 E. G. Golder Co., supplies ..... ... 24.40 ... -277.24 E. R. Nix, labor ............... 38.90 vply D. T. Bridges, labor ............ 20.00 2.37 C. N Melvin, labor ............ 6,00 ices 19.35 A. P. Martin, labor ............ 34.00 lies 13.82 Gulf Harlar Co., supplies ......209.78 2.25 Roche's Gulf Investinent Co., supplies 170.00 3.07 Everyman's Bookehop, supplies .... 4.61 17.49 Dixie Chemical Co., supplies..... 224.94 rse- Gaskin Bros. Lbr. Co., material 118.54 82.30 West Fla. Gas $ Fuet Co,j ga .... 69.12 1.85 General b. & B. Reserve Fpnd 12 58 Tonge. Look & Morrison, professional S. 24.75 ervices................ $500.00 3.55 Bishop Office t& E-inp, Co.. .ippliee 71.00 .. 26.00 Gaskin Bros. Lhbr. Co, ~lstial .,, 38.27 A ~I i r PAGE~I SI H TR IiTS. OGL ONY LsDAFIAMRH2,15 HIGHLAND VIEW NEWS By MARJORIE ROGERS Mrs. Jim Godwin was honored with a stork shower last week by her mother, Mrs. Tony Weeks. at her home. Refreshments of sweets, cookies, ritz crackers, salad and cokes were served to Mesdames Pearl Young, Fanny Rocke, Mary Lou Stripling, Earline Graves, Cur- tis O'Brian, Wilson Baker, Shorty Campbell, Marii Gay, Glen Knight, Bill Love, Minnie Lovett, Baggart and Starling. Unable to attend, but sending gifts were Mesdames Mar- -gie Lyle, Eunice Daniels, W. W. Ensley, Doris Kemp, C. Forest, J. Hewett, C. C. Peterson, Hosy Bar- field, Frinces Lovett, John Dickey, E. M. Williams, Kemp, Hanlon and Cox. During the party, prizes were won at games by Mrs. Starling and Mrs. Curtis OBrian. We welcome to our community.- Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pitts from West- Ville. We hope they like it here. Mrs. John McMillan is spending two weeks in Port Arthur, Texas, with her daughter and family, Mr: and. Mrs. Leon Henry. The Highland View Home Dem- onstration Club will meet March 25 at 3 p. m. at the Bayview Metho- dist Church. Mrs. J. C. Arlbogast will be the guest speaker. All mem- bers are urged to attend and all visitors will be welcomed. - Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wise and Mrs. Gus Thomas spent the week-end in Broxton, Ga., with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Strickland. Mrs. J. R. Wilkins has been quite ill at the home of her, daughter, Mrs. J. L. McQuaig. We hope she Will soon regain her health. Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Nix and daughters spent Sunday in Mill- ville with Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Howell and family. Mrs. H. G. Parker has returned home from the hospital and is rest- ing comfortably. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mainer and daughters spent the week-end in - Oak Hill with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davenport and family. C. E. GLASS OFFERING FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Cecil Glass, Wewahitchka mer- chant and star route carrier is in the race for county commissioner from District 1. Mr. Glass is a pioneer citizen of this section, having been reared at what is now known as Old Buck- horn. He has always been a backer and ardent advocate of everything educational and brought his enthu- siasm for the public weal to Wewa- hitchka when he moved with his family of 12 children to that com- munity several years ago. 'Mr. Glass states that e has the successful experience in his private business to offer the people if they see fit to choose him to serve as commissioner. He promises faith- ful, diligent service if elected. BLOUNTSTOWN MAN S1 BURNED TO DEATH H. B. "Pat" Gaskin, 38, a resi- dent of Blountstown but employed by the St. Joe Paper Company in this city, was burned to death Fri- day night while sleeping in a road- side cabin abobtt 20 miles south of Blountstown. His charred body was found Sat- urday morning and authorities said he apparently had lain down on the bed and fallen asleep with a lighted. cigaret in his hand. Gaskin was en route to his mo- ther's home in Blountstown when he stopped and rented the cabin. Lewis' Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lewis (nee Dot Davis) of Washington, D. C., are announcing the birth of a son, David Gene, on February 28. Mr. Lewis is serving with the navy in the capital city. All-Time Record America's bituminous coal indus- try in 1950 established a new all- time safety record for the third straight year. EASTER OUTFITS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMi STARTS MARCH 20th FASHION SPECIALS! MARTHA MANNING 1/2 SIZE DRESSES JOHNNIE JUNIOR SUITS LAMPL SUITS MARCY LEE ALL DRESSY ENOUGH FOR EASTER OUTFITS WERE Forthis occasion PRICED PRICED $8.95 $7.95 $10.95 $9.95 $12.95 $11.95 $13.95 $12.95 $15.95 $14.95 $18.95 $17.95 CINDERELLA DRESSES $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 NANETTE DRESSES FOR LITTLE GIRLS $1.95- $2.95 $3.95 LADIES' SKIRTS $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 LADIES' EASTER BLOUSES 1.95-2.95-3.95-4.95 LADIES' BEAUTIFUL HANDBAGS $1.95 $2.95 HUMMING BIRD HOSIERY $1.35 $1.50 BERKSHIRE HOSIERY j ^l^~-^^O-^ - CONTINUES THI hmatuwdou s cl'ta wEllon! Delightful Marcy Lee of Cohama's wonderful puckered nylon: Mar- vellon. As simple to launder as your nylon' stockings and needs no ironing! Navy, choco- late brown, grey, tur- quoise, brick red.. sizes W1 to 20. $12.95 / SHOP AT HOME WITH t Our Sre! ILY AT A SAVINGS! ROUGH APRIL 12th! LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S EAST E RSH E S in White Red Navy Yellow Tan and White Spectators Blue and White Spectators Priced From $2.95 to $7.95 MEN'S SPRING SUITS Two .Pair Pants $29.95 MEN'S SPRING PANTS $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 ALTERATIONS FREE! Stetson and Chesterfield EASTER STRAW HATS $3.95 - $4.95 WEMBLEY TIES $1.00 -$1.50- $2.00 FLORSHEIM SHOES $16.95 -$17.95 18.95 FORTUNE SHOES $9.95 $10.95 Others $6.95 $7.95 LADIES' EASTER GLOVES $1.25 -$1.59 -$1.95 LORRAIN GOWNSm $2.95 -.$395 -$4.95 LADIES' NEW EASTER HATS $3.95 $4.95 SERVICE QUALITY SATISFACTION -~uw- -h -~ -. ~-Ma~ wC. r~%' %C W.. W % .W ~ W .~% ~WI~CVVlhLMrVIMMMMmWI~C~M~MMMMM~LIY ~K~ H- C_ 2- CIACC Z~h~C~ C~Y ~~ m- mmm PAGE SIX THE STAR, P,)RT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA .FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 S1Bprg ~0~5~ rsotI~P~e~a T-ER THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA SMALLEST FIELD STUDENT COUNCIL TO SPONSOR 'HOBO DAY' (Continued from page 1) The student council of the Port jobs on the primary ballot failed to St. Joe high school is sponsoring get more than three takers. Park "Hobo Day" at which time the Trammell of Blountstown is unop school students will do odd jobs posed as a candidate for member- around town for anyone who needs ship on the state road department help. Purpose ef this is to make S providing the next governor money in order that the council wants to appoint him. Joe Hill Wil- can continue to beautify the school liams of Starke and Z. D. Giles of campus. The date will be set later Leesburg seek appointments as as- for this event. sistant state attorneys. It is hoped that a large number No one else paid any attention, of residents will call on the stu- financially speaking, to the oppor- dents for baby-sitting, dish wash- tunity opened by the state com- ing, lawn mowing, or any job they mitee to get popular backing for wish to have done. appointment to such places as bev- erage director, automobile license CARD OF THANKS department head, member of nu- We wish to thank the doctors, ministers and our friends for their merous state boards, and assistant many expressions of sympathy ten- state attorney. ... The cost was dered us during the death of our too high aid the risk too great. beloved father and uncle. ___~---- Mrs. Agnes Gallion. APP CATIONMr. and Mrs. R. J. Donaldson APPRECIATION and family. May I express my sincere thanks Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gallion for the many kindnesses extended and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Meeker. me during my recent illness, especi- Mr and son.Mee ally to the nurses and doctors, and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Croxton. for the lovely flowers and cards I, --- tt received. MARION WATTS. oa*d ThIe Star toa frlen THANK YOU! I take this means of express- !ng my deep appreciation to my friends and fellow-citizens of Gulf county for re-nominating me without opposition for an- other term as county judge. I am deeply grateful for the honor of serving you for an- other four years. You may rest assured that I will remain mindful at all times of the trust that you have placed in me. I assure you, also, that I will continue executing the duties of my office courteously, honestly and impartially, to the best of my ability, as I have done in the past. Faithfully yours, J. E. PRIDGEON RICH'S SUPER-MARKET Port St. Joe, Fla. PRICES ARE BORN HERE RAISED ELSEWHERE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MR. HOSIE OWENS Is Now In Charge of Our Market- See Mr. Owens for CHOICE MEATS FRY ERS ARE Ib. ERS CHEAP WI WATCH FOR HONEST WEIGHT EGGS doz. 19c With $5.00 Grocery Order CREAMERY BUTTER Ib. PORK HAMS lb. 79c 39c SWIFT'S Baby Beef lb. 69c SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS Ib. 49c 45c PORK Neck Bones 2 Ibs. 25c LEAN Pork Roast Ib. 29c No. 1 Slab Bacon Ib. 29c SLICED FREE! COUNTRY Backbone lb. SELECTED FANCY Pork Liver Ib. 39c 23c LARGE CANS LARD --$5.98 SWEET SIXTEEN OLEO Ib. 19c Personal Size Ivory Soap 5 for 29c BALLARD'S BISCUITS 2 cans 23c 56 DIFFERENT KINDS WEEKLY! FRESH VEGETABLES FRESH CORN 4 ears 19c Large Red and Green Peppers 5c ea. LETTUCE large head 5c Juicy Crisp CELERY stalk 5c FROZEN VEGETABLES 3pkgs.69c Truckload Fresh Oranges doz. 12c PET CREAM DREFT ----- 27c J 0Y --------24c 2 for 29C OXYDOL ----27c NOW AVAILABLE FENHOLLOWAY MINERAL SPRINGS WATER 5 Gallon Bottle -----$1.00 Imagine having all your laundry done in a few hours on wash- day. It's easy to do when you have modern electrical appliances. Just toss your clothes into the automatic washer where they're washed, rinsed and spun without lifting a finger. Then, take the clothes from the washer and toss them into the dryer. Set the automatic timer so the clothes come out ready for ironing. Then, while more clothes are being washed and dried, you can be iorning the first batch quickly and easily with your ironer. Yes, every washday will be "play-day" when you do your laun- dry the modern way electrically, of course., R. E. PORTER, Manager JW5liglA S - -- ---~a~R-e~ r n ~~-rlCII~Y s anl- ~~'-a~--nra;ri~,,~m;rc~au*R~-3s~l~uil - -;-- lC- ~ -- FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 PAGE SEVEN r CITY TO REGULATE White Citians Have Guests Have Sunday Guests I offer myself as a candidate for LA O S I\ A S MOVING OF HOUSES- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Davis of Way-] Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheffield had COUNTY COMMISSIONER ~CLi -ll u A1 The city commission, at its meet- cross, Ga.. and Mrs. Davis' father. as their Sunday guests Miss Wynell DISTRICT 1, GULF COUNTY iing Tuesday night, heard the first T. R. Harvey of Paris, France, a Daniels of Dothan, Ala.. Mr. and in the belief that I am fully quali- HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE reading of an ordinance regulating member of the French secret ser- Mrs. R. E. Daniels and Mrs. Wayne fled, know the needs of the county the moving of houses over streets vice during World War II, T/Sgt. King and sons Dannie and Pat of and its people, and can help Gulf FOR SALE-Three used double bed of the city. Seems there is a house Bob Ghem and Bernard Pridgeon Donaldsonville, Ga.. and Mr. and county in its future growth, mattresses and springs. 3 chiffo- mattbes, 2 dressers and atpring. 3 chiffon or two moved from here to there Jr., of Cocoa, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mrs. Roscoe Sheffield and Johnnie THOMAS McDANIEL Leader Shoe Shop, phone363. every. week, and while the city has Perry of Tallahassee, and Mrs. T. Sheffield of this city. been supervising these jobs, there W. Davis of Altha were guests last ------ Herewith Announce My FOR RENT has in the past been no official week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Color Blindness Candidacy for FOR RENT-5-room house at 530 regulations provided. Pridgeon at their White City home. Color-blindness is five times a COUNTY Woodward Ave. Call Mrs. Nora The city dads also cancelled their ---- common among boys as girls. Bu; Duren, phone 178. 1* meeting of May 6 due to the fact Checks With Home Owners t is iherited through mothers on01 BAILEY APARTMENTS-Furnish- that it will be election day. Sammy Parick, county assessor, Political Announcemen'ts COMM SSISNER ed; newly remodeled; on Eighth --- was in St. Joe this week contacting Street. Contact Policeman. R. L. Insects and diseases cause greater all homeowners and filling out their Paid Political Advertising District 3 Ediardt or Mrs.d E d rjl d at aart- loss to timber than fire. homestead exemption applications. FOR TAX ASSESSORa mets, 288 Eighth Street. 321 ASSESSORand will appreciate your FOR RECodOUNTY COM ISSIe hereby announce my candidacy FORe n n s MINUTES OF COUNTYCSfor the office of Tax Assessor, fully vote and support at the Phone 341-W or see Mrs. Sanders realizing the responsibility placed NMt 6th Primary. Phone 3- br s 90 a .s upon anyone undertaking the du- "_ - Chi'ty, 110 Hunter Circle. 2-29 ZWewahitchka, Florida our county. upon anyone undertaking the du- l Wewahifehka, Florida our county, ties of this important office. I FfEAL ESTATE FOOR SALE \March 4, 1952 The chairman discussed the pos- humbly and sincerely solicit your ARKER The Board of County Commis- sibility of raising the pay of the vote and support, assuring you that PA E. HA BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN BEND FISH sioners of Gulf county, Florida, met Janitor at the courthouse and the your trust in me 'will not be mis- GAMtP on Dead Lakes above We- this dafe in regular monthly ses- tractor operator. After due consid- placed. wahitchka. All or part. See A. T. sion. The following members were eration, Comm. Strange moved that To My Dear Friends: Fisher at camp. 3-21* present: Jim S. Daniels, chairman; the janitor's salary be increased $25 FELTON 'Preacher' SMITH grateful to you r our vote Peter G. Strange, B. E. Kenney Jr., per month and the tractor opera- and support in the past, and will FOR SALE Tobe Gay and J. F. 'Miller. The tor's pay be increased to the same TO ALL MY FRIENDS: greatly appreciate your vote and cldrk, sheriff and attorney were daily rate as the motor grader op- sort for my re-election a BARGAINS IN SECONDHAND also present. etator. Motion seconded by Comm. I am seeking relecton asupportfor my rejection as FURNITURE! FURNITURE! The meeting came to order at 9 Gay and upon vote was duly car- COUNTY COMMISSIONER YOUR TAX ASSESSOR These aore exceptionally good. o'clock a. m. and the following pro- ied. District 5 Your Friend, 1 Maple Sofa Bed with slip seedings were had: The following bills were preS'ent- 'aud Friend, cover .... $39.50 seedings were had:l e winge ebl e preen iAnd apprec;te yEur SAMMY PARICK 1 Large Club Chair with slip i The farmgent, health department ed e ined, approved and oATRCK a over $19.50 and home demonstration agent pre- dered paid: vote and support. 1 3-ice Maple Living Room sented their monthly reports for the War. No. Na PALF d .At. J. F. MILLERppt i Be y repo rts fo r th eW a..LE. R Your Vote and Support Will Be SSuite e a$39.59 month of February and the same 713 B. E Kenney, salary ..... 57.84 Greatly Appreciated By -Piece Upholtered Living were ordered filed. 714 Jim S. Daniels, salary ....... 5. JD 1 Sui e$39.5071 oc ..ostinJrin- Strange, s alar: .... 4 TO MY GULF COUNTY FRIENDS JOHN C. DICKEY 1 3-Piece Upholstered Living Attorney Cecil G. Costin Jr., in- 716 'robe Gay, salaryv 46.50 4 Oasional Chairs, each $3.5 formed the board that he had inves- 717 F. Miller, salary .......... announce myself as a candidate FOR ------g$o3.95.tigated the Howard Shellnut case 718 Ceo Y.br, ...... 220 ]foe '" .... 2 Platform Rockers, each ... $ tigated the Howard Shellnut case 7 d C. ridgeon, salary .... C UN COMMISSIONER y as. referred to in the county co- 2COUNTY' COMMISSIONEt DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY as referred to in th county com- 0 auel A. Patrick, salary .... 30000 1 OUNTY COMMISSIONER Phoe 56 2 tf missioners minutes of October 2, 721 F. M. Campbell, salanr ...... 23.75 DISTRICT 5 Phone 56 2-15t1951, and inds that Gulf county is 722 ecil Costin Jr., salry.... DISTRICT 5 RECONDITIONED PIANOS Ex liable for the hospital bill oMr72 M salary I promise my bst efforts for I hereby announce that I am a RECONDITIONED PIANOS Ex- liable for the hospital illj. A. Glenn, Ch, .a... 67.65 cellent condition. Prices reason- Shellnut and advised that said bill 725 Mrs. C. CG ish, salary ...... .00 your interests if elected, candidate for able. Phone 137. Bob Shaw. 3-28* be paid. 726 J. a Hunter, pension ....... 5o.FOY SCH ER Jr. 727 C. R. Laird, salary ......... 1i55;40 FOY SCHEOiER, Jr. COUNTY'COMMISSIONER After due consideration and dis- 728 LeonTalor salary ...... 0.00 COMMISSIONR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES cushion of the Howard Shellnuthos- 729 Willian) m. Linton, salary .... 100.00 DISTRICT 3, GULF COUNTY pital bill in the amount of $778.25, 710 Elmer gunnery, salary... ... 125.00 For Couritf Commissioner Your vote and support- will be WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY in there was a motion by Commission- 731 C. M. Gay. retirement fund .. 3s 75 3WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITYCollector Intenal Revenne, tax 72.00 DISTRICT ONE sincerely appreciated. or near Port St. Joe for-good pay- er. Strange, seconded by Comnmis- 733 Mrs. Allie Porter, county indigent 6.00 I hereby announce my candidacy JOHNH H. STORY ing, year 'round business of your sioner Kenney, that the bill be 734 Mrs. amie Brewer .... 00 for County Commissioner of Gulf own. Small investment required. paid, since it was determined that 736 Mrs. 'Eva McKuben 1 o 00 county in District 1 (East Wewahit- TO THE VOTERS OF GULF Will set up and lease, or sell out- said bill was a legal obligation of 737 Mrs. Bessie Glass 15o00 chka), subject to the Democratic COUNTY: right, a modern Do-Nut Shop. Will Gulf county, 'and that in future, 738 W. T. Strange 15.00 COUNTY: Serr ass w re inece Mrs. innie 'aul, mother'' primary. Believing my experience I announce myself as 'a-candidate for train buyer or lessee for proper cases arising where it is necessary pension................... 3. in county road building and close MRONER management and operation of busi- for a patient to be carried to hos- 740 Mrs. Izella Lister .... 3.00 operation of our county's needs, COUNY SONER ness. Contact Charles S. McDugald, pital arising out of an emergency, 7 4 Gr S' e D ....3.00 and with a sincere desire to serve DISTRICT 3 1309 Chestnut Ave., St. Andrews, that the clerkof74 M Grace Dunp and with a sincere desire to serve DISTRICT 3 1309 Chestnut Ave., St. Andrews, that the clerk of the board of corn- 743 Mrs Tom Parkcr 9.00.. n. in this office, I appeal to the voters I will appreciate your vote and P. O. Box 262. 4-11* missioners be advised immediately 744 Mrs. Minnie Patterson 3. to .onseidir my candidacy. Assuring support. as to the nature of t2 e emergency 0 5 M,. pBuh Gso. " as to the nature of te emergency 74 Mrs. Lee Sila .... 3.00each andto all of my c ratefndi ul apring support. Advertising doesn't Cost, it PAYS! or diagnosis and what treatment 747 Mri's eor .:0 I andallo myor atenful a prc- J. C. ARBOGAST will be necessary in the particular 748 Mrs. Virginia Shellnut ... 3.0 I am. SPECIAL SERVICES case. 749 Mrs. It. ,1. Inam "..... .00T M rsE Ernest Whitfield 1came be 15 ''TieWe'ks .: 9' T.D. (Dot) WHITFfED To e People df Gulf County S. Ernest i ame be-,751 Ernestine Williams .... 6.00 I hrery 'tak-: pleasure of annouc- SAVE YOUR WATCH! fore the board and told of plans of 752 B. E Parker, sheriffs costs... 59.81 e y tae sur fnnou Have it properly cleaned and over- the Florida State Chamber of Conm- 753 Floida State Board of Hfalth I hereby announce my candidacy for ing my candidacy f6r re-election as health unit ................1077.0. your Cunrty CG6mmitsSioner from hauled at .. merce setting aside the week of 754 N. WV. Florida Tuberculosis Hos- COUNTY COMMISSIONER District 3, 01Sf County. I will ap- PARKER'S JEWELRY March 17, 1952, through March 25, pital, county patients......... 145.00 F DTR T rete r vot a p Corner Reid Avenue and 3rd- Street 1952, as "Beautification Week" and 755 S. W. Florida Tuberculosis Hos- GULF DISTRICT N6. 3 preciate yr vote arid support on Port St. Joe, Florida requested the board of county co- ita, county patients....... 325 I will appreciate your vote and TuedStay, May 6. Port St. Joe, Florida requested the board of county com- 756 st. Joe Htardware Co., cups ... 1.20 This does not include new parts. missioners of Gulf county to adopt 757 The Gulf County Breeze, min- support at the May Primary. Yours truly, All makes serviced. 3-14 28c a resolution designating the week utes, sppl............... FLOYD GEORGE DAVS P G. STRANGE 75The Sta,., minutes..........IS70 FLOYD GEORGE DAVIS PETER G. STRANGE of March 17, 1952, through March 759 Zep Manufacturing Co., supplies S0.88 SEPTIC TANK CLEANING 25, 1952, as "Beautification Week" 76o George'Y. Cole, circuit court r Clek ct SService for Gulf county. cots .......... 1.os FOR SHERIFF For Clerk Circuit Court -- Fast Service -- 761 E. (iffin, build ea~sket ... 132.o0 PHONE 424-J Whereupon Commissioner Ken- 762 t. Joscph Telephone & Tele- I will be a dahdidi'fst f6r re-election I her'e announce my candidacy PH E 4 J ney offered the following resolu- graph Co., telephone ........ 22.40 to th'e office of Sheriff of Gulf to succeed myself as YOUR Clerk Jim Lonsford tion and movd for its adoption ,763 au slie. &. S... o- 6.29 county. I am grateful to the people of Circuit Court of Gulf County. I 3-21* Highland View seconded by Commissioner Gay and 765 State Road Department, maps 4.00 for permitting me to serve them as humbly and sincerely solicit your upon vote was duly carried: 765 Panama Machinery & Supply' Sheriff for a number of years. I continued support and vote. OLUTIONRECAP YOUR OLD TIRES 7 o., ppli .r........'... have always tried to give prompt RECub P Yi UR OLD TIRES !76 R E C., suptlrie.... .. ........... ..r. Rubber is gettnscarce! lthe TH EAS, The Florida State 7 ishop OfficEquipment Com- land courteous service, and in an- GEORGE Y. CORE Rubber is getting sarce! Help the Chamber of Commerce has request- pany, supplies .............. 7.11 nouncing my candidacy-for nomina- war effort by having your old tires ed each of the counties, cities and 768 A. lMurpli, pIit signs ... n]..2 unn a FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER recapped. We guarantee all work. e ate f 7 ma. ntenanee 53.00 tion for another term, I again ex- rices reasonable towns throughout the state of Flor- 770 ( Works, wer .. 18.00 press my appreciation to all the FROM DISTRICT No. 1 Prices reasonable ida to set aside the week of March ,771 The I & W B Drew Co., sup- people of the county for the priv- Ihereby announce my candidacy ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY 17, 1952, as "Beautification Week" lies .................... 8.7of them and l for County Commissioner of Gulf RECAP SHOP 772 Prideon Sipply Store. 1o o.m ilege of serving them, and pledge County Com missioe of Gulf RPhone o F for the purpose of beautifying all 773 wI 1 Wv ar v, C:o. supplies ,5.o1 to you the same courteous service county from District No. 1. Being Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Fla. highways, streets, public parks and 774 St:lardi oil Cnny. oil .... 1o.S i as in the past. familiar with the needs and prob- This A on your printing is a sign of quality, private estates; and, d7,75 Mlm icpal Hospital, Ilo'riad n lems of the county, I pledge my un- VWHEREAS, The governor of our I 77 wwllut .................. 7i8.5! BYRD E. PARKER tiring efforts and co-operation to LODGE NOTICES great state of Florida has pro- FINE AND FORFEITURE FUND the people of the entire county for i claimed the week of March 17, 1952, 11] B. E. l'arker. sheriff's costs .$153.93 I hereby announce my candidacy for its continued progress. I solicit your R.A. M.-Regular convocation of through March 25, 1952, as "Beauti- 1, J ri on. judge ss MM4R vote and support, assuring you it O112 F. 12. Oanib, ,1P. n,,oos ,cuin.. c. 64 COUNTY COMMISSIONER vote andtefulry assringyui St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. fiction Week" throughout the state 113 Cecil i cotin jr.. pl'oseclti g 64.13 will be gratefully appreciated. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit of Florida; and, 11 Georce Y. Core, recordinS pros- DISTRICT ONE a ing companions welcome. C. A. Lup- WHEREAS, Civic clubs and or- cicui subject to the Democratic, primary. B T. Jack TAYLOR ton, High Priest; H. R. Maige, Sec. ganizations throughout the state of costs ............... I pledge my best efforts toward the ELODY REBEKAH LODGE NO Florida have adopted resolutions 11; C. ". (li. ,,.i..nint fi,,l ,74 betterment of the county if favored COUNTY COMMISSIONER 117 Gulf Dilh'u C ii. IIpplies ..... with this important office. will 22E O F eets 2nd ano 4th proclaiming the week of March 17, P. 'inir sppi .. with this important office. I will DISTRICT ONE I. F s 2d an 4 1952, through March 25, 1952, as ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND greatly appreciate the vote and sup- Thursdays at 8:00 p. m. in Masonic "Beautification Week"; and, 12 l) h'i,',ld W';tfieldl s:la.r. .. $115 0 'port of every citizen' of Gulf county. I hereby announce my candidacy hai. Mary E. Weeks, N. G.; Gladys W EREAS, MrFed Mahan of 10 T mas H all. slar 110.0 for County Commissioner, District Boyer, V. G.; Fannie Brown,.Sec. y oncoES, MFlor da, hasdon at 301 Genn Daiels, say........i 00 CECIL E. GLASS One, subject to the Democratic pri- Boyer, V. G.; Fannie Bowne. onticello, Florida, has donated 302 Ahlic Kemp, salai'y ......... 116.00 mary. In the past I have served MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- two camellia plants, two Paul Scar- 101 rcie emp. salary ........ 0 OR TAX OLECTR mary. In the past I have served Port St. Joe Lodge 111- Regular let roses, two oak leaf hydrangeas, g3o0 c. M. sra. r.tior.ee f,,5 .. i72.00 .F. .... R n-----.I i years, and I feel that the 18 years meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- two redbuds, six ericoides and one 306 Collector irn. Revnm,,. tax .. 15.10 I hereby formally announce my can-l experience should be beneficial to days each month, 8Idb p. r. Mahan pecan tree for each court- 37 orge Cor. e, t',g for count diacy for re-election to the offidete pele of Gulf county. If you / Members urged to attend; house in the state of Florida as a aos Taylor Partrs, shop .uipml,.,t.. 123.99 of Tax Collector of Gulf county, people of Gulf county feel that my visiting brothers welcome. N. E. memorial to the late Senator Wil- 309 Prescott's O nrn,. maiinenan(.i 7..51 subject to the Democratic primary, reputation and experience on the Dees, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Se lia m Hodges of :Monticello, Florida, 110 St ,,J`e li'r I 'C(,.. parts .... 9 2 311Dees, W. M.; G. C. AdkinsT SiclirSec. SeliarvHod. ':..S. o0.2, and solicit your vote and influence I board will be worth something to NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- 12 Teague .'otor Co.. ist-Is .... 24.00 for another term, basing my candi-;the people of the county for the SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. solved, That the Board of County :15 Sporsman cric Stto,, g dacy on the earnest effort I have next four years,ask your support 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- Commissioners of Gulf county, Flo- ite ........ y on e h next four years as yo support SMeetsfirstandthirdThurs issinersuntyFlis.Tenks. ....... made to serve you in the past in in electing me to this important days, 7:30p.m. in Masonic Hall. All ida, proclaim and designate the :- 7 St..le lotr C ,.,. n.intrnaie 23.61 this very important office. I will office. members urged to attend; visiting Iweek beginning MIarch 17, 1952, s cibls Corp.. is ........... 132 .2 deeply appreciate your vote and brethren invited. James Greer, N. through March 25, 1952, as "Beauti- :319 'ulf Hla,,lwi re & supply c(onm W. R. CONNELL G.; John Blount, V. G.; Theodore fiction Week" for Gulf county, and 120 ( ink1 i rs. Lbr .. ,in'n.r 7o suppr . Bishop, secretary. each citizen in Gulf county is urged 21 w'..i Iiw:.r ('r.... Co.up. s~;i.. Edd C. Uncle E Prigeon hereby announce my candidacy for Work in E. A. degree, March 21. to assist in the beautification of :"2'' S:""'"r', oil .... ."' "7 COUNTY COMMISSIONER S323 Auto 'si'tsse 'i&loifugss Coo-ni |I hereby announce my candidacy for pa34 l:ikB M' l'. C.o, i rol .. 2 of Gulf County, DISTRICT 5. M4T YORi FRIENDS l h ll ii. 'ral.:. .0n TAX ASSESSOR I make this announcement with no 3:27 Calloin B,,ns. Sup.ilv comn- ofi GUrf County selfish motive. If elected I can and --- A T --- :in. inten:nee .......... 12f.57 shall co-operate with any group of S cThere Ibeing no further business I am an expert accountant and fully commissioners on all issues that I ^^^^^^' IA? c to come before the board. it did qualified for this position. Your sincerely believe are for the best i LeHARY^ BAR then adjourn. vote and support will be sincerely interests of the people and Gulf 'P ,? JIM. S. DANIELS, Iappreciated. County. Phone GEORGE Y. CORE. Clehairman. B. B. CONKLIN GEORGE W. COOPER FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1952 THE: &TAPE, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA P.CGE E'!CHT |