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PORT ST. JOE A Progressive Community With a SModern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper THE THE STAR Official Paper for Gulf County, Devoted To the Continued Development * of the Entire County "Port St. Joe The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" VOLUME XV FORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 NUMBER 12 editor Is Tired of Sharks Drop Opening selling People To Cage Tilt To Marianna Telling People To Lose To Jackson Countians 62-45; DoShoppingEarly arrabelle Next Tuesday Do popping ry At Carrabelle We Aren't Even Going To Re- mind You That But Eight Shopping Days Remain For years and years it has been the custom of newspapers every- The baseball season opened on Monday night for the St. Joe high Sharks when they trekked to Mari- anna for the first game. which they dropped to the Jackson countians by a score of 62 to 45. They play the second game at Carrabelle next Tuesday and then lay off during City's Stores Will Close Ki wanis Club Hears Two Days for Christmas TK ak n n lub arspy Your editor was taken back con- siderably, not to say being startled, Will Sponsor Toy Matinee at Port when the Port St. Joe Retail Mer- Theater; Plans Made for chants Association came out with Christmas Program the announcement that stores of the members will be closed Christ- By HARRY McKNIGHT mas Day and the next day (Wed- The St. Joe Kiwanis Club was nesday, December 26). entertained with an unusual pro- Heretofore, when Christmas has gram during its weekly luncheon fallen in the middle of the week meeting Wednesday when Bob Du- the stores have closed for but the Bell reminisced upon his favorite one day-hence our amazement. hobby of autography. DuBell, who ---- -.--- recently came to Port St: Joe, is where to urge people to shop early the Christmas vacation, returning Cleawn T e o wt te t. Joe aper company to avoid the last-minute rush, and to the court January 11, when they l and transferred his Kiwanis mem- during the past 14 years The Star meet Carrabelle in a return tilt. Graveyards, Says NPA beship from the Wilmington, Del., has carried such admonitions, along Lettermen on the team this year club o the local clu with the customary warning each are Lincoln Hall, John Barrier, Fer- Used Car DealMy hobby of collecting auto- eek "Only Umpteen ore Shop- rell Alen, enny Roberts, Fank st rap graphs began at the tender age of pingwe: "nly U mpten More Sho De nnis an Biy GRobert, Frak Older Than '46 To Aid In 11 when Charles A. Lindbergh gave ping Days 'Til Christmas." I Dennis and Billy Gallard. Steel Scrap Drive But this year we revolted. Not Newcomers to the squad are Bob Steel Scrap Drive me his at a banquet at the George once have our readers had thrust Gibson, Lamar Freemnan, Billy Joe Washington hotel in Jacksonville," upon them the obvious fact that Rich, David Freeman, Freddie M Automobile dealers in Port St. said DuBell, "and I have been a there remained only four, three, Call. George Adkins Walter Wilder Joe. all of whom have a "grave- rabid collector ever since." two or one weeks in which to buy L. Smith and Robert Nedley. -ard" of old cars and car bodies, Bob's greatest windfall came in Aunt Samarithy Jane or Uncle Jer- I are now required to get those old the war years when he garnered Aunt Samanthy Jane or Uncle Jer- Schedule for the season follows: cars moving to market to help the the names of such notables at Gen- emiah the customary Christmas re- Dec. 1--Carrabelle, there. Boys nation solve its present problem of eral Eichelberger, Gcnetal Douglas membrance. and girls, steel shoLagesorhey may be ac r, General ug a We are indeed proud of getting Jan. 11-Carrabelle, here. Boys steel shortages, or itey,may be MacArthur, General Kreuger, Kay out of this rut and feel that if, after and girls. found in violation of federal regu- Kyser, Winston Churchill, Ish Ka- all these years the public of St. Joe Jan. Bristol, there. Boys A lions. bible, Jack Dempsey, Gene Tun- has not learned to shop early to Jand B. The Star yesterday received in- ney, Max Baer, and. his favorite, Joe has not learned to shop early to Jau. 22--Altha, there. Boys andfrown is one of avoid the last-minute rush and to girls. fo action f the S. Deart E Brown. oe rown is one of get their presents before stocks Jan. 25-Blountstown, here. Boys "ient of Commerce that t h e Na- the greatest guys that ever lived," have become depleted and all the and girls. tional Production Authority has is- said Bob. he ecoe eete and what-ots Jan. 26 Wewahitchka, there. sued an order under which owners "Ex-Postmaster-General Jim Far- choicest gee-gaws and what-nots Boys and girls. ., taken, that they ought to have their Jan. 29-Frink, there. Boys A of automobile "graveyards must ley demonstrated his amazing mem- collective heads examined. and B. send that agency an inventory re- ory to me when, after a lapse of No, siree! We aren't going to say Feb. 1-Altha, here. Boys and port by December 20 (next Thurs- five years, he called my name from a word about things like that! girls. day) detailing the number of motor only a previous introduction," con- e sincerely believe that the pub- sity Pensaola Juniothere. Var-Boys vehicles, car units and amount of tinted DulBell. We sincerely believe that the pub- sity, there. Boys.lsnuedhd lic will get along all right this year Feb. 5-Apalachicola, here. Boys loose scrap they had on hand De- From his war experiences the without us telling them all this and girls. E. member 1 of this year. speaker said that "despite the ar- boresome stuff y a w Feb F-.Wewahitchka;, Here. Boys The order also prohibits any -guments pro andr con, Ibelieve that bowe going to saiy about -pping b. -F hr s dealer from accepting delivery of Douglas MacArthur is a truly great we going to say about L,4 -paping Feb. 12-Frink, here. Boys A and any automobile or car unit during early, even though there are but B. any automobile or ca unit during general in every respect-one of eight shopping days left before Feb. 14-15-16-Northwest Florida the three-month period beginning the best." histsWhich reminds Tournament at Quincy. Boys A. March 1, 1952, and the first day of The aforementioned are but a Christmas. .. which reminds 'Feb. 23-Bristol, here. Boys A June. September, December and few of Bob's collection, besides his us-we haven't bought our wife's and B. h eete nle nte od possession of gifts yet. Let us out of here, quick! Feb.26-Apalachicola, there. Boys March thereafter, unless during the proud possession of a string of _____ __ and girls. preceding three-month period he "short snorters" about a yard long Feb. 28-29-March 1-Group II, had disposed of all automobiles -all taped end-to-end. Port Theater To Award Tourney. Boys A. manufactured prior to 1946. "I met John L. Lewis through his Trophy To Grid Player The sum and substance of the friendliness for my dog as I was ST G Home On Furlough I NPA order is to make it a federal walking him (the dog) through the Manager Paul Player of the Port Cpl. Harold F. Pierce arrived in offense for any owner of an auto- park. He proved to be a very nice Theater states that a handsome town Sunday from Fort Hayes, Ohio, mobile "graveyard" to keep his old fellow-conversationally, at least." trophy will be awarded by the Mar- to spend a 27-day furlough with his cars on the yard and not get them Besides having their autographs, tin Theaters to the most valuable parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pierce. into commercial scrap channels. DuBell recalled pleasant associa- football player on the Port St. Joe He was accompanied by Cpl. War- -* tions with a great many of these high school grid team. ren Summerfield, whose home is in I To Spend Holidays In Texas (Continued on page 10) The trophy, 20 inches in height, Michigan City, Ind., who has! also: Mrs. Lillian McNair expects to -- -- - is to be presented to the player se- been stationed at Fort Hayes. On leave Tuesday for Houston, Texas, Annual Football Banquet elected on the theater stage next their return to duty they will go to to spend the holidays with her sis- Thursday night. The trophy is now Fort Campbell, Ky., where they will ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert At School This Evening on display in the theater lobby and train with the air borne forces. Stansberry and children. a ballot box is also in the lobby to The annu banquet for members receive votes by patrons up until RICH'S SUPER-MARKET OBSERVING ANNIVERSARY of the St. Joe Shark football team will hp ld toiViIt a t t 8 ln kli Wednesday. Name of the most valuable player will be engraved on the trophy and it will be placed in the show case at the high school. Owens Named President of Superintendents' Association At a joint conference of the Flor- ida Education Association Depart- ment of County Superintendents and the Florida School Board Associa- tion held Monday in Jacksonville for a clinical study of ways and nleans of improving the school sys- tem of the state. Tom Owens, Gulf county school superintendent, was elected as president of the superin- tendents' group, succeeding W. D. Boyd of Jacksonville. To Spend Holidays With Parents Paul Edwin Ramsey, a student at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Au- burn, Ala., and Donald Ramsey, a student at Georgia Military Acad- emy, College Park, Ga., will arrive this week-end to spend the holiday season here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ramsey. A year ago this week, E. J. Rich opened his super-market, pictured above, on the corner of Wi.lliams Avenue and Third Street, moving to the new 'building, 85x60 feet, from a small establishment just around the corner on Reid Avenue. Many new lines have been added during the past year, and the store is equipped with the finest of frozen food cases and refrigerated meat display cases. A large staff of cour- teous and efficient clerks are always on hand to care for customers. In observance of this first anniversary in the new location, the store is offering a number of extremely at- tracive specials. will U n 1 1ongig1 a ocU V nI 111 the high school cafeteria for the players and their dates. 4Guests will include Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Veasey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Scisson, 'Mr. and Mrs. arion Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Owens. Superintendent Owens will act as matter nf ceremonies and s noieaker E of the evening will 'be Joe Dowd. As Fire Destroys Moore a special added attraction, moving pictures of the Clemson-Boston col- Home At Beacon Hill lege 1951 game will be shown. _____ The St. Joe fire department was Run Over Huge Rattler called to Beacon Hill Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Webb, re- !at 9:20 to fight a blaze that com- turning from Apalachicola Saturday pletely destroyed tlie home of Mr.. afternoon ran over a rattlesnake and Mrs. Joe Moore and for a time v.ich, upon investigation, had 11 i threatened the adjoining residence rattles and a button and measured belonging to C. L. Gibson, which five feet in length. The car wheels was saved by the timely work of hit the snake just behind the head the firefighters. Loss was estimated and the varmint was still kicking at about $2000. Mr. and Mrs. Moore when the Webbs brought it by The were at the Port Tleater at the Star office. time and origin of the fire is un-. .---- known. Visit In Panama City The department was called out 'Mrs. Durel Brigman and dangh- Tuesday morning to the J. L. Wlson ter Carolyn visited in Panama City home at Kenney's Mill to extin- Wednesday with their mother and guish a small blaze on the back grandmother, Mrs. Della Goodson. porch that caused little damage. I. -C --- I~--IP-~ ~e -a~ --._ ~-~---- - March of Dimes Drive To Continue For Full Month Due To Recent Upward Surge of Polio; Local Organiza- tion Formulates Plans A meeting was held last Satur- day afternoon at the Florida Power Corporation office for the purpose of organizing the 1952 March of Dimes drive in Gulf county, which this year will continue through the entire month of January instead of the customary two weeks. T. G. Frary, county campaign chairman, stated that the reason for the additional two weeks was due to the upward surge of polio in recent years, pointing out that during the past four years it has become increasingly difficult for the National Foundation for Infan- tile Paralysis to carry on its fight against the only epidemic disease still on the increase in America. Frary stated that the 1951 debt of the foundation was in the neigh- borhood of $5,000,000, made up of little debts throughout counties inl 48 states. This means, he said, that the 1952 Mar.ch of Dimes is already mortgaged for this amount before a cent can be set aside for research. or for the contingencies, that lie ahead. Miss Emma Stevenson of Wewa- hitchka will be in charge of the: drive in that area, Mrs. E. L. Ho- baugh at Beacon Hill, and Mrs-. W. J. Strickland in Port-St. Joe. Mrs- J. C. Culpepper of this city will be county treasurer, and Bob DuBell will act as publicity-chairman and be in charge of advance gifts. ----------- , Death Takes Lemmie L. Ward of White City Lemmie L. Ward, 46, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ward of White City, died at 6:20 p. m. Thursday of last week following a prolonged ill- ness. Born in Bruce, Fla., he had been a resident of White City since 1928. In addition to his parents he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Nita Brandon of Pensacola, Mrs. Hazel Stafford of White City and Mrs- Della Spotts of Norfolk, Va. Funeral services were held Sat- urday morning in the Ward home at White 'City, conducted by Rev- L. J. Keels of this city and Rev. W. A. Daniel of Wewahitchka, and a church service was conducted at Bruce by Rev. Keels. Burial was in the Miller cemetery at Bruce. The Comforter Funeral Home of this city was in charge of arrangements. t __ :u~6;hd;t~si~~~:'~~sOs;~i~;~~:i:2:~Aj~ ~th~~Fh~i~;fki._~'~f~iB~ STAR6~E THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE O. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Bridal Shower Honors Order of Eastern Star Elects Miss Betty Darcey Officers for Ensuing Year Miss Betty Darcey was honored Election of officers for the ensu- with a miscellaneous bridal shower ing year was the order of business Thursday evening of last week by at a regular meeting of Gulf Chap- Mrs.'M. C. Edwards and Miss Akna ter 191, Order of Eastern Star, held Baggett in the home of the former Tuesday night in the Masonic hall. on Long Avenue. The rooms where Officers elected and appointed the guests were entertained were are: Bessie Roberts, worthy ma- decorated with Christmas greens tron; W. A. Roberts, worthy pa- and red berries, suggestive of the tron; Lois Chism, associate ma- Yule season. tron; Foy Scheffer. associate pa- After a contest of "Hearts" and tron; George Core, secretary; Phyl- writing telegrams to the honoree, !is Chandler, treasurer; Flossie the guests were invited into the Wilson. conductress; Callie Howell, dining room where party squares, associate conductress; Neva Crox- punch, salted nuts and mints were ton, chaplain; Marie Costin, mar- served by the hostesses from the shal; Myrtice Smith, pianist; Daisy beautifully appointed table to the Johnson, Ada; Mabel Swatts, Es- honor guest, her mother, Mrs. J. L. their; Claudia Sewell, Ruth; Eula Darcey, and her sister, Mrs. George Dickie, Martha; Mary Fowhand, Lunsford of Tyndall Field, and to Electa; Ralph 'Swatts, sentinel, and Miss Sarah Witt, Miss Elaine Gore, Wisterlone Richetson. warder. Miss Marian Watts, Mrs. L. J. Trex- After the close of the business, ler, Mrs. W. P. Gilbert, Mrs. Carl the conductress, Lois Chism. asked Norton, Mrs. J. O. Baggett. Mrs. W. to approach the east, after which C. Roche and Mrs. W. L. Smith. she led the officers in a circle be- Miss Darcey then opened her many fore the east and presented the lovely gifts for all to admire. outgoing matron, Onnie Greer, with enrding' -ifts but unable to be a gift. The associate conductress, present were Miss Virginia Shelton, Miss Joan Trexler, Miss Margaret Lawrence, Mrs. Norman Allemore, Miss Teresa Edwards, Mrs. Charles Stevens, Mrs. M: K. Hurlbut, Mrs. J. T. Simpson, Mrs. George Wim- berly Jr., Mrs. Les Hubbell, Mrs. Sue'Cox Spaulding, Mrs. Ralph W. Jackson, Miss Anita Whaley, Mrs. Grady Plair, Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux, Miss Marilyn Rowan, Mrs. Kathryn Brown, Mrs. B. W. Eells, Mrs. Mar- garet Johnson and Mrs. Robert Tap- Flossie Wilson, presented George Core, the outgoing patron, with a gift. A program appropriate to the occasion was then rendered, clos- ing with all singing "Auld Lang Syne," after which the worthy ma- tron and worthy patron. thanked the officers for the gifts. Worthy Matron Greer then asked the conductress to present the star points to the east,,also her other officers, at which time she pre- sented each officer and member per. who received the degrees of the or- Sper. t der during her tenure of office with a gift as a token of her apprecia- Junior Women Guests At tion for their, loyal support during Meeting of Woman's.Club her year.ir' work.. Sistr Esther Bar- The Derrobe -i neit.n: of Ihe tee, t l ..'itrer mother, was es- Port St. Joe Woman's Club was corted to the east and presented held last week in the downstairs with a gift, by the outgoing worthy assembly room of the First Metho- matron. dist Church, with members of the The hall was appropriately dec- Junior Woman's Club as guests of orated for the Yule season with honor. I lighted Christmas candles and holi- It was reported at this time that day scenes. the "CARE for Korea" campaign Visitors in the chapter were Mrs. had been brought to a successful Mabel Christmas, a member now close, the goal of $100 having been residing at Fort Myers; Mrs. C. S. attained. Should any late contribu- Carmack of Fort Worth, Texas, and tions come in, they will be sent in Mrs. Kate Coker of Pritchard, Ala. immediately, as the need for this After the close of the chapter, re- assistance is great. freshments of cup cakes and coffee Christmas toys were brought to were served to those present. this meeting to be sent to the Chil- i to dren's Home Society in Pensacola, MRS. MAZAROL HOSTESS TO and Mrs. J. L. Sharit reported that METHODIST CIRCLE THREE a box for Thanksgiving had been Circle III of the Woman's Society sent, the cash value of which was for Christian Service of the Metho- $65.00. dist Church met Monday afternoon Mrs. Edith Stone introduced three with Mrs. W. J. Mazarol in her high school students who put on a home on 13th Street. In absence of short playlet in the interest 'of the the chairman, Mrs. F. G. Roberts, 'TB Christmas seal sale, and Mrs. the co-chairman, Mrs. J. L. Sharit, Ted Frary spoke briefly on the March of Dimes drive, which will be held during January. Mrs. W..J. Strickland, president of the Junior Woman's Club, will be chairman of the "Mother's March on Polio" sec- tion of this campaign. Daniel Temkin, director of the school band, presented a number of band members who rendered sev- eral selections, after which Rev. Warren Lindsey, pastor of the Methodist Church, spoke on "Spir- itual Development." The hostesses, Mrs. Rush Chism, Mrs. H. C. 'Brown, Mrs. Roy Gibson and Mrs. Gus Creech, served re- freshments to fourteen members of the Woman's Club, four members of the Junior Club and four guests. Next meeting of the club will be January 2, 1952, and the program topic will 'be "We Serve Through Self-Development." H. E. Richards and J. T. Simpson will speak on "Hobbies and Happiness." The population of 'Finland is 9% Swedish. presided over the meeting, giving the devotional from Matt. 2:1-11, the subject being "Come, Let Us Adore Him." This was followed by a talk on the second chapter o$. Acts by Mrs. Jake Belin. 'Following a brief business ses- sion, the hostess served refresh- ments to'Mesdames Sharit, Belin, R. H. Brinson, J. L. Miller, Massey Ward, John Beasley, S. H. Jammes, Fennon Talley; H. C. Brown, Paul Blount, Walter Duren and 0. M. Taylor, and two visitors, Mrs. C. J. Bunning and Mrs. Berness Pratt. APPRECIATION The Port St. Joe Woman's Club and the Junior Woman's Club wish to express their sincere gratitude to all those who, helped us reach our goal of $100 during' our "CARE for Korea" campaign. This includes all the cash contributions, both per- sonal and those received by local organizations. Our special thanks go also to the Girl Scouts for their house-to-house canvass, and to The Star for its wonderful co-operation. ,Mrs. J. H. Geddie, Mrs. W. J. Strickland, "Care for Korea" Chm. HELLO, WORLD! DEMONSTRATION COUNCIL ENJOYS CHRISTMAS PARTY Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Levins of this The Gulf county Senior Home city announce the birth of a daugh- Demonstration Council met last Fri- ter on Friday, December 7, at the day in the American Legion build- Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital. ing at Wewahitchka for the annual SIt It Christmas luncheon and party. Mrs. W. Pete-Comforter Is A short business meeting was held Honoree At Baby Shower in the morning, at which time all Members of the American Le- council officers were re-elected to gion Auxiliary were hostesses on serve another year. Plans were also Thursday of last week at the Le- completed to take a second box of gion home when they honored Mrs. handicraft supplies to the state hos- William P. Comforter with a baby pital at Chattahoochee, which was shower for her little five-month-old carried to the hospital Tuesday. adopted son, "Rocky." A number of Following a covered dish luncheon games and contests were enjoyed, several games were played and with prizes going to Mrs. Gordon gifts exchanged. The door prize was Thomas and Mrs. Oscar Roberts. won by Mrs. Claudia Sewell, White Mrs. Parker Hart was assisted City. Twenty-five members were in by Mrs. W. J. Daughtry and Mrs. attendance, with the Jolly Circle Robert Tapper in decorating the Club as hostess. hall for the occasion. Little Sharon I I Gay, wearing a party dress of pink Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS! and blue, presented the gifts in a pink and blue wagon. the wagon being a gift from Parker Hart (with Dr. Charles Reicherter the inscription "Gulf Manufactur- PTOMETRIST ing Co." on the side). Refreshments were served to EYES AMINED Mesdames Alex Young, Oscar Rob- GLASSES FITTED erts, Robert Tapper, Quincy Hardy, S W. J. Daughtry, P. G. Hart, James RITZ, THEATRE BUILDING Guilford, Arthur Cook, W. D. Jones, FIRST FLOOR Charles Stevens, N. F. Allemore, J. ('ha ai a I, eHOURS a TO 5 PHONE 56es L. Sharit, Madeline Whitaker, E. R. DuBose, Mark Tomlinson, E. W. PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA Marlow, Gordon Thomas, and Flor- CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNIINS rir Connelln 11 - Sending gifts 'but unable to be present were Mesdames C. G. Cos- tin, Robert Bellows, W. S. Smith, George Gore, W. I. Carden, J. 0. Baggett, Chester Edwards, B. E. Kenney Jr., J. L. Miller and Den- ver Miller. MAHON-HARDY NUPTIALS SET FOR DECEMBER 26 Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hardy of White City are announcing the ap- proaching marriage of their daugh- ter, Margaret Ann, to Jack Little- ton Mahon, both of this city, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Decem- ber 26, at 4:30 p. m. Reception im- mediately following the ceremony at the Methodist Church. No invitations are" being sent in the city, but all friends and. rela- tives of the couple are invited. PLANS COMPLETED FOR SECOND 'HOLIDAY HOUSE' The Azalea Circle of the Port St. Joe Garden Club has completed its plans for the second "Holiday House." This affair will be held in the home of Mrs. B. E. Kenney on December 16 from 4 to 6 p. m. The Yuletide display will include arrangements for tables, mantels and all types of interior decoration. A silver offering will be taken, and the proceeds will be used to buy trees to plant along the city's streets. Dr. Joseph B. Spear OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Broken Lenses Duplicated APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA HAPPY LAND KINDERGARTEN DAILY PROGRAM - 30 MINUTE DEVOTIONAL (Including stories of the Christ Child and Christmas Music) 30 MINUTE WORK PERIOD 15 MINUTE LUNCH AND CLEAN UP 45 MINUTE OUTDOOR PLAY 30 MINUTE SINGING AND RHYTHMIC PLAY 30 MINUTE STORY-TELLING AND DRAMATIZATION Mrs. Teresa Johnson Mrs. Ida Ethel Brown PAGE TWO Port Theatre A Martin Theatre SPort St. Joe, Fla. DEDICATEDP TO COMMUNITY SERVICE" THEATRE 0 CONTINUE "" """"..._..... OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. OUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. THURSDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY MONDAY -- Plus -- ------ Also --- LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "FAGIN'S FRESHMAN" "GROAN AND GRUNT" 1> 0t4;.-0 4 SATURDAY ONLY --- FEATURE No. I --- and 'TRIGGER" HEART S OF. THE ROCKIES. --- FEATURE No. 2 ILEO GORCEY ^ BOWERY BOYS --- Plus --- Chapter 3 of.Serial "The Invisible Monster" and Cartoon, "DROOPY'S GOOD DEED" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY H. ALLEN SMITH', I mucus TALE! -- A/ PAAOPICTURE Also --- Cartoon, "COCK-A-DOODLE DOO," and Sport Short, "Football Winning Ways" THURSDAY and FRIDAY F g. --- Added --- SELECTED SHORTS 0a.0 0 000 m00a a .0 41.m U 04*W * GO TO A MOVIE/ THEATRE TODAY! / Celebrating the GOLDEN JUBILEE of the American Movie Theatre -a ..e. aaaaaaaaaaa aaaIeas aa e'aa FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 CLUB TO MEET The H;ighland View Home Dem- onstration Club will meet lat the Methodist Church on Tuesday, De- cember 18, at 3 p. m. for its Christ- mas party and program. Members are asked to bring a gift. Refresh- ments will be served. (Additional Society on page 10) The Store With the Right Prices! WANTED-A Thousand Customers Before Xmas! You are always welcome at Bishop Jewelry Store! We Have for You Elgin Watches, Rings, Brace- lets, Necklaces, Pins, Cigaret Lighters, Ear Rings, Simmons Watch Chains, Billfolds and Many Other Gifts. We have that famous ROBOT Watch for Ladies and Gents. Use Our Lay-Away Plan BISHOP'S JEWELRY Across from Port Theater 4 k. * FRDY DEEME 14 195 THE STAR POT ST JOE GULF COUTY FLOD PAG THE CHRISTMAS PARTY ENJOYED BY 4-H GIRLS OF COUNTY Mary Geddie of this city and Mar- tha Costin of Beacon Hill presented the winning team demonstration in the 4-H county contest held Satur- day in Wewahitchka. The winners will attend the Florida State Fair in February where they will give a demonstration in the 4-H booth. All '4-H Club members were eligible to, participate in the contest. Iduma BUSINESS WOMEN'S CIRCLE NOVEMBER MEET OF WOMAN'S HOLDS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM CLUB WITH MRS. J. C. BELIN The Business Woman's Circle of The November meeting of the St. the First Baptist Church held its Joe Woman's Club was held at the Lottie Moon Christmas program home of Mrs. J. C. Belin on Garri- Tuesday night of last week at the son Avenue. The president, Mrs. R. home of Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Christ- W. Smith, conducted the routine mas records were played during business, after which'the program collection of the special offering, chairman, Mrs. J. H. Geddie, intro- which amounted to $30.63. Mrs. Joe ducted the speakers of the after- E. McLeod, program chairman, pre- noon, Miss Katherine Jeter, who sided. spoke on "Student Counseling In Wood of White City and Frances Refreshments were served to Mes- Lewis of Oak Grove placed second dames J. T. Wilson, Joe E. McLeod, in the team contest. Money for the Blake Thomason, Andrew Martin, trip has been earned by the 4-H Lillian McNair, A. C. Stephens, E. girls of the county. J. Baxley, Jerome Bracewell, Ralph In addition to the team demon- Jackson, Jimmy McNeill, Dan Har- stratipn contest, a 4-H program was ris and Carl Norton Jr., and the held. Club officers were installed Misses Alma Baggett, Sue Stewart, at this time in the candle-light ser- Mary Alice Leeton, Frieda DeWitt vice, and announcements of entries and Marion Watts. in the state contest were made. Pins and certificates were awarded to 'Molly Joy Gay, Iris Davis, Mar- tha Costin, Ellen Sue Gaskin and Nancy Maddox. In the state contest for 4-H girls 10 to 14 years old, Iris Davis placed third in girls' records and Martha Costin placed second in leadership. A number of songs were sung by the group, and Sybil Weeks of this, city gave a poem, "The 4-H Girl." A Christmas party was then enjoyed by the group of approximately fifty girls attending. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Estelle Parramore, Mrs. Herbert Flowers, Mrs. Joe Flint, Mrs. J. A. Glenn and Mrs. L. C. Joines. The 4-H girls, as part of their ac- tivities, have made up a Christmas Sbox to be given to some needy fam- ily during the Christmas season. Home gardeners usually prefer to spread organic fertilizer in the fall inasmuch as the winter distributes it well into the soil. Sunlight is more important in providing tomatoes with vitamin C than the variety, growing condi- tions, color of the fruit or any other factor. the Sclools," and Don Kumm, who spoke on "Recreation." Refreshments were served to ten members and three guests present. Mrs. Roland Allen of Panama City was a guest, and the club at this time welcomed Mrs. C. S. Carmack as a new member. Home After Six-Month Visit Mrs. E. B. Green returned to her home here Sunday after a visit of six months in Whigham, Ga., with Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Walden. It pays to advertise-try it! We wish to announce to our many friends and neighbors in and around Port St. Joe and to the customers of Laurimore's Grocery in Highland View that we have purchased the store and will appreciate all the business you can give us. Please come by to see us and let us sell you what you need MR. AND MRS. P. T. McCORMICK Give your favorite youngster the Christmas that eams! * 0~ 1J~ bi P41. - . i Do you have a little one of your own-or a favorite niece or grandchild? Of course you'll want to give her the toys that mean so much at Christmas. But this year give her another gift too ... a United States Defense Bond that will go on earning interest for a full twenty years if she wants it to! -She'll love her toys now. But in years to come she'll love you for the thoughtfulness which provided her with this gift that earns. Make a Christmas-shopping stop at the bank and investigate the wonderful possibilities of bonds and savings accounts as presents for those you love. You'll want to learn more about our Christmas , Savings Club, too! For your youngsters' security, and for your country's, too- give a United States Defense Bond this Christmas! RAILEY'" SISPREME Say-. .. 0 F F E E SwIf..andbe sure C 0 FFEE 59c Pound FRESH Backbone lb. 49c FRESH Pork Ribs Ib. 49c ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! FREE FACIAL TISSUES! (VANITY FAIR) with any 40c purchase of Paper Products Th7 S Government does not pay for this advertising. The Treasury Department thanks, for deir patriotic donation the Advertising Council and FLORIDA BANK AT. PORT ST. JOE Member FLORIDA NATIONAL GROUP" FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ;;(~;~ ~E,,,~ \r. in. .:- ORANGES 12c Dozen LARGE BAG _-. -. 75c GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 15c Large Limes 10c Doz. AVACADO PEARS Large each 5c R IC'7S SUPER-MARKET Port St. Joe, Fla. THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 I SPECIALS for THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! NO PIN FEATHERS! FRYERS Dressed Ib. 39c BABY BEEF STEAK FRESH PORK FRESH PORK HAM TEIDEErS HALF or WHOLE 03c b. 71C 9 b. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Sw ift's ONE PACKAGE Brookfield MACARONI Cheese FREE with every piece of Brookfield Cheese! w 0 No. 10 ^ Cooking O il Jug $ I39 g--; -r ast INat EmaIkes HOT D 0 OGS the difference! S5. C, each and have a cup of FREE COFFEE!I ~p, ~sa 1~; `~ ?r. j'f" .wi 83c Ilb. PAE OU TE TA, OR S. OE GLFCONT, LOID FIDYDE MBR1,95 THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as -cowl-elass matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffi.ce. I',rt St. .I,,e, liI., under Act of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $2.00 SIX MONTHS $1.00 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -*. TELEPHONE 51 j3.- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themirel4'es liable lor damages further than amount received, for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfullyv \viigll. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word :s lost; the printed word remains. Our Country -'" Right or Wrong COOLIDGE SET A FINE PRECEDENT Recent disclosures of shocking irregularities in high places in the government turns our mind back to the scandals of the Harding administra- tion. President Coolidge came to the White House shortly after these crimes began to be ex- posed. He ordered a sweeping investigation, re- gardless of whom it touched or where it might lead. Relentless prosecution of the malefactors followed. The president's full weight was behind this all the way, even though some of the men involved had been prominent in his own party. The country now has a right to ask: 'Will simi- lar action be taken in the present setup? Or will a few of the lesser crooks be thrown to the wolves and the remainder covered up? We'll give you but one guess on this. With your friend (he ain't ours) Harry Truman con- tinuously asserting that his henchmen can do no wrong and that they are all little angels come Three Get Unemployment Checks down to earth to lead us to Utopia we doubt For the week ending December 1 'three persons in Gulf county were that little will be done. In.fact, his presidential three persons in Gulf country w er paid a total of $100 for being with- outbursts against experienced lawyers, newsmen out jobs, according to the state in- and news services are become more and more dustrial commission. blasphemous and "liar" is becoming one of his most-frequently used words. The current scandals have gone deeply in gov- Come In for A Game of P eminent bodies which should be conducted on the highest conceivable plane of-honor, decency OYSTERS ON T and ethics-notably the internal revenue bureau and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. and remember, we still h They have run all the way from clearly illegal acts to the use of "influence" and "connections" ST. JOE BAR P, ST. JOE BAR I which are reminiscent of the most flagrant Tam- many ward-heeling. To put it bluntly, the whole Phone 1 1 4 mess stinkl- to high heaven. Truman can perform one of the greatest ser- vices of his career if, as President Coolidge did before him, he orders that the current scandals be completely investigated and completely made public-and makes that order stick. But he won't, for he is a protege of the old Pendergast machine 00npyrigh and he is beginning to show it more and more in CoPyn his talk and his tactics. Syn We are not getting our eyeglasses and teeth from the government as they are doing in Social- istic England, but we are getting other things at the taxpayers' expense. We call the English gov- ernment socialistic. Have we found a name for ours yet?-Pittsburg (Texas) Gazette. If you put off until tomorrow what you should do todav, there probably will be a higher tax on it. Breathes there a man with soul so dead who never in his youth has called "Yoo-hoo" at a pretty girl? Horses' Ailments Horses suffer from a multitude of .oot ailments, including such famil- iar human complaints as corns, flat feet, tight shoes, and even a form of athlete's foot. Pool, and Then Try Our... *HE HALF SHELL ave that Draft Beer on tap AND BILLIARDS Port St. Joe, Florida -* ited Material :ed Content U Available from Commercial News Providers" TEN YEARS AGO From the Files of The Star Asks War Declaration President Roosevelt Monday re- quested congress to pass a declara- tion of war against the Japanese Empire after the sneak attack last Sunday on Pearl Harbor. Canal Bridge Uncertain Hopes of getting a steel-and-con- crete draw span over the canal at White City went a-glimmering this week when the state road depart- ment stated that federal aid funds were to be withdrawn from all non- defense highway construction due to scarcity of steel. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Costin of Wewahitchka announce the arrival of a 7%-pound son at a Panama City hospital on December 12. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maddox of this city announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Clara, to Lieut. Norman Iranson of Philadelphia, the wed- -ding to take place late in December. Eastern Star Elects Officers Officers for the ensuing year were elected by the Order of Eastern Star Tuesday evening, as follows: Lovie Coburn, worthy matron; Os- car Roberts, worthy patron; Miss Mlyrtice Coody, associate matron; Byrd Parker, associate patron; Mrs. Patty Gibson, secretary; Florazell Connell, treasurer. Bessie Smith, conductress; Euphamia Roberts, as- sociate conductress. Engagement of Miss Dickens Told Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dickens are announcing the engagement and ap- proaching marriage of their daugh- ter, Estelle Kathleen, to William T. Mosely Jr.. of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mosely of Quincy. The wedding will be an event of the holiday season. ------------ Service Officer To Be Here 'Preston Nicholas, assistant state service officer, will be at the city hall today from 8:30 to 11 a. m. for the purpose of assisting veterans or their dependents with any prob- lems they may have. THRIFTIER OPERATION REDUCED MAINTENANCE FEWER REPLACEMENTS ml /i // / . FEWER ADJUSTMENTS */AW./ x^ TROUBLE-FREE DESIGN LESS DEPRECIATION AI'/, M *61 .. to do more work for your money America has made Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks its No. 1 choice, because Chevrolet trucks consistently do more work for the money cut hauling costs. This outstanding econ- omy stems from Chevrolet's great engineered-in features- powerful valve-in-head engine, w More Chevrolet trucks in use than any other make! (Continuation of standard equipment and frim illus- trated is dependent on availability of material.) ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS 'GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. i 24-Hour Wrecker Service durable channel-type frame, rugged rear axle and dozens of other money-saving advan- tages. Follow the lead of America's largest group of truck owners. Choose a Chevrolet Advance-Design Truck and save! Come in and see us-and get the right truck for your job. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA _ I I ...~AP" I I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORID.A FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 PAGE FOUR P :', ,' '*' N/. '// - - While theq last! Setof wirth purchase of 7Gallons of Gasoline! REE&a I VLOUIA S H Se kids Afr the kids Offered by dealers displaying this sign.... DON'T MISS THIS PARTY! Gulf stations are celebrating Gulf's 50th Anniversary with gifts galore! Drive in-we want you to know particularly about the greatest gift you can give your car-Gulf sure-fire NO-NOX gasoline, Get Gulf NO-NOX for ~ ~ ~~*... Sure-fire power for instant starting! ....... '........... a Sure-fire power for smoother idling, easier cruising! Sure-fire power that lets you pass with confidence, take the hills with knockless ease! Power-FULL Gulf NO-NOX brings out .. your car's FULL horsepower! eleome af qour neDJegf GulP WIion ; -- FRIlDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOMDAp PAGE FIVE IN RUSTLING TAFFETA! GIRLS' DRESSES For Holiday wear; beauties! Sizes 1 -3 Sizes 3-12 $2.69 $2.98 LADIES' LOVELY RAYON LACY GOWNS In rayon jersey with lace trims; pastels. For Christmas! 77c TERRIFIC! GIVE "HER" NEW HANDBAGS Suedines, leathers, plastics. PLUS SIv TAX $1.00 TAX SPECIAL PURCHASE! MEN'S BOMBER JACKETS Natural water-repellent fabric; mouton lamb collar; quilted lining. $8.88 JUST IMAGINE! MEN'S FANCY SOCKS For Christmas giving! 5 Pr. $1.00 r $6.98 Complete Size Ranges "Royal Choice" because they're fit for a queen and we consider you, our customer, a queen! Rich crepes, failles, taffetas. Favorite colors expensive detailing! Give "Lady Patricia" NYLON HOSE . 51 Gauge, 15 Denier. New shades. /, 77C Pr. Sizes 81/2 to 11. '" MEN'S FINE QUALITY WHITE GIFT fM .SHIR TS SSensational at this low price for gifts! 1.14-77 Sizes 14-17 E. is carefully selected to be the best possible value for the price! Any item that does not give sat- isfactory wear will be replaced free of charge or your money refunded. At Olen's the customer is always right. We appreciate your busi- ness and constantly strive to \increase our service. Pay cash and you pay less. LOOK! RIPPLE-WEAVE CHENILLE SPREADS In wanted bedroom colors; full double bed size. What buys! $3.99 Others $7.95 to $24.95 "Bunny Esmond" $2.98 BABY BLANKETS 36x50" size; deep rayon satin binding. Boxed for gift-givingl $2.22 MEN'S FINE LEATHER GIFT BELTS 88c Choice of several styles. Non-tarnishing brass buckles. 0 H--S I' 0. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA "Satisfaction Guaranteed With Every Purchase or Your Money Back" ,, I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULP COUNTY, FeLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1;4, 1951 PAGE SIX THANK YOU PORT ST. JOE FOR A THRILLING WELCOME! We're Ready! We're Right With Sensational EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO PLAY SANTA AT FAMOUS OLEN SAVINGS! LADIES' RICH PINPOINT . The Answer to "Her" Dreams! Ladies' CHENILLE ROBES OUR GOAL With multi-color floral design.' Gift DRESSES IS ALWAYS Grand gifts! Gift DRESSES ALWAYS 9 cOur Own "Royal Choice" Fifth LOWEST PRICES Avenue Fashions, At Only We carry only first quality mer- ., ..'" .'I chandise and every item we sell M C. OY SUPER-MARKET We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY * will spend a 30-day leave here with HIGHLAND VIEW NEWS his wife, Mrs. Essie Knight. HIGHLAN VIW NEWS Cpl. A. J. Adkins is visiting his By MARJORIE ROGERS grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kelly. He has just returned from Korea, where he spent 15 months Mrs. G. H. Anderson of Colum- with the 3rd Division, 15th Infan- bus, Ga., was the week-end guest of try. "I'm glad to be back home," he her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. says, "and I am praying for the B. D. Anderson. rest of the boys to get back home." W. A. Griffin of Blountstown vis- Mrs. L. H. Kelly and Mr. and ited this week with his daughter and Mrs. Pelham Revell motored to Eg- family, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Player. lin Field Sunday, taking Pvt. Eu- Rev. Clifton Bowers of Bonifay is gene Odin back to duty after he conducting a revival meeting with had visited here with his grand- Rev. Charles Raley, pastor of the mother, Mrs. Kelly: Assembly of God Church. The re- _____ vival will continue through this Closed Season On Mullet week and the pastors give all a cordial invitation to attend. Effective Until Jan. 20th Mrs. Annie S. Pitts has opened a dress shop and invites all friends The 40-day state-wide closed sea- to come visit her. son on mullet started at midnight Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Griffin, Mrs. Monday and will continue in effect Jim Whitfield and son, J. L. Jr., until January 20. when taking the were in Panama City on business fish will again become legal. Monday. Fish dealers have until tomor- Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Colman Jr., and daughter, of Jacksonville, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Colman. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charlie Clements of Youngstown were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Capps and Miss Ovida Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Griffin vis- ited in Altha last Friday with the latter's father, Charles Whitfield. The Church of God has just closed a very successful revival meeting, the preaching being done by a 17- year-old youth, Rev. Joe Coleman of Ruskin. Fla., this being his first revival. There was a good attend- ance and a number of conversions. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Raffield and Rev. and Mrs. Alton McKeithen at- tended a three-day Frophet school in Houston, Texas, last week. Mrs. Sue Whitfield of Altha spent the past week with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whitfield and daughter Katherine. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Suggs and son Glenn of Enterprise, Ala.. spent the week-end with Mrs. Suggs' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Griffin and sons, Jimmy and Jackie. Pvt. Alonzo Knight has just- re- turned from Korea, where he spent 15 months with the engineers. He row (December 15) to sell supplies of fresh and fresh-salted mullet on hand. Frozen mullet may be handled after tomorrow if it had been pro- cessed before the season closed and those who deal in it can prove it was taken on or before last Mon- day. --- ------ Advertising Doesn't Cost It PAYS NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is herebr giveu that pursuant to Chalter 2i 3. .Law:s of Florida. Acts of 1941, the ulndersined persons intend to register ith the Clerk of the Circuit Court Gof Cnlf t'ounin. Florida, four w weeks after I th'st oliblic'iiion of this notice, thie fie iitious or ir. ie name under \which they will Ie et"';ed in business Indl inll niiel said lusilsi iis to ie carried on. to-wit: E.\RI AT'CISlN. I'ort S e. Joe, Florida. First pu-i !ication I)eembher 14, 1951. EARI. ATCIIiSON. rT. E. Al'STIN. 1-i CATHERINE NEEL, BIJZZETT. I COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 326, Day or Night 601 LONG AVENUE Port St. Joe Florida - -rurs~* i -a l \------ =- AN UXVEEI We are announcing the opening of our Christmas Club for g952 You are cordially invited to be- come a member of our 1952 club. We have distributed nearly $4,000 this year; did you get a part of it? S. Wouldn't it be a big help this Christmas if you had received a check for $50 or more? Resolve to start this year so you may have funds for Christmas next year. FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE Member FLORIDA NATIONAL GROUP FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION "'-~"' LARGE Grade A EGGS Doz. U Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Fla. 72C I a 'L7 I I LOIN PORK CHOPS Ib. 54c CRISCO 3 Ib. Can 89c TENDER WHOLE MOKED HAMr HALF Ib. 54c CHOCOLATE FUDGE, WHITE and YELLOW Pillsbury CAKE MIX Pkg. 33c CRYSTAL WHITE MEAT Ib. 27c ' Highway 98 and 4th St. HERE IS A REAL CHK OTMA$5" SPECIAL This Offer Good Until December 25th - * OVERALL LUBRICATION-- Including inspection of your car from radiator to 1 0 0I rear end, for ---------- * BRAKE SPECIAL Examination of brake lining and pack front wheel bearing for------------------------- * INSPECTION OF TIRES Plus cross-switching the wheels to save you money on wear and 5 C mileage, for --------- a - * HEADLIGHT aim corrected at no charge. * Stop Lights and other warning lights checked at no extra charge. * COMPLETE TUNE-UP For snappier performance and increased mileage $ 3 economy, for ---------- (PARTS NOT INCLUDED) GET ANY ONE OR ALL OF THESE BARGAINS AT St. Joe Motor Co. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PA.GE SEVEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1951 F I i S PORT ST G Calhoun Editor To Act As Guinea Pig In Election Law Test Seeks Court Ruling On Legality of Ads Received From Others Than Candidates Themselves Wallace Finlay, editor and pub- lisher of the Calhoun County Record at Blountstown, will act as a guinea pig for a test of the legality of cer- tain portions of the new election laws. The court test will be made through Finlay by the Florida Press Association and the Florida Associ- ation of Broadcasters with J. Ken- neth Ballinger, Tallahassee attor- ney, filing the papers. Ballinger has drawn up a suit re- questing the Calhoun county circuit court for a declaratory decree on the rights of Finlay to accept and to buy political advertising under conditions that appear to violate the state election code. It names At- torney General Richard W. Ervin and State Attorney Mercer Spear as defendants. The suit specifically questions the section which requires all expendi- tures on behalf of a political candi- date to be cleared through the can- didate's campaign treasurer. Finlay said he intends to receive advertisements from persons voic- ing their political views, and he also intends to submit political ads writ- ten by him for publication in The Star and the Gulf County Breeze in Gulf. county. His complaint is that the law's provisions tend to restrain him "in the free exercise of his right to publish a newspaper" and to pre- vent him "from employing the nor- mal avenues of trade in his rela- tionships with citizens." ---*---- Worm Medicines Worm medicines may harm pets and livestock more than the para- sites they are intended to destroy, especially if the animals are in a v.eaki ne. c,",ridi ion Santa Suggests... VANITY MIRROR $1.50 12 H. P. SEA-BEE OUTBOARD MOTOR $268.50 THIMBLE-DROME MODEL RACING CARS $1850O Including Battery ---- NOW AT ----- GA RRAWAY CHEVROLET CO. Phone 388 Port St. Joe what their butcher is giving them. in the past, we armed our wife with STARD UvST and 1 Here's OPS's definition: a yardstick to measure ten (10) S an "Regular chuck means the por- inches to the 5th rib. and a T-square MOONSHINE tion of the cross-cut chuck remain- to be sure that the cut was made ing after the severance of the fore- perpendicular to the contour of the shank and brisket from the cross- outside of the skin surface of the You folks may have been wonder- cut chuck, and containing most of cross-cut chuck so that we would Sthe blade bbne (scapula), part of have allof the scapula and par: of ing whatever in the world happened the arm bone (humerus), pa-t oflthe arm bone (humerus) without to this no-good column during the the five ribs (1st to 5th inclusive), any :brisket mixed up with the cer- past few weeks, but the truth is that section of the backbone at- vical vertebrae, and sent her over Ye Ed has been tied down with too tached to the ribs and the neckbone much work to even think about (cervical vertibrae from 1 to 7 in- - getting around to turning it out. If elusive), which portion shall be ob- we can ever get any hired help, per- tained by a cut through the cross- haps we can become a bit more reg- cut chuck made in a straight line ular with our Stardust stint. ... perpendicular to the contour to the Only reason you're getting it this outside or skin surface of the cross- week is that a ready-made piece of cut chuck (therby separating the copy showed up. brisket and foreshank from the We get one, two or three letters cross-cut chuck) starting at a fixed a day from the OPS office in Jack- point on the inside of the fifth rib sonville, but very seldom open 'em. determined by measuring off ten 9 since if we tried to publish all the (10) inches along the 5th rib in a so-called "news" from that office straight line from the center of the we'd have to add at least three ex- protruding edge of the 5th thoracic tra pages to The Star every week. vertebra, continuing in the same . However, we do pick'one up straight line to the tip of the for- Here are some suggest occasionally and pry it open out of ward end of the breast bone (for- Gift List that are pra idle curiosity. We done so the other ward end of 1st segment of stern- day and it contained a release defin- um), and passing through the arm HR M VNT SHA ing a chuck roast and how to bone (humerus) in the same straight CR VENT hack it off the carcass.. ... Ap- line to complete the cut." SAFETY LIGHT with parently OPS is of the opinion that Feeling that we may have been housewives ought to know exactly getting gypped on our chuck roasts TlCCl E lICqEMCED HOTEL ST. JOE DINING ROOM OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY Full Course Dinners -- A La Carte Orders HOME-MADE PASTRY EVERYTHING FROM BANQUET TO SANDWICH CALL 410 FOR RESERVATIONS II -- ------PII -I to Rich's Super-Market to bring us back a choice piece of chuck roast according to OPS definition. We had liver for supper. Cricket's Chirping If you will count the chirps a cricket makes a minute, divide by 4 and add 40 the answer should be roughly the Fahrenheit tempera- ture. ions for your Christmas ticall and inexpensive. DES, Set -- $12.50 MIRROR-_$21.30 t 37 U IIJJVL wlll Ei E- -l--l--------------- C v DeLUXE STEERING WHEEL --_--$19.95 FENDED GUARDS-----------$33.74 NO-GLARE REAR VIEW MIRROR $ 4.35 ----- SEE THEM AT----- GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 388 -389 ,Port St. Joe, Fla. AWhat a ' (Wonderful Thrill The Geat New 1052 -sSpectat lar !ane brfor aceI The only way to fully appreciate Pontiac's wonderful new Dual-Pange performance is to try it for yourself. There has never before been anything quite like this. combination of Pontiac's high- compression engine, the new GM Dual- --:.. Range Hydra-Matic* and Pontiac's high- -U) / performance, economy axle You can select,--- - with a flick of your finger, exactly the power .: you want, when you want it, where you i .. want it-instantly, automatically! \ \ *-'-- When you combine this basic engineering 1 v. 2 advance with Pontiac's beauty, economy and durability you can see why dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontiac. Come on in THE POWER YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT WHERE VOU WAN.T iT and drive it! *O/iottonal atrxtra Cost Snd drive Exra li igh-Coinpression Enginte ( New DuIal-InIIll!e Ilydra-Madue New Economy Axle DOLLAR FOB DOLLAR Y'OU CAN'T MEAT A PONTIAC WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY Corner Second Street and Monument Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida ~3a~si~8~~~33~S~E~iS;ii~~ I ,, --- I mo mmoomm o -" THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY; FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1951 PAGE EIGHT .qq* MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSION grants in Race for Wewahitchka, Florida e ach load of clay or sand that his Governor Are Putting December 4. 1951 dragline loads and $6.00 for each I The Board of County Commis- load his trucks ha-u! for the county. te Cas On Line sioners of Gulf county, Florida, met Commissioner Daniels moved that - in regular monthly session with the the county advertise to purchase following members present: B. E. one 2-ton tuck, with platform dump Seven Candidates To Date Have Kenney, chairman; Jim S. Daniel, body, etc. Motion seconded by Com- Spent Only $12,005; Odham Tobe Gay, Peter G. Strange and J. missioner Miller and upon vote was Tops the List F. Miller. The ckerk, sheriff and At- duly carried. Whereupon the chair- torney Cecil G. Costin Jr., were also man instructed the clerk to adver- present. tise for one 2-ton truck, with plat- Florida's campaign for governor, The meeting came to order at 9 form dump body, etc., with bids to which eventually will cost millions o'clock a. m. and the following pro- be received until 9:00 o'clock a. m. of dollars before it is finished next ceedings were had: January 8, 1952. November, so far has run seven Minutes of the November 6th Commissioner Daniels told the candidates a total of only $12,005. meeting were read, approved and board that he thought the road crew total of only 1200. adopted. would appreciate receiving a part This is the combined amount of The home demonstration agent of their December wages before expenditures which the candidates and farm agent presented their an- Christmas, and moved the board to have listed with Secretary of State nual reports for the year ending No- pay all county road employees all Bob Gray under the new law re- vember 30, 1951, and their monthly time they may have worked thru reports for the month of November, December 22nd on that date; mo- quiring a strict financial account- 1951, and the same were ordered tion seconded by Commissioner Mil- ing from all political aspirants. filed in the office of the clerk of the ler and upon vote was duly carried. George Pagliaro of Lantana. late- circuit court as part of the county 'Mr. John C. Arbogast came be- comer to the gubernatorial race, records. fore the board and told of road con.- o r to t r The chairman announced that the editions and drainage problems nearhasot yet filed a financial state- first -business to be considered his home in Beacon Hill. The chair- ment, since he only announced last would be that of the petition of Mr. man told Mr. Arbogast that this week. A. D. Lawson to close certain roads work would be taken care of as J. Brailey Odham has laid out the in Winona Gardens Subdivision. soon as possible. The clerk informed the board that The following outstanding county most cash-$3,895. He also has re- the St. Joe Paper Company had warrants were ordered cancelled, ceived the largest donations, total- withdrawn their objection to the pe- to-wit: No."2305 of 9/14/48 to Bur- ing $4,257. 'tition of Mr. A. D. Lawson to close ley E. Parker, on Gen. Fund, $2.00; Alto Adams and Bill Hendrix are certain roads in Winona Gardens No. 732 of 12/5/50 to Mrs. D. E. running necka Subdivision. Whereupon Mr. A. D. Cumbie on Gen. Fund, $8.00, and running neck-and-neck in the cam- Lawson informed the board that anl No. 3952 of 6/5/51 to Mrs. Lula paign expenditures and contribu- parties interested in his petition re- Beard on Mother's Pension Fund, tions. Adams reports total expenses questing the county to close certain $3.00. of $2,905 and contributions of $3,- roads in the Winona Gardens Sub- The clerk informed the board that 285, while Hendrix lists $2,953 for division were now in agreement Chapter 26,874, Laws of Florida, with the said petition. Whereupon Acts of 1951, discontinues certain expenses and donations of $3.972. the chairman called for anyone ob- funds in the annual -budget of the Dan McCarty, who ran second to jecting to the said petition to come board of county commissioners and Fuller Warren in 1948, apparently before the board to be heard, and that these funds now have certain hasn't gotten his campaign in high there being no objections, Colmmis- bank balances that should be trais- sioner Miller offered the following ferred into the proper funds. A list gear. He announced October 24, but resolution and moved for its adop- of the said funds and the bank bal- has spent only $746 and received tion; seconded by Comm. Strange, ances were presented to the board. contributions of $760. and upon vote was unanimously Whereupon Commissioner Strange Other candidates and their fi- carried, offered the following resolution and RESOLUTION moved for its adoption; seconded nancial outgo and intake are Dale Whereas, A. D. Lawson petitioned by Commissioner Gay and upon Spencer of Kissimmee, $100 and the IBoard of County Commission- vote was duly carried.: $100; Bruce Stevens of Tampa, ers of Gulf county, Florida, under RESOLUTION $1,405 and $1,578, and W. C. Elmore authority of Section 343.34, F.S.A., _Whereas, Chapter 26,874, Laws of of St. Petersburg, 50c expense and to set a time and place for a pub- Florida, Acts of 1951, discontinues S P b c x es and lic hearing on the question of the certain funds in the Annual Budget $2 in contributions. advisability of closing the following of the Board of County Commis- McCarty, Adams and Odham are described streets located in Winona sioners of Gulf County to-wit: considered the major contenders in Gardens Subdivision of Gulf county, Agriculture and Livestock Fund, the race because of past experience Florida, to-wit: Health Unit Fund, County Co-oper- All that portion of the following active Budget Fund, Courthouse and at gaiinin votes. The others are described roads or streets lying Jail Building Fund, Race Track newcomers to politics. East of State Road 71, and lo- Fund, St. Joe Municipal Hospital -( cated in Winona Gardens Subdi- Fund, Mother's Pension Fund, and -it.pays to ..iJ-rn,--rry it vision of Gulf County, Florida, a County Service Officer Fund, and; ; subdivision of the WY of Section Whereas, the above-named funds 5. Township 6 South, Range 9 had a cash balance in the County 55!9 IFa'li Hill, janitor......... 100.00 WTest, to-wit: (a) Lewis Road, Depository at the end of the 1950- 6 Cn. ral Forda ub c losis... 130 0.5il Central Florida Tubercuiosis (b) Draper Road, (c) Seminole 1951 fiscal year, and, Hospital, county\ patients..... 77.50 Road, (d) Lawrence Road, Whereas, it now becomes neces- 562 Southwest Florida Tuberculosis and, sary to transfer the cash balances Hospital, county patients..... 1.25 and, sary to transfer the cash ,balances 5( Gulf Coast Electric Oo-opera- Whereas, the hearing was held on in said funds to the proper funds. tive, electrical energy........ 31.73 November 6th, 1951, at the county Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved 564 St. Jos. Telephone & Telegraph commissioners' room at the county by the Board of County Commis- Compan.y, t elpphone.......... 25.0 s565 P. F. McDaniel, supplies..... 9.00 courthouse in Wewahitchka, Flor- sioners of Gulf County, Florida, 566 Ernestine Williams, mother's ida, at which time counsel for A. D. that the following transfers 'be ap- pension ....................6.00 Lawson and St. Joe Paper Company proved and that the clerk of this 567 vT r StLr Publishin Company, minutes and supplies......... 51.95 appeared, and after consideration it board be authorized to, comply with 568 Northwest Florida Tuberculosis was mutually agreed that A. D. said resolution: Hospital, county patients..... 222.50 Lawson would grant unto From To Amount Fine and Forfeiture Fund Lawson would grant unto St. Joegriculture & Livestok General $ 289.86 85 B E. Parker, cost bills..... $1,339.00 Paper Company, should said peti- Health Unit General 443.98 S6 J. E. Pridgeon, cost bills..... 293.75 tion be granted, a perpetual ease- County Co-op. Budget General 831.76 87 F. M. Cmnpbell, conviction fees 120.00 ment over "Dr aepndcw eittoihR e municipal Hop. general 7913 8 Ccl G Cost Jr. 120.00 ment over "Dr aepndcw eittoihR County Service Officer General 92.60 89 George Y Core 28.50 meant over "Draper Road," and, IC. H. & J. Building Capital 90 C. M. Gay, retirement........ 12.?0 Whereas, no. portion of said road i Outlay Reserve 1,60O.51 91 Gulf Drug Co., supplies,. .... constitutes or was General 15,307.15 Road and Bridge Fund constitutes r was acquired for Rce Track Cap. Out Reserve 4,000.00 183 Oaskin Bros. Lbr. Co., lumber.$754.95 state or federal highway purposes; Race Track Fire & Forfeiture 3,000.00 184 Teague Truck & Tractor Co., Now, Therefore, be it resolved by Race Track Road & Bridge 3,000.00 parts ....................886.50 Mother's Pension General 3.00 181 Standard Oil Co., oil and gas. 274.67 the Board of County Commission- The following bills were present 187 est Fla. Equipment Go., parts 77.24 ers of Gulf 'County, Florida. that ed, e xmn, a prs were prejelre 188 Gray Lbr. & Supply Go., roofing 76.20 long lo dinW ed, examined, approved and ordered 189 Firestone Stores, parts..... 14.30 the following streets located in Wi- aidfroim the several county funds, 190 Taylor Parts, equipment...... 303.74 nona Gardens Subdivision of Gulf to-wit: i91 Lloyd Whitfield. salary ..... 231.50 county, Florida, to-wit: War. No. Name Purpose At 192 oseph Whitfield, labor...... 24.00 All that portion of the following General Fund 194 Gnn Dmaniel, labor..........80.00 described roads or streets lying 509 B. E. Kenney, salary..: .....$ 53.92 195 Alvie Kemp, labor.... ...... .208.00 East of 'State Road 71 and located 510 Jim S. Daniel, salary........ 50.28 196 Archie Kemp, labor...'. ... 136.30 inWinona Gardens Subdivision of 511 Peter Strange, salary...... 1.42197 Lee Griffin, labor.......... 1,00 in Winona Gardens Subdivision of 12 Tobe Gay, salary............. 47.50 1)8 Elmer Nunnery, labor........ 108.00 the W% of Section 5, Township .51 .. F. Miller saary..........5142 199 Luther Joines, file saw....... 3 6 South, Range 9 West, to-wit: 514 George Y. Core, salary.......' 230.00 200 Thomas Williams, labor...... 42.00 (a) Lewis Road (b) Draper Road 515 Edd C. Pridgeon, salary...... 300.00 201 Collector Int. Revenue, tax .... 44.70 (a) Lewis Road oad 516 Samuel A. Patrick, salary.... 300.00 202 C. M. Gay, retirement....... 12.50 (c) Seminole Road and (d) Law- 517 F. M. Campbell, salary...... 23.75 203 Alvie McGlon Garage, parts fence Road, 518 Cecil G. Costin, Jr., salary .... 23.75 and maintenance. ........... 245 12 e and they are hereby vacated and 519 Emma Stevenson, salary...... 146.30 204 Wewa Hardware Co., suppies.. 122.59 be and they are hereby vacated and 520 Mrs. J. Glenn, salary...... 7.50 20 Sportman Service Statio n, abandoned to public use, and the 521 Mrs. C. G. Rish, salary...... 95.00 Tire repair and oil.......... 15.95 county hereby renounces and dis- 522 J. R. Hunter, pension....... 50.00 206 Prescott Auto Garane, supplies 7.70 claims any right o the3 Cubi R. Laird, salary.. 15.40 207 Cecil C. Costin, Jr., right-of- claims any right o1 the county and 524 Leona Taylor, salary.......... 50.00 way easement ..............10.00 public in and to said streets or 525 William H Linton, salary.... .100.00 208 J. P. Duren, hauling clay..... 696.00 roads hereinabove described. 528 Mrs. Mlinnie Paul, mother's 209 T. W. Duren, hauling clay.... 324.00 B E. K pension ................. 3.00 210 Bert.u Grocery, gasoline. ....... 2412 B. E. KENNEY, 526 Collector Internal Revenue, tax 67.00 211 T. M. Byrd, tools.......... 295.00 Attest: Chairman. 527 C. M. Gay, retirement....... 38.75 212 W. F. Mason, loading clay.... 447.00 GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk. 529 Mrs. Iella Lister, mother's 213 James R. Guilford. clay..... 223.50 Mr. J. R. Guilford came before pension ................... 3.00 Agriculture and Livestock Fund S R 5 Mrs. Rosa Stevens 3.06f 3999 General Fund, transfer ...... $289.86 the board and told the board that 531 Mrs. Grace Dunlap 3.00 Health Unit Fund he would charge the county 50c per 532 Mrs. Tom Parker 9 00 4000 General Fund, transfer..... $443.98 ad or all cla hauled from his 533 Mrs. Minnie Patterson 3.00 County Co-operative Budget Fund load for all clay hauled from hi 534 Mrs. Mae P. Creamer 6.00 4001 General Fund, transfer. .... $831.76 p.operty. After due consideration, 535 Mrs. Omie Blackman 3.00 St. Joe Municipal Hospital Fund Commissioner Strange moved that 536 Mrs. Lula Beard 3.00 3992 General Fund, transfer.......79.13 the county pay Mr. Guilford 50c'per 57 Mrs. Bessie lass 6.00 County Service Officer Fund 538 Mrs. Lee Simms, 3.00 4002 General Fund, transfer ....... $92.60 load for all clay that the county 539 Mrs R.esaie Porter 6.00 Courthouse and Jail Building Fund uses from Mr. Guilford's property; .p0 NMr 1,in., shelin.r. 3.00 4003 Capital Outlay Reserve Fund mt4 Mrs. R. M. fruram 3.00 transfer ....*............ $1,61.61 motion seconded by Commissioner 42 Mrs. Dollie rm 9.00 Race Track Fund Gay and upon vote was duly car- 543,Mrs. Allie Pr'.rt .- 6.00 3995 General Fund, transfer ...$15,307.15 tried. 544 Mrs. Mamie Brewer, indigent.. 8.00 3996 COapital Outlay Reserve Fund, The chairman instructed the clerk 545 Mrs. Grace Dunlap, 1. 0.00 transfer ............... 4,000.00 The cairmaninstrte the ler 46 Mrs Eva McKuhe 15.00 3997 Fine and Forfeiture Fund, to pay Mr. J. R. Guilford 50c per 547 Mrs. Bessie Glass 15.00 transfer............... 3,000.00 load of clay hauled from Mr. Guil- 548 W. T. Strange .. 15.00 3998 Road and Bridge Fund, ford's property and to base the 549 Gulf County Breeze, supplies. 21.37 transfer ............... 3,000.00 ord's property and to base the 50 Connell Water Works, water.. 18.00 Mother's Pension Fund number of loads hauled by the re- 551 D. T. Bridges, repair work.... 8.00 4004 General Fund, transfer ........$.00 port of the county truck, Mr. Ma- 552 w. T. McClellan, supplies.... 8.35 .There being no further business 553 Standard Oil Co., gas and oil.. 72 90 son's trucks and Mr. Durens trucks.4 Bowen Supply Co., upplies... i. to come before the board, it did then There was a motion by Commis- 555 J. E. Whatley, -supplies...... 18.501 adjourn. sioner Gay, seconded by Commis- 556 Bradford County Telegraph, B. E. KENNEY, election forms............... 4.45,,5 sioner ,Strange and duly carried 557 Roches Gulf inv. Co., stove.. 225.00 Attest: Chairman. that Mr. Mason 'be paid $1.00 for 558 Bishop Office Equip., equipment 274.86 GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk. Gets His Buck George Core, our estimable clerk of the circuit court (that may get us a smidgen of his kill), is one of the few lucky nimrods in this sec- tion to bring down a deer. George got his four-pointer down in Willis Swamp near Jo Serra's homestead on an expedition with Claude Wha- ley and Judge Earl Pridgeon. The authorized strength of West Point's corps of cadets is 2,496. A rocket bound for the moon would have to zoom upward at 25,000 miles per hour to escape the earth's pull of gravity, scientists estimate. To Relieve M isery ofAS 4r666 UOUIO oN TMU"S $*NM A Ef CORP ORAT-. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE NINE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1951 PAG TEN~-~ CII- iII* Plan Underway To ADDITIONAL SOCIETY Boost Quail Crop (Continued r.m Page 2) .Game Commission Believes North- BAPTIST W. M. U. MEETS FOR west Florida Section Best REGULAR BIBLE STUDY for Game Birds The W. M. U. of the First Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at Florida's quail hunters willbedo- the church for the regular Bible ing all of their shooting in North- study with the president, Mrs. W. west Florida in the future if the j. Ferrell, presiding, who opened concentrated campaign recently in- the meeting with prayer. Rev. L. J. augurated by the state game and Keels taught the ninth chapter of fresh water fish commission in this Acts on the life of Paul. After a area bears fruit. short business session, the meeting Plans have been established for was closed with prayer by Mrs. o a project aimed at increasing the Ramsey. a planting of food and cover crops Circles will meet Monday as fol- in this section for the bobwhites. lows: Circle I with Mrs. A. V. Bate- The commission states that there man 'Circle II, Mrs. E. F. Gunn; All is a shortage of quail today in some Circle III, Mrs. E. C. Cason; Circle sections of Florida where extensive IV, Mrs. P. B. Fairley; Circle V cultivation and grazing are prac- Mrs. George Davis; Circle VI, Mrs. ticed. but thousands of these farm- L. W. Cox. land acres offer suitable locations 0 for this game bird if the land is KENNEY MILL W. M. U. MEETS good qail habitat. U. met Wednesday afternoon in 0 the home of Mrs. J. N. Dobbs for a Commission biologists assert that program and social hour. The meet- the Northwest Forida area is par- ing was opened hy Mi E. R..- ''' D - ticularly adapted for the plantings Boe d assoiatona ivoker SBose, district association worker, 6. 1 Se n W of these food and cover crops-bush who gavethe prayerand devotional. lespedeza, partridge pea, common The program topic. "God First, lespedeza, Florida eggarweed an Others Second, and Self Last," was multiflora rose-because of its ex- Davis, developed by Mrs. H. A. Da.is cellent upland soils. Mrs. Roy Tharpe and Mrs. Herman . Objective of the program is to Barbee. The meeting was closed . encourage landowners to improvewith prayer by Mrs. Dais, after with prayer by Mrs. Davis, after conditions for quail so that a good which the hostess served delicious ' population of this game bird can be refreshments to those present. maintained throughout this section. i Ik The game commission will provide UNIOR G. A.'s ME .. BEJUNIOR G. A.'s MLETy "" seeds and plantings an andalso su- The Virginia Hagood Junior Girls' .B.. pervise the planted areas. Auxiliary of the Baptist Church met at the church Monday afternoon KIWANIS CLUB HEARS with 13 members present. The R. A.'s also met with the group. Mrs. (Continued from page 1) Ralph Nance taught the mission famous people, especially Joe E. book, "Keys To Brazil," after which Brown. the meeting was closed with prayer The club at this time made plans by Mrs. Wesley Ramsey, a guest. for the annual Christmas program a r I . and toy fund, and decided to spon- APPRECIATION sor the Port Theater's toy matineee The members of the Gladiolus '" a'. . which is being offered by the Mar- Circle of the Port St. Joe Garden tin Theater management. Club wish to join the people' of our d city in expressing their sincere N New Kiwhnis road signs will soon thanks to I. C. Nedley, C. Thursby, Everyhig You Need for appear on highway approaches to W. H. Petty and the other men who tor . the city, it was announced by pub- have worked on the parkways on Christ mas Wrapping . lic affairs chairman John Blount. 5th Street towards the beautifica- istmas-Wr appi " tion of our city. We feel sure that Big Package Includes we shall all enjoy the drive when the grass begins to grow. 60 Gummed Seals Mrs. George Cooper, Chairman. 60 Gummed Seals CLASSIFIED ADS 30 Metallic-Foil Seals Advertising Doesn't Cost It PAYS, 5 Gift Tags FOR RENI LODGE NOTICES Git 5 Gift Cards FOR RENT-Two comfortable bed- SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. 1 .t C 0 rooms, each with outside en- O. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- 6 Sheets (2030 in.)Gift trance; adjoining bath. Phone 63-J. days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All Wrapping Paper Mrs. A. M. Jones, Sr. 12-7tf members urged to attend; visiting i Paper brethren invited. J. F. Miller, N. G.; 9 4 Sheets (20x25 in.) SALESMEN WANTED John Blount, V. G.; Theo Bishop, De Luxe Gift Wrapping WANTED-Reliable hustler to go Secretary. WPaper r in business selling consumers 200 R. -A. M.-Regular convocation of 2 Sheets (203 in.) Red . household necessities. State age, St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.A. a 2 Sheets (20x30 in.) Red . occupation, references. Rawleigh's M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit Tissue Dept. FAL-101-Y, Memphis, Tenn. ing companions welcome. J. L. WiI- tTssue HELP WANTED-MALE son, High Piiest; H. R. Maige, Sec. 1 i Sheet (20x30 in.) White 4r : ., - WANTED-Radio' repair man. Tel- MELODY REBEKAH LODGE NO. Tissue " phone 410. 12-14 21c 22, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets 2nd and 4t', - .-...- Thursdays at 8:00 p. m. in Masonic SPECIAL SERVICES hall. Mary B. Forehand, N.G.;-Mary 5 ." E. Weeks, V.G.; Fannie Brown, Sec. '. ; Ru)bber is getting scarce! Hellp the MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- war effort by having your old tires )ort St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular. recapped. We guarantee all work. meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Members urged to attend; RECAP SHOP visiting brothers welcome. Milton Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Fla. Chafin, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. adcutiful Tree lights De Luxe Mantel Piece Light Up for christmas MEET YOUR FRIENDS e A T --- _Fy LeHARDY'S BAR r " Phone 52 ,, 7' A INDOOR ..... .. ...INDOOR $75' TREE LIGHTS 9C TREE LIGHTS SANTA CANDOLIER RAD OS AND SEWING MACHINES Lamps burn independently. Are Two-light halo handlee set with Eight assorted color lamps that easy to fasten to tree branches. Santa. Lustrous plas- clip easily to branches. Outlet REPAIRED Connector- fr additional sets. tic. Lamp and cord. foi, attaching other sets. Pickup nand Deliveryf Easy Terms ..1'_32 CALL 41U I--~iI ,~uiwal~X~l.~-~mu ~l-l-~~-a.rrr~xilUR~~BPLP~myr ~---- ~;-u~---r--l-~-a L 1~__1__1~__ X___ _~____ _I__ ~_ I_____ ___ THE TAR,. POR1T ST. JOE, GULF C,'-,bNY, FLO~inAt FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1-051 . A r PPI ml 1: B. W. EELLS, Own~er PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA |