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THE STAR IS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR GULF COUNTY TH-E ST AR "TRADE AT HOME" SPEND YOUR MONEY WITH LOCAL MERCHANTS AND GET ANOTHER SHOT AT IT "Port St. Joe -The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Ghattahoochee Valley" VOLUME XII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 NUMBER 38 Woman Shoots Husband After Family Quarrel B. A. Barber of Wewahitchka Dies Instantly As Result Of Shotgun Blast Byron A. "Buddy" Barber, 32, of Wewahitchka died instantly at his home last Friday morning from the blast of a shotgun in the hands of his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Barber, 27, as the climax of a family quarrel. Sheriff B. E. Parker stated that Mrs. Barber was not taken into cus- tody "because evidence does not warrant it at this time." State At- torney Mercer Spear of Panama City is in charge of the investiga- tion into the shooting. Married for -11. years, the Bar- -bers have two daughters, one of whom was playing in the yard of their home when the shooting oo- curred. The other child was at the home of relatives nearby. In addition to his wife and two ,daughters, Barber is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barber, and three sisters, Mrs. S. L. Hughes, Mrs. Seale-Price and Mrs. Tom Smith, all of Wewa- hitchka. Graveside services were held for Mr. Barber Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at Jehu Cemetery, with the Rev. Claude Grinslade officiating. 'The Comforter Funeral Home of this city was in charge of arrange- .m ents. ,: .-" Star Is Like Dope: We don't know whether to feel complimented or go into hiding to escape the FBI since receiving the following "note from Mr. and Mrs, Ben Rivers of Palatka: "Dear Edi- tor Bill-Here's' another two bucks for another year, so keep 'that rag' coming this way. It's just like dope -we've gotten started with it and just can't leave it alone." -K Returns Here To Make Home Mrs. A. M. Jones,' who has been making her home in Savannah, Ga., for the past year, returned Sunday to again make Port St. Joe her home. She was. accompanied here by her daughter, Mrs. Mildred Burns and children, who will visit for several weeks. ---X- Attending Conference Timothy Elder, Elizabeth Allen, Ramsey Ford, Esther Allen and Mary Allen this week are attending the senior conference of the Flor- ida Presbytery meeting at Silver Lake, near Tallahassee. Week-end Visitor Miss Pamela Prows, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Prows of Pan- ama City, visited here- over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Prqys Jr. ------------- Sunday- Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sunday and twin daughters, Helen and Ellen, of Chattahoochee were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell. --K--- Visitor From Kansas Robert T. Ferrell of Kansas City, Kan., arrived Sunday for a visit with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.-B. Ferrell. -- -- ---- Visitors From Louisiana Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Pridgeon and son of Crowley, La.; were visi- tors. in St...Ioe.Taesday. St. Joe 4-H Girl Receives Honors Judith Mahon Attends Short Course As Outstanding Club Member Judith Mahon was chosen as the outstanding 4H girl from the Port St. Joe 4H Club this year. For her worthy efforts in 4H Club work she was sent to the annual state 4H short course at the Florida State University, Tallahassee, from June 6 to 11. Her scholarship was made possible by the Port St. Joe Wom- an's -Club, which is sponsoring a youth program. Nearly 600 girls from 49 counties in the state attended the short course, receiving instruction in homemaking taught by the college staff. Theme of the week was "To- day's Home for Better Living." Outstanding social features for the week included a tour of the governor's mansion, a picnic at Wa- kulla Springs, and a theater party to see "The Green Promise," the theme of which is based on 4H Club work. The last night of the short course was highlighted by a beautiful candlelight service around a foun- tain on the college lawn. SUMMER PROGRAM SET FOR YOUTH FELLOWSHIP The Methodist Youth Fellowship is now entering a stepped-up pro- gram for the summer, and acordial invitation to attend is extended to the youth of the church and those who are not a member of a" youth group Thes.e program4-, whiti.h ire lield iAt 7 o'clock each Sunday eve- ning, will be of interest- to college students and all seniorl'-young peo- ple, as well as those down through 15 years of age. Wade Barrier will be the program leader for next Sunday's meeting. CATHOLIC WOMEN MEET The Catholic Woman's Club met Monday of last week at the church for the regular business, and at this time .the treasurer, Mrs. Verna Rob- erts; tendered her resignation due to the fact that she is moving to Tallahassee. A new treasurer will be appointed at the next meeting on June 20. ---------- To Attend Y. W. A. Meet Miss Willa Dean Lowery, who has been teaching school in Talla- hassee, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Lowery, before going to Ridge- crest, N. C., where she will attend Y. W. A. Week. This is a part of the Southern Baptist Convention summer camp program. Return To Gainesville Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson. who have been connected with the Ken- ney Mercantile Company for some time, returned to their home in Gainesville Wednesday, where they will reside in future. Undergo Tonsilectomies Vince Kilbourn and Eva Mar- garet Kilbourn, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kilbourn, underwent tonsilectomies at the local hospital Tuesday. Both are reported doing nicely. -- 'K---- - Attend Wedding' Here Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sanders and small daughter, of Chattahoochee, attended the McLeod-Palmer wed- ding here yesterday. Visiting In Mobile Miss Carolyn Traweek is visit- ing this week in Moblle,.Ala., with relatives, Highland View Tot Is Struck By Car Richard Bozeman,|5, of Highland View, suffered a slight skull frac- ture, brain concussion and other in- juries Friday of last'week after be- ing struck by a car driven by W. B. Richardson of this city. According to a report from the Florida Highway Patrol the acci- dent was unavoidable, as the child darted onto the highway and struck the side of the car. Richardson was placed under arrest by the sheriff's office on a reckless 'driving charge and was released on $35 cash bond. The warrant charged him with "driving at an excessive rate of speed." Young Bozeman is' expected to be released from the municipal hos- pital within the next few days, but is expected to be confined to his bed for several weeks. Recreation Program Opened Wednesday The annual summer recreation program opened Wednesday at the high school. This program is spon- sored by the school, and is a con- tinuation of school' activities, the purpose of which is to provide wholesome recreation and enter- tainment for students during the vacation months. Positive" learning situations are incorporated in as many activities as possible. The morning, period from 9 to 12 o'clock is given over t" playground activities for students-in the 6 to 14 age group. Tie4 afjtersoon and nigh pjrogiams,wil!-be of a special nAture' and plidAned' to meef thie needs and interests of the different age groups. METHODIST BOARD OF STEWARDS IN :MEETING The board of stewards of the Methodist Church' met Monday eve- ning at the church with George F. Suber, chairman, presiding. J. J. Hutchinson, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting, and after their approval various inter- ests of the church were discussed, during which it was noted that the finances of the church show some increase over previous months. Mr. Suber was elected delegate to the annual conference meeting August 22 at Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Ala., and Wayne But- tram and W. H. Weeks were named as reserve delegates. -K Vacationing In North Miss Joan Trexler of the Ward Clinic left Wednesday of last week for Detroit, Mich., and Canada on a two weeks' vacation. She will be accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Robert Campbell Haire and small son, who will visit this sum- mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Trexler in their home on 16th Street. _____ .4(_______- Attends Graduation Mrs.'W. G. Varnadoe visited in Foley, Fla., recently with friends. Upon her return trip she attended graduation exercises of her niece and nephew at the Tallahassee high school. Girls' 4H Club Camp Date Changed The annual 4H Club camp at Camp Timpoochee will be from July 25 to 29. All 4H girls take note of this, as it has been changed from the previous announcement. "--------'--------- Leave for Colorado Sgt. and Mrs. Monroe Dpncan left Tuesday for Camp Carson, Col., where he will report for a new as- signment. Paper Mill Stack Ain't Woman Admits Gonna Smoke No Mo' Attempted Death Precipitator Goes Into Action Tues- p o day Recovering 95% of Solids of First Spouse No longer will that heavy plume of smoke be seen coming from the Mrs. Evelyn Coleman Being 550-foot stack of the St. Joe Paper Held In Death Here of Company mill, for Tuesday a new George Jones electro-static precipitator, built at a cost of approximately half a mil- A first degree murder warrant lion dollars by the Koppers Cornm- was issued Wednesday by County pany of Baltimore, Md., went into Judge J. E. Pridgeon for Mrs. Eve- action. lyn Coleman, wife of Thomas E. The new unit, which has been un- Coleman of Telogia, who died on der construction for the past year, June 3 of unknown causes while be- will recover 95% of the solids, in ing brought to the Port St. Joe Mu- the form of salt cake, from the gas nicipal Hospital. and smoke that formerly went up The warrant charged Mrs. Cole- the stack and at times, when the man with the murder of her first wind was from the right direction, husband, George Jones of this city, hovered over the city. who died last year supposedly of All that may be seen now at the food poisoning. Mrs. Coleman had top of the stack is a dim wisp of been arrested last Friday in Lib- barely visible smoke, at times erty county on order of State At- barely discernible unless one looks torney W. D. Hopkins Jr., of Talla- closely. hasee for investigation in connec- The new unit will do away with tion with the death of Coleman a lot of car-wash jobs in the city, whose body was interred in a Don- but outside of the car-washing es- aldsouville, Ga., cemetery. The tablishments, the general public is body has been exhumed and con- tickled to death with the new in- tents of the stomach taken for an- stallation. alysis, but up to yesterday there -----had been no report on the findings. DEAR OLD DAD CAN GET State Attorney Mercer Spears of FREE DINNER SUNDAY Panama City, who is conducting As a gesture of appreciation to the investigation into the death of all the fathers in Port St. Joe and Jones, states that Mrs. Coleman vicinity, Charles Callahan, proprie- has signed a statement that she tor of the Hotel St. Joe Dining put metal filings in Jones' food Room, is offering a free dinner next from .metal given her by, Coleman, Sunday to every father accom- whom she married 40 days after panied by his family who eats at the death of Jones. his-dining room betweiu4h.e' hours -Spears said Mra.i'Coleman'a con- of 12 noon and 3 p. m,. fession avers she put tile metal fil- 'Tisn't every day-that dad gets ings in her first husband's food for something for nothing, so you men- a-period of five weeks, but'she did folks had better don your best bib not know if they caused his death and tucker, round up the family nor what kind of metal she -was and go down and have dinner on using. Charlie. State Attorney Hopkins, investi- -- ----- gating Coleman's death, said Mrs. LIBRARY HOURS CHANGED Coleman had told him that Cole- Beginning June 21 the Po't St. man always watched her while she Joe Memorial Library will be open was preparing food for him. Tuesday and Saturdays, from 4:30 Willie Strickland, a Quincy ice- to 5:30 only. It is announced that man, was held for investigation in the latest book of Loyd C. Douglas, connection with Coleman's death "The Big Fisherman," is now on after Mrs. Coleman told Hopkins the library shelves. he had given her husband poisoned -.. ', whiskey. Strickland was released Named Member of Beauty Board due to insufficient evidence. Miss Janet Bailey, former owner Mrs. Coleman is being held In of the Modern Beauty Shop in this the Gulf county jail pending fur- city, last Friday received an ap- their developments in the case. pointment from Governor Fuller '- Warren as a member of the state Spend Week-end In Tuskegee board of beauty culture examiners, Mrs. Mel Magidson, Miss Sara She succeeds Mrs. Ruth Brintlinger Jo Costin and Cecil Costin, Jr., of Pensacola. spent the week-end in Tuskegee, _Ala., with their sister and family, Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carr. Mrs. Carl Mrs. J. J. McCaskill and Miss and daughter, Carolyn Lee, accom- Adelaide McCaskill of Marianna, panied them home for a visit of and Mrs. R. E. L. McCaskill of De- several weeks with her parents.'Mr. Funiak Springs wer e week-end and Mrs. C. G. Costin. guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Garra- - way Jr., at their Beacon Hill cot- Parents Visit tage. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norrie L. McCollum were Mrs. Mc- To Take Nurses' Examination Collum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mrs. Rhue Guest and Mrs. Ralph W. Methvin and daughter Lorene Williams left Wednesday for Jack- of Palatka, and Lt. Charles Meth- sonville, where they will take the vin of the U. S. Army, recently re- state board examination for practi- turned from occupation duty in cal nurses. They are both employed Japan. at the local hospital. ---- -- -Visiting In Foley Visiting Cousin Mrs. Dallas Week and children, Master Joe Neal Thomqas of Jack- Gail and John Dallas Jr., are vis- sonville is visiting here this week iting for two weeks in Foley, Fla., with his cousin, Master Jiminy Car- with Mrs. Weeks' mother, Mrs. W. letti. R. Rice. *- ----*T-------- * Undergoes Tonsrlectomy Undergoes Operation Little Leonard Costin, son of Mr. LaFayette Kilbourn is a patient and Mrs. Chauncey Costin, under- in the municipal hospital, having went a tonsilectomy at the mu- undergone an operation Wednes- nicipal hospital Tuesday. day. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 -.AGE TWO OFFICERS ANNOUNCED FOR MARY VIC MAUK CIRCLE The Mary Vic Mauk Circle of the Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service met Monday af- ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. L. Sharit. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Sharit, the chairman, who announced officers for the coming year as follows: Mrs. J. L. Sharit, chairman; Mrs. R. W. Smith, co- chairman; Mrs. George Adkins, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Brown, sec- vised altar of greenery and white retary; Mrs. George Patton, Chris- gladioli; flanked by lighted white tian social relations; Mrs. J. T. Mc- tapers in silver candelabra. Neill, birthday fund. The bride wore a white shadow Following the devotional, "Re- print organdy with halo hat of ligion of Relaxation," led by Mrs. white maline and satin, with an Smith, it was moved and seconded orchid corsage. Her only ornament to sell Holland magazine subscrip- was a double strand of pearls, a tions to apply towards an organ for gift of the groom. the new church. Members of the immediate fam- During the social hour, the hos- ilies and a few friends were the tess served delicious cookies and only witnesses to the impressive coca-colas to those present. ceremony. Next iheeting of this circle will After the reception for the as- be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. sembled guests, the happy couple Brown the second Monday in July. left for a short honeymoon, desti- V nation unknown. The bride traveled SUSIE PEACH FOSTER CIRCLE in a light blue pique suit with navy MEETS WITH MRS. WALLS accessories. The Susie Peach Foster Circle of Both bride and groom are em- the Methodist Church met Monday played at the St. Joe Paper Com- afternoon in the home of Mrs. Chas. pany and on their return will be at -Talls on Palm Boulevard. Mrs. home on Monument Avenue to.Floyd Roberts opened the meeting their many fri-ends. with the devotional, after which Mrs. Walter Johnson gave the last Greers Expected Today chapter of a series on civil rights. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Greer are Mrs. Wayne Buttram, chairman expected to return home today from of the circle, appointed the follow- a two.weeks' trip to points in Mich- ing committee chairmen: Finance, igan, Pennsylvania and Canada. Mrs. Walter Johnson, chairman, They will be accompanied home by Mrs. Floyd Roberts, co-chairman; Mrs. Greer's daughter and children, social relations, Mrs. John Blount; Mrs. Carl Zimmerman. M membership, Mrs. Bud Gaskin; mis- FOR AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE -----S EE E----- BUCK ALEXANDER Phone 101 208 Sixth Street +--- +----------- --******* MODERN BEAUTY SHOP PERMANENT WAVES $6.50 up For Appointment Call 41 Operators: Mrs. Mable Baxley, formerly of Bea- con Hill, more recently of Winter Haven, and Mrs. Reba Pitts, Owner -vvv vvvv vv v--- --- ------------ "Fathers are the Dependable Side of Life"-(Anonymous) SUNDAY IS DAD'S DAY!! Bring Pop and the rest of the family out for our SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY DINNER (Each and every Father accompanied by his family will be Charlie's Special Guest --- DINNER FOR DAD IS ON THE HOUSE!) DINNER SERVED FROM 12:00 TO 3:00 P. M. s ST. JOE HOTEL DINING ROOM * "The Home of Southern Hospitality" CHARLES CALLAHAN, Proprietor Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 BAPTIST W. M. U. MEETS FOR BIBLE STUDY The Baptist W. M. U. met Mon- day afternoon at the church for the regular Bible study. The president, Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, opened the meeting and presented Luther Car- din, who brought the Bible study from the 6th chapter of Matthew, verses 16 to 34. Topic of the study was "Humbleness." A short busi- ness -ession followed, after which the meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. James Horton. Circles will meet next Monday as follows: Circle 1 with Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon; Circle 2 with Mrs. C. W. Enfinger; Circle 3 with Mrs. James Horton; Circle 4 with Mrs. Duffy Lewis. Advertising Doesn't Cost It PAYS. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUNDAY SERVICES :-:..' --.:: :;-::. ..;..s.::"a METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:00 p. m.-Young people. 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. Prayer service is conducted each WedAesday evening at 7:30. We are highly pleased with the response of our people and the accomplishment of these services. The Womans Society of Christian Service meets at the church Mon- day, June 20, at 3 p. m. A special session of the quarterly conference was held at the church Wednesday evening. Plans were approved and provisions made for continuous construction of the new church until it is completed suffi- ciently to house the congregation. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH First Sunday after Trinity 7:30 4. m.-Holy communion. 11:00 a. m.-Morning prayer. 7:30 p. m.-Holy communion at Saltwind Cottage, Beacon Hill. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel J. Allen, Pastor Rev. McClain Elder will conduct the service Sunday in the absence' of Rev. Allen, who is teaching a course, "I Am a Christian," at the senior conference of the Florida Presbytery meeting at Silver Lake June 13 to 20. BIBLE SCHOOL * A Bible school will be conducted at Beacon Hill June 22 to July 1. All children from 3 to 14 years of age are urged to attend. - sions and education, Mrs. Gus HELLO, WORLD! Creech; and publicity, Mrs. Alfred Joines. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Woods of The discussion for the afternoon this city announce the birth of a was on furnishing the Sunday son, Larry Steve, on Saturday. June school class rooms for the cradle 11, at the municipal hospital. roll and primary departments in r the new church. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mendelson (nee Attending the meeting were Mes- Miss Mimi Schneider) of Emory dames Bud Gaskin, Floyd Roberts, University, Ga., announce the birth Walter Duren, Sam Duren, Walter of a daughter, Sandra Faith, on Johnson, John Blount, Gus Creech, Monday, June 13. Wayne Buttram, and the hostess, 4 t Mrs. Charles Walls. Visiting In Palatka SMrs. Norris McCollum and sons MRS. PHILLIPS HONORS SON Bobby and Ronald left Monday for ON FOURTH BIRTHDAY Palatka, where they will spend two Mrs. C. B. Phillips honored her weeks with her parents, Mr. and son Charles on his fourth birthday Mrs. D. W. Methvin. with a lawn party at her home on 16th Street T uesday afternoon. A .. ............. ........................... .............. number of games were enjoyed dur- ing the afternoon and favors of bal- NOW OPEN 6:00 A loons were given each small guest. After the many gifts were opened C U by the honoree, the hostess served MRS. CHUCK'S birthday cake, ice cream, punch and party mints to about 25 little BEACOI friends who gathered to enjoy the afternoon with Charles. All wished him many more happy birthdays in R IM flFH CHIC E the future. SHRIMP, FISH, CHICK Out-Qf-town guests were the hon- oree's grandmother, Mrs. R. D.. BREAKFAST ON THE BEA Prows, his aunt, Mrs. R. S. Prows, and cousins, Pamela and Sherwin AND SANDWICHES P, Prows and William Masker, all of Panama City. MISS JIMMY PALMER AND JOSEPH McLEOD ARE WED Miss Jimmy Palmer, daughter of Mrs. C. M. Palmer and the late Mr. Palmer of this city, became the bride of Joseph E. McLeod, son of Mrs. Joanna McLeod of this city, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at a double ring ceremony which took place in the home of the bride, the Rev. L. J. Keels of the First Bap- tist Church officiating. The ceremony was performed in the living room before an impro- ,w mu.* *i- WW U U W W W W W 1 W Port Theatre A Martin Theatre r S Port St. Joe, Fla. * THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:,00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIMES FRIDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY June 20 and 21 ?aL0XI AV Lk --- Plus--- NEWS and TRAVELOGUE, SATURDAY, JUNE 18 2 B AR G A I N 2 FEATURES BARGAIN FEATURE NO. I MamuNm Am BARGAIN FEATURE NO. 2 --- Plus --- POPEYE CARTOON and SERIAL 44 D A* 9, k.9 ** JN SUNDAY, JUNE 19 -- Also -- NEWS and CARTOON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 --- Plus --- WALT DISNEY CARTOON and SERIAL CONGOO BILL" THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 23 and 24 Shir ity Also --- NEWS and PETE SMITH COMING NEXT WEEK! JwsTmE ANDY CLYDE COMEDY ~-~-..******0*boo* 004OW00000#4g L M. TO 10:00 P. M. PORCH DINER N HILL Ni and STEAK DINNERS CH HOME-MADE PIES ARTY LUNCHES TO GO m PANAMA CITY, FLA, Closed Wednesday Afternoons b L FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA Visitors'From Jax Mrs. E.' R. Nix and daughter, Shirley, of Jacksonville, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ferrell. Dr. Charles Reicherter , OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 Phone 560 First Floor AL THE STAR, ORT T. EU_ C OUNT Y, "L ORID A.PA G .... .. r H" r- E' Stor Cl~atiied Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost WE NOW HAVE DRAFT BEER : * ON TAP ST. JOE BAR PHONE 114 PORT -ST. JOE, FLA. Mf** Se 505M050 6500mee*- 05--. Electrical Contracting and Repairing Estimates Cheerully Given ST. JOE ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 377 COSTIN BUILDING Van Heusen*. or else! A' Exclusive With . Boyles in Port St. Joe - Gift ideas for father as featured in: LIFE V Van Heusen 400 Shirt with patented can't wilt- or-wrinkle one-piece collar, French cuffs. Superb white broadcloth $3.95 V Keep him cool with a Van Heusen Air-Weave Shirt the shirt with the wide open windows. Smart solid colors and white .....----$2.95 to $3.50 V The kind of Ties he'd choose for himself . handsome panel designs, rich colorings, fine satins- By Van Heusen $Z..50 v To help him sleep tight Wonderfully com- fortable Van Heusen Flexibelt Pajamas in sinart patterns and rich fabrics $3.95 V Van Heusen Sport Shirts that are washable won- ders. Handsome summer colors with exclusive two- way California Lo-no collar ...----$2.95 to $3.95 PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA TEN YEARS AGO From the Files of The Star Old Resident Taken By Death R. A. Costin, 73, a resident of Port St. Joe since 1909, passed away Monday night at his home on Mon- ument Avenue following an illness of long duration. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon, with the Rev. J. W. Sise- more in charge, assisted by Rev. D. E. Marietta and Rev. H. F. Beaty. Interment was in Jehu Cemetery, near Wewahitchka. Low Bidders On Paving Rroject The Cleary Brothers Construction Co. of West Palm Beach was low bidder on the two-lane concrete boulevard to be constructed on 5th Street--' from its intersection with Monument Avenue a distance of one-half mile to the east. Amount of the bid was $129,476.13. Buys Papers Larry Evans, of Fairhope, Ala., has purchased The Port St. Joe Sentinel and The Gulf County Breeze from C. F. Hanlon at We- wahitchka and has many ideas for improvement of the two publica- tions. City Charter Amended Among bills passed at the recent session of the .legislature were two amendments to the Port St. Joe city charter changing the terms of city commissioners from six to three years, with an election to be held each year, and to limit the bonded indebtedness of the city to 15% of the assessed valuation. Another bill, which became law without the signature of Governor Cone, pro- vides that no franchise can be granted by the board of city com- missioners without a' vote of the people. State Has Enough Cash for 3 Months Comptroller Says Script or Credit Would Then Have To Be Used According to a statement issued by State Comptroller C.. M. Gay, the state of Florida has enough funds on hand and due to run until September, when the cash will run out-and script or credit will.have to be used to pay bills, salaries, pensions, etc. Or, payrolls could close and the state's business could just be closed up, along with the schools not opening. Credit for this state of affairs goes to the legislature, which just closed a "do-nothing" session. It is- sued a back-breaking $240,000,000 -appropriations bill but did nothing about enacting tax-producing meas- ures to provide the $60.000,000 of new monies needed to .pay the two- year bills it created via appropria- tions. Governor Warren hasn't yet in- dicated when he will call a special session (at an estimated cost of $700,000 to the taxpayers) to enact revenue-raising measures, but he could make it tough on the legisla- tors by delaying the call until their constituents suffer. A lot of the legislators believe they will be de- feated anyway, and many don't seem to worry about their lack of accomplishment. Women in Business More than one million women in the United States are in business For themselves., I Featuring: "Tlp- From Areoss: Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" Vol. III Friday, June 17, 1949 No. 45 DEAR SHOPPERS-Looks like Dad has the spotlight this week (Father's Day Sunday, June 19). Let's make him "King for a Day"! We'll do everything in our power to help you we have what it takes to make him happy plus your love and admirationr We'll help you select the best we'll wrap His package attrac- tively without additional cost we'll do even more than that . with every package Boyles Department Store will add a useful little gift absolutely FREE! Remember Dad Sunday, June 19th. S. Remember the place to get his gift-Boyles Department Store! Our June-Sales are going stronger every week. Mrs. B. Jas sent us some wonderful values in the Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Depart- ment just the type garments you need for hot weather! In other departments we have received some of the most outstanding values ever. Looks like June will be a banner month in spite of everything! We know wise shoppers are looking for VALUES in big letters, and VALUES you shall have from this store! Yours for Making Dad "King for a Day," R. GLENN BOYLES. ftI C 9e1P ,ff oor .DEPARTMENT STORE THE STAR, PORT ST, JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE Y., 4~~ UN, 17,- 190 PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA POP'S THE QUESTION SUNDAY, rvrI 1x IlJUNE19 Shop for Him Friday and Saturday at Boyles June Sales Let's make Dad "King for a Day!" Boyles adds a useful Gift FREE with every purchase! Also Free Gift Wrapping. Make it easy! Check items on our Sepcial Dad's Day ad on the left. See additional June Sales Features below! JUNE SALES FEATURE! 81-INCH DAN RIVER I UNBLEACHED SHEETING 690 yd. Full sheet width (2V4 yards). A good, standard quality at a new low price. SNOW WHITE BLEACHED SHEETING (as above) .- 79c yd. JUNE SALES FEATURE! DAN RIVER BLEACHED SHEETS 63x99- $1.79 72x99- $1.79 72x108- ----$1.98 WHERE CAN YOU BEAT THESE VALUES? A SPECIAL TREAT FOR JUNE BRIDES! ARTEMIS CREPE GOWNS $4.95 and $5.95 Lace trimmed, appliqued and piped for luxury and beauty! Blue and Maize! A garment with a thrill! Heres a Slip Tip for the June Bride! $ 5 MOJ UDSLIPS ----- 2U .They're getting as popular and famous as Mojud hose! Lace trimmed up and down lovely crepe white and pink a look is a sale! The Tattler Published Weekly W*y BOYLEs DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Frlorida PAGE FOUR tHE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306 Williams Avenue. Port St. doe, Florida, by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SxnrTH, Editor and Publisher Al I. L.:notype Operator, Ad Mian, Pre-' man, Floor Mi.n, Reporter, Columnist, .linito ari Printer's Devil. Entered :is e(cond-(elai' matter, December 10, 1937, at the P'ostoffice, Port St. ..le, FI' .. nrder Act of March 3, 187'. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $2.00 SIX MONTHS $1.00 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -4( TELEPI-ONE 51 ';<- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselya liable lor damages further than amount receWed, for socli advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; tihe printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spokein word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinres. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong REMEMBER POOR OLD ) )AD Next Sunday is Father's Day. Anyhow, that's what the calendar says, and theoretically father is entitled to occupy the place of honor in the family circle on that day. And, folks, he should be remembered with gifts that will be his alone. Poor old dad gener- ally has a controlling interest in lamps in the liv- ing room, furniture for the dining room, perhaps only a half interest in a pair of andirons for the fireplace, and maybe a bit of stock in a washing machine-but has he anything that lie can truth- fully say is all his? Son wears his socks and ties, and mother and daughter take his shirts and pants to wear fish- ing-but poor old dad can't borrow a thing from the rest of the family, ' So let's dco all we can for day next Sunday. He will feel happy if he's remembered. Dad really isn't a bad fellow if his family would only get to know him-but to a great extent, he's to blame if they don't. --- .- '. ? .. STARDUST and MOONSHINE The other night when we had that heavy rainstorm, Pervis Howell was signaling to G. E. McGill, the -engineer on the A. N. freight train, -when he dropped his lantern to the ground. "Cat" Sylvester, passing :by, tossed it back to him on top of -a freight car. In a few minutes McGill came rushing up to Howell. "Let's see .you do that again!" he panted. "Do what?" said Pervis. "Jump from the ground to the .top of that boxcar," replied McGill. "The traveling man's eyes bulged -when he came into the St. Joe Hardware store and saw a dog playing checkers with Uncle Char- lie McClellan. "You mean to tell me," he said incredulously, "that your dog is playing checkers?" NOTHING IN THE PAPER One of our subscribers, a woman, came into The Star office Monday with the complaint that "there's never anything in the paper." But she forgot that it was only the week be- fore she asked to have her bridge party kept out of The Star because there were three people she had neglected to invite. And a short while pre- viously she had informed us that the family didn't want it mentioned when they bought a new car from Lewis' Garage because they still owed Dr. Ward for Junior, and two or three merchants were wanting a settlement. We carefully reminded her that we had left the account of her son's careless driving spree out of the paper because we felt sorry for her old man, and that we also neglected to mention the fact that her brother had been haled into court for imbibing too freely, creating a disturb- ance and resisting an officer. But she still was of the opinion we could print more news. We probably could-but what it we should? We knew it! When President Truman used his famous s. o. b. utterance we stated editorially that people would figure if the president could get away with it, they could, too. Last week the same phrase was directed by Senator Eastland of Mississippi at C. B. Baldwin, campaign man- ager for Henry Wallace last fall. during a sub- committee hearing on legislation to curb com- muntists. We are still of the opinion that such utterances should be curbed, for the use of pro- fanitv by our so-called statesmen undoubtedly has an influence upon the choice of language employed elsewhere in the nation. The old-fashioned girl who used to have a plush-covered photograph album now has a daughter who has a gold-filled cigaret case. Trade at home and keep your dollars circulat- ing in Port St. Joe. "Sure thing." said Uncle Charlie. fee, saw them and tardily remem- "I learned him." bered that he was taking them to "WVhy. man, you could go into the cleaning establishment. . vaudeville and clean up a fortune Glenn has been taking a lot of rib- with a dog as smart as that," said bing over the affair and probably in the salesman. future will look more carefully af- "Oh. 1I don't know." suiffed Uncle ter his pants. --- Charlie. "He's not so smart. I beat him te last three games." Can a man go into a restaurant, leave his pants, walk out onto the street and not be picked up by the police for indecent exposure, or something? Apparently he can. for that, is exactly what Glenn Boyles got away with-and his wife was out of town, too! Seems that Glenn werit into Gene's Cafe for breakfast the other morning carrying a pair of pants he was taking to the cleaners. He walked out and left them, and Honey Al- len and the other girls for several days asked every male customer if they were owners of the garment, without result. Glenn had forgot- ten about the pants, but a few days later, while imbibing a cup of cof- - 'Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content q Available from Commercial News Providers" After a considerable amount of research we've found why married women drive slower than married men-they'll do anything to stay under 30. The customer was ordering a * Yes, Internationals are heavy- duty truck champs. For 16 years - note 16 years! more new heavy-duty Internationals have been bought by American com- merce and industry than any other make of truck. The rea- new suit from Creech Brothers. Gus told him it wouldn't be ready for six weeks. "Six weeks!" cried the customer. "Why, the whole world was created in six days." "True," said Gus, "but have you taken a good look at it lately?" Leave for California iMr. and Mrs. J. A. Tringharm and son left Thursday of last .week for Los Angeles, Calif.. where Mr. T., a teacher in the Port St. Joe school last term. will seek a teaching po- sition. "Teachers get much better pay in California," said Mr. Tring- ham. WORLD FAMOUS U.S. ROYALS The i -.I y ,re. I. C i ly d s ned ,'iead toc ea.e, *1eerir. Chevrolet Co. Joe, Florida Garraway Port St. ,Ja son? Proved performance! That means economy, dependability and long, trouble-free service. Four-wheelers. Six-wheelers. A size and type for every heavy- duty job. And every truck spe- cialized, expertly. * * ' * * 0^ 01 * S There s a : * I' S Model RK-IO. Full size, low priced. sE Model RK-6 , Fully outomaoe, * 0****4 M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE MONUMENT AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. u 1 I a4 s, k F THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 17, '1949 PAGE FOUR FRIDY, ,JUNE17, 949 H~ TAR1PORTST. OE. U~t COUTY, LORIA PA rivo .....*... a a***.. ... ... S SS*S*SbggggeSgg*ga a e~a g*g* .....a.....***** ..************ ...... e0,e4MA90/id dwoe4 doa44le -ode/c! FRIGIDAIRE 0 0 0 does electrical quick-tricks -' like baking biscuits in one oven while broiling or roasting in the other! Here's the ideal electric range for large families, for extensive entertaining, for preparing snacks for a cro-'d double- quick. Two complete Twin-Unit E[en- Heat 0\ens and t[o complete smoke- tess-ti pe, high-speed broilers make it possible to do many double-dut, cook- ing iobs. Each ocn has its own controls .nd signal lights is all one-piece por- _lain ith roundd corners for easy leaning-has non-ripping shelves-and , blanketed on all six sides w ith heavy insulation to keep heat in the o0en and ',et of the kitchen. It's Frigidaire's finest . the finest that money can buy. FRIGIDAIRE convenience features ! FRIGIDAIRM Range in a size and price just for you! Model RK-20. Low- priced beauty. Model RK 70. with 2 Oveni SModel RK-40. DeLuxe, moderately priced. RK-4 For small kitchen% (and "Tandem" use as show n.1 Big, Even-Heal Oven. Bake Cook-Master Oven Control. six loases o1 bread, or r,.ast Keeps an "e e" on meals a 2;-pound rurke\ lther's whhile you're awas. Turns '.i plcnv, of room. Automatic on on. cooks meal, turns controls prt-hcat oven trum offi .. all autormatcall,. Easy Ssone-cold to baking remiper- to use. eas1 to see Also nature in ; I minutes. serves a' a kitchen clock. 5-Speed Radiantube Units. Triple-Duty Thermizer Cooker. Select one of 5 precise hits It's a small oxen, or a deep- iromSIMMERtoHIGH,and well cooker, or pop it up you get it... in a jiffy. Radi- and it's another surface unit. antube Units are self-clean. Cooks a meal of meat. sege- ing, fast, economical. tablesand dessert all at once. ... .- 2S3 a's' l r' tRtMUA&A&Q Full-Width Storage Drawer. See how many utensils ,ou can store in this! Its oil-less roller bearings slide quietly. Can be used for storage of cereals, crackers -- r 'S GULF INVESTMENT COMPANY PORT ST.JOE FLORIDA' .... ****** ************* ***sese tsea s a a a ta a am aam at sas a *** m a a a** *** ********** ataa "No FRIDAY,,JUNE 17, 1949 THPt STAR, PORT ST. JOIE, GULI;' COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE F1VS cl oooo-.-L m~fi tin H TR QTS.JE UFCUTY LRD IIAUIE1,is Japan Becoming Americanized, Says Former Teacher Marjorie Wright Joins Husband In Orient After Long Trip From Lake City NAGOYA, Japan, 5th Air Force Headquarters-Captain Edmund A. Wright, son of Mrs. E. A. Wright of Lake City,Fla., recently wel- comed his wife, Mrs. Marjorie P. Wright, to Nagoya. Mrs. Wright is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Philyaw of Port St. Joe, Fla., and is a former teacher in the Port St. Joe schools. Captain Wright is currently as- signed to Hq. and Hq. Squadron, 5th Air Force. the occupation air force in Japan and the largest com- mand under Far East Air Forces. Wright graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point in 1943 with the degree of B. S. and the aeronautical rating of pilot. From September 1944 to June 1945, Captain Wright served with the 5th Air Force in the Southwest Pacific Theater. He was awarded the Air Medal, Purple Heart for wounds received in action, and the Commendation Ribbon for out- standing service. Mrs. Wright left Lake City in April -for the Seattle port of em- barkation and on April 20 sailed aboard the U. S. Army Transport General M. M. Patrick. After a voyage of 18 days, broken by an 18-hour layover in San Francisco, she arrived on May 8 in Yokohama, where she was met by her husband. In reporting her first impression of Japan, Mrs. Wright said: "Amer- icans were at the docks and in the streets; American cars were every- where; so it was difficult to believe I was in a foreign country. Later, I was fascinated by the Japanese in native dress, and especially in- trigued by the children and the amazing way in which they ran around in their wooden.clogs." WHITEKAIR TO SEEK SENATE? DeLand friends of Francis P. ,Whitehair say that his present plans are to run against U. S. Sen- ator Claude Pepper in 1950. Eight years ago, Whitehair was runner- up to Spessard L. Holland, who de- feated him in the second primary. Governor Warren first ran in that race and ended in third position. Attend Graduation Exercises Mrs. J. B. Gloekler, Mrs. Ned Por- ter, Miss Betty Otto Anderson, Miss Virginia Gloekler and Miss Mem- orie Porter attended graduation ex- ercises Friday night at Chapman high school in Apalachicola. Visiting Here From Miami Mrs. F. S. Lewis and daughter Francille arrived Tuesday of last week from Miami for a two weeks' visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grimsley. Wthat h GOES INrTO.A PRESCRIPTIO,14 T HB.Ipredients yu:. dtor. or of course; but also tbreas oos the scieotiao knowl- 4g. and Mdill of experience -of wr expert pharmacist That's *tby you may btng prescriptions *.u with confidence. Have your prescription com- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accredited School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE COUNTY IS FAR BEHIND AS END OF BOND DRIVE NEARS With but $6,449, or 40.3%, of its $16,000 quota subscribed to date, Gulf county is lagging far. behind in the current U. S. Savings Bond Opportunity Drive. A quota of $12,180,000 has been assigned Florida, and to date $7,- 783,626 has been subscribed. The drive will end June 30. CEMETERY AID ASKED All owners of lots in Jehu Ceme- tery are asked to please send $1.00 per month to'Mrs. Ralph Davis at Wewahitchka in order that the cemetery may be cleaned up and kept clean in future. To California On Vacation Trip Mr. and Mr.s. W. C. Forehand of Highland View left last week on a vacation trip to California, where they will visit in Pacific Palisades with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forehand. Named, To, Attend Girls' State Miss Betty Otto Anderson has JET KILL That Marvelous New Household Spray-works like magic. Sold at Smith's'Pharmacy and Carver Drug Co., Port St. Joe. 17* "I'm from Milwaukee- I ought to know... 5' CHAS. WINNINGER Famous Movie Star l 6LATZ .BEWHNG CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. been selected by the local Ameri- can Legion Auxiliary unit to at- tend Girls' State in Tallahassee, June 27 to July 2. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! IN GULF COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, STATE OF FLORIDA IN CHANCERY. WALTER CLIFORD, Plaintiffs vs. DIVORCE MARION EMERY CLIFFORD, Defendant. On Monday the 20th day of June, A D. 1949, the defendant Marion Emery Clifford, 414-16 Reid Avenue r ...but just try to buy them in; any other car at any price! S YOU'RE not asked to pay extra for the extra beauty you get only in Hudson-or for any of the other advantages that make the New Hudson-America's "4-Most" Car! whose address is 1721 Bentley Ave., Los Angeles 25, California, is required to ap- pear to the bill filed against her herein. This order to be published once each week for four consecutive weeks in The Star, a newspaper published in said Gulf County, Florida. Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of May, 1949. (SEAL) GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk Circuit Court. CECIL G. COSTIN, Jr, Solicitor for Complainant. 5-27 6-17 NOTICE OF ADOPTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN CHANCERY. In Re: Adoption of Patricia Ann O'Day. Ph 1 -MOST Beautiful! A low build is the basis for really modern beauty, and the New Hudson, thanks to "step-down" design, is the lowest car of all-yet there's full road clearance. 2 MOST Roomy! The-most seating room, leg room to spare, amazing head room... the most comfort as you ride ahead of rear wheels and within the base frame, down where riding is most smooth, most relaxing. 3-MOST Road-worthy! Huds6n, with exclusive "step-down" design and recessed\ floor, achieves lowest center of gravity in any stock car. 40 YEARS OF ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP MONUMENT AVENUE 'The State of Blorida to Patrick Carl iJ ,, You are hereby notified that a I.t.,-rr has been filed in said Court by Robert Gary Jones, Jr., praying for adoption of the mi- nor child, Patricia Ann O'Day, and you are hereby required to be and appear in said Court on Monday the 27th (lay of June, A.D. 1949, and to show cause why said petition should not be'granted. This order to be published for four con- secutive weeks in The Star, a newspaper pub- lished in said Gulf County, Florida Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of May, 1949. (SEAL) GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk Circuit Court. SILAS R. STONE, Attorney for Petitioner. 5-27 6-17 COSTS LESS TO MAKE! COSTS, LESS TO BUY! NO WRINGER! NO SPINNING! NO BOLTING DOWN!I STS SO LITTLE! SEE IT HERE! & SPORTING GOODS CO. hone 88i Port St. Joe, Florida Result;- the safest, .mot h'ig-the-road ride-ever known-plus the'idv6ntages ofunit- body-afid-frame construction. 4- MOST All-round Performance! Choice of. high-compression Hudson Super-Six engine,America's most pow- erful Six, or the even more powerful Super-Eight.Center-PointSteering for easiest handling. Trirle-Safe Brakes for utmost safety. Many more high- performance, low-upkeep features. Yes, the new Hudson is so far ahead, it is a protected investment for your motor car dollars. See for yourself- with a. thrilling Revelation Ride! The Modern Design for '49 M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Phone 6 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA "THE WASHER THAT COULDN'T HAPPEN" at a price you won't believe! Bendix announces the newest, simplest auto- matic washer at the world's lowest price I Its secret is the utterly different Wondertyb* -the flexible tub made of magic metexalpy, thy revolutionizes automatic washing, draining and; squeeze-drying. k The Wondertub eliminates many expensive parts, too! Makes the Economat the simplest, lowest price automatic washer in the world. *Wondertub guaranteed for five years! $17995 DOES SO MUCH! COS BROOKS HARDWARE i__~ - -I - ,~' TAR, PORT 6 JPE, OiULF COUNTY, rLOR!IAA FIVI IDAY4~, -J U N E 17, 1,9419f PACKs. i 1 r AYr". JUNE- 17,. 1949THESTA~R, PRT T. ~JOE, 'U~t-CU O AG E WHITE CITY NEWS By. MRS. GEORGE HARPER Demonstration Council Meets The Home Demonstration Coun- cil met June 3 at Overstreet in an all-day affair. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Joe Land of Wewa- hitchka, president. The business session followed immediately dur- ing which various committees were appointed. The president asked the secre- tary, Mts. Sammy Patrick, to send a card of thanks to S. G. Hall for the cleanup campaign waged along the highways of the county. Sheriff -Byrd Parker and Highway Patrol- man Olin Davis have been asked to help in seeing that rubbish is not scattered along the roads. The annual family picnic wac planned jointly for this year, with the Overstreet, Honeyville and White City clubs planning a gallant affair for July 15 at Mexico Beach. Plans were also made for the coun- ty fair to be held in October. , A buffet luncheon was served to the members and friends immedi- ately following the business meet- ing. Mrs. Land demonstrated flower arrangement to the Overstreet club at its regular meeting in the after- noon, and all members of the coun- cil were invited to stay for the dem- onstration, which proved to be in- teresting.and beneficial. ..White City Club Meets The White City Home Demon- stration Club met Monday and af- ter a short business meeting, Mrs. Wilma Revel demonstrated rug- making to Mesdames J. C. Price, L. E. Antley, Dick Willis, R. Shirar, Bud Hatcher, H. A. Hardy and a. visitor from Wewahitchka, Mrs. J. A. Glenn. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brannon and children of Pensacola spent the week-end here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ward. Miss Peggy Hardy has returned to Tallahassee where she will re- sume her studies at F. S. C. Mrs. B. R1 .Attay.a,. iF spending her vacation in Pe-nsaeola as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Anne Harper. Mrs. Randolph Noble and child ' dren of. Fayette, Miss., are guests for two weeks of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Croxton. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Singletary and daughter Dorothy spent last week in Jacksonville visiting with relatives. PROBLEM SOLVED! Faced with the problem of find- ing a job? Find more than just a job in the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. Job security. Inter- esting work. Travel. Adventure. Promotion opportunities. Retire- ment benefits. Opportunity to learn a trade. You can also take college credit courses" while in the service of your country. Solve the problem by acting low. America's Fihest Men Choose U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Careers Local Recruiting Station 535-37 HARRISON AVENUE PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIL EASY TERMS! SAVE UP TO 40%! NEW FURNITURE IPMIECE WAS .Living Room Suite-- 119.50 2 PIECE Living Room Suite 98.50 Sofa Bed-------- 98.50 3 PIECE Living Room Suite 239.50 2 PIECE Kroehler Suite -- 229.50 Duncan Phyfe Sofa 198.50 NOW '99.50 79.50 79.50 169.50 159.50 98.50 3 PPc;Sectieov!t Sofa 198..50" 169.50 Mahogany Secretary 98.50 Period Sofa Bed 159.50 3 PIECE Sofa Bed Suite 2 PIECE Kroehler Suite Stanley Barrel Chair 6 Occasional Chairs- 4 PIECE Bedroom Suite 5 PIECE Mahogany Suite - 4 PIECE Walnut Suite 4 PIECE Walnut Suite - 2 Lane Ceder Chests 7 Floor Lamps, up to 3 Pc. Glider Set 119.50 279.50 69.50 24.50 198.50 298.50 69.50 98.50 79.50 6 Padded Ironing Boards- 3.95 12 feather Pillows ------ 1.50 4 Platform Rockers --- 14.95 24 9x12 Linoleum Rugs 20 9x 12 Beauty Tone Rugs - 4 4x6 Chenille Rugs- 6.95 10.95 9.95 6 Foldingl Play Pens---- 9.95 4 Round Play Pens -------4.95 USED FURNITURE 2 Pc. Living Room Suite 0Studio Couch---- 4 Occasional Chairs-- 25 Pc. Dinette Sets 15 Pc. Dinette Set-- Maple Corner Cabinet (g< Metal Dinette Set- ood) 189.50 1 Unfinished Table 39.50 14.95 99.75 198.75 209.50 149.50 109.50 89.50 69.50 49.50 29_50 9.95 49.95 39.50 2 Unfinished Dressing Tables - 9.95 40 Aluminum Venetian Blinds __ 4.95 4 Wooden Beds 6 Cotton Mattresses - 3 Cotton Mattresses I Metal Ice Box 1 Porcelain Ice Box 3 50-lb. Ice Boxes 2 3-Burner Oil Stoves-- 2 Table Top Oil Ranges 4 Console Oil Ranges - 2 Baby Cribs, complete 19.50 9.95 4.95 19.50 14.95 29.95 24.50 7.95 4.95 5.75 9.50 19.50 39.50 9.95 14.95 39.50 29.95 14.95 C-wplefte New. JMkAbgV... PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA i THE STAR, PORT ST. JOIE, GULI-' COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN F ftl AY, J U NE 17, 1949 Q PmG E CAL 227 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE SUPERIOR CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Let Us Clean and Mothproof Your Winter Clothes Refrigeration and Electrical Service At Rear of Firestone Store PHONE 291 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Smail Cost. Dinner Guests : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green of ico Beach cottage, were dinner guests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell. South Carolina Visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Sawyer and children of Georgetown, S. C., are visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Warner. It Pays To Advertise Try It. Gulf Repair Shop All Types Welding and General Repair FOR SALE SALESMEN WANTED Tia Tax VENETIAN BLIND-131 inches in WANTED-Reliable hustler to suce width, 64 inches deep. All metal, ceed D. C. Ellis as Rawleigh Deal- Will' sell for $25; original price er in Gulf county. 1500 families. $49.50. Leader Shope Shop. 4t Nearby dealer Addison making sales of over $100 weekly. Selling experi- 6-10 T:HREAD-Mrs. Sew and Sew, 400- ence unnecessary to start. For par- 17 yd. spools J & P Coats Thread ticulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. 19c at Boyles Department Store. FAF-101-10, Memphis, Tenn. 7-1* RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for A MESSAGE FOR MEN Curlee sale reasonable. Can be seen at Tropical Worsted Suits $35.00 at Frances' Grill. Mrs. Troy Jones, Boyles Department Stdre! he ]lne 109 after 3 p. m. 6-24* " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION MOTHERS! Dunga- rees for tots 1 to 5 (with suspend- SUN TOG NEWS- Kaynee Sun ers) are $1.00 at Boyles Depart- Suits for boys available at Boyles meant Store. Department Store. FOR RENT SPECIAL SERVICES /APARTMENT-Small unfurnished STANLEY PRODUCTS Anyone apartment. Bedroom, kitchen and wishing to purchase Stanley Pro- bat.L Phohe 95. J. A. Mira. 6-17 ducts see Mrs. Gladys Huggins, phone 3d3. 17-24c FOR.. APARTMENTS See The Shfrey Apar.tments. tf WHY WEAR YOURSELF OUT with "'- -- *-- a dull lawn mower? Bring it to LODGE NOTICES the Gulf Repair Shop.. We sharpen S,. A.. M.-Regular convocation of itthe factory way. Phone 291., tf St. Joseph' Cjaoter, No. A6..R ; A. r ev.,, id and 4th MEndays. All visit- FILMS DEVELOPED,! Aing companions welcome. Fennon PRINTS MADE 24-Hour Service "Talley High Priest; H. R. Maige, Group Pictures and Real Estate Secretary. Views Our Specialty SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1:0.o MAIGE PHOTO LAB 0. F.-Meets first-and third Wed- Port Theater Apts. Phone 354 t~esdays. at 8 p. m. In Masonic hall. All members urged to attend; visit- SAVE-Would you like to save 10% ing brethren invited. P. A. Howell, on Zipers at Boyles Department IN. G.; F. L. Hill, Secretary. Store? MELODY REBEKAH LODGE NO. FOR LONG DISTANCE MOVING 22, I. 0. 0. F.-Meets 2nd and 4th Call 92, Panama CitW, Fla. Corn- Wednesdays at 8 p. m. in Masonic plete estimates. Prompt, courteous hall. Visitors invited. Eliza Lawson, and efficient service. VanHorn N.G.; Mrs. Mary Weeks, Secretary. Transfer & Storage Company. MASONIC TEMPLE F & M- KEYS DUPLICATED! ?ort St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular WHILE YOU WAIT! A meetings 2nd and 4th Frl- days each month, 8:00 p. m. 35c Each 2 for 50c 1 Members urged to attend; Brooks Hardware and wisiting Brothers welcome. W. L. Jordan, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. Sporting Goods Co. COMPLETE SERVICE WE; HANDLE ALL'TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire lnsuranoe&beoause Its easy to start a fire 0. BUCK ALEXANDER COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 24 -HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE 601 Long Avenue Phone 326 -Day or Night FRIENDS AT- LeHARDY'S BAR Title Insurance Real Estate Loans ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TOMLINSON ABSTRACT COMPANY, Inc. Telephone 364 Agent: Title & Trust Company of Florida Lon Corn A new hors lega Ci who to h- ann( time Pu, ida her Col CoL firs bei= bet and of of I ing any <; ., ng Fight Seen On Bookie Wire Service imunication Continues Pending Decision of Judge Walker long drawn out fight on the law of the legislature to make e racing information service il- l is predicted in Tallahassee. rcuit Judge W. May Walker, is presiding over an attempt have the law declared illegal, ounces that he has extended for the 111 attorneys attack- NOTICE rsuant to Chapter 193.25, Flor- Statutes of 1941, notice is eby given that the Board of unty Commissioners of Gulf unty Florida, will meet on the st Tuesday in July, the same ng the 5th day of said month, ween the hours of 9:00 a. m. d 10:00 a. m. CWT, as a Board Equalization, for the purpose hearing complaints and receiv- testimony as to the value of y real or personal property, as ed by the County Assessor of xes for the year of 1949. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk Circuit Court, Clerk Board of County Commissioners, Gulf County, Florida. el4avinq a WONDIRFUL S'..-. and I'minot such thing as "Blue C -- since I let Reddy Kilh chores S eddy handles al most single-handed!I i plenty of good hot v think about that part is so very dependable Then Reddy's re m ing. All he asks oft soap into the autom switch. He goes on fro U rinsing and damp-dry job, too! After that, I just the automatic electr switch. Reddy again the drying job ,,. I WASH. DAY,! kidding!". there's just,no Monday" in" our household owatt take over the washday .1 the laundry operations al. He starts off by providing water. I dqn't even need to . our electric water heater e. ady to do the actual wash- me is to put the clothes and ratic machine and flip the om there with the scrubbing, ing and he does a good move the clean clothes into ic drier and flip another takes over and completes I don't even have to worry j-.' -- aoout washday weather any more! Finally, Reddy's ready for the ironing. He asks a little more help on my part for this opera- S/tion .. t have to guide tile clothes through the S ironer. But, after all, I haven't done anything up to that point that could possibly tire me .. and besides, he insists that I sit down to do even my ~ -small part of the job! Yes, washday is a wonderful day since I let my electrical servant, Reddy Kilowatt, run the V 'laundry! .SEE YOUR Appliance DEALERo INK FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION 'I'm from Milwaukee- I ought to know... --- say* VICTOR McLAGLEN Famous Movie Star sLAT arnEWINO ce ..li.WA.UKscE, WiS. ing the bill to file more papers. Union from.removing private leased This means it may be'months be-' wires of Radio Program Press Ser- fore Walker n.rules. Then th.e cas vice, Inc. 'of Baltimore, Md., his de- undoubtedly will go to the state su- cision will be final in his court. preme court and another delay of Walker requested that the wires several months is likely. Mean- of the. sports information service while, the service is reported op- not be removed until he makes a rating. decision, thus making the use of Judge Walker states that when wire communications to furnish in- lhe does rule on the request for formation to bookmakers impera- an injunction to restrain Western tive until that time. DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE .Notice is hereby given that tithe following described lands, or o much thereof as will be necessary to pay the amount due for taxes of 1948 herein set opposite same, together with cost of such sahe, will be sold at public auction on Tuesday the 5th day of July A.D. 1949, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon at the Court Hlouse door. the County of Gulf, in the City of Wewiahitelikau, Gulf County, Florida. ElDD. C. PI'lIIGE()N, 6. 3 ;6-24 Tax Collector, Gulf County, Florida. Descriptione Sec. T.S. R.W. Acres Owner Taxes and Cost S, of Sl'./, of NW.'! 7 6 S 20 Ge-orgia Williams ...............$ 2.25 of.; 't 3 i .s 3 acres -n ...,,.. of SE% of SW 4, West Lockey Branch ............. 2s 5 9 77 Henry MeCalhan .............. 6.10 Praeciional SE %, or lots 4 and 5 og.i ..... 2.S 5 9 129 Henry McCathan .... ......... 12.66 NW,'i of NE,, ....... .. 3:; 5 n9 40 Henry McCathan ............. 2.15 NE'/, of,. NW'4, less 3 acres .............. 33 5 9 37 Henry McC thai n .............. 2.86 IDA GRIFFIN SUBDIVISION TO CITY OF WEWAHITCHKA, FLA.- Lobs 9, 10, 11 and 12, Blk 7 .......... ... 25 4 19 J. 1.. Griffin ............. 1.56 lots 22, 22 and 24, Bik. 7 ................. 25 4 10 .1. L Griffin .......... ...... 1.39 4 acres in SE corner of SW], of SE% . .36 4 10 4 Mrs. 0. P. Easley .......... ... 3 25 Lot 10, Camp Palms ... 21 9 10 Mrs. Edith Coombs ............ 22.80 Lots 7 and S org., less s' acre in NW part sold to J W. Rainey .31 6 11 90 aul Carter ................. 67.95 S'% of SWyj ......... 32 6 11 80 Paul Carter ................ 8.20 YONS ADDITION- Lots 1, 2, 3, 19, 20, Blk. 10 ................ 5 7 11 J. M Urqiihart ............... 10.55 BAYVIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION- Lots 7 and 8, Blk. C. .26 7 11 B. Yon Estate ................ 3.00 Lot 10, Blk. E ........ 26 7 11 Charlie Marlow, 1947 and 1448.. 2.95 CITY OF PORT ST. JOE- Lot 21., Blk. 1002 .... 1 8 11 Lela Swain ................... 3.36 Lot I1l Bik. 1002 . 1 8 11' A. .I). Swain ................. 3.36 ILots 30 32, Blk. 1004. 1 8 11 Lewiq Barnes ................. 6.27 Lots 5 7, Bik. 1009 .. 1 8 11 C. L. Sylvester .............. 7.71 Lot 14, k131. 1010 ..... 1 8 11 Cora Lee Fisher ............. 3.36 Lot 1. Blk. 1011 ...... 1 8 11 Joseph 'Shaw ............... 4.10 ST. JOE ,HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION- Lot 8. Bik. A ....... 2 8 11 W ill Oliver ............. . .05 Lot 20, Blk. B ........ 2 8 11 Pete McElvey ............... 1.65 Lot 22, Bltk B. . 2 8 11 George Davis . . . 1.65 L.ot 24, Blk. B. .. 2 8 11 F .1. Williams ............... 1.65 Lot. 26, Blk, B........ 2 8. 11 lames Smith ................. 1.65 ~PDll~c-- ~ ..-I- ._. _.J., --r.- UE.-iG-- ~-I-r I--~- L THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1949 PAGE EIGHT |