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HELP PROMOTE PORT ST. JOE BY JOINING THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , < OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME XI PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 NUMBER 19 First Game Night Samaritan Lodge SInstalls New Officers At Parish House At the regular meeting of' Sam- Funds Raied Will Go for Rocf On aritan Lodge No. -i0, 1. 0. 0. F., the Building; Refreshments Will 'Iollowing officers were installed for Be Available the ensuing six months by District deputy Grand Master R. J. Butchers By TOM BYRNE ::l four assistants front the Lynri. SHaven 1. 0. 0. F. lodge: The fir.t of what it is hoped will Clau Strickland, noble graid 1) a series o' game nights will oe a;son, vice gr'nml; W. ('. h ld at the parish house Tuesday For hand, recording secretary; \V. n.ght. F .:'uary li. beginning at S H. Weeks, financial secretary and o cock. The Lynmen's Leagu e o' treasurer; Fred Hill, warden; Per- St. Curch is avis Howell, chaplain; James Liid- St JamsCl i asay, condurt tor; J. W. Cumbie, in- .ane night to l[ uild up a fund for ner guard; C. W. Arnold, outer a permronent roof on the parish guard; B. 'P,. Conklin, right sup- house. Funds were lacking when porter to noble grand; Harold the building was completed and a lPow.t left supporter to noble temporary roof was installed until grad; Theo Bishop, right sup- such time as fus could be. gathporter to vice grand; L. Wood. left such time as faunts could be. garot- supporter tp vice grand; Byrd E. ceed for an asbestos shingle roof Parker, right scene supporter; Den- to match the church. A 50-cent admission .charge will be made in return for which "play money" will be given out. With this money each contestant will play the various games provided, the winner to be the person coming out with the most play money. Consola- tion prizes will also be given. Re- freshmcnts in the form of hot dogs and cold drinks will be sold at a booth. Officers of the Laymen-s League of St. James' Church, elected at a recent meeting, are Ralph Rich, president; Henry Lillius, vice-pres- ident; Richar d A. Cooper, treasurer nnd Tor.-,,Owens.. secretary. The league me6ts each second Sunday morning at 7:30 for corporate com- munion in the church, and' then has its business meeting at a breakfast afterward in the parish house. The league welcomes visitors at its corporate communion and at its breakfast meetings, and invites the many who have found the commun- ity service of the parish house available to them, to come make this first game night a success. Shivers Announces for Office State' Senator ver Miller, left scene supporter. Owing to the fact that the noble grand-elect had 'been called to Texas ,due to the illness of his father, W. C. Forehand was appointed by Mr. Butchers as assistant deputy granny master to install the noble grand and his appointive officers upon his return. Following the installation cere- nony a social hour was enjoyed dur- ing which a delicious chicken pilau supper was served. Young Son of Mrs. Lee Porter Taken By Death Robert James Porter, aged two years, son of Mrs. Lee Porter of Oak Grove, died Friday night at 11 o'clock following a lingering illness. Besides his mother he is survived by a sister Fannie, two brothers. Fle-tcher and Joseph, and his ma- ternal grandmother, Allie Porter. Funeral services, conducted by the Rev. J. L. Keels, were held at the home Saturday afternoon. Inter- inent was in the St. Joseph ceme- tery under direction of the Com- forter Funeral Home. ------^----4------- PATTY LOVETT ANNOUNCES FOR HARBORMASTER JOB P. J. "Patty" Lovett, in this iss,'. of The Star announces that he will be a candidate for the office of har- bormasiter for the port of Port -St. Joe. The position is now held ,by Capt. Robert Tapper. TAPPER HAS NO OPPOSITION FOR REPRESENTATIVE POST Geoige Tapper, incumbent, paid his qualifying fees last Friday as a candidate for re-election to the of- fice of representative in the legis- lature hfroum Gulf county, and as the books closed last Sunday noon no other candidates had entered the race. ROCHE SEEKS RE-ELECTION. AS COUNTY COMMISSIONER W. C. Roche, incumbent, In this issue of The Star announces that MAJ. OLIN G. SHIVERS e iTT e a candidate for re-elec- tion to the Gulf county board of Major Olin G. Shivers, in this- onmissioners from District 5. sue of The. Star, announces that lie _ will be a candidate for the senate Attend Funeral of .Relative: from the 25th senatorial district, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith and comprising the counties of Gulf, Mrs. Allen Whealton and son at- Bay. Calhoun and Washington. tended the funeral Thursday of last Major Shivers is' well known, week in Climax, Ga.. of their Ibro- having served as state senator from ther-in-law and uncle, Carl C. this district from 1932 to 1937 and Thompson, who suffered a heart at- in the house of representatives tac.k. Mr. Thompson was telegraph from 1941 to 1945. He is a long-time operator for the Atlantic Coast Line resident of Chipley. where he is en- Railroad in Climax at the. time of gaged in the hotel business. his death. Mrs. Thompson and He stated that he would return daughter Michaile returned here here within a few days and would with Mr. and Mrs. Smith for a try to see as many as possible. short visit. - March of Dimes To Close Sunday Two Thrilling Basketball Games Played Wednesday Night for Benefit of Drive .Joe Mira, Gulf county chairman KL the March of Dimes to raise lriidsr for the National Foundation f[;r hIn.antile Paralysis, stati.s that the drive will end Sunday, and again pleads that those who have not yet returned the cards s.int them do so at oirnce. As a part of the campaign, two basketball gainmes were played Wed- nesday night at the Cenitenmial Au- ditorium, the gate receipts going to the polio fund. The first tilt, .be- tween the St. Joe AllStars and the Pananima City Coca-Cola team, was said by spectators to be one of the best games ever played on the lo- cal court. The two teams were tied 47--17 at the end of thi regular play- ing time and the Panama team won 50-47 in the. extra period. The sec- ond game, featuring teams from Eg- lin Field and Tyndall Field, was likewise a bumdinger, with 'both army teams putting up battles for scores. It was anybody's game up until the last period, when the Tyn- dallites gradually drew ahead to win 56 to 47. Chairman Mira also reports that coll'ctions were taken up at the Port Theater last week for a total of $714.79. and he would particularly like to express his thanks to the 13 young ladies .who assisted in the collection. A full report on the tlrive will be published next week. Kerosene Sold At Regular Price, Says C. W. Horton C. W. Horton, operator of the Sunny St.ate Service Station, called up the editor of The S'tar the other day and asked if we would squelch rumors that lie had. been sellifig ker- osene at 25c a gallon during the shortage. "We are se-lling kerosene at 18c per gallon," said Horton, "and have been selling it at this price at all times, despite rumors to the con- trary. At one time we were the only station in town with any kerosene. iu. quantity and we could have sold it at an advanced price in neighbor- ing cities and states. But we didn't. and Port St. Joe 'would have been really cold had it not been for the 18.000 gallons we had on hand, the greater portion of which we sold at wholesale to two oil distributing concernss in this section. "I'll give $20 to anyone who can iroave that they came to the Sunny State Station and purchased kero- 'ene at 25c or more per gallon.'" includedd Horton. Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sims Dies Barbara Ann Sims, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sims of Highland Vietw, died Sunday af- ternoon at ;I:30 in the municipal hospitall. Besides the parents. she is survived by ore 'brother. liminie Edward, a sister, Judith Carrol, her paternal grandmother. Mrs. Mar- garet L. Sims. all of Ilighland View, and, lihr maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gay of Kinard, Fla. Funeral services. conducted by the Rev. William Davis, were held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. In- terment was in the family plot at the Clarksville cemetery with the Comforter Funeral Home in charge cf arrangements. Most Florida Officials Face Opposition In May Primary SOCIAL EXPERT TO LECTURE Wt. a Dr. Hartz will conduct a series of two lectures on "Marriage and Family Relations" at the high school auditorium under sponsor- ship of the Port St. Joe Parent- Teachers Association, the first lecture being scheduled for 8:00 o'clock this evening and the sec- ond at 9:30 tomorrow morning. A cordial invitation to attend is extended all adults in this section, Standard Oil Instaling- Bulk Storage Plant Here For the benefit of those who have been wondering what those large tanks were being erected adjoining Max Kilbourn's ice manufactory, we are able to inform them that it is a bulk storage layout being in- stalled by the Standard Oil Com- pany for the. benefit of their local agent, J. Lamar Miller. In addition to the storage tanks, which will contain, gasoline, fuel oils and kerosene, there will be a 40x60-foot warehouse for the stor- age of other Standard products. -----,--- * --- Pensacola Newspaper Man Files TO Oppose Bob Sikes for Con- gressional Seat HENDRICKS PULLS SURPRISE Race for Governor and State Rail- road Commission Will Remain Open Until March 20 As the books closed at 12 nioo6a last Sunday, but a few Florida of- ficials squeezed by without opposi- tioun for re-election at the May pri- i marines, Biggest surprise, as the. deadline neared, was qualification' of John W. Cole, Pensacola weekly newspa- per publisher and former legisla,- tor, as a Democratic candidate, in opposition to Bob Sikes of Crest- view for the congressional seat from the third district. Until then, Sikes was one of four congressmen run- ning unopposed 'for the Democratic nomination, which almost invari- ably means election. Cole probably figures that if Sikes could go to congress as publisher of a country weekly he can too, Representative Joe Hendricks of DeLand, who had kept candidates in suspense with his announcement that he would retire from. congress but run for some other state office, qualified for the .non-salaried, one- week job as delegate to the Demo- cratic' national convention. -He said he would cast his half vote. in the convention for President Truman's renomination. As the lists closed, Secretary of State Bob Gray, Congressmen J. Hardin Peterson, George Smathers and Dwight L. Rogers, and Supreme Court Justices Glenn Terrell, Alto Adams and H. L. Seibri'ng were left unopposed for renomination, Smna- thers and Rogers: both have Repuib- (Continued on page 2) Pippin Announces As Candidate for Sheriff BROTHER OF J. A. GARRETT p . KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Garrett and " laughter Edith were called to Pampa last week due to the death if Mr. Garrett's brother, who was p o tilled in an automobile accl1ent. ' MNr. Garrett's son, Durant, of this o ' -ity, suffered a broken jaw and ' lacerations of the throat In the a'- eident. Mrs. Garrett is remaining at the )edside of hlir son, who is still in 'Tamnipa hospital. 'WARREN FOR GOVERNOR' CLUB FORMED, WE THINK, 'We believe (ean't state for sure) -ihat a Gulf county "Fuller Warrer ,or Governor" clIub was formed here i Wednesday evening. Repross.ntative GCeorge G. Tapper Xras to have given us details on the F. R. PIPPIN lub. which 'was held at his home, In)t failed to coni? forth with a F. tI. Pirpin announced his can- single word. dida Icy for the office. of sheriff of -- --- ---- Gul. county. Saturday night at a Visiting Relatives dinner held at Wimico Lodge and Mrs. Fannie Herring of M-lone a'tmened 1by about 15 representative and son, L. F. IHerring of Los An- o. the county. guests of Mr. Pippin. geles. Calif.. are visiting here Ihi.s Mir. Pipi)ini whose ainoincement weak with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Her- appeals in this issue of Th'l Star, is ring and Mr. anil Mrs. V. 0. Nichols. 15 years of age and has spent his ------_----4 entire life in West Florida, the last Spend Week-end In Fountain 11 year., in Gulf county, where he Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pierce and clil- is employ-d by the St. Jo-. Paper dren spent last week-end in FIun Company. He was deputy and chirar tain. Fla., with their parents, Mr. deputy sheriff of Walton county be- and Mrs. B. F. Pierce and Mrs. G. fore coming here and feels that he W. Ganey. is well qualified for the office. ART~E v41. . .rr ATLLDA ,.,....,,.............0Book Store Clears SUNDAY SERVICES B r rs At the Churches Wanderers Mail ............. ... FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Seattle 'Postoffice' Seivices Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor Letters for Travelers. 9:45 a. m.-Bible school for all. 10:55 a. m.-Morning worship. SEATTLE. A stranger's off- Sori. hand remark to the proprietor of an 7:30-Evening worship. old book store nearly 40 years ago 6:25-Baptist Training Union. started Seattle's Wanderers' postof- Prayer service Wednesday eve- fice, a novel service through which nings at 7:30 o'clock,. some 600 globe-trotters get their .t R s mail. CATHOLIC SERVICES It started in 1909, when William CATHOLIC SERVICES ^ Howard Taft was president and Mass is held at St. Joseph's Seattle was putting on the Alaska- Chapel the first Sunday of each Pacific-Yukon exposition, celebrat- month at S a. m. Second third and ing the decade since the great fourth Sundays at 10:15 a. m. Yukon gold rush, and this is how it S t M began: A stranger one day strolled into BEACON HILL PRESBYTERIAN Raymer's old book store, browsed Services beginning January 25 around a bit and played and lost a 3:00 p. m.-Sunday school. game of checkers to the proprietor, 4:00 p. m.-Worship service. Charles D. Raymer, who since has died. As the stranger was leaving, he KENNEY'S MILL BAPTIST turned back in afterthought and W. B. Holland, Pastor said: 10:00 a. m.-S-unday school. "Say, I need 'a place to get my 11:00 a. m.-Preaching service. mail. Would you let me use your 6:45 p. m.-B. T. U. store as my address?" 8:00 p m.-Preaching service. Raymer cleaned out a pigeonhole 8:00 p m.-Preaching service, in his cluttered desk, and said: Prayerme-eting Tuesday night at "There. There's a postoffice box 8 o'clock. W. M. U. meets Wednes- you can have for the rest of your days at 3 n. m. life." ot O P The next day a friend of Ray- t t mer's new acquaintance dropped in. ASSEMBILY OF GOD CHURCH He wanted a box, too, and Raymer ASSEMLY OF GOD CHURCH obligingly cleaned out another pi- Highland View geonhole. 10:30 a. m.-Sunday school. Two lumberjacks bound for a win- 11:30 a. m.-Morning worship. ter in the woods asked the book 7:45 p. m.-Evangelistic service. store owner to handle their mail. Prayermeeting Wednesday eve- aymer's growing extra business Prayermeeting Wednesday eve- began to get a bit too big for an nings at'7:45. office desk. b st r He built a tier of letter boxes and ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH began to charge $2 a year for them, Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor including forwarding service. ':30 a. m.-Holy Communion. Today, the Wanderers' postoffice, 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school, operated by Raymer's successors, 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Chlarson, has R t nearly 600 active boxes and space PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH for 400 more. Rev. Samuel J. Allen, Pastor The boxholders are scattered all 0:0. 0*a.mue n ,ascho over the world-seamen, travelers, 10:00 a. m.-Sunday school. authors, business men. Some of 11:00 a. m.-Worship service-, them Chlarson has never seen Midweek meeting Wednesday at They send in -their box rent ($3 a 8:00 p. m. year now) and occasionally supply at B ta a new forwarding address. METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.--Morning worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Prayer service Wednesday eve- ning at 7:00. Choir practice Wed- nesday evening at 7:30. Bayview-Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. Most Florida Officials (Continued from page 1) lican opponents, however. Hugh L. McArthur of Tampa filed British Women Will Sew At Home for U. S. Export LONDON. British women were called upon to form a na- tionwide sewing circle to earn dollars for Britain. A nonprofit export' company will sell the output in the United States. The government will ex- change pounds sterling for what- ever American money the knit- ters earn. Queen Mother Mary, 81, has sent in six floral chair seats with embroidery signed "Mary, R." She asked that the proceeds go to charity. Apalachicola C. of C. Protests Closed Season On Fishing In Area The Apalachicola Chamlber of Commerce last week filed a vigor- ous protest with the state game and -fresh water commission over its action in closing 10 counties o0' Northwest Florida to ,fishing for a two-month period while declaring the rest of the state ope-n for fish- ing the year 'round. The following telegram was sent to the commission and a copy for- warded to Governor Caldwell: "We of Franklin county demand reconsideration of action closing season fresh water fishing which is discriminatory against Northwest Florida and insist action to conform with rest of' state as requested in resolution Franklin county commis- sioners on file in your office. Your action divorces Northwest Florida frcm all possible tourist trade and unfair to entire section west of L ,on county." The chamber is also seeking as- sistance from chambers of com- merce in Leon, Wakulla and Bay counties in having the action re- scinded. Other counties closed to fishing during April and May by the order are Gulf, Jefferson, Gadsden, Jack- son, Calhoun and Li:berty. Nickel Resists Corrosion Nickel does not rust and strongly resists corrosion by salt water, by many acids, caustics and other chemicals. When alloyed with steel along with chromium and other alloying elements, such as in stain- less steel, nickel helps to make those metals resistant to heat and corrosion. --__------4--- Electric irons repaired any make. -Work guaranteed. Bring them to us. Martin's Fixit Shop. Phone 94. 2-27* Political Announcements FOR HARBORMASTER I wish to take this means of an- nouncing my candidacy for the of- fice of Hailborffaster of the Port of Port St. Joe, and solicit the support of the voters of Gulf county in the May primaries. I have been a resi- dent of Gulf county for the past 28 years, making this my home shortly after leaving the service following World War I. I am a member of the American Legion and I have never sought a political office previously. I DO ask for your vote and support. Re-spectfully submitted, P. J. "PAT" LOVETT. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER District 5 To the Voters of Gulf County: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election as County Commis- sioner from District No. 5. Your vote and support will be appreci- ated. W. C. ROCHE. near the deadline as a candidate in Two Housekeepers Willed 4-30* the attorney general race. He will FOR STATE SENATOR the attorney general race. He will Mansion and Big Fortune I hereby announce my candidacy - oppose Land R. GradW. Erin Jr., for the CHICAGO. Two housekeepers for the State Senate from the 25th are now mistrews and R. W Erresses of the home in Senatorial District. If elected I will position now held by Tom Watson, which they served, and a secretary serve you with the same interest who is a candidate for governor. has been willed a controlling inter- vote and active support wie pasillYobe The gubernatorial race and the est in her employer's coal business, greatly, appreciated. contest for one state railroad comrn- according to inheritance tax returns 4-30* OLIN G. SHIVERS. mission post are still open. Candi- filed in county court. das fr t e o e he The secretary, Miss Helen Mur- COUNTY COMMISSIONER r phy, was bequeathed 51 per cent of District Five JMrarch 20 to qualify, the capital stock of Kevil Coal corn- To the Voters of Gulf County: As other races officially got un- pany by the late president, Francis I hereby announce my candidacy )derway, this is the way the candi- E. Kevil. for County Commissioner from Dis- dates lined up: Miss Murphy was secretary to trict Five, subject to the will of the 2 ,State treasurer-J. Ediwin Lar- Kevil, who died in January. His voters at the May 4 primary. I estate was estimated at $267,342. lecte-d I promutse to give a just son, incumbent, and R. T. Carlisle. estate was estimated at $267,342. and honest administration of the A daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane county's affairs. I hav in the past , Commissioner of agriculture-Na- Miller of Oak Park, was left the re- ser ed bwo terms on oui county than Mayo, incumbent, and Ammon mainder of the company stock. board and feel that I am fully qual- McClellan. A $582 bequest was listed for 'fied for the position. Your vote ,State comptroller Clarence M. Kevil's divorced wife, Mrs. Norma and. support will be gratefully ap- Gay, incumbent, H. A. Lee and J. Lewis Kevil of West Chicago. preciated. Edwin Fraser. Mrs.) Anna Gemmer was willed J. F. MILLER. $163,779 and Mrs. Ida Beem $29,000 tSupe-rintendent of public instruc- from the $257,016 estate left by John FOR CLERK CIRCUIT COURT tion-Thomas D. Failed, Robert C. Beynon, former real estate oper- To the Citizens of Gullf County: Marshall and Robert Dolley. ator. I wish to take this means to an- State senate (25th district)-Joel Beynon also left his palatial home erk of Circuit Court of Gulf Coun L. Potter and Olin G. Shivers, 'both to his former housekeepers. ty in the May Democratio.primary. of Chipley. If the people of this county se! --- ----- Sugar From Trees fit to place this office of responsi- bility in me I shall endeavor to ren- Combined Harvester More dextrose sugar can be made der capable and efficient service to Samuel Lane obtained a patent from an acre of tree-s than an acre those having business to transact for a combined harvester and of sugar beets. The sugar is not, in the. clerk's office. hrhr ,n The support of each individual In thresher in 1828. sweet, however, and is useful inthe this county is respectfully and earn- ----- making of cattle feed and similarestly solicited. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! products., 4-30' M. P. TOMLINSON. E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. FOR STATE ATTORNEY To the People of the Fourteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, I re- spectfully submit myself as a candidate for the office of State Attorney, subject to the Demo- cratic Primary on May 4th. I am a life-long resident of West Florida. I graduated from the Uni- versity of Florida Law School, and was prosecuting attorney for Frank- lin County for the three years imn- mediately prior to the last war. Al-, ter being discharged from the serv- ice, I established my hoxne in PIan ama City. I was appointed c.,0`n1, attorney for Bay County and served in this position during 1944 and 1945. If elected' to the office of State Attorney, I shall carry out the du- ties of this high office to the best of my ability, with malice toward none and with justice to all. Respectfully yours, 4-30* MERCER P. SPEAR. FOR STATE ATTORNEY Fully realizing the responsibili- ties of the office which I seek, T .Aesire to announce my candidacy for State Attorney for the Four- teelnth Judicial Circuit of Florida, comprising the counties of Calhoun, Bay, Gulif, Holmes, Jackson and Washington, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries in May. I am 48 years of age, a veteran of the First World War, and have been practicing law for the past 28 years, the last 20 of which have, been in Jackson County. If nominated and elected I pledge my best efforts to properly and ef- ficiently fulfill the duties of the office of State Attorney. Your vote and support will be ap- preciated. A AUni7 A-YA-TT ALL.T THOMAS SALE Candidate for Circuit Judge in Fourteenth Judicial Circuit, com- prising Bay, Calhcun, Gulf, Jack- son, Holmes and Washington Counties. A'ge 46. Practiced la,w for past 23 years in Panama City, Fla. Reared in Bay. and.; Wasehington counties, Florida. Academic degree, LLB Uni- versity of Florida, 1922; law degree (Ju-is Doctor) 1924. Legal frater- nity, Phi Delta Phi, SAE, honorary scholastic Phi Kappa Phi. Member Legislature from Bay county, 1927. Elected by City Commission to fill unexp.rid term of Mayor o: Pan- ama City, 1945. City Attorney, City of Panama City, for 3 years. City Attorney, City of Lynn Haven, F-la., for past 20 years. Engaged in gen- eral practice of law all State and Federal 'Courts. Son o&; the late T. D. Sale and Annie B. Sale. Married Louise Yonge Buck of Pensacola, Florida. Three children, Tom Jr., Eleanor Ann and Merial. Member Baptist Church. 4-30* WE HAVE A SHIPMENT OF SEWING MACHINE PARTS Coming in Needles, Belts, Bobbins, anything your machine needs. Let us call for your machine and service it for you-it will be GUARANTEED. We are equipped to refinish your old machine, make it run and look like new. THESE SUPPLIES WON'T LAST LONG-come by and leave your order now! ' Martin's Fixit Shop 2-27* PHONE 94 WE HAVE SERVICED MACHINE'S FOR YEARS See Us For Your Sewing Needs NOTICE TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS We CIose Mondays WiTico Lodge WHITE CITY B. C. PRINCE, Manager FOR SUPERVISOR OF FOR STATE ATTORNEY REGISTRATION I am a candidate for the office of To the Voters of Gulf County: State Attorney in and for the Four- 1 hersby make my formal an- teenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, nouncement for the office of Sopr- nd solicit the support of the voters, visor of Registration of Gal- ...' o the Circuit-for fhis position.. subject to the will of the vc e at I have bs-en engaged in the prac- the May primaries., twice of law at Blountstown for more I am serving the unex;p :. toe'-:i than 18 years, and was born anct of my husband, Rev. C. G. ,1 (de- h,,ve lived within this Circuit prac- .ceased). I have given ny b-st ef- tically all of my life. forts to the duties oaf the 2. ar-.l elected to this responsible po- I hope I have met with the aii ova! it.- I pledge my best service in of the people. If you honor m _r I' he duties of the office and a full term of this important o. i"iI. endeavor to reflect honor to the I shall dilig-ntly serve yoe t thCe I shall diligntly serve yoI t :tate. I am experienced, physically best of mny ability. I wil. eat. and will try to merit your ai)preciate your vote and ,I'r qlified unl will try to merit y-out T-:MRS. EiDNIE 1 S. vote and suIpport. RS. DNE Re.spectfully submitted, ANNOUNCED ENT 2-6 MARION B. KNIGHT. To the Democratic voters of Bay, FOR SHERIFF Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson and FOR SHERIFF Washington Counties, ccnosing I I wish to announce my candi-lacy the 14th Judicial Circuit of i i-.ida: for the office of Sheriff of Gulf With a deep sense of the ie :mi- County, subj -cet to the will of the sb.ilities of the office and wiL-, voters at the May primaries. I have feelingg of modesty, I take thi:;, reached this decision because of method of announcing my cx.':i- the continued, insistence and en- dacy for the Democratic no;..---a- couragement of my many friends. ton ifor the. office of Circuit Judge. If elected, I promise that I will be Group 2, Fourteenth Judic'. i Cir- the sheriff of all the people of the cuit of Florida. Having engaged '.. county and not sheriff for but a the general practice of liw since few, and that all the people will be 1929, and having served the people treated alike anddthe law's enforee-C of this circuit a.s your Assistan: equally and impartially to the best State Attorney ifor the past three of my ability. Your vote and sup- and one- half years. I fully realize port will ,be sincerely appreciated. the responsibilities in .presiding 4-30* F. R. PIPPIN. over our Circuit Courts which have -... jurisdiction of so many matters that FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE involve the life, liberty and prop- erty of our people. If honored with nomination and election, I shall .. seive you as an honorable,, humane .. and just judge. Your vote and sup- port in my behalf will be greatly appreciated. CLYDEMAHAL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 *ri-z STA.R, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TWO i. FRiDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1948 THE STAR, PORT~ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORl~A PAGE THREE HE MAKES US ENVIOUS Geo. Harper, out there at White Cityy. makes Ye Ed envious with his -to:ies of the fish he catche.s. Here we've been fishing but four times in the past 12 months, wrth but mediocre luck, and George, the durn hound, with nothing to do but fish and eat, went out Sunday up the canal towards Lake Wimico and came back with a bass weighing 7% pounds, another that tipped the' scales at 21/, and bwo one-pounders. If he'd had any sense of apprecia- tion about him he'd have at least brought us in that 2 %4-pounder. * ^ ^ I \. .' C) CD CD C) 0n CD ML C-) CD CD C2D CD , St. Joe Electric Shop SERVICE REPAIR CONTRACTING Now Located at Highland View PHONE 310 J I i Available from Commercial News Providers" Q* Motor Overhauls On Credit! and Replacements BODY AND FENDER WORK Wrecks Repaired, Glass Installed, Dents Removed PAINTING Two tones, any colors, complete satis- faction is a MUST with us! SEAT COVERS Individually Tailored Plaids, Cellophane Plastic, Two-Tones, Floor Mats, Door Trims, Headliners. All Work Unconditionally Guaranteed . Pay Small Weekly or Monthly Payments McGowin Motor; Co. Dodge and Plymouth Phone 129 Hold Your 1948 Tax Estimate Until Last Minute, Urges Bureau Here is a word of advice from the bureau ol' internal reve-nue! Do NOT file an estimate on yor-r tax on 1948 income this year until the last minute' (the last minute is mid- night of March 15). Reason given is this: Congress i's expected to revise the personal in- come tax law early this year. That revision is expected to apply to all or most income received during 1948. It is generally assigned that the revision will include permission for all husband-s and wives to split their joint income, as those in .32 community property law states cani now do. This, would consideerably reduce the amount of tax due. There is strong sentiment for in- creasing the personal exeminption al- lorwed for each member of the tax family from the present 500 to 'a larger figure-possibly $800 each. =m "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida DEAR SHOPPERS: No use for a guy to get the idea that he's the main cog. even in hi's own little business, or to think it won't go on without him. One of these days he'll wake up and f'rtd that the folks working for him have just as much sense and etc. & etc., as he has. Even our pet proj- ect (The T.attler) .flourished, and showed signs of new life under the able and enthusiastic pen of Mrs. Susie B. Chason, one of our valu- able employes, whose spirit is as young, vibrant and refre shing as Boyles Department Store itself, now almost TWO year old!! Had we known things were moving along so smoothly we would have prolonged our trip a couple more days at ie astc B-c.kino n up Mrs iSusie were the amount of tax due. Finally, there is the possibility of a downward revision of tax rates. The bureau of internal revenue is not assuming anything about what congress will do in any of these respects, but it does want to avoid a flood of estimates-accom- panied by partial payments-based upon the old law, which would have to be amended downward, often with claims .for refund or the pay- ment already made. If action on a new tax lafw is not taken 'by the middle of March there is no option except to file an esti- rmate and then amend it later- making extra work for taxpayers and bureau alike, and putting both to needless expense. For everybody's sake. the bureau hopes that every taxpayer now re- Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" be delighted. Gotta take time out for a peek in "The Cottage" (a Manhattan eating place): Boy from the country tips wait- ress 25c (usual 10%). Tells her the meal was delicious gets a glas sy "I'll stab you" stare. He adds another quarter she softens slightly with a "'I'll only punch you" look. He gets some change and adds another 25c she actually smiles with a "I didn't really mean it, don't be so stingy next time" grin (the country ,boy's name is withheld for personal reasons!). (Ed Note: Why don't you just come right out and say it was you, Glenn? And we'll, bet your wife wasn't with you at the time!) Mrs. Skipper. Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Junior girls! Jonathan Logan Laney, Paul J. Farmer and Graham Spring Gabs and Sassy Prints Harvey, making up the line that brighten this store and glor!ry tne carried the ball straight towards forms of Miss New Yorker and the goal of Smiling Service with Miss New Yorker. Jr. (the latter Super Savings at this store. Loy- is a recent creationn, our two win- alty, enthusiasm and a Will to dow mannequins. One of these na- Work turned the trick! That for- tionally known frocks will tune you niula does it every time, just as it lp lor Spring, 1948! Try it! L'Aig- mnade this January the best ever loll converts will also find refresh- for Boyles Deparment Store! nment in the new, youthful crea.- tions here for your approval. A Tap and a Tip straight from the world's fashion center: Under- A Good Place Not To Be .- foot cold, slushy, rainy, Broadway, N. Y., along 32nd and snowy, sleety. Overhead cold, 3:;rd Streets at 5:15 p. im. when windy with No SUNn.. General cir- that lunging, plunging, seething, culation hotels and elevators surging mass of office workers pour jammed as usual good eating out of those steep, high building3 places, too. Scenes in tie show like water rolling over Niagara rooms of the best manufacturers Falls. (We got caught in tt once crowded with eager buy- never again we hope!) No e.rs (lucky it you get noticed !) Mer- place for a country boy without chandise more plentiful ... PRICES spurs!!! A good place to eat: IGHER flourishing styles Kenne's Chop H-ouse, N. Y. C.'. . backing np to the "Gay Nineties" a most interesting interior with I (or is it "Ninetys?).*They show you million (maybe) clay pipes hanging with a "Take it quick or leave it'- overhead smoked by famous peo- look, andl if you don't know the ple from all over the worli . "Pps" it's just too bad. Dear it's an old, old place, anid the man- Shorpptrs, should we dare to tr- v atger told ul i tlhe waiters were al- the. same tactics on .you, you'd think "ost as old when we were a litle slrw getting dessert. we'd gone haywire and our goose lowgettingdes that laid the golden egg would be cooked D-O-N-E! No, swe don't dare! Dear Custom rs, there's much nlmore we need to tell you, but space is running out. Next week you'll A eOtorl, to you, out- customers, hri-ar otto of the most astounding re- on results( isn't that really all you ts e er ,tade i Post astounding roe 'ant to know?)! Mrs. B. and this tsever ma in ort St. Joe! assistant gave the'best that we have In the me antie, Co in, in your interest as 'well as our olwn. "'We'll show oU new mer- We were at bat (in various show- ise that's right ot the beam rooms) apIroximateyl 50 times .. .ndie that' right e ur get u S-e v You'l II e sul- to get we made 44 hits (not a had aver- steam." - ago) in four days. The pitcher did not look so good ox th, six we, Yours with Port St. Joe-is pa.sed. We made several Luc..y that's better than New York-ins, Atrikes for the first time, whic7. R. GLENN BOYLES. S.., I[ hear about soon. Just keep P. S.-Watch this space next week your eyes and ears open you'll for SENSATIONAL NEWS! ! SThat would, make some change in quired to file an estimate will wait as long as possible, to see what con- gress and President Harry will *do. Visits Parents Over Week-end Miss Virginia Pridgeon, a student at Alaibama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala., spent last week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon. In Panama City On Business Mrs. L. H. Bartee and Mrs. R. V. Coburn made a business trip to Pan- ama City Tuesday. We make anything out of tn or metal. Se- us for your sheet metal needs. Martin's Fixi.t Shop. Phone 94, Port St. Joe. 2-27* Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! The Tattler Vol. 1-1 Friday, February 6, 1948 No. 27 NEW YORK MARKET TAPS AND TIPS -- -m l-b- I ,I L I - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1949 THE STAR, PORTST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOR113A PAGE THREE I - . I PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor S entered as second-class matter, December 10,-1937, at the Postofioe, 'Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March S, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -.4{ Telephone 51 j- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken rord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly'convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country 7. Right or Wrong WE'RE FOR THE NEW CONSTITUTION Some time back the editor of The Star re- ceived a copy of the rough draft of the pro- posed new Florida constitution from D. H. Redfearn of Miami, chairman of the state bar association committee named to revise the present constitution. Up until the other day we hadn't found time to really lodk over the docu- mnent, but when we finally got around to it we can say with finality that the majority of the proposed changes will be highly beneficial. What we believe to be one of the most im- portant suggested changes is that providing that no general laws shall be passed which have only local application. This means that the old subterfuge of enacting "population bracket" laws affecting but one county will be ruled out. At present a local bill must be ad- -vertised 30 days in advance of its introduction, 10 YEARS AGO From the Files of The Star M. B. Smith Called By Death Manning B. Smith, 67, died Sun- day night at"the family home. on Eighth Street. He had been in de- clining health for some time, and a fall from the porch of his home on 1December 26 hastened the end. In- 1-erm rnt was a.t Cairo. Ga. Soule and Eells To Oppose Stone B. W. Eells and Horace Soule this -week filed their intentions to be -candidates for members of the city commission. The term of T. HI. Stone, incumbent, expires this year and' he has already announced for re-election. Railroad Buys Gas-Electric With a view to speeding up the present mail and express service, hLit general laws do not. therefore so-called general laws of local application by means of population brackets can be enacted without public notification. Included in the draft also are provisions for strengthening and protecting the rights of lo- cal governments. lome i-ule is guaranteed by the allocation to each city of "full power and authority to pass laws and ordinances relating to its local affairs, property and government," except' that the legislature may enact uniform statewide laws applicable to every city. The draft also pr>\ ides that cities, counties or other subdivisions may contract together for joint improvements or services, thus facilitating, among otlier things, granting, of federal assist- ance to lIcal communities. T'he new draft further tightens uI local au-; tonomy by specifically prohibiting the passag-e of local laws affecting liens, limiting civil ac- tions, remitting fines or refunding money legally paid into a local treasury, extending the time fi-r assessment or collection of taxes, le- galizilng/unauthlorized acts of any official, Hx- ing, the rate of interest, or regulating labor, trade, mining or manufacture. (Gulf county's birds, animals and fish need plenty of forest cover and unpolluted streams if they are to thrive and multiply. Help them by preventing woods fires and destructive timber cutting. fn the future, .America will continue to be the land of opportunity because every child will be bhrn with money due him from TEu- rope.-The Garrettsville (Ohio) Journal. A dizzy bride is one who takes along the Book of Knowledge on her honeymoon. the Apalachicola Northern Railroad has purchased a modern gas-electric motor train. The two-car, all-steel unit is powered with two 220 h. p. Winton engines which drive a huge generator to deve-lop electricity for four 150 h. p motors which drive the train. Choose C. of C. Directors As the result ofl ballots sent out last week to the membership of the Port St. Joe Chamber of Commerce the following .were elected as --a board of directors for the new civic body: E. Clay Lewis Jr., G. Pierce Wood. W. 0. Anderson, G. F. Kaser, T. M. Schneider, J. IR. Dors-y and C. A. Tovey. Ford Agency Now Open , The St. Joe Motor Company, op- erated by W. 0. Anderson, opened its doors Tuesday in its new-build- ing at the corner of Fourth Street and Second Avenue. Personnel of the new concern consists of P. J. Lovett. S. P. Jenkins, Victor Ande.r- Clearing Freedom's Trail IM son, C. F. Garbrough, W. M. Howell, Harold Chitz and S. Tarntenia. Personals Ceo. Tappert suffered two breaks in his arm Wednesday evening in a basketball game. He. was knocked down during play by Jim Morton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gautreaux and son have moved to this city from New Orleans and at present are making their home at Beacon Hin;. Leonard Belin of Auiburn Col- lege.. Aniburn. Ala., spent the mid- term- vacation here with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Belin. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dorsey and family have moved here from Tus- caloosa, Ala., to make their home. Spends Week-end With Parents Miss Willa Dean Lowery, from Stetson iUniversity, DeLand, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lowery. Visitor From Blountstown Mrs. Florence Pounds of Blounts- touwn visited here this week with he-r brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellan. We guarantee to make your sew- ing machine run and sew like new. Sewing- machines are our specially. Martin's Fixit Shop. 2-27* SJA rU U.Ot __ [._iI B It n uuu 0 doctor Is SOnly Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION! Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We oom- pound them exactly as your doc- tor orders, using only the best and purest drugs. Carver Drug Co. Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Fla. 00000 00 BOY SCOUT WEEK FEBRUARY 6 TO12 When your stoves fail to cook or heat, call us. Martin's Fixit Shop. Phone 94. 2-27* W *16 s t 00 l*0a A0*is 0 a 0a0 Fresh Yard Eggs Phone 306 Fresh Dressed D Fine Line of * SMALL LEATHER ITEMS Billfolds, Change Purses, * Men's Belts, Sam Browne o Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, * Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits and Key Rings, Suitcase * Handles, Truck Drivers' 0 Billfolds, Skate Straps. We Also Stock a Full Line ot * All Types of Shoe Polishes THE LEADER SHOE , SHOP 0 We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, 0 Attend Their Dy.eing and Save Their Soles 0>** 0&** ***0*S* Chickens Meats KET oe, Fla. < Port St. J( CHICKEN DINNERS STEAKS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS Walter's Bar & Grill (2% Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon'Hill Highway) W. I. GARDNER, Owner Adr, ris ne,. J- !From where I sit... y Joe Marsh Do You Have Noisy Neighbors? A lot of the neighbors were sud- stead of complaining about the denly annoyed by Jeb Crowell's other fellow's habits, try to under- hammering at night. Jeb was build- stand and share his interests. ing himself a new front porch-and o i my practising on the lute the only time that he could give to So if my Practising on the flute it was after sundown. annoys you, come on over, neigh- bor, with your fiddle or guitar and Finally we decided thenbest thing- join me Maybe it will end up in to do was all pitch in and help- our knowing and appreciating one and get the carpentry over with as another better ... in an evening of, soon as possible. We did. Finished good fellowship. And I'll promise' the porch next evening-and Jeb to provide the beer that goes with gratefully treated us to ice cold evenings of good fellowship! beer and cider. From where I sit, that's what % AJ4. being a good neighbor means. In- Comr-iaht. 1948, nitcd States Brewers Fcur d::.n WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and H.ill Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. -m -m mW---m mm - FOR GUARANTEED Fresh Vegetables, Groceries and I SALT WATER FISH DAILY RICH'S CURB MAR h GOES INTO A PRESCRIPTION? THE ingredients your doctor orders, of course; but also there goes the scientific knowl- edge and skill of experience-of our expert pharmacists. That's why you may bring prescriptions to us with confidence, Have your prescription com- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accredited School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE - - - - A pl ------- ---- ----. ---------------- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1948 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIaA PAGE FIVE Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 WOMAN'S CLUB ELECTS MRS. CLAUDE GAUTREAUX OFFICERS FOR YEAR IS FETED AT SHOWER The regular luncheon meeting of Mrs. Claude Gactreaux was corn- the Senior Woman's Club was held plimented with a surprise shower Wednesday noon in the club rooms Wednesday afternoon of last wear at the Centennial Building with 19 at the home of Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux members and three visitors piresenLt, on G-arrison Avenue. The home was Mrs. Willmn 1evell, chairman of decorated with lovely pink gerani- the American home department, urns. and the guest of honor, wear- was in charge of the program ant ing a fairy blue gown, was ir-,-r presented ,three Wewahitchka high sented a beautiful camellia corsage. school girls who gave a demonstra- As the guests arrived they s? tion of 4-H Club work. Mrs. Ralph elected a number tied with pink Swatts entertained with several baby ribbon and prize for the lucky piano selections, and B. B. Conklin number went to Mrs. S. L. Towery. gavqan interesting and enlighten- Matching wits to untangle words survey of the Marshall Plan and the pertaining 'to the. younger genera Taft-Ellender-Wagner housing bills. tion found Mrs. B. W. Eells the During the business session it prize winner, proving she had no; was voted that the club endorse forgotten the necessaries. A pea- the above. two bills and another bill nut hunt, arousing much laughter. concerning the removal of restric- was won by Mrs. S. B. Shuford, anOl tions on oleomargarine. Mrs. W. Warner took the prize for Mrs. Rush Chism reported that 12 being able to discard her correc:,.y card tables had been purchased, and matched cards first. Mrs. G. A. Patton, chairman of the The honoree was presented with conservation a nd beautification many lovely gifts packed into a committee, gave her annual report miniature cradle, after which re- on work done on hospital grounds f'reshments of open-face, sandwiches. and two contests being carried on raisin biscuits, cake and cokes 'were in the high school sponsored by the served by the hostess, assisted by committee. It was also reported that Mrs. Rush Chism. to Mesdames L. the club is sending clothing to 16 P. Sutton, Norman Allemore. Paul needy families in Greece. Blonut. B. W\V. Eells, John Blount, Cr'ricers elected for the new club Charles Steve.ns. S. B. Shulord. S. year are: Mrs. H. C. Da.vis Jr., pres- L. Towery, Gordon Thomas and ident; Mrs. Tom Owens, first vice- W. Warner. president; Mrs. Ed Ramsey, second Unable to attend but sending gifts vice-president; Mrs. Ralph S-watts, were Mrs. James McCall, Mrs. E. r.'cor-ding secretary; Mrs. Bill Shu- Dubose, Mrs. Mae Edwards ana foard. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Mrs. "Red" Hig-don. Gus B. Creech, treasurer, an-d Mrs. R. W. Smith, parliamentariann, Hostesses for the luncheon were Mrs. Ed Ramsey, Mrs. G. A. Patton, Mrs. Chris Martin, Mrs. Tom Also- brook and Mrs. A. D. La wson. MONTHLY BUSINESS MEET HELD BY BAPTIST W. M. U. The regular monthly business ,meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Baptist Church was held at the church Monday after- noon with Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, presi- dent, in charge. The meeting was opened by all singing the year song, followed with an inspiring devotional by Mrs. Baggs-tt, "Source of Strength," Eph. 6:10-18, and prayer by Mrs. .L. J. Keels. Reports were received from all chairmen and four new members added to the roll. It was announced 'that a W. M. U. clinic wiill be held at the. Lynn Haven Baptist Church on February 23 with the main speaker 'being Miss Mary Christian, a state-awide worker. The state W. M. U. im,-c. ing will be held in Ocala March 23 through March 25. Circles will meet next Monday as follows: Circle 1 with Mrs. J. D. Lane; Circle 2 with Mrs. Asa Mont- gomery; Circle 3 with Mrs. Bert Hall; Circle 4 with Mrs. Joe Ferrell. HAMM FORD Mr. and Mrs. John Ford of this city announce -the marriage of their daughter, Hazel, to John Hamm, son o:f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hamm of Sneads, on Friday, January 16. at Bainbridge, Ga. The young couple are making their home at Sneads. METHODIST W. M. S. IN BUSINESS MEETING The Woman's S-ociety of Chris- tian Service of the Methodist Church met at the church Monday after- noon for its regular business meet- ing, with the president, Mrs. Roy Gaskin, presiding. Following read- ing of the minutes, reports were. given by the treasurer and circle chairmen. It .was voted at this time to make the conference pledge $180, to be made, in quarterly payments. Rev. Loyd Tubb gave the first chapter in the book, "Ten Thousand Years," written on Methodisms first century in China. This was an in.- teresting account of what the past 10.000 years mean to the Chinese, th?. effects of the past on the China of today and what the missionaries found when they entered China a century ago. T}is book will be used at each business session of the so- ciety held at the church monthly. The various circles will meet as follows Monday: Mary Vick Mauck with Mrs. R. H. Brinson; Ruth Lawrence with Mrs. E. Clay Lewis, and Susie Peach Foster with Mrs. Sam Duren. The Susie Peach Foster circle will be in charge of the program at the next church mi'eiting and will also have charge of the church dec- orations- during February. Visits Son Over Weelk-end Mrs. B. H. Smith visited over the week-end with her son Ernest in Macon, Ga. S We mend anything but broken 'hearts. See us for any kind of re- pair job. Martin's Fixit Shop. Port St. Joe. Phone 94. 2-27* PITTS JONES Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jones of Port DR. C. L. REICHERTER St. Joe announce the marriage or OPTOMETRIST their daughter, Dora Helen, to J. B. Pitts of this city. The marriage EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED was solemnized January 29 at We- wahitchka. + S ^ Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 0-stig arnt visiting Parents Mrs. Wil'bur Norton of Columbus, Ga.. is visiting here this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rowan. First Floor Phone'60 PANAMA CITY, FLA. HELLO, WORLD! BAPTIST G. A.'S MEET Daughtry and Wilina Padgett and Ir. and Mrs. Jim Moses of High. The Baptist IiterimediaLe Girls' Mrs. E. C. Cason. land View announce the blrti o, a Auxiliary mLt Monday at the home it v son, A'ry Lonnie,on rI of Sadie Arnett, the meeting being' Patient At Hospital R ;]ened with scri;ture by Wilnma Mrs. \alter Sitafford or White M and Mrs. Albert Glass of A- l'Padgett, with Mrs. E. C. Cason then City is a patient at the municipal alahicola announce the birasth of A addingg in pyer. The 'gram, hospital. Her friends wish her a daughter, Linda Ann, on February 4. 'Swinging Around the Southland,-" ',eedy recovery. w as conducted by Miss Arnett. s o K A fl, ,. ..i,,-.iM,'. '. r We can save. h ]vlou money on the Mr. a-nd Mrs. Fi'ankiin Jones or this city are the proud parents of a son, lian Thursday, February 5. (All births occurred it the Port St. Joe Municipal Ho'spital) MISS BAGGETT HOSTESS TO BUSINESS WOMAN'S CIRCLE The Baplist Business Woman's Circle met Monday ev ning with Miss Alma Baggett for the regular business meeting and Bible study. The meeting was opened with the sI:ging ol. "He Is So Precious To Me," followed with prayer by Miss Vonnye Heath. A most interesting and helpful Bible study, taken from the third chapter of Luke, was taught by the pastor, L. J. Keels. During the social hour, the hos- tess and Msr. J. 0. Baggett serve-d refreshments of Boston cream pie, coffee and ho.t tea to Miss Mildred Watkins, Miss Vonnye Heath, Mrs. J. H. Barr, Mrs. W. A. Biggart and three visitors, Mrs. Rochelle Jack- son, Miss Dorothy Cratts and Rev. Keels. The next meeting of this circle will be held February 16 with Mrs. Barr in the Shirey apartments. MRS. W. A. LEWIS HOSTESS TO PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY Mrs. W. A. Lewis was hostess Monday afternoon to memln'ers or the 'Presbyterian Auriliary at her horne at 'Beacon Hill. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Tom M'itchell had charge of the program on "The Reality of Religion." During the social hour the hos- tess served strawberry shortcake and coffee to Mrs. Howard McKin- nin, Mrs. Henry Campbell, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs. Tom Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allen. St tt Entertain Ye Ed On Natal Day Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pridgeon, Jr., en- tertained Ye Ed and Mrs. Smith Wednesday evening with a sumptu- ous bird dinner with all the extras. Excuse for the dinner was this scribe's 48th birthday (and ,we're beginning to feel all 4S of them thar years). DR. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST APALACHICOLA, FLA. Eyes Examined Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted 4 1 THEY SENT A SHIP A-SAILING *w ~^r _^y ^^ Norsemen of old sent a ship a- 3ailing bearing their departed chief. This was their way to pay tribute. Deep-grained has been the' crai'ng for the solaces of beauty at the moment of temp- orary parting. Beauty and quiet dignity, marks a fitting tribute when you permit us to .eirve wren the need arises. PHONE 326 Day or Night Comforter Funeral Home 601 LONG AVENUE 24-Hour Ambulance Service -.nL Litw U'w 'L 0iot-'1 fl e meetili g, tY Uy E tJV t LE ;he hostess served refreshment. to next stove you have to bay. Mar- tin's Fixit Shop. 2-27* the Mises Myrtle Simpson, Joyce % 2 d d, wina Howell, Carolyn Advertising Doesn't Cost It PAYS. r SPECIAL p THIS COUPON AND $1.00 is good for 3 POSTCARD S^ '- OFFER GOOD DURING WEEK OF FEB. 9 TO 14 ONLY There are no strings attached, this is all you have to buy. We merely want you to get acquainted with . YOUR HOME-TOWN STUDIO ANDERSON STUDIO MASONIC BUILDING PORT ST. JOE, FLA. O 24-HOUR SERVICE ON KODAK FINISHING Port. h tre A Martin Theatre --' Port St. Joe, Fla. * THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. * CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIMES FRIDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY FEBRUARY 9 AND 10 **4*-* 4** **-011.** * SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FEATURE NO. 1 - The ACTION Trail! FEATURE NO. 2 HICKMAN ARRTTHU R SUE ( 1S ENGLAND,- AN FORD // P- lus - Chapter 5 of Serial "THE BLACK WIDOW" SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 ARIURO DOROTHY I rE^nkf%%J& nA~ftIlU George RAFT. George BRENT Randolph SCOTT Joan BLONDELL Also---- NEWS and CARTOON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 - HIT NO. 1 - HIT NO. 2 JOHN WAYNE Man from Utah in - Plus - Chapter 9 of Serial 'THE VIGILANTE' THURSDAY and FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 AND 13 de RDOUKUUVA AIKCK MARIA MONTEZ SLOUIS ARMSTRONG W i0l0Y HERMAN im.S of Also TMo ,Latest 'MARCH OF TIME' 7. 4$ S*a aS$a a $ a a.Z,*a#$S0a a a0a 0 a g $ S S $S__S4 ,,---------------------------.---. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA PAGE FIVE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 PAGE SIX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, .~tJLF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1948 lllllllBrth of D allas llllllll!llll illlI Illllllltlllt tllll!!!'!l;l!!l!l'll Illlllllllllllll i!l]nillllllllIIlllfllllltllllllllllllllillllllllll Dallas, Tex., had its birth in 1841 BOY SCOUT NEWS I CUB SCOUT NEWS when John Neely Bryan, a Tenres- seean and an Indian trader, built a By Bobby Lee Ramsey |llilllill lllllil lll! lllli|| li!lill iiR shelter of cedar boughs on the banks of Trinity river. Thirty years later, illllilllliil!il,; l illlillllll llllll llllll!llillll I The January m meeting of Pack -7, Dallas was still a village of some o. scout Troop 47 of Port St. Joe Cub Scou[s was held thousand people. John Bryan named Joe met Monda- evening at the Cen- Thursday of last week at the St. the city Dallas, after a friend of Jennial Building with Emory Casoni ames parish house. Cubls turned calling the meeting to order, Ron- out in good attendance, but a no |L!BBiBBBB ^LA -- nie Dean leading the oath, and ticeable lack of parents was in evi- Flo d Piee leading the las. dence. Dien 2 again walked off with w Yo Ta ak Hannon was p resent at thc th pennant for parent attendance. mw ting and signed up several o'f being the fourth straight time that the boys in the Golden Gloves Box Mrs. KiJloum'ns den has won. Deni A. No. ing Tournament g1 tiars. James Mlarlin's don., was a A Noou tnamen T. Simpson told close runner-up. A new feature has A U T OfV\ \ ,, ,o o o ,, W ee' P ei uar ; to been ad ded to atten dan ce c redits ; about Scout Week, Fcbruarv to tt nd o its A T 1 hereafter, the den chief will be Si, and each patrol was assigned ..e point tow SA R P cocct, couniitcd as one point toward each A cret ion period fol o wed pt ten's attendance credil. Had this R EP A IR S dt mee 1),.been ein tore at the last meeting, PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD eetin nd theDen1 would havewalked ofC with TO PAY!.sled ith tih s cot li enedicl o, the flag. TO PAY ednesdai afternoon of la'.. the flag. WORK GUARANTEED ,week the soats w-.it out to tb Tl ('hildcrs of Panama Cily, dis- I tvict scout executive, was- it thie scout forest an.d planted trees uiti' it be g rnean g.ti'ne p;dllt expr'essed his pleasure HIGHLAND VIEWVV it i egai raing. h i spirit of the boys and the-I GARAGE e i es al e tilt wote Cub'l committee, which is composed CLYDE S. ARMSTRONG pumps on hand. See us for a bar-ot 10 'itl, .J. C. Clpeppe gain in a pii p. Martin's Fixit and WV. P. Comnforter. Scoutmaster qKSito n. 2-27* .T. T. Simpson and Scout Commnis- sioner Larry Lawrence were also in attendance. S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The following Cubs received ad- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING vanceminent badges: Ralph McLaw- hon, lion badge with gold and sil- Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. Ver arrows; Freddy Owens and Jackie Davis, wolf) badge; Jinmmie RATES-l1/' cents per word for one inser- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Martin, bear badge; Robert Wal- tion (count initials and figures as single r lion de Mrs Ti ' words); minimum charge 30 cents. Addi- SEE US WHEN BUYING OR tears, lionb adge. Mis. Tom By-nes tional insertions of same ad take lower Den 3 received a special attendance rate. To eliminate bookkeeping, all ads SELLING REAL ESTATE Den 3 received a social attendance must be paid for at time of first insertion. e have the following real estate Paque, Mrs. J. R. Smith receiving' for sale: it for Mrs. Byrne. FOR SALE TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE on Long Cubs were reminded to wear OUTBOARD MOTOR-5 h.p. Sea- Avenue. You may by equity and their uniforms often during Febru- king, excellent condition; $65. In- assue on LongA mortgage.ry to commemorate Blue and Gold quire at St. Joe Bar. 1-16t0 AvenHe; furnismhed. Month and to observe Boy Scout SCRAP ALUMINUM sheeting. Call LARGE 3-BEDR.OOM HOUSE on Week. February 6 to 12. at Creech Laundry. 1-9tf First Street in Highland View. Coninittee Chairman J. R. Smith tPriced to sell for only $2000. Has R Running wvatLer. bath and elec- was on han d with a good supply of RECORDS. RECORDS! tricity. Responsible party may se- ice cremin. which was served after WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK cure this house for $1000 down the game period. and pay balance like rent. Cubs entertained parents with hi- Ballerina-Vaughn Monroe. WE ALSO HAVE two nice each aibs etetaies trations with hi-o CGotta Get a Girl-Tony Pastor. cottages for sale. -arious demonstrations or feats o, I'll Dance At Your Wedding-Buddy magic. ot-a --ic. High School Basketball Teams Evenly Matched The high school basketball teams of Port St. Joe, Carrabelle. Wewa- hitchka and Apalachicola seem to be pretty evenly matched in the games played to date. with St. Joe and Carralbelle apparently having a bit the edge. In the games played Wednesday night at the Centennial Auditorium, St. Joe defeated Wewahitchka. 47 to 43 and Carrabelle took Apalachi- cola 36 to 34. Next Wednesday night the tilts Clark. FRANK HANNON How Soon-Dinah Shore. You Do-Vaughll Monroe. Registered. Real Estate Broker Serenade of the Bells--Kay Kyser. Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 Golden Earrings-Dinah Shore. Your Re-d Wagon-Tony Pastor. WILL TRADE-37 acres on St. An- Ilungaran Rhaspod.y No. 2 in Boogie drews Bay for town or beach -Hadda Brooks. property in Port St. Joe. Anderson Police Court (Party Record). Studio. 1-30 2-6c Album of the eek LOTS IN OAK GROVE-Five 30 bv TUXEDO JUNCTION 131-ft. lots. Buyer must take all Erskin Hawlkins five lots. See N. L. Gardner, Oakl --- Grove. 2-6* HEAR THEM AT THREE BEDROOM HOUSE on ST. JOE FURNITURE & 7th Street. Call 105-J. 2-13*tf APPLIANCE CO. Let us repair that broken piece of 'furniture for you. Martin's Fixit See us for that welding job. We Shop. Phone. 94. 2-27* fix what you break. Martin's Fixit Shop. Phone 94. 2-271' FO RENT CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 are scheduled for-Apalachicola with GUEST CHECKS--(100 to pad). per p, ay. Spillers and Nichols, Large, $6 per 100 pads; 10 pads, pho ne83r 304.le and 3-Nichls St. Joe meeting Apalach and We- 75c. Sniall, $5 per 100 pads; 10 for wahitchka pitted against Carrabelle. 60c. Also onionskii "COPY" second APARTMENTS FOR RENT St'anding of the teams to date is sheets, $2.25 per package of 1000 'don't ask us to brealt a package). FOR APARTMENTS See Thte as follows: THE STAR. 10-24tf Shirey Apartmients. tf Team- Won Lost Port St. Joe ------------3 2 LOST AND FOUND LEGAL ADVERTISING Caatelle-- 3 2 LOST-Wedding ring. Wide, with NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME \Vewahitchka ---------- 2 3 ope.i-work orange blossom de-tI Notice is hereby given that pursuant to lahi 2 -sign. Retur, to Mrs. E. t. Dhose, ti Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of Apalahilcola-----------2 3 gn. Re to E1. Duboe, I1. t undersigned persons intend to Mouche-tte's Sityle Shop. Reward. register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Gulf County, Florida. four weeks after Love Them Oysters! TRAILERS thO first publication of this notice, th Enovii themselves hugely with fir'litins name or trade name under which EIjo rug themselves uigely with DON'T BUY A HOUSE TRALER 'v will be engaged in business and In a sackful of oysters right out of DON'T BUY A HOUSE TRAILER wiic said business is to be carried on, Until you have seen the Superior to -wit CARVER tm1U COtMPANY,, Plio St. thle wasler at 13-Mile, a. group of lo- and Glider; also good used trailers *. .i.FirE- T.\ cl gourimets were gathered in the at Red Dot Trailer Sales. on U. S 2 t; NED S. PoTr'EIi. back room of the. St. Joe Bar Wed- S-E. -Tardei' Trailer Court, Pan- NOTICEnesday evening gling downthe ama I City.Ftla. 2-1?' *l N 0 T I C E IiuscioIus bivalves directly out ofl thi CASH TERMS TRADE The registration hiooks will be open in each district from February shell as fast as Pa1tty Lovett could FREE BOOKLET about cancer Is until March 1. 1948, for register- open them. Included in the group yours for the asking. Simply send ing the electors of Gulf county for were Ed Ramsey, Kid Dean. Allen "name and address on a postcard to the coming prinarie.s. ' Amnerican Cancer Socieay, 22 Ann Precincts Nos. 1 and 2. East and Sti wart Tom Montgomiery. W. C. St., New York 1, N. Y. tf WVest Wewvaihiitehkla--At thle cori Rochle, Howard MeKininoi and C. house: Mrs. C. G. Rish. R. Mahon .Jr. Ye Ed particularly It Pays To Advertise Try It. Precinct No. 3, O-vertrcet--T. J. admired the skill with which Mr. LODGE NOTICES Kinard; at i hoome. LODGE NOTICES einet Ni. 4m' l)lkith-Mrs. Roche scooped the meat from the, MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M_ Belle CuTnlbie; at her home. shell with tlhe corner of a cracker Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular Precinct No. 5, Highland Vie. w- (he could ha ve been politicking). A meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- W. H. Weeks; at his store. *___ days each month, 8:00 p. Mn. Precinct No. 6, White City-Mrs. Members urged to attend; neo.rge H. t.a-rper; at store. Visitors Frim Dothan visiting brothers welcome. Fennon iPrecinct No. 7, Kenney's Mill Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin miat Talley, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. Mrs. Ivey Williams. aso Frank Jr.. of Dothan. Ala., were SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. JoPrhtE. P'idgeoS Jr.; at her guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Johns 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday home. Robert Smith. night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. Precinct No. 9, South Port St. Joe ---- -- All members urged to attend and -Mrls. Roy OCas.kin; at her home. Trees are a crop from which land- visiting brethren invited. B. B. Conk- MIRiS. C. G. RISH. lin, N.G.; W. H. Sansom, Secretary. 1-30 2-20 County Registrar. owners can obtain a regular income. Visits At Ochlooknee Lodge Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Prince of Winiico Lodge, White City, spent Monday visiting with relatives al Ochlocknee Lodge, near Sopchoppy. --- c------- Attends Florists' .Convention Mrs. W. S. Quarles attended a florists' convention held in Macon, Ia.. last week. Called To Bedside of Mother Mrs. A. J. Taber was called ito Iwellvie. Ohio. Sunday due to the. ill- Visiting Parents Cecil Costin Jr.. a student at tile Uinivtrsity of Florida, Gainesville, is visiting this week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Costin. Guest From South Carolina Mrs. Mary Harper of Greenville, S. C., is the guest of her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Craig. Th- nutnlber of people who eat in restaurants has more than d ou- bled since 1930 and about 30 per cent of all food expenditures are licss of her mother. spent ill eating places. * SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS * * KEMTONE The Miracle Wall Finish PURE LINSEED OIL FURNITURE POLISH and All Types of Construction * LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE * * SGilbert Construction & Supply Co. t * Adjoining Gene's Beauty Salon Fourth Street PHONE 335 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. **********^*** For MATTRESS WORK NERSPRINGS We are the only Mattress Plant within 100 miles that is equipped to clean your cotton and place it in the mattress in soft, fluffy layers. MAIL POSTCARD TO DIXIE MATTRESS COMPANY 628 Oak Avenue Panama City, Florida Or Stop the Red and Yellow Truck HE'S IN PORT ST. JOE EVERY FRIDAY ABSTRACTS OF TITLE REAL ESTATE LOANS REGISTERED REAL ESTATE BROKER M. P. TOMLINSON Costin Building Telephone 364 Come In and See THE NEW GULF TIRE / Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Gopd Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LeHARDY'S BAR 1 WILK'S JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS y We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fir. Sue_.d BUCK ALEXANDER Plumbi' GENERAL PLUMBING 14EPAIR -SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods dWAWe1 Let Us Design You a Letterhead PfTo Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. PAGE SIX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, -ULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1949 i |