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HELP PROMOTE PORT ST. JOE BY JOINING THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY VOLUME XI PORT ST, JOE, FLORIDA, CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 NUMBER 13 Contributions To Moose Miss, Barbara Bennett Xmas Basket Drive Go Weds Joe L. Sharit Jr. 'Way Over Expectations Mis-s Banbara Bennett, daughter When the recently organized St. of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Frank Ben- Joe Moose lodge started its cam- nett of Atlanta, Ga., and Josiah pain to ,provide Christmas bas- Leonard Sharit Jr., son ofi Mr. anti kets for the needy it did not e.x- pect the response that was received from the big-hearted people of Port St. Joe and, vicinity. Canne-d goods of every descrip- tion came iii by the case, oranges, onions and potatoes by the sack, box after box of toys of every de- scription, clothing of all kinds, and many other ite-ms, until the rear of the Leader Shoe Shop where the contributions were stored resenmbled a good-sized country store. Huge bags and baskets are be- ing made up and it is expected mana more than 60 needy families with an estimated 200 children will be made happy today throughout Gulf county through the co-operation of our generous citizens and the Loyal Order of Moose. Kiwanians Enjoy Christmas Program Kilwanians turned out at the. reg- ular meeting last week 99 per cent strong, plus a number of visitors, all of whom apparently enjoyed the good' food and a splendid program. Mrs. Ben Dickens Jr., gave a de- lightfftl skit on "How Come Christ- mas," in addition to acting as Ri- anist when Kiwanis songs and Christmas carols were. sung. A Christmas party was planned for the next meeting, and it was agreed that -ach' 'meiiber 'bring a toy to be contributed to the Moose Christmas program for children. C6nmuittee reports were heard and plans for a ladies night pro- gram were outlined, for January. Visitors were J. V. Dowd, Chaun- cey Costin and Major William C. Lewis. CHRISTMAS DISPLAY AT CHURCH DRAWS MANY .On the lawn of St. Jarmes Epis- copal Church on Sixth Street is a display that drew many people last Christmas season, and is again in- creasing the traffic on that little- traveled street. The scene is that of the birth o0 Jesus, the Child in .a manger, the Mother Mary seated behind it, Joseph standing by, and the three shepherds paying their visit as di- rected by the angels. in the back- ground is the lowly donkey upon which the Holy Mother rode as the family went up to Bethlehem or Judea to he enrolled for the tax. The figures were created by the Ralph Rich family, Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Doris. MASONIC LODGE TO INSTALL OFFICERS SATURDAY NIGHT The local Masonic lodge will hold its annual installation of officers at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night in the Masonic hall. All members of the Masdnic or- der and memib'e.rs ol the Order of Eastern Star are invited to -be pres- ent for the ceremonies. CUBAN SHIPS LOAD PAPER Two Cutban ships made port dur- ing the past week to take on 1220 tons of paper at the St. Joe PapE-r Company dock. The SS Julian Al- onso loaded 560 tons last Friday and the SS Camaguey 660. tons on Monday. The SS Gibara is due to arrive Friday to take 1000 tons of paper. Fillet-Green are agents for the ships and the George. G. Tapper Stevedoring Company is handling the loading, Mrs. J. L. Sharit of this city, were united in marriage Sunday, De- cemnibeer 21, at the Peachtree Roatd Methodist Chturch in Atlanta, Dr. Nat G. Long officiating. The groom chose his father as best man, and groomsmen were Henry Tull Jr., and Richard Garth of Jacksonville,, Edward Eells and Roibert Bellows Jr., of this city. Miss Muriel Fisher of Miami, cousin of the bride, served as maid of honor, and, bridesmaids were the Misses Naoma Reid, Dena Roque- mire, Catharine Pritchett and Jean Fambro of Rockmart, Ga. The .bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white slipper satin fashioned with a transpai'ent yoke outlined in heir- loom lace and enabroidered with seed. pearls. The tight-fitting bodice was accentuated' by a short, full peplum and the bouffant skirt ended in a long train. Her veil of illusion "was caught to her hair with a coronet of pleated tulle and or- ange blossoms. Her flowers were white orchids showered with white roses and, stephanotis. The Ibride's mother wore a gown of teal blue with sequin trim, and her hat was of veiling and flowers in tones of blue and bronze. She wore a corsage of bronze orchids. The bridegroom's mother was be- comingly gowned in aqua with a snatching, hat featuring pink ostricn trim. Her corsage Was of fuchsia orchids. Immediately following the cere- mnony a reception, was given by the bride's parents at the Atlanta Wo- man's Cluib. For a wedding trip to Florida, the bride wore a suit of toast gabar- dine with a Ivhite hat featuring brown and white ostrich trim. Her accessories were brown and she wore a corsage of white orchids. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Sharit will reside, in Gainesville, where both will attend the Univer- sity of Florida. Home for School Holidays Paul Johnson, who is attending school at Bowling Green, Ky., is home to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. C. M. Johnson and other relatives, Miss Willa Dean Lo'wery. a stu- dient at Stetson University at De- Land, arrived last Friday to spend the holiday vacation here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lowery. Miss Teresa Edwards and, Miss Betty Sue McPhaul, who are at- tend.ing Florida Stats, College at Tallahassee, are spending the Yule holidays here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Jimmy McNei!!. s-tudents at the University of Flor- ida, Gainesville are spending the. Christmas holidays here. Cecil Costin Jr., of Gainesville, Asihley Costin of Gulfport .and Miss Sara Jo Co,stin and Mel Ma.gidson of. Tallahassee are home spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Costin. Tom Bartee and Billy Jones, who are attending Georgia Military College at Milledge.ville, Ga., are honme for the holidays. Miss Lucina McCoy. who is a stn-. dent at Trevecca College at Nash- ville, Tenn.. is, home to spend the. holiday with her mother and other relatives. MERRY CHRISTMAS! The Star extends the season's greetings to everyone. We had laid out'a large front page greet- ing, but due to several late news stories, we were forced to omit it. However, the same thought is conveyed in these few lines. llillllllllllll illimllln lMlllllllllllilllim lll ufill; llim l'llllll Methodist Circles Enjoy Christmas Carol Party The home or Mrs. Chas. Brown, president of the Methodist Worn an's Society of Christian SeIrvice, was the scene of a festive occasion Tuesday night of last week when the society mei'bers met for their annual Christmas carol party. Hos- tesses for the night were members of the Susie Peach Foster and Mary Vic Mauck Circles, who entertained the Ruth Lawrence Circle and the Wesleyan Guild and guests. The home was beautifully decor- ated for the occasion, with, the lovely Christmas tree the point of interest, under which the guests placed their gifts which will go to- ward, making up basketss for the needy. The mantle was banked with an arrangement of youipon and greenery surrounding two burning tapers in antique candle holders. The program was opened with little Janice -Nell Gaskin singing "Up On the Housetops" and, "Jingle Bells." accompanied. at the piano by Mrs. Noble Stone, followed with a reading 'by Mrs. Ben Dickens Jr., "How Come Christmas." A Christ- nmas pageant was presented, with the following taking part: Sibbie Brinson, 'Bolby Ward, Carol Le- Hardy. Elizalbeth' Brown, Barbara Mitchell. Nobie Stone Jr., Delores Chism and Dorothy Singletary. Miss Ann George, accompanied at the piano iby Mrs. Mark Tomlinson, sang "0 Holy Night," and the pro- gram concluded with the group singing favorite carols.. The guests were then ushered into the dining room, where de- licious refreshments of sandwiches, cookies and, Russian tea were served buffet style from the beau- tifully decorated table. Approximately forty members of the circles and guests enjoyed this holiday affair. Guests included, Mrs. A. R. Bowanman of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Emory Spears of Apalachi- cola, Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, Mrs B. H. Dickens Jr., and Mrs. Fred Hummel. THREE LOCAL MEN GET TEACHING CERTIFICATES Of 12 advanced post graduate teaching certificates, 55,5 post grad- uate, certificates and 366 temporary certificates issued by the depart- -nent of education during Novem- ber to Florida school teachers. three came to Port St. Joe. No'ie Higdon Stone received an advancerd post ,graduate certificate. "Waddell Alexanduer Biggart a post- graduate certificate, and Charles Fields Harrison a temporary cer- tificate. VISIT FREEDOM TRAIN A considerable nuiimber of Port St. Joe people went to Tallahassee Monday to view the Freedom Train, among them being Tom Byrne, who gave us a story on the train which. due to lack of space,, we will use next week. Bas Kenney Home The many friends of Basil E. Ken- ney will be glad to know that he has improved to such an extent that James Powell and Miss Elizabeth Roberts Wed Mi.ss Elizabeth Aileen Roberts, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Walter And:rew Ro:berts o.f Beacon Hill, became, the bride of James Frank Powell, son of Elimmett A. Powell and the late Mrs. Pocwell of Selma,, Ala., Saturday evening, December 20, at 5 o'clock in St. .lames Epis- copal Church, the Rev. Thomas D. Liyrne officiating at the candle- light, double ring ceremony. A program of nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. Charles Brown at the organ. "Ave Maria," "Be- cause," "The Rosary" and "Just a-Wearying for You" were sung by Miss Norma Jean Lewis and Mrs. James Earl Peacock. The tra- ditional wedding marches were used. The chancel of the church was decorated with a backgroundd of fern, magnolia leaves, white gladi- oli and lighted' tapers in graduated candelabra. The family pews were marked with bows of white ribbon and flowers. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and had as her nla- tron of honor her cousin, Mrs..John Green of Mobile, Ala. Mrs. Green's gown of yellow taiffeta was fash- ioned with an off-the-shoulder neck- line,, a fitted bodice with tiny cov- ered 'buttons from the neck to the waist line and featured a full skirt iith bustle ini the back. She car- ried a 'bouquet of orchid chrysan- themums and wore in iher hair a halo o!. similar flowers. ,Miss Ruth Pryor of Panama City was bridesmaid, and,. Miss J'anice, Roberts, sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid. Their gowns of 'blue and, pink taffeta, were identi- cal to that worn 'by the matron of honor. They carried pink carna- tions and matching -blossoms in their hair. The bride's gown. of white slip- per satin, had a fitted, bodice rea- turing a yoke of net with medal- lions edged with crystal beads. Satin-covered buttons adorned the back of the bodice, from the neck to the waist line, and the long fitted sleeves were pointed at the (Continued on page 8) Visiting Here for Holidays 1 1 1llIllif l llII llI llllii l llilllil l nl; llfl l llllilllllllllllll Mr. ind Mrs. Charles C. Ehrhardt of Daytona Beach are spending the Yuletide holiday here as the guests -,f their son-in-law and daughter, 'r. and Mrs. Richard Alan Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. God'frey III and son ar,. here visiting with Mrs. Godifrey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Temple. Mr. and Mr:s. John Lane arrived Sunday .from, Atlanta, Ga., to spend the holiday's here with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lane and Mrs. Verna Smith. Miss Marorie Philyaw and Carl- ton Philyaw of Tallaha'ssee are hcrme to spend the holidays with their parents. M',s Carolyn 'Baggett of Ocala is spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. 0. Bagget 1. Lovett Mahon of Frostproof ar- rived in St. Joe last Friday to spend Christmas with his father. Uncle Charlie Mahon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Biggart and h: is able to he home to spend daughter Ann of Lancaster, S. C., Christmas with his family. On doc- are spending the Christmas holi- tor's orders he is receiving no vis- days here with Mr. and Mirs. W. itors. A. Biggart. Cantata Presented At Baptist Church Christmas Program ,is Greatly En- joyed At Sunday Eve- ning Service A Christmas cantata was pre- sented at the First Paptist Church Sunday night before a large and appreciative audience by a choir made up of Mrs. W. H. Howell, Mi's. Rochell Jackson, Mrs. Lillian MONair, Mrs. Donald Birath, Mrs. W. I. Cardin, Mrs. L. E. Voss, Mrs. J. 0. 'Baggett, Miss Vonnye Heath, Miss Myrtle Simpson, Luther Car- din, J. F. Daniell, W. L. Smith, Jinm'my D. Ramsey, ,Boblby Lee Ram- sey and James Chatham, with Mrs. L. J. Keels at the piano and Miss Edwina How.ell at the organ. The program for the evening fol- lows: Prelude ----------- "Silent Night" Organ and piano Processional Ifivocation ------- Rev. L. J. Keels Hymn--- "Come All Ye Faithful" Scripture Reading ----- Rev. Keels "Hail to the Lord's Anointed" "Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus," "0 Come, 0 Come, Em- manuel" ------------------ Choir Interlude --.. "Andante Pastorale" Organ and piano Hymn ----n "Joy to the World" Offe.rtory___"The Christmas Song" Organ and piano Scripture Reading -___Rev. Keels "Hark! The Glad, Sound"--Choir Scripture Reading ----Rev. Keels "All Glory, Laud and Honor" -- ----------------- ... Choin Benediction ---------- Rev. Keels Recessional Postlude, "Silver Trumpets" ---- u Choir Midnight Comnmunion - At Episcopal Church Christmas Eve at 11:30. the an- nual midnight celebration of the Holy Coimmunion at St. James Episcopal Church will begin. Carols will 'be sung on the porcn of the church, and, then the procession? to the cha.ncel avill open the service couched in the traditional words of Bible and prayer book. with the light and. life of Jess Christ as its central theme. Some 15 persons have been es- pecially trained in the, Christmas music, and -Miss Norma Jean Lewis will sing the offertory. The public is welcome at this and all services at St. James. HELD ON MURDER CHARGE Luvenia Washington, 37, negro, was kille(i Sunday afternoon in the home of Eugene Harris in the. col- ored quarters, when Harris slashed her throat with a pocket knife. Af- ter slashing the woman, Harris went to the home of Will Harris, his brother, and slashed the throat of Stella Harris, his -brother's wife.. She was taken to the hospital for treatment and will live. Harris, who is being held in the county jail on a mui-der charge. gave no reason to officials for hi: action. CLAY LEWIS QUALIFIES AS CIRCUIT JUDGE CANDIDATE E. Clay Lewis Jr., trekked to Tal- laliass'e Tuesday an d )planked down his qualification fee with Sec- retary of State Bob Gray as a can- didate for the Democratic nomina- tion for circuit judge, group fwo, l lth judicial circuit, which includes (;ilf, Bay. Calhoun, V'.ishington, Jackson and H-olmes counties. Home On Furlough Pfc..Jack Williams, who is sta- tioned at Fort Knox. Ky.. is home on furlough to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Williams. Rmw'f-iw vAlaTATH TRPR S.JEGL CUT, LRDACRSTA AY-14 A Good Doctor Is Only Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION ! Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We com- pound them exactly as your doc- tor orders, using only the best and purest drugs. Carver Drug Co. Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Fla. k A. A..Ak .A .AA .A .A . It pays to advertise-try it! CASH LOANS for Fall Needs! Fix up the home, buy coal or meet unexpected expenses. PROMPT COURTEOUS CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida Mose Spence Taken To Miami Joe Spence of Miami arrived in St. Joe Monday morning in an am- bulance for the purpose of carrying his father, Mose Spence, back to the South Florida c-ity. Mr. Spence had 'been in the local hospital for a we'-ek following a heart attack. CIHISTMAS And when the day is gone Our wishes for our friends Continue on and on and on! LeHARDY'S BAR and FRANK'S BAR In This Joyous Season of Christmas we want to renew all our old friendships, want each of you to feel your importance to us, and to realize that without you the story would have been quite different. A very Merry Christmas to all of you, friendly people of this community! J. Lamar Miller's Standard Station TIME TO HANG UP I YOUR STOCKINGS Whether it's Santa Claus, Kris Kringle or Father Christmas, let us hall the patron saint of children I on this day of days. Christmas is the season that, above all others, turns the thoughts of mankind back to the all- enveloping innocence of childhood-away from the pure selfishness and commercialism of the every-day world towards the joys of giving and sharing. It is in that true spirit of Christmas that we wish for you all the blessings of this joyous season. ST. JOE LUMBER & EXPORT COMPANY KENNEY MERCANTILE COMPANY AND A YOU MERW DE YULET DE To you and yours this Yuletide season, we extend our sincere good wishes for a Merry Christmas. A Christmas of joy and contentment; of peace, good cheer and happine-oo-- that is our wish for you this joyous holiday season. Ritz Dry Cleaners Sunny State Service I Mrs. Spence, who had been called Go To Warm Springs for Checkup to the bedside of her husband, re- hiris. Charles Brown and daugh- turned to Miami with him. ter Len.ohr, Mrs. Ruth Soule and son Horace, and Mrs. J. C. Culpep- Mrs. B. A. Pridgeon and son, Ber- per and daughter Mary Agnes left nard Jr., left Saturday for New Sunday for Warm Springs, Ga., York and Pennsylvania to visit rel- where the youngsters will have a atives during the Yule, season. checkup. One man one of many created a charac- ter who in child-like faith and all-embracing love will live through the centuries as the sym- bol of Christmas. The man was Charles Dickens; his charac- ter was Tiny Tim. And in the words of Tiny Tim, oft-repeated, we'd like to say: "A MERRY CHRISTMAS, GOD BLESS US EVERY ONE" Creech Bros. Laundry and Cleaners CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGEf TWO F CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOR~D4 PAGE THREE Yellowstone National Park has a cliff 2,000 feet high made up e.n-I tirely of petrified forests and vol- canic debris. The automobile industry con- sumes 18 per cent of the American steel output, or more than the na- tion's railroads usa. CIIIZL"-rXr 'fiI~ll~jWI1IIII I FIFIIil ii1III -l -8111-1ilii .4l Illl S. AND MAY THE SPIRIT OF THIS DAY LINGER ON, BRINGING CHEER AND COMFORT LONG AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY ITSELF IS GONE.. St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Co. WHY Some extra money at Christmas certainly comes in handy. Why not plan NOW to have it next Christmas. HOW A Christmas Club account is one of the simplest and easiest ways to have extra money next Christmas. WHEN Open a Christmas Savings Club account this week and make your payments every week for that extra money next Christmas. WHERE A number of people have talked to us about having a Christmas Savings Club. We feel that there are many others who would like to have such an account if it were available, so we are starting one this year for the first time and we will have three types of accounts to choose from: $12.50 Club-25c per week for 50 weeks $25.00 Club-50c per week for 50 weeks $50.00 Club-$1 per week for 50 weeks No withdrawals, of course, are allowed during the year, but next December a check for the amount paid in will be delivered to you. So why not try this easy way to save and take out one or more accounts while Sit is fresh in your mind. FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JO S Member of the Florida National Group I* No matter what the language the spirit of Christmas is the same everywhere in France, in Holland, in Sweden and in the good old U. S. A. As you celebrate this joyous season in spiritual companionship with people of good will all over the world, it is our hope that this Christmas of 1947 will be the merriest you have ever enjoyed. A & P FOOD STORE With all the joys of the season to you! GOOD HEALTH, GOOD CHEER, and a MERRY CHRISTMAS Edwin G.Fraser Candidate for STATE COMPTROLLER i i il i i i i l i i i i i i i !llllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllf May this Christmas,bring happiness as true, as that we have known in our relations with you ! FAN'S FLOWERS Bill, Fannie and Billy Quarles ,( ,,, ,,,,, ,,,ii,,ll,,,li,,l,,,ll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lllllll ,,,,,,,ll: At Christmastime we greet good friends. If neathh our roof you've rested, come again and be refreshed. If you have never crossed our threshold, visit us in the months ahead. To one and all we say, MERRY CHRISTMAS! St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store p l l ll llnn lH lil l ll ll liil ] llrl The Tattler Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida bc Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" ' Vol. II Christmas Day 1947 No. 21 DEAR SIHOPPETS: Christmas, so we'll just cut "The Here comes Editor Smith and Tattler" tale short this weeK. Ed, wie *bought a Christmas, greet- ,pushes up the date of this issue d, wis ought a Christmas greet ing a6 from you-which you can till when w.e are as busy as a wiggle- in with right here and we'n close tail in a rain barrel! Can't blame with a few weak remarks and wait him, though, for wanting to take for Santa Claus. A*AMLRRY. CH RSTMAS WE KNOW OF NO BETTER TIME THAN CHRISTMAS TO GIVE RECOGNITION TO OUR MANY FRIENDS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED SO GREATLY TO OUR SUCCESS DURING THE PAST YEAR. FROM ALL OF US ONCE MORE TO YOU. WHETHER YOU ARE OUR CUSTOMER OR NOT . A MERRY CHRISTMAS Dear customers, you've given us towards your welfare and happi- Ia wonderful business this Christ- ness this glorious Yuletide Spason mas. We've tried hard to please you of 1947. This Event overshadows and help y0u in eve&ry way pos- business of all kinds and humbly sible. We sincerely hope that we we pause with you to rekindle and have contributed in a small way refresh the spirit of . Peace On Earth Goodwill Towards All Men. "MERRY CHRISTMAS," R. GLENN BOYLES. m"A0096"MA00-90 -- -a-aib-erac Iis~~3fnsfsarmsfssrsssfBEDIIfsisfEfsssmsf THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORD,$ CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 PAGE THREE ~~AG FOR TE SAR, ORTST.JOE GUF CONTY FLRID CHRSTMS DY -194 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor 'Entered as serond-class matter, December 10, 19S7, at the Portofiice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One'ear ...... $2.00 Six Months ....... $1.00 -.e Telephone 51 13<- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisemenr.t, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount receiWed for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scsait attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country T Right or Wrong OLD WORLD SETS TO BUILDING NEW STRUCTURES THIS CHRISTMAS TIDE Another Christmas comes and men point re- .gretfully at troubled areas on an old world and say not yet is there peace on earth. The men who speak may consider their own experi- ences as encompassing long chapters in his- tory, or even upon Christianity as being very ,old. As time runs and the planets swing, man's life is but the fluttering of an eyelid, and the civilization the world has known since the glorious message of the first Christmas rang .through Judea's hills is still a young one. On Christmas we do more than hear the -message of "Peace on earth, good will toward mnen." It is the one occasion in .the year when we realize ourselves and our fellows most fully, when we sense the possibilities within humanity which will one day awaken, and wlhen we know the goal toward which we ,would move is possible of achievement. Anl age that is marking its little record is given a glimpse of the road ahead, and when we wish, as owe all do, that the spirit o.f Christmas would -abide in the world every day and every year -ve are longing for that attainment which, one day, will belong to civilization. This Christmas of 1947, perhaps, will be re- membered longer than any in the experience of those now\ living in the world. It is one in a year which has seen the largest turning of national and individual thought toward the re- lief of men and women, the bettering of con- ditions and an endeavor to develop an all- peaceful world. It is not too much to expect that out of les- sotns learned now will come knowledge and determination with which the people of this and other lands will advance the more surely. it is now the aim of all minds to tide over this winter the starving peoples of the world and to build their governmental and economic structures in ways to distribute wellbeing to the widest number. These are historic tnies which, on e day, may be rccko1ed ;as the turn- ing point toward remarkable achievement or a setback of our present civilization. The days of the first Christmas were also .troubled. Men then were fearful of alien rulers, jealous of their traditions and their rights. and, longingly they looked forward to the coming of a Messiah who would save them. Followers of the Messiah today remember His teaching and practice. They feed the hungry and clothe the naked in the Name of that Founder of universal religion. "Let not your heart be troubled. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." And, in the words of Paul: "For now we see through a glass darkly; but then, face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as 1 am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." ' The St. Joe welfare committee has a colored case on hand, very, hard to handle, as it seems to be earning a living by the sweat of his frau. A married man remembers when h1e used to envy married men. Christmas Rose Has Real Significance Legend tells us that a young shep- herd girl was weeping bitterly as .she watched the Wise Men on their way to take gifts to the Christ Chilhd. Our Most Famous Christmas Trees Most famous of the nation's Christmas trees are growing on the wooded rolling acres of the Roose- velt estate at Hyde Park, N. Y. De- veloped as a result of a hobby which occupied much of the' late Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt's spare time, the groves of Yule trees now are scattered on odd patches and par- cels of land throughout the estate. The trees, about 270,000 in num- ber, are principally of Norway spruce, white spruce and Douglas fir, with a few balsams also in- cluded. Although the tree growing was a hobby with the late president, he insisted that the project pay its own way. Consequently about 2,000 to 3,000 trees are marketed every Christmas season. It pays to advertise try it! An angel appeared, and after as- -certaining why the young girl was crying, she waved her wand, and instantly the ground was carpeted with glittering white Christmas roses. The young girl quickly gath- ered these blooms. When she pre- sented her gift, the Christ Child smiled, and as his fingers touched the white flowers the petals became tinged with pink. Quaint Swiss Custom ,Of Meeting Lover Forecasting is ritualized in Switz- erland. Grandma goes to the cellar, selects the most perfect onion, halves it, and peels 12 layers, one for each month. The next day these layers show what the weather will be during the coming year. The daughter of the house goes about town at midnight, to drink from nine different fountains. Then she goes to church. She expects to meet her unknown lover on the church steps. Every ads carries a message- a message that will saye money. Christmas! No vaunting phrases can truly carry the meaning of that word, no marching adjectives picture its fulfillment. Its being and expression must ever lie in the simple words of the prophets, in the unpretentious but meaningful phrases of the Man of Galilee: '"ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TO MEN." Florida Bank at Port St. Joe WITH PEACE AND PROSPERITY, WE SHOULD ALL BE HAPPIER THAN EVER THIS YEAR. DURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. LET'S TRY TO FORGET OUR CARES. FOR OUR PART, WE WANT TO ADO OUR FELICITATIONS TO THE MANY OTHERS YOU ARE RECEIVING, BY WISHING YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS-THE Happiest Christmas Ever! McGowin Motor Company LB88 -- =, c~ -s~aCr RL 1 ~s CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA .PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I)SERVI WE WISH YOU AT CHRISTMAS MANY HAPPY HOURS AND TRUST WE MAY SERVE YOU IN THE FUTURE. miIfouchette's atpf hop CHRISTMAS In Colonial times Christ- mastide was the gayest and happiest season of the year... and so it is today. It is our sincere wish that during this Christmas of 1947 the warm, sweet joys of this-blessed sea- son may fill your hearts to overflowing. JUST A FRIENDLY WAY OF EXPRESSING \ TO YOU OUR MOST SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND THAT IT MAY BE AN ESPECIALLY JOYOUS ONE FOR YOU. Comforter Funeral Home 601 LONG AVENUE dclntitdr's Department torch 7t3-HRIS AM AN - star in the ity a light in the window, and hope in the heart! It's Christmas again, good folks of this community the sea- son when even strangers nod at you and .smile. So we are sending you these wishes for Christmas cheer and happiness in your home. ANOTHER YEAR has passed. Again glad bells are pealing out the Christmas story. Happy children and parents are planning for the day in the glorious old-fashioned way. Everyone is thrilled by the magic spell of Christmas for they know the spirit of the Christ Child is in the land. While glad bells peal out, while children make merry, while'carols are being sung and the Christ- mas story is being told and retold, we join in the joyous occasion by expressing best wishes for a AtsMcvcm Lsi*if W St. Joe Paper Comipany ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY -W-W.-% M --- -M CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 PAGE FIVE PACE_ S ITE SAPR T OGL OUTFOIACRSMSDY-14 Minutes of Board of Public Instruction Wewahitchka, Florida December 2, 1947 The Board of Public Instruction, Gulf County, Florida, met on the above date in' regular session, with the following members present and acting: Thos. Mariwether, chair- man; Carter Ward and. L. P. Sut- ton, members. The superintendent was also present and acting. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted. The. board, agreed to furnish Mr. Hare 5 gallons of gas and 1 quart of oil per week to transport his child from home to the 'bus line in order for it to continue coming to school in Wewahitchka. Moved and carried *that N. A. Rushing. Tbe put on as a part time bus driver to handle the run from Buckhorn to Welwahltchka Hign- School for a period of thres months at the -end of which time, if found to be needed, the board would con- tinue the balance of the 1948 school year. A new roof for the negro school, also a flue for the building, w:,_ discussed and it was decided to see someone to do the work at once. It 'was .moved and carried that the Wewahitchka .State Bank be named the depository for the school funds for the 1948 fiscal year. It was decided to investigate thea possibility of installing a better lighting system in the two, school buildings at the Port St. Joe High School site. There being no further business to come :before the board, they did then adjourn to meet again in regu- lar session on January 5, 1948. THOSE. MERIWETHER, Attest: Chairman. THOiS. A. OiWEN'S, Superintendent. I LIKE PEOPLE "I like people," Many of them, the humor in their eyes, Their carefree, buoyant smile, Their sarcastic grin when things aren't as they seem, The fascination of them, the flair of them, Light, bright and. fancy-free, Merrily to and fro, the cheer of them; Onward away here and there, The past of them, masses of them, Sweeping they go; The world of them, numbers of them, Tripping along life's way; The homne.s of them, hordes of them, Humble some of them, pretentious lots, of them; The Ibraiwn of them, (brave some or them, The' laughter and songs of them, Speeding in the night; The right and, wonder of them, Gay with delight, joyous In sprite, "I like people." -Mrs. Carl Stevens, White City. Wildfires are "Woods Enemy No. 1" in Florida. .ckeer and S* Now, when Santa Claus t, is so busy making children' happy and dispensing cheer i all over the world, we want to extend a warm < and friendly greeting to our friends. Accept our very best wishes for a $ A Christmas season of unal- loyed joy and happiness. CHESTNUT'S Grocery and Market Gave Name to Bread Dr. Sylvester Graham, Suffield, Conn., in 1847 was the first to advo- cate the use of dark breed as an important part of the diet. He gave his name to Graham flour and bread. This Merry Christmas is to you. There is no wish we can give more true than this jolly old fellow is now bringing to you. St. Joe Hardware Company Plaster Wall Finish Raise Your Own Food It is best, not to paint or paper a I akseabou r eswn f ood new plaster wall until it has thor. It takes about 2 acres of good oughly dried out, which usually re- and, well managed, to diet for eac produce an quires two months. If immediate adequate det for each person decoration is desired, calcimine can be used. It pays to advertise-try it! A MERRY CHRISTMAS! May the spirit of the First Christmas gladden your hearts this Christmas season. Young's Food Store * Again gay carols ring out with their cheery message of holiday joy. * In the old, old spirit of Christmas, voices of the carolers echo the message of "... tid- ings of great joy." Thus, too, do we join the carolers in wishing for you the blessed gifts of Peace on Earth, Joy, Good Will to Men. AT CHRISTMAS TIME more than at any other season, people feel friendly. It's in the very air. In this spirit, then, we offer you our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas. GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. Costing's department torch I I ~sp~i~a~ G THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA CHRISTMA`S DAY 1947 PAGE SIX L ^- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 HELLO, WORLD! I MISS ROBERTS, BRIDE-ELECT, I IS HONORED WITH SHOWER Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Byrd of this : parish house of St. james city announce the birth of a son on iscoal Church was thecee of Saturday, December 20. 1u"iscop'al Church was the 'scene of U a dlightful shower Tuesday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whitfield of ning of last week when Mrs. Thos. Wewahitchka announce the 'birth D. Byrne entertained in honor of of a son on Friday, December 19. Miss Betty Aileene Roberts, bride- Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Stevens of this city are announcing the birth of a son, Johnny Linton, on Sun- day, December 21. (All births occurred at the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital) Miss Erline McClellan of Mari- anna is spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellan. TO GREET ^ /YOU AT If we could- we would say "Merry Christmas" to each of you personally. Since we can't, the next best thing is to put our greetings in print. Quality Grocery. and Market WE GREET YOU AT CHRISTMAS And trust to offer you Cheer every day of the year. Buck Alexander Insurance elect. The hostess and honoree were as- sisted in receiving the many guests by Miss Roberts' mother, Mrs. W. A. Roberts, and sister, Miss Janice Roiberts. Traditional Christmas dec- orations, lighted tapers and holly berri' -s made a most effective back- ground. The gift table was resplen- dent with gifts of' sterling and crystal. At the conclusion of the evening, delicious punch and iced cakes were serN ed iby Miss Verna Mahon and Miss Janice Ro4b',rts, assisted 'by Mrs. W. 0. Anderson, Mrs. Richard A. Cooper, Mrs. -W. D. Dare and Mrs. J. B. Gloekler. Invitations were sent to Mes- duimes, Ferrell Allen, W. 0. Ander- son, T. G. Alsolbrook, Victor Ander- son. J. C. Ariborgast, Robert Bel- low.s, Joel Carr, Tom Coldewe~y, B. B .Conklin, Clara Comforter, Paul Farmer, W. D. Dare, M. L. Fleishel Jr., Richard A. Cooper, Paul S. Fen- som, B. C. oGilliard, B. E. Kenney Jr., J. B. Golekler, G. F. Lawrence, T. G. Frary, J. L. Fuller, Max Kil- bourne, James Itilbourne, Frank LeHardy, C. A. LeHardy, Hilton Lewis, Sara Leiwis, Henry Lilius, Mamie Lovett, Tom Owens, D. L. Owens, Richard Porter, J. E. Rol- linrs, Ralph Rich, Harold Kirkland, Horace Soule, Gordon Thomas, Sue Towson, Gale Traxler, A. L. Ward, Charles Brown, Imogene Adams, Charles Russell, GOwin Birath, Ann Ham-mock. Frank Hannon, Nadine Lowery, Alice. Bass,, Ethel West- brook, Ralph Williams, Mel Magid- son, Ferrell Weeks, Tessie Hagan, Anna Simith and Tessie Spear, and the Misses Verna Mahon, Bernice Schneid.er, Eloise Schefter, Grace Eldridge, Vel Fields, Sara Duke, Martha Ann Brieon, Virginia Ar- nett, Jimmie Palmer and Amelia Gibson. J. A. M. CLUB ENJOYS ANNUAL YULE PARTY The J. A. M. Club met Monday night at the hom, o' Mrs. W. H. Ho-well for the annual Christmas party. A beautiful tree surrounded by many attractively wrapped pack- ages was the highliNt of the eve- ning. A lace-covered table with a Christmas centerpiece flanked by taIll red, tapers held the delicious turkey dinner, -which was served buffet style. After enjoying the sumptuous re- poist. the gifts were given out oym little Jimmy Howell, in the role of Santa Claus, to Mesdames Giac.ys Boyer. l.ola Costin, Verna Smith, Ruby Pridgeon, Eliza Lawson, Flor- rie Connell, Elaine Pridgeon, Min- nie Ola Drakle, Marguerite Prid- geon, Myrtice Smith and. Calla Howell and ons, guest, Mrs. Kate Harrell. All expressed pleasure for an en- joyable evening. ENTERTAIN SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS WITH XMAS PARTY Mrs. John Clements and Mrs. G. Padgett gave a Christmas party Wednesday of last week at the home of tire, former in Oak Grove for the children of their Sunday school class of the Baptist Church. Games were enjoyed, and pres- ents exchanged, after which de- licious refreshments were. served to Frances Jones, Mary Agnes Cul- pepper, Patsy Daniel, Doris Wilson, Gail Bateman, Andrey Bowen, Gyp- sie Ann Love, Elizabeth Strickland, Michael Roche, Lavon Taylor, Wi;- bur Sm ith and Jimmy Montgomery. DR. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST APALACHICOLA, FLA. "4 *4 Eyes Examined Lenses Duplicated Glasses Fitted DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-p- GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. * We wish we could send a gift to each of you in appreciation of your confi- dence and friendliness during the past year. Instead, however, we must content ourselves with extending the simple wish that you may enjoy the best life has to offer now and in the months to come. UNCLE EDD PRIDGEON County Tax Collector JOE HUNTER Clerk of Circuit Court SAMMY PATRICK County T;,x Assessor J. EARL PRIDGEON -County Judge BYRD E. PARKER, Sheriff FRIDAY ONLY-DEC. 26 SJON H.. HAL.L ,, ', CMICHAEL -..,oSHEA IJK TVELYN AN EES 1 .^, IRA.E bIr.HOP --Also-- Musical: "SWEET and LOW" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 HIT NO. 1 --- HERE OMES "HOPPY" ANDY CLYDE RAND BROOKS HIT NO. 2- W ADELE MARA ROBERT '(OTT | Plus - Chapter 12 of Serial "SON OF ZORRO" SUNDAY, DEC** EMBER 2 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 This Dame's ' Dynamite! CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 Also - NEWS and VARIETY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 31 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FEATURE NO. 1 - AbIMRICAr'S NO. 1 ., COWBOY!, FEATURE NO. 2 - LOUIS-WOLCOTT FIGHT PICTURE The complete fight! Come see for yourself who actually won the fight. Plus - Chapter 3 of Serial 'THE VIGILANTE' NEW YEAR'S EVE LATE SHOW WEDNESDAY NITE-10:45 PHILLIP ,( 7 -^ ^ TERRY JACQUELNE WHITE / ,,, THURSDAY and FRIDAY ] January 1 and 2 S PAT ANNE WALTER SO'BRIEN JEFFREYS SLEZAK A MC a D TMED.TON OEFS -U- Also -an A N 7 MOE MUSICAL and ADVENTURE =R7-THE MOVIES _ 0 *4. 0 O 0 * ,** *<>+>< < *********** : Port Theatre.* A Martin Theatre -:=; Port St. Joe, Fla. I0 THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. *so*** 0*4 -00*440 Christmas Day Only! MONDAY and TUESDAY MARGARET O'BRIEN December 29 and 30 in- "The Unfinished ID ceCNOL O IN TECHNICOLOR 'l ZElil ST. JOSEPH STUDY CLUB ENJOYS YULE PARTY The St. Joseph Study Clujb held a delightful Christmas party Thurs- :lay evening at the home of Miss Joan Trexler. Beneath the lighted tree was a unique snow sce-ne of miniature hills, houses and lakes, with tiny skaters and skiers. The table, in red and crystal, was cen- tere.d with a music box concealed beneath youpon and pine cone.,. Tiny sugar snowmann completed the mo0til. After several games were played and presents exchanged, the guests gathered around the piano to sing Christmas carols. Present were Rev. Fr. O'Hara, Miss Kitty Hatcher of Jacksonville, Mrs. Vivian Hardy, Mrs. Claryce Whaley, Miss Maxie Brown, Miss Betty D-arcey, Miss Lenohr Brown, PAGE SEVEN Miss Verna Mahon and the hos- tess. GODFREYS ENTERTAIN AT BUFFET SUPPER One of the pretty parties of the Christmas -season was enjoyed Sat- urday night when Betty and Elmore Godifrey entertained a number of friends with a buffet supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Temple. The living and dining rooms where -the guests were entertained ware decorated with the traditional holly andl Chrirtmas greenery. Invited were Mr. and Mrs.. Ben Dickens Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Han- non, Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Gibson Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Buck Walters, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Herring, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McNeill Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hummel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaskin. lb~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~b~brr~8~8a~~i~ r ' PAGE EIGHT TI-fE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, 4tJLF COUNTY, FLORIDA CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 RATES-11/ cents per -word for one inser- tion (count initials and figures as single wordss; minimum charge 30 cents. Addi- tional insertions' of same ad take -lower rate. To elimiinate bookkeeping, all ads must be paid for at time of first insertion. FOR SALE YULETIDE RECORDS Make Ideal Xmas Gifts 1. Jingle Bells-Johnny Mercer. 2. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town-Woody Herman. 3. White Christmas-Bing Crosiby. 4. Santa Is Riding the Trails- Tex Ritte.r. 5. I'll Be Home for Christina's- SBing Crosby. 6. Silent Night-Andiy Russell. 7. Two Fat Polka-Arthur ,Godifrey. 8. Mickey-Ted Weem's. 9. Polonaise In A -Flat-Jose Itur'bi. 10. My Gal Sal-Harmonicats. .- Album of the Week - MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSIC Perry Como HEAR THEM AT ST. JOE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. 'GUEST CHECKS-(100 to pad). Large, $6 per 100 pads; 10 pads, 75c. Small, $5 per 100 pads; 10 for 60c. Also onionskin "COPY" second sheets,- $2.25 per package of 1000 (don't ask.us to break a package). 'THE STAR. 10-24tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE--Two houses and a 3- room apartment on McClellan Ave. Will sell any part or all of it. See J. L. Hughes, city, or phone. 134. 12-12tf NEW HOME FO.R SALE Three large bedroom's, large liv- ing room, completely ceiled with select juniper and all siding is of the best cypress available. This house was built by the owner aniT iUS Lt 1140i{Q +tii ht.l l u hi lt *j h -I T Buy Store In Sumatra Every ads carries a message- a message that will save money. What GOES INTO A PRESCRIPTION? T HE ingredients your doctor orders, of course; but also there goes the scientific knowl- edge and skill of experience-of our expert pharmacists. That's why you may bring prescriptions to us with confidence. Have your prescription com- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accr edi School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription FOR RENT CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 per day. Spillers and Nichols, phone 83 or 304. 1-9* SPECIAL SERVICES HOME DELIVERY SERVICE of Pensacola'Journal, morning news- paper, now available in Poit St. Joe. Phone 260. 1-9* NOTICE If you are reading or have ever read Unity literature, kindly call either 284-W or 200-J. 1-2* LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE The Board of Pu'blic Instruction, Gulf' County. Florida. will receive bids on two school buses now lo- cated on the used car lot of the St. Joe Motor Company, Port St. Joe, Florida, until 10:00 a. m. CST, January 6, 1948, in the office of the School Board, Wewahitchka, Fla. 12-5 THOMtAS A. OWENS, 12-26 County Superintendent. NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the un- dersigned that the co-partnership lately subsisting between us, under the firm name and style of Kingry & Gilbert Company, engaged in the business of general contracting in Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Fla., was on the 11th day of November, 1947, dissolved by mutual consent. The unfinished business and affairs of the co-partnership will be attended to by W. P. Gilbert, one of the un- dersigned, and W. P. Gilbert i's hereby authorized, to collect, re- ceive and receipt for all moneys, goods and properties due or accru- ing to said co-partnership, and W. P. Gilbert hereby assumes and- agrees to discharge all obligations of said, co-partnership which may have accrued prior to Noveanner 11, 1947. and perform all its unexe- cuted contracts. Dated at Port St. Joe, Gulf Coun- ty, Florida, this 11th day of No- vember, A. D. 1947. 12-5 R. R. KINGRY. .1-1 W. P. GILBERT. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Howell left Monday for Sumatra where they have purchased ,the general store operated for many years by Harry Parrish. Walter extends a cordial invitation to all his friends to come over and go fishing with h im. Spending Yuletide In Alabama lMr. and Mrs. E. H. Vanlanding- ham left Monday for Chapman, Ala.. on a ten-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Green and other rel- atives. They will be joined there by Mr. Vanlandin.gham's son-in-law. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. un.ider of Conneaut, Ohio. Lands Choice Rockfish Hugh McGee, while fishing in the canal at Highland View Monday, landed a 17-pound rockfish. Mac said he lost two bigger than that. Spending Christmas In Jax Mr. and, Mrs. R. R. Kingry and Miss Alene, Kitler .left last evening to spend Chri'stmas in Jacksonville with the parents of Mrs. Kingry workmanship and materials. SItu- N 0 T I C E ated in two lots in nice neighbor- Notice is hereby give by the un- hood. One of the best buys we designed that the co-partnership have listed in a long time. See lately subsisting between us, under It would be us at once if interested, the firm name and style of Kingry FRANK H NON & Gilbert Wood & Novelty Works, difficult, indeed, FRANK Hd ANNON engaged in the business of wood Registered Real Estate Broker and novelty manufacturing in Port to forget our friends, Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 St. Joe. Gulf County, Florida, was on the 11th day of November, 1947, particularly at Christmas. APARTMENTS FOR RENT dissolved by mutual consent. The unfinished business and affairs of We want you to know FOR APARTMENTS See The the co-partnership will be attended Shirey Apartments. 8-3 to bv R. R. Kingry, one of the un- .how close we feel to all OIC designed, and R. R. Kingry is LODGE NOTICES hereby authorized to collect, re- of you, and how sincerely MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- ceive and receipt for all moneys, Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular goods and properties due or accru- we wish for each A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- ing to said co-partnership, and W. days each month, 8:00 p. nm. P. Gilbert assumes and agrees to of you the choicest Members urged to attend; discharge all obligations of said co- blessings of Yuletide. visiting brothers welcome.. D. L. I partnership accruing prior to No- blessings of Yuletide. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. vem.ber 11, 1947. and R. R. Kingry ] 'will perform all unexecuted con- SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0. tracts of said co-partnership. THE LEADER SHOE 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday Dated at Port St. Joe. Gulf Coun- SHOP night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. ty, Florida. this ll1th day of No- SHOP All members urged to attend and vemlber, A. D. 1947. vlsitina brethren invited. :B. B. Conk- 12-5 R. R. KINGRY. ... Ili, N.G.; W. H. Sansom, Secretary. 1-1 W. P. GILBERT. , Powell-Roberts Wedding (Continued from page 1) wrists. The front of the skirt was made -with unpressed 'pleats and featured a bustle in the back, with the full skirt terminating in a long train. Her fingertip veil of allusion was secured to a coronet of satin. She carried. ai white prayer book centered with an orchid and .treamimes of white tuberoses and ribbon f-.11 to the hem of her gown. Paul C. Cottingham of Selma. Ala., served, as best man for the groom, and' ushers were William Roberts and Tommy Owens. The bride's ,mother selected a black silk crepe go-wn for the wed- ding and A ore. black accessories with a corsage of white carnations. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held in the parish house, which was -beautifully dee- oarted. for the occasion. The bride's table was covered with a white maderia cloth and held a three-tier weli'ng cake flanked by crystal -candelabra hold- ing burning tapers. Miss Verna Mahon kept 'the bride's book. Ar ter cutting the first slice, of cake, the .bride and groom were assisted by close friends in serving the guests. When Mr. and Mrs. Powell left on their wedding trip to Atlanta, Ga.., the bride was wearing a green wool suit with brownn accessories and an orchid corsage MMrs. Powell is a graduate of the Port St. Joe high school and is a registered nurse from S't. MargareT. Hospital in Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Powell is a graduate of the Marion Military Academy and was a captain in the. infantry. After separating froin army service he returned to his duties with the. -state highway patrol. Out-of-tolwn guests attending the wedding included Mrs. L. R. Hen- derson and Miss Virginia Hender- son, ;Mobile, Ala.; Mr. and Mrb. James E. Pryor and J. E. Pryor Jr., Panama City; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. William's, 'Beatrice, Ala.; Johnnie Powell anil jMrs. Wade Speigner, Selma, Ala.; Mrs. Frank Wake- field, John W. Wakefield, Mrs. E. M. Spear and Mrs. N. C. Roan, Ap- alachicola. --------------- She's Absentminded Ruipert McKee bought a pair ot roller skates from Mrs. W. W. Bar- rier the other day, ana after she had put them in a 'bag and, he had started out of the store, he. came back. saying: "You don't mind if I get the other skate, do you?" 'She had given him but one. Miss Kitler. It Pays To Advertise Try It. PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE and * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. Here It Is Ladies. a Something ForDad's Xmas! HORNS * SPOTLIGHTS FOG LIGHTS FORD RADIOS WHEEL 'SPINNERS VANITY MIRRORS SEAT COVERS MOTOROLA RADIOS KLEENEX DISPENSERS WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES LOCKING GAS TANK CAPS AND MANY MORE ITEMS FOR THE CAR ST. JOE MOTOR CO. ,PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA Come In and See THE NEW GULF TIRE SC../ Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease S GULF SERVICE STATION TERMITES ROACHES 5-Year Guarantee 1-Year Guarantee NO POISON, MESS OR STAINING -NAVAL CHEMICAL COMPANY OFFICIAL TERMITE INSPECTOR FOR F H A PHONE 201 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FRIENDS AT- LeHARDY'S BAR (|tfC WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry 3A WE TEACH WATCHES TO rlll TELL THE TRUTH r COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS ft We recommend flre Insurance because its easy to start a fir* 0O KS BUCK ALEXANDER 8Pl~1m GENERAL PLUMBING SEI Vi SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR n G. W. BRODNAX I Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, .,vLF COUNTY, FLORIDA CHRISTMAS DAY 1947 PAGE EIGHT Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. For MATTRESS WORK NERSPRINGS We are the only Mattress Plant within 106 miles that is equipped to clean your cotton and place it in the mattress in soft, fluffy layers. MAIL POSTCARD TO DIXIE MATTRESS COMPANY 628 Oak Avenue Panama City, Florida Or Stop the Red and Yellow Truck HE'S IN PORT ST. JOE EVERY FRIDAY t |