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HELP PROMOTE PORT ST. JOE BY JOINING THE JUNIOR | CHAMBER OF i COMMERCE T-HE S'TAR. The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center OFFICIAL | NEWSPAPER I G OF GULF COUNTY VOLUME XI PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 NUMBER 12 Famous Philanthropist Will Stop Off In St. Joe On Annual World Tour TOY MAGNATE TO VISIT S. W. Claus, world-famous phil- anthropist, yesterday announced that Thursday of next week will be Christmas. He will maxe a special pre-Christmas call in Port St. Joe next Wednesday after- noon at the special request of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Key Clubbers Return From State Convention Four representatives of the Port St. *Jos, Key: Cltb'"retui-ned Ihnne; last week after attending the Flor- ida District Key Club conventiiu in St. Petersburg, at which more than 500 Key Club members repre- senting most of the 71 clubs in the state were. in attendance. Attending irom the local club were Gene Farris, president; peng Chism, secretary; Bill Traweek, and Bill McFarland. All of the boys report the convention one, of the most successful ever held, the three-day meeting featuring busi- 1 ?.s, education and fun. The convention opened Sunday with a fellowship dinner at the Coliseum with Ted Martin, presi- dent of Florida district, presiding. The Monday morning meeting iwas devoted, to a round table dis- cussion on "Key Clulbs, Present and Future," and immediately following the, meeting the delegate were guests of the St. Petersburg high school and completely disrupted -the school program for the day. In the afternoon a beach party was en- joyed, followed- )by a picnic lunch and a variety show in the evening. Another business session was held Tuesday morning, which in- cluded an open forum discussion of (Continued on Page 2) Spend Week-end In Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brooks, Jr., and children and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks spent the week-end in .Elba, Ala., to enjoy an early Christmas dinner with the mother of the two; gentlemen, Mrs. D. J. Brooks. ---d------ Attend. 0. E. S. Initiation Mrs. Ed Ra.msey and Mrs. R. V. Coburn attended an initiation of the Order of Eastern Star in Ap- aladhicola Thursday night of last wek. Attend W. S. C. S. Xmas Party Mrs. Carl Stevens and Mrs. G. S. Croxton of White City attended the Methodist W. S. C. S. Christmas party held, Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Charles Brown. S. W. Claus To Make Pre- 'Christmas Call In Person As Guest of Jaycees NORTH POLE. Dec. 18-(Exclu- sive to The Star)-Squelching ru- mors spread by gloom-faced de- presisionists that there. would be no Christmas in Port St. Joe this year, Santa W. Claus, local toy factory proprietor and purveyor of Yuletide cheer, started that he would find time to stop off in Port St. Joe at 3:00 p. m. Christmas Eve on a pre- Chlristmas world' tour and at that time would, be the guest .of the Junior Chamlbe.r of Commerce. The colorful patron, saint of the Yuletide, who has been an annual visitor in this district for more than a hundred years, has been exercis- ing his six teams of reindeer just in case his huge plane refuses to function, due to the cold weather. "We've spent the better part of eleven months getting ready for this trip to Port St. Joe," Santa (as' he is affectionately called by mil- lions of friends) said in his state- ment, "and we're going to see to it that no kiddies are overlooked." Claus stated he looks forward to his 'almFiu-t-thip ,icn.1 will bea anxious to see how all -ii.- old chimnies are. He warn's that any presents that may have arrived before Christ- mas should, not be opened until the proper time. Confirmation was received here yesterday by telegram by Jake Be- lin, Jaycee secretary, the telegram reading: "Arrive by plane. local air- port. Have speedy conveyance on hand as can make but brief stop (Continued, on page 7) -- -- _ We Hate To Turn 'Em Down, But We Have To We've, been turning down adver- tising-the lifeblood of any paper- for several months past due to the fact that we don't know when we' will get another shipment of news- print. It hurts, because ad- verti'sing is what makes the wheels go 'round. The. past few weeks we could' have issued 12 and 16-page papers had we been assured. of a newsprint supply, but right now we have six weeks' supply on hand and when that is gone, unless 'we pick up some, you may miss an issue or two of The Star. We apologize to those concerns we've had to-turn down on adver- tising, 'but for weeks past our ad- vertising space has been sold out as far as two weeks in advance- it's, first come, first served. ------^------- - Mose Spence Suffers Heart Attack Mrs. M. W. Spence of Miami wa's called here Monday to the bedside. of her husband, who 'suffered' -a heart attack Sunday morning and was taken to the municipal hos- pital for treatment. Spending Holidays At Home Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Moore, and Miss Virginia Pridigeon, who are at- tending Alabama Polytechnic In- stitute at Auburn, Ala., arrived home Wednesday night to spend the holiday vacation with their re- spective parents. Remember Every v I T': Child This Xmas iY ax Rate Set At 23 People of Port St. Joe and CountyM ^ills 1. N Mnfinf a c Are Urged To Exhibit the i yaat!ifW fWil Christmas Spirit 1 With only a w more clay,to,ew C wait before the arrival of Christ- mas and for the visit of good old Saint Nicholas, the children o Gulf county and the whole world are counting the hours," and even Get News In Early the minutes. If they aren't, they For Next Two Issues must be sick or abnormal. Already, lists have bs-e.n made. letters writ- ten to Santa Claus and. the long In order that Ye Ed (who has wait for the time to come 'being no help) may enjoy Christmas borne impatiently, and New Year's, the next two While Christmas- is primarily a editions of The Star will be pub- children's holiday, the grownups of lished on Wednesdays and will Gulf county will have a great part go into Mr. Dralke's postoffice in making it a real success. The about 4 o'clock (we hope). very foundation of the, observance So-o-o-o, if you have any news of Christmas is giving, and without items (and we want 'em all) we this there would be no Christmas. ask you to please bring 'em in by To some people Chistmas giving Tuesday if possible. We .will, if has come to mean an "exchange of approached in the proper man- gifts" rather than any unselfish ner, take items up until 10 a. m. giving. We give to those from Wednesday the next two weeks. wNhom we expect to receive, and And, too, while we've tried to give in proportion to what. we do see all business establishments receive. By doing so, we lose the about Christmas and New Year's' real meaning of the observance and greetings ads, there are several the joy we might receive. whom we' have not contacted Wouldn't it be a finch, thing this (J. Lamar Miller, for example) Christmas i.f every citizen of Gulf so don't feel hurt if you do not county would accept the responsi- have a greeting ad, for we have ability of giving something to some- to hold down to eight pages un- one less fortunate than himself and til we get some more paper- thus help to lighten that person's and your guess is as good as ours load a little? There are so many on that. people around, us who, through no .-10 -l.k^ ^k^^^BB m fault of their oiwn, are having such a struggle for existence that even Kiwanis Officeis-ElIRt (Continued on Page 2) _X _Plan For Record Year Seal Sale Returns Plans f o r a record year of Ahead of Last Year achievement were made by the of- ficers- elect of the local Kiwanis Club at a meeting called Thursday But Still More Than 700 Persons evening of last week by President- In County Who Have Not elect Gale Traxler. Yet Responded ,Traxler enthusiastically outlined his policies, and plans and an- The Gulf county Christmas Seal nounced the names of committee sale- is running ahead of last year's chairmen for the coming year The receipts to date, according to Seal importance of co-ordination of ef- ..Sale Chairman Harry H. Saunders, fort was also stre-s;sed. Interesting who reo~prtis that this year's sale reports were made by Mr. Traxter, had. reached a total of $600 on Wed- Lieutenant Governor J. R. Norton, ntesdas morning of this week. The Secretary-elect Leonard' Sutton and total amount of the, county seal sale Larry Lawrence, who attended the for 1946 was $983.65. Kiwanis district conference held Chairman Saunders states that Sunday, December 6, at Tallahas- while results to date are most see. Vice-President Loyd Tubb was atifyig, thee are still over700designated co-chairman of all corn- persons in Gulf county who have ittees at this time. not responded to the appeal made i at h . tnot iemponded to the appe ri made A little fun was injected into the to them in support of the Christ- meeting by Norrs McColum, pes- mas Seal sale. He say's it will be p ent secretary, -when hle presented greatly appreciated' by the chair-Secetary-elect Sutton with a card- m an te o Secretary-elect Sutton with a card- man and the committee if every-boad jackass to assist him in one who has not sent in his money for the seals would do so at the carrying- his burden for the new earliest date, possible. year. The committee, hopes to realize - $1200 from the seal sale this yea. SERVICES AT WHITE CITY in order to carry out its program Loyd W. Tubb, pastor of the lo- for prevention and cure of tubercu- cal Methodist Church, announces losis in Gulf county. that there will be preaching serv- ___ ._ ices at the. White City community house next Sunday, Decemlber 21, Fans Disappointed As at 3:00 p. m. The public is invited Fight Film Cancelled to attend. After Manager Norris McCollum Attend Allen Funeral of the Port Theater raised all that Mr. and, Mrs. Ferrell Allen and hullabaloo over the Louis-Wolcott Mr. and Mis. R. V. Coburn at- fight pictures which he was to have tend-ed the funeral Sunday in Ap- shown Wednesday, the distributing alachicola of Cisco Allen of East company -cancelled' his release, Point, Mr. Allen's uncle. much to the. disappointment of local --- ----- fight fans who had looked forward Returns To Hospital for Treatment with anticipation to seeing the film. T. M. Schneider left last week- "However, I've got it coming in end to return to John Hopkins Hos- for Wednesday, December 31. den- pital for a checkup. His friends. nitely," said' Manager Mac yester- wish him a speedy return to health d.ay. (Think we can believe him?) and home. ty Hall Site Also Select Lapd Near Centen- nial Building for Athletic, Field and Stadium At the regular meeting of the city commission Tuesday night the. city dads fixed the 1947 tax rate'at 23 mills, a boost of 3.3 mills over the 1946 assessment of 19.7 mills. The- millage will 'be levied on an as- sessed valuation of $1,735,349 and will raise, approximately $39,170 to carry on operation of the- city for the. ensuing year and care for debt service. The balance of the esti- -mated budget of $80,10.0 set last year will be derived- from licenses, fines, and forfeitures and the taxes on cigarets, amusements :and utili- ties. In addition to fixing the tax rate, the commission agreed to. purchase from the duPont interests all of block 34, consisting of 18 lots, and which is 'bounded on the north and south .by Fifth and Sixth Street and on the, east and west by Garrison and Park Avenues, as the location of the proposed new city hall, fire i station and jail, provided! building restrictions imposed some time back at the request of the Federal Housing Ad'minij'trat;ii' can be re- imoved ',, Officials of the St. Joe Paper Company stated yesterday that they , believed the restrictions can IIs waived without difficulty and are Snow awaiting word from Jackson- ville in regard to the matter. The commission also agreed to purchase about seven acres' of land east of the Centennial Building as the site for an athletic field and stadium. Cost of both pieces of property would be $5000. Jaycee State'President To Visit Port St Joe Club Wm. F. "Bill" Rolleston of Ma- rind-land, president of the Florida Junior Chamiber of Commerce, will pay a visit to the Port St. Joe club on the morning of January 6, ac- cording to Alton. Dendly, president of the Port St. Joe Junior Chamber of Commerce. Secretary Jake' Belin has made' all necessary arrangements for ,tf'e breakfast meeting and urges all members to rise early that morn- ing in order to be present. After the meeting here, Rolleston plans to attend a luncheon session with the Carraibelle Jaycees. .-----.----9 Year's Service, Averts Boot Camp The marines won't sent you to "boot" camp any more if you've had a year or more of military service. Veterans 'with a year's service in the army, navy or coast guard will be sent directly to marine barracks in Quantico, Va., with recruit train- ing 'waived. Home For Holidays P. B. Fairley and Wadn: Barrier, students at Florida State College, Tallahassee, are home to -spend the holidays with their parents. To Spend Holidays In Carolina Mr. and Mrs..R. M. Craig expect to leave today to spend the holidays in Greenville, S. C. rAETOTESAPR T OGL ONY LRD RDY EEBR1,14 Don't Use Electricity To Heat Home, Pleads Porter "Heat your home with oil or some other .fuel," sez Rich Porter of the Florida Power Corporation. (And that really should ibe good news to Jimmy Greer and Aubrey Tomlinson, who deliver kerosene by truck). Rich pointed out that the extensive use 02, electric heat- ere during cold anaps was playing heck with his local power setup and it may result in the overloading of transformers in various parts of the city,' causing them to burn up and - interrupt service to homes in that area. (Yeah, Alex Young, wnen 'he opened up his grocery store, threw The Star's transformer all out of kilter and caused us to lose a day's time.) Florida Power is in the middle of a huge expansion program which has been delayed due to continued shortage, of generating equipment and' other electrical apparatus. "The co-operation of every cus- i tomer in the conservation of elec- tricity, especially during the eve-! ning hours, will help prevent ai breakdown in the service to Port St. Joe which would be a serious inconvenience to them and their neighbors," Porter emphasized. . (IL Rich doesn-'t bring us around a duck pretty soon, we're going to quit giving him these free write- "ups that are put in his mouth by. the St. Petersburg office.) Remember Every Child (Continued from page 1) a little would help so much. We read in the newspapers of the larger cities where the. welfare associations have prepared a list of the neediest cases that have come to their attention, and help is solicited for these. Money and as- sistance is given, by rich and poor alike to help these unfortunates. WVhile we have no established welfare association in Port St. Joe, the Junior Chamber of Commerce will endeavor to give each kiddie a. stocking this Christmas, the Loyal Order of Moose is preparing baskets of food and toys and the various church societies will make up baskets. But with all of this, there will still be some one we know-*some child, -some man or woman--who may be overlooked and who, unless so-me outstle ame is received, will have a rather 'bar- ren, cheerless Christmas. Surely, we couldn't enjoy our Christmas as much if we failed: to share our much or little with others. Let's' make this an unselfish Christmas,. remembering the words of Him whose birthday we are. ob- serving when he said: "It is more 'blessed to give than to receive." Key Clubbers Continued from page 2) school problems and' selection of Pensacola as the site for the 1948 convention. At a banquet Tuesday evening, Judge C. I. Carey of St. Petersburg gave an inspirational talk, and im- mned-;ately afterward the governor's ball was held in honor of Ted Mar- tin, outgoing governor, andi gover- nor-elect David Henderson of Pen- r-acola. Not an Aristocrat Broccoli is no longer the aristo- cratic, high-priced luxury food of a few years ago. It is rich in vitamin A, calcium and iron, these food val- ues being found especially in the leaves but also present in the buds and stems. Cooked in an open pan long enough to get the stems ten- der, broccoli is an appetizing dish. Electricity for Indians The Yavapai Indians, who live on a 71-acre reservation just north of Prescott, Ariz., soon will have elec- tricity on their reservation. The Redmen, sitting in tribal council, voted to waive any damage to their lands resulting from the stringing of power lines to their homes. Prunes or Plums There are at least 2,000 varieties of plums, native to places as widely separated as Japan, Europe and the United States. Only a relatively small number of the known vari- eties find their way on the market. Cleaning Patent Leather A mixture of two-thirds vinegar and one-third water cleans patent leather. It then can be polished with' a soft cloth. It pays to advertise-try it! She Can't Trust Him.. paper had gone to press. Mrs. Davis Several weeks ago Mrs. H. C. Da- said she gave it to himn at 9 a. m. vis hopped all over, us because we Now she brings in her stories her- didn't have a news item in The self. Star which she had sent down by --- her husband. He brought .it in at Every ads carries a message- 2:3.0 Thursday afternoon after the a message that will save money. sa something about the h Cost of iving? S'// .i2' b5R#A 3S -lb:--85t .,~ 2 L --Of4~ op/ ~(4fee 25 '. ' -Fib>-45 S294 --D--oz.-- 944 Unhappily, however, the price of everything we buy has increased beyond what might be called "inflationary trends." For instance, since 1939 the price of fuel oil has increased 167% poles are UP 111%, copper wire UP 110% and the price of other necessary materials and wages of our 1,100 employees have gone UP, too. Some way must be found to cover a por-. tion, at least, of today's inflated cost of serv- ing you and we promise that we shall al- ways keep electric rates as low as possible, consistent with good business judgment. R ; member the "good old days" before Hit- lcr overran Europe and the Japs made their fatal mistake at Pearl Harbor? Then a dollar was really important money "grocery-wise" . but not so today. In 1939 the average revenue from our residential customers was 4.67 cents per kilowatt hour .. today that price has been REDUCED 31% and we receive only 3.20 cents per kilowatt hour. Yes, electricity is about the ONLY item in the family budget that hasn't gone up in price . for this company has a long-time record of VOLUNTARILY reducing the cost of electri- city whenever business conditions permitted it. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION C~--lrsac~a ----~---- -- .-~-'*~-'-m'"Y~"r~--- ~-~~~M~I r PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 !EG!C FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE HAT OF THE MONTH- by You'll start the new year right with this appealing hat ...chosen by John Robert Powers and a special committee of his models Charge Accounts Invited. $795 PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA HALF SIZE HOLIDAY DRESS FINE-TUCKiD AND PLEATED ' 1 j0ewe iolr6s M 9- Duplex rayon Cynmra 6 Bur-Mil fabric The charm of its jewel- sparked tucked yoke is re- peated in skirt tuckings that release a graceful sun- burst, of pleats. The slen- derizing beauty of fit is unmistakably Mynette! Jet black,o topaz, emerald, ruby; sizes 14Y to 243. Excellent value! $14.75 STYLE 1602 BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE "PAY CASH AND PAY LESS!" PHONE 252 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. 10 YEARS AGO From the Files of The Star Lower Fire Insurance Rate Assured One thousand, feet of 21/2-inch fire hose purdhaised by the city a montil ago has. arrived and is now iepoiinug in the LaFrance truck re- cently purchased. W\he.n the fire si, en is installed, a new insurance *-ating will be made by the board of fire underwriters, which should result in a saving of several thou- san. 1 dollars yearly to owners of dwellings and business structure's in Port St. 3o.. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Toni Parker are an- .louncing the birth of 'a daughter a:1 Mon-Tay, Decemnber 6, 1937. Wedding To Be Christmas Day Mir. andl Mrs. T. H. Stone an- nounce the engaagemcnt and, ap- proaching marriage of thetr daugh- -or Ola, to Mr. Opal Grice Ogburn o' Port St. Joe. The wedding is to take place December 25. Apalachicola Woman Killed By Son Mrs. Frances Bloodworth, wife of A.n Apalactlicola police officer, was ,.tlled last Friday afternoon by a .,uilet nro~ a revolver in the hands of he11 4-year-old son, Dickey, who had' taken his father's revolver L'om a dresser drawer. His mother Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. I'm dreaming of a bright Chritmnas... and here are some of the ideas I've dreamed up to'brighten up holiday dishes. , Try them on your table... and your Chri4,mias dinner will be a compliment-winner! ARCTIC APPETITE-AROUSER AS JOLLY AS HOLLY Make your relish tray gay by d eco- Beets are the berries when served rating it with a pert penguin made on a wreath of siAnach and fixed of a hard-boiled egg. For his like this: To iiuio from a #2 can wings, cut a ripe olive in half ofA&P'.AIONA-CUTBEETS, add lengthwise and, with t.oothpicks, enough. wvatr to make % cup. attach one ha!f to Combinel tbgp.corastarch,3tbsps. each side of egg. sugar anrid tsp. salt. Add beet V//" To make hi' head, liquid, 4 capr -Iineg~r and 4 whole center a whole cloves. Rail!gently about hr. ripe olive on ,a Just Lbefore ..vhi. av. b.ts and toothpick; stick 2 thbeps. b .u--r. Heeat tooroughly. one' end into top Serves 4. of egg, and on the other end fasten .a piece of raw carrot for a beak. SANTA CLAUS SALAD After cutting a slice off bottom of To turn a canned pear half into egg, perch it on a mound of nowy a ringer f Claus, tintit cottage cheese, and surround withh ith red e oior t r ad use cove SULTANA OLIVES. They're the r c olo.i moanhid o cherry kind of relishes everyone relishes! for eyes. ha a maraschii po cherryn- Buy a jar at your A&P! to for the moth. i opiien- wit .- ast rbag STAR OF THE SEASON andfiuted tube. 'You'll take the Yule cake if you make hair and top off your Xmas dinner with a whiskers oi soft- f JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE enederA'.heese. n from the A&P. Garnished with Add a jaunty cap green-tinted hard sauce and holly, of p imeritn topped with a ball of this rich, luscious cake is a festive cream cheese, and serve with favorite that's sure to click with ANN P1AGE MAYONNAISE St. Nick and all his helpers. from th- A&P. was s hot when she was taking the weapon from her son's hands, he apparently squeezing the trigger. Power Co. Asks City Deiay Action At a special -galled meeting of the city commission last Friday, P. C. Coomlbs, district manager for the Florida Power Corporation, re- quested that the commission delay action in regard to taking over the electric system in the. city until af- ter January 1, so that their presi- dent could take the matter up with the board, of directors in New York. Form Volunteer Fire Company A volunteer 'fire enpmpany was. or- ganized last Friday at a meeting held in the city hall and the follow- ing olificers elected: Troy Jones, chief; Ed. Pridgeon and B. A. Pridgeon, assistant chiefs; Harold Palmer, secretary- treasurer; Wi!- bur Wells, Bob Hale-y, Bill Galt and Palmer, nozzlemien; B. W. Bells Jr., M. K. Hurl'but, B. Owens and J. L. S'harit, hosemen; H. Geddie, R. Mahon and Britt, drivers; B. F. Daughtry, Stet Pridgeon, Roberts and Stokes, laddermen; Pat O'Day and Gatlin, water pressure; Sim- mons, R. Childers and Alcorn, hy- drants; M. P. Tomlinson, axe; C. G. Costin and George Tapper, safety men. Gulf Hardware In New Home The Gulf Hardiware and Supply Company-this week completed mov- ing from their former location at the corner of Third Avenue, and Third, Streot into their new quar- ters in the handsome store build- ing adjoining Thomnpson's Bakery. Watson States Sales Tax Unconstitutional Speaking before the Clearwater Merchants Association last week, It.orney General Tom Watson told members o' the. organization' that the cost of. state government can be cut 25 per cent and that a sale's tax. "is unnecessary and unconsti- tutional." "The men in our legislative branch of government whio think in terms of tax reduction are as scarce as hens's teeth," said Watson (pouring it on thick, since Ire's a candidate for governor), "The cost of our 'state govern- Sment has climbed from $50,000,000 in 1926 to $126,000,000 in 1946. In- istead of trying to find things to i tax, our government leaders should I try to relieve the tax burden. Taxes can be cut now. The war is over, i asd the war emergency has done passed." It pays to advertise try it! The Tattlet' Published Weekly By BOYL.ES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" Vol. II Friday, December 19, 1947 No. 20 CHRISTMAS BELLS RING FOR LATE SHOPPERS AT BOYLES. DEAR SHOPPERS: here by the. time you read this. Rush orders, telegrams and tele- These were bought before the price phone calls are ringing the bells increase and cost little more than here for the best COfristmas we've! regular muslin, sheets. You give ever known. Late shoppers are the finest when you give Percale finding gifts they've been looking Sheets and Cases try it! for for months and months. A cus- tomer wanted. a beautiful Skinner's Girls looking for Graham Harvey Satin Daniel Green bedroom shoe will find him here after school and that was on order thut not In the on Saturdays. Graham wants to store a)out that time Cat's learn the dry goods, business . Sylvester Transfer Co. drove up at we'll give him the works! our back door. and there it was! AA ;to.. B widths. Six lovely MY- Mrs. P. B. Fairley helped us out NEETTE Crepe Dresses in half sizes Saturday and Monday now, 'came at' the same time (iMother I with young P. B. home for the holi- -will be thrilled with one of th-se) ;days, she's in the kitchen most of along with a big Christmas box the time! Understand P. B. will filled with Quilted and Chenille study dentistry and hel'll probably Robes at $7.95 and' $8.95. We were exercise his teeth freely while at thrilled you'll be thrilled! 'home! Mayor Sharit will assist in an effort to provide Christmas lights for Reid Avenue next year. Mer- chants, start start planning now to make St. Joe a bright Christmas Shopping Center next year (we've been asleep!) We're mailing packages for cus- tomers to Houston, Te.xas, Albu- querque, N. M., and Austin, Texas . We'll wrap and mail your pack- age, too! If you're worrying, puzzled, un- decidedi "nervoused up" or all out of sorts about this here painful Christmas Shopping S'ee Us .. we've got what it takes to make. you happy again and to enjoy thv- best Christmas you've ever known. We've recently improved our change service with two brand new National Cash Register's that need a good workout to run smooth. . They'll ring more Christmas Bells for both of us (you and me, too:) Yours With Christmas Bells, R. GLENN BOYLES. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 THE.STAS,..PQRT !T..JO.E,,-G.LF, COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE We mention briefly other new ar- rivals that came in the. nick of time! Tot's Coat, Hat and Leg- ging Sets, size 1 to 3. Lux- urious Chenille Bathroom Sets. . The most gorgeous Chenille Bed- spreads we've had yet. .... Bright, colorful Knit Caps for boys and girls. A surprise shipment of Van Heuse-n Shirts in solid col- ors and woven stripes Black Leather Ballet Slippers. 25 dozen Famous Mojud Nylon Hose. . Solid color Suede Sport Shirts for men and boys (only $2.50 and $2.95). "Strictly Private" all-leather Change Purses in green and red for misses and women (only $2.50). Sweaters for in- fants, ebildren and girls the citlct styles and best values we've had yet! Youthful, attractive styles in Cotton Dresses of SO- sqouire cloth .. you'll be sur- nisedl how inexpensive! oan K v:-'',i Tailored Cotton Blouses with long sleeves and not last. not least "A:temis Slips"! A bill in the mail for Percale Sheets and Pillow Cases that'll be b~i~i~ PAEFU H TR OTS.JE UFCONY LRD RDY EEBR1,14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Ent.red, :a- w-n(o-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Pos-toffice., Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months ....... $1.00 -'Is Telephone 51 }3- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount receiWed for such advertisement. The spoken vord is given scant attention: the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The .spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country ---. Right or Wrong FORCE OF UMT LOGIC Universal Military Training, although not yet the law of the land, already is piling up one championship record. That is its record of the conversion of open minds. Its almost 100 per cent. The editor of The Star has long been an ad- vocate of universal military training, and in- dividuals and groups alike who take thle time and trouble to make a fair study of UMT end up by accepting its logic. That doesn't mean they come up infatuated with it. They may not like it. Nobody loves UMT, not even its fore- most advocate, the Amnerican Legion. But everybody is sold on UMT who gives it an hon- est hearing. The selling is on its necessity and advisability as a national protection mea- sure in an age of scientific warfare. Honest scrutiny of UMT brings conviction. that this is the most practical, least expensive and most democratic preparedness plan for future national security that has yet been pro- posed. The postwar military planning committee of the house went into its study of UMT cold, come up after a three-year research with a unanimous recommendation to congress for the adoption of this training program. The president's advisory commission on universal training was divided on UMT when it began ' its study. It reported unanimously in favor of UMT. The same was true of the house com- mittee on the armed services, which reported favorably, without a dissenting vote. on the Tow, bill, the only UMT legislation now be- lore the 80th congress. Members of congress face a solemn respon- No Duck Stamp Needed To Hunt Doves In State A 'state hunting license is the only permit needed to hunt doves in Florida, says Ben Morgan of the state game and fresh water J'isl ccmnmissdion. Ben sez that .because both doves and ducks are migratory birds and under federal juristdictioni. many dove hunters be-lieve it is necessary to have a federal duck stamp. "That is incorrect," quoth Ben to The Star via mimeograph out of Tallahassee, "duck stamps are necessary for hunting waterfowl only-naturally, this does not in- cide game wardens. Although dove are- migratory birds, a state 0or county hunting license is the. only elrmit necessary." abilityy in regard to UMT. They should indi- vitdually take time out to. study the measure. If every senator and every congressman ex- po.nse himself to the logic of UMNT between now and the time it comes up for action, there will be few votes cast against this vital se- curity program. BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS The continued sale of Christmas Seals lmeanl thie waging of incessant warfare against the terrible .scot-ure of tuberculosis. lvery buyer 01 these seals. iIn (ull counllty is making a defi- nite colltribultion to a great cause. bome of tie mollOy that is given locally maay mean S111 sav\lng of hulitlman lives in Port St. Joe. .\t tlhiL time of thile year, when everybody is looking forward to the happy season of the year. it should be easy to make a purchase tilat is so cionIvient and so useful. If you have not already bought your (. I ..... Seals for 1947, drop a letter to Harry Saunders, enclose a dollar or more, and you will get them back by return mail. The work of the organization that promotes the sale of Christmas Seals throughout the United States is made possible by the me : and women who conduct the sales campaign and those who carry out the routine but im- portant battle against the disease which has threatened mankind for untold years. You can give material expression of your appreciation of their efforts by making a pur- chase of Christmas Seals at this Christmas time, with the knowledge that you are par- ticipating in a worthy campaign. ,Ve've got a bone to pick with somebody; we haven't the faintest idea who it could be. Once or twice a week The Star phone rings, and by the time we've stopped the press or put down the handful of type we had been dis- tributing and get up to the desk. the operator tells us "the party has hung up." Please re- member, folks, we're a one-mall shop here, andl unlike a lot of.business men we know here in town, we don't sit by the phone with our foot cocked up Oni the desk. So, if you're rino-in - us, give us 'time to stop what we're doing and get to the phone-otherwise you waste a few precious minutes of our time (and if you could hear what we,say, you're ears probably would burn for a week). it's too late now to tell you folks to "shop early." but at least we can suggest that you don't wait until Christmas Eve to do it. Making Steel Rails The original process of making steel rails was invented by Sir ,Hen- ry Bessemer, England, and perfect- ed by A. L. Holley, an American. Sir Henry was a gunsmith before making steel rails. He obtained his original patents in 1855. Holley bought the Bessemer patents in 1863 and had his improved process pat- ented in 1865. Their inventions pro- duced a steel rail with a life several times greater than that of iron rail. The open-hearth process, developed by William and Frederick Siemens of Germany and improved by Sam- uel T. Wellman, an American, has largely replaced the Bessemer and Holley processes. Damaged Farm Land About 50 million acres of once good cropland in the United States have been ruined by erosion, and another 50 million acres have been badly damaged. the world's daily newspaper- - THE CHRISIIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. You will find yourself one of the best-informed persons in your community on world affairs when you read this world-wide doily newspaper regularly. You will gain fresh, new viewpoints, a fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news--PLUS help from its exclusive features on homemaking, educa- tion, business, theater, music, radio, sports. Subscribe now to I- - this special o "get- The Chrsthon Science Publishing Society PB-5" acquainted" -offer One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Moss., U. S. A. 1| month for $1 I Enclosed is $1, for which please send me The Christian U. S. funds) I SciencaMonitor for one month. City ...... .............. Zone_...._ State .......... Jimmy Carr Is Visitor James C. (Jinmmy to you) Car' of St. Petersburg spent the week-end -here visiting with his brother and wiife, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Carr, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Owens. More Life Insurance American families this year are putting 40 per cent more into pur- chase and maintenance of their fam- ily protection through life insurance than they did in 1941. We Have Just Received a Fine Line of * SMALL, LEATHER * ITEMS * Billfolds, Change Purses, * Men's Belts, Sam Browne : Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, * Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits * * and Key Rings, Suitcase Handles, Truck Drivers' Billfolds, Skate Straps. * * We Also Stock a Full Line ot All Types of Shoe Polishes # THE LEADER SHOE SHOP We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, * SAttend Their Dyeing and Save Their Soles 'e **** **** **! Small Hunter Gets Small Game It pays to advertise-try it! You all know Andy Owens. Who doesn't? Well. seems -wndy went hunting in Salters Creek a couple As Near As Your or times (by the way, just where is Salters Creek) and brought back a Telephone 70-pound deer and a 6-pound turkey. * Every ads carries a message- a message that will. save money. A Good Doctor Is |, Only Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION ! Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We com- pound them exactly as your doc- tor orders, using only the best and purest drugs. Carver Drug Co. Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Fla. PHONE 326 -for- AMBULANCE SERVICE Comforter Funeral Home 601 LONG AVENUE PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Seivice FOR GUARANTEED Fresh Yard Eggs Fresh Dressed Chickens Fresh Vegetables, Groceries and Meats SALT WATER FISH DAILY RICH'S CURB MARKET Phone 306 Port St. Joe, Fla. AA&A&AAL A. & A.A A &A.& A& A. A& A & A A, A.L& ww v v w w v vw v Y.VV, * SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS * KEMTONE The Miracle Wall Finish PURE LINSEED OIL FURNITURE POLISH * We Contract Painting (Interior and Exterior) and All Types of Construction * LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE i Gilbert Construction & Supply Co. * Adjoining Gene's Beauty Salon Fourth Street PHONE 335 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. tA A. A. A A. A A A A A A A. A. A. A. A. A.A. A.^ ~~wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww' wvvwvvvvv McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Dodge and Plymouth Phone 129 'I I Lsteii to --ine, Lr.ri5Eliji SCieiice Mcnitor VIEWS Me News" every Tuesday right over the American Sojdca5tin,,i Covjon ~B)O~~QO~ -- - ------- --~~ '~' -b t~L%~Y~ ~~a~~~~YI~~~~~~P~P lur re Is~a~ens I- --C-~4 I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 PAGE FOUR I"IVV, w w r AA 61A6A6A FRIDAY.I DEEME 19 97TESAPR T O, UI ONY LRD AEFV Egg Laying Carp A five-pound female carp may lay as many as a half million eggs. WhatGOES INTO A PRESCRIPTION? T HE ingredients your doctor orders, of course; but also there goes the scientific knowl- edge and skill of experience of our expert pharmacists. That's why you may bring prescriptions to us with confidence. Have your prescription com- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accredited School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any .PHONE 5 Doctor's Prescription PORT ST. JOE Make your car RIDE QUIETER TRAOEMARK UNDERSEAL BRAND RUBBERIZED PROTECTIVE COATING absorbs underbody squeaks and rattles ... shuts out rust Most car noise comes from underneath Where rust and corrosion rot fenders, make cars noisy before their time. Protect your car now with "UNDERSEAL." the amaz- ing new sprayed-on coating that protects against rust and wear,:-,muffles under- body noises with a Y inch thick "hide." Keeps any car new and quiet-riding longer. It's guaranteed to protect fer the life of your car. ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY S a I e s-FORD-Service PHONE 37 Port St. Joe Want to Help a Baby? SA----. -' -"' .. Sounds fantastic to ash this question in humanity-loving America. Well, that's exactly what you are doing for this ten month old victim of malnutrition in hunl gry Vienna, Austria, when you observe meatless Tuesday and eggless Thurs day. There are thousands of similar youngsters all over western Europe of e. crv race and creed who need your urgent cooperation now to "Save Wheat I, "- !:; sis-ov the Peace." Reduce Christmas Hazards With Care To avoid tragic Christmas acci- dents in the home, the Fire Protec- tion institute issues these precau- tionary tips: -Use a flame-proof compound to spray wreaths and other pine deco- rations. -Use materials marked flame- proof for tree trimmings and home decorations if they are obtainable. -Inspect Christmas tree lights, and repi'ir frayed wires or loose sockets. -Never leave Christmas lights burning unless someone is around. -Never unwrap gifts near an open fire or flickering flame. Dis- pose of paper and other inflam- mable wrappings immediately. Mrs. Morris Going To Ft. Myers ,Mrs. T. V. Morris writes us from Enmory University Hospital at At lanta, Ga., that she expects .to leave the hospital today for the Franklir Arms hot-l at Fort Myers. where she will remain until warm wea their comes again to the north. She state, that MIiss Fay Morris will be with her at Fort Myers until Jaiu ary 1, when 'she will return to thi university at Atlanta to resume he: nursing studies at Emory: Material in Telephone Forty-eight different materials are required to produce a. single tele- phone set. CASH LOANS for Fall Needs! Fix up the home, buy coal or meet unexpected expenses. PROMPT COURTEOUS CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida FIXTURES WIRING REPAIR Now Located at Highland View SShe's Wise! | .' B Joe's m s. A' i JOHNN WALKER WHITE HORSE TEH E .-' i-.e' 8 .,< .. , -5 Are you wise to the fact that LeHardy's | Bar has St. Joe's biggest and most com- BLACK and WHITE RED and BLACK VAT 69 SBOTURBONS SOLD GRANDAD EARLY TIMES WALKER'S BARCLAY'S BROOK HILL OLD FORESTER OLD CROW OLD TAYLOR ANCIENT AGE I. W. HARPER OLD CHARTER OLD HICKORY C, ANADIAN SEAGRAM'S V. 0. CANADIAN CLUB DUNBAR'S j BLENDED WHISKIES - SSEAGRAM'S SUNNYBROOK PM DeLUXE SCHENLEY'S CORBY'S FOUR ROSES CARSTAIRS HUNTER IMPERIAL THREE FEATHERS PAUL JONES HILL AND HILL LORD CALVERT CALVERT'S FLEISCHMANN'S MOUNT VERNON KING'S LANSDOWNE PARK & TILFORD HALLER'S KINSEY S GALLAGHER BURTON'S CREAM OF KENTUCKY AND Quart 21-Year-Old Imported $1 0O Portuguese Port Wine .... Only 9 I S(WHILE IT LASTS !) |LeHARDY'S BAR PAGE FIVE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GUVF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 PHONE 310-J PAGE SIX TI-i: STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947, I Social Activities S Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 MRS. BOYLES HOSTESS MRS. W. C. PRIDGEON HOSTESS TO WESLEYAN GUILD TO BAPTIST CIRCLE NO. ONE Members of the We'sleyan Gulid Circle One. of the Baptist W. M. met Thursday night of last week U. met Monday with Mrs. W. C. at the home of Mrs. Glenn Boyles Pridgeon at her home on Monu- and the following interesting pro- ment Avenue. The meeting was gram .was enjoyed: Devotional by opened by the program chairman, Miss Netta Niblack; a poem by Mrs. E. C. Cason, who read. the Miss Mary Lee. Henry; a song by Christmas Story and. a poem, both Miss Anne George, and a story, of whicAh were greatly enjoyed. "The Other Wise Man," by Miss Business of the circle was trans- Margaret Smith. acted, after which the members ex- The hostess sei'ved a salad course changed- gifts. The dining table with cake and coffee to Mesdames held a tiny Christmas tree which Loyd Tubb, Harold Powell, Verna was surrounded ,by the attractively Smith, No'bie, Stone, T. A. Huggins, wrapped packages. A. S. Chason, Minnie Evans,.T. S. The hostess served open-faced Singletary and A. L. Boawinan, the sandwiches, fruitcake and cooree to Misses Mary Lee Henry, Margaret the 11 members present. Smith, Netta Niblack, Sara Kelly, The January meeting will be at Bertha Drexel, Anne George, Bar- the home of Mrs.,.W. ,H. Howell. bara Boyles and Glenna Boyies and f . Curtis Tubb. .. Visiting In Mississippi a.. S. at Mrs. G. S. Croxton left Wednes- METHODIST CHURCH day for Fayette, Miss., to visit he.r Lo d W_ T bb- P ftrir dlauahte* n d on-in-law Mr- and BAPTIST W. M. U.-CIRCLE TWO MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED CATHOLIC SERVICES MEETS WITH MRS. DAUGHTRY Mr. and Mrs. John McMullon of Mass is held at St. Joseph's Circle Two of the Baptist W. M. this city announce the marriage of Chapel the first Sunday of each U. met Monday afternoon with Mrs. their daughter, Mildred, to Carl month at 8 a. m. Second third and W. J. Daughtry at her home on Wood, also of this city. The marri- fourth Sundays at 10:15 a. m. Fourth Street. The devotional was age was ,performed at Thomasville, N 0 T I C E given by Mrs. Daughtry from the Ga., on Decemlber 13. If you are reading or have ever 113th chapter of Psalms. t t t read Unity literature, kindly call At the conclusion of the brief ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH either 284-W or 200-J. 1-2* 'business session, the hostess served Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor I ...... ...... cookies and coca-colas to the ten 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. DR. JOS. B. SPEAR members present. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. The circle meeting in January 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. OPTOMETRIST will be with Mrs. W. I. Carden. a* t APALACHICOLA, FLA. t V PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. Danael, Pastor Eyes Examined Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Lenses Duplicated 9:45 a., m.-Bible school for all. Preaching at 11 a. m. every first Glasses Fitted 10:55 a. m.-Morning worship. and third Sunday. ..4 7:30-Evening worship. " 6:25-Baptist Training Union .. ,. OF Prayer service, Wednesday eve- WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES nings at 7:30 o'clock. 7 o c. Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal ,. .. ta Sunnybrook Hill and H.ill Schenley's Reserve KENNEY'S MILL BAPTIST Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding V. B. Holland, Pastor Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special 10:00 a. m.-S-unday school. Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 11:00 a. m.-Preaching service. 6:45 p. m.-B. T. U.. St. Joe Liquor Store 8:00 p. m.-Preaching service. St. Joe Bar U l* Jo v Iqurl ovlr Prayermeeting Tuesday night at PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE,FLA. 8 o'clock. W. M. U. meets Wednes- days .t 3 p.m. '_ .. _ 9:45 a. m.-Church school. Mrs. Randolph Noble. She expects 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship, to be away until some time next 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. month. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship.t I 1. Prayer service Wednesday eve- Home for Holidays I ning at 7:00. Choir practice Wed- Lanell "Hoot" Rowan, a student nesday evening at 7:30. at Floriida State College, Tallahas- Bayview-Worship each Sunday see, is spending the holiday vaca- morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church tion with his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. High Quaity Merchandise is still difficult to obtain in unlimited quantities school following worship service. F. M. Rowan. and is still allocated by the manufacturers. We have a limited quantity of "HIGH QUALITY" Gift .Merchanfidise economically priced. We invite you to visit our Rexall Drug Stoie early so that you may enjoy select- S_|ing your gifts before our supply in some items is exhausted. PERFUM E SETS A* Men's Shavin BLushes, H...... a rus es, Y.ardiey's, Coty's, Eliza Shav ng"Lts iors, beth Arden, Evening I1 Travel Sets, Fountain Paris, DuBarry's, Tussy. es, .gar..t ipes, Cgae ghters, Al1make a "SpecCial" B' E. tfi ds L. igtr Some extra money at Christmas certainly comes in cts, Waches, LOhons handy. Why not plan NOW to have it rext Christmas. AENTH'E W.OR' i ca ", et.. HTWHMOST I 41VENTlE RACE-5 HOW s At .25.00 A Christmas Club account is one of the simplest and FQUIp A NEW WAY OF easiest ways to have extra money next Christmas. iSAYINGl "'MERRY CHRIST- ic hons, Er i hadyWyotpln NO tMAS." MAYBE IT'$ JU$ST AS e , WHEN WELL! HeWs, T5iNt os J0gs, Open a Christmas Savings Club account this week and IN ANY EVENT, WE CAN :rO tF- les, Cory make your payments, every week for that extra money PHRASE NO BETTER MES- Ccffee Macers," Hsh- next Christmas. ESAGE FOR ,THIS JOYOUS I s, etc. SEASON .THAN THAT AN- WHERE CO EN wisH. $1.39 to $10.00 A number of people have talked to us about' having a Christmas Savings Club. We feel that there are many Parker "51" Pen and Hair Brushes, Clothes others who would like to have such an account if it .. he*r T Br sh were available, so we are starting one this year for Pencil Sets, Shaeffer Brushes, Nail Brushes the first time and we will have three types of accounts I ; Pen and. Pencil Sets. by Prophylactic of LU- to choose from: CITE in an assortment of tChsm Stationery-the 'Write colors. A gift that will be $12.50 Club-25c per week for 50 weeks Gift' greatly appreciated. $25.00 Club-5Q0c per week for 50 weeks 39c to $28.50 $1.00 to $12.50 $50.00 Club-$1 per week for 50 weeks No withdrawals, of course, are allowed during the WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES -:- GALE'S CHOCOLATES year, but next Deccmber a check for the amount paid in will be delivered to you. So why not try this easy RUSSELL McPHAIL CHOCOLATES -:- CHOCOLATE way to save and take out one or more accounts while COVERED CHERRIES -:- AH In Attractive Gift Packages it is fresh in your mi nd. FLORIDA BANK t- ''iiKr'S e ruog t0tt |e AT PORT ST. JOE |,| Phne 5 S Member of the Florida National Group ". "The REXALL Store" Port St. Joe Phone 50 $50.0 Cub- I er eekfor50 eek FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947, PAGE SIX TX- TAFZ PORT ST. jOE, GULF COUNTY, L-.D RIDA. DECEMBE 19. 197TESAPR T OGUFCUTFOIAPG EE Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 METHODIST SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY ENJOYED ELECTS NEW OFFICERS BY BUSINESS WOMEN'S CIRCLE The "Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service met Monday afternoon at the church with the president, Mrs. Charles Brown, pre- siding. Mrs. Ralph Swatts was in change. of the devotional and ga-ve the spiritual life talk. Christmas carols were sung, 'with. Mrs. Brown at the pianb. New officers for the coming year were announced as follows: Mrs. Roy Gaskin, president; Mrs. J. C. Laney, vice-president; Mrs. Wat- son Smith, corresponding secre.- tary; Mrs. W. T. Mosely, recording secretary; Mrs. D. B. Lay, treas- urer. Committee chairmen named were: Mrs. G. A. Patton, spiritual life; Mrs. J. L. Sharit, Christian so- cial relations and church activi- ties; Mrs. R. W. Smith, mission study; Ms'. Gus Creech., stu'enL work; Mrs. G. C. Adkins, supplies: Mrs. J. L. Temiiple, literature and publications; Mrs. H, C. Davis, publicity. Plans were made for helping the local needy families at Christmas and, for sending a donation to the Mount Vernon Community House at Mount Vernon, Ala. Circle chairmen for the new year are: Ruth Lawrence, Mrs. George Adkins, Mrs. Ed, Ramsey, co-chair- man; Mary Vic Mauck, Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Mrs. Charles. Brown, co- chairman; Susie. Peach Foster, Mrs. Walter Duren, Mrs. H. C. Davis, co-chairman. MRS. MITCHELL HOSTESS TO PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY ,The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian Church met Monday afte-- noon with Mrs. Tom Mitchell at her home on McClellan Avenue. Due to illness of he president, Mrs. R. D. Prows, who was unable to. be. pres- ent, Mrs. H. L. McKinnon had charge of tne, meeting which was opened by Mrs. Phonzo Gilbert reading the second chapter of Luke. An interesting Christmas pro- gram was rendered, Mrs. McKin- non telling the Christmas Story, Mrs. W. A. Lewis. giving a poem and all joining in singing Christmas carols. Gifts were then exchanged, after which the hostess served f very pretty and! tasty congealed Christmas salad with cookies and coffee to Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. McKinnon,- Mrs. James Greer and Miss Eva. DanieL BAPTIST CIRCLE FOUR MET MONDAY WITH MRS. NICHOLS Circle Four of the Baptist W. M. U. met Monday with Mrs. W. 0. Nichols at her home on Woodward Avenue. A beautifully lighted tree and well-filled stockings hanging at the fireside created a Christmasy atmosphere in the living room where the guests ,were entertained. Mrs. Milton Chafin brought the Christmas Story from Matthew and Mrs. Nichols told of "The. World's People Today," Matt. 6:9-10. Mrs. Ralph Nance gave a talk on "For All People." and Mrs. G. W. Cooper ,.poke on "To All People." After a brief ,business session the hostess served, attractive sand- wiches cut to resemble Christmas trees, holiday cup cakes and Rua- sian tea to those present. W4 .St OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Little Miss Mary Ann Pitts cele- brated her fifth birthday Monday with a birthday party at the hornme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pitts. In spite, of the rainy weather a houseful of small guests were on hand for the occasion. Games were ,enjoyed, 'as were the birthday cake and: ice cream served the guests. 'The honoree was the recipient of many lovely gifts. A lovely Christmas party was en- joyerl Monday evening by the Bap- tist Business Women's Circle at the home of Mrs. Lillian McNair at her home, on Third Street. The living room was beautifully decorated with youpon, yule logs and candles an.d on a long table a cleverly ar- ranged snow scene delighted the guests. Bowls of candies, mints and salted nuts were placed about the room. The Christmas Story was read by Miss Vonnye Heath, appropriate games were directed by Mrs. Mc- Nair and, Mrs. K. S. Halbert, and carols were sung by the group. After small gifts Iwere distributed, refreshments of amibrosia, fruitcake and coffee were enjoyed by Mrs. J. H. Barr, Mrs. W. A. Biggart, Mrs. L. J. Keels, Mrs. J. T. Simpson, Miss Calista Hatcher of Jackson- ville, Miss Mildred Watkins, Miss Betty Sue Watts, Miss Jewel Mc- Mullen, Miss Vonnye Heath, Miss Sophia Da'vis, Miss Alma Baggett, Mrs. W. B. Ferr'll, Mrs. Halbert and Mrs. MoNair. t at- BRIDAL SHOWER HONORS MRS. HERSCHEL ANDERSON iMr. J. Foyal Pitts -nd. Mrs. Cliff Stripling were joint hostesses Tues- d'ay afternoon of -last week at a bridal s'nower honoring Mrs. Her- schel Lee, Anderson (nee Nadine Davis). A number of gaines .were enjoyed after which the many lovely gifts, were presented to the honoree. The hostesses served angel cake and coffee to the guests and each was presented wi it-a tiny-ocorsage as a memento of the' occasion. Mrs. Anderson will join her hus- band, at Camp Hood-, Texas, the lat- ter part of January. CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT KENNEY MILL CHURCH Pastor W. B. Holland, announces that a special service will be held Christmas night at 7:30 at the Ken- ney Mill Baptist Church and that he will preach on the birth of Christ. He extend's a cordial invi- tation to everyone to attend. ' HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pyle of this city are the proud parents of a daughter, Polly Sue, born Thurs- day, Decemlber 4. Mr. and Mrs.. James L. Fuller of Port St. Joe are announcing th'e. birth of a son, Maurice Ediward, born Sunday, Decemiber 7. Mr. and Mrs.. R. F. Allred' of this city announce the 'birth of a daugh- ter, Mary Lou, born Tuesday, De- cem ber 9. ,Mr. and Mrs. T. Waldo iavis ar'e announcing the birth of a daughter on Tuesday. December 9. The little lady has bean named Cheryl Jade. IMr. and Mrs. J. F. Cook of Ap- alachicola announce the birth of a daughter on Decemibehr 10. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Sadler announce the birth o.f a son, An- drew DeLeon, on December 16. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar R. Raffield of Port St. Joe announce the birth of a son, Jackliee Ray, on Tuesday, December 16. (All births occurred at the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital) REBECCA CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. DON BIRATH The Rebecca Circle of the Bap- tist W. M. U. met Monday with Mrs. Don Birath, with MIs.. Chas. Crawfordi presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. D. Brigiman. The devotional was taken from the second chapter of Luke and Mrs. L. J. Keels then led the group in prayer. An. interesting program CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS FLOWERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT! FAN'S FLOWERS Floral Arrangments for Every Occasion PHONE 246 WE DELIVER -- *- ~ W w % "- e. ^ "^ THE PERFECT GIFT FOR HER , The final touch of luxury for HER Christmas. . ,> A pair of smartly styled Daniel Green Slippers. A AA' to B'. Daniel Green uses Skinner'sfamous rayon satin aed the American Pelt Company'sfine wool felts BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE "Pay Cash Pay Less" PHONE 252 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. was presented 'by Mrs. James Hor- ton. Mrs. Birath .gave a talk, "We2-- come Home, Esperanza," andri Mrs. Horton .spoke on "Youth In Home Missions." Business matters were discussed and settled, following which gifts w i"re exchanged and the hostess served delicious apple pie and cof- fee to her guests. Famous Philanthropist i Continued from page 1) on world tour." The Jaycees have completed all arrangements and will erect a big tree on the vacant lot across from the Florida: Power Corporation of- fices near Young's Grocery. Santa Claus will present to de- serving boys and girls approxi- mately 1200 Christmas stocking- filled, with fruits, candies and toys. The high school band and glee club will be on hand to play and sing Christmas carols 'before Santa puts in his appearance. The Jaycees will ask the city commission for permission to rope off Reid Avenue' from Fourth to Fifth Streets so kiddies receiving * -Port Theatre' * A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. * * * THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. * CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIMES FRIDAY SANDERS Also --- NEWS and CARTOON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FEATURE NO. 1 - A cou/MA InaIO - FEATURE NO. 2- AnmtDEKKER-Catherne CRAIG Plus - Chapter 11 of Serial "SON OF ZORRO" SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 Thrills. Also - CARTOON and SPORT MONDAY and TUESDAY December 22 and 23 Also----- NEWS and MUSICAL ** -4$ **0*A**4*0& WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24 K ..RKIIMON Sam REID BRUCE BENNETT in- Wild Bill Hickok Plus - Chapter 2 of Serial 'THE VIGILANTE' THURSDAY ONLY CHRISTMAS DAY - "The Unfinished Dance" OUR APOLOGIES - Due to circumstances beyond our control we were unable to present the Louis Wol- cott Fight Pictures as adver- tised for last Wednesday .... For this we are sorry! How- ever, we have been able to secure another date for these fight pictures and the Louis- Wclcot fight will be shown on Wednesday, December 31 (definitely!) a .. El* a.a ...uuaum- Santa's bountiful gifts can partici- pate in typical Yuletide spirit with- out fear of traffic hazards. Following Christmais festivities for the tots downtown, Santa Claus will journey to North Port St. Joe, where children in the colored. sec- tion of the city will be awarded their share of Santa's huge bag. Top of the Nation Colorado is called the "top of the nation" because 50 of the 80 highest peaks in all North America are within its borders. Lowest eleva- tion in the state is 3,385 feet, more than three-fifths of a mile. It Pays To Advertise Try it. DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED.- GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. MMMMMm~C~HMMMMMMMMMMAMMh~WVVWIMNWWCAMMM PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FIADECEMBER 19, 1947 PAGE EIGHT THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, ,~'LJLF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSION Bcostbill----------------16.90 The Star, :printing minutes-- 35.00 W. C. Roche, sal. and' mileage 55.20 Wervahitchka, Florida every effort to remedy situation. Basil E. Kenney Jr. __ 55.20 December 9, 1911- Minutes of previous meeting j.C. Martin ---- 57.00 The Board of County Conumis- read and as read were approved. .1. S. Daniels -- 52.00 sioners of Gulf County m.et this day The home demonstration agent W. R C.onnell, salary -- 50.00 in regular session with .the follow- tiled her monthly report, combined J. R. Hunter, clerk, salary in:g members present: W. C. Roche, annual report and narrative, report and recording deed ------141.55 vice-chairman; J. S. Daniels and J. of home demonstration work. 20% Tax a/c, Hunter ------- 9.80 C. Martin. Bobbie Smith, deputy The county agent and health unit Edd C. Pridgeon, tax collec- clerk, acting in place of J. R. Hunt- filed reports, for the month of' No- tort. co-n.in. and postage __ 425.00 er, clerk, who was absent account veonrber. All reports approved and TB Sanatorium, Gulf county of illness; Commissionr W. R. ordt'ed filed in the office of thile patient. Marianna -------. 30.1U Connell absent due to illness. and clerk of the' circuit court as part f- & WV 1 Dreavw Co., a/c 205.84 Comminsincer Basil E. Kenney Jr., of the records of the county. Bishop Office EmIoip. Co., a/c 192.6- absent-due to illness in the family. Whereupon the following bills St. Jos. Tel. & Tel. Co., a/c 12.00 Sheriff and county attorney pres- were presented. examined, approv- i'idgeon's Supply Store, a/c 3.15 ent and acting. ed and ordered paid from the sev- Connell Ice & WAter Co., a/c 18.50 .Meeting came to ord,'.r and the eral county fund's, toiwit: Gulf County Breeze, a/ --- 13.50 following proceedlings had: General Fund ('omatiercial Off. Supply, a/c 8.65 L. Braxton and delegation from J. E. Lanier. janitor and Gulf Coast Elc. Co-op., a/c__ 31.92 White City appeared before board yardman, less tax ----- -$118.25 E. Clay Lewis, Jr.. retainer concerni ag drainage at White Mrs. Edna Rish, sal.. less tax 71.253 and postage paid -------- 52.05 City. The 'board agreed to make 5% Tax a/c, Lanier and Rish 10.00 \"ciAva Hardware Co., a/c-__ 4.15 0. N. Grilfin. 10 sacks lime t- or court house yards ---- 5.00 Mr's. Wilma Revel clerical S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING J. R. ee Grocery, county indigent, Mrns. Reeves --- 15.00 Kenney M'ercantile Co., coun- Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. ty indigent Mrs. Thomason 10.0U W. T. Strange, co. indigent 10.0u Sally Ramsey ,co. indigent__ 10.00 RATES-1%/2 cents per word for one inser- APARTMENTS FOR RENT llC. W. Norton Jr., co. indnty tion (count initials and figures as single words); minimum charge 30 cents. Addi- FOR APARTMENTS See The indigent, Mamie Brewer-_ 10.00 bional insertions of same ad take lower Shirey ApaTtments. 8-3 W. C. Goodson (Mrs. Dunlap) 15.00 rate. To eliminate bookkeeping, all ads Mrs. Wilma A. Revel, salary just be paid for at time of first insertion. FOR RENT and expenses ------------ 125.00 OR-- Fine and Forfeiture Fund FOR SALE CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 Byrd E. Parker, sheriff, cost per day. Spillers and Nichols, bills Nov, 1947 ----------$922.75 BICYCLE-Ladies bicycle; $15.00. phone S3 or 304. 1-9* J.-E. Pridgeon, county judye, Call 152 or see Mrs. Gus Creech. ,,ost bill ---------------- 306.65 FIREPLACE WOOD-Lighterd, $20 LOST AND FOUND E. Clay Lewis Jr., salary and cord; mixed (pine and lighter) WILL PERSON who by mistake convictions---------------270.00 $18 cord; also oak wood. See Mc- took paipear bag from table at J. R. Hunter, clee.rk, record- CORMICK, phone 310-W. 12-19* nurse's desk -at St. Joe Hospital ing convictions, county containing patterns and cut out ma- udlve',s court -------- 33.00 BICYCLE-Ladies pre-war bicycle, trial for child's religious robe Gulf Drup Co., a/c ---- 11.24 gqod condition,; $20. See Mrs. W. please return it or call Mrs. Ralph Game and Fresh Water Fish 0. Nichols, 704 Woodiward Avenue. Williams, phone 163. 1* Commission, arrest tickets 13.00 Phone 304. 12-19* Road and Bridge Fund GUEST CHECKS- (100 to pad). SPECIAL SERVICES P. F. McDaniel, a/c --------$ 5.35 GUEST CHECKS-(100 to pad). Wewa Hardware Co., a/c -- 30.16 Large, $6 per 100 pads; 10 pads, HOME DELIVERY SERVICE of St. Joe Sign Shop, a/c --- 3.00 75c. Small, $5 per 100 pads; 10 for Pensacola'Journal, morning news- Robt. Pitts Service Sta, a/c 3.80 60-c. Also onionskin "COPY" second paper, now available, in Port St. Pridlgeon's Supply Store, a/c 4.15 sheets, $2.25 per package of 1000 Joe. Phone 260. 1-9* Sherman Concrete Pipe Co., (don't astk us to break a package). a/c -- ------ 674.40 ;THE STAR. 10-24tf FREE BOOKLET about cancer Is E. J. Baxley, 11 days conn. yours for the asking. Simply send ,with Gulf Theater of op- YULETIDE RECORDS name and- address on a postcard to erations ------------ 44.00 . American Cancer Society, 22 Ann McGowin Motor Co., a/c 19.75. SMake Ideal Xmas Gifts St., New York 1, N. Y. tf ByrdE. Pdiker, sheriff, I t guard around jail --... 150.00 1'.. Jingle Bells-Johnny Mercer. LEGAL ADVERTISING .. A.'Barrington, road work-- 114.00 2. Santa Claus Is Coming To Charles Whitchard 135.00 Toawn-Woody Herman. N O T I C E Alva Kemp '- -- 80.00 3.. White Christma-s-Bing The Board of Pu'blic Instruction, Archie Kemp ---- 76.00 Crosuby. Gulf County, Florida. will receive B. F. Lanier -... 56.00 4. .Santa Is Rid'inig the Trails- bids on two school buses now lo- Veto Nichols ---- 22.00 Tex Ritte.r. cated on the used car lot of the St. Joe Builders S'upp. Co, a/c 42.7t- 5. I'll Be. Home for Christmas- St. Joe Motor Company, Port St. Gulf Hdiw. & Supply Co., a/c 1.18 Bing Crosby. Joe, Florida, until 10:00 a. m. CST, St. Joe Motor Co., a/c ---- 55.37 6. Silent Night-Andy Russell. January 6, 1948, in the office of the St. Joe Hardware Co., a/c 4.00 7. Two Fat Polka-Arthur School Board, Wewahitchka, Fla. A. J. Jenks, salary, less tax-- 159.75 *Godifrey. 12-5 THOMAS A. OWENS, 2.0% Tax a/c, Jenks ------ 16.00 8. .Mickey-Ted Weents. 12-26 County Superintendent. 5% Tax a/c. Jenks and Odom 16.00 9. Polodnaise In A Flat-Jose J. E. Odom, salary as ferry- .Iturl bi;. N TI CE man, less tax ----------128.25 10. My Gal Sal-Harmonicats. Notice'is hereby given by the un- Bud, Williamson, rep. tractor 35.00 - Album of the Week designed that the co-partnership County Service Officer's Fund MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSLC lately subsisting between us, under Win. H. Linton, salary and MERRY CHRIST Comothe firm name and style of Kigry expenses ----------------$ 96.25 PerryC & Gilbert Company, engaged in the 5% Tax a/c, Linton -----. .75 business o'f general contracting in Agriculture and Livestock Fund HEAR- THEM AT Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Fla., was C. R. Laird. salary, and exp $157.60 SST. JOE FURNITURE & o1 the 1th day of November, 1947, 20-,% Tax a/c, Lairdi-------.... 17.40 S JO FU R NITURE & dissolved by mutual consent. The 'Leona Taylor. salary-'47 APPIANnfCE CO. finished business and affairs o.f and '48 budget ----------33.25 ArrLIAN EC the co-partnership will be attended 5% Tax a/c Taylor ... 1.75 'to by W. P. Gilbert; one of the in- Mothers' Pension. Fund WANTED TO BUY designed, and W. P. Gilbert i's Mrs. Tom Parker, mother's DOG WANTED-Male puppy for liersby authorized' to collect, re- pension ---- -----.. $ 10.00 Christmas.' -Paul Fensoin, Box ceive and receipt for all moneys, Mrs. Allie Porter -- 3.0. '795. Phone 87. 1* goods and properties due or accru- Mrs, Minnie Paul .. 3.00 ing to said' co-partnership, and W. -Mrs Ruby Atkins 3.00 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE P. Gilbert hereby assumes and Mi'. Izella Lester -- 6.00 ._R.- ---- agrees to discharge all obligations M rs. Rosa Stevens 3.00 FOR SALE-Two houses and a 3- of said co-partnership which may Mrs. Fred G. Hall 3.00 room apartment on McClellan have accrued prior to Novenmer 11, Mrs. J.essi Walsingham 3.00 Ave. Will sell any part or all of it. 1947, and perform all its unexe- Mrs. Eliza Williams 6.00 -See J. L. Hughes, city, or phone, cuted contracts. Mrs. Carrie Bell Parish 6.00 134; 12-12tf Dated at Port St. Joe; Gulf Coun- Mrs. Shellie Davis 3.00 N'HM ty, Florida, this. 11th day of No- Mrs. Minnie, Patterson "- 6.00 NEW HOME FOR SALE vember, A. D. 1947. Mrs. Alma Jones i" 6.00 Three .large bedrooms, large liv- 12-5 R. R. KINGRY. Ms. Ana JonesWillia .00 ing room, completely ceiled with 1-1 W. P. GILBERT Mrs- ll Wllias 3.-00 select juniper and all .siding is of W. P. GIMrs.QninnieD.Willias 3.00 the best cypress available. This N O T I C E Mrs. Ressie Beck -- 3.00 house was built by the owner ani Notice is herdby given by the un- Mrs. Lula 'Beard 3.00) contains nothing but the best .* designed that the co-partnership Mrs Susie Chuniney 3.00 workmanship and materials. Sltu- lately subsisting between us, under Mrs. Margaret L. Sims 3.00 ated in two lots in nice neighbor- the firm name and style of Kingry Mfrs. Mienie rL Wise 10.00 hood. One of the best 'buys we & Gilbert Wood & Novelty Works. Mrs. Bessie Porter 6.0 have listed in a long time. See engaged in the business of wood Mrs. Gracie B. Dunlap '" 6.00 us at once if interested, and novelty manufacturing in Port Miss Pauline Reid d -- 3.00 FRANK HANNON St. Joe. Gulf County, Florid.a, was Mrs. Sarah Johnson -- 3,0. Ristd R Eaon the 11th day of November. 1947, Mlr-. Divk Kay 3.00 Registered Real Estate Broker dissolved by mutual consent. The There .being no further business Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 unfinished .business and affairs of to onie before the oaird at this the co-partnership will .be attended time, it did then adjourn until the It Pays To Advertise Try It. to by R. R. Kingry, one of the un- next regular me-etingi in January, designed, and R. R. Kin.gry is the same being the 13th dray of said LODGE NOTICES hereby authorized, to collect, re- month, unless called in special ses- MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- ceive and receipt for all moneys, sion by thel chairman 0or the vice- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular goods and properties due or accru- chairman. Meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- lng to said co-partnership, and W. s/ CW.C. ROCmHE. < days each month, 8:00 p. P. Gitbert assumes and agrees to Attest: Vice-Chairman. v Members urged to attend; discharge all bl.ligations of said co- B. .oHUNTE Du Cl. visiting brothers welcome. D. L. partnership accruing prior to No- By: Boibibie Smith. Deputy Clerk. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. venmber 11, 1947. and R. R. Kingry will perform all unexecuted con- laughterr of Game SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. O. tracts of said co-partnership. Greatest slaughter of game in O. F.-Meets every Wednesday Dated at Pont St. Joe, Gulf Coun- ian htory took place in 1872, night at 8 .o'clock in Masonic hall. ty, Florida, this 11th day of No- er can history took place in 1872estimate, All members urged to attend and vember, A. D. 1947. 11f3 and 1874, when it is esti-ate visiting brethren invited. B. B.Conk- .12-5 R. R. KINGRY. that more than 1,400,000 buffah ,t lin, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, Secretary. 1-1 W. P. GILBERT. were killed for their hides a"..,- Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. For MATTRESS WORKSPRINGS BOX SPRINGS We are the only Mattress Plant within 100 miles that is equipped to clean your cotton and place it in the mattress in soft, fluffy layers. MAIL POSTCARD TO DIXIE MATTRESS COMPANY 628 Oak Avenue Panama City, Florida Or Stop the Red and Yellow Truck HE'S IN PORT ST. JOE EVERY FRIDAY ere It IsLadies 0 0 0 Something For Dad's X as! HORNS * SPOTLIGHTS FOG LIGHTS FORD RADIOS WHEEL SPINNERS VANITY MIRRORS SEAT COVERS * MOTOROLA RADIOS KLEENEX DISPENSERS WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES LOCKING GAS TANK CAPS AND MANY MORE ITEMS FOR THE CAR ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA Come In and See THE NEW GULF TIRE 5/= Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION TERMITES ROACHES 5-Year Guarantee 1-Year Guarantee NO POISON, MESS OR STAINING FI NAVAL CHEMICAL COMPANY OFFICIAL TERMITE INSPECTOR FOR F HA PHONE 201 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LeHARDY'S BAR alh WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY lI amonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire Insurance because its easy to start a fire es, BUCK ALEXANDER GENERAL PLUMBING SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods LIom-a m FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOF-, gULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE EIGHT |