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HELP PROMOTE PORT ST. JOE BY JOINING THE JUNIOR f CHAMBER OF | COMMERCE THE STAR The Home Newspaper of N e Industrial Center OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY VOLUME XI PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1947 NUMiBER 4 * m St. Joe High Takes Conference Lead :Pop Up As Surprise of Season Un- der Direction of Coach Marion Craig The Port St. Joe high school foot- -ball team. not even considered in the running this year in conference play, has popped up as the surprise team of the Northwest Florida Con- ference under the direction of Coach Marion Craig. , By defeating Chipley last Friday 40 to 12, the Sharkg took over the conference lead with two wins and no'dedfeats. They meet thor crucial test at Graceville tonight when they play one of the strong teams of the conference. Walton high is in sec- ond' place with four wins, and one tie, and Marianna in third position with three .wins and one tie.- In last Friday night's game at Chipley the Sharks, romped over the Tigers in every quarter, with B. Owens and Ricketson doing most of the ball carrying. The running -attack of the Sharks gained: 336 yards from rushing, while the Tiger backs. were held to 37 yards. ,COhpley took to the air in the first and third quarters with tosses that caught the St. Joe boys nap- ping and gave them their only two touchdowns. The Saints scored' 13 points in the first quarter, 14 in the second, 7 in the third and 6 in the fourth. Results of other games last Fri- day were as follows: Marianna 0, DeFuniak Spr'ngs 0; Quitiydj'j0,A6Al'- alachicola 0; Pensacola CAtholic 33, Crestview 0; Milton 7, Tate 0; Bonifay 37, F. I. S. 25. Jr. Woman's Club To Stage Hallowe'en Ball The Junior Woman's Club has completed plans for a masquerade Hallowe'en ball to 'be held at the Centennial Auditorium next Friday night, October 31, which promises to be one of the outstanding events of the year. Music for the affair, which be- gins at 9:30 and will continue into the small hours,, will be furnished by the Tyndall Field orchestra. Ad- mission will be $1.50 per couple. Table reservations are going fast and if you desire one, better phone 349 or 1.59-W right now. FUNERAL HOME MOVED Pete Conrforter has moved his Tfaneral home to the McNelIIl house at the corner of Long Avenue and Sixth Street from its former loca- tion at 218 Seventh Street. Mr. Comforter will remodel the two- story residence and create a mod- ern and up-to-date establishment. 0. E. S. TO INITIATE The Order of Eastern S'tar will have an initiation at the regular meeting next Tuesday night. All members are urged to be present, and visitors from other chapter's are invited. Refreshments will be served. HEALTH OFFICE CLOSED The Gulf county health office is closed until Monday in order that the personnel might attend a con- ventioh of health officials being held in Tampa. -----4-----.. EXECUTIVE BOARD TO MEET The executive board, of the Wo- man's C'lub will meet next Wednes- day at-3:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. P. D. Farmer. All members are urged to-be present. Two-Unit Deisel Locomotive Heads Out On First Run for Apalachicola Northern Four Entries In Three Will Be Chosen By Voters At Ballotiing To Be Held SNovember 4 Pictured here are two of the new delsel locomotives just purchased by the Apalachicla Northern Railroad Company hocked to a long string of freight cars and set for the initial run. Standing beside the new lo- comotives are W. T. Edwards, Mrs. Florence Fayard of Wakulla Springs, Fred Hummel of Hopewell, Va., president of the Hummel-Ross Co., Mrs. R. C. Brent, Jr., R. C. Brent, Jr., of Tallahassee, Harry Saunders, Jake Belin, George Suber, trainmaster; W. H. Howell, engineer; J. Dawson, fireman; J. R. Parrish, road- master; John Halris and Ed. MCMillan, brakemen, and J. L. Sharit. Sen. Holland To Speak At Legion Conference In Blountstown Sunday Port St. Joe Legionnaires will le n Se atOr- Si .,'ird L. .:,.l.,ii' talk on vetergn'si, legislation and coming congressional problems at an American Legion second district conference to be held Sunday at the high school in Blountstown. Participating posts will be asken to compile and' wire a membership ,goal to national legion headquar- ters as a pledge from the district. The meeting, second, of a series of four, will discuss the Legion pro- graim, emphasizing policies de-. veloped >by department and national headquarterss. The Legion Auxiliary will hold its meeting the same day, with registration for all 'beginning at 9:30 a. m., OST. Will Attend Bandmasters' Meet Charles Harrison, director of the Port St. Joe high school banid, will attend a meeting of band directors of District 6, Florida Band'masters' 'Xssociation, to be held tomorrow at the Chipola .hotel in Marianna. Higihlighting the session will be an election of officers for the en- suing year, decision on the place for the next music festival and the naming ofl judges for the festival. Brother Dies Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Palmer were called .to Meigs, Ga., last week due to the death of Mr. Palmer's bro- ther. Walter Palmer. They were ac- -ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper. Attend Golden Wedding Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Greer at- tended the golden wedding anni- versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. J.. S. Sirmans at Adel, Ga., Satur- day, returning home Sunday. The honored couple are Mrs. Greer's uncle and aunt. Visits Parents Over Week-end Miss Hazel Ford, who is emi- ployed at the state hospital in nat- tahoochee, visited here over the week-end with her parents. Mr. an-d Mrs. John Ford. New Deisels for A. N. Retire Old Steam Engines Four 1000-Horsepbwer Locomotives Added To Equipment At Cost of $400,000 The Apalachicola Northern Rail- road has gone 'strictly modern with the addition of four 1000-ho0fse- power deisel' locomotives purchased at a cost of $400,000. which com- pletely deiselize the line, since the Doodlebug is also deisel-operated. Purchase of the new work horses retires eight steam locomotives and seves, the line's last link with the old coal and -wood-burning days of railroading. Outlay for the new locomotives brings to $3,100,000 the amount the duPont interests have spent on the A. N. since it was purchased from receivership in 1936 to reha- bilitate and modernize the road and provide better service along the 100- mile route the line serves. Powered by 12-cylinder engines iand having a top speed, of 50 miles pe.r hour, the neew units burn ap- proximately 3-25 gallons of oil on the 204-mile round trip to. Chatta- hoochee, according to statistics oni the initial trip. Steam-driven loco- motives generate only about one- third the power of a deisel unit and are much more expensive to oper- ate. On the initial trip a two-engine unit hauled, 2,660 tons of freight on the outward trip and on the run back from Chattahoochee brought 2.587 tons. _-----X--- Appointed Vet Representative T. M. Schneider .has 'been ap- pointed by the U. S.,Department o.f Lahor as veteran's rights represen- tative for Gulf county, a position without remuneration. Any veteran who has employment rights diffi- culties can get advice by contact- ing Mr. Schneider during business hours at Schneider's store. -------^<-------* Father Dies Mr. an d Mrs. R. R. Wilks were Annual P.-T A. Carnival All Set For Tomorrow II you happen to ibe in the vicinity of South Reid Avenue tomorrow af- ternoon or evening you'll hear something like this: ."Come -one, come all! Step right up, ladies, and gentlemen! Try youi skilf! Get your hot dogs here! Popcorn! Pea- nuts! Cold drinks!" for the annual Parent Teaches Association Hal- lowe'en Carnival 'vill be on in full force in the vacant lot adjoining Young's Food Store. The 'parade opening the carnival will form at the bank 'building at 4 o'clock and will be made up of the school band. Boy Scouts', Cub Scouts and children in costume. Floats have been entered tby the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Sportsman Club. There will be varied attractions, including games of skill and 'booths for the sale of eats and drinks. At 5 p. m. the coronation of the junior king and queen will take place anid in the evening at S o'clock the high school monarchs will receive I their crown's. Everyone .is urged to attend the carnival, which is held each year for the purpose of raising funds' to carry out school projects sponsored by the P.-T. A. Building Apartments R. C. Brock has started construc- tion of a two-apartment building on the rear of his lot at the corner of Long Avenue and Thitir Street. The building, strictly modern, will be 30 by 53 feet, 'of concrete block construction. A hint to house seek- ers: Mr. Brock say's they are not yet rented. To Attend Grid Game Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hunt expect to leave today for Athens. Ga.. to take iii the Alabama-Georgia foot- ball game tomorrow. "My team is sure to lose," said Floyd. Will Join Husband In Egypt 'VIrs. Frank Legrange and son ar- rived here lagt week for an ex- tended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, before join- Four candidates have 'been nomi- nated by school patrons'and friend's to run for school trustees in the county-wide special school district election to be held November 4 un- der a law passed 'by the last ses- sion of the legislature. Under this law, Gulf county has been divided into five school board member districts upon a population basis, but in the election only three' trustees can -be elected from the five districts. The candidates re- ceiving the highest number of votes will be declared elected, but no two trustees can come from 'the same district. Since the county has been made into one special school dis- trict, the three trustees will serve the entire county. The four candidates and the dis- tricts nominating them are as fol- lows: Jake C. Belin, from board mem- ber district 3, composed of South Port St. Joe. George Gaskin, from boa-rd mem- iber district 1, composed of East Wewahitchka and Dalkeit'h. C. L. "Chuck" Gibson, from board member district 2, composed -of Beacon Hill Highland View and White City. Floyd L. Hunt, from board mem- ber district 4, composed .of North Port St. Joe and, Kenney's Mill. No candidates filed from district 5, which is made up of West We- (Continued on Page 2) Small Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dies Carol Jackson, 3-year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jackson of this city, died Wednesday after- noon in a Birmingham hospital where she had been taken ,for treat- ment. In addition to her parents, she is survived by one sister, Connie, her maternal grandmother, Mrs. W. C. Forehand of Highland View, and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.-W. F. Jackson of Gardendale. Ala. Funeral services, to be an- nounced, will be held here, with in- toerment in Jehu cemetery at We- wahitchka. The Comiforter Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. The sympathy of' the entire com- mnunity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson in their hour of sorrow. STUDY CLUB MEETS AT HOME OF MISS TREXLER The St. Joseph Study Club met Thursday night of last week at the home of Miss Jpan Trexler on 16th Street. Fr. Albin 0 Hara gave an in- teresting talk on "The Funda- mentals of the Catholic Religion." Tihe club will meet again on No- vemrier 6. They Love Them Bass! Ken Broadnax and Glenn Grims- ley were fishing on the Brothers over the week-end and came home with. among other assorted fish, 1B choice bass weighing from 2 to SV2 pounds each. And. as usual, the big- gest one go.t away. _____--*-- Announce Birth, of Son Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brogdon (nee Roxie Gainnie) announce the birth called to 'Blountstown Tuesday due ing her husband in Egypt, .where of a son, John Wayne, October 19. to the death of Mr. Wilks' father. I he has been transferred; for duty. at Youngstown, Fla. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA 10 YEARS AGO From the Files of The Star Nedley-Thames .Miss Evelyn Thames and I. C. Nedley were quietly married in Ap- alachicola on October, 22, the Rev. Father Massey officiating. Only a few relatives of the couple were present at the ceremony. Band Making Progress The Port St. Joe band, under the direction of Dan Farmer, has made much progress in the few weeks ii has been organized. Alice Ruth Gilbson, Adelaide' Hardy and David Maddox, cornets, and Roy Gibson, William Trawick and Carlyle Mat- thews, clarinets, beautifully ren- dered numbers in chapel program and Sunday school. Lions Club Meets The Port St. Joe Lions Club met Tuesday night at the Black Cat Cafe with there president, Bustel Owens, presiding. P.-T. A. In Meeting The Parent-Teacher Association met Thursday afternoon at the high school with Mrs. Roy Gibson pre- s4iding in the absence of Mrs. Rob- ert Tapper. At this time Mrs. Clar- ence Pridgeon was named as first vice-president and Mrs. Patty Lov- . ett as second vice-president. , ......... . . . .. SUNDAY SERVICES At the Churches METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:.30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bayview Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Daniel, Pastor ,Sunday school at 9 a.-m. Preaching at 11 a. m. every first and third Sunday. PAGE TWO levy of 31/2 mills deemed necessary to carry on the school systeni for the next two years. It is pointed out that only free- holders may vote in this election, that is, those who pay taxes on real ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. st K FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Bible school for all. 10:55 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:30-Evening worship. 6:25-Baptist Training Union. Prayer service Wednesday eve- ninigs at 8 o'clock. Buddy Evans Wants Letters Roy "Buddy" Evans, who is sta- tioned at Fort Bragg, N. C., says its lonesome up there and he'd like to hear from his friends. Ills address is,: Pvt. Roy Evans, 14212794, Co. C, 504th Paratroop Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N. C. .---- Huome From Vacation Trip Mrs. Florrie Connell returned home Monday from a vacation in Green Cove Springs and Jackson- ville. TRUSTEE ELECTION (Continued ,from page 1) w'ahitchka and Overstreet. In addition to voting on trustees, voters will pass on an estimated " A Good Doctor Is Only Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION! Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We com- pound them exactly as your doco tor orders, using only the best and purest drugs. Carver Drug Co. Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Fla. Pormeriy iNDUSTPTAL LIFE and HEALTH INSURANCECO, new kiitchn atped. --VBOYLES Department m FStore !- i 4,14 nfaiif to the men in your life Definitely devastating ... designed to reduce mere man to an utterly helpless state- ' this wool felt Jean Allen hat by Gag*., it will suit you to a with proper kiITCHEN PLANNING Company specialists will be happy to provide plans and wiring diagrams suit- ed to your individual de- sires. Come in or call to- day and take advantage of this free kitchen plan- ning service. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION ^, * khetheryour is &hi or shi PHONE 326 -for- AMBULANCE SERVICE Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service or personal property. School Super- In order to allow all freeholders to intendent Tom Owens estimates participate in tbh election, if they that there are about 1300 freehold- have not registered as such, affi- ens in Gulf county, but, he states, a davits will be provided at the poll- large number of these have not so ing places whioh may be filled out stated on the registration .books. by qualified voters. YOU want your family to ..- ~ have a home, even if something should happen to you. Life insurance is the best guarantee that the plans you have for your fam- ily "s happiness will be carried out. Consult a friendly Life of Georgia agent about a sound program for the financial future o4 your family. THE OLD RELIABLE SINCE 1891 HOME.OFFICE ATLANMTA le~-~~~-gX~R--W~RkU~pra~l -HF Anyone who burns his neighbor's woods needs a lesson in good manners. WEST FLORIDA PRESBYTERIAN MEN TO MEET IN PANMA CITY Col. Roy LeCraw of Alianta, Ga., outstanding layman of the Presby- terian Church, U. S., and campaign director of its program of progress, will be the 'speaker at a presby- tery-wide rally to be h~*,d in War- lace Memorial Pres'byteriah Church at Panama City next Sunday at 3 p. m. The men's organization of the Wallace Memorial Church is mak- ing lians to take care of at least 300 men,-and all Presbyterian men in the district, which comprises the area from Madison west to Pensa- cola, are urged to make their plans to attend this important meeting. To Mobile On Business R. L. Brewton, who has recently moved here to make his home -with -his son and family, Mr. ana Mrs. I-arry Brewton, .made a business trip. back to Moibile this week. Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS! What GOES INTO A PRESCRIPTION? T HE ingredients your doctor orders, of course; but also there goes the scientific knowl- edge and skill of experience 'of our expert pharmacists. That's why you .may bring prescriptions to us with confidence. Have your prescription com- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accredited School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE We Have Just Received a * Fine Line of * SMALL LEATHER * ITEMS Billfolds, Change Purses, * Men's Belts, Sam Browne Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, 4 Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits A * and Key Rings, Suitcase 4 * Handles, Truck Drivers' 4 * Billfolds, Skate Straps. * We Also Stock a Full Line ot All Types of Shoe Polishes THE LEADER SHOE , SHOP 41 We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, * Attend Their Dyeing and 4 Save Their Soles * *i0 .i i0ij BOYLES Scores Again With SMASHING Month-End Clearance!! Wise Shoppers, here's a Sensational, Sweeping Clearance of odd sizes and small lots of New, Quality Mer- cha'ndise. We are calling your attention to only a few items you'll find many more when you get here! Costs are forgotten in this mighty stroke with the Clearance Ax. When we strike, we cut deep Here's where you can save 25, 50 and 75 per cent on needed merchandise. Better get here Early! Sale Startts FR Y, O TOBER 24-9 A.M. SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! ONE RACK LADIES' SUITS VALUES. UP TO $29.75, $14.99 SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! ONE LOT GIRDLES VALUES TO $4.25 Each 99c SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! ONE TABLE MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS VALUES UP TO $4.50 $1.99 SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE!. 2 Pieces 48 In. and 54 In. Drapery and Upholstery FABRICS $2.95 VALUE! 99c Yard SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! HEAVY, FANCY COTTON' BLANKETS $1.99 $2.45 VALUE! Smashing Month-End Smashing Month-End CLEARANCE! CLEARANCE! FULL SIZE 25% WOOL 3 MEN'S ALL WOOL SLUMBEREST BLANKETS SUITS $7.95 Value $26.50 Value $4.99 $14.99 SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! FULL SIZE BEDSPREADS '$3.99 VALUES TO $11.50 Smashing Month-End CLEARANCE! 20 x 40 Terry Towels 3 for 99c Smashing Month-End CLEARANCE ' SLEEVELESS BABY Undershirts 15 c Piece SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! ONE RACK EARLY FALL DRESSES VALUES UP TO $10.95 $3.99 SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! ONE TABLE WOMEN'S AND MISSES ALL WOOL SWEATERS VALUES UP TO $7.95 2 PRICE E SMASHING MONTH-END CLEARANCE! ONE TABLE BEDROOM SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN VALUES TO $3.50 99c The Tattler Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" Vol. II Friday, October 24, 1947 No. 12 DEAR SHOPPERS: uVan Heusen embodies We have an excellent view of style. quality and expert work- the entire floor from our bal- umanship in garments that you're cony and now we see a Poll Par- always proud to wear. Exclusive rot shoe customer opening her with Boyles Department Store! pocketbook we see a --- 'smiling customer enjoying the A picture we'd like to snap: flattering styless in Gage Hats Coach Craig's busy. bouncing . another shopper a tmir- little son doing his crawlie- ing the new styles in Jane Ir- walkie in the shoe department. will all-wool sweaters now. He's tackling those 'shoe seats she looks astonished when she like Coach's boys in a football sees the price ticket an- game and has the makings of a other shoe customer enjoying star player! Coach Craig is do- the luxurious feeling of a pair ing- a good job with the Sharks of Natural Bridge Shoes. this year. Here's a handbag customer won- --- 'lering how we can sell those ex- Ladies. the swellest shipment citing new styles in all-leather of L'Aiglon Dresses we've had purses fIor $4.95. There's Mrs. Skipl)er's mouth a young lad trying on a pair of flew open when we marked the those famous STAR BRAND ml(lerate cai'h price on them SHOES that stand the test of smart, practical. tailored hard wear and tear. (A telephone (a,ls at only $10.95. They'll step call for Corduroy Sy the yard. :ut fast! . One color in stock, several --- on the way.) A scene in front We meant to cut The Tattler of one like this should insp-lre in li;ilf this week, but it's hard merchant to write a book, lnt to) stop talking when one has so this week we shall try to step many fascinating things to talk naide in l 'avor ol' our first 'ioui. Mrs. Pec'v wants to get SWEEPING MONTH-END CLE- ill a word about that tiny pink ARANCE, tile headline news ()1 -heck Elruit-of-the-LIooin print. Boyles D apartment Slore illis tln li mothers lh:',ve been want- week! It's a short, q'lick, sena- ig. Mrs. Chason t.hnKs we tional Selling Evelnt where the ought to mention those "King o' big price-redllucing x has been Winller" Leather Jacket'.' and used with a heavy stroke. It'll Sweathirs received this w eek. save you )llirs it'll give iuIllI up. airls, we've run out us nieelded space! Comle 1111 see! flf s ice go chase a ceS- -- 11omer! Tlhere'Il )e another weel x Men, White SlhirLs galore in ;iand another Tattler (we hope). s VAN HESEN QIAL- 'sing the Big Price- ITY have you seeu the t e ry "i'" 0 ( 11 u(ci 1 Ax In Our Month- new pl)iin color and plaid flai E n" ('l, ra i-ce . nels? Theore's Joy ill wearinii l a shirt that's made to perfection R. GLENN BOYLES. fl' DEPARTMENT STORE S -E Pay Cash and Phone 252 Pay Less! PORT ST. JOE mI_ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COU-NTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE f/ k 4 PAG FORTESAPR T OGL ONTFOIAFIA,TBR2,14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879.. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -g{ Telephone 51 i- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for smuch advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word Is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country 5 Right or Wrong THE SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTION The election to be held November 4 for the selection of three school trustees to serve the entire county is going to be more or less con- fusing tu many people, who may jump to the conclusion that the new school law is a very bad one and widely discriminatory in effect. This is not necessarily the case, but we aec of the opinion that it is going to take a year or so before the people will become familiar. enough with the mechanics of the law to evalu- ate its good or bad points and then decide whe- ther it is to be continued or abolished. Only time will tell the story. At the moment, however, every freeholder of Gulf county should strive to inform himself in regard to the coming trustee election and be prepared to go to the polls and cast his vote for the three best qualified men to serve the entire county. These three men nust collime from thd f'e school board member districts-, and no two of them can come from the same district. When the vote has been taken throughout the county, which has been constituted into one special tax school district, the three men receiving the highest number of votes will he declared elected. Candidates are nominated by districts, but they are voted on county-wide, " and although there are five districts, only three trustees can be elected to serve the entire county. It should be remembered that the trustees are no longer district trustees, as under the old law, but that they will now represent but one district (the county) and their duties will be to recommend teachers and faculties for all the schools of the county, just as district trus- tees did under the old law for the schools within their respective tax school district's. PLAYING WITH DYNAMITE The attitude .of a great many people toward the problem of inflation is not helpful. They dodge the facts involved. Most people cannot build homes. Their ability to buy many of the better foods is diminishing. Basic manufactur- ing industries are confronted with costs which every businessman knows threaten to shove ONLY MULLET AND MACKREL CAN BE TAKEN WITH BIG NET Taking any fish but mullet or mackerel with a net or seine greater than 350 yards in length is illegal for salt water fishermen, ac- cording to the state attorney gen- e.ral. He was asked by J. T. Hurst, su- pervisor of the state board of con- servation, if larger nets could, bet used for catching other salt water fish than mullet or mackerel. The attorney general pointed out that it is not illegal to use larger nets, but if in. so doing the fishermen catch anything but mullet or maek- erel, they must be thrown back to avoid getting crossed up with the law. Visiting Daughter and Family WMrs. Kate Harrell of Cottondalo is visiting here for several weeks with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell. prices to the point of crippling mass produc- tion. The distribution industry, also dependent upon high volume movement of goods, is up against a similar situation. Intelligent farm- ers are aware that disaster is the inevitable consequence of endlessly rising prices. Union leaders with a grain of sense under their liats will admit, privately if not publicly, that a race between wages and prices, if continued long enough, 11il make paupers of American work- men. Tragic is the attitude of many of our public officials who, while waging a political sham battle against inflation, are fully aware that the solvency of the federal governmlest and the integrity of the dollar itself are at stake. All of us, from the president down, are observing the. result of inflation and depreciated money, in country after country, from China to Eng- land. Desperate people in such countries have submitted to ruthless dictatorships which are destroying their liberties. They are losing spiritual and moral values in a futile scramble for a false security, the like of which the world has never seen. It is almost unbelievable that in the face of this situation, leading citizens, in and out of public life in the United States, can for a mo- ment play politics with inflation, or utter a single word which they do not believe to be based upon sound reasoning-yet it is being done daily. WILDLIFE DIMINISHING Wildlife on the North American continent is diminishing very fast, according to the fore- most authorities on fish and game, and we in Gulf county should be well cognizant of that fact when we look back twenty years and re- member how easy it was to go out into the woods and withhil a short time return. witil a deer or a couple of turkeys, and how you could go up to the Dead Lakes and catch your limit of sixty in all hour or so. Can you do it today? You certainly can not! The reason for this is not hard to discovci. There are too many human beings, with bet- ter instruments of destruction and transporta- tion. In many cases, the rules arc violated by rapacious sportsmen who have no interest in the preservation of wildlife. Recent conventions found some criticism levelled against stockmen and agencies build- ing dams and other public works. The charge is that little attention is being paid to recre- ational and wildlife values and that there has been unnecessary destruction of wildlife. \Ve do not intend to get into any argument about these protests, since there are two sides to the proposition, and we do know that sev- eral large landholders in Gulf county are co- operating in various ways to work for conser- vation, but practically everyone can agree that greater attention .must.be paid to the conser- vation of wildlife. Stockings, it is reported, were invented in the eleventh century, but were not seen until the twentieth. "Copyrighted Material 4t Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" -i - - - WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES I Four Roses Imperial Sunnybrook Hill and .Lord Calveht Calvert Old Thompson Paul Three Feathers Mt. Carstairs White Seal Hill Schenley's Reserve Reserve Golden Wedding Jones Calvert Special Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FOR GUARANTEED Fresh Yard Eggs Fresh Dressed Chickens Fresh Vegetables, Groceries and Meats SALT WATER FISH DAILY RICH'S CURB MARKET Phone 306 Port St. Joe, Fla. $000$0 u* *** ** *S$**..-******* I REGULAR TUNE-UPS < -take the discord out of driving ENGINE KNOCK SLUGGISH PICK-UP TOO MUCH GAS 11//&WefffOreI'ICoI(""T vW; Af oo.u oco, s.'?tiiitfxi i~ w/z '/(4ff.rv * Clean and adjust spark plugs. * Adjust distributor points. * Reset ignition timing. *Clean and tighten bat- tery terminals. a Check compression. a Check coil and con- denser. * Check primary and secondary wires, and tighten. * Check fuel level in carburetor bowl; clean bowl and blow out fuel line. * Check vacuum, adjust carburetor. * Clean and re-oil air cleaner. sEE N's T7OOAY! FOR COMPLETE ENGINE TUNE-UP McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Dodge and Plymouth Phone 129 && as&** ats**4zeo 0 *0 s4w, THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1947 PAGE FOUR PAGE FIVE FRDY COE 4 97TESAPR T OGL ONY LRD issued by the Florida State MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSION sahveae paisd.ori t 5 The im rovn men t Ccohn, umin, October 14, 1947. IN HIGHLAND VIEW is requested to adjust the amo The Board of County Begin at State Highway No. 30 of bonds, aiid interest 'maturin , esioness of Gulf County, Florida at Second Street and run east ap- each year to the estimated an met this day in regular session proximately 1300 feet along Se- revenue that willbe availablethe with the following members pres- od Street. Begin at State Higiiway under its contract withso that u ent: W. R. Connell, chairman; W. at Third Street and iun east ap- Road Deparitment so that ii C. Roche, vice-chairman; J. S. Dan- proximately 900 feet along Thuird 'rm'al conditions all 'oond.s an Sie.ls,J.C. Martin and Basil E. Ke- Street. Beginat State Highway at telret may be paid as they ma ney, Jr. Clerk, sheri,.f and county Fourth Street and run east approx- of said condition to the ission attorney were also in attendance.. imately 1050 feet along Fourth of said bonds, the commission The meeting came to order at 10 Street. Begin at State Highway at tinration the State pproard of Sa. m. and the following order of Fi.,th Street and run east approxi- ministration its approval of t business taken up: mately 1275 feet along Fifth Street gal and fiscal sufficiency oT Lt. Col. Ivan W. Ward, F. A. Rentz Begin at State Highway at Sixth e utaid bonds.rizing the and Claims Officer, Gulf Theater Street and run east approximately 7. The commission request of Operations, Tyndall Field, Fla., 1250 feet along Sixth Street. Begin State Road Department to appeared before the board request- at First Street and run north on stiuet said roads, including ing permission to use shoulders 3,! Second Avenue approximately 1900tning, s ai d roads, including certain county roads, for the pur- feet to intersection of Second lannstructing, surveying and actua pose of installing certain military Street at Bay View Heights Subdi- ommission deliver to the equipment used in am.phibic.u's vision. Begin at Third Street and Road Department the tofunds thre landings and operation in Gul 'in north on Second Avenue ap- ed from the sale of said rev county during the month of No.- proximately 1260 feet 0o intersec- ed from te sale of said rent vi vernher 1947. It was moved, see- tion of Seventh Street in Bay View bons, ate xpe payment of onded and unanimously carlriea.Heights, and rnce'ssary expense in coniee onded and unanimously arrie eghts, and with the preparation, issuance that such permission be granted IN BEACON HILL sale of said bond's, and the the U. S. A. insofar as this board Begin at State Road No. 386 at ctate Road Department shall a has such authority. Provided, ho.w- First-A venue and run along First to immediately proceed with ever, that the U. S. A. shall be and 'Avenue southeastwardly approxi- construction of said roads, aind is responsible for any. damage to fately 2500 feet to Second Street, the funds received by it exclus any person .or property, then along Second Street south- for payment oif the cost of The application of Willis J. wastwardly to State Road No. 30 structing said state roads abovy Knowles for admittance to school approximately 300 fee t,' which scribed, and any necessary bride for deal; and blind at St. Angus- Fhould be paved as soon as pos- the entire cost of constructing tine, Fla., was aliproved. isble, said roads to connect with road's, including costs and expe The farm agent, health unit and State Highivays,, incurred by the road department * home demonstration agent filed under the authority of Chapter locating and constructing. their reports respectively, and the 23758, Acts of 1947. .- roads and the costs and exne Same were approved. 2. Funds :'or the construction of of the commission in auth'ri Whereupon Basil E. Kenney, Jr., said roads be obtained by said com- issuing and selling said rev .moved the following resolution be. mission 'by the issua-nce and sale bonds and the interest to ac adopted. The ,motion was seconded of its- revenue bond's payable out upon said revenue bond.? during 'by W. C. Roche and unanimously of the proceeds of a leas'e-purchas-e period of construction to be 'carried: agreement with the State Road De- out of the proceeds derived RESOLUTION apartment of the State of Florida, as the sale of said bonds, or if of Board of County Commissioners authorized tby Chapter 23758, the tional funds are needed from fo Gulf County, Florila. total amount of suo issue of bonds eighty perI cent (0%) surplus Gul C u nty, Fo.a. 1,t t2 exceed Four Hundred Fifty onlne tax accruing to the cred Whereas, the Tloard of Ctounty 1Thousand Doillars. Gulf county, and/or to the . 'Coanmissioners of Gulf County,i 3, The commii-sion enter into of county cmormissioenrs of 'Florida, is of the opinion that an contract with the State Road De- County, lorida. : -. - emergency exists in said county for apartment byy which the latter will S. The above described road the construction of additional sec- agree to lease or purchase said constructed in accordane w ondary roads and that the most im- State Roads 381 and 23-27 from the standard specifications of the 1portaet needed at this time are Florida State, Improvement Com- Road Department of Florida aI 'State Roads No. 381 and 23-27, ana mission for a period of years, and able to the type f roads, and the following roads within the un- pay tlheeforl out of eighty per cenllt contractors engaged inconstru incorporated communities of Oak (80%) of the surplus gas tax ac- of same be required to execute Grove, Highland View, "Bay View crug to the account of the State formance bonds in the full an :Heights, Gaulding's' Addition and Road Department f Florida under o.f their coditract guaranteeing more particularly described as fol- the provisions of Section 16, Article said roads will be completed low's I 9 ce" the Constitution of Florida, for cordance with the terms of IN OAK GROVE expendituress on State Roads in contracts and within the f lola Street-That part o.f Hunter Gulf County, Florida, a sum the to- available therefore. iStreet connecting Iola and Duval tal of which shall be sufficient to 9. The State Road Depart )Streets. pay in full the principal and inter- agree with the Florida State Duval Street Second Avenue est that will accrue on said reve- provement Commission that *from city limits of Port St. Joe, nue bonds to be issued by the Flor- the completion of construction running south approximately 685: ida State Inmor6vemefit Commission the roads and until said rev feet, thence east approximately 500 until the same are paid. bonds are paid in full it will ,i -feet. 4. The commission enter into a tain said roads in good repair IN HIGHLAND VIEW contract with the State Road De- in sound operating condition, .Begin at State Highway No. 30 apartment and'/or the Board of will make all necessary repairs at Second Street and run east ap- County Commissioners of Gulf newals, reconstruction and rei ,proximately 1300 feet along Second County, Florida, by which the State ments. Street. Begin at State Hignway at Road Department will agree to 10. Title to said' roads shall Third Street and run east approxi- leaxe or purchase the following de- main in the Florida State mately 900 feet along Tzird .Street. scribed roads: proveinent Commission until Begin at State Highway at Fourth I IN OAK GROVE revenue bonds and the interest ,Street and run east approximately lola Street-That part of Hunter cruing thereon shall have been *1050 feet along Fourth Street. Be-, Street connecting Iola and Duval in full, at which time the fee si yin at State Highway at Fifth Streets, title to said roads shall vest i: 'Street and run east approximately Duval Street Second Avenue State of Florida. 1275 feet along Fifth Street. Begin from city limits of Port St. Joe run- 11. All expenses of prelim at State Highway at Sixth Street ning south approximately 685 feet, survey, investigation and engi and, run east approximately 1250 thence east ap'proxianatefy 500 feet, ing and legal expenses, inch feet along Sixth Street. Begin at and cost of litigation, if any, shall t First Street and run north on Sec- IN HIGHLAN'D VIEW sumed and. furnished by and a ond Avenue. approximately 1900 Begin at State Highway No. 30 at sole expense of the county. feet to intersection of Second Second Street and run east approx- 12. The amount of money s Street at Bay View Heights, Subdi- latelyly 1300 feet along Sedond pend'ed by the county (sav' vision. Begin at Third. Street and Street. Begin at State Highway at pense of litigation) shall 'b run north on Second Avenue ap- Third ,Street and run east approxi- funded to the county only if proximately 1260 feet to intersec- mately 900 feet along Th;rd Street. when the project ls, entered tion of Seventh Street in Bay View Begin at State Highway at Fourt' and ervenue certificates or b Heights. Street and run ea'wt approximately issued therefore, the .same \ IN BEACON HILL .1050 feet along Fourth Street. Be- made out of the proceeds of Begin at State Road No. 386 at gin at State Highway at Fifth certificates. First Avenue and run along First Street and run east approximately 13. The county agrees tha Avenue s'outheastwardly approxi- 1275 feet along Fifth Street. Begin State Imnprovement Commi mately 2500 feet to Second Street, at State Highway at Sixth Street may make a charge of one per then along Second Street south- and run east -approximately 1250 (1%) of the par value of the .1: westwardfly to State Road No. :20 feet along Sixth Street. Begin at :s-ued as a service for underwi approximately 300 feet, whxli(i First Street and run north on See- fee. should' 'be paved a.s soon as pos- onid Avenue approximately 1900 feet 14. The several sections of sible, said roads to connect with to intersection of Second Street at resolution are hereby declare State Highways, and Bay View Heights Subdivision. Be- be severa'ble and if any sectic Whereas, Florida State Improve- gin at Third Street and run north part thereof, with reference t( ment Commission has been author, on ISecond Avenue approximately "bty noer cent (80%) Surplus ized' to construct the above de- 1260 feet to intersection of Seventh Tax and'/or the twenty per scribed roads and to finance the Street in Bay View Heights, and (20%) Gas Tax cannot be en cost of constructing the same b:f IN BEACON HILL into, then such section or refer issuance of revenue bonds payable Begin at State Road No. 386 at thereto shall be waived. out of a lease-purchase contract Firht Avenue and run along First Whereupon the board dic with the State Road Department Avenue southeastwardly approxi- amine the tax rolls on ro.', ner under the terms and provisions of mnately 2500 feet to Second Street. an mixed roertforthe Chapter 23758, Laws of Florida, then along Second Street south- 1947 and the same having Acts of 1947, westwardly to Stat' RH-ad No. 30 1O m anpletde eacepted by Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved approximately 300 f e et, which bord pletd, viie accepted fby by the Board of County Commis- should 'be paved as .soon as pos- ba vits and certificate a sioners o'f Gulf County, Florida, ;,:ble, said roads to connect with ing on pages 448-449 that: State Highway ing i g s 448-449. 1. It does hereby make applica- from the Florida State Improve:nent The following bills were tion to the Florida State Improve- Commission for a period of years sented', examined, approved an ment Commission for the cousr-uc- and pay therefore out of the twenty dered paid from the several c( tion and paving of State Roads No. per cent (20',4) of the Second Gas fund's, to-wit: 381 and 23-27, and the foiijwung Tax according to the account of their General Funcr described roads: Board of County Commissioners of Suwannse Store, supplies, IN OAK GROVE Gulf County, Florida. under the pro-! county indigent ----------$ Iola Street-That part of Hunt"e visions of Section 10. Article 9 of Kenney Mere. Co. __ Street connecting Iola and Duval thb Constitution of Floridla, for ex- R. E. Wilkerson Co., a/c ___ Streets. penditure and u'e on roads and J. R. Hunter, recording -- - Duval Stdeet Second Avenue bridges within Gulf County, Flor- WaVrd Clinic, county patients from city limits ol' Port St. Joe. ida, a sum the total of which sha!' Welwa Hardware Co.. a/c - running south approximately 685 be sufficient to pa'y in full the Star Puiblishing Co.. legals__ f -t, thence east approximately 500 principal and interest that will ac- St. Jos. Tel. & Tel. Co., a/c feet, and crue on said revenue bonds to be J. R. Norton, co, patient --. Ira- A Fine Chicken-Almost the Ye Ed has a bone to pick with ssion Grady Manasco, and it ain't a unts chicken bone. Grady promised us ng in a nice fat hen for Sunday dinner, to it aying he'd bring it in Saturday al- State ternoon. So we told our wife not to under ,''ay anything in the way of meat d in- .for Sundlay, and she didn't. Grady Lure. didn't show up and we ate canned, ob- b ans and weiners for Sunday din- Ad- e le- the issu- the con- tile con- t the State. ceiv- enue f all action and said agree the I use ively con- e de- Iges' said un.ses nt in said cnses zing, enue *crni, g the paict from addi- the gas- it of ioard Gulf Is be 1 tho' State pplic- that action Sper- nount that n ac- their funds ment Im- upon on of 'enue main- and and s, re- place- 1 re- Im- said st ac- paid inple n the inary neer- -din.g be as- ,t the o ex- e 'ex- e re- anf upon bonds to be such t the ssion * cen'- ionds citing f this ed to in, or o the s Gas cent terea rence d ex- year. been said owing ipear- pre- id or- lunty 25.00 15.00 87.25 1.50 100.00 67.33 2.40 8.45 5.00 Da.ffin Mercantile Co., a/c-- 6.75 Connell Ice & Water Works Co., a/c ---------------- 18.50 iulf Coast Elec. Co-op., a/c. 29.73 Pridgeon's Supply Store, a/c 3.05 Ei',hop Office Equipment Co., a/c ---------------- 109.07 J. R. Hunter, salary, less tax 140.20 20% tax a/c, withheld 9.80 Gulf Co. Breeze, legals -- 2.10 Byid E. Parker, sheriff cost bills ---------------- 51.00 E. Clay Lewis Jr., retainer_- 50.00 W. R. Connell, back salary- 200.00 J. S. Daniels & mileage 212.00 J. C. Martin --- 221.00 B. E. Kenney, Jr. --- 215.60 W. C. Roche ---- 213.00 Fine and Forfeiture Fund Gul' Drug Company, medi- cine for prisoners --------$ 6.60 Game & Fresh Water Fisht Com., arrest tickets ------ 30.00 E. Clay Lewis', Jr., salary and convictions 960.00 J. R. Hunter, clerk, record- ing convictions ---------- 31.50 J. E. Pridgeon, cost bills ---- 284.65 Byrd E. Parker, sheriff cost bills. ----------------.. 994.45 Road and Bridge Fund Byrd E. Parker, sheriff, cost bills ----------------$150.00 Dorsey's Garage, a/c ------ 37.75 Gulf Hardware Co., a/c --- 22.84 C. C. Coibin & Co., a/c --- 22.01 P. F. McDaniel, a/c --.------ 29.00 Wewa Hardware Co., a/c -- 2.12 Race Track Fund Mother's Pension Fund, transfer -----------------$100.00 Mother's Pension Funa Mrs. Tom Parker, mother's pension ------------------$10.00 Mrs. Allie Porter 3.00 Mrs. Minnie Paul ---- 3.00 Mrs. Rulby Atkins 3.00 Mrs. Izella Lester 6.00 Mrs. Rosa Stevens ---- 3.00 Mrs. Fred G. Hall "-- 3.00 Mrs. Jessie Walsingham 3.00 Mrs. Elize Willais ---- 6.00 Mrs. Carrie Bell Parish -" 6.00 1 ner. He wasn't going to charge us a cent for that hen-and he didn't. - Brighter Silver Silver is brighter if it is dried im- mediately after washing in hot soapy water. People waste much of their time on non-essential activities; but, af- ter all, it's a free country. Mrs. Shellie Davis --- 3.00 Mrs. Annie Williaamson 3.00 M.rs. Alma Lee Jones ---- 6.00 Mrs. Minnie Patterson 3.00 Mrs. Qui'nna. D. Williams -- 3.00 Mr's. Bessie Beck ---- 3.00 Mrs.'Lula Beard -- 3.00 Susie E. Chumey ---- 3.00 Mrs. Margaret L. Sitms -- 3.00 Mrs. Minnie L. Wise -- --10.00 Mrs. Bessie Porter 6.00 Mrs. Graciee B. Dunlap -- 6,00 There being no further business, to come before the board at this time it dlid adjourn until its next regular meeting in Novem-ber, the same being the 1.1th day of said month, unless called in special ses- sion by the chairman or the vice- chairman. W. R. Connell, chairman. J. R. Hunter, clerk. CASH LOANS for Fall Needs! Fix up the home, buy coal or meet unexpected expenses. L[ PROMPT COURTEOUS CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida GOOD BRAKES! Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth Owners Let Us Reline Your Brakes and Adjust At This Special Price $13.95 (If You Own a Different Make of Car, Let Us Give You An Estimate) HERE'S WHAT IS DONE Remove All Wheels, Clean Brake Drums Reline Brakes With Factory Approved Lini'ig Clean, Repack and Adjust Wheel Bearings Replace Four New Grease Retainers In Hubs Inspect Hydraulic Brake System Adjust Brake Shoes to Secure Full Pedal Road Test Your Car ONE DAY SERVICE Leave your car in the morning-pick it up in the evening. ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 194-7 PAG SI TII TR OTS.JE UFCUTY LRD RDY COE 41 Named to Head March of Dimes Judge George E. Holt Florida's March of Dimes will be headed again in 1948 by Judge George E. Holt of Miami, Basil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, .announced today. Judge Ho t was ,chairman of the 1947 campaign. The 1948 drive, scheduled for Jan. 15-30, will mark the tenth anniver- sary of the National Foundation, set up by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to "lead, direct and unify" the fight against infantile paralysis. The March of Dimes each year is the National Foundation's sole sup- port. Judge Holt, a former professor of law at the University of Miami, practiced law for 16 years after his graduation from Vanderbilt Univer- sity In 1925. In 1941 he was ap-_ .Dponted to the bench, and is now circuit judge of the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida. A former member of the Florida State Legislature, he served for two years during the war in the Coast iGuard Reserve as commanding of- fleer of the Port Security Force at -Miami. ' Mr. O'Connor, in announcing -Judge Holt's acceptance of the 1948 .chairmanship, revealed that since 1943 infantile paralysis has stricken -anore than 72,0'00 Americans. "Thousands," he warned, "con- -tinue to face a long fight for re- incidence nationally did not ap- proach the awful total of 1946. "The cost of the 1946 epidemi( alone will run to some $30,000,000, Without taking into account the Iarge sums necessary to care for ;those stricken this summer. \Ve' do not know what 1948 may bring, but -we must be prepared." )IC ANDERSON. St. Joe Motor Company ROY GIBSON, Jr. or ROSCOE BYRD St. Joe Paper Company JOHNNIE HEWITT Highland View % ' PETE COMFORTER At the Police Station NEW VISITING DAYS FOR NAVY RECRUITERS IN PORT ST. JOEI It was announced yesterday by navy recruiters from Tallahassee that a new travel schedule has 1?en placed into effect and that the navy recruiters, who lia v e previously been visiting Port St. Joe on Friday of each week, will now be in Port St. Joe and Wewa- hitchka on the first and third' Mon- day of each month. Due to the increased openings for new men in the navy, it w's. found necessary to revise the schedule that had been in efife' I I o that more time caln be spent 1:1 each conllnunlity. Will Make Home I;n Georgia Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon anti Mrs. HInirry Brewton spent several da',ys last week in St. Marys, Ga. Mr. Shannon remained in the Geor- gia city, and M.rs. Shannon expects to leave the last of the week to join him there, where they will make their home in the future. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ELECTION SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Pursuant to Section 230.39 of the Florida School Laws, notice is here- by given that the next Regular Bi- ennial Election in Special Tax School District No. 1 is called;, for Tuesday, the 4th day of November, A. D. 1947. for the said district to determine the. rate of millage to be assessed and collected on the prop- eirty therein -for the next ensuing two (2) years, and to elect thre6 (3) trustees, for the district for the next ensuing two (2) years (no two trustees shall be elected from any one -School Board Member Resi- dence District). All qualified. elec- tors residents within said district who pay taxes on rear and personal property and are otherwise quali- fied according to law, are entitled to vote at said election. It is deter- mined that 31/2 mills will be neces- sary to maintain .a uniform system of Florida schools within said dis- trict. *- TITOS. MERIWETHER, Attest: Ohairman. THOSE. A. OWENS. 10-3 County Superintendent. 31 NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts other than my own on and after this date. Dated October 17, 1947. 11-14* Theodore Edward Schjwank. NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941, the undersigned person intends to register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Gulf County, Florida, four weeks after the first publication of this notice, the fictitious iiiname or trade name under which lie will be engaged in business and in which said business is to be carried on, to-wit: VOI'rx'S FOOl S'TORE, Port St. Joe. Fla. Virst publication October 10. 1947. 11-7 S. A. YOUNG. DOOR U!! Veterans! Nov.11 Is the Day The 1948 Membership Drive of Willis V. Rowan Post 116, American Legion, is underway, and we have set our quota at 110 members or better. Legionnaires, your doozrdu CLARENCE PRIDGEON Quality Grocery BILL TRAWICK Schneider's Dept. Store R. F. MAXWELL A & P Food Store J. D. LANE or A. P.. WAKEFIELD St. Joe Lumber & Export Co. COUNTY SCHOOLS RECEIVE FOURTH FUND PAYMENT The fourth installment of funds 'from the new minimum foundation program fund has been received by the Gulf county board of instruc- tion from the state, coming to $11,- 287. of which $8,820'.is to be usel ior teachers salaries, $1,023 for transpotration, and. $1,444 for cur- rent expense..The next payment is lue on November 15. A total of $2.757,147 was sent to the 67 Florida counties this week, $2.245,264 going for teachers sal- aries. S13S,002 for transportation, $3,24,189 for current expense, and $49.692 for capital outlay. The capital outlay funds were elea'l to four counties for the puirchass ol' school buses, as au thorized by state bolird of education regulations,. Trading at 'home, whenever pos- sible, is a good policy; the dollar that stays around' comes back. Have iWeek-end Guests eighth grade English in the Ocala Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Baggett had as junior high school. their guests over the week-end Mr. --- - and Mrs. L. L. Allen and twin boys It's easy to get support for al- of Millville, and Miss Carolyn Bag- most any cafise until the, time ar- gett of Ocala. Miss Baggett teaches rives for a cash contribution. FIXTURES WIRING REPAIR m"ix= Now Located at Highland View PHONE 310-J Now Available In Port St. Joe at Your Favorite Food Dealer BAMBY BREAD ALSO THE FINEST CAKES AND PASTRIES Don't Ask for "Bread," Ask for "Bamby Bread" The Woods Baking Company, Panama City's new wholesale bakery, now offers the housewives of Port St. Joe and vicinity something new the nationally known Bamby bread, cakes and pastries . They offer you more freshness, too, for better tasting Bamby bread is delivered fresh to your favorite food dealer the same day it's baked, so that you can buy it at its best. Bamby bread is always fresh and fragrant, bringing you pleasure even before you bite into that first slice. Next time ask for fresher, better tasting Bamby bread! Ask for Fresher, Tastier, Baked Today... - -ws Mul 1111,Al MB' g* ,. - WOODS BAKING COMPANY OR ANY LEGIONNAIRE 1014 EAST FIFTH STREET now have you received your '48 card? If not SEE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: .-lrm.-r V.^.-W*~ l-^ V y'PVPf r~ss ,,e ~8"Q~Lp-c~a6~L~t ~l~a&~ -. -----------~ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, ,GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24,1947 PAGE SIX i . '70r l PANAMA CITY, FLA. F IA 4 l Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 To Wed Josiah L. Sharit, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Frank Ben- nett of Atlanta, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter Barr- bara to Josiah Leonard Sharit, Jr., of Port St. Joe. The marriage is to be solemnized Decemiber 20 at the Peachtree Road Methodist Church in Atlanta. The bride-elect was graduated from North Fulton high school, At- .where she was a member of DelRa Delta Delta sorority and the Art League. She is now attending the junior college in Atlanta. Tlhe bridegroom-elect, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sharit of this city, was an honor graduate of Georgia Military Academy and attended Vir- ginia Military Institute in Lexing- ton, Ky., and Georgia Tech. Follow- ing his service in the Pacific thea- lanta, and' was a member of Sigma ter with the 13th Army Air Force, Delta sorority and the Girls' Circle he is now a pre-law student at Em- for Tallulah Flls. She attended the ory University, where he is the University of Georgia for two years tribune of Sigma Ohi fraternity. cusMo erS Pads formerly $20, now o. .er $15.00 $15.00 RAYETTE COLD WAVES $10.00 MANICURES 90c We are pleased to announce that MISS MYRLE SUNDAY, formerly of Inez Beauty Salon, Mari- anna, has now joined our staff. Your patronage will be appreciated. For the benefit of our working customers, we are taking appointments after 5:00 o'clock. Visit our Salon today. Phone 41 VERA FRANKLIN, Manager Record Attendance At October P.-T. A. Meet The record attendance at the Oc- tlber meeting of the Parent- Teacher Association Thursday eve--' nung of last week is proof that the citizenry of Port St. Joe are at last becoming P.-T. A.-minded. No ac-I tual count was made, but the crowd was estimated to be over 125, and a goodly number of those present were nmen. A fitting devotional, led by Rev. Billy Daniel, was followed by the businel's session, presided over by Mrs. Edwin Ramsey in her usual ef-icient manner. At this time the organization voted to send Mrs. Ramsey and Mrs,. Ralph Swatts as delegates to the state convention to be held in St. Peterslburg early in November; to continue the use of handbills to publicize meetings;, to help in the safety program by help- ing to make flags for the schoolboy patrol, and to place in the school a chest in -which clothes may be placed for the benefit of needy children. After urging parents to visit tihe schools during American Education Week, the president turned -the meeting over to the program chair- man, Rev. Tom Byrne, who began the program with a period of group singing. Dr. Terry Bird of Apalach-- cola, director of the tri-c:ounty health unit, speaking- on "Today's Health Problems," discussed the county setup, explaining how the4 health program is being carried on in Gulf county. The social hour -following the program provided an excellent op- portunity for parents and teachers to become better, acquainted, as well as to enjoy cake and coca-colas. Baptist Circles Elect Officers for Year Circles One and- Two of the Bap- tist W. M. U. elected officers for the ensuing year at meetings held Monday afternoon. Circle One, meeting at the home of Mrs W. C. Pridgeon, named the 'ollowirg officers: Mrs. C. A. Mc- Clellan, chairman; Mrs. C. M. Pal- mer, co-chairman; Mrs. L. E. Vo'ss, secretary; Mrs-. J. D. Lane, trea-t urer. Committee chairmen: Mrs. W. H. Howell, missions; Mrs. Wesle.' Ramsey, children's home; Mrs. E. C. Ca.son, program; Mrs. J. F. Mil ler, stewardship; Mrs. W. C. Prid- geon, mission study; Mrs. W. H. Howell, social; Mrs. W. S. Smith, flowers. The hostess served ice cream, cake and punch to the .15 members present. Circle Two, meeting with Mrs. J. J. Clements, with Mrs. W. J. Daugh- trly presiding, elected the following officers: Mrs. W. J. Daughtry, chairman; Mrs. J. J. Clements, co- chairman; Mrs. W. I. Carden, sec- retary; Mrs. Asa Montgomery, treasurer. Committee chairmen: Mrs. H. G. Harvey, program; Mrs. C. W. Enifinger, stewardship; Mrs. J. W. Plair, children's home; Mrs. C. G. Costin, missions. The hostes's served chicken salad, cookies, cof- fee and coca-colas to the nine mem- bers present. Assisting' in serving were Miss Sara Nell Clemeuts and Miss Margaret Mincey. Spend Week-end In Youngstown Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pierce and children spent last week-end in Youngstown with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. WV Gainnie and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Pierce. tt Rn Additional Society on Page 8 DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED X" Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. * I 34% MORE NON-SKID MILEAGE AT A 101/2% LOWER PRICE* jPrices cut 10'/a2% on all popular sizes. Other sl f ao -- Many Other Attractive Bargains At Your Friendly Supply Store ST. JOE SUPPLY COMPANY Inc. H. COX, Manager 112 REID AVENUE PHONE 321 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA S S * SPort Theatre A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. * THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAY AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. B ar ga At Your eeo e4 LAST TIMES FRIDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY October 27 and 28 U _____ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s. *0 -O<0*>-^^-^ * SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - ROUGH! TOUGH! - FEATURE NO. 2 -- "Bulldog Bruimond Strikes Back" Also -- Chapter 3 of Serial "SON OF ZORRO" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 --Also--- "PACE MAKER" and Nesbit's "PASSING PARADE" - Also- Latest Movietone News WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 HIT NO. 1 S KENNY I DELMAR "tA; Senhalul CIhrr' ,r- UNA MERKEL f/ June Lockhart [* ,. .. *-, *, HIT NO. 2 3 MESQUITEERS in "Range Defenders"' Plus - Chapter 7 of Serial "MYSTERIOUS MR. M" 0 ***** 0 *0 @4*0S THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 30 and 31 MYSTERY THRILLER! Hallowe'en Late Show Friday, Oct. 31 10:45 P. M. SLA PLANCIHE JOHN JAMES ~. u, t l-f . *Ot t I a f I U U U uwu I --- PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GU-LF COUNTY, FLORIDA DIR AY OCTOBER 24 1 7 PAGEEI~HT HE SARPOR ST.JOE EtLP CUNT, ~0RID FRDAY OCTBER24,194 ililliiiiilll lliiiiiiiii i lll il lll i lli lllli lli lll llllillllll 1ln ADDITIONAL SOCIETY illllllllllllllllllllllll li l t111i1i 1 1iIiiiiiniiiIl llllllll!l11111t l MRS. PROWS HOSTESS TO PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY The Presibyterian Ladies Auxili- ary met Monday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. R. D. Prows, Jr. The meeting was opened with prayer ,by Mrs. Prows. after which a short business session was held. Mrs. H. L. McKinnon had charge of the devotional, which wa's taken from the Book of Luke. Mrs. Prows and Mrs. McKinnon gave in- teresting talks on "Who l's My Neighbor?" after which the meeting was dismissed with prayer. The hostess served coffee and cake to Mrs. Tom Mitchell, Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Mrs. Bill Lewis. Mrs. H L. McKinnon, Mrs. J. R. S.mith. Mrs. M. Elder, Mrs. Charles Harrison and Mrs. A. P. Wakefield. The next meeting of the auxiliary will be held Monday at the home of Mrs. H. A. Campbell. * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. RATES- 1t, cevils per word fo)r one inser- tion (count initials and figures as single wordn.); ininuwi charge 0 ceits. Addi- tional insertions of suaie ad taie lower rate. To eliminate ...' I .. -,, 1l ads must be paid for at ti....., 1 insertion. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE For those who contemplate build- ing, we have some new plans for small, medium and large houses. In addition to listings already ad- vertised, we have two new ones or special interest: One of ,the finest old houses in Port St. Joe, big lot, high ceiling's, large rooms, four bed- rooms. Fairly priced and reasonable terms. On 8th St. near Monument. On Long Ave. two-story apartment house on two lots, 94 foot frontage, room for erecting two more houses without crowding. Have this for a quick sale at amazingly low price. Income from this' will return suf- ficient amount to keep up payments on building two houses. This at prewar price. We won't have it long. --And don't forget the house on 7th rear Woodward Ave. Two-bedroom house, $1150 down and balance of $2000 on long-time loan with easy monthly payments. Better hurry ir you want this one!! And lots, plenty of them- beach, Long Ave., 16th St., 10th St., Monu- ment and Palm Boulevard's, ana don't forget the new beach home with every convenience, on very reasonable terms and selling below actual cos.t. THOSE. R. L. CARTER Registered Real Estate Broker Phone 201 317 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida ,PAGE FISH CAMP--Residence, six cottages and about 15 acres land; located at end of West Arm bridge on Highway 71, edge of city. Price $12,600. Some terms can be ar- ranged. Also subdivision just opened near Brockette's; residence only. Prices from $100 up. See or write C. F. Hanlon. licensed real estate 'broker, Wewahdtchka, Fla. 24c We have just had a three-bedroom house on Long Avenue listed. This house is in good condition and you may buy equity and assume more- gage. Also have a nice two-bedroom house oul Long Avenue with FHA mort- gage, which you may assume. Frank & Dot's Agency Registered Real Estate Broker Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 SPECIAL SERVICES CONTRACTING and BUILDING Any Type Building S See - SMITH AND SMITH Building Contractors 17* Phone 159 Apalachicola, Fla. FOR RENT CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 per day. Spillers and Nichols, phone 83 or 304. 10-24* WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT-Uufurnished apartment or small house. No children or pets. Contact J. C. Kent at Davis Airport. 1* LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port- St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- '.(S\ days each month, 8:00 p. M. Members urged to attend! visiting brothers welcome. D. L. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets every Weldnesday night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. All members urged to attend and visiting brethren invited. B. B. Conk- lin, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, Secretary. Advertising doesn't cost-It payi FOR SALE FIREPLACE WOOD-Light wood, $20 cord; mixed (pine and light wood), $1S cord. See \IACK, or Phone 310-W. 31'* GUEST CHECKS- (100 to pad). Large, $6 per 100 pads; 10 pads, 75c. Small, $5 per 100 pads; 10, or 60c. Also onionskin "COPY" second sheets, $2.25 per package of 1000 (don't ask us to break a package). THE STAR. 10-24tf WASHING MACHINE-Large size. Also Leroy water pump. Both in good shape; priced reasonable. See A. D. Lawson. 1I BICYCLE Girl's bicycle in good condition. See Mrs. Ralph Rich, 219 Ninth .Street.. Ic FOR SALE-71/2 h.p. Scott Atwater motor, 14-foot Crump Craft boat, boat trailer, 5-room house on 54x95 foot lot in *Bayview Heights, andI 20 head chickens. All for $2800. See Johnnie L. Minis. 10-31* CHICKENS-White Rocks, 20 hens 2 roosters, 10 months old, 4-A grad.e. Won't haggle over price. Grady Manasco, phone 329-J. 2* FOR SALE-Child's bicycle, good condition; kitchen cabinet and safe, linoleum rugs and other house- hold. furnishings, reasonable prices. If interested see Mrs. Laura Wil- bourn, 1311 Long Avenue. Phone 275-W. 24- FOR SALE-2-wheel trailer, 5x10- foot body, $45. Call Lilius Jewel- ry Store. 8-15tf There are things in life that make us gay, And music brightens our every day; Check this list and you'll agree Our collection of Records are from A to Z. Long, Long Trail With a Red Caboose. You're Breaking In a New Heart- Peggy Lee, Ela Fitzgeralo. When You Were Sweet Sixteen- Perry Como. That's My Desire-Sammy Kayve. George Washington. Abraham Lin- coln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E Lee-Phil Harris. I Miss You So-King Cole Trio. Daughter of Joey Blon-Johnny Bond. Christmas Dreaming-F. Sinatra. True Blues-Roy Milton. St. Louis Blues-Albert Ammons. Album of the Week - Chopin's Music To Remember Jos6 Iturbi HEAR THEM AT ST. JOE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. HOSIERY BARGAINS! ANKLETS-11 pairs for $1, regular 25c value. For infants, girls or ladies. Assorted colors. LADIES' HOSE-4 pairs for $1. 39c value. Choice of semi-sheer seam- less rayon, or full-seam service weight cotton. Fall shades. MEN'S COTTON S.OX-8 pairs for $1. 25c value. Medium wt., long style or short-elastic top. Assorted colors. MEN'S DRESS SOX-5 pairs for 1. 35c value. Flne rayon, long org short elastic, top. Assorted colors. Hosiery are slight iimperl'ects. Please state sizes wanted. No COD'S. We Pay Parcel Post. SOUTHERN SALES COMPANY P. 0. Box 2029 Dept. AH-70 Kroxville, Tennessee . APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 FOR RENT-2-bedroom apartment on Mexico 'Beach. All utilities fur- , nished. Completely furnished ex- cept linens. Call Joe Mira. Ic FOR APARTMENTS See The5 Shirey Apa-rtments. 8-3 HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odom of East Point announce the birth of a soi on October 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Dickey of this city announce the birth of a 3on, Pnvid Calvin, on October 11. Mr. and Mrs. Noaih Bryant of Highland View announce the biith of a son, Noah Barry, on October 12. Mr. and Mrs. William Dockery of Port St. Joe are the proud parents oi a laughterr, born October 12. Th'ie -oeng lady has been named Evely a' 'JMargaret. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hilkl.man of' Apalachicola, announce the birth cf a daughter ou Octaber 13. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Maxwell of Apalahliicola announce the birth ol' t son on October 14. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Tillmain of W(i walitchlika are announcing the 'irtlhi of ai d:sughter. Linda Gail, born Octohel'r 1. Mtr. anldl Mrs. John Dady of Port 4t. Joe are the proud parents of a nOii,. Johui Wayiie. born' Ortobier 15. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Hill of High- iand View announce the birth of a laughter, Geraldine. born Oct. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson of Apalachicola announce the birth o 'i son. Donald Wesley, on Oct. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunn of this city proudly announce the arival of a daughter, Erna PFrancie, on October 18. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coulter of Ap- alachicola announce tne birth of a daughter on October 18. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Alligood o[ Ap- alachicola an-ouince the birth of a -daughter. Helen Carol, on Oct. 21. (All births occurred at the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital) LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS AT HOME OF MRS. LUPTON The Amimerican Legion Auxiliary met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. M. I. Lupton with Mrs. Es- telle Mosely, president, presiding. Committee chairmen submitted reports ,and Mrs. P. J. Lovett, in charge of donations for Pratt Gen- eral Hospital. requested all mem- bers to have their articles ready as soon as possible. The Auxiliary. in co-opepration with directors of the hospital, is sponsoring the "Gil't Shop" for disabled veteran's. The shop is uppermost in everyone's mind at this time, with only a short time before the deadline, and the president urged all members to have their gifts ready for shipment by November 20. Packages can be left at Schneider's store. Mrs. Madeline Whitaker was ac- Port St. Joe ONE DAY ONLY! Wed. Novs. BASEBALL PARK ; .. ( 16SHO&W. USED FOR ITS 1000 WONDERS iGGER-BETTER--GRANDER-THAN EVER AN ECLIPSING EPOCH IN T'I WORLD'S GREATEST AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION 600 PEOPLE- BrimmniingOvarwih Innovations and 150 ARENIC STARS Wondrous Surprises -250 WILD ANI- and a Myiad of Un- pregedented Amaz- MALS-IN GREAT ing Features from 5 CONTINENT All Strange Lands. MENAGERIE- POTTER TROUPE f OF THE OREAAniaT 5,000 SEATS-50 BAREBACK RIDERS MUSICIANS-NEW INI THE WORLD FEATURE, 6 FOLD 2 FLYING ACTS CHAMPION SOMER- SCIRCUS-s$500,000 SAULTING AERIALISqS OF AMERICA AND CI-fl. CAPITAL INVESTED. TINENTAL EUROPi TWICE DAILY 2&8 P.M. PRICS DOORS OPEN 1 T -PM. Reserved and Admission Tickets On Sale Circus Day at Smith's Pharmacy. corded a rising vote of thanks for Next meeting olf the Auxiliary her untiring efforts in securingg a will be held Novenmber 4 at the 100 per cent meni'bership. home of Mrs. C. G. Costin. Following adjournment. a social I I a hour was enjoyed d(uriug which thi Visit Relatives In Blountstown hostess, assisted by Mrs. Cecil Cos- Mrs. Pat Gaskin and son and Mrs. tin and Mrs. C. C. Taunton, served j Milton Chafin visited Tuesday in * open-face sandwiches and puncli. Blountstown with relatives. THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. l c -Come In and See STHE NEW GULF TIRE A*i, ^ ,7--" Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION TERMITES ROACHES 5-Year Guarantee 1-Year Guarantee NO POISON, MESS OR STAINING NAVAL CHEMICAL COMPANY OFFICIAL TERMITE INSPECTOR FOR F H A PHONE 201 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. For MATTRESS WORK R CLEANING and AWNINGS MAIL POSTCARD TO DIXIE MATTRESS COMPANY 628 Oak Avenue Panama City, Florida WE PICK UP EVERY FRIDAY 11-14* MEET YOUR FRIENDS -AT A LeHARDY'S BAR ." WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry , WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire "0 r yutO BUCK ALEXANDER Plumbing GENERAL PLUMBING REPAIRA SE SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods You needn't be rich to serve meat fairly often (though nowa- days it certainly helps if you are!). You can stretch small amounts surprisingly far by combining them with A&P's sen- sibly-priced cereals and canned foods. Here's how: ENJOY A GOOD, LONG LOAF! To make a man-size meat loaf at a budget-wise price, combine 11 lbs. ground meat, 1 egg', tsp. pepper, 2 tsps. salt, % cup chopped celery, 2 tbsps. chopped onion,- , cup choppedcelery '. leaves and 1 can tomato soup. Mix well. Add 4 cups of A&P's crispy ,r SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES or SUNNYFIELD WHEAT FLAKES (slightly crushed). Pack into greased 9"x5"x3" loaf pan and bake in moderate oven, 375'F., 114 hours. 6 to 8 servings. BAKED BEANS? BY ALL MEANS When finances are low, give thanks for franks and A&P's thrifty ANN PAGE BEANS... and put them together like this: To two 16- oz. cans of beans, add 2 or 3 sliced I frankfurters, 1 tbsp. brown sugar, % tsp. grated onion, and 14 cup tomato juice or ketchup. Pour into baking dish or bean pot and bake in a moderate oven, 350F., 25-30 minutes. 6 satisfying servings. * STRETCH IT OUT WITH KRAUTI You won't hear a single beef about ground beef prepared this way: To '2 lb., add 1/ tsp. salt; shape into balls and cook in 2 tbsps. fat until browned, turning occasional- ly. Add 1 cup boiling water, 2 onions (cut in halves), 1 cup cooked or canned tomatoes and 1 -2 can of A&P SAUERKRAUT. Sinuner about 1 hour. Serves 4. LEFT-OVER "PUSH-OVER" Two cups of left-over meat will serve 4 to 6 people .. right... if it's stretched so: Mix together 1 finely chopped onion, A', t p. salt, 1 tsp. horseradish, 1 tap. mustard and r% tsp. pep- per. Add to 2 cups mashed potatoes . Combine 1 cgg' '. (beaten), 1'% cup WHITE HOUSE . EVAPORATED MILKC from the A&P (undiluted), 1 tbsp. melted marr,a:-, ; 'e and 2 cups left-over or ready-cooked meat (chopped). Add to potat. mixture and pile into greased 1, quart casserole. Bake in hot oven, 425F:, 25 minutes. -aP-Be --II~-- ---F~ -6 ~sl THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, oULiF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTO:BE~R 24, 1947 PAGE EIGHT I |