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HELP PROMOTE PO-RT ST. JOE BY JOINING THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THE STAR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future'Industrial Center VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 NUMBER 51 County School Trustee Election To Be Held Nov. 4 All Tax School Districts Are Consolidated Under New Law Gulf county this year will have ,but one school district election- fori the entire county-instead of the old inter-county district elle.c- tions that have been conducted in -the past, and voters will go to the ,polls in a special election next No- veinber 4 to select three trustees for the special district to replace six trustees now functioning in two special school districts, under tlhe new law passed during the recent se-ssion of the state legislature. The new law, as recommended ?y the Florida citizens committee on education, was designed to eliml- nate sectionalism and "provide. equal ad-vantages, equipment, etc." for each school, as 'well as stream- line the functioning of the t,'ustee system. Heretofore, three trustees have 'been elected from each of the two school districts. Candidates for the three seats must be nominated by pe-tition of at least five qualified freeholders and file with the county school board, at least 30 days prior to the holding of the election. In this case the deadline will be Octo'ber 4. The three trustees elected will serve for tl eu-uinug two years as trustees for the county, taking of- fice. in Janualry, 1948. Not more than one trustee shall come from any one residence, district, for which a county board member is provided for by law. Menibers of the county school board are chosen from the five dis- tricts as outlined by a resolution adopted recently by the school board and published last week in The Star. The districts as set up are as follows: District No. 1-Voting precinct 1, East Wewahitchka, and Dalkeith. District No. 2-Highland View, _- Continued on page 8) Alex Young Opens Modern Food Store Alex Young yesterday opened a modern food store in a nelw build- ing just completed on Reid. Avenue opposite the Miller Drug Store. The new establishment is fitted out with the latest in modern fix- tures and will carry a complete line of staple and fancy groceries, vege- tables and fruits, frozen foods and meats. Alex is stressing his market par- ticularly, and asserts there will be none in town to compare with it. Alex reports a nice business yes- terday in spite o.f the storm, and at- tributes it to the fact that h.e. was passing out free cokes, which, by the away will be available 'Jor flee today and tomorrow. Father Dies M.r. and Mrs. B. E. Rialwls returned Sunday from New Orleans, where. they were called by the illness ana death of Mrs. Raiwls' father, J. M. Avera. They were, accompanied home by Mrs. Rawls' mother, Mrs. Avera. Enrolls In University Miss Sara Jo Costin left Wednes- day for Tallahasese where she will enroll in Florida State University for the coming term. County Board Fixes Millage For '47 At 16 School District Millages Set At Meeting of Commission Also The board of county commis- missioners at their last meeting set the county village for 1947 at 16%c mills, based on the budget for the year as approved at the August 5 session of the board. The assessment, 'by funds, is as follows: General Fund ................ 4 mills Fine and Forfeiture Fund ...... 1 mill Road and Bridge Fund ........ 2 mills Agriculture and Livestock Fund. 1 mill Gulf County Health Unit . 1% mills Court House and Jail Interest and Sinking Fund .............. 1 mill $200,000 Canal Bond Fund .... 1 mill County Service Officer's Fund 1/4 mill Total .................... 10% mills General School Wund .......... 6 mills Countyvwide millage -16% mills The trustees of the special taxt school districts of the county and the school board, having presented the rate, of millage deemed neces- sary for operation of the county's schools, the 'board of commission- ers also set millage for the various school districts as follows: School District No. One ........ 3.5 mills School District No. Two ....... 3.5 mills School District No. One (bonds) .. None School District No. Two (bonds) 4 mills School Dist. No. 1 Building Fund.. 3 mills School Dist. No. 2 Building Fund.. None PREACHING SERVICE AT WHITE CITY SUNDAY Rev. Loyd W. TufblA. pastor of the local Methodist Church, announces- that there will 'be preaching serv- ice at the community house in White City Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All residents of White City and adjoining communities are invited to attend. Kiwanis Will Make Up School Lunch Deficit Due to the fact that the federal contribution toward school lunches has been cut from six to three cents per plate, it is estimated there -will be a deficit of approximately $800 ii the local school lunch program this year, and the Port St. Joe Ki- wanis Club has agreed to take over the deficit in order that lunches may be kept up to standard set in the past few years. The estimate of $800 was basel on the. fact that last year the deficit was $648. With in. creased enrollment and higher food costs the higher figure was set for this term. The public will be as-ked to aid in raising this money by contributing their pennies, nickles and dimes, which will be deposited in coin boxes placed in stores in Port St. Joe, Beacon Hill, White City, Oak Grove, Hiig'hland View and Kenney's Mill. STOLEN CAR FOUND Bernard Pridgeon was notified Monday by Patrolman Olin Davis that his car, stolen ten days pre- viously, hat: been found in a swamp near Lynn Haven. The car was dis- covered by a negro, and it was necessary to use a 60-foot cable to pull it out of the. mud. --------T(------- Mac Is Batching Mrs. N. L. McCollum and son, Bobby, are visiting Mrs. McCol- lum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Methvin, in Palatka, leaving Mbr. Gas Tax Funds Will Be Used On Roads-Streets Gulf County Receiving Approx- imately $42,000 Yearly From-State With approximately $55,000 pet year accruing to the credit of Gulf county from the second, gas tax for the construction of roads and bridges, and with approximately $3000 per annum of this 'sum re- quired to pay off principal and in- terest on road and bridge obliga- tions acquired when Gulf county was a part of Calhoun county, the board of county commissioners de- cided to do something with the $52,000 remaining which can be used for the construction of state roads and bridges within the county. So they passed a resolution at their last meeting applying to the state improvement commission to issue and sell a sufficient amount of revenue certificates for the con- struction and hand-surfacing of the following streets within unincorpor- ated communities of the county: OAK GROVE lola Street,-'lat part of Hunter Street connecting Iola and Dluval Streets. )uval Street-Second Avenue from city limits of Port St. .lee running South approximately ,385 feet, thence East approximately 500 feet. HIGHLAND VIEW Begin at highway on Second Street and run East approximately 1300 feet along Secomil Steet. Begin at highway on Third Street and rnm East approximately 900'feet along T'hird Street. Begin at highway onl Fourth Street and r1n EFast approximately .105o feet along Fourth Street. Begin at highway on Fifth Street aud run East ap- ,roximately 1275 feet along Fifth Strcet. Begin at highway on Sixth Street and run East approxinlately 1'250 feet along Sixth Street. Begin at First Street ani run i North on Second Avenue approximately 1900 feet *o intersection of Seventh Street in Bay View IHeights, Subdivision Begin at Third Street ;i 1i iun North on First Avenue approximately 1260 feet to i ters(,tion of Sevent h Street in Bay View Heieght s. BEACON HILL Begin at Overstreet highway on First Alve- nue and run r I ,i First Avenue Southeast approximately ,' feet to Second Street, f lei, along Second Street Southwest to paved highway approximaiely 3001 feet. Payment for the above will be made from the 20 per cent portion of the gas tax revenue. From the 80 per cent end, the commissioners are petitioning for sale of revenue certificates to hard- ui'fface state road 381 (the Dal- keith-Willis road) and state road 23-27, which exte.uds from highway '8 through Oak Grove to Niles. These projects are the first of a number which will extend over a period of years, eve-ntually giving Gulf county a modern inter-linked system of hard-surfaced roads. Scout Court of Honor Set For Monday Night Scoutmaster J. T. Simpnson an- iounces that a Boy Scout Court of lonor will /Ibe held next Monday evening at S o'clock in the Centen- nial Auditoriunm, at which time 92 awards in Scout work and advance- ment will be presented. Awards for the best airplane models and woo(l- working will also be made at this time. A talk to the Scouts will be made by Coach Marion Craig. At this Court of Honor three Cub Sconlts who have become 12 years of age will be. accepted into the Scout troop. Everyone is invited and urged to attend this Court oa Honor next Monday evening. To Take Dentistry Course P. B. Fairley, .Jr., left We.dne.s day for Tallahassee to enter FTor- Tropical Hurricane By-Passes St. Joe ,;]!lull] u!| lllll iiil allllllll]lllilllllllli!l|l lli ll ulllnllll!! ] Star Is Held Up For Hurricane Results With a hurricane breathing down the back of our neck yes- terday afternoon, and the possi- bility that there would be a lot in the way of news to record, the editor of The Star decided to hold up publication for a day-or possibly longer if the power lines .were destroyed-in order that our out of-town readers wouldn't b'e required to wait a week to find out whether or not Port St. Joe was still on the map. And that is why your paper is a day late. A number of news items were omitted due-to lack of space, for which we apologize. Want To Be Postmaster Of Highland View Office? The U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces an examination to fill the position of fourth class post- master at Highland View. Salary to be. paid is $1,382 er year, The examination will be held at the Port St. Joe postoflice and re- ceipt of application's will close on October 2.'- The examination is open to all citizens of the United States re- sidi.ng within the territory sup- plied by the Highland View office who are at least 21 years of age but not yet 65 on the date of the. close of receipt of applications for the examination. Application blanks and full infor- mation may be secured from the Highland View postoffice, or from the U. S. Civil Service. Commission. Washington 25, D. C. Applications must be on file with the commis- sion at Washington by October 2. Date of examination will be sent applicants after the close of receipt of applications. Motorists Warned Not To Pass Halted School Buses Patrolman Olin Davis of the state highway patrol states that a cam- paign has been started against mo- torists violating the state law pro- hi-biting cars passing school buses .-topped- for discharging or loading children. A school bus carries the most precious cargo on the highway, said Davis. and it should be given thL- maximum protection. He added that all patrolmen have been instructed to crack down ont any motorist who fails to stop and wait for a school bus to discharge or take on its pas- se ngers. Patrolman Davis urges citizens to aid in this campaign by carefully complying with the law. Promoted To Corporal Carl A. (uilford, son of Mr. anca Mrs. J. A. Guilford of Overstreet. a member of the 313th Troop Car- rier Wing at Bergstrom Field, Aus- tin. Texas, has been promoted to the rank of corporal. Visitors From Monticello Mrs. Jack Finney and Mrs. John McCollum to get along as best he ida State University where he will Kirkland of Monticello were visi- may. bake up a course in dentistry. tors in tcwn this week. City Prepares For Worst, But Gets Only High Winds and Rain Port St. Joe .was battened down Thursday and preparations made to weather out the tropical hurricane that had swept across South Flor- ida causing millions of dollars in damage, entered, the Gulf at Fort Myers and headed northward in our direction. U. S. weather bu- reau advisories stated that the, cen- ter of the storm would hit North- -west Florida somewhere between Apalachicola and. Pensacola, with predicted wind velocities of better than 100 miles per hour. iSchools were dismissed at noon yesterday and the school buildings thrown open for the benefit of those who felt unsafe in their homes. Ap- proximately forty persons, mainly from the beach areas, were cared for at the school by the Red, Cross. The St. Joe Paper Company mill Was .closed down at 4 p. m. yester- day and a considerable number of its employes and their families, ap- parently unaccustomed to Florida hurricanes, left for inland, points to wait out the storm. Show windows of practically all business establishments in the city were boarded up, as well as win- dows of a large number of private residences, signs were removed from. stores, and the populace laid in supplies of candle's for use, if the power supply failed-and then everybody sat back to wait. High winds, estimated at from 50 to 60 miles per hour, lashed at the. city during late afternoon and everyone thought, 'Well, here she comes." But the clock ticked on. Midnight passed, the estimated time for the whirling mass of air to hit this section. Nothing new was added, and a concerted sigh of re- lief went up. Old Mother Nature had decided to s-pin her tropical top off in another direction. The city had electricity up until 9:30 last night and it was back on early this morning, which speaks well for Rich Porter's power com- pany, for at times we are without juice if someone sneezes real hard (Continued on page 7) LOSES FINGERTIPS WHILE UNLOADING FUEL DRUMS Billy Howell, MoMM 3/c, who is with a Coast Guard unit at Miami, arrived home Saturday on a 261d'ay 'sick leave after having the ends of three fingers of his left hand cut off. Seems Billy was helping unload oil drums from a ship to a lighter at Dry Tortugas, off the south tip of Florida, when his fingers got caught between an oil drum and the ship's side. "I looked down and saw the tips of my fingers going down through the water," said Billy. It took 13 hours to get him to the naval hospital at Key West, where he was given a blood transfusion and where he remained for 15 days. -------__ Lanes Visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Lane. of Co- lumbia. S. C., are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lane and Mrs. Verna Smith. They will leave next week for Atlanta, (L., where John will enroll in Georgia Tech for the fall term. / These Are NOT Week-end Specials But Our EVERY DAY PRICES!! No. 2 Can Pride of the Valley SWEET CORN 15DC 20 Ounce Can Armour's 1 i PORK and BEANS c l6C Ideal, Perk and Dash a DOG FOOD-2for 2 25C Gallon COOKING OIL 2.25 Half Gallon COOKING OIL 1.30 Fresh CELERY Per Stalk 10 2c Fresh Green SNAP BEANS- Pound 1 2 c-^ Fresh 2 LETTUCE-PerlHead 12C Fresh CORN ON THE COB-Per Ear ** 5C Just Rite , FRESH -BANANAS-PerPound 14C Due to a deadline on Editor Bill's rag, we are unable to begin to list all the Everyday Specials that we have in store for our customers (Ed Note: Alec brought his copy in at 10 o'clock Tuesday night, getting us out of our downy bed), so may we ask that you . COME IN AND HAVE A COKE ON US . and look them over. 49M IN OUR MARKET we have for the GRAND I OPENING the most complete line of TOP GRAiE MEATS that can be bought, and will continue to have the best there is for you from now on. Good Old Wisconsin DAISY CHEESE-PerPound .47c Armour's MAYFLOWER OLEO Per Pound 30 Armour's STAR PICNIC HAMS Per Pound 59C Fresh BEEF LIVER-PerPound 48c Irish Potatoes 10 ib. 36c .-,- ---- I I I Spring Clip CLOTHES PINS-3Dozen - No. 2 Galvanized WASH TUBS-Each Smoking Tobacco PRINCE ALBERT-Can - 31c $1.39 10c All Brands CIGARETTES- Per Package 20 ^. is'Llwn~s~s -M FOOD REID AVENUE YOUNG'S PHONE 354 STORE PORT ST. JOE 9 I d~Lil Qls ~ P-- rcer a Lr la_ I ii ~derrsh~a~8~a~ a II re "I~isWlb~a~a~-~slraP II a Ig ~ F"--"-'z~ar~aeas~ I~RIIUaa~L ~r~H~slk Is ~Ab~RP~R ~a e~-~F-rpras n --~srul -- b- I I -~--~4~gss~s~-~~_e~eas~,. ~- -. aara~----- I ~sll I ~ E THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORMAA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 PAGE TWO- CN INO Opening of Port St. Joe's ANNOUNCIN INewest and Finest Food Store We Will Carry A Complete Line of Groceries, Frozen Foods Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Meats. We will have a com- plete line of Westen and Native Meats at all times at prices you can afford to pay. I eDIflJAV tr vmrPi 14H T P S JU1N F IA H SUCCEEDS DOUGLASS SUNDAY SERVICES | At the Churches z . . . .. *. * * * PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Daniel, Pastor Sunday school at 9 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. every first and third Sunday. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each m nonth at 8 a. m. Second third and fourth Sundays at 10:15 a. m. KENNEY'S MILL BAPTIST W. B. Holland, Pastor 10:00 a. m,--S.unday school. 11:00 a. m.-Preaching service. 6:45 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. ni.-Preaching service. Prayerme-eting Tuesday night at S o'clock. W. M. U. meets Wednes- days, at 3 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Bible school for all. 10:55 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:55 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. m.-Evening Worship. Prayer service Wednesday eve- minigs at 8 o'clock. METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor f 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:00 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bayview Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Highland View 10:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:30 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:45 p. m.-Evangelistic service. Prayermieting Wedinesday eve- Shings at 7:45. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 1\1:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION TO ISSUE AIR MAP OF STATE A new air map, showing the loca- tion of all, airport facilities, high- ways, railroads, lakes, rivers, cities and other landmarks .will be issued 'by-the statL improvement commls- sion October 1. The map will be the. first issued by the state since 1941. Publication of the map, previously done by the aviation division of the. state road department, was suspended during the war for security purposes. The maps 'will be distributed without change to all licensed air- ports. One-fourth of the rain that falls in the forest is caught by tree leaves and branches and dissi- pated into the air. A Good Doctor Is Only Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION! Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We com- g pound them exactly as your doc- tor orders, using only the best an.d purest drugs. Carver Drug Co. Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Fla. Richard Mack, 38-year-old war veteran and former Miami credit manager, has taken the oath as the third member of the Fiorida Railroad and Public Utilities Commisiosn, succeeding the latt W.. B. (Babe) Douglass. Commis- sioner Mack was appointed by Governor Caldwell for the re- mainder of the Douglass term. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrss. Walster Goodson of Panama City ,were the weeak-end guests of Mr. and. Mrs. E. C. Cason. Disappearing Lake Is Again In News Mother Nature is repeating one of her most amazing magic acts, the disappearance of a 15-aere, basin of ,vater. 4-5 feet deep,, adjacent to Lake lamonia IS miles north: of" rallahaissee. Lake lamonia itself, 10 miles long ,.nd running fromri a half mile, to a'ree miles wide, would also be doomed to oblivion except for the act that L.onu county commission- ers, assisted by the state game and fresh water commission, erected a huge dam in 1939 to avoid such a calamity. The water in the basin started disappearing about three weeks ago and today nothing remains but a small .pond in the deep pit. Records eveal that the basin "disappeared" n 1910, 1917, 1934 and again in 1946. Explanation of the phenome- non is still in the guesswork stage. Regardless of the cause, the. deep basin has disappeared, leaving row- joats stranded 30 feet high on solid, iagged. earthen pinnacles that were deeply hidden beneath the water's surface three weeks ago. Today the earthen dam stand guard between Lake lamonia and oblivion. It is 1150 -feet long, 150 ialiaiarir nn n feet 'broad at the. base, 12 feet wide at the top and 20 feet high, isolat- ing the main ,body of the lake from the sinkhole portion. Fish in the lake are .protected from disappear- ance by a "fish fence" erected on top of the dam which prevents the overflow from carrying them into the mystery of the disappearing basin. State geologists scoff at state- ments that "it goes out with a roar" and that a marked fe.nce-rail once dropped in the disappearing waters came up in the St. Johns River 200 miles away, but the fact remains that today Mother Nature is again r`'^""U-""""^"^^^-8~--- -u2 FOR GUA Fresh Yard Eggs Fresh Vegetables, ( ARANTEED Fresh Dressed Chickens i Groceries and Meats SALT WATER FISH DAILY RICH'S CURB MARKET Phone 306 Port St. Joe, Fla. The Tattler Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" Vol. II Friday, September 19, 1947 No. 7 / Here's the cQ t you can jf practically liein. Lightweight and rigl r fall and spring witiot t the lining.., snug Ind:'warm against wintry liees with extra lining zipdn. Handsomely tailored in grand long- wearing fabric, Here'se a Printzess fashion with years Of wear built right in. Exclusive with us. In sizes 10 to 46. lxLclusivelv Oiurs! BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida DEAR SHOPPERS: Smooth running Banker Barke thought he had caught us without our teeth (never let a banker catch you without your teeth or pocket- book). but luckily we made a con- nection with Doc Lewis about the same time The Star came out (shame on you, editor, for publi- cizing such unfortunate experi- ences!). This week you'll see teeth in this column and we're proud as a lad. with his first long pants. Nwcv. your son will be proud of one of those new Jack Tar suits with 1 ng pants, size 4 to 10-"Scrub 'em, Tuil 'em and they come up Smil- ing." Mothers, did you get in on that gorgeous shipment of "Tiny Town" Cotton Frocks for girls 1 to 12? There's still a nice selection if you'll hurry down. A spat that ended in a little cry between two girls over one piece lone penny's worth) of chewing The cutaway takes on glorious new femininity . it broadens your shoulders, slims your waist, and rounds out your hips for the latest Fall silhouette. Expertly tailored of fine fabric a distinctive Printzess value. Exclusive with us. Sizes 10 to 18. Exclusively Ours! BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida lliilltlllll lllllill llm i lllllulll 1t 111i1i 11llllllllllllllllllllm and include our hearty congratula- tions and best wishes in "The. Tattler." Whether you like Ye Ed- itor or whether you don't, you'll have to hand it to him for keeping his Star shining and furnishing Port St. Joe with a medium -of ad- vertising (even if it's narrow gauge) for a decade. That's better than a lot of us with two legs could do! In the event you are not a sUbi scriber, spend a couple of dollars and if you don't feel like you've got wour money's worth, in a year's time send us a bill for a dollar of it. Is that fair, Ed? (We didn't say we'd pay it!!) We were going to be happy and satisfied to sell a discerning cus- tomer one pair of NATURAL BRIDGE" SHOES the other day,- when she piped up: "Why don't you sell me. TWO pairs?" We did, and since we've been brushing up on our two-at-a-time salesmanship! gumn demonstrates how little it Why not, since rationing i's over! takes to make two people or more + lihappy. We could make a guess Boyles EIGHTY- EIGHT CENT 'hbat many human beings, young DAYS made hundreds of wise shop- ind old. air. letting "a piece of pers happy and gave us a juicy in- _hewing gum" take the joy out of crease in sales and satisfied cus- life when there's so much to be tomers. Mothers, have you seen happy about and so many useful that new Poll Parrot Shoe with the things to do. Isn't it too bad? lightweight turn sole for dainty T- little girls? It's tops in tot's foot- Here's a real triumphant entry: wear! Ask for color "Chic" in Mo- FIRST SHIPMENT OF SACONY jud's 15 Denier, 51-Gauge Nylons SUITS ARRIVED IN PORT ST.l.. it's the right fall color, and JOE, FLA., LAST WEEK and can you can't resist it's sheer beauty! he seen at BOYLES DEPARTMENT I Ask Jimmy Greer to tell you the ;TORL. Seems that the ISs and one about a man and a little (log! 2{s were first to get here if Now. we have. Block Busters in that's your size, please take a peek Red for school girls you've st these wonderful garment's that asked for them! We congratulate a e famous the nation over. It's Austin Huggins on his new Shoe inst another milestone in Boyles' Shop. Austin is glad the ZOMBIe program to bring you quality mer- season is about over! We've school chandise at a popular price. Atten- oxfords for boys' that can take it tion. please, Halfr-size Ladies! Bear Brand Sox. too! MYNETTE H1-1.F-SIZE FROCKS + in popular crepes and galbardines, Bulildimngs are going up along Reid 16'% to 241/2 are top styles and Avenue at a rapid pace. With more values. We show you these out- and better street lights one might standing dresses with a great deal think one was in town on Saturday of pride! nite or any other nite. Why not? a Maybe some of the new commis.- Elditor Smith tells us that next sioners will pull for this week The Star will have complleted why not? ten years of publication. and even Yours With a Bright Store and though it costs us time and money. for a Bright City, we feel inclined to give him a line R. GLENN BOYLES. posing another mystery with her amazing water disappearance act. -----4----- Expect To Visit In Mississippi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin and children, Mrs. Willie Ola UpshaW and Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon expect to leave today for Pascagoula, Miss., for a short visit. Mrs. Upshaw will remain with her daughter and fam- ily, Mir. and Mrs. Johnny Todd, for a longer visit. Spend Week-end In Bloantstown Mr. and Mrs. Alton. Dendy and baby and Mrs. E. B. Dendy spent the week-end in Blountstolwn, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Miller. - -- lll! aa llll111 11111 !1111111 fl l I iiiiiiiiiiilliil PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF.COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDY- 9PTMBER19.194 THVETA. S J THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the - Portoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 2, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year. ...... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -4f Telephone 51 J1- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisement, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for fuch advertisement. The spoken rord is given scat attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong END OF THE BOOM IN SIGHT Business Week recently ran an article whose title, "U. S. Exports: End of a Boom," outlines a situation of rapidly growing economic im- portance to this country and the world. Since the end of the war, we have been sell- ing goods abroad at a tremendous rate. Efu- rope presents an insatiable appetite for the products of America, and so, to a lesser extent, do the other continents. That appetite has niot slackened in the slightest-but, even so, our exports are now declining in both volume and value, and everyone expects they will drop drastically in the future. The reason for this is obvious. Ameritan ex- ports have lately been leaving our ports at the rate of $16,000,000,000 a year. On the other hand, our imports have been at the rate of only $6,000,000,000 a year. This means that the bal- ance of the world has been operating at a deficit of $10,000,000,000 a year in foreign trade with us alone. And it means that its dol- lar credits have been running out alarmingly fast, and that the bottom of the pile is defi- nitely in sight. England, of course, presents the most publi- cized example of the trend. The American loan of $3,750,000,000 was expected to last through 1950, and possibly longer. When Britain made her last withdrawal recently, the balance re- maining was a mere $400,000,000. That is only enough to last her a few months at her latest rate of purchasing, and in spite of the fact that this week she let go of some of her hoarded gold, she is cutting her purchases in the U. S. to the bare bone. Furthermore, she is having to follow the same policy with other countries, in that intricate currency agreements now in effect force her to convert pounds into dollars, USED TO IT I married man." in many cases even when purchases are- not Attorney: "Is this the first time ------- made in America. that you have ever been cross- California has the most exten- What is true of England is true of much of examined?" sive private reforestraition work in- the world. The effect of this abroad will be Witness: "Not exactly. I'm a America. more belt-tightening, and a lower standard oil ............. T living. The newest British ration cut is an in-l O EiIi dication of what is happening. The effect at home will be the loss of many billion dollars worth of business. Who will be hit hardest by the sag in ex- ports? The answer to that may be the farmer, since every county is making desperate efforts to become as nearly self-sustaining as possible in food. Some machinery people have reported seri- Ous Llmrps in foreign sales. But, by and large, 'urope will use every possible penny for heavy industrial equipment. The only hope for Euro- pean economic salvation is to rebuild her shat- tered basic industries, and she can't get the T E B G G E S T A LU ES machinery anywhere except from us. Obvi- EOUE T VAIR ously, the market for anything resembling a I OUR ENTIRE HISTO Y! luxury or non-essential item will practically 8 vanish. All of this may be changed by future Ameri- Rolls on Like Magikl can legislative action. The Marshall plan, for instancec, involves much food for Europe as wellas durable goods. But, at best, it will be WALL-TONE limited in scope. And it applies only to Euro- 7 T. W mr pean countries not within the Soviet sphere coR. of influence. e7 There is always the possibility of more 3.39 Gel.2 American loans and credits. But congress will move slowly when it comes to this. There is covers with one coat. Dries to the touch in e m hotr. Make a feeling that Europe has not made the most oomLi. einer geot epast el lo Is ough for an avere of the aid.we have given so far. Perhaps the most remarkable proposal yet made is Mr. Bevin's suggestion that the United States divide up the Fort Knox gold in the in- terest of world recovery. One American spokesman observed that this would involve giving the gold away and then buying it back. UPT It hardly seems a feasible idea. At any rate, exports are on the way down. This won't cause major upsets in this country S T E P so long as domestic business remains at or STOO L about present record levels. But should United R Black Tire Paint-- ... --27V States purchasing power fall in the home mar- 5Sealed Beam Fog ket, loss of exports would really be felt. 3.95Lights $3.88 The end of the world, when it arrives, will find some people busy telling the rest of t it human race what is the matter with them. The .development of Port St. Joe depends, in the long run, upon what the people of Port St. Joe do with their surplus cash. Nothing is new under the sun. In 2500 B. C. Egyptian girls reddened their nails. 'Safety Strip' Is Set Boyles Ruins Our Teeth Story SFor panes The -story we carried last week p orAirplanesabout Glenn Boyles losing his teeth was .utterly ruined by Glenn when A "hurricane safe zone" to pro- tct Florida's private planes from he inconsiderately got his artificial tect Florida's private places from storm damage has been designated molars from Doe Lewis about ten by the aviation division of the state o'clock Friday morning. They're so improvement commission, natural looking you'd think Glenn The "safe" zone lies about 30 raised 'em himself. He's "getting ,miles inland from each coastline and occupies a strip extending thru the center of the state from the vi- cinity of Sebring and Wauchula northward. About 45 licensed air- ports and 10 seaplane bases are lo- cated in the zone. The commission is making a sur- vey of all fields in the area to de- termine the facilities available, and the numiher of planes that can be accommodated. There are approxi- Inately 2500 private planes in the state at prsseflt. When the survey is completed, (planes in specific areas will be as- signed definite fields on which to land if they are require-d to evacu- ate their home fields. Rail Safety In 1867 Thomas S. Hall Invented the automatic electric block sys- tem; the first installation being on the New York and Harlem railroad. The wheels of the locomotive strike a lever pivoted to the rail and this in turn sets the signal at danger until the train is out, of the block. even" with us by getting the jump on us in regard to our tenth anni- versary by telling about it in his Tattler column. So we'll sorta even things up by calling the.attention of our readers to a particular point in his column where he sez: "We've school oxfords for ,boys who car. take it." Which,-Glenn, the oxford's or the boys? "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" " 0 Penetrating Oil --- Trouble Lights --- Food Choppers -...--- Can Cutters ----- Moenkey Wrenches -_ Shiny white enamel and brilliant red. The steps pull out and there's a handy little stepladder. l4q $2.39 . $2.98 15V - $1.98 Bicycle Kick Stands 32q These Are Only a Few of the Many Money- Saving Items In Our Store -. Real Investment In Health and Comfort General Electric ROOM HEATER 15.73 Radiates Instant, even, odorless heat. Pro- vides natural draft. Smart Hammerton. prq ------ fnish. Has a handle for easy carrying. Now You Can Buy VTrestone JI DELUXE CHAMPIONS at Lower Than PAY AS I Pre-War Prices UTLE AS I Buy the tire that's up to 55% *pE As' "* | stronger, has up to 60% more $125 non-skid angles and given up S to 32% longer mileage. A WEEK LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLY B. W. EELLS, Owner PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, QULF COUNTY, FLORIDA rs CFtOUR I PAGE FIVE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA partMONI.t of Florida, within Gulf County. and tert' 22821, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1945, twenty per cent (20%) of said surplus o' and as authorized by Chapter 23758, laws MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSION 1u"'"r0 2)olo(0$10,400) said^^^, said Second Gas Tax, or approximately Ten of Florida, Acts of 1947, and Provide that Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($10,400) said revenue certificates or debenture' be per annum is remitted by said the State amortized and serviced from the proceeds of Board of Administration to the Board of the eighty per cent (80', ) of the Second1 Wewahitchka, Flaorida, C. W. Norton, order Mamie ('ontny Commissioners of Gulf County, Flor- Gas Tax remitted to the State Road De- S~eptember 9, 1947 Brewer ------------------ 10.00 ida, for une by said board of county corn- piniiment (it Florida for the construction of September 9, 1947 H & W B Drew Co., a/c 36.71iIiiaos l rads aund bridges within riads and bridges within Gulf County. Flor- The Board of County Commis- H & W B Drew Co., a/c ll-- 1 s county. oi ida; that the cost and expenses incurred by Comnoforter Funeral Home, 1WHEREAS. lthe board of county conmmis- thie Florida State Improvenicnt Commission sionersl of Gulf County met this' day county indigent --------- 36.00 0i, 'nrs aivt desirous of making application in tih issuance andI sale of said revenue in regular session with the follow- St. Jos. Tel. & Tel. Co., a/c 7.72 to the lFlorida State.......... ...I Conmis- (.crifiratei or debentures lie paid froii the In uar-eseion w 't R. Cono- .oug Oie. Su., a/c 53 Iio for tihe issuance ,i ,. ..i snffiienit eighty per cent (80%) of the Second Gas -ing .members present: W. R. Coil- Rode-..bough Office Sup., a/c 5.37 mount of revenue certifiates or debentures Tax ......_ to tre State Rad Department nell, chairman; W. C. Roche, vice-TB Sanatoriunm, Gulf patient's by 'aid til, Florida Slate inproelnent (CoI- of i .. to t,, credit of (;iulf County. Mnel annahairman; W. C. Rohe, ice---------------153.75 mission in accordance with the provisions F-lorida. chairman; J. S. Daniels, J. C. Mar- T anat G a reulrents of Section 421i1.06 I, Florida SECTION 3- That the State Rio.d p. rt- chairma; J. S. Daniels, J. C. ar- TB Sanatorium, Gulf patient Statutes 1941. as amended 1)by Chapter 22- minet of Florida is-liereby requested alnd au- tin and Basil E. Kenney, Jr. Clerk (Orlando) --------------- 37.50 821, Laws of Florida, Acis of 1!1.), aid as theorized to make a survey and estimate t.f nd sheriff re also in attend e. I Shirley, / ..... 2.15 ilth'rized I) Chapter 2375S,, Laws of the cost of construction and '. 1 ...'. . and herif were Calso attenderance.The Daffin Mere. Co. a/c 3.25 Florida. Acts of 1947, and that said revenue the following streets withini.is ... ... ... The meeting cane tbo orde and Th D ntures or i.ertificates hi, serviced 0anti '.ied iconliiintities of lak (b'rove. Jlighhilud J i Whatley Typewriter amortized out of the eighly iper c-nt (so8/() View,. Bay View Heights. Gaulding's Addi. the. following proceedings wer0 had: Co., a/c --------------- 52.25 ;)f the Secoiind as Tax to be remitted to lie ion, and 11,lacon lHill, within Cult County, Minutes of stated meeting read. tar Chemical Co.. a/c --- 7.03 stie Roa l I)a taintent of Florida for the Florida: c i.onstruc.tion of state roads ;.Isl bridges with- OAK (GtlioVE and adopted. Mrs. Edta Rish, salary --- -71.2 i Gn uf u County. Florida, as provided for In Iola street.-1That part of Hunter Street J. E. Lanier 118.25 Seacion 16, Article 9 of the Constitution of .onnecting lola and l)uval Streets. Duval .,jrs E. A. Quick was before the rWiqma A. Revell --- 120.00 Florida; that from the proceeds of the sale Street-Second Avenue from city limits of board and requested medical serv- Leona Taylor, supplement-- 23.75 of saiid ire'ei certificates or iebentures, the Port St. o 'e running South approxiiat-l1 Staiteo Road Ilepartient of Florida construct 11 feit tiiice East approximately 500 ices for her daughter. After discus- J. R. H.unter. clsrk, salary--- 140.20 and h1Ird-surface State Roads No. 381 and 'feet. sion, it was ordered that the clerk 20% Tax a/c, Augusto- t. 9.80 2-27 i HE Aul boaCtiy, l'lorida, tf coiIIt N) e VIEW Sawmuel A. Patrick, on acct. 250.00 -WHEREAS. the board of county cottiits- of. Patrc', On desirous owf lnakitg application eg'ia at highway on Second Strlet and of this board write Dr. J. R. Norton .Priidgeon's Supply Store, a/c 7.05 to the Florida State mnurovefienti Commis- trun East approximately 1300 feet along "of Port St. Joe that the county Byrd E. Parker, cost bill 38.85 sion for the issuance andi sale of a sufficient Seciid Street. Begil at highway oio Ti -Would pay the cost for treatment Conne-l Ice & Water Co., amount of revenue certificates dr debentures Street and run East approxiinatcly 910 feet ld pay the t for treatment onnell Ice & Wate 3.00 by said the Florida State Improvementt C R-. along Third Street. Begin at highway ont scheduled fr Sept. 29 and t a/c 2 t) ------ ion in accordance with til(! provisions Fourth Street and run East approximately scheduled for Sept. 29 ad to ren- ulf Co. Insurance Agency, aind requirements of section 4.120.0, Florida 3050 feet along Fourth Street. Begin at der his bill for such services. Prem. Policy No. 5606 --- 185.93 Statutes 1941. as amended by Chapter 22- highway on Fifth Street and run East ap- Major Charles N. Hobbs preesnt- Postmaster, county postage 6.00 21. Laws of Florida. Acts of 1945, and as oroxithatei 1275 ftel along ifth Street. jhir Capplca n fo Hbevrages P5 Tma Aougustautihorized by Chapter 23758, Laws of Begin att highway on Sixth Street aInd ruti ed ,his application for beveral:ge 5% Tax a/c, August ---- 32.25F lorida. Acts of 11947, and that said revenue East approximately 1250 feet along Sixtl e sl ap aiona o eveage Fine nd Forfeiture Funa .lebentures or certificates he serviced and Street. Begin at First Street and run North cense and same was approved, E. Clay Lewis, Jr., retainer mnortized out of the twenty per cent (20%) on Second Avenue approximately el100 feet Plications of Moddie C. Faison d rec. convictions $150.0 of the Second Gas Tax to be remiitted to the to intersection of Seventh Street in Bay View Applications of Moddie C. Faiso0 a.ndState Road Department of Florida for the Heigh-ts Subdivision Begin at Third Street 0tor transfer og'beverage license. No. J. R. Hunter, clerk, recording construction of state roads and bridges with. and run North on First Avenue approximately convs. co. judge court--- 18.00 in (ulf County. Florida, as provided for in 1260 feet to intersection of Seventh Street 20 from John Davis, were also ap- State Board of Conseration, Section 16, Article 9 of the Constitution of in Bay View Heights. State Board of Conseivation, Florida; that from the proceeds of the sale BEACON HILL prve.. arrest ticket No. 6406 --- 21.87 of said revenue certificates or debentures, the Begin at Overstreet highway on First Ave- The bid o-f Gulf Hardware & Sup- Game & Fresh Water Fish State Road Department of Florida is author- nue and run along First Avenue Southeast ply Co. to patch and paint the roof Conimm., arrest tickets 22.50 ized and requested to construct and hard-. approximately 2500 feet to Second Street, ply Co. to patch and paint the root surface the following streets withii the un- then along Second Street Southwest to paved fBrt'.s Cafe, State vs. Brow- incorporated communities of Oak Grove. Bay highway approximately 300 feet. f court house and, jail was before ard Todd ----------------. 21.55 View Heights, Gaulding's Addition and Bea-. That the cost of such survey and estimate the board, but rejected upon the Iona Cafe, State vs. Broward con Hill, within Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: be charged to the twenty per cent (20%) of grounds that the amount bid was in Todd 8.45 IOAK GROVE the Second Gas Tax accruing to the Board of excesgrounds ofthat the$300, and same woulnt bid have Pay Roll Circuit Court, wit- Iola Street. -That part of Iunter Street i County Commissioners of Gulf County, Fla.. excess of $00, and same would have Pay Roll Circuit Court, wit- connecting rola and uval Streets. Duval for use o roads and bridges within said to be advertised as provided nesses, fall term 1947 -- 20.60 Street-Secon Avenue from city limits of county; that such survey and estimate to be advertised as provided In Alice Hotel, State vs. Port St. .oe ming South approximately provide for dthe construction of roads 26.0 ;S- feet,(lit-lice East apprtixitttately 50 sittilar in width and type of construe- Section 125.08 Florida Statues 1941, 'Broward Todd .. 26.00 -oas feet, thence East approximately 500 ia, n bi, don State oad No. before any action could be take.n. J.E. Pridgeon. cost bills 191.48 feet. 86 between i%. ti.l.i and Overstreet in Thoe farm agent, home demonstra- R. Hunter, Clerk, cost bill HIGIHLAND VIEW i- (ilf County, Florida; that if the construe- The farm agent, home demonstra- .i. ter, C t Begin at highway on Second Street and tion of said Streets are authorized by circuit court ------------ 263.70 run East approximately 1300 feet along the State Road Department of Florida and tion agent and health unit present- Byrd E. Parker, She-riff, Second Street. Begin at highway on Third sufficient amount of revenue certificates or edi monthly reports respectively for cost bill ------1487.69 Street and rui East approximately 900 feet debentures are issue, and sold by the Flo- en mon reports respectively fr cost bill --- ---- along lThir, lStreet. Begin at highway on ida State improvement Commission, that the August and the same were ordered Road and Bridge Fund Fourth Street and run East approximately State Road )Department of Florida is author- filled in- the office of the clerk of 3yrd E. Parker, ca-sh paid for 10.51 feet along Fourth Street. Begin at ized and requested to proceed with the con- filed in- the office of the clerk of mattresses, jail ----------$ 28.00 highway on Fifth Street and run East ap- struction of said Streets as herein provided. the circuit court as part of the I. E. Odo, salary 128.2b roxiniatelv 1275 feet along Fifth Street. SECTION 4-That the Florida State im- .EoOd f th cony JJ 1, salary ------e. 168.10 Begit at highway on Sixth Street and run provemient Commission is hereby authorized TeCOrds of the county. J. Jenksg, salary, etc.. 161.10 East approximately 1250 feet along Sixth and requested, upon thle approval of the pro- Whereupon the tentative budges, 20 Tax a/c, A-ugust ------ 6.00 Street. Begin at iirst Street and run North ject provided for in Section 3 hereof by the B. F. Lauer, rload work- 50.00 ot Second Avenue approximately 1900 feet State Rioad Department of Florida, to issue for the fiscal year October 1, 1947- lie Leste, actor --- to intersection of Seventh Street in Bay View revenue certificates or debentures in an t ,cal year October 1, 1947- Willie Lester, tractor man- 42.00 eights SSubdivision Begin al Third Street anmiount sufficient to provide for the con- ,Septemiber 30, 1948, having been Thos. Williams, road work 74.00 and run North on First Avenue approximately struction provided for in Section 3 hereof, published as require-i by law, the llenn Daniels, road work 12.00 1260 feet to intersection of Seventh Street and in accordhnee with Section. 420 06, .sine i .sli'etby adopted. T' A. Parrington, grader man 120,00 i H Bay View Heghts. Florida Statutes 1941, as auuended by Chap- Wheireupon, in order to meet the ,rchie Kenip, road -work 78.00 BEACON HILL ter 22821. Laws of Florida, Acis of 1946, Where on, in rdr t met th rchie Kemp road work iat Overstreet highway on First Ave- alas authorized by Chapter 23758, Laws Burford-Tootha'ker Co.. a/c 1.84 nue and run along First Avenue Southeast I of Florida. Acts of 1947, and provide that current expenses chargeable to the ilf. H-dw. & Supply Co., arc 12.73 approxinmatci 25(00 feet to Second Street, said revenue certificates or debentures be several county funds as set forth Ray-Brooks Mach. Co., a/c-- 476.05 thor. along Scond Street Southwest to paved I atorzed and serviced from the proceeds of in tJinvghwa iapproximately 300 feet. time twesity per Cent ('2t "I) if thif,'tlSOnni in the budget for the next fiscal t. Jos. T-l. & Tel. Co., a/c_- 8.65 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDI) By i:e viGas Tax accruing to the Board of County yar, the Board of County Co i- las Garage, a/ -------- 1.25 Board of County Commissioners of (ulf Commissioners of Gulf Conminy. Florila. ltor year, the Board of County Coi M. Davis, a/c --------- 1.50 County, Florida, in regular session assemltled Iuse on roads and bridges within said county; rs of Gulf County, Florida, vr E. Paker, cashpaid SECTION 1-That the State Ro Depart- that the cost and expenses .incurred by decilar th t.rt Oi t l y 50Pn mient of Florida is hereby requested and nu- thie Florida State Improvement Conmttission hereby declare the tax rate on the laundry (jail) ------ lorized to ake a survey andi estiat. of in the issuance anld sale of said revenue dollar as set opposite each fund, is 3taindardi Oil Co.. a/c-------202.03 the cost of construction anud hard-surfacing of certificavls or debentures othe Paid from the ollar as set opposite each fund, I Gaskin Brios. br. Co., a/c_- 20.88 State Roads No. 381 and 23-27 within Gulf twenty per cent t(20fe ,) of the Secondt Gas Dorsey Garage, a/c _an-_ 14 00 1Coun tv Florida. acniiig to ile Board of Couty Coln hereby levied, assessed and is here- Dorsey Garage, a/c ------- 14.00 CoTht the cost of such survey and estimate missions of- tuf County, Florida, for e 'by imposed upon all of the prop- -'ridrgeon',sSupply Store, a./c 2.55 be charged to the eighty per cent (80%s ) of on roads aml bridges within said county. erty lying and; being within the Wawa Hardware Co., a/c -- 19.01 te Secitond Gas Tax ccruinog to the State STATE OF FLOR IA, 'CountyofGulfan SteoDrg- .5 oad I)eparhnent of Florida for the credit CoI'NT'Y OF GULF. 'County of Guf and State of F-lor- Bulf Drug Co., convicts --of Gulf County. Florida; that such survey T.1. R1. Hunter, Clerk of the Board of ida. on th first ay of Jan B d E. Parker, Sheriff and estimate provide for the construction of a on the first day of January guard around jail ------- 155.00 roads similar in width and type of construe- A.D. 1947, as follows: St. Joe Sign Shop, a/c-- 50 tio n as now being made upon State Road No. General Fund....................4 olwslls St. Joe Mai- SCo., a/c 333.09 36 b etween Wevahiteika and Overstreet in General Fund 4 mills St. Joe Moto CO., a/c ---- 33. ul County, Florida; that if the construe- Fine and Forfeiture Fund ...... I mill Agriculture and Livestock Fund I tion of said State Roads are authorized by Road and Bridge Fund ........ ..2 mills R Laird, salary --------$157.60 the State Road Department of Florida and Four Roses Imperial Agriculture and Livestock Fund.. 1/ mil 0 C. R. La r, .Lairy --------17.40 sufficient amount of revenue certificates or Sunnybrook Hill and Gulf County Health Unit ...... 1% mills 20% Tax a/c, Laild ---- --- 17.40 debentures are issued and sold by the Flor-; unnybrook Hill and Court House and Jail Interest and Florida State Livestock San- ida State Improvement Commission, that the Lord Calveht Calvert Sinking Fund .............. 1 mill itaryi a -l- aI 2.75 State Road Departmenit of Florida is author- $200,000 Canal Bond Fund .... 1 mill Itay 'Bo i, /c---i--r's- Fu ized and requested to proceed with the con-, Old Thompson Paul County Service Officer's Fund .. '4 mill County Service Officer's Fund struction of said State Road as herein pro- Three Feathers Mt Totalm................. ill Wn. H. Linton-. salary --.-$ 96.25, vided. Three Feathers Mt. GenTotal .School Fu................. 10 mills -r/ Tax a/c. Linton ------- 3.75 SECTION 2-,-That the Florida State Im- General School Fund. .......... mills provei.ent Commission is hereby authorized -- Health Unit Fund and requested, upon the approval of the pro- ' Total county-wide village. .... 16%/4 mills Rodenibough, Off. Sun Co.. a/c $5.20 ject provided for in Section 1 hereof by the 1 Estimates having ,been inade by Race Track Fund State Road apartmentt of Florida, toi the trustees of the Special Tax General Fund. transfer -$1000.00re aveount sufficient to provide for the con PHONE 114 SDistricts of the County Fine and Forfeiture fund struction provided for in Section 1 hereof, ISch6ol Districts of the County o0 transfer 1700.00 and in accordance with Section 420 06, Gulf and the trustees, with tre Road & Bridge Fnl. -__ 1000.00 Florida Statutes 1941, as amended by Chap- ;school board, having certified the Agriculture and Livestock rate of nmillaige to be assessed, it is Fund, tran.sf.r ---------- 375.00 hereby determined and ordered that Whereupon, Commissioner W. C. the mills to be levied and assessed Roche moved that the. following are h`reby impose upon all of tie resolution )be adopted. The motion -property lyinig and being in the. was seconded- by Commissioner Ba- County of Gulf and State of Flor- 'sil E. Kenney Jr., and upon vote ida, and 'being within the boun- being called, wa s unanimously dairies ofu said districts, on the first adopted. day of January, A.D. 1947, as fol- R E S 0 L U T 1 0 I 0 N iee- d WIII-I4EAS. imutlr the provisions of See- loWS: rionf 1i, of Article 9 of thle Constitution of School D)istrict Ni. One ........ 3.5 mills Florida, there is accruing to the credit of School District'No. Two ........ 3.5 mills "hlf C'otiv. Florida. from the Second Gas School District No One (bends) Noneu `"x"Ill"ixiliately tite smuni of Fifty-five School District No. Two bondsds). 34 mills rlouatn I Dolola.rs ($55,000.00) per nn ni W1 | School Dist. No. 1 Building Futl. 3 nrins for the construction ,ef roads and bridges C o o School Dist. No. 2 Building Fund.. None Svithin said county, a undth WVIIERE -S, (himlt ( ounty's prop'itriiolate Whereupon th e following bills part of the outstanding road atnd bridge were presen-ated, examined, approved bonds heretofore issued by Calhoun Count y. and ordered paid from the several Eihteen Thousand Five unre Forty-oTRIPS TO FOOT county funds, as follows: Dollars, three cents ($18,541.03) principali COunty funds, as fOllOWS: -ind Four Thousand EiiIhty-tvo Dollars, eigh- General Fund teen cents ($4.082.18) tinlt rest. imalint a Gulf Coast Elc. Co-op., a/c-$ 26.54total nount of road and bridge obligations, ANYW HERE! Gulf Coast E-e-c. CO-OP., a/C--$ 2.54both principal and i interest, to be paid by ANY W-I' W1 1J I bJRE -- - Dr. L: R. Bartee, insanity Gulif County. Florida. of Twenty two Thou- Cases -------------------- 10.00 -.and Six Hundrea Twenty three dollars gi Dr. A. L. Ward, insan. case 5.00 Twenty-one cents ($22,623.21), ai Twin-Engne Cessna, Four-Passeng WHEREAS, Gulf -Counti. Floria, is ad- Dr. J. R. Norton, insanity vised that only th smm s of approximatelv ,-' cses 10.00 'Three Thousand oilars ($3.000 00) nter.. RATES QUOTED ON REQUt John A. Hughes (Irene Bat- num is necessary to service and amortize lihe A. H 00 outstanding principal and interest of said son) i-i road anl bridge bonds, thereby leaving a sur- Harold Powell, insanity inv. 4.00 tus of the Secnd (as Tax inernui;n :unnu- J. E. Pridgeon, insanity cases 22.50 ally to the credit of Gulf County. Florida, of Sitar PPublishing Co., a/c.. 82.55 approximately Fifty- two .Thousa.d Dollars t D A V I 2STAIR S E R V IC E S f( Kenney Mere. Oo., co. ind. 15.00 per cent (80%), or approximately Forty-one ,u.wannse Store, co. indigent 15.00 Thousand Six tunhred ioliar (.$4.n1to.oo) 0 Mrs. LiUlie Adams, CO. inds. 30.00 per annum is remitted by the State Board of AIRPORT : -P---' la a0 Administration to the State Road Depart- W. T. Strange, co. indigent 10.00 it.,t of Fn-ida for tho etstruetion of ste. ally Ramsey, co. i'ndigeut. 10.00 reads as4 bitilges by said State Road be- ANY TIME! er Pland EST COMPANY ORT ST. JOE, FLA. .-RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA State Is Preparing For First Million Tag Year A new automobile, license tag sales record is being set every mo11th in Florida, and the state m~o- tor vehicle department is getting ready for the state's first million- tag year in 1948. Receipts of the motor vehicle de- partme-nt for the first eight months of 1947 totaled $14;550,648, which is $2,841,457 above the yield of the en- tire 12 months of 1946. A total of 684,000 tags were sold in 194,6, and it is estimated 800,000 will be sold this year. Steel and paint have been ordered for a mil- lion tags -for next year. The 1948 plates, with yellow numbers on a black background, will go on sale December 1. Automobile sales are increasing. too. In 1946 the department handled 346,Q00 title transfers. It expects to handle 450,000 this year. But that doesn't mean there will be 450,000 new cars in Florida, as some titles will change hands several times. Mrs. Shirley Dies At Wewahitchka Funeral services were held, Mon- day afternoon in Wewahitchka for Mrs. H. H. Shirley, who died last Friday morning at a hospital in Marianna. Spends Week-end With Friends Ralph Sylva of Pensacola spent the week-end here with former school chums en route to Tallaha'- see where he will enroll in the state college as a medical student. County Commissioners of Gulf County, Flor- ida, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of that certain Reso- lution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida, on September 9th, A. D. 1947. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th, day of Septem- ber, A D. 1947. HUNTER J. o.F UNTER, Clerk of the Circuit Court, (SEAL) Gulf County, Florida. Whereupon, there being no fur- ther .business to come before the board at this time, it did then ad- journ until Tuesday, September 30, 1947, at which time said board will convene for the purpose of dispos- ing of bills chargeable, to the county at the close of the fiscall year. s/ W. R. CONNELL, Attest: Chairman. J. R. HUlNTER, Clerk. RANDS OF WHISKIES Carstairs White Seal H-1ill Schenley's Reserve Reserve Golden Wedding -Jones Calvert Special Vernon Carstairs 1788 Joe Liquor Store PORT ST. JOE, FLA. ALL GAMES -PGESI TE TA, OR S.JO, UL CUNYFLRIAFRDA, EPEMER19 14 FOSTER-FATHER OF MRS. M. FLEISHEL TAKEN BY DEATH Willis M. Ball, 88, dean of Flor- ida's fourth estate, editor of the Florida Times-Union, and long a confidante of the state's political great, died early last Friday in Jacksonville. Funeral services were. held Saturday. Among the survivors of Mr. Bali -are two adopted daughters, Mrs. Marc L. Fleishel of this city and Mrs. V. Nance Duncan of Ocala. To Reside In Sneads Mr. and Mrs W. E. Sneed were in town Monday with a truck, mun- ing their furniture to Sneads, where they will reside in future. Due To Mr. Sneed's health he was corm- pelled to sell his market in the Swatt's Grocery. Some Fish! R. M. Spillers and Carl Armstrong brought a nice string of fresh water fish to town Monday afternoon. It just about filled a 60-pound lard can. LOANS Back to school expenses and taxes. See us at once for the cash you will need. PROMPT COURTEOUS CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida 4 We Have Just Received a Fine Line of SMALL LEATHER ITEMS 0 -00 I Billfolds, Change Purses, a Men's Belts, Sam Browne 4 Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits and Key Rings, Suitcase 0 : Handles, Truck Drivers' 0 Billfolds, Skate Straps. * . We Also Stock a Full Line ot -e All Types of Shoe Polishes -o 0 THE LEADER SHOE : 4 SHOP * We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, * Attend Their Dy.eing and 0 Save Their Soles * itar ant AIS Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. - ******-*********************** -c CD- 0 0~ CO 0* co, i L U. 3 L ) > I ) I I 3 K 0 aca -U CD CD /IMM 0 so *tog 0 650 U * To my many friends and pa- Stients of Port St. Joe and vi- * cinity, I am pleased to an- nounce the opening of my new 0 office at Mr. J. S. Patrick's * residence at Beacon Hill. Of- * fice hours each Wednesday * and Sunday 12 noon to 6 p. m. 0 PHYSIOTHERAPY * 0 NATURAL METHODS # 0 DR. E. HARRISON . 0 0 .. *s... &W 041mb McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Dodge and Plymouth Phone 12 -- -- -- U QU UU U U W5WUUU SW U IT'S THE EGGS IN THE BAG [ ~ PURMINA Purina Laying Chows -- LAYING are paying Chows be- .O. rUtHWS cause evezy bag is full :-. CH r of the things that make top egg production. What GOESINTO PRESCRIPTION? HE ingredients your doctor orders, of course; but also there goes the scientific knowl- edge and skill of experience of -our expert pharmacists. That's why you may bring prescriptions to us with confidence. Have your prescription com- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accredited School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE When You Buy PURINA You CK > C'vMr ^ry PASTURE BROWN? Supplement burned out pasture with a real body- building conditioner. Helps keep up milk flow. PURINA- BUL KY LAS Buy EGGS! Get your turkeys off to market fast, heavy and at low cost with- PURINA TURKEY CHOWS WEEDS TO DEATH " ( I Just Paint the Rooss to . PURINA vuL ICE i WEED USE PURINA KILLERS ROOSTPAINT SEE US FOR PURINA DDT FLY SPRAYS GET YOUR HOGS TO MARKET gay! Prices are best when you make the early runs. Put on pounds fast with your grain and famous - PURINA PIG & HOG CHOW PURT IST. JOE HARDWARE CO. We Deliver Port St. Joe, Florida PURINA r I --------------- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 PAGE SIX Z9 Save On Engine Repairs Here is an economical way to avoid expensive engine repairs and give your car new, more powerful performance. Have a Brand New Engine Installed! They ARE brand new-not rebuilt. Each one is assembled and block-tested at factory, and each has new, precision-made parts that are factory- engineered and inspected. Phone or visit us to- day and ask for the low installed price of a new engine for YOUR car. Easy terms available. I j FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 19 ---- -- > Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 OVERSTREET BAPTIST W. TENTATIVE PROGRAM FOR M. U. ELECTS OFFICERS YEAR SET UP BY P.-T. A. The Overtstreet Baptist W. M. U. "The Future Begins Today" is held its monthly meeting last Fri- 'the national theme of the Parent- day with Mrs. Rolan Hardy calling Teacher Association for 1947-48, the meeting to order and then turn- and Rev. T. D. Byrne, vice-presi- irg it over to Mrs. Wilma Revell, dent and program chairman of the program chairman. local unit, kept this in mind when A playlet was presented by the he and his committee selected as a following members: Mrs. Roy Whit- theme for this year's program, field ,Mrs. Quincy Hardy, Mrs. WV. "Recognizing Today's Problems and G. Hardy, Mrs. Max Hardy, Mrs. Opportunities.' "Rolan Hardy and M.rs. Ed Odom. The tentative, program for the At the beginning of the playlet, Mrs. year. submitted to the executive W. G. Hardly sang the first two board for approval in a recent verses of "I Gave My Life 'TO meeting, is as follows: Thee," and at the closing sang the September-"Audio-Visual Educa- last two verses. tion"; reception for teachers. The topic for the month "Amert- October-"Today's Health Prob- can Indians," was developed by lems."' ,Mrs. Roy Whitfield, Mrs. Revel and Edwin Ramsey, ex-officio mem- Mrs. Ted Whitfield. ber, presented the following recom- Officers for the ensuing year mendations, which were adopted by were named at this time as follows: the. board: Mrs. Nadine Hardy, president; Mrs. 1. That t h e regular monthly Wilma Revel, vice-pre.sident; Mrs. meetings be held at night. Bertha Hardy, sesretAry and treas- 2. -That 30 minutes be allowed urer. The new officers will take for program, 30 minutes for busi- office in October. ness, and that the social follow. The meeting then adjourned for 3. That the association send as lunch, following which Mrs. Ted many members as possible to meet- Whitfield was honored with a storx ings and institutes conducted by shower given by the Overstreet state and national associations. Home Demonstration Club. Many 4. That board consider use of games were enjoyed and the hon- school buses for transportation of oree was the recipient of many nk Il'-,rs to P.-T. A. functions and lovely and useful gifts., eetings.. '- I r Refreshments were served to The. program as planned prom- Mrs. Wilma Revel, Mrs. Quincy ises to be interesting, entertaining Hardy; Mrs. Rolan Hardy, Mrs. W. ad, practical, and the co-operation G. Hardy, ?4rs. Max Hardy, Mrs. of the entire community is asked Arthur Kenibrough, Mrs. Bob Col- in making this a year of real ac- lier. Mrs. P. G. Hart, Mrs. William comiplishment. Conner, Mrs. Roy Whitfield, Mrs. Ed Odom, Mrs. Mable Baxley, Mrs. Claretn.:: Whitfie.ld and Mrs. James Gui ordil. . J. A. M. CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. LAWSON Mrs. Eliza Lawson was hostess Monday night to members of the J. A. M. Club at her home on Reid Avenue. Visiting, s wing and chat- ting was enjoyed during the eve- ning. ! The hostess served a fruit salad plate with sandwiches, cake and punch to Mesdames Elaine. Prid- geon, Callie Howell, Minnie Ola Drake, Marguerite Pridgeon, Ruby Pridgeon, Gladys Boyer and..JIyrtice Smith. Next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Eula Pridgeon at her home in White City.- At that time Mrs. El'aine Piridgeon and. Mrs. Verna Smith -will be honored with birthday showers. .It o t K WOMAN'S CLUB EXECUTIVE BOARD TO MEET SEPT. 24 The executive board of the. Port St. Joe Woman's Club will hold its first meeting of the 1947-48 season Wednesday, September 24, at 3:45 -p. m., at the home of Mrs. Gus Creech. All board members are urged to be present. ,Members of the board are Mrs. H. C. Davis, Jr., Mrs. Mark Tomlin- .son, Mrs. S. B. Shuford, Mrs. P. A. Howell, Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Mrs. Nobie Stone, Mrs. Wilma Revels, Mrs. George. Patton, Mrs. Massey Ward, Mrs. A. L. Ward,, Mrs. Rush Chism, Mrs. P. D. Farmer and Mrs. Gus Creech. DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED -Ritz Theatre Bailding Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. It 1 K Make Home Here Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holmes and three children, formerly of Jack- sonville, have moved here to make. this city their home. Mr. Holmes is express messenger on the A. N. railroad . Leaves for Vocational School Miss Peggy Wise left Sunday for Tallahassee. where she enrolled in a vocational school. HURRICANE (Continued from Page 1) or we have an extra heavy d.ew. Bulletins received, this morning over the radio indicatedI that the hurricane might possibly strike at New Orleans, or again, it might back-track and, still hit this part of the coast. The weather men cau- tioned that precautions should still be taken. Rain continues to fall in Port St. Joe today, with fairly heavy winds as The Star goes to press, but all ire confident the danger is over. lk LIKE A GUIDING LIGHT Our Service can relieve you of -all details. No need to worry about funeral arrange- ments in times of grief and sorrow. When- the need arises, let us serve. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service ----------- EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV. L. J. KEELS, Pastor Sunday, September 21 10:55-Morning Worship. 9:45-Bible School for all. 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Eveniang Worship. left Monday for Gainesville where Jimmy will continue his studies at the University of Florida. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Otha Rowan and children of Greensboro spent Sun- day here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Goburn. APPRECIATION I wish to thank thA members of the Kenney Mill Sunday school for the beautiful flowers sent me dur- ing my illness at the hospital. IVEY WILLIAMS.. It Pays To Advertise Try It. SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - Raymond HATTON - FEATURE NO. 2 - I I TOWN Philip REED Hillaly BROOKE Robrt LOWERY Also- Chapter 13 of Serial "JACK ARMSTRONG" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 -- Also- CARTOON and MUSICAL --- A CARTOON so - and NEWS W *V'wp,9, f 9 *,,,-* ,.: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24 --- HIT NO. 1 You'llLove It1 LIONEL BARRYMORE James CRAIG Lucille BREMER -- HIT NO. 2 KEN MAYNARD in - "SIX SHOOTING SHERIFF!! Also - Chapter 2 of Serial "MYSTERIOUS MR. M" THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 25 and 26 Elizabeth George TAYLOR MURPHY U .=Wr W EUW I. HOWDY, WORD | (Births continue right along, in spite of hurricanes, so this item is a "must:' on our copy hook.-Ed.) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Creamer off this city announce the birth of a son, James Thomas, on September 13. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McLeod of Apala'chicola announce the birth of a daughter on September 13. Mr. and IMrs. Ben Scott of this city are the proud parents of a zson. Kenneth Raymond, born Sep- tember 13. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Byrd are, an- nouncing the birth of a son on Sep- tember 15. The young man has been named Larry Jacob. iMr. and Mrs. John Walker of this city are announcing the birth of a son, Johnny Steve, on September 15. It Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Braxton (nee Ruth Moore Connell) proudly annou-nce the arrival of a son on September 15, who has been named Wayne. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Landis of Odena announce the birth of a daughter on September 17. (All births occurred at the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital.) KOt " Visitor From Alabama, Miss Louise Garrison of Mobile, Ala., is visiting here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Cn'ti- Evans. 7 , Leave For University Mr. and Mi's. James T. McNeill -- -~c-- PAGE SEVEN THEE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA 1 47 NOTICE! ALL OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES WILL GO ON SALE ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 1 All Contractors, Plumbers, Garages, Operators of Cafes, and a number of other kinds of Occupational). Licenses under the law must be bought and on the wall before November 1 or 10% penalty will be added to cost of the license. PLEASE CALL OR SEND FOR THEM NOW! Thanking you all to co-operate with me, Yours truly, EDD. C. PRIDGEON Tax Collector, Gulf County, Fla. 00 Port Theatre A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. * 0 THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. a LAST TIME TODAY MONDAY and TUESDAY September 22 and 23 .-(LBERt.T,,M Mi ,*-. E IN TECHNICOLOR. COURT- NimfdrKAl L I EC TA PAGE EIGHT THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, EULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 For MATTRESS WORK and CLEANING MAIL POSTCARD TO DIXIE MATTRESS COMPANY 628 Oak Avenue Panama City, Florida WE PICK UP EVERY FRIDAY 10-10t THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THREE-BEDROOM HkOUSE on Long Avenue to sell at $r950; $900 down, balance like rent. Also have a nice four-room house on Long Avenue which is reason- ably priced. SIX-ROOM HOUSE in Oak Grove with running water, to sell for $1500. We still have several nice lots in the residential section.of the city. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 DO YOU WANT TO SELL? If you have a lot, a house, a busi- ness (building for sale, we would like you to know that we have con- stant and daily calls for same, and the supply is far, far short of the demand. Remember, we attend' to all de- tails after you have given us your price, except, of course, the execu- tion of the contract or deed.- We furnish the advertising, the abstract of title and the papers necessary .to complete the deal, plus notary work. If you are planning to leave .and have property to dispose of, to lease or rent, we will be glad to attend to every detail for you. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? We have some very desirable lots in FHA-approved territory. We have approved FHA house plans in the office and we can finance your se- lection, both modest and elaborate. ,DO YO.U WANT A LOAN? If you want to borrow to buy, to re-finance an existing real estate mInortgage indebtedness over a long- er period and with more convenient payments; if you need help with your business structure-we have means to fill your needs. We have helped .many, many others and can help you. Satisfied clients are our best advertisement. DO YOU WANT TO BUY, We have a few choice offerings left, but they are moving so fast it hardly pays to list them. To pick a few, 'which may be, gone when you read this A pretty little house on 7th near Woodward. A bargain at $3,150 with small payment down and balance like rent. A beautiful beach home 6 miles out, every convenien ce, large lot. A fair down payment and balance like rent. A neat little place at White City. Very reasonable. Very desirable building lots, 16th Street, Palm Blvd. and Monument. THOSE. R. L. CARTER Registered Real Estate Broker Phone 201 317 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida SPECIAL SERVICES LOOK! LOOK! Roache's, Termites, Ants, Mosqui- toes, Flies eliminated. One year guarantee or longer. No muss, no fuss, non-staining, non-poisonois. Not necessary to leave house or close the premises. Naval Chlemi- cal Co., phone 201, Port St. Joe. M'e.nmber Chamber of Commerce, Na- tional Pest Cofitrol, Florida Pest Control, 7-4tf FOR SALE FOR SALE-Brand new Bendix Au- tomatic Home Laundry washing machine; never been used. Price $200. Phone 66. *9-19* FOR SALE-2-wheel trailer, 5x10- foot body, $45. Call Lilius Jewel- ry Store. 8-15tf There are things in, life that make us gay, And music brightens our every day; Check this list and you'll agree Our collection of Records are from A to Z. "Near You.' "Feuding and Fighting," Beneke. "Whiffenpoof Song," Robt. Merell "Lady From 29 Palms," Andrew Sisters. "On the Avenue," Chuck Foster. "Sugar Blues." "Temptation," Red Ingle. "Smoke, Smoke, Smoke," Te.x Williams. "I Know What You're Putting Down," Louis Jordan. "Hong Kong Blues.," Hoagy Car- michael. "I'm So Right Tonight," Jo Staf- ford. Hungarian, Rhapsody No. 2 in Boogie, Hadd'a Brooks Trio. ALBUM OF THE WEEK - Al Jolsen HEAR THEM AT ST. JOE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. FREE BOOKLET about cancer Is - yours for the asking: Simply send name and; address on a postcard to American Cancer Society, 22 Ann St., New York 1, N. Y. tf HELP WANTED MALE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING WITH GOOD PAY Excellent training in all phases of communication radio, radar, telephony, telegraphy, photography -are given in U. S. Army Signal Corps technical schools. Because of the highly confidential nature of much Signal Corp-s research, many subjects are taught which are not available to civilians anywhere at Outibok Is Good For Sharks, Says Manager By DONALD DEAN, Manager This year's high school football team is showing a lot of improve- ment over last year. and under the. guidance of Coach Craig the boys are shaping up fine. The two scrim- mages with Wewahltchka showed the re-sult of this training, the Sharks downing Wewa both times. The team ha's a good lineup for 'irst string, but Tommy Owens has been injured and will not be able to play in the opening game with nahiibridge next Friday. This puts Bill Stafford. one of the first string ends, in at left tackle, moving Phil- lip Chatham up to first string, right end. At left end we have Bill Traweek and at right tackle, Bernard Prid- teon. Benny Elder is at left guard and Charles Smith at right guara, with Claude Cowart in the center slot. Buster Owens shines at quar- terback, with Riandall Brady hold- ing down left halfback, Gene Far- ris at right half, and Jack Ricket- son at fullback. We also have a number of good second string players. These mn- clude Gene Chism, Raymond Law- rence, Paul Ramsey, Gene Caning- ton. Franklin Young, Carl William- son. Billy Parker, Aubrey Hardy, Bobby Gibson, Donald Ramsey, Ted Beard. Tommy Simpson, Waring Murdock, Charles Guilford, J. B. O'Brian and Byron Bland. On the whole, things look good to us, and we hope to show our fans some good football in the near future. SCHOOL TRUSTEES (Continued from page 1) Beacon Hill and White City. District No. 3-South Port St. Joe, Oak Grove and Indian Pass. District No. 4-Kenney's Mill and North Port St. Jae.. District No. 5- Overstreet and West Wewahitchka. Since the law provides that no two trustees may be elected from any one school board member resi- dence district, should two candi- dates from one district have the highest number of votes, the sec- ond candidate would be eliminated in favor of the highest in another district. This is to avoid permitting LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge-111. Regular <, meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- T, days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. D. L. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0. 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday night at 8 e'clook in Masonic hall. All members urged to attend and visiting brethren invited. B. B. Conk- lin, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, Secretary. LEGAL ADVERTISING any price. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A three-year enlistment in the In the County Judge's Court, Gulf Army or Air Force gives a man a choice of any branch of service, in- County, Florida. IN PROBATE. cludinig the Signal Corps, in which In re. Estate of Horace W. Soule, there are openings. Once accepted, deceased. every man has the opportunity to All creditors of the estate of Hor- qualify for technical school train- ing. In addition, there's high pay, ace W. Soule, deceased, are hereby steady employment, good food, notified and required to file. any clothing, quarters, and travel. All claims or demands which they may of thi-s is yours-plus a chance to save up to $2000 during your enlist- have against said estate, in the of- ment. Here's your chance for a good fice of the County Judge of Gulf start in life. with security as your County, Florida, within eight (8) goal. !' calendar months from the date of Get the full details without obli-months the date of gation at your nearest W. S. Army the first publication of this notice, and Air Force Recruiting Station, each claim or demand must be in 210 Harrison Avenue, Panama City. writing and must state, the place of This is your chance for a real step residence and postoffice address or forward 1 the claimant and must be sworn to FOR RENT by the claimant, his agent or his CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 attorney, or it will become void ac- per day. Spillers and Nichols, cording to law. phone 83 or 304. 10-24* Selltember 10th, 1947. BEACH COTTAGES Furnished. C. L. COSTING , from $25 to $30 per month, with C. L. Costin, as Administrator ,water and lights. Mrs. M. Whitaker, of the estate of Horace W. Anderson Cottages. 26* Soul, deceased. _Soule, deceased. APARTMENTS FOR RENT E. OLAY LEWIS, Jr., FOR APARTMENTS See The Attorney for Administrator. Shirey Apartments. 8-3 First publication on September 12, It Pays To Advertise Try It. 1947. 9-12 10-3 any particular section from holding the majority vote on the board of trustees. Obligations and funds of present districts will not be affected by the new law, but all funds taken in following the termination of the present fiscal year will go into the general county fund, and no special tax levies then will be made in what now are. the two special school districts, since there will be only one district. To Visit Parents Over Week-end Miss Erline McClellan of Marl- anna will arrive today to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellan. On Wagging The ordinary dog wags his "tail" but the hound wags his "stern." An. otter wags his "pole," a rabbit his "scut," a fox his "brush" and a deer his "single." It pays to advertise try it! L MEET YOUR FRIENDS 1 A----AT LeHARDY'S BAR WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire Insurance because it easy to start a fir. BUCK ALEXANDER Plumbi GENERAL PLUMBING SLwf^ SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR S G.W. BRODNAX Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods car- Come In and See THE NEW GULF TIRE Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION GOOD BRAKES! Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth Owners Let Us Reline Your Brakes and Adjust At This Special Price $13.95 (If You Own a Different Make of Car, Let Us Give You An Estimate) HERE'S WHAT IS DONE Remove All Wheels, Clean Brake Drums Reline Brakes With Factory Approved Lining Clean, Repack and Adjust Wheel Bearings Replace Four New Grease Retainers In Hubs Inspect Hydraulic Brake System Adjust Brake Shoes to Secure Full Pedal Road Test Your Car ONE DAY SERVICE Leave your car in the morning-pick it up in the evening. ST. JOE MOTOR CO. ,I II II FRIDAY~, SEPTEMBER 19, 19477 PAGE EIGHT THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, orJLF COUNTY, FLORIDA PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. |