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HELP KEEP THE SAINTS ON TOP! Attend Every Game! 1L THE STAR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1947 NUMBER 45 Bond Refunding Story Cockeyed Says Tomlinson Claims No Saving To City, No Veto; and That Editor Spreading Viscious Propaganda In a letter that if published in full would about fill a page of The Star, City Clerk Mark Tomlinson "objects strenuously to what he terms "purported happenings" at a meeting of the city commission on August 1. We had informed Mr. Tomlinson that we would be more than glad to publish hi.s. letter to the editor, up to about 500 'words, but when we saw the lengthy epistle we had to tell him that lack of space pro- hibited full publication, and- tumn we could only hit the highlights. He avers the letter is 'strictly his ,own idea. H-re 'tis: "Editor The Star-Your issue of August 1 carried an article pur- porting to report happenings at a meeting of the city commission on .July 30 at.which time the firm of Thornton, Mohr & C. presented a proposal to refinance the city's present bonded indebtedness. "I feel the citizenry of Port St. Joe is entitled to have facts of the matter placed before them whereby independent decision .can be reach- ed as to whether or not proposal to save money for the city wa-s rejected. "Proposal made by Thornton, Mohr & Co. relative to d'retging bonds was as follows: (Sinoe The Star agreed, not to publish figures submitted, at request oiL Attorney Lewis, Commis's.ioner Sharit and the bond, brokers, we feel that they should not be published here.-Ed.) "'Projected cost of these bonds un- der present conditions, $130,020; refund bonds under proposal, total cost $1.23.645; Savings under pro- posed refunding plan. $6,375. These bonds at present are callable 30 days prior to any' interest date. Proposal was to make refunding bonds non-callaible. "Proposal made relative to water and sewer revenue debentures of $210,000, with interest and princi- pal, would give total cost of $342,- 125. Projected cost of the water and sewer system's indebtedness as it no'w stands is $252,160. Addi- tional cost under proposed refund- ing on this item, $89,965; additional cost under proposed refund:, both items, $83,590. ' "Was the plan vetoed by the city commission? The mayor said'the matter would not be put to a vote at this meeting due to absence of Commissioner Chestnut. Commis- sioner Sharit stated he would not bind himself to this proposition un- til he could go into it thoroughly and get indication from present holders olE bonds, debentures and ,notes as to proposal they could make. Commissioner Minus stated she felt the conrmis'sion owed an (Continued on page 6) PORT NEWS Due To Arrive Aug. 8-Gulf King, Port Arthur. Aug. 9-SS Governor O'Neill, Wa- terman Line, Mobile. Aug. 19-S'S Governor Graves, Waterman, Mobile. Aug. 29-SS Governor Brandon. Waterman, Mobile. SS Daniel Pierce, Huston, and SS Gulf Gecm, Corpus Christi, will sail today after discharging cargo at Southeast Terminal. Progress Being Made By League Playoff C. of C. On Mail Delivery Will O enHere The Junior Ohamiber of Comn- merce reports that progress is be- Next W wednesday irg made on the matter o'f securing, ;ty :nl delivery. Maps are bein St. Joe Will Play Tyndall Best l-anwn up and data gathered IoI Two Out of Three As Wewa- suiibmission to postal authorities., hitchka Meets Apalach The long-:awaitel street uni.r:ers promised' by the chamber are being The first round of the playoff for made up as rapidly as possible and the championship of the Gulf Coast a number have already been de. League will open next Wednesday livered to the city for erection. as the Saints meet Tyndall here House numbering, street mark- and Wewabitchka plays Apalachi- er, and good sidewalks are the cola at the Oyster City. main prerequisites of securing city On .Sundfay, August 17, St. Joe mail delivery, will journey to Tyndall Field and Aero Club To Meet Tonight How THEY STAND At High School Auditorium Team- w L Pt Port St. Joe --------24 5 .827 There will !be a meeting of the Apalachicola------- 23 7 .743 Port St. Joe Aero Club at 8 o'clock Tyndall Field16 14 .40 VY .... L 1 1- 5 5 this evening at the high ,c.nooi au- ditorium. Anyone interested in promoting aviation in this community is cor- lially invited to come and, join, or at least visit. You do not need to be a pilot or even anticipate becom- ing one. All that is required' is a genuine interest in your commun- ity and' aviation. VA REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL A representative of the Veterans Administration from Panama City will be at the local postoffice next Thursday, August 14, and will be at that location every other Thurs- day thereafter. Gets Victory Medal Francis H. LaQrange, PhM 1/c, USN, soni of MrS:1 tit Sminpler of this city, has been awarded the World' War II Victory Medial at the Naval School of Hospital Adminis- tration, Bethesda, Md. Lauran.g- en,tered the service in Octoiber 1942. Spend Week-end-In Mobile Spend Weelk-end in Mobile Wewanihiiici ------- Lo Lo DU Panaima City -------10 19- .3-15 Navy Base ------- 1 29 .032 Apaliachicola will play at Wewa- hitchka. Should a third game-be necessary in either case, team managers will toss for the location. Final playoff between winners of the first round will begin Sunday, August 24, at the stadium of the team with the highest win record for the season. The winner must take three of the five games which will alternate between the two teams, with a coin being tossed for the location of the fifth game if necessary., Dates set for the final playoff are August.24, 27 and 31, Septem- ber 1 (Laor Day) and Steptenm- ber 3. -- GORDON JOHNS TON SOLD The War Asset's Administration announced Wednesday the sale of Camp Gordon Johnston to Grier A. Quay and John Blosco of East Pal- estine. Ohio. Price paid for the 775- iMr. and Mrs. Harry Brewton acre tract was $441,338, and tle spent last week-end in Mobile, Ala.. Ohians plan to convert the prop. making the trip by motorcycle. erty into a multiple industry unit. Apalachicola Claims Parentage of Port St.Joe Baseball Team Anonymous Writer In Times Avers 'Industrialists' and 'Czars' of St. Joe Draining Players From Oyster City With Offers of 'Fat Jobs' An anonymous writer in the Apalachicola Times, signing him- self "A Baseball Fan" (come out from behind those false whis- kers, L. G. B., we know you !), seems to be a bit upset over The Star referring to the Oyster City -baseball team as "Mis- sissippi State," and pops off with almost two full columns on the front page of The Times accusing Port St. Joe of stealing all their ball players and causing them fo go practically bank- rupt hiring Mississippi State College boys for their team at $50 per week per each with board and room thrown in. Tut, tut, L. G. B., you know better than that, and we will point out to you presently that you are 'way off the track. But before we do. we'd like to say that there are three reasons whyv there is one Apalachicolaian playing regularly on the team and t1three sitting on the bench as Three Have Qualified substitutes. First, the regulY* In Commission Race came here to keel from starv- ing to death in Apalachicola; Up to yesterday noon three had second, one man was transferred qualified as candidates for city here 'by his company and the par- commissioner in the election to be ents of another came here fi'or the held September 2 at which a mayor same reason (iwe have never seen and four commissioners will be him playing on the Apalach teamm): named. and third., one Apalachicola player B. B. Conklin seeks re-election In who likes baseball 'for baseball's group 1 for a term of two years. as sake, came to the team .because does J. R. Chestnut in group 2. T. there was no place for him on the C. Nedley has qualified as a candi-I home town nine 'because of the date in group :3 for a one-year term. I (Continued on Page 2) Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus W. Davis Dies The four-diay-o'ld infant daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.' Rufus W. Davis otf Kenney's Alill died Sunday morn- ing at the municipal hospital. Besides her parents, she is sur- vived by one sister, Sarah Ann, and thiee brothers, Willie Don, Willie Ross and WVillie Joe, all of this city, and her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Martin of Lockhart, Ala. Graveside services, were con- ducted Monday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock by the Rev. W. B. Holland of the Kenney Mill Baptist Church, with interment in Jehu cemetery, Wewahitchka. Comforter Funeral Home directing. Navy Diver Warns Boys of Using Old Gas Masks Saints In Win And Tie With P. C. Spartans Sunday's 12-Inning Game Called. On Account Darkness To Be Played Off Here Sunday Afternoon It was announced"at the game Wednesday that the playoff on the tie game between Port St. Joe and Panama City would be played here next Sunday, and not in Panama City as stated pre- viously. Coming from -behind in the ninth inning with the score 5-2, the Port St. Joe Saints managed to tie the Spartans 6-6 in a 12-inning game Sunday at Panama City that. was called on account of darkness. After both teams registered three Robert Miller BM1/c df Tala- hassee, recruiting officer for the naval reserve in this section, who is a deep sea diver, informed the editor of The Star last Friday that he had discovered' that a number of youngsters in Port St. Joe had secured (surplus army gas' masks from someone in, town and were using them for diving. "I imagine they 'got the idea from a talk I 'made 'here some time ago in -which I said something about using rebuilt gas ,masks for diving," said 'Miller. "I want to ad- vise them that that is, very danger- ous for a green hand. as. they are liable to drown." 'Miller asks that.parents of -boys who' have ,bought these masks warn them obEthe danger. fo' if they don't they are liable to have a dead son on their hands. METEORS DUE TO PUT ON SHOW NEXT WEEK Don't think you're seeing, flying saucers next week, for beginning Monday andi continuing for five days the earth will be passing thru a meteor swarm. The tiny bodies will be visible from in dusk to midnight, streaking .ic:oss the sky at 35 miles per sec- ond. And don't worry about being hit by one of 'em, for they are so small 100 of them would hardly weigh an ounce. They hit the at- mosphere about 75 miles up and usually burn out about 20 miles above the earth. Have Lunch At Tyndall Having lunch as ,guests of Brig. Gen. J. K. Lacey, commandant of Tyndall Field, last Friday (Army Air Force Day) were Mayor Horace Soule; Alton Dendiy, president of the Junior Cham'ber of Commerce; Vic Anderson, commander of the local American Leigion post; Ron- ald Brough, V. F. W. commander; Opp Moore, Kiwanis president, andt Paul Fensom. St. Vincent Sound Well Plugged The Magnolia Petroleum Con- pany was authorized thi-s week by the state 'board df conservation ti plug its- diry well in St. Vincent Sound, Franklin county, at a depth of 7,021 feet. The board Tuesday issued a permit to the Hunt Oil Company's to drill a wel: in Walton county to a depth of 6500 feet. __-----_---k ___ -- - Goforths Visit Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Goforth of Chicago spent Friday to Wednes- ,ayday here visiting with Mr. and Mri-. Ben Dickens. Leroy says when he makes his pile he's com- ing back to Port St. Joe to spend his declining years. scoreless innings, the Spartans nicked, Jimmy Stewart for three runs on a single, two triples and an error. The Saints made their first run in the fifth on a walk and two wild pitches by Smith. The Spartans counted two more in the sixth on a single, a sacrifice and two errors by Stewart. The SaInts came back for a tally when Mitchell -walked .and Belin doubled him home. *St. Joe drove Smith from the mound in the ninth with a barrage of hits. Weeks tripled, Herring was hit for a walk and Walters doubled to drive in Weeks and cause Smith to throw in his glove, Chandler tak- ing the mound for the Sipartans. But the Saints couldn't hbe stopped. Dendy took a single to bring in Herring and Hannon doubled to drive in Walters and Dendy for a one-run lead. The Spartans came back in the last of the ninth to score one run when Beliin fumbled a hot grounder andi the next two battersi singled. Jimmy Adams .took the mound for St. Joe in the tenth but neither team was able to muster a rally before the game was called at the end of the twelfth. WEDNESDAY'S GAME The return game between the Saints and the S'partans played at the local park Wednesday after- noon was a pitcher's battle all the way, with but seven hits given up by three pitchers.. The Spartans made their only score of the game in the first inn- ing on a low throw to first by Be- lin, a sacrifice by Harkin and a single by Lewis, scoring Burton. The Saints evened this up in the second as Belin was walked, stole second and came home as the Spar- tan second baseman failed to hold Weeks' line drive. St. Joe scored two more in the fourth as Hannon was walked, was sacrificed to second by Mitchell (Continued on Page 2) Old Pleasure Pier At Park Is Being Rebuilt The small pleasure pier near the foot of Reid Avenue, which a few years back fell into such a state of c'i-repair that it was unsafe for use. is being rebuilt by the city at the instigation of the Junior Cham- her of Commerce. Railroad iron Is being used for the piling, which should as-sure a long life to the rebuilt pier. Work is being held up tempor- arily due to lack of bolt but :t is hoped to have the pier open to the public about October 1. I FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1947 PAEfOTESAPR T O.GL ONY LRD Apalachicola Claims (Continued from Page 1) hired players. Now let us get on with that an- onymous writer's article. ... (The blackface type is his, the lightface is ours) : One look will disclose that ex- actly half of the Port St. Joe team is composed of Apalachicola boys. We:l, well, that IS news. Let's look into the matter: Taking the team player iby player Iwe give the town of their origin and how long they have been in Port 'St. Joe: Name Town Yrs. Jimmy Adlams, Fayette, Ala.---- 6 David' Hinote, Milton 6----- 6 Terry Hinote, Milton -----10 Tom iMitchell, Milton ------ 8 Bucky Walters, Fayette, Ala. -- 7 Bert Cox, iBrooksville--- 2------ 2 'Fish' Herring, Malone --------- 7 Frank Hannon, Woodville ------ 8 Dallas Weeks, Perry ---------- 7 Jim McCall, Altha 2 'Lefty' Thomason, Munson ----- 7 Alton Dendy, Port St. Joe 20 Leonard Belin, Port St. Joe ..--27 That leaves' us Bennie Burke, who came here from Apalachicola when he got out do the army to keep from starving, and' three subs, ,'Slick" Edwards, whose father was transferred here :by the A. N. rail- road, C. *Roifoinzs, who was trans- ferred 'here by the Florida Power Corporation, and Gene Elliott, the man twho likes to play but isn't wanted on the Apalach team. While Port St. Joe does not hire any of their players ? ? ? yet it is interesting to note that the Apa- lachicola boys who are excellent ball players are given "fat jobs" by Port $t. Joe industrialists. Cer- ta.inly a blind man can see the con- nection between the "Fat job" and the ball playing. Had this not been the circumstance it would not have been necessary for Apalachicola to seek outside assistance on its team. The onil An:.lachicolian who has one of these. "fat jobs" is Bennie Burke, aind as Bucky 'Walters put, it, "I'd sure like to see one of those "fat jcbs.' We really have to work.' As for "out i'le assistance," the cry olf Apalachicola for two years now has been "Beat St. Joe-We Don't Care How, But Beat 'Em!" When the manager of the Apa- lachicola team sought to find help from the few local boys remaining whom Port St. Joe were unable to hire, so that it could enter a game with at least a 50-50 chance to win, several ball players contacted stated they had already been ap- proached by Port St. Joe scouts offering them "fat jobs" in the big mill to play baseball, telling them the paramount idea was to defeat Apalachicola. Now, L. G. B., you know better than that, for if those .boys were holding down those "fat jobs?" they would ie earning their hire out on the diamond. Looks like you have magnified little Bennie Burke into an entire team. (Continued on Page 3) Every ads carries a message- a message that will save money MONEY PERSONAL AUTO FURNITURE LOANS To Empoyed Men and Women PROMPT COURTEOUS CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida BASEBALL (Continued From Page One) and went to third on a wild pitch, Belin was walked and stole second, Week's hit-through short to bring in Hannon, Herring was walked and Belin came in. on a wild throw to third by the second baseman. The final two tallies were made by the Saints in the 6th as Hannon drew a walk and stole second, Be- ;in doubled to send Hannon home and Weeks singled to right field to bring in Belin. The Spartans threatened in the- seventh as Lewis singled, Han.ey was out on an infield hit and Brovelin and Suggs were walked' to lo,ad the bases. However, Chantel came out of the hole as Cox caught Lewis coming home on an attempted squeeze and Creel struck out. Chantel pitched a superb game, -ivinmg up but two hits in seven innings, when he was relieved by "Lefty" Thomason, who gave up one hit in the remaining tiwo inu- ings. "Happy" Chandler gave up ''ur hits in the nine innings and 'nade a big hit with the fans with his grotesque grin and hi's clowning. Score by innings: ream- R H E Spartans ---..100 000 000-1 3 6 Saints ---- 010 202 00x-5 4 3 - Hits o,'f: Chantel, 2; Chandler, 4; Thomason, 1. Strikeouts by Chan- tel, 3; Chandler, 5; Thomason, 4. Walks by: Chantel, 2; ChandLer, 5. Wild pitch: Chandler, Chantel. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Davis had as their guests last Sunday Mrs. J. J. Parker of Youngstown and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gross of Tallahas-see. Chevrolet and Ford Owners < Come In and Ask About , Our Complete Ring Job 4 for Only . $58.95 We Use Only Genuine Ford > and Chevrolet Parts! ST. JOE MOTOR ! COMPANY S a I e s-FORD-Service PHONE 37 Port St. Joe * 4 AIN'T IT SO? I wish the handsome, high paid players I read about on our * * club would throw a party for the rest of us, for we weren't fortunate enough to have been born on an Oyster Bed, therefore aren't paid above minimum wage of the day. * You Can Use Our BUDGET PLAN On Most Everything In This Store! We have a wide variety of POP-UP TOASTERS and IRONS, as well as many other small appliances at a new * low cost. Let us supply your needs. * Tires aren't scare, but certain sizes are becoming hard to ' Sget, especially in the 16-incs lines. We have a few on hand v and are hoping for more, but if you are in need of them * be sure to come in now so you won't be caught short- handed. We are still giving liberal allowances on your old tires as trade-in on new sets. We are expecting some No. 52 CUSHMAN SCOOTERS in in the near future, so if you are interested in. any of the q Cushman products be sure to come in and see our clerks. * We have a very limited supply of long shank No. 10 FISH HOOKS that are supposed to be the best hook for bream. i: ST. JOE SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. 1 R D H. COX, Manager 112 REID AVENUE -PHONE 321 ... 0 $S O4 ** 4 O **O * ** O O*8 I Your Ford Dealer knows your Ford best, because 1. FORD-TRAINED MECHANICS They're Ford-trained to re- pair your car in the quick- est time at great savings to you. 3. GENUINE FORD PARTS They're designed and made by the makers of the parts you're replacing. They fit better, work better, last longer, 2. SPECIAL FORD EQUIPMENT It's the equipment which ,L Ford engineers know will give your Ford the best Service. , 4. FACTORY-APPROVEV METHODS )We use the methods which the factory engineers find gives you the best Ford Service in the shortest time A at the lowest co?*^ ESTIMATES FREE-USE OUR BUDGET PLAN ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY .* S. I I __ d W 6 -l -- -l- -- -- I -- ,- l- -- -- -, - -- THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TWO T NE 37 IFHOI PORB~~iT ST. JOE, FLifiDA FRDA, UGSTB,197 HESTRPOT T.JO, UL CUNY.FLRIA AG TRE Every ads carries a message- a- message that will save money. POISON IVY HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR If not COMPLETELY PLEASED, your 25c back. Kill *the outer skin. It PEELS OFF and with it goes the ivy infection. Ask for TE-OL. Often one application is enough. Today at Smith's Pharmacy. 7-4 8-22 NOW AVAILABLE ! Moth-Proof Bags Creech Brothers Laundry - and Cleaners t A Good Doctor Is Only Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION ! tR ItIt Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We com- pound them exactly as your doc- tor orders, using only the best and purest drygs. Carver Drug Co. Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Fla. Make your car RIDE QUIETER QU10 ER TRADEMARK UNDER$EAL BRAND RUBBERIZED PROTECTIVE COATING absorbs underbody squeaks and rattles ... shuts out rust Most car noise comes from underneath where rust and corrosion rot fenders, make cars noisy before their time. SProtect your car now-with "UNDERSEAL," the amaz- ing new sprayed-on coating that protects against rust and wear, muffles under- body noises with a Y8 inch thick "hide." Keeps any car new and quiet-riding longer. It's guaranteed to protect for the life of your car - ST. JOE MOTOR 'COMPANY S a I e s-FORD-Service PHONE 37 Port St. Joe School Lunch Fund To Be Swelled By Federal Grant The Gulf county ,board of public instruction will receive approxi- mately $1,911 in federal school lunch funds next year, the sta.e. department of education estimates. The foundation fund formula of the neiw school bill was used in the breakdown of the $741,316 in fed- eral 'funds allocated for public school lunchrooms. Department olf education officials recommended that the 67 counties contribute about $565,527 in local funds toward the -lspport of the program, as congress has warned that unless the states or the coun- ties contribute to the program, fu- ture federal.school lunch aid may be withdrawn. The recommended, niatching fund ,for thi s county was estimated at $882. Apalachicola Claims Continued from page 2) Apalachicola, would gladly chal- lenge Port St. Joe to a series of games-winner take all receipts- each town playing only its own boys. We are sure that would suit Port St.. Joe, 'and' we know that those local Apalachicola boys. who played so faithfully 'last year (without pay) -would ,be tickled to death to again Ibe on the -home team, even after the way they have been cast aside aby that small clique that is controlling the police's of the Ap- hlachicola team. The trouble with such a game would be that Port 6t. Joe could not muster nine baseball players, while half of the players now on its team being Apalachicola boys, would be an Apalachicola team. We don't quite get that para- graph, Ibut it 'looks as though Ben- nie Buirke has again 'grown consid- erably in stature. (Excuse us, Ben- nie, for using you so much as a horrible example, 'but you seem to be the bone of contention.) To the good fans of Port St. Joe we would like to say that the fans of Apalachicola consider the Saints, especially the many Apa- lachicola boys on it every one of them a Van Johnson, a lothario. L. G. 'B. seems to know you pretty well. Bennie-take a bow. We'll have to take another look at the cgly mu.s of the rest o ycu guy: A good suggestion to the baseball czars of Port St. Joe is that they move the "Belin" fence back 100 yards, We mention the Belin fence as this fine young university ball player is really the only Port St. Joe boy on the team, the others being a gathered group of players sought out from far and near cor- ners and cities, and hired to come to Port St. Joe -and play baseball. Oh, yes, we know. about the jobs in the mill-we've been to school. We didn't know Belin had played on a university team, ibut if he did, he didn't play for hire during the summer vacation. As for the jobs in the mill, L. G. B., you may have been to school, ,but you apparently learned very little, Ifor the interests that operate the mill don't give two soots in hades about the ball team. And even if they d'id, they wouldn't compel a man to play in order to keeti) his job, as is being done, ,we understand, -with one of the three Apalachicola boys playing on the Oyster City team. And, L. G. B., you contradict yourself a bit. First you assert positively and without the shadow olf a doubt, especially in the head on your ar- ticle, "Apalach vs. Port St. Joe, Ac- tually Apalach vs. Apalach," that the Port St. Joe ball players come from Apalachicola, and here you juit as positively state that they are 'sought out from far and near corners and cities." My, my, L. G. B.. such inconsistency! We wish to assure Mayor Horace Soule that he may banish his fears in contemplating the umpiring of ball games. We certainly would not , go so far in personalities in our criticism as The Star did in the in- stance of Apalachicola's mayor, who yielded to an urgent request and umpired for our two teams as beautiful a game as anyone ever witnessed. Mayor >Soule has better sense than to attempt to umpire a 'game, and as to the, criticism of Mayor Owens voiced in The Star, it was a just criticism, as some of your good citizens of Apalachico'la will admit, and it wasn't hidden behind the anonymity of "A -Baseball Fan," Another DORIS DODSON Darling! Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Pert St. Joe, Florida DORIS DODSON'S Fiesta-collah pockets, placket and the tie atr lined in dark rayon faille "thih flashes against radiant fiesta-coloi cotton corduroy. Metal buttons and belt trim. California Sun with brown; Havana Coral with black Baby Blue with black. 9 to 15. ' $16.75 Frocks for the Pepsi Crowd! but !was the free and 'open expres- sion otf the editor. As for the "ur- gent request," we doubt that, for when the Apalathicola team stated they couldn't afford to hire um- pires 'from Tyndall Field and Port St. Joe offered to pay the, cost of the umpires., the offer was turned down-and Mayor Owens is one of the directors of the Alpalach team. And so together, let us all re- member that he who cannot take a loss with equal grace as he takes a win, which trait is the stamp of thoroughbred champions, does not deserve to taste of the joy of win-, DEAR SHOPPERS: Our convenient Lay-Away Plan enables youo'tI. select your,fa'll.coat, suit or dress early, lwhlen our stock is at its Ibest. A -small deposit will hold your selection and many are already taking advantage of this wise, easy way 'to shoi. Early ,ship- ments of Donnybrook and ,Printzess Coats and Suits are here. Believe us, they're simply wonderful, and Boyles 'Cash iPrice is 'Right! Watch out (for SACONY 'Suits' soon! They are just the ticket for Florida cll- mate and' nationally famous for quality and value! Shoppers, we're right on the beam and you'll save yourself worry, anxiety and 'money if you' keep your- eyes on Boyles De- pattment Store 'this fall! Home. decoratorm, here's Head- line News! A gorgeous new ship- ment of Drape3ry and Upholstery Fabrics that's ,second to none! 36 and 50 inch materials in .plain col- ors, stripes, and floral's and listen to this: Every piece is un- conditionally .guaranteed to give permanent satisfaction We select- ed these fabrics in the showrooms of one of the largest and, most reputable manufacturers in the good old I. S. A. 'We bring to Port St. Joe the finest. and prices are very reasonable. Better look into this soon! ning. Our thought exactly, L. G. B.- you could not take your losses with grace, so you went out and. hired a team which most of your home town folks disapprove of. They would much rather see the local lads cavorting on the diamond than a group of hired outsiders. (Note to Editor Fitzgerald of The Times: A good newspaper, Fitz- and we consider yours in that cate- -gory-does not publish anonymous epistles. Why not suggest to 'L. G. B. that when he ;burns up next time to sign his own name? b Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" consumed immediately with no room left over. Back-to-School Days bring mup new problems for all of us, and you can ,bet that we're right in there pitching for you. Practical, durable. 'wearing apparel for your boys 'and girls is available at 'Boyles .Department Store, and our Cash Prices will save you dollars as well as anxiety and 'worry over bills. Mrs. Marium Skipper has re- turned from a well-earned vacation and now 'she's getting thrills look- ing through the new .merchandise that has arrived during her ab- sence. We're still trying to figure out how she runs rings around all of us when it comes to selling mer- chaidise! Probably you can tell urs! Have you seen those attractive new Chenille Bathroom Sets at $1.79? Someone told! us they're right on, top in beauty, size and value. We wrap any kind of gift package for you for the asking. Money orders in the mail this' 'week from Brooklyn. N. Y., and Carra- belle indicates that Boyles. Deipart- ment Store is also known outside of Port St. Joe. (The S-tar goes to both of those large cities, Glenn. -Ed.). A customer from Chicago dropped in for a Van Heusen shirt, which made us very happy. Mis's New Yorker (our Glamour Our head swelled just a little Girl) stops the Pepsi Crowd for a Saturday 'when a pleasant customer told us that she had made a special trip 'from Pensacola to maiie.a spe- cial purchase in our store. That purchase made both of us happy and the swelling has already sub- sided! We are sorry to lose our quiet and' efl'icient office girl, Mrs. Stan- ford, Beckham. Mr. Beckham has done a fine job as bandmaster in the Port St. Joe schools and the service he has rendered this com- munity will be hard to match. Our very .best wishes go with them in their new location. We're glad to see tie -.badly- needed addition to the school 'build- ings nearing completion, and Prin- cipal Biggart says the space will be BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA second, look. She wears a Dor), Dodson like oh, 'brother! She likes to wear a new one every day and, has been making this possible through her 'selling ability. Watch Miss New Yorker! New' Fall Shoes are walking right right out looks like Iwe're right on the beam again with style. quality and value. Those low heel "Trim Treds" with the roguish lea- ther bow set a new pace 'for school girls. ,See them today! ,Someone suggested 'we put a name on our 'windows an- other quipped: "Just follow the crowds!" Yours Shoiwing a New Style in Seamprufe Slips This Week, R, GLENN BOYLES. SEE THE NEW ARRIVALS! As advertised in SEVENTEEN and CHARM' The Tattler Vol. II Friday, August 8, 1947 No. 2 ~iIP~11131 Fbl~--L- ---~ ~ -~II-~ IJs I I r r FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA PAGE THREE f THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -4( Telephone 51 I]a- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions In adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country D7.. Right or Wrong THEY'RE ALL YOUR SIZE - Our assistant told us breathlessly Saturday that he heard the governor was in town. To which we replied: "So what ?" A lot of people believe all the tripe and buncombe that circulates aboti the difference in stature of their fellow beings, fawn on those in high office, delight in being seen with them and stoop to "boot-licking" in the hope of currying favor or perhaps to hold a position that is controlled by politics. In this small puddle of Port St. Joe we have our big frogs. In the pool of the state there swim some pompous officials, and in the lake of the nation there are some awful frumps. Anyone who has ever heard, John.L. Lewis beat on his chest and quote from the classics knows what a big frog he thinks he is. And some of our congressmen and senators-my, oh, my, they've inflated themselves so with their own egotism that they loom like blimps above their more conservative fellows. All of which is so much rot. The small-town hypocrite who sets- himself apart from his fellow men in an aura of touch-me-not sanc- tity, the state officials who patronizingly visit the provinces, the national officials who talk down to the people-the kings, the dictators, the generals, the congressmen, the labor leaders, the prime ministers-all those for whom press cameras click and whose words are listened to as coming from authority-are *no different than any of the rest. We remember one time when we were at- tending-the state fair at Sacramento, Calif., how horrified the congressman from our dis- trict was when he presented us with tickets for seats, on- the rostrum from which Gover- nor Rolph was to speak, and we-informed-him that we had much rather sit in the audience with real people than on the stage with a bunch of stuffed shirts. It is extremely healthy to reflect that they are all your size. Any common kitchen chair will seat any one of them. Every one of them was a red-faced baby that wet its pants, couldn't talk, and was so helpless it couldn't walk just a few years ago, letalone rise up on its hind legs and rant of the great "I Am." Not one of them is indispensable. Every one of them will be gone a few years from now, and our city, our state, our nation and the world will rbck on even better than it is doing today. Despite the genuflection (if you don't know what that means, it's "worshipful bending of the knee," or as we said above, "boot-licking") the big talk, the "His Honors" and "Your Ex- cellencies" that are cast their way, they are no sow's ears magically changed to silk purses but just plain ordinary human beings subject to the bellyache and to an occasional pimple on the nose. Any one of them, like you and T, can be scared stiff by a creature so insignificant that you can't even see it without a microscope-- a microbe. These are the birds who are running the world, deciding what to do about the fates of nations, pounding their chests as they decide whether they will send one army against an- other or tell a half million men whether to strike or work. They include the professional explainers who tell us what everything is all about and what is good for us and what is bad. and to listen to them you would think that they were a different breed of dog than the rest of us, sitting at the master's feet, with a direct pipeline to the fount of knowledge,, power and glo61y, which they patronizingly pass on to us. But there is one thing.about them that we can all heartily admire-their gall. ONE PLACE TO CUT There are more than 5,500,000 persons em- ployed by the federal, state and local govern- ments. These are almost equally divided be- tween the federal government and the state and local governments-2,752,000 on the fed- eral payroll and 2,824,000 on the state and local payrolls. About one of every ten gainfully employed person works for some unit of government in the United States. Does this suggest where some economies can be made ?-Springfield Union. There is said to be more horsepower than horses, but from where we sit there seems to be more bull than bullpower. Courtship may be only a sample of matri- mony. but who is able to tell anything by a sample ? Apartments are 'now being built so small that the rooms fold into the walls when not in use. Learn To Fly -ow! AIRPORT Port St. Joe, Fla. CAA Approved 5858 Approved for GI Training ; ^--------------- .-------- --- WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and H-ill Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FOR GUARANTEED Fresh Yard Eggs Fresh Dressed Chickens Fresh Vegetables, Groceries and Meats SALT WATER FISH DAILY R IC'S CURB MARKET Phone 306 Port St. Joe, Fla. -. ... Now Located at Highland View PHONE 310-J * *** *> ea a a m a a a. AIRPORT NEWS The past week has seen many visitors in for various and sundry reasons. Most of them, however, came to visit our beaches and to fish. We are glad to say that Dr. Nor- ton is 'back and will be flying around soon. Bill Davis' BT-13 is operating now and several people have been 'for a ride in. it.' ,Mel Magidson is now working with us at the field as an instructor and we are glad to have him. There is much talk about the or- ganizimg of the Aero Club and pos- sibilities of a CAP squadron being organized' here. Anyone interested in the Civil Air Patrol is urged to come out to the airport and talk. it over with us. ,Model .building is on the upswing due to the BSA contest, and sev- eral gas models- have already 'been put into the air. There is also talk breezing around olf a model club. Our faithful friends' kesp coming out to visit (with us, 'but there are many in town who have never been out to visit, and we would certainly welcome a vist from them. If you Smokey Says: / HEY ,OYS-WHEN YOU LEAVE Ta WVODS BE f SURE YOUR CAMPFIRE ! IS OUT-DEAD OUT/ Fire is always looking for a place to happen. Many destructive woods fires start from -mall careless aclr . haven't been out lately, stop in and visit for a while, -K Here From Washington Miss Frane Thomas of Washing- ton, D. C., arrived Saturday for a visit with her mother and sister. Mrs. E. Thomas and Mrs. Hilton Lewis. It pays to advertse--try it! It pays to advertise--try it! What GOES INTO A PRESCRIPTION? T HE ingredients your doctor .orders, of course; but also there goes the scientific knowl- edge and skill of experience of our expert pharmacists. That's why you may bring prescriptions to us with confidence. Have your prescription com-- pounded by a Graduate Phar- macist of an accredited School of Pharmacy JOHN ROBERT SMITH Pharmaceutical Chemist We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE Whatever service you need, get it NOW-and pay for it in convenient monthly installments! There's no need to postpone needed work because it might be incoo- venient to pay for it. Let our expert mechanics-using factory-engineered parts-put your truck in "tip-top" shape. Remember-we will gladly arrange payments to suit your convenience! when it's time for service... on time... see McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Dodge and Plymouth PORT ST. JOE Phone 129 FLORIDA trit.-Shop ERV CE IREPAIR + 8 9 8 88 8 8 8 8 O C I ~ 8 I 8888 ~~ 8 ~8~0 8 8 o THE-STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1947 PAGE FOUR FT E SOC, SSocial Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 M.^ -~ ------ -^ BAPTIST W. M. S. IN BUSINESS MEETING The business meeting of the Bap- tist W. M. 'S. was held at the church Monday afternoon with a large number present. The meeting was opened by all singing "Standing On the Prom- ises." Mrs. W. C. 'Pridgeon, presi- dent, brought the very helpful de- votional, using several scriptures that proclaimed God's promises to His children. This was followed with prayer by Mrs. C. M. Palmer. ,Splendid reports 'were given by the young peoples leaders of work and plans for future activities. -Mrs. W .1. Carden gave an ac- count of the G. A. camp at Mart- anna that she and five girls of the loca3 auxiliary attended. All offi- cers and' chairmen then gave re- ports of the month's work. The nominating committee for the selection ol1 new officers was named) 'by the president a~s follows: Mrs. W. H. Howell, .Mrs. George W. Cooper and Mrs. J. D. Lane. The meeting was closed with prayer to meet next Monday at the church for Bible study. MRS. MITCHELL HOSTESS TO PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian' Church met Monday after- noon with' Mrs. Tom Mitchell at her home on McClellan' Avenue. The meeting 'was opened with HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Davis oif this city announce -the birth of a daugh- ter on July 29 at the municipal hos- pital. The young lady has .been namer Barbara Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Woodirow Wilson Armstrong are the proud parents of a daughter, Nancy Carol., 'born August 5 at the municipal hospital.' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Boat- wright of East Point announce the birth of a daughter on August 6 at the municipal hospital. : I I t Spend Week-end In Macon 'Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Warner and daughter Liuise spent *last week- end in Macon, Ga., visiting with Mr. and, Mrs. Marvin Thurman. Mrs. Warner's niece, Miss Betty Thurman, returned home (with them for a week's visit. Off On 10-Day Trip Mrs. Verna Smith, Mrs. D. C. Smith and Miss Sara Kelly left Wednesday for Savannah. Ga., and 'Columbia, S. C., where they will visit for ten days with Mr. and Mrs. John Lane. On South Florida Trip Mr. and Mrs. Homer Coe and daughter Ruth and- Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin left Monday for- a week's vacation trip to points in prayer by Mrs. R. D. Prows and af- South Florida. ter a short business session Mrs. Basil E. Kenney and Thos. R. L. Home Frbn Carter gave interesting talks on Mrs. C. C. Ta "How Much Do I Value Life?" returned Mon At the conclusion of the program three weeks i the hostess served dainty .refresh-, and Kingslam ments to Mrs.- C. M.-.Adanms, Mrs. visit- in St. Au n Visit In Georgia aunton a'nd son Pierce day from a visit of in Athens. Savannah d, Ga., and a brier' igustine. - -M. Elder, Mrs.s B. E. Kenney, Mrs. S to R. D. Prows, Mrs. H. L. McKinnon,1 Visiting Parents Mrs. W. P. ,iLbert and Thos. R. I Miss Eloise Sc'heffer of Pensa- L. Carter. cola is visiting here this week with V. fI t her parents, Mr., and Mrs. R. F. MRS. t-OLA COSTIN HOSTESS Scheffer. MONDAY TO J. A. M. CLUB w I ,I Mrs. Lola Costin was hostess Mrs. Cecil Hallo!way and children Monday night to members of the of Chattahoochee are visiting here J. A. M. Olub at her home on Mon- this week with her sister and fam- ument Avenue. An interesting con- ily, Mr. and, Mrs. Wilbur Smith. test was enjoyed', with prize-s go- -- ing to Mrs. Ruby Pridgeon and Mrs. Florrie Connell. DR. C. L. REICHERTER At the conclusion of the meeting the hostess served a salad course OPTOMETRIST -with sandwiches,, cookies and iced drinks to seven members. EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED The next meeting of the club will be on August 18 with Mrs. H. * A. -Drake at her home on Reid Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 Avenue. First Floor Phone 560 Attend B. T. U. Executive Meeting PANAMA CITY, FLA. Rev. L. J. Keels and daughter "Jane, and. Mrs. J. 0. Baggett and .?- daughter Alma attended the execu tive meeting of the Northwest Coast B. T. U. Association held Sunday afternoon in Apalachicola. Have Visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Owen Clements and daughters Jean and Cecilia, of EBoun-tstown, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howard of Brundidge, Ala., vis- ited here Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. John Clexment's. Mrs. Howard and Mr. Clements are their children. Visit In Pensacola Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raiford vis- ited over the week-end in Pensa- coda with Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Plair. Visiting in Mississippi Miss' Lu*,a. McCoy .left Thur-- day of last week for a visit of two weeks in Vicksoburg, Miss., r,vith Miss Willie Dean McPherson. Visitors From Mobile Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Arline of MVobile, Alfa., visited here this week I with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Roberts. Legion Slates District Meet At Wakulla Inn Wakulla County American Legion post and the Women's Auxiliary will act as host to the Second Dis- trict conference to be held at the Wakulla Springs Lodge on Sunday, I August 24. Broward Williamns of Tallahas-. 1 see, district commander, says the ' conference will 'be primarily a working conference, intended to in- struct the post officers, chairmen oi' committees, and younger mem- bers in the proper performance of their duties and to encourage post's to -boost their membership by early fall. Secretary of State Bob Gray, Ful- ler Warren, George Tapper and Bob Sikes have announced they will be present. Sikes and Warren' will make the two principal ad- dresses, with Tapper and Gray in- troducing the speakers. Posts comprising t h e Second District are Apalachicola, Bristol, Carrabelle, Port ,St. Joe, Blounts- town, Hosford, Marianna, Wewa- hitchka, Graceville, Sneads, Ma- lone, Chattahoochee, Quincy, Tal- lahassee and Crawfordeville. It is, expected that a n-umber of members of Willi V. Raiwan post and ladies of the Auxiliary will be in attendance at the meeting. - Have Guests From Lake Wales Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whitehead of Lake Wales are the guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. D. C. Arnett. Visiting Brother In Tennessee The Misses Marjorie and Cirr, lyn Smith are visiting in Memphis. Tenn., with their brother Tom. LIKE A GUIDING LIGHT Our Service can relieve you cl a'll details. No need to worry about funeral arrange- ments in times of grief and sorrow. When the need arises, let us serve. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service EVER Y BODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 4.'.-* "HOLDING FORTH THE WORID OF LIFE" REV. L. J. KEELS, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1947 -9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Mori-Lii,,- Worship. Z 6:55-Baptist Training- Union. Z 8:00-Evening Worship. ligull 1wrillimm-tom offib- NEWS and CARTOON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1X Om MI. HIT NO. -1 Our Store Will Be Closed All Day THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 01 01 01 In order to allow our employees to attend the an_ nual banquet of Danley Stores to be held in Marianna on that day. 0, DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY 0. 01 ow PF 00 RK T1 Sb T'. JJ OU IE RLOURKIDUAA 4 so*** 0 44 4-0 so 4 Port Theatre SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 FEATURE NO. 2 Jean ROGERS Richard TRAVIS Larry Blake Louise CURRIF .. -7enrv Also Chapter 7 of Serial "JACK ARMSTRONG" SUNDAY, AUCUST 10 ~h~a~rrras~tQtdbe~68~+08~C~~5' PAGE FIVE THE STAR,_PORT St. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA . DIR AY AUGOST 8 1947 HomeFromFamiy Renion Enjoying Beach Breezes week at Ueacon Hill enjoying the Gulf breezes. le ot at Visitors From Osprey Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Child-s and faaffly and Mrs. Horace Childis of Osprey Fla., are tile -guests of Mrs- L. C. Wise aTYd family. 9L at IR Visiting With Par"ts Mrs. W. N. Routh and; children of Creswell, N.'C., are vis4ting here for several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mns. George Johnson.. where they attended a revilion of the Hayes 'family. W. ot vt Return To Home In Ohio Via Air Mrs. Donald Birath and children left Saturda3, froni Tallarlassee by plane for Youngstt:iwn, Ohio, after spending the s-unnuer here with her parents, Alr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell. Ilt bt vt ';Nll-. and Mrs. A. L. O'Brian of Altha are guests this week of My; -and Mrs. C. L. Cook. Port St. Joe, Fla. A Martin Theatre THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAY AT 1:00- P. M. CONTiNUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. + LAST TIME TODAY MONDAY and TUESDAY August 11 and 12 HIT NO. 2 TEX RMER. in "Arizon Days" Chapter 8 ef Serial "DAUGHTER OF DON Q` THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 14 and 15 NEWS and MUSICAL TRAVEL andP OPULAR S WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE ^l -- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HERE ARE SOME NEW OFFER- INGS IT WOULD PAY TO INVESTIGATE! There are only five lots left in Mexico Beach on the high bluff nearest Gulf County. Threeibedroom house on Gulf about 6 miles from Port St. Joe. This is a real home, not the ordinary cot- tage. Brand new and priced right with a down payment of $2500 and balante like xent. Two-bedrobmn house on Gullf about same distance from town; also brand new and furnished, ready to step into. Very reasonable. Two-bedroom house between 13th and, 14th on Palm Boulevard; fur- nished and priced right for quick sale. Also 3ibedroom house corner 16th and Palm Boulevard in new condition, recently refinished. FHA loan on both these .-, To those eligible for GI Loans and Combination FHA and GI: It's only aa little over a month 'till when you can get your terminal leave bonds cashed. What better way to invest this than in a down payment on a home? If you want to build, we have plans for all types of houses and a reliable contractor ready to build for you. Have two very desirable corner lots, one on Monument and one on Palm Boullevard; just the thing for -a building loan. IHave three houses for sale on Mc- Clellan Ave. on lots 3 and 4, block 79. Will sell together or separately. FOR SALE FOR SALE--36-inch exhaust fan, complete; in original crate. Cost $125; yours for $90. See Bo Brown, phone 237 or 47. 7-25tt HELP WANTED WANTED String musician for show performance. See George Padgett at Quality Grocery. 8* SPECIAL SERVICES LOOK! LOOK! Roaches, Termites, Ants, Mosqui- toes, Flies eliminated'. One year guarantee or longer. No muss, no fuss, non-staining, non-poisonous. Not necessary -to leave hollse or close the premises. Naval Chemi- cal Co., phone 201, Port St. Joe. Member Chamber of Commerce, Na- tional Pest Control, Florida Pest Control. 7-4tf FREE BOOKLET about cancer Is yours for the asking. Simply send name and address on a postcard 'to American Cancer Society, 22 Ann St., New York 1, N. Y., tf Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT-September 15 to May 15, Mexico Beach cottage, com- pletely furnilshed. Phone 230 day Jnly. 8-ltt CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 ner day. Snillers and Nichols. : We Have Just Received a * Fine Line of * SMALL LEATHER ^i ITEMS Billfolds, Change Purses, * Men's Belts, Sam Browne Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, 0 Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits * and Key Rings, Suitcase * Handles, Truck Drivers' * Billfolds, Skate Straps. We Also Stock a Full Line of All Types of Shoe Polishes THE LEADER SHOE. SHOP We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, Attend Their Dyeing and Save Their Soles Saints Win Over Tyndall In Free-Hitting Contest In a free-hitting, loosely-played game at Tyndall Field last Friday the St. Joe Saints took the army boys 14-10, though at one time it looked like a Tyndall win as the army lads chalked up Itour runs in the seventh to make the count 10-9. The Saints took a six-run lead in the first two cantos, Weeks, Dendy and Mitchell crossing the plate in the first inning -and Waltens-, Han- non and T. Hinote coming In tdur- ing the second'. Belin ,came home in the third on a wild pitch and .three more were scored' In the fifth by Belin, Herring and D. Hinote. The final four counters were made in the eighth by Cox, Belin, D. Hinote and' Herring. Taylor, who started on the mound car Come In and See S S THE NEW GULF TIRE L Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION Records! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY :Plumbind GENERAL PLUMBING S REPAIRc SEWER, CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX 0'. Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a firs SLet Us Design You a Letterhead P [6 To Fit Your Business *6 THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. V', WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO ,1v 1irlitl TELL THE TRUTH 1 MEET' YOUR . -& a pritcu, -o e1 - FHA Loan. Phone 83 or 304. 8-1* foi Tyndall. was knocked from thile LODGE-N-T-CE box by the first fdur ,Saints up and FRI THOS. R. L. CARTER LODGE NOTICES was relieved by Howell, who lasted - Registered Real Estate Broker MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- until the fifth and was relieved by Phone 201 317 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular Smith, who finished. LeHARI Port St. Joe, Florida meetings 2nd and 4th Frl- Terry inte started or St. Joe -~'.^-days each month, 8:00 p. ni. Terry Hinote started for St. Joe TWO SMALL DWELLINGS in Oak Members urged to attend; and gave up seven hits for seven Grove, one 3-room and one 4- visiting brothers welcome. D. L. runs before being relieved' in the proposal they could make? The du- room, with bath and running wa- Owens, W. M.; G. C. Afdkins, Sec. seventh by Adams, who finished. Point companies pay approximately ell. $1700 cash for 'both; ill n SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. Score by innings: 5 per cent of property taxes wihch Box ll seathalbert Hda ll, P.. 22 F.-Meets every Wednesday Team- R H E amortize the dredging bonds and Box 29, Altha, Florida. 22* night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. St Joe 331 030 040-14 17 6 o y n t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE nAll members urged to attend and t el 0 2 to years from now, when the pa- Have just had a 3-edroom house visiting brethren invited. B. A. Tyndall-----1 2 401-10 11 7 r company is taxable, will pay 70 ;on Long Avenue listed. This house Pridgeon, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, Hits off: Taylor, 1; Howell, 15; to 80 per cent, consequently say- is to sell for $4,950. Equity $1,450 Secretary. Smith, 1; Hinote. 7; Adams, 4. igs on this issue to the general -and you assume mortgage. May get -.EGAL ADVERTISING Strikeouts by: Howell, 1; Hinote, taxpayer will be approximately the this nice home for only $900 down. 3; Adiams, 3. Walks, by: Taylor, 2; amount of fee proposed to ,be five-room dwelling in Oak Grove, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Howell, 7; Hinote, 10; Adams, 1. Hit charged by Thornton, Mohr & Co. with bath and running water. Ex- I have sold my interest in the by': Adamns (Langevin); Howell, "I do not see whereby any saving aph Gulf Manufacturing. Co. at Beacon "I do not see where tra lts may be purchased w ,Hil to my partner, P. G. Hart, who (Belin, Weeks). Wild pitch: Ty- to the city has been proposed, ve- this place. I will conduct the business in future. lor, 2; Howell, 1; Hinote, 2. toed, rejected or deferred. :Six-room house in Oak Grove to' 8-8* J. S. PATRICK. ---------- "What is the object of this let- .sell or $1500. NOTICE OF REGULAR Bond Refinance Story ter? The inference is being, or ha ')wo-bedroom home on Hunter's MUNICIPAL ELECTION b- een given publicity that proposal Circle, on large lot. Notice is hereby given that a mu- (Continued from Page 1) w create a great saving to the city nicipal election for the election of Two-bedroom, furnished home in a Mayor and two City Commission- obligation to citizens to get pro has: been rejected. The writer man-- Bayridge Subdivisdon. This dwell- ers ifor full terms, of two years and posal fro-m another firm before en. tains this publicity is both erron- ing was built in 1943 and is in ex- two City Commissioners for terms ntrt with a and detrimental to the future dellent condition, of one year for the City ,of Port St. tearing into contract with appli- eous and detrimental to the future Have just had a five-oom house Joe will be held in the City Hall in cants. Commissioner Conklin left welfare o, our city andi its people." and a four-room house listed. These the City of Port St. Joe on Tues- the meeting prior to discussion or "Very truly yours, dwelliaogs are situated on Long day, September 2, 1947. statementt by other commissioners. "M. P. Tomlinson." The polls will open at 7 o'6loc.k Avenuend are reasonablypriced A. M. andclose at 7 o'clock P. M., A vote on the proposal was not (Ed Note: Only reference in our If you are interested in buying a Eastern Standard Time. called for by the presiding officer. article regarding saving to city was nice home in Port St. Joe you M. P. TOMLINSON, (Ed Note: Mayor Soule asked it tatenment by Mayor Soule that in should see the above dwellings. 8-129 City Auditor an.d Clerk. the proposals as presented were his opinion "there would -be a con- We also have a nice selection ofiderabe saving to the city over a lots in the residential section of Political Announcements "acceptable to the commission.') siderable saving to the city over a lot he c ity. Also have left two water- "Would the proposal i consu- period of years on the lower inter- frot beach -lots in Yon's Addition FOR CITY COMMISSIONER mated result in a saving to city? est rates and lowered payments on to Beacon Hill. I hereby announce my candidacy The foregoing outline of cost under bhe principal.") for City Commissioner, Group 2, at-- - FRANK HANNON the election to be held Tuesday, present conditions and cost under - September 2, 1947, subject to the proposed refunding plan indicate John Lane's Single Wins Game Registered Real Estate Broker will of the voters. As a business an additional cost to the cuy or Johli Lane singled Sunday in the Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 man I have only the best interests $83.590. eighth inning in .a game ,with the of the city at heart, as I believe I have proved during the 18 months "Is the commission or :,ny crm- league-leading Columbus team to I have served on the commissIon, missioner showing undue favoritismI drive in the only run of the game and if re-elected I promise to con- to the duPont organization by not and give the Columbiia Reds a 1-0 3r ad S e reSUltS tinue to serve the best interests of accepting this proposal before go- shut-out in a fast, tight game. Inci- ability. T that end I would ap-ing into it thoroughly and getting dentally, John's place in the league preciate your vote and support. indication from present holders o01 batting averages has risen from J. R. CHESTNUT bonds, debentures and notes as to about 25th to fifth place. ENDS AT- DY'S BAR -IN Have Guests From Chattahoochee Mrs. J. T. Ham and daughte_'- Sylvia of Chattahoochee are visit- ing here this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ford. Home On Furlough 6 Grady Plair arrived, in town Sun- day from Washington, D. C. He has just returned to the States and is awaiting his discharge. Home From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Buster Owens re- turned Monday from a vacation trip in the Tennessee mountains. "And was #it cool!" they remark. Feed Trials Feeding trials with dairy cows in- dicate that ground Korean lespedeza seed may be satisfactorily substi- tuted for cottonseed meal and soy- bean oil meal as a high protein sup- plement. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that the registration books of the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, will 'be open for the purpose of registration of all qualified electors who are quali- fied under Ordinance No. 35X and Chapter 24836 Laws af Florida, Acts of 1947. Said books will be opened on Au- gust 13, 1947. and will remain opeli4 for registration purposes until Au- gust 22, 1947, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 12 A. M., and 2 o'clock P. M. until 5 o'clock P. M. each day ercept Sundays and holt- days. All persons desiring to regis- ter shal Icall at the City Hall for such purpose. M. P. TOMLINSON, 8-1 City Auditor and Clerk. 15 Registration Officer. City of Port St. Joe, FIa. F-RIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, wUTLF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX 1 Is |