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HELP KEEP THE SAINTS ON TOP! Attend Every Game! L -,, < THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY .! VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 NUMBER 44 WATER FILTER PLANT WILL BE OF LATEST TYPE Will Remove Impurities With out Use of Chlorine or Other Chemicals Tests of the city water supply have been completed by the Layne Central Company, which concern will install the water filtering sys tern, and the pilot plant which had been in operation for some time Iha-s been removed. A portion of the necessary equipment is already or hand and' the company states thai they hope to have the plant fun. tioning about the middle of Sep tember, barring strikes. The Layne iron removal unit to be used in the water filtering plant is a three-compartment tank in which the water from the city's wells will be treated, under pres- sure and without exposure, for the removal of its iron content at the rate of 300 gallons per minute, or a total of better than 400,000 gallons in a. 24,haur day. The -unit is equipped with spe- ,cially 'built air compressors thai 'provide filtered air free from oil or impurities under control and ap- plied in a regulated stream just sufficient for use of the unit. Con- trol of the air results in an oxygen content .of the water following treatment of not more than 50 per cent saturation., and an effluent less a'ggi'es give in character than the applied raw water. The unit will be 10 feet in di- ameter and about 16 feet high, con- structed of %-inch steel side walls and %--inch head. Total weight will tbe about 17,000 pounds. The upper portion of this large cylinder is .the areation chamn'be and contains a layer of Montana lava 48 inches deep. The raw water enters. the top of the cylinder and compressed air is forced up from below, the air oxidizing the iron in the water is it flows over the lava. After the water passes through the top unit, it enters, a filter in the lower section, which is made uip of'a 50-50 mixture of Cape May sand, and calcite which contains about 98 per cent pure calcium car- bonate. Facilities are provided for washing the lava and the filter unit to remove the collected, iron oxide, this operation being necessary ap- proximately every three days. No chlorine is used in the plant at all. Local Boy Scout Troop Will Spend Week At Camp Weed Scoutmaster J. T. Simpson. an- nounces that -plans have been cool pleted for a week of camping at Camp Weed for members of Boy Scout Troop 47 of Port St. Joe. The, camping period will be from August 11 to 17 and transportation for the scouts will be furnished to and from the cam.p. All parents and friends of the scouts are in- vited and urged to visit the boys at any time during the week of camp. Members of the local troop are looking forward with anticipation to the week of camping, and all hope to make the trip. Returns To Home In North Bruce Ramey returned to his home in. Lafayette, Ind., yesterday after a visit of several days here with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MrcClellan and Miss Erline McClellan. Youth Center Will REFINANCING Open This Evening PLAN VETOED Will Be Run By Boys and Girls; Election of Officers Held Tuesday Night The youth center for all 'teen age boys and girls of Port S-t. Joe will have its opening tonight at 8 o'clock in its new home on Wood , ruff Avenue. This building was - bought at Camp Gordon Johnston a by the recreation committee, which - is composed of a representative I from each civic organization in the e city, and was erected almost en- e tirely by volunteer labor and placed on grounds given by the Rotary t Club for a playground. The past week the young people - have been busy scrubbing and staining floors, painting walls and moving in furniture, which is, a gilt Soit the Red Cross from Camp Gor- i don Johnston. There are two new s ping-pong tables and games suit- . able for all ages. - e The youth center will be run by a the boys and girls themselves, and election of officers, was held Tues- 5 day with the following results: 'Jack Ricketson, president; Memr Sorie Porter, vice-president; Merita t Sutton, secretary and treasuerr; r Charles Smith. house chairman; . and Dorothy Minus, entertainment * chairman. All parents, friends and. towns- people are asked to show their in- terest in this project by visiting r the'youth center this evening and seeing the young people in their new home. Saints Win Two Off Navy; /Play At Panama Sunday Your editor was unable to be present at either the Sunday or Wednesday ball garbes with Navy, and' we couldn't find anyone to give us details, but we understand the Saints took the .Sunday tilt 16-4 and the Wednesday game 10-0. The locals play at Tyndall Field today, go to Panamna City Sunday and, play Panama here Wednesday. We hear that "Leftyt' Thomason is back, arid. if that is true it will be good news to local fans with the league playoff. scheduled to open August 13. We also hear rumors that Johnny Lane may be back in time to take part in the playoff. POULTRY RAISERS MEETING TO BE HELD IN COUNTY SEAT C. R. Laird, county agent, an-.. nounces that a meeting will be held Monday, August 4, at 4 p. -m. C'ST, at the veterans farm shop on the school grounds at Wewahi.tchka of all persons in the county who are interested in raising poultry. The problem of marketing will he discussed' at the meeting, and Mr. Fisher from the marketing bureau in Jacksonville will be present. Convalescing The many friends of Mrs. R. M. Spillers will be glad to learn that she is back home after an absence of several weeks in Bainbridge and Jacksonville due to illness, and is convalescing at her home on Long Avenue. -------^-------- Visitors From Sarasota Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Childs of Sara- sota were the week-end guests of the former's. sister, Mrs. L. C. Wise. Visits In Birmingham Miss Hazel Fordi spent several days recently in Birmingham visit- ing relatives and friends. BY CITY DADS Commissioner Sharit Turns Thumbs Down On Propo- sition As Submitted At a meeting of the board of city comnrissioners held, Wednesday af- ternoon at the city hall with rep- resentatives of the Thornton Mohr Company of Montgomery, Ala., and Stu'lbbs', Smith and Lomibardo of Birmingham, investment bankers, called to discuss the matter of re- ,financing the city's bonded indebt- edness, no action was taken due to t the fact that precedent on such matters calls for a unanimous vote of the board', and' Commissioner Joe o Sharit was opposed to refunding at the present time and Commssioner J. R. Chestnut was out of town. The plan as submitted by the banking house representatives was set urp to cut down interest charges from 41/ to 31/2% oh the water and - sewer bonds and to 2%% on the a dredging bonds and allowing a longer period in which to pay off the water and sewer' revenue deben- tures. It was pointed' out ,by Lomrbardo that under the refinancing plan the present 7. mills assessed for paying off the dredging bonds could be cut right away'to 6 mills, and later lowered again as the bonds were tak up, since the new issue- would' be callable at any time while the present .bonds are non-callable. -In regard to the water and sewer bonds, Lonmbardo stated that the present situation is very bad, 'since $225,000 was borrowed in 1937 for the water and! sewer system and that today, with delinquent inter- est, the city still owes in the neighborhood of $210,000. and if it should so happen that the bonds changed, hands (the duPont inter- ests hold the present bonds) the city-might be in a bad way. After some two hours devoted to presentation of the plan and dis- cus'sion of the various ramifica- tions. Mayor Soule, after-stating that in his opinion there wduld be a considerable saving to the city over a period of years on the lower interest rates' and lowered pay- ments on the principal and that he believed the city's credit would be eaihanced greatly if it got on a cur- rent -basis and met bills as they came due, asked if the proposals as presented" were acceptable to the commission. (Continued -on Page 2) Geo. Parish With First Cavalry Unit In Japan T/5 George W. Parish, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parish of this city, has-been assigned to duty in the Pacific and is serving, with the fanned .fighting First Cavalry Di- vision. which is on occupational duty i.n the ten prefectures of the Tokyo-Yokohama area in central Honshu Island,, Japan. Assigned to the special training detachment in the 1st Squadron, Sth Cavalry Regiment. George is undergoing special training in a rifle platoon studying weapons and tactics. George, who plans to make the army his career, entered the serv- ice last January and received his basic training at Ft. Lewis, Wash. Open House At Tyndall CITY ELECTION Field Today; Saints Will Meet Army On Ball Field: SCHEDULED FOR Tyndall Field will lold open 'QPTiMIIR 9 house today in observance of the 40th anniversary of the Army -Air Forces. Special ceremonies will be held .and' inspection of the field is invited iby guests and visitors. An air show is planned for this afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30 and a review of troops will be held. One large hangar dn the flight line 'will be reserved for display and exhi- bition of the latest training de- vices and developments, many of which have been shrouded in. se- crecy in the .past. The jet-propelled ,P-80, the fast "Shooting Star," wil! be on display so all may see first- hand what the amazingly fast plane looks like on the ground. During the afternoon the Port St. Joe Saints will meet the Tyndall Field baseball team in a makeup game that was recently rained out. Facilities' for the convenience and comfort of visitors will be provided on the flight line and a special pro- graim, with maps pointing out vari- ous displays and lists of special events, will be given at the gate to all visitors. Exhibition Tilt Monday Is Slow, Insipid Affair The exhibition game played here Monday between the Port St. Joe and Miss'issippi-Apalachicola teams was a long-drawn-out affair last- ing three hours that was of little inte'es-t to the spiectatoi...sihnce it was .so one-sided, the Mississippi State College -boys running rings around our sand-lot players, the final score being 16 to 2. Terry Hinote started' on the mound for the Saints. and while he gave up no hits, retired. in favor 0i Robbins in the second. Robbins allowed two runs in the third and four in the fifth. Gene Elliott took the mound in the sixth, but after lie had given up two hits and gave four walks for three runs, Bert Cox, catching, swapped- places with him and, finished' the game, allowing the visitors fiye more runs in the re- ilmaling innings. WE'RE SMACKIN' OUR LIPS OVER CHOICE MAPLE SYRUP If you notice the editor's already ample girth increasing in the next week or so, you can blame it on B. B. Conklin, for upon his return from a vacation spent in Vermont he brought us in a pint of real, lion- est to gosh .maple syrup, the likes of which we haven't tasted since 'way back in '3.2. B. 1. was visiting his son, Albert E. Conklin at Wood-stock,, Vt., and that gentleman is the maker of the delicious pancake smotherer. Inci- dentally, B. B. said he just about froze to death in the northern clime, and had' to sleep under a couple of quilts and two heavy blanket's. SUBSCRIPTIONS OPEN Unless some of those sent final notices come in and pay up, The Star has five subscriptions open as of today. If you know of anyone desirous of having this. sheet 'sent to them every week, tell 'em to get their name in the pot. Home From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sutton and children returned Saturday from a two weeks' vacation trip through Florida and a visit with relatives and 'friends in Mobile. Ala. They were accompanied to Mobile by Mr. and Mrs. W. Wavera. Voters Will Cast Ballots For Mayor and Four Members of City Commission On Tuesday, September 2, the voters of Port St. Joe will trek to the polls and cast their ballots for four city commissioners- and a mayor under the new city charter 'promulgated by the Junior Cham- ;ber of Commerce and approved at the recent legislative session. The commissioners will run in .iour groups, 'with all five being voted upon at large. The mayor and the commissioners in groups I andi 2 will be elected for terms of Swo years, and the com-missioners in groups 3 and 4 will be named for terms of one year, and, there- after the 'terms of all will, be for two years with an election held every year. As of Wednesday, B. B. Conklin was the only candidate to file for the commission race, he having placed his name in group 1. A poll of other mem-bers of the. commission as to whether or not they would seek ,re-election brought the following results: 'Horace Soule: "I haven't made up my mind one way or the other." J. L. Sharit: "You may quote me as saying that I haven't fully made up my mind." Mrs. R. R. Minus: "I definitely will not seek rie-election. While I feel I have served the people well, and quite a number have asked me to run for re-election, I am in busi- ness now and would not have the, time to devote to city affairs and give them the proper attention." J. R. Chestnut was out of town and could not be contacted for a statement. There is little talk on the streets in regard to the election and the usual rumors as to who is coming out are lacking. A section 'found in the new char- ter, not appearing in the old char- ter, provides that a petition may be circulated foir recall of the mayor or commissioners, and also pro- vides for the calling of a recall -election if a sufficient xnrmber of the registered voters of the city (20 per cent) express- their desire for such action. Some Get Free Theater Tickets; Others Fail Manager Norris McCullom of the Port Theater is getting a lot of peo- ple interested in his phone calls of- fering free passes to the theater. Mac picks a number at random from the telephone directory and if the person answering can tell him the name of the picture play- ing that day he gives 'em two free passe . lIe's been at it now for a week and a half and the following knew their onions and got their passes: Mrs. I. C. Nedley, Mrs. Bolb Kingry, Mrs. Rush Chism, Mrs,. T. G. Frary and Mrs. Jimmy Greer. The following were unable to name the picture: Elsie Ford, Mrs. Perry Clements, Mrs. A. P. Wake- field, Mrs. B. H. Dickens and the St. Joe Sign Shop. Mrs. S. B. Shu; ford and Mrs. T. M. Schneider were not at home when called. Your name may be called tomor- row, so cut out the theater ad in today's Star and hang it up near your phone. I OAErW H STA OTS.JE UFCUT.FOIAFIAAGS ,14 REFINANCING PLAN at this point to say that "we have 'said by all means to get them Ino ulterior motive and have not here. I don't think we are trying .* ** *ego* OS 0$40.J. (Continued From Page One) I contacted the duPont -interests Commissioner Sharit took the hoping to sell them the bonds."' floor and stated that he couldn't Sharit: "I notice that your com- understand why the investment pany did not get in touch with bankers were so interested in re- Mayor Soule until after a notice financing the city's bonded in- appeared in The Star on May 9 that debtediness now and were not at the city would seek to refund these all interested back in 1941, in which water and sewer debentures. You year, Thornton Jr., admitted, they were here in 1941, but 'figured the had looked into the matter, time wasn't ripe for a refund plan.' "Why do you want these bonds?" Thornton: "We never heard of as':.er Sharit. "Because our city is Tae Star and didn't even know you growing and the bonds are becom- had a newspaper here (Ed. Note: ing more valuable? You were in, We'll have to look into tnis; a.p- business in 1936 and did not bid on patently The Star doesn't circu- these same bonds which were ad- late in hankiflg circles), and we vertised widely; why do- you want did not know the city was seekiiug to handle them now? Our present to refinance its bond issues. Why assessed valuation is $1,700,000 and didn't you contact the duPonts when the paper mill comes on the during the past 30 days, Mr. Sharit, tax rolls on January 1, 1949, the since you knew we would be here assessed valuation will ,be around today and if you were so opposed $8,000,000. Under this refunding to this plan?i,' plan .we would give you $4200, but Sharit: "You came here on your if we wait until this new assessed own responsibility, not at the re- valuation is. available we can work quest of the city, and you can't ex- it out for $600 or $700. rect to lea-ve here today with a "I am unwilling to do anything signed contract in your pocket to on this proposition until the city go ahead." commission has had time to con- Thorn.ton: "Well, we certainly tact the duPont interests, who have expect something, I can tell you done everything for this' city and that! You can't expect us to put all who bought the bonds when no one our plans and figures on the table else would. It would be most un-, and then 1-et someone else reap the kind, since they have treated Port benefits of our labor." St. Joe as no other city could have Mayor -Soule: "Mr. Sharit, when hoped to be treated." I got this call from these men I The elder Thornton interrupted called you at Tallahassee and you STEEL and ALUMINUM 4 26 inch to 30x64 inch $6.95 30 inch through 36x64 inch $7.95 " Chavers-Fowhand Furniture Co. ' ( PHONE 99 Port St. Joe, Florida The Saints have been on the down grade, but with the return of the famed "Lefty" Thomagon I think we will again be the club to watch, for I am sure we will be back in the win column even when we aren't playing Navy. o There is no doubt the Saints catcher can pitch, for he threw one ball that nearly cleared the depot (of course Benefield helped it a little). You Can Use Our BUDGET PLAN On Most Everything In' This Store! We are featuring ELECTRIC IRONS next week. So if the need be-come in and see-we got. Whoopee! WE have a new stock of POP-UP TOASTERS and many other small appliances that go good as presents or for getting out of the dog house, etc. You coupe owners should come in and see the new SEAT COVERS for all models. Other car owners in need of Seat Covers can and should come in and see our line and prices. That Beautiful BENDIX RADIO with the $16.45 worth of FREE Records is still on display and for sale. Don't miss this offer, for it is to your advantage to shop and get the bargains. ST. JOE SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. H. COX, Manager 112 REID AVENUE PHONE 321 to sidetrack anybody: I think we should consider the saving to the city. In 1946 we tried to refund but- were unable to do so. I think as a business man i if I were in the shape the city is, I would be in fa- vor of 'some such plan, and I be- lieve the holders of the bonds would like to see the city benefit from such a procedure and get on 4 a current basis." A Sharit: "I thought these men came here merely to give us a con- a create proposal and not to ask for a contract." ,Soule: "I feel that the commis- sion should not use the proposition of these gentlemen as a wedge or a I lever with some other interests to 4 secure a similar or somewhat lower rate, and I don't think the city should antagonize the present boni holders, as they have treated s i in a manner that we had no right to expect under the circumstances. However, I do feel that the cit should get its finances set up prop- erly and get on a current basis, as we have had defaulted bonds, for , the past five or six years. I know you gentlemen have spent a lot ol time on this and I feel that we should give you some considera- tion." Thornton, Jr.: "If we are invited hack we hope to present you the sare proposition, but we cannot guarantee it." Oity Attorney Lewis: "I suggest that The Star keep these figures out of the paper and that we ask other bond concerns to submit bids on refinancing." Thornton, Sr.: "Personally, I don't think we would be interested further in Port St. Joe, but if you consider refunding, get all the bond dealers in Florida to submit propo- sitions, not just one concern, and you will find that you cannot better our ofLer.'' ,Soule: "We're just arguing back and forth, and this could go on until midnight. The precedent on such matters has been a unanimous vote. and with one commissioner in Jacksonville and ri'. Sharit op- posedt to the proposition we can do nothing. I.suggest that the com- mission pass up, this opportunity and perhaps at some future date give these gentlemen an opportun- ity to send us sealed bids. I am sorry you gentlemen calle, nre., 'inder these circumstances, and I apologize." The meeting broke u.p at this point with the suggestion being made by. Attorney Lewis that at the next regular meeting of the commission sealed bids be asked from bond houses throughout this section. Everybody's Getting Into Race for Attorney General When Tom Watson announced that he wouldn't run to succeed ,ilmself as attorney general, he let the bar3 down for ari-ee-for-all, and it this writing it look-s as though there will be a swarm o r candidates :or this office. D' :'i.ng the legislative session..P. vy C o'A s of Duval le it t be known ht eV woi-ld be a candidate an'l :'s e1 ?: t! "g!!insg ever since. i G.'; 'toin of W achula, one- -.'i iy t e race. wi. 'V. '" .:" E'. vi:. foren; r ;'..- S :':'t y c A-h 'eneral, who haiis Pnata, crasheLd newspaper Jr'a. rnges at week with his of- fc's:] arn oucereent. L (; .'leen, former congressnian ai' 'ndida'te for gover-nor in the l]:~.t c-round, s bitLing his nails and u-7ying- to ,'"enide what to do. He wi '. to i:n or something, but doesn't know just what. Maybe at- torney general, mayhe governor, 31. mayile for a return to congress. Half a dozen others are consideir- ing entering the race and no one. can say at this time now many will be lined up at the post when t':Oe sa:'l:'n"g Olitn iS 'i'e.. See Them! I. *1 1 ! All Summer Dresses ONE-=HALF OFF Regular Price.! All Nationally Known Lines SCHNEIDER'S Department Store PORT ST. JOE FLORID 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 t l t t 1 ! 1 t DA Proudly, Boyles Department Store Presents DORIS DODSON JUNIORS You'll Love Them! A Small Deposit Holds Your Selection! As seen in Junior Bazaar Don't wait! \ Indian Summer-DORIS DOD. SON'S "two-piecer" that's perfect for first autumn days when the mercury stays up, up, up! Black rayon alpaca with flirtatious pep. lurn of rayon faille-cuffs to repeat the theme.,9 to 15. 12.95 q1.9 "Pay Cash and Pay Less" at BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Phone 252 Port St. Joe, Florida A..L E FRIDAY AUGUST 1, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAG!" iWO FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE at Be da: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Daniel, Pastor - Sunday school at 9 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. every fi and third Sunday. It pays to advertise try it! rThe Tattler Published Weekly By Featuring BOYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE. Counter To Wise Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol. II Friday, August 1, 1947 No. 1 DEAR SHOPPERS: service and we believe you will ap- preciate our efforts. .We have so ,much to say and not preciate ou efforts. enough space to say it.! What shall The Shoe Department we do? Wanted-to give you a slide The Shoe Department Speaks- on PRINTZESS COATS ad SUITS 252 pairs New Fall "TimTreds, too (first shipment now in!) but AAAA to C widths. "Mojud" Hos- that'l have to wait. In the mean iery wants in, too! Ask for your that'll have to wait. In the mean- t w e te ime you can look them ver Ay- tickets ,with every purchase, they S m, e .oe o, are valuable! Take a peek at "Miss way, this writer does not possess New Yorker" this week! She's our the skill and ability .to tell you what you should know. Just read glamour gil! Do yo need a hal. size Artemis Slip? Girls, when you your magazines they're in. leave for school, will you need -the headlines! The fall parade is . single '(G3 x 99) Mohawk Sheets? on, and what a parade! ., Eagerly S. You'll save time and money to do .we await every shipment that brings New Merhnyour shopping here. You know us brings New Merchandise and New - Prestige to Boyles Departmente know you we can work together to a decided advant- Store, the store where you "Pay . Cash and Pay Less," the New Store age. Try it you'll see! With a Snmile! Editor, you'llpac have to "Tattlope out e'o. A o e the space to put this "Tattle." We Mothers, attention! A word' here ar the at are sure the space indicated on our for "Little Duchess" fine quality dammy is too small and you may dummy is too small and you may nainsook undergarments white s snow, sot as a kitten, d tyhave to continue on page 23, sec- s snow, soft as. a kitten, daintyond column! This thing gives, me a 4! lace-trimmed panties and slips' now heaache sometimes and might as Here! We've looked for them more l well give you one, too! (It does at than a year and you'll be glad we ti enn-Ed.) Thanks for the found "Little Duchess." The slipsties Glenn-Ed.) Thanks for the 4hfront page item last week! (That come in sizes,-6 months to 10 years, gives us an idea, viz.: Continue he panties 2 to 8. on the front page!) What dividend does STAR stock pay, anyway? Looking back a minute we see When your ,irthday rolls around, that July was one of our greatest better drop in and get your pres- months. We made i.t worth your ent-better still, send Mrs. Smith while to shop here you made (she seems to do most of your buy- it possible for us to sweep our ing, and you've got a good pur- house clean and to keep our credit- chasing agent!) ors happy. Thanks, a million for your splendid patronage! Now, we Next week we hope to have some step into the Fall Season with gor- specs, and maybe we'll know when geouis new merchandise which has to stop. Here's wishing our -friends been carefully selected, merchan- and customers the best August dise that we show you with new you've ever had. We'll he right in pride and enthusiasm. We are bring- there pitching for you and Vv, ne- ing you Top Lines of Quality Mer- lieve this will be our best. jchandise as a result of expenditure ;of time, effort and money for the Gratefully yours, past 16 months. You deserve this R. GLENN BOYLES. ..................Court Decisions Prohibit Jury Acquits Papy Returns to St. Andrews Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS SUNDAY SERVICES Mrs. John Dendy returned to her .. ..__ At Sale of Fresh Water Fish Of Bribery Charge home in St. Andrews Tuesday a At the Churches --- ter a visit of several days here Backed by two court decisions, Former Representative Bernie C. with Mr. and Mrs,. E. R. Dubose. ITa the Florida Game and Fresh Water Papy o;. Key West stands acquitted METHODIST CHUJRCH Fish Commission served, notice of charges that he attempted to WfeB t Ba> GOES NTOA Loyd W. T.ubb, Pastor Monday it will resume enforcement bribe fellow state legislators to GO i I N A 9:45 a. m.-Church school.- of its rules against netting and sale 'work against a bill denying tele- T A I L W A Y S PRESCRIPTION? 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. of fish.from Lake Okeechobee and phone and telegraph service to race 7:00 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. the St. Johns River, and commnier- bet 'bookmakers. A Leon county OFFERS 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. cial fish dealers throughout Florida. circuit court jury returned its ver- DIRECT SERVICE Chbir practice every Wednesday were given 48 hours to dispose of dict of innocence last Friday after T HE ingredients your doctor. t 7:30 p. m. all stocks of bream, crappie and 35 minutes of deliberation preceded NORTH EAST WEST orders, of course; byr also Bayview Worship each Sunday perch they had on hand. lby a four-day trial, there goes the scientific knowl- norning at 10:00 o'clock. Church In a statement at Tallahassee,' Pa.py was charged on the floor of edge and skill ofexpeene school following worship service. Commission Director Ben Morgan the house by Representatives Clar- To PANAMA CITY: edge and ski of experience M p t stated, that any person found with en~ce M. Camp II of Ocala and 8:45 a. m.-2:05 p. m.-6:10 p. m. our expert pharmacists. That's' ,T. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH more than the legal limit of bream, Brailey Odham of Sanford with of- To TALLAHASSEE: why you may bring prescriptions 7:30Thomas Dm.-HoByrneommunion. crappie or ,perch will be arrested' fearing them cash bribes to work 3:45 a. m.-12:50 p. m.-4:50 p. m. to us with confidence. :30 a. m.-Sunday school. and prosecuted, i again-st the anbi-bookmaker bill. 7:15 p. m. Have your prescription com- 1100 a. m.--Holy Communion. "The seining and' sale of fresh The two stuck doggedly to their 1100 a. y Communion. water game fish in Florida must be stories' throughout the trial and To BLOUNTSTOWN pounded by a Graduate Phar- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH stopped. Two circuit judges have Papy, the only defense witness MARIANNA: macist of an accredited R. L T Keels Pastor H ruled that the practice is- illegal called to the stand, insisted with 8:45 a. m..- 7:15 p. m. Rev9:45 a. J. Keels, Pasctool for and that we have the right to pre- equal vigor that he hat not made School of Pharmacy 9:45 a. .-Biblevet it. And that's exactly-what we the alleged offers. To APALACHICOLA: ,10:55 h. m.-Morning worship. vent it. An that's exactly, 12:50 p. m.-4:50 p. m.-8:50 p. m. 6:55 p. m.-B. T. U. intend to do, unless a higher court The bill, defeated by four votes 8:00 p. m.-Evening Worship. rules otherwiset" he said. with 17 house members absent or JOHN ROBERT SMITH I t I Regulations of the commission not voting, would have prevented Phone 12 for All Schedules Pharmaceutical Chemist ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH have long prohibited the commer- race bet bookmakers from making E. M. SPEAR, Agent Highland View cial handling of all fresh water use of rapid communications facili- We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription 10:30 a. m.-Sunday school. fish. However, a series oi bills ties but would not have restricted TR A I L W A YS PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE passed by the 1947 legislature re- newspaper wvires. 11:0 ap. m-Morning worship. moved Lake Okeechdbee and .the The indictment charged Papy TT B Bl la, 4Pr .ayereengWeiSdesda servi St. -Johns River from the jurisdic- with offering Odham $200 to vote Prayermeeting Wedesday eve- tion of the commission and re- against the 'bill and. then $500 and ings at 7:45. opened them to commercial fishing, a case of whis-key to refrain from B oyles D department Store ENNEY'S MILL BAPTIST Circuit Judge Hugh M. Taylor of voting on the measure. It accused Doyles D epartm ent Store W.-ENNEY B Holland Pstor Tallahassee upheld the commis- him of offering Camp $100 to vote 10:00 a. m.-Sunday school. sion's' authority over the two in- to send the bill to the house com. Scores A gain! ' 110:00 a. m.-Preachingy servicehool, land bodies of water and the 1947 mittee on railroads, telegraphs and 6:45 p. .-B. T. U. "no penalty" bill, another legisla- telephones, which earlier in J.the 6:45 p. m.--B. T. U. 8:00 p. m.--Preahing service. tive measure designed to reopen session had turned down two sinmi. L 1I CIRDU Prayernmeeting Tuesday Bight at keechobee theSt. Johns to ar measure. o'clock. W. M. U. meets Wednes- commercial fishing, was also de- ys at 3 p. m. flared unconstitutional ,by Circuit Every ads carries a message- t p. m. Judge W. H. Harrison at Arcadia. a message that will save money. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE PAGE FOUR TKE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -.* Telephone 51 1 - TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions, in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken iord is givens scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country -_ Right or Wrong S..STILL SEARCHING FOR THE CURE Not long ago tuberculosis victims all over the world seized upon word of the new drug, streptomycin, believing that a quick end to their illness was at hand. But streptomycin is not a "cure-all" for tu- berculosis. A few have been made well, but thousands upon thousands have been disap- pointed in their hopes for a quick cure. The "miracle drug," streptomycin, does not sub- stitute for a single present form of tuberculo- sis treatment. Reason for this is that strepto- mycin is helpful in only a few of the many linds of tuberculosis, and often, even in these kinds, helpful to only a limited extent. Thie notable exceptions in which streptomy- cin has fulfilled its early expectations are mili- ary tuberculosis and tuberculosis meningitis, \ the most important causes of tuberculosis in children. These two forms, usually 100 per cent fatal, have been checked in almost half the cases where streptomycin was used. However, these two types are relatively rare. The great majority of cases are pulmo- nary, or lung, tuberculosis, and streptomycin does not cure these people. It helps stop the spread of the disease in the lungs, but.only temporarily; it can be used to check the wild- fire spread of the TB gerins following chest surgery, but in a few .months the germs be- come resistant to streptomycin and the drug is no1 longer of use. --.... Today throughout the United States experi- nments are being .carried forward with strep- tomycin. Scientists'and doctors are trying des- perately to change or adapt it so that it will lead the way to a quick and permanent cure for tuberculosis, a contagious disease which kills tens of thousands annually. But the "cure" has not yet been found. Nobody would mind so much why girls leave home if only they would inake an effort to get back a little earlier. Travel broadens .some, and some can't con- trol their appetite. The Low Down from Willis Swamp Editor The Star: When I wuz in your city recent- like, I run into my friend S. L. Barke--S. L., you know, sorta helps run a ibank-and he sez to me. Josephus, he sez, you believe in private enterprise and you scribble on same kinda frequent, why not tell the folks how the private en- terprise system and the "profit an' loss" sys'teenf'is the same? They ain't nothing' free .about free enter- prise, he sez, 'cept the right to try your skill at something' you think you kin make a go of-and if you wanta 'work a leetle harder, you gotta chance to profit, also you gotta chance to lose. Bear down kinda heavy on that, he sez, that you gobta chance to lose. I also went around and visited a telleyphone feller by the name o'2 Sharit, and we sorta drifted onto PROBABLY NO LEAGUE NEXT YEAR It seems to be the general opinion that when .attempts are made next year to organize a Gulf Coast B.aseball League that there will be little or no interest taken in it due to the fact that some teams in the present organization have resorted to hiring players from outside, one in particular having secured the services of some eight college players. Of course we don't have to come right :-'t and say to whom we are referring, for every- one knows. What we can't understand is what pleasure supporting fans get out of watching a bunch of hired players play ball. We know that should Port St. Joe import a team from outside to represent this city, we personally wouldn't Ceven lbe sufficiently interested to go to the ball park when they played at home, for the biggest kick we get out of watching the games, win, lose or draw, is the fact that we know each player personally and know that they take pride in being a member of the "home team." We would rather see Port St. Joe in the cellar position rather than have our team managers hire "foreigners." We understand that Blountstown would like to get back in the Gulf Coast League, and if such is the ,case, it might be a good idea next year to eliminate the team that this year is made up of outside players. THAT VICIOUS SPIRAL .We note an article in' last Saturday's pa- pers stating that "the steel price front cracked wide open today and "raised the threat of higher consumer prices for steel products from ,hairpins to automobiles. Advanced prices were posted by a number of steel companies in the face of pleas by President Truman that the steel arid other industries use extreme care in making any price increases and forego tlhni if possible. Most of the companies cited higher coal prices,, soaring steel scrap quotations and expanded labor costs as forcing the increases in order to maintain profitable operations." *So here we go again. I 1abor gets a raise, the manufacturer has to tidd the extra wages to his finished product, which cost is passed *on to the buyer. The laborer finds that his wage boost has done, him no good, sine, the cost of the things he buys has gone up. So he strikes for another raise, which the manufac- turer adds to the cost of his product, and again the laborer finds his living costs going up, so he strikes agaih for more wages-and so on, in a. vicious spiral that eventually will result in economic chaos. When dizzier ideas for solving most every problem are, evolved, you may look confidently for them toward any section of the good old U. S. A. Show us a happy man and we'll show you one who doesn't let his business interfere with his fishing. Keep smiling-and buy U S Savings Bonds. Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. W 1.. .-& % t "Copyrighted Material 6 Syndicated Content' Available from Commercial News Providers" the same subjek. Did you know, he s-ez, thet we've got erounaI 31 mil- lyun fones here in the LiSA, while in all the rest of the doggone world where they ain't much private en- terprise and the govt. runs the worki-, including' the iDones, that they is only 21 millyun fones all told. In other countries, this fonel gent sez, where the govt. is the Phone 306 cock-o'.thewalk, you wouldn't have eny chance fer yourself. Your es- says which show up in 'The Star, he sez, would be non-escamatabus an' you couldn't pop off Ilke you GO. That wuz gittif pritty close to home-an' my meal ticket. He- sez a earful, that there tellyphone gent. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA. FOR GUARANTEED Fresh Yard Eggs Fresh Dressed Chickens Port St. Joe, Fla. HELP BUILD AMERICA'S AIR POWER on AIR FORCE DAY, AUGUST 1ST No one today questions the fact that the whole future of the United States may rest in the very clouds over your head. And the new, reorganized Air Forces give thousands of eligible young men an opportunity to take an active part in building America's air power on the ground as well as in the sky. You may, for example, enlist in the Air Forces for three years. ft you have a specialty which will qualify you, you may also be able to enlist in a grade at higher pay. If you have had Air Forces experience, you may join the Air Reserve and continue your military aviation training outside of business hours. Or, you may join the Air National Guard and perhaps become eligible for advanced technical training at special Air National Guard schools. On Air Force Day, make a point of finding out everything about your Air Forces especially the new Aviation Career Plan described below. Full details can be obtained at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station. NOW-THE WORLD'S GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR A CAREER IN AVIATION Today the Army Air Forces offer high school graduates an unprecedented opportunity to get the finest aviation schooling on earth-and select your school or course before you enlist. The AAF Career Plan is unlike anything ever offered before. It permits selected high school graduates to apply and qualify for AAF specialized courses of their own choice. Simply go to your U. S. Army Recruiting Station, advise the Recruiting Officer the kind of aviation training you want and he will provide you with an application blank and a complete list of available courses. When you are selected to attend the course of your choice, you enlist in the Army Air Forces for 3, 4 or 5 years. After your basic training period you are guaranteed the education you have selected to make you a specialist in the type of work you want. Get a list of all the schools and courses open to you under the AAF Aviation Career Plan at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station. U. S. ARMY RECRUITING SERVICE * 'U. S. ARMY RECRUiTING SUBSTATION 210 Harrison Avenue Panama City, Florida Fresh Vegetables, Groceries and Meats b SALT WATER FISH DAILY RICH'S CURB MARKET N- WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and H.il Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three' Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. ~- ~L~e~c rcac ~rclu 4~6~~ ~ i" ~q~PLl~b~BZ~Ba~~ PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE U u "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Drakes Have Guests -Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Drake had a's their guests last week the latter's sister, Mrs. Ililly Yancy of Mari- alina, -and lier niece. Miss Gwendo- lyn Baker of Atlanta,'Ga. On Stetson U Honor Roll Miss Carolyn Baggett and Miss ,Willa Dean Lowery of this, city are listed on the junior honor roll at Stetson University, DeLand, for the spring quarter completed in June. This is a recognition given' for con- sistently high scholarship. Visiting In Dothan MVr. and Mrs. W. M. Skipper left Sunday for a week's visit with rel- atives in Dothan, Ala. *1. A Good Doctor Is Only Half the Cure The Rest Depends On the PRESCRIPTION! Have your prescriptions filled by a Graduate Pharmacist. We com- pound them exactly as your doc- tor orders, using only the best and purest drugs. 'ioU DON'T H-AVa TO BE AN EXPEPT TO APPRECIATE -n-ia HIGHI STANPAaR'DSSEr ST. OF ELECTRIC S11O- ThE YHIT THE MvARK( -9VEY TM6? POISON IVY HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR If not COMPLETELY PLEASED, your 25c 'back. Kill the outer skin. It PEELS OFF and with it goes the ivy infection. Ask for TE-OL. Often one application iis enough. Today at Smith's Pharmacy. 7-4 8-22 Carver Phone 27 5h im Drug Co.. PortlSt. Joe, Fla. SALE Now Located at Highland View SALE! 3 Days Onfly---Thursday, Friday and Saturday JULY 31 -AUGUST 1 AND 2 SUMMER DRESSES HALF PRICE! NO-W NOW NOW NOW Shorts and Pedal Pushers 1 PRICE ALL BATHING SUITS 1 PRICE STRICTLY CASH! TALL SALES FINAL! SMOUCHE ITE'S STYLE SHOP . 1 111 1 tl l l l [ t ~ I~l] llillu IlII l ? t l llll i K Z 5 711 uim l lI ', i l[ i l ~ l l i l[II lt H P l l l i lit i II t lIIII W R t IMI 1 Ml! ?U11iI Iili l [ l ll l l M lM 3 3 PHONE 310-J $10.95 Dresses $12.95 Dresses $16.95 Dresses $22.95 Dresses $5.50 T$6.50 7 $8.50 S$11.50 PRICE! ALL OTHERS ~Psi~ses~i~~-~-~tx~ m~ `~a~4sllrrliii~nslllllllll~U~ ~~CI~-II1I1III1II 111ll 11ll0ll J, I --- - ..- , FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 THE-STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF: COUNTY.~ FLORIDA PAGE FIVB -vwp. 4% IV ...U...HS R P T T E, U .u. FO AF A, US.1 -U - KV.J.~WhL2 a ~ TENNIS RACKET Tw 04 3.19, A 6.00 Value A real bargain Top quality at a sensational low price. Has "a nine-ply, laminated wood frame and is expertlY strung with genuine nylon.. SOCKET WRENCH SET Reg. 13.95 10.49 Fifteen-piece, %"/- inch drive. Precision built for sure, non- _at82 slip fit. All parts chrome-plated. PAINTING > B SUPPLY \ For a Five Room House 6 Gals. Firestone White House Paint 2 Qts. Trim and- Shutter Paint Gal. Turpentine Gal. Linseed Oil Reg. 49.65 3" Wall Brush Value 4" Wall Brush 0 1 i" Trim Brush 44.OO FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLY B. W. EELLS, Owner FLORIDA ln l illln ll llllllll ill l lllllll lli ~ ~ chee. PR 0 C LAM A TI0 N All types of amphibious vessel's will be used, it was stated, and Whereas, The president of the heavy armored vehicles will be United States, has proclaimed Au- landed in the exercise designed for Armed Forces Plan Assault Somewhere On Gulf Coast Florida will be the "enemy beach- head" whei the& army, navy anC marines practice maneuver, "Oper- ation Seminole," gets under way in the fall. Military- commanders said that Florida would get a taste of the mock-war exercises as landing forces smash into the Gulf coast of the state in the Choctawhatchee Bay area. In a joint air, land and sea oper- eration, ground troops supported by elements of the 12th Air Force of March Field, Calif., elements of the Atlantic Fleet from Norfolk, Va., and naval aircraft, the Coast Guard, Seabees and U. S. Marines will carry out an amphibious train- ing operation which will begin with embarkation at the San Jacinto Ar- senal, Houston, and terminate with landing operation at Choctawhat- NOW AVAILABLE ! Moth-Proof Bags Creech Brothers Laundry and Cleaners joint forces training. At this time the combined number of men who will participate is unlenown, since conferences dealing with primary planning stages are still being held. The time period involving the movement of the landing force, the main body of which will come from Camp Hood, Texas, to the embar- kation point, the sea voyage and return will be three week's. Nylon Family The word nylon is a generic term and not a trademark. Like "wood" or "glass," it designates a family of related compounds, which may vary as to properties, form or use. gust 1 as, Air Force Day to honor 'the millions of men and women, liv- ing and dead, whose contributions to the growth of American air power make the Army Air Forces this country's most far-reaching weapon of defense; and, Whereas, The Army Air Forces i.s receiving an increasingly im- portant role in maintaining through constant research and development of aircraft and adequate trained personnel, the defense of this na- tion; in supporting the United Na- tions. with adequate and effective air contingents; in avoiding the cost of war by insuring peace; and in providing, in the event of war, a nucleus of highly trained per- sonnel, the basis for all-out expap- sion for war; ands, Whereas, A grateful nation recog- ;nizes the importance of air power in preserving, our liberties and ap- preciates the potentialities of air power in pfineering an even more glorious future for our country; Now, Therefore, I, Horace Soule, mayor of the city olf Port St. Joe, in order that we may honor the men and. women of the Army Air Forces who have given their lives in the defense of this country, and' recognize the service of those who in the armed forces or in thd civilian centers of science, research and production have contributed to the building of our air might, do hereby proclaim Friday, August 1, 1947, as Air Force Day in Port St. Joe. I urge all citizens to join in the observance of this, the 40th birth- day of the Army Air Forces, with ceremonies appropriately express- ing their gratitude 'for its glorious 'pust and their slopes for its future 'continued growth and development. In witness thereof, I hereunto set my hand' and cause the seal of the city of Port St. Joe to be af- fixed. Done this 31st day of July, 1947. in the year of our Lord one thou- sand nine hundred forty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of American the one hun- dred seventy-second. HORACE SOULE, (,SEAL) Mayor. DINE DANCE at Deckard's Beach Club (Formerly Martin's) NO COVER CHARGE * Now Open At 7:00 A. M. SEAFOODS- STEAKS- CHOPS- CHICKEN -$1.00 CORKAGE CHARGE AFTER JUNE 15- ROUTE 98 BEACON HILL BETWEEN PORT ST. JOE AND PANAMA CITY M. B. Deckard W. L. Duncan C. D. Prestwood __----------- PORT ST. JOE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947- PAGE SI FOOD TO PLEASE THE PALATE! Let us cater to your appetite . bring your friends and family where you can get the finest foods, well prepared and served. STEAKS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES Walter's Bar & Grill (22 Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon Hill Highway) W. I. GARDNER, Owner se.....e..eeCse sse.. .e... .etees . U PROPERLY LUBRICATED TRUCKS .. A.. . Your trucks deserve the -- 40 trucks from A to Z, and whose LUBRICATION S expert service costs no more! SEE USI - - MGO WIN MOTOR COMPANY Dodge and Plymouth Phone 129 - dealer,**C whos men kno your S* OR S ." FRiDAY, AUUf.Ig i, IO* T ,----- Sea Water As Cure-All Soci I Activities Brings $5.00 Per Quart S o A could you pay $5.00 a quart for sea water, clearly labeled as such: 1 Personals Clubs Churches A lot of people would, did and Protested bitterly when the federal MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 and state governments suggested they might be getting gypped. BAPTIST W. M. S. HOLDS HOLDS 0. E. S. SCHOOL A two-quart bottle of sea water, ROYAL SERVICE PROGRAM AT PARKER LODGE price $10.00, is among the exhibits The royal service ogra a Mrs. V. Coburn spent Wedes in the Florida Department of Agri- The royal service program was Mrs. R. V. Cobrn spentculture's ,food and. drug inspection rendered at the Baptist Church day in Parker, at which time shecultu ood and drug inspection Monday afternoon by Circle One of held a school of instruction for laboratory at Tallahaessee, the Baptist W. M. S.,, with Mrs. Parker Chapter, Order of Eastern Siom dooilar to door battles fast-talking C. M. Palmer, chairman, in charge. Star. agents and hundreds of persons Topic for the month wa-s "China." Mrs. Coburn expects to hold a rchagents and them.undr The label on the The Bible study was given by the school of instruction at each chap- purchased them. The laboratory leader, and the opening prayer by ler in District 3 before October 1. bottle displayed .by the laborator-y leader, and the opening payer by er in Disric 3 beore Ocober 1. is completely guiltless of misrepre- Mrs. J. O. Baggett. Those taking sensation, though. part and developing the different METHODIST'W. S.C.S. TO MEET sen station though. It -says in big meters the active in- phases were Mesdames Baggett, The Woman's Society for Chris- gradient in the bottle's contents is C. A. McClellan, H. G. Harvey W. tiani Service oil the Methodist sea water. Then it follows with an C. Pridigeon, W. J. Daughtry and Church will meet Tuesday, August impressive list of the chemicals or- E. B. Dendy. Prayers were led by 5, at the home ,of Mrs. J. T. Mc- dinarily found, in sea water. Mesdames L. J. Keels, T. S. Strick- Neill at Indian Pass. The meeting That's what fooled people, Dr. land and Palmer. will open at 10:30 a. m. V. E. Stewart, director of. the lab- After. a short business session, t W oratory, explained. He said the the meeting was dismissed with Visitors At Beach chem.cial analysis of the water was prayer by Mrs. Daughtry. Mrs. Nanny Roan and Mrs. E. M. "accurate and has significance to Next Monday's .meeting will be S'pear of Apalachicola are the chemists, but persons unfamiliar the ,business meeting at the church. guests of Mr. and Mis. W. 0. An- with chemicals see the list and S I C person this week at their beach think the preparation must be good Belin In Car Accident cottage. to have all that stuff in it." While returning home last Fri-t t ----- day from a 10-d-ay vidit in the Caro- Guests From Alabama Visiting From Tallahassee linas and Virginia with relatives Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Maddox had Billy Smith of Tallahassee is and friends, W. J. Belin anda daugh- as, their guests, recently Mr. and viesi-ting here this week with his ter1', Misses Emeline and' Margaret, Mrs. Jonny Rena of Tallassee, Ala. tncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wat- had the misfortune to have their Fred and Jonny read their shirts son Smith. car overturn about three miles out together in World War I. . of town on the Wewahitchka high- t g Home From SWouth Florida way. Mr. Belin said it happened so Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nichols had Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Lewis and the accident. All know what sufferedcabruises as their guest over the week-end children returned Saturday from a athe sprain, but. none wff ere series their niece, Miss Eulalia Cox of week's visit with relatives in Live ad sprains, but none were serOak and Tampa. ously injured. PETERSON AMONEA Mr. and Mrs. Edd. Amones of Wilma, Fla., announce the marrIi- age. of their daughter, Mary Lois, to Angus Peterson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Peterson of Port St- Jod, on -Saturday, July 26, at Baiibrid:ge, Ga. The young couple will make their home at Wilma. Have Guests From Alabama Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Holliday and Mrs. E. A. "Granny" Holliday had as their guests for a week Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blackwell of Moundisville, Ala. Mrs. Britton is Granny Holliday's daughter. Guests For Week iMr. and Mrs. G. E. McGill have 'as their guest's this week Mrs.. Mc- Gill's sister and nephew, Mrs. W. G. Booth and son G. L. Booth, also Miss Doris Booth and Misis Gene Waters, all of' .Florala, Ala. Visitors From Marianna Mr's. A. G. Nichols and Mrs. R. B. Beall and children of Marianna arrived yesterday to visit with Mr. ald' Mrs,. W. 0. Nichols. The two are mother an d. sister of Mrs. Nichols, Visiting From Chipley Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Neeper of "Chipley are guests of the latter's sisters, Mrs. Elmer Purtell and Mrs..T. S. Singletary, and mother, Mrs. J. D. Thomas. $30 LOANS $300 We will loan you up to $300.00 for your vacation. QUICK CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida Aiboe, e, a. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to our friends for the man l kindnesses shown us in our recent bereaVement in the death of Mrs. Stella Cooley Morris. Mr. and Mrs..R. G. Boyles. To my many friends and pa- Stents of P1ort St. Joe and vi- cinity, I am pleased to an- nounce the opening of my new office at Mr.'J. S. Patrick's residence at Beacon Hill. Of- -fice hours each Wednesday and Sunday 12 noon to 6 p. m. PHYSIOTHERAPY NATURAL METHODS ': DR. E. HARRISON -% DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED:-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. _J EVERYBODY "IAke sunset the sea, splendors o'er Like sea birds sunlit as they roam.r." A service that is impressively beautiful-sympathetic under- standing attention to every detail. Let us ss.rve when the need arises Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST- CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" REV.. L. J. KEELS, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1947 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. "Be prepared" is a' good motto for the good old summer-time, when guests are apt to drop in unexpectedly. So here are some delicious dishes you can fix at your leisure and keep in your, refrigerator for such emergencies. ICE DREAM This chocolate ice cream made .with rich WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK from the A&P is grand to have on hand. Shave 2 squares unsweetened chocolate into top S, nil of double boiler. Add 1 cup WHITE HOUSE MILK and 16 whole "'"*. 7 marshmallows. SCook over boiling water till well blended; cool and add /z tsp. vanilla. Whip 1 cup chilled WHITE HOUSE MILK till stiff; fold into mixture. Pour into cold freezing tray and freeze at coldest setting. When partially frozen, stir well and continue freezing. Serves 5. SALAD STANDBY 6 for lunch? Cook an 8-oz. package of A&P's ANN PAGE ELBOW MACARONI (see package direc- tions); drain; chill; add 1 tsp. salt, 2 .quartered tomatoes, 1 medium onion choppedid). % green pepper (chopped), 1 hard-cooked egg, '/ cup mayonnaise, %z head Boston lettuce, pepper and pap- rika. Toss lightly. SIMPLE SANDWICHERY Sandwiches make perfect spur- a of-the-moment snacks and MARVEL SANDWICH BREAD makes perfect sandwiches. Guar- anteed fresh daily, every loaf gives you plenty of thin, smooth- spreading slices. You'll find this thrifty bread only at A&P. And what a find it is! FROSTY FAVORITE I don't think there's a more re- freshing warm weather drink than rich, tangy A&P GRAPE JUICE mixed with an equal quantity of ginger-ale. And this heat beater looks as if it came \\\,||f ,/ . straight from the \$'/ W North Pale when it's served, well ~, iced, in glasses with frosted rims. To frost, I let the rims stand 1 minute in a saucer containing 1/" strained lemon juice, then 1 minute in a plate con- taining 1/" sifted powdered sugar . and, being careful not to jar the sugared rims, store the glasses in my refrigerator till the sugar sets. Inviting as an iglod! Port TI A Martin Theatre - ) THEATRE OPENS SATU CONTINUOUS PERFO LAST TIME TODAY RDAYS RMANC -. -. - heatre - Port St. Joe, Fla. - SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY August 4 and 5 SPENCER A Colorful Sage jIRU of the great Kl MARINE SOUTHWEST -- Also - NEWS and CARTOON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 HIT NO. 1 - RALPH BYRD "DICKACY, KAY CHRISTOPHER -- HIT NO. 2 JOHN WAYNE in - - "IIE lifiETIt 11 i ei t'le//au/ r lV!. Chapter 7 of Serial f :LfR ^i "DAUGHTER OF DON Q" GIRL THURSDAY and FRIDAY ," JANE FRAZ *August 7 and 8 WILLIAM MARSHALL --. MARSHALL BUD ABBOTnLOU COSTELLO Latest 'MARCH OF TIME' SUCK PROIATE$O "Storm Over Britain" COME NOIEI r/ a ***6 0 *** a at*O******* ***** *" NEWS and CARTOON -- PLUS--- A 20-minute Newsreel filmed by Martin Theaters covering the Mammcth 4th of July Celebration in Panama City. YES, you'll see all the Bath- ing Beauties that were in the Southeastern Beauty Pageant SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 -FEATURE NO. 1 - Li m '. a ., ... , STHE SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 FEATURE NO. 2 u.i- VMMMMIWWWV~MMNI~MN THE STAR, PORT ST. JOrm, GULF COUNTY. F~LORIDA PAGE SEVEN A UGUSY 1 1947 e et 4-*-e* ~ I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, tdJLF COUNTY, FLORIDA WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE (^ _- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT a1 THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED I I Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * .Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE HERE ARE SOME NEW OFFER- FOR SALE-Dining room suite; INGS IT WOULD PAY TO 229-W. I' t-c INVESTIGATE! table. 4 chairs, buffet. Phone There are only five lots left in Mexico Beach on the high bluff FOR SALE-36-inch exhaust fan, nearest Gulf County. complete; in original crate. Cost $125; yours for $90. See Bo Brown, Threeabedroom house on Gulf about phone 237 or 47. 7-25tt 6 miles from Port St. Joe. This is a real home, not the ordinary cot- PONY-Youhg Shetland pony; will stage. Brand new and priced right 1 :work any place. See E. J. Rich, with a down payment of $2500 and phone 306. 8-1* balance like rent. HELP WANTED Two-bedroom house on Gulf about ANTED String musician or, same distance from town; also WANTED String musician fGeore -brand new and furnished, ready to Padshow perform Quality Grocery. 8* step into. Very reasonable. Padgett at Qality Grocery. SPECIAL SERVICES 'Two-bedroom house between 13th and 14th on Palm Boulevard; fur- misihed and priced right for quick LOOK! LOOK! sale. Also 31bedroom house corner Roaches, Termites, Ants, Mosqui- 16th and Palm Boulevard in new toes, Flies eliminated. One year condition, recently refinished. FHA guarantee or longer. No muss, no loanp pn both these. fuss, non-staining, non-poisonous. -. ... N .,ot necessary .to leave house or To those eligible for G Loans and close the premises. Naval Chemi- 'Combination FHA and GI: It's only I cal Co., phone 201, Port St. Joe. .a little over a month 'till when you, Memiber Chamber of Commerce, Na- Acan get your terminal leave bonds' tional Pest Control, Florida Pest cashed. What better way to invest Control. 7-4tf this than in a down payment on a home? If you want to build, we FREE BOOKLET about cancer Is !have plans for all types of houses yours for the asking. Simply send and a reliable contractor ready to name and, address on a postcard 'to build for you. American Cancer Society, 22 Ann S, ,St., New York 1, N. Y. tf 'Have two very desirable corner St.,Ne __w York 1, N Y. lots, one on Monument and one on APARTMENTS FOR RENT Palm Boul'levard; just the thing for . a building loan. FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 Have three houses for sale on Mc- -Clellan Ave. on lots 3 and 4, block FOR RENT "79. Will sell together or separately. Fairly priced, and one eligible for FOR RENT-September 15 to May _WHA Loan. 15, Mexico Beach cottage, com- pletely furnished. Phone 230 day THOS. R. L. CARTER anly. 8-1tf Registered Real Estate Broker I CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 Phone 201 317 Reid Avenue per day. Spillers and Nichols, Port St. Joe, Florida phone 83 or 304. 8-1* TWO SMALL DWELLINGS in Oak LODGE NOTICES Grove, one 3-roam and one 4- MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- room, with bath and running wa- MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- room, with bath and running Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular telr. $1700 cash for 'both; will no meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- sen separately. Hubert Hall, .O days each month, 8:00 p. m Box 29, Altha, Florida. / 22* Members urged to attend; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE visiting brothers welcome. D. L. :Hv .... ... Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. Have just had a 3-bedroom house on Long Avenue listed. This house IAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. is to sell for $4,950. Equity $1,450 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday and you assume mortgage. May get night a.t 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. ,this nice home for oily $900 down. All members urged to attend and Fiv -room dwelling in Oak Grove, visiting brethren invited. B. A. with bath and running water. Ex-' Pridgeon, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, tra lots may be purchased with Secretary. this place. LEGAL ADVERTISING -Six-room house in Oak Grove to! ,- ell 'for $1500. T"wo-bedroom home on Hunter's Circle, on large lot. Two-bedroom, furnished home in Bayridge Subdivision. This dwell- ing was built in 1943 and is in ex- ,cellent condition. Have just had a five-room house and a four-room house listed. These dwellings are situated on Long Avenue and are reasonably priced. If you are interested in buying a nice home in Port St. Joe you should see the above dwellings. We also have a nice selection of lots in the residential section of the city. Also have left two water- ,front .beach lots in Yon's Addition to Beacon Hill. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker 4Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 Star ads get results NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I have sold my interest in the Gulf Man.uiacturing Co. at Beacon Hifi to my partner, P. G. Hart, who will conduct the business in future. 8-8* J. S. PATRICK. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED (Senate Bill No. 163) Notice Is Hereby Given, That W. C. Forehand, holder of Tax Certifi- cate No. 9, issued the 2nd day of Tu1y A. n-I. r1-40 M-1a 'hen --p THOSE. Abstracts of Title July A. D. 19-15, has filed thie samei in my office and has made. applica- Mrs. E. L. Hobaugh returned re- tion for a tax deed to (be issued cently from Savannah, Ga., where thereon. Said certificate embraces she visited for a week 'with her the following described property insister Mrs. Floyd Nevadosk the County of Gulf, State of Flor- sister, Mrs. Floyd Nevadonski. ida, to-wit: Lot 15, Block 'C,' High- ----- land View, Sec. 26, Twp. 7S, R 11W. Home From Vacation The asse-ssment of the said prop- Mr's. Ned Porter and daughter erty under the said certificate is- sued was in the name of M. I. Har- Memorie have returned home from per a vacation of several weeks spent Unless. said certificate shall be at Daytona Beach. redeemed according to law, the _. property described therein wm De NOTICE OF REGISTRATION sold to the highest bidder at the Notice is hereby given that the court house door on the first Mon- registration books of the City of day in the month of August, 1947, Port St. Joe, Florida, will be open which-is the 4th day of August, for the purpose of registration of 1947. all qualified electors who are quali- Dated this 30th day of June. 1947. fied under Ordinance No. 35X and J. R. HUNTER. Chapter 2483.6 Laws of Florida, Clerk of Circuit Court of Gulr Acts of 1947. 7-4 8-1 County, Florida. Said books will be opened on Au- FOR GOOD PAINTING Inside and Out CALL 200-W OR SEE E. D. SHIREY - FREE ESTIMATES R. L. CARTER Loans on Real Estate We Have Just Received a 0 * Fine Line of 0 SMALL LEATHER o ITEMS Billfolds, Change Purses, 0 * Men's Belts, Sam Browne SBelts, Wrist Watch Straps, Dog Harnesses, Key-Kitss * and Key Rings, Suitcase 0 Handles, Truck Drivers' * Billfolds, Skate Straps. * We Also Stock a Full Line of 4 All Types of Shoe Polishes : THE LEADER SHOE SHOP We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, * Attend Their Dyeing and 0 Save Their Soles ..**....**......* Business Men View Unique Heart Display Eighty-five top-flight Chicago ex- ecutives got a glimpse recently or what success can do to the human heart. The Chicago Heart Association invited the men to lunch.'at the Union League Club. They ate heartily and laughed at a joke or two. And then a doctor showed the hard-working executives what can ha-ppen to an overworked heart. Four human hearts were displayed in large bottles, in what the as- sociation said was the first exhibit of its kind ever held. One. was a normal heart, about the size of a man's fist. One was a gnarled heart, which had swelled to about twice the normal size. It belonged to a hot- tempered newspaper executive who had a stroke while arguing with an assistant. Another distorted heart wa's that of a department store executive who wouldn't slow down when the doctor told him to. It had puffed like a toy ,balloon. The last was the heart of a man who had followed the doctor's or- ders. He had a heart attack when he was 65. His physician told him to relax, so he started enjoying life. He wass 80 when he died in his sleep. The department 'store executive was 70. The newspaper- man was only 58. The doctor said one out of every two of the nation's doctors, execu- tives,, lawyers and newspapermen die of hi g h blood pressure or hardening of the arteries. One out of every three persons in the entire nation dies of these two afflictions or rheumatic fever. hli said. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ferrell of West Palm Beach were week-end guests of the former's brother and' family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson. leans Every ads carries a message- a student a message that will save money. , New Or- sday for a NOTICE OF REGULAR er parents, MUNICIPAL ELECTION Ia. Notice is hereby given that a mu- nicipal election for the election of main open a Mayor and two City Commission- until Au- ers ifor full terms of two years and e hours of two City Commissioners for terms M., and 2 of one year for the City of Port St. ock P. M. Joe will be held in the City Hall-in and hoIo- the City of Port St. Joe on Tues- g to regis- day, September 2, 1947. yHall for The polls will open at 7 o'clock A. M. and close at 7 o'clock P. M., JINSON, Eastern Standard Time. nd Clerk. M. P. TOMLINSON, officer. 8-1 29 City Auditor and Clerk. SJoe, FIa. NOTICE FOR DIVORCE In the. Circuit Court, Gulf County, n that the Florida. IN CHANCERY. 1 Improve- Bernice Williams, Plaintiff, of Flori-aa, vs. offer 'for Edmond Williams, Defendant. , in Talla- THE STATE OF FLORIDA, o'clock A. TO: Edmond Williams, whose resi- the land in deuce and address is unknown. a: You are hereby notified and or- ion 33, dered to appear on the 4th day of inge 10 August, 1947. before the above 'styled court to the bill of complaint red to pay for divorce filed against you in the above entitled cause. NTERNAL WITNESS' my hand and official i reserve seal at Wewahitchka, Guilf County, d all bids. Florida, this 2nd day of July, 1947. 'nstees of | (Court J. R. HUNTER, t Fund of Seal) Clerk Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida. DWELL, .E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr., 7-11 Governor. Attorney for Plaintiff. 8-1 car-, Come In and See ffjkW, THE NEW GULF TIRE efs. Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION Records! "Records! I WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbind GENERAL PLUMBING SEPAIRi SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX 0 Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE l p FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS S !57te We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire J eS BUCK ALEXANDER #ANA Let Us Design You a Letterhead P U To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. Here From New Or Miss Peggy Rollins, nurse at Charity Ho-pital leans, arrived home Tuesi month's vacation with he Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rollin gust 13, 1947, .and will re for registration purposes gust 22, 1947, between th 9, o'clock A. M. and 12 A. o'clock P. M. until 5 o'cl each day ercept Sundays days. All persons desirin ter shal Icall at the City Quch purpose. M. P. TOMLI S-1 City Auditor an 15 Registration O City of Port St NOT I C E NOTICE is hereby give Trustees of the Internal ment Fund of the State Pursuant to Law, will sale., for competitive bids hassee, Florida, at 11:00 M. August 5th, 1947, for t (IULF COUNTY, Florid'a SWiA of SE%4, Sect Township 8 South, Ra West. The Purchaser is requil the advertising cost. THE TRUSTEES OF I? IMPROVEMENT FUND the right to reject any a-n PY ORDPn. of the Tr the Internal Improvemen the Stat" of Florida. MILLARD F. CALl 6-27 S-1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1947 PAGE EIGHT |