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Give to the Cancer Fund Campaign. Remember, 1 Out of 8 Die of Cancer! L io u Li THE STAR, The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center g OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF | GULF COUNTY i mMa '--t~ VOLUME X PORT ST, JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 .NUMBER 31 Senior Play Is Best Presented Here In Years "The Scarcrow Creeps" Gives Au- dience Thrills, Chills and Laughter By KATHERINE NIX There have been plays and there have been plays, but 'there wasn't 'been a play, in years presented at the local high .school .which could compare' with the sle.nior presenta- tion last Friday night, "The Scare- crow Creeps." In spite of all the competition the seniers had, such as softball tilts, picture shows and just plain "don't careness," the cast turned out a bang-up job, and, the audience -was probably the largest in many a day. The spectators 'were kept in sus- pense and sitting on the edges of 'their seats' for two and a, half hours. Will Rams-ey really turned in a jam-up "Lionel. Baryrmnore per- formance" as Roderick Gage, and 'Joan Smith was a "natural" for Maudie Holbs, the maid who didn't know her English. She kept every- one in stitches-including the cast! Without J. D. Shealy as' Perry GageL, the other members of the cast couldn't possibly have gone through the performance, as it seems J. D. knew everybody's lines .except his own' That was a' good job, J. D. ' Kenneth Gage in the person of of P. B. Fairly, -saved the night! Shealy insisted in throwing them off .balance. but th.L ..cool-headed Kenneth Gage wouldn't be outdone. Chuck Gibson, aliast Adam Throgg, would grace anybody's domain. He was even better than Charles But- 'Continued. on page 7) Creech Brothers Start Work On New Building Gus and Ken Creech, owners of the Creech laundry and dry clean- ing establishment, this week be- gan work.on their new building, to be located on the property adjoin- ing the,,Sinclair esrvice station on Monument Avenue. The structure will be 84 feet in width and 75 feet deep and will be built of super-rock and brick. The brothers hope to have it com- *pleted within ten weeks. Rotary Teams Will Vie In Attendance Contest 'The Rotary Club will observe "Attendance Month" during May,, and to ad'd a bit of interest and ex- :.citement to the occasion, B. B. Conklin and Jimmy Greer will head opposing teams in an .attendance contest which will run four weeks. Should Jimmy have his. way about it, the Conklin team will en- tertain the club with a, barbecue at the close of the contest. Jimmy is out to win, .but B. B. is just as determined to see the Greer team do the entertaining. Whatever happens, it is bound to be a rip-roaring friendly fight, and most Rates feel the feMd will taste much better should there be a 100 per cent attendance during May, with Jim'my and B. B. doing the entertaining. Visiting In Lcuisiana Mr. and Mrs. Carol Warner and daughter Louise left Wednesday for 'Bastrop, La., where they Will visit relatives and friends. We Asked For It- And So We Got It! (Note: Editor 'Bill definitely does not like hyphenated capital letters, and, he shudders, to see scads of ex- clamation points. But 've LOVE3 'em-rows and rows of 'emn .! ) Wednesday, May 7, is the DATE. The Centennial Auditorium is the P-L-A-C-E! You can't afford, to be anywhere else. B-U-T 'from the hours of 6 p. m. until ? ? ? W HY? We answer: Because that is when the M-A-Y F-ES-T-I-V-A-L begins. That annual "much-looked- forwardlto -and, never-to-ibe-forgot- tan"' fete which is sponsored by that organization that knows how to do the proper thing at the proper time' in the proper place in the proper manner-that Port St. Joe Woman's' Club which is, in June of this year, to celebrate its thirty- fifth anniversary. iS-U-P-P-E-R *will be served from 6 to 8, and if you're, wise you won't be late! There'llibe pies and cake and ha.m; potato salad, hot dogs and' hamburgers; coffee and ice cream, and. Dad and Mom ana Junior and Sis and Baby will soy, "Urn-m-r, good!" And you'll say it, too! The floor show, a doll show, be- gins at. 8. And. W-H-A-T dolls!!!! Included are "Storybook .Dolls," accompanied, by the school band; "Sleeping Beauty," starring Janiee Roberts,; "Dancing Doll," featuring Continued on page 7) qlllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ii ll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillil i llli illllllll. Auto Liability Bill Is Sined By- Governor Governor, Caldwell Wednesdhy signed into law a bill which re- quires, drivers who are at fault in an automobile accident to prove financial responsibility or lose their driver's license. It will be- come effective October 1, 1947. Under the law, all accidents that 'cause property damage of $50 -or more or personal injury must be 'reported, to the state, Insurance commissioner. The law does not require com- pulsory insurance, but within 30 days after an accident the driver at fault must show financial re- sponsibility by a $10,000 liability insurance policy, surety bond or possess, property of $40,000 net worth, or hies driver's. license will he revoked. ASSORTED FISHERMAN' CATCH ASSORTED FISH R. M. Spillers, :D. M. Jones and J. A. Garrett were proudly exhibiting a variegated assortment of 'fish 'Tuesday evening which they had caught off the Cape San Blas sand- spit. We estimated they had about 75 pounds. of red fish, sand mullet. pompano, flounder and catfish. Choicest catch were a 12-pound redifish, landed by Jones with a light fresh water casting rod and a hefty pompano brought in by Spillers. To 'hbe sure they received front page publicity on their prowess, the trio presented Ye Ed with a 51/4-pound redfish. *-----<---- Spend Week-end In Mississippi ,Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Purtell spent last week-end in Pascagoula, Miss., .attending to business and visiting relatives. Sister Is House Guest Mrs. Dewey Davis has. as her house,-guest her sister, Mrs. L. H. Gross of Panama City. Simpson Chosen As Man of Year By Kiwanis Club Given Honorary Membership For Indefatigable Wbr'k In Build- ing Up Boy Scout Troop Selected' by unanimous vote, J. T. Simpson, local scoutmaster, was awarded the certificate, of honor- ary membership of the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club last week. It is cus- tomary for the club to select a citi- zen who has given outstanding service to the community to be- come. an honorary member for a period; of one yea'f. Mr. Simipson was, a guest of the club at the Wednesday luncheon last week, at which time Past Pres'- ident Harry McKnighft inducted two new mem'berss into the, club and' presented thdm with active Paper Makers Lead Saints Victorious CitvSoftball League In Two Opening Rotary Club In Second Place, Mer- chants In Third and Legion In Cellar Position With .three rounds of the City Softball League played., the Paper Makers' are in first position with no losses, the Rotary Club in sec- ond place, Merchants 'third, and the American Legion holding down the cellar position. ,In last .Friday night's games the. Paper Makers took the Rotarians 11 to 7 in an exciting game that was three-all up. to the sixth inn- ing, when 'the mill boys found Tom 1 Coldewey's weak spot and nicked him for four runs to make the score. 7-3. But the Rotes. hitched up their pants and almost tied the score by - shovilig over three runs off Joel Carr's heaving. The final canto 1 membership certificates. They are found the Paper Makers still going Rev. Loyd W. Tdibb, pastor of the strong, s'hoVing four counters over Methodist Church,' and Leonard Lawrence, manager.of Costin's De- partment Store. Bdth are &Ireaay active in Kiwanis wOrk,, particularlY' Cub Scouting, Lawrbnce serving as chairman of the Cub committee and as assistant cu'bmaster. In announcing Mr, iSimpson's se- lection, McKnight cited his splen- did record as scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 47, stating that, 'be- cause he had built the troop from a small membership into almost double troop membership, that all scouts are showing the highest de- gree of interest and efficiency, there was no doubt: that he had displayed a civic spirit unsurpassed and is contributing heavily of his time and skill to one of our finest organizations for the ')building ,of youth. Mr. Simpson accepted the Ki- wanis certificate with ,pleasure, thanking the club for its recogni- tion, and pledging anew his whole- hearted co-operation. At the luncheon meeting, Wade Barrier Jr.. made an outstanding report on the Key Club inte.rna- tional convention held in Macon, Ga., April 18-20, at which Port St. Joe was represented by eleven high school boys from the local club. They all reported having had 'a wonderful time. Infant Son of Mr. arid Mrs. R. B. Nance Dies 'The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Nance of this city died last Friday morning at the munici- pal hospital. Besides his parents, he is survived, by one brother, Da- vid T. Nance. Funeral services were conducted at/the graveside at 4 o'clock Sun- day afternoon by the Rev. Loyd' W. Tu.bb. Interment was in the fam- ily plot at Jehu cemetery, Wewa- hi'tchka, with the Comforter Fu- neral Home of this city in charge. BI-COUNTY SPELLING BEE TO BE HELD MAY 9 Eliminations 'started tals week in Gulf and Franklin county schools , for a spelling bee to, be held in Apalachicola May 9. The four best spellers in each school from the twelfth grade. dbwn will compete for honors, the winner to receive a cash prize of $25. The presenta- tion will be made by,T. A. Owens, Gulf county superintendent. The hbi-county spelling bee will be an annual affair and is being promoted in the interest of gooa spelling in the schools of Gulf and .Franklin counties. home plate, but the Rotarians were desausted, and could. only chalk up, one lone oounter. Final score, 11-7. " Features of the game were a homer by ,Fred, MoLane and Cecil Costin nonchalantly walking In from third 'on'a long hit 'by Paul Johnson' 'and getting up speed like 'a scared Jackrabbitswhen his team- mates yelled .at him as the ball was thrown from left field to home. He made it by the skin of hi's teeth. The Merchants defeated the Le- gion 10-8 in a tilt that was any- (Continued on page 5) S--------K---;-- Collections-Dispayed By- Cub Scouts At Meeting Cub Pack 47 held its monthly pack meeting at the school house Thursday night of last week, with some 28 Cubs and 20 parents pres- ent, as well as the pack committee. The .April theme, "Collecting Things," was carried out in great style, all Cubs having brought their coll,ction.s to the meeting. Many strange and'unique collections were on display' showing great imagi- nation and originality. Perhaps the most unique was a bucketful of turtles belonging to John Robert Smith Jr.. ranging from the gopher to the snapping variety, some of them gaily painted. Prize for attendance of parents went to Den 1; prize for collections went to Den 3, and W. G. Cutrer received the individual prize.' Badges for advancement in rank were received by the following Clibs: J. R. .Smith Jr., wolf; Ralph McLawhon, bear, with gold arrow; Marion Parker, lion; Billy Gail- liard, lion, with gold arrow. The May thenie is "Come To See 11s." Dens will select a certain day as visitors day, at which time they will hold, open house and invite parents and guests to look in on a typical de i meeting. Each den will announce the day of "open house." Souvenirs will be given visitors.. FATHER OF J. A. HINSON DIES James A. Hinson, 79, father of J. Alex Hinson o'f this city died last week in-a Pensacola. hospital. Fu- neral services, were. held. Sunday afternoon at Chipley. Called Here By Illness Mrs. C. E. Shelton of Tracy City, Tenn., and Mrs. J. E. Nance of Bell Buckle, Tenn., were called here re- Games of Season Clean Up On Wewahitchka, 'Gators 6-4 Sunday, and 13-7 In Return SGame Here Wednesday Officially opening the Gulf Coast Baseball League, in Wewahitchka last Sunday thelSt. Joe Saints de- feated the 'Gators 6-4 and. gave a 13-7 repeat performance on the lo- cal field Wednesday tb get away . to what .appears a most auspicious start for the 1947 season. The season .officially opened in this city-, with Wednesday's game, the first ball being hurled or should we say tossed,?) over the plate iby Mrs. Agnes Minus,, city" commissioner. \ It was three up and three down for the 'Gators in the first inning, Jimmy Adam's, .starting for St. Joe, whiffing the first man., W. J. "Fish" Herring, lead-off man for the aints, created a sen- sation ,by driving the first pitch over the left field fence, for a homer and the first -counter of the game. Frank Hannon walked and was out at second on a steal;. Tom Mitchell fanned; Deonard Belin was walked; Bert Cox made first as the first baseman dropped' the ball, and Dave Hinote was hit by the pitcher to load the bases. And then the fun began. Jim Mc- Call socked' a sizzler through see- ond to bring in Belin and on the play at the' plate Cox went to thirha andi kept traveling as the. catcher threw to second iln l vain attempt to nab Hinote; the second' bassma, heaved a wild one home in the hlope of stopping Cox, and on tlhe play Hinote went to third and came on home as the catcher threw to' (Continued on Page 2) Vet Here Next Week To Vaccinate Dogs: Dog owners are urgde to take their pet, "to the 'city hall next Monday morning or Tuesday af- ternoon, when Dr. Larue Garrett, vetrinarian, ,will ibe on hand to. in- oculete dogs against rabies. The charge of $2 includes a city dlg tag indicating that the animal has been vaccinated. All dogs 'found within the city' after May 6 without tags' will be mpbunded and disposed of ac- cording to law. Costing's Is Co-operating With President, Truman Joining with stores in all sec- ion.s of the nation on the appeal )y President Truman to combat in- lation by reducing prices, Cos- in's Department Store has an ad- ve-rtisement in this issue of The Star stating that beginning today and continuing through Saturday, May 10, customers will get a 10 per cent discount from marked prices on. any item in stock. SIXTH GRADER WINNER OF SPELLING CONTEST Shirley Aleta Stripling, 11, sixth grader in the Port St. Joe school, ast week won the. Gulf county spelling contest held for all stu- [ents in the eighth grade and. be- ow. She represented this county n the John H. Pel-ry spelling bee cently to the.bedside ofPtheir daugh- held yesterday in Panama City. ter and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ralph The runner-up in the' Gulf county Nance, who has been quite ill at contest was, Virginia Zimmerman, the local hospital. 10 fifth grade, Port St. Joe. I E T S PR S. J Visit Friends In Panama City Mrs. Minnie Parker and Mrs. J. F. 'Pierce visited friends in Pan- ama City last Friday. MAY SPECIAL LET US INSPECT YOUR BRAKES 1. Pull Front Wheels and Pack. 2. Inspect Brakes aind Clean. 3. Check and RefillMas- ter Cylinder. 4. Adjust Brakes. ALL PASSENGER CARS $3.65 SPRING CLEANUP, WASH POLISH $6.00 WAX 1 and Vacuum Clean'Car SPRING TUNEUP 1.. Check Ignition Points and Set. 2. Clean Spark Plugs and Adjust for the Proper Clearance. 3. Clean and Adjust Car- buretor. 4. Clean Oil Bath Air Cleaner and Refill. 5. Check Fuel Pump for Proper Pressure. $3.95 St. Joe Motor Company Phone 37 Port St. Joe SUNDAY'S GAME With the Wewahitchka 'Gators pulling some fast major league tac- tics in the first inning and chalk- cing up three runs, it looked, for a time like the St. Joe Saints would come out on the little end of the horn in the opening game of the Gulf Coast League played Sunday, at Wewahitchka,/but the local lads settled' down after that first ddisas- rous frame. a n'd, held the 'Gators from further scores up to the seventh, in the me-antime chalking up three in the fourth and one in the sixth. That fourth inning tied up the score. Frank Hannon led off with a single through, third and stole second; Tommy Mitchell walked; Leod~ard, Bc.lin socked' out a three- bagger to center field' that would have been a homer if there had been a fence, driving in Hannon andi Mitchell; Bert Cox was out on a long fly to left field Belin coming home after the catch to tie the score. Dallas, Weeks: and Dave Hinote retired the side. with two long flies to right field that were taken by the Wewa outfielder. Another run was made In the sixth when Hannon took two bases on an error 'by the 'Gator third- baseman, Mitchell fanned', Belin was robbed of a, beautiful hit to left field that Bill Linton caught on his fingertips, with Hannon coming home after the catch. Cox (Continued on Page 3) It pays to advertise- try it! 'What's on my mind today? The same thing that's probably jon every housewife's ... spring cleaning! But I'm not going to let it get me down, and I hope you won't let it get you down either. That's why I want to share some of my pet ,labor-saving ideas with you. Try them and see if they don't-' make it easy to take it easy! a BEANS FOR THE BUSY When I'm up to my ears in pails sand mops (as who isn't these days?), I'm more grateful than ever for A&P's ready-to-eat ANN PAGE BEANS. They're simply delicious just the S\\'',(//////, way they come '^ j7 7'out of the can... Sand extra-tasty fixed like this: Fill a casserole with 3 1-lb. cans !of ANN PAGE BEANS with pork ;and tomato sauce (enough for 6 generous servings)'; top with Slices of ham or bacon, and then ;bake for 30 minutes in a moderate o ren, 350F. HOUSE CLEANING HINTS .To remove watermarks from a ,waxed finish, take off old wax with liquid wax; apply a fresh coat. To mildew-proof awnings and 'shower curtains, soak them in very soapy water and, without rinsing, dip them in a solution of copier, sulphate, which you can get at the drug store. To protect floors from furniture marks and scratches, wax rockers and feet of chairs and tables when you wax your floors. To make your 'home "come clean" from attic to cellar, get BRIGHT SAIL cleaning aids at your A&P. Every one of these fine products does such a thorough job that no homemaker should be without them. TEA FOR THE TIRED Doesn't a cup of tea do wonders for you when you're weary? It does for me ... especially when it's full of really invigorating flavor. That's why I always use OUR OWN, NECTAR or MAYFAIR TEAS from the \\ A&P. They're all L .Flavor Tested, so no matter which you choose,, you can be sure you're hitching your , tea wagon to a star! Saints (Continued from page 1) second in another vain try for Mc- Call. When the dust cleared away three runners had crossed the rub- ber andi McCall was perched o0 second. Alton Dendy fouled out to third to retire the side. Wewa chalked up two in the sec- ond and two in the third to tie the score, one being a homer 'by Har- den. Belin broke the tie in the last. of the third .by poling a long, high one over the. left field, fence. The 'Gators failed to score in the next five innings, while the Saints marked up two in the fourth, five in the sixth and one in the. eighth for a 13 total. Wewahitchka started: a rally in the ninth against the hurling of( Murray Lloyd who, tad relieve( Adams after the seventh inning, but after three runners had crossed the plate the revolt was halted. Box Seore Team-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9--T 'Gators -----0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 3- 7 Saints .. 4 0.1 2 0 5 0 1 x-13 iBatteries Wewahitchka: Jenks and Knowles, p; Stevens, c. Port St. Joe: Adams, and' Lloyd, p; Cox and Sales, c. CASH FOR SPRING NEEDS $50 to $300 Pay Left-Over Winter Bills, Paint and Repair Property on Your Own Signature and Security. Friendly, Confidential Service CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida allowing Dr. Nichols to serve as externe at the Municipal Hospital of Port St. Joe. After discussion by the commission and doctors with statement the only cost tW the, hos- pital will be subsistence and' upon recommendation of the doctors, Commissioner Chestnut moved this approval be made, said motion be- ing seconded by Commissioner Mi- nus and this carried. There being no further business, the commission adjourned. PORT ST. JOE CAR OWXIERS MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION FLORIDA -- BE WISE! It will pay BIG dividends to wait for your new Ford. We are listing below our new prices delivered in Port St. Joe. 8- CYLINDER FORD Deluxe Business Coupe $1284.21 Deluxe Tudor $1319.19 Super Deluxe Tudor $1417.89 Super Deluxe Fordor $1479.99 Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe $1452.62 6- CYLINDER FORD Deluxe Business Coupe. $1210.53 Deluxe Tudor $1267.37 Super Deluxe Tudor $1328.43 Super Deluxe Fordor $1391.58 Super Deluxe Sedan Cpe. $1375.79 ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Will Visit Over Week-end Miss Virginia 'Pridgeon, who is attending Alalbama Polytechnic In- stitute at Auburn, Ala., Is expected to arrive today to spend the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Pridgeon. Visiors Fnom Wewa Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter of We- wahitchka were visitors in our city Wednesday. Cyclopentenylamines have been identified as a new group of insec- ticides. Minute's; of special meeting of the City Commission of the 'City of Port St. Joe held in City Hall on 17th day of April, 1947, at 10:00 a. m. Special meeting of he commis- sion was held at this time with Mayor Commissioner Soule, Com- missioners Chestnut and Minus, and Clerk Tomlinson present. Dr. A. L. Ward and John A. Hughes were. also present.' Mayor Soule announced the meet- ing is called for consideration of LAST RITES TO BE HELD FOR FATHER OF T. FRARY Last rites for R. F. Frary, 72, father of T. G. Frary of this city, who passed' away April 8 at St. Petersburg, will (be held, May 8 at the family plot in Lapeer, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Frary will leave to- morrow by car for Michigan to at- tend the services. They expect' to return in two weeks. Visit With Relatives Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gaskin and son spent last week-end1 visiting rela-, tives in Blountstown and Bristol. In Co-operation With the President To Reduce the Cost of Living. WE WILL, BEGINNING FRIDAY, MAY 2, AND THRU SATURDAY, MAY 10, ALLOW 19%0DIScUXT ACROSS THE BOARD, OFF THE MARKED PRICE OF ANY ITEM IN OUR STORE! We Are Willing To Sacrifice Our Profit and More As Our Bit To Combat Inflation! Costin's Department 'Store The Store Where Your Dollar Goes the Furthest ----------------- I- ---- ------ ------------ rVYr- - ~ ~ ~-- - - - -- -- I I FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY FLORIDA PAGE TWO FRIDY, AY 147 HE TARPOR ST JO, GLF OUNT, FORIA PGE HRE Saints (Continued from page 2) retired the sid2, being caught firsAt a'ter a hit to the s.iortstop. Wewa failed to score in thi half of ,the sixth and tile Sail shoved over two more runs in t lucky seventh to ice the. game. Weeks led off in the seventh striking out and Dave Hinote ma the second out on a long fly right field. Dendy made first on fumble by the. second baseman an stole second; Lefty Thomason w walked and "Fish" Herring sock out a line drive to load the base .Hannon, always good for a on bagger, hit a safe one -to cent field to drive. in Dendy. The 'Gat pitcher walked Mitchell to walk Thomason, and the St. Joe roote went wild as. Belin stepped up the plate and .shifted, his, chaw fro the right to the 1.e.ft cheek. But 1h luck failed, and with the has loaded he popped up a foul tip th was gathered .in ,'by the their baseman to retire t e side. W'awahitchka had an excelle opportunity to tie the score their half of the seven whe with one out they got two men base and Thomason walked tl next batter to load 'em. But th 'Gator on first wais too:' anxious and whl.in the batter socked a lo0 fly to Herring in left field he ra for second after the catch to for his team mate off the, bag, one Z ing caught at third and the oth at second to retire the side. And that ended the tilt, as, far .scoring went, -with the Saints ta ing the long end of a 6-4 count. Thomason gave up eight hits, the, course of the game, well .scac ter-di, walked four men, hit one the seat of the pants, and strue out four. Seve-n 'Gators got on bas illegitimatelyon errors on the pa of Saint players. The box score follows: Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- Saints -------0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0- .'Gators ----- 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0- (Ed. Note to Panama City Nev, Herald: Check with The Star bt fore printing results of Port S Joe games-your story in Mo day's paper was all wrong. Aft all, most peoples especially spa fans, believe what they' read in th papers,.) Other Sunday Results Panama City's Spartans lost Tyndall Field 8-7 in a 10-inning ti at the army field after coming from behind in the eighth to tie th score. ' Apalachicola's Oystermen real went to town with the Navy nine. Pelican Park, Panama City, chal' ing up a 23,3 victory, making nin of their runs in the lucky seventh although they had salted down th YEARS OF PREPARATION ..for seconds of service Our pharmacists, like your physi- cian, have studied long and practiced diligently to qualify themselves to compound your pre- scriptions quickly accurately. Their study, experience, and skill are intangible qualities in every filled prescription. Whether it be your everyday drug needs or a doctor's prescrip- tion to be filled-come in to see us, For your home medicine chest needs, we carry a complete line of Curity Surgical and First Aid products. Serving your needs is 'ur lob-and our pleasure. MILLER'S DRUG STORI -ame vw'ith three runs in the first, five in the second, two in the fourth and three in the sixth,, Coming Games at Sunday, May 4-Army at Port St. Jo?,; Apalachicoi, at Panama eir City; Navy at Wewahitchka. nts Wedne'sday, May 7-Port St. Joe he at Army; Panama City at Apalachi- cola; Weevahitchka at Navy. boy Sunday, May 11--Panama City de at Navy; Apalachicola at Port St. to Joe; Wewahitchka at Army. a a nd Former Residents Pass Through as Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Attwoodl, for- ed mer residents', were saying hello to es. friends in town Tuesday. ne- f P A NEW MONTH! NEW VALUES! at BOYI AES do Yqu see what I see? Two of your favorite Magazines 'ike POLL-PARROT shoes, too! *Only after Poll-Panots have passed strict tests in actual wear .. are they made for your children. I RED and WHITE I WHITE and BROWN TheTatWELCtlMEMAY! The Month of Festivals! Published Weekly By Featurin BO YLEST BOYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise JOINS THE FUN! Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol.1 Friday, May 2, 1947 No. 40 SUM M ER This issue of "The 'Tattler" dedicated to COURTESY (Webster's definition: "Politeness of manners combined with kindness.") S T R P E S DEAR SHOPPERS: ' We are beginningg to believe, that the world is getting better! for the Pepi Crowd by Some of you dear readers will no doubt wonder why, and we shall J state briefly our reasons for this belief. Last week a waitress in a hotel restaurant smiled when we gave our order and, refilled! our water..glass; without even being asked! We rode a bus for a .short distance and, made it a point to watch the operator. He observed every regulation that a bus company could have, as far as we could tell. We saw this 1bus driver leave his comfortable I seat to assist an elderly woman out of the bus' at a crossroad's stop we saw him assist an honest faced, weather-beaten farmer with his 'bag of potatoes we 'saw this, same driver wait patiently a minute or two for a tired, weary mother with - one small child' in her arms and' three little ones, hanging on (we don't see how she ever got there). We were so, much impresses *J with this driver's courtesy and efficiency that we asked him to - give us. hi's name, which he did without hesitation. We told him that he had, given us something to think about and that we might '' ) want to write about him, too. We are sending a copy of this, is- -A f sue of The Star to Troy iSapp, Marianuna,, Fla. (the bus driver) ._ We are also sending a copy to the home office of the Greyhound Lines, for we want this' firm to know that this man adds dignity ' to the operation of its bu- and makes, bus, riding more pleasant / for its patron. Yes, we believe, that better things are .." ' ahead of us! We saw a successful and tired profe.s.sional . man sit until late hours to discuss plans for improving the spir- itual life, of h';,1 community. Maybe we should ask ourselves a question: What are we doing to promote the welfare of mankind? You take it from here, and we'll work on a little advertising pro- " gram foi' a few minutes. 'i Quality-conscious, ladies, watch for D n r \ " (mak, it stand out like a 'sore thumb, editor) BedrOOm " SSlli-pers (wve trust this is sore-thumbish enough for you, \ Glenn-Ed.) from the world's largest manufacturer of this type ' of footwear. We got 'enm by working and 'waiting a year. This marks another step of progress, in the program of Boyles De- riartment Store to make available to you the best that can 'be. obtained. X The Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club has designated J. T. Simpson as the man of the year andi elected him to honorary: membership. Mr. Simpson's' outstanding work with the. Boy Scouts of this j community was cited as a major achievement and he is to be , congratulated' for the splendid, job that has been done. The I , I honor bestowed on him is a significant one. A pleasant customer walked' out with a pair -of shoes and two dresses: with this remark to the courteous saleslady who served her: "Thank you for being so patient and giving, me time to make up my mind." Yes, courtesy is the. best policy. Speaking of shoes. let us tell you that HARVEY CASUALS are on the march! They' have Flor ida ,summer style, they fit they havm., quality at only $4.95. Be sure to see our display of .SUMMER LINGERIE . definitely topis,! S of as a summer's day- Men. buy Rand Shoes and you'll never be sorry! While you're designer Elizabeth Ciccone here,,.see the nu-w Wemibley Summer Ties. Now, you'll know .summer is here when we show you those striped Rayon Sox on combines stripes and solid white background. tones in a Hope Skillman Yours, Striving for Courteous, Efficient n l n Service at Boyles Departme.nt Stor,, otton. Pink, lime green, powder R. GLENN BOYLES. blue. Sub junior sizes 7-15. 'A IT PAYS TO PAY CASH AT BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE PHONE 252 PORT ST. JOE. FLORID --- -A .1 ......... ........ KENNEY'S MILL BAPTIST CATHOLIC SERVICES At the Churhes W. B. HollalnA, Pastor Mass is held ',at St. Joseph's A 10:00 a. m.-S-unday school, Chapel the first Sunday of each '... ......... .. 11:00 a. m.-Preaching service. month.:At 8 .a. m. Second third and METHODIST CHURCH 6:45 p. m.-B. T. U. fourth Sundays at 10:15 a. m. Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor 8:00 p. m.-Preaching service. . Sunday Services Prayermneting Tuesday night at ASSEMBLY OF GOD. CHURCH 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 8 o'clock. WV. M. U. meets Wednes- Highland View 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. days' at 3 p. m. W. G. Mizelle, Pastor 7:00 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. t t n 10:30 a. m.-Sunday schpol. 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. 11:30 a. m.-Morning worship. Choir practice every Wednesday 7:45 p. mni-Evangelistic service. at 7:30 p. m. Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Prayermeeting Wednesday eve- Bayview Worship each Sunday, Sunday services will be held as nings at 7:45. Radio program over ,morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church Ifollows: WDLP, Panama, City, 7:30 to 8 a. school following worship service. 7:30 a. m.-Holy Comimunion. m. EST Thursday mornings. We extend a cordial invitation 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. --- to all to attend these services. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. Advertising doesn't cost-It pays! ~ksaP~~8~lpS~BLIM--8~ II ; ~-----gs~- 1-- ~?~B~a~~811111 Mom , PAGE THREE FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE-lG iULF COUNTY, FLORIDA - -- ~- N F AL 0 MP' P . THE STAR Published Every Frid&y at 306 Williams Avenue, Port S. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, IPort St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year .......$2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -..{ Telephone 51 )*- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention: the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken >woril is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country "*' Right or Wrong PEACE OR WAR IN OUR TIME Ever since World War I the editor of TheI .Star has been a strong advocate of universal military training, and now that the American Legion is pushing this issue, your editor is back of that organization 100 per ce'it, and we' believe that the majority of the American peo- ple will also be strong for it. The American plan of military training for national security sponsored by the Legion and now 'before congress, requires one year's training, or its equivalent, for every young aman some time between his eighteenth and twentieth birthdays. Four months of this would be spent in basic training, and eight months, or the equivalent, in advanced study in military schools, colleges, ROTC courses, or in the armed forces, the organized reserves tor the national guard. Choice of army, navy for air force, as the field for training, lies with the trainee. Training of this sort is valuable to the indi- vidual as well as being in the national inter- est. It will afford to many young m.en the op- portunity to pursue an education beyond the completion of high school, and will lay a fur- ther scientific and sociological groundwork for those who will go on to colleges and uni- versities. To the nation it assures a continuing' reserve of manpower, organized for immedi- a;te duty if the occasion demands, and trained in the modern,. complicated techniques of scientific warfare. This reservoir of strength is' the only argu- -ment that will curb the ambitions of would-be .aggressors.' It might well make the difference "between peace arid war in our time and in the future. As a general rule an old goat is widow wise b1ut flapper foolish. STARDUST and MOONSHINE Been quite some time since we 'have felt "Stardustish," and any- ho'w, Glenn Boyles ha's been doing pretty good with a similar line (na- thrally, he can't come up to S.tar- dust) in his "Tattler" column in his weekly advertisement. 'Way back when The Star was a mere infant (it'll soon observe its tenth birthday) no issue, was con- sidered complete without "Star- dust." Now we're getting older, lazier and fatter (our wife feeds us: too good) and it doesn't really seem important somehow. But we. do know that our readers like this sort of slush and at times we feel we're letting 'em down by not writing the col'mn, and so we rush right into it. But 'soon we backslide, and-no Stardust. Our wife (you ever notice that Inost columnists when they run out of ideas' fall back on their wives 'to fill' out the column) says our desk looks like a rat's nest and can she straighten it up for us? The answer is always a loud "No! Don't you dare touch- that DESTROYER OF LIBERTY The Communist party of Oregon recently distributed a curious leaflet in opposition to the demand of Secretary of Labor Schwellen- bach that the party be outlawed in this coun- try. In that leaflet it 'made this interesting statement: "All Americans, especially all trade unionists and their organizations, should re- member that in every country in which the Communist party was outlawed, the free trade unions and the liberties of all sections of the common people were also suppressed." It woutldi b interesting to ask the Commun- ists about conditions in Russia, the home of CouimuniLisi. Certainly the Communist party has not been suppressed there-it is the only legal party, and it runs the country, lock, stock and barrel. And,- in Russia "the free trade unions and the liberties of all sections of the common people" are and have long been non-existent. Russia is the police state pure and simple. Labor, and everyone else, does what it is told on pain of the heaviest punishment. The standard of living of Russian worker: is almost at Asiatic levels. The ruling class, by comparison, knows every luxury. Reliable authorities have recently written that the So- viet government, as a matter of policy, has. transported legions of workers from one part of the country to the other, has subjected them to forced labor, and has maintained them in' conditions comparable only to.Hitler's concen- tration camps. The Commies can rant and rave all they please, but they can't get away from the fact that in Ametica the rights of labor,and the "common people" havebeen scrupulously pro- tected and maintained, and the basic freedoms ,of speech, assembly and religion been kept fult- alive. When we analyze their "super- state" we find that inevitably it is a destroyer of liberty. LET HIM TALK A press dispatch from Washington telling of the war fraud trial of Andrew J. May, for- mer house military committee chairman, says that May's l.vwyer threatens to have May tes- tiffy about 1944 campaign contributions that would "involve high Democratic party figures, including members of congress" unless the investigation is dropped. We say. let him talk. If others are involved, they should he smoked out so that the people may know them for what they are. Maybe the reason they want to send a rocket to the moon is to get something new to tax. dlsk!" It may look like a 'leluvamess to everybody else, bur to us it is ideal. We have, a gen- eral idea of just about where any- thing is: (at times we're wrong), and Ye wouldn't have that ten-year acetinulation" disturbed for any- thing. Occasionally a few letters will topple off the pile, and fall to the floor, and in such cases, if we find. as we pick 'em up, a reply is necessary we answer it. It's an excellent system. About the only time we. clear off a space on0 it is to make room to rest our foot (not feet, as you all probably know). We don't 'envy guy's like Harry Saunders and Joe Sharit, who have huge mahogany, glass-topped desks that have the decks cleare-d of everything. They have everything filed away where Lhey can find it at a moment's no- tice They don't have the pleasure of the hunt and the thrill that comes when an especially elusive and juicy letter or mem- orandum shows.,.up after a half- hour search No thanks, I'm afraid I'd die of ennui with a clean desk lop. We sure had a lot of bones in the heads in last week's Star. For instance: "Kiwans-Key Club Box- ing Tournament Cancelled," "Se- nior Will Present Class Play To- night" (what, only one senior in high school! Wonder how he, or she., played all the parts?) "Public' Is Invitee To Inspect Memorial Library" (sounds like that suttec practiced in In'dia where the wife throws herself on her husband's funeral pyre to be burne-d alive.) Those were the mailnI mis- takes-and we hadn't even had a snort! We've been sorta shuddering every time a woman came into the shop this week on account of that "Wuxtra! Wuxtra!" story we had on the front page last week. . From the looks of the handwriting we figured' Katherine, Nix had snuix in and left it while were. at the ball game, and we knew she wouldn't mind a bit of kidding, especially it her story made page one, but . we saw her on the street Saturday and she-said, she. wasn't respon' sible. She did say she en- vied us, though, 'cause "Editors have all kinds of fun!" We think s5o, too-especially editors of little one-hoss rags like The Star (better not let us he-ar you call his one-hoss rag a "one-hos's rag") where we know everybody, every- body knows us and everybody knows everybody, if you gather what we mean. .. Ye.p, I reckon we have more fun tlian any- body in town. Visit Daughter In Pensacola Guests From Blountstown Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Scheffer spent Mrs. Anton Markovic and daugh- Sunday in*Pensacola visiting their ter iMarina of Blountstown were daughter Eloise, 'who is a student week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. nurse at a hospital there. Leroy Gainous. 4 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" w. 4 4 s- o o. qm -ap qwm m 4WO -m m f- - Notice to Dog Owners Notice is hereby given to, all dog owners that Dr. LaRue Garrett, DVM, will be at the City Hall on the following dates: MONDAY, MAY 5, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. TUESDAY, MAY 6, from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. for the purpose of vaccinating dogs for rabies. A charge of two dollars ($2.00) will be. made for * each dog treated. All dogs treated by Dr. Garrett will not be sub- : ject to license by the City of Port St. Joe. All dogs 6 found within the City after May 6th that have not been treated for rabies will be impounded and disposed of according to law. Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of April, 1947. H. W. GRIFFIN Chief of Police. * FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE SHIP AND TRAVEL BY Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company We are always glad to assist you with your transportation problems SCHEDULES FROM PORT ST. JOE To Montgomery, Atlanta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and St. Petersburg, with direct connections for all points North, East and South PORT ST. JOE -------- CHATTAHOOCHEE MONTGOMERY -- ATLANTA 7:55 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 6:50 A. M. 9:00 A.M. 8:25 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 9:25 A. M. 10:15 A. M. Pullman Service available at Chattahoochee and Climax FOR INFORMATION PHONE 42 OR 43 Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. SAVANNAH ------- Ar. JACKSONVILLE Ar. TAMPA Ar. ST. PETERSBURG Ar. ST. PETERSBURG PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDAS FRIDAY MAY 2 1947 I I &I FRIDAY, MAY 2, ---- --- Flies To Chicago On Business S. C. Pridgeon left Monday night by plane from Tallahassee, on a business trip to Chicago. FLORIDA OUTDOOR GREETING Chipley Minister Preaches W. H. McIn'tosh of Chipley was the speaker last week at the Ken- ney Mill Baptist Church, and W. B. Holland', pastor, reports a won- de.rful meeting. NOTICE The Board of Public Instruction, Gulf County, Florida, will receive sealed bids on the -following trans- portation equipment until 10 A. M. (Central Standard Time) on May 6, 1947, in the office, of the Super- intendent, Wewahitchka, Florida. Four 194-inch wheel'ba-'e School Bus Chassis and four 48-passen- ger School Bus Bodies to fit chassis. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. THOMAS MERIWETHER, THOSE. A. OWENS, Chairman Superintendent. 4-18 5-2 'TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH r The purity and uniformity of the .drugs and chemicals we use in com. pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score ;or more of exacting teats for purity are 'made. Thus, we compound prescription with full confidence in the reliability of theingredients yopr physicianprescribew We use Merck Prescripioa Chmicals SMITH'S PHARMACY We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE Motorists on U. S. highways lead- state advertising commission's na- ing into Florida from all over the tional advertising campaign. In this instance an out-of-state family nation now get words of welcome instance an pauses along U. S. 1 to do a little and encouragement that their trip map-checking when grateful in- is almost ended.. Eleven, outdoor formed 'by the sign which reads: greeting cards as shown above have "Welcome to Florida-1/2 Mile to been erected as a follow-up of the The Sunshine State." Every- ads carries, a message- a message that will save money) LEARN TO FLY FRfcE Ex-GI's Trained At Government Expense DAVIS AIR SERVICES COMPANY SANDPIPER AIRPORT PORT ST. JOE, FLA. CAA APPROVED SCHOOL 5858 D"a V that you. cn protect your earning power at trifing cost? Have you ever thought, "What would, happen to :e and: nry fn ily if roy earn- ing power stopped, and I continued to live?"' The G3-year.-old Frank'linLife has a new and cxciusive plan which gives absolute as ;i:racr"e oe Lifetir.e Inrconme in case of tolal disability through illness or acci- dent... An inquiry places you under no ob"igatio. BUCK ALEXANDER, Local Representative Phone 101 Port St. Joe, Fla, THE FRARKLIn LIFE InSURfl CE EO. SPRINGFIELD, ILLIlR015 One of the fifteen oldest stock legal .reserve life insurance companiw in America Now Is the Time... To Clean Rusty and Clogged Radiator and Water Systems On Your Car. We clean, seal and permanently protect water system from rust or clogging, at small cost For Specialized Service See JACK at Gulf Service Station Phone 200-W Port St. Joe, Fla. Camp Gordon Johnston Is To Be Sold By WAA The War Assets Administratioa. on May 12 will put a portion of Camp Gordon Johnston on the auc- tion block, 'to be sold to the high- est bidders. The WAA has' split the develop- ment into 20 units 'for the sale. Pri- ority bidders must offer proposals by May 12 and. public bids must be in by !May 26. Included are 56 apartment buildings, a 50-mile rail- road (from Carralbelle to Tallahas- see) and a complete cold storage plant. The WAA says almost 400 fam- ilies can be accommodated in the apartment 'village, which has one, two and three-ibedroom units. It has its own postoffice, school building and stores. PAPER MAKERS LEAD (Continued from Page 1) body's game all through. The Mer- chants led 3-2 at the e.nd of the fourth, and while they put the game on ice in the fifth with seven runs, the Legionnaires had them worried for a time. as they, chalked up .?ix runs in the same frame. Neither team scored in the sixth. *the final count being 10-8. The Merchants ran iii, a dark- horse hurler in the...shape of Dave Broadnax, who has plenty of steam and looks good at bat. Monday's Games The Merchants lost to the Paper makers 83 in the first game Mon- day night and. the .Rotary Club de- feated the Legion 17-9 with a team that boasted -but one Rotarian, he being Jimmy Greer. Neither, game wvas particularly spectacular. In tonight's games, beginning at 8 o'clock sharp, the Paper Makers meet the Legion and the Rotarians battle with the. Merchants to nde- cklde who gets second' position. Due to the fact that so many civic organizations' meet on Mon- day and Tuesday nights, some of the contests 'will 'be scheduled for Wednesday, nights, as is the, case next Wednesday when the Paper Makers and the, Rotarians meet and the Merchants, play, the Ameri- can Legion. TEAM STANDINGS Team- W L Pct. Paper Makers' .-----3 0 1.000 Rotary Club ------- 2 1 .667 Merchants -----.--- 1' 2 .333 American' Legion ---- 0 3 .000 Spend Week-end In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. R. F. .Scheffer Jr., spent last week-end in Bainbridge, Ga., guests of the. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dodson. * FOR RELIABLE STaxi Servi ce PHONE 114' GARLON SPIVEY Located At St. Joe Bar WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and -Ull Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. I eE- a Now Located at Highland View PHONE 310 DINE DANCE at Deckarcd's Beach Club (Formerly Martin's) NO COVER CHARGE * SEAFOODS STEAKS CHOPS CHICKEN SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS ROUTE 98 BEACON HILL BETWEEN PORT ST. JOE AND PANAMA CITY M. B. DECKARD J.E. MARSH I IW^WW~WWWW WWW) Advertising, doesn't cost-it PAYS NOTICE The Board of Public Instruction, Gulf County, Florida, will receive. sealed bids until 10 A. M. (Central Standard Time) on May 6, 1947, at the office of the Superintendent, Wevah.itchka, Fla., for the. building of 4 additional classrooms to the Middle. Building of the Port St. Joe High School site. The bidder will furnish all necessary materials for building the rooms. The plans and specifications for the four rooms can be obtained from Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Architects, Jacksonville, Florida, or the office of the Gulf County Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. THOMAS MERIWETHER, THOS. A. OWENS, Chaii'man Superintendent. 4-18 5-2 e~s~a I a THE STAR, POFtT ST. JOE'. GULF COUNTY...FLORIDA PAGE FIVE - r A AV/ 91 4A47 Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 0 MRS. FRARY PRESENTS MRS. EELLS HONORS SMALL PUPILS IN PROGRAM DAUGHTER ON BIRTHDAY A public recital and musical pro- Mrs. Byron W. Eells Jr., enter- gram was presented at the. St. tained delightfully last Saturday James Episcopal parish house last afternoon in honor of her daughter Saturday night by' the piano pupils Barbara, who observed her fifth and griests of Mrs. T. G. Frary. The birthday. The Eells home on Long program was as follows: Avenue was, attractive with spring "See Saw," Clyde Farmer; "The flowers and festooned with pastel- Spring Song" and "Away We Go," colored balloons. Games, gifts and Linda Gail Pyle; "April Flowers gayety were the order of the. day. anid "Juggle.r," Reid Lewis; "Play- Among those present were Kay inig Tag," Agnes, 'Dykes.; "Eastr' Creech, Madeline Gill, Ann 'Miller, Song," Marlene. Buchert; "Toy Sol-' Margaret Lois Blount, John Miller, d'ier," "Fishing" and "The Dutch Dianne. Hannon, Clifford Wim- Dance," Anais Lilius; "Welcome to berly, Stephanylanne Cooper, Sarah May" and "Sing, Robin, Sing," Linda Richardson, CoralV Lee Arm- Barbara Bond; "The Cuckoo" and strong, Mary Lou Anderson, Ton-i "The Fairy's Waltz," Annette Ward; Mira, Janice Nell Gaskin, Danette "The. Tomahawk Dance," "Winding Brooks, Robert Nedley, Gail Gill, River" and "The Blue Bells of Patti Brooks, Carol, LeHardy, Ray Scotland," Boncile McCormick. Lapeyrouse, Clifford Thorpe, Jen- "Traf'meri" and "Romance," Jane nifer McKinnon, Berty Ward., Clay, Allemors; "A Little Waltz," "At an Lewis. III, Byron W. Eells III, Dor- Indian Camp" and "Candy Canes," othy Singletary and Frances Mc- Ruby Lee Farmer;1 "The Frog and Gill. Pollywog," Carlene. Campbell; "Hu- Assisting the hostess were Mrs. moresque," Alden Farris; "Clair de Frank Hannon, Mrs. Gus Creech, Lune," Hazel Burnett; "Oh, Dear!" Miss Melba Nediley and Mrs. Rich- (with, voice.), Ouida Dean. ard Cooper. Vocal numbers were: "Wishing M K 1 Star" and "Missouri," by Cly:de TWO LOCAL GIRLS ARE Farmer, and a duet, "Auld' Lang' HONORED AT F. S. C. W. Syne," by Carlene Campbell and Jane Allemre. Monday night of last week the. e nmb r. e a sophomore council of the Florida .Gued numbers, were a vocal State College for Women, Tall~a- solo, "Anniversary Song," by Nor-Stae Collee for Women, Talla. SAn s aon N hassee, tapped 66 freshmen girls ma Jean wis accompanied byto become members of their group Jane, Allemore., and a trumpet solo, this coming school year. Included "La Paloma," by Timothy Elder. in the number so honored were E S. WORTHY GRANMiss Patricia Laney and 'Muiss Bil- MATRO T HOLD SC L lie Jean Campbell of Port St. Joe. MATheworthy grand matron of the The students, chosen for scholar- The worthy grand matron of the .ship, leadership and' service, were- Grandhapter o Florida,. Orderofinstalled last Friday with initiation Eastern Star, will hold her ,school ceremonies, followed by a ,anquet. of instruction for District Three in Apalachicola on May 13 a, .10 a. m. Members from chapters in. this Undergoes Appendectomy district are urged to be present. Henry Lilius is back on the job y IP after a week in a Panama City The monetary unit of Brazil is hospital, where he underwent ar the cruzeiro. appendectomy. CARVER DRUG COMPANY Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Florida YOU SAVE 3 WAYS:, ()Save BY THE FIRESTONE LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE (2)Same MORE ON MILEAGE AND SAFETY ~ Scue TIME AND TROUBLE S. USE THE CONVENIENT FIRESTONE BUDGET PLAN -i *^6' !! "fe ~ ~, -s.'X;.'. Compare These FEATURES XI -f up to 55% STRONGER New Safti-Sured cord body gives extra protection against blowouts and can be recapped again and again. up to 60% MORE NON-SKID ANGLES New Safri- Grip tread assures extra traction and extra protection against skidding. up to 32% LONGER MILEAGE Wider, flatter tread and Vitamic Rubber provide extra protection against wear. I Nil ETOE M1E ,& SUPPLY Jl AASU l'"NE &J SLr8J^ kJJ J PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF tOUNTY,'FLORIDA FRIDAY, MAY 2, 194T I PAGE SIX ]B. Ws. EELLS, Owntler ~OflAV M"y' 1q47 THE STR'PR sr JOGL ONY LOIAPG MRS. W. C. PRIDGEON IS HOSTESS TO J. A. M. CLUB Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon was hostess Monday night to member:-s of the J. A. M. Club at her home on Mon- ument Ave:rue. The living room where the guests 'werl entertained was attractively arranged- with spring flowers. Sewing and a contest, "Scrambled Flowers," afforded entertainment. foT the. evening, prizes for the con- test going, to. M 's. Callie Howell and, Mrs. Verna Smith. The hostess served a salad plate with sandwiches, cocoanut cream ,pie and' cold drinks to Mesdames Florrie Connell, Callie. Howell, Lola Costin, Verna Smith, Marguerite Pridgeoni Eliza Lawson, Minnie Ola Drake, Elaine Pridgeon, Eula 'Pridgeon, Ned Gainous and, Myti tice Smith, and three visitors, the Misses Sara Kelly and Edna Davis and M1rs. Marie Costin. The next meeting of the club, on May 12, will fe. at the home of Mrs. Elaine Pridgeon at White .City. MRS. J. R. SMITH IS HOSTESS TO PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary of the Preslbyterian Church met Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. R. Smith at her home on Garrison A-venue. The mee'ting'Was called to order by the, president, Mrs. R. D. rows. Mrs. Dick Spillers had charge of the. program and gave an interest- ing talk on "The Greatest Thing In -the World." After the business was disposed' of, the meeting, closed with prayer ;by Mrs. H. McKimnon. A social hour was enjoyed, at which time a stork shower wa- givwn for Mrs. Sal Cucchiarii, She received, many lovely gifts., which were carried to her home and pre- sented to her. , The hostess served' ice cream and cake to Miss Eva Daniels and Mesdlames B. E. Kenney, H. L. Mc- Kinnon, R. M. Spillers, M. Eider, R. D. Prows, Alfonzo Gilbert, Tom Mitchs.ll, James Greer and' Henry Campbell. MARY VIC MAUCK CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. SMITH The, Mary Vic Mauck Circle of the Methodist W. S. C. S. met Mon- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. H. Smith. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. R. A. Coslin, and the business meeting was presided cver by Mrs. J. L. Sharit, circle chairman. Mrs. G. S. Croxton gave the. seventh, chapter of the study on stewardship, "Wealth and Foun- dations." The meeting was closed' with prayer by Mrs. Sharit, following which the hostess served delicious salad, cookies and, cold drinks, to Mesdames Costin, Sharit, Croxton, Ralph Swatts, Esther Bartee, P. A. Lovett,,J. L..Temple, 0. M. Morton and' Nobie Stone. BAPTIST'ASSOCIATION HOLDS QUARTERLY MEET AT WEWA The quarterly meeting of the. Northwest Coast Baptiisst W. M. U Association was held' Thursday of last week in the Wewahitchka Bap- tist Church 'with Mrs. R. H. Gray of Panama City presiding and 14 association churches represented. Taking part on tht program from Port St. Joe was, Mrs. J. 0. 'Baggett, who gave a talk on "How We May Win To Christ," and the young matron's circle of the local church, which presented the high- light of the program, a playlet titled' "Lord Lead, Me." The hs.xt quarterly meeting will be held in July at the St. Andrews Baptist Church. BAPTIST CIRCLES HOLD. ROYAL SERVICE PROGRAM Circle One of the Baptist W. M. S. was, in charge of the royal serv- ice program at the church Monday afternoon, Mrs. W. I. Carden lead- ing. Topic for the month was "Other Peoples of Europe." The. Bible study was given by Mrs. Car- den, followed with prayer by Mrs. Fred' Maddox. Those on the program developing the different phases were Mes- dames J. 0. Baggett, C. A. McClel- lan, T. V. Morris, W. I' Carden, W. C. Pridgeon, and H. G. Harvey. After a short business session, during which plans', were made oU bring canned good's the next two PSocial Activities Personals Clubs --- Churches < MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 -- -a . Monday' tor the R. A. and !G. A. camps to be held during July in Ed Note: We swear off! Marianna, the meeting closed with Never again! We hadi to be a prayer to meet next Monday .for the good sport and print this, but our supply of - -s and ! !s is business meeting. pp of and' s is b n "- M about exhausted! !) BLAIR $HUFORD HONORED ON EIGHTH BIRTHDAY Dinner Guests Mrs. S. B. Shuford, entertained iMrs. Royce Coln of X. iria, Mrs. her small son Blair last Monday at E-.C,. Pidgeon, Mrs. Skeet Jones the Shutord home on Garrison Ave- and Mrs. Alma Lee Jones of We\a- nue with a party in, honor of his hitchka were dinnerr guests Wed- eighth birthday... ne.. dlay of Mr. and' Mrs. E. C. Prid- Outdoor games were enjoyed eon, Jr. during thel afternoon, and each at little guest was. presentedd with an Visit In Carrabelle attractive favor as a memento of I Mr. and Mrs. Morton and the occasion. Party mints, cake, children spent Sunday in Carra- ice cream and puncl' were srve belle visiting relatives, and friends to about 30 of Blair's small frieijas who called -to wish him a happy birthdays Assisting Mrs. Shuford in enter- taining, weree Mrs. S. L. Towery, Mrs. Rush Chism and Miss Harriety Singletary. HAMMOCK.- V tLL Cpl. H. M. "Bill" Hammock Jr., soni of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. HmIniock of this city, and Miss Beverly A n! Yuill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yuill of Lafaytte, Ind., were united in marriage April 9, 1947, in Philadelphia, Pa. Cpl. Hammock is on terminal BLIND SORROW leave and at present the young couple are residing with Mr. and When a loved one i4,suddenly Mrs. H. M. Hammock. ;a-ken, blind sorrow oft takes DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. ^A i^A*-\^>^^^^ ^<^^^1 EVERYBODY WELCOME ! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1947. Rev. L. J. Keels of Duncan, S. C., will preach at both morning and evening services. 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8 :00-Evening Worship. - . - - missed hearing Peggy Wis wail, you should: regret it the. rest of your life. One would never z.aupect that innocent blonde of having such a personality. Again my hat is off to a grand bunch of kids who did a sw-ell job with a good play. All they named is more ,backing from t he public. Come on, folks, get behind your children andi school, and. give them the backing they deserve and need, mmma.a...aa.ammamu Port A Martin Theatre THEATRE OPENS SATU CONTINUOUS PERFO LAST TIME TODAY TI JRDAYS- )RMANCI T Wu DORSEYS SATURDAY, MAY 3 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - ADVENTURE!' JIMMY WAKELY on the -FEATURE NO. 2- ioa-i Also-- Chapter 8 "of Serial "Son of the Guardsman" SUNDAY, MAY 4 A- Also TRAVEL a ANIMAL SH nd ORT HOWDY, WORLD SENIOR PLAY Mr. and Mrs. W.' P. Gilbert are (Continued from Page 1) the proud' parents of a son, born t.field. April 29 at tlfsi municipal -hospitai. Without Jack Williams we would r. and M Frak Klos of not have had a scarecrow. I'm Air. and, Mrs. Frank Klose of p really sorry for those people who Apalachicola announce the birth of really Jack's entrance people who a son, April 29, at the Port St. Joe nsse r ven Prof W. A. Big- .scarecrow. Even Prof W. A. Big- Municipal Hosital. ga:rt gave out with a scream! A S t good performance, Jack-and Mr. We Asked For It Biggart. That "spiritualism" displayed by -(Continued from Page 1) Je.,rry Edwards, as Miss Amelia Miss "School Teacher" Mitcnell; Gage, the old maid, sho' got next "Waltz of the Paper Dolls," and my skin-I still feel psychic. Betty then comes what we ALL love-a Jean Peacock (Norma Gage) really wedding-"Wedding of the Painted did her duty when she found that Doll." diamond. Bege, my hat is,. off to Delicious, food-quantities of it! you, even after all that fussing you Sweet music-quantities of it! took-and you were a .good sport First class entertainment quan- about it. titis5 of it! ! And-F-U-N No play is a success, without a G-A-L-O-R-E! ! negro, and, we literally made one N-O-W Do you see why out of Helen Henderson with burnt the Centennial Auditoriume is tn cork! It was, more fun teaching her ohly place we shouldn't be any' a negro dialect, but Helen I have where else B-U-T on Wednesday to admit, you w.re a pretty good evening, May 7, 6 o'clock ? ? ? s,,,at + A.,,,+i,,A.... 4, t, .I If . t s,-t, d.U tt Ano e am ieatre "- Port St. Joe, Fla. * SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. , E DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. * C. *e *<* .' C MONDAY TUESDAY May 5 and 6 PAULETTE GODDARD " FRE6 MacMURRAY Suddenly -\V MACDONALD CAREY Also NEWS AND SPORT WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 HIT NO. 1 - HIT NO. 2 Johnny Muck BROWN' Chapter 9 cf Serial "CHICK CARTER" THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 8 and 9 DUIBIN DRAKE BENDIX NOTICE I have sold Hause's Grocery tol W. H. Davidson and' am no longer connected with .same. I take this mi,ans of saying I have appr-ci- ated all past business. 3-9* Mrs. Lillie. Hause. CHORAL CLUB TO, MEET The 'Catholic Choral Club, will meet next Monday at ttie- home of. Mrs. L. J. Trexler.. All. members are urged to be present. Advertising doesn't': cost-it PAYS .-. 1. Jver. It is th1n the invalua.Ule assistance of our service is so much appreciated. Let us serve when the need arises. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service -0 0 00 0 00 0 0 ..40 00000 ~~~-~,,S-,,: THE RUHTED In.- Roafing oa ing Romance! THE STAk,:P6jRT ST. JOE, 'GULF-COUNMTY, FLORIDA PAGE. SEVEI.,, FRIDAY*. MAY 1,947 FOR PLUMBING DONERIGHT i AT THE RIGHT PRICE- PHONE 108 for - POLLOCK K THE PLUMBER :. ,PAGE EIGHT THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, o.lULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE T ST. ' * UPSET STOMACHS TERMIT] THO S. R. L. CARTER YIELD INCHES OF 5 YEAR GUARANT Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate GAS AND BLOAT NO POISOD Registered Real Estate Broker "I was so 'ill of gas I was afraid NAVAL C Registered Real Estate Broker I'd burst. Sour, hitter substance MEMBER; Chamber of Commerce, Natio REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. 'osa up ini my throat firomn my up- REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. setstomach after meals. I got PHONE 201 INNER-AFID, and it worked inches of gas and bloat from me. Waist- line is far down now. Meals are a GOODYEAR T L SI F D ADV ERT IINTT pleasure. I praise INNER-ALD to S LAS IF IED ADVET ISINT the sky."-This is. an actual testi- HOTPOINT APP LLASS ~IFI ED ADVERT ISINGJ nonial and we can verify it. SEABEE OUTBC INNER-AID is the nesw formula SCOOTERS Star. Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. obtainingg medical juices from 12 Seat Herbs; these herbs cleanse ST. JOE SUPPLY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE wels, clear gas from stomach, Reid Avenue CALL US FO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE act on. sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel differ- IF YOU WANT MONEY TO SPORT EQUIPMENT-First base- entallover. So don't go on suffer- BUILD SEE US! man's mitt, perfect condition, lug-get INNER-AID. Sold by all C r WH $10; new Goldsmith official soft- drug stores. adT. KERO Remember, we have helped, to se- ball glove, special trap, $5; new av ks U."W KERO'U (cure loans for construction of 9 leather-trim canvas, golf bag with wS out of 10 houses built in Port St. 3 clubs, $9; Spalding Bobby Jones Army Historians Writing- r i our Special Joe since 1938. 3 iron, $5. See Elmore Godfrey, or Good Gu We have the following houses phone 175 after 5:30. 5-2* 99-Volume Story of War GULF Bor sale at prices well within the ROOMS FR RENT ULF limit of' the late Real Estate Ad- ROOMS FOR RENT . vance: 'BEDROOM-Nicely, furnished, cool Brig. Gen. Harry H. Maloney and If there are three families, who front bedroom. Call Mrs. J. C. his War Department historical sec- FOR Q would like to buy comfortable ana Culpepper at 2494. 1 ion are hard at work on a 99-vol- PLUM reasonable homes in Oak Grove we 'MEMORIALS ume history of World War II, based 4lg Lm. PLUM]. 'can find them for you on the ba- on everything from top secret file CALL I sis of about one-third'.down and the We are Sole Agents in this t6 interviews with GI's. balance in one or two years. We territory for the -- PH( have to sell all these together, but McNEEL MONUMENT COMPANY Maloney hopes to complete this c there is nothing to prevent us sell- J. R. SANDERS monumental work in five years Formerly Connec ing to three different parties. This 402 Massalina Drivb Phone 1354J -and provide enough, material to is a real buy and the prices are Panama City, Fla. 6-13* keep the. historical novelists ana considerably lower than have been ' Sasled heretofore. HELP WANTED MALE historians busy for a century. TA X I W .* h GeneralI Dwiglht'D. Eisenhower, We are especially glad to have the MAN desiring to acquire airplane e i 'D. Ei enhowe T A X 1 Joe Mira 4&me on Long Avenue, mechanic license. Exchange ser- army chief of staff, has, thrown corner of 13.th Street, listed with vices' for mechanics course. Apply open his top secret files when he -us. Th6re is also a mall house in Davis Air Services Company, Air- was supreme allied' commander in V rear of the brick that goes with it. port. 4-25tf Europe, for use as source material. At Sunr ee us bout tis and terms can PROFITABLE WORK FOR The historians are restrained only ie arranged. YOUNG MEN IN JAPAN by cryptographic security, and mat- New house on waterfront-can be All Expenses Paid and' $90 Month' ters affecting personal reputations. Re< converted into duplex. Also ad- .You've heard of the fighting 1st Eisenhower has sat in on the joining lots to give a, much as 175' Cavalry Division-first to reach' Eenower ha s in on e WEs feet on waterfront. This is very Manila, first in Tokyo. Its .men conferences of the historians to ar- HIT reasonable. wear DistingiUshed Unit citations gue out controversial points. HIT Shave connections for action on Los Negros, Kwaja- The purposes of tie history are: ST. _Now have connections at Mexico lein and Leyte. 1. To provide a basis tor war Beach, the other side of Beacon Today, ticy're- in Japan, aid if ,Hill, and' since Gulf County water- y,ou are otherwise, qualified you plans for future conflicts. front lots are getting few and far can be one of themm' 2. Instruct new miembel's of the betweene, see me i'f interested. Sports, entertainment and travel armed forces in military history. 'We can now give you easy terms opportunities are highly developed 3. Inform the general puific. Plumb GENE] i on' the 3-bedroom house corner of in this- division's area. Luxurious 16th Street and Palm Boulevard, hotels, theaters, swimmingg pools, The. compiles expect their his- EPAIR -which has been repainted inside tennis clubs, golf courses and. ball tory to .refute Russian claims that SERVI SEWER and out. Will sell under contract, parks provide, more choice of pas- they won tfhe war in Europe with G 41250.00 down andl balance monthly time than is enjoyed by the aver-' very little aid: from the western '. 'vith assumption of the. mortgage. age civilian at home. powers. They intend to show that Phone 88 High overseas pay (20 per cent poes. Tey intend to show that L Phone 88 An attractive, garage apartment in above domestic base pay), excel- American military force., although rear of lot on Palm Blvd., third lot lent medical- and dental care, good smaller ntimerically, proved a po- rsouth from corner of 10th Street. food andi lodging .and a generous tent force in the European conflict. COMP Tully furnished and ready to move retirement plafi make .this oppor- ti in. This, is' known as the former tunity too good to miss. JEach of the 99 volumes will con- (WE HAND 2Miller place. Lot in front is, cleared;' Young men who can meet pre- taim an average of 400 pages. The FIRE LIF filled in with good' dirt and fer-' scribed standards, and who enlist work will be divided up by corn- We recommend f -tilized. Dandy place to build with for 3 years, are entitled, to desig- 'nandis,, ground, air anid service. We reommena fi income pro-perty added, ,or an at- nate the 1st Cavalry :Division (Me- forces and .by fields of operationKe. ) By K -tractive home as it stands. Imme- chanized) at time of enlistment. bs feld B U C diate pos.sgeOsion 'given .and rea- Initial training given before depar- Maloney. says the army is deing sonable price. : ture from U., S. Get full de.tail s careful that its history Is factual at U. S. Army Recruiting Station, and cover's the army's mistakes as l MEET Have two desirable corner lots on 210 Harrisom Avenue, Panama City, well as successes. He added that MEET :Palm Blvd., west side corner of Fla. Recruiting officer in, Port St. sucesses. He added that I 14th. Very reasonable, at $650; Way Joe every Friday at postoffice. it couldn't be "self-laudatory- oe.- F R I -under prevailing prices, cause that would' destroy its value. A YOUNG MAN interested in learn- He cautioned that'it would not be Also four .beautiful .corner lots on ing to fly, to d odd jobs around"s He cautionedthatit would not be Monument at 13th and 15th Sts. airport in exchange for flying les- "sensational. LeHAR An excellent 'buy in a house in son's. Apply to Davis Air Services The historians also had access -Gaulding's Addition, $1000 cash. Company at airport. 4-25,tf to the secret files of the joint We have applied for loans both HELP WA1NTED chie df steaf and the secretary of Let Us De PHA-GI for new homes in Unit ,YOUNG LADY interested in learn alone pointed out that tactics T No. -4, St. Joseph's Addition, the ing to fly, .to do f Maloney poiied worout that tactics i TO so-called Triangle, on Constitution airport. Shorthand and typing es- may change but mobilization for Drive, and would appreciate your sential. Flying lessons in exchange g"ar will remain the same and thi T H seeing us if you need building for services. Apply to Davis Air historyy will tell future, army planu- anoney. Services Co., Airport. 4-25ti ners how it is done. Phone 51 Remember-Abstracts of Title are BABY CHICKS The arny had"' no history of furnished with every sale. World War I because budget costs CARTER Registered Real GOOD QUALITY HEAVY BREEDS wiped out plans for one, MaloneWILKS Estate Broker -200 for $11.00. WORTHWHILE wiped out plans for oLe, MaloneY ,S 317 REID AVENUE CHICKS, 101 West North Avenue, -,aid. He. said the United States .. Port St. Joe, Florida Baltimore 1, Md. 6-20* waas the only major power without Dia LODGE NOTICES such a. history, which seriously :WE TJ SWAP handicapped work at the start of h * MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- World War II ( TE RADIO Emerson 7-tube table Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular ________ INIk' model; just .been worked over iby ,'. meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- - Gulf Radio Lab. We got a new one %'V\ d.ys each month, 8:00 p. m. Visiting Grandparents VORCE for Christmas' See it at The Star Members urged to attend; Little Miss O'Shann Morton of NOTICE FOR DIVORCE office. 1-10tf visitingg brothers welcome. D. L. Little Miss O'hann Morton ofIN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF Owens, W. M.; G..C. Adkins, Sec. Valdosta, Ga., is visitingg here for COUNTY, FLORIDA, "APARTMENTS FOR RENT SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. several weeks with her grandpar- IN CHANCERY FOR APARTMENTS See The 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday ents, Mr. and Mi's,. Patty Lovett. Clora Belle Jones. Plaintiff, Shirey ApaTtments. 8-3 night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. '. vs. irmembersrged to attend and Joseph csker Jones, Defendant. S FOR RENT visiting brethren invited. B. A. Cracked DIshes THE STATE OF FLORIDA, FOR RENT Prvisiting brethren invitedG.; W H. Sansom Handle cups with care to prevent TO: Joseph Esker Jones. wnose NCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 Secretary,. chipping and cracking. After dishes residence 'and address is: 3001 per day. Spillers and Nichols, are cracked and the glaze is off Second Avenue., Columbus, Ga. phone 83 or 304. 5-9* It pays to advertise--try it! they are not sanitary. You are hereby notified and or- ES e ROACHES EE 1 YEAR GUARANTEE N, MESS OR STAINING IEMICAL COMPANY onal Pest Control, Florida Pest Control PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Fires, Tubes and Accessories LIANCES KEM-TONE PAINT BOARD MOTORS CUSHMAN TEXACO PRODUCTS COMPANY, hic. IR KEROSENE Phone 321 lEN YOU NEED SENE Call 200-W lty-Wash, Polish and Wax ulf Gas, Oils and Grease SERVICE STATON UICK, DEPENDABLE BING SERVICE EDWARD LeGRONE ONE 88 OR 233-W-- ted With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating IEN YOU NEED A . ,-- PHONE'287 .MES BASS ny State Service Station cords! Records! HAVE ALL THE LATEST 'S! .ALBUMS, TOO JOE FURNITURE AND PLIANCE COMPANY RAL PLUMBING CLEANING and REPAIR W. BRODNAX Brooks Sporting Goods 'LETE SERVICE OLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FE CASUALTY BONDS re insurance, because its easy to start a fire ALEXANDER YOUR ENDS A T DY'S BAR sign You a Letterhead Fit Your Business E STAR Port St. Joe, Fla. JEWELRY COMPANY monds and Jewelry EACH WATCHES TO ,LL THE TRUTH dered to.,appear on the 23rd day of 'May. 1947, before the above stated court to the bill of complaint for divorce filed against you in the above entitled cause. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Wewahitchka, Florida, this 18th day of April, A.D. 1947. (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida. E. OLAY LEWIS, Jr., 4-25 Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-16 |