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Give to the Cancer Fund Campaign. Remember, 1 Out of 8 Die of Cancer! ! THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF GULF COUNTY VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1947 NUMBER 30 Saints Demoralize Tyndall Hurlers In Pre-Season Tilt Here Tues First League Game Game called In Eighth Three Pitchers Quit; For Saints Will Be By Belin With Bases At We wa Sunday Puts Game On Ice In SAINTS PLAY GEORGIA Return Match Will Be Played Here The Saints trekked to Next Wednesday With Special aldsonville, Ga., yesterday Opening Day Ceremonies \return match with that The game. scheduled here The Gulf Coast League baseball day with the Georgia-outi season opens Sunday with the St. rained out just at game ti Joe,,Saints meeting Wewahitchka Showing the heavy-hittii ,at the county seat city. Other tilts made them the champions scheduled' are Apalachicola at the Gulf Coast League last ye Navy base, and Panama City -at Poit St. Joe Saints down Tyndhall. Tyndall Tornadoes 15-1 in Alf Millergren, manager of the season game here Tuesda3 Wewa Gators,- states that as an noon that-,wag called-in the added' attraction for opening day by the Tornado manager ai Sunday, Roy P. Rish will stage a Saints ,,had knocked three ] one-man air isaow over the field at out of the box andi were 2:45 Wewahitchka time. gleefully on the fourth. Local fans are urged- to .turn out Up to the fifth Inning it strong for Sunday's game and give nip-andtuck affair, with their support to the Saints. leading 2 to 1, but after that For the opening game here next ca nto It was practically a Wednesday, the 'first ball -will be but the shouting.. thrown by Mrs. R, R. Minus; city Bert Cox led off for the commissioner, on behalf of Mayor making first base on a iow Horace Soule who .last year was by, the third, baseman. unable, to lift his arm for a week Weeks 'was: ordered ,to s5i after making~ an elaborate wild but made first as the catches throw complete with winduip. It by waiting for his 'bunt to r is also hoped to have the high on the third base line. Wee school -band on. hand to provide Cox advanced on a wild tl music. ... .. second by he.pitcher, .Wvho iSehedi'le for the next few games off the field, a huff. is as follows:, Dave Hinote'hit a Texas Sunday, May '4 Army at Port to right field, driving in C St. Joe; Apalachicola at Panama ton Dendy was out on a hig City; Navy at Wewahitchka. right field, and Hinote w Wednesday, May 7-Port St. Joe second after the catch. Left: Sat Army; Panama City at Apalachi- ason was: hit by the pitcher cola;.. Wewahitchka at Navy. walk, and Bennie Burke iSunday, May 11 -- Apalachicola ceived a 'free ticket, Week at Port St. Joe; Panama City at walked, in. Frank Hannon h Navy; Wewahitchka at Army. third, for a one-bagger, dri ------ Hinote, and Tommy Mitch Kia -Ke Club, Boxing' walked 'to bring in Thomas WH OXI pitcher threw, up. the spon Tournament Cancelled walked to the dugout. With the 'bases loaded, I The boxing tournament being Belin walked to the plate, sponsored by the Kiwanis and Key lantly knocked' the. dirt fr Clubs and scheduled for tomorrow spikess with the bat handle, night* at the Centennial Auditor- his chaw to his right che ium, has been called off due to a socked the third pitched bo lack of participants. the left field fence, for a Several .practice sessions were driving in Burke, Hanno held' during the past two week's, Mitchell, The. massacre en ,but only seven bdys reported, and Cox flied out to center fie since this was only enough for (Continued on Page 2 three matches', the sponsors de- -_____ cided to cancel the event. Vet Be City The seven boys ready to enter et Will C the ring were Phillip Chatham, To Inoculate Ted Beard, Gene Chism, Claude 'Cowart, Gene. Ferris. Carton Pad- Dr. LaRue Garrett, veter .gett and Bill Traweek. of Panama City, will be, at The sponsors regret that they hall Monday morning and ' were unable to find opponents for afternoon, May 5 and' May these amateur pugilists. the purpose of vaccinatin against rabies (see ad, page Special Morning Show At Dog owners are urged 1 Port for Shift Workers their pets -inoculated, since __ found within the city after Manager Norris McCullom an- 29 that have not been treat ounces that the Port Theater will be impounded and disposed .run a special morning show on Co.st of the service is th the picture "California"' Tuesday of a dog license, and' all do morning at 10:30. This is for the cinated! will be issued a ta benefit of shift workers at the pa- --- ;per mill, 'but anyone may attend. Attend Key Club Conven The boxoffice will open at 10:15. Attending the Key Club It- tion held' in Macon, Ga., las BAKED FOOD SALE TODAY and returning home Sunda: The Catholic Choral Club is hay- Charles Smith, Randall Brad thg a baked' food -sale today to Farris, Bernard Pridgeon J: raise money for improvements on Rickerson,, Gene Farris, Wa the church. Anyone desiring to or- rie.r, Chuck Gibs'on Jr., Bil 4er pies, cake or cookies i's asked week and Claude Cowart. T -to- phone. 26. ported a wonderful, trip. Flashes From the sday After Homer Loaded n Fifth. TEAM Don- * for' a team. e Sun- fit was ime. ag that of the ear, the ied the a pre- y after- s el htb after the pitchers working t was a St. Joe fateful ill over Saints, throw Dallas sacrifice, ir stood oll foul eks and hrow to walked, leaguer Cox; Al- h fly' to went to y Thom- er for a also re- s being lit over ving ih ell was on. The ige and Leonard noncha- rom hi, shifted eek and all over homer, on and ended as eld and 2) Dogs inarlan, the city Tuesday y 6, for g dogs * 2). to have all dogs er April ted will of. ie pi'ice ogs vac- ig. intion conven- st week, y, were ly, Tom r., Jack ade Bat- lly Tra- They re- Legislature! By REP. GEORGE TAPPER Monday, April 21-I today intro- duced', on the recommendation of the pilot commissionn, a bill setting up three, bar pilots for the port of Port St. Joe. Motiday night the education committee reported fa- vorably a substitute ,bill affecting the schools on a state-wide basis. This .bill is, being Sent to the ap- propriationst committee for addi- tional 'study. , 'Tuesday, April 32 Thfe. house passed aid sent to the senate House Bill 139 Isetting up the sal- aries for the Gulf bounty commis- sioners to $50 a .ntuth. . The house passed a senate bill appropriating $2,ib,00 ..for the construction of T8 sanatoria, ana also passed a tick &radica.tiqm bill appropriating. $1,000,000 a year for the next two yearli The appropriations committee ap- proved, unanimously the education committee's substitute bill provid- ing for additional teachers salaries andi building program. Following is how this ,bill will affect Gulf county:. The. state's minimum contribu- tion, to teachers will be as follows: (1) Those holding certificates based on one year or more of ap- proved graduate work beyond the master's degree, ,$3,600. (2) Tbosa holding certificates based on- a mas- ter's, degree or #QO year o..f ap- proved igradivati 'woik beyond tlih bachelor's level or the equivalent of the bachelor's level, $3000. (3) Those holding; certificates based on an approved four-year 'college degree or equivalent, $2,550. (4) Those holding certificates. based on 3 'to 3.9 years of college training or equivalent, $1,600. (5) Those hold- ing, certificates based on 2 to 2.9 years of college -training or equiva- lent, $1,400. (6) Those holding cer- tificates based' on less than two years of college training, or equiv- alent, $1000. Below is an account of thL, amount that will be received by Gulf county from the. state under the proposed foundation program: Continued on page 8) WUXTRA! WUXTRA! (Ed Notp: We don't know how thigh got into the paper. It-violates all rules and, regulations as to the cor- rect procedure for producing a news story, but here. 'tis): Remember last year'.s May Festi- val? Well---May Day is, coming again S-O-O-N, and' this year's fes- tival promises to be B-I-G-G-E-R and 'B-E-T-T-E-R than ever. Mrs. Charles Brown is again the festival chairman, and. really "super-elab- orate" plans are in the making for a fete that will not be soon for- gotte-n! ! Time--'May 7th. Place-Centen- n.ial Auditorium. Watch for further details! ! (Ed Note No. 2 We don't know who concocted this hideous article, but we have our suspicions we discovered it crawling sluggishly about the shop after returning from the ball. game Tuesday after- -ioon. .. Those exclamation marks make us shudder and those hyphenated capital letters- we bury 'our -face in shame! , Whoever perpetrated this dastardly deed needs a bit of education on how to write a newspaper article.) a-:; -:-:;^ Jaycee-Sponsored City Charter Would Elect Commissioners By Group System Hilarity Reigns In Opening Tilts of Softball League Paper Makers Take Aimerican Le- gion 11-7, and Rotary Club Swamps Merchants 13-4 Those who' failed, to attend the opening games of the' City Softball League Tuesday night really missed an evening of hilarious fun. The clowning was unintentional, for the greater part,' by the players but it was hugely enjoyed; by (both the spectators and, those partici- pating in.the play. At times' it was more fun than a bag full of ,monkeys. For just a few Instances: George Cooper getting lost between, first and .second and' the notaiy opposi- tion claiming he was cutting cor- ners to get to third;' Joe Mira run- ning in circles at third base look-, ing for the baig witl Pete Miller right on his tail from second and a third, Rotarian pushing Pete; the ball and strike umpire for the. Pa- iper Makars-Legion game (we don't know his name) calling decisions and nobody paying him any mind; W. E. Trammel, playing third for the Legion, and not knowing what to do with the 'ball after he got it (ye'd -bet .tllis '., *I' f'ir ,t ,,xp ri- pene on any diamond.)., We could go on and: on, but space fqrbidls. We were a- bit disappointed' in Rich Porter, Rotary team manager, as lie's usually good for a couple of belly-whoppers in any game., but he failed to come up to expectations. Everybody had a heap of fus and friendly insults and, advice flew back and' forth continually through (Continued on page 8) Senior Will Present Class Play Tonight The senior class of the. Port St. Joe high school will present its an- nual class play at 8 o'clock tonight in the high school auditorium. They have chosen for their ve- hicle "The Scarecrow Creeps," a three-act play replete, with thrills, chill's and laughter. Making up the cast are Helen Hlenderson, Billy Gibs'on, Will Ram- sey, Joan Smith, Jack Williams, P. B. Fairley, J. D. Shealy, -Jeritza Edwards, Peggy Wise and, Betty Jean Peacock. The part of the scarecrow will be taken by Mrs. Ben Dickens. Jr. The play is under the direction of Miss Katherine Nix and Mrs. Dicken't Public Is Invitee To Inspect Memorial Library Saturday Port St. Joe's memorial library, located in, the Miller Drug Store. building, a project of the Junior Woman's Clulb, will officially open tomorrow, and everyone is invited. to drop in any time between the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 noon and 2 to 6 p. in. Improving After Operation The. many friends of T. M. Sch- neiider will be glad to learn that he is improving after undergoing a major operation Tuesday at the Mount Siani hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Several Discrepancies In Pres- ent Charter Will Be Elimi- nated; Elections Would Be Held In September. A local bill soon will be 'sub- ' emitted in the legislature by Rep- resentative George Tapper provid- -ing a new charter for the city of Port St. Joe. The new charter has been drawn up under supervision of the Junior 'Chamber of Commerce and will correct a number of discrepancies in the present charter which have developed through the addition of various; amendments from time to time. The new setup provides for four commissioners and a. mayor-com- missioner, the comminissioners to run in four groups, and, all five members to 'be voted upon at large. The first election under the new charter would be held September 2 of this year, with all five board members to be elected at that time. and taking office October '7. The mayor and the commissioners Jin groups 1 and 2 would be elected .for terms of two years and the commissioners In groups 3 and 4 would be named for terms of on'e year, and thereafter the terms ot all.would be for two years with an election held every year. A new section, not found in the old, charter, has been inserted ,pro- viding that, a petition may ,be tii culated for recall of the mayor of commissioners, and. also provides .for the calling of a recall election if a sufficient number of the regis- tered, voters of the city (20 per cent) express their desire for such action. It also provides that the affirma- tive. vote of three members of the commission shall be nece-ssary to adopt any ordinance or resolution. ,Under the present charter this sec- tion was not amended when the number o'f commissioners was in- creased from three to five, and it could have been possible for any two members voting in the affirm- ative to pass a measure opposed by the other three members of the commission. With the changes mentioned and a bit of rewording here and there for the .better, the balance of th.e new charter runs word: for word with the present document. Woman's Club Awarded Prize For Best Program A telegram received yesterday by The Star from Mrs. H. C. Davis Jr., president-elect of the Port St. Joe Woman's Club, who is attending the annual con-vention of the. Flor- ida Federation of Women,'s Clubs now in session at West Palm Beach, stated that the local, club had' been awarded: the prize for the most outstanding program of the year for clubs with memt'ber- ships of less than 100. Spending Leave With Parents ICpl. G. W. Parrish, stationed At Fort Louis, Wash., is spending hit leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Parrish., ------- ------ Attend Presbyterial Those attending the Presbyterial meeting held' in Chattahoochee April 17 and 18 were Mrs. Hovard McKinnon. Mrs. R. D. Prows. and Mrs. John Robert Smith. THE STAR,. ORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. fLOBA - F41Ib4V, APrtiL--, 1947' State's Highest Mountain SAINTS DEMORALIZE Is 3500; Feet Below Ocala (Continued From Page One) Weeks hit diirectly to the pitcher. The tallest mountain in the east- Tyndall failed to score in the ern part of the United States soars sixth, 'but it looked like another upward in Florida-but its 11,000- spree for the SaintU for a while. foot peak is 3500 feet ;below the Hin-ote took a single, Dend.y was city of Ocala. walked, Thomaison got a single on If it were brought to sea level, an error but Hinote was caught at where it may have been some 125,- Whird on the forced play; "Fish" 000,000 years ago, Florida's buried Herring drove in De-ndy on a two- mountain would rise nearly twice base hit and Thomason went to as high today as the 6,684 feet of third. (Pitcher No. 3 quit at this Mt. Mitchell, in North Carolina. point.) Hannon hit a long due to The mountain disappeared, be- center field for the second out and neath, the s3a ages before, the first Herring was caught at third to re- man walked the earth. Yet modern 'tire the side. man has' mapped it. Contour maps No counters were chalked up in have b'es drawn showing how the the. seventh by either team, but peak of basic rock rises through the Saints started the merry-go- the thick encrustation, of limestone round again in the eighth. Dave dating back at least to the lower Hinote led, off with a two-base hit cretaceous, period of 125,000,000 to right field, and' Buckv Walters, years ago. And. -cross-section maps of Florida give a graphic picture of fthe mountain far beneath the ridges, lakes andl citrus groves. ,On Florida's surface, the highest point of land i Iron Mountain, which rises a puny 325 feet near Lake 'Wales. The famed Mountain Lake' Sanctuary and Sfnging- Tower occupy it. Intensive, "vertical exploration'" is 'revealing a great deal oif geo- logical 'information about Florida, pfinci.pally through the current wi despread search "for oil. Geo- logical samples brought to the sur- face' from oil wells indicate that pen'insular Florida had, its begin- ning in' their lower cretaceous. pe- riod. The record of the rocks indicate that during that ancient time, the basement formation of, the state dropped slowly below sea level. Coral and other marine creatures began the ,building process that built up limestone deposits 14,000 or more feet thick beneath .the Everglades. Old' as Florida's lower lim'estones are, they nevertheless are rela- tively new as 'the geologist con- siders the earth. Dinosaurs already were dyiJng out, birds had made. their appearance, and palms and 'hardwood trees 'flourished when the building process first began. Hundreds of millions of years had passed in the geological life, of the earth. Ancient Pure-Food Law One Roman pure-food law prohib- ited the sale of any fish that had lost its lustre. not to be outdone, followed suit 'by hitting the left field fence' for a double., driving in Hinote. Thoma- son took f's't and stole second; Herring hit a. hot one through sec- ond-to bring in Walters and Thom- ason, and' went to second on a -passed ball; Hannon was walked and was caught out a.t second on a single by Mitchell for the first out, He.rring going to third: and Mitchell .stealing second. Herring came home on a wild pitch and Mitch went to' third, and at this point, with Belin at bat, the Tor- nado manager called quits, appar- ently having run out of pitchers. Adams started on the mound for St. Joe and pitched a nice game %for four innings, allowing six hits, getting one. strikeout, and' giving one walk. He was never rattled at any time. Thomason, taking over in the fifth, allowed six hits, struck out three and gave one free pass, and was still going strong in the eighth. Bert Cox and Lamar Sales were on the receiving end for the Saints, the: latter going % at the sixth af- ter Cox injured a finger slidingg in to third'. A3 a whole, the team is shaping up good, and although a number of errors were chalked up Tuesday,, it is, to be expected this early in the season, and, the consensus of opinion among the fans is that St. Joe has another championship ag- g:regation this year. The bituminous coal industry mined 576,000,000 tons of coal in 1945. LEARN TO FLY FREE Ex-GI's Trained At Government Expense DAVIS AIR SERVICES COMPANY # SANDPIPER AIRPORT PORT ST. JOE, FLA. CAA APPROVED SCHOOL 5858 Now Is the Time... To Clean Rusty and Clogged Radiator and Water Svstems On Your Car. We clean, seal and permanently protect water system from rust or clogging, at 'small cost For Specialized Service See JACK at Gulf Service Station Port St. Joe, Fla. Will Visit `Here During Summer Visiting Here From Savannah Visit With Grandparents Mr. and! Mrs. Donald Birath an,, Mrs. Charles Burns ana cniid'ren Little Misses Patty and Annette 'children arrived here Monday from of Savannah, Ga., arrived Tuesday Brooks spent several days last Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Birath for a visit,with her mother, Mrs. week, in Elba, Ala., 'with their and children will visit for the sum- A. M. Jones,' and other' relative's grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. D. J. 'mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and -friends. Brooks. W. H. Howell, while Mr. Birath will return to Youngstown after a week's visit. -------- Visiting Sister Miss Melba Haynes of Lake City is here with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Moxley, and family. Mrs. Moxley is convalescent after an illness or- three weeks with pneumonia. Spend Week-end In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ford visited, in Dawson, Ga., last week-end with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. D. Ramsey. Visiting Daughter and Family Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Corbitt of Va'- dosta, Ga., are the igue.sts this week of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Wimberly. Visit Relatives Over Week-ene Mr. and Mrs. Durel Brigman and daughter Carolyn spent last week- end in Round Lake, the guests of relatives. Home On Leave Pvt. Bill 'Knowling, who is sta- tioned at Fort Louis,' Wash., is' home on leave, visiting with his mother. Advertising doesn't cost--It PAYSI .*****.. .. *.. ...*...... .Notice to Dog OwnersI Notice is hereby given to all dog owners that Dr. LaRue Garrett, DVM, will be, at the City Hall on the following dates: MONDAY, MAY 5, from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. TUESDAY, MAY 6, from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. for the purpose of vaccinating dogs for rabies. A charge of two dollars ($2.00) will be made for each dog treated. All dogs treated by Dr. Garrett will not be sub-, ject to license by the City of Port St. Joe. All dogs # found within the City after April 29 that have Snot been treated for rabies will be impoundeJdand disposed of according to law. Witness my hand and'seal this 23rd day of April, 1 1946. .. W. GRIFFIN Chief of Police. PEST KILLERS FLIES "' '' t WEEDS GARDEN S. S INSECTS Ask us about the Purina FARM PROVED programs for killing these pests. We know how to do it right. KILLS FLIES FOR WEEKS /-Two or three sprayings with Purina DDT control flies in farm 4 buildings all season. S- PURINA DDT SPRAY FOR FARM BUILDINGS AND STOCK CATTLE PURINA DDT FOR THE HOME Its killing effect on flies, mosquitoes, roaches, ants, etc.; lasts for days. , CONTAINS 5% DDT ' PURINA WEED KILLER Kills all common broad leaf weeds in lawns, pastures, fence rows, corn rows. PURINA * PIGTAB GRANULES Mix with ration to worm pigs. KEEP FLIES OFF DAIRY COWS .... Use Purina's quick killing and repellent spray. PURINA DAIRY SPRAY PURINA ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. SANITATION PROUCS We Deliver Port,St. Joe, Florida PURINA CHOWS -PAGE. tWO ~..:. :; - -L-_ -B~~~W~hlB IB II II P ._ ,-.;- (I Phone 200-W FRIDY. PRI 25,194 TH STR, PRT T. OE, ULFCOUTYFLORDA AGETHR To Navy Hospital For Treatment' C. W. Williams, WT 1/c, left on Monday for Newport News, R. I., where, he will enter the navy hos- pital for treatment. Prines.Edward Island is Canada's smallest province. Bride and Groom Visit Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bellows of Gainesville, spent the spring holi- days. he-re with Mr. and' Mrs. Rob- ert Bellows. Argentina"s monetary unit is the peso. FOOD TO PLEASE THE PALATE! i Let us cater to your appetite . bring your friends and family where you can get the finest foods, well prepared and served. STEAKS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS Walter's Bar & Grill (21/ Miles from Port St. Joe on 'eacon Hill Highway) W. I. GARDNER, Owner with the vehicle that does more jobs THE UNIVERSAL emJmsTi USE IT AS A ICK-UP OR TOW TRUCK The Universal "Jeep," with its 60-hp "Jeep" Engine and 2- or 4-wheel drive, is a versatile farm vehicle that spreads its cost over jobs the year 'round. It serves as a pick-up truck that hauls loads to 1,200 lbs. on or off the road. It tows trailed payloads to 5,000 lbs. at high- way speed, with reserve for grades. You speed up work with a vehicle that does almost any farm job! S.. A TRACTOR ... In 4-wheel drive, at speeds of 2 to 7 mph, the "Jeep" serves as a light tractor to ^'Q pull plows, harrows, discs and other implements- -' pull-type or hydraulic. With power take-off it operates Power mowers and sprays. .-.. FOR BELT WORK Power take-off on the "Jeep" delivers to 30 hp to operate feed mills, saws, corn sellers and other equip- ment. No idle seasons for the "Jeep"-you use it every day, all year. LET US DEMONSTRATE ON YOUR FARM! M. G. Lewis &. Sons PHONE 6 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. WALLPAPER PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING 6. -Free Estimates- FRED LACKEY PANAMA CITY, FLA.. Phone 2065-R or Write General Delivery, Panama City T Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida :r One Language Idea . Calls for New Spelling More people speak English than any other language in the world. And that's too bad., because Eng- iish is a very messy language. This view comes in a report from the. World Language Foundation, an outfit that-believes everything would be simpler if everybody knew one language. Thb catch is-what language? English? Well, it has a 'head start; more than 400.000,000 people scattered' all over the world.'can speak it. The next in line is Chi- nese Manadarin, with 200,000,000- but who, except for 200,000,000 Chi- nese, wants to speak Mandarin? Despite its. head start, English is' no cinch to win th.e. one-world, one-language race. English is tough t'fr any foreigner. Even a native spends years just learning how to s'pell it. What to do? The foundation is headed by Rob- ert L. Owen, who thinks a new al- ,.habet is the answer. So he has fixed' up a global alphabet, with 37 characters. representing, v er y sound in any language. Because ?ach character stand's for a son;it, Owen says. that English in this global alphabet can be masters.t in a few months. But Frank C. Laubach, a special- ist in phonetic alphabets, has an- other idea. He'd like to keep the same old 26 letters, but cl'aan up the spelling. Other countries have done it, -he said, why can't we? About 20 per cent of all English words,,- Laubach says, should be' changed so that they are. spelled' exactly as they are pronounced. Then a foreigner (and' Americans, too) could, learn the language easily. Now for an example of the ne;v, spelling era. We now writs: Though, tough, cough, through, plough. It would ,become: Thoa, tuf, kawf,' thr'oo, -.plow. That,, says' Laub`yb),. iz ezee enuf for enibodi. House Passes Bill For Constitution Revision Measure Would Change Florida's Basic Law Article By Article A suggested method for revising Flo-ida's 62 yar old constitution article -by article was sent to the senate Monday with 67-19 approval of the house. Th3 proposal .sets up an addi- tional and broader way to amend the state's basic law, and in effect guaranteee submission of the, pro- posed change-s to the public for ratification. The constitution as it now stands, provides, only for sec- ion-by-section amendment or com- "slet3 revision by a- constitutional convention that may. or may not have to submit its: work to the electorate. The present proposal would pe- nit the legislature to approve by thrde-fifthu vote revision of any of he 20 articles in one proposed amendmen-t, and the revision then could: be submitted to the voters at a regular general election or a special election called by the legis- lature.. As Advertised In LI FEI "We're glad to get the extra value features that make Lee Work Clothes so outstanding. When you see themrn you'll understand why Lee Overalls lead the next brand 6 to s." For smarter appearance, longer wear, more comfort and better foundering ... buy Lee. ln addition to Lee Overalls we have' in stock now Lee Shoip Caps,, Lee Work Gloves, Lee Dungarees for men and boys., Lee Khaki Pants! and Shirts. When you buy work clo.th6s, buy the finest at Boyles. Department Store. Well, this brought a rise from the, head of our Ladies.' Ready- to-Wear Eepartment. She seems to think we're plain dumb to u.tick a work clothes ad over the top of a department that is mak- ing history, and paying plenty of our 'bills. "How can you do that," she says, "to JUNIOR FIRSTS, HOjPE REED CLASSICS, FOREVER YOUNG, HENRY ROSENFELD, STO.RK-A-LURE?" (She calls 'em fjy name, as if they were her own children!) Sez 1: '"This is a HE MAN'iS STO.RLE, too, and we gotta give the work- ing man a break!" Sea she: Looks like it ought to be enough when you 'give 'em the best quality at the lowest prices in town." Sez I: '"You gotta tell 'em about it, too. I'd bust. if I didn't." Sez she: "Well, go ahead and 'bust, but get out of my Ready-to- Wear Dipar:tm'ent first." It ended there and' the bust is visible above. We have 'given the Work clothes department a spring cleaning! Speaking of spring cleaning brings up another matter: ATTENTION! HOME-MAKERS in the city and on the beach! It's CURTAIN TIME at Boyles Departm.nat Store! We.have made a direct factory-to-you connection on this merchandise! We'll save you money A Beacon Hill customer could hardly ,be- lievy. her .yes and bought us entirely out of one number (and we thought we had enough to last for months!) There's plenty more styles priced from $1.59 to $3.95 a pair. Just take a look in this department on the left as you walk into the store. Observations behind' our counters: Mrs,. Fread. Perry is another smiling, willing, hardworking mnamlber of our store fam- ily (don't zay anything about it, but Fred got married' about the time sheets were hardest to get but Fred got 'em. . tls. won't tell yoi' where!) ,Mrs. Skipper says' her naw glasses are easy on the eyes but hard on the ears (now she's got to see the ear doctor!) Mrs. Chason gets off a package from Boyles De:)art-nent S9tor^ to he:r daughter: in Atlanta nearly every Mon- day morning, and says this merchandise gets preference to that to be had in Atlanta.! (Whoopee!) Howard Kelly has PANT- ITIS from selling! fine slacks. Mrs.. Laney takes a great deal of pleasure in telling you how to "MAKE-IT" (dress, blouse or what-ta you want to sew!) Mrs. Boyles says dinner is ready! Now, that's changing the subject fast and brings us to a stopping place so we can get ther- fastest to find the bestest. Our customers. find it pays to do that, too! Yours with a costly appetite, R. GLENN BOYLES. ~aAz~R~PoWleah~C~~'I~:~t II 3'~'~c~.aU~~~i~"~R~gIP~apMllaasrr~~~ Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" ~t t I e Vol. 1 Friday, April .25, 1947 No. 39 DEAR SHOPPERS: Last week ,somnone asked us this question: "'Where will Boyles -Department S'uore break out 'next, sincee their Easter Parade and the After-Easter Clearance is over?" We'll answer that question by telling' you that we are ;broke out in so many places: that we hardly know which spot to rub. .. That reminds ust of "JACK . TAiR TOGS" which you cain "Rub and Scrub" and they'll come out like new. Now, Mr. Working Man, that brings up something else we know you want work clothes that will stand Screech's Laundry. Here',; your answer: As Seen In LIFE Ma'gazine, April 12 Issue Sdon' wear th pat but I buy r. and. Lee 1q47 models are here ~IERa.~n~-c'-~hn~-~J~IC~P~"-.~p-~ ~Wll~bl~lllll THE STAR, PORT. ST. JO)E, GULF toUN)N.Y, FLORIDAA PAGE THREIR FRIDY, PRIL25,1947 _ TJ m ... , THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postofice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE On* Year.......$2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -|-< Telephone 51 3- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tiaements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong THE GREAT QUESTION Time flies! It seems but yesterday when the shipyard at Panama City was going full blast and a large number of Port St. Joe peo- Ale men and women -were commuting to that city daily and bringing home fat pay en- velopes, our city overflowed on week-ends with soldiers from Camp Gordon Johnston and Tyndall Field, aircraft and armament plants all over the nation were roaring full blast, and tihe OPA was hanging like grim death to -prices while soaring wages portended the mil- lennium. A spirit of challenge filled the air. Political drum beaters shouted that never again would America tolerate a depression. Unless our established system could find a way -to guarantee comfort and security, the system should be scrapped, they cried. The gist of it was that groceries were more important than freedom. Although history in'- dicates that such a trade is impossible, they encouraged the notion that in a pinch freedom could somehow be swapped for groceries. It was an "or else" challenge against nature it- self, which is another way of saying it was a cheap political gesture. And the chickens are coming home to roost. There is no comfort in the growing housing -shortage, nor in the inevitable decline in liv- ing standards generally. There is no security -when prices and taxes rise to the point where * families wonder how much longer they can -nake both 'ends meet, when millions begin to skimp on necessities. All of these things were as inescapable as night following day from the moment war was declared. The same con- parently thought it might be otherwise. The question now is, are we going to settle ,down and face our troubles like good Ameri- cans, or are we going to try the "or else" path of socialism and dictatorship? The Low Down from Willis Swamp Editor The Star: Today I'm goin' in-to a huddle with the young mamas, and papas -on how to bring up. their off- shoots, so when same git to be 21 they'll know a sheap frum a goat when they hear one bleat. We bin going' thru the U. S. A.'s biggest sucker era. When sum- 1buddy has popped up and sed, "Feller citizens, let me fix it so you'll have more but sweat less," we- say, "Oh, Boy!" The bottom foundation under this here country -the right to work and to prosper ififen you put out the best ham- burger, or make the best mouse- trap, or give the best haircut-wuz dynamited.. Folks, got to believin' them oily tongued guys. And now, as we, rub our eyes, everything is scarce-exceptin' discontent, I bin harpin' on getting AEsop on the studying' list of our schools -but ain't had no luck. And the graduates keeps coming' out, not DON'T SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER! One of the famous' frontier saloons had this sign prominently displayed: "Don't shoot the piano player-he's doing the best he can." That would be a good slogan to apply to our storekeepers here in Port St. Joe in these days of whirling dervish prices and variable qualities. We're all griping about the fact that a bas- ket of groceries that used to cost ten bucks now runs to twenty or more, and that the old dollar-ninety-five shirt carries a three-fifty price tag. But that isn't the fault of Cecil Cos- tin or Eimmett Daniels, or Glenn Boyles or J. R. Chestnut or any of the other store owners --and they don't like it any better than you do, because it limits sales and irks the con- sumer. Their unit profits are no larger than they used to be -- and in. many cases are smaller. And it also isn't their fault i. they can't supply just what you want when you want it. .Stocks are by no means conmip-2te as yet, but they are being butilt up fairly fast in most lines. THAT NEW CITY CHARTER This proposed new charter for the city of Port St. Joe which is to be, set up by a legis- lative bill, aroused your editor's curiosity as to whether or not it contained a "joker" or two, so we secured a copy of it and perused it line by line throughout its 62 pages, but could find nothing amiss. The present charter has a number of irregu- larities in it, which are straightened out in the new charter, otherwise it follows word for word the original. We feel that the Junior Chamber of Com- - merce, which is behind the change, has.done an excellent job and one which we feel sure the residents of our city will approve of. Federal statisticians have just figured out it costs $605.35 a year to buy clothes for a family of five. The sum on the right of the decimal point is used for father. Did von hear about the man who advertised for a wife in the papers and received letters from 137 husbands to the effect that he could have theirs ? An optimist is a fellow who thinks his wife has quit cigarets when he finds cigar butts around the house. Modern inventions have interfered with the way women of yesteryear could do practically anything with a hair pin.-Florida Advocate. It is said that fish decrease in weight after Being caught. Remember this when you spin your next fish yarn. known' a wolf iffen he's in sheep's they is popped into bed, a story [by rainment. So now I'm appealing' to Mr. AEsop. And as they grow the young mamas and papas to older tell 'em how their fe.atherin' take their offspring on their 1mee the other guy's nesit-not their'n. mnd read to 'enm each nite afore And now fer the badl 'news feer I ^ + 4. 4 "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" * the new mamas and papaps'-bab sitting' is your job, henceforth. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA. Fattening Lambs It takes about two bushels of corn and 150 pounds of alfalfa hay to make a feeder lamb of 60 pounds into a finished lamb of 90 pounds. ---- ___ Every ads carries a message- a message that will save money. Spend Spring Holidays Here Walter Johnson and Cecil Coitin Jr., students at the University of Florida, Gainesville, spent the spring holidays -here with their parents. Rail Wages In 1945 the employes of the Amer- ican railroads received in wages 41 cents out of. every dollar of gross revenues. The stockholders received in dividends 3 cents out of each dol- lar. FOR RELIABLE Taxi Service PHONE 114 GARLON SPIVEY Located At St. Joe Bar -'-' "- - WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and I-ill Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three -Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA, FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE SHIP AND TRAVEL BY Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company We are always glad to assist you with your transportation problems SCHEDULES FROM PORT ST. JOE To Montgomery, Atlanta, Savannah, Jacksoriville, Tampa and St. Petersburg, with direct connections for all points North, East and South Lv. PORT ST. JOE Ar. CHATTAHOOCHEE Ar. MONTGOMERY Ar. ATLANTA Ar. SAVANNAH - Ar. JACKSONVILLE Ar. TAMPA -- -- - Ar. ST. PETERSBURG 7:55 P. M. ---- 11:30 P.M. 6:50 A. M. 9:00 A. M. 8:25 A. M. 7:00 A. M. ---.--- 9:25 A. M. 10:15 A. M. Pullman Service available at Chattahoochee and Climax FOR INFORMATION PHONE 42 OR 43 L)~~~~ ~~~ OdI So ,r-i ~~~ ~i"5" REPAIR]" THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA. PAGEF FOURB FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1947 FRIAY APIL25 197 HESTA, OR ST JEGUL CUNY. LOID PAE IV Florida Law Bans" Tenure Limit Action House Unable To Act On Change Limiting Term of President The Florida house of represen- tatives upon being advised Mon- day that it had no authority to act until 1949, postponed for two years consideration, of a proposal to limit presidents of the United States to two terms. Governor Caldwell had' sent to the house a request of the U. S. secretary of state to present the proposed federal constitution am- endment to the legislature for its consideration. The house committee on consti- tuitional amendments reported *the state. constitution provides that no Florida legislature ",shall act upon any amendment of the constitution of the United. States. proposed by congress unless such legislature shall have been, electedl-after., such amendment is submitted." The committee stated, that since the proposed amendment was not submitted until 1947 and the mem- bers of the house of representa- tives were elected in 1949, the legislature does. not have the au- thority to pass on the proposal. The proposal will be resubmitted to the 1949 legislature. 'PER ANNUM' CAUSE OF .ERROR BY LAWMAKER A legislator's "error" last session in believing that. "per annum" meant "month-bynmonth" came to light during the present legisla- tive session when Representative H. C. Barnhill of Crestview asked his law-making associates to cor- rect his mistake of two years ago. What Barnhill intended, in a bilt adopted last session, he explained, was to raise the salary of county conrnissioners of his county from $40 to $75 a month. But the bil! as passed lowered their salary to around $6 a month because of the "per annum" clause. Barnhill stated, that the -bill had been ignored and, the commission- er, paid $40 a month anyway. Places In Motor Boat Race Mass.ey Ward took second place Sunday in a thrilling 22 hlp out- board motorboat race at Panama City. Visitor From Wewa Charlie Redd of Wewahitchka visited here last Friday with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Daughtry. Power Hours The average use of electricity between 6 and 8 p. m. roughly equals the power used in the other 22 hours. N) fO 'TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH The purity and uniformity of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists ol Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score brmore of exacting tests for purity are 'made. Thus, we compound prescriptions with full confidence in the reliability ol the ingredients'your physician prescribes: We use Merck Prescription Chemicals SMITH'S PHARMACY We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE Have Guest From Alabama Sister Visits Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Daughtry have Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mac as their guest for two weeks the as their guest this week latter's, sister, Mrs. M. H. Para- mer's 'Aister, Mrs. E. L. Me more of As'hford, Ala. Winter Haven. Guaranteed Retiren-ent Incomne? Protection for yr- r family? >. Educational Plaidi for son or daughter?, Guaranteed Disability Income ? The 63-ycar-old Frankln Life Insurance C Company ohffrs ithe Snest posGibie solution for these or "Yty other of your insurance prohclms. Our advisory and consultation Services are at your disposal-no obliga- tion, BUCK ALEXANDER, Local Representative Phone 101 Port St. Joe, Fl.a. THE FRAnKLIN LIFE inSURnaCE CO. SPRInGFIELD, ILLinOIS One of the fifteen oldest stock legal reserve life ina.sance oonanif i Amnerica ddox had the for- cLean of ,-. FORD TRUCKS LAST LONGER! ESTIMATES ON SERVICE FREE- "backhorte YOUR OLD TRUCK may have to last you a little longer. To keep it working efficiently, profitably-bring it "back home" to us for Genuine Ford Service better four ways. 1. Factory-trained mechanics 2. Special Ford equipment 3. Ford-approved methods 4. Genuine Ford Truck Parts FOR YOUR NEW TRUCK, pick the make that's built to last longer-pick Ford! Yes, the records show Ford Trucks last longer. The av- erage age of all Ford Trucks now in use is nearly 9 years! What's more, 7 out of every 11 Ford Trucks built since 1928 are still on the job! Today's new Ford Trucks are better than ever, with 32 great engineering ad- vancements for more ruggedness, more econ- omy, more on-the-job performance. See your Ford Dealer today. It's "first-come-first-served" on deliveries-the only fair-play way. USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida DINE DANCE at Deckard's Beach Club (Formerly Martin's) NO COVER CHARGE * SEAFOODS STEAKS CHOPS CHICKEN SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS ROUTE 98 BEACON HILL BETWEEN PORT ST. JOE AND PANAMA CITY M. B. DECKARD J.E. MARSH - - - --'' --II. THE-STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF ~COUNTY., FLtORIDA PAGE FIVE FRIDY, PRIL25,1947 ------------~- ~7~C~~ STe JOE MOTOR CO MIPANY - PAGE SIX THE STAR~ PORT ST. JOE, GULF c~0UNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY,. APRIL 25, 1947 CASH FOR SPRING NEEDS $50 to $300 Pay Left-Over Winter Bills, Paint and Repair Property on Your Own Signature and Security. Friendly, Confidential Service O CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida FOR PLUMBING DONE RIGHT AT THE RIGHT PRICE PHONE 108 for --- POLLOCK THE PLUMBER i i - We Have Just Received a SFine Line of * * SMALL LEATHER : * ITEMS Billfolds, Change Purses, * Men's Belts, Sam Browne * Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits and Key Rings, Suitcase 4 SHandles, Truck Drivers' # * Billfolds, Skate Straps. * * We Also Stock a Full Line ot 40 All Types of Shoe Polishes i THE LEADER SHOE SHOP * * We Doctor 'Shoes, Heel Them, * * Attend Their Dyeing and * S Save Their Soles N YouWanL. We'll Produce a Good Job at the Promised Time at a Moderate Price Your order will receive prompt attention in our shop and it will be printed at a reasonable price. You can be confident of delivery when promised. Let Us Design Your Next Letterhead THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Ir. and Mrs. Edwards' Guests From New York Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hewitt and' son Bobby of Pawling, N. Y., were guests larsIt week of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hewitt. .Mrs. M. L. Hewitt was the former Mis's Beatrice Belk. Week-end Guests From Capital Mr. and Mrs. Watson Smith had as their guests over the week-end Mr.s. Smith's* sister, Missi Carolyn Stoutamire, and Mrs. C. H. Waites of Tallahaa's'ee. Baptist W. M. U. Honors Celebrate Anniversary IMiss Posey on Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Chester .All circles of the Baptist W. M. Ed'wardis' celebrated their silver U. met at the church Monday at- wedding anniversary last Saturday ternoon for the purpose of honor- with an informal dinner at the ing Miss lernice PosS'.y on her home of Mr. and' Mrs. Ed Ramsey birthday. on Long Avenue. ''iiss Katherine Jones gave the Tha living room and dining room devotional, which was followed of the Ramsey home were lovely with prayer by Mrs. W. Ramsey. with vari-colored spring flowers. Each circle met for its business The dining table was centered with se..sion, after which they ream- a beautiful cake, topped' by a min- omoblld 'or th. social hour. iature bride and groom, the bride When Miss Posey was invited to holding a natural bouquet or jo.'-, the group, all sang "Happy b:idal wreath. Birthdn y," following which a piano A silver compote was presented duet wa;I rendered by the Misses to Mr. and Mrs,. Edwards as a re- Sara Jo Costin and Edwina Howell mnemibrance of the occasion, and a "color" contest w;a:3 enjoyeC Those. invited, were S. R. Kille- by the group. *brew of Dama.cus, Ga., Miss Eva A table centered with a beautiful Doyle of Apalachicola, Mr. and'Mrs. birthday cake bearing lighted can- Nick Comforter, Mr. and Mrs. G. dies and' fla-hnked by cherichee S. Croxton., Mr. and Mrs. L. .. ro;s'es and sweet peas', and, a see- Trexler, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob ond table laden with attractively Mize. George Tapper joined the wrapped packages, met' the, eyes guests for coffee, of all on entering the room. t % Miss Posey, in well chosen ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED words, thanked the W. M. U. for Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis Lane a very happy birthday and one she of this city announce the engage- would' long remember. meant of their daughter, Betty Jo, After the gifts had been opene.c to Mr. Jame-s T. McNeill. son of 'by the honoree, the social com- Mrs. J. T. McNeill and the late Mr. mittee served cake and fruit McNeill of this city. The wedding punch to thirty-five members and will ibe an event 'of June 14 at the two' visitors. First Baptist Church. tl K W Visitors From Cuba ST:. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH ,Mrs. S. B.'-Strong of 1Havana, Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor C Cuba, and J. A. Meigs of Guantan- Sunday services will be held as amo, Cuba, have been guests of follows: their sister, Mr,p. T. G. Alsobrook, 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. for the ,,t ten days. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. ASSEMBLY OF GCOD CHURCH Highland View W. G. Mizelle, Pastor 10:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:30 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:45 p. m.-Evangelistic service. Prayermeeting Wednesday eve- 'nings at 7;45. Radio program over WDLP, Panama City, 7:30 to S a. m. EST Thursday mornings. CATHOLIC SERVICES AMassz is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each month at S a. m. Second third and fourth Sundays at 10:15 a. m. METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:00 p. min.-Youth Fellowship. 1 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bayview --- Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend these services. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! YEARS OF PREPARATION ..for seconds of service Our, pharmacists, like your physi- cian, have studied long and practiced ;diligently to qualify themselves to compound your pre- scriptions quickly accurately. Their study, experience, and skill are intangible qualities in every filled prescription. Whether it be your everyday drug needs or a doctor's prescrip- tion t? be filled-come in to see us. For your home medicine chest needs, we carry a complete line of Curity Surgical and First Aid products. Serving your needs is ,ulr iob-and our pleasure. MILLER'S DRUG STORE T- T T .T T T- T- T TT --T T . Sight Seeing Fights AIRPORT EVERY DAY OVER PORT ST. JOE-$1.50 Per Person OVER WHITE CITY-$2.50 Per Person OVER APALACHICOLA-$6.00 Per Person OVER. PANAMA CITY-$12.00 Per Person DAVIS AIR SERVICES COMPANY SANDPIPER AIRPORT PORT ST. JOE, FLA. One and One-half Miles Out Wewahitchka Road vu 00 D\3 G, 00 V sptc, CARVER DRUG COMPANY Phone 27 Port St. Joe, Florida - -USE OUR NEW BUDGET ..PLAN TIRES SEAT COVERS RADIOS HEATERS, MECHANICAL REPAIRS PAINT AND BODY WORK SPOTLIGHTS, ETC. NEW CARS AIE STILL COMING SLOW SKeep the Old Car Running and Looking Good Until Your New FORD Arrives! SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS FROM 6, 8 OR 10 MONTHS TO PAY Let Us Make You An Estimate On Complete Repairs To the Old Car ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. 1l~R~~4 sPBQB~i~B TtHE STAR PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY,,FLORIDA PAGE SIX FRIDAY,, APRIL 25, 1947 I FRIDAY, APRIL 25~4-947'... THE STAR, PQRTST. JOE. GULF. .~,COUY3ITV.. FLORIDA Social A Personals Clu MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor BAPTIST BUSINESS WOMEN'S HONORS MISS BERNICE POSEY The Business, Women's Circle of the Baptist W. M. U. was host to Miss Bernice Posey Monday e-ve- ning, giving a surprise dinner and presenting her with a .string oi pearls. The table was beautifully decor- ated with candles of yellow, yellow napkins and' canopy napkins carry- ing the birthday motif, and three bowls of pansies were arranged the. length of the table. The dinner was se-rved buffet style and' consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, hot rolls and soft drinks. The lovely three-tiered cake was decorated. with azaleas "'and, ferns and topped with cherrie-s and half pecan's. After the dinner, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the'hon.oree; Miss Alma Baggett, M.ss, Vonny'e Heath, ,Miss Doris Patt.erson, Miss Erline *McClellan, Miss Betty Sub Watts, Mrs. Jessie Beckham, Mrs. Lillian McNair, Mrs. Audrey .Big- gart, Mrs. Win. Love, Mrs. Sybil Smith, Mrs. Elnita Duffel, Mrs. Ona Simpson and';Mrs. Betty Leech, the following program was enjoyed: Scripture by Alma Baggett, f ol- .lo'weid with prayer by Mr's. Simp- son. The. topic'for the meeting, "Other People of Europe," was' de- veloped as follows,: "Europeans," Jessie Mae 'Beekhrm; "'Europeans and Their Religions," Doris Patter- sion; "European Baptists," Bernice Pose.y; "In, Southern Baptist Mis- sion Lands," Erline McClellan; "In Other European Lands," Audrey Biggart; "Europeans Need Jesus," Vonnye fleath. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Duffel. Th.s. next meeting of this circle will be May 5, at 7:30 pin m. at the Baptist Church and will be a busi- ness meeting, OLD GRADS INVITED TO JUNIOR-SENIOR PROM ,Oldi graduates of the Port St. Joe high school have been extended an invitation to attend the junior- ,semior prom to be held at the Cen- tennial Auditorium next Frid'ay night, May 2, from 9:30 to ,12. Mu- sic will be furnished by the Tyn- dall Field' orchestra with admission set at $1 per couple. 'While invitations have been sent to all former graduates whose ad- dresses were available, some have undoubtedly been overlooked, and if they have, 'they can be assured they will be welcome to attend the affair without an invitation. WOMAN'S CLUB INSTALLATION WILL BE AT PANAMA CITY The installation of officers of the Port St. Joe Woman's Club ,will be held at a luncheon at the Cove hotel in Panama City on Wednes- day, May 14, at 1 o'clock. All members are urged to at- tend and. members of the Junior Woman's Club are cordially invited. For reservations contact Mrs. Rob- ert Tapper, or Mrs. R. R. Minus at Judge Carter's office. Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lisbon Gaber and daughter Sue, of Millbrook, Ala., attended, the wedding of their son, George Zeigler. to Miss Ouida Mar- tin of this city last Sunday. While here they were the house guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Dan 'Brooks. Sister-In-Law Dies Mrs. G. E. McGill was called to 'Panama City last Saturday due to the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. 'G. M. Booth. From there she con- tinued on to Andalusia, Ala., for a few days' visit before returning home. Wil Move to Palatka 4 l EISLATIVE gRIEFS BOY SCOUT NEWS- W. D. WAagner left last Friday ____ _ for Palatka, wherehq is. now etm- The hous, s Wednesday passed By Gene Chism . eCt IV Il S ;ployed. Mrs. Wagner .and children tihe ,ci,:ent responsi'Ality Aneas- Last Saturday the Wewahitdhka are visiting relatives, in Panama ure requiring drivers' proven to be scouts defeated the local ',scouts 7 .i.-ity before joining Mr. Wagner inaI bs Churches t ere t il rease at fault in a traffic mishap to sub- to 1 in a fast ball game. Tomorrow ,bS urches IPalatka, where they will resside ,in1 .. .. ..... P N 1 f rmit proof of financial ability or we play a return game. in Wewa PHONE 51 future. lose their auto licenses. and expect the score to be in our s i t and amily Constitutional amendments to favor. All scouts 'desiring to at- S-Visiting Daughter and Family turn the powe-r to make hunting tend the game are asked to meet HOWDY, WORLD ~rs. C. C. McCoy and children and; fishing regulations back to a the bank corner at 2 p. m. to- Mr. and Mrs.'John H. Settlemir of Pascaoula, Mi are guests of the legislature have been. fferedmorrow. of Frink announce the birth of a rs. McCoys parents, Mr. andin both the house and senate along Mrs. Dave, Smith. The 'starting lineup last Satur- daughter, Jonnie Murphy, on Sun- t S with more bills designed to open day was: Pierce Taunton, c; Jim- day, April 20. Visiors From Alabama I..ake. Okeechoibee and the St. mnie Philyaw, p; Billy Quarles, ib; Mr. and M alatore J Cuc- Louis Brooks and son of Ellba, Johns River to commercial fishing. Frank Young, 2b; Gene Chism, ss; Mr. and Ir. Salvator e J. Ala., were recent guests of the Senator Carl Gray has introduced Raymond Lawrence, 3ib; Johnnie chiari of this city announce the former's brother and family, Mr. a proposal to set up a continuing Young, If; Lavaughn Cutrer, cf; birth of a son, Salvatore Joseph, and Mrs. Dan Brooks Jr. legislative committee to check on Lamar Freeman., rf; Lovd Tub'bs, .Jr., on Tuesday, April 22. t and investigate state operations. Ted Beard and Wendle Sanster, Visitor From Louisiana A proposal' to lower Florida's substitutes. - Mr. and Mrs. William Columbus Mrs. Merrell Sherrell of Good voting age to 18 years vwas sent to A board of review will be .held Williams of this city are the proud Hope, La., is visiting here with her the. senate floor Wednesday for Monday, and all boys going up are parents of a. daughter, born, Wed- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott. consideration without any recom- asked' to be ready at that time. ,es'day, April 2.3. The young lady I t mendation fom the constitutional ---- ----- has been named Sandra Ann. Re-enlists In Army amendments committee. 'POP' GILMORE BRINGS IN E James, C. Evans Jr., has re-en- SUPER EGG FOR YE ED Mrs. T. E. Parker, wife of the listed in the. army and is, now sta- SHARKS DROP FIRST GAME ['. L. "Pop" Gilmore popped, in at late T. E. Parker, a'n eounctes 'tionel at North Fort Louis, Wash. OF SEASON TO CHAPMAN The Star office last Friday and birth of a son. "on .Wedn.esd'ay, a, t. The St. Joe high Sharks lost the presented the editor with an. egg April 23. Sunday; Guests first ba';eball game of the season, weighing four ounces and measur- Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Alford or to Chapman high of Apalachicola iag .6% inches in circumference Mr. and Mres.0 ;Sandy- Pitts .of Panama. City were guests Sunday Tuesrlav afternoon in that city ly and 3% inches in length. It con- Highland View announce tre- bi'th of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stafford ano the close score, of 3 to 1. trained two large yolks we found of a son, Donald'WAyne, on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thames. Jack Williams. pitched for the upon cracking.-it open for Sunday day, April 24. .,2"'.*, "*S If C a Sharks, with Will' Ramsey receiv- morning breakfast. (All 'births occurred at the;.Pbrt St. CARD OF THANKS ing. The Chapman battery was "Pop"-said, it was laid by a 'small Joe Municipal-.Hospital..) ,We desire to express our thanks made u7p of the Howell twins, Bill White Rock hen. If she keeps 'up t to all 'who remembered with kind V 'i Fro a lf r words, cards and flowers during and Boibby. this type of production she's going .Visiting From California our recent bereavement. .----- -k to burn out a bearing, we'd say. George Wimberly; ..J.r,,, who is Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirkland. Visitors From Sumatra stationed' at an army post in San CARD OF THANKS Mr. andl Mrs.' John Lindsay of Vi.sitors From Apalachicola Diego, Calif., is ,here on furlough, I desire to express my apprecia- %umatra we:e recent guests of Mr. and; Mrs. Tom F. nSmith of visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tion to those who r-emembered with zheir son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alpalachicola were visitors, in.' our George Wimlberly. cards and- flowers in the recent James Lindsa-. city Tuesday. !r, ( K death of my father. Attending Woman's Club Meet 44'T.oG."&Frary. Mrs. H. C. Davi, president-elect of'the Woman's Club,, left Monday P t T t to attend, the state convention of women's clubs being held in West P Palm Beach. _ st I tat Listed On Honor Roll Miss Carolyn Ba'ggett of this city is. listed on the honor roll and deag's list for the winter quarter at Stetson University at DeLand, where she is a junior in the liberal arts college. Attending the Presbytery meet- in Marianna Wednesday of last week were Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Mrs. R. D. Prows, Mrs. Howard McKiam- .non and Rev. Billy Daniel. F- .- - DR. C.L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED * I Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FL A. BLIND SORROW When a loved one is, suddenly ;aken, blind sorrow oft takes aver. It is then the invaluable assistance of our service is so much appreciated. Let us serve when the need arises. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service A Martin Theatre "e- Port St. Joe, Fla. * THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. 1 LAST TIME TODAY SUNDAY, APRIL 27 I Dick Foron Frank McHugh .'o' *..**# S*****S* SATURDAY, APRIL 26 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FEATURE NO. 1 - EVER Y BODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1947 BRO. ,JOE WOODSON, FORMER CHAPLAIN IN JAPAN, WILL PREACH AT MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES S 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. 6:55-P.a;ti.t Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. - FEATURE NO. 2 -- O on Ricado Also Chapter 7 of Serial "Son of the Guardsman" ENE iuPA p / R .^ ,APH EDWARD; SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS MONDAY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY April 28 29 30 3 BIG DAYS! NOTICE SPECIAL MORNING SHOW- ING# ON THIS PICTURE WILL BE HELD TUES- DAY MORNING AT 10:30 O'CLOCK NEWS, SHORT and SERIAL THURSDAY and FRIDAY May I and 2 7N ALDORSEYS NEWS AND VARIETY ~CBQ~~b~ gS SS*SW @US 349O~~~~ -THE. STAR, ,PORT-ST-JOE., ~.-L-i; ~ _~x--- ' :; FBI-DAY, APRIL 2X4-k84W-- WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE S.10 HS -- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT --OSE ) THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED HILARITY REIGNS THOSE. R. L. CARTER 'TH R. L C A RR (Continued from Page 1) Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate the two and a half hours of play. Registered Real Estate Broker A rough box score follows; the hits andl errorswere so numerous REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. that they were lost track of: R Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 T Paper Maker 3 2 0 4 -1-11 Am. Legion 6 0' 0 0 1 0- 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Batteries: Paper MakersCarl S p. 1can I,gion.-H. Trawick, .p; W. L Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. wi, c H. Trawick, W Team- 1 23456 T - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Merchants .- 0 1 0 2 0-5 IF YOU WANT MONEY TO SPORT EQUIPMENT-First ,base- Rotary ---------4 5 5 0 0 x-13 BUILD SEE US! man's mitt, perfect condition, Ba.tteries: Merchants-F, Allen, i$10; new Goldsmith official soft- p; Ed' Johnson, c. Rotary Tomn .Remember, we have helped, to se- ball glove, special trap, $5; nEw Coldewey, p; Alex Young, e. cure loans or construction of 9 leather-trim canvas golf bag withoung, out of 10 houses built in Port St. 3 clubs, $9; Spalding Bobby Jones In tonight's games the .Paper .Joe since 1938. 3 iron. $5. See Elmore Godfrey, or Makers take on the Rotarians, and We have the following houses phone 175 after 5:30. 5-2* the Merchiants. meet the Legion. for sale at prices well within the FURNITURE-9x12 he-ige-braided Monday night the Merchants .." itimit of the late Real 'Estate Ad- ing, $15; Simmons porch glider, play the Paper Mak'ers and the Ro-. "vance:- $10.] Call 87. 1 tary plays the Legion. if there are three families who FENCE WIRE-50 feet of 14-inch .-. . would like to buy comfortable ana woven ornamental fence wire at FLASHES! ,reasonable homes in Oak Grove we $450; or will swap ASo' most any- can,find them for you on the ba- thing. The Star office. 1-10tt sis of about one-third' down and the -w S (Continued from Page 1) 'balance in one or two years. W FOR SALE OR RENT stu na alarie, 9,255.00; have to sell all these together, but Instructional salaries, $94,255.00; there is nothing to prevent us sell- FOR SALE OR RENT-Dry clean- transportation, $1'3,255; other 'cur- ing to three different parties. This ing equipment with location. Will rent expense, $18,540; capital out-. is a real buy and the prices are sell or rent equipment and rent lay and debt service, $18540 total consideraJbly lower than have been cation. See W. C. Forehand, Box lay and debt service, $18,540; total as'ked-heretofore. 67, Highland View. Gulf Ccunty cost of program, $154,590. Florida. 4-25tt Yield. from 6-mill levy (based on We are especially glad to nave me - Joe Mira home on Long Avenue, FOR RENT corner of 13th Street, listed withE MIXER for rent, $5.00 us. There is also a ,mall house in CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 .Tear of the brick that goes with it. pe r day. pillars and Nichols, See us about this and terms can o 95 per cent assessed valuation and taxpaying ability), $18,025; total stats funds required, $126,565.00; present, state funds available, $80,: ST. eid Avenue GOODYEAR Tires, Tubes and Accessories HOTPOINT APPLIANCES KEM-TONE PAINT SEABEE OUTBOARD MOTORS CUSHMAN SCOOTERS TEXACO PRODUCTS JOE SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. CALL US FOR KEROSENE Phone 321 WHEN YOU NEED .* KEROSENE Call 200-W Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION I FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE 'PLUMBING SERVICE CALL EDWARD LeGRONE --PHONE 88 OR 233-W-- Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heatinl WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI -- PHONE 287 JAMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station Records! Records! J WE' HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY be arranged MEMORIALS.u; a uona state nus be arranged. needed, $45,953.10. . New house on waterfront-canbe We areSole Agents in this Keeping my campaign promise, Plimb GENERAL PLUM ING conve-rted. in-to duplex. Also ad- territory for the the house passed and sent to the SEWERCLEA IG n 1RPI joining, lots to give as much as 175 McNEEL MONUME'NT COMPANYuse pased t to te AR feet on waterfront. This is very J.R. SAN'DERS" senate a constitutional amendment SE SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR a-easonable. 402 Massalina Drive Phone 13543 allowing persons of 18 years of B D NO A X :Now have connections at, Mexico Panama City, Fla. 6-13* age. the right to vote.. W DRA G Beach, the other side of Beacon HELP WANTED MALE -- ---- Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods ill, and since Gulf County water- -- Visitors From Jacksonville . :front lots are getting few and far MAN desiring to acquire airplane Mrs. E. D. Pepper anld daughter 'between, see me if interested. mechanic license. Exchange ser- Mrs EJ Ds i aP itnd daughter trsvices for mechanics course. Apply of Jacksonville are visiting here X .d cMPLETE SERVICE "We can now give you easy terms Davis Air Services Company, Air- with Mr. and Mrs. A P Wakefield LE E SCE kon the 3-bedroom house corner f t ..WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE t.i Street an4 Palm pBoulevard, port. 4-25tf before joining Mr, :rPeppe.r in Oak- vwhich has been repainted -insid.e PROFITABLE WORK FOR miont. Pa., whe-re they will reside FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS !id out. Will sell under contract, YOUNG MEN IN JAPAN in the future. We recommend fire Insurance because its easy to start a fire S50.00 down and' balance monthly All Expenses Paid and' $90 Month --- BUoC K AL e X AND R th assumption of the, mortgage. You've heard.of the fighting 1st Visits Parents eS BUCK ALEXANDER S attractive, garage apartment in avaly Divisio--first to ieach Talmon Smith of Jackson, Miss., attractive garage apal.tmenh t inl Manila, first ill Tokyo. Its men arof lot on Palm Blvd., third lotwear Distinguished Unit citations was the guest of his parents, Mr. El th fr6m corner of th Street. for' action on Los Negros, Kwaja- and Mrs. Dve Smith, last week- *MEET YOUR olly furnished and ready to move lein and Leyte.., end. LRI .This, is, known as the forme. Today, ticy're in Japan, and if d FRIENDS miller place. Lot in front is, cleared, you are otherwise. qualified you BABY CHICKS AT killed in with good& dirt and far- can be one of themw u AT - ilized. Dandy place to build witl' Sports, entertainment and travel GOOD QUALITY HEAVY BREEDS BA income property aOiled, or an at- opportunities are highly developed -200 for $11.00. WORTHWHILE: LeHARDY'S BA -tractive home as it stad.s. Imme- in this division's area. Luxurious CHICKS, 101 West North Avenue, - diate possessionn 'given and rea- hotels, theaters, ss.wimming pools, Baltimore 1, Md. 6-20* ;sonable price, tennis clubs, golf courses and ball >- Le UsDsi'g---Y-- a LT "Have two desirable corner lots on parks provide more choice of pas- LODGE NOTICES Let Us Design You a Letterhead Palm Blvd., west side corner of time than is enjoyed by the aver- MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- D T 714th: Very reasonable. at $650; way civilian at home. Port St. 'Joe Lodge 111. Regular To Fit YOUr Business under prevailing pieces. igh overseas pay (20 per cent A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- nder prevailing pieces. above domestic base pay), exce-l- days. each month, 8:00 p. ni. T H EST A R Also four beautiful corner lots on lent medical and dental care, good /+1\ Members urged to attend; Monument at 13th and 15th Sts. fool andi lodging and a' generous visiting brothers welcome.. D. L. Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. retirement plan make this oppor- Owens, W. M.; ,G. C. Adkins, Sec. An excellent 'buy in a house in tunity too good, to miss. Gaulding'.s Addition, $1000 cash. Young men who can meet pre- SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. Ve_'have oappliedn fholOansi both sc-ribed -standards, and who ,enlist O. F.-Meets every Wednesday F Ffl., J LRY We 'have applied for loans both 'rall.edto Sn i. 8 vnra inceshdaY WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Unit' for 3 years, are entitled' to desig- night at' 8 .o'clock In Masonic'hall WILKS COMPANY HA-4GI for new homes in Unit nate the 1st Cavalry Division (Me- All members urged to attend and J..AV , No. 4, St. Joseph's Addition, the ninuized) at time of enlistment. visiting brethren invited. B. A. Diamonds and Jewelry so-called Triangle, on Constitution Initial training given before depar- Prideon, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, D Drive, and 'would appreciate your ture from U. S. Get full detail Secretary. WE TEACH WATCHES TO seeing us if you need building s U. S. Get full detail ___________ WE TEACH WATCHES TO see nuing at U. S. Army Recruiting Station, LEGAL ADVERTISING t TELL THE TRUTH 210 Harrison Avenue, PanamaCity, Remember-Abstracts'of Title are Fla. Recruiting officer in Port St. NOTICE FOR DIVORCE furnished with every sale. Joe every Friday at postoffice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF RART egistered Real YOUNG MAN interested in learn- COUNTI C, AOERY On Business Trip To New Orleans N O T I C E AR E Estate oker ing to fly, to do odd jobs around Clora Belle Jones. Plaintiff Mrs. Robert Tyler and Mrs. H. The Board of Public Instruction, 317 REID AVENUE airport in exchange for flying les- vs. H. Saundens middle a business trip Gulf County, Florida, will receive Port St. Joe, Florida sons. Apply' to Davis Air Services Joseph Esker Jones, Defendant. to New Orleans over the week-end. Standard Time) on May 6, f947, -- Company at airport. 4-25t'f THE STATE OF FLORIDA,at SWAP i '---- ~-----$ T O: olh E JAnA, ----- at the office of the Superintendent, SWAP HELP WANTED TO: Joseph Esker Jones, wnose N T I C E Wewahitchka, Fla., for the, building RADIO Emerson 7-tube table esidience and address is.: 3001 The Board of Public Instruction, of 4 additional classrooms to the model;- ust been worked over by YOLNG LADY interested in, learn- Second Avenue,, Columbus, Ga. Gulf County, Florida, will receive Middle. Building of the Port St. Joe Gulf Radio Lab. We got a new one '"g to fly, to do office work at You are hereby notified and or- sealed bid's on the following trans- High School site. The 'bidder will,4. for Christmas. See it at The Star air')ort. Shorthand and, typing es- de-red to appear on the 23rd day of portation equipment until 10 A. M. furnish all necessary materials for office. 1-10tf sertial. lying lessons in exchange May. 1947, before the above stated iCentral Standard Time) on May building the rooms. for services. Apply to Davis Air 'court t'o the hill of complaint for 6. 1947, In .the orific. of the Super- The plans and sipecification-s for 'APARTMENTS FOR RENT Serviceis Co.. Airport. 4-25t divorce filed against you in the intende.ont. Wewahitchka, Florida. the four rooms can be obtained "-. T ..--... above entitled cause. Four 194-inch wheelbase School from Reynolds, Smith and Hills, FURNISHED APARTMENT con- LOST AND FOUND WITNESS my hand and official Bus Chassis and four 48-passen- Architects. Jacksonville. Florida, siting of bedroom, kitchen and -.seal at Wewahitchka, Florida, this g,-r School Bus Bodies to fit or the office of the Gulf County bath. Call Joe Mira. 4-18tt LOST-Saturday night fi Frances' 118th day of April, A.D. 1947. chassis. Superintendent. I i Crill. black-faced, luminous dial, (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, The Board reserves the right to The Board resm-r." the right to FOR APARTMENTS See The waterproof Charle. Nicklet wrist- Clerk of Circuit Court, reject any or all bids. :reject any or all bids. Shirey Apartments. 8-8 watch. Finder please return to J. Gulf County, Florida. THOMAS MERIWETHER, THOMAS MERIWETHER. It pays to adverse -try it! B. Griffith. St. Joe Paper Co., phone E. CLAY LEW.S, Jr., 4-25 THOS. A. OWENS, Chairman THOS. A. OWENS, Chairman St pays to advertise try it! 9. extension 17. Reward. 4-25* Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-16 Supetintendent. 4-18 5-2 Superintendent. 4-18 5-2 THE STAdi, .PORT ST. JQA, 4ULF COUNTY, FLORIOAA FRI&~AY,~ APRIL 25,. !947 PAGE EIGHT |