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Let's Put the Gulf County Red Cross Chapter "Over the Top" L . THE STAR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF gGULF COUNTY I The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center *VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, APRIL: 18, 1947 NUMBER 29 I City Softball League Opens Next Tuesday ;Managers of Four Teams Entered All Confident of Copping , Top Honors Preparations have been com- pleted for the city softball league. and the first games are scheduled for next 'Tuesday night at Centen- nial Field beginning, at 8 P. m. on the dot. The Paper Makers, meet the, American 'Legion and the Ro- tarians tangle with the Merchants. .Managers of' the four teams, are all confident that they have the best outfit and. will dop the flag. 'Says Manager Bill T&a'wick of the- Legion team: "The last league we had the Legion ran rings around the other teams, and' 4t finally got to where .the spectators began to feel sorry for the opposition. We dood it once, and we can do it again." . Manager Rich Porter of the. Ro- tary: "We may be getting old and developing that.'middle-age spread' but we've still got a lot of life yet." Manager Ed Lapeyrouse of the Paper Makers., "We'ye got a hard bunch to .beat. We're working men. with hard muscles, not a bunch of white collar workers. It's in the bag, feller, in the bag." Manager Henry Lilius of the Merchants: ,"'. ain't saying much, but whe the. .playoff comes, my "boys will' be,' I1 theree' The various teams are made up as follows, in addition to the 'play- (Continued' on Page 2) Drug Stores Co-operate On Sunday Closing Plan .The city's three drug stores are co-operating on a Sunday closing plan whereby one establishment only will be open on Sunday, the other two closing. The new plan ,was placed in op- eration last Sunday, with the Car- ver Drug Store open. The Smith Pharmacy will be open next Sun- day, and Miller's Drug Store on Sunday, April 27. This prpc.edure will continue, with the establish- ments open from 8 a. m, to 8:'30 p. m. Co-operation of the public is asked in the new setup ais, after all, even diru.ggists are' entitled to a little time, off for good behavior. STATE SENATE REFUSES TO CONFIRM HARBOR OFFICIALS The Florida senate Wednesday confirmed' 92 appointments by Governor Caldwe.ll but refused to approve four pilot commissioners selected for Port St. Joe. The commissioners were C. G. Costin, Robert Bellows, Nick Com- forter and Herbert Brown. KIDS GET 4-DAY VACATION School pupils started a four-day vacation yesterday morning when all teachers, left to attend the an- nual Florida Education Association meeting in Tampa. Home From Vacation Mrs.. J. F. Danie.ll returned' home Wednesday from a vacation trip during which she visited Mr. ang Mrs. Jonny Daniell and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dan.iell in Kingsland, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Haddock at Hillard, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Daniell at Jacksonville. She reports a very pleasant trip. Bell and Gavel Presented To Apalachicola Rotaiy President Pete Miller and eight other Rotarians of Port St. Joe wex re guests' of the Apalachicola Rotary Club last week at a .cere- mony in which the local club. pre- sented a bell and gavel to the Ap- alachicola club. Because- of war conditions, a bell and gavel coula not be procured at the time the. Apalachicola club. was. chartered. Floyd Hunt, president of the 16- cal club ait the time the Oyster City club was 'sponsored, made the presentation to Gene, Austin, who wans the first president, of the AP- alachicola club. Other local Ro- tarians present at: the ceremony were Tomn Byrne. Otto Anderson, Jake Bel.in, Bill Davis, Dan Brooks, Jimmy Greer and Noble Stone. Buccaneers Down Saints 4-1 Sunday Visitors Matke Up for 13-7 Defeat Suffered On Home Field Previous Sunday Evidently not suffering from an inferiority complex as the. r esult of a 13-7 pasting received at the hands of the. Saints the previous Sund'ay on their home grounds, the Blountstown Buccaneers took the Port St. Joe 'ball team down the line Sunday at the local- ball park by a score, of 4''to 1 in a pre-season practice tilt lit drew "somn 400- spectators. The Visitors- made all their runs in the third inning' when 'Terry Hinote, starting on the mound for the Saints, walked three men to load the bases and his teammates made a series ot errors t6 let four meni cross home plate. 'The Saints made their lone tally in the sixth when Bennie Burke walked and stole -second' and Frank Hannon and Jim McCall were walked, to load the: bases. Tommy Mitchell had a. chalice to make a hero of himself, but struck out, Lamar Sales ditto. Burke came in when Dave Hinote was hit by the pitcher, and' the possible rally came to an end when "Fish" Herring flied- ,.. to centerfield'. On the'mpund for the Saints dur- ing the game were Hinote, Jimmy Adams and Lefty Thomason, with Bent Cox and' Lamar Sales receiv- ing. May .went the full route for Blountstown. The Buccaneers evidently re- memlbered Leonard Belin's, prowess at the bat from last year, for the two times he. came to. the plate he was deliberately walked. A second practice tilt will' be staged here next Sundtay when the Saints, meet a team from Donald- sonville, Ga. Tapper Named To Head Rotary for Ensuing Year The Port St. Joe Rotary Club last week elected directors and of- ficers for the new Rotary year. President Pete Miller, Basil ken.- ney and' Otto Anderson were re- tained from the old board of direc- tors, and Jake Belin. George Taip- per. Tom Byrne and Henry Camnp- bell were named as new members. Tappe.r was named president and will assume his' duties July 1. Other officers elected were Jake Belin, vice-president; Mark Tomlinson, secretary; Joe Mira, treasurer and Jimmy Greer, sergeant-at-arms,. Appeal Is Made For Bill Would Create Fire Women ToSupport Control DiStrict Here Women To Support _ Cancer Fund Drive Mrs. B. E. Kenney Points Out That Needless Lives Are Lost Due To ProcraStination Two hundred fi-fty thousand men, women and children alive today in Florida will die of cancer if the present death rates continues, Mrs. Basil E. Kenney told members of the house to house committee in a talk sponsored by the Gulf county unit of -the American Cancer So- ciety. "But, if we do something about it at 'least 83.000 of them can J)e saved from the. horrible .suffering of a cancer death,"she declared. In an appeal to the women of Gulf county to support the so- ciety's April drive for funds to fight cancer through education, service and research, the speaker pointed out that from 800 to 1200 ne-edless deaths are occurring in Florida each year. "Medical science .today has the means to save ,from one-third to one-half of those wlio develop eaa- car. But patients mtlht go to their doctors early while the disease Is still in its curable' stages. Unfor- tunately, pain seldom comes until the last stages of cancer, and pa- tienits neglect visiting their doc- tois when the suspicious signs that may mean early cancer, appear. They don't i now how to 'recognize those vague symptoms which may mean cancer. They do (Continued on Page 4) Chapman Hi Takes Field Meet Honors Port St. Joe Comes In Second At Bi-County Event Held Tues- day In Apalachicola By NOBlE STONE' Chapman high of Apalachicola took top honors with a total score of 64 in the bi-county' track and field meet held Tuesday in the Oyster City. Port St. Joe took sec and place with 49, Wewahitchka third -with 24, and. Carrabelle was in fourth place with 16 points. In the rain and mud', the .girls ind boys from the. schools of Gulf and Franklin counties toppled a number of record's. Outstanding performer of the d'ay was Charles Brass o'f Chapman high, who was high point man for the boys and toppled tiwo' records in winning the 100-yard dash in 10.8 seconds ind the high jump at 5 feet 31/z inches He was also second in the 140-yard relay and. collected a .to- tal of 18 points for high individual .honoys. Kelly of Chapmaln collected two firats, one second and one third t'or a total of 14 points, to top all girls for individual honors,. Chuck Gifbson of Port St. Joe set a new record for the 12-pound shotput with a heave of 39 feet 101/ inches. Chuck also won the discus, throw, giving him a total of 10 points to lead the local (Continued on page 8) Leave for Home in North ,Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baxter left last week to return to their home in Burlington, Vt., after an ex- tended visit here with the latter's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert, and Mr. and. Mrs. S. D. Si'pats of White City. On page three of -this issue .of The. Star, Mayor Horace Soule is publishing a notice of inte-nt to apply to the legislature for pass- age of a bill creating a fire control district embracing that part of the county south and west of the intra- coastal canal and territory adja- cent to and, including White City. The city of Port St. 'be would not be included! in ;the district. Neces-sity 'for such a district has been demonstrated by calls on the Port St. Joe fire department for blazes outside the city limits, the cost of which i borne by city tax- ,payers. In addition, on such calls., this city is left without fire pro- tection, leaving the city wide open for a damage suit shouldd a fire oc- cur within the city limits while the truck is out of town. Visiting Cattlemen Tour Gulf county View Various Clover and Grass Crops and Timber Grazing Projects By JAKE Bg.IN The Cqunty Cattle-men's Associa tion- demonstrated Qulf county's pasture' and timber grazing pro- jects to interested cattlemen and timber growers from several West Floidda counties, in a toUr of farms Wednesday of las.t,-week.; In the absence of Cary H. John- son, newly-elected' association pres- ident, C. L. Morgan, former head of the cattlemen's group, welcomed. the famn'ners to Wewahitchka and Gulf county. County Agent Cubie R. Laird and County Agronomist Jake White conducted 'the tour. L. T. Neiland, farm forester, J. D. Warner, heat, of the state experiment farm at Quincy, and J. Lee Smith, district agent of the state agricultural ex- tension service, explained, the tech- nical phases of timber preservation and' soil preparation. The cattlemen viewed clover and grass, crops grown on the. differ- ent types of soil around Wewa, hitchka. White Dutch clover was found to be the best-growing graz- ing crop in the low, flat savannahs. Crimson clover took on a better growth when grown on heavy, highland soils. , Considerable interest was' shown (Continued on page 4) PANAMA CITY GETS NEXT AMERICAN LEGION MEEI Panama City was selected Wed- nesd)ay at the convention now un- derway at Miami as' the site of the Florila state Ameican Legion 1948 convention to be held May 7 to 9. TAKES FIRST IN PUT-PUT RACE C. M. Warner's boat and motor took first place in the 22 h. p. class in the outboard' motor boat races held, Sunday at Panama City. Henry Gedidie, was at the tiller af- ter Mr. Warner got chilled from seeing spills in former races. Have Weedk-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wise and children and, M-rs. Quinnie Wise of Pascagoula, Miss., were week-enOt guests' of Mrs. L. C. Wise. Visiting In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamar Miller and children are visiting relatives in Fitzgerald, Ga. Memorial Library Is To Be Opened Saturday, April 26 Junior Woman's Club Project Will Be Located In Miller Drug Store Building By MARJORIE PHILYAW The project committee of the Ju- . nior Woman's Club reports that great progrTess is being made on th.e public library, and, that quar-' ters have been' obtained in Dr. A. L. Ward',s former offices in the Mil- ler Drug Store building. Two rooms are to be used-the first is to be a reading room and will have a circulation desk for the use of the adults and young people, while the back room is, being furnished as a children's room. tSaturd'ay, April' 26, has' been set as the grand opening date for the Memorial Library, and' at that time everyone is invited to inspect, the library. The name "Memorial Li- brary of Port St. Joe,;" was chosen since it is a project of the Junior Woman's Club dedicated, to the servicemen and women from this locality. This library is al'reaLdy a com- munity affair, since civic clubs have responded unanimously in its support. Tlfe Kiwanis, Rotary and, Jaycees are supplying comfortable chairs ifor the reading room; the Eastern Star a desk and, chair; the Woman's Club furnished ch!;r', two' tables andi two sections, QT, book shelves for the children's- room; the P.-T. A. gave a set of Mothe-r Goose prints for the walls (Continued on Page 4) Another Concern Would Bring Gas To This State In addition to the United Gas Corporation of Shreveport, La., the Southern Natural Gas Company of Birmingham, Ala., would, firing na- tural gas to Florida, that concern having made application to the fed- eral power commission at Wash-. in'gton for authority 'to expand its pre.s6nt system at a cost of $50,- 000,000 to provide service in Ten- nesisee, Mississippi, Georgia, Ala- bama, Flodida and South Carolina.: United Gas presented itsi peti- tion to the power commission Wed- nesday for authority to build a 1,530-mile natural gas pipe line in Ala'bama, Georgia, Florida and South Car'olina at an estimated cost of- $57,126,000. The company said .it proposed to deliver gas at "city gates" for resale, but would market the fuel direct to industries along the pipe line. Cities, in, Florida. which the sys- tem would serve include Port St. Joe, Bonifay, Chattahbobchee, Chip- ey.. Marianma, Panama City, Tal- lahausee, Quincy, Jacksonville and Fernandina. Scout Camporee Date Is Changed By GENE CHISM, Troop Scribe Announcement has been made to the Boy Scout troop that the date of the camporee to be held in Port St. Joe has been changed from May 33-25 to May 30, 31 and June 1. due to the fact that the first date interfered with schooll programs,. All scouts' are, working hard. on camporee studies and hope to keep all of the ribbons in Port St. Joe, SI T T SOFTBALL LEAGUE (Continued from Page 1) Ing managers: American' Legion-Roscoe Byrd, Harry Trawick, Charles Stevens, Jr., Vic Anderson, Paul Johnson, Ralph Rich, Pete Comforter, J. T. Simpon, Ferrell Allen, Mac Mc- Cullom, Claude Gautreaux, Lorane Cooper, Roy Gibson Jr., Dave Mae- dox, Tom Parker Jr. Merchants--George Cooper, Carl Armstrong, Folsom Maxwell, Aus- tin Huggins, B. W. Bradley, W. T. Sanders, George Padgett, Reube'. Dickey, Harold Kirkland, Byron Eells Jr., Gene Holley and Perry Harold. Rotary-Pete Miller, Floyd Hunt, George Tapper, Joe Mira, Bill EObt ersole, Bob Tyler, Cecil Costin, B. Minutes of regular meeting of the City Commission bof , ,City of Port St. Joe, held in City Hall on 1st day of April, 1947, at 8:00 p. m. Regular meeting of the commis- sion wau held at this time with Mayor-Commissioner Soule, Com- missioners Chestnut, Conklin, Mi- nus and Sharit and Clerk Tomlin- son present. Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. The clerk reported present Or- dina'nce No IX rrolibits junk yards within fire zone and wa's in- structed to notify property owners to remove same. The police were ordered to have streets and alleys cleared of junk. E. Ken::ey Jr., Horace Soule., S. L. i The clerk was instructed to col- Barks, Doc Ward, Tom Coldewey, lect amusement tax as provided by Ned Porter, Paul Fensom, Henry ordinance. Maige, Bill Lewis, Henry Camp- The clerk reported unsuccessful bell, Floyd Roberts, Prof. W. A. efforts to purchase fire truck from Biggart, C. P. Moxley, Mark Tom- lins.on, R. A. Cooper, Noble Stont, Jimmy Greer. FOUR FIRMS REAPPROVED Paper Makers-Peck Boyer, Carl FOR VETERAN TRAINING Bound's, Joel Carr, Fred McLean, Donald Murphy, Jake Belin, George The state department of educa- McLawhon, Franklin Jones, Butf tion has reapproved four business Chandler, 0. Nichols, George. Core, firms in Gulf county as meeting Ed Winn, J. T. Ricketson, John the recent federal requirements for Sowers, Milton Chafin, Pat Gas- the training of veterans for higher kin, Lamar Hardy, Bud Gaskin and positions under the on-the-job Wayne Taunton. training program. Anyone eligible to play on any Other firms, have been requested of the above teams and who de- to file applications' which show sires to participate, is requested that they meet the new federal re- to contact the manager of the quirements if they desire to con- team on' which they wish to play. 'The second, games will be played, thereafter will be on Monday and next Friday night and the games Friday nights. S! 1on ean't Do 74at! That is what nearly ev eybody says bn bearing about our wonderful and ex- clusive President's Protective Investment Plan. They don't see how it is possible to pay the full face amount of the contract plus return of all premium deposits in event of death during the depositing pe- riod. If you are interested in the most modern and attractive contract on the market to- day, we will be very happy to give you a full explanation. No obligation. BUCK ALEXANDER, Local Representative Phone 101 Port St. Joe, Fla. 1THE FRRIflLIn LIFE InSURglnCE CO. SPRINGFIELD, iLLIOIs, One of the fifteen oldest stock legal reserve life insurance companie- in America Too Late for "The Tattler" A Shipment of -. o.-Peqiluot : Sheets 81 x 99 SPECIALLY PRICED AT $2.95 When You Buy PEQUOTS You Buy the Finest ' Limited Quantity SdIpply Your Needs Now! BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE .:' "Pay Cash and Pay. Less" PHONE 252 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. <*+ +: ** War A-ssets Administration. The police were instructed to renew efforts to keep livestock out 0o1 city. Commissioner Sharit inquired as to reasons for recent changes In police personnel, which was given by Commissioner Chestnut. Letter from Joe Grimsley was presented relative to drainage of area on Eighth Street between Long and Woodward Avenue. This was orde.eMd done. Mayor Soule called attention to condition of shrubbery on Fifth Street. He was instructed to have. Hackett take care of same. Commissioner Sharit was desig- nated to represent the city before meeting of Rive r.s and Harbors Committee in Washington on May 2nd and 3rd'. There being no further bus:nes.s the commission adjourned. tinue one-the-job training pro- grams or to establish new programs in' which training benefits are available' for "veterans. SMoisten Herbs Herbs used in a quickly cooked dish or sauce give more delicious- ness if moistened with a little milk or cooking oil and allowed to stand for half an hour before using. Soil Depletion Top Vessel Although level land does not The luxury liner America is the wash out, it may wear out from soil largest and fastest passenger ves- depletion. sel ever built in this country. When April showers come your way, do you have to brave 0 the rain to go marketing .. or have you enough staples* land canned goods on hand to 'tide you over till the sun shines again? If you haven't, there's no time like the present, ifor acquiring a "rainy day" shelf and no place like the A&P for stocking it with fine foods at thrifty prices! A TOAST TO THIS TOAST to use the product. For example: You'll toast cinnamon toast made I was about to buy a can of A&P this way: Mix n cup powdered BRAND peaches for a pie when sugar with 1 tsp. cinnamon, and the manager pointed out that combine with 4 tbsps, butter, IONA peaches would be just a. combine with 4 ta'ps. butter, good for that purpose because creamed. Toat 4 slicVes o they're equally nutritious, though ENRICHED not as fancy. Since then I've beer W WHTEBREAD reading the back panels of all Wo 1 side, spread labels very carefully and mI side o o tpred profitably. I recommend that you midtere on other "read 'em and reap", too! You'll der broiler till it be surprised how much helpful bubbles. I always use A&Ps information.they give. MARVEL ENRICHED WHITE .QUICK TURNOVER BREAD because it toasts sd, Here's a turnover that's quick te evenly, and is guaranteed fresh click with folks who enjoy A&P's by the date on the wrapper. rich ANN PAGE GRAPE JAM. tF # AND REAPI (and who doesn't?). Sift 1 cup READ EM AND REAPI flour and tsp. salt; cut in up In talking to the manager of my shortening; add ' A&P the other day, I made a cup grated \\\ // very, interesting discovery. 'He Cheese and 2 to 3 told me that A&P's canned fruits tbsps. cadd water " and vegetables are graded ac- to make stiff cording to standards set up by the dough. Chill 1 hr. Department of Agriculture. A&P Roll out; cut into BRAND is Grade A; SULTANA,, 6 to 8 2-inch rounds; put 1 tsp Grade B; and IONA, Grade C ANN PAGE GRAPE JAM in . and we housewives can cut center of each and fold over. Press our food bills by buying the grade edges with fork; prick top. Bak5 that's best for the way we intend 10 mins. in very hot oven, 500'F. CHICK SUPPLIES- YOU CAN COUNT ON We invite you to make our store headquarters for your ,chicks and poultry needs. We specialize in QUALITY supplies qt fair prices. / r ..-* -. -. I,. AMERICA'S FAVORITE FEED FOR ,AND 9 You're money ahead .when your chicks . live and grow- fast. That's why it . A pays to feed. STARTEiNA p CHICK STARTENA ;~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ........,: :- 2:i SUPPLEMENT GRAIN with PURINA HOG CHOW Grows hogs fast. Cuts corn require- ment in two. Saves you money. HENS LAZY? Help pep them up w'itb the famous all-purpose appetizer...' Purea CHEK-R-TON PURINA CHEK-R-FECT Powerful disinfectant. Pleasant odor. PURINA CHEK-R-TABS Put in chick water to kill gnrms, SHIP MORE MILK feed your calves CALF STARTENA Each bag saves four cans (350 lbs.) of milk and costs far less. PURINA ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. We Deliver Port St. Joe, Florida PURINA MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. FRIDAY,..APRIL 18, 1947 PAGE rW ""~' FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE FOR PLUMBING DONE RIGHT AT THE RIGHT PRICE PHONE 108 for - POLLOCK- THE PLUMBER ;,,:,. ..rT -HAVE IT TIRES SEAT COVERS * No.1 M AKE A HiT WITH YU FE HIT ,T VI AND TELL THEM ABOUT TTHE HIT IT WITH WONDERFUL SAT!'FACTIO"' A BALL BAT r OBTAINABLE BY DEALIN6 ,W y STJOE S ELECTRIC SHOP 6)- - RADIOS HEATERS MECHANICAL REPAIRS PAINT AND BODY WORK SPOTLIGHTS, ETC. NEW CARS ARE STILL COMING SLOW Keep the Old Car Running and Looking Good Until Your New FORD Arrives! SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS FROM 6, 8 OR 10 MONTHS TO PAY Let Us Make You An Estimate On Complete Repairs To the Old Car ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Sales Tax Bill Again Pops Up Provides for 3 Per Cent Levy On Many Commodities, Rentals, Amusement Tickets The old bugaboo sales tax has reared its head again in the 1947 session of the state, legislature with the introduction by Se-na- tor W. A. Shands of Gainesville, a leader of the powerful majority cloc in the senate, of a bill calling ior a 3 per cent sales tax to be applied against nearly all com- modities, rentals and amusement tickets. He estimates' it worid, produce from $60;000,000 to $100,000,000 a year, and proposes earmarking the receipts for public schools, college construction, welfare and for par- tial distribution to cities and coun- ties on a system designed to force NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the cur- rent 1947 session of the Florida Legislature for the passage of an Act, entitled as follows, to-wit: AN ACT creating, establishing and organizing a fire control dis- trict in Gulf County, Florida,' to be. known and designated as St. Jos- eph Fire Control District; defining its territorial boundaries.; provid- ing for its government, administra. tion, jurisdic-tion, power and priv- ileges; providing for three com- miseioners and their met-hod of sr- lection, who shall be the governing authority of said dIistrict; author- izing said commissioners, under certain conditions, to purchase, op- erate and, maintain fire control ma- chinery and equipment; providing or the operation and use of said machinery and equipment; provid- ing for the co-operation of such district with other fire control units within or adjacent to. said district; providing for the inter- change and use of such fire con- trol machinery and, equipment with other fire control units within or adjacent to said district; provid- ing for the appointment of a fire chief and assistants,, which may ib-. interchanged and assisted by the personnel of other fire control units within or adjacent to said district; providing for and au- thorizing the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all real estate and per- sonal property in said district not to exc(e.d one-half mill for the purpose of purchasing, maintaining and operating fire control equip- ment and machinery; providing that such district shall not pu-- chase any equipment unlee- funds are on hand to pay for same; pro- viding that the fire chief of such dist''ict shall have police power to enforce all fire control laws or the State of Florida within such dis- trict. and repealing all laws in con- flict herewith. The territory to be included within such fire control district shall be generally all of that ter- ritory within Gulf County, Florida, lying south and west of the Intra- Coastal Canal. and that territory adjacent to White City north and ea't of said canal, and excluding all territory withinthin the corporate Limits of the City of Port St. Joe. HORACE W. SOULE. real estate taxes down. The bill would also cut a penny off the tax of three cents on each bottle of beer, reduce the present cigaret tax to three cents a paci- age from four, .and trim the whis- key tax from $1.92 to $1.20 a gallon. Real estate, sales would be taxed at 2 per cent, but all other taxable sales, and- rentals would bear the 3 per cent levy. The sales tax act would be ad- ministered by the state beverage director, who would collect the levies from retailers, landlords and amusement owners, but the bill provides, specifically that the tax must be passed on to the consumer or tenant. No tax would be paid on milk, meat, edible groceries, power, fer- tilizers and seed, school books, school lunches, newspapers., farm products when sold by the pro- ducer or bought for processing, nor on alcoholic, beverages, manu- factured tobacco products and mo- tor vehicle fuels, which are taxeo separately. On small purchases, to avoid actionss of counts, there would be no tax for a single sale of less than 9 cents, a one-cent tax on sales from 9 through 40 cents., two cent- on sales in amounts from 41 cents through 70 cents,, three cents on sales of 71 cents or more. The sime bracket would apply to odd cents in sales amounting to more than .a dollar. A group of pur- chases at the same time from the '-ame store would be classified as a single sale. Considerable opposition, is de- veloping against the measure, and while it may pass the senate, it is predicted the representatives will fail to approve it. Joins Husband In South Carolina Mrs. John Lane left last Friday for Columbia, S. C., to join her hus- band, who is playing ball with the Sally League team of that city. A record well drilling depth of 16,668 feet was set in California in 1946. make way for the ss with $8.95 to $10.95 for the Pepsi Crowdl Attention-geitting "JUNIOR FIRST" Dresses will make everyone snap to salute you! We are able t&'say with a great deal of pride: "Exclusive with Boyles Department Sitore, Port St. Joe, " Florida." We chalk up another milestone in our efforts' to bring you the finest for the least money! It mni-ht be well to slip in a word, here about our AFTEIR- EASTEiR. CLEARANCE. You snapped these values up fast and furious, but there's still more to be had'. .Shoes, Dresses and Plays'uit'-. $2.99 and $5.00. You probably do not realize that this is. quality merchandise on which prices -have been cut to the bone! Come and see! We have Men's Suits on our mind, too, and here comes the announcement .you've been waiting for: BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida Extends to you a cordial invitation to attend a showing of SThe NEWEST WOOLLENS For "TailoreId-to-Measure SUITS and, TOP-COATS of Finest Quality and Styling by the S GLOBE TAILORING COMPANY Cincinnatti, Ohio WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY APRIL 23 and 24 A GLOBE representative, expertly trained in the art of taking measures will be in charge and give you-his un- divided attention. One of our peppy, smiling salesladies just called our attention to the fact that she sold. 20 pai:,' of shoes in one day. We think she deserves honorable mention Mrs. Susie B. Chason will sell you a pair, or pairs, o'f shoes if you don't watch out! .... While we are on th.e subject maybe we should give some space to SHOES ale !- Seen in VOGUE, April 1, 1947 issue. Naturally, you're right to choose: NATURAL BRIDGE SHOES Smarter Shoes for Natural Walking Three New Numbers just unpacked a Red Sling Back Pump (it's an eye-opener), a Brown Walking Pump (fits like a glove), a Black Kid lPur.p (good 13 months in the year). $7.95 AA to B We are featn'ing several styles of Natiral Bridge Shoes in our A\qrER-EAjSTER CLEARANCE at $5.00 a, pair. White only. Yours with More Shoe Comfort, R. GLENN BOYLES. "Pay Cash and Pay Less' At BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE PHONE 252 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Now Located at Highland View PHONE 310 USE OUR NEW BUDGET PLAN The Tattler Published Weekly By 3 Featuring BOYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol. 1 Friday, April 18, 1947 Number 38 DEAR SHOPPERS: First, we've got dresses on our mind, andl heie oomes the most important announcement we've, had recently from that depart- ment. The Band Leader says: i ~pC-~L _-L~IDI---- L I I ~111~ --- ------~ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 [f11 PAGE FOUR THE STAR4 PORT ST. J~E, GULF COUNTY. FLORiDA FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months ....... $1.00 -*. Telephone 51 j- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken sword is given scant attention; the printed word Is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word to lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong A NAVAL RESERVE UNIT FOR ST- JOE? "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual ways of preserving peace." This simple truth, phrased by George Wash- ington, shines forth more brightly\ today to guide the United States than it did when he uttered it 157 years ago. History emphasizes and reinforces his wisdom. -If Amlerican civilization is to endure, we must be ready to defend it. If peace is to be. assured, the United States must remain strong. A huge standing army and navy, how- ever, are .foreign to-our traditions. How, then, can we remain strong? - :One of the surest, most economical ways to accomplish this is through a vigorous, na- tional guard and naval reserve, the local, v61l- unteer, civilian organizations that mean real worthwhile spare time jobs for the young m.n of the nation. -.. .. This is the Amefican way, for always in American history it has been the civilians who have borne the brunt of defending our ideals. This is the democratic way, [or what can be'more democratic than citizens volun- tetring 'a.pait of their spare timhe-.that tthey-t may be trained to defend their homes, their state, their nation? These two services are vital to all of us as forces to be trained, equipped and ever ready for instant mobilization to supplement the regular army and navy in time of threat. They commend themselves for many other reasons. -Here at home, the individual may train -while pursuing his regular occupation and' living a normal civilian life. He draws a full day's regular pay for two hours of spare time training a week and for each of 15 days of fiekl training. He may learn new skills, or im- prove old ones, and acquire valuable experi- ence in organization and leadership. Port St. Joe can't have a national guard unit, their being such organizations at Pan- ama City, Apalachicola and Marianna in this section of Florida, but iwe could have a naval reserve unit if a sufficient number of young men would take an interest in it. Such a unit would be a community asset. It would be a- spark to real community service. It would be citizenship at work. The community and lo- cal merchants would benefit, too, from fed- eral funds. We have been assured of a communications unit in Port St. Joe as a starter, and as the number of men joining up increases, we could expect the installation of various types of equipment and perhaps eventually an armory, or whatever it is the naval reserve uses. T hm Coledewey is the local recruiting of- ficer and has all the dope for anyone who is interested in joining-. 'I AM AN AMERICAN DAY' Annually, by resolution of congress in 1940, National Citizens Week is observed in May and "I Am An American Day" will be its cli- max this year on May 18. Federal, state and local governments and private organizations will foster programs in many cities through- out the country. The program is designed especially to honor the 2,000,000 young men and women who reach' their majority during the previous 12-month period and to impress on foreign-born citizens the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. This is something which is not only needed by those two groups, but also by our adult citizens. President Truman asks for exercises "designed to help our citizens better under- stand their privileges and responsibilities as participants in our representative democracy." Judging from the number of voters who turn out in Port St. Joe at times when mat- ters of importance to the city as a whole are to be passed upon, our people need to be im- pressed with their responsibility in their own city government. .We understand a south Florida legislator paid $750 cash for 60-day rental of a house in Tallahassee while the legislature is in session. His pay for the session will be $360. Can't .blame the.boys much for asking a pay boost. A professor has said that women don't know how to talk. (This item comes under the "How's That Again?" department).-Winter Haven Herald. We notice where a big baking concern is producing toasted bread. What we'd like to see is toasted bread that has already been scraped. Shucks! Everything seemed to be running along pretty smoothly, and now the legisla- ture is in session.-Gadsden County Times, Best simile of the week: She was so thin that her gown looked as thought it hung from a nail. Many a winter tourist carried an alligator home from Florida stretched over a suitcase. MEMORIAL LIBRARY $2.50 for a family membership. Plans for us.e of the library are (Continued from Page 1) tentative. There will be a story- of the children's room and bright- telling hour for pre-school age chil- ened it with colored. pottery in the drel twice a week, and the reading slpe of various animals; lumber room will be open three times a for the shelves' has been. donated week. More definite plans, will be by Basil E. Kenney. made when it is determined, what Between now and' April 26 much needs the community has. work will be done by volunteers At present the library will in* from the Junior Woman's Club in clude four newspapers and, sub- order to have. the books ready for scriptions to approximately twenty o d rt ateb o sainr.. ... .. ...... LU ......r public inspection, and Mrs. G. L. Kennington', chairman olf the pro- ject committee, asks that all mem- bers respond when called upon. Many new books; have arrived. Membership cards are now being sold, by members' of the Junior Woman's Club. It is necessary that users of the lilbra;y have these cards,, since. persons checking out library materials must be identi- fied in order to .guard, against loss, and operation expenses must be supplied by those who use the library. The cards, are being is- sued for one. year at a price of $1 for an individual m'embershtp and nmiagazines, in. addition toL a large collection of' books for all ages. CANCER FUND DRIVE (Continued from Page 1) not realize how serious those warnings can be until it is too lat"," Mrs. Kenney declared. -She poin-ted out that Florida al- ready 'has' launched a comprehen- sive program to plaice information a'b.uiit cancer in as many homes as possible. From funds raiseCt last year the Florida division of the American Cancer Society also established facilities which pro- vide such -things as protection, di- agnosis, treatment, nursing, serv- ice, bandages and dressings, in 12 counties. At the same time, the Florida division of the American Cancer Society was able to con- tribute nearly $40,000 to the na- tion's research effort. Plan's this year call for raising $150,000 to maintain the program already under way. More will be needed if the activity is, to be ex- panded, Mrs. Kenney said. Gulf county has a minimum goal of $1-200 at its share of the. state total. The speaker said the drive for funds to fight cancer is like going to the rescue of someone in dan- ger and declared that she had no doubt that Gulf county would go far beyond its minimum- goal in the campaign. Basil E. Kenney is serving as county campaign chairman. Less than 100,000 miles of the 3.000,000 miles of U. S. highways are paved with concrete. VISITING CATTLEMEN (Continued From Page One) in the cere-al feed exhibits. It was demons-trated t h a t oats., when grown under correct soil prepara- tion, hadt great possibilities for solving the winter feed problem. The tour ended with an inspec- tion of two 'clover crops grown in the. flatlands around the W. T. Ed- wards ranch at a point approxi- mately ten miles, from Port St. Joe on the Wewahitchka highway. The Dutch clover grown under wet :.oil conditions reached 13 inches after three months' growth. J. Lee Smith,,,.pointed out that the cattle-men's demonstration had proved that grazing crops would thrive in Gulf county's varied soils on a profitable basis. Making the tour from Port St. Joe were J. Lamar Miller, Henry Maige, Welton Roolhe, A. D. Law- son and the writer. - W-mEh~mu "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" -. ANN .0 mo-- qm v. -mqo4p 4w 4 40004-4 - -D 4 lo w -m - 4w0 .- 4 mi -0.- 00= U ob 4m0 p 10FN ama o -be4b4 -dw % m4 no 4b 0 T HIS is really no joke to your electric servant. He wants to do a good job in your home. but when he's handi- capped with inadequate wiring he iust can't do his best. It's not just a matter of convenience with Reddy Kilowatt .. but an abso- lute necessity in order for your appli- ance aids to operate properly. So take advantage of the FREE wiring plan service offered by this company . and get ready for the even better appliances of tomorrow, 'Adequate wiring serves and saves. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION I -- THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GUJLF COUNTY. FLORIDA FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 PAGE FOUR FRIAY APIL18,197 TE TAR PRT T.JOE GLF OUTY.FLRID PGE IV Pictured above are three of your'navy recruiters stationed at the Post- otffice Building, Tallahassee, and serving your home towns'. Reading from left to right are N. C. Bonenberger, CISFT, U.SN; J. M. Lester, BM1, USN, and. R. A. Miller, BM1, USNR. Miller is a local man from Wakulla ,county and covers Port St. Joe. The novel means of adver- tising the, Naval Reserve V-6 (inactive) was, painted by Bonenberger. Ex-coastguardsmen may enlist in the V-6 with the rate at which they, were discharged. Ex-marines and army men may enlist in the equival- ent paip grade providing the reserve, can equal their specialty number. Non-veterans between the ages of 17 and 40 years are now eligible for enrollment ini the V-6, an'l all me&n enrolling are eligible to take ,the 14-day cruises offered and the instructional training courses for advancement in.rate. Tom Coldewey and Ken Greech, local represen- tatives, have information available for any men wishing to enroll in V-6 MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSION Wewahitchka, Florida April 8, 1947 The. Board of County Commts- a oBers of Gulf County met this day in regular session with the fol- lowing members present: W. R. Connell, chairman; W. C. RocWe, vice-chairman; J. S. Daniels, J. C. Martin and Basil E. Kenney Jr. We Have Just Received a IFine Line: of SMALL LEATHER ITEMS * Billfolds, Change Purses, : * Men's Belts, Sam Browne Belt's, Wrist Watch Straps, : Dog Harnsses, Key-Kits . and Key Rings, Suitcase Handles, Truck Drivers' Billfolds, Skate Straps. * 4 We Also Stock a-Full Line.ot * All Types of Shoe Polishes STHE LEADER SHOE A SHOP 0 We Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, * Attend Their Dyeing and * Save Their Soles 4* .. .. 0 .. .S TO SAFEGUARD TOUR HEALTH The purity and uniformity of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score or more of exacting tests for purity ard 'made. Thus, we compound prescription with full confidence in the reliability of the ingredients your physician prescribes; We use Merck Prescription Chemicals SMITH'S PHARMACY We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE Clerk, sheriff and county attorney were also in attendance. The meeting caime to order at 10:00 a. m. and the following or- der of business taken up: Minutes of the meeting March 11th read and approved. E. C. Pridgeon, tax collector, presented his E & I Roll for the year 1943 and the same wa,3 ap- proved. The home demonstration agent, farm 'agent and health unit filed reports for' the month of Match, 1947 arind. the same were ordered filed in. the offi',a of the clerk of the circuit court as' part of the records, of the county. E. C.- Pi-idgeo i:filed his. annual report of receipts" and disburse- ments for the twelve months end- ing December 31, 1946, and the same: was approved.. The following bills for profes- -ional services tendered by Dr. A. L. Ward were refused upon the grounds bhat no authority hadf been given for same: Mrs,. M. J. Moat, $50.00; Ware Allen, $173.55. The hour having airive.d for opening bids for the purchase ol certain machinery as advertised according to law, and' there being only one .bid', the St. Joe Motor Company, submitted, there was a motion by Basil E. Kenney, Jr., seconded: 'by J. C. Martin, that the St. Joe Motor Company be awarded the contract to furnish. Gulf county the following: 1 truck (100 h. p.) and body as specified in said no- tice, for the ,umu of $2,186.63. The ' same being put to a vote wab unanimously carried. The Port St. Joe Dock and Term- inal Railway Company filed Plat ot Saint Joseph's Addition to. the. City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Unit No. 5, and, the same was approved. Whereupon the following bills were presented, examined, ap- proved and ordered paid from the several funds of the county as follows: General Fund The Star, a/,c ------------$ 35.00 W.. R. Connell, per diem _- 6.00 Basil E. Kenney, Jr., per diem and mileage ------... 11.20 W. C. Roche, per .diem and mileage ----------- .11.20 J. C. Martin, per diem and, mileage ---------------- 13.00 .. S. Daniels, per diem and mileage ----------------- 8.00 E. Clay Lewis Jr., retainer 50.00 Wilmnia A. Revell, 'salary _- 125.00 Leona Taylor, supplement 'to salary-------------- 25.00 J.E.Lanier, sal. & yardman 125.00 Chestnut's Grocery & Mar- ket, county indigent ---- 15.00 W. T. Strange -__ 10.00 Delana Parisih _.. 10.00 Sally Ram.sey .___ 10.00 Mrs. C. G. Rish, salary ___ 75.00 Byrd E. Parke-r, sheriff,' cost bills, etc. --------- 95.04 P. F. McDaniel, a/c ------ 8.05 State Road Dept., 25 maps .of Gulf county ---------- 5.00 J. E. Pridgeon. insanity case. ------------------ 15.00 Dr. J. R. Norton .. 5.00 Dr. John A. Hughes 10.00 Dr. A. L. Ward .- 5.00 Sara Gill, committeeman__ E.00 Harold Powell '" .- 2.00 Wewa. State Bank, d'isct. voucher 225.00 Postmaster, co. postage -. J. R. Hunter, clerk, salary, etc. 20% Tax a/c, Hunter .. - St. Jos. Tel. & Tel. Co. a/c H & W B Drew Co., a/c-. Bishop Off. Equip. Co., a/c Gulf Coast Elec. Coop., a/c Gulf County Breeze, a/_,. Pridgeon Supply Store, a/c Commercial. Off. Supply a/c State TB Sanatorium, co. indigent at Marianna_-. State TB Sanatorium, co. indigent at Orlano ---.. C. W.. Norton, Jr., county indigent ---------.-.----- Kenney Mercantile Co., county indigents ... Connell Ice & Water, a/c City o[f Wewahitc'hka, allo- cation from race tiack-- City of Port St. Joe, allo- cation from race triack__ Samuel A. Patrick, on a/c 1947 roll -------------- E. C. Pridigeon, on acct. -- Mnicipal Hospital, Manie Municipal Hospital, Mamie Fine and Forfeiture Fund B. E. Parker, sheriff, cost bill,, March, 1947 --$955.37 J. E. Pridgeon, cost bills __ 158.05 E. Clay Lewis-, Jr., salary and convictions --------- 165.00 J. R. Hunter, clerk, record&- ing convictions' ahd circuit court cost bills----.... ---- 197.39 John Davis, witness, court 1947 ..---......--......------------... 2.10 Gulf Drug Co., a/c ....--- 6.89 Game. & Fresh Water Fish Commission, arrest ticket 6.50 Road and Bridge Fund McGowin Motor Co., a/c ..$ 96.25 E. C. Pridgeon, order G. C. McDaniel ----- 15.00 Pridgeon'asSuply Store, a/c 64.51 Burford-Toothaker Tractor Co., a/c 12.79 Bud Williams, tractor repair r work 30.00 C. C. Corbin,& Co., a/c 19.6"' St. Joe Lbr. & Ex. Co., a/c 22.41 St. Joe Builders Supply- Co., a/c 54.76 A. J. Jenks., sal. and exp._- 163.98 20% Tax a/c, Jenks -------16.00 5% Tax a/c, Jenks ------- 9.25 J. M. Cleckley, replacing bridge. ----------------- 10.00. J. A. Barrington, road work 45.00 Willie Lester -- 132.00 Calvin D.Sanigster ____ 4.00 C. A. Duncan- --- 4.00 Lloyd Whitfield 60.00 Archie Kemp ._ 8.00 Linsey Duncan 4.00 Frank Lanier __ 18.00 Ellis Jones 2.75 Alva Kemp --- 30.00 B. E: Parker, sheriff, guard around jail 155.00 J. R. Hunter, clerk, cash paid' for county X tags -----. 6.75 Wewa Hardware Co., a/c-- 35.70 McGowin Service Sta., a/c 11.75 Gulf Hardware Co., a/c __ 7.25 Dois-.y's Garage, a/c ------ 32.00 Agriculture-and Livestock Fund C. R. Laird.. salary and exp. $157.60 20% Tax a/c, Laird ------ 17.40 County Service Officer's Fund Williamni H. Linton,, salary aid expenses -----------O$100. Mothers' Pension Fund Mrs. Allie Porter, mothers. pension _----.$3.00 Mrs. Minnie Patterson -- 3.00 Mrs. Minnie Paul "--- 3.00 Mrs. Ru'by Atkin ..---- 3.00 Mrs. Izella- Le.ster "---- 6.00 Mis. Rosa Stevens -- 3.00 Mrs. Fred G. Hall ---- 3.00 Mrs. Jessie Wals'ing'ham -- 3.00 \,rs. Eliza Williams ---- 6.00 Mrs. Corine Jenks .... 3.00 Mrs. Carrie Belle Parisah 6.00 Mrs. Shellie Davis ---- 3.00 Mrs. AniTe. Williamson .- 3.00 Mrs. Alma Lee Jones ---_ 6.00 Race Track Fund General Fund; transfer -- $7000.00 There being no further business to come before the board' at this time, it did' adjo.urn until its next regular meeting in May, the same being the, 13th day of said montn, unletas called in special session by CASH FOR SPRING NEEDS $50 to $300 Pay Left-Over Winter Bills,,'Paint and Repair Property on Your Ownl Signature and Security. Friendly, Confidential Service CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida 15.00 140.87 9.80 4.90 12.81 1.96 27.14 4.50 5.26 9.45 91.25 37.50 10.00 45.00 18.50 3000.00 3000.00 300.00 376.09 the chairman or vice-chairman. Clean Fixtures s/ W. R. OONNULL, Metal fixtures such as door knobs, Attest: C chairman. door hinges, metal racks, and radi- J. R. HUNTER, Clerk. ators can be cleaned easily With a 'h .stiff brush and hot soapy water. Dry Send The Star to a friend. with a clean cloth. FOR RELIABLE " Taxi Service PHONE 114 GARLON SPIVEY Located At St. Joe Bar WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES 9 WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES I Four Roses ir Sunnybrook Lord Calveht Old Thompson Three Feathers nperial Ca Hill and Hiill Calvert Reserve Paul Jones Mt. Vernon irstairs White Seal Schenley's Reserve Golden Wedding Calvert Special Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 DINE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. - DANCE Deckard's Beach Club (Formerly Martin's) NO COVER CHARGE * SEAFOODS STEAKS CHOPS CHICKEN SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS ROUTE 98 BEACON HILL BETWEEN PORT ST. JOE AND PANAMA CITY M. B. DECKARD J. E. MARSH - FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE SHIP AND TRAVEL BY Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company We are always glad to assist you with your transportation problems SCHEDULES FROM PORT ST. JOE To Montgomery, Atlanta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and St. Petersburg, with direct connections for all points North, East and South 7:55 P. M. Lv. PORT ST. JOE Ar. CHATTAHOOCHEE 11:30 P. M. Ar. MONTGOMERY 6:50 A. M. Ar. ATLANTA ..- -... 9:00 A. M. Ar. SAVANNAH -- 8:25 A. M. Ar. JACKSONVILLE 7:00 A. M. Ar. TAMPA 9:25 A. M. Ar. ST. PETERSBURG Pullman Service available at Chattahoochee and Climax FOR INFORMATION PHONE 42 OR 43 10:15A.M. FRI&AY, APRIL 18, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 M *v m-.- v GLEE CLUB CONCERT IS WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD ENJOYED BY AUDIENCE ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR In spite of a stormy night, a fair- The Wesleyan Service Guild held sized auditnce turned out Friday its second meeting Thursday eve- evening for the concert presented ning of last week at the home 4f by the high school glee club in the Mrs. Lloyd Tubbs and the attended were treated to some ex- ensuing year: Mrs. Tubbs, presi- cellent vocalizing by the young- dent; Mius Sara Kelly, vice-presi- sters', who were directed by Miss dent; Miss Anne George, record- Erline McClellan. ing secretary and -treasurer; Miss Six number,5 were. rendered by Margaret Smith, corresponding sec- the glee club, solos iby Norma Jean retary. Lewis, Will Ramsey, Robert Tra- 'Committee chairmen appointed wick, Merita Sutton and Sara Phil- were Mrs. Verna Smith, Christian yaw, several numbers by a trio social relations and local church made up of Geraldine Parker, Sara activi tits; Miss Dorothy Norton, Philyaw and Peggy Hardy, and membership; Mrs,. McArthur, rec- two numbers by a male quartet reaction and supply. composed of Wade Barrier, Luther The next meeting of the guild Carden, Jimmy Ramsey and Tommy will be held at Mexico Beach on Owens. Arpil 24, and will tbe in the form In appreciattion of the fine work of a vesper service. she is doing with the glee club, t I Miss McClellan waspresented with MRS. E. C. PRIDGEON IS a beautiful orchid by Memorie Por- HOSTESS TO J.A.M. CLUB ter on behalf of mel,.'i:. of the Mrs. E. C. Pridlgeon was hostess glee club. Monday night to members. of the This is, the first time in the his- J. A. M..Club ait her home on Third 'tory of the school that there has Street. The living room and din- been an organization of this type, ing room were most attractive. with and it is anticipated that next year bowls of spring flowers. will see. it grow from its present Regular activities- of the club 45 members to perhaps 70, since were enjoyed after which the hos- .but six will graduate this year. tess served a chicken 'salad. plate at t with sandwiches, party squares and ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH coffee to Mesdames Eliza Lawson, Highland View Florrie Connell, --Ruby Pridgeon, W. G. Mizell.e, Pastor Gladys Boyer, Callie Howell, Ned 10:,30 a. m.-Sunday school. Gainous, Vefuia Smith and Myrtice 11:30 a. m.-Morning worship. Smith. 7:45 p. m.-Evangeli.stic service. The next meeting of the club, on Prayermeeting Wednesday eve- April 28, -will be held at the. home nings at 7:45. Radio program over of. Mrs. Ruby Pridgeon on, Monu- WDLP, Panama City, 7:30 to S a.: ment Avenue. m. EST Thursday mornings. 1& I Returns To Home In Georgia ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Wilbur Norton, of Dawson, Ga., Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor arrived here Sunday for a visit Sunday services will be held as with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rowan follows: and family, returning home. Tues- 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. day. He was accompanied, on tilhe 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school, return trip by his wife, who had 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. been visiting with hex parents. I METHODIST CHURCH CATHOLIC SERVICES Week-end Visitor From Geor Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor Mass is held at St. Joseph's Miss Mamie Kelly of Daws -Sunday Services Chapel the first Sunday of each Ga., spent the week-end. here 9:45 a. m.-Church school. month at 8 a. m. Second third and the, guest of. Mrs. Verna Sn 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. fourth Sundays at 10:15 a.m. nd Miss Sarah Kelly. 7:00 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. P. p R .S P 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. Visit In Blountstown Shoppers Apalachicol Choir practice every Wednesday Mis. Leroy Gainous and children Shoppers From Apaaho at 7:30 p. m. visited Sunday in Blountstown, the Shopping in town Monday f: Bayview- Worship each Sunday guests of Mrs. Anton Markovic. Apalachicola were Mrs. Lc morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church t Gander, Mrv. E. M. Spear and. school following worship service. A weekly bath for the broom will Nannie Roan. We extend a cordial invitation insure a clean sweep and make it I t It to all to attend these services. last longer. It pays to advertise-try it! gia SOllD, as- nith a Airs. 'il'S. FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY YARDLEY Regularly $1.00 Each TWO 50 TWO W for | PlsTax NIGHT CREAM ENGLISH COMPLEXION CREAM DRY SKIN CLEANSING CREAM LIQUEFYING CLEANSING CREAM YARDLEY PRODUCTS FOR AMERICA ARE CREATED IN ENGLAND AND FINISHED IN THE U.S.A. [IfROM THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH FORMULAE, COMBINING IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC INGREDIENTS, MILLER'S DRUG STORE FI ESTO NEHIE & AUTO SUPPLY B. W. EELLS, Own-er m _ I II I, PAGE SIX C~"~o"~P"~" ~;Lec~z~ FORET ST. JOE, FLA. THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA - PAGE SEVEN, nFIA ,A0?l, - SSocial Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 teachers Are Honored Dn 'Appreciation Day' -'Teacner Appreciation Day" as observed by the local Parent- Teache.' Association last Sunday was a marked success. The project consisted, of a proclamation issued by Mayor Soule making the ob- uervance city-wide; tribute paid to teachers in the various churches of the city, either in' the morning or evening services, "and the high- light of the day's program, a re- ception honoring the teachers, held from 4 to 6 in the afternoon at the 'home of the P.-T. A. president, Mrs. Ralph Swatts. For this, occasion the Swatt'-s home was decorated with a variety of colorful' spring flowers beauti- fully and artisticallp arranged by Mrs. Massey Ward. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Interest cente-red on the lace-covered tea table ,with its background of ivy, wisteria, lark- spur and bridal wreath. At one ena of the table was the punch bowl, bordered with arbor vitae-and pan- ,ies,, and at the.Other end o-f the table a round crystal tray of beau- tiful party cakes,' also bordered with pansies, and arbor vitae.. Re-\ freshments were served by M'ro. Tommy Mitchell, assisted by Mrs. Massey Ward', Mrs. Aubrey Strick- .land' and Mrs. Rush Chism. In the. receiving line were Mrs. Swatts, Mrs. Edwin Ramsey. arid Mrs'. Pervis Howell. Corsages were presented to the teachers by Mrs. George Suibe,- and Mns. George Ad- kins." Floor hostessee we-re Mrs. Albert Ward andi Mrs. Chism.. A variety of lovely music was, pro- vid'ed, by Mi',Eil, n Howell. Teacher Appreciation Day whs received' with so much enthusiasm thatplans are now being made to make this an annual event in Port ,St. Joe, and a suggestion will be made to the state P.-T. A. leaders that Teacher Appreciation Day be presented annually throughout the state. SENIOR CLASS ENTERTAINED WITH BUFFET SUPPER Mrs. C. G. Costin was hostess to members of the senior class of the Port St. Joe high school Thu.rs- day evening of laut week. at her home on Monument Avenue. Highlight of the evening's' enTe-r- tainment was I contest, "An Auto- mobile Romance." A buffet supper . oT baked' ham, peas', potato salad, candied yams, beets; stutTed celery, ,peaches, cake and iced, tea was served from a lace-covered table centered with a bowl of red, and white carnations, the class colors. The 22 'seniors and 'their spon- sor, Miss Katherine Nix, enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Costin and expressed their appreciation of a most delightful evening. BRIDGE DINNER HONORS MRS. JOHN LANE Mrs. Verna Smith and Mis's Sara Kelly we'-e hostesses recently at a bridge dinner honoring Mrs. John Lane at the home of Mrs. .Smith. The menu consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, sliced to- matoes, olives, pickle-s fresh string beans, hot rolls, cake and coffee. Present were M,-s. Fred McLean,, Mrs. Roy Gibson Jr., Mrs. Murray Lloyd, Mrs. Ben Dickens Jr., Miss Ma:jorie Philyaw. Mi-s Betty Jo Lane-, Mis's Juanita Gunn, Miss Margaret 1Belin, Mrs. Emeline Be- lin and Mrs. Mel Magidsomn. Bright Glassware To keep glassware bright, wipe as soon as pieces are removed from suds and rinsed in hot water. Tum- blers that contained milk should be. rinsed in cold water before washing. 0. E. S. Installs Officers For Ensuing Year Gulf Chapter 191, Order of East- ern Star, held its annual installa- tion of officers Tuesday night.inr a special meeting at the Masonic hall. After the me-eting was opened, the outgoing officers were pre- sented to the east, where the re- tiring worthy matron presented each with a gift as a token of her appreciation of their 'services to her in her year',- work. Installing officers were'Pauline Smith, installation officer, assisted ,by Watson Smith; Florrie Connell, installing marshal; Leslie Spillers installing chaplain, and Myrtice Smith, organist. New officers installed are: Alma Parker, worthy matron; Byrd E Parke,', worthy patron; Estelle Griffin', associate matron;, J. M Harris., associate patron; Lovie Co- burn, secretary: Sybil Scheffer treasure,-; Wilma Cooper, conduc- tress; De.lla Mize, associate con ductress; Elwyn Blount, chaplain; Florrie Connell, marshal; Myrtice Smith, organist; Pauline Smith Ada; Leslie Spillers-, Ruth; Ruth Ramsey, Esther; Onnie Greer Martha; Callie Howell, Electa; Zola Maddox, warder, and Watsonr Smith, 'sentinel. ' SThe outgoing worthy matron was presented, with a past matron's jewel by the chapter as- a token of appreciation :for he.r services. At the conclusion of the cere- Inony a social .hour was enjoyed and refi e-hn.:-nt., served.. HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Phillips of Carratelle announce the birth ol a daughter, Betty Sue, on Apfil 10 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gibbon' Lovett of Apalachicola announce the birth of a son, Francis Jr., on April 12. Mr. anid Mrs. Jacob D. Drake of this city are the proud parents of a son, born April 12. The young man has been named Roy Lee. Mri. M tiff. TI-z. T-i Ivir. and, I vrs. Jack-son E. Lameiel of Wewahitchka are announcing the birth of a son, Willard Dewitt, on April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Dolby or Carrahbelle announce the. birth of a daughter, Donna June, on April 1b. (All births occurred, at the. Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital.) MRS. BRINSON HOSTESS TO president, Mrs. Eula Stebel, pre- MARY VIC MAUK CIRCLE siding. The Mary Vic Mauk Circle of I As Mrs. Revell was absent, the the Methodist Church held iti, reg-j :.,.u:ar program was postponed Sular meeting Monday at the home until the May meeting. The club at |f Mrs. R. H. Brinson. Before the. this time made plans for a baked meeting was called, to order, the' foodrl alo to be held in the near 10 e.ss served a salad plate with future. cookies and, cold drinks. Following the recreation hour, The business session was pre- Mrs. Mildra Spear and Mrs. Dor- sided over by Mrs. J. L. Sharit, ene Spear served fruit punch and circle chairman. Mrs. Nolbie Stone gingersnaps to the seven members gave an inspiring talk on "The present. Further Riches of Christian Stew-t t ardiship, Races and Nations." 0. E. S. PRACTICE MEET Members present were. Mrs. B. Mrs. Alma Parker, ,worthy ma- H. Smith, Mrs. Sharit, Mrs. J. L tron, announces that there will be, Temple, Mrs. G. S. Croxton and a practice meeting of officers of Mrs. R. W. Smith. Mrs. R. H. Brin. the Order of Eastern Star' in the son Sr., was a guest. Masonic hall this evening at 7:30. The next meeting of this circle All members are invited,, and' offi- will be held Monday, April 28, at ce.:o, are urged to be present. Sthe home of Mrs. R. W. Smith. tt t 4 C IF t Advertising doesn't cost-it \PAYS BAPTIST W.. M. S. HOLDS BIBLE STUDY AT CHURCH e The Bap,tpis't W. M. S. met at DR. C. L. REICHERTER the church Monday afternoon for the Bible study, with 20 members OPTOMETRIST attending. The study, from the 8th chapter of Acts, was taught by EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Mrs. C. M. Palmer. . During the brief business seb si;on, plans were made for the va- Ritz Theatre Building Hours: to 5 cation Bible, school clinic to be First Floor Phone 560 held in the church today, with a PANAMA CITY, FLA. picnic lunch at the noon hour. All circles of the W. M. S. will - have their April meetings at the - church Monday afternoon. WHITE CITY CLUB PLANS I FOR BAKED FOOD SALE The. White City Home Demon- Sstration Club held its regula- P meeting Thursday of last week at A Martin Theatre the community, building, with the ------------- THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY \CONTINUOUS PERFORMS bUV U12.Si ^~^^^ f f f ^ C BLIND SORROW When a loved one i's suddenly taken, blind sorrow oft takes aveor. It is the-n the invaluable assistance of our' .service is so much appreciated. Let us serve when the need arises. Comforter Funeral Home 218. SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service ." -- -- --1 EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A. "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1947 BROTHER J. B. ANSLEY OF THE SPRINGFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH, PANAMA CITY, WILL PREACH AT THE MORNING AND EVENING SERVICES. 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. 6:25-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. ->' LAST TIME TODAY SATURDAY, APRIL 19 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - - FEATURE NO. 2- A WHIRLWIND OF ACTION. THE FALCONS ni" u m no lu g g TODM ConWAU Iadge MereditheEduard Brophy Chapter 6 of Serial "Son of the Guardsman" SUNDAY, APRIL 20 Si, Laugh of Your lif*e ,HALEY ANNE JEFFREYS- S-- Also-- SPORT and ANIMAL SHORT Canned Pears Pears can be very tasty, with as small amount of sugar used in can- ning. YEARS OF PREPARATION ..for seconds of service Our pharmacists, like your pHysi- cian, have studied long andi practiced diligently to qualify. themselves to compound your pre-- scriptions quickly accurately. Their study, experience, and skills are intangible qualities in every filled prescription. Whether it be your everyday' drug needs or a doctor's prescrip- tion to be fille;d-come in to see us: For your home medicine chest" needs, we carry a complete line of, Curity Surgical and First Aidi products. Serving your needs is oilr yob--and our pleasure. MILLER'S DRUG STORE - - - ILNCE leatre- Port St. Joe, Fla. - SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. E DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. MONDAY TUESDAY April 21 and 22 Also ---- NEWS and JUVENILE JURY No. I WEDNESDAY; APRIL 23, - HIT NO. 1 -- HIT NO. 2 Also - Chapter 7 of Serial ,'CHICK CARTER" THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 24 and 25 ~-~asa.e m m... u..r Sr AV "A r I 0 OA7. PAGE EIGHT THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, 40LF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, APRIL .18, 1947 S- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT -- EOP THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED I, THOSE. R. L. CARTER WALLPAPER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate PAPERHANGING Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. INTERIOR PAINTING -Free Estimates- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING r Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. FRED LACKEY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE PANAMA CITY, FLA. IF YOU WfANT MONEY TO HOUSE TRAILER-Int good shape; BUILD SEE US! will accommodate two; $275.00. Phone 2065-R or Write Can be seen at rear of Goodson's General Delivery, Panama City Remember, we have helped to se- Store. A. W. Watson, P. 0. 'Box cuie loans for construction of 9 104, Highland View. 1* out of 10 houses built in Port St. Joe since 1938. FENCE WIRE-50 feet of 14-inch woven ornamental fence wire at Penn Firm High Bidder We have the following houses $4.50; or will swap for most any- enn for sale at prices well. within the thing. The Star office. 1-10tf On Carrabelle Pine Line ST. Reid Avenue GOODYEAR Tires, Tubes and Accessories HOTPOINT APPLIANCES KEM-TONE PAINT SEABEE OUTBOARD MOTORS CUSHMAN SCOOTERS TEXACO PRODUCTS JOE SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. CALL US FOR KEROSENE Phone 321 Car-, WHEN YOU NEED SBEVC KEROSENE Call 200-W Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease, GULF SERVICE STATION DON'T FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE PLUMBING SERVICE CALL EDWARD LeGRONE ,---- PHONE 88 OR 233-W - Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating -limit of the late Real Estate Ad- .a, R vance: HELP WANTED MALE If there, are three, families who GO FAR EAST, YOUNG MAN The. M. M. Landay Company of WHEN YOU NEED A -"ould like to buy comfortable ana A number of the famous, battle- Pittsburgh, Pa., submitted the ap- r reasonable homes in Oak Grove we tested divisions on duty in Japan parent high bid last Saturday at T I PHONE 287 can find them for you on the ba- and. Korea are now accepting the Jacksonville for two wartime oil sis of about one-third down and the enlistments of hand-picked, keen facilities built in Florida to beat A balance in one or two years. W-a young men for service in the' Far facilities built in Floida to beat J A M E B S S have to sell all these together, .but East. ,the submarine menace during the At Sunny State Service Station there is nothing to prevent us sell- Among these great fighting di- war. ing to three different parties. This visions are such noted units as the The Pennsylvania firm placed .a is a real buy and the prices are First Cavalry Division, now mech- considerably lower than have been anized in Japan; the 6th Infantry bid. of $460,300 with the War As- Records! Records! asked heretofore. Division, on duty in Korea; the 7th -sets Administration for the 200- t Infantry Division, now in Korea; mile pipeline, running from Carra- WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST We are especially gladto have the the 24th Infantry Division, known belle to Jacksonville. Six other HITS! ALBUMS, TOO Joe Mira home on Long Avenue, as the "Victory Division," serving corner of 13th Street, listed with in Japan; and the 25th Infantry, bids were submitted. ST. JOE FURNITURE AND us. Ther is also small house in or "Tropic Lightning Division," The Landay Company offer of AP ELIA NCE M AND rear of thebrick that goe with it also stationed in Japan. $76,000 for anl oil terminal in this APPLIANCE COMPANY ee us about tis and tersca A 3-year enlistment for duty in vicinity (probably at Panama City) be arranged. ,the Orient will enable you to New house on waterfront-can be choose ope of these famous di-topped five other bidders,. Au PLUMBING, converted in to duplex. Also ad- visions-ind YOU cal be a part of The. bids will be submitted to the P b GENERAL PLUMBING joining, lots to give as muh as.17'it; following itial inin n the W office in Washington for fi- E I SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR feet on waterfront. This is very United States. nal (I-p"',itlon. SEW R CLEANING-andREPAIR reasonable. A 20 pr cen t increase in'pay for _____ W____ RODN overseas service, plus many addi- W B. .A ' Now have connections at Mexico tional advantages, makes this a .Chaman Hi Takes Honrs N Beach, the other side of Beacon fine chance 'or the young man wio Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods Hill, and' since Gulf County water- wants, to s6e distant lands and fill front lots are getting few and fati an important post in the peacetime (Continued From Page One) be-tween, see me if interested. Army. Ask for details at U. S. scorers. Gene Farris was first in e can now give you easy te Army Recruiting Station, 210 H ear- the pole vault.. COMPLETE SERVICE We can now give you easy terms rio Avenue, Panama City. Fla. the pole vault. COM LET ASERVICE on the 3-bedrgom house corner of Recruiting officer in Port St. Joe For the St. Joe girlIs, Sarah Bray WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE 16th Street and Palm Boulevard, every Friday, second floor of Ma- threw the soft ball' more than 169 FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS which has been repainted inside sonic building. feet to set a record, as this event We recommend fire Insurance because its easy to start a fire and out. Will sell under contract, $1250.00 down and' balance monthly LOST AND FOUND was not held last year. Vonnnye Ke OC K AL ANDER -with assumption of the. mortgage. Faircloth won the 8-pound shotput uceS B U C KD A L E X A N D E R LOST-Saturday night in Frances' and Betty, Jean Peacock tied with rear of lot on Palm Blvd., third lot waterp.'oof Charles Nicklet wrist- Johnson. of., Chaimpan for first . south from corner of 10th Street. watch. Finder please return to J. place in the girls' high jump. M EET YOUR R Fully furnished and ready to move B. Griffith, 'St. Joe Paper Co., phone - in. This is' known as the former. 9, extension 17. Reward. 4-25* Have West'Virginia Visitors '" FRIENDS Miller place. Lot in front is, cleared, H filled' in- with good! dirt and fer- EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mrs. Lucy Medley and'.Mr. and AT tilized. Dandy place to build with COLORED GIRL, neaMrt, reliable s. Eugene McCormick ana income property added, or an at- would like to have washing and daughte-r Patricia, all of Charles- LeHARDY'S BAR tractive home as it stan.ds. Imme- ironing. German Quarters, second ton, W. Va.. have been the guests diate possession 'given and rea- house on right entering in from of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller of Oak sonable price ice plant. 1* Grove for the past ten days. Mrs. W Let Us Design You a Letterhead Have two desirable corner lots on RELIABLE COLORED GIRL de- Medley is. Mr. Miller's. sister, and Palm Blvd., west side corner of sires hbuse work 3 or 4 days a Mrs. McCormick is his, grand- I To Fit YOUBusiness 14th. Very reasonable- at $650; way week. German Quarters, second iiece. They expect to return to under prevailing prices., lhoue on right entering in from t 1 ho ex to Vir g tto T E T Also four beautiful corner lots on ice plant. their n West Virginia to- H E Monument at 13.th and 15th Sts. It pays to advertise-try it!" orrow. Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. An excellent 'buy in a house in BABY CHICKS Industrial Use of Mfilk Gaulding's Addition, $1000 cash. AMilk is used in a wide variety We have applied for loans bothGOOD QUALITY HEAVY BREEDS of industrial products. WILKSJEWELRY C ANY A fornew home in Unit -200 for $11.00. WORTHWHILEI No. 4, t.osephs Addition, the CHIKS, 101West North Avenue, LEGAL ADVERTISING Diamonds and Jewelry No. 4, St. Joseph's Baltimore 1, Mdi. 6-20*"o so-called Triangle, on Constitution NOTICE OF INTENTION TO -\ Drive, and 'would appreciate your APARTMENTS FOR RENT APPLY FOR SPECIAL WE TEACH WATCHES TO seeing us if you need building : LEGISLATION the TELL THE TRUTH mney. FURNISHED APARTMENT cold- Notice, is, hereby given that the J IT IT11HEiTR H Remember-Abstracts of Title are bath. Call Joe Mira. 4-18ttcenactment of the following special furnished with every sale. legislation will be applied for at FOR APARTMENTS See The the present regular session of the N OTI C E CARTER Registered Real Shirey ApaTtments. 8-3 Legislature of the State of Florida Radio Broadcasting The Board of Public Instruction, Estate Broker which convened April S, A.D. 1947, In the United States, 900 radio Gulf County, Florida, will receive '317 REID AVENUE LODGE NOTICES to-wit: A bill to be. entitled "An broadcasting stations daily serve sealed :bids until 10 A. M. (Central Port St. Joe, Florida MAAct to Abolish the Present Mu- more than 50,000,000 receiving sets. Standard Time) on May 6, f947, MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- nicipal Government of the City of at the office of the Superintendent, 5-ROOM COTTAGE on one acre of Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular Port St. Joe, in the County of Gulf, N O T I C E Wewah.itchka, Fla., for the. building land, at White City; hot and A meetings 2nd and .4th Fr- in the State of Florida, and to cre- The Board of Public Instruction, of 4 additional classrooms/ to the cold water. See J. A. Christmas at dayMembers uredh m toattend8:00 m. ate, establish and organize a mu- Gulf County, Florida, will receive Middle Building of the Port St. Joe Wimico Lod~ge. 3-28tt visiting brothers welcome? D. L. nicipality to he known and des'ig- sealed bid's on the following trans- High School site. The bidder will FOR RENT Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. nated as the City of Port St. Joe, portation equipment until 10 A. M. furnish all necessary materials for and to de-fine its territorial boun- central l Standard Time) on May building the rooms. CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. O. daries and to provide far its gov- 6, 1947, in the office of the Super- The plans and specifications -for per day. Spillers and Nichols, 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday ernment, jurisdiction, power,, fran- intenlpent, Wewahitchka, Florida. the four rooms can be obtained phone 83 or 304. 5-9* niaht a.t 8 o'clock in 'Masonic hall. chises and privileges," and to re- Four 194-inch wheelbase School from Reynolds, Smith and Hills, --- All members urged to attend and peal Chapter 18816, Laws of Flor- Bus Chassis, and four 48-passen- Architects, Jacksonville. Florida, SWAP visiting brethren invited. B. A. ida. Special Acts of 1937, including ger School Bus Bodies to fit -or the office of the Gulf County Pridgeon, N. G.; W. H. Sansom. al.l amendments thereto, chassis. Superintendent. RADIO Emerson 7-tube table Secretary. Dated this 16th day of April, A. The Board reserves, the right to The Board rp..rvo- the right to model; just .been worked'over by D. 1947. reject any or all bids. reject any or all bids. Gulf Radio Lab. We got a new one 1Cge CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, THO'MAS MERIWETHER. THOMAS MERIWETHER, for Christmas. See it at The Star ,lar a f resuItS By M. P. Tomlinson, THOS. A. OWENS, Chairman THOS. A. OWENS, Chairman office. 1-l1Otf S City Auditor and' Clerk. Superintendent. 4-18 5-2 Supe:intendent. 4-18 5-2 |