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Let's Put the Gulf County Red Cross Chapter "Over the Top" THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF ( GULF COUNTY Lo(> PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 F S a a w -v C t fo A4 Bi F E M S -M b G MIV L B R O P E bl S M ci P al il h in ce fo be St tu so de fa w Ge Henry Lilius. The boys showed the results of this training by staging excellent exhibition bouts in the tournament. If a sufficient number of boys enter, there will be two nights o01 tights instead of one. Home For Spring Holidays Students home from Tallahassee for the spring holidays are Miss Betty Jean Camp'bell, Miss Betty Sue McPhaul, Miss Faye Morris, Miss Margaret Elder and Jack Ma- hon. < .i. installed, in a spanking new build- ter as long as the property is used ing on Fourth Street, opposite Dr. 'r that puinpose. The building, Ward's new building. which was brought here in see-, Jean is well known ,here, having operated a beauty salon for several years, past, and she is now pre- pared to provide her patrons witli the best of service with a modern and uip-to-date shop. Even if you don't need a facial, a permanent. a manicure or any of those services that women seem to think they need to keep beautiful, drop by and take a peek at Jean's new shop. tions', has not yet been erected, but it is hoi)ed to have it ready for use within the next 30 days. The lot will be developed as, a playground, for small children ana the building will 'bie used as a rec- reation center for the entire com- munity. Perhaps now, with this new cen- ter of community activity, Mayor Horace Soule can proceed with his plans for a chess tournament. School Chorus Baptist Revival Continues Pre-Season Ball Is Participating In Through Sunday Evening Games Scheduled M c .Festival The revival which is still in pro- MuSIC estival gress at the First Baptist Church FOr St. Joe Team _-- will continue with one service each. Forty-eight High School Boys and d'ty at 7:30 p. im. through Sunday Daily Workout Being Held; Onl Girls In M.arianna Today and nfigit, March 30, according to Rev. One Player Lost From Last Tomorrow In Competition RIt. F. Hallford. The regular Sunday Year's Stnong Club morning service will be held at Forty eight members of the, Port 10:56. Rev. Hallford reports that the With the opening of spring th St. Joe high school mixed chorus, attendance. especially in the young Port St. Joe Saints are working ou ander the direction of Miss Erline people's groups, continues to grow, daily at' the local ball park, an IcClellan, will participate in the there being 76 Juniors, and Inter- prospects are exceedingly bright ausic festival being held in Mari- mediates present Wednesday eve- for another successful season, a na today and tomorrow in which nim.. This, testifies to the popt- nna today and tomorrowarity of the work which is being practically all of last year's power ll schools in Northwest Florida clone by the singer, L. G. Meadows. house is returning. will participate. Rev. Hallford is doing the preach- The champs have lost only on The chorus, which is in the class, ing in all the services. man from that club. However, fill division, will participate, in con- A special feature of the meeting ing Johnny Lane's. post will not be ;ert, ensemble and, solo competi- will occur next Sunday morning, easy, as he 'led the te-am last yea ion. according to Rev. Hallford.; some- with a .425 batting average an Making up the chorus, are the thing which has never happened was the sweetest shortstop in th following students: before and will never happen again league. Sopranos Lenohr Brown, Betty will come to pass in this church While it will be a miracle to ex inderson, Baribara Boyles, Hazel which will be of interest to almost pect the Saints to match last year' 3urnette, Sara Clements, Dorothy every person in. Port St. Joe. record of thirty games won and bu larvey, 'Be.tty Doris Dees, Vonie The pulflic is urged to attend all three lost, the returning player Faircloth, Alice Elder, Inez Hill, of the remaining services possible., ae going about their training witl dwina Howell, Katherine Jones, --- ----the thought in mind of winning al largaret Lawrence, Dolores Mira, Gul f oas e of them. ara Ceva Philyaw, hIrene Wilder, Gulf Coast League eteians returning are Leonar lyrtle Rhameis and Amaryllis Ra eball Schedule Belin. LamarSale, Alton Dendy field. Baseball Sch du 'Bert Cox, Bennie Burke, Tomm: Altos-Betty Brady, Mildred Mc- Mitchell, Frank Hannon, "Lefty lullen, Maxine Guilford, Margaret Saints Will Play Fifteen Games At Thomason, W. J. Herring, Dalla lincey, Peggy Hardy, Jan Wim- Home' First Tilt Will Be At Weeks, James McCall. Donald Lin early, Dorothy Minus, Katie .Odomi, Wewahitchka April'27 ton, Murray Lloyd and Terry Hi *eraldine Parker, Carolyn Smith, note. New players working out in [erita Sutton, Doris Thursbay, Jake Belin, secretary of the Gulft clude Dave Hinote-, Bucky Walters ,ynette Traxler, Maxie Brown and Coast Baselball League, has turned Gene Bradiley, James Adams, ana 3olbby Ram-sey- in the following schedule for the Hardy Davidson. Davidsaon was thi Tenors-Gene Chism, Jimmy D. coming season. The Army games lad who shut out Apalachicola fo: tamsey, Graham Harvey, Tommy will be played' at Tyndall Field and 27 consecutive innings last season wensns and Bill Traweek. the Navy games will be played at Club officials elected for the iBasses-Warle Barrier, Bernard Panama City: ensuing year are: Ned Porter, So lridgeon, Luther Carden, Benny oApril 27-Port St. Joe at Wewa- Shirey and Basil E. Kenney, board ldr, Will Ramsey, George Su- itchka; Panama City at Army; of directors; Floyd Hunt, business er, Robert H. Trawick and J. D. Apalachicola at Navy. manager, and Leonard Belin, play tealey. April 30-Wewa'hitchka at Port ing manager. Louis "Saturday eSaraie orCeo is m stanSt. Joe,; Army -at Panama City; Night" Johnson -will serve as the lemorie Porter is music custodian. official seeior. The numbers chosen for the con- Navy at Apalachicola. Managerunt announcesthe ol t are "Early One ornig, a May 4-Army at Port St. Joe; Maager Hunt announcestef ert are nuEarly One Morn"Ding, Do, palachicola at Panama City; Navy lowing exhibition games slated for lecte-ri nuy, a ber, and, "Dingber, Dong,at Wewaitchka. tlhe Saints beforee the opening game merrilyy," a required number. at W t ahitcha or In the trio competition Sara May 7-Port St. Joe at Army; of the season at Wewnahitchlka on In the trio com petition Sara City at Apalachicola; We- April 27: Blountstonii, there, Apri hilyaw, soprano; Peggy Hardy, Panama City at Tallpalachicola; We- aApril 27: assee, here ,Aril 9; a Ito, and Geraldine Parker, second wahitchka at Navy. 6: Tallahassee, h.ie Aril 9; aT' oprano, will sing "The Path Lead- May 11-Panama City at Navy, Blountstown, here, April 13. Thi g Down to the River," by hving Apalachicola at Port St. Joe; We- Tallahassee tilt will be with thet (Continued on Page 7) wahitchka at Army. class "D" club of that city. (Continued Page 7ay 14Navy at Panama City; Other games are pending andt Port St. Joe at Arpalachicola; Army will be announced at a later date OXing Tournament at Wewahitchka. Workmen are busy getting the Is Set For April 12 May 18-Panama City at Weiwa- local field in good playing condi. '---- hitchka; Army at Apalachicola; tion and new bleachers are. to be By FRANK HANNON Port St. Joe at Navy.. erected down the baselines. The Kiwanis and Key clubs will May 21-Wewahitchka at Pan- - old their annual boxing tourna- amna City; Apalachicola at Army; Building Secured For lent at the Centennial Auditorium Navy at Port St. Joe. n Saturday night, April 12. Pro- May 25--Apalachicola at Wewa- City Recreation Center needs of the_ tourney will be used hitechka; Port St. Joe at Panama ir underprivileged! children an City; Navy at Army. To further develop the recrea oys.' and girls' work here in Port (Continued on Page 2) tion program for the city, which t. Joe. .- got well under way during the past The first tournament ,of this na Jean's Beauty Shop year, the recreation committee, has ire was, held last year and was secured a 20 bY 80-foot building well received that the sponsors Now In New Building from Camtp Gordon Johnston amn, 'cided to make it an annual af- --- will have it erected on a lot at the ir. Just in time for the Easter par- corner of 13th Stree.t and. Wood- Last year the young pugilists ade and for the annual s-pring reno- ward Avenue which has been pur' ere trained by such veterans as ovation of Port St. Joe matrons, chased 'by the Rotary Club and ddo- eorge Wimberly, Joel Carr and Jean Kingry has her beauty shop natedl for use as a recreation cel- y e. t d It s r- e S1- 10 d e - s t s. 1 h Y- l- e I- I e e re - l t The necessary equipment for the part of the work. Without this et- w.ater filtering plant for Port St. fort the other endeavors could not Joe given to the city by Mrs. Al- exist. fred I. duPont is now on order and Basil E. Kenney has been ap- is being manufactured, and it is pointed campaign chairman for hoped' that the plant will be In- Gulf county, and in,announcing the stalled and in operation by July 1. forthcoming drive states: "It will A crew from the Layne-Cce-ntral take the wholehearted co-opera- Company of Memiphis, Tenn.. the lion and earnest personal solicita- coinpaniy installing. the plant, are tion of each of our workers in the in town this week with special field to put us 'over the top' on equipment to test the water in or- our goal for this year." der to find out the particular in- --"---- - stallation necessary here. Have Alabama Visitors ---- --- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stables and Visitors From New Orleans son of Auburn, Ala., spent the Mr. and, Mrs. A. Morgan Jones of spring holidays here as guests of New Orleans visited here Monday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter. Mr. with the former's mother, Mrs. Stables is professor of art at Au- 1 arie Jones. burn Polytechnic Institute. VOLUME X NUMBER 26 Easter Week Services At Methodist Church Loyd W. Tuibb, pastor of the Methodist Clhurch, announces that the church will 'begin a week of special services andf activities next Sunday, Palm Sunday. At the 11 o'clock Sunday service A. V. Benson of Apalachicola, dis- trict lay leader of the Tallahassee district, will be the guest -speaker. This will be the opening service in observance of Laymen's Week. During the week there, will be fur- ther activities, under the direction of Nobie Stone, charge lay leader. Next Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock there will b'e a candlelight communion service held at the church. "We would like to call attention to the fact that the Sunday 'eve- nin.g services have been changed and that the hour -will be 7 for the Youth Fellowship," said Rev. Tuibb, "and the worship service will be held at 8 ip. m. "We extend a cordial invitation to each of you to join us in these services." Rotes Enjoy Ladies' Night 'Tarheel Humorist' Is Guest of Eve- ning; Visitors Present From Neighboring Clubs By NOBlE STONE (The Rotarians, of Port St. Joe were hosts to their Rotary Anns and, guests from the lotary. Clubs of Apalachicola and Ialipia ity Thursday evening or last week at the St. James parish house. Ro- tarian Clay Lewis served as the toastmaster and delighted every- one with 'his sense of humor and his jovial cracks at local and vis- iting Rotarians. Fun and merri- iment ran high throughout the eve- Usmg andt provided enjoyment for all present. Highlighting the evening pro- gram was the humorous address of Rotarian Edmund H. Harding or Washington, N. C., known as the "Tarheel Humorist," whose su.b- iect was "This Life of Romance." Harding. lwho is a philosopher, hu- morist and musician,. has served as past district governor an d has been active in Rotary for 37 years. He is in demand as an afterdinner speaker throughout the United States a:0l had spoken to the Chi- cago Rotary Club No. 1 on Tues- day before, coming to Port St. Joe. While his speech kept everyone in continuous laughter for the better part of an hour, his humor4illed (Continued on Page 3) Equipment For Water Filter Plant On Order _ Scouts Receive Awards Monday At Honor Court Forty-seven Badges for Advance. ment and Merit Received By Troop Members By J. T. SIMPSON Before a host of admiring rela- tives and friends, members of Troop 47, Boy Scouts of America, receivedJ 47 merit badges and ad- vancement badges at the Court of Honor held Monday evening at the Methodist Church. Scouts receiving their tenderfoot badges were Jerry Henderson, Jo6 Frank Britt, Lynn Wood, Perry Henderson, George Adkins, Bobbie Smith, Lincoln Hall, Ted Beard, Ed- ward, Creamer, James' Spooner, Au- brey Hardy, Donald Ramsey and Horace Soule Jr. 'Scouts. receiving second' class 'badges were Arthur Wimberly, Le- voughn Cutrer, Wendell Sangster, (Billle Cutrer, Lamar Freeman and SLouis Ge-oghagan. Scouts advancing to first class rank were Earl McCormick, Frank Young,. Donald' Parker and Gene Chism. The rank of Star Scout was con- ferred upon Emory Cason, Ferrell Allen Jr., ald Jack Williams. )Scouts .receiving merit badges were: Donald Parker, handicraft; Billie Cutrer,, reading; Emory Ca- son, machinery, handicraft, marks- manship. pathfindng, public health and personal health; T.r.iB- Ge'og- hagan, reading and. hanidicr-aftt Jack Williams, woodwork; Randal Brady, life saving; Gene, Chism, personal health, art and' handi- craft; John Barrie.r, first aid; Fer- rell Allen Jr., personal health, art, safety, marksmanship, 'first aid and pathfinding; Earl McCorn:?. ', handicraft. The address of the evening to the scouts was made by the Rev. Loyd Tubb. Cancer Control Fund Drive Opens April 1 The month of April has been set aside.by an act of congress as Cain- cer Control Month. The dramatic challenge, "Unless rWe Act, One In Eight Will Die of Cancer," has been adopted as the official slogan and. will be. seen and heard across the country dur- ing the actual campaign. It is' the responsibility of every citizen of Gulf county to keep alive the message of cancer throughout the ye.ar. The task of raising Lhe funds necessary to finance re- search, education and service is ati additional burden. In one sense it is. however, the most important' . T SA.PR T. JO.GL C O Albany is- the oldest chartered city in the United States. Receives Nurses' Cap Juanita Chason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Airy Cason, received her cap at the Grady Memorial Hos- pital, Atlanta, Ga., last Frid'ay. Re- ceiving of the cap denotes the completion of a six-months' course of. study. Miss Chasun was em- ployed at the local health orifice before entering training. Visit Relatives In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cooper spent the week-end in Ochlochnee, Ga., visiting with, relatives. Some Snakes Slow Snakes cannot travel as fast as some people suspect. One species of king snake has a maximum speed of .72 miles an hour, a bull snake 1.18 miles an hour and the red racer of California 3.60 miles an hour. FOR HEALTH'S SAKE ALWAYS ASK FOR BAYOU GEORGE GUERNSEY FARMS PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Produced By The Finest Herd of Purebred Guernseys In Florida TRY OUR GUERNSEY MILK TODAY FOR BABY'S FORMULA It's rich, creamy flavor and easy digestibility makes a more satisfactory diet Look and Ask For "GUERNAi MILK" In the Square Space-Saving Bottle With the Covered Pouring Lip Get It Today At Your Favorite Grocers '1Ti-; TRetire, Tires and Tubes GET THEM NOW RIDE WHILE YOU PAY! WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Goodyear Accessories Hotpoint Appliances GE Radios and Small Appliances Bendix Radios and Combinations Apex Washing Machines Schwinn Bicycles Cushman Motor Scooters Texaco Products COME IN AND SEE THE NEW "SEABEE" Outboard Motor It Does Everything But String Your Fish! "ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET SYSTEM" ST. JOE SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. 112 REID AVENUE PHONE 321 BASEBALL SCHEDULE .- .I (Continued from Page 1) May 28-Panama City at Port St. Joe; Wewahitchka at Apallch;- cola; Army at Navy. June 1-Army at Panama City; Port St. Joe at Wewahitchka; Navy at Apalachicola. June 4-Wewahitchka at Port St. Joe; Panama City at Army; Ap- alachicola at Navy. June S-Army at Port St. Joe; Panama City at Apalachicola; We- wahitchka at Navy. June 11-Port St. Joe at Army; Apalachicola at Panama City; Navy at Wewahitchka. June 15-Panama City at Navy; Alpalachicola at Port St. Joe; We- wahitchka at Army. June 18-Navy at Panama City; Port. St. Joe at Apalachicola; Army at Wewahitqhka. June 22 Wewahitchka at Pan- ama City; Army at Apalachicola; Navy at Port St. Joe. June 25-Panama City at Wewa- ,itchka; Apalachicola at Army; ?o:t St. Joe at Navy. June 29-Port St. Joe at Panama City; Wewahitchka at Apalachi- cola; Navy at Army. July 2-Panama City at Port St. Joe; Apalachicola at Wewahitchka; Army at Navy. July 6-Wewahitchka at Port St. Joe; Panama City at Army; Navy at Apalachicola. July 9-Port St. Joe at Wewa- hitchka; Army at Panama City; Apalachicola at Navy. July 13-Army at Port St. Joe; Navy at Wewahitchka; Apalachi- cola at Panama City. July 16-Port St. Joe at Army; Panama City at Apalachicola; We- wahitchka at Navy. July 20-Panama City at Navy: Port St. Joe at Apalachicola; We- walritchka at Army. July 23-Navy at Panama City; Apalachicola at Port. St. Joe; Army at Wewahitchka. July 27-Panama City at Wewa- hitchka; Port St. Joe at Navy, Army at Alpalachicola. July 30-Apalachicola at Army; Navy at Port S.t. Joe; Wewahitchka at Panama City. August 3-Port St. Joe at Pan- ama City; Apalachicola at Wewa- hiitchka; Navy at Army. August 6-Panama City at Port St. Joe.; Wewahitchfka at Apalachi- c.ola; Army at Navy. CABINET ACTS TO CURB ROAD TRAFFIC TOLL The state cabinet, meeting Tues- day in Tallahassee, adopted a res- olution requiring the state depart- ment of public safety to make. a permanent record of all warnings given motorists by highway patrol- men. The resolution was designed :'to spur the patrol to greater ac- tivity in accident prevention." The cabinet has asked a monthly report of warnings and the names of patrolmen issuing them. The governor noted drivers' licenses have ,blanks for recording warnings and, commented that when motor- ists "pile" up two or three warn- ings, they're going to get a little uneasy. It was pointed out that courts will be more inclined to deal se- verely with a driver who has sev- eral warnings charged: against him than with a driver having a clear record. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mi.s. John Lane spent the weNek-end here with Mrs. Verna Smith. John left Monday for Col- umbia, S. C., and Mrs. Lane will join him there shortly. Old Fur Old fur can be cleaned, dyed and glazed at home, and may be the makings of a pair of warm winter scuffs or mittens. Sew with close overhand stitches, using a fine needle so you'll make only small holes in the material. Always cut through the pelt from the skin side, using a razor blade, since shears will cut the fur. WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and Hill Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. .... J - . . Porcelain Tabletop Oil Ranges and CAST IRON WOOD RANGES In Stock We Have a Limited Quantity of INLAID LINOLEUM Chavers-Fowhand Furniture Co. D. Brigman, Mgr. Port St. Joe, Fla. SQUARE DANCE TONIGHT To the Music of George Padgett and His FLORIDA SWINGBILLIES STEAKS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS Waiter's Bar & Grill (21 Miles from Port St. Joe on Seacon Hill Highway) W, I. GARDNER, Owner -- ---- -- SEE THE MYSTERIOUS BOBBLE BInksRD He Drinks and Drinks and Drinks! NO SPRINGS! NO WIRES! NO GADGETS! NOT MECHANICAL! It's amazing how he drinks and drinks! Be first to show your friends they won't believe their eyes! Great for parties and gifts kids go wild over them! ONLY $3.50 EACH COME IN AND SEE THE NEW EVINRIUDE MOTORS NOW ON DISPLAY rooks Sporting Goods PHONE 88 MONUMENT AVENUE r~.___ _____ ~llslk- IN NNW" -"I g-srm OW FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 THE STAR. PORT ST. -JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA PAGE TWO FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE Back From School and expects to remain for several Donald "Wewa" Linton has re- months. He is' out to make the St. turned from school at Athens, Ga., Joe baseball team. % 4 WINSOME HEEL LATCHI- BDO Y C DEPARTMENT Y/LLS STORE -a--- M PLAN TIRES SEAT COVERS RADIOS HEATERS MECHANICAL REPAIRS PAINT AND BODY WORK [ SPOTLIGHTS, ETC. NEW CARSARE STILL COMING SLOW , Keep the Old Car Running and Looking Good Until Your New FORD Arrives! SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS FROM 6, 8 OR 10 MONTHS TO PAY Let Us Make You An Estimate On Complete Repairs To the Old Car SST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 SPORT ST. JOE, FLA. Local Odd Fellows Attend Birthday Celebration Friday A number of members of thas lo- cal Odd, Fellows lodge attended a birthday party lastt Friday night at Lynn Haven given by the Re- becca lodge of that city comnmem- orating the natal day of Skyler Kolfax. founder of the Rebscca or- der. * Enjoying the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Forehand; and Theo Bishop of Highland View, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Tharpe, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sansom and Claude Tharpe of Port St. Joe. METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor Sunday Services 9:t45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:00 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 8:00 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday it 7:30 p. inm. Bayview Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. We extend a cordial invitation :o all to attend these services. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sund'ay of each month at 8 a. m. Second third and fourth Sundays at 10:15 a. m. ASSEMBLY OF 'GOD CHURCH Highland View W. G. Mizelle, Pastor 10:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:30 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:45 p. m.-Evangelistic service. Prayermeeting Wednesday eve- nings at 7:45. Radio program over WDLP, Pa.nama City, 7:30 .to 8 a. m. EST Thursday mornings. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Sunday services will be held as follows: 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. Visit Here 1Over Week-end M:. and Mrs. E. M. Miller o' Athens, Ga., sipc.nt the week-endT here with the latter's mother, Mrs'. C. C. Taunton. Returns Here To Malke Home Mrs. Ellen Kirkland., who has been in Auburn, Ala., for the past several months, returned! Monday to again make this city her home. Attend Family Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon Jr., and, two sons, attended a family birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edd. Prid- geon i Wevwahitchka. t. INSPIRATION Close attention to every de- tail-helping to carry the bur- den of those we serve-per- ,onal interest and feeling in problems that arise in times of bereavement. These are the things which our friends tell us is an inspiration. When the need arises, let us serve. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service ROTES ENJOY LADIES' NIGHT Rotary Ann; Rotarian and Mrs. Rod Porter, Rotarian and! Mrs. W. (Continued from Page 1) F. Randolph, Rotarian and Mrs. stories and jokes maintained J Julian Bruce, Rotarian and' Mrs. deep-seate.di philosophy' which if Gene Aust'n, Rotarian and Mis. A. observed, would promote better un- V. Benson, and Rotarian Bruke derstanding, more co-operation an, Floyd' and his Rotary Annette, mutual haPpiness in greater pro- Miss Sara Pilcher, all of Apa-lachi- :Mtic::s 1c.r men and their wives. cola, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks Guests present included George of this city. Logue, president of the Panama ---- City Rotary Club, and his .Rotary Columbus reported in 1498 that Ann; L.0 G. Buck, president of the some. Haitian cornfields were 18 Apalachicola Rotary Club, and his miles long. The Tattler Published Weekly By Featuring BOYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol. 1 Friday, March 28, 1947 No. 35 JOIN THE C',AR SHOPPERS: [and, promotes a feeling of satisfac- These days we hear incessantly tion as well as rings on the cash register! The Eauter Parade is about the high cost o.f living and regster! t st-epping faster every day . permit ourselves to lambaste the we are picking up speed, too. . we are picking up speed, too! .f Mugh prices on foodstuffs, clothing, Please don't wait until the last etc. No doubt it would be a. healthy minute or you might get stuck in thing for us to give some talk, the traffic! Should it appear that time and thought to the cost of we are too general in our sugges- LifC. Let us' shift our ..i.inds for tions, it might be well that we get a moment from the struggle fto specific in a few instances. Here existence and think of those who we go you'll not find a have paid the price that we might better fitting, snappier style pat- live. It appears to be a logical time ent sandal than the one pictured to do this as the glorious Easter below: season approaches and' 01' Man I Winter takes to his heels after con- I eludingg that he cannot compete 'J with Florida sunshine. \Vhen we - are di'siposed to pity ourselves for what we have to pay in taxes ana burdens for the support oF others. we should remember that we our-" selves are under a debt that we. ..' can never pay. We are the heirs of . o':.nrations who left this world richer than they found it. Next to Christmas the Easter . season is, the best season of all. Seems that the whole world blooms It's a "Trim Tred Heel Latch" witli out, creating happy spirits and that wonderful arch feature that'll smiling faces. Boyles Department; make your .step lighter and firmer, Stores realizes that it must join the Triple A's to C's. The:e's many parade or be left behind. Let ut' other styles andi colors to select remind you that we are in the pa:- from. Two new Natural Bridge :ide and trying hard to push right numbers made their appearance u'p to the front. Our store has today ,, a brown tie with bloomed out with bright, new col- heel and toe out that's a walking orful merchandise that lend-s as- wonder a patent pump 'as distance to that Easter smile. Our shiny and bright a.s Easter itself employees ate happy and smiling, and feels as soft on the foot as We are not urging you to buy as spring breezes on the face. You need much as we are trying to make it no urging when you feel these so attractive that you'll urge us shoes on your feet. They'll make to wrap it up before someone else you happy up and down, forward ' s it:' That imakI it fun Cor all or backward. Saturday night in the Vhite Spot, over coffee a power- ful quarte-t composed of Dr. J: R. No:ton., surgeon; W. C. Roche, former. finiiacier, etc.: A. P. Wake- field, tax expert, and John Blount, tfnrnitur,' iandl appliance man . herious'ly engaged with heads to- gether we offered five bucks for minutes of the meeting - John said no price too low. We left without saying a iword.about those new. needleized E & W DRESS SHIRTS that are no-, on di-play at Boyles Dspart ment Store the price is lovw for a quality garment. Men, can you use a luxury Pajama with a stiff price made of Nylon and Rayon a real collar on the shirt cuff on the pants . oft, slumbering solid col- ors we're talking quality now let's forget about the price! Boots, with Rod, Davey, Pug and the pup on her hands, now says she remembers a time when she thought all there was to marriage was LOVE! Odds that she will stay right in there and fight! Sam,' thing in merchandise . Ihe 'best is hardest to get, but we'll stay right in there and fight for it so long. Yours in the Easter Parade. R. GLENN BOYLES. II~ ~~-~~~,.------. -- ----- ---r ----------------------- -----~BL PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 S R E S PTTO U C T LI THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered. as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Pogtoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months ....... $1.00 -{ Telephone 51 }e*-- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not' hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for -uch advertisement. The spoken ;ord is given S ,L. attetin.l : the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken i ;ird rarely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country '-r Right or Wrong MAN OF THE HOUR Glowing tributes to the work of county and home demonstration agents have been paid by many people from time to time. One of the best eulogies of the county agent we have seen recently was carried in The Livestock Weekly, MAlemphis, Tenn. Here.it is: He was born on a farm in your state. He studied. the: technical side of agriculture for four years. in college. He. learned more, far more, from experience, though, than he did in the classroom. Hie knows not the 40-hour week. Hle has been stuck on every sort of road in the rain. He has changed tires in a field many times. He has choked--on d-usts of summer and shivered in winds of winter. He has culled hens, doctored horses, tamed 'wild heifers and ringed noses of unwilling shoats. He has dipped sheep, bought seedcorn, .ci-uised timber, surveyed terraces, dug soil samples and taught the Sunday school class. He has presided at the birth of your neigh- bor's baby., consoled the wif.e of a farmer killed bI a mule. He has sat down to eat with you, fished with you, sat next to you at a 'hunter's fire.,deep in the swamps. He has found labor for you, sold cotton and cattle for votu, planned your dairy barn, made out your income tax return, interceded at the bank for you. He has saved you money, time and again. IHe has taken your son to a cattle show. Fle has found a way for your daughter to go to high school. He has fought your battles, made friends of -your enemies, organized your community for one variety of cotton and to fight cattle grubs and to build your church. Health Board Developing Plans To Better Control State Water ,Pollution, L~p" ------- Florida's state board- of health, realizing the potential hazard cre- ated by the millions of gallons of untreated, or inadequately treated domestic sewage and Industrial -wastes pouring into. the state's streams every day, is ready to roll into action in an effort to better control stream pollution. Next month the state board of health will ask the legislature to ,increase its overall appropriation. and $50,000 of that increase, if granted, is earmarked for the bu- leau of sanitary engineering. Tne board pointed out that the increasing population of Florida and accelerating growth of the state's industries have consider- ably.aggravated waste disposal ani water supply problems. It is the hope. of the bureau of sanitary engineering to acquire a number ot adequately staffed and equipped mobile laboratories to make "on the spot" studies of wa- ter supply, sewage. or industrial waste treatment, shellfish produc- tion and food handling problems. The nature of this work is such that it can best be handled wheie the problems occur. Russians eat sunflower seeds as Americans chew gum. lie has been secretary of everything, pre dent uf nothing, and he's the most underpa overworked and tired out man on the face the earth. He is your county agent. co CD 0~ 10 CD 0 room (D CL FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE SHIP AND TRAVEL BY Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company We are always-glad to assist you with your transportation problems SCHEDULES FROM PORT ST. JOE To Montgomery, Atlanta, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and St. Petersburg, with direct connections for all points North, East and South 7:55 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 6:50 A. M. 9:00 A. M. 8:25 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 9:25 A. M. 10:15 A. M. Pullman Service available at Chattahoochee and Climax FOR INFORMATION PHONE 42 OR 43 . I sl- I id, of I. y '"Copyrighted Material. 41 &Syndicated Content * Available from Commercial News Providers" ~5~ An X-Ray Today MAY SAVE A LIFE TOMORROW )The cooperation of. every person over 15 years of age is vitally needed if your health department is to make a reliable tuberculosis survey in this county. This CASE-FINDING program can be successful only if every individual voluntarily reports for a free chest X-ray. TUBERCULOSIS GIVES NO WARNING. BY THE TIME YOU SUSPECT ITS PRESENCE, IT MAY BE TOO LATE. Tuberculosis can be'cured when found in its early stages. If a stitch in time saves nine an X-ray today may save your life tomorrow, SCHEDULE FOR MOBILE UNIT PORT ST. JOE-MONDAY, MARCH 31: High School: 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. (White) Paper Mill: 2:45 p. m. to 4:45 p. m. Paper Mill: 10:45 p. m. to 11h45 p. m. PORT ST. JOE-TUESDAY, APRIL 1: Paper Mill: 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. Across frcm Postoffice: 3 to 5 p. m. (White and Col.) Paper Mill: 10:45 p. m. to 11:45 p. m. PORT ST. JOE-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2: Opposite Postoffice: 10 to 12 a. m. (White and Col.) Damon Peters Store: 2 p. m. to 3 p. m. (Colored) St. Joe Lumber Company: 4:30 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. This Service Is Made Available To You By the State Board of Health In Co-operation With GULF COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION GULF COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Lv. PORT ST. JOE - Ar. CHATTAHOOCHEE Ar. MONTGOMERY Ar. ATLANTA Ar. SAVANNAH Ar. JACKSONVILLE Ar. TAMPA - Ar. ST. PETERSBURG _ _ FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 aI THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORID.A PAGE FOUR FRDY AC 8 97TESAPR T OGL ONY LRD AEFV Legislative Program Would improvee State Game And Fish Laws A strong legislative program to improve the game and fish laws and proposals to develop new sources of revenue in order that additional departments, may be formed for the Florida Game aml Fresh Water Fish Commission leads the agenda outlined. recently by the five-board commission. The proposed subjects beiu'- considered for the legislature, con- vening Apiil 8, include, stringent pollution enforcement, stronger penalty laws covering violations o2 game and fish laws, and repeal of the present law classifying the St. Johns River and, Lake Okeechobee as bodies of salt water. During a recent meeting of the commission the following sugges- tions were emanated: 1. Provide a license for persons * who hunt alligators. 2. Provide a license for operat- ors of alligator farms. 3. Provide a fee for possession permits. 4. Require tags for all pelts of fur-bearing animals and hides of alligators tak&n 'by licensed' t,.p- pers and alligator hunters, tags to be purchased from the office in Tallahassee and one attached to -each fur and hide sold' or shipped by the trappers and' -hunters of al- ligators. Require common carriers to refuse all shipments of pelts and hides not carrying required tags. 5. Provide licenses for guides of fishing parties not to exceed $5. 6. Provide licenses for dealersin frogs; retail $5, and wholesale $2. 7. Provide licenses for hunting fiogs commercially, $2. S. Provide a license for fishing .camps' not to exceed: $10. Attorney General Rules On Homestead Exemption A man owns a dance hall and tourist cottages, and eats in the dance, hall and lives in one of the tourist cottages is entitled to $5000 homestead exemption on his prop- erty, under Florida law, according to the state attorney general. Tax Assessor Fred A. Hoffman of Franklin county had asked for an opinion on whether the owner of a dance hall where meals' are served and, around which are sev- eral tourist cabins could claim homestead exemption on the whole place or on just that part used as living quarters. The attorney general replied that the legislature had not limited, thec exemption to a dwelling house only, lb u t outside incorporatsea cities it may extend to 160 acres andi everything on it, in the opin- ion of the Florida supreme court. Thefe are about 100 species of sunflower. S ** ** ** ** We Have 'Just Received a Fine Line of SMALL LEATHER ITEMS Billfolds, Change Purses, 4 Men's Belts, Sam Browne Belts, Wrist Watch Straps, Dog Harnesses, Key-Kits and Key Rings, Suitcase SHandles, Truck Drivers' Billfolds, Skate Straps. * We Also Stock a Full Line ot All Types of Shoe Polishes * THE LEADER SHOE : : SHOP * SWe Doctor Shoes, Heel Them, * Attend Their Dyeing and * Save Their Soles 0 First Navaj eserVist In St. Joe Sworn In William Aubrey Ragan, who le employed at Kenney's Mill, was sworn into the Naval Resei;ve V 6 last Friday as a gunner's' mate sec- ond class, being the first man in Port St. Joe to enter the reserve. Ragan was signed up by Robert Miller, BM 1/c, recruiting officer of Tallahassee, who will be in this city all day Fridays at the post- office. Tom Coldewey is local recruiting officer -for the naval reserve and has all necessary pa.pers,. MONEY for Income Taxes NOW! CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61. Port St. Joe, Florida PHONE 37 Gulf County Gets Eighth Foundation Fund Dividend The eighth installment of nine payments from the foundation pro- gram fund' to Gulf county, amount- ing to $608.44, will be made next *.- 4. FOR PLUMBING DONE RIGHT AT THE RIGHT PRICE PHONE 108 for - POLLOCK THE PLUMBER Tues'l.iy. According to figures re- leased by the state department of education, total payments to the 36 participating counties in April will be $99,181.72. The ninth and final payment from this fund to Gulf county will be made in May. Advertising doesn't cost--It PAYSI Ground Storage The time to store vegetables in a bushel box burled in the ground is before the ground freezes. Line the box with newspapers and put in an assortknent of vegetables. Bury it in a 'hole in the. 'garden which is a little deeper than the box. Line the hole with hay and put a 3-inch covering of marsh hay over the box. Cover witl at least 6 Inches of soil. OJva-6' .-1. Now Located at Highland View, Near Chestnut Grocery Ur p~ U U- .v 9 ~ V (4 ewli fom old f i' gh Ago Let us keep your cur safe and fun to drive. Get some real Ford service to "renew" the life of your' car. We'll see to it that battery, generator, radiator; crankcase, brakes and other parts are all set for trouble- ; free driving. And with our 4-way Ford service (which s' I only Ford dealers can give you) you'll save time and money.; lac in our shop your Ford benefits from: ..'.r vice 1. Ford-Trained Mechanics 2. Ford-Approved Service Methods' 3. Genuine Ford Partis 4. Special Ford Equipmhent i ESTIMATES FREE USE OUR BUDGET PLAN ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA ~S~m~IA31I .. .,.._., THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 PAGE FIVE i I PAGE SIX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION Minutes of regular ,xeetiug 5. Three affirmative votes shall of the City Commission of be necessary for passage of any Port St. Joe -held in City Hall ordinance or resolution and three on 18th day of February 1947 members present shall constitute ait 8:00 p. m. a quorum. Regular meeting of the commis- These proposals were endorsed sion was held at this time with unanimously by the commission, Commissioners Conklin Minus, the, clerk being directed to prepare Sharit, Mayor-Commissioner Soule. legal advertisement and run inI Clerk Tomlinson and City Attorney The Star at cost of the city and to Lewis present. advise Senator Gray of the conm- Thereupon Commissioner Conk- mission's'endorsement. lin introduced Ordinance No. 106X Miss Marjorie Philyaw appeared entitled as follows: before the commission represent- ORDINANCE NO. 106X ing the Junior Woman's. Club; re An Ordinance levying a license questing clarification of policy rel- or privilege tax on the. sale, stor- ative to management or the Cen- age and delivery of cigarettes; Itennial Buildling, which was given. providing for the collection and Authority was given for the clubl disposition of such tax; repealing to have key to one. of front doors. Ordinance No. 66X, the same being I Thereupon Commissioner Chest- entitled "An Ordinance levying a nut called for consideration of Or- privilege, tax upon all persons, dinance No. 106X, which was read firms and corporations selling at a second time by ditle only. retail cigarettes in the City of Port Revised street lighting agree- St. Joe; providing for the collec- ment with Florida Power Corpora- tion of such tax and for the dispo- tion was presented and informally sition thereof, and prescribing pen- approved, ,subject to approving alties for the violation of the pro- opinion of the city attorney. visions thereof," providing penal- The clerk was instructed, to pro- ties for the violation thereof; and ceed with collection of garbage naming the effective date. fees under present ordinances. which was read its first time in .Salary o.fclerk in-city office was full. ordered changed to $130.00 per Street Superintendent Dare was month. instructed to install 10inch CI pipe The mayor and clerk were In- at 12th "Street and' Palm Bpu'e- structed to inspect fire trucks to Tard. be offered for sale within the near 1946 taxes assessed against lot future and purchase one if in good 11, block 19, and lots 19 and 21, condition. #lock 18, were ordered cancelled Brooks Kennington submitted ap- account honmes:teads.. plication for bus franchise to oper- " Application from 0. J. Benton ate within the city. The clerk was for permit to install photographers instructed to refer same to the city shop in house trailer on Reid Ave- attorney for review. nue was not granted. The mayor and clerk were In- The -attorney was instructed to strudted to pay balance of $400.00 investigate liability .of St. Joseph on 1946,coemmitment to the St. Joe TeJegrap" and Telephone Company Recrmation Asociation. -in donating services in connection There-being no further business with sounding ,fiire alarms. the commission adjourned. Matter of the nit iv inL fir . protection to adjoining areas not Minutes of regular meeting covered otherwise was discussed of the City Commission of and' certrepondence from the city Port St. Joe held in City Hall manager of Fort Pierce explaining' on 18th day of March 1947, their arrangements with county at 8:00 p. m. - pr.esented. Regular meeting of the commis- The clerk was directed to adver- sion was held at this time with tise legislative bill authorizing re- Commissioners Conklin Minas, newal of ic gas tax, to allow ju- Mayor Commissioner Soule and nior high school class to sell pea- Clerk Tomlinson present. nuts at basketball game in Cea-- 'Minutes of previous meetings tennial Buil.ding and have gas we read and approved. heaters repaired. Commissioner Conklin then stat- There being no further business that th commission ad co the commission adjourned. sidered the approval and adoption of certain power agreement dated Minutes of special meeting February 5, 1947, herto ,presented S of the City Commission of Port St. Joe held in City Hall on 6th d-ay of March. 1947, at 8:00 p. m. Special meeting, of the. commis- sion was held at this time with Commissioners, Chestnut, Conklin,' Minus, Sharit, Mayor-Commissioner Soule and Clerk Tomlinson pres- ent. The clerk was instructed to re- sume collection of license 'from, dairies. J. e. Belin appeared before the commission representing the Ju- nior COhamnber of Commerce asking its endorsement of legislation amending present city charter to' provide the following: 1. The governing body shall be four commissioners and a mayor. 2. The term of office shall be for two years. -3. At the first election held un- der this act, two commissioners shall be elected for a term of one year and two commissioners and a mayor shall be elected for a term of two years, with two commis- sioners elected annually thereafter and a mayor bi-annually. 4. The mayor and commission- ers, shall be elected, at large and candidates for commissioners shall qualify and 'be elected in groups. the candidate receiving the. hig-i- est number of votes in each group be elected. to the commission by a represent' tive of the Florida Power Corpora- tion with reference to the furnish- ing of seventy-two (72) 1000 lu- mens. (100 c. p.) overhead street lights, and recommended that the agreement be approved and exe- cuted. Thereupon upon motion of Com- missioner Conklin and,.seconded by Commissioer Minus, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 142 Resolved, That the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, in regular session assembled, does, hereby adopt, rat- i.fy and approve certain power agreement dated February 5, 1947, providing for the furnishing of seventy-two (72) 1000 lumens (100 c. p.) overhead street lights, and the proper officers of the city be, and they are hereby authorized, di- rected and instructed to execute said agreement in substantially the form as presented to the city com- mission at this meeting." The clerk was instructed to col- lect amusement tax from all the- aters in accordance with present ordinances. Thereupon Commissioner Minus called for consideration of Ordin- at.ce No. 106X, which was retal its third time. in full, and moved its adoption. Thereupon Mayor- Commissioner Soule announced Ordinance No. 106X has been read! its third time. in full and is now on final passage. Upon call of roll on ad-option of Ordinance No. 106X the vote was: Ayes: Commissioners Conklin, Mi- nus a n d Mayor Commissioner Soule. Nrays: None. Thereupon Mayor Commissioner Soule proclaimed Ordinance No. 106X has been adopted and en- acted, and the clerkwas instructed to have it recorded in Ordinance Record B.ook iAmmediately. ,Commissioner Minus 'was in- structed and authorized to have oil burner installed, in hospital fur- nace. Th." clerk was instructed to have attorney report to the commission -its authority to regulate advert's- ing by leaflets from airplanes and otherwise, to prepare proposed legislative bill relative to special fire" control tax district and pre- sent ordinances relative to junk yards. There being'no further business t.he commission adjourned. Chicken Liver Omelets Make chicken liver omelets to vary your menu. Saute chopped chicken livers in fat or salad oil, season to taste with salt, pepper and Worcestershire, sauce, then place over the omelet just before serving. MODEL 1- J STANDARD SINGLE CHAMPION LIST PRICE $127.00 SMITH'S PHARMACY PHONE 5 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Gardeners Urged To Continue Activities Started During War Florida gardeners andprospective gardeners are being urged by the state agricultural extension service to get to work in their gardens or grounds if they have not done so already. The extension service is empha- sizing, the tremendous value of home gardens during the war, and the fact that Floridians can con- tinue to receive valuable, benefits from their gardening, In addition to vegetable plant- ings that may be made, the service 's also, urging home gardeners to make strongerr efforts than ever before to make their home ground more attractive with shrubs, flow- ers and lawns this. year. It is stress- ing the fact that attractive home grounds have a very favorable ef- fect on the family living in the home, on the community in gen- eral, and, on all who see them, and that the value of a well landscaped and, beautified .home place is rated considerably higher than the. home that does not have attractive grounds. Bulletins and other information on vegetables, flowers and shrubs may be obtained" free from county and home, demonstration agents or from the state agricultural service in Gainesville., Minadano Deep in the Pacific goes down 35,40-0 feet, the world's deepest. GULF ROOFING AND SHEET METAL WORKS PRACTICAL SHEET IRON and COPPERSMITHS SATIST=IED IF IT'S MADE OF SHEET METAL CUSTOMERS WE CAN MAKE IT! are ourDb e .. are" s"' All Work Guaranteed Give Us, a Trial One Mile West of Postoffice On Panama City Highway P. O. BOX 186 WEWAHITCHKA, FLA. THE VERSATILE FARM VEHICLE THAT SPREADS ITS COST OVER MORE JOBS -PLOW WITH A 'JEEP' [- The 4-wheel-drive 60 hp "Jeep" "does ". the field work of a light tractor-pulls plows, discs, harrows, etc.--both pull- type and hydraulic. Low speeds of 2 to 7 mph. Easier and safer for the driver. -OPERATE EQUIPMENT The power take-off of the "Jeep" ( - delivers up to 30 hp for belt work .'-_ with mills, saws and blowers-powers sprayers, mowers and othe- .' driven equipment. -USE IT AS A PICK-UP The rugged "Jeep" hauls loads up to 1200 lbs., using 2-wheel drive for economy on the road, 4-wheel drive for hard going or off-the-road use. S. All-steel body with tail gate. - 'TOW WITH A 'JEEP' A great tow vehicle for trailers and wagons, with truck speeds on the highway, tractor power for mud roads or in the field. The "Jeep" works the year,'round! LET US DEMONSTRATE ON YOUR FARM! Sunshine Motors, Inc. 1050 West Adams Street Jacksonville, Florida " I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947. PAGE SIX STHE UNIVERSAL Jeep FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN 1S h L1 be Wade Barrier, first baritone; I n t.': solo competition Merita My RPdeeme-r Liveth," by George 1CiOO1 ^4lOrTIS Luther Carden, second baritone; Sutton. mezzo soprano, will sing Handel; .and Benny Elder, barn- Jimmy "Ra:nsey, first tenor, and "My Friend," by Albert H. Ma- ton2, will render "To You," by Oley (Continued from Page 1) Tommy Owens, second tenor, sing- lotte, and "Tally Ho," by Franco Speaks, and "The Old Road," by A. Steinel, and "The Lost Chord," !ng "The Cossacks," by Wayne Leo:ni: Sarah Philyaw. soprano. Will John P. Scott. by Arthur Sullivan. Howorth, and "Drink To Me Only sing "The Slumber Song." by Alex- After the vocal competition, all Doing the quartet singing will With Thine Eyes," by Ben Jonson. ander Astanoff, and "I Know That the choral students from the varl- ~jiiII~ =Oltr.yuZTH 7 GULF LIFE IN STATEMENT OF CONDITION December 31, 1946 eCash .. ee $ 2,071,900.2 Cash . . . $ 2,071,900.21 ous schools will combine in a mass concert, singing "Swannee River," "God of Our Fathers," "America, the Beautiful" and "The Star Spangled& Banner." It pays to advertise-try it! It pays to advertise -try it! IFJ BUILDERS and LEADERS of the South have for half a century envisioned and worked for a substantial, secure and progressive Insurance Company located and operated in the South by Southern business men this is your Gulf Life of Today. For thirty-six of these years Gulf Life has aided in the progress of the South. Sound investments in the Southern economy have helped finance Southern enterprise with Southern capital. Gulf Life, acting for its more than 1,000,000 policyholders, now has invested nearly $35,000,000 of its resources in first mortgages on improved real estate, U. S. Government, state, county, and municipal bonds-all in our native South. The future ofrgreater opportunity for development of the South and Gulf Life. In 1946 all past records were surpassed, and Insurance In FoMce increased - $60,402,214 to a total of $370,749,687., ' The financial statement ,heipresented, clearly sh-ws the'onitinuing growth and strength of this great and growing Southern Institution. Bonds: United States Government. . . State-County-Municipal. .... .. Miscellaneous . . . Railroads . . Utilities . . Federal Savings & Loan Associations , Foreign Government . Stocks . . . Common stocks total only 1.6 percent of total assets) First Mortgages on Improved Real Estate . Real Estate Sold on Contract . Real Estate (Including H. 0.) . Policy Loans and Liens . . Premiums Due and Deferred . Interest Due and Accrued . Miscellaneous .. . . TOTAL . . . Legal Reserve on All Policies , Present Value of Disability Claims Funds Left in Trust and Annuities . Death Claims Due and Unpaid . ' Claims Reported: Proofs Not Received , 8,250,798.77 2,734,078.86 218,657.67 1,056,743.00 1,437,103.75 21,000.00 8,000.00 2,668,022.63 13,473,442.30 5,202.74 119,420.00 1,473,123.21 1,393,240.92 206,220.41 30,125.22 $35,167,079.69 $29,584,1"65.24 58,747.17 1,762,433.27 NONE , 73,501.00 Premiums and Interest Paid in Advance. 671,075.08 Reserve for Taxes ., 255,000.00 Agents' Cash Bonds .-* *. _. .~. < 148,483.58 Investment Reserve 61,192.00 Other Liabilities t .. 314,166.34 TOTAL ._* .. .- ,. $32,92&764,68 rContingency Reserve $ 500,000.00 Surplus . 1,238,316.01 Capital Stock 500,000.00 Surplus for Protection of all Policyholders. 2,238,316.01 TOTAL .S .. $35,167,079.69 There is a GULF MAN Near You! TOWERING PI1 Ri It I~L'1II~ /#*e 9am~ed agd Vzqeceia 04m 7 See him TODAY ' Tomorrow is so often Too Late L. B. MERCER, Superintendent PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA w 1! 'I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN :FIRIIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 1[ cl A1 Officers Named for Gulf Coast League Two New Teams Come In; Several Players of Last Year Go On To Other Leagues By FLOYD HUNT The Gulf Coast Baseball Leagu" held its annual pre-season meeting in Port St. Joe recently and elected the following officers for the new year: J. L. Sharit, Port St. Joe, president; Dave Gaskin, Wuwa. bitchka, vice president; Jake Ba- 11n, Port St. Joe, secretary; Fred Richards, Apalachicola, treasurer. Teams entered for this year are Apalachicola, Wewa-hitchka, Pan- ama City, Port St. Joe, Navy and Tynd all Field. Blountstown anl Carraiballe forfeited their member- ships,, being replaced by the two strong service clubs. Four of the league's players of last year are taking a fling at pro- fessional balL this year. St. Joe's own Johnny Lane has signed with Cincinnati and will try out with the Columbia, S. C., Reds of the. Sally League. This is class "A" ball, and though fast, local fans feel that Johnnywill comie through. Elmo Maxwell, promising young catcher with Apalachicola, is now owned by Pittsburgh and will play with their farm team at Tallahas- see this season. Onion Davis, left- hander from Panama City, signed with Cleveland and will work witl, the Cordele, Ga.., team this season. Paul Sanderson, who held down third base for the Apalachicola Oystermen last season, has signed with a class. "D" Texas' club. iPanama is an Indian word mean- ing abounding in fish. NOTICE OF INTENT TO INTRO- DUCE SPECIAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given to citi- zens of Franklin County, as is. pro- vided by law, that it is my intent to introduce, at the next session of the Legislature a bill to re-gulate- the catching and taking of oysters in the waters of Franklin County and' that part of St. Vincent's Sound in Gulf County. Thy substance of the proposed legislation is. as fol- lows: '1. The five ce2nts, privilege tax on oysters now placed in a trust fund and earmarked by law shall be expended, in oyster replanting and, cultivation under scientific su- pervision. 2. "It shall be unlawful for any person to take from the Apalachi- cola Bay and' all inside. waters of Franklin County and that part of St. Vincent's Sound'in Gulf County during the closed, oyster season more 'than one gallon of shuckea oysters or equivalent thereto in the shell per family in any one day, and such oysters so taken shall be for ]is personal family consumption only. 3. It shall be unlawful to take any oysters from the waters of Franklin County and that portion of St. Vincent's Sound lying in Gulf County, which are less., than three (3) inches from opening on hinge end to the opening on the lip or the mouth end of the, oyster, and all oysters shall be brought in and unloaded! and passed through the premises of a certified house, ex- cept that all oysters disposed of as shell stock shall be placed in de- "ivery containers in the certified house or at the dock of a certified house before resale or disposal. GEORGE G. TAPPER, Representative Gulf County. C. H. BOURKE FLOYD, .Representative, Franklin County. .ie C t COT .-A -f ,-, PURINA CHOWS ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN UNLIMITED QUANTITIES. .. /ed, -we have good news for poultry and livestock raisers in ouz area--Purina Chows are again available in unlimited quantity. Thanks to a big crop and the release of many wartime restrictions, we are now able to say "yes,"when you ask,"Do you have Purina?" AND THEY'RE THE V t PURINA EVER MADE # N4U4A i -Y" It 6#R1.IE E#TSr T P T O E S 9 T F R 9iUL S For more than 50 years Purina Chows have been famous for quality and results and today, Purina Research tells us that Purina Chows are the best that Purina has ever made. That means top-quality ingredients and top-result formulas. With the egg, milk, meat and poultry outlook favorable, you'll be wanting the best results you can get this year. It's a good year to ... SEE THE DIFFERENCE PURINA MAKES NOTICE NOTICE is herebyy given that the Trustees of the Internal Improve- ment Fund of the State of-Florida, pursuant to law, will offer for sale, for competitive bids, in Tallahas- see, Florida, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. April 15, 1947, for the land in Gulf County, described, as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3 and WI/2 of NWI/W of Section 6. Township 9 South, Range 9 West, containing 198.11 acres. The purcha-,ar is required to pay the advertising cost. TIH.E TRUSTEES OF THE IN- TEIRNA)L IMPROVEMENT FUND reserve the iight to reject any and all bids. 1PY ORDER of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida. MILLARD F. CALDWELL, Attest! Governor. F. C. ELLIOT, Secretary 3-14 Trustees I. I. Fund. s 4-11 ~ee~iE'Eb J WE HAVE QUALITY QUANTITY PURINA CHOWS IN ST. JOE HARD ARE COMPANY Phone 14 WE BLUERPor St Je, la THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE EIGHT FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 WE-` DEILIVEER Port St. Joe, Fla. D MA H TI Social / Personals Clh MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor 0. E. S. ELECTS OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR At the regular meeting of Gulf Chapter 191, Order o'f Eastern Star held Tuesday night in the Masonic ha'l, the annual election of officers w. as held and. the following namest officers elected' and appointed to s'e: v;. for the ensuing year: Alma Parker, worthy matron, B. E. Parker, worthy patron; Estelle Griffin, associate matron; J. M. Harris, associate patron; Lovie Co- bu:n, secretary; Syibil, Schef'fer, treasurer; Wilmna Cooper, conduc- tress; Della Mize, associate con- d'uctre.s's; Elwynn Blount, chaplain; Florrie Connell, marshal; Pauline Smith, Ada; Leslie Spillers', Ruth; Ruth Ramsey, Esther; Onnie Greer, Martha; Callie Howeli, 'Electa, Zola Madd6x, warder; Watson Smith; sentinel; Myrtice. Smith, organist. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chestnut o?, this city announce the engagement of their daughter, Louvern, to the Rev. W. G. Mizelle, son o'f Mr. and: Mrs. A. G. .Mizelle of Windsor, N. C. Miss Chestnut was graduated from the Vernon high school with the class of 1944 and has been em- ployed by.the St. Joe Paper Com- pany for the past three years. Rev. Mizelle, pastor of the Assembly of God Church at Highland View, was graduated with the, class of 1940 from Zion Bilble Institute, Provi- dence, R. I. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. M. C. Wood announces the engagement and approaching mar- riage of her sister, Miss Joan Byrd, to Edward. Duke of this city. The marriage will be an event of April. Visits In Panama City Mrs. Florrie Connell visited in Panama City over the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Lena Cumbie. SPECIALS! PRE-EASTER PERMANENTS $20 HELEN CURTIS or RAYETTE COLD WAVE $15 REGULAR $15.00 COLD WAVE $10.00 Machinless Permanents 2 for $10.00 Machineless End Curl $7.50 All-Over Machineless Wave $8.50 We Carry Theo Bender, Revelyn and Ferel Destin Beauty Products 1 J Nl BEAUTY PHONE 312 Located On Fourth Street l!^ ^.K^i^! ^ HOWDY, WORLD: S "Mr. and Mrs. Claudie Grinslade of k L l|vf IEVS VWewahitchka are announcing the birth of a daughter, Lydia Rose, on March 20 at the Port St. Joe Mu- Ibs Churches nicipal Hospital. PHONE 51 ' Mr. and Mrs. George Norton Kil- ibourn olf Carrabelle announce the BAPTIST CIRCLE THREE .birth of a son, George Norton Jr., HAS STUDY ON 'RUSSIA' on March 22 at the. Port St. Joe The topic studied Monday at the Municipal Hospital. Royal Service program of the Baip- tist Missionary Society was "Rus- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Melvin of Alp ia," presented by Circle. Three. alachlicola announce the birth of a Mrs. Otis Pyl', leader, presented daughter, Brendia Joyce, on March the Bible stu'ly, taken from Psalm 323 at the St. Joe. municipal hospital. 22:26b-3,, which was followed with prayer by Mrs. E. C. Cason. Memn- NOTICE OF INTENT TO INTRO- bers developing this informing and DUCE SPECIAL LEGISLATION bNotice is hereby given to citi- inspiring subject were Mesdames zens of Franklin County, as is pro- A. V. Bateman, J. 0. Baggett, 0. vided by law, that it is my intent Skinnei', W. J. Ferrell, Milton Cha- to introduce. at the next session of SW r, M C the Legislature a bill to regulate fin and T. H. Strickland. tne catching of shrimp or prawn After a short business' session in in the waters of Franklin County charge of Mrs. C. A. McClellan, andi the adjacent waters, ovel vice-president, the meeting was which it has jurisdiction, insofar ths it legally may. The substance o: dismissed with prayer, the proposed' legislation 'is as ,fo- t 10 lows: WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET 1. It shall be unlawful for any WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON p.rsoen, persons, firm or corpora- Clbw ."eta tio4 to take, have in his, its. or their Tole Woman's pClub will meet at possession, buy, ,sell or offer to. the club rooms in the Centennial sale. or. to des-troy any shrimp pr Building next Wedinesday after- prawn from July lst to October noon, April 2, at" 4.d close" st of each year, and from Decem- noon, Abo her 1st to April 1st of the succeed- The p:oqgram will 'be on "Geth- ing year in the inside waters o0 semane" and will be under 'the di- the counties, of Franklin .and' Gulf reaction of Mrs. Ma-I,' Ward. .of the State of Florida. All members are urged,-to be 2. It shall be unlawful for any All members ae e to e person prsonis, firm or corpora- present. ;. tion to take, have in his, its or SSt K I their poss..ossion, buy, sell or offer GRIFFIN TRAUTZ for sale oi' to destroy any shrimp .Mrs. C. C. Taunton announces e a or fm the following area, said area being permanently the marriage of her daughter, Eve- closed to the taking of shrimp or lyn'Taunton Trautz, to Edawin Mil- prawn as aforesaid, and' the said ler Griffin, son of Mr. and .Mr. a re' being set aside as. a breeding Ross, Griffin of Attapulgus, 'Ga.. ground for shrimp or prawn, and the said area being those insicdb on March 20, 1947, in the First ers of ankli y Methodist 'Church of Athens, Ga. North and, West of a line drawn The young couple will make from the most South-Easterly tip their home in Athens, where Mr.. of East Point, in Franklin County, Miller is a studt at the ive around the furthermost end 'of the Miller is a student at the.Uiver ,jetty extending out into the bay sity of Georgia. from the Go:ri-. Memorial Bridge *, 6& SI and the line from there, drawn PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH back to the mainland at the point Rev. W. A Dniel Pastor which is the most South-Easterly tip of Green Point, same 'being a "God's Ans~wers To Some Great point on the Apalachicola Bay, Questions" will be the topic for West of the City o,' Apalachicola. the morning sermon next Sunday. 3. It shall be unlawful for any Sunday school at 10 o'clock, and on to tnke, have in h ois,itscorpoa- priaching .at 11. their possession, buy, sell or offer S. ft for sale at any time-, or to destroy Aliens Visit any raw shiinip or prawn of such size that they count more than Sgt. and Mrs. L. L. Allen and forty-live (45) shrimp or prawns twin sons of Millville visited here with heads on or sixty seven (67) over the. week-end, with Mr. and headless, to ths. pound, in the coun- M:'s. J. Baggett. ties of Franklin or Gulf, or in or From the inside or outside waters of the counties, of Franklin and Gulf of the State of Florida. 4. It shall be unlawful for any DR. C. L. REICHERTER person, persons, finn, corporation, firms or corporations to use in OPTOMETRIST the taking of shrimp or prawn in any of the. outside or inside wats.rs EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED o'f the counties of Franklin and Gulf of the State of Florida or to Ritz Theatre Building Hours: B to 5 length, dry, of more than seventy- First Floor Phone 560 five (75) feet, said cork-line length being that distance from the place PANAMA CITY, FLA. where the net ties on to the cork- l PANAMA CITY, Fon end, to the place where the net ties on to the cork-line at the other end, the sald. cork line ------------ EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1947 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "WHY DO YOU WAIT?" 6:25-Baptist Training Union. 7:30-Evening- Worship. Sermon Topic: "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN." being the top line of the net or d-e- forty-five (45) to the pound with - vice. Further, that no net shall. be heads on. used for' the taking of shrimp or 6. Any person violating any oV prawn with a miesh o.f less than the provisions of this law shalt one (1) inch bar and two (2) inca I upon conviction be punis.ea as stretch, provided this provision follows: For the first offense a wiill not become effective until i fin., of not less, than $25.00 nor April 1, 1948, and no boat shall pull ) more than $100.00. For the second more than one net or device at a offense a fine of not less than time, except for a try net no longer $500.00 or six months in jail or than fourteen (14) feet. both. For the third offense a fine 5. Agents of the State Board of of not less than $1,000.00 or one Conservation are herebvy auth.orizc year in jail or both and the sus- and directed to stop the taking or pension of the boat crews' license catching of shrimp or prawn at all for one year. rl plwes where a majority GEORGE G. TAPPER, of small shrimp or prawn are. Representative Gulf County. Iouni being caught, taken or killed, Representative Gulf County. and. small shrimp or prawn are de- C. H. BOURKE FLOYD, fined as more than an average of I Representative, Franklin County. SEND FLOWERS I* EASTER CORSAGES CUT FLOWERS POT PLANTS FAN'S FLOWERS WE DELIVER PHONE 246 !" A''Port The-atre'i A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla.. . THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. " 4ee.. fr. oe LAST TIME TODAY fUNTEDf BY GUNMER.- ;. ^ Teresa WRIGHT ^ ^ ,Robert MITCHUM ,- SATURDAY, MARCH 29 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 -- MBu MUM 12- BaBBif H BsLs -- FEATURE NO. 2 -- Chapter 3 of Serial "Son of the Guardsman" SUNDAY, MARCH 30 Little s-.I, Selected Short Subjects MONDAY TUESDAY March 31 April 1 --Also- NEWS and ODDITY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 HIT NO. 1 - RICHMRD ARLIN ith VEDA ANN BORG HIT NO. 2 THE 3 MESQUITEERS "G'i Smo.ke Randfch -- Also-- Chapter 4 of Serial "CHICK CARTER" MOMM 1M w-rv----vqM THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 3 and 4 E 2 '7 /< n~i~h%~a~Psln~ii~--~P~P~ ssak ~ a II 0AID'AY'" MARCH 281 1947 T--HE~:sTAR,'.POO-Rrv -T JOE, GULP- COUNTY, FL~LORI DA PAGE NINE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, wULF COUNTY, FLORIDA WHO'S WHO IN PORT- ST. JOE ORT ST. - SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT PEOPLE ROSPE THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED - THESE THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO -waI t TELL THE TRUTH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE IF YOU WANT MONEY TO TYPEWRITER-Underwood type- BUILD SEE US! writer in good condition. See it at Sunny State Service Station. Remember, we have helped, to se- Phone 227. 3-28 2t cute loans tor construction of 9 out of 10 houses built in Port St. TRUNK--Like new, size 39 by 25 Joe since 1938. inches. Call 228. 1* We have the following houses for sale at prices well within the limit of the late Real Estate Ad- vance: The former Roberts place on Gar- rison now owned by John Dur'en. A substantial, well built house with two bedrooms. FHA and GI Loans can be secured' We can now give you easy terms on.the 3-bedroom house corner of 16th Street and Palm Boulevard', which has been repainted inside and out. Will sell under contract, $1250.00 down and' balance monthly with assumption of the. mortgage. Can also give you exceptionally good terms on the 2-bedroom house on the east side of Palm Boule- vard, one lot from 13th Street. The price is very reasonable and you can move in at once. Immediate possession given for as little as $700.00 down, balance in monthly payments with assumption of the mortgage. ' Small house in Highland View for $1000.00. Remember-Abstracts of Title are furnished with every sale. CARTER Registered Real Estate Broker S 317 REID AVENUE Port St. Joe, Florida 5-ROOM COTTAGE on one acre of land, at White City; hot and cold water. See J. A. Christmas at Wimico Lodge. 3-28tf LOT IN HIGHLAND VIEW-110 by 54 feet; second lot from Meth- odist Church. See G. C. Spivey at LeHardy's Bar. 3-14tf Advertising doesn't cost--it PAYSI BEACH LOTS--I have two beach lots situated about two miles east of Beacon Hill. These lots have al- read'y been, graded, and are priced for quick sale.. HOUSE FOR SALE -- Nice three- bedroom rouse on Long Avenue. Can get possession quickly. Easy terms. LARGE CORNER LOT on-* tarri- son Avenue. This is ideal for your new home. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 FOR RENT- CONCRETE MIXER for rent, $5.00 per cay. Spillers and. Nichols, phone 83 or 304. 5- 9* BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS-Get new price list and save money. WORTHWHILE CHICKS, 101 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Md. 6-20* LOST AND FOUND LOST-Paiir ear rings for pierced ears. Heart-shaped, yellow gold with diamond in center. Return to The Star for reward. 3-2S* SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED-Job as maid. See Pearly AMae Jones iW quarters. 3-28* WATER HEATER-Kerosene side- arm water heater and tank; pe.r- fect condition. Call Thos. G. Also- brook. 4-4* MOTORCYCLE-'46 Harley-David- son, in good. condition; run less than 4000 miles; $600. May be seen at Gulf Service Station. C. W. Sapp, White City. 3-28* CORNET-Brand new Frank B- flat comet, with alligator leather case. See Mrs. Alex LeGrone, city. Phone 233. 3-14tf SHINGLES-210 lb. green asphalt shingles, $8.50 per square. Also 90 lb. slate surface. roll roofing in red or green at $3.75 per roll. C. L. Costin, Beacon Hill. 3-7 4-4 TWO NICE GAS COOK STOVES. All kinds of linoleum. See us for bargains in any kind of stove or repair work. ST. JOE SIGN SHOP, phone 94. 3-7 3-28 FENCE WIRE-50 feet of 14-inch woven ornamental fence wire at $4.50; or will swap for most any- thing. The Star office. 1-lOtf HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Allen's Princess wood range, in good' condition, $75.00. C. R. Laird, County Agent, Wewa- hitc'hka. 1I GAS REFRIGERATOR-6-foot ca- pacity Servel Electrolux, in good condition, $85. See Mrs. W. S. Smith at Thle Star office. 3-21tf HELP WANTED MALE 40,000 GOOD JOBS A MONTH SURVEYORS ATHLETIC INSTRUCTORS POWER LINEMEN CONSTRUCTION WORKERS WAREHOUSE FOREMEN ,GUARD-PATROLMEN OPTICIANS FINANCE CLERKS ARMORERS 'SIGN PAINTERS STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKERS WEATHER OBSERVERS Ani many other skilled men are required ifor peacetime duties in the new Regular Army. It takes ap- proximately 40,000 men a month tu keep replacements up to strength -and there are hundreds of gootc opportunities, available to young men between 18 and. 34, inclusive (17 with parents' consent). Nr'w. higher pay, plus food, cloth- ing, quarters, dental and medical care make the Army a smart choice. GI Bill of 'Rights educa- tional benefits for those wiou en- list and serve at least three months before official termination of war. Three year enlistments allow choice of branch of service from those still open. and overse-as the- ater from those with open quotas. Get details, on the Army retirement plan. and other facts, from the U. S. Army Recruiting Station. 2.10 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Fla. Recruiting officer in Port St. Joe every Frid'ay at postoffice. Home-made Biscuits Served for Breakfast 0 Regular Plate Lunch Served at Meal Times All Kinds of SHORT ORDERS and SANDWICHES Bus Station Cafe Port St. Joe, Fla. Earthquake Caused By Vast Meteorite, Scientist Asserts The earth shuddered in a majoi quake when the greatest known meteorite struck, twenty to thirty fnousand years ago, in what is now the state of Arizona. A million tons of fiery brilliance. roared downward', a hundred times faster than a rifle bullet, and you could put 10,000 of the biggest man-made bomb craters into the one it made. Harvey H. Nininger, internation- ally known authority on meteo'r- ites, estimates more than 300,000,- 000 tons of solid lock was shat- tered and heaved' aloft by the blast. He has been studying the great pit, 20 miles southwest of Winslow, for 22 years. You call visualize. the extent of the crater, he said, by imagining the Rose Bowl enlarged to seat 2,600,000 fans. It covers 320 acres and the s'im is 150 feet above the surrounding country. "The mass bored its way through 2400 feet of solid rock, millions of tons of which were reduced to a fine flour," said Nininger. "Mete- oric nickle-iron material has oeen encountered 1,346 feet below the south rim and at similar levels In- side fithe crater." Niainger is con- ducting a subsoil survey with de- tectors over a large area around the crater. "You call imagine this great fall," he said. "The sky is cleft as by a blazing sword, trailed by streams of fire. Then the earth trembles like the head of a beaten drum and hills dance like dervishes. Ava- lanches of rock sweep down the slopes of neighboring mountains. Forests are flattened and burst into flames." Indians in the vicinity of the crater have at least three, legends concerning its origin. "All the legend's agree in repre- senting it as the site where the great spirit desce-nded in a blaz- ing fire and disappeared beneath the ground," the scientist stated. "Strict taboos were ,placed upon everything associated w'it h the crater and no 'good Indian' wil SPECIAL SERVICES FOR DEMONSTRATION of the "Babu-Tendla," a nationally ad- vertised safe way to care for your ibaby, call Mrs. Thos,. Alsobrook, Agent. 4-4*" LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F' & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular ., meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- \,G~~'days each month, 8:00 p. rtl. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. D. L. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday in+ht at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. APARTMENTS FOR RENT All members urged to attend and visiting brethren invited. B. A. FOR APARTMENTS See The Pridgeon, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, Shirey Apartments. 8-3 Secretary, GOODYEAR Tires, Tubes and Accessories HOTPOINT APPLIANCES KEM-TONE PAINT SEABEE OUTBOARD MOTORS CUSHMAN SCOOTERS TEXACO PRODUCTS ST. JOE SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. Reid Avenue CALL US FOR KEROSENE Phone 321 (carnC WHEN YOU NEED KEROSENE Call 200-W Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION DONT FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE fok'i PLUMBING SERVICE CALL EDWARD LeGRONE S-- PHONE 88 OR 233-W - Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI-- PHONE 287 JAMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station Records! Records! B WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST 0 HITS! .ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbing GENERAL PLUMBING REPAIR SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS 2/Y We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire 0' Js BUCK ALEXANDER MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LeHARDY'S BAR ' ST. JOE SIGN SHOP UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES- FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY IvA- Let Us Design You a Letterhead P To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. visit the place to this day." A meteorite of equal siza could cause the complete destruction o0 a city the size of New York, NIB- inger said, but added: "Chances are. more than a million to one it will never happen." Cleans Houseplants An occasional washing with warm water and soap will keep most houseplants clean and attrac- tive and will discourage Insect pests Monkey Economical The monkey will not pull a banana from a tree'until he intends to make use of it. It pays to advertise-try it! LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE Notice is hereby' given that the Board of County Commissioners or Gulf County, Florida, will receive sealed bids until 10:00 A. M. April Sth. 1947. for the purchase of the following: One (1) 1 ,,-ton 11/2-yard dump A truck with cahb. One (1) Bulldozer blade and wench to fit 3-cyfimln-r R. D. 6 Caterpillar tractor. Also alternate bid for one angle bulldozer. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board County Commissioners, Gulf County, Florida. March 21, 1947. 3-21 4-4 PAGE TEN FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1947 I P ( |