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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 NUMBER 17 Big Weekly Pay Roll In Prospect For Port St. Joe Park-Wood Lumber Co. Holdings To Be Made Into Crossties; Ball Team Returns Home (Ed. Note: This is another of those stories from a copy of The Port St. Joe News of August 27, 1926, several issues of which were loaned to us by Postmaster H. A. -Drake.) ' It is reported that the entire tim- ber holdings of the Park-Wood Lumber Co. will be manufactured into..crossties'. It is the intention to let this operation to contract on a basis of the delivery of 2000 ties per day, which would necessitate the employment of about 250 men. Basing the output on 2000 ties per day would. in case all of the timber was made into crossties, take at least foui years to exhaust it. With the employment of 250( men on this proposition, it would mean a weekly payroll of around $10,000 and would be quite an ad- dcition to the business life of Port St. Joe. St. Joe Wins, Ties and Loses' The Port St. Joe ball club re- turned Saturday from Louisville, Ala., where they. indulged in a four-gainme series with the Louis- ville team. ,St. Joe copped the first game 5 to 2 wit-h McKeithenot themo'ulon. The second game, won by Louis- ville -2 to 0, was ta pitcher's battle between Drake and King, each giv- ing up only one hit. The last two games were played Friday. The first game, seven inn- (Continued on Page 3) ----------T<--------- Grand Ole Opry Troupe To Appear At State Fair Grandstand entertainment at the Florida State Fair on seven of the eleven night programs, Febrnary 4 to 15,'will revolve around the zany caprices of Whitey Ford, the laugA- provoking Duke of Paduka of radio, fame and his troupe of entertain- ers from the Grand Ole Opry. Direct from WSM Nashville, Ten- nessee, will come the rotund Duke and such nationally famous radio stars as Wally Ford with his Oak Ridge Quartet, Annie Lou an d Danny, the Georgia Clodchoppers, and the usual retinue, of hill-billy guitar twangers and vocalists. Dates set for the WSM Grand Ole Opry troupe are February 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13. The programs will be presented from the stage in front of the grandstand on the seven nights and Will be aug- mented by vaudeville, circus, and hippodrome attractions. MARCH OF DIMES COLLECTION TO BE TAKEN UP AT THEATER No regular collections will hbe taken up at the Port theater this year during the March of Dimes, but girls will take u.p a collection each night from, 6 to 8:30 in the theater lobby. Be generous. Called Here By Sister's Illness 'Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thurman of Jackson, Miss., are here to be at the bedside of the latter's sister, Mrs. C. M. Warner, who recently underwent an operation at the mu- nicipal hospital. Patient At Hospital ' Mrs. John Gilbert is a patient at the local 'hospital this week. We Want All the News, But Let's Co-operate The editor of The Star appreci- ates beyond measure the fact that our readers are continually turning in news items of church and club activities, personals, birthday parties, and so on. In fact, with our nose to the grind- stone all the time, if it wasn't for this interest taken by our loyal readers The Star would be sadly lacking in these items that go to make up a readable paper more than anything, else. But we would like those who send in items to get first names or initials. Instead of writing "Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Johnson," make it "Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. Gladys Johnson." It sure would be a great help to us. We know 'most everybody's name in town, but occasionally we get the wrong initials on the right per- son, and vice versa. And that makes someone going some place or doing something when in re- ality perhaps they had not gone any place or were not present at some shindig where they were reported to be. We'll sure appreciate it, and we (know our readers will give us this co-operation. iiinIiiilillllll l lllllllflll nl l llllllllllllllll l New McCoy Super-Market Opens For Business Today Enmnett Daniel opens. his new McCoy super-market at 9 o'col'ck this morning in the. building adjoin- ing the Florida Power Corporation office on Reid Avenue formerly occupied by the Chavers-Fowhand Furniture Company. The new store is conveniently ar- ranged, for quick service to cus- tomers and. is well stocked with nationally advertised foods, as well as having a, modern and. up-to-date meat department. In addition a frozen food locker is being installed and the store will shortly carry a full line of frozen fruits, vegetables and meats. For special offerings today and tomorrow, turn to page two of this issue of The Star. MASONS INVITED TO VISIT PANAMA LODGE TONIGHT The regular meeting of the Ma- sonic lodge scheduled for tonight has been postponed, and members are Aivited t-o visit with the Pan- amra City Masonic lodge, at whioi time the grand master will make !iis visit to the neighboring city. All members desiring to go to l'anama City are requested to be at the hall by 5 p. m. Transporta- tion will be provided. -- -- -- ----K. Return From Visit In Quincy Mr. and Mrs. E. H. VanLanding- *ham returned home Tuesday after a visit of five days in Quincy with Mr. and Mrs. Gonray Fletcher and Mrs. M. F. VanLandingham. Doctor Resumes Practice Dr. J. A. Hughes has resumed his practice in this city and; is now lo- cated in the Ward building at the corner of Williams Avenue and Foarth Street. On Business Trip To Panama City Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon made a business trip to Panama City yesterday. SGeorge Wimberly Much Activity Noted 1 Mother of Poster In Plane Crash At At St. Joe Airport Girl Makes Appeal California Airport There are sev ral new students In March of Dimes inow taking flying instruction, the S-ones recently enrolled being Jimmy Four-Engine Ship Wrecks Coming Bloodlworth of Apalachicola, late of Kentucky Chapter Provides Money Into Oakland Field Under Ra- the' Detroit Tigers ball club but and Care To Bring Daughter dar Controlled Approach now playing for the Pittsburgh Back To Perfect Health -- Pirates, and the following from --- George Wiimberly, Jr.,,of Port St. Port St. Joe: Carl H. Bounds, Den- An appeal to women in every Joe, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. ver Miller, W. A. Montgomery, E. community for greater giving to Wimberly, was among the 21 per- M. Bailey and Murray Lloyd'. the March of Dimes was received sons aboard, a navy hospital trans- A new Aeronica trainer has been at the Gulf county campaign hIeac- port plane that crashed at the Oak- put into service and soon there quarters here Tuesday from Mrs. land, Calif., airport at 2 o'clock will be first solos 'to announce. Frank Drury of Louisville, Ky., Monday afternoon (5 p. in. EST). A number of local residents have mother of the 4-year-old -poster girl George was on'his .way back to been taking sightseeing rides, and who this year symbolizes the fight the States from Guam, where *he everyone is urged .to drop out at against infantile paaalysis. had been stationed, to take a the airport and, visit at any time. In making the letter public, Joe course in specialized Diesel engi- There .have been several visiting Mira, Gulf county chairman of tilhe neering at San Diego, Calif. .He ships land here since opening of March of Dimes, said: "All of us was taken, along with 11 other the flying school, and, from all in- have a tremendous stake in the injured men, to the naval hospital dications, the number will increase, fight against polio. No child or at Oakland! from where he tele- Local pilots, attending the Chip- adult will be safe until the preven- phoned his folks here that he was ley breakfast flight were Basil E. tive for this hideous disease is dis- merely bruised and shaken up and Kenney, Jr., T. Waldo Davis, Dr. covered. Nancy's mother speaks to would be out of the hospital in a J. R. Norton, Lieut. Nix, Stan Har- us' all and for us all. She asks' that week or ten days and that he hoped ris and Sam Duren. Norton ant' we o our part, not only by con- to come, home on leave before re- Kenney won prizes at the affair tributing ourselves, but by telling turning to San Diego to enter the and all were enthusiastic over the others how her child, like thou- Diesel school. trip and breakfast. Soon Port St. sands of others, escaped crippling According to press dispatches, Joe will be able to organize an aero through the help provided by the the big four-engine ship came into club and, have similar affairs. March of Dimes." the airport under radar ground -- ---- the airport under rad groundNancy Drury was stricken when controlled approach due to pool School Pupils Enjoy the infantile ,paralysis epidemic visibility caused by heavy fog, aind swept through Kentucky in 1944. the pilot, apparently became con- Unexpected Holiday Sheptirnlou-Kentucky in 1944.d hp n a~li~l fg'v h~lth nn fusedi. didn't follow the beam all the way in and 'hit a dike at the end of the field. It was' the first crash in more than 7-.liiu such ra- dar controlled approaches. The plane, which was arriving from Honolulu, fell apart, and there was an explosion followed by fire. Witnesses said it appeared all pas- sengers were thrown clear of the wreckage. Residents near the air- port area reported the force of the explosion shook their homes. Chestnut Grocery Offers Meat Grocery Specials In keeping with dropping prices all over the country, the Chestnut grocery & Market, in this issue of The Star, is offering to housewives of Port St. Joe and vicinity some real bargains in meats and gro- ceries. For instance, grade a sliced ba- con, .fornferly priced as high as 75c per pound, is being offered at 45c. The price, of stew beef has been cut in half and is now" 15c a pouna. while choice picnic hams, formerly selling for 59c per pound, are avail- arble at 36c. And, soap flakes- ladies, J. R. says you can come in and get all you want! For further money-saving items it Chestnut's turn to page seven. Barbecue For Veterans Next Thursday Night A barbecue for all ex-servicemen and their families in -this vicinity will he staged at the Centennial Building next Thursday night at 8 o'clock by Willis V. Rowan Post 116, American Legion. All servicemen, whether or not they belong-to the Legion, are ex- tended an invitation to attend this hbg free feed. Guests of the local post will be members of the Ap- alachicola American Legion post. Recovering From Illness Friends of B. H. Smith will learn with gladness t-hat he is showing improvement after his recent ill-a ness. He is a -patient at the local hospital. ' Pupils of Gulf county schools. are enjoying a full holiday today, but teac'iers are attending :3 all-riny conference of the Mid-West-f"'ld'dri Education -Association being .held in Marianna with Tom Owens of this city, association president, presiding. Principal speakers to be heard are Mrs. Eunah Holden of Deland. president of the Florida Education Association; 'Dr. W. T. Edwards. of Florida State College for Wo- men, Talllahass'ee, an J. S. Rick- ri'ds, FEA executive secretary. George G. Tapper, Gulf county representative to the state legis- lature, Nwill be among the platform guests. and Prof. W. A. Biggart is a member of the committee on resolutions. COUNTY BUYS TOTAL OF $59,551 IN BONDS FOR 1946 People of Florida invested $90.- 615,290 in IT. S. Savings -Bonds dur- ing 1946, an average of $40.29 per capital. Of this amount $52,209,068 was in Series E bonds and $38,436,- normal child today. She, like thou- sands of other polio patients in thq nation's hospitals today., received' expert attention and modern treat- ment. "Wit'hout that help, I don' L tKnov how we would have managed," Mrs. Drury writes. "We were so fright- ened. First there was the terrible (Continued on Page 2) Officers For Year Are Installed By I. 0.0. F. At the regular meeting of Sa- maritan Lodge No. 40. I. 0. O. F., held Wednesday night, January 15, in the Masonic hall, officers for the ensuing' year were installed- as follows: B. A. Pridgeon, noble grand'; B. B. Conklin, vice grand; John Blount Jr., right supporter to noble grand; Walter Johnson, left supporter to noble grand; Claude Strickland, warden; James Lindsay, conductor; L. Wood, right scene supporter; J. W. Oumbi", le't scene supporter; 222 in Series F and G. D. C. Arnett, outer guard; Cole- Gulf county sales of E, F and G man Tha'rp& inner guard; Watson Savings Bond's, during 1946 totaled Smith, chaplain; J. H. Greer, right $59,551, of this $49,628 was in E supporter to vice grand; W. S. bonds. The total ranks fifty-third flowell, left supporter to vice in volume for all the counties in grand. Florida, whereas Gulf county ranks Followin"g the installation cere- fiftieth in population according to mony. an oyster supper was en- 1945 census figures. joyed by the members present and The per capital purchases for ten visiting brothers from Scarlet Gulf county stand at $8.50, coin- Lodge No. 75, Lynn Haven. pared with the state average of 4' $40.29, and ranks fifty-fourth in THREE FIRES THIS WEEK 1hi' respect for the 67 counties in The. fire department was called Florida. out Tuesday night to extinguish a S __ wood's fire at Oak Grove and again JET PLANE FLIES OVER CITY Wednesday night for a similar fire With a zoom and a swish one of lon Constitution drive in the block the army's new jet planes made a at the rear of the Sharit home. The sharp right turn over Port St. Joe department a 1 s o extinguished a yesterday morning and. left a long h-.':c V. ._Ir.c.Jay aftcirncon in a screamer of vapor in the sky. It is sm:al- dwlWling near the ice plant. estimated )by those who saw the projectile-like ship that it was do- Attend W. M. U. Association Meet ing it the neighborhood of 600 T'hose from this city attending miles an hour. the meeting of the Northwest ---- --- Coast Baptist W. M. U. Association Visiting Sister and Family held Wednesday at the Millville Mrs. S. P. Date of Oak Hill, Ala., Baptist Church were Ml's. J. O. Bag- is the guest of her sister and farn- g't, Mrs. T. V. Morris, Mrs. W. 1, ily, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Smith. Carden and Mrs. C. M. Palmer. I PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 Saints Lose Double- Header To Bay High; Win Tilt From BonifayI The Port St. Joe high school bas- ketballers dropped .both games of a double-header played' with Bay high Friday night at Panama City but came back strong in a game played here Tuesday night to de- feat the powerful Bonifay cagers In the Panama games the Saints' "B" squad lost 17 to 5 and, the var- sity took the short end of a 37-24 decision. In this tilt J. D. Shealey, St. Joe center, captured high-scor- ing honors for the night with six free throws and three field goals for a total of 12 markers. The local teams were made up as follows: "B" team-T. Owens, W. Ramsey, B. Wimberly, J. B. O'Brien, F. Young; subs. Carltoa Padlgett, Gene Chism. Varsity--B. Owens, Jack Williams, Chuck Gib- son, J. D. Shealey, Jack Ricketson. The Saints pulled. a major upset Tuesday night at the Centennial Auditorium by displaying unusual form and trouncing the vaunted Bonifay Blue Devils 38-20, the team that had previously beaten the Bay high quintet. Shealey again took top scoring honors with 1S counters, and was ably assisted by Ricketson, Owens, Williams and Gibson, all of whom' played bangup ball. The local lads will play the Wal. ton Braves from DeFuniak on the local court tonight. Six Games Played In City Basketball League The Port St. Joe City Basketball IBe.rgue official got updzr way Wednesday night of last week and to date the St. Joe Paper Conmpany holds top honors with three games won an-I no losses. In the opening games the St. Joe Paper Company downed McCoy's ard' the Apalachicola American Le- gione won from the Merchants. Last Friday night the Paper Maklers took the long end of a 15-9 score against t-h.e Me.rchants, an'C tie Apalac hi cola Legion defeated McCoy's 26 to 13. In Wednesday night's tilts the St. Joe Paper Conm- pany won over Apalachicola 31-16 and, McCoy's won over the Mer- chants 23-16. McCoy's met the. Paper Makers and the Merchants tangled within Apalachicola last night, for which results, we will have to wait until next week. Next Wednesday night will find the Paper Makers matched, against the Merchantss and McCoy's meet- ing the Apalachicola Legion. ,Standings of the teams follows: Team- W L Pet. St. Joe Papar Co. ---- 3 0 1.000 Apalachicola Legion __ 2 1 .667 McCoy's--------------s -1 2 .333 Merchants -------- 0 3 .000 Easy Picnicking To keep a picnic tablecloth from blowing awa b make a pocket in each corner of the cloth large enough to hold a walnut-sized stone. iEach will help weight the cloth down. Animal' Refuge To provide shelter for small ani- mals and furnish nesting places for .song birds, farmers should permit fence rows to remain standing and to clean brush but not to burn it. For Those Who Think of Appearance Run down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and well polished. .Let us be your footwear valets. STHE LEADER SHOE SHOP Mother of Poster Girl (Continued from Page 1) pain and the fear of paralysis a Nancy's little body went stiff an helpless. Then there was th worry-how could, we possibly pa for the hos-pital and the doctor and nurses Nancy needed? To hav the money provided by the Kei tucky chapter of the national four nation n was like a miracle. The paid for everything, saw that oa child had. every chance for r cover. "Sometimes you find friend when you're in trouble. that's wha 'he March of Dimes was to us- friend. As a mother, I want to as all mothers to help the March c times You never know. You ca: not tell. We never thought a child if ours would have polio. It ma )i your child next sunnmmer. A long as there: is a March of Dimn :au will not have to worry aboi what to do. "We're proud that Nancy wi chosen to be the poster girl for tl 1947 'March of Dimes. S-he wan to do her part to make sure their will always be help for other chi dren who might need it. Help i ') the others. It is our only wa of thanking you for the help you gave us through. the March of Dimes." It pays to advertise try it! DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. of y Bus Station Cafe S es REGULAR DINNERS ut : PLATE LUNCHES as SHORT ORDERS . Te SANDWICHES ts STry Our Nice Sizzling si Steaks and Golden Is Brown Chicken y TRAVELING SALESMEN... When you order printing from a travel- ing salesman, you are never sure when you will get it or what it will look like. We can show you proofs and deliver the job the same day. No letter to write, no packages to cart from the postoffice-just a telephone call to our office and we do the rest. THE STAR PHONE 51 PORT ST. JOE Opening Friday 9 a. m. i j For FRIDAY and SATURDAY Cpeci S JANUARY 24 AND 25 / CIGARETTES ALL BRANDS Carton l. PRINCE ALBERT TOBACCO Can 10c COFFEE DEL MONTE 46( BAILEY SUPREME MAXWELL POUND FLOUR WHITE WATER ROSE 5 lb. Bags .45 10 lb. Bags .82 25 lb. Bags $1.94 PORK FAT .68 $1.19 $1.53 MORTON'S 3 Packages . SALT . 21c SHIPPED EGGS DOZEN .. 55c TOMATOES No. 2 Can . 21c RITZ CRACKERS 1 Lb. Package 25c SOAPS and POWDERS WILL BE SOLD AT 9 A. M. FRIDAY WITH ORDERS UN- TIL STOCK IS EXHAUSTED MARKET SPECIALS Creamery BUTTER-Lb. 83 HAMBURGER-Lb. 27o CHEESE-Lb. 55 OLEO-Lb. . 43 BEEF RIB CHOPS-Lb. 430 ERYERS-Lb. .. 64 BREAKFAST BACON-Lb. 630 Swift Arrow Beef Sirloin, Lb. 650 STRIP BACON-Lb.. 44 CHUCKROAST-Lb.. 39 WEINERS-Lb. 290 WHITE MEAT-Lb. 35 CHUCK ROAST-Lb.. 39 SMOKED HAMS Fresh Pork BEEF RIB STEW-Lb.. 150 Whole or Half-Lb.. 550 SHOULDER ROAST-Lb. 39 y's r *oSry Marke t. Joe C0vry -Florida LARD Quart Half Gallon Gallon COOKING OIL 1 Gallon $2.95 CHEWING GUM POPULAR BRANDS 3 PACKAGES 12c MAYONNAISE KRAFT-Pint 49c SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP-Pint 42c v THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 PAGE TWO M-- I Fl IUAY, IAN 41, 7 Checks Moths Italian Broccoli o Big Weekly Pay Roll The vacuum does its job thorough- If Italian broccoli stands too long ly with a minimum of wear on the in the market or in the garden the rug, and, if used regularly, is a buds begin to open into yellow mus- (Continued from page 1) check against moths. tard-like flowers. ing., was won by Louisville, 4 to 2, --- ^ -- n --with Green hurling for Port St. Joe. The final game, called in the fifth inning on account of darkness, was a 0-0 ti". Jesse Smith started on the mound for St. Joe in this tilt but d(velol)ed a wild, streak and was 'relieved by "Chalk" McKeithen. Miss Perritt Gives Beach Party An enjoyoableloccasion was the beach party by Miss Gladys Per- iitt \.Vedncs'dMy night, August IS, in hin.or of her guestL, Miss Fayc Perkins, of Tamnpa. Those who made Two Attractive 5-Room ,p ,1 part, were: Misses Fae i'erkins, Marie McKeithen, Erline Dwellings On McClellan icClellan dolla Redd, Coy an A Ne.d IPerritt, Annie LaGalle and A ven ue Amandta 1Iaimn, lr; Messrs. George Suber, Jackson Redd,, Fred Wages, As ka 5 9 005 ,,,Phillip Lovett, Ersklin.e Johnson, i Robert and Billy Tapper, Pervin Howell, Wood Mowbray and Lamar Gantlan; Mes.dames J. J. Perritt, We will assist in securing a GI or FHA Loan Robert Tapper, 0. M. Morton, H. if necessary A. Drake, Jesse Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sawyer and G. G. HOUSES NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION Gainous. Pontoons Completed AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY e : AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY The pontoons for the bridge over ~e the calnal at White City are coni- KinMgry & Gilbert Relt IH lpleted and it will not be a great ~iy &1 Gl bert Reat yl Cwhile betiore the entire bridge will be ready -for use. PHONE 335-J PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Surveying For Improvements Engineers from the McCracy En- -- gineering & Construction Co. were in the city last week making pre- "___ liminary surveys and collecting Sdata in order to submit an estimate on the proposed water and sewer- -- O/t a~ge systems and street improve-- Sl I i ments. That's one song Reddy Kilo- watt really knows. When al- most all cost of living items are playing high your electric servant keeps playing his theme song of "Sweet and Low." And that's certainly good news these days and it's good to note that Reddy's wages have come down and down until today the average family gets twice as much electric service for its dollar as did twenty years ago. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION Wewa Wins Over Hosford The Weawahitchka and Hosford ball teams crossed bats at Wewa. Sunday. which resulted In a win f -r the home c'ub, 4 to 1. The Wewa team twas assisted, by "Chalk" Mc- 'Aeilben, Buster Owens and Jimmy Kilbourn of Port St. Joe. Fishing Improving The fishing boats of the Florida Menhaden Co. docked Monday noon with cargoes of 1000 barrels of fish. They put out for their second trip immediately after unloading. Gainous Appointed Marshia, G. G. Gainous of Climax, Ga., has been appointed ma.rs'a.l' by the city commissioners to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of .1. W. West. Personals Mrs. Jesse Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Alton McKeithen, Misses Gladys Perritt and Marguoerite Lawson mo- tored to Louiseville, Ala., Friday and witnessed two of the ball games, returning Saturday. Mrs. C. A. McCelllan and daugh- ter Erline, of B1,untstown, spent STYLE BILT VENETIAN BLINDS Made To Measure of STEEL WOOD ALUMINUM Our Aluminum Blinds are plastic coated, easy to clean, a rust-proof, will not chip, and will not sag, are noiseless and close tightly. AND REMEMBER To Get Your Order In Early for Those DISTINCTIVE STYLE BILT AWNINGS All Prices are f.o.b. Atlanta P. 1. LOVETT Phone 184 P. 0. Box 403 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA oo* O**** ******. DEAR SHOPPERS: You'll no doubt be interested to know that you can buy as many pairs of NYLON HOSE at BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE as you de- sire. However, we can not say how long this .opportunity will be avail- Able but we hope to be able to'sup- ply your needs from here on out Another shipment of those sparkling new COTTON FROCKS at $6.95 has been received. Up-to- the-minute styles and superb qual- ity at this low price makes a sure hit! 1947 HAYNES LUXURY UN- DIES unpacked today white and tearose. Quantities are still? limited on this wonder value, so iou better not wait!! .Mrs. B. is off to little ol' New York for two weeks hard work on the fashion markets. Watch out this spring for the most complete stock of desirable Ready-to-Wear that you've seen in. this store . at a price you can afford to pay! We're going after what you want no more taking what tiley have. It's going to be different this year you'll like it better and so will we. Yes, it's going to be a great year! Men, a shipment of famous HIGBI- QUALITY RAND SHOES showed up this week and a black KANGA- R.OO OXFORD made its appear ance for the first time in this store . Did you know that kangaroo is five time-s stronger than other leati- s? yet a soft and harm- less as a kitten! We take a great deal of pride in selling you a RAND shoe and we know you'll come for more! . Joe Mira is on the job in the 1 "March of Dimes" ca-mpaign. Thils cause is worthy of the wholeheart- ed support of every citizen of Gulf county. Let's return our cards t filled with dimes' and dollars, to Joe today.' We'll help some little crippled child to walk again! Harry McKnnight's work with the Cub Scouts deserves a big hand from the people of this commun- ity. J. T. Simpson is also "on the t beam" with the regular Scouts. Our boys ninee are all girls!) will be greatly benefited through the ef- forts of these men. Let us keep This in mind when we, are called (on to help in some small way! Speaking of small things, we would like to remind you that you save 20 per cent when you buy 3 & P Coats Sewing Threads here. A glittering, glorious array of Spring anmd' Summer Wash Falbrics will .be making its appearance at Boyles Department Store soon! When the need arises, for a piece of luxurious' Imported' Handkerc-hief Linen make a note that you can buy it here (white only). Customers are thrill- ed with our 48-inch and 54-inch Drapery and Slip Cover Fabrics at $1.95 a yard. We've sold a "scad" of Clopay Paper Draperies that look swell and wear well! . Available now! Men, have you been wearing pa- jamas with holes other than the necessary arm, leg and head open- ings? We'll sell you two pair with the ininimuma amount of Openings! A small item has made many friends for us in the Sock Dept. it's a Cushion Sole Ath- letic Sock free. of dye absorbs' pE'spiration cush- ions the foot. Working men who appreciate comfort are high in their praise of this sock, as well as those who use it in basketball and other sports. It's a fine thing that traveling men and other transients who wish to spend the nite in Port St. Joe can enjoy solid comfort at Sol Shirey's Motel, Hotel and Etc.! Mrs. Shirey and Mrs. Legrone are courteous and pleasant hostesses. Port St. Joe is moving forward and Boyless Department Store will keep in step. You'll step in comfort when you wear Heel Latch, Na- tural Bridge and Rand Shoes. KIWANIS MEETS every Wed- nesday (Kenney's Hotel) 12:30 P. mn. Attendance is getting better. Members absent last week: VIC ANDERSON, PAT BRAY, J. R. CHESTNUT, TOM OWENS andf SKIPPER TAPPER. New Presi- dent Opp Moore wields a wicked gavel and Collector of Fines John Blount goes after the CASH in the same way lie collects for furniture Either pay or give him your shirt! Yours for More, Bigger and 'Better Street Lights on Reid Avenue-the Avenue of Bust- n-ess in Port St. Joe. R. GLENN BOYLES. last week in the city with Mr. and Heart Is Top U. S. Killer Mrs. C. G. Costin. Heart disease, killed more Ameri- Max Kilbourn a.nd Cawpt. Jack cans in 1945 than any other ma!- McKeithen reort large catches ot ady. Cancer was the No. 2 killer fish. of 1945, an-d cerebral hemorrhage Miss Lillie Ferrell is spending a was No. 4. Accidents of all kinds few days with fiends in Greens- were fourth. boro. F. S. Singletary of Apalachicola Visitor From Missouri relieved F. M. Rowan, AN agent Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jones .have here. while Mr. Rowan escorted as their guest the latter"s brothel, the ball team to Louisville. Ala. Carl Taylor of Kansas City, Mo. PALMIST AND BUSINESS ADVISOR TELLS PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE If you are sincere in your search for help, this message is for you. This gifted reader gives help S I on all affairs of life, love; marriage, courtship, business ventures, luck. If you are unhappy in your home, separated from a loved one, undecided as to how to help yourself, then see MADAM BROOKS. Satisfaction guaranteed. Readings Daily and Sunday for both white and colored. Hours from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Located just three miles out on Tyndall Field Highway. Look for sign at Pitts Place. PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA The Tattler Published Weekly By Featuring BOYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol. 1 Friday, January 24, 1947 No. 26 I -c -~1 --I -- r PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST.- JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY JANUARY 24 7 PAG FOUR TH STR OTS.JE UFCU?,FOIAFIAJNAY2,14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at,. the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -i4{ Telephone 51 he- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount receiTed for such advertisement. The spoken r.ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong THE SHAME OF FLORIDA The shame of Florida is its forest lire record. Almost one-third of Florida's forest lands are under protection against fires. A greater proportion of our forest land is un- protected than in any other southern state. The effectiveness of fire prevention on our lands which are protected must be improved. The last year for which complete figures are available shows that only one other state had more fires on protected lands than Florida. We burned a greater proportion of our protected lands than any .other state, with the sole ex- ception of North Dakota, which is scarcely to be classified as a forested state in the first place. Almost alj. criterion, Florida stands at thC oitujim, or0 i.use to the bottom, o{ all the states with respect to control of forests fires. The responsibility for this condition is to be laid on the doorstep of our citizens as a whole. Fire prevention agencies, public and private, have been waging an uphill battle against pub- lic indifference, . Thi., indifference is an invitation to disaster. This indifference is robbing our state of in- dustries it needs, of jobs it must have. By "Keeping Florida Green," we invite industries which-need wood as their raw materials. LET YOUR DIMES SPEAK The annual March of Dime-s campaign is well underway in Gulf county, and the United States, and will serve as a means of collecting funds for the purpose of fighting infantile paralysis. This cause receives great emphasis in con- STARDUST and MOONSHINE Nothing much to write about this week, since we've hardly been out of the officethe past week too doggone busy. But we diia note a number of interesting items in various papers that struck our fancy. For instance: The most fre- quient cause of death among physi- cians is heart failure, and the aver- age age at death is 70 to 74. Looks lika medic-os follow their own ad- vice. Been trying to' imagine Doe Ward and Doe Norton with long modern wives . cuda." S kind 'who hounds Imink coats, diamo: and then never gi .Anjoy them. . psychologistt says the men are.sufferi breakdowns, falling tearing stomachs:. bald? Do you have sure? How's' your Perhaps you hbavi in your home! Boy! Oh boy! O wife really, disco' tasty in the food d'ay she ran acros old cook book givi how to prepare 'a chicken-and was nection with the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a sufferer from the disease, whose birthday occurs on January 30. Because of the great popularity of Mr. Roosevelt, the campaign for funds to fight infantile paralysis has been an outstanding success in the past. It should not be overlooked by the people of Gulf county, however, that there is much yet 'to be done in connection with the fight on this terrible disease. Research, the care of vic- tims, and some succor to people afflicted, arc the prime objectives of the experts who di- rect the war. Even here in our own county, a number of victims have been given wonderful aid, and the cause should be interesting to all of us. We should not hesitate to make as lib- eral a contribution as our means will permit to further the fight which must go on relent- lesslv. aggressi:vely. GAS TAX FOR ROADS County commissioners, in session at Jack- sonville recently, adopted a resolution advo- cating a reallocation of the' gasoline tax reve- nue so that it will go only to road purposes. This is in line with a general trend throughout the country, based on the fundamental prin- ciple that a tax contributed by users of the roads should be spent on roads. The commissioners suggested that one cent of the gasoline tax be allocated to counties for use in road construction and improvement. At present the seven cents gasoline tax is divided, four cents to the state road department,- two cents to the retirement of county>road bonded indebtedness, one cent equally divided between the general fund and an emergency fund for the schools, to be spent if needed. The commisnsioners hold that sice this half cent is not used altogether for schools, and the general fund does not need its half cent, this one cent be allotted to the counties entirely ,A for highway purposes. That makes sound sense. -Tampa Tribune. Help prevent forest fires. Be sure that your match is out before throwing it away. And don't throw, away burning cigars or cigarets. "Keep Florida Green!"" When a woman lowers her voice, it's a sign she \vants something. When she raises it, it's a sign she didn't get it. Rheumatism another northern ill wind i which blows much good tourist traffic Flor-i idaward this time of year. she's a "barra- browning stage is completed andI eems she Is the the chicken lacks sufficient ten- her husband fol derness, turn over to "bake" ana nd bracelets, etc. reduce heat to 300 F. and cook un- ives him time. to til tender. Remove to hot platter. . A California Having previously cooked a poti ti.at as a result of rice until dry and flaky, scrape ing from nervous up the bits of brown, drippings and ig hair and flut- toss rice into them very lightly. . Are you This gives the rice an unusual? high blood pres- fine flavor. Pile in center of Plat- dandruff? ter on which the chicken is to be e a "barracuda" served. Better try it. It'll make you slap your mammy down. ) h boy! Has our ered something our MORE THAN 100,000 BARRELS line! Te omether OF OIL TAKEN FROM WELLS line! The other s a recipe in an Florida's four producing wells, ing directions on all in the Sunniland field at the garlicized broiled edge of the Everglades, have pro- it good! Here it duced more than 100,000 barrels o: gray beards; Doe Bartee hasn't a is: Prepare a two-pound broiler or oil, according to Herman Gunter, beard, but he sports a gray mus- fryer (dressed weight) in the usual state geologist. tac-hio. way. Split in half. Soak a clove of He said the four Humble Oil Co. And. we find that in San Fran- garlic cut in half in the juice of wells at Sunniland produced 56,840 cisco the models' union is asking one lemon for several hours. Hay- barrels, of oil during 1946, althou.g-h morse money for less clothing. ing sprinkled chicken with salt and all of them were closed down at Seems they don't object to posing pepper and rubbed in melted tot- times because storage facilities in tlhe nude as long as they get at ter, rub with the lemon juice were lacking. Only two of the Sun- least $2 an hour for doing so. And Place broiler on .top rack if using nlilanl wells now are in production, they're yelping for pay from the electric stove, or about two inches lbut tie other two have not" been moment the first drape drops in-i from flame in, gas oven. Expose abandoned, he said. The first well ste d of until they're on the pedes- flesh side to the heat the greater began producing in September of tal--t-.r'te-to-startle pay. one could part of the broiling, as the skin 1943. say. .But hardest of all, they side will brown quickly. Watch s: .--. posi-g undraped in cold carefully, and turn frequently to An adult or linarilly has twenty- studios. They want higher insure 'an even golden brown eight pounds of blood, and at each rates for posing in goose pimples. BRiste with the remaining lemon pulsation the heart sends ten OCat there in Hollywood, Calif., juice and butter. Cook at 450 Fall pounds through the veins and ar- they have a new name for some I rnheit until brown. If, when the series. join the Fight to Stop Him! Join the March of Dimes. *b.*.. * ."Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content available from Commercial News Providers" $30 Cash Loans $300 CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS Start the New Year with all your bills paid buy what you need QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE! CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida 4 "Copyrighted Material' Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" m PAGE FDUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF .~OUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE GROW 'EM BIG and STRONG -Iftll Pay in Meat, Milk and EI For Full-Flavor Chicken, Feed BR0 ILER CHOW u For money-making broilers, depend on BROILER .)Broiler Chow. High livability, quick CHOW growth, cheap gains, delicious flavor. THIS COMPLETE FEED... THAT'S Al YOU N 3- DOGS 0 FOR IT! I In free-choice feeding tests by Purina Research, dogs preferred PURIA ra j' Dog Chow over other dry foods tested. Economical! Easy to feed. CHOW Feed Purina DOG CHOW START CHICKS Right For quick growth, high-livability, depend on America's favorite chick starter. Two pounds per chick is all you need. Call for PURINA STARTENA RAISE YOUR OWN MEAT AT HOME-- Grow a BIG hog fast-- have lots of pork and plenty of red gravy. It's HOG easy whoa you FATENA HOG FATENA GET READY for Chikf$ SPRAY the BROODER HOUSE ,with Purina CHEK-R-FECT Don't let germs kill chicks, Spray walls and floor with new brooder house disinfectant CHIORENA - ~oI. Chick Aid Keep chick equip- ment clean. Rinse with Chlorena to cut film, kill germs. KILL GERMS with CHLORENA GROW WEEDS TO DEATH! PURINA WEED KILLER Don't tolerate Weeds this year Kill them with Purina Weed Killer. Economical- easy to use. Available for lawns and gardens in pow- der form and for pastures, golf courses and other large areas in concentrate liquid form. SEE DIRECTIONS ON LABEL Lots of MRIL ,juilt to keep cows in condition for top production and loig milking life. Depend on COW CHOW vRasse em on, Calf/ -3 1L* MUV SlTARTENA to wih Lice One bag replaces * Helps grow big, 'c POWDER vigorous calves. uL I UEaPO D o. JOe arLdware Co. S PORT ST. JOE FLOREDA PUuNA i Schedule Completed For City Basketball League Alton Dendly has finally cont- Ui ltedl the schedule for t'ie Port St. ,,:2 City Basketball League, and we print it below, with exception of the :.imesi already played. The first :Its will begin at 8 o'clock and the s '-ond at 9 o'clock: Thursday, ,ian. 23-McCoy's vs. St. Joe Paper Co. Merchants vs. Alpalachicola American Legion. Wednesday, Jan. 2!)-S. Joe Pa- pei Co. vs. Merchants. Aiilachi- cola American Legion vs. McCoy's. Friday, Jan. 31-Apalachicola Le- gion vs. St. Joe Paper Co. Mer- chants vs. Mc'oy's. Wednesday, Feb. 5 Merchants vs. Apalac'iicola American Legion. St. Joe Paper Co. vs. McCoy's. !i.iy, Feb. 7-St. Joe Paper Co. .:. Meri-tits. McCoy's vs. Apa- iachicola American Legion. Wednesday, Feb. 12-St. Joe Pa- Co. vs.. Apalachieola American :i,. M;''Coy's vs. Merchants. ril.ay, F'eb. 14--McCoy's vs. St. Joe Paper Co. Merchants vs. Ap- ,achicola American Legion. Wednesday, Feb. 19 Merchants vs. St. Joe Paper Co. Apalachicola American Legion vs. McCoy's. Thursday, Feb. 20 Apalachicoia ,American Legion vs. St. Joe Paper 0. McCoy's vs. Merchants. Wednesday, Feb. 26 -MCoy'svs. St. Jae Paper Co. Merchants vs. \palachicola American Legion. Friday, Feb. 28--Merchants vs. St. Joe Paper Co. Apalachicola American Legion vs. McCoy's. "C* - CD 0 3 -im 0 -I2 0 3 3 0 7W0 z 0D -0 3. 0. CD 5^ cn Cl) 0.MI M CL 0; 0 MII rL5 STATE ROAD BUDGET FIXED The state road department Mon- STEAKS day adopted a tentative yearly op- 'rating budget of $33,061,287, amp- proximately the same as the 1946 figure. A carry-over of $20,540,974 will give the department a totaT oi. $53,602,261 for road work, mainten- ance and operation. The 1946 bud- get was about $40,000,000, but in- cluded between six and seven mil- lion dollars brought over from the preceding year. WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and Hill Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Pa.il Jones -Calvert Special Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. WE ARE SELLING ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF -AT- $1.85 Per Carton COME AND GET 'EM Sunny State Service PHONE 227 C. W. "Red" HORTON Always Remember That Our Gasoline Is Two Cents Per Gallon Less Than Any Other Brand Sold In Port St. Joe K= Now Located at Highland View, Near Chestnut Grocery i' SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS , Walter's ar& Grill (2'2 Miles from Port St. Joe on Seacon Hill Highway) W. I. GARDNER, Owner Pleasant Service . That is what you get at Walter's place. ... So drop in here when you want good food and drink deliciously prepared and satisfyingly served. . Bring the whole family! SEAFOODS I FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE I NJ32a Visitors From North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Boyles and Mr. S A andi Mrs. 0. R. Boyles of Mount S o C ial| f Ct iv itie S Airy. N. C.. visited here over the wee -end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn SBoyles. They were accompanied to Personals Clubs Churches .tl'nta on the return trip by Mrs. MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Glenn Boyles. Room Shortage Must Be Over Pupils of Mrs. Bynum Buffet Supper Honors lwe lolrsin want ad appsare upin a Columbli. S. C., new.-paper: Are Heard In Recital Dr. and Mrs. Lewis "Nicr room, nice bath; no objec- Mrs. D. H. Bynum presented heir l Miss Bernice Schneider was hos- tion to Yankees." pupils in a recital WeVednesday eve- tess Saturday night at her home ning of last week at tile home of' on Monumient Avenue at a buffet ' Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Jr.. the follow- supper given in honor of Dr. and oio ing program being rendered: Mrs. W.A. Lewis, Jr., whose mar-Your "The Juggler," Eda Ruth Kil- riage was a recent event. Pharmacist As bourn; "Poet and, Peasant,' Bar- T' e dining- room table, overlaid bara Boyles; "Sleigh Ride," Erne-- with an ecru linen and lace cloti, YI O W would tine and Bill Durant; "The Fairies' was centered with a plastic bowl or Harp," Patsy Beckham; "Les Syl. red, camellias, flanked by lighted You P lPhysician phes," Ruth Lynn Ramsey; "Lie- white tapers in silver candelabra. berstraum," June Smith; "Londoll- The honor guests were presented derry Air," Mrs. Ed Ramsey. .c- with a set of silver by the hostess coanpauied ,by'Barbara Boyles; "Mr. in remembrance of the occasion. Have Your Prescriptions Lions Waltz," Ida Ethel Kil'bour; Enjoying the affair with the Compounded At "Whisperin gs of Love," Graham honor guests and *hostess were Mr. S Harvey; "Bicycle Waltz," Jacque- and Mrs. Foy Scheffer, Jr., Mr. and( lyn and Ann Kenney; "The Butter- Mrs. Mel Magidson, Mr. and Mrs. fly," Maxie Brown; "MKgiity Lak Jack Schoelles, Mr. and Mrs. Buck By a Rose," Ruth Lynn Ramsey, ac- Walters, Imogene Manasco. Jimmie John Robert Smith companies by Mrs. Ed Ramsey an Adams, and PeteGrossman of Sa-CHEMIST Msa W. E. Boyer. vannah, Ga. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST "Rustic Dance," Bill Durant; "A Assisting Miss Schneider in dar-1 Phone 5 Port St. Joe Solo for the Cello," Eda Ruth and tig for her guests was her mother. Ida Ethel Kilbourn; "The Hare- Mrs. T. M. Schneider. , bell," Ann Kenney; "Polonaise," SErnestine Durant; "Noblyody Knows ' the Trouble I've Seen," Mrs. Ed -' - liamsey and BiilDurant; "On the Meadow," Jasquelyn Kenney; "La Paloma," Barbara Boyles; "Dance i, of the Demons," Ernestine Durant; "El Rancho," Maxie Brown, Ida Ethel Kilbourn and Jacquelyn Ken- ney,. accomlebanied by Mrs. Max Kil- . bourn; "Silent Night," Ann Ken- Following a report by Mrs. Stan- ford Beckham, lovely refreshments of decorated cakes, assorted nuts and fruit punch were served to al- present, with Mrs. Thomas Byrne presiding over the punch bowl. Makes Fall Honor Roll Miss Carolyn Bagigett of this city is listed on the honor roll at Stet- son University, DeLand, for the fall* quarter of 1946. This is a recog- Jxition given for exceptional schol- arship. She is a junior in the liberal arts college. Visiting New Yorlk Markets Mrs. Glenn Boyles left Monday -for-N ew York City, where she will spend, two weeks on the markets in the interest of Boyles Depart- ment Store. She will visit relatives in Lynchburg, Va., while on the .trip. It pays to advertise try it! Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. Hello. I'm a newcomer here, but before long- I hope you'll think of me as a neighbor -the good old-fashioned kind who passes her best recipes on to you, tells you about the bargains she find-,', and shares he; timea-a- energy saving discoveries with you. That's v.lat I want to do, and I'm looking forward to visiting with you here often from now on. riLAVOR FAVOR.'TE5 Good n.ws, coffee lovers! The 3 A&P blends are plentiful ;.,I Will my family be .'lad to have BOKAR back! They love its vig- orous, v-iney fla- vor. Plenty of -- people do, but Li; .many prefer mild, mellow EIGHT S-- O'CLOCK, and n "loads like rich,, full-bodied RED CIRCLE best. They all agree on one thing, though-you can't beat A&P COFFEE for freshness and flavor! That's because it's sold in the whole bean, and Custom Ground just right for your coffee- maker. Try it today! SPLIT-SECOND SPAGHETTI A mighty popular hurry-up meal at our house is delicious ENCORE 'PREPARED SPAGHETTI from .the A&P. It's pepped up with a zesty tomato-and-cheese sauce that tastes as if you'd spent hours mak- ing it yet all you do is heat and eat! What a wife saver! V 'ATCH 'EM SCRAMBLE .:OR THIS! Want to round up a square meal in a jiffy? Then pick up a package of quick-melting' CHED-O-BIT CHEESE FOOD and a carton of guaranteed SUNNYBROOI EGGS when you're shopping' a the A&P today. Scramble the egg's . add small cubes of tangy. flavored CHED-0-BIT during thE last minute of cooking' and call the family! (They won't need a second invitation!) MASHED POTATO MAGIC You've no idea how smooth and buttery-flavored mashed potatoes can be until you've tried making them with creamy-rich WHITE HOUSE MILK. They're extra. nourishing, too, for every pint of \\\W///// WHITE HOUSE . contains each es- sential nutrient of fresh milk and 400 U.S.P. Units of vitamin D:,. It can be used iii any recipe that calls for milk, 3- it's grand to have on hand. Get some at th" A&P! Ive made 10,QOO FORDS purr Sand believe me, Ford mechanics know Fords best" There Is Comfort In God's Word Always a guide to the living, the Bible can be of especial comfort and help in times of bereavement. When the need arises., let us serve. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service THEY'RE FORD-TRAINED to service Fords best. They know your car like a book. Every part of it! They offer you a specialist's skill . AND FACTORY-APPROVED METHODS mean you'll get a better job and save money to boot. Ford mechanics work with Ford Engineers' plans... AND THEY HAVE GENUINE FORD PARTS made specially for your Ford. These are the parts which fit best, run best, last longest. These parts .; AND SPECIAL FORD TOOLS and repair equipment built precisely for Fords. Here again you see savings. It sure pays to bring your Ford "back home." ESTIMATES FREE-USE OUR BUDGET PLAN ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida FRIDAY, ,JANUARY 24, 1947 THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX h Jimmy was the recipient of many lovely gifts, and all wished him S o i Ae many more happy birthdays to SocialA ctiviies come. c Assisting the hostess in serving and entertaining the small guests Personals Clubs Churches were Mrs. G. E. McGill, Mrs. Duffy MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Lewis,, Mrs. George, Montgomery, Miss Nita Verna Love and Miss Allie O'Brian. Mrs. Lawson Honored On Birthday By J.A.M. Club The J. A. M. Club met Monday evening with Mrs. C. G. Cositin at her home on Monument Avenge. Sewing was enjoyed by all mem- bers after which a contest was held, with prizes going to Mrs. Min- nie Ola Drake and Mrs. Eliza Law- son. In keeping with a new resolution of the club to honor each member's birthday, Mrs. Lawson was the honor guest at this time. The lace- cover;'a table was loaded, with at- tractive gifts and centered with a beautiful birthday cake bearing a number of lighted candles. After the ,honoree opened her gifts, the hostess served a chicken salad plate with cake and coffee to Mrs,. Lawson, Mrs. Eula Pridgeon, Mrs. Minnie Ola Drake, Mrs. Callie Howell, Mrs. Gladys Boyer, Mrs. Marguerite Pridgeon, Mrs. Elaine Pridgeon. Mrs. Ned Gainous, Mrs. Ruby Pridgeon, Mrs. Verna Smith, Mrs. Florrie Connell, Mrs. Myrtice Smith and three visitors, Mrs. W. J. Ferrell, Miss Sara Kelly and Miss Edna Davis. Tie next meeting of the club will be held February 3 at the home of Mrs. Drake. In 40 B. C. Virgil mentioned phars which he received from Cato. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. MARKET SP FRIDAY & SA] SLICED BACON-( STEW BEEF (Heap-O-l FRESH GROUND HAMB n0AffirLrITr% A ITr A Airir h yrT SYOKED SAUSAUE ( rure rork)-Lb.. 48o SMALL PICNIC HAMS lb. 36c WEINERS (Hot Dog!)-Lb. . 32 PARKAY OLEOMARGARINE-Lb. .. 47 MAYFLOWER OLEOMARGARINE-Lb. 45 BUTTE R-93 Score lb. 84c NO. 1 WHITE MEAT-Lb. . 270 SPARE RIBS-Lb 46 PORK CHOPS (Lean Meaty)-Lb. 52o NO.1 IRISH POTATOES-10 lbs. 39c A K SAFf LSO P ALL YOTU SOAP FLAES WANT We Have a Complete Line of BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS HOWDY, .WORLD Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Suhbe'r of We- wahitchka announce the birth of a son, Thomas Franklin, on January 19 at the Port St. Joe hospital. Mr. and, Mrs. J. D. Odom of High- land View announce t'he birth of a ,'aighlter, Wanda Jean. on January 20 at the Port St. Joe hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Robinson of Apalachicola are announcing t.- birth of a son on January 21 at the Port St. Joe municipal hospital. :m. :nn'l Mrs. H. S. Stevens of this, city announce the birth of a Iaug-hter, Carol Frances,, on Janu- ary 22 at the municipal hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Godwin of this .'v ire announcing the birth of a "on o'i January 23 at the municipal hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Murphy of this city nre the proud parents of . son, Thomas Earl. born yester- day at the municipal hospital. Mr. and. Mrs. H. B. "Pat" Gaskin | o' this city announce the birth of i an 8/4-pound son, Roy Christie, .on I I January G at the Quincy hospital. BAPTIST CIRCLE 3 MEETS The meeting closed with the WITH MRS. C. CRAWFORD nine members and one visitor pres- The January meeting of Circle ent repeating the Mizpah. Three of the Baptist W. M. S. was A social period followed, witn held Mondlay afternoon at the home Mrs. Crawford, assisted by Mrs. of Mrs. Charles Crawford. George Cooper and Mrs. Roscoe Byrd, serving refreshments. The hostess, circle co-chairman, Byrd, serving refreshments. brought the devotional from Psalm Makes Business Trip To Mobile 1.21. followed with prayer by Mrs. Austin Huggins made a business R. F. Hallford. Committee chair- R. F.Hallford. committee hair- trip to Mobile over the week-end. men gave their report and plans I 1 for the February meeting were dis- CATHOLIC SERVICES cussed atth business Mass is held at St. Joseph's At tie conclusion of the business Chapel the first Sunday of each session, Mrs. Donald Birath, who s 'month at 8 a.m. Second, third' and leaving soon to make her home in fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. Ohio, was the inspiration for a IR P . lovely handkerchief shower. (Additional society on page 8) EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH >~ ~ -a_ __ Jimmy Montgomery METHODIST W. S. C. S. Honored On Birthday IN MEETING MONDAY Mrs. Asa Montgomery honored The Woman's Society of Chris- her little son Jimmy on his eighth tian Service met at the Methodist birthday, Thursday, January 14, at Church Monday afternoon, with the her home in Oak Grove wit'.i a i,-eting opening with singing of lawn party. "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." Various games and contests, were Mrs. Charles Brown presided over enjoyed, with prizes going to Ra- the short business session at which hel Wimberly and Buddy Huidson. plans were discussed for "World Favors of vari-colored balloons were Day of Payer." The Susie Peach given each little guest, following Foster Circle announced a hot dog which they were invited, to the din- sale for Saturday afternoon. ing room where a beautiful birth- j Mrs. W. T. Mosely, the prograln day cake in pink and -green, topped chairman, announced the topic for with lighted candles, centered the the afternoon, "Stewardship of the table. i Children of the World," and then Enjoying the afternoon with the:led in prayer. Mrs. E. M. Godfrey honoree were Rudy Burge, Benny sang "It Fell Upon a Summer Day." Gay. L. C. Dees, Mary Clifton, Bud others taking *part on the program Allen, Jean Anderson, Alice Jean wer e Mesdames J. L. Sharit, R. VW. Gay, Howard Lovett, Rachel Wie-' Smith. R. A. Costin, P. A. Lovett, berly, Fred Wages, Don Gardner, R. H. Brinson, G. S. Croxton, A. S. Walter Wilder, Maxine Walker, Pat Chason, D. E. Spears and J. Le- O'Brian, Ann Skinner, Phyllis Skin- Hardy. ner, Michael Roche, Genu LeGrone, The various circles will meet as Buddy Walters, Patrick McFariand, follows next Monday: Ruth Law- Evelyn Shealey, Madeline McFar- rence with Mrs. George Atkins, land, Buddy Hudson, Lois Jean Susie Peach Foster with Mrs. H. Love, Carolyn Young, Gypsy Ann C. Reavis; Mary Vic Mauck with Love, Shirley Young, Buddy Love, Mrs. R. A. Costin. Wayne Hall. Francis L,wis, Patsy ^ Lewis, Robert Montgomery, Jackie. MRS WAGES HOSTESS TO Sheffield, Ann Montgomery, David BAPTIST CIRCLE TWO Rich, Edward Montgomery. Send-1U. Circle Two met ing a gift, but. unable to be present, Monday atist.ternoon with Mrs. Y. L. -as Julia Brewton.t"Wages at her home in Oak Grove ~~~ ." ..... for the regular monthly meeting. Mrs. E. C. Cason, program chair- S Cian, gave the devotional froni Maft. 28 :19, and an interesting talk EN S i'"1 3mi ssions, after which Mrs. E. 13. Dnidy led in lrayer.'- S' I program on home mission work .1 iusrendered by the following -uembhers: Mrs. INV. J. Daughtry, Srs C. C G. Costin. Mrs. W. Ramsey i, 'rs. L. E. Voss. The minutes PHONE 222 e,--ea,,o aid approved, the report of the treasurer given and ac- AL FO eted, and reports of cairmen ru- -, A9 ,N4- *k ceived. There were nine members URDAY ONLY lived seals given on the r D YJ ON ^L mission study book, 'Now Is the Day." 9 1 iThe meeting was closed wit'., Grade A Ib. 49c "-er by Mrs. Fred Maddox, fol- lowing which the hostess served sandwiches, cookies and cokes t( Vleat)-Lb. 15 the nine members present. The Felbruary meeting of this URGER-Lb. i29 r ',ele will be held with Mrs. C. G S___1_ I\ L AO C-stin. Port Theatre 4 A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. S CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FEATURE NO. 1 - ANTe~ KNIGHT JANE ADAMS FEATURE NO. 2 - I Haren MORbEg W e .. imB rDno Also - Chapter 9 of Serial The Purple Monster Strikes SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 CARY COOPER and JEAN ARTHUR in "The Plainsman" ---- Also -, WALT DISNEY CARTOON 41 LAST TIME TODAY VAN farA JOHNSON i KIRKWOOD PPYHILARIOUS! MONDAY TUESDAY January 27 arid 28 Too Beautiful to Be Good' . HEDY LAMARR Stranqe Woman SANDiRS HAYWARD wJ NEWS and CARTOON WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY JAN. 29, 30, 31 3 BIG DAYS -- Also- NEWS and ANIMAL SHORT Chapter 7 cf Serial "KING OF THE FOREST RANGERS" (Wednesday Only).. FiWJ 9MC 5F=-V9F"9 L' Mlrmtdb ~ b~-- FRIDY. JNUAR 24,1947 PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, PORT ST.. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA "'HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1947 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "GOD'S WORD DIVIDES!" 6:25-Baptist Training Union. 7:30-lEvening Worship. Sermon Topic: "DEAD FAITH." * t A b diit<>m*ilif-1f (*^'S^<> e"V*<.* *Vi"!S*~ve j FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, oULF COUNTY, FLORIDA SWHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE ^- ^ -- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED ST. JOE SIGN SHOP U UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES------ S FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry \WE TEACH-1 WATCHES TO LA ^ i TELL THE .TRUTH * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDEDl SEE CARTER Registered Real Estate Broker 317 REID AVENUE Day Phone 201; Night 105-2 Collect In OakGrove-One house for $1,750 and one almost new house, $3,500. Terms on both. For Immediate Possession-6-room house, corner Palm Boulevard andt 16th Street. Liberal terms.' There is already a loan on t.lis house and papers, can be arranged in short order. GARAGE APARTMENT.- Electric refrigerator and gas stove in- cluded. In excellent condition. F. L. Jones, phone 205. 1-31* ONE ACRE GOOD BLACK FARM LAND Half cleared and ready for cultivation; 4 miles from town on Jones homestead. Price $100 cash. Mrs Carl Hall, Box M, Port St. Joe, Fla. 1-17 24c GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE with elec- tric pump, two 50x100-foot lots, in Bayview Heights; $1600. J. A. Chestnut, Highland View. 2-7* HOUSE FOR SALE Practically new three-bedroom house on Long Avenue to sell for only $6000; down payment $2,458, balance on easy terms- with interest at 41/2 per cent. CORNER LOT on 16th Street, 70 feet by 120 feet. Idea.1 spot to build a nice home; $375. WE ALSO HAVE about 38 acres of land for sale, situated approxi- mately 31/2 miles south of city on Gulf Coast Highway. 1-17tf FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 ROOMS FOR RENT TWO ROOMS FOR RENT-Gen- tlemsn only. See Gene Holly, phone 161. 2-'4* ROOM FOR RENT-All modern conveniences; $6.00 per week. Phone 281-J. 1-1Otf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Gulf View Apartments Modern Houses and. Apartments Hot-Water, Gas Heat, Gas Cooking.. Permanent Guests Solicited. J. S. PATRICK * Beacon Hill, Fla. 2-14 FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 SWAP RADIO Emerson 7-tube table model; just ,been worked over by Gulf Radio Lab. We got a new one for Christmas. See it at The Star office. 1-10tf Every ads carries a message- a message that -will save money. FOR SALE - USED PLUMBING FIXTURES - FOR SALE We have on hand several used sinks. commodes and lavatories at bargain prices. All pre-war merchandise. 1-17 2-7 ST. JOE SIGN SHOP FRYERS-On foot, $1.25 each if you coma and get them. At Gas- kin old turpentine place. Charles R. Whitfield. 1-10t HAVICO FEED SERVICE Write, telephone or see us for HAVICO FEEDS. Delivered to your door any time in 5 or 6-ton loads. Your dealer can furnish HAVICO FEEDS. Cunnin.gham Power Mowers. HAVICO MILLS 1-17tf Phone 45 Havana, Fla. PERSONAL " L[OOKING for higher pay? Ad- vancement? A fine future? Se- curity? Join the U. S. Army. Pri- vate's pay increased 50 per cent, plus 20 per cent for overseas ser- vice, plus 50 per cent if member of flying crew, plus 5 per cefit in- crease in pay for every 3 years of service. A full month's paid va- cation every year. An opportun- ity of a lifetime for men between the,ages. of 17 and 34. Go to your nearest Army Recruiting Station for further information, 210 Har- rison Avenue, Panama City, Fla. Recruiting officer in Port St. Joe at posto!'fice every Friday. LOST AND FOUND FOUND--Man's tie clasp with em- blem. Owner can have same by calling at The Star office, identify- ing and paying for this ad. SPECIAL SERVICES FILE YOUR TAX RETURN NOW We can take care of a limited num- ber of income tax returns coming due on January 15. Also we advise early filing of returns due March 15, as we will be unable to handle any rush orders. CARTER, 317 Reid Ave. SEAT COVERS TAILORED TO FIT YOUR CAR Choice of .material we have plenty. Also material for any kind of fur- niture upholstering; we have a mans with 17 years of experience to do the jolb. 1-17 2-7 ST. JOE SiGN SHOP For Your. Upholsteritng LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- days each month, 8:00 p. mn. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. D. L. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, 1. 0.; p. F.-Meets every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. All members urged to attend and visiting brethren invited. 'B. A. PridSeon, N, G.; W. H. Sanaom.1 Secretary. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY BAPTIST BUSINESS WOMEN'S CIRCLE MEETS TUESDAY "The. Jternal Message for All People" was the topic for discus- sion at the meeting of the Business Women's Circle of the Baptist Mis- sionary Union held Tuesday night. The 'program was arranged by Miss Betty Sue Watts and was pre- sented by circle members. Attending were Mrs. W. A. Big- gart, Mrs. W. L. S-mith, Miss Alma Baggett. Miss Vonnye Heath, Miss lIernice Posey and Miss Betty Sue Watts. The next meeting of this circeio will be held Monday, February 3, at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Miss liuggett for Bible study and regu- lar business meeting. METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a. mn.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30 ;p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bayview Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend these services. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Sunday services will be held as follows: 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.---Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. Many Auto Thrill Stunts Scheduled For State Fair Smashing. crashing automobiles. racing motorcycles through flam- ing board walls anid leaping a car more than a .hundred feet high in the air over a freight transport truck, will be a few or the thrill stunts promised as an entertain- ment menu at the Florida State Fair, three days, February, 6, 12 and ,. Performing the daredieiviltry' will be a troupe of master test drivers under the leadership of Joie Chit- wood, noted Oklahoma Cherokee Indian a u t o racing star. three limes the AAA eastern states champion and now rated as the nation's foremost stunt driver. Precision driving in which the test pilots race around the course hau1b to hurb, leaping over ramps, roll cars over and over and end- over-end, hurtle them over high obstacles and numerous similar feats will be included on the three programs. IF ANYBODY HAS- Eloped Married Divorced Had a Fire Sold a Farm Been Arrested Been Your Guest Started in Business Left You a Fortune Bought a New Home Swiped Your Chickens Met With An Accident Had a Visikt From the Stork THAT'S NEWS TELL THE EDITOR Sca r, WHEN YOU NEED KEROSENE Call 200-W I/ Our- Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION S.. WHEN YOU NEED BUILDING MATERIALS Cement, Bricks, Gravel, Fill Dirt, Building Sand, Cement Blocks See R. D. PROWS, JR. Phone 321 FAN'S FLOWERS A Floral Arrangement for FLOW REvery Occasion "FLOWERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT" PHONE 246 We Make Deliveries DON'T FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE for PLUMBING SERVICE CALL EDWARD LeGRONE ;) -- PHONE 88 OR 233-W ---- Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating TAXSI WHEN YOU NEED A X TAXI-- PHONE 287 SJ AMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station Records! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbil GENERAL PLUMBING RE PAIR SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR e % G. W. BRODNAX Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods 5AT1Sr-ED CUSTOMERS SCHNEIDER'S are Our best' Clothing for All the Family w.' THE MOST COMPLETE LINE iN .- THE CITY COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS e We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire C & es,. BUCK ALEXANDER MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LeHARDY'S BAR t 6(AW#10 Let Us Design You a Letterhead PBTIG To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. Trap Catches The average annual harvest of muskrats in the United States is 9,000,000 animals; 3,500,000 opos- sum, 2,500,000 skunks, and so on through a long list of furbearers. S -'C - S-An Austra lian wedge-tall eagle Phone 51 THE STAR once was reported with a wing K Lrak kr k spread of 11 feet. Green Grass In addition to the vitamin value of tender green grass, the protein value may run as high as 30 per cent. Canada, with an area of 3,695,189 square miles, is the third largest country in the world, and the larg- est in the western hemisphere. PAGE EIGHT |