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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME X PORT ST. JbE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 NUMBER 16 NUBR 6 Contract Is Let Merchants Agree ( For Erection On Wednesday and Of Courthouse Saturday Closing About three months ago the eait- Bonds Advertised for New School tor of The Star, on behalf of thie H Building; E. Clay Lewis, Jr., Re- Junior Chamber of Commerce (of signs To Enter University which -'e is practically a non-at- -tending member) contacted, all the (Ed. Note: The above head is :1 business houses of our fair city to -composite of news. appearing in the get their opinion, and signatures, pa Port St. Joe News of August 20, on the propositions of closing on ag 1926, several copies of which have Wednesday afte-rnoons, throughout de been loaned to The Star by Post- the year, closing at 8 o'clock Sat- wi master H. A. -Drake, and from urday evenings, and closing on six dir which we will reprint stories from national holidays,. dri time to time during the next few Every merchant contacted by Ye gry weeks.) Ed, with the exception of the -fish. The contract for the erection of and oyster bars and the drug co a two-story brick court house for stores (the latter we did- not c'n Fo Gulf county has been awarded to tact, because we knew they would is H. H. Taylor of Blountstown, and want to stay open regardless) in the work at.Wewahitchka is being signed'up to close Wednesday af- eff pushed steadily ahead, tokening an ternoons, Saturday at 8 ,.and on all of early completion of the structure. ,greed holidays. and Bonds recently sold. to the Amert- ,Came a rift in Utopia a couple ot dr; can Exchange Bank of Apalacht- cola amounted to $100,000 and were delivered yesterday. Bonds -Being Advertisea The $25,000 bond issue for the erection of the new high school building at- Port St. Joe is being advertised for validation and sale. Bids for the,. purchase will be opened, September 7. The archi- tect's plans .for the building Ihave been approved and accepted-, and no trouble is. anticipated in disposing of the bonds at a good .price, as Gulf county is in such good finan- cial condition ti.,t any bond. issue is eagerly, sought by investors. County Judge Resigned County Judge. E. C. Lewis, Jr.; resigned, effective August 15. Mr. Lewis expects to enter the Univer- sity of Florida at the opening or the term in Saptember. finishing his course in law. Mr. M. H. Cha- fin was appointed county judge to fill the unexpired term left vacant by the resignation of Judge Lewls. Personals The firm of Cos-tin & McClellan has dissolved' partnership, C. G. (Continued on page 8) Ladies To Form City Basketball League Not to be outdone ,by their hus- bands and boy friends,. a number of the so-called "weaker sex" put their heads together this Week.and came up with the idea of a basket- ball league 'for the ladies. They've got a superb idea there, which should result in quite a num- ber of "friendly" hair-pulling .con- tests and attempts at mayhem. So any of you girls, who have' a craving to get out on thele floor at the Cen- tennial Auditorium and display your prowess at ,basketball are re- quested to attend a meeting at the Centennial Buildiing at 6:30 this evening and' sign up. If you cannot make the meeting tonight, contact Mrs. Ray Wood' or phone Mrs. Bus- ter Ow'ns at 38-W. weeks ago when the McCoy Stores -grocery, dime store and men's clothing--said' "No .soap. We're go- ing 'to stay open Wednesdays." Im. mediately the rest of the merchants came in upon Ye Ed asking if the McCoy Stores hadn't signed the agreement. We informed them that they had, but that we couldn't do a thing about it, not having the power wielded- by Joe Stalin. - So the rest of the merchants got 'together Tuesday night at the city iall and agreed that in spite of tihe breach of agreement by the McCqy SStores, they would,,..stick to their closing hours and days AnaT you will find their advertisement to that eMfect on another, page of this issue of The Star. Davis Air Services Opens Flying School In St. Joe T. Waldo Davis, ex-Air Force captain and now president of Davis Air Services Company, has opened a branch flying school here in St. Joe and is starting off this. week with five students, Sam Duren, R. -E. King, Bob Stonemir.e, Prescott 'Brown and Jack Ricketson. Davis states that all ex-veterarfs are eligible, for free training under the GI Bill and urges those who desire to learn to fly to sign up at once, as the 'first class will be limited to- 16 students. , The company already has an ad- ministration building well under way at the local air strip and plan-s actionon of a hangar shortly. Davis states that there wiM be someone at the airport all day every day and urges everyone to come o.it ;ml1 visit. He also states that three planes from here will take part in the breakfast flight to Chipley next Sunday. Jack Frost Is Visitor Jack Frost, who's present stomp- ing ground is Warner Robins, Ga., was a visitor in town this week (at ln-astf that i, what we -rheard -- lie It is hoped to have at least four failed to show up at The Star of- teams in this fimme, league-mar- fice). rned women, single women, work- _____ _____ ing women and a team representing Attend Rubinoff Concert the paper mill. Attending the concert by Rubin- Eay, oh boy, are we looking for- off in Panama City Tuesday were ward to these games! Mrs. Ed Ramsey, Mrs. Leroy Gain- ous, Miss Dorothy Norton, Mr. To Make Home Here and Mrs. Robert BelloWs, Bill EDb- Mr. and Mrs: Joe Brooks have ersole and Miss Emeline Belin. moved -here from Elba, Ala., to 4____ __ -make their home, Mr. Brooks is To Become Master Mason connected 'with Brooks sporting Roy Evans left yesterday morn 'Goods, and since going to work has ing for St. Marys, Ga., to attend a really. cleaned `andT straightened up Masonic meeting a't which his the place. Dan says he can't find brother, Doc Evans, will receive -a thing since Joe got so industrious. his master's degree. rac ;41f County Se a e March of Dimes First Step Taken Is Underway Tow1kr Ioward Box Factory alf of Money Raised Will Remain In County for Hospitalization and Care of Patients T'he annual Marci o.f Dimes cam- ign to raise funds tfor the figna ainst infantile paralysis, got un- Installation of Corrugated Board Combining Unit By Paper - Sway in Gulf county Wednesday Company In Terminal Warehouse Has Created Jobs th Joe Mira as county campaign For Seventy-five Additional Employes -ector. for the 1947 appeal. The For Seventy-five Additional Employes ive will continue through Janu- y 31. Plans toward the construction of a new, modern corrugated "All people," Mira said, "have box factory for Port St. Joe began to formulate last week me to know that the :National undation for Infantile Paralysis when local officials of the St. Joe Paper Company announced a necessary and invaluable force the installation of a fully-equipped corrugated board combining our national life. We likow how unit, which-has been set up in the Port St. Joe Terminal ware- ective it has been in eplmiii..- house, just off the main plant ground along the bay front. polio, providing medical car The first corrugated board rolled off the big combine Janu- d treatment for victinig of this r st teof sad malady regardless of age, ary 5, just one day after the last piece of machinery had been ce. creed or color. We realize bolted down. !iat much of the knowledge of the disease and its treatmefit. results from scientific research iiade pou. sible by the national tfundation and is used for continuing re- search, education and emergency aid in epidemics throughout the na- ".ion. I want to call particular at- tention to the fact -that last week in California, on the eve of the opening of this annual drive, scien- tists have isolated an almost pure virus of the disease. This was made possible through your dimes- and ti one of the greatest stepsf forward. .n the fight against polio." As in former years, lalf of the moneye y collect in Gulf county will remain here to finance the ho- pitalisat-ion, ca: e and treatment of local sufferers. The other half goes to headquarters of -the national foundation and is used to discover more about the disease and to de- is.e methods of comibatin.g the puu- lic enemy, Mira pointed out. Coin boxes already have been placed about the county in con- Continued on page 8) ----------A R(. M.. l- T -i A This new unit will have a c: square feet of corrugated she 'tinliIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIII fiii liui itiI utiim i iIIIIIIII Someone Apparently Is Doing Something About the Weather The old saying goes: "Every- body talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it." But that apparently doesn't ap- ply right now, for here it- is the middle of January and we've had but five mildly cold days, and right now, as we -put this story into type, the sweat is pouring off us. We hear people say occasion- ally that it would be nice if the hot weather showed up in the winter time when it was really needed, instead of in the sum- mer time, when it's hot. . Well, they should be saitsfied. Several people have suggested that this summer weather we are having in the middle of winter was caused by the boom-boom at capacity for producing 70,000,006 ets monthly, and the operation Sand maintenance of this corru-' .gator has created jobs for 75 additional men, and these posi- tions are being- rapidly filled. Preference in filling these jobs is given to local men and war vet- e-rans. Management and operation of this new *unit is under control of the present St. Joe Pauper CQm- pa-ny officials a n d supervisory staff, Machinery for the new unit was ,some of the first cast since the war. The 78-inch coi.rugator is oni of the latest design and equipped with hydraulic shaftless roll stands and C flute corrugating rolls. The triplex scoring andi slitting attack. ments -and double cutoff rotary knives allow for the highest effi- ciency in operation. Liners and co:rugating materials ,are combined through the use of Istarch paste. The paste is made through the cooking' and blending of corn starches on a new adhesive .-are. usicaiL 1[ IrtLlA Bikini, but we can't say. But we yste m. Baptist Church Sunday do know that finally someone is All other machinery necessary "doing something about the wea- for a modern box plant has been Of interest to the music-loving their and the only person we purchased. Palt of this, including ,)eo; le of Port St. Joe will be the know of who could possibly have partition slotters and automatic appearance of the McKinley Musi- a hand in it is the Old Marster stitching and ta-ping machines, has Ial Messengers of Morristown, Ten- Himself. already been delivered. lessee, in both services at the' First We don't (know about the rest The St. Joe Paper Company is 3aptist Church next Sunday. of you people, but we've got six making -every effort to get govern- The musicians, will offer a wide cords of wood piled beside The mental authorization for the con- variety of musical selections con- Star office that has hardly been struction of a ,building adequate to sisting of trombone, saxaphone, mu- touched. We laid it in early house the equipment, since the 4ical s'aw, piano accordion, guitar, on the advice of ,old-timers who terminal warehouse building does piccolo, cow bells, musical glasses were predicting an "early and-se- not have sufficient floor space to nmd piano. The cow bells and mu- vere winter." And on top take care of a complete box as sical glasses promise to be some of that, we have one of those sembly plant. of the most unusual instruments electric blankets which we got ---- -- ever brought to Port St. Joe. for Christmas, and we haven't 'Red' Horton Entering The morning worship will begin even had a chance to really tryy C g at 10:45, and a large part of the it out yet. Dry Ceanig Business service will be given over to both How ya doin' up there in Chi- instrumental and vocal numbers by cago, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Go- C. W. "Red"' Horton this week the visitors. The pastor will pineacl forth? And how about you, Mr. started installation of modern and on "The Unequal Yoke." and Mrs. Lucius Coody, way up up-to-date machinery and equip- At the evening service the Mc- there in North Adams, Mass.? ment for a dry cleaning business in Kinlfey's will offer even more or Don't you wish you were back In the 30x70foot building at the their talent. ln addition to their St. Joe where right now you'd be Sunny State Service formerly oc- musical services, Evangelist Mc- running around in your shirt .upied ,by his tire recapping estab- Kinrley will preach, sleeves and lapping up an oc- lishinent, which has been moved The public should like these un- casional bottle of ice-cold beer? to the rear of the gas station, re- usual services, and everyone is in- ,'lII| lllllIIlIIllIilllI| illIIII IIIll!IIIIIIilli l centiv enlarged. vitfpe to attend. "Red" -hopes to have the new es- LEWIS IN FLORIDA tablishment in operation shortly III In Washington Hospital An Associated Press dispatch after February 1. It will be oper- 0. M. Morton Jr., of this city and states that John L. Lewis, head o01 ated by L. J. Mauldin, who has James E. Morton of Valdosta, Ga., the United Mine Workers, is been in the dry cleaning business arrived in Washington, D. C., Wed- "somewhere in Florida." Now we for the .past 15 years, and before nesday morning to be at the bed- know who those eyebrows belong coming to St. Joe was employed by side of their father, 0. M. Morton, to that we passed on Reid Avenue the Monarch Cleaners of Panama who is ill in a hospital in that city. 'Tuesday afternoon. City. PAGE TWO 1. Capital --------------$ 25,000.00r Surplus --- --- -------- 50,000.-00 Undivided profits -------------16,238.59 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) --- 3,889.38 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 5,127.97 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ---$1,612,888.71 This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $25,000.00. MEMORANDA Assets pledged or ass-igned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ---$ 262,509.35 I,. S. L. Barke, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly repre- sents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to tihe best of my knowledge and belief. Correct-Attest: S. L. 'BARKE. HARRY H. SAUNDERS.. M. L. FPLEISHEL, Fl. SROBERT BELLOWS. Directors. State of Florida, County of Gulf, ss: Sworn to and sbuscribed' before me this 8th day of January, (SEAL) 1947, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of th" SNotary Public. TO THE PUBLIC We, the merchants whose names appear below, have agreed hereafter to CLOSE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS AT 12:00 O'CLOCK to give our employes a well-deserved rest, and we will CLOSE AT 8:00 SATURDAY EVENINGS SNEEDS MARKET A & P FOOD STORE CHESTNUT GROCERY ZIM'S MEN'S WEAR and MARKET MOUCHETTE'S STYLE SHOP COSTIN'S DEPT. STORE QUALITY GROCERY SCHNEIDER'S DEPT and MARKET STORE SUWANNEE STORE BOYLES DEPT. STORE BARRIERS 5 & 10c SWATTS GROCERY STORE 'Rs~ nn~ini^MnninM iiiiiiiiiiii Tuesday night the ,Saints, again went down to defeat on their home coult when the Wewahitchka quin tet defeated them 22-17. However, the; St. Joe lassies, in the opening tilt, took honors from the Wewa girls by a top-heavy score of 44-21. Schedule for the balance of the season is as follows: Jan. 17-Bay high, there. Jan. 21-Bonifay, here. Jan. 24-DeFuniak Springs, ,here Jan.. 31-Chipley, there. Feb. 1-Malone, there. Feb. 4-Kinard, there. Feb. 7-DeFuniak, there. Feb. 11-Carrabelle, here,. Feb. 18-Bonifay, there. Feb. 21--Chipley, ,here. Feb. 28-Bay high, here. Wewa Merchants Take St. Joe Cagers 23-12 In a basketball game at Centen- nial Auditorium Tuesday evening folloibing the two Ligh s school games, a Wewahitchka merchants team romped over the St. Joe Mer- chants 23 to 12 ini a fast-moving tilt refereed by James Trawick. The visiting team was, made up 9f Tom McDaniel, Kenneth Whit- field, O'Neil McDaniel, Tom Er- rington. Wilson Stevens, Burley Parker, Roy Rish Jr., A. J. Strick- land and J. 1t. P.idgeon. NEW SCOREBOARD AND JUDGES STAND BUILT AT AUDITORIUM - Prof. W. A. Biggart is very proud cf the new judges" stand and score- board for basketball games com- pleted Tuesday at the Centennial Auditorium. The board, has changeable, num- bers for the scores, of the teams and' indicates the quarters. The judges and timekeepers are well above the court where they can keep an eye on the play. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each month at 8 a. m. Second, third and fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. It pays, to advertise -try it! LEARN TO FLY ! ST. JOE AIRPORT VETERANS! LEARN FREE! Come To the Airpart For Full Information DAVIS AIR SERVICES COMPANY 0r1W 11 1M Regular 49c TUMBLER AND TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER - . Regular 39e CREAM FURNITURE "POLISH -.Pint--..-- Regular 49c LADIES' PEDALS R. Regular 49c MEN'S PEDALS R. Regular 29c CHISEL 5/8-INCH EDGE Regular 98c 24-INCH TOWEL BAR REGULAR $5.95 VALUE STANDARD ARCHERY SET .... $4.76 IIt Regular 25c SCREWDRIVER Regular 39c SCREWDRIVER Regular 49c SCREWDRIVER Regular 5c SCREEN DOOR HANDLE Regular 29c SOLID PUNCH 3/16 PP Firestone Home & Auto Spply B. W. EELLS, Owner PORT ST. JOE .* a 4 so s o ** c 39' 390 390 230 780 170 27 340 200 FLORIDA I THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNIN. FLORIDA FRIDAY, JANUARY' 17, 1947 ,b IIAr~ Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. Saint Cagers. W in REPORT OF CONDITION OF One and Lose Two FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE Take Honors From Frink But Go of Port St. Joe, in the State of Florida, at the close of Down Before Malone and Wewa- business on December 31, 1946. hitchka; Play Bay Hi Tonight ASSETS The Port St. Joe high school Cash, balances with otIher ,banks, including reserve balances, Saints opened the basketball sea- and cash items in process of collection --------------$ 324,016.95 son last Friday night by de'feat- UnitedStates Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 922,581.87 ing Frink 52 to 43 in a tilt under Obligations of States and other political subdivisions ---- 178,387.44 ing Frink 2 to 43 in a tilt under Loans and discounts (including $ none overdrafts) ------- 180,591.97 the lights at Centennial Auditor- Furniture and fixtures ----------------- ---- 3,152.45 ium. High scorers for 4he locals Other assets -- -- 4,158.03 were J. D. Shealey and Jack Wil- TOTAL ASSETS-----------------------------------$1,612,888.71 liams-with 20 each and Chuck Gib- LIABI LITI ES Ison with 12. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, corporations $ 1,045,828.19; In the second game of the sea- Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 227,743.21 son played here Saturday night Deposits of U. S. Government (including postal savings)---- 1,108.95 with Malone, t h el Saints didn't Deposits of States and political subdivisions ------------ 237,053.95 show up so good, losing to the in- Other deposits (certified and' officers' checks, etc.) ---- 2,544.65 vaders .by a 32-22 score. The Ma- TOTAL DEPOSITS ----------------------.1,514,278.95 Other liabilities ---------------------------- 3,481.79 lone boys ran rings around the lo- TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated cal ladis, and exhibited, fine defen- obligations shown below) -- --- $1,517,760.74 sive tactics, a trait lacking in the CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .;, SAn i qE tp.m WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Four Roses Imperial Carstairs White Seal Sunnybrook Hill and Hill Schenley's Reserve Lord Calveht Calvert Reserve Golden Wedding Old Thompson Paul Jones Calvert Special Three Feathers Mt. Vernon Carstairs 1788 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. F Joins Husband In Chicago just received his discharge from Practice Cage Tilt Is Visit In Wewahitchka "a brief visit with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Miller and son Paul the armed forces. The Millers will Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferrell and Rowell. left Monday for Chicago, Ill., where make their home in Chicago for Won By Papermakers Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin ana ----- she will join her husband, who has the present. children visited Sunday in Wewa- The Statue of Liberty stands oil In a pre-league game played Sat- hitchka with Mrs. Harriet Rowell. walls left from Ft. Wood, originally utday night at the Centennial Au- They were accompanied home by built in 1811 on Bedloe's Island in ditorium following the Malone-St. Mrs. Florrie Connell, who had made New York Harbor. WE ARE SELLING ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF Joe ,high tilt, the Papermakers" ....... ... - basketball team defeated the, Mer- set-to that had the spectators on M adasm Brooks CIGARETTES -t r: Madam Brooks the edges of their seats from starL PALMIST AND BUSINESS ADVISOR AT to finish. TELLS PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE The lead seesawed back and e o a- forth and at the. end of the half If you are sincere in your search for help, this L message is for you. This gifted reader gives help ST t he scoreO stood at 5-5. The same on all affairs of life, love, marriage, courtship, 0 thing occurred in the second half, business ventures, luck. If you are unhappy in with the Merchants, having a four- your home, -separated from a loved one, undecided po"intlea~dat one, time. With but as to how to help yourself, then see MADAM COM E AND GET 'EM ina one time. With BROOKS. Satisfaction guaranteed. three minutes to play, the Paper- BOOKS. Satisfaction guaranteed. three minutes to play, tsbe -Paper Readings Daily and Sunday for both white and colored. Hours makers were three points behind, from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.. Located just three miles out on Tyndall but a free throw and a field goal Field Highway. Look for sign at Pitts Place. -t the last minute gave them the PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA Lilt 17-J4. Sunny State ServiceTom McDaniel acted as referee - u S Se VI m .and turned in an excellent job in .. _- ,_ _,..--_T n --- r ._- ._m._fmmmrmi._....B. Lhe opinion of the spectators, call - PHONE 227 C. W. "Red" HORTON ing only the major fouls and let- ting the minor infractions pass T he Tattler Always Remember That Our Gasoline Is Two Cents Per which made minor infractions ph faster A Gallon Less Than Any Other Brand Sold In Port St. Joe game. The two teams were made u-p as foll-ows: Published Weekly By Featuring -- --_e- -- --..--J- -r ---- Merdhants Dave. Maddox,, Gor- BOYLES "Tips From Across Our idon Farris, Murray Lloyd, Harold DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise Kirkland, Bert Cox, William Wil- Port St, Joe, Florida Shoppers" SO U iiums, Bill Trawick, and Alfred Rhames. Vol. 1 Friday, January 17, 1947 No. 25 D YOU L N E D Papermakers-Joe. Ferrell, 0. M. Morton, Tomn Braxton, J. E. Potie- DEAR SHOPPERS: day? We're happy to show vient, Alton Dendy, Peck Boyer, This is the 25th consecutive you w'.ether you ly or niot, and A allas Weeks, and Leonard Belin. weekly edition of "Tae Tattler" we promise not to crowd you! We E and we feel fortunate to have been would like to thank a number of Fireworks Pageantry To ble to bring you "Tips from Across pleasant customers from Apalachi- Close Each Day of Fair Our Counter" without interruption cola for their generous compll- A ... for this length of time. We look ments on, third store. Several have Two Attractive -Koomrn Dwellings On McClellan Avenue $5800 :and $5900 We will assist in securing a GI or FHA Loan if necessary HOUSES NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY Kingry & Gilbert Realty Co. PHONE 335-J PORT ST. JOE, FLA. SEE THESE SPECIALS AT ST. JOE SIGN SHOP OIL CIRCULATING HEATERS OIL 2-BURNER HEATERS OIL COOK STOVES LIVING ROOM SUITES BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES WOOD HEATERS ICE BOXES METAL BEDS STRAIGHT CHAIRS ROCKING CHAIRS REMEMBER We Repair or Manufacture Anything Made of Wood or Iron. WELDING BRAZING CABINET WORK MILL WORK SIGN PAINTING We Make Windows, Doors and Screen Window Frames We Specialize In Oil Stove Repairs. WE BUY ANYTHING OF VALUE! WHAT HAVE YOU? TURN IT INTO EXTRA CASH! ST. JOE SIGN SHOP Plenty of Quarter-Round and Door Stop On Hand. PHONE 94 SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS! -opward tot many more .weeks, Fireworks pageantry in which the forward t many ore -week', est inre ovrsationts in pyrotechnics months and years '.ith a great deal latest innovations in pyrotechnics, o pleasure during which we s.hall developed- during World, War 11, pleasure during which we -hiinl endeavor to improve out service in will be used, will climax grand- this respect a- well as otuer ways. stand programs every night at the ost the time it's a real jo.y to klorida State Fair to be. held. in get this column out Sometimes itf5 Tampa from February 4 to 15. quite a difficult task when Contracts for the 11 productions e are crowded for time or have been closed with a Chicago when our head is, stuffed up (ts it fireworks company, producers of is today) with sinus and other the world fair pageants at both hings ha seem o slow us down. Chicago and: New York, and re- 'owever,-we can't let a little thing gently at the Miami. Orange Bowl. ike that interfere with -this import- It -will be the greatest display mt message from Boy-les bepart- ireworks ever seen in Tampa. ment Store, the -store t-'iat brought Not only will the novel shells that prices down in Port St. Joe, the iend rockets screaming across the store where there is 'Always Some- skies in colorful design be shown, thing Ne'w,' the store with tie "ut artis-ans will portray famous 'iight, white lights, the store national figures in huge frames in where you a.re greeted wit'i a outlines of colored fire. smile.. Sometimes we might go so The fireworks displays will close far as to call it a "Dream -Store" ach night performance in front or since one of our good customers ie grandstand when lights can be 'old us recently -that she dreamed lowered and' other performers have 'bout that superb quality Imported leparted from the arena to points Gingham that -we've. already told f vantage that are safer.you about! There's- still some left BLAZE DOES $500 DAMAGE but you better not wait too long! AT KENNEY MERCANTILE The St. Joe fire department was We would like to review briefly -alled out Thursday night of last lie highlights of our JANUARl ,veek to extinguish a small blaze CLEAIRANCE. Those Two- t the Kenney Mercantile Corn- For $12.00 Dresses have stepped )any buildnlug on the premises or out in front with plenty of takers the St. Joe Lum'ber & Export Co. thrilled with this Value Packed According to B. E. Kenney, the Purchase. ... We hope a tele- ire started in a 20-horsepower mo- gram will bring us a new shipment or when a wire on the, power sup- of those lovely Gin-ghams and we're ply line became shorted and the till feeding these two bargain notor failed to cut out. He esti- racks from our regular stock of mated the damage at approximately da-esses some have sold up as "-500. high as $19.50. That 2-for $5.00 rack of Duti-Dud Sanforized Cot- ton Frocks and Uniforms has some $30 Cash Loans $300 customerss wonder mng how it can be done. One pleased -purchaser CONSOLIDATE YOUR told us that she had seen garments BILLS Jot as good, for $3.9.5 each. . Start the New Year with Plenty more still available. Those Stallyortitbeautiful, sheer Full Fashioned all your bills paid buy il Hose at $1.77 are low in some what you need sizes but another telegram will re- QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL plenish the supply soon, (we hope!) SERVIE Those $3.95 All Leather Handhbags SERVICE! -re sensational and still available :----- "' a nice style and color assort- CENTURY LOAN ment. Ask us to show you the Sur- COMPANY prise Bag of 1947! Leo Kennedy, Manager Have you seen tho-se Sparkling PHONE 61 Newv Frock Creations from Well- Port St. Joe, Florida esley? Won't you take a look to- spoken kindly ot The Tkttler and ekpfressedi pleasure over their pur- chaest here. W are tery grateful for your goodwill andi patronage. Something new has (been added in our January Cl'arance fa- mous Korn "Swa-teirs or misses and' women can *be bought at 20 per cent ofr marked prices. This fine quality garment has already made history in Port St. Joe and you'll 'be needing -these, garments for some time. Save Now dur- ing this Value Event! Ladies, keep on the lookout for the' January shipment of Haynes Luxury Undies that's. due soon! Have you seen -that beautiful Cherry-Coc patent Natural Bridge shoe that made it's debut here a few days ago? It's, a lhone.y and they're walking out fast triple A's to B's. If you 'want. to look ahead a month or so we advise you to see that New White Natural Bridge Pump that came in this week. It's a winner if t'lere ever was one and4 you might be wise to get yours while sizes are avail- able- up to 9AAA. (We don't mean to say (that you would need a 9!) Remember that Natural Bridge Contract Bridge Score Pads are ERiEE here just ask for one or more! A little jaunt the first week will- bring you more wanted merchan- dise soon. Men, see -those swell new Sport -Coats at $17.50 . expertly styled and tailored of 100 per cent wool -fabrics. While you're here, just take a look -at our fine showing of -slacks and trousers for men, sizes 27 to 50! Kiwanis meets, every Wednesday 12:30 p. m. (Kenney's Mill). Mlem- bers absent last week: Pat Bray, L-onard Sutton, Byrd Parker and John Blount (gone to Chicago). That's 'better, 'boys keep it up: . That gift of a water filter- ing plant from Mrs. DuPot swas music to our ears and we wish to assure this generous lady no bet- iter service could be rend,e.:ed th.: ltfr Yours with a Million Cheers to Mrs. DuPont, R. GLENN BOYLES. I s ii" I--~~rTtPI~RW "111 m l m THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUN-?Y, FLORIDA PAGE THREE FRII)AY, JANUARY 17, 19+7 (~'LJ OO rs I men-stro., oni o+on-a-... 1--:01ssm-or +.,-me MORE THAN $40,000 TO BE PAID u. Lenumcn aunu 0 aggeiegisia tors zer11 THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor *",redi a- second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the 7"*'. >fice. Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. ";USSCRiPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year .. ... $2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -.( Telephone 51 }]- ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- .-uments, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for i.agres further than amount received for such advertisement. ,I -.ok'-n -ord is given scrat attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; .r printed wurd thoroughly convinces. The spoken word I ..t; the printed word remains. Our Country .- Right or Wrong STREAMLINED LEGISLATURE Twelve recommendations for streamlining the legislative process will be presented to ti;.c Florida legislature and 43 other state legis- latures scheduled to meet this year. The rec- omnmendations are contained in a report just published by the Council of State Governments. The only four state legislatures not sched-. uled to meet in 1947 are those in Louisiana, Ken;tucky, Mississippi and Virginia. Sessions "in all other states will-begin in January, ex- cu:l)t in Florida and Alabama, where opening dates are April 8 and May 6, respectively. Key recommendations include those aimed at broadening state merit systems to include kl.. legislative personnel, consolidation of o. erlapping legislative committees, and in: creased pay for legislators. The recommenda- tions were formulated by the council's com- ..mittee on legislative processes and procedures. The committee also considered such vital questions as legislative reapportionment, uni- cameralism, annual versus biennial sessions, and voting procedures. But considered them beyond the scope of its current report. ,um mary of the recnimmincndationi. follows. 1. Remove restrictions on length of regu- lr legislative sessions. "Legislatures cannot properly fulfill their functions without ade- quate time to dispose of the public questions before them." Sessions now are limited in 26 states. 2. Remove constitutional restrictions on legislators' salaries. "Annual salaries must be sufficient to permit competent persons to serve in legislatures." -. Iroaden merit systems to include key legislative personnel. "The tenure of legisla- tive personnel should be unaffected by changes ii; i;;rtv c,,ntrol." 4. Reduce the jumble of legislative com- mittees tlirough consolidation and reorganiza- tion on the basis of subject matter and co- operation between'houses. 5. Provide for public hearings on all major bills. "Advance notice of such hearings should be published well, in advance." Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dillion of Jack- sonvillie spent the week-end here visiting with Mr. an.d Mrs. Gus Creech and other relatives. Subscribe to The Star-$2 year. I HAVE MOVED Plea I would like to call the atten- tion of my customers to the fact that 'my place of busi- ness has been moved to the Brooks Sporting Goods store on Monument Avenue, and my new phone number is 88. G. W. BROADNAX Always At Your Service For PLUMBING ,~AA. A A. A A A A rY'.'Y' ~v- 'y v AIL "to strengthen legislatures by increasing con- tinuity of membership." 7. Provide for legislative councils or in- terim committees with adequate clerical and research facilities. 8. Review and strengthen legislative ref- erence, research, bill drafting, and statutory revision services. 9. Limit the period during a legislative session during which bills may be introduced, and provide for filing and printing of bills be- fore sessions open. 10. Review and revise legislative rules "wherever necessary to expedite legislative procedure, with due regard for adequate de- liberation and fairness." 11. Provide for a budget "adequate to meet all probable expenditures during a fiscal pe- riod." Also, further centralize legislative fis- cal responsibility. 12. Provide for local "home rule" legisla- tion. This recommendation is designed to min- imize necessity for special legislation affect- ing individual cities by giving localities more power to legislate for themselves. --Pensacola Journal. HOLLAND AND PEPPER Florida's new senator, Spessard L. Holland, has expressed the hope that members of the Florida congressional delegation can work to- gether on matters pertaining to affairs of the state. There is no reason to doubt that this co-operation will. be accomplished. As one pauses to regard national., and inter- national issues, however, there is plenty of room for-speculation as to how close' Senator Holland and Senator Claude Pepper will work. Senator Holland is on record in support of the administration's bi-partisan foreign policy while Senator Pepper has been one of the sharpest critics of that policy, particularly with regard to our relations with Russia. The line is clear-cut there. On the other hand, Senator Holland has never been considered a fot of labor, but is likely to vote considerably to the right of his colleague on matters pertaining to industrial questions. Hle has expressed himself in favor of effective governmental machinery to curb work stoppages in the vital industries of the nation. It is doubtful that Senator IH olland, who es- tablished an enviable record as wartime gov-o ernor, would have remained silent on the is- sue of the coal strike as did Senator Pepper in1 hls New Orleans speech. Senator Holland is not given to snap judg- ment, as his record shows. But he is hardly one to ignore completely one of the biggest problems facing this nation today-the need of intelligent and unbiased legislation to pre- vent industrial stress and at the same time in- sure the production and standard of living of which our nation is capable. 4 -Highlands County News. sant Service .. That is what you get at Walter's place. .... So drop in here when you want good food and drink deliciously prepared and satisfyingly served. . Bring the whole family! STEAKS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS Walter's Bar & Grill (2Vi Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon Hill Highway) W. I. GARDNER, Owner 4 4 I I I I U U I U U U U U U U U U U U U IN PREMIUMS AT STATE FAIR More than $40,000 will be paid out in premium inducements. to ex- hitbitors at the Florida State Fair to be held February 4 to 15 at Tampa, the largest prize figure in the history of the exposition, ac- cording 'to the premium catalog, a copy of which has been received at The Star office. Exhibting counties will ibe given $1200 each to'waid expenses by the fair association, besides competing for 'cash prizes in 'special classifi- cations. It pays to advertise-try it! It pays to advertise -try it! Choose Your Pharmacist As You Would Your Physician Have Your Prescriptions Compounded At Smith's Pharmacy By Jdhn Robert Smith PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST Phone 5 Port St. Joe There Is Comfort. In God's Word Always a guide to the living, the Bible can be of especial comfort and help in times of bereavement. \Vh'en the need arises, let us serve. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night 24-Hour Ambulance Service * STYLE BILT ' VENETIAN BLINDS * Made To Measure of STEEL WOOD ALUMINUM Our Aluminum Blinds are plastic coated, easy to clean, will not sag, are noiseless and I rusnproof, will not chip, and P clos tightly. AND REMEMBER To Get Your Order In Early for Those DISTINCTIVE * STYLE BILT AWNINGS All Prices are f.o.b. Atlanta * P. J. LOVEIT r Phone 184 P. 0. Box 403 a PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA a I orn airport here. He already has an office built at the airport and talks of a hangar and repair shop More power to him! And any o-f you GI's who crave to sprout wings f andt soar through the & blue are eligible for S'lyinCg instruction under the GI Bill. # D'on't know whether * any of you noticed it, * hbut in the account of * the wedding of Mari- A gene Taunton and John Lane our reporter ac- 4 tually described what I the groom wore. . In all our long years in th e newspaper i busl- iness this is the first time to our knowledge That such a thing oc- curred. Ordinarily, D as far as the reader knows' when perusing the account of a 'wed- ding, the groom -might! have been as naked as 6 the day he was born. Haven't much space this week, d'ue to their peculiaT makeup neces- sitated 'by the adjoining Ford ad, but we do want to urge everyone to attend 'the basketball games, choose yourself a team and root for 'em. those 4 shortage back to And as can't tr we can got con And can do: present invest WE REA mobiles vi SHALL J Therefo4 business Phone PAGE FOUR THE STAR. PORT ST JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 STARDUST and MOONSHINE We have been informed that the bass are really biting right now-- and two of the biggest informers, who apparently take a devilish delight -in tor- ---- turing us with stories of the, fish they catch, .' ' are Dan. Brooks, and' G. W. Brodnax. They are either two of the best fishermen extant, or two of the biggest pervaricators (we don't like to come right outn and call 'em liars, but chances are, good that neither of 'enm knows what that long 'word" means). Anyway, they claim they are really dragging 'em in. . Any of you readers who attended the .bas- ketball game Saturday night probably g'ot a. big kick out of seeing . Peck Boyer out there dashing hither and yon. S. He oughta know he's getting too old for that sorta 'thing. Seems he lost his wind once or twice, but he was still in there stagger- ing-around when the fl- nal whistle .blew. When we 'were Peock's age we used to think that we, too, were still young and agile, 'but when, at- ter strenuofisly keeping u.p 'withi the younger fellows in some active Yeme sport Nwe nad to use a , whole ,bottle of arnica 511m1O to soothe our weary people? muscles and ease our achilig joints, we took ip the old man's game V6e -golf. So far This here T. Waldo Davis. ,who is opening a postwar flying school here, is a But .ocky little, rascal and We ull of enthusiasm. million if he had his -way (and ve hope he .does) we YOU vaould soon have a mod- oU D ri ( fl f i GULF COUNTY WOMEN PLANI Miss Isabelle S. Thursby, exten- sumption, .Mrs. Revell said. the 67 counties from the fund for Bob Sikes as the 80th congress be- TREES; CAN AND CURE MEAT sion service food economist and ----- ----- January is $1,782,912.89. gan its work is legislation for S longtime exponent of increased SIXTH INSTALLMENT PAID Gulf county received $7,494.34, of propriations for the continued de- Many Gulf county Home Demon-ong-time epon ON TEACHER SALARY FUND which $6,295.37 is for instructional veloppment of the Apalachicola 'WA- stration Club women are busy buy- production of fruits for home use salaries and $1,198.97 is for trans- teriway, for the improvement Of i.:g and planting "Thursby" fruit and market. The sixth installment 'of ten pay- portation. harbors at Port St. Joe, Apalacflt- trees on their grounds, according With the coming of cool weather, ments from the state teachers sal- ----- cola, Pensacola and Panama City, to Mirs. Wilma A. Revell, county delayed longer than usual this year, ary fund to the counties was made FILES BILLS FOR CONTINUED ancd for deeper channels at East -home agent. many home-makers are also can- Wednesday. WATERWAY DEVELOPMEN1 Pass and Freeport. They are calling their orchara ning and curing meats, sweet po- Accordiing to figures release ----- trees "-Tiuraby" trees in honor of tatoes and turnips for home con- from Talalhassee, total payment to Among measures introduced by Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! ou cant make Apple Sauce nber the old story? Where the teacher said: ,.how would you divide three apples among four And Jimmy answered: "Make apple sauce!" vish Jimmy could solve our problem that easily. ve've led the whole world in production of cars.., delivering thousands of 1946 Fords. still have unfilled orders for over a more. know the reason for the lag in filling -ders ... the labor shortages, the material es, and all those other hitches in getting normal. doesn't leave us many apples to divide. 'fair and square as we try to be, we just ake apple sauce from automobiles. But what .. do is tell you what a great Ford you've .. iing up in your future. while you're waiting, one other thing we as urge you to let us keep an eye on your A 1. Ford to protect your safety, comfort and ent. IIZE ... .hat the present abnormal demand for auto- ill not last forever; that the day will come when WE E KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR asking for business. s in the past, we are endeavoring to so conduct our .-we may always merit your confidence and respect. ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY e 37 Port St. Joe, Florida PAGE FIViS THE STAR, PORT ST JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY JANUARY 17 7 I JANUARY MEN'S AND BOYS' LEATHER JACKETS REDUCED FROM 20% to 25% BOYS' DRESS PANTS Well-tailore gys' Dress Pants in plaids. No Vtrpe. Cotton and rayon,. 9 Sizes 8 to 16 $ ES WO111K PANTS One lot Blue Denim Papts. Limited Sizes and Quantities. COME EARLY! $1.59 MEN'S FELT HATS NATIONALLY KNOWN FELT HATS Grey and some Tan. Values up to $7.50. ONE LOT . $ 1.9 ONE LOT . $2.19 MEN'S AND BOYS' LIGHTWEIGHT JACKETS A suitable Jacket for all-around -95 use. Colors Tan. $f 95 Sizes small medium, large ------. - More Men's and Boys' Items MEN'S FELT CAPS .98 BOYS' CORDUROY HATS $1.69 BOYS' POLO SHIRTS .98 BOYS' FLANNEL PAJAMAS --------$1.75 MEN'S UNION SUITS $1.89 BOYS' BRIEF SHORTS .54 Men's Knit Polo Shirts, Short Sleeves .- $1.00 MEN'S PANTS, Semi-Dress $1.95 BOYS' WASH SUITS $1.95 MEN'S CANVAS WORK SHOES ---- $1.00 (Limited Quantities) TO MY MANY FRIENDS AND LOYAL CUSTOMERS I want to take this opportunity of thanking each and every one of you, both WHITE and COLORED, for your past patronage and the faith you have shown in this store during the past, and, particularly, during these WAR-TORN YEARS. They have been tough years for all 9f us, but, with faith and co-operation, I am sure we con weather the storm. Fplks .. I went to tell you aborst this "BIG Jmnuary Clearane SALE" now taking place at COSTIN'S. You wOO't believe m when I say that you will find prices chAeper thai they have been for the past several years. Ther1 are "Vtls Galore" in every department, at prices that will asae, you. Don't aiss this "MONEY SAVING EVENT." Come early and stay late. We at Costin's are always glad to see you whether you buy or not. o Sincerely, CECIL COSTIN All Ladies' and Children's Winter Coats Dresses Sui8 s Our entire stock of Ladies and Children's Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses marked for quick clearance. REGULAR VALUES FROM $6.00 TO $49.00 One-Third to One-Half Off! 1 Lot LADIES' SPRING DRESSES You will find dresses a regularly selling for up ONE LOT $1.94 to $16.80. In solid colors and prints. Cotton and E LOT .95 rayon. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS PYREX CUSTARD CUPS 6 for .35 PYREX CASSEROLES .49 DISH CLOTHS 2 for .09 TOWELS .69 PRISCILLA CURTAINS $4.95 FIBRE RUGS-Size 30x54 inches $1.95 CHENILLE RUGS $3.25 COTTAGE CURTAINS Pair $2.95 PILLOWS Pastel Colors $1.00 BLANKETS 5% WOOL PLAID Size 70x80 $3.59 COTTON. INDIAN DESIGN Size 66x80 $2.9 s % wOn L AI PLAID LADIES' SWEATERS Our entire stock of Ladies' Sweaters, all wool in button front and slip-owers MARKED Most all colors available. 20% OFF LADIES AND MISSES SPORT SHOES A large selection of Ladies' and Misses Sport Shoes. Regular values $2.95 and $3.95. ONE LOT ONE LOT .... $1.00 . 1.49 LADIES AND MISSES I Lot LADIES' SWEATERS $1.95 LADIES' PANTIES .69 3RASSIERES, Values to $1.79 ------ .79 GIRDLES $1.95 HANDKERCHIEFS .15 SOCKS, Ladies' and Children's ---------.19 LADIES' BLOUSES $1.95 LADIES' BLOUSES $2.95 CHILDREN'S BLOUSES .98 LADIES' BLUE COVERALLS .------. $2.95 LADIES' SKIRTS $1.95 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS $1.95 LADIES' JODPHURS $1.95 LADIES' SPORT SHIRTS .98 LADIES' SLACK SUITS $5.95 Children's Cotton and Rayon SLIPS, 2 for $1.00 BABIES' RECEIVING BLANKETS ----- .35 CHILDREN'S DRESSES, 3 to 6 -----..- $1.49 CHILDREN'S SLACKS, 7 to 18 -..-----.... $1.00 BEACH BAGS (Plus Tax) $1.00 SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO LIST ALL OF THE WONDERFUL VALUES YOU WILL FIND HERE ! COSTING'S DEPARTMENT STORE PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA PHONE 148 "F-~ --Pr I ----~L~~-- -BC~I lL~--~eQll~ ~1 b ~ ~aP~ JICrCI---~b~ ~P~PI-a w~s~ Cel~BaW~L~ FRIDAY, JANUARYY 17, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF-LOUNTY, FLORI-DA AGE SRIX P33.s PAGE SEVEN FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Miss Marilyn Rowan Is Program Marks Birthday Honored With Shower Of Local 0. E. S. Chapter Miss Marilyn Rowan, whose mar- A very impressive ceremony was riage to Wilbur K. Norton will be held Tuesday night at the Masonic an event of January 29, was corn- hall, when the local chapter of the plimented Saturday afternoon with Order of Eastern Star observed the A shower party given by Mrs. La- twelfth anniversary of the foun't- mar Hardy at the home of Mrs. R. ing of the chapter. V. Coburn on Long Avenue. The Following a beautiful program guests were invited to call between appropriate to the occasion ren- the, hours of 4 to 7 o'clock. Hdered by chapter officers, members Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. Coburn and the and guests gathered around a table honoree received their guests In centered with a huge birthday cake 'the living room, which was decor- bearing 12 lighted candles whicn ated with artistic arrangements of was ceremoniously cut and served pink and 'white gladiolus. The with sandwiches, coffee and tea., guests were directed into the din- Visitors present f rom n Gorrie ing room by Mrs. Daniel J. Brooks, Chapter 192, Apalachicola, were who served' punch, sandwiches and Mrs. Paul Snellgrove, Mrs. Rod- cake from a beautifully appointed man Porter, Mrs. M. Brash, Mrs. table overlaid with a lace. cloth and Herman Johnson, Mrs. 0. M. Tay- centered wit-h a crystal bowl of lo:', Mrs. C. H. Johnson, Mrs. E pink roses flanked by'pink tapers. M. Spear, Mrs. Lottie Gander, Mrs Each guest, was presented with a Alva Hinckley, Mrs. C. H. Brass. corsage of white blossoms. i Mrs. Ralph Norman, Miss Mar3 Mrs. H. S. Lilius was in charge Ella Gibson and Miss Florence of the bride's book, and Mrs. F. M. Morris. Rowan, mother of the bride-elect, I K and, Mrs. George L. Kennington, HOWDY, WORLD her sister, assisted in caring for and Mrs. ey o the. Rev. andl Mrs. R.A. B'radley o Miss Rowan received many lovely Cairabelle announce the irthof a gifts. She wore a black and white daughter on Januay 10.. model fashioned on fitted i.nesj Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Larimore ot trimmed' with tiny buttons. Her this city are the proud parent's o0 corsagc-, .presented by the hostess, a son, born 3:mluary 11." was. pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Tatrenos of About two hundred guests called Apalachicola announce the Kirth ot during the appointed hg.urs. a son on January 13. W. K Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Reece of Ap- I'Mrs. George Gore of Dothan,,Ala., alachicola announce the birth of a --was a visitor here btis week. She a. daughter on January 14. stafes-she will be back in June. to (All births occurred at the Port St. spend the rest of the summer. 1 Joe Municipal Hospital.) Now Located at Highland View, Near Chestnut Grocery EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R, F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1947 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "THE UNEQUAL YOKE." 6:25-Baptist Training Union. 7:30-Evening Worship. Sermon Topic: "CHARGE IT TO ME!" p-- ---- --- -------- - MRS. TEMPLE ENTERTAINS MARY VIC MAUK CIRCLE Mrs. J. L. Temple entertained the Mary Vic Mauk Circle of the Meth- odist W. S. C. S. Monday afternoon at her home on Palm Boulevard in the first meeting, of the new year. The opening prayer was given iby Mrs. R. A. Costin, and, in the ab- sence of Mrs. J. L. Sharit, circle chairman, Mrs. Temple, co-chair- man, presided over the business session outlining the program for .ae year, and introducing Mrs. Joe LeHardy, a new circle member. Officers for the ensuing year .vere elected at this time, as fol- ,lows: Mrs. B. H. Smith, secretary, Mrs. Floyd Hunt, treasurer; Mrs. .. \V. Smith, chairman missionary education; Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson, chairmann bond fund; Mrs. Ralph Siwatts', chairman spiritual life; drs. Joe LeHardy, chairman Chris- *an social relations. At the conclusion of the meet- ag a social hour was enjoyed, dur-- ing which the hostess served lunch, sandwiches and cookies to ie eight members present. wt W. a BAPTIST CIRCLES IN 31BLE STUDY The Bible study 'of the Baptist W. M. U. for January was held at -he church Monday afternoon with a large number attending. The 6th chapter of Acts was taught 'by the ,astor, R. F. Hallford. During the brief business session hat followed, the president, I:;-. ,V. C. Prid-geon, read a card from .he publicity chairman of the -\o:ithwest Coast Association urg- ing all members to attend- the quarterly meeting at Millville on Vednesd'ay, January 22, which will 'Ie a methods clinic taught by two ;tate workers. Circle meetings for next Mo.nday were announced as follows: Circil One with Mrs. W. S. Quarles; Cir- tle Two with' Mis: Y. L. W4ges, )ak Grove; Circle Thrde wit'i Mrs. Charles "Crawtord. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. C. M. Palmer. BOY SCOUT NEWS By Gene Chism M*indlay was not a regular busi- l'ess meeting for the Scouts. Sev- eral members of the Rotary Club were present and the forestry rep- esentative from Tallahassee was Sixth us. The Sonuts were shown several notion pictures on forestry ind .hea rd a lecture on the subject. -v a! talks were also made to he boys by the Rotarians. The Scouts are doing work or their land and plan a camp along ith their forestry project. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Sunday services will be held as follows: 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor Sunday Services 9:4.5 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bayview Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Churcr school following worship service. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend these services. DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED S Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 I First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. MRS. SPEARS IS HOSTESS TO HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB The regular ineeting of the White City Home Demonstration Club was held Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Darene Spears, with Mrs. Mildred Spears presiding over the business session. T.he quilt being made by the clu'o furnished enjoyment for the. after- noon, and while working the group discussed plans for selling the quilt when completed. The hostesses, Mrs. Alton Hardy and Mrs. G. H Harper,, served cot- 'fee and openface sandwiches to the eleven members and one visitor present. At the next meeting of the club landscaping will be discussed. Advertising doesn't coqt-it PAYS! For Those Who Think of Appearance Run-down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. ; Better keep yours in repair and well polished. Let us be your footwear valets. THE LEADER SHOE I SHOP Port IT A Martin Theatre THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY' * CONTINUOUS PERFORM, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM ---FEATURE NO. 1 - EDDIE DEAN in A 4. 'heat w 7"' Port. St. Joe, Fla. . YS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. ,NCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIME TODAY N PIAh ISMA WILLIAM ELLIOTT VERA RALSTON ... gmaH. TWE DNZDAY. J NUARY 22 in TECHNICOLOR FEATURE NO. 2 -- __ HIT NO. 1 .' GERAY 7 T -h IosiNG .. - "L. WITH ROMANCE! CHEIREL RIP..U Chapter 8 of Serial CitHANGE,[ lhe Purple Monster Strikes ANd ADLE MARA SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 BOLo....t JE/PN PORT F Musical "Golden Slippers" MONDAY TUESDAY because it's , told in the untamed Hemingway Newsreel Pictures of NEW YEAR'S DAY FOOTBALL CLASSICS and CARTOON HIT NO. 2 GILBERT ROLAND RAMSEY AMES MARTIN GARRALAGA Also Chapter 6 of e.i"al "KING OF TH7 F3RIEST TI :W'R'D ^AY -' FRIDAY January 23 and 21 TskJ Tsk! Tsk! NO LOVE\( vAN JOHNSON PAT\KIRKWOOD XAVIER CUGAT " ,oMBAR.. DOA In 1916, Coast 'Guard aviation was authorized by Congress. -.X, WE SPECIALIZE IN HELEN CURTIS DUCHESS COLD WAVE Modern Beauty Shop PHONE 41 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GOLF COUNTY. FLORIDA 'FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 c--~ ES~I~I bm=l FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. 'JLF COUNTY, FLORIDA WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE ORTST. I? SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT --OSPPE I THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED r ST. JOE SIGN SHOP UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING --- FREE ESTIMATES I-OR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY TIIOS. R. L. CARTER Abstracts oi Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. fatc KlO \WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Di'amonds and Jewelry :-- \VE TEACH WATCHES TO __l -TELL THE TRUTH- * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE } FOR SALE SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN i- USED PLUMBING FIXTURES - FOR SAtSE ADDED! We have on hand several used S EE CAR TER sinks, commodes and lavatories at )bargain prices. All pre-war Registered Real Estate Broker merchandise. 1-172-7 317 REID AVENUE ST. JOE SIGN SHOP - _. 9i on.. i.ah t1n0 -9 2Collect Day Phon eZ .1 '' .- --.-- In O(tik Grove-One house for $1,750 and one almost new house, $3,500. Terms, on both. For Immediate Possession---6-room1 house, coam'ner P.ilmn Boulvarl',i anti lut.i Strcet. Liberal terms. There is already a loan on th'i. niause andi papers, can be arranged in short order. ONE ACRE GOOD BLACK FARM LAND H-tlf cleared and ready for cirltivation: 4 mil.- from town on .jones. homestead. Pr ce S100 ca'.h. Mrs Carl Hall. Box M, Porit St. Joe, Fla. 1-17 24c COOD F-ROOM l-OUSE with elec- tis; )uinpp, two 50xI00-foot lots, in pryview 7 Ti giigts; ;1,0i0. J. A. Chestnut., Highland View. 2-7* HOUSE FOR SALE Practicaliy new three-'bedrooni iousn a on Lou n FRYERS-On foot, $1.25 each if you coma and get them. At Gas- :iin old turpentine place. Charles R. Whitfield. -1-10tf MILK COW-Will freshen soon. If interested see Mrs. J. K. Wil- liams, Hi.s'hland View. 1-17' HAVICO FEED SERVICE Writ-. telephone or see us for HAVICO FEEDS. Delivered to your door any time in 5 or 6-ton loads. Your dealer can furnish HAVIOO FEED'S. Cunninghamn Power Mowers. HAVICO MILLS 1-17tf Phone 45 Havana, Fla. FENCE WIRE-50 ieet of 14-inch woven ornamental fence wire at $4.50; or will swap for most any- thing. The S'tar office. 1-10tf SPECIAL SERVICES Avenue to .?' or o3nly i6000; down SEAT COVERS TAILORED TO payment $S2.45S;. halince on easy FIT YOUR CAR terms with interest at -11/2 per cent. Chece o" material we have plenty. CORNER LOT on 16th Street, 70 Also material for any kind of fur- feet by 120 feet. Ideal spot to build ;iitue u ''olstering; we have a man a nice home; $375. with 17 years of experience to do the job. 1-17 2-7 WE ALSO HAVE about 38 acres of1 ST. JOE SiGN SHOP land fcr sale, sitlnit.d approxi-j For -Your Uphols.tering ,mately 31/2 miles South of city on -- Gulf Coast -'ighway. 1-17t' TRAVEL AND RESORT FRANK HANNON I -OOKlNG FOR ADVENTURE? VISIT the .far-off corners of the Registered Real Estate Broker earth. Strange, exotic lands that- Office: St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 stir the imagination. You have the world to choose from . SWAP without a worry in the world. Join. the U. S. Army and have all RADIO Emerson 7-tube table your traveling expenses paid! Go model; just been worked over by to your nearest Army Recruiting Gulf Radio Lab. We got a new one ,Station for additional informa- for Christmas. See -it at The Star tion. 210 Harrison Avenue, Pan.- office. 1-10tf amia City, Florida. Recruiting of- ficer in Port St. Joe on Fridays 'F aT lt the postoffice. TWO ROOMS FOR RENT-Gen- tlemen only. See Gene Holley, phone 161. 2-14* ROOM FOR RENT-All modern conveniences: $6.00 per week. Phone 281- J. 1-10tf APARTMENTS FOR RENT Gulf View Apartments Modern Houses and. Apartments Hot Water. Gas Heat, Gas Cooking. Permanent Guests Solicited. J. S.-PATRICK * Bacon Hill, Fla. 2-14 FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Reasonable rates. Last house on right, Long Avenue. 1-17* Very ads carries a mesqsage- a message that will savq money. INCOME TAX EXPERTS Linton Urges Veterans Reinstate GI Insurance Bill Linton, Gulf county service officer, in ni-aking an appeal to vet- erans who have dropped their ser- vice insurance to have it reinstated at once, said: "If action is taken- before February 1, 1947, you may reinstate your Gi insurance (as canried in the service) without a medical examination by paying two monthly premiums at the same rate as that paid while in the serv- ice. You may reinstate your insui- ance in amounts from $1000 up In multiples of $500 up to the max.- mum of $10,000, if you desire less than you carried previously, at cor- respondingly lower rates, "You may have this insurance paid in a lump sum or in equal monthly installments from 3'6 to 2-10 months to your beneficiary, or part as a .lump sum and the rest in installments. You may name any- one. or your estate as beneficiary." Linton pointed out that before the termination of eight years from the effective date of a term policy it may be converted into a perma- nent type policy as follows: Ordi- nary life, 30-payment life, 20-pay- ment life, endowment at age 65, endowment at age 60, or 20-year endowment. Information as to rates for the various policies, procedure for re- instating, converting, making claim for waiver, etc., and the forms necessary for accomplishing any of the above may be obtained at the pl'fice of Mr. Linton in Wewa- hitchka. CONTRACT IS LET (Continued from Page 1) Costing having purchased the inter- est of Chas. A. McClellan. Little Miss Martha and Master Eugene Singletary entertained 40 of their little friend's at their home Thursday afternoon in honor ot their birthdays, being five and seven years old, respectively. Mrs. Jesse Smith, who has been visiting relatives in Geprgia for the past two weeks, has returned home. Robert Bellows returned, Sumlay t-,Vi:ginia' and North Carolina. Dir. A. W. Jones has opened a dental office at Wewahitchka and will divide his time between Port St. Joe and Wewa. U. J. Lovett has accepted a po- sition with the Lake Wimico Na- val Stores Co. at White City. Albert Hickey of Salisbury, N. C., wired his father-in-law, M. B. Smith', that they have a 12-pound boy, born August 11. MARCH OF DIMES (Continued from Page 1) venient shopping centers and the people in general are urged to de- posit spare change in these con- FILE YOUR TAX RETURN NOW tainears and contribute to the na- FiY lfh A RO ...tt p menace. We can take care of a limited num- ber .of income tax returns oomrng due on January 15. Also we advise early filing of returns due March 15, as we will be unable to handle any rush orders. CARTER, 317 Reid Ave. The coin cards will be mailed out this week-end, and those who re- ceive them are urged to give as much as possible. This, method is the only one em- ployed to raise funds to carry on LODGE NOTICES the fight and reaches into every settlement and, community of tne MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M-7 nation at this time, of the year. Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- The money thus raised has thus 62 days each month, 8:00 p. ni. far proved sufficient to carry on A/v \ Members urged to attend; the fight on a national,'scale and visiting brothers welcome. D. L. Owens, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. victims of the disease, regardless * -of their station in life, have had SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 49, 1. 0.' 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday the most expert care and attention night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. made available to them through All members urged to attend and the foundation. visiting brethren invited. W. C. _____-_____ Forehand, N. G.;1 W. H. Sansom, dvetising Secretary. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! cara'/r WHEN YOU NEED SE KEROSENE Call 200-W ^ eas'/ Our Specialty-Wash, Polish and Wax Good Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease GULF SERVICE STATION WHEN YOU NEED BUILDING MATERIALS Cement, Bricks, Gravel, Fill Dirt, Building Sand, Cement Blocks See R. D. PROWS, JR. Phone 321 AP FAN'S FLOWERS A Floral Arrangement for Every Occasion S"FLOWERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT" PHONE 246 We Make Deliveries - OWT FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE of PLUMBING SERVICE CALL EDWARD LeGRONE S PHONE 88 OR 233-W - Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating TAWXIr WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI--PHONE287 JAMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station Records! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbing GENERAL PLUMBING REPAIR SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX t Phone 88 Brooks Sporting Goods SATISTF-I-E-D cuIsTOMERS are our best' SCHNEIDER'S Clothing for All the Family THE MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY * M S COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire Suceso BUCK ALEXANDER MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT LeHARDY'S BAR ( Let Us Design You a Letterhead p TTo Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. SCHOOL PROGRAM CAN BE of current levies is not reduced. EXPANDED WITHOUT NEW He did not refer specifically to TAXES, SAYS GOVERNOR any proposed diversion of state funds, but in the past he has been Governor Caldwell said Monday outspokehly opposed to demands of that no new taxes will be needed financially strapped cities for a to finance greatly expanded school, share of state-collected taxes. health and institutional programs _____ "if state funds are not used tor Kingfishers generally nest Ia other purpose's" and the sum total tunnels in earth 'banks. h __ ___ PAEEIGHT s t |