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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1947 Suggests Lar ger Portion of Racing Fund Go To Cities Mayor Soule Would Have Port St. Joe and Wewahitchka Split 50 Per Cent On Pro Rata Basis With operating costs in all de- partments of the city on the up- grade and 'with practically every source of revenue already being tapped, 'Mayor Horace Soule came forth this week with a suggestion 'which, if put into -effect would aid greatly in replenishing the city's coffers and allow for a considerable drop, in the 19.7 millage which is no-w being assessed. Briefly, Mayor Soule's suggestion Is this: Pointing out that the two cities of the county, Port St. Joe and We- waltitchka, provide a large portion of the county's income in the form of taxes, and yet receive but $3000 each from the race track funds a.l- located to the county each year by the state, Mayor Soule suggests that the funds, be divided 50-50 be- tween the county and the two cities, with the 50 per cent allocated to the cities divided on a pro rata population basis. - The 1945 state census shows that of Gulf county's population 3,606 reside in the two cities and 3,404 outside, which is approximately a half-and-half division. The popula- tion of Port St. Joe is placed at 2,467 and Wewahitch-ka at 1,139, which gives -Port' St. Joe slightly more than twice the population of the county seat city. On this.basis, the $90,000 in race t ack money received from the state in 1946 would be divided $45,- 000 to the county, $30,000 to Port .St.- Joe and $15,000 to. Wewa- hitchka. It is pointed out by Mayor Soule that- this would be no more than fair, since half of the county's pop- ulation is urban and half rural, and in addition,, of the county's. 7,010 -residents 5,015 live south of the Iintracoastal canal and 1,995 north of it. 'Song of the South' Has Early Showing At Port "Entertainment for Everybody':.. is the slogan that goes with Walt Disney's newest. production, "Song. of the South," which plays at the" Port Theater Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday. In his .new pro- duction, Disney has come up with a picture like nothing he nor any- one else has ever supplied t'he en- tertainment screen. The story is about a little, boy who listens to the tales about Br'er Rabbit and Br'er Fox, told him by the all-wise Uncle Remus. An unusually long run of three days was decided upon by Manager McCollum due to the great interest the picture- has created in this sec- tion of the country. Throughout the Bouth "Song of the South" is rank- ing up near "Gone With the Wind" in popularity. .MANGER SCENE AT ST. JAMES IS BEAUTIFUL While there were a number of beautifully decorated outdoor trees -throughout the city during the holi- day season, the most outstanding and eye-attracting motif of the glor- ious season 'was a large manger scene on the lawn of St. James Episcopal Church, the work of Mr. .and Mrs. Ralph Rich. Charley Martin Held Items of Interest Under $1000 Bond From St. Joe News According' to a story appearing Issued During '26 in Friday's issue of the Apalachi- cola Times, Charley 'B. Martin, a "ormnr employee of the Quality Gro- Number of Copies of Newspaper ccry here, is being held iln te Issued For This City Now In Franklin county jail under .bond of Possessijon of H. A. Drake $1000 charged with embezzlement of $400 from A. H. "Hop" Hopkins Piobably the majority of the resi- of Apalachicola. dents of this city do not know that The Times' story states that Port St. Joe hadl a newspaper back Hopkins entrusted Martin wita in 1926. Several copies of the pub- bank money orders of the Apalachi- location, "The Port St. Joe News," cola State Bank in the amount of printed in Apalachicola by The $400 and that Martin converted toe Port St. Joe News Publishing Corn orders to his own use. pany, are now in the possession of The story goes on to say that Postmaster H. A. Drake, through Martin came to Apalachicola last whose courtesy we will reprint a year and was employed by the Mc- number of items from the. old pa- Coy grocery store and that he and pers during the next few weeks. Hopkins decided last spring to open R. L. Howell was o president ol a curb market, and that Hopkinste p hing company, D a111tnnum, vice-president, audi C. B. Mc. gave Martin the money orders for Cnu' vice-president, ans C. B. M- the PurposeOf going dow Cranie, secretary- treasurer, with and purchasing supplies for the 1 0 M. Morton as editor. The News market, but that was the last seen i was a four-page paper, two pages of him until he arrived in Apalachi- of "ready print" and two pages set f .h u and printed in Apalachicola.. .ola last week and was placed un- a prited in Apalachicola. der arrest. We reprint the following items The Times goes on to say t~hat from the issue of August '13, 1926, The Times goes on to say that Vol. 1, No. 10: "so far as is known, Martin has made no explanation to anyone as St. Joe-Louisville ~reaik Even to his whereabouts since he left The series of ball gaes between Apalachicola last spring Port St. Joe and Louisville, Ala., -aa a ls were four of the cleanest and. most interesting of the season. Port St. Back In States From Pacific i Joe won the first game 4 to 3. C. W. Williams, WT 1/c, son of Henry Drake pitched six innings Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Williams, landed for St. Joe, holding thQ visitors to in San Diego last week after a year two hits and one run,. giving way in Ja-pan. He hopes to be home in to McKeithen in the asventh, who the near future. .. (Continued on Psge 3), CORDIAL NEW YEAR GREETINGS City To Receive Gift of Water Filtering Plant From Mrs. A. I. duPont Conklin Named Chairman By Removing Iron From Water Of Bay-Gulf Scout District wil Be Blessing To House. wives of Port St. Joe At the annual meeting of the Bay-Gulf District, Boy Scouts o Next Tuesday' evening, January 7, at the regular meeting of the city commission, Commissioner J. L. Sharit will present to the com- mission for acceptance a gift from Mrs. Alfred I. duPont in the form. of a complete water filtering sys- tem for the city. Housewives of the city should give Mrs. duPont a rousing vote of thanks for this Christmas gift, as it will remove all discoloration frmn the water and will do away with the bleaches so necessary in the past when washing clothes, for with the iron that is present in the water, the clothes turn out dark and dingy without the use of the lucky recipient of the Ford car some type of -bleach. Too, with the awarded by the local American Le- new plant in operation, discolored gion post in its building fund drive, refrigerator water bottles. will be-a Iand Donald Totman, mail carrier thing of the past, as will the dark of Apalachicola, received the Nash iced tea which results from use of sedan awarded Christmas Eve by the present city water. But one of. the Machinists Local. th, &biggest reliefs will be" in te _- bathroom where the water de- ..., posits a brown stain on the 'enamel of tubs and lavatories that is im- possible to. remove, and also when one takes a -bath it will not seem Sas if they were stepping into a tub filled with beef bouillon. -This filtering plant will only re- S / A move the discoloration from, the S" water and will in no wise soften R it. But that alone will be a great boon to our housewives. Further details of Mrs. duPont's gift will be presented. to our read- ers, from time to time as they be- come available. Christmas Seal Sales To Date Amount To $683 -, Since the official close of the 1946 Christmas Seal sale December 25, contributions of $51 have beenO received, according to Harry Saun- ders, seal sale chairman for Gulf county. These late returns, he said, bring the total received to date to S$683,51 "The late returns are from per- sons who forgot to send in their checks when they received their seals in the mail a month ago," he- said. "We are grateful to them for acknowledging the seals now and door and the we hoea that any other residents who may not yet have made their us, we wish returns will do so promptly. "A new year is upon us and the ur Gulf County Tuberculosis Associa- OU for your ion, which depends entirely upon seal sale receipts to support its r. May you health program, is ready to launch Ste c its 1947 campaign against tubercu- I the coming loss, a disease which kills more young people between 15 and 35 closer to the than any other disease. With the backing of the people of Gult e future. county, the association expects to S m.lke great progress in the coming year. It is grateful to the people who have responded to its appeal and hopes that those who, for one Season or another, lhyve neglected to make their returns, will try to 3 do so immediately." VOLUME X NUMBER 14 America, held December 19 at the Cove hotel in Panama City, B. B. Conklin of this city was elected as district chairman for the ensuing year. Others from Gulf county named to serve in various capaci- ties on the council were Floyd Hunt, Rudy Gaskin and, C. W. Nor- ton, executive board members; C. W. Norton and Mark Tqmlinson, neighborhood commissioners. Rev. Tom Byrne will (lead tne committee on inter-racial scouting, and Harry McKnight was elected chairman of Cub Scouting. AWARDED CARS J. 0. Bragdon of Indian Pass was PAGE TWO RSEHT THE STAR *Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Poetoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -4 Telephone 51 )B- TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions In adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word Is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts- the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country ` Right or Wrong --- COUNT YOUR SCORE The end of an old year and the beginning of a new one is a good time to check up and see where we have come and whither we are headed. Business firms usually take an inven- tory about this time, and each individual might well do the same. Dr. Hugh H. Bennett expressed the thought ably in the following words: "There is really no such thing as returning to the places and people you remember from your youth. It is a disquieting experience. You realize that on illllIlllllllllllllllllll llll lllll lllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LETTERS TO THE EDITOR iIIlIIIIIIIIII1 i ilmii HIHiit llit 1111llllllll lllllniiiiiiiin Kissemmee, Florida Dec. 27, 1946 Dear Editor Bill-Ever since the revamping. of Federal Housing I have been more than anxious to get 'back to Port St. Joe. My health Is steadily improving and I expect to get back shortly after the first. My assistants have been sending me The Star, and, I have never ap- preciated it more. Incidentally tVey have. a very wideawake First Federal & Loan Association here, and one of the of- ficials, knowing my interest in loans,, housing, values and apr praisals, was, kind enough to take me over the town and show me the- various properties on which they had made loans. It was very inter- esting, and' I find values here a little higher than in St. Joe. This, as you know, is a fruit and cattle SBetter friends !we could not want . better friends we could not possibly have. Sincere good wishes for a happy and prosperous 1947. ZIM'S MEN WEAR 'S T14M QT.AR- rsjnRY AT- InP- MIq F COUN.- '"s...' THE-m S TA, rTn i 1. S u-, JOE, GUL1 U i, this 61d earth with its endless changing pro6 cesses we are all transient visitors, and you begin to count your score." While it is a good idea, when taking stock, to see whether we have made progress finan- cially during the year, it is much more im- portant to check on less tangible assets 'also. Have we been good citizens of the com- munity in every sense of the word-lending our time, our energies, our substance to those things which build, and refraining from those things which tear down? Have we given our children the opportunities they deserve in proper nutrition, good health, schools and other training? Have we aided the church and other assets of the community, or have we left that work to others because we have been :oo busy or too indifferent to give of our time and our substance? These and other questions will help us ar- rive at our true balance, will tell us whether we are progressing as we should or just let- ting another year pass because time inexor- ably moves onward. Immediately after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt said, "We Americans are not de- stroyers, we are builders." Has 1946 proven this to be true in our case? "We should tell children the truth about Santa Claus," says an educator. And while we're about it, why not tell the taxpayers the same. country with little or no industry To Make Home In Jacksonville other than packing houses. This Mr. andi Mrs. Maurice Maige of bank has done a lot also for the GI Keissler Field, Miss., are visiting boys, and here at least they are here "with their parents before go- getting some reward for the sacrl- ing to Jacksonville, where they fices they made for us. I feel sure will make their home. we can in Port St. Joe do more for --- them than we have in the past. Visitors From Tampa Only the doctor's orders to go Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gilmore of slow keep me from coming home Tampa visited here through the at once, but will be seeing you holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. soon. With the Season's Greetings McQuaig adid Rev. and Mrs. J. R. to you friends meet, and' yours and to whatever of mine you happen to Sincerely, Thos. R. L. Carter. -4c --- "Red" Hendricksonis Visit Mr. annd Mrs. V. R. "Red," Hen- drickson of Kalamazoo, Mith., were here'last week for a visit of several days with friends. "Red" is farm- ing way up there in the North anfd says he had a bumper crop of onions this year. Spending Week In Dothan Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Skipper left Sunday to spend a week visiting with relatives in Dothan, Ala. The Spotlight is on our new arrival and we, as one of the welcoming committee, hope 1947 will be a joyful and beneficial addition to your life. HAPPY NEW YEAR BARRIER'S 5 and 10c Store Wilkins. Spend Holidays Here Mrs. Mary Goudy of Asheville, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Mer- cer of Oklahoma spent the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Chqchihari. Spend Christmas Here Mr. and, Mrs. Oris Miller of Blountstown spent Christmas Day here with relatives and friends. Spends Christmas In Perry Evelyn Hunter spent the Christ- mas holiday in Perry with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G Hunter. An old adage assures us that "silence is golden," but, on the Eve of New Year's, .we can hardly agree. We believe this is the time to speak up and tell you how much we have appreciated your patronage during the past year, and to wish you good luck; CARVER DRUG COMPANY NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1q47 b Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" Vol. 1 NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1947 No. 23 HAPPY NEW YEAR, Shoppers: Pads! While you're here ask us tu May 1947 bring you 365 days of show you those wonderful Natural Health, Happiness and Prosperity. I Bridge Shoes. Some of them We are proud and happy that we do have strings.! Keep on the shall have the opportunity to serve' lookout, ladies, for another ship- you. We look Forward with Faith ment of those beautiful Pure and Confidence. We believe that Thread Silk to the top (lace edge) 1947 will be a great year for those FVllfashioned Hose only $1.95 who are looking for great things. (sheer and beautiful!) We are deeply grateful for your -- confidence and goodwill demon- KIWANIS mee-ts every WED- strated by your generous patronage NESDAY at 12:30 (Kenney's Mill). during these ten months we have Good Fellows-'ip! Good Food! Ab- had the pleasure to serve you in sentees, take notice! Your 1946. You:.- friendliness, courtesy names will appear in this column and liberality has made this a each week. Let's begin a New Year la'ppy experience for us. We have with 100 per cent attendance. Do- lived among you long enough- to tary meets at the same place and know your wants and needs in our hour each Thursday. line. of merchandise. Improved market conditions and sources of, Among this week's pleasant supply will enable us to do a bet-! thoughts. Kind word's for ter job for you this year. We shall "The Tattler" from Mrs. Ben H. be on the alert for every opportun- Dickens, Jr. (formerly 'Miss Royce ity that p:'esents itself that we Goforth of this city) we o&- may serve your needs more fully. lierv.e she looks happier than ever! ; APARTMENT STORE for QUALITY MERCHANDISE at CASH Prices Service you see 'resh, new cottons that simply sing a New Year's song; the best values we've offered, you so far! Tk.he group also includes quite a number of quality dresses formerly priced up to $16.50. Junior, regular aDi half sizes.! Take a look today anml see for yourself! Men, iif you have one of thdae tnnoyling head; colds we are sorry.. We suggest that you check your supply of handkerchiefs :.. if it's low. see these . Large, White, Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS 15c Fine, smooth muslin that looks like. an oldtime value the best you've seen in a long time for the money. Ladies who play bridge, come in and get your "Score Pads FREE! This offer made possible through the co-operation of Natural Bridge Shoemakers and Boyles Depait- ment Store. The pads have an at- tractive picture of Natural Bridge of Virginia on the cover and gives a complete "Revised. InternatioflaT Code of Contract Bridge Valugi. No strings to this offer ja#. ask for it .. Natural Bridge ScQr *..^^-s-'- .a~'-^ '^-^af- A basket of luscious Indian River Fruit from South Florida friends. Life wouldn't be the same without a goodnatured ribbing quite often from Dr. Bartee. That smoked sausage Trom a friend and customer now living down south. A huge package from North Carolina containing fresh country sausage liver pudding (if you don't know what that is, just drop around you ain't tasted noth- ing yet!) spare ribs, backbone, tenderloin steak, dried apples and water ground corn meal yum, yum, what a Christmas,! what a New Year!'. what a feast! Here 'w., are, off the subject again, for we are really trying to give you "Tips From Across the Coun- ter" instead of the kitchen. We have so much to tell you we just can't get it all in this week, for space is running low. Can't stop. without telling you the Importecr Gingham mentioned in this column some time ago has finally arrived!r This fabric comes from that his- toric city of Florence, Italy, and the-'quality is superb. If you think the price is high, just find a gar- ment made up of this material (if there is one) and ask the price. This store will be closed New Year's Day ... .Open Thursday, January 2, 1947, with a BANGr May we close as we started and say: HAPPY NEW YEAR, Folks! R. GLENN BOYLES. P. S.-Plumb forgot to mention a new shipment of famous Birdseye Diapers which ought to be a good New Year's item! No limit, tVhank goodness! r ^o- ^WW I Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida and Friendly, Courteous with a. bright 1947 Smile! You'll smile, too,' when ,his glorious group of 50 Special FROCKS for $6.95 T. NEW SANITARY OFFICER f -W W W il^W K According to anno uncement from the Florida State Board of Health, Frederick E. Trammell of Port St. . Joe has graduated from the state - board. of 'heatl-h training school for sanitarians in Gainesville and will .. work with, the Gulf county health department as sanitary officer. Visiting With Father Richard Mahon is here from Wil- mington, Del., for a week's visit with his father, COharlie Mahon, and N EW Y A R other relatives. ]E-- r of a&+ 3E Home From Lakeland Mr. and Mrs. George Wimberly and children returned Sunday from The LEADERSHOE SHOP -akeland, where they spent the holidays with relatives. The Tattler ~i~Ba~iilIt~ii~3~~ I -- '' ' r-ivLU in 0 h..~i~f.tB iL NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1946 THE STAR, PORT ST.~ JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA PACE THREE The che is a Chinese musical in- strument with 25 strings. $50 BORROW $300 AT ONCE ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE OR SECURITY CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida -When you awaken on New Year's morning may you awaken not onli to a day of happiness, but to -a whole year of happy days. We welcome the New Year and take this opportunity to greet all our friends. Swatts' Grocery and Sneed's Market Here From Eglin Field Cpl. Alfred Pitts, who is sta- tioned. at Eglin Field, spent the Christmas holiday here with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roberts. ST. JOE SIGN SHOP "If It's Made of Wood, We'll Make It" WINDOWS, DOORS, SASH, SCREENS, BOATS, KITCHEN CABINETS, OR ANYTHING MADE OF WOOD OR PLYWOOD 1-10* Ask Us for Bids and Free Estimates Your Business Solicited Phone 94 Third Street NEW HOPE Good 1947 On this happy occasion. \when friendship means more than at any other time, we look back grate- fully upon 1946 and look forward hopefully to 1947. Thanking you one and all- HAPPY NEW YEAR! St. Joe Hardware Company <*' Items of Interest From St. Joe News Issued In 1926 (Continued from Page 1) pitched' nice ball through the 7th and 8th, but was relieved in tnr. 9th by R. Porter. With a runner on first and one out, Porter went to the mound. The batter hit the first ball for what looked like a fence buster, but Tom Owens, making a running jump, captured the ball, throwing to first base and com- pleting a, double play which ended the game in a blaze of glory. Louisville took the second game 5 to 2, with Porter and Smith on the mound for St. Joe. Porter was hit hard during the seven innings he worked, and allowed, the visitors all their runs. Smith took up the .hurling burden in the eighth and held them for the remainder of the game. The third game was a corker, St. Joe winning 3 to 1, with pitching honors for the locals going to G. Suber and MccKeithen knocking a .tomer over the left field fence. The fourth and last game was won by Louisville 2 to 1, after a pitchers battle between Matthews and Suber. By winning this game Louisville tied upp the, series two- all. The St. Joe lineup for the final game was: Kennedy, If; Butler, e, T. Owens, ss; Drake, 3b; Kilbourn, 2b; McKeithen, 1b; B. Owens, rf; Miller, cf; Suber. p. Marshal Resigns At a, special meeting of the city commission held Monday afternoon at the city hall, Mr. J. W. West, who -has been city marshal for sev- eral' years, tendered' his resigna- tion, which was accepted. Mr. W. E. Murdock was appointed to' act until the selection of. a regular of- ficer could be made. Raid At White City It is understood' that the sheritt made a real raid at White City Sun- day night and arrested a man by the name of Johnson with a hair gallon of "shine" in his possession. Personals Mr. M. 'B. Smith ,has returnetl from Bainbridge. where he took Mrs. J. C. Mathis to the hospital for an operation. Mr. B. W. Eells returned las. week from a visit at Morgan City, La. Mrs. Eells and children will re- main in Louisiana for some time. Mr. Eells has purchased' a new Buick and is well pleased with it Mr. C. A. McClellan of Blounts- town was in the city over the week-end attending to business. - Mr and Mrs. R. A. Costin, sons lIIIIIIIIIIIIllll l l IIIIIIIIIIIlll iii iim IIIIlll llllIIllllllll l The future? Your quess is as good as ours-but. if our wishes count for anything, there is a lot of health and happiness in store for you, Edd. C. Pridgeon County Tax Collector Il l innllU illHRlli fiftill IIIIIIllllllif l llltI IIll i Chauncey and' Paul, and daughter Neoma, have returned from a two months' visit to North Carolina. Choose Your iMr. Nick Comforter has pur- Pharmacist As chased a new Willis Knight car, and says none better. YOU Would Miss Ruth Mowbray of Tallahas- Your Physician see is visiting Miss Ma.ble Stone. Manager Billy Murdock of the St. Joe Ball Club states he has' opened dates and desires to book games Have.Your Prescriptions with good strong teams. Compounded At Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perritt or Jacksonville are visiting Mr. Per- Smith s Pharmacy ritt's mother, Mrs. J. J. Perritt -By New Barber At Cooper's John Robert Smith Just in case anyone would like PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST to know, that new barber working in Cooper's Barber Shop is named Phone 5 Port St. Joe J. 0. McDaniel. NEW YEAR., WISH ES With light heart and gladdened spirit we welcome the New Year Here's hoping that the 1947 "picture" is a rose-colored one e : for you and yours. Gulf Service Station AUBREY TOMLINSON, Operator Corner 1st St. and Monument Ave Phone 200-W * -HAPPY PROSPEROUS I NEW YEAR " * I 0 Satisfactory business relatiolis rest upon past perform- ance. It has been our aim during all * the years to justify your confidence * in us and to merit your continued * friendship. Accept our hearty thanks for the * pleasant associations of the past year, and our best wishes for a happy and prosperous 1947. 0 : St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store " * PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. * 0 BON VOYAGE 'AS we say adieu to the year just passed and prepare to welcome the juvenile 1947, may we pause t imot itft to wish you clear and smooth sailing through the 364 days to come and remind you that your continued courtesy will be our incentive toward increas- ing good service in the forth- coming year. Chavers-Fowhand Furniture Co., Inc. "P~L0~6L~a~DI~BL~~BlIb~La~c10160~LldOi~ THE STAR, PORT MT JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PACE THREE NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1946 PAGE FOUR THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA NEW .YEAR'S DAY, 1946 Now Located at Highland View, Near Chestnut Grocery (hliinqg you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. *4- In the saune friendlly spirit with wh i we stand pledged to serve you in 1947. With grateful acknowledge, mnent of past favors we extend to all the season's greetings. Sheriff Byrd E. Parker aggagggi a '*** * i i I v HAPPY N EW YEAR BEST WISHES TO ALL *In saying Happy New Year we have ,the satisfac-. tion of knowing that during the past year we have, in some small degree at least, contributed to the well being of most of the citizens of this community. We hope to en- joy your continued friend- ship in 1947. Gulf Hardware & Supply Co. F I HAPPY NEW YEAR And Many More Of Them to our many new friends, to all our old friends, and to friends still to be. * We wish to thank you most cordially for past favors, and look forward to still greater and better service to all of you in 1947. Florida Bank at Port St. Joe NEW OH1 NEW YEAR'S AGAIN! X With its noisy celebrations, laugh- ter and light-heartedness, its moments of thoughtful retrospect and purpose. 9I Enjoy the holiday. Accept our thanks for past favors and our good wishes for A Happy New Year. J. Lamar Miller's Standard Service Station I ,. + THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1946 PAGE FOUR fOU'D need a pair of strong arms to carry our load of New Year wishes for you. Every conceivable wish for your well-being and happiness is in- cluded in the assortment, with grate- ful acknowledgments for your kind- ness to us during 1946. HERE'S TO YOUR HAPPINESS Walter's Bar & Grill (21/2 Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon Hill Highway) W. I. GARDNER, Owner ~)f ~ I-k. -, Your friendship and our success are closely interwoven. We hope, in 1947, to strengthen still further these bonds of friendship. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL * As 1947 moves in we want to say; "hello" to everybody in this section and to wish them a very Happy New Ye.r. At _he same time we want to express our deep appreciation AT THE OPENING OF ANOTHER YEAR EVERY MEMBER OF THIS ORGANIZATION JOINS WITH US IN WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW. YEAR, AND THE RE- NEWAL OF OUR PLEDGE TO GIVE YOU THE UTMOST IN SERVICE DURING 1947. * * LeHARDY'S BAR and BILLIARDS and FRANK'S BAR of your friendship. I S. 30oe upplp Companp, 3nc. ALEX YOUNG PORT ST. JOE, FLA. cA// cAoadO/ for * Just in time to wish all of our friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Many pleasant memories of the past year come marching in review on this Eve of 1947. Outstanding among them is the cordial association we have had with you. We look forward hopefully to a continuance of these pleasant relations. St. Joe Lumber & Export Company AS THE PORTALS OF THE NEW YEAR SWING OPEN, WE PAUSE TO CONSIDER WHAT THE OLD YEAR HAS BROUGHT AND WHAT THE NEW YEAR MAY BRING. OUR FRIENDS HAVE, INDEED, BEEN GOOD TO US IN 1946. ACCEPT OUR SINCERE THANKS. IN APPRECIATION WE PLEDGE TO MAINTAIN OUR HIGH STANDARDS OF SERVICE, EVER STRIVING TOWARDS STILL HIGHER GOALS. MAY THE NEW YEAR BE ONE OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND SUCCESS TO ALL. Tostin's fEikpartment &torc I _ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1946 PAGE FIVE PAGESiXTHESTA, PRT T. JE, ULF~OLNTY FLRIDANEWYEA'S AY,194 Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE O. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 BAPTIST CIRCLES ENJOY SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM ESTERTAINED AT SUPPER The Young Peoples Auxiliaries The Baptist Sunday School De- and the Woman's Missionary So- apartment No. 1 was delightfully city of the Baptist Church met ai entertained with a supper at the the church Monday afternoon of church December 19 ,by the Byrd last week for their Christmas pro- group of the Royal Hearts class. gram. Youpon and other greenery, in Beautiful Christmas music was terspersed with white and red played as a prelude -by Miss Faye candles, was arranged most effec- Morris; the Junior G. A.'s, Junior tively on the white-covered tables R. A.'s and Sunbeams, under the and the overhead lights were direction of the young people's shaded, lending further enchant- leader, -Mrs. T. V. Morris, gave the ment to the holiday atmosphere. scripture and sang carols, and Lu- The devotional was, given by Joe other Carden gave a talk on "The Ferrell, teacher of the men's clasm, True Meaning of Christmas.". after which Wilbur Smith led in Refreshments were then served prayer. Games and contests in downstairs for the young people charges of Miss Vonnye Heath were and upstairs for the W. M. S. mem- thoroughly enjoyed, and as a fit- bers. The Christmas colors were ting climax to this happy occasion beautifully carried' out in the dec- orations. Following the social hour, the Royal Service program was pre- sented by Circle Three, with Mrs. Otis Pyle in charge, the topic for the month being "Christmas for Christ." The church was artistically dec- orated with potted poinsettias, you- pon and lighted candles. Spend Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gay of Mont- .gomery, Ala., spent the Christmas holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Faircloth and in ApalachicolaEA with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gay. Spend Christmas In Graceville Here we are again Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Williams spent Christmas in Graceville with theth the sun about .latter's pareots, Mr and Mrs. Wes- to rse upon a ey..Watford. t brand-new year. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays!, --------------- ^-- U^ May 1947 be filled DR. C. L. REICHERTER with many happy OPTOMETRIST days for you and EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED your loved ones. Ritz Theatre Building Hours:S to 5 Comforter Funeral Home First Floor Phone 560 218 SEVENTH STREET PHONE 326 Day or Night PANAMA CITY, F.LA. 24-Hour Ambulance Service Qekcome the NEW YEAR Flying in safety after a stormy! 12-month journey, 1947 promises to; be a big year for all Americans and we extend our heartiest wishes to every one of you for a year filled to the brim with good cheer, FLORIDfA POWERCORtPORATION the group gathered about the piano and closed the- program by singing Christmas carols. 'ad~' II1A7 ) 4 OF THE S EAS ON 'Howdy, Folks! WE'RE INTERRUPTING THE FESTIVITIES AT YOUR HOME JUST LONG ENOUGH TO How many of us await the oppor- tunities of the coming year! With how many of us it is the unuttered hope that tomorrow, next week, next month, things will be better. We hope it may be so. We hope that BROOKS SPORTING GOODS PAGE SIX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1946 N Y F O F E Spend Christmas In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cooper spent the Christmas holidays in Georgia with relatives, returning home Frl- day evening. B E S r r-r rT r-- rTTT 1947 "HERE'S HOPI NG \Heartfelt good wishes for a glorious holiday' and the happiest-New Year you have ever known. J. R. HUNTER Clerk Circuit Court & & a &'A, AAA& W V V W V V V 'V V 'V Sew .]ear CWiUk4 We extend to you and yours a cordial greeting for the New Year. May it be filled to overflowing with the blessings you so much desire and which you so richly deserve. CHESTNUT'S GROCERY and MARKET B T S T Ny[ x x A 0 O cir carn1ct hop the coming new yce ttay continue our lat'onship with ou trons and that they ;:.l the folks in our cnjoy the holiday a to follow in peace, and good health. x x MILLE DRUG Sr A ^. ^^^ A A *^ H %947 C i:s WC fzlCt ar ib.that we p"casant re- ir many pa- y, as well as community, and the days contentment i OR'S TORE e J A A J WE WISH V iAk their golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. C. R. Sinitbh, Chuck Gibson andi T. S. Gibson, Jr., were joint hosts to their parents on this oc- casion. The living room of the Gibson home was most attractive with baskets and, vases of cut flowers, and the many gifts were on display on a large table. Fifty years ago the friends or this couple were receiving invita- tions as follows: "The pleasure of your company is requested at the marriage of Miss Cora Crawford to Thomas Sandifer Gibson on De- cember 24, 1896, Donalsonville, Georgia." Dinner guests, including five grandsons, six granddaughters'and one great-grandson, were Mr. ano Mrs. C. C. Gibson and Mrs. N. C. Gibson o' Donalsonville, Ga.; Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Gibson, Jr., of Hunts- ville, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Smith, C. L. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, Jr., Mrs. 'B. R. Gibson, Wilmutih Gibson. Bobby, Billy ano Tommy Gibson, Thomas and Bobby Smith, Mrs. Stanley, C. Miller, Paul Miller, and Margaret, Joan, Caro- lyn. Frances and Cora Sue Smith. Friends calling from 4 to 6 to wish Mr. and Mrs. Gibson happi- ness inii the future and to partake of wedding cake and punch were Miss Mary Amelia Gibson, Charles Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kilbourn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shelby Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bellows, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sharit, Rev. and, Mrs. Loyd Tubb, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Nobie Stone. ** *es*** a* ** *0*, Mrs. J. L. Temple, Mrs. J. T. Mc- Neill, Mrs. jA. M. Jones', Mrs. R. A. Swatts, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tomlin- son, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Boyles, Mrs. Fred Maddox and Mrs. George Wimberly. Portl A Martin Theatre # THEATRE OPENS SATURD CONTISUOUS PERFORM TODAY-WED. JAN. 1 MONWE IkeA HALE RADRI AN Chapter 3 of Serial "KING OF THE FOREST RANGERS" "MOVIELAND MAGIC" AL AL A, & A I& I& ALd& 00* "a a a*.0a.0a00 a0a*a- AYS ANC SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 -- only once a year ,ALL OF OUR FRIENDS A VERY HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR J. E. PRIDGEON County Judge - FEATURE NO. 2 - Alan Lane Jean Rogers in - 'Gay Blades' Plus Chapter 6 of Serial The Purple Monster Strikes theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. * SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. 'E DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. 0- s***0 ** 041 THURSDAY and FRIDAY January 2 and 3 j pst.e Paul clouded* DAVIS. HENREID. RAINS NEWS and ODDITY SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 l \ GHOSTSj - \ OFFUNand7' n fROANCE! wf joaranc0 - Also SPORT and MUSICAL MONDAY TUESDAY January 6 and 7 NEWS and CARTOON f.. .... ... *. EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Wind & Weather Lotion Use this silken lotion once and you'll never be without it! Helps prevent chapping, helps protect sensitive skin, softens and smooths skin. Even doubles as a make-up base. $1 SIZE NOW ONLY 3BI Gf D YS *WED. THUS. FRI. lJAINUt11Y -9-10 you'll be whistling "Sooner or Later" and all the other hit songs in "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALL.FORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1947 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "PUTTING FIRST THINGS FIRST." 6:25-Baptist Training Union.. 7:30-Evening Worship. Sermon Topic: "WORTHY OR WORTHILY?". -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -4 A e# $2 SIZE NOW $ I Handy family caona a six $1.00 bodies, $3.01 oil prices plusltax MILLER'S DRUG STORE Port St. Joe, Florida 1.8 a aiiiala a 0 0 i0a ali fULL OF WARMTH AND LAUGHTER Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Gibson Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary On Christmas Day The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mrs. R. A. Costin, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gibson at Beacon Hill was the set- D. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. T. -l. ting for a lovely reception Christ- Stone, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell, mas Day when they celebrated Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Costin, Mr. ana WAIT DiSNEY5 Live.-action Musical Drama or SONGTHE SOUTH AAAAAA AAAAA A II L --- - -STAR,, PORT'ST. JOE; 'GULF, COUNTY; FLORIDA-"- - 3I-I f,EI i' E'E N -EW',-YEAW'S: DAY,- 194,T* ,w w w I I rv MRS. HURLBUT ENTERTAINS CHURCH SCHOOL CLASS Mrs. M. K. Hurlbut entertained the senior class of the Methodist church school -with a Christmas party Monday evening of last week at her home. Christmas greenery was used in decorating the living and dining rooms. Following a nurnmber of contests and games, the guests gathered around the piano and, sang Christ- mas carols, after which the hostess served sandwiches, cookies and soft dinks to twenty guests. Each member was given a port- folio of scripture text stationery as a memento of the occasion. Miles and Kenneh Hurlbut as- sisted in entertaining and serving. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY Will Be Found On Page Eight . . . . I .- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, .ULF COUNTY, FLORIDA WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT - THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED IUp I UP1HOLST. JOE SIGN SHOP U 4,110 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING _- FREE ESTIMATES FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 S FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEE CARTER Registered Real Estate Broker 317 REID AVENUE Day Phone 201; Night 105-2 Collect about the following this week's specials. The building material situation is improving and a number of veter- ans and others have been making application for construction loans. Others are contemplating applying -for loans to finance -purchase of some one of the remaining houses on sale. We have only three houses listed eligible for FHA or G. I. Loans, or the combination of the two. Come in and we will be glad to explain these loans, whether you decide to apply or not. Remember, loans for construction, financing and refinancing existing structures. House in Oak Grove,. $2000. Good terms. Also lots in Oak Grove Sub- division No. 2; reasonable prices and terms. Drive out and look at the new con- crete stucco house on Garrison, first house on the right; $6750.00 You can apply for FHA. Loan on this, or combination IF'HA and GI if a veteran, A neat and clean little house, cor- ner Woodward and 10th. Very rea- sonable at $3500.00. Immediate possession. The beautiful LeGrone place on 7th Street, $10,500.00, and you can get the furniture very reasonably. Want a place to move Into at once? No waiting. Have one on 7th; $2500.00 plus mortgage. The former Echols place on Hunter Circle, $6000.00. Good terms ox this by PHA Loan and perhaps the 'whole amount for a Veteran under G. 1. Combination. There are sev- eral figuring on this now. WOODWORKING KITCHEN CABINETS BUILT IN Door Frames, Window Casings', Store Shelving and Counters ST. JOE SIGN SHOP Second Street Phone 94 1-10* SWAP SWAP-New 'Schick electric razor. What have you? See it at The Star office. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! ,LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- days each month, 8:00 p. ni. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. G. W FOR SALE FOR SALE--Single bed, complete with mattress; in good condition, $12. 219 Ninth Street. lec FOR SALE-50 gallon gas water heater. See Mrs. R. A. Costin, phone 200-J. 12-25 1-1 HEATER Circulating oil heater, in excellent condition; $59.50. See J. R. Chestnut. phone 222 or 187. 11-29tf RECONDITIONED OIL STOVES- Plain and table-top models. We buy and sell. St. Joe Sign Shop. phone 91. 9-27tf SPECIAL SERVICES UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS AND REFINISHING OF FURNITURE. SLIP COVERS TAILORED TO FIT ST. JOE SIGN SHOP Second Street Phone 94 1-10* APARTMENTS FOR RENT Gulf View Apartments Modern Houses and, Apartments Hot Water, Gas Heat, Gas.Cooking. .Permanent Guests Solicited. J. S. .PATRICK * Beacou Hill, Fla. 2-14 FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 HELP WANTED MALE OPENINGS Now For PICKED M.EN- Good Pay and Expenses If you can measure up to tile standards of, the peacetime Regular Army, you now .iave an unusual op- portunlity. By enlisting for 3 years you can choose one of the ,famous fighting divisions now on occupa- tion duty in Japan and Korea. The, divisions in which you can enlist include such outstanding units as- the 1st Cavalry Division, 6th Infantry. Division, 7th Infantry Division, 24th Infantry Division and 25th Infantry Division, each ot which had a great battle record during the war. After initial training in the U. S., you .can join the unit of your choice and, take part in the interesting work of maintaining a just peace in the Far East. You'll have the ad- vantage of 20% extra pay for your overseas service. Starting base pay for a Private overseas is $90 a month in addition to food, clothing, good quarters, medical and dental care. And you'll enjoy excellent liv- ing conditions, plenty of sightsee- ing, sports and recreation, and the satisfaction of doing a. worth-while job. Enlistments open-to men 18 to 34, inclusive (17 -with parents' con- sent). Get full rl tails at U. S. Army Recruiting Station, 210 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Fla. Recruit- ing Officer in Port St. Joe Friday- of each week. HEALTH HAPPINESS PROSPERII What more could we wish for you? May these three cardinal blessings make life abundantly richer for you in 1947. HAPPY NEW YEAR Quality Grocery and Market ADDITIONAL SOCIETY, llilill llll lllllllllllIllllllllllll llllIllllllllllll lllllllll h HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gibson of Beacon Hill a.re the proud parents of a son, borif December 27 at the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital. WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM At the December meeting of the Woman's Club a splendid Christ- mas program was presented and a silver tea and clothes shower for .harity was sponsored. The program consisted of a song, 'The Holy City," by Norma Jean Lewis; .a talk on Palestine by Miss Marjorie Philyaw; a series of tab- leaux portraying the Clhrlstmas story, .by Misis, Philyaw, Vivian Hardy, Billy Quarles, Paul Ramisey- and. John. Barrier, accompanied by, carols sung by Mrs. Edwin Ramsey. Mrs. J. L. Tedlple, Mrs. Elmo God- frey and ,Mrs. Charles Brown. . Immediately: after the program, :'ruitake and eofifee were served to the members .present andi a number of guetst. McQUAIG WILKINS J. L. McQuaig of this city and Miss Pauline 'Wilkins, recently of Tampa, were married December 19 in Panama City by the Rev. B. E. Chesser, pastor of the Church of God. Maurice FaMin Visits Maurice Fain, a student at the Southwestern Baptist University, Fort Worth, Texans, visited; Thurs- diay and Fridlay of last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Baggett and family. Home From Visit In Miami Mr. ,and Mrs. Joe Mira and chil- dren returned Saturday from Mi- Cooper, W.M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. LOST AND FOUND mi. where, they spent the C'hris- yAMAITAN LODG;E NO*.^i-..--mas holidays. SAMARITAN LODGE NO..40, I. O. FOUND-._Lady's glove, soft, brown mas holidays. O. F.-Meets every Wednesday br o night at 8 -o'clock in Masonic hall. leather, long, with slight flare. Visitors From Apalachicola All members urged to attend and Owner can rave same by calling at Mrs. Tom Fleming Smith and visiting brethren invited. W.C. The Star offi d i f d Forehand, N. G, W. H. Sansomfice and payg or a. Ison, Tom, Jr., of Apalachicola were Secretary. AdvertilnB. do.m't **t--it PAYSI visitors here Saturday. - FAN'S FLOWERS ^oi'JSS\ A Floral Arrangement for Every Occasion "FLOWERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT" SL PHONE 246 We Make Deliveries DON'T FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE -Orfpie PLUMBING SERVICE f CALL EDWARD LeGRONE -- PHONE 88 OR 233-W Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI -PHONE287 JAMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station SRecords! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbing* GENERAL PLUMBING SEPAt ) SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR SERVIC G. W. BRODNAX Phone 94 At St. Joe Sign Shop SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SCHINEIDER'S are Ourbe alt Clothing for All the Family THE CITY & COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS e^^ V e We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire %O P uessY BUCK ALEXANDER MEET YOUR' FRIENDS -AT .-LeHARDY'S BAR lo CATHOLIC SERVICES AMlss is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each month at a. m. Second, third and fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Sunday services will be held as follows.: " 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Sunda-y school. . 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. Vt It, .It METHODIST CHURCH Loyd W. Tubb, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30 !p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Choir practice every Wednesday at 7:30 p. inm. Bayview Worship each Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Church school following worship service. We extend a cordial invitation to all to attend these services. Spend Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Boswell, T. B. Boswell and Miss Alva McCaffery of Mobile. Ala., spent the Christ- mas holidays here with Mrs. T. V. Westbiook andi family. Home From Visit In Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whatley re- turned Thursday of last. week from a week's' visit in Arkansas with Mrs. Whatley's father. Spends Holidays With Parents Thomas Smith, who is attending school in Memphis, Tenn., spent the holidays here with his parents, Mr. 9nd, Mrs. ('. R. Smith. Spend Christmas Here Mrs. J. E. Miller and Jesse Miller of Graceville spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. J'. R. Smith. Spend Holidays In Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allemore and children spent the holidays In Tuscaloosa, Ala., with relatives and friends. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing over two million bottles of the WTLLARD ' ICEATME\t r N iThavo been sold for relief ol symptoms of (ist ress arising fromnStonmat and Duodanal Ulcers due to ExcessAcid-A Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomacl. Gassiness, Heartburn. Sleeplesscn*si, efe., due to Excess Acid. Sold on1 .5 1ys A i-lI As. f-'r "Willard's Message" wh,,: 1 i fJ plainss this treatmens--fr<. -: . CARVER DRUG COMPANY NEW YEAR'S DAY, 1947 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 |