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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME X PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBRE 8, 1946 NUMBER 0 St. Pete Rotarian Says We Must Be Firm With Russia Visiting Speaker At Local Club Be lives World Has Good Start Toward Permanent Peace Rotarian F. R. Francke of St Petersburg, vice-president of the Florida Power Corporation, was guest speaker at the regular meet- fing of the Port St. Joe Rotary Club 'Thursday of last week. During the war Francke was witi ltaval intelligence, and in this -ca pacity 'became acquainted with the Philosophies of many of our allies and enemy nations. He said' thai Russia is, the country which causes us greatest concern at present and he believes there is a chance for complete understanding with our great war ally, but that right now she is making an immense amount of noise in hopes of scaring peace- loving America into granting her concession after concession. The only path for America to take with Russia, he said, is one of frank- ness and firmness or we, will have another war. "We must recognize the fact that our enemies are smart and are more cruel,'' said Francne. "During the last war we played the game with sportsmanship rules against an -enemy who held no rules. "Americans are filled with pride's and boastfulness because of our present position in world affairs, but we fail- to recognize our in, debtedness to Sweden, Norway, 'Great Britain and many other na- tions, for much of our progress in invention and, discovery. We are idealist, while Russia and Germ- any are realist. We have great con- cern for human life, but realists place little value on life when po- litical and economic objectives are sought." Francke went on to say that there has never, been peace in the world, but that we have never haO a better start toward world peace He believes that the slowness with which the United. Nations Organi- zation is moving may be indiiative of the permanence of its final product. The St. Joe Rotary Club enter- tained the planning board of We- wahitchka last evening in the Flor- Sda Power Corporation offices. Th-e meetings of these two civic organt- iations is doing much to stimulate understanding and co-operation of all residents' of Gulf county. SERVICES FOR MRS. LeGALLEE- Funeral services were held yes- terday In Apalachicola for Mrs. Mary LeGallee, who was wellknown In this city. Wewahitctika Youth Dies Pete Davis, 21, died at the home of his parents in Wewahitchka early Tuesday morning. Services were held from the' home. Wednes- day morning, with interment in the Wetappo cemetery. Have Guests From Georgia Mrs. B. J. Bateman and son Jay Sof Homervillie, Ga., are guests this rweekf of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chafin. 'Mrs. Bateman i$ Mr. Chafin's daughter. Visiting In Alabama Mrs. )llen Kirkland will leave today for Auburn, Ala., to visit for several days with her son-in-law, an'l daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Moore. How South Gulf County Voted Tuesday The following unofficial figures, furnished through the courtesy of C. G. Rish, supervisor of registration, indicate how south Gulf county voters indicated their preference in Tuesday's election: - 0 Candidates and Offices U. S. Senator-- Spessard L. Holland ...------- 31 J. Harry Schad .8 Representative In Congress-- Bob Sikes 82 State Comptroller- Edwin G. Fraser -------- --28 Justice Florida Supreme Court- Paul D. Barnes ------------25 Roy H. Chapman ---------- 26 Railroad Commissioner (2)- Jerry W. Carter -----------29 Wilbur C. King 20 Clifton D. Scalf (R) ------- 3 Representative- George G. Tapper ----------29 . County Commissioner- J.S. Daniels (Dist. 2) -----.. 27 B. E. Kenney Jr. (Dist. 4) 26 Member B'oardj Public Instruction- Thos. Meriwether (Dist., 1)__ 19 L. P. Sutton (Dist. 3)-------.. 25 0o 2 4 ' 2 4 .~' .~ I- 4) 4., z 22 17 339 7 -- 26 113 48 2 8 14 107 3M8 23 15 286 107 86 21 12 281 84 32 16 11 227 108 40 27. 15 312 88 28 11 13 225 13 2 6 -_ 27 120 43 24 16 322 105 nS 25 14 290 111 46 25 16 309 110 36 24 14 299 114 43 24 14 301 ~- - - -- * ParYons May Now Dine I Beauty. Consultant To Be .An& Dance At Walter's1 At- Carver .Drug Company Due to the Insistent demand of customers that dancing be allowed. Manager J. A. Christimas, of Wal- ter's Bar and Grill announces that a dance permit has been secured and that in future patrons may enjoy dancing if they so desire. Alterations have been made aL this popular establishment, the lbar being separated from the dining room and other improvements made. All bottles' henceforth will be prohibited in the dining room, but mixed' drinks will be served at the tables. Manager Christmas now invites everyone to drive out to Walter's Bar and Grill to dine and dance. STAR CLOSED MONDAY For the first time in umpteen years The Star will close in ob- servance of' Armistice Day next Monday. For the past few years this holiday has fallen on one of our busy days and we could never take time off for fishing or cele- brating. Home From Vacation Mrs. Ralph Williams returned last Friday from a two weeks' va- cation spent in Asheville, N. C. Fall-time is complexiAn time on every smart woman's beauty cal- endar, and to assist the women of this section to eliminate the rav- ages to their skin caused by the summer sun, Miss Madalyn Wood, beauty consultant from the Doro- thy Perkins Company, will be, in the cosmetic department of the Carver Drug Company next Wed- nesday and Thursday, November 13 and' 14, to analyze beauty prob- lems of women of Port St. Joe' and prepare a scientific beauty chart fo-r individual needs. There will be no charge for this service, and the women of this sec- tion are urged to take advantage of this opportunity of a free indi- vidual analysis. Returns To Home In Alabama Mrs. M. H. Paramore returned last Friday to 'er home in Ash- ford, Ala., after a week's visit here with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Daughtry. Attends Rotary Club Meeting "Swede" 'Benson of Apalachicola was, a visitor at the meeting of the Port St. Joe Rotary Club Thursday of last week. N How Gul f County Voted On Amendments The following figures, which show Gulf. county along with the rest of the state opposed to any amendments to the constitution, .were furnished through the courtesy of C. G. Rish, county super- visor of registration: y Cl tC 4 It dPrecincts C > > E. Wewahitchka .10 19 W. Wewahitchka 2 8 Dalkeith ---- 1 2 Overstreet -------... 2- 0 Highlann View -- 7 9 White City ---..---.. 2 3 Kenney'a Mill ..- 6 2 N. Port St. Joe 4, 11 S. Port St. Joe --31 31 TOTALS --75' 75 d u. > 13 23 3 11 6 2 1 2 0 14 S 3 8 3 7 14 42 37 83 110 Z 08 > 13 28 2 13 1 1 1 2 9 10 4 4 9 5 7 12 39 3al 85 112 0 0 0 2 >b U > U > 4 50 4 562 12 23 5 21 6 19 4 11 1 3' 2 0 3 0 a 0 8 1 2 13 11 16 8 5 13 1 9 1 9 5 4 4 31 5 29 8 3 3 23 3 24 & 12 89 88 33 S7 36 42 63 238 70 232 77 103 _ --- -- -- ----- I .-------- o Mrs. Odom Dies At i Extremely Light Home of DaughterI Vote Cast In Gulf Body Shipped To Georgil Where County Tuesday Last Rites Held Yesteriay Afternoon Little Interest Taken By Voters In General Election Ballot Mrs. Phronia Odom, 77, passed Casting away Monday evening at the, horn.e of her daughter, Mrs. G. B. Shef-1 Apparently without any red-hot field, where she hadi been residing i ...... +n i, t ..... .... ,uiU U t .V. .... .... ..... o1l-. e U oi l/sulst e passed uponU, Lt1e Vot for the past year. ing populace of Gulf county was In addition to Mrs. Sheffield, quite apathetic in going to the polls of Port St. Joe, Mrs. Odom is Tuesday, the total ballots cast be- survived by three other daugh- ing the lightest in the past tell ters and. two sons, Mrs. J. R. Tal- years. person of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. H. B. Gulf county joined with the rest Carmichael of Turin, Ga., Mrs. W. of the state in turning thumbs d'owd D. Adcock of Senoia, Ga., and Wil- on all six of the proposed consti- liam and Howard Odom of this tutional amendments, as may be city. noted in the table at the bottom Ot The body was -shipped! to, Senoia. this page. Heavy complimentary Ga., for interment, with funeral votes were given Spessard HolE services held there yesterday af- land. Jerry Carter, Bob Siles and te"rnoon. George Tapper. The Comforter Funeral Home of Edwin G. Fraser was named to Port St. Joe was in charge' of local fill the unexpired term of the late arrangements., state comptroller Jim Lee, but in. --- a statement Wednesday Governor Band and Glee Club Millard Caldwell declined to recog- V 7nize Fraser's election and' notified Concert This eveningg the nominee that he will declare a ---- vacancy exists in the office of Everyone is invited to attend the state comptroller on January 7 ant concert to be presented at 8 o'clock! will appoint Clarence M. Gay of Or' this evening in the high school au- lando, who now holds, an Interim ditorium .by the high school band 1 appointment, to fill the vacancy. and glee club, the program for ----- --- which follows: "Grandpa's Clocks" Stores of City WillBe ---Arranged by Paul Yodert Closed Armistice Day "Gypsy Festival ------- Al Hayes March,' "Fightling' !r --,.. ;, Owners a.nd employes of bu*iEsA --------------- Frederick Griggs establishments of Port St. Joe, are (The above number, will be directed laying plans for two-day fishing by P. B. Fairley, student conductor) petitions as well as trips to Visit Patriotic GroupSongs--------- relatives in other cities over the Glee Club week-end for, as agreed, upon by a Spirit of the Sioux,, march __m "Spirit of the Sioux," march recent poll of business firms taken ------- Lester Guthrle by the Junior Chamber of Com- "Glow Worm"- '- Paul Lincke merce, all have agreed to close "Show Boy," march -- Will Huff next Monday in observance of Ar- Spirituails Glee Club mistice Day. "Bells of St. Marys" ---------- Housewives are urged to do their ------------ A. Emmett Adams -..__. .. ....,_ _i_ #..v "Night In June." -... K. L. King Alarch, "His Honor" --------------- Henry Fillmore Popular Group --------Glee Club "S-tar Spangled Banner" --, ------ Band and Glee Cluo Stanford Beckham will be In charge of the band and Miss Erline McClellan will act as conductor of the glee club. To Vet Hospital For Treatment Paul James Farmer has. entered the veterans hospital at Thomas. ville, Ga., for treatment of a stom- ach ailment contracted while in- *arcerated in Nazi prison camps in Germany. Enjoy Outing At Walkulla Enjoying an outing at Wakulla Springs last Sunday were Mrs. W. P. Gilbert, Mrs. B. Hidalgo, Miss Carmen Hidalgo, Mrs. -Ry Robl- chaux and daughter Michelle, and s upping Luay and tomorrow for this two-day week-end. NATIONAL BOOK WEEK TO BE OBSERVED HERE In observance of National Book Week, November 10 to 16, the eort St. Joe school library will sponsor book displays, one in the window of the Carver Drug Company antt one at the school library. Books to be displayed were bought with funds given by the P.-T. A. In addition, a chapel program will be given in the school audi- torium from 11,: 15 to 12 noon next IThursday. The public Is Invited to attend this program and' to VieW the displays of books. HEALTH DEPT. TO CLOSE The local health department of- fice will be closed all day Monday in observance of Armistice Day. Miss Betty Darcey. King Mackerel Running -- The king mackerel are running Guests From New Orleans in the bay right now and! they seem Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gilbert had .to have N. R. McCollum and John as their guests this week Mrs. B. Robert Smith running in circles. Hidalgo, Mrs. Roy Robichaux anfr "Mac" dropped in at The Star of- 'daughter Michell, and Miss Carmen fice Monday proudly displaying a Hidalgo, all of New Orleans. 12-pound king he had picked up --- ----- and telling of the monster that got Visiting Here From Jax away. And Tuesday morning he Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Nall and and John Robert stopped by with small daughter Patsy arrived from four' ig kings displayed on J. R.'s Jacksonville Tuesday for a week's boat trailer. visit with relatives. --------- ---- ----- Have Guests From Texas On Business Trip To Panama Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown of Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon, Mrs. A. D. 'Spurger, Texas, are the gueft Of Lawson and Mrs. W. S. Smith are 'Mrs. G. T. Boswell and Mrs. T. V. in Panama City today on business. Westbrook. A Bainbridge WinsI Grid Game 20- 6, The Bainbridge, Ga., high school football team defeated the Port St. Joe high gridders by a 20 6 score here last Friday night at Centen- nial Field under the lights, holding the local lads scoreless until the last few minutes of play. The visitors made their first touchdown in the last part of the first quarter, making the extra point with a neatly executed, place kick. Their second score came about the middle of the second quarter, with the try for point fail- ling, making the score 13 0. St. JToe took to the air at this point and was marching the ball down the field to a possible score as the half ended. Bainbridge elected to receive as the last half opened, and on a series of plays carried the ball to the St. Joe 25-yard line where, af- ter losing, 30 yards, on a fumble, were forced to kick. The Saints !brought the ball back to the center of the field and afte-r making a first down lost the ball to Bainbridge on an, intercepted pass. The Bainbridgeites had car- ried the pigskin to the St. Joe 18- yard line at the end of the quarter, and' upon resuming play for the final period, with an end run put the ball on the two-yard line, fol- lowing up with an off tackle play for the third touchdown. The ex- tra point'was made with a place kick. Score: 20-0. ,Coach Bubber Nesbit of Bain- bridige ran in six of his second- string mien at this point. St. Joe received the kick, lost the ball on an intercepted pass,, recovered, a Bainbridge fumble and then, after making a first down, lost the ball on downs on the visitors' 40-yard line. After holding the visitors for four downs the Saints, probably re- alizing they couldn't buck the Bain- bridge line for yardage, took to the air and after clicking off 40 yards lost the ball to Bainbridge on the 30-yard line, on an intercepted pass. Bainbridge failed to gain on three downs and kicked the ball out of bounds on the St. Joe 45. The lo- cals failed to make yardage via the aerial route and lost the ball to Bainbridge. On the first play by the visitors, Gene Farri's inter- 'cepted a pass on his own 40-yard line and ran 60 yards for the only Saint score of the game. Attempt at conversion failed. With but a few minutes left to play neither team threatene-d, and the tilt ended 20-6 in favor of the visitors. F Advertlsi-g doesn't cost--It PAYS! The Secret.. of good radio reception is its ability to perform. Have your radio checked regularly by our modern methods. GULF RADIO LAB A Desk and Blackboard All in One Helps 'Em Learn and Is Lots of Fun I oyland r e : 0- : * "o\%R TO .qI 2 ........... "\\^ r ..... '''r SLAmerican FRly-G 'ELECTRIC FREIGHT A' '0 - 0 Blackboard Forty-three inches high and has a natural washable fin- ish. Always a favorite. f I . 16.95 ' Beautiful locomotive, steel tender, log car, box car and caboose. Has fourteen pieces of track, one track terminal and one uncoupling control. It's a whizz of a train any tittle boy would be proud to own - Put on Your Own Picture Shows! 16MM Movie Projector 17.50 Easy to operate, built for long wear. Fun for the whole family. Films also available. Color! Action! Sound! A sure-fire hit for the littlest folks. Little Folks Laugh and Happily Sing In This Safe and Sturdy Rock-A-Swing The Sturdicart is a I Christmas Toy That Will Bring a hat riWagonload of. Joy STEEL WAGON 2.98 I For little folks, three to six. Sturdy steel with rubber-tired wheels. Bright colors. There'll Be Love at First Sight Books Are Always When Baby's Eyes See Welcome This Quartet of Charmers Set Up 'Neath the Tree POPULAR Si FICTION PLUSH ANMALS 3.98 Absorbing tales for every taste-romance, adventure,, Soft aad caddly-tterly adorable! Made of long silky plah, detective tales, all beauti- soft staged. From 13 to 18-inch si&es. fully bound. ISM SWING I 6.95 Heavy gauge steel, strong and safe. Finished in pretty red and cream enamel. 49 inches high. Wheelbarrow The wheel has a rubber tire and the body is bright red. A fine toy. 34 inches long. TMAK SHOPPING" FIRESTONE HOME and AUTO SUPPLY B..W. EELLS, Owner THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS8, 1946 PAGE TWO PHONE 320 PORT ST. JOEE FLORIDA- FRIDAY, NOVEMBRE 8, 1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PACE. THREE THE STAR Published Every Friday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Co. W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Poftoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla.. under Act ofMarch 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -.40 Telephone 51 i- TO ADVERTIERTIRS-In case of error or omissions in adr- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisemeal. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong ARMISTICE DAY We dedicate this day to the memory of those who fought and died on the battlefields of World War I for the honor and principles of their native land. We dedicate this day to the spirit of peace, to the unceasing efforts of all nations for in- ternational cohesion in respecting inherited rights without resort to carnage. We dedicate this day to our sons and daugh- ters and to those that shall follow them. We pass to their/hands the destiny of our country, knowing well that when time stills our de- fending hands the flag shall be borne ever forward. (This, from the pen and heart of Darold E. Decoe, 1931 commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, should sound the keynote of what is or should be in every American heart as the dawn breaks next Monday over this great land of promise and opportunity.) THE REASON FOR SCARCITIES?- A couple of weeks ago we couldn't find any meat, then Truman said a few "magic words" and now we have some pretty fair steaks-- although that old law of supply and demand hasn't brought the price down to a reason- able level. The sugar supply around Port St. Joe isn't what it should be, nor is soap very plentiful. In fact, we could go on and on and name any number of items which we have been unable to find on dealers' shelves or show rooms. Arid yet we can turn on the radio and hear of refrigerators, electric ranges, nylon hose, washing machines and gosh only knows what being awarded "lucky" contestants. And, chances are, those "lucky" winners al- ready have a refrigerator, a washing machine The Low Down- from Willis Swamp Editor The Star: Whut this here country needs "less of" vs. "more of" is a sujek fer research. Up to now we bin going' in fer "more of"-we bin gi * tin' more and more promises-and less margarine. That sorta sums it up. Any programme chairman at of the Port St. Joe Woman's Club, iffen she is up agin the problem of a subjek, having' run out of psy- chologists or geniuses with a flare fer making' simple things compli- cated (like Clay Lewis), they is free to use my suggestion, and delve into the "less of" vs. "more of' subjek. "~More of" lotsa things is good. Tak leisure-that's good-but you git it down to where you work only 35 hours a week, there's 133 hours left over-56 hours fer sleep and 77 hours fer devilment. And iffen you choose to skimp a bit on sleep, you kin cut it down to six hours a day and kin have 91 hours fer frolic. But then agin on t'other side of the argument on what we have or whatnot, and have no more use for them than they would have for another neck. But meanwhile thousands of householders to whom a refrigerator or washing machine is a vital necessity must do without and' continue to ac- cept from their local dealers the explanation that "the factory is slow on delivery." We can hardly blame them if they demand a bet- ter explanation after listening to these radio programs. SUGAR SHORTAGES Cuba raises fore than 4,000,000>tons of cane sugar annually while the United States pro- duces only 437,000 tons of cane sweets. For many years the sugar beet has been cultivated inii different localities of the nation, but it has been unable to compete with cane sugar be- cause the politicians in Washington have been boycotting and slandering sugar beets and as an agricultural industry ever since the Span- ish-American war. Cane sugar is one of the biggest political victims in the whole western hemisphere. Of course we all want Cuba to succeed, but it is false economy to curtail and suppress the pro- duction of cane and beet sugar in the United States by juggling the facts and deceiving our own people. There is altogether too much trickery about this so-called "tariff protection" for the American public. Florida and Louisiana have vast areas suitable for the raising of sugar cane, and likewise vast areas ii). the west are suitable for the production of sugar beets. American farmers ought to be raising all of our sugar. With almost a steady stream of house-hunt- ing folks coming into The Star office the past two weeks, hoping we have something for rent in the classified columns, has caused us .to arrive at :he conclusion that hoboes arc made and not born. The president of RCA says soon it will be possible to control the weather. We sincerely hope not. Such controls would be bound to fall into the hands of bureaucrats who'd hold up all weather until they could decide which way the wind should blow. Seems like the more prosperous the people, the higher the divorce rate. No telling how many people. would stop putting up with each other if they could afford to. Since the Democrats have pinned the meat shortage on Senator Taft, the question arises: Has he got all the soap and sugar, too? "less ol and could, use more," look thing--we sure got plenty of con. at ma's girdle-and no rubber in fusion. same. The govt. kin take over a Yours with the lowdown, railroad, or a coal mine and g1t by JO SERRA. with if, but when it fumbles with -- -- ma's regalia it's on thin ice. Well The first motorist to be fined for seaz Henry, both sides of "less, or 'speeding paid! $10 for driving at 10 vs. more of" kin agree on one I miles an hour. AdvertisesenrM s From where I sit... 4 Joe Marsh * Who Gets Off Easiest- Men or Women? Maybe you saw that poll on who deep. Thad knows way deep down has the easiest life-men or worn- that the Missus has plenty of work en? Of course, the men voted that' running a house; and Sue knows the women did, and'the women Thad's friendly glass of beer is well- vice versa, deserved relaxation after a long It would be the same in our town hard day's work. -take any. family. Thad Phibbs From where I sit, most husbands envies his Missus spending the day and wives may grumble now and at home, with no hot office to at- then- but they know in their tend to. And Sue envies Thad his hearts it's a case of live and let luncheons with the boys; and his live, give and take, that comes out evening glass of beer with friends pretty even in the end. (while she cleans up the dishes in the kitch.ie). Of cor'pe, ioe of it goes very Copyright, 1946, United States Brewers Foundation Have Guests Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith had as their guests last week Mrs. J. R. Miller of Graceville and Mrs. Ruth Hodges of Marianna, mother and aunt of Mrs. Smith. Spends Week-end With Parents .Miss Margaret Elizabeth Elder, a student at F. S. C. W., Tallahasse., spent the week-end here with he.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elder. --It-- Have New Car Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Drake spent last week-end in Marianna, return: ing with a 'brand, new Chrysler. iR. E. Oldis, turned out 3,000 cars in his Michigan plant by hand methods in 1902. CASH For Fall Needs $300 OR LESS Fix up the home, buy coal or meet unex- pected expenses. 15 Months*to Repay! CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida Carstairs White Seal Schenley's Reserve Golden Wedding Calvert Special Carstairs 1788 Four Roses Sunnybrook Lord Calveht Old Thompson Three Feathei WHO WHO WHO WHO you can call on for car accessories, tires, batteries, and be sure that you're getting the best. FREE ESTIMATES 'ON ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Body and Fender Repairing Upholstering and Glass Painting Wheel Alignment Washing Polishing Lubrication WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES WAYNE-IMcGOWIN MOTOR CO. WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Phone 129 Day or 170-W Night PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA WE STOCK MANY BRANDS OF WHISKIES Imperial C Hill and Hill Calvert Reserve, Paul Jones rs Mt. Vernon St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA, aKim This Wise Old Owl Knows has the most efficient auto service in town. has the best facilities and equipment to give guaranteed satisfaction on car repairs. will grease your car according to factory methods and specifications-no guesswork or halfway job. ~--A -- I W. WL THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOR'IDA PACE. THREE FRIDAY, NOVEMIBRE 8, 1946 THE STAR, P S J G O Y OR YN B :PAGE FOUR TO WHOM WE 'O WE SO MUCH the men and women who have brought us Peace. They all have had their important part to play. Theirs was the hard part yet accomplished at such terrific cost. Yes, we are truly grateful on this Armistice Day to those men and women who so nobly sacrificed that we might continue to enjoy the privileges of . "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING PATRIOTIC BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS AND INDIVIDUALS: Quality Grocery & Market St. Joe Paper Company Chestnut Grocery & Market Byrd Parker, Sheriff Wilks Jewelry Company W. H. Weeks, Highland View Firestone Home & Auto Supplyi Store Jackson Electric & Refrigeration Co. St. Joe Supply Co., Ale* Young St. Joe Electric Shop Cooper's Barber Shop The Leader Shoe Shop Boyles Department Store Lilius Jewelry Company Thos. R. L. Carter, Real Estate The A & P Tea Co., R. Maxwell, Mgr. Frank & Dot's Agency, Gen. Insurance Harden's Dairy, Wewahitchka C. C. Wilson St. Joe Ice DeTivery Co., 'Bo' Brown Miller Drug Company St. Joe Lumber & Export Co. The White Spot Drive-Inn. Madaleine E. Whitaker St. Joe Telephone & Telegraph Co. St. Joe Motor Company C. R.,Witherspoon, Gulf Distributor Swatts Grocery Costin's Department Store Gay's Fish and Oyster Bar Sowers Service Station Gulf Hardware & Supply Co. Carver Drug Company St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Co. C. H. 'Whaley' Johnson Gulf Radio Lab (Guaranteed Service) St. Joe Woodwork Shop, A. H. Mathews Port St. Joe Pilot's Assn. George G. Tapper Company Brooks :Sporting Goods Roche's Gulf Investment Co. Barrier's 5c & lOc Store Chavers-Fowhand Furniture Co., Inc. H ewett Grocery, Highland View Goodson Grocery, Highland View, Sunny State Service Recap Shop St. Joe Hardware Company Frank's and LeHardy's Bars Schneider's Department Store Danley Furniture Company Shirey's Motel & Apartments Dr. J. R. Norton, M.D. St. Joe Bar & St. Joe Liquor Store Gulf Service Station, A. Tomlinson J. Lamar Miller's Service Station McCoy Stores Buck Alexander Insurance Co. Frenchies Cafe J. P. Duren Grocery & Market Cozy Bar and Pool Room D. P. Peters Store q I .... i-- ---- ^I--- |W --- --1 > i- I ^i I -- -- -i I I THE STAR, PORT'ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER lp4e I .1SS GYA Take Pains With That Package for Your Oversea GI Wrap and Label Properly and Be Reasonably Sure It Will Arrive Safely There's no point in sending your GI overseas a Christmas, parcel unless you are reasonably sure he will get it, says Major George F. Heinz, postal officer, Seventh Army, and he tells you how to do your part to speed delivery. He asks that these instructions be followed: don't use a gummed sticker for the address. It might get damp and slip off the package Print his full name, rank or grade, serial number and APO number on .the paper in which you have se- curely wrapped the package. Print your name and return address in the upper left corner. Here's a new one: List the con- tents of the package, together with your name and return address and the full name, rank or grade, se- rial number and A'PO number of the addressee on a sheet of paper and insert it inside the package before wrapping. Reasons.: Pack- ages may be broken open. If so, postal authorities can check con- tents, rewrap the package, re-atd- dress it and continue it on its way. Gifts should be packed in a strong box with plenty of cushion- ing. inside to keep contents from rattling around. Use heavy wrap- ping cord and heavy paper. Per- ishables. inflammables, poisons or intoxicants are not permitted and fragile parcels, will not be accepted. Mark the package. "Christmas Gift Parcel". Select your gifts wisely. He gets food and clothing and can buy a es 0 Beautiful Deckle Edge Steel Etchings 16 Different. With Your Name Imprinted $2.50 Beautiful DeLuxe Cards 21 Different With Your Name Imprinted $2.00 50 French Fold Christmas Cards 10 Numbers With Your Name Imprinted $2.00 Matching Envelopes With All Above Assortments The supply of Christmas Cards is limited this year. Come in and place your order now! THE STAR Your Home Town Paper rn-rn.^&^-.S lot of common items a.t his post You can send a package weigh- exchange. Electrical appliances ing up to 70 pounds and the corn- sent to Europe may be useless as bined length and girth must meas- much of the continent's, electrical u e no more than 100 inches. output is of different voltage than Mail as early as possible. No- in the U. S. and it may be direct memberr 15 is the deadline. current instead of alternating cur- ---- rent. It pays to advertise-try it' m u A F .M . JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 289 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING APPLIANCE AND MOTOR REPAIR RADIO AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery . i Ford-trained mechanic PHONE 37 Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. Pleasant Service That is what you may expect when you drop in here for good food and drink de- S iciously prered and satisfyingly served. TRY WALTER'S FRIED CHICKEN! STEAKS SEAFOODS SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS Walter's Bar & Grill (2% Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon Hill Highway) J. A. CHRISTMAS, Mgr. W. I. GARDNER, Owner * *. ..... .. .... . *- , 4. : '-' 1 44'. There's no place like HOME C for Ford Service S1 ...ijour Ford dealer knows ijur ford best V No one else can give your Ford the kind of service it gets from Ford mechanics. We know your Ford better. We know how to repair it better. We have tools that do the job better. And our Genuine Ford Parts are made better, fit better, and work better. Drive in today for b free check-up. Genuine & Ford parts PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 'Specialized Ford equipment' Factory-approved repair methods' ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY -M1m, 'N ----- _ __ II ~r I ~ c.--- -- I M ! I PAGE FIVI THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIAY.NOVM-RE 9, 1946 a AS.F AE Royce Goforth and Ben Dickens Wed In Chicago On Saturday, October 12, at 5 p. ip., the Morgan Park Methodist Church of Chicago, Ill., was the ,scene of the wedding of Miss Royce Goforth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Goforth of 11158 Vincennes Avenue, and Major Ben H. Dickens, son of Mrs. B. H. Dickens of Port St. Joe, Florida. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a white brocaded satin colonial gown with long sleeves and' train. Her finger- tip veR was held by a Juliet cap, and she carried a colonial bouquet of white roses. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Dahl of Blue Island, Ill., who wore a gown and head- dress of red velvet, and carried a colonial bouquet of talisman roses. Arnold Rose of Hammond, Ind., mond,, Ind. I Home From Cottondale After a short wedding trip the Mrs. W. H. Howell returned couple are now making their home home Sunday from Cottondaav>, at Battle Creek, Mich., until Ma- where she was called by the illness jor Dickens receives his discharge of her mother, Mrs. Kate Harrelh. from the army. W*P,* .t On Vacation METHODIST W. S. C. S. NAMES MOFF ICER S FOR ENSUING YEAR Miss Mildred Smith left Sunday At the r r b s mt n for Atlanta, Ga., on a week's vaca- At the regular business meeting of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist Church held ,Monday afternoon at the church, served the groom as best man, and the following officers were named Kenneth Dahl of Blue Island ant for the ensuing year: Robert Meyer of Chicago served as Mrs. W. T. Mosely Jr., vice-prest- ushers. dent; Mrs. D.' B. Lay, correspond- Miss Beatrice Weaver of Kissim- ing secretary; Mrs. G. C. Adklns, mee, Fla., college roommate of the recording secretary; Mrs. GeorgV bride, sang "I Love You Truly," "0 Sulber, treasurer; Mrs. Ralph A. Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Swatts, spiritual life; Mrs. J. L. Prayer." 1 Sharit, Christian social relations Immediately following the wed- and church activities; Mrs'. Robert ding, a reception was held! in the Smith, Bible and mission; Mrs. Ed- church parlors, win Ramsey, supply; Mrs. Gus Out-of-town guests were Mrs. W. Creech, student work; Mrs. J. T. T. Mosely Jr., sister of the groom, McNeill, children's work; Mrs. J. of Port St. Joe, Fla., Miss Beatrice L. Temple, publications and litera- Weaver of Kissimmee, Fla., Mrs. ture; Mrs. Roy Gaskin, publicity; W. C. Roach of Manchester, Ky., Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson, music. Mrs. John Unger of Danville, Ill., R t Mr. and Mrs.. Arnold Rose and Mr. Sunflowers are native to North and Mrs. W. S. Wilson of Ham- America. w-~W~MW~WMHMMm~wmm~r LARGE OZ. BOTTLE REG. PRICE $100 ON SALE FOR LIMITED 4 : .. . Miss Madalyn Wood beauty consultant, will be in 'our cosmetic department to analyze your beauty care problems and prepare a scientific beauty chart for your individual needs at no cost to you November 13th and 14th II-- ,r -w w W Nt 0 TIME FEDERAL TAX Supply Now y Low Price SMOOTH GREASY Florida Spend Week-end In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shuford and son Blair spent last week-end in Valdosta, Ga., the guest's of rela- tives. Visit Relatives In Tallahassee Mrs. Massey Ward and daugh- ters visited relatives in Tallahas- see over the week-end. The Tattler Published Weekly By BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida 2^ Featuring "Tips From Across Our Counter To Wise Shoppers" Vol. I Friday, November 8, 1946 No.. 1.5 November Thanksgiving Values Given Warm Welcome! HOWDY, SHOPPERS: Several wise customers were pleasantly surprised. when they found a "No Limit" on Thanksgiv- ing Value No. 3 (Men's T Shirts at 65c) so they .bought their limit. This value is still available, since it's a case lot purchase! Now for: THANKSGIVING VALUE No. 5 Sanforized Cotton Gabardine PANTS (Our Ceiling $3.77) Now $2.95 Made by a famous manufacturer. Fine for work or school. Sizes 28 to 44. Colors, blue, navy, brown. Take a look and be convinced that this is the best value you've seen for quite a spell! ter Drake to be driving a shiny new limousine 'most any day . Here's to Welton Rochee- a man who can put up a building in Port St. Joe and build walkways for the pipe line way up in Georgia at the same time What a man! - Charlie Brown says his hair is turning the same color as the blocks going into his new building! It's a nice color, Charlie. Men, do you have the "WRIGHT'" hat? We have, and you can bet your life it's rignt as well as WRIGHT! That first qual- ity fur felt Wright Super-Flex Is right at the top in the hat picture! . Have you seen that smart wool and plastic hat that is meet- ing with hearty approval? It Is ,\ te ifl-uuLnf un Y CpL5 pa -&LAU'fin Mothers, here's a FLASH that ... with stitched: brim and crown. can't wait! MARGARET New fall colors and only $3.95. It's O'BRIEN COTTON FROCKS are a winner! Now for: now available at Boyles Depart- THANKSGIVING VALUE No. 7 ment Store in sizes 7 to 12 for the 48 In. and 54 In. Drapery and young miss. They're really woni ilerful and you should hear the oh's SLIP COVER FABRIC and ah's from delighted customers. ($2.95 Value) Made o, washable, durable Dan O $233 d River fabrics in smart new styles Now $2.33 yd. yo:i've not seen before. We feel uistrous Rayon Damask and dur- very much gratified to be able to I able, colorful materials in cotton. offer you this fine garment which You can save by buying this wide s in keeping with our policy ol fabric. While you're look- bringing you top lines o0 mnercnan- -ing, see our new curtain materials. :lise as fast as possible. This gets us down to: Mr. and Mrs. Jo7 owan" and pretty little daughter,. an Carol, THANKSGIVING VALUE" No. 6 n owliving near Quicdy, visited Scores of Smart friends he'e last week. They are FALL FROCKS still subscribers to The Star and spoke kindly of "The Tattler." Mrs. At New Low Prices Rowan says that Ana Carol insists $8.30 to $18.50 that this column be read to her We believe fn a fast moving Ready- to-Wear Department and, prices have just been lowered on a large number of dresses from 20 to 30 per cent. Wise shoppers are buy- ing them by twos and threes . better come down today. . We're always happy to show you, whether you buy or not. Men, there's still a few famous Van Huesen Shirts, available from that nice shipment last week. Van Huesen collars are woven in onw piece instead of the commonplace three. Easier fitting the fold line is automatic woven in . can't wander. Day and, night neatness the one-piece col- lar can't wilt, can't curl, stays firmly, calmly in place' without starch. Plenty later . so keep trying! Jimmy G;'eer had rather drink a cup of coffee off this writer than to see the St. Joe Sharks win a game. Shame on you, Jimmy, to be so coffeenary! City Clerk Mark Tomlinson is buying Work Pant's! What next, Mark? e're looking for Postmas- regularly. Ann Carol, you'll prob- ably be interested to know that Glenna expects to have her tonsils out this week, an.C we'll be mighty glad when it's over. Mr. Rowan was delighted, to find just the shoe that he'd been looking for. . Now for: No. 8 THANKSGIVING SURPRISE "Enchantress" GIRDLES $6.50 Ladies, this is a splendid garment and you'll love. the way it molds your figure. We're exceedingly for- tunate to be able to offer you this high quality foundation. Keep on the lookout for our monthly shipment or HAYNES lovely UNDIES. You mTght be In- terested to know that we have ten pieces of imported GINGHAM com- ing this way. It has been on the Atlantic Ocean for some time, but is now in the States rolling to- ward us. Yours for cooler weather to match these cool VALUES, R. GLENN BOYLES. Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 PLUS F Buy Your Winter S at this RemarkablI DRIES VERY QUICKLY LEAVES SKIN SATIN NEVER STICKY OR DELICATELY SCENTED Carver Dru Company Port St. Joe THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1946 PAGE SIX #'RIDAY, NOVEMBREE, 1g46 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF c~OUNTV, FLORIDA P'~~ SEVEN Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 DICKIE NALL HONORED SPECIAL SERVICE SUNDAY ON FIFTH BIRTHDAY AT METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. I. C. Nedley entertained Rev. 0. D. Langston announces at a party last Friday afternoon that the service Sunday morning in honor of her small grandson, at the Methodist Church will be in Dickie Nail, who was observing his honor of all members who have fifth birthday, been received into the church dur- Games were played on the lawn ing his service as pastor here. by the young guests, following Following the Sunday evening which all fished for favors of bal- service, a reception will be given loons and. tiny racing cars. Party at the church for those received caps were distributed and kodak during the past five. years. pictures made, after which refresh- Rev. Langston earnestly urges ments of birthday cake and ice, all those who have been received. cream were served, during his pastorate to be present Enjoying the afternoon with the at either the morning or evening honoree were Sue Durant, Allen service, or both services. Higdon, Martha Jean Hammock, a t t Alex Gailliard, Barbara and Sonny SEVERAL TO ATTEND 0. E. S. Eells, Buddy, Bo and Jimmy W11- GRAND CHAPTER IN TAMPA lHams, Patty Godwin, Bobby Minua, Mrs. Watson Smith and Mrs. D. Robert Nedley, Margaret Lois anu C. Smith left today for Tallahassee Sonja Ann Blount and Rodney Her- where they will e joined by Mrs ring, M Arthur Buckley of San Carlos, Cal., Assisting Mrs. Nedley with the and continue to Tampa, where they children were Mrs. Albert Ham- will attend, the general grand mock, Mrs. Byron Eells Jr., Mrs. chapter of the Order of Eastern L. J. Herring, Mrs. W. L. Durant, Star. Mrs. M. A. Higdon, Mrs. Joel Carr, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. dkins and and Miss, Melba Nedley. son and Mrs. Dick Spillers expect to leave tomorrow for Tampa to Visitors From Blountstown visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Knight And Adkins. and Mrs. Spillers will at- grandison of Blountstown visited tend the session of the grand chap- -here Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. ter of the Order of Eastern Star Gus Sempler. being held, there next week. t -' .^- - - - EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH S .41 "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HAILLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1946 9:45-Bible School for all. W. B. Holland will deliver the morning sermon, using as his topic, "Surely the Lord Is In This Place." 6:25-Baptist Training Union. . 7:30-Evening Worship. Sermon Topic: t "THERE THEY CRUCIFIED HIM." Sby Cleverly draped . turret crown, . banded with wide V. grosgrain ribbon tied in bow . at fron- $9*9 0As seen in VOGUtE '$9.95 . i " 4Ou t SI * BAPTIST W. M. S. HOLDS BUSINESS MEETING The regular business meeting ofr the Baptist W. M. S. was held Mon- day afternoon at the church with 24 members present. The president, Mrs. W. C. Prid- geon, opened the meeting promptly at 3 o'clock with the assembly singing the new year' song, "Here Am I, Send Me," and .brought the devotional from the writings or Paul. Reports, were given by all officers and chairmen, showing splendid, gains for the new year. It was announced that next week's meeting will be held on Tuesday afternoon at the church', at which time the mission book, "This Our Day," will be taught in- stead of the, Bible study. The Sun- beams will meet at the same hour. The meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. L. R. Holliday. SUBDISTRICT MEETING OF M. Y. F. IS HELD HERE A subdistrict meeting of the Methodist Youth Fellowship was held at the Port St. Joe Methodist Church Thursday of last week. At- tending were members from Mill- ville, Panama City and this city. A business meeting was held at the church, conducted by Miss Sara Martin, local M. Y. S. leader, following which those present went to Centennial Auditorium where many amusing and entertaining games, were enjoyed and refresh- nients were served. MANY PLANNING TO ATTEND TALLAHASSEE P.-T.A. MEET Quite a large number of mem- bers of the Port St. Joe Parent- Teachers Association have indi- cated that they will be in attend- ance at the 23rd annual Congress )f Florida Parent-Teachers Associ- ations to 'be held in Tallahassee from Tuesday to Thursday of next week. PARENTS ARE INVITED TO VISIT SCHOOLS NEXT WEEK Next week, November 10 to 16, is American Education Week, and the Port St. Joe Parent-Teachers Association invites all parents to visit the. local schools during that period. JR. WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET The executive committee of the Junior Woman's Club met last eve- ning at the home of Mrs. P. D. Prows. At the conclusion of the meeting the hostess served re.fresh- nents to her guests. The, regular meeting of the club will be held next Tuesday evening at the Cen- tennial Building. All members are urged to be present. It pays to advertise-try it! Hours: 8 to 5 Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. "I LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" - MRS. C. D. WELLS, FT. WORTH As Pictured Here -)- You may lose pounds and ha.-: a more slender, graceful figure. N .) exercise. No drugs. No laxat'i ' Eat meat, potatoes. gravy, buc-t.r The experience of Mrs. Wells m. or may not be different than yur .,, but why not try the AYDS Vita,. .a Candy Plan? Look at these res. n, In clinical tests conducted medical doctors more than 100 persons lost 14 to 15 pound& average in a few weeks wish the AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. With this Ayds Plan you don't .jt out any meals, starches, potas',... meats or butter, you simply cut ta , down. It's simple and easier v i you enjoy delicious (vitamin f-.r,. fied) AYDS before each meal. A' . lutely harmless. 30 days supply of" Ayds only $2.25. If not delighted with results MONEY BACK on the very first box. Phone 27 CARVER DRUG CO. mer's brother ahd wife, Capt and Mrs. Robert F. Brinson of Brook- let, Ga. - - It's a Daughter, Says Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Slaughter ai;- nounce the birth of a six-pound daughter, Carol Ann, on October 21 at their home in Laurel, Miss. Mrs. Slaughter will be remembered as Miss Lillian Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brinson had as their week-end guests the for- DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED X- '- -v ------,--- --,------ ,,- -, ,-,- ,-- - ,Port Theatre A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIME TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY November 11 and 12 0. gvt-w&4 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 -- GENE AUTREY in 01fimine - FEATURE NO. 2 - Also Chapter 10 of Serial "The PHANTOM RIDER" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 I- Also NEWS and VARIETY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 MIGHTY MOUSE CARTOON and Chapter 9 of Serial "THE SCARLET HORSEMAN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY November 14 and 15 LAU~REN --Also CARTOON and COMMUNITY SING YOUR CHURCH is an all-important source of comfort to those who mourn. .Next to your church we endeavor to perform in unobtrusive, comforting service to those we serve. Comforter Funeral Home 218 SEVENTH- STREET PHONE 326 Day or.Night 24-Hour .Ambulance Service ut ULtV- SWALLOWS HIE HAIrVES OF JAVA RELISH O0UP MADE FROM THEH NEST6 OF ES1 4 BIROS. 'HEIR NESTS ARE BUhLr MAINLY OF VEGrETABLE ANC ANIMAL 5U6STANCE.S. The LILIUS JEWELRY COM- PANY, part of the finest nation in the world, takes off its hat this Armistice Day to the boys who so gallantly fought' for our coun- try, homes and families. Buy that son of yours a ring with h.is birthstone'-he'll always be very proud of it. 111- - PAt' SEVEN THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FPLORIDA PRIDIAY, NOVEMBRE' a, 1946 Ritz Theatre Building First Floor THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, -sLF COUNTY, FLORIDA WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE - SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED Ilh ST. JOE SIGN SHOP UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLA. (6WiM^W Let Us Design You a Letterhead P To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. McGill's Refrigeration Service DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL Appliance Service and Acetylene Welding Phone 299 Port St. Joe, Fla. c WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH Modern Beauty Shop LILLIE PEARL WATKINS, Owner |' S" For Appointment Phone 41 * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEE CARTER Registered Real Estate Broker 317 REID AVENUE Day Phone 201; Night 105-2 Collect about the following this week's specials,. Especially for one who is handy with tools is a buy on Long Ave- nu'e, third house on the right from corner of 16th as you go south. This is priced at $3250.00 with terms. Only two more houses left in Oak Grove; $1250.00 and, $1650.00. Have a number of lots in the new Oak Grove Subdivision at reasonable tgrms. Drive out and look at the new con- crete stucco house on Garrison, first house on the right; $6750.00 You can apply for FHA Loan on this, or combination FiHA and GI if a veteran. FOR SALE OYSTER SHELLS-$2.50 per yard delivered. See or write W. H. Nordbrock, Apalachicola, Fla. 3* PIANO-One new Jesse French spinet type piano. Can be seen at Chavers-Fowhan'd Furniture Com- pany, Port St. Joe. 10-18tf RECONDITIONED OIL STOVES- Plain and table-top models. We buy and sell. St. Joe Sign Shop. phone 94. 9-27tf ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS-Two sleeping rooms for rent, or will share house with couple and one child. Mrs. Dixon, 1025 Long Avenue. 1 SPECIAL SERVICES EXPERT DRESSMAKING Mrs. Dixon, 1025 Long Ave. 1* LOST AND FOUND For Those Who Think of Appearance Run- down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and well polished. Let us be your footwear valets. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP NOTICE .. Our Laundry and Dry Clean- ing plant will be closed all day Monday in observance of Armistice Day. We will reopen Tuesday morning and all laundry and dry cleaning received ITPesday will be ready not later than the fol- lowing Saturday. Creech Brothers Laundry and Dry Cleaners W'W B 'V'V w 'V Choose Your Pharmacist As You Would Your Physician Have Your Prescriptions Compounded At Smith's Pharmacy By John Robert Smith PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST Phone 5. Port St. Je STARDUST and MOONSHINE We've been down with one heck of a cold. the past ten days, and' so we haven't been out on the streets much to pick up the low down sort of dope necessary to the proper conduct of this column. A couple of weeks ago we saw Murray Lloyd in his stocking feet waxing the floor in the display wan- A eat and clean little house, cor- LOST-Unset diamond, somewhere 'dow at Danley's' Furniture store, ner Woodwarda and 10th. Very rea- on city streets; family keepsake. and last Saturday w.e,,saw him go- sonabler at $3500.00. Im ediate $100 reward. Please return to The sonable at $3500.00. Immediate Star office. 11-8* ing around the windows with an onr possession. R n" mop. Wonder if his wife We hae a very reasonable propo- WANTED TO RENT knows he's capable of doing these We have a very reasonable propo- j sition on Wimico Lodge at White A VERY RELIABLE PARTY wants things? City. Come on in and let us talk it to rent a furnished or unfurni-sh- Are some people centipedes? We over with you. ed two or three-bedroom house in sorta wonder Saturday afternoon May have a nice buy on Hunter Port St. Joe by November 1. Will wonMered Saturtay afternoon Circle before the week is out pay any fair rental. See CARTER, when Mrs. Watts came ito Austin Phone us about it. Real Estate Broker, 317 Reid Ave. Huggins' shoe shop with 10 pairs Want a place to move Into at HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE of shoes to be repaired. .....eDenver Miller was heard giving once? 25No waiting. Have one FOR SALE r--- Double bed, spring 'Mike Smith hall columbia Saturday 7th; $2500.0 plus mortgage and mattress. See Mrs. Gus B. Without a doubt the prettiest place Creech. Phone 152J. 2t tbecauseMike had been going down in town-the LeGrone place on 7th. BABY BED--Screened-in; Al con- messing, up Denvers casting net We have this for 30 days only at lition; $20. See Austin Huggins, nessing '-up Denver's casting net $1100.00. You can appty for a sub- The Leader Shoe Shop. tf grounds. Denver also hits stantial FHA Loan on this, and -- -- the Stardust column by having owner is willing to wait on the out- NOTICE -feet so flat he can step out of his come. There: is also a cottage and Anyone having a lien for labor or a garage-apartment on this prop- materials against my dwelling on shoes without even reaching down erty. Ninth Street, please notify me not to unlace his brogans. He hasn't APARTMENTS FOR RENT later than 30 days from the date of yet figured out how the army let first publication of this notice. I him get by with his flat dogs. FOR APARTMENTS See The Dated October 18, 1946. Sliray Apartments. 8-3 10-18 11-8 ROY EVANS. In that game with Bainbridge FAN'S FLOWERS A Floral Arrangement for ILEvery Occasion "FLOWERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT" PHONE 246 We Make Deliveries DIONT FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE -PLUMBING SERVICE CALL EDWARD LeGRONE S PHONE 88 OR 233-W J Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing and Heating WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI PHONE 287 JAMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station Records! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbi GENERAL PLUMBING REPAIR S SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR Phone 94 At St. Joe Sign Shop car SOWER'S SUNNY STATE SERVICE l CL If you want EXPERT SERVICE in a Hurry, We Have It. We Also Give ROAD SERVICE. First Aid REPAIRS WHEEL BALANCING Cars Polished, Waxed and Steam Cleaned PHONE 287 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. SATIS S r- uC ERS SCHNEIDER'S are _OQu .-. SClothing for All the Family THE MOST COMPLETE IINE IN THE CITY S COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire Insirance because its easy to start a fire BUCK ALEXANDER 3 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT - LeHARDY'S BAR last Friday night, Gene Chism should be credited with the most yardage. He was on and off the field at about three minute inter- vals and, we believe, played every position except center. Apparently he is quite a utility mas. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Sunday services will be held as follows: 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 11:00 a. n.-Holy Communion. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each mouth at 8 a. m. Second, third and fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. Spaniards of the 16th century were first to explore what is now Maryland. aJvnrtirIp de***'t -a PAV Visit In Blountstown PM 1/c and Mrs. Frank LeGrone and baby spent Sunday in Blounts- town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Knight. Enjoy Trip To Panama City Mr. and', Mrs. Jim Brown or Spurger, Texas, Mrs. G. T. Boswell and Mrs. T. V. Westbrook enjoyed a trip to Panama City Wednesday. Send The Star to a friend. LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F A A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111.- Regular meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- days each month, 8:00 p. rT. Members urged to at end; visiting brothers welcome. G. W Cooper, W. M.; 6. C. Adkins, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0. 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. All members urged to attend and visiting brethren invited. W. C. Forehand, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, Secretary. PAGE EiGHT I ~r~p F-K!D~kY, NOVEMBER 8,1940 wrVv vlvlmvl W y |