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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center .1 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDA,: OCTOBER 4, 1946 SHigh Saints Drop Appeal Is Made For First Tilt To Apalachicola Funds To Complete t. The St. Joe high school Saints Bay View Churchl football team went down to defeat /124D last Friday afternoon at A!-P - i'iachicola at the hands of the Ap- Pastor Would Liike To Finish Work alachicola high Sharks in the open- And Dedicate Edifice Before ing game of the grid season. Annual Conference The Sharks scored their first touchdown in the first ot the open- The Bay View Methodist Church lug period, failing to convert, and at 1Highland View was officially or- for the remainder of the half it ganized. and recognized, by the w'as 'a- ee-saw affair. The second quarterly conference of the Port score was made in the last quarter St. Joe charge on April 2, 1944. with but .four minutes to play when Since that date a church building Charlie B:,.ss intercepted a St. Joe has been constructed valtiued at ap- '1pa.s and raced 60 yards to score proximately $3500. Worship serv- standing up. ice is held each Sunday morning The Saints threatened in the at 9:45, and. Sunday school at closing minutes. but Apalachicoai 10:45. The prayer service is held finallyy 'took over on downs and on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Bras. tossed) a pass to Bobbie "We are, handicapped by lack oi Howell.on the Saints' 15-yard line 1 Sunday school rooms," states Rev. .* 'sthe timer's gun ended the tilt. 0. D. Langston, pastor of thp Coach E. M. Bailey was keeping I.church. "The interior of the church M..num about his 170-pound line, hop- is not quite finished-thO plan calls Ing to use it as a surprise, but the for two more rooms inside, a pulpit Ap3alichico.lans with a line of 150 ,poqnds ripped through the St. Joe ,Wall for good gains. The o1cal lads will go to Marl- "anna today to meet the Florida In- dutstrial School squad. ,.?. ---'*---*------- Moore Named To Head Kiwanis Club For Year Opp M.orer was narum' to head Etlre Kiwanis Club for the ensuing '" year at the annual -lection of of- furer's held at tihe ,egular luncheon 'meeting Wedinesiay noon. He .sun- "1ejds Tom Owens. ---*. Otlier officers named were J. R. ;0itil. *vice-president: Norris Mc- (Collum. secretary. andr A. P. Wake- tiell. treasurer. Directors are J. R. Norton, Gns Oleech. R. G. Boyles, J. R Chestnut. J. C. Culpe.pper, L. P. Sutton and C. H. McKnight. ,ATTEND BAPTIST W.M.U. MEET Attending tie nrual meeting of ,ithe Northwest Coast Baptist W. M. i1. Association, held Monday at tieu j.1ighland City Baptikr Church tneaT '-Panama City, were Mrs. W. I. Car- '. Ien. Mrs. Oaorge Cooper. Mrs. W. .._.'7"Baughtry.i Mrs. Milton Chafin, tfmrs. Tom Stricliland, Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Mrs. J. 0 Baggett, Mrs. Mrs. Charles Crawford and Mrs. Otis Pyle. Mrs. Baggett was .aimed com- munity mission chairman of the association METHODIST CHURCH SRev. .. D. Lpngston, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. .11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:45 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. S745 p. m,--Evening Worship. OlChoir practice Wednesdays at 8 p. m. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Jeseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each month' at 8 a. m. Second, third and fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. Returns To California Mrs. R. DeAngeli,' who visited here for several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hunt, has' returned to California, where she will make her home. -__---------- Returns To University Cecil Costin Jr., left Sunday for SGainesville to enter the University of Florida for the fall term. Vislit Here Over Week-eid Mr. and Mrs. Bill Killer of Jack- sonville visited relatives here over the week-end. and' a chancel. Thfre is some more woodwork to be done, such as base- boards and casings, and some fln- ish work and painting needs to be done .on the exterior. "It is our desire to complete this work and dedicate the church be- fore annual conference convenes November 13. We owe $138, and in addition it will take approximately $250 to finish the job. We intend td pay the debt first "We are assured that there -are those who wish to see this job completed! and are willing to maxe further contributions' to get it done. Whethe: you ,r .1 Methodist or not, if you wi-n to help In com- pleting this church, and you feel that your money will.be well spent, send your check or give your con- tribution to W. H. Weeks, High- land View, or any one of the' fol- lowing: 0. D. Langston, pastor; W. W. Barrier or R. G. Boyles. "We believe that we have friend's who do not beiong'!to any church who are willing to help us on this job," concluded Rev. Langston. "A receipt will be given for any and all contributions by those receiving it. No canvass will be made and any contribution, "large or small, will be greatly apprecTated. We will call to see anyone who indicates a desire to make a contribution." Many Fail To Get Drivers' Licenses Before Deadline There was inkleed a rush Monday as last-minute motorists flocked to secure their drivers' licenses be- fore the Octoiber 1 deadline, and, according to Florida Highway Pa- trolman 0. R. Davis, approximately 1000 motorists in Gulf county did not get under the wire. Davis said that about 2000 had, been issued u.p .to, 6 o'clock Monday afternoon, but that he estimated the total number for the county at about 3009. Those who failed to secuTe their driving permits must now take a driving test and examination on rules of the road.' -----t-------- MRS. QUARLES BUYS HOME FLORIST FROM JOHNSONS The Home Florist, operated for the past year by Mrs. W. A. John- son, this week was purchased by Mrs. W. S. Quarles and in future will be known as "Fan's Flowers." Transferred To F. S. C. W. Melvin Magidson left Sunday for Tallahassee where he will continue his studies at Florida State College for Women, having been trans- ferred there from the University of Florida at Gainesville.. SVOLU.ME X .-~*s yI^. NUMBER 'I i Burglars Enter TWo Baptist Revival Success Jaycees Will Push Stores Here Monday States Pastor Hailford House Numberin For the umpteenth tinie in ump- One of the most helpful revivals, Project For St. Joe teen years the St. Joe 'Hardware from the standpoint of attendance and the Quality Grocery\,8yere again and results, closed at the local - broken into by burglar Monday Baptist Church last Sunday eve- Also Work To Make Local -Port night. ning, according to Rev. R. F. Hall-- Outlet for the Apalachicola-, The would-be safe crackers en- ford. Chattahoochee Waterway tered the hardware store~ through- a "Average attendance for the ser-. skylight and then brolk into the vices, especially in the evening, A goodly crowd gathered for the grocery store by a connecting door. was quite a bit larger than has meeting of the Port St. Joe Junior Small sums of money were taken usually been the case with revivals Chamlber of Commerce keld Monday from the cash registeirs.,which are here in the past," 'said the'pastor. evening at the office of the Florida, left open for just such ad exigency, "The congregations packed! the au- and the combination on the hard- ditorium for both services on the Power Corporation, much enthusi- ware store safe was battered (took closing day. During the morning asm was shown and nine new inem- Horace two days to gest -It open), evangelistic service many people bers paid, their dues. The session The intruders, apparently hungry were turned away when they came. was presided over by the newly- after their work on thde safe, con- It was necessary to ask them to elected president, George, Tapper. suimed two quarts of ,nilk, some wait outside 'because of a most im- Opening the meeting Tapper ,e- lunch meat and cracked after re- portant service which wa. being marked: "With the turnout We moving small change frcrn the gro- conducted inside. In addition- to this have here tonight, which would cery store's cash registers., necessity was the -fact that quite seem to indicate considerable in-. ---- ---- a number of these people would terest in this organization, we Charter Filed For Gulf not have been able to find seats if should be able to d'o a lot for our they had, come inside. city. There are a number of proj- County Fair Association "The meeting resulted in about ects that the Jaycees have offered ,_____ 27 additions, 25 for baptism and two to support, but I believe that- .we Charter for the Gulf Couny Fair by transfer of membership.-' hold concentrate on but one or Association was filed this l two at a time and,.push them Itn or- Association was filed "this w.e~e der to put them over. If we, spread with Circuit Court 'Clerk Joe More Names Removl deour efforts them over too many projects Hunter at Wewahitchka, havingrts over too many projects been approved September 27 by From Star Mail'g List at once, nothing will be.done. Judge E. C. Welch. -The main Jaycee project,, w~hicbl Judge E. C. Welch. -has been underway for some time, The organization, sponsored by Well, it looks as though we, have is the matter of erecting street Willis V. Rowan Post 116, Ameri- made the grade and -have pqred our markers and developing a house can. Legion, is a non-profit corpora- mailing list down to tl point numbering system or the city, and tion. It is not known whether a where we can keep within the limi- this was discussed at some length. fair will ba held this year, it 'be- stations. set by. the newsprint situa- It was brought out that a plat' is ing so late in the season, but plans tion. However, it looks like the now on file at th city hall with are being developed for a real scarcity !is getting worse rather designated by a number county fair for next year. than better, and' it may be that we and that work of making the Qonb -----will have to cut of mor readerscrete posts' for erection at street WORLD-WI,L-E COMMUNION in future, which we notiIly l,. t.em- ill bei at once. TO BE OBSERVED SUNDAY to do.n. t. -. noting .m-.p.i'- October 6, world-wide Communion Notices are sent out the 'first of story about home owners putting Sunday, will be observed at the lo- each month, and under the present up house numbers, Tom Byrne sug- cal Methodist Church next Sunday. circumstances we are allowing sub- gested that the best example would The communion offering that day scribe.rs two weeks in which to be for members of the chamber to will go to overseas relief work, for come in and renew before, remov- o to the city hall, find out their camp work in this country, and to ing their names from our list. Here- number and put it on their own army chaplains, to assist them in tofore we have at times carried homes. "I feel sure that everyone their work. This is .being sponsored some. of ouri subscribers as high as will co-operate," said, Byrne, "and I by the general committee on over- four or five months because we believe that everybody will deem seas relief of the Methodist church. knew they would come in and pay it a privilege to put up the num- The public is cordiallly invited eventually, but in order to give all bers on their homes, since house to attend! this service, an even break we have discon- numbering is a vital iheed of any ----- ---tinned that practice. city." TO SERVE AT FEDERAL COURT It was 'brought out that both Ap- Selected from Port St, Joe to Mercury Drops Here As alachicola and. Panama City are al- serve ianon the federal grandma o court Cold Weather Arrives ready working .to have their ports Marianna ir the all term o court ---- designated as, the deep water out- is Robert Bellows. Names drawn That cold wave which hit the let for the Apalachicola-Chattahoo- for the petit jury are Basil E. Ken- northern states a week or so back. cheek river development and it was ney Jr., A. D. Lawson, W. C. Pid- arrived in Port St. Joe Monday decided that action must be taken' geon and Horace Soule. night, dropping the, mercury to 56 immediately to bring to the atten- degrees and causing residents to tion of army engineers that Port OPENS TAXI SERVICE, get up in the small hours of the St. Joe is the only logical outlet tor ames Bass, who operated a taxT morning and dig out blankets. the waterway. service here a while back, n has Local clothing merchants rubbed The committee appointed: to work. again gone into business and has their hands delightedly with the on this matter consists of M. C. Ed- his taxi stand located at the Sunny advent of the cool weather, antici- wards, chairman; Horace Soule, State Service Station. pating quick movement of what vice-chairman; A. D. Lawson, Alex r small stocks of winter wear they Young, Dan Brooks, B. B. Conklin, Have Visitors From Altha have on their shelves, and pur- Sol Shirey, Fred McLean and B. E. Mrs. Cecil Davis and Mrs. C. T. veyors of stove wood, began re- Kenney. Williams of Altha are guests of ceiling orders from shivering citi- Mr. Byrne made a. motion, which Mr. and a Mrs. B. A. Prideonhitezens. was carried unanimously, that all Miss Edna Davis at their White --- ---- civic organizations of the city be City home. GROWS REMARKABLE. called, upon to work with the Jay- S.n STALK OF SUGAR CANE cees. in support of the movement Returns To Stetson U. Ivey Williams yesterday brought to have this port designated as the Miss Carolyn Baggett returned in to The Star office a choice stalk waterway terminal. to Stetson University at DeLand ofsugar cane 7 feet 7 inches long Other matters discussed briefly Thursday of last week, where she and two inches through, which he were the establishment of a na- entered her junior year. grew at his home at Kenney's tional guard unit here, a canal to 'I Mill. "Just to show you what kind connect Wewa'hitchka with the in- PORT NEWS of cane can be grown here," said tracoastal waterway, and securing Ivey. marker beacons for the south chan- To Arrive- --- ----- nel in St. Josephs Bay. Gulfmaid, diue Saturday. Enter Alabama Polytechnic Jake Belin, chairman of the com- L. L. Abshire, due today. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon and mittee for social activities proposed Gulfmaid, due October 10. daughter Virginia and Miss Betty that the Jaycees hold a smoker ta L. L. Abshire, due October 10. Jo Lane left Sundlay for Auburn, the near future, which suggestion Gulfking, due October 11. Ala., where Miss Lane, ana, Miss was received with enthusiasm. 0 0. R. Kemp, due October 12. Pridgeon will enter Alabama 'Poly- The next meeting of' the chain- Sailed- technic Institute for the fall term. ber will be Monday. October 14 at Gulfpride, October 9. for Port They were accompanied to Birm- S o'clock at the office of the, Flot' Arthur, Texas. ingham by C. G. Costin. ida Power Corporation. AG TW T S T T U ADDITIONAL SOCIETY MRS. E. C. PRIDGEON HOSTESS MONDAY NIGHT TO J. A.M. The J. A. M. Club met'Monday night at the home of Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon on Third' Street. After an hour of sewing and chatting the QUICK RELIEF FROM symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DoU TO EXCESS ACID FireBookTellsofHomeTreatmbentthat Must Help or it Will Cost you Nothing vr tvO million bottles of theWILLARD TREATMENT havebeen sold for relief of symptomss of distress arising from Stomacs Wad Duodenal Ulcws due to Excess Acid-I PeerrDIgtIon, ,Sour or Upst Stonachi Wssiness, Heartbum, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on I15 days' trial I Ask for "Wllld' Mesa.' which fully CARVER DRUG COMPANY FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE PLUMBING SERVICE " EDWARD LeGRONE e -PHONE 88 OR 233-W - Formerly Connected With LeGrone Plumbing & Supply NOW * * I AM AGAIN BACK IN THE Trucking Business with a big new truck, and am soliciting moving of all types. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING I am especially set to handle furniture! All loads fully insured. C. W. "Red" HORTON (Only Licensed Transfer Man In Gulf County) PHONE 227 SUNNY STATE STATION hostess served; a salad plate cdr- sisting of tuna fish salad, saltines, sliced tomatoes and beets, lemon icebox pie and coca-colas. Enjoying the evening were Mrs. H. A. Drake, Mrs. C. G. Costln, Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon, Mrs. E. C. Boyer, Mrs. A. D. Lawson, Mrs. Leroy Gainous and Mrs. W. S. Smith. The next regular meeting of the club will be held October 14 at the home of Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon at White City. Visits Daughter and Family Mrs. J. J. Perritt of Panama City was the guest Sunday and Monday of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gainou's. It pays to advertise-try It! HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hicks of East Point announce the birth of a daughter, Alice Jewel, on Septem- ber 28. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Martin of this city are the proud parents of a daughter, born September 30. The young lady has been named Barbara Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. Jake C. Cox of Ap- alachicola announce the birth of a son on September 30. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Whaley of Carrabelle announce the birth of a son, Louie Earl, on September 30. (All births occurred at the, Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital) MRS. BOYLES HOSTESS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS The young peoples- Sunday school class, of the Methodist Church met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. R. G. Boyles and enjoyed a buffet supper honoring class teachers. S ,Following the supper a business meeting was held, conducted by the class president, Murnice Gas- kin, at which time officers for the sunsuing year were elected as fol- 'ows: Rachel Gunn, president; Mur- nice Gaskin, vice-president; Mar- 4 garet Smith, secretary; Mary John- son, bond chairman; Freddie Bell,. treasurer; Juanita Gunn, member- ship chairman; Murnice Gaskirn, student work chairman. 4 At the conclusion of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed under the .direction of the Misses Rachel and Juanita Gunn. Guests were the Sunday school teachers an. Mrs. 0. D. Langaton. I -t a t |a METHODIST YOUTH FELLOW- SHIP ELECTS OFFICERS The, Methodist Youth Fellowship at its meeting Sunday, September 22, held at the church, elected' the following officers, for the ensuing 4 year: Sarah Brinson, president; Wade Barrier, vice-presidrent; Peg-! gie Hardy. secretary; Cha's. Smitn, treasurer; Barbara Boyles, pianist and publicity. Committee chairmen are: Sarah Martin, worship; Sybil Mitchell, world friendship; Doro- ' thy Norton, community service; Lettie Barfber, recreation. NOT A PICTURE SHOW, BUT .. IN PERSON Saturday Night Oct. 12 NYLONI Heck, no! We can't even get 'e mfor our wife but we do have . ELECTRIC RADIATORS $29.78 ALL-STEEL WAGON LARGE $995 SIZE $.9 Z1'/2-Galion ICE REFRIGERATORS FIRE EXTINGUISHER Shallow Well PUMPS REGULAR $23ALUE $19.95 TOYS! PIANOS! Brooks Sporting Goods, PHONE 88 /COSTIN BUILDING - - -. .-I I r I JIMMIE RIDDLE AN D HIS HARMONICA Also FORD RUSH, the Singing High Sheriff ALL FORMER STARS OF The GRAND OLE OPRY GIGANTIC FIREPROOF TENT ADULTS 75c (Ta Included) CHILDREN Under 12 Years 25c DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 P. M. -:- SHOW STARTS AT 8:15 P. M. SHOW GROUNDS CORNER REID AVENUE AND FIFTH STREET PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FOR THE FIRST TIME * THROUGH PULLMAN SERVICE BETWEEN I PANAMA CITY and ATLANTA * VIA * The Bay Line and Central of Georgia Railways 0 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2 * SLEEP IN AIRtCONDITIONED COMFORT NEW SCHEDULE NOW EFFECTIVE Lv. PANAMA CITY 4:25 P. M. Lv. COTTONDALE 5:38 P. M. Lv. CAMPBELLTON 5:53 P. M. Ar.DOTHAN 6:30 P.. M. Ar. ATLANTA 7:15 A. M. Lv. ATLANTA 11:00 P.M. Ar. DOTHAN 9:00 A. M. * Ar. CAMPBELLTON 9:40 A. M. Ar. COTTONDALE 9:55 A. M. "' r. PANAMA' CIt"Y 11:20 'A. M. 4 Sleeper Open for Occupancy At Atlanta 10:00 P. M. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS * CALL YOUR NEAREST BAY LINE AGENT f eseee 0 *00se e ** .* ."*s. *0*'* a 0 e $* 0 4 Se g This ; all we can show-come in ard see the rest! L_~.~~_____:__l:---~C~ 1 .. I _:._~_.~..,_.1_ II THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1946- PAGE TWO rl6~ HOSE FRDY COBR4 96 H TR PR T OE UFCUNY LRDAPG HE FORM STEVEDORING FIRM According to records in the sec- retary of state's office at Tallahas- ,see, a charter has been issued for formation of the St. Joe Stevedor- ,ng Company. The company is In- corporated for 100 shares of stock with $100 par value, and officers TO Op ORS Ompany Given e ra Robert Tapper W R Tapper and .George G. Tapper. To Jacksonville ,On Business James, Wise made a business trip to Jacksonville last week-end. TOP CASH FOR 00 GOOD USED CARS! SELL ME YOUR CAR NOW 5 WHILE PRICES ARE STILL HIGH! C..W. 'Red' HORTON Rhone 227 Sunny State Service t -DRIVE BY OR TELEPHONE - JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 289 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING APPLIANCE AND MOTOR REPAIR RADIO AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery FOR YOUR PARTIES READY TO SERVE DRY MARTINI . $3.65 MANHATTAN COCKTAIL $3.80 ICE AND SERVE! St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store War Department Citation The St. Joseph Telephone and Telegraph Company has received a citation from Robert P Patter. son, secretary of war, -for services rendered during the war. The cita- tion read's: "The war department expresses its appreciation for patriotic serv- ice in a position of trust and re- sponsibility to J. L. Sharit, super- intendent of the St. Joseph Tele- phone and Telegraph Company or Port St. Joe, Florida, for outstand- ing service and co-operation with the Fourth Service Command dur- ing the period of emergency. "By his personal efforts and with the assistance of members of his organization, intricate communica- tion systems, facilities, and ser- vices were expeditiously provided for the use of the army, thereby assisting materially in the prosecu- tion of the war effort." The local company served ap- proximately 1000 telephones at the Altha auxiliary to the Marianna air base, Camp Gordon Johnston, Ap- alachicola air base, Tyndall Field Gunnery School and the U. S. En- gineers at Cararbelle, Camp Bell and Tyndall Field. In addition, the company built 11 toll circuits to Gordon Johnston from Apalachicola, seven toll cir- cuits from Apalachicola to Chatta- hoochee to connect with the South- ern Bell Telephone Company, three toll circuits from Apalachicola to Panama City, and one full period talking service fom Apalachicola to Tyndiall Field. The Apalachicola central office, a toll center, was also equipped with a five-,position multiple switchboard and carrier service between Apalachicola and Thomasville, Ga., giving as good service as is available to any tele- phone company and expediting ser- vice to and from the company's various exchanges. Roy Acuff and His Smoky Mountain Group Coming -- \ Roy Acuff, former singing star of the WISM Grand Ole Opry, com- ans for installation on '40, '41 and '42 Ford and Mercury models. The kits are being installed on ampu- tee cars by dealers as rapidly as they are received, from suppliers. Enters School In Tennessee Mrs. Gladys McCoy and daugh- ter Lucina made a trip recently to Nashville, Tenn., where Lucina entered Trevecca Nazarene College and Prep Sch6ol. They visited with friends in Atlanta on their way to Nashville, and Mrs. McCoy visited a brother In Winchester, Tenn., on her return trip home. Visits Daughter Mrs. Eleanor Floyd of Apalachi- cola spent the week-end here with her son-in-law and! daughter, Dr. and' Mrs. J. A. Hughes. The call of the cricket can be heard for one mile. Phone 5 Port St. Joe The Tattler Published Weekly By Featuring BOYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol. I Friday, October 4, 1946 No. 10 October! A Month of Values at Boyles Department Store! DEAR SHOPPERS: This week ushers in a new month full of opportunities e-very way we turn in homes in schools in work . for men and women, boys and girls everywhere. Space does not per- Sthit us to call these opportunities by name start counting and you'll be surprised, and inas- much as this column is devoted mainly to commercial advertising we desire to call your attention to the fact that you have Boyles De- partment Store "at your service" this mouth you did not have it last Octobe''.' e have you for potential customers, which this store did not have last year. You have been good' to us . we deeply appreciate your confidence And13 Irnv~l+r We70 Rn q+trie -more and loyalty. We shall strive more ing to Port St. Joe on October 12, an l w is one of radio's phenomenal sue- diligently to prove worthy of youi cesses. Acuff, in hiis thirties, was patronage and goodwill. Our firsi born in the hills of Tennessee, His aim is to make your shopping family, although mountain people, pleasant, economical and perma- were no Tobacco Roaders. neatly satisfying. We, shall con- .Roy played baseball and football tinue to search for- new methods in high scho61 and collected more and new merchandise in order tc letters than any other student ever attain and hold this worthy goal. got in the Knoxville school he at- Your many kind remarks and sug- tended. Later he tinurned down a big gestions have given us new cour- league baseball career, when a age and greater determination . scout for the Yankees offered him keep them coming and we'll keep , job, to play his fiddle over WNOX them moving!! in Knoxville. That was seven, years ago and his Saturday night pro- We believe this first tip has gram has been broadcast nation- Atomic Power rolling on wide over 129 NBC stations. The rail this way we say it Smoky Mountain minstrel has been softly and gladly several starred in five motion pictures, in- hundred yards of famous quality eluding "Grand. Ole Opry," "Cow- COTTON PRINTS! Yes, boy- Canteen." "Oh, My Darling it will be limited good Clementine" and "Hi. Neighbor." steak is limited, too, but doesn't it Acuff will appear here in person taste good! with his Smoky i\fM'ountain Boys and Girls under a gigantic fireproof This is a soft, dry tip tent at the corner of Reid Avenue CANNON and DUNDEE is and Fifth Street. advt. it necessary to say TOWELS? ___ seventy-nine cents to dol- FORD DEALERS DELIVER lar fifty-five see the 12- CARS TO VET AMPUTEES piece Bridal Set at $6.95! Prior to passage of the bill by Pleasant thoughts Bap- which congress recently appropri- tist Pas.to Hallfor.d's "Thank you ated $30,000,000 to provide automo- for the publicity," in last week's biles for amputee war veterans, column of The Tattler. Miss Ford and Mercury dealers through- osey secretaryr to Pastor Hal- out the nation had delivered more Pose hsp smie whe sh fou than 600 specially eq.ui,pped 194G m a smart pair of walking shoes at cars to disabled veterans. Boyles Department Store (size- Records 'of Percy Jones general n seonD thought ve'll just say hospital in Battle Creek, Miich..Qudrle A" which she couldn't show that 85 p cet of all new find in a large Alabama iroh city.) cars delivered this year to its am- piftee veteran patients have been Dear customers, have ou ever 'eitiher -Fords or Mercury. This stopped to 'estimate the actual cost special driving eqoipment was in- of unnecessary out-of-town shop- stalled witohut charge by the Ford ping? You can hardly make a trip Motor Company. to a larger shopping city any- Special controls also are avatl-c able at no cost to amputee veter- where for less than $5.00. . Let's say 'you buy a pair of shoes for $8.50 that makes your purchase cost you $13.50 net .... not considering the fact that the money spent did not benefit your own community in any way . Your local merchant needs you. S. Try us first, won't you? Take a good look, mothers, at our complete stock of smart, col- orful, durable ,Children's Anklets for school wear .. while you are: on that side, see those fine quality cotton panties 'by HAYNES . sizes for misses and women S .. you'll like them. Jimmy Duffle says our pine plank painted window was better than the real thing which we have again! Only trouble, Jimmy, you wouldn't be able to see those top quality HORSEHIDE and CABA- RETTA LEATHER JACKETS now on display we turned down the soft, peely leathers for those tried and true grades, which we know will give you long service, even though the cost is slightly more. Men, take a look before you buy! Have you seen that new Otis- made knit short with elastic wal4 and regular leg? it's a hign quality garment. We would mention shoes, buz they are walking out so fast we might be in a slightly deflated condition before you get here! Try it, anyway! Les Gay is using a gadget in h,Wi fish market that does not require the use of gloves we sell to shuck oysters any of you who need. these cotton canvas gloves see us before you see Les' inven- tion!!! Now that the "R" months are here, oysters are still better at Les' market, anyway! You still have time to get in your letter requested in last week's "Tattler." Announcement of the date prize will be awarded will be made later. This is not a "Lena, the Hyena" contest that we hear so much about. One pleasant cus- tomer .told us she couldn't write a letter but she would like to buy a pair of those "unspeakables." We happen to know she can write a letter and you can, too. Do it today! Your for Bigger and Better Letter Writers. R. GLENN BOYLES. Choose Your Pharmacist As You Would Your Physician Have Your Prescriptions Compounded At Smith's Pharmacy By John Robert Smith PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST a Listen Bill .. . L Your car will run smoother, accelerate faster, save gas, and give more driving enjoyment if you have the valves scientifically ground and reseated, carbon cleaned and motor tuned up occasionally, and have it DONE RIGHT. We are properly equipped and possess the "know how" to do this job RIGHT. Have us do it for you now! FREE ESTIMATES 'ON ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Body and Fender Repairing Upholstering and Glass -. Painting Wheel Alignment Washing Polishing Lubrication WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES WAYE-McGOWIN MOTOR CO. WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Phone 129 Day or 170-W Night ammulowo - -- I --.- -- ___r FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE PHONE 114. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. V w I v- V-V VV !WW I I ir t 9 p s .1 t t t PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA rAj%%xR-- THE STAR Pvbllsked Every Friday at Pert St. Joe, Pla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMi-TH, Editor Knte~ed as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... 2.00 Six Months...... .1.00 -4[ Telephone 51 11- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omielons in adver- tiemenh. the publishers do not hold themselves liable for dmages further than amount receded for uch, advertisenea. The spoken word is gTven scant attention; the printed wer4f to thoughtfully weighed.. The spoken word barl"y aMrt8s the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken werj is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong SHORTCHANGED GENERATION Marvina Lindsay, columnist of The Wash- ington Post, doesn't mince words in the dis- cussion of teacher shortages this'year. Says she.: "Communties, faced with their closed or overcrowded schoolrooms, their substandard teachers, will at last have to take stock of themselves. What are they 'sacrificing' for the schooling of their children? About 1.4 per cent of the national income-while Great Brit- ain spends 2 per cent, Soviet Russia around 13 per cent. For what are their state treasuries -now generally solvent-exspending funds? Roads first, then public health, then education. "What are they doing to attract teachers? Paying them less than the garage mechanics who take care of their cars. Making drudges out of them in community chores. Letting el- derly school boards and nosey Mrs. Grundys direct their social life, failing to show them the appreciation and honor for which their souls are starving.' "The basis of solving the teacher problem lies in shocking- Americans into realizing the national peril of shortchanging educationally today's children. They need to see that the. teaching task is so important that superlien and superwomen should be developed to handle it." It now comes out that army dentists pulled 16,500,000 teeth since Pearl Harbor. We had gone on supposing it was drilling that got the' GI down. "Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn-" Petrillo's not looking and the cow's in the corn. 'STARDUST and MOONSHINE 'Butter, butter, who's got the but- ter? Seems to be no par- ticular limit on it when any of 6our local grocery stores get in a few pounds. Checking on the price we find that Store A gets 92c per pound, Store B 98c, Store C $1.00, and Store D 85.c. Perhaps that 85-cent butter isn't up to the butterfat content of the $1.00 per pound product, but a buck a pound for butter! Wow!, And it is quite peculiar, but when there's butter on the market the oleomar- garine disappears. Of course, oleo will keep longer than butter . Could be? Harry Saunders, relaxing iu the sulphurous fumes of the mineral- 'baths at Hot Sprinks, Ark., writes and encloses a telephone call slip, saying: "I have heard various tele- ;phone'girls pronounce it in many and varied ways, but I think the attached takes the prize insofar as spelling 'Apalachicola" is con- cerned." .. And here's the way the phone girl spelled it: "A'.- alachizola, Fla." Oh, well, perhaps some of our Florida phone gals would get mixed' up on spell- ing some Arkansas town names, PLENTY OF RED TAPE In report No. 10, 78th congress, of a com- mittee headed by then Senator Truman, this observation was made: "It is the job of gov- ernment to devise rules of the road, but not to tell the driver where he must travel." That principle is as sound now as on the day some years ago when it was written. The whole system. of democratic government de- pends upon government being an umpire, not a player in the game. But it is apparent to anyone that government has moved away from that principle and has made itself player as well as umpire. The agonizing delays in reconversion to peacetime production are largely 'the conse- quence of too much government. Anyone in Port St. Joe, or anywhere else, who has tried to start a business, build a home, or buy a piece of war surplus equipment knows what happens. The red tape is in abudance and everything else is scarce. NOT FOR QUITTERS John Wanamaker, one of America's most famous and successful business men, is credited with this sound advice: "If there is one enterprise on earth that a quitter should leave alone, it is advertising. Advertising does not jerk-it pulls. It begins very gently at first, but the pull is steady. It increases day by day and year by year until it exerts an irresistible power." Collections of federal excise taxes on motor cars, tires, radios, sporting goods, refrigera- tors, theater tickets, night club checks, busi- ness machines. and scores of other items, are showing a marked increase, which points to a flourishing state of business. VWill somebody kindly impart this information to the droopy and sharply discouraged New York stock mar- ket?-Kansas City Star. "Twoi New Cases of Polo Here," says a headline in a recent issue of the Panama City NeXs-[1erald. W\e new that 'golf was catch- ing, having had a severe attack from which we have never quite recovered, but we never knew that polo came under the same head of communicable diseases. WVe wish we could catch up on our worry- ing about serious matters long enough to spend a few minutes worrying; about some- thing trivial. Keep smiling-and buy U S Savings Bonds. such as Bodicaw, Chickalah, Oga- maw, Hiwass'e, Subiaco ands Wab- baseka. Over at the Jaycee meeting Mon- day night when George Tapper ap- pointed Basil E. Kenney as a mem- ber of the committee to see about making concrete street markers, Bas chirped: "Put a lumberman on a concrete committee!" And Doec Norton: "I hope to be able to learn to fly some day, and I'd like to see the Jaycees sponsor an air- port." And here we thought all along that Doc could already pilot his flying orange crate. .. And Horace Soule argued long' and lus- tily in a vain endeavor to turn down the job of vice-chairman of the committee on securing St. Joe as a terminal for the Apalachicola- Chattahoochee waterway, stating he wouldn't have the time. . Yep, it probably would, interfere - For Those Who Think of Appearance Run-down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and well polished. Let us be your footwear valets. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP with his checker playing Over there, in the Letters to Ye Ed column Mrs. Routh, 'way up in Na.wth Ca'Iina, writes, that she likes the newest addition to The Star, the "Tattler" column. . Methinks Glenn Boyles might get a bit rifled up over that, since he writes it and pays, his good money for the space. At Tennessee University Ed Eells has returrfed to the Uni- versity of the South, Sewannee, Tenn., and Wednesday of last week began his classes. He is a sopho- more in the college of arts and sciences. CASH For Fall Needs $300 OR LESS Fix up the home. buy coal or meet tnex- pected expenses. 15 Months to Repay! CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida . . .. . . . if any of them ever get close to Plymouth, N. C., call the North Car- olina Pulp Co. and we'll come and pick them up. We live out in a tiny country town not listed in the di- rectory! Mrs. Wm. N Routh. There are 20,142 recorded cattle brands in Wyoming today. Larg- est number ever recorded in the state was 24,4-18 in 1934. One good thing you kin say fer dog days this year-congress ain't in 'session and addin' further to our mize'ries. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA. Visits Mother Charles Wise, who is in the mer- chant marine, arirved. Sunday from Oregon for a few days' visit with his mother, Mr. JL. C. Wise -^^- '-r.. - From where I sit... Ay Joe Marsh) Bert Childers and the Melon Patch Bert Childers put an ad in the Naturally it puzzled some folks Clarion the other day. Here's what ... but Bert explains: "It gives me it said: -' a kick to share things when I can "Planted more melons than I afford to-whether it's the melons, can eat this year. Stop by and pick or the lemonade, or beer. I guess I as many as you want. All free." just like to indulge my whims." As you can guess, plenty of folks From where I sit, if we had more sent their kids over and plenty of "self-indulgent" people like Bert the parents came too. Stripped -who believe in share and share Bert's melon patch in no time. And alike, live and let live, this tired as they went away, Bert treated world would be a whole lot better the kids to lemonade, and offered off! the grownups a glass of ice-cold sparkling beer. Copyright. 1946, United Sta:es Brewers Foundation Good Food Is Just As Important As Good Liquor ' We have both good food. and good liquor ready to serve you on all occasions. Drive out and see for yourself. Walter's Bar & Grill (2'-i Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon Hill Highway) J. A. CHRISTMAS, Mgr. W. I. GARDNER, Owner FR16AY, 66-fOStiR 4, i46: i, TH-E STAR, POR.T ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLCORIDAA PAGE FOUR LETTERS The Low Down from TO THE EDITOR Willi S ^^^ O^,TO. Willis Swamp Creswell, N. C. Dear Mr. Smith-Have read with Editor The Star: great alarm the notice about drop- Whut this here country needs ping subscribers! Since I don't to know is, jest how much is 41 know the date my subscription ex- billon bucks. We bin seeing' con- pires and don't wait to lose it, gress, dish up 100, million, or 2 bil- PLEASE. Notify as to correct date lion 'thout battin' a eye, for so so I can send, you the two dollars long that we don't even look to see in plenty of time, for, as one young iffen its a million or a billion. The lady wrote, "the Johnsons aren't sheriff ain't drove up yit, so whut too p'iompt about writing" always, th' heck. What is a extree three and they can't "cover the news" as zeroes, more or less. you of The Star do so well. So with Bob Sikes coming' home, 'Bill and I call The Star "our best now's a good time to quiz the gent. two buck's worth since Pearl Har- Mebbe he kin tell us whut is 41 bo.r." We enjoy especially the billon. But iffen he can't, and lie Stardus-t and Moonshine, Letters to gits confused or red in the face you. the Editor, and your latest addi- kin tell' him the answer. I dug .p tion, The Tattler. my slide rule, and here's whut i'f I am in. the same position as sez: Iffen you have 41 billion some of the; others or St. Joe "na- bucks in one dollar bills and you tives," having been away for nearly lay 'em end to end, they would go nine years much of the news of the 142 times around this here o1' earth people at home is about people I've -at the middle. And comrputin' never heard of, but just to know still further with my slip-stick, I they are in Port St. Joe makes found that them there 142 separ- their "doings" interesting to .Bill ate round-the-world strips would, and me. make one single band of carpet 30 We are very proud of our Saints! feet wide. Some pavement that Baseball has always been very there'd be-or ms-and the dinero clBaseball to our hearts always been very has to be coughed up via taxes, in- close to our hearts and we Vol- lowed the'Gulf Coast League much come and other kinds. And that's d te Glf C t L u jest one year's expense of the closer than the, national series. j est one t year it'll e another We are awfully homesick, nav- 30 g oot layer of greenbacks-25,000 ing been away from any of the , miles. long. e , homefolks for over a year now, so - RIDA. COE ,14 H TR OTST OGL ONY LRD AEFV ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ilMr. and Mrs. Leroy Goforth of Chicago, Ill., announce the engage- ment of .their daughter, Royce, to Major B. H. Dickens, Jr. The wed- dbng will be an event of October 12 at the Morgan Park Methodist Church, Chicago, Illinois. a t Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Johnson and son Jerry of Pensacola visited here over the -week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. the club will be held at 8 p. m., October 8, in the club rooms at the Centennial Builqing, at which time County School Superintendent Tom Owens will be the, speaker. Mr. and Mrs. .Tom Fleming Smith of Apalachicola were visitors here this week. Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Miss Dorothy. Trawick WOMAN'S CLUB EXECUTIVE BOARD HOLDS MEETING and Lewis Walters Wed The executive board of the Port Miss Dorothy Mae Trawick ana t. Joe Woman's Club met Wed- Lewis B. Walters Jir., were married of Mrs. Charls Br wn, with Mrs. Wednesday, Septembeir 27, in the of M C Bw wt M hWednesoday Sebter be' 27a, ntn Brown and Mrs. Noble Stone, as home of the bride's parents, Mr. co-hostesses, with the new presi- and Mrs. Oscar Roberts, the Rev. nt, Mrs. Gus Creech, presiding. 0. D. Langston performing thepresi O. D. Langston performing the At this time plans were com- double alintar wheremthemyoung couple pleted for the "Embarkation Lun- took their vows was banked' with cheon," held Wednesday at the took their vows was banked with ,Centennial Auditorium, with which palms and ferns and flanked with the club opened its 1946-47 pro- baskets of white gladiolus and sil- ta clBoar mene rs e act s ho- ver candelabra holding burning tesses at the affair. white tapers. Nuptial music was M ers were delighted to learn rendered by soloist Marigene S. that Mrs. Charles Brown had been Taunton singing "Always," accom- Taunton singing "Always," accom- elected to a district office, that ofr panied by Mrs. M. P. Tomilnson. junior district chairman. Mrs. Harry L. Trawick, sister-in- After adjournment, the hostesses law of the bride,, acted as matron served delicious refreshments. of honor. She wore an azure blue M crepe gown and a corsage of ye'- VERNA POPE OBSERVES low as.ters. Gordon Ferris served FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY as best man. Verna Lee Pope observed he The bride advanced to the altar fifteenth birthday Thursday night, on the arm of her stepfather, Mr. t it T y n t, Roberts, who gave her in marriage. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her wedding gown was light blue H. Pope, at the St Joe fi, Mr. and Mrs. wool crepe trimmed with goldenJ H. Pope, at the St. Joe fire nailheads. Her flowers were a Enjoying the evening with Verna shoulder corsage of pink carna- Enjoying the evening with, erna and wishing her many happy re- tions., turns of the day were Willoughby At the conclusion of the cere- hitfield, Edgar Lee Causey, Billy mony the guests were invited to Joe Rich, ar ren Whiifieldy, Au- the dining room where a reception Joe Rich, Warren Whitfield u- was held'. Mrs. Harry L. T~rawic brey Hardy, George Harper, Oliver was held.Mrs.HarryL.Trawke, and Mrs. Harper, Sara Sealey, Dorothy Jean served the wedding cake, and Mrs. ealey,V i giaHaperV a \Oscar Roberts, mother of the bride, Sealey, Virginia Harpe, Fonia presided at the punch bowl. cloth Fairciloth, Lloyc Cair- Attending the wedding were Rev. loth, LoranPeggy Fainer, James Gainer, and, Mrs. 0. D. Langston, Mrs. R. Lora Gaine, James Ganer, V. Coburn, Mr's. Jack Schiellas, Allly Whitfield, Calvin Sangster, Marigene S. Taunton, Mrs. M. P. Ella Virginia Pop, Dorothy Lee Tomlinson, Mrs. J. H. Raybon, Mrs. Pope and John Henry Pope. Jam ,s Matiin, MUr..and -Mrs W. ADDOX Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fei- FARNEL.L-MADDOX ris, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Scheffer, A marriage of interest here was Mr. and: Mrs. R. F. Scheffer, Jr., that of John C. Farnell and Miss Mrs. George M. Johnson, Miss Le- Sara Jacqueline Maddox, which nora Johnson, Dr. W. A. Lewis Jr., took place September 14 at the and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trawick Wildwood M.e.thodist Church, the of Tallahassee. ceremony being performed by the The young couple left immedl- Rev. Willard J. Parker ately after the ceremony for a The bride is the daughter of Mr. short wedding trip to Wakulla and' Mrs. T. E. Maddox of Wild- Springs and are now at home to wood, and Mr. Farnell, former man- their friends on Long Avenue. ager of the Port St. Joe office ot It I F the, Florida Power Corporation, is EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETS the son of Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Far- nell of Branford. He has been man- The executive council of the Ju- ager bf the Wildwoodi office of :the nior Woman's Club met' last eve- Florida Power Corporation for the ning at the home, of Miss Marjorie past two years. Philvyaw The regualr meeting ot SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - CARSO. MARIE HARMON FEATURE NO. 2 - --Also-- Chapter 5 of Serial "The PHANTOM RIDER" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 -- HIT NO. 2 ---- BUSTER CRABBE in - 'PRAIRIE BIADMEN" -- Also-- Chapter 4 of Serial "THE SCARLET HORSEMAN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 10 and 11 EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" I R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1946 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topii,c: "GOD'S FELLOW-LABORERS." 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon Topic : "RE-ENACTING CALVARY." 4 'w\HEN -OWLING, ONE COr)OTE MAY GDOUND- K AN ENWIRE. PACK. Shop at the LILIUS JEWELRY COMPANY and you'll have nothing to "howl" about. . Columbus discovered a new world we can't all be like him, although most of us have the spirit of adventure. You can, however, discover October Birthstones of rare beauty at LILIUS'. - Also- SPORT and DISNEY CARTOON MONDAY TUESDAY October 7 and 8 S W* ESTHER WILLIAMS tALL KEENAN WYNN '- A s o---- NEWS and CARTOON . Alsof - TOMORROW" A Warner Brothers special filmed in Technicolor por- traying "the life and activi- ties of the Boy Scouts o0* America. Honor our Boy Scouts by being present to see this film. .... .. BUSINESS WOMEN'SCIRCLE | 9 LOST 32 LBS.I IN. MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT WEAR S1ZE 14 AGAIN" The Baptist Business Women's Once 1560 lb., Miss Reynoldelot , Circle met Tuesday evening at the weight weekly. with Vita- home of Miss Betty Sue Watts, she baa model's figure. Your ei- persence may or may not be the with ten members present. New o s- same but try this easier reducing ficers were elected for the coming an. Reult or money back. year and a program on Latin Amer- Inclinil tests onductedby ica was interestingly presented by medical doctoramorethan tlo persons lostl4tol15,nounda members, of the circle. Two new pvers einfaew l eeks with members joined' at this time, Miss the AYDS Vitamin Cand. s W Erline McClellan and' Miss Vonnyc o edci no la t No exercise. No laxatives. No 1 Heath. drugs. Eat plenty. You don't cut At the conclusion of the program out meals, potatoes, et, youjust out them down. Simple when %ou th-e, members were served delicious enjoy delicious AY1D8 'itamin Cindy b Seals. Only $2.25 for S0'days' supply. | refreshments. of ritz sandwiches Phone 27 CARVER DRUG CO with cream cheese, brownies, as- sorted, cakes and coca-colas. Next meeting of the circle will b.e& held Tuesday, October 15, at S P. m. in the Baptist Church. All DR. C. L. REICHERTER members are urged to attend. OPTOMETRIST X t ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Sunday services will be held as * follows: 7:30 a. m.-Holy Communion. Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school. First Floor 'Phone 560 11:00 a. m.-Holy Communion. PANAMA CITY, FLA. (Additional Society on page tw)) Port Theatre A Martin Theatre E Port St. Joe, Fla. THEAT*AE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIME TODAY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 --HIT NO. 1 - RUNPROOF RAYON ' $1.50 Swonlone is a delue quality runproof nylon and acetate rayon. It is extremely durable and Blue Swan has tailored it smartly to give fine fit and wearing comfort. Also available in Hollywood and Cuff Briefs. Sizes 5/36 to 8/42, MO. UCHETTE'S- Style Shop I I -- I I 'PAcm !lVE THE*STAR, PORT ST. JOE', GUL F' COUNTY'p -FLORI DA FRIDAY,,OCTOSER 4, 1946 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~TV wIXT 171 1IN TAT- 1DI-%E)'Tr C' w 1L w rlUV INI ii r l"-l .O -J. j I-' SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT - THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED ST. JOE SIGN SHOP UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES- FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker COSTIN BUILDING PHONES-DAY 201: NIGHT 105-2 eKno s CHES TNU T' SGROCER CHESTNUT'S & Market "THE STORE WHERE YOUR PENNIES COUNT" YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND WHAT SYOU WANT WHEN YOU SHOP HERE CgMM# Za Let Us Design You a Letterhead To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. McGill's Refrigeration Service DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL Appliance Service and Acetylene T Welding Phone 299 kIN WILKS Dia WE TI * CLASSIFIED i Star Want Ads Bring Qui REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE on Long Avenue. See Kenneth or Gus Creech at Creech Bros. Laundry. 10-4tf HOUSE Two-bedroom house in good location. Price reasonable. For further information telephone 66. 10-4* SIX-ROOM HOUSE and 31 lots in Beaty Subdivision, White City; almost 2. acres of land; $750 cash with abstra-ct of title to date. CARTER, Costin Building LOTS We have a nice selection of residence and business lots. ACREAGE Close to city limits. From 5 to 160-acre tracts. COTTAGES FOR SALE-One five- room- agd one four-room cottage at Beacoi 'Hill on 100x100-foot lot. Equipped with lights and bath. Both cottages to go for only $3000. Selling price includes about $200 worth of furniture. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker Office St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM-With bath, on McClellan Avenue. See 0. R, Davis, phone 281-J. 1* ROOM--For two gentlemen. Pri- vate bath with 'shower, hot and cold water. Phone 161. 1* APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 MISCELLANEOUS HOME PORTRAITS AND VIEWS made of anything, day or night. Drop a card, General Delivery giv- ing street and house, date, and time of day. Will be there on time. T. J. Benton, Photographer. 9-20 TAX WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI-- PHONE 287 JAMES BASS At Sunny State Service Station Bikini. JEWELRY COMPANY COMP] JEWELRY CIiOMPANY~i NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME COM M Notice is hereby given that pursuant to WE HANDL monds and jewelry Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941. the undersigned person intends to p FIRE LIF. EACH WATCHES TO register with the Clerk of the Circuit Cout w recommend fire EAC-H WATCHES TO ., Gulf County, Florida. four weeks after We recommend .e the first pubfication' of this-.notice, the tJo ' ,LL TH-E TRUTH icitious name or trade name under which c B U K he will be engaged in business and in which ucces. said business is to be carried on, to-wit: ROOOKS SPORTING GOODS, Port St. Joe, 1e-I 23 ,DAN J. BROOKS, Jr. M T ADVERTISING NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME tE T TNotice is hereby given that pursuant to- F R I I Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941. the undersigned person intends to A k Results At Small ost. register with. the Clerk of the Circuit Court ck* ist A Cost .o Gulf County, Florida. four weeks after Ihe first publication of this notice, the LeHARD FOR SALE fictitious name or trade name under which iw will be engaged in business and in which ili business is to be carried on, to-wit: FOR SALE-CASH: Coleman port- \.WATTS GROCERY AND MARKET, Port able radiant type gasoline heater, t. joe. Florida. $10; mechanical refrigerator with '0-4 2-. RALPI A. SWATTS. Moder fiew unit, $120. Write.Box No. 17, NOTICE OF DIVORCE . c/o The Star. 10-11* In the Circuit Court. Gulf County, a. LILLIE PE FOR SALE-Slightly used, folding Florida, IN CHANCERY. baby carriage; in good condition. John E. Beasley, Plaintiff, See Bill Wagner. 10-11* Myrtice H. Beasley, Defendant. Ior WATER PUMP-.Fairbanks-Morse THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ( - electric water pump and tank. TO: Myrtice H. Beasley, whose, St. Joe Sign Shop, phone 94. 1 residence and address is: 2841 carries a message- California Street. San Francisco, Every ads carries a message- FOR SALE-210-lb. asphfilt shingles California. a message that will save money, and 90-llb. asphalt roll roofing. You- are hereby notified and or- See C. L. Costin, Beacon Hill. tele- dered to appear on the 15th diay of Statement of the Ownership, Man- phone 91105-3. 10-25* October, A. D. 1946. before the agement, Circultaion, etc., required HEATER --One large 50,000 BTU above styled court to the bill of by the Acts of Congress of August HEATER-i One large 50000 BTU complaint for divorce filed against 24, 1912, and March 3, 1933, of The American Machine circulating oil you in the above entitled cause. Star, published weekly at Port St. burning heater; $60. See Joe Mira, WITNESS my hand and official Joe, Fla., for October 1. 1946. - phone 95. 1 seal'at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, iState of Florida, County of Gulf, RECONDITIONED OIL STOVES- Florida, this 16th day of Septem- ss. Beforeme, a notary public in Plain and table-top models. We ber. A. D. 1946. and for the state and county afore- buy and sell.' St. Job Sign Shop. J. R. HUNTER, said, personally appeared Win. S. phone 94. 9-27tf (Court' Clerk of Circuit Court, Smith. who, having been duly S-- Seal) Gulf County, Florida. sworn according to law. deposes PICTURE FRAMES made for any E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. 9-20 and says that he is the editor and' size picture. 0. J. Benton. photo- Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-11 pubilsher of The Star and that the 4-apner. Port St. Joe. 9-20 following is, to the best of his NOTICE OF DIVORCE knowledge and beef, a true state- SCRATCH PADS-4 by 6 inches. it ent o the ownership, manage- Good white bond paper. Package II the Circuit Court. Gubf County, nient fthe o thership, manage- of 12 uads. 30c. The Star. tf Florid, IN CHANCERY. caent,iontc., of the date aforesawnd publi- Evelyn Taunton Trautz, Plaintiff, cation for the date shown, required HOUPEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Trautby the Act of August 24, 1912, as. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE s. Traut Defendat. amended bhy the Act of March 3. Frank George Trautz, Defendant. 1933, em'bodie din section 537, Pos- .BEDROOM SUITE complete. See THE STATE O3F'FLORIDA, tl, ews and, Regulations., to-wit: Mrs. E.R. DuBose at Mouchette's TO: Frank George Trautz, whose That the name ande address of the Style Shop. 27* whose residence and address is: publisher, editor and business man- 905 Eld.ridge Avenue. Collings- r s i SSith, Port S t. LODGE NOTICES wood. New Jersey. Toe. Fi:. That thie owner is: Wm. MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- You are her'eib notified and o'- Smith. Port St. .Toe. Fla. That Port St Joe Lodge 111 Regular dered to appear oni the 15tb delay of t-.h known bondholders, mort- Port Smeetings. Joe Lo2nd and 4h Fri- October A. 1946, before the agrees and other security holders days each month, 8:00 p. m. above stvle l court to the bill of re: Nono. That tblo average num- I Members urged to attend; oiomlplaint for divorce filed against her or copies of each issup of this visiting brothers welcome. G. W v'iu\in the above entitled cause. publication sold or distributed, thrust cooper, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec.l WITNESS my hand and official l'e mails or otherwise, to paid -_ -"_' ._ ".. seal at W 'iyahitchka. Gnlf County. subscribers during the 12 months SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0. Floridla. this 16th day of Septem- preceding the date shown above is 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday hber, A. D. 1946. 786. Wm. S. Smith. night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall.i J.' R. HUNTER, Sworn to and subscribed before me All members urged to attend and (Court Clerk of Circuit Court, this 30th day of Senteimber. 1946. visiting brethren invited. W. C. Seal) Gulf.Conunty, Florida. (SEAL) Myrtilce 0. Smith. Forehand, N. G.; W. H. Sansom:. E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. 9-20 'f- commission expires March 8, Secretary. Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-11 "9.9 YOU ENDS T Y'S BAR aq n Beauty Shop EARL WATKINS, Owner Appointment Phone 41 NOTICE OF ELECTION To the Sheriff of Gulf County, of the State of Florida: Be It Known, That I, R. A. GRAY, Secretary of State of Florida, do hereby give notice that a , GENERAL ELECTION will be held in Gulf. 6unty, State of Florida, on Tuesday next suc- ceeding the first Monday in No- vember, A. D. 1946, the said Tues- day being the Fifth Day of November For United States Senator. For Representative of the Third Congressional District of the State of Florida. in the Eightieth Con- gress of the United States. For Two Justices of the Supreme Court of the S-tate of Florida. For Two. Railroad Commissioners of the State of Florida, For One Member of the House of Representatives of the State of Florida. For Two County Commissioners, Districts Two and Four For Two Members of the County Board of Pu'blic Instruction, Dis- tricts One and Three. In Testimony Whereof, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Florida, at TaHahassee, the Cap- Ital, this the first daiy of Septem- ber, A. D. 1946. R. A. GRAY, 9-6 11-1 Secretary of State. Port St. Joe, Fla. PAGE SIX I BOY SCOUT NEWS The attendance at. the meeting Monday was good, with about 25 boys present. The boy's are well pleased to have the assistance of Glenn Grims- ley in the Scout work. Norman Allemore was strutting his new uniform Monday, of which he is exceeding proud. The Scouts are still working on the football situation with Panama City and hope to form a squad. The Scout committee is doing a swell job of raising the quota as- signed in the fund drive, and with the splendid co-opeiation received from ev.nryone they will soon reach the. goal of $1000. There will be a Board of Review held Monday week at the Scout house for those boys who missed the last one. Scouts are urged to ask every- body they meet to attend the spe- cial Scout picture to be shown at the Port theater next Thursday and, Friday. All boys 12 years or over who are interested in Scouting will be welcome at the Scout house Mon- lay at 7:30 p. m.- Expect Son From California Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Garrett ex- pect their son, Durant Garrett, S 3/c, from Long Beach, Calif., this week on leave. The ship on which Durant served participated in the underwater atomic bomb tests at LETE SERVICE .E ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE E CASUALTY BONDS insurance because its easyto start a fire ALEXANDER Records! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST HITS! .ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND l c APPLIANCE COMPANY Plumbin GENERAL PLUMBING REPAIR2 ~ SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR S G. W. BRODNAX ' Phone 94 At St. Joe Sign Shop car SOWER'S SUNNY STATE SERVICE J If you want EXPERT SERVICE in a Hurry, a6h We Have It. We Also Give ROAD SERVICE. First Aid REPAIRS- WHEEL BALANCING Cars Polished, Waxed and Steam Cleaned PHONE 287 PORT ST. JO-, FLA. CA re~uR SCHNEIDER'S Ar Clothing for All the Family S' THE MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY JR |