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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Noirthwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VpLUME IX PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 NUMBER 52 St. Joe Meets Good Crowds At Apalachicola In Baptist Revival First Grid Tilt First Grid Tilt Dr. Land Proving To Be Capable S Speaker; Services Conclude -High School Eleven Will Trek To Next Sunday Night Oyster City Today; Play In- dustrial School Oct. 4 The revival services at the'First Th Port Joe h scool Baptist Church, which began last footballl team will open the 1946 Sunday morning, will continue thru season today when they go to Ap- nect Sunday night, with services as alachicola to tangle with Coach previously announced. ,Paul SteVuns"' reputedly strong "The attendance at these serv- rhapman high eleven. Rumor has ices is rather encouraging," reports it that the. Apalachicola team is Rev. R. F. Hallford'. "It seems to be tairly strong, with several letter- ewhat larger in the evenings men on the squad. somewhat larger in the evenings Inen on the squad. The local players are, in the ma- than is usually the case with re- jority, begidnfers, this being their vivals in this church. Dr. Land is first appearance on the gridiron, proving himself quite a capable but Coach E. M. Bailey has high speaker, with good ability to hold hopes for them., the attention of his listeners. In The starting lineup was not 1 addition to directing the music for available as we went to press,' but the services, 'Sunshine' Jelks is Fight Is On To City Books In Good1 Any Meat Today, Prevent Sale Of Shape, Audit Shows Mister? Is Query Fresh Wate Fish Accounting Firm Completes Audit- Of Housewives ing of Accounts for Past Two Game Commission Will Support And One-Half Years Ac ti.ni JI.a W ters* To Com- mercial Taking of Fish I. N. Kennedy, director for the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, states that they will vigorously support the action of the commission in closing all of the watery of the state of Florida to the commercial taking of fresh water ,fish other than catfish. The sale and transportation of such fish other than' catfish will like- wise be vigorously opposed. This is a fight of fresh water commer- cial fishermen against all of the other fishermen of Florida, born .and unborn. "The commission welcomes the making up the Saints' squad, which conducting a story hour for school Litigation recently filed by Lake is' e.iade.-l by Chuck Gibson as cap- age children at 7:30 'each evening, Okeechobee Commercial Fisheries thin,, are Wade Barrier, Henry Col- proceeding the service. Association, because these ques- lier, Gene Chism, Phillip Chatham, "For the information of those tions must be. settled', and it, is the Claude Cowart, Gene, Farris, Bus- who might not yet know about it, purpose of the commission to have fer Owens, Bobby Gibson, Frank the services are held at 7:15 a. m. them settled In favor of conserva- Jordan, 'Billy McFarland, Tommy and 8 p. m., and! will continue at tion," said' Kennedy. "The game Owens, Bernardl Pridgeon, Ernest these hours through Sunday," coln- and fresh water fish in Florida be- Smith, Will Ramsey, J. D. Shealy, eluded Mi'. Hallfoild. "The Sunday long to the people of the state of Amos Rhames, Billy Stafford, J. C. services will be held at 10:55 a. m. Florida." Evans, "Charles Smith, William and' 8 p. m. Our officers and teach- T Tha. commission has become Vittum and Franklin Young. Jack ers have set an attendance goal or alarmed at the rapid depletion of Williams is manager and Bennie 279 in Sunday school on Sunday fresh water fish in the wpatera of Elder and .Billy Traweek are as- morning at 9:45. Everyone who the state, and unless immediate %i.itint minagi.ers. can possibly do so is earnestly steps are taken to conserve this The local team will go to Marl- urged to be in this groupp" upply, Florida will lose one. of its anna next Friday, October 4, to The public is cordially invited to greatest assets. meet the Florida Industrial School take advantage of the opportuni- Florida is the only southeastern squad Schedule for thelbalance of ties afforded in. tl- l .-,: and state other than Georgia whicn the 'season is as follows: promised pleasant, .profitable ex- now pe''mits the hale of game fish, October '1-Open. periences in them. Georgia, which relies on Florida as October 18-Ohipley. Here. ----- ---- its principal source of s'uspply, per- October 2.5--Graceville. Here. New 0dyear Sore mnits the sale of bream and catfish. November 1 Bainbridge, Ga. ---- ---Goodyear--tor Here. Opens Here Today Elbert Sutton, Improving November 8-Open. L. P. Sutton and daughter Mer- November 15-DeFuniak Springs Alex Young throws open the ita returned Sunday from New Or- There. doors of the West Florida Tire and leans, La., where they had been at November 22-Bonifay. Here. Supply Store today alt 9 a. m., be- t'e bAdside o.f their son and bro- Nov. 29-Apalachicola. Here. ing te latest addition tothe ever- their. Elel)mt Sutton, who recently ------------ increasing number of new busi- iter'rwent a very serious opera- VFW To Appeal To WAA ness establishments in th'e city. tion. We are glad to report that he or Box Factory Material The new store is featuring Goon- is improving rapidly and hopes to Fryear tires and tubes, Hotpoint ap- le back hmle in a few weeks. pliances of every description, Gen- At the regular meeting Wednes- eral Electric and Bend.ix radios, Opens Market day night of the newly-organized Clushman motor scooters and many E. J. Rich has reopened the mar- Howard C. 'aunton Post No. 8197. kindred lines, most of which are ke|t formerly ope: ated by Sal Cue- Veterans of Foreign Wars., a mo- of the hard-to-get variety at the chiari and will handle seafoods, tion was unanimously adopted to present time. poultry, vegetables and fruits when have Commander Kenneth Creech In addition to the new store, Mr. available. write a letter to the War Assets Young has also taken over the Administration requesting that ma- Texaco service station at the cor- On Business Trip To Jax trial be made available to the St. ner of Reid Avenue and Second A. D. Lawson and. Carl Bound's Joe Paper Company for' construe- Street and handles. a full line or made a business trip to Jackson- tion- of a box factory here, which the well-known Texaco products. ville this week. 'wiill give employment to several hundred workers. New members mustered in at the meeting were George L. Bob- bitt, Winfred W. Ensley, Eugene K. Haisten, Frank M. Moran, Em- ory L. Robertson', Charles W. Ray, and George L. Tucker. 'Next meeting of the post will be held at 8 p. m. October 10, at the Centennial Auditorium. All mem- hers are urged to attend. PORT NEWS To Arrive- Gulf Maid, about Oct. 3. L. L. Abshire, due October 4. Sailed- '!,ulfking, Sept. 23. Aaleigh Warner, Sept. 23. Gulfbreeze, Selpt. 24. Joins Marines Jack Hammock has just recently joined the UJ. S Marine' Corps and has been sent to Paris Island, S.C., for his "boot" training. I FLORIDA POWER ADVERTISES STATE TO ITS STOCKHOLDERS S. [ P V I i' . t:'? T When stockholders of the Florida blazing with the spectacular Thues Power Corporation received their of a Gulf sunset. Bearing testimony regular quarterly' dividend checks to the beauties and pleasures or this month they found that some- -the Sunsaine State were a shor,- thing new had been added. The line liberally sprinkled with palm dividend rate was increased by 2 trees and poinsettias, and a lucky per cent. and the check itself was fisherman "playing" a tarpon. a newly-designed four-color affair. This unusual form of state aft- vertising, which has been sent to the utility's more than 11,000 share- hold'ers residing in all the forty- eight states and several foreign countries, will, it is hoped, create additional promotion for the state and the communities which the company serves. s D. A. Smith, certified, public ac- countant of Jabksonville, who has tor some time past been making an audit oif the books of the city of Port St. Joe covering the period from January 1, 1944, to June 30, !94.6, this week submitted his find- ings to the board o. city commis- sioners, stating, in part: "We want to state that we found the books an.d records in *very good ordei and the accounts all well main- dined: We want to advise also that we received the utmost co- operation from all the city em- ployas during the course of our audit." In the audit itself, this comment. is made: "The financial records of the city government are well re- corded and in excellent shape. The tax rolls are well prepared and for the two and a half years audited, no errors in recordnjng were found." A cursory examiantion of the lengthy document gives the follow- ing figures: General Fund Total funds ap- plied: 1944, $77,357.10; 1945, $54,- 090.82; 1946 (6 months.), $39,918.99. Water and Sewer Fund Total fundss applied: 1944, $20,782.58; 1945, $22,343.72; 1946 .(6 months). $12.994.71. Hospital Fund-Total funds ap- plied: 1944, $61,280.53; 1945, $71,- 061.46; 1946 (6 months), $29,332.05. Fixed properties -ifnj iihprovc- ments of the city are valued at $705,326.05, which includes water and sewer, systems, hospital, fire and scavenger departments, streets and sidewalks, and other items. Total bonded indebtedness as ot July 1, 1946, amounts to $300,860. This includes dredging bonds and Continued on page 8) New Tanks Now In Use At Pipeline Terminal The two huge 80,000barrel oil storage tanks which have been un- der construction for some time at the Pure Oil Company Southeast Terminal, were placed in use this week and, according to H. C. Da- vis, terminal manager, increase the capacity for storage to better than a.halif million barrels. The tanks were constructed by She Grover Tank & Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania.' Butchers' Cases Empty; Big De- mand for Chickens, Fish And Oysters "Any meat today, Mister? How about a piece of meat today?" i9 the song being sung by housewives of Port St. Joe as they trudge from market to market in the hope of ,perhaps finding a small steak or a lone pork chop. But all in vain, for the butchers' display cases< con- tain but a few. Odds and ends of cold cuts,, a slab 'of cheese and a few chickens. As a consequence there is a; big demand for whatever chickens are available and fish. oysters and other seafoods are making daily appearances on tables that forn~. early were graced by sirloin and T-bone steaks, pork and beef roasts and such, as housewives strive to appease their meat-hun- gry menfolks. A talk with local meat vendors indicates they have no idea of how long the OPA-created shorta.g will last. Two of them stated that they had' b,.en offered' meat by an out-of-town seller, but when they informed, him they were paying only ceiling prices, he left town in a huff, greatly grieved that none of the local markets would handle his black market meat. Kiwanians Hear Talk And View Film/On TB Mrs. Ramona Masure, field sec- retary of the Florida Tuberculosis and Health Association, was the guest of the Kiwanis Club at itb Wednesday luncheon. Besides giv- ing a very interesting address, Mrs. Masure presented a film about her subject, Maurice Maige assisting with the projection. "Each year," she said. "about 55,000 persons in the Unite'd States. die from tuberculosis. Florida has a rate of about 900 deaths yearly, While TB is still a very dangerous enemy to humanity, definite cura- tive .methods are being employed to successfully combat the dis- ease. X-ray units annually travel theta state, giving free X-rays to the public and urging everyone to sub- mit to chest X-rays. Besides, the association is using means to edu- cate the public to the menace or TB. If'people could be made to re- alize that TB can be cure wheu found in time, many lives could be saved if regular cnest X-rays are made." Mrs. Masum:e continued. She pointed out that the state sanitorium at Orlando has )been su-pplenmeted by the addition of the 210-bed hospital unit at Mari- anna. supplied by the government base there, and in addition a 400- bed unit is being rapidly prepared at Tampa. president Tom Owens pledged the support of the local club to the efforts of the association. ItR Tom Byrne, Episcopal pas- tor, was the guest speaker at the club Wednesday of last week and gave an interesting and instruc- tive talk on Alaska, using a num- )P:' of pictures for illustration. SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE OPEN THREE DAYS WEEKLY In future the local selective serv- ice office willl be open but three days each week, on Mond'ivs anti Tuesdays from S a. m. to 5 p. m. and on Wednes.datys from 8 a. m. to 12 noon. PAGE TWO STARDUST and MOONSHINE With all the advertising in thi1 Issue it looks like about all we have room, for is the "Stardust" heading but we ought to be able to squeeze in a rew items that Glenn Boyles hasn't scooped us on in his "Tattler" column. We were down at the Miller Drug Store last Thursday evening looking for a birthday present for our wife (her 27th she says-these women get younger every year, don't they) and. Mrs. Roy Gaskin was loading up on a lot of face creams and other beautifiers. As she paid off Mr. Campbell she re- memibered, that she was supposed to buy her husband some cigars, and when Campbell asked how many she looked at her 24 cents in change and asked how many she could get for that. We gave her a Tampa Nuggett to give to Roy poor guy! iMrs. H. A. Drake paid five dol- lars for an aluminum disk in an Atlanta store which, used in com- bination with hot water and bak- ing soda cleans her silverware up, nice and pretty. For twenty years we"ve been clearing our sil- verware tby dumping it in an al- minum kettle, shaking soda over it and adding boiling water. Did you ever see a man all dolled up in his Sunday best and going about barefoot? Well, that's what Williston Chafin says their new 1946 Ford looks like. Seems Williston parked his car in Mont- gomery while getting something to eat, and when he came out some enterprising individual had ap- propriated all four hub caps. "Fine way to treat Florida tourists," says Williston. W. E. Sneef, butcher over at tno new Swatts Grocery and Market, spent last week in Sneads (no rela- tion) with his mother. When he returned he brought back a half beef. Who wouldn't take a week off right now in order to get that much red meat! And we got a steak offen it before he sold it all to the meat-hungry hordes. Our thanks to Patty Lovett for a small sack of hot peppers. . We love hot peppers better'n a hog loves swill. Our wife gets the biggest kick out of people stopping her on the street and paying her for their sub- scription to The Star we'd like to see more people pay her off. Of course, she turns 'it over Lo us when she comes back to the shop S. imagine that, if you cant. E. C. Cason is going about with a bruised a-nd mercurechromedi face as the result of a four-man motor- scooter race on the beach this week. Seems Mr. Cason hit a 'bump with his motorized roller- skate, went plumb over W. B. Wil- sand. When being treated by Doc Ward, the eminent medico said: "That two wheeled veloci. pede is going to kill you yet." To which Cason replied: "You should talk! You wore a plaster brassiere for a year or so after you had a mixup with your four-wheel ja- loppy." New Highway Markers Erected Here This Week No longer will residents of Port St. Joe travel over State Road No. 6 to Wewahitchka, for with insti- gation of the state's new highway marking system Road No. 6 is now designated as No. 71. The change was made this week as the state road department erected the newly designed markers, an outline, of Florida on a white background. Road, No. 453 from Beacon Hill to Wewahitchka via Overtstreet is now No. 386, and Road. No. 52 from For Those Who Think of Appearance Run-down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and well polished. Let us be i your footwear valets.- THE LEADER SHOE SHOP M a Wl Wewahitchka to Panama City will Record Slaughter henceforth be known as No. 22. Slaughterings last year were the Coastal Highway No. 98 from largest on record as the result of Apalachicola still retains the same, large requirements for meat. U. S. highway number, but is' also designated. as State Highway No. There were 53,000 miles of rail- 30 under the new plan. roads in the United' States in 1820. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1094 Forage Feed Milk cows get 76 per cent of their feed from forage and pasture crops, other cattle 79.9 per cent, horses and mules 67.1 per cent, sheep 95.6 per cent. It pays- to advertise-try It! Y'W W.W W- U W S ~(~~9~ @ O O r -- -*E-*-*I 0 # 27 NC~IY WIMIM*HMMHAMMmM H- WS' .%WMS TIRES FOR WAY TRACTION $1610 6:00 x 16 Plus Tax Wh tires have to "bite hIn, grip, pull, stop . get Goodyears. For the sharp-edged diamonds of the All-Weather tread give you 4-way traction for few- er skids, safer stops. Get Goodyear for extra safety,- extra service. gLACEAR--'- AT SIRTH -THE BLACK eAR CUBS ARE NO LARGER THAN THE SMALLEST PUPPY. The policy of the LILIUS JEWELRY COMPANY is no different today than it was in the beginning. It's still LILI- US' for JEWELRY VALUES! Shop with pleasure you might as well get the best, whether you're buying a dia- mond ring or getting your watch repaired. der and du.g up about a yard of Good Food Is Just As Important As Good Liquor We have both good food, and good liquor ready to serve you on all occasions. Drive out and see for yourself. Walter's Bar & Grill (21/2 Miles from Port St. Joe on Beacon Hill Highway) J. A. CHRISTMAS, Mgr. W. I. GARDNER, Owner Goodyear Passenger Tires In Stock for Delivery The following sizes available: 4 6:00x16--4-ply 6:00x16-6-ply 4 6:50x15--4-ply 6:50x15-6-ply 4 GOODYEAR Inner Tubes Hold their shape better air 4 longer and save your tires. 4 6:00x16 (plus tax .. $3.65 - - - - - BEWARE! Truck Tire Shortage Ahead! RIGHT NOW WE HAVE ALMOST ALL SIZES IN GOODYEAR TRUCK TIRES Get Your Truck Tire Needs Filled While We Have Them In Stock! TRUCK TIRE TUBES IN ALMOST EVERY SIZE GOODYEAR Batteries Electric Ranges Water Heaters xH We Look Forward To Refrigerators Dryers Combination Ironers e Day Refrigerators Garbage Disposals SELECTIVE when we wil have Home Freezers Dishwashers SELEC V available'for you! w Washers Electric Sinks DEALER these Hotpoint appliances Automatic Washers Cabinet-Sinks CUSHMAN SCOOTERS IN STOCK -K GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOS BENDIX RADIOS DORMEYER MIXERS 'HURD' CASTING RODS Place Your Order Now! CORY COFFEE MAKERS 'TODAY AND SATURDAY ONLY!! -' NATIONALLY KNOWN A B RADIO BATTERY e 4 West Floria Tire and Supply S. A. YOUNG, Manager REID AVENUE AND SECOND STREET PHONI f$ 404t-< ****;- :O ****#.** *.se e,*04*0*.4 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA OUR OPENING Friday, September 9:00 am,. E 321 Vo%%a& vvw - - - - - - 4 -.^ ^ < < < I ,i 4 4 Hee~ iD S E 2 1 T S P S 1 Below are listed just a few of the many values to be found at Danley's during our ANNUAL FALL SALE MODERN MASSIVE! 3-PIECE COLONIAL SUITE SOFA AND CHOICE OF CHAIRS $219.50 , Famous Kroehler value, famous Kroehler quality, famous Kroebler comfort and appear- ance features! These are what you get in this, s'pring-filled' living room suite. 70x80-IN. BLANKETS $5.95 up Stock up now for fall with these warm wool and cotton blankets! Choice of solid colors, and nicely bound'. HOLLYWOOD BEDS Leathrette covered headboard with innerspring mattress and matching box spring. Twin or Full Size Priced To Suit Your Needs IN RICH MAPLE FINISH $99.95, Furnish your bedroom smartly and comfort- ably at an unusually low price with this attrac- tive American Colonial design suite! Includes 'bed, chest and choice of vanity or dresser. CHENILLE, SPREADS $12.95 To bring colorful new beauty to your bedroom! Multi-colored floral patterns in downy che- nille. DECORATED CRIBS $34.95 Sturdily constructed, in lus- trous ivory finish on hardwood. Has safety drop side. Complete with spring matress and water- proof cover. 53-PC. DINNER SET $22.50 Complete service for six in a !ovely floral pattern. Choice of colors. .. . : Shaggy THROW RUGS $3.95 up So smart, so colorful for any room in the house! Assorted shapes in a choice of colors. Bright, sparkling enamel surface rn heavy, durable felt base. . Choice of block and floral pat- terns. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA /*I DONALD LINTON RECEIVES FOOTBALL SCHOLARSHIP Donald "Wewa" Linton, a gl'adu- ate of Port St. Joe high school, class of '46, has been awarded a football scholarship to the Univer- sity of Georgia through the influ- ence. of Buster Owens, who thinks Donald will be one of the football greats of the South .."Wewa" re- ported for practice the first of Sep- tember under Coach Wally Butts. We are proud to' have one of our boys so honored, and know Don- ild' will not only be a credit to the .Jniversity of Georgia, but also to Port St. Joe. All his friends, are wishing him the best of luck, and will be watching his progress thru the next four years. Approximately 2,500,000 tons ol steel were used In the production of tin cans in 1945. VA REPRESENTATIVE TO BE HERE EACH THURSDAY George Cooley, contact represen- tative for the Veterans Administra- tion, will be at the Port St. Joe se- lective service office every Wed- nesday from 8:45 a. m. to 12 noon to assist veterans in any problems they might have concerning school- ing, on-the-job training, hospital- ization, national service life insur- ance, and any other problems he might be able to assist them with. If there are any veterans in this area who lost the use of either or both of their legs above the ankle while in service, the forms are tow available for them to apply for an automotive vehicle. The black widow spider's venom is six times as deadly as the cobra's and' 15 times as deadly ab the rattlesnake's. The Tattler Published Weekly By Featuring B.OYLES "Tips From Across Our DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Vol. I Friday, September 27, 1946 No. 9 DEAR SHOiPPERS: Telephone showing of dresses is jur latest innovation! It actually happened ,when one of our quick- stepping "right on the job" sales, girls answered the 'telephone . laid the receiver down went after a dress and proceeded to show it via telephone'. 'Within a few minutes the customer came in and walked out with the dress. We hope the St. Joe Tel. & Tel. Co. will not charge us extra for this television s-rviice! It's a tip, ladies, to Use your -telephone more. We hav one dowd'stairs and one uip- stairs, and we are always glad to give you the information you Ge- sire. Girls, when that phone, rings for a date, here's the right hat to wear: ,> '',, ."\ Is your favorite beau boy cal eager-eyed and attention? You'll rate a hot spot in his heart with one of these toFp for teens. Wool felt... $2.95 HATS BY GAGE FOR EVERY AGE BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE Port St. Joe, Florida Mothers, come in soon for "Poll Parrot" children's shoes and school oxfor.ds. We have them from tIne Cradle to College don't wait too long you'll be sorry, and all we'll be able to say is "Sorry." This week the editor of this col- umn invites you to do the talking. \Ve have tried to give you a few helpful "Tips From Across Our Counter" weekly for several weeks. Now, won't you write us ,briefly tell us frankly if you think it's worth our time and your time. We want your letters, not for pub- lication, but for our own guidance. Sc you do not have to worry about your literary style. Tell us, first ol all, where we have helped you. The door is wide open to you, and any suggestion that you may feel moved to ,bring. Would it not be wortli your while if some idea you shared with us were to introduce some change that would make y-our shopping easier and more pleasant in Boyles Departfent Store? . As a token of our appreciation we will send' to the writer of the let- ter judged most constructive one pair of beautiful, sheer NY;LON HOSE. (The judges will not be connected in any way with this firm.) Here is a genuine service which each reader may render . so write us today. Your communi- cations will be kept strictly confi- dential. Here's' a HOT TIP and a Bell- ringer! 144 Cotton Frocks, and Uniforms, size 12 to 46 on sale Friday Morning at 9 A. M. Each $2.60. Buy as many as you want as long as they last! Fine quality solid color and striped chambray sanforized white poplin! You'll be amazed at this unheard- of value! ? l,,es, those "strictly feminine" Wellsley Modes Suits are walking right out the frout door fast . Please don't wait until it gets cold and you have to have one . It il'ght be too late! Prices are moderate. Have you visited Alex Young's new place of business? We bought a 24-inch florescent bull) there yesterday we'd been on the lookout for for several months. Congratulations, Alex, and the best o' luck to you! 0. D. Langston, Methodist pas- tor, expects to have a brand new foot soon. Reckon he"11 speak to us then? Tom Byrne, Episcopal minister, entertained the Kiwanis Cluib last week v'ith a most interesting and educational talk on Canada. Tho'e cold pictures he showed us almost gave us the sniffles! Speaking of perachers, the Baptist Church has a good force at it's Revival this week. Have you been? Our last toast this week goes to those faithful men who labor quietly and effectively in our com- munity bringing the message of "Peace on Earth, Good Will To- ward Men." Yours for Bigger and Better Churches in Port St. Joe, R. GLENN BOYLES. 9x12 FELT BASE RUGS $5.95 up PACE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GOLF COUNTY, F:LORIDA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 Sp E. r U THE STAR Published Every friday at Port St. Joe, by The Star Publishing Company Fia, W. 8. SMI'TH, Editor ntq-red as second class matter, December 10, 1987, at the PostofHice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 1Six Months .......$3.00 -.# Telephone 51 19- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country -'~" Right or Wrong NOT THE MAN FOR THE JOB If President Truman is considering running for re-election he's certainly not going at it,- in the right way. From way down here in Port St. Joe it begins to look as though Mr. Trumant's brains have become short-circuited. We don't believe it's necessary to discuss the Wallace fiasco, since it has received so much newspaper and radio publicity, but there is another of his moves that apparently has escaped notice in the hullabaloo raised over the- secretary of commerce, and that is his contemplated plan of asking congress for spe- cial legislation to permit the entry of Euro- pean refugees into the United States. if he carries out that plan, he'll be driving an exceptionally large spike into his political coffin. We hope the people who are gathered at Copenhagen to find some means of satisfying people who are hungry for bread have better luck than those at Paris seeking a means of satisfying people who are hungry for peace. Keep smiling--and buy U S Savings Bonds. JO SERRA SPEAKS ON SECURITY Our old friend Jo Serra blew into The Star office last Saturday for his semi-annual visit to our fair city. Said he had to lay in enough grub to see him through the winter. "Secur- curity against getting hungry," he called it, but he said it looked like about all he was go- ing to take home with him was beans. "And speaking' of security," said Jo, as he cocked his feet up on our desk and spat a stream of liquid tobacco into the wastebasket, "that's one o' the strangest things I've seed in a long time. They's bin more jabber 'bout security these days and. less of it s'fur back as I kin reccomeipber. 'Course, down in The Swamp we don't have to worry much about it-leastwise we didn't uster but now it's gittin' so's even us folks down there who's got fish, and turkeys, and deer, and honey, and hogs, and practically everything we want, even we're starting' to worry, too. "You know. Mr. Editor, it's' a gittin, where I can't even fish in peace no more. I used to go fishing' and all I had on my mind wuz fishing . Now I can't fish fer .worryin' 'bout bizness, and guvamint and insecurity. "It 'pears to me that about all the guvamint is astryin' to do is to keep evvybuddy in hot water jest as long as possible. Why, lookit all them there agents, spenders, inspectors, spies, co-ordinators, expeditors, agitators and jest plain snoops, who goes around at the expense of us taxpayers and stir up ruckuses. That's why I can't buy no meat here in Port St. Joe -or another place, fer that matter-and it's why Wavne-McGowin can't git you that there new car you bin vearnin' fer. "Things is coin' to a heluva pass in this here land o' the free and home o' the brave when a feller can't fish for brim and catfish and keep his mind off'n suckers." We realize that this is a progressive age, but so far, thank goodness, we haven't seen grandma out driving one of those motorized scooters. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fort Meade, Fla. Hello Editor Bill-I am still on the map. Am sending you check for two years' subscription. Tell the boys "Ho" for me. Best wish.e's to all, F. J. COR'BIN. Editor The Star Dear Mr. Smith-You have been and are generous to our school In- terests and development in the support and space you give us. Since the organization of our lI- brary, you have and' continue to send us The Star. We wish you to know the appre- ciation of o-ir faculty and students for endeavors you make in our be- half. Thank you for the services you give us. It is a pleasure to re- ceive them. W. A. Biggart, Principal. Marjorie Philyaw, Librarian. Port St. Joe Schools. BID LET FOR RESURFACING SEVEN MILES HIGHWAY 6 The state road department last week let the contract for resurfac- ing seven miles-of Road 6 (now No. 71) northward from Cypress Creek. The Smith Engineering and Con- struction Company of Pensacola got the job for $61,842. Florida farm acreage has in- creased 55 per cent in five years, the research division of. the Flor- ida State Chamber of Commerce states after a study of advance re- ports of the 1945 census of agri- culture. It pays to advertise-try It! Adseeliurment To hear Willie Wells and Basil Strube arguing about trout fish- ing, you'd think it was more im- portant than the atom bomb. Willie favors dry flies, Basil pooh-poohs anything but wet flies. Willie swears by a Royal Coach- man; Basil won't hear of anything but a Silver Doctor. And by the time it comes to steel rods versus bamboo rods ... #!X&**!? But on Saturday, each got back from Seward's creek with a. catch that couldn't have differed by more than several ounces! Copyright, 1946, United States Brewers Foundation oing Fishing? Here's How! Each had used his favorite kind of fly, his favorite rod and his favorite place to cast. So over a friendly glass of beer, they al- lowed as how maybe they were both right which is how so many arguments should end. From where I sit, if we all re- spected one another's different opinions-whether about trout flies, or drinking beer, or voting, life would be a whole lot pleasanter. 690e *'aA4( When are you going to get your new car ? Until it comes, keep your old car on the joh with Hudson Protective Service! Have your car inspected regularly -and serviced expertly. That's Rule No. 1 for motorist, on the new car "waiting list" It's a long list this year-for never before has there been so great a demand for Hudson style, quality and performance. Of course we hope you're sched- uled for a. beautiful new 1946 Hudson one of these days. But until you get it, let us keep you in the driver's seat with prompt, expert Hudson service-moderately priced. That's the commonsense way to ,ssure safer, more dependable trans- portation, as well as higher value For your car when you come to trade it in. Your neighborhood-Hudson dealer is one of 3,000 selling and servicing this great new car ... Choice of Super-Six and Super- Eight engines All popular body styles Nine standard colors, four 2-tone combinations. HUDSON M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Phone 6 Port St. Joe, Florida From St e Marsh &- I From where I sit... n Joe Marsh ~r~rp~lsfilm NOW... I AM AGAIN BACK IN THE Trucking Business with a big new truck, and am soliciting moving of all types. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING I am especially set to handle furniture! All loads fully insured. C. W. "Red" HORTON (Only Licensed Transfer Man In Gulf County) PHONE 227 SUNNY STATE STATION _ __ - r g FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER ;27,,,9~ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNsTY, FLORIDA Dn rFr Rrt f lRDAY SETME 7 96TESAPR T OGL ONY LRD AEFV Mailing Period Set for Overseas Xmas Packages WMay Be Mailed Without Request Slips Between October 14 and November 15 Christmas packages for army ,personnel stationed overseas may be mailed without request slips between October 14 and November 15, according to announcement by the adjutant general. In past years the mailing period for Christmas packages was from ,September 15 to October 15, to in- sure receipt of the parcels over- seas before Christmas Day. Since the fighting ended, the number or soldiers overseas has been so re- duced and the movement of units has lessened so much that postot- fice department officials and army postal officers decided this year's gift mailing period could :be set back a month. Emphasizing that families this year know exactly where on the world's map their soldier-relative is stationed, postal officers urge the use of judgment in mailing dates, pointing out that delivery takes longer to Korea than it does fd Elingland. Oregon is derived from the In- dian word: meaning place of plenty. ROAD DEPARTMENT PLANS HUGE BRIDGE MOVING TASK The state road department is go- ing to move a bridge 130 miles- from Scotts Ferry in Oalhoun .county to Stephensville in Taylor county. The bridge will be taken to pieces and transported on barges to its new location. Road depart- ment officials say it's the first time a bridge has been moved in Florida. The joib will start as soon as the new bridge is completed to re- place the narrow span now at Scotts Ferry. The decision to move the bridge was madf at the request of a Taylor county delega- tion which reported that a private ferry at present offers the only means of crossing the Steinhatchee River at Stephensville, south of Perry. $25 $300 LOANS Have you unexpected expenses? See us for a quick confidential loan. CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost FOR YOUR PARTIES RE.AY TO SERVE DRY MARTINI GULF BUYS $6543 IN BONDS During the month of August, res- ide nts of Gulf county bought $6543 worth of E Savings Bonds. Total for the state was $6,457,555, a drop of $2,477,306 from July. ----^--- - Home From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Jake Belin re- turned Sunday from a week's va- cation spent in Georgia and Ala- bama. The average price of wine in 12th century England was a penny a gallon. . $3.65 $3.80 ICE AND SERVE! St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA, p -I SET YOUR SIGHTS It takes planning to achieve a goal Some young men know what they want and plan for it. Others arn. still looking for their niche. The new Regular Army can help both. Perhaps you-want to go to college but can't afford it. If you enlist in the Army, you'll get your chance. Honorably discharged after a three-year enlistment, you are eligible for 48 months of edu- cation at any college, trade, or business school for which you can qualify. The Government will pay your tuition, laboratory fees, etc., up to $500 per ordinary school year, plus $65 a month living allowance-$90 a month if you have dependents. If you haven't found your spot, an Army enlistment offers you training in any of 200 trades and skills. You leave the service eligible for further training at the best civilian schools. You can assure yourself of the benefits of the GI Bill of Rights if you enter the Army on or before October 5, 1946. See your nearest Army Recruiting Station for details. HIGHLIGHTS OF REGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENT 1. Enlistments for 11/2, 2 or 3 years. (1-year enlistments permitted for men now in the Army with 6 or more months of service.) 2. Enlistment age from 18 to 34 years inclusive (17 with parents' consent) except for men now in Army, who may reenlist at any age, and former service men depending on length of service. 3. A reenlistment bonus of $50 for each year'of active service since such bonus was last paid, or since last entry into service, provided reenlist- ment is within 3 months after last honorable discharge. NEW, HIGHER PAY FOR ARMY MEN In Addition to Food, Lodging, Clothes and Medical Care In Addition to Column One .at the Right: 20% In- crease, for Service Over- seas. 50% Increase if Mem- ber of Flying or Glider Crews. 5% Increase in Pay -for Each 3 Years of Service May Be Added. 4. A furlough for men who reenlist within 20 days. Full details of other furlough privileges can be obtained from Recruiting Officers. 5. Mustering-out pay (based upon length of service) to all men who are discharged to enlist or reenlist. 6. Option to retire at half pay for the rest of your life after 20 years' service-increasing to three-quarters pay after 30 years' service. All pre- vious active" federal military service counts toward retirement. 7. Choice of branch of service and overseas theater (of those still open) on 3-year enlistments. MONTHLY RETIREMENT Starting INCOME AFTER: Base Pay Per 20 Years' 30 Years Month Service Service $165.00 $107.25 $185.63 135.00 87.75 151.88 115.00 74.75 129.38 100.00 65.00 112.50 90.00 58.50 101.25 80.00 52.00 90.0C 75.00 48.75 84.3E .,ten to; "Warriors of Peace," "Voice of 4he Arm7," "Proudly We Hail," and Major football Broadcasts on your radio. -ENLIST NOW AT YOUR NEAREST :U.S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION U. S. ARMY RECRUITING SUB-STATION PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA It's easy to see why a Ford dealer can offer better Ford Service... at prices which are drastically lower in the long run. We're set up to give your Ford the type of attention which Ford engineers have planned for it. And we have special tools which simplify the job. That saves lime. And you save money. "At home" with us, your Ford gets the benefit of: I. Ford Factory-Trained Mechanics 2. Ford-Approved Methods 3. Genuine Ford Parts 4. Special Ford Equipment Drive in for a check-up and catch little troubles before they grow BIG! BRING YOUR FQRD 'PACK HOME" FOR SERVICE St. Joe MotorCompany Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida Get our figures on a complete overhaul today Master Sergeant or First Sergeant Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant . Sergeant . Corporal . Private First Class Private . MANHATTAN COCKTAIL . THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVI jFRJDY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 'I A GOOD JOB -FOM: YOU -uo -SO CHOOSE rH44-'o. tNk O'k o 0 rk -s 210 HARRISON AVENUE PACE SI H TR OTS.JE UFCUTY LRD RDY ETME 7 9 Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Miss Wilo Dean Young KENNETH HURLBUT OBSERVES BIRTHDAY and Herbert Cox Wed Kenneth Hurlbut celebrated his Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Young an- sixth birthday last Saturdlay with ounce the marriage of their daugh- a party at the home of his parents ter Willo Dean to Herbert Cox, on Eighth Street. The thirty-five son of Mrs. W. H. Cox of Brooks- guests present played games in the Ville, Fla. The ceremony was per- living room and on the lawn, after formed Thursday, September 19 at which they were all invited: into 11:;0 a. m. in the First., Baptist the dining room where the table Ohurch, Tallahassee by Dr. Harold was centered with a large birthday G. Sanders, pastor. cake decorated in red, white and Mrs. Cox is a graduate of the blue, flanked on either side with Potr St. Joe high school, class of candelabra holding, blue candles. 1.943, andi is now employed in -the Other decorations were also in red, office of the city clerk. Mr. Cox is white and blue. Kenneth was the a graduate of the Brooksville high recipient of many lovely gifts from School' and came, to this' city after his small friends. receiving his discharge from. the M-s. M. K. Huillbut was assisted, Army Air Forces, after three years in. serving and' entertaining by of service. He is now an employee Mrs. L. L. Zimmerman. of the Danley Furniture Company. a f W The young couple are at home METHODIST CHURCH to their friends at the home of Mr. Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor and Mrs. Boyer on Fourth Street. 9:45 a. m.-Church school. S. 1 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. ENTERS SCHOOL OF" NURSING 6:45 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. Miss Juanita Chason left Friday 7:45 p. m.-Evening Worship. of last week for Atlanta, Ga., to Choir practice Wednesdays at S enter the school of nursing at p. m. Grady Memorial Hospital. She had l t1 been serving here with the state CATHOLIC SERVICES board of health for the past six- Mass is held at St. Jossph's teen months, and before leaving Chapel the first Sunday of each for Atlanta wasi the recipient of month at 8 a. m. Second, third and many lovely "going away" gifts fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. from"her numerous' Tren"s. 4 I a Miss Chason was accompanied Returns To Georgia to Atlanta by her two brothers, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shuford and Williston and Woodrow Chason, son spent the week-end in West and Mdiss Mary Reece of Panama Point, Ga., where they accompanied City, who returned, Sunday. Mrs. Shuford's mother, Mrs. Chas. at t Hill, who had been a guest' at the ST, JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Shuford home for several weeks. Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor at S tr Sunday services will be held as Enters Georgia Tech follows: 7:30 a. m. celebration of John Lane left yesterday for At- the Holy Communion; 11:00 a. m. lanta,, Ga., where he will enter morning prayer and sermon. Georgia Tech for the fall term. / Lest You Forget! There's Danger In Delay! Your car may be running smoothly now, and you may think that everything is OK. But it's the wise car owner who takes the necessary precautions. H(e keeps his car expense DOWN by bringing it in reg- ularly for minor adjustments. . REMEMBER the biggest percentage of costly car repairs can be traced back to lack of care on the part of the owner. Drive In TODAY and Prevent FUTURE Trouble FREE ESTIMATES 'ON ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Eody and Fender Repairing Upholstering and Glass Painting -. Wheel Alignment Washing Polishing Lubrication WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES WAYIE-McGOWI MOTOR Oi. WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Phone 129 Day or 170-W Night Cinder blocks have been on the market for 20 years, or more, and are composed of cinders and ce- ment. DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. _^_^_^_^_^^^_^_^_ ^^^_ _ TOP CASH FOR GOOD USED CARS! SELL ME YOUR CAR NOW WHILE PRICES ARE STILL HIGH! C. W. 'Red' HORTON Phone 227 Sunny State Service DRIVE BY OR TELEPHONE - ;;,UP R S EC AL Reg. 1.59 - PORTABLE 1 BATTERY, 3.39 For more efficient per- formance of your radio, Finest qualty. Powerful Beam Req. 1,98 FOG OUGHT 1.68 Reg. 58c Value RADIATOR SS FIRE fi* FLUSH ANDo EXTINGUISHER RADIATOR RUST RESISTOR for " i IC both For removing dirt, dust and Brass. Can't corrode or sludge in the leak. Completely filled. cooling system. Quart size. SEALED BEAM ADAPTER KIT 3.99 Make night driving much safer. Average life of to ie bulb I three years. Simple and easy to install. vretsfone SPARK PLUGS A 39 of 4rmoree* Guaranteed to give quicker, easier starts or yoar Sam backI Install these fine plugs...get swft, we starting ever time! Come in today. Firestone Home & Auto Supply B. W. EELLS, Owner PORT ST. JOE Bix-inch. Black enamel finish. Amber lens. Pro- focused Mazds bulb. Frae Value! Reg. 2.19 JAW WRENCH 1.57 FIVe 1ool* In onel DTe rlp to 1000 Snwrtl Styl GRILLE QUARD Guaranteed chrome platii, Bed enamel stripes. T (v good protection. Reg. 1.69 TIRE PUMPS Now! 1.46 Sturdy construction, highly efficient. Complete with heavy hose Beved Glass M1eg. 1.59 AUTO -)k sDOOR -. MIRROP Gxve clear vision to tb* rear. Four-inch, non-glare mlaror. Gray enamel anm. pAGE SIX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOMIDA FRIDAYP, SEPTEMBER 27, 194i-, PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA FLORIDA RIAYTT, Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0.'SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 PARTY HONORS FREDDIE HOWDY, WORLD WAGES ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Y. L. Wages honored her Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory little son Freddie on his eighth of Sumatra announce the birth of birthday Sunday afternoon with a a daughter, Jane Glair, on Septem- party at the Wages home in OaK her 19. Grove. I Various outdoor games were en- Mr. and) Mrs. J. A. Chedrick of Joyedl, with prizes going to Jimmy Wewahitchka are announcing the Lin4say. Each little guest was pre- birth of a daughter, Sherrie Alice, sented with a paper hat and mask on September 22.. as a, favor. After Freddie had opened the Mr. and Mrs., Edgar Smith or many gifts presented by his small Oarrabelle announce the birth of a guests those present were invited daughter on September 24. to the, dining room where the table* was laid with a white lace cloth Mr. and Mrs. Homer Allen of this and centered with a large white city are the proud parent's of a birthday cake bearing the words: daughter, born September 24. "Happy Birthday, Freddie." st Cake and' pink lemonade were 'Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Millender ol served to the honoree and the fol- Carrabelle announce the birth of a lowing guests: Rachel Wimberly, daughter on September 24. Fred Parrish, Frank Griffin, Fred Griffin, Rudy Byrd, Jimmy Mont- BM 2/c and Mrs. Rolbert L. Smith gor0ery, Jimmy Lindsay, Carolyn announce the birth of a son on Traweek, W. L. Smith, Jr., W. G. September 24. (Mrs. Smith is the Cutrer. and out-of-town guest, Gor- former Mary Earl Helms; Robert don Warren of Chipley. is with the navy in China.) st it (All births occurred at the Port St. Visits In Sneads, Joe Municipal Hospital.) W. E. Sneed spent last week In t it I Sneads, Fla., visiting his mother. Called To Bedside of Sister i. t Mrs. Curtis Evans was' called to To Quincy On Business Jackson, Miss., Tuesday to the bee- Mrs. R. V. Coburn made a bust- side of her sister, Mrs. R. L. Bush, ness trip to Quincy yesterday. who suffered a serious accident. EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH \. "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1946 S 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. B. C. Land 6:55--Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon by Dr. B. C. Land -- --- --- -- & S'llal III Sez7 IF you don't buy your Sporting S Goods from my Daddy . You'll Be Sor-r-r-ry! TACKLE BOXES 69c to $7.95. FLORIDA SHINERS $1.10 RUBBER BOOTS $4.25 "Hurd" REEL and ROD' $45.00 AUTOMATIC RECORD SPECIAL! PLAYER Attachment cold Weather FOR YOUR RADIO MHTTIima PAMTq Plays 12 $150 Records $3. S6.95, NEW LAWN MOWER FOR RENT $1 a Day Brooks Sporting Goods PHONE 88 COSTIN BUILDING BAPTIST CIRCLES MEET FOR ROYAL SERVICE PROGRAM Circle One of'the Baptist W. M. U. was in charge of the Royal Service program held Monday at- .ternoon at the church. Topic for the month, "The Christian Founda- tion for the Good Neighbor Policy," was developed under several heads as follows: "Neighbor Nations,'" by Mrs. J. 0. Baggett; "Needy Neighbors," ;by Mrs. C. A. McClel- lan; "Religious Liberty for All,' by Mrs. C. G. Costin; "Christ for the Land of Tomorrow," by Mrs. E. B. Dendy; "Baptist News From Neighbor Nations," by Mrs. W. C. Roche. The Bilble study and open- ing prayer were given by Mrs. C. M. Palmer. The annual associational meet- ing at Highland City was an- nounced', and next Monday's meet- ing was cancelled- to enable all members to attend. The meeting was. then closed with prayer by Mrs. McClellan. BOY SCOUT NEWS While the Scouts were at their regular meeting Monday night, the Rotary Club committee was dis- cussing ways and means of raising the $1000 fund for the Scout drive. Football was one of the topics of discussion. Panama City has a six- man team and would like to play the St. Joe Scouts. *The local troop does not have a football squad at present, but hopes to have one in the near future. We..now have four patrols in our troop. Patrol leaders are Frank Young, Tom Baiqee, Gene Chism and Randall Brady. Pack 47, Cub Scouts met last light at the schoolhouse to re- ceive advancements in rank, sev- eral odf them having completed Bear and Wolf requirements. The three dens are active, and are un- der the direction of very capable ;en mothers, as follows: Den 1. Mirs. B. C. Gaillard; Den 2, Mrs. G. W. -Milstead; Deni'-3;- MMrs. Rushi Chism. There are 18 Cubs on the- 'oster at present, according to Oubmaster Harry McKnig'ht. Denl dads are Aubrey Tomlinson, J. R. Smith and Frank Hannon. Norman avelle. assistant district execu- tive was present at the meeting last night. Guests From Miami Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodson and familyy of Miami were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fer- -ell. Mr. Goodson is Mrs. Ferrell's brother. Rev. Hickman Attends Revival Rev. D. F. Hickman, pastor of the Apalachicola Baptist Church, Tuesday nighl attended' the re- vival services ,being held at the locall 'Baptist Church. Visiting Parents Mrs. Elmore, Godfrey of Talla- Iassee is the guest this week of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. L. T.emple. In courtship, herons present sticks to their mates as nesting material. Choose Your Pharmacist As You Would Your Physician Have Your Prescriptions Compounded At Smith's Pharmacy Phc By John Robert Smith PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST one 5 Port St. Joe Have Visitors From Georgia Mr. and Mrs. E. R. DuBose had as their guests over the week-end Mrs. G. S. Walker of Sylvester, Ga., .a sister of Mrs,. DuBose, Mrs Frank Powell and Mrs. W. D. Chap- man of Albany, Ga., and, Miss' An- nie Jackson of Savannah, Ga., nieces of Mrs. DuBose. All, spent Tuesday in Panama City and re- turned to their -respective homes early Wednesday mor.iitigt;.; Spend Week-end In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism and children spent last week-end' in Kingsland and St. Marys, Ga., vis- iting relatives and friends. CARVER DRUG CO. JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 289 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING APPLIANCE AND MOTOR REPAIR- RADIO AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery - - - - Port Th A Martin Theatre THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY - CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - T BILL ELLIOTT E l 'e BOBBY BLAKE S. BOB STEELE - FEATURE NO. 2 - -Also-- Chapter 4 of Serial "The PHANTOM RIDER" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 r PARIS S-AAlso--- ADVENTURE and SCREEN SNAPSHOTS - Also - NEWS and VARIETY ieatre Port St. Joe, Fla. SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIME TODAY A Paramount Pic, re \ole w THE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 - HIT NO. 1 -HIT NO. 2 J0inny Mack BROWN' -Also - Chapter 3 of Serial "THE SCARLET HORSEMAN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 3 and 4 The BOB King of HOPE Komedy! "0:' OAN S. (AULFIELD % s,;^ 2 ^',o I 1 a - Also - NEWS and CARTOON W d -'y u- VA)EY MICH Phone 27 ~^U~~~^~^U~~^U^~~^U^~U^~U~~~~CUUMLMUWUMI --. 1~8~~~9~8g~ m I--I a I _r I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 PAGE SEVEN Arr --%F PAEEGTTESAPR T O.GL OUTFOIAF.DYETF 7 9i WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE -- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU, GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED ST. JOE SIGN SHOP UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIR STOVE REPAIRING S-FREE .EST I MAT E S- S FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE PHONE 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker COSTIN BUILDINd PHONES-DAY 201: NIGHT 105-2 HKESwT ur CT'S GROCERY C HOEST & Market "THE STORE WHERE YOUR PENNIES COUNT" YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU SHOP HERE S Let Us Design You a Letterhead P 1 6 To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. PIT McGill's Refrigeration Service DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL Appliance Service and Acetylene Welding Phone 299 Port St. Joe, Fla. ' WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO - .. .. TELL THE TRUTH. , * -CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. SAL Favors Control of FEC By Paper Company1 The interstate commerce com- mission Wednesday authorized the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Com- pany to intervene in the Florida East Coast Railway reorganization case. In its brief, the Seaboard asked the ICC to adopt a report by Ex- aminer Ralph Jewell recommend- ing that the FEC be reorganized under control of the St. Joe Paper Company. -Seaboard; contended that "the public now has the advantage of three competing services-the Sea- board, the Coast Line and the Southern Railway-at the import- ant gateway at Jacksonville. The S aboard believes that continu- ance of this competitive condition at this most important gateway to Florida territory is essential to an effective public service and that the cofitinuance of the Florida East Coast as an independent carrier, free from the control of any. one of the. carriers competing at the Jacksonville gateway is necessary in order to preserve this condition ind conserve the public interest." CITY BOOKS (Continued from page 1) interest of $115,260, and water and sewer revenue debentures and in- terest totaling $185,600. Operating costs of the various 'lepaitments for the two years just past were as follows: 1944 1945 Street maint. $11,714.33 $15,867.18 Police dept. -- Scavenger --- Bond Interest Office exp. -. Fire dept. ... Executive ---- Park maint.__ 1.-gal expense Street lights_._ 7,521.27 5,380.90 5.420.00 3,142.76 1,159.61 1,794.30 737.56 480.00 ,462.00 8,909.06 16,457.14 5,060.00 4,593.08 1,649.69 1,600.10 837.69 500.55 475.50 SQ999 4 i Records! Records! WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST-' HITS! ALBUMS, TOO ST. JOE FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE COMPANY I abin GENERAL PLUMBING -AIR SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX Phone 94 At St. Joe Sign Shop r SOWER'S SUNNY STATE SERVICE If you want EXPERT SERVICE in a Hurry, We Have It. We Also Give ROAD SERVICE. J/ First Aid REPAIRS WHEEL- BALANCING Cars Polished, Waxed and Steam Cleaned PHONE 287 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. SSC ISCHNEIDER'S Clothing for All the Family, THE MOST COMPLETE LINE' IN THE CITY COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire Succe BUCK ALEXANDER, LeHARDY'S BAR Modern Beauty Shop I,ILLIE PEARL WATKTNS, Owner REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE T.0o-bedron.m house good '.:**, .u. Pi i. reasonab For further information telepho 66. 10-4 SIX-ROOM HOUSE and 31 lots Beaty ibdJ';-ion. White Cit almost 2 :acres of land.; ..$750 ca with abstract of title to date. CARTER, Costin Buildin LOTS We have a nice select! of residence and business lot ACREAGE Close to city limi From 5 to 160-acre tracts. COTTAGES FOR SALE-One fi' room. and one four-room cotta at Beacon Hill on l00xlOO-foot 1 Equipped with "lights and ba Both cottages to Ln for only $30( Selling price in Iludii- about $2 worth of furniture.- FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Brokei Office St. Joe Motor Co. Phone HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SA BEDROOM SUITE complete. S Mrs. E. R. DuBose at Mouchett Style Shop. 27 FOR RENT FOR RENT-One new house Highland View. Inquire at Joe Wood Works. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See T Shirey Apartments. MISCELLANEOUS HOME PORTRAITS AND VIEV made of anything, day or nig Drop a card' General Delivery g ing street and -house. date, a time of day. Will be there on tin 0. J. Benton, Photographer. 9 Adiertlielna diin'ti *I"t-It PAY)I! AUTOMOTIVE----..... y.....0 ("' "N"- For Appointment Phone 41 AUTOMOTIVE, Miscellaneous -39.32 99.05 d t in TRUCK 1940 Chevrolet %-ton Total---$38,288.05' $50,048.50 le. truck for sale. First class condi- Figures on the various costs of The supreme .devotion of a citt- NOTICE OF DIVORCE ne tion. new tires, new wheels. See * Fred Maddox immediately. Phone operation as set up in the audit are zen of ancient Greece was to his In the Circuit Court, Gulf County, 86. 1* very interesting and informative, city, and not to Greece as a whole. o easley IN CPl ANCEti Y., in W WIut lack of space prevents publish- The laws he o beyed were those o vs. hy; W E WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH ing more than we have above, his city, and'the city alone was en- .Mvrtic H. Beasley. Defendant. E ----- --- titled to ask him to gve his ljte THE STATE OF FLORIDA, C. W. HORTON versight for it. TO: Myrtice H. Beasley, whose residence and address is: 2841 Ig Ph'one 227 Sunny State Service The officer gazed %ternly at the California Street, San Francisco, r -n-FOR -SALEprivate who had been .brought be- NOTICE OF ELECTION California. on FOR SALE fore him. You are hereby notified and or- o n o dred to appear on the 15th day of s. FOR SALE-210-lb. asphalt shingles "Did you call ,the sergeant a To the Sheriff' of Gulf County, of Ortober, A. D. t1946, before th ts. and 90-lib. asphalt roll roofing. liar?" he demanded. 'the State of Florida: above styled court to the bill of See C. L. Costin, Beacon Hill, tele- "I did, sir." Be It Known. That I, R. A. GRAY, complaint for divorce filed -against ve- phone 91105-3. 10-25* .on t describe Secretary of State of Florida, do you in the above entitled cause. ge- pn 103Adiy gs be ereby give notice that a WITNESS my hand and official ot. HEATER-One large 50,000 BTU him as a pop-&yed, knock-kneea hereby give notice thatseal a.t Wewahitchka. Gulf dointy th. American Machine circulating oil good-for-nothing louse?" GENERAL ELECTION Florida,' this 16th day of Septem- 00. burning heater; $60. See Joe Mira, A 200 phone 95. 1 The private hes-itated. Then, will be held in Gulf County, State ber, A. D. 1946 ... with a note of :regret in his voice of Florida, on Tuesday next sue- J. R. HUNTER, RECONDITIONED,,OIL STOVES- he replied: "N sir, I 'forgot that." ce dig the fist Monday in No- (Court Clerk of Circuit Court, 'Plain and table-top models. W he replied: "No sir I forgot that." cein t 946, the s id Tues- Seal) Gulf County, Florida. buy and sell. St. Joe Sign Shop. da bein tileE. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. 9-20 u phone 94. 9-27tf N OT I C E day being the Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-11 37; This is to notify that the Regis- Fifth Day of November I BICYCLE- Girl's bicycle in good tration Books for Gulf County are Dav NOTICE OF DIVORCE LE' condition; $30 cash. Phone 32. now open in the office of the Su- For United States Senator. In the Circuit Court, Gulf County, Miss Dorothy Trawick, on Long pervisor of Registration at the For Representative of the Third Florida, IN CHANCERY. 3ee Avenue. 27 Courthouse in Wewahitchka, Flor- Congressional District of the State Evelyn Taunton Trautz, Plaintiff, e',s ida, to register those who did not of Florida, in the Eightieth Con- vs. SPICTURE FRAMES made for any 'register for the irimnary. If you ress of the United States. Frank George Traut, Defendt. size ,pictre.O. J. Benton, photo- wish to vote in the General Elec- gS Frank George Trautz, Defendant. grapher, Port St. Joe. 9-20 tion you will have to register. For Two Justices of the Supreme THE STATE OF 'FLORIDA, C. G. PISH, Court of thte State of Florida. TO: Frank George Trautz, whose in TYPEWRITER Underwood type- Supervisor of Registration, For Two Railroad Commissioners whose residence and address is: writer in good condition. Creecn- 9 Gulf County, Fla. of the State of Florida. 905 Eldridge Avenue. Collings- St. Brothers Laundry. 8-16 tf wood, New Jersey. 1* LODGE NOTICES For One Member of the House of You are hereby notified and or- SCRATCH PADS-4 by 6 inches. Representatives of the State of d red to appear on the 15th d'ay of Good white bond paper. Package MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Florida. October, A. D. 1946, before the of 12 pads, 30c. The Star. tf Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular For Two County Commissioners, above styled court to the bill of 'he A meetings. 2nd and 4th Fri- Districts Two and Four. complaint for divorce filed against 8-3 Juot Received, New Shipment a/@\- days each month, 8:00 p. mn. For Two Members of the County you in the above entitled cause. " E AT COVERS Members ,urged to attend; Board of Pulblic Instruction, Dis- WITNESS my hand and offlcii SEAT COVERS visiting brothers welcome. G. W tricts One and Three. seal at Wewahitvhka. Gulf Count, FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS Cooper, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. In Testim6ny Whereof, I have here- Florida. this 16th day of Septem WS ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0 untb set my hand and affixetb her, A. D. 1946. it. hone 37 Port St. JF.-Meets every Wednesday the Great Seal of the State of J. R. HUNTER, nd HELP WANTED night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hail. Florid,a, at Tallahassee, the Cap- (Court Clerk of Circuit Court, e. All members urged to attend and tal, this the first day of Septem- _Seal) Gulf County, Florida. -20 WANTED-Experienced alteration visiting brethren invited. W. .C. ber, A. D. 1946. CAttornY or Plaintr. 10 lady: steady work. Creech Bros. Forehand, N. G.; W. H. Sansom, R. A. GRAY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-11 Laundry 8-16 tt Secretary. 9-611-1 Secretary of State. Advertt)n ..~ ~. . FRIDAY,] SEPTEM13FER 27,lg9 1 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE EIGHT II _ TIonitanl |