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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME IX PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, F-RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1946 NUMBER bl T : ^ EVANGELIST J1L..1nnerL L LoiiF JJUL0 Members of St. Joe Ball Team Held At The Hut Near Apalachi- cola; Floyd Hunt Acts As Master of Ceremonies Marking the successful conclu- sion of the local baseball season, a banquet was given Tuesday night at The Hut, near Apalachicola, for members of the Saints baseball team, their wives and sweethearts. It was sponsored by local members of the board df directors of the Gulf Coast League. Floyd Hunt, acting as master of ceremonies, opened' the evening by reading the following: SAJINTS' alive! I have a good story, and I"m going to SHARIT with you. I was walking down the LANE about two WEEKS ago, and met the PORTER 'from the Big Store. He tells me all about the SALE they are having, and I make a BE- LIN straight for the store. The doorman has his HANNON the door, and COX his chin skyward as I enter. I meet Earl Hobaugh, a paper- MILLER, and LLOYD have mercy, was he in an argument with the clerk! "What's the trouble?" I ask. Earl quickly replies, "McCALL 'for a HERRIING, and puts my two BURKES right down here. DENDY take my money. KENNEY get by with this? Either I get my fish, or my money!" Boy, did he hit, a HINOTE. The clerk has a BIG- (GART; arid :gives& the *ish and the money to him, a's he figures it was his OWENS. Goodwill, you know. Well, I leave them and meet a 'blackSMITH in the next aisle. I ask him if that little boy behind him isn't Mitch. "MITCHELL," he (Continued on page 6) Drivers' Licenses Must Be Purchased By October 1 You motorists who haven't yet secured your drivers', licenses had better get busy, as the law requires that they be purchased by October 1. Failure to secure them by that date means that the operator must take a test before the license can be issued. George Tapper is the au- thorized representative for Judge Earl Pridigeon in this city. A recent ruling requires that any operator who desires 'to change from operator to chauffeur must take an examination. Another change this year is In the restriction on licenses issued to operators between 14 and 16 years of age. They are allowed to drive only during daylight hours and' must be accompanied by an operator 16 years of age or older at all times'except when operating a motorcycle or motor-scooter. Mrs. Harrell Improved In Healtl) Mrs. Kate Harrell of Cottondaie, who has been quite ill for some time, is here with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Howell, and we are glad to report she is much improved in health at this time. Has Charge of Baptist Service Luther Cardin spent last week- end, in Ponce de Leon, where he had charge of the Sunday services at the Baptist Church. Returns From Buying Trip Dan Brooks returned Wednesday Dr. B. C. Land of Jacksonville, stewardship secretary of the Florida Baptist Convention, who is the evangelist for the revival opening Sunday at the Baptist Church here. Revival To Open At Baptist Church Sunday Morning Dr. Land ,of Jacksooville Will Be Evangelist, With 'Sunshine' Jelks Conducting Singing The fall revival of the First Bap- tist Church will be held beginning next Sunday morning and continu- ing through the evening service, September 29. - Evangelist for the meeting is Dr. B. C. Land, stewardship secretary of the Florida Baptist Convention, with headquarters in Jacksonville.' Dr. Land has had several years' ex- perience as a pastor andi evangelist. Hle is a preacher of unusual abil- ity and the people of Port St. Joe will hear him with a distinct sense of enjoyment and profit. The singer is J. W. "Sunshine" Jelke of Lakeland. He comes here well-recommended, and, his part- in directing the music at all the serv- ices will make a distinct contribu- tion to the meeting. Rev. R. F. Hallford' announces that services will be held at the regular hours on Sunday. During the week the morning service will be at 7:15 and the evening service at 8. The services will feature congregational singing, special mu- sic, preaching, prayer meetings and other good things which are assocr- ated with a revival. The public is cordially invited to attend all services. Drive Opened Here For Boy Scout Fund The Gulf Coast Council, 3Boy Scouts of America, launched its 1946 finance drive in Port 'St. Joe yesterday under sponsorship of the local Rotary Club, announced J. T. S-impson, scoutmaster. The goal set is $1000. As a preliminary to the drive, the local Boy Scout troop presented a program before the Rotary Club at its dinner meeting yesterday. Patient At Hospital The many friends of Mrs. Dewey Davis will regret to learn she is a patient at the local hospital. Vacationing In Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyler left from a three days' buying trip to yesterday for a vacation to be Birmingham, Ala. spent In Virginia. Summer Play Program Draws 3129 Children Nine-Week< Schedule of Organized Recreation Goes Over Big With Kids During Vacation Period For the first time this summer I an organized' recreation program I for children of the city was inst-, I tuted under the direction of E. M. Baily, recreation director, and ap- parently it went over big with the 1 kids, for during the nine-week pe- riod an attendance record of 3,12!) was chalked up. Organized games played consist- ed of baseball, softball, nasrKetball, boxing, volleyball, badminton, tug- of-war, shuffle .board and horse- shoes. So-called "quiet" game were daits, card games, checkers, monopoly and blackboard games. In addition, low organized games were taught, such as d'odgeball, three deep, black and white, and jump the shot. Other activities enjoyed by the children were stunt games, story- telling, bicycle races and stunt riding, and singing games. In addt- tion a hike, a picnic and an ath- letic meet were indulged in. During the period moving pic- tures were shown, consisting of a "Safety First" 'film for children, a football picture, track and' field events, two Mickey Mouse films, and three Boy Scout pictures. Special weekly projects consisted of a pet show, block printing, clay modeling, candle making, paper hat and mask making, flower ar- ranging, nature study, and making of rhythm band instruments. One week was devoted entirely to Boy Scout activities. Total enrollment for the nine- week period was 3,129, with a high of 591 and a low of 171.. Co-operating in the project were the Rotary Clulb, Kiwanis Club, Ju- nior Woman's Club, 'Teenette Club, Boy Scouts, and various interested citizens of the community. -- __- ___ Lightning Is Cause For But 6 Pages This Week Due to the fact that a lightning bolt messed up our power system during the storm early Sunday morning (without our knowledge) this issue of The Star consists of but six .pages instead of the eight we contemplated. Our power meter was burned out and the linotype was not back in working order until late Tuesday afternoon in spite of valiant ef- forts by Bob Jackson, Rich Porter and sund'ry assorted assistants. We carry our usual quota of news matter, but what really hurts is that we had to turn down adver- tising-especially a full page from Opp Moore at Dauley's. iil l llll iIIlli ii i iiiillili ll if II lllf ll ll i IIfilllll Off They Come! It just about breaks our heart to remove the names of 29 sun- scribers from our mailing list this week, but of the 52 noti- fied last week that they were considerably behind on their sub- scriptions, but 23 came in to pay up, so off they come. The next group to come off will be on October 4, after regu- lar notices are mailed out. This action Is necessary if we. are to continue getting out eight pages weekly. Imunu lmHmm u mmNHH Uumm SATri ALLS Local Schools Show Increase In Enrollment Buildings Secured From Tyndall Field for Classrcoms; Hoije To Get On Accredited List SW. A. Biggart, supervising prin- Sipa of the Port St. Joe schoOls, states that enrollment this year iS V' 735 for all grades up to yesterday, V with a gradual increase right along. Enrollment last year on opening day was slightly over 700, this number dropping to about 680 dur- ing the year. Among the students are four lo- cal returned war veterans in high Senator Charles 0. Andrews of school who are completing 'heih Orlando, senior U. S. senator schooling in anticipation of going from Florida, who died Weanes- on to college. day in Washington, D. C., of a Prof. Biggart added that in or- heart attack at the age of 69. der to care for the increased, num- ber of pupils that several buildings Senator A drew nthave been secured from Tyndall SField and' will be moved here to be used as temporary class rooms. Dies W ednesday "With our present setup we an- ticipate getting on the accredited Of Heart Attack list of the Southern Association of High Schools," said Biggart. "This Governor Caldwell is Expected is an affiliate of the Southern As- Governor Caldwell Is Expected "ro Appoint Spessard Holland sociation of Colleges. If our appli- To Fill Out Term cation, which already has been submitted, is approved, we hope to enator Charles Andews, se- make it this year. Our school has nior senator from Florida, died been on the acc:Adited list of the Wednesday of a heart attack at state department of education, but Wednesday of a heart attack at it hs been me as sinc the naval hospital in Washington, At has been ome years. since it D. C. He: was 69 years'of age and sli a beenon th ot the alst.i n had served 10 years as senator. He saict that a mathematics ine Senator Andrews, whose term structor has not yet been secured, eatr andaniedreo swhose tem but, that one of the present teaeh- had but a few months to run. had but that one of the present teach- hAdhutea few monthso v rioun hders is handling this study. He alsn announced some time ago that he ersis handlingthisstudy. He also was retiring and would not seek Istated that the second grade has re-election. It is anticipated that Increased so rapidly in number eGovernor a d ylle illn n that It will be necessary to secure t ,erenor Caldvwell will name Spes-aI sard Holland to complete Andrewis a third teacher. There are four unee o taerm Hon wa teachers at present handling the unexpired termn Holland was nom-'first grade and two each for other inated to succeed him in the Flor-r a nd tde.or da Democratic primary. ga__. The body of the senior senator 'as been taken to Orlando, his New School Election home town, and' funeral services rectints Outlined will be held there at 3 p. m. Sun- day. Born at Sandy Springs, Fla., An- At the last meeting of the board draws was educated in the public of public instruction of Gulf county schools of this state and at the a resolution was adopted to divide South Floridia Military Institute the county into three county board and the University of Florida. HIe election districts so as to place in served in the Spanish-American each district, as nearly as praotie- War and applied for service in the able, the same number of qualified first World War. electors. The action was taken il After serving in various politi- accordance with provisions of an cal capacities in various parts or act of the 1930 legislature. the state, Andrews was elected to In the resolution the board stateA the U. S. senate in 1936, defeating that accordingg to the 1945 Florida former Governor Doyle Carlton In state census, the present county one of the state's major political board, election districts discloses upsets of that era. He was re- great inequality in the number of elected in 1940. qualified electors within said pres- ent county board election dis- Band Booster Scouts tricts," and therefore deemed It ad- visable to outline new districts ac- Looking For Talent cording to population. The Band Boosters Club is plan- ning to stage an "Amateur Night' at the Port theater in the near fu- ture and a request is made for any- one desiring to take part in this show to contact Prof. W. A. Big- gart or the editor of The Star im- mediately. Proceeds derived from the show will go toward paying off the small balance still owing on the school band uniforms. Returns To Militry Academy Ashley Costin left last week to re-enter the Gulf Coast Military Academy at'Gulfport, Miss., for an- other year. unll text or the resolution, con- taining boundaries of the three new districts, will be found on page two of this issue of The Star. ------ BUYS GROCERY Ralph Swatts took over opera- tion of the Griffin Grocery Mon- day, having purchased the stock anil fixtures from John Griffin of Wewahitchka. who Thas operated the store for several years. Home On Leave Monzell Roberts. S 2/c, arrived I Satui-day from Maryland for week's leave to bT spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hor- ton. MCA'rU #JG W H TAPR T O, UFCUTFORD RDY ETEBR2,14 FLORIDA'S CAPITOL and ad- jacent area, showing (1) the Capitol ]Building, part of -which dates from 1840, with South Wing under con- atruction at far right of Dome, (2) Martin Office Building, erected 1927, pow inadequately housing Road De- Dartmentr Motor Vehicle Depart- pent and Department of Public Safety (3) Administration Building oullt by the City of Tallahassee an 1940 to help relieve congestion p State offices and conveyed to tate under terms providing for transfer when cost has been liqui- dated (4) old Supreme Court build- ing built in 1912 (5) Mayo (Depart- ment of Agriculture) Building erect- ed in 1937. Present plans call for the acquisition of two areas (A) for the new Supreme Court Build- ing and (B) for the Industrial Commission Building which will be a self-liquidating project financed from rentals derived largely from Federal sources. The area (C) chosen as the site for the building to be erected with departmental funds for the Road Department has belonged to the State since 1824. The State now owns the area, Si- closed in dotted lines. No plan has been developed for acquiring the balance of the property that eventually will be needed to com- plete the landscape architect's plans for future development of a Cap- itol Center as designated by the broken line. Of some $7,000,000 so far allocated to State building only about half a million has gone into the Capitol Center. Below the Mar- tin Building (2) may be seen row of former Army barracks set up to partially take care of the over- flow. The State now rents space in several old residences and ware- houses and work is being done, with loss ,of efficiency, in corridors and storerooms, BLOUNTSTOW'N BANKER tion Districts of Gulf County, Flor- thence westerly along the mean- DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS idia, as now constituted and' de- ders of the north bank of Jackson SPick Higgins, 84, president scribed are hereby abolished arid River to its intersection with the A, Pick Hggins, 84, president o new County Board Election Dis- northwest boundary line of Frank- the Bank of Blountstown, died at tricts for .Gulf County, Florida, are lin County, Florida, thence north- his home in the Oalhoun county hereby established as of the pass- westerly along the center line of city Tuesday after a long illness, age and adoption of this resolution, the Channel in Lake Wimico and ty Tuesday after a lonand said new County Board Elec- of the Intra-Coastal Canal to a Higgins, born at Troy, Ala., in on Districts shall embrace the' point where the center line of the 1862, came to Wewahitchka in areas within the following describ- said Intra-Coastal Canal intersects 1885 and with his .brother-in-law ed boundaries, to-wit: i the south boundary line .of Sec- COUNTY" BOARD ELECTION tion 31, Township 7 South, Range DISTRICT NO. 1-NOR'TH GULF 9 West, thence due west to a point H-lollinger, the pioneer store in -Begin-at the northwest corner of where the south boundary line of what was then south Calhoun Section .30, Township 3 South, Section 31, Township 7 South, county. He acquired substantial Range 11 West, and run due east Range 10 West, intersects the cen- holdings throughout this area, and to the west bank of the Apalachi- ter line of State Highway No. 6, oldngs tcola River, thence southerly along thence southwesterly along the in 1918 moved to Blountstown and the meandlers of the west bank or center line of State Highway No. 6, became president of the bank. said Apalachicola River to point and 5th Street. in the City of Port of intersection of said west bank St. Joe, *to a point where the center LEGAL ADVERTISING of said Apalachicola River, with the line of said 5ith 'Street intersects south boundary line of Section 23, the eastern shoreline of St. Jo- RESOLUTION NO.----- Township 6 South, Range 8 West, sephs Bay, thence northwesterly Whereas, Under the provisions then due west along the south along the meanders of said shore- of Sub-Section 2 of Section 406. boundary line of Sections 23, 2:, line of St. Josephs Bay and the Chapter 19355, Laws of Florida, 21, 20 and 19, Township 6 South, Gulf of Mexico, to the 'boundary Acts of 1939, same 'being Section Range 8 West, and Sections 24, 23, line of Gulf and Bay Counties, 230.06 Florida Statutes Annotated, 22, 21, 20 and 19 of Township 6 Florida, thence north along the it is required that "In Counties in South, Range 9 West, and Section boundary line dividing Gulf and which there is to be a three men!- 24, Township 6 South, Range 10 Bay Counties, Florida, to the point her iCounty Board, as prescribed In \Vest, to its intersection with the of beginning, 'the, 'foregoing descrip- Section 230.04, the County Board center line of State Highway No. tion of District No. 2, comprises shall, on or before January 1, 1940, 6, thence northerly along the cen- County Election Precincts Nos. divide the County into three County ter line of said State Highway No. Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight. Board; Election Districts to be nimn- 6 to its intersection with the south COUNTY BOARD ELECTION bered, one. (1) to three (3) inclu- boundary line of Section 19, Town- DISTRICT NO. 3-SOUTH GULF live, andi number the proposed ship 5 South, Range 9 West, thence -Begin at a point where the cen- districts, or re-number the exist- due west along the south boundary ter line of 5th Street in the City ing district-, so as to place in each line of Section 19, Township b of Port St. Joe intersects the east district, a- nearly as practicable, South, Range 9 West, and Sections ern shoreline of St. Josephs Bay, the same number of qualified elec- 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 and 19 of Towri thence run northeasterly along the tors, the es of said districts to ship 5 South, Range 10 West, ano center line of said 5th Street ana be so. drawn as to place each elec- Sections 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 and 19 of State Highway No. 6 to a point tion precinct wholly within one or Township 5 South, Range 11 West, where Highwa y No. 6a another of the ,County Board Elec- thence due north along the boun- intersects, the north section line of tion 'Districts"; and, dary line dividing Gulf and Bay Section 6, Township 8 Souith, Range Whereas. This Board is desirous Counties, Ilorida, to the northwest 10 West, thence due east to a point of confo-ming and complying with corner of Section 30, Township 3 which is fhe center line of the In- the, requirements set forth in the South, Range 11 West, the forego-tra-Coastal Canal on the north sec- Laws en:im-erated in the foregoing ing description of District No. 1 Eion line of Section 6, Township paragrahph; and, comprises County Election Pre- South, Range 9 West, thence Whereas, According to the 1945 cincts Nos. One, Two and Three; down the center line, of said In- Florida State Census, the present COUNTY BOARD ELECTION tra-Coastal Canal in a southeast- County Board Election Districts DISTRICT NO. 2-MIDDLE GULF early direction and continuing along discloFes great inequality in the -Begin at the northwest corner of the center line of the Channel in number o'f qualified electors with- Section 30, Township 5 South, Lake, Wimico to a point where the in saii0 present County Board Elec- Range, 11 West, and run due east center line of said Channel inter. tion D'l-t-'cts; therefore, it is along the north boundary line of sects the northwesterly boundary RESO- VE'D BY THE BOARD OF Sections 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 and; 25, line of Franklin County,, Florida, PUBLIC INSTRUCTION'- OF Township 5 South, Range 11 West, thence southwesterly along the line GILL' COUNTY, FLORIDA: and Sections 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 and dividing Gulf and Franklin Coun- 1. That in conformity with the 25, Township 5 South, Range 10 ties, Florida, to a point on the provisions of Sub-Section 2 of Sec- West, and Section 30, Township b north shoreline of Indian Lagoon in tion 40fi, Chapter 19355, Laws of South, Range 9 West, to its inter- Fractional Section 14, Township 9 Florid-i, Acts of 1939, same being section with the center line o0 South, Range 10 West, thence Section- 230.06 Florida Statutes An- State Highway No. 6, thence south- southerly across the waters of In- notatef, we hereby proclaim and erly along the center line of said dian Lagoon to the center line of resolve that it is necessary and re- State Highway No. 6 to its intei-, Indian Pass, thence westerly along quired that the County Board Elec- section with the south boundary; the north shoreline of Bay San tion I"-tricts of Gulf County, Flor- line of Section 24, Townshlip 6 Blas to a point called Cape San Ida, 'be re-districted and re-dividea, South, Pange 10 West, thence due Bias, thence northerly along the and the', such re-division and' re- east along t.he; south boundary line meanders of the shoreline of the districting of said County Board oF Section 24, Township 6 South, Gulf of Mexico to a point known Election Districts be done so as to Range 10 West, and Sections 19, as Sit. Josephs Point, thence soutn- place in each district, as nearly as 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Township 6 erly along the west shoreline of bractica-ble, the same number or South, Range 9 West, and Sec- St. Josephs Bay to the. farthest qualified electors, according to the tions 19,.20, 21, 22 and 23 of Town- southerly point of said Bay, thence 1945 Florida State Census, and that ship 6, South, Range .8 West, to easterly and northerly along tne the lines of said' districts be so its intersection with the west bank meanders of the south and east drawn as to place each election of the Apalachicola River, thence shoreline of St. Josephs Bay to Precinct wholly within one of an- southerly along the' meanders o0 the, point of 'beginning, the rorego- other of the; County Board Elec- the west 'bank of said Apalachicola ing description of District No. 3, tion Districts; River to its intersection with the comprises County Election Pre- 2. That the County Board Elec- north 'bank of Jackson River, cinct No. Nine. AERIAL VIEW SHOWS PROPOSED STATE CAPITOL CENTER SITE FOUR INJURED IN WRECN Joe Daniels, Bernice Bryan, Lora Mae Porter aand Roebuck Linton of this city received slight injuries Saturday night when the car in which they were riding toward Panama City overturned about two miles this side of Tyndall Field after running off the highway for 90 feet, according to a report by the Florida Highway Patrol. Dan- iels, who was driving, stated that two cars were parked on the right side of the road and, when he ap- proached them, one turned *on his lights andi cut onto the highway. He said he was forced to swerve his car and it turned over after leaving the pavement. The tour were taken to a Panama City hospital 'where Miss Bryan and Linton were X-rayed for pos- I FOR YOUR PARTIES mrrv 4Aff rA"rX'TIT JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 289 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING APPLIANCE AND MOTOR REPAIR RADIO AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery CAR QUIZ 1. Is my car ready for another year of hard travel? 2. Are my tires in good shape? Have they been in- spected for cuts, abrasions, leaky valves, etc.? 3. Is my carburetor adjusted properly so as to get the most miles per gallon of gas? 4. Is my car always lubricated according to factory specifications ? NOW FOR THE $64 QUESTION Where can I take my car and be sure of getting the best gas, oil, lubrication and repairs, and all around service? YOU'VE GUESSED IT . !! FREE ESTIMATES 'ON ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS Body and Fender Repairing Upholstering and Glass Painting Wheel Alignment Washing Polishing Lubrication WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS FIRESTONE TIRES and TUBES WAYNE-McGOWIN MOTOR CO. WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Phone 129 Day or 170-W Night PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA siible arm breaks. The other two' received slight cuts and bruises. In the' middle of the 18Sth cen- tury, more books had been printed in Chinese than any other lan- guage. For Those Who Think of Appearance Run down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and well polished. Let us be your footwear valets. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP - READY TO SERVE 6 f r_ I MUY MAIINI$3 . $.- MANHATTAN COCKTAIL $3.80 ICE AND SERVE! St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, bULF COUNTY, FLO)RIDA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1046 DAGE TWO PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE Minutes of Board of Public Instruction BOY SCOUT NEWS RIGGS RESIGNS AS CASHIER local institution, although he did so The special meeting held on- Jos. H. Riggs has resigned his At a meeting of the board of d.- position as a director and officer rectors, J. L. Sharit was elected Wewahitchka, Florida 86 to its intersection with the south day was well attended. Each week of the Florida Bank at Port St. Joe. ice-president and Harry H. Saun- September 3, 1946 boundary line of Section 19, Town- there s4ems to be more enthusi- He has been actively Interested in ders was named as cashier to fill The Board of Public Instruction ship 5 South, Range 9 West, thence asm among the boys, each striving t He has been actively t was opentereted in the vacancies created by the refil of Gulf County, Florida, met on the due west along the south boundary the bank since it was opened for above date in regular session with line of Section 1.9. Township a to be a much better Scout. business in February 1940. Follow- nation of Mr. Riggs. the Ifollowing members present and South, Range 9 West, and Sections A drive for funds in order that _____-__ acting: Thos. Meriwether, chair- 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 and 19 of Town- the Boy Scout organization will be purchase te hfer Stat man, Carter Ward and W. W. Bar- ship 5 South, Range 10 West, ana able to carry on the trinin po- Bank, Gainesville, by the Florida Visiting In Miami rier, members. The Superintendent Sections 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 and 19 of National Group, Mr. Riggs was Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grimsley left was present and acting. Township 5 South, Range 11 West, gram is being sponsored by .the St. elected president, and due to this Saturday night for miami to Visit The minutes for the proceeding theaice due north along the boun- Joe Rotary Club, the goal selng and the pressure of other business their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, meeting were read and adopted. dary line dividing Gulf and Bay thousand dollars. This amount will and severed his connection with the and Mrs. Francis Lewis. The financial statement for the Counties, Florida, to the northwest pentatt t seveed his connection with the and rs. Francis Lewis. month of August was examined corner of Section 30, Township 3 be spent with the latest care to and approved. South. Range 11 West, the forego- do the most possible good in train- It was moved and carried that ing description of District No. I ing the boys. the Wewa Hardware Co. be given comprises County Election Pre- The Scouts put on a little skit the bid on gasoline, oil and lubrl- cincts Nos. One. Two and Three; cation and safety check each month COUNTY 'BOARD ELECTION at the last Rotary meeting to show for the buses operating out of We- DISTRICT NO. 2-MIDDLE GULF members something about Scout- wahitchka, Fla. -Begin at the northwest corner of ing, or rather how a tenderfoot It was moved! and carried that Sectioi 30, Townslhip 5 South, takes his place with his fellow Published Weekly By -Featuring the St. Joe Motor Co. be given the Rane. 11 West, and run dui east Scouts. BOYLES "Tips From Across Our bid on gasoline, oil and lubrication along the north boundary line of Scouts, BOYLES ips From Across Our and safety check each month for Sections 30, 29. 28, 27, 26 andi 25, Remember, boys. 7:30 Monday DEPARTMENT STORE Counter To Wise the buses operating out of Port St. Township 5 South, Range 11 West. evening at the Scout house. Port St. Joe, Florida Shoppers" Joe, Fla. and Sections 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 and _____ It was moved and carried that 25, Township 5 South, Ran.ge 10 land owned by the School Boarn West, and Se'ction 30, Township a Visitors From Atlanta Vol. I Friday, September 20, 1946 No. 8 that lies along Highway No. 6 and South, Range 9 West, to its inter- MIr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith and in the city limits of.We.wahitchka section with the center line or daughter of Atlanta. Ga., are visit- was not for sale. State Highway No. 6, thence south- DEAR SHOPPERS: ter not wait until itis too lately It was moved and carried that early along the center line of sail ing here for several weeks with the hell at Dalkeith ;belonging to State Highway No. 6 to its inter- Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Charles Someone asks this question: If the School Board, would 'be sold. section with the south boundary Stebel of White City Mr. Smith e color of a buttercup is yellow, Little Decy Traxler. son of Mr. It was moved and carried, and the line of Section 24, Townshiip 6 w t hat is the color of a hiccough?" alnd Mrs. Gale Traxler, was deter- following Resolution was adopted South. Range 10 West. thence due is representative for the Puritan e didn't have the answer, but we ined to see how food got on his by the Board of Public Instructlio,, east along the south boundary line Sales Company of Atlanta. lokdi ih BURPLE! face while eating How did Gulf County, Florida: or Section 24. Township 6 South looked it up: BU iPL el RESOLUTION NO. Range 10 West, and Sections 19, Now, let's get rightdown to busi- he do it? Mother found him Whras r the visions 20, 21, 22. 23 and 24, Township 6 Gulf County General Fund hess and! read this joyful message eating lunch with a mirror before of Sub Section 2 ot Section 406 South, Range 9 West, and See- Thomas A. Owens, salary $ ns.a8 below: him !!!! Our small daughter was Chapter 19355, Laws of Florida, tions 19. 20. 21. 22 land 3 of Town- and expenses C. Madd. a washing her face when we came Acts f 1919. same being Section ship 6, South. -lnge S West. to iMrs. R. C. Maddox, salary 23Acts06 F 1939ida Statutes Annotate, its intersection with the west bank and expenses --------- 73.90 home one evening at 10 p. m. (she 230.06it i reired than Contis in of the Apalachicola River, thence C. R. Smith. Jan. salary 125.00 should have ,been asleep 2 hours) which there is to be a three mele.- southerly along the meanders ol Mrs. Jeff Jenks .00 Asked why, she explained: "To her County Board, as prescribed in the west 'bank of said Apalachicola W. Rche Robinson 00 eep the Sand Man away until Section 230.04, the County Boar ive to its intersection with Teacher Rebutirementy 13.2 Pop and Mom got home." We older shall, on or before January 1, 1940, north bank of Jackson River, contribution--------------13.S2 an fn a lon! We the divide theConty into thJanuaree County thence westerly along the mean- ewa. State Bank, withhold- com e t ones can take a lesson!! When the Board Election Districts to be nur- ders of thle north bank of Jackson ing tax, A/c -Collector of WILL is strong enough, a WAY bered one (1) to three (3) inclu- River to its intersection with te Internal Revenue can be found. Twlfth Street dive, and' nunber the proposed northwest boundary line ot Fran- Willian H. Linton, salary a e d ee siive, andi number the proposed nndthw o d ence n oit n d expenses ----- 1.O TS0.00/ wouldn't .be a mixture of MUD, districts, or re-number the exist- l hn County, Florida, thence north- aid expenses-------------100 00ew A t eR ad O i ft wee wanteD ing districts, so as to place in each westerly along the center line of Thos. Meriwether, salary WATER andi HOLES if we wanted district as nearly s pacticable, the Channel in Lake Wimico and and, expenses -- 40.00 just a plain, good country road' bad dthe same nub aer of qualified ctile of the Intra-Coastal Canal to a Carter Ward, salary and enough. Reid Avenue would have tors. the lines of said dfistrietsc to10oint where the center line of the mileage------------- 4370 ]h soug.mebridh Avenuet oldgh ave tors. tdrawe lines to said districts to said Intra-Coastal Canal intersects W. W. Barrier, salary and ome bright street lights if we tion preciawn as tholly witach oneor the south boundary line of Sec mileage --------- 45.20 wanted them enough! tion pr einct wholly Board Elec- tion 31, Township 7 South, Range John Land, salary 90.00 ti another of the .Countyd, West, thence due west to a point iBrown Brothers, cutting W i Whereas. Tris Board-is desirous where the south boundary line of school grass ----- 20.00 e could go on ald oii thru the of conforminges s Boind onipig with Section 31. Township 7 South, D. T. Bridges, labor on nite .. However, we are in tho conorequiremeing tssetand complyrth ing wthe Range10 West, intersects the cen- cesspool ------ 84.88 the dry goods business and we are w eisr n the frin ter line of State Highway No. 6, B. .. Williams, labor 15.60 supposed to give you "Tips From Laws enumeatd in the foregoing thence sotweteiy along the C. A. Gregory Co.. tests --- 175.20 Wahgrasph; and, center line of State Highway No. 6. lull County Breeze. legal Across Our Counter" weekl . Florida State Census. the present ~d 5th Street in the City of Port ads ---- 30.82One good customer told us she FloriaSteas sending to theer 1945 g O good e t us she County Board Election Districts St. Joe, to a point where the center Star Publishing Co., min- .3\ glanced at the front page and then discloses great inequality ii the line of said 5th Street intersects its an ads- 25.3 5I turned to this column for "Store number -of qualified electors with- the eastern shoreline of St. Jo- Bishop Office Equipment. in said present County Board Eiec- .slhs BPay, thence northwesterly Co., fan -- 46.69 News." We 'want to tell that cus- S said p resent County Board Eit is along the meanders of said shore- H & W B Drew Co.. supplies 2.16 tomer, as well as others right now, tion Districts therefore, it is line of St. Josephs Bay and the Continental Press, supplies 22.12 that we have those warm, durable RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF Gulf of Mexico, to the boundary E. M. Hale & Co., supplies 14.04 LEATHER JACKETS andt COATS PUIBLIC INSTRUCTION OF line of Gulf and Bay Counties, St. Joseph Tel. & Tel. L- iAt- JAdKhb and COATS GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA: l!orida, thence north along the Co., telephone ---- 13.45 fori her boys. and hubby, too! Sizes 1. That in conformity with the boundary line dividing Gulf and The Baker & Taylor Corn- four to eighteen for boys, thirty- provisions of Sub-Section 2 of See- Bay Counties. Florida, to the point pany. supplies --------- 112.54 Keep trying,won t you? four to forty-six for men. . tion 406, Chapter 19355. Laws of of beginning. the 'foregoing descrip- .. E. Whately Typewriter Winter Caps. too, for school or Florida, Acts of 1939, same being lion of District No. 2. comprises Co., cleaning typewriters_ 2.50 -more and more smart intin t ntta Section 230.06 Florida Statutes An- County Election Precincts Nos. Beckley Cardy CIo., supplies 106.42 -un ino. Stoik entertainers notated, we hereby proclaim and Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight. Singer Sewing Machine Co., can save time. money and washing resolve that it is necessary and re- COUNTY 'BOARD ELECTION sewing machine -------- 82.50 by using the new COMFORT DIS- quired that the County Board Elec- DISTRICT NO. 3-SOUTH GULF Beatrice Williams, labor 84.72 POSABLE DIAPERS, $1.25 for box tion Districts of Gulf County. Fio"- -Begin at a point where the cen- I Mrs R. C. M-addox, express 4.84 ODIER $1 fo q ida. 'be re-districted and re-dividert, e line of 5th Street in the City State Tranportatio n Fund shirts are coming our of50. -Diaper Panties, 59c and that such re-division anti re- o Port St. Joe intersects the east- St. Jo0 Motor Co.. parts and each. You only need one to three districting of said County Board ern shoreline of St. Josephs Bay. labor --------------------$319.31 way-and yours! panties the pad is made Election Districts be done so as to thence run northeasterly along the H. L. Cullars, parts & labor 2.00 of cotton-soft gauze and this is not. place in each district. as nearly as center line of said '5th Street anct Dorsey's Garage, parts 9.50 BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE a paper disposable diaper but a faracticable. the same number or State Highway No. 6 to a point District Number One qualified Plectors, according to the where said, State Highway No. 6 drover McDaniel. labor --$ 21.00 Port St. Joe, Florida new creation that is meeting with 1945 Florida State Census, and that intersects the north section line of District Number- Two mother's favor. We have the lines of said districts be so Section 6, Township 8 Sourth, Range Orkin Exterminating Co., received a second shipment. Again drawn as to place each election 10 West, thence due east to a point pest control -----------$ 10.00 It's slow going, shoppers, ibui ladies: Look out for a replenished precinct wholly within one of an- which is the center line of the In- St. Joe Hardware Co., sup- Other of the County Board Elec- tra-Coastal Caial on the north sec- ptlies-------------------- 3.6 we'll make it yet with patience and supply of hosiery this week! De- tion Districts; tfion line of Section 6, Township 8 Florida Power Corp.. lights 1.60 endurance. Speaking of endurance, lightful, lustrous Rayon Panties by 2. That the County Board Elec- Eouth, Range 9 West, thence City of Port St. Joe, water 3.50 men, have you seen that sturdy Haynes are due in this week, too. tion Districts of Gulf County, Flor- down the center line, of said In- ht'lf Hardware & Supply "Star Branl,-" 16-incli lace boot My, how you'll love 'em, and we'll idia. as now constituted and' de- tra-Coastal Canal in a southeast- Co.. supplies 32.90 scribed are hereby abolished and elly direction and continuing along Building Fund, District No. 2 that some of you will need wheh be mighty happy when you can new County Board Election Dis- the center line of the ,Channel in Reynolds, Smit.h & Hills, Old Mlan Winter blows his horn hbuy all you want. Keep calling for tricts for Gulf County, Florida, are I Lake Wimico 'to a point where the architecture plans -----$500.00 (Boyles Cash Price $7.95). Seamiprufe and Artemis slips . hereby established as of the pass- center line of said Channel inter- State Teacher Salary Fund one day you'll slip up on one! Now, age and adoption of this resolution, sects the northwest'rlv boundary wal.i.nt No. .nt. w.ant No. Amt. and said new County Board Elec- line of Franklin County,, Florid.a, 1346 ---$206.79 1366--- 88.51 Attention, Ladies ansd Gentle- we don't mind when you keep on gion Districts shall embrace the thence southwesterly along the line 147 89.69 .67--- 118.14 men! Those shoes we told you asking (some feel that we do). We areas within the following describ- dividing Gulf and Franklin Coun- 1348 ----- 81.30 1368..... 0.29 about in ast week's "Tattler" are just give you credit for being ed boundaries, to-w.it: ties, Florida, to a point on the 1349--- 94.87 169 --- 105.40 out the front door one Wi Shopers." Ask for WASH COUNTY 'BOARD ELECTION I north shoreline of Indian Lagoon In 1350 91.10 1370----- 113.30 te- out the front doo one, "Wiq Shop ." Ak or WAS DISTRICT NO. 1--NORTH GUlTF Fractional Section 14, Township 9 135L- 80.74 1371---- 94.00 two. three and four at a time. One CLOTHS and TOWELS this week! -Begin at the northwest corner of South. Range 10 West,' thence 1352 11-3.47 1372 126.10 of our good customers strayed over Section .30. ToAwnshinp 3 South, southerly across the waters of In- 185.----- 105.40 1373 ----- 105.40 to a neighboring city looking for This time our last toast goes to Range 11 West an runii duri east dian Lagoon to the center line or 1354 --- 106.63 137--- 11.0,me back bareoote those faithful ones who spen to the west bank of the Apalachi- Indian Pass, thence westerly along 1355----- 20.25 1375 ---- 4 105.40 shoes and cane back barefooted those faithful ones ,Io spena cola River. thence southerly along ithe north shoreline of 'Bay San 1356 105.74 1376.-- 98.71 and convinced'! We let her hava more time and have more patience the meanders of the west bank o, Blas to a point called, Cape San 1:257 22.50 1377..----- 3613 two pairs! .She was very happy! with our children than we do . .said Apalachicola River tt point Bias, thence northerly along the 1358 97.37 13i-78 168 Fai8mous brands, tried and true like naine others 1ian our talented, ea- of intersection of said -west bank meanders of the shoreline of the 132.9 99.38 1379.. 171.2 "Natural Bridge" "Heel Latch" ucated, pleasant, attractive and of said Apalachicola River, with the Gulf of Mexico to a point known 1360.. 96.24 1380 04.00 "ai ge," "l a c SCHOOT Tt ACH- Ssouth ,bhnunrlarv line of Section 2. as St. Josephs Point, thence south- 1361 98.37 1381.. 76.23 Dar 'ey Casuals and "Fortunettes" lon-su tferling .SCHOOL TEACH Township 6 South. Range S West. erly along the west shoreline of 1362 -. 79.45 1382... 248.87 for ladies, and "Rand," "Star ERS. We value your services very then due west aloTr the south St. Josephs Bay to the farthest 1363-. 105.40 1383--. 195.53 Brand" and "Lion Brand" for men highly and we are pulling for you, liountlarv line of Sections 23. 2:, southerly point of said Bay. thence 1364._ 113.45 1384 386.70 ae making shoe history at Boyles even though we say little about it. 21. 20 and 19. Township 6 Sontn. easterly and northerly along thne 1365 .- 105.44 ear n oe A soy ti A verm wtlchme awaits io at Ranse 8 West. and Section.s 24. 2.. meanders of the south and east There being no further business Department Sore ..... A tip A warm welcome awaits you at 22, 21. 20 and 19 of Township 6 shoreline of St. Josephs Bay to to come .before the Board, same worth dollars: New ship- this stori. and please call on us South. Ransee 9 Wost. and Section the point of 'beginning, the rorego- did adjourn to meet again in rogti- nmenit of "Henry Rosenfeld" dresses when we can serve you. 24. Township 6 South, Range 10 ing description of District No. 3, lar session, which will be October made tor smart women and wte Yours for the Three R's, West. to its intersection with thue comprises County Elect-ion Pre-, 1946. I, r B O . Center line of State Higtiwsv No. cinct No. Nine. Attest: Thos. Merlwether, pstenes they'ree wonderful!) Bt- R. GLENN BOYLES. P. thence northerly along th, en- The following warrants were or- Thos. O. Owens, Chairman. ter line of said State HIgtihWay No. deredi dfaW'n; ;County Superintendent. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1948 iF FTE A O TO U O FO THE STAR Published Every Friday at Pert t. J e, Fla. by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor. Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1917, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Yer.......r$2.00 Six Months.......$1.60 -.f Telephone 51 ]tg- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts* the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country -t' Right or Wrong REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH If all the money now in circulation in the United States were equally divided, each Am- erican would have $200.30-for A little while, at least. Given their share, some of those, who haven't that much now, would gamble it away before sunrise; some would drink it up pretty quickly; some would invest it for rapid turn- overs. Some would lose their shirts; some would immediately begin achieving lasting prosperity. Eventually, the money would be redis- tributed just about as it is at present, with the foolish and the unfortunate dependent upon the lucky and the wise. Mere possession of money is not enough-there has got to be abil- ity to handle it.-Lakeland Ledger. NO SOAP A book that is touted as the cleanest ever published-being made entirely of soap in leaf form-is a best-seller in Melbourne, but the wary will lay no wagers on its super-duper purity until it has stood the test of Boston. As a matter of fact, we rather look for Bos- ton to ban it. Boston reasoning, as best it can be anticipated, will probably run as follows: Soap suggests bathing. Bathing suggests nudity. Nudity is naughty. The book, there- fore, is suggestive, indecent, obscene, lewd and subversive of morals, and should be pro- hibited, the public welfare requiring it. The moral? Anything can be suggestive, if you reach far enough for the suggestion.-St Louis Post-Dispatch. Fifty years ago farmers didn't vote on how much they should grow. They grew what they pleased and trusted to luck for a market. It's strange, but none of them ever starved to death, and they managed to meet their bills once a year at least. It's easy for some folks to forget the little things-but about that time one of them lets loose with a howl, "I wanna drink of water,': or something. Anyway, that story about Edison's academic dumbness has been a great inspiration for many a schoolboy. Fishing a little now and then, tends to im- prove the best of men. Keep smiling-and buy U S Savings Bonds. We hope, to get 'em for a Christ- inas present-if we're lucky. J. A. Christmas has again taken over management of Walter Gard- ner's bar and grill out on the Pan- ama City highway. Everybody likes "Chris" and business at the estab- lishment ought to be good. With the lightning playing tricks with our electric wiring, we're com- pelled to cut down this department this week, since we've got but six overcrowded pages. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Lake Charles, La. Dear Editor Bill-I want you to know how much I enjoy The Star each week. It's a very real link with home,. Surely hope you won't find it necessary to remove my name from the mailing list. I can hardly wait each week to get the wrapper off The Star, and believe me, I read BVE IRYT'HING (even the ads!) Since I've been away, many new people have moved to St. Joe, for I see unfamiliar names in each ed- ition. But when I do see news of friends it's wonderful! Fred, Johnny and I are fine. Johnny is growing fast, andl talks "a blue streak" each waking min- ute. We plan to go home next sum- mer for a couple of weeks. Can Choose Your Pharmacist As You Would Your Physician Have Your Prescriptions Compounded At Smith's Pharmacy By John Robert Smith PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST Phone 5 Port St. Joe ;A AL Ak A. L A L & A A. A A . STARDUST and MOONSHINE The toilet paper situation really is getting serious here. Becoming harder to find than the proverbial hen's teeth. George MdLa- hon asked us why we only printed four pages in The Star last week, and when we told him there had been eight pages, he turned to his wife and said: '.'So that's where the other 'four pages went!" And Jake White, up at Wewahitchka, says the people up there are also having a terrible time-that they have to take to the piney woods. We were lucky and man- aged to get hold' of a 100-roll car- ton. Decided to hold 25 for our- selves and distribute the rest to our friends. The word spread, and have we been besieged! We notice where Glenn Boyles is ad- vertising disposable paper baby diapers. Could, be a lot of the older folks will be using 'em shortly. See where Mr. and Mrs. Joe GrimSley left Saturday for a visit with their daughter Josephine in Miami. Could be a coinci- dience, but you notice they left im- mediately after The Star came out last week with that letter from Josephine saying that "I can't get those Grimsleys to get on the ball Consolidate Your Bills CAN YOU USE $100 $200 $300 We specialize in all types of personal loans, including loans to farmers One Day Service CENTURY LOAN COMPANY Leo Kennedy, Manager PHONE 61 Port St. Joe, Florida with their correspondence." posts made at his hardware, store. Good thing Mayor Horace Soue 'Two months ago he'd progressed isn't as lax with the city business as far as getting them cut to length as he is with some things. and now he's apparently taking an- For five months we've been trying other five months to get a couple to get a dozen or so pipe fence of holes drilled in each post. . eI I ri chop M'-~~~~~~ r- --1AIt j r~~ 4J~ NOW... I AM AGAIN BACK IN THE Trucking Business with a big new truck, and am soliciting moving of all types. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING I am especially set to handle furniture! All loads fully insured. C. W. "Red" HORTON (Only Licensed Transfer Man In Gulf County) PHONE 2217 SUNNY STATE STATION The other day, a man wrote that he considered me his ice man, cook and laundress, doing the washing and ironing in addition to bringing new music and drama into his well-lighted home. In short, he said that I was his "chief cook and bottle washer" . and that my wages would be cheap at twice the price. But by the same token. T'll bet he's glad that his elec- trical dollhr is buying twice as much as it did fifteen years ago. So when you build your new home or re -"del your present kitchen . remember that electricity can do it best for less. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION hardly wait! Will look forward to copies of The Star 'til then. Best wishes to you and Myrtice, )wen (Spencer) Gilmore, Visitors From Tallahassee Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sanders andi Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Brunson of Tallahassee were guests here Sun- day of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Visiting From Bonifay - Mrs. L. L. Allen and twin sons of Bonifay are visiting here this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Bag- gett. LA ~~r~r+r tee rr-S~~"a~;L~---P " THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR Ak Ak AhAL & A &A, A, AhA AL A,, lwlwl lw w w ,w lw W, w I I If'L:=7Q I-sli m ki FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1946 TH TR OTS.JE UF ONY LID AEFV SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY. HONORS MRS. WHITAKER Mrs. Sallie Costin was hostess Monday afternoon to a few friends when she honored Mrs. Madeline Whitaker with a surprise birthday party at her home on Monument Avenue. The guests were seated in the -living room, which was attractively decorated with bowls of flowers. After a period of chatting the din- ing room was opened and the table, laid with a lace cloth, was centered with a Ibeautiful birthday cake bearing lighted candles. All began to sing "Happy Birthday" to the honoree. Cake and punch were served to Mrs. W. J. Daughtry, Mrs. Amelia .LeHardy, Mrs. L. H. Bartee, Mrs. -Robert Tapper and the honoree, Mrs. Madeline Whitaker, who was the recipient of many lovely gifts. All expressed an enjoyable after- noon and wished the honoree many more happy birthdays. S4 It Returns To College Mr. and Mrs. Jesse V. Stone left Wednesday for Ozark, Ala., for a few days' visit before continuing on to Atlanta, Ga., where Jesse will enter college. fcflifA IV There's no digging to find acceptable costume jeyel- ry at the LILIUS JEWELRY COMPANY. Every piece of novelty jewerly in the place ts a true work of art, possessing quality and style. You'll IWke doing business with us. . we satisfy! BAPTIST CIRCLES IN LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR All circles of the Baptist W. M. U. met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. V. Morris on Gar- rison Avenue for the last circle meeting of the church year. The meeting was opened by all singing the year song, followed with the devotional by Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon and prayer by Mrs. J. 0. Baggett. A brief business session was held with reports from chairmen after which each circle transacted Its own business. After re-assembling, two inspiring reports were enjoyed, one on the B. T. U., given by Miss Willadean Lo'wery, and the other on daily vacation Bible school work by Miss Carolyn Baggett. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. E. C. Cason, follow- ing which the hostess served sand- wiches, cake and punch to about 35 members present. TA BATHA McLENDON OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Little Miss Tabatha Florence McLendion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McLendon, observed her fourth birthday Tuesday of last week at the home of her parents on Third Street. The small guests enjoyed a num- ber of games during the evening after which the many lovely birth- day presents were opened and all retired to the dining room where the table was centered with a large birthday cake, which was cut and served to Andrea Martin, Kenneth Hurlbut, Patsy Cloud, Billy Mc- Keithen, Margo Sneed, Ann Mont- gomery, Martha Hammock, Monty Gentry, Louise Daughtry, Robert Montgomery, and Marian Gilbert. Sending gifts were Ann Gardner and Patsy Daniels. MAIGE- KEMP Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wakefield an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Ella C-race Kemp to Pvt. Maurice A. Maige of Keisler Field, Miss., and Port St. Joe, on Tues- day, Septemrber 17, in Bainibridge, Ga. To Attend Georgia University Mrs. R. H. Bringon and, daughter Martha Ann plan to leave Sundan for Athens, Ga., where Martha will enter her freshman year at the University of Georgia. Mr. Drake's Parents Visit Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Drake had as their guests last week-end the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Drake of Iron City, Ga. EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH U . "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 194.6 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. 6:55-Bap'ist Training Union. 8:00-Eveiing Worship. 4 *'4 Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 she will ibe a student this term 'at Florida State Coll'ege for Women. HOWDY, WORLD Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Watson of Carrabelle announce the birth of a son on Septemper 13. Mr. and Mrs. John Vancamp of this city announce the birth of a son on Septemiber 15. The young man has been named Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ross of Carrabelle announce the birth of a daughter on September 17. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Borden of Wewahitchka are announcing the birth of a son on September 17. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Houseman of Apalachicola announce the birth of a son on September 18. (All of the above births occurred at the St. Joe municipal hospital.) Mr. and Mrs. Brinson Coody of Mobile, Ala., announce the birth of a son, Charles Styring, on Sep- tember 18. t K at MRS. PRIDGEON HOSTESS TO J. A. M. CLUB AT WHITE CITY The J. A. M. Club met Monday night with Mrs. B. A. Pridgeon at her home in White City. After an hour of sewing and vis- iting, the hostess served delicious cake and coffee to the following members: Mesdames Ed Pridgeon, A. D. Lawson, W. C. Pridgeon, W. H. Howell, Leroy Gainous, Verna Smith, C. G. Costin, Peck Boyer, Florrie Connell and W. S. Smith. Guests were Mrs. G. S. Croxton, Mrs. C. E. Stebel and Miss Edna Davis, all of White City. Next meeting of the club will be on September 30 with Mrs. Ed Piidgeon at her home on Third Street. KITLER- EDWARDS Mr. andi Mrs. M. E. Edwards an- nounce the marriage of their daughter Barbara Marie to William .1. Kitler, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kitler of Jacksonville, on Septemn ber 11, 1946, in the rectory of the Church of the Immaculate Con- ception, Jacksonville. EASTERN STAR TO MEET Mrs. Watson Smith, worthy ma- tron, announces that the regular nieiing of the Order of Eastern Star will be held at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday, September 24. Members are urged to be present. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:45 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:45 p. m.-Evening Worship. Choir practice Wednesdays at 8 p. m. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Thomas D. Byrne, Pastor Sunday services will be held as follows: 7:30 a. m. celebration of the Holy Communion; 11:'00 a. m. morning prayer and sermon. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each month at 8 a. m. Second, third and fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. Has Visitors Mrs. Harriet Rowell of Wewa- hitchka, Mrs. Bertie Williams of Panama City,, and Mrs. R. A. Rowell and, Miss Natlee Bishop of De- Funiak Springs were guests Satur- day of Mrs. Florrie Connell. Returning To Stetson Miss Willadean Lowery expects to leave Monday for DeLand where she will re-enter Stetson Univer- sity for the fall term. To Attend F. S. C. W. Miss Fay Morris expects to leavw tomorrow for Tallahassee, where PERSONALS ,Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Presnell and children of Tampa spent the weeli- end here with Mrs. Presnell's par- 'ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Holliday. Mrs. Clemmie Werts of Tusca- loosa, Ala., is the guest this week of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Quartos. Mrs. B. H. Smith was visiting and shopping Tuesday in Panama City. Mrs. C. A. McClellan, Miss Erlin. McClellan, Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon and( Miss Virginia Pridgeon were shopping last Saturday in Talla- hassee. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Simpson spen, last week-end in Bainbridge, Ga., visiting their children, who are at- tending school in that city. Mrs. Jonny Todd and children of Pascagoula, Miss., are guests this week of relatives here. In 1696 New York City made its Virs.t appropriation (20 pounds) for street cleaning. Port Theatre A Martin Theatre I Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIME TODAY MONDAY TUESDAY MAGNIFICENT'! September 23 and 24 SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FEATURE NO. 1 - BUSTER CRABBE in - "Gentlemen With Guns"O FEATURE NO. 2 - 'FACT OR F FICTION.0 JUNE LOCKHART.! Also - Chapter 3 of Serial "The PHANTOM RIDER" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 - Short Subjects NEWS EVENTS and DISNEY CARTOON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25 --- HIT NO. 1 SBRUCE CABOT HIT.NO. 2- BOB STEELE in - Thunder Town' Also - Chapter 2 of Serial "THE SCARLET HORSEMAN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 26 and 27 F OUNG ________" _ Also rINDY i PETE SMITH SPECIALTY - and TRAVELTALK oa ; Canmbria is the ancient name of Wales. "I LOST 32 LBS.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" Once 156 lbs., Miss Reynolds lost . weight weekly with AYDS Vita- min Candy Reducing Plan. Now Ebe has a model's figure. Your ex- perience may or may not be the same but try this easier reducing d plan. Very First Box Must Show Results or money back. In clinical tests conducted by B medical doctors more than 100 , persons lost 14 to 15 pounds b average in a few weeks with I , the A D S Vitamin Candy A Reducing Plan. lm No exercise. No laxatives. No drugs. Eat plenty. You don't cut out meals, potatoes, etc., you just out them down. Simple when you enjoy delicious AYDS Vitamin Candy befon meals. Only $2.25 for 30 days' supply. - Phone 27 CARVER DRUG CO. SDR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. - - I - - - : THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULP COUNTY, FLORIDA S WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE S- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT - I -THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED This Would Be a Good Place To Let People Know About YOUR Business THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker COSTIN BUILDING PHONES-DAY 201: NIGHT 105-2 S S T NU T' GROCERY GR 0 CHESTNUT' & Market "THE STORE WHERE YOUR PENNIES COUNT" YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND WHAT l YOU WANT WHEN YOU SHOP HERE C Let Us Design You a Letterhead P To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. -4A McGill's Refrigeration Service DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL j Appliance Service and Acetylene Welding i Phone 299 Port St. Joe, Fla. WILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO, TELL THE TRUTH Maurice Maige Home On Leave Pvt. Maurice Maige, who is sta- tioned at Keisler Field, Miss., ar- rived here Sunday 'for a 15-day * CLASSIFIED Star Want Ads Bring Qui REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE on Long Avenue. See Kenneth or Gus Creech at Creech Bros. Laundry. 9-20* SIX-ROOM HOUSE and 31 lots in Beaty Subdivision, White City; almost 2 acres of land,; $750 cash with abstract of title to date. CARTER, Costin Building LOTS We have a nice selection of residence and business lots. ACREAGE Close to city limits. From 5 to 160-acre tracts. COTTAGES FOR SALE-One five- room and one four-room cottage at Beacon Hill on 100xl00-foot lot. Equipped with lights and bath. Both cottages to go for only $3000. Selling price includes about $200 worth of furniture. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker Office St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITE complete. See Mrs. E. R. DuBose at Mouchette's Style Shop. 27 * HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-Liv- ing room suite, 2 bedroom suites, dining room suite, electric stove, rugs, chairs, etc. Mrs. W. L. Horn, Long Ave. Phone 168-W. 9-20* ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT-For two gen- tlemen. Private bath with show- er, hot and cold water. Phone 101. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 Saints Batting Averages Floyd Hunt, secretary of the Gulf Coast Baseball League, turns in the following batting averages for members of the Port St. Joe baseball team for the 1946 season: Player- AB Hits Pct. John Lane ---- 85 36 .424 Lefty Thomason --- 58 23 .397 Dallas Weeks ------. 1 24 .393 Leonard Belin ----- 116 42 .362 Bert Cox ----------103 36 .350 Tommy Mitchell --- 127 41 .323 Frank Hannon --- 104 32 .308 Alton Dendy ------- 83 25 .301 W. J. Herring ------106 32 .302 Bennie Burke --- 77 21 .273 Rich Porter ---- 19 5 .26uL Murray Lloyd, ------20 5 .250 Jim McCall 5----- 5 14 .241 Terry Hinote --- 37 6 .162 "Peam Average --------. 324 Dinner Honors Ball Team (Continued from page 1) growls, "he's not THOMASON." I make another BELIN to tne sports department to look for out- boards. After quite a HUNT I eni up with CHAMPIONS! This outburst on the part ot Floy!: was intended to take in all inale invited guests at the affair, but some failed to show up. Pres- ent were J. L. Sharit, John Lane, Dallas Weeks, Rich Porter, Lamar Sale, Leonard Belin, Frank Han- non, Bert Cox, Murray Lloyd, Jim McCall, W. J. Herring, Bennie Burke, B. E. Kenney, Terry HI- note, Prof. W. A. Biggart and Bus- ter Owens. During the course of the evening the MC called on each one present to tell, in their opinion, the best play of the season, following which GENERAL PLUMBING SEWER CLEANING and REPAIR G. W. BRODNAX Phone 94 At St. Joe Sign Shop car SOWER'S SUNNY STATE SERVICE -- (% If you want EXPERT SERVICE in a Hurry,, SWe Have It. We Also Give ROAD SERVICE. % -First Aid REPAIRS WHEEL BALANCING SCars Polished, Waxed and Steam Cleaned PHONE 287 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. ne read the batting averages or leave to be spent with his parents, the players for the year. Guests From Alabama la the earliest days of th e Mrleave to be spent with his parents, The menu consisted of grape- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Vanlanding- church, it was considered irrever- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Maige. fruit cocktail, assorted nuts\ Wal- ham have as their guests this week ent to appear gloved before any It pays to advertise-try It! dorf salad, stuffed olives and cel- Vhrs. Vanlandingliam's mother and member of the clergy. ery, southern fried chicken, cole- sister, Mrs. M. L. Lindsay and Miss slaw and sliced tomatoes, hot rolls, Ruby Lindsay of Chatman, Ala. N O T I C E oA VERTIING Reach sundae, cookies, coffee and _______ This is to notify that the Regis- Il sliced tea. Ey o rab1 h e fils of tration Books for Gulf County are DVERTISING iced tea Eyes of rabbits have fields of w open in the office of the Su- vision which overlap behind the pervisor of Registration at the ck Results At Small Cost Visit In Wewahitchtka head. With this arrangement they Courthouse in Wewahitchka, Flor- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Daughtry and can see an enemy approaching ida, to register those who did not register for the primary. If you AUTOMOTIVE daughters Carolyn and Ahbie Lou- from the rear without turning wish to vote in the General Elec- Ise visited Sunday in Wewahitchka their heads. tion you will have to register. WE WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH with Mrs. Daughtry's uncle, Jack C. G. RtISH, ,PRICE FOR YOUR CAR! Redd NOTICE OF DIVORCE Supervisor of Registration, C. W. HORTON -n the Circuit Court, Gult County, 9-13 27 Gulf County, Fla. Florida, IN CHANCERY. Phone 227 Sunny State Service Send The Star to a friend. Evelyn, Taunton Trautz, Plaintiff, NOTICE OF ELECTION vs. FOR SALE NOTICE OF DIVORCE Frank George Trautz, Defendant. BICYCLE Girl's bicycle in good In the Circuit Court, Gulf County, THE STATE OF FLORIDA, To the Sheriff of Gulf County, of condition; $30 cash. Phone 32. Floridia, IN CHANCERY. TO: 'Fiank George Trautz, whose the State of Florida: .. Miss Dorothy Trawick, on Long John E. Beasley, Plaintiff, whose residence and address is: Be It Known, That I, R. A. GRAY, Avenue. 27 vs. 905 Eldridge Avenue, Collings- Secretary of State of Florida, do .Myrtice H. Beasley, Defendant. wood, New Jersey. hereby give notice that a PICTURE FRAMES made for any THB STATE OF FLORIDA, You are .hereby notified and or- size ,picture. 0. J. Benton, photo- TO: Myrtice H. Beasley, whose dered to appear on the 15th delay of GENERAL ELECTION grapher, Port St. Joe. 9-20 residence and address is: 2841 October, A. D. 1946, before the will be held in Gulf Count tat California Street, San Francisco, above styled court to the bill of will be held in Gulf County, State TYPEWRITER-Underwood type- California. complaint for divorce filed against of Floriida, on Tuesday next suc- writer in good condition. Creec'n You are hereby notified, and or- you in the above entitled cause. ceeding the first Monday in No, Brothers. Laundry. 8-16 tf dtred to appear on the 15th day of WITNESS my hand and official member, A. D. 1946, the said. Tues- OYSTER SHELLS Can deliver October, A. D. 1946, before the seal a.t Wewahitchka. Gulf County, day being the oyste shells in 5-yard loads anybove styl ed court to the bill of Florida, this 16th day of Septem- Fifth Day of November quantity, $15 per load. See Ld G. complaint for divorce filed against ib'er, A. D. 1946. D o Nve Blackburn, Beacon Hill. 9-20* yov in the above entitled eause. J. R. HUNTER, For United, States Senator. WITNESS my hand and official (Court Clerk of Circuit Court, For Representative of the Third FOR RENT-One new house in seal at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Seal). Gulf County, Florida. Congressional District of the State Highland, View. Inquire at St. Florida,' this 16th day of Septem- t1. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. 9-20 of Florida, in the Eightieth Con- Joe Wood Works. 1* ber. A D 1946. Attorney for Plautiff. 10-11 gress of the United States, (Court Clerk of Circuit Court, NOTICE For Two Justices of the Supreme Just Received, New Shipment Seal) ,Gulf County, Florida. Notice is hereby given that the Court of the State of Florida. SEAT COVERS E. CIAY LEWIS, Jr. 9-20 und'ersignede will apply to the Hon- -I Two Railroad Commissioners Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-11 orable E. C. Welch, Judge of the of the State of Florida. FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS Circuit Court of Gulf County, Flor- For One Member of the House of ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY LODGE NOTICES ida, at his office in the City of Mari-I Representatives of the State of Phone 37 Port St. Joe MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M anna, Jackson County, Florida, on 'Florida. MISCELLANEOUS Port St Joe Lodge 111 Regular the 27th day of September, 1946, For Two County Commissioners, MISCELLANEOUS ot meetingss 2nd and 4th FrI for a Charter to conduct and oper- Districts Two and Four. HOME PORTRAITS AND VIEWS -.- days each month, 8:00 p. M. ,ate the Gulf County Fair, Incorpor- Foir Two Members of the County made of anything, day or night. Members urged to attend; ated, for the benefit and develop- Board of Public Instruction, Dis- Drop a card' General Delivery giv- visiting brothers welcome. G. W ient of the home, agricultural, hor- tricts One and Three. ing street and house, date, and Cooper, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. ticultural, livestock, poultry and In Testimony Whereof, I have here- time of day. Will be there on time. --- other resources of the State of unto set my hend and alfixed 0. J. Benton, Photographer. 9-20 SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0. Florida and Gulf County, with i the Great Seal of the State of S 0. F.-Meets every Wednesday principal office .to be located in orida? 't Tallahassee the Cap- HELP WANTED night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. Port St. Joe, County of Gulf, and orida th the first day Tallahassee, ofSepte- A(I members urged to attend and State of Florida. beral, A. the firt day of Septe-1946. WANTED- Experienced alteration visiting brethren Invited. W. C. T. M. SCHNEIDER, Pres. bet', A. D 196. lady; steady work. Creech Bros. Forehand, N. S.; W. H. Sansom, W. S. SMITH, Sec. IR. A. GRAY, Laundry 8-16 t, Secretary. 9-20 JOE GRIMiSLFY, Treas. 19-6 11-1 Secretary of State. PAGE SIX CUSMERS SCHNEIDER'S are our"bes.' . ye O bs Clothing for All the Family =^ ~ THE MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE A FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS c7eY o We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire $ucS BUCK ALEXANDER MEET YOUR " FRIENDS -AT LeHARDY'S BAR Modern Beauty Shop LILLIE PEARL WATKINS, Owner / .WFor Appointment Phone 41 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, IM , ' \ |