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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Fi6rida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME IX PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1946 NUMBER 41 Seven-Inning Tilt With Mullets Won By St. Joe 22 To 5 'Saints Go On Hitting Spree In Re- turn Game Played Wednesday On Carrabelle Field The St. Joe Saints, apparently smarting from the near-defeat in the game played here Sunday wilth the Carrabelle Blue Mullets, went on a rampage in the return game played Wednesday at the Cai-:A- 'belle ball park and handed the O'fullets a 22-5 drubbing in a game played in a steady drizzle that was finally called in the seventh. The Shints put the game on ice in the first inning by chalking up eight runs and spread, the balance of their 14 tallies over the remain- ing six frames. Alton Dendy and John Lane led the hit parade with three out of four times at bat, Lane getting two three-baggers, with Dendy driving in six runs on his three bingles. Lefty Thomason held the mound for St. Joe and gave up but seven hits as his team mates nicked the Carrabelle hurler for 16 hits, 8 'bases on balls and four batsmen hit by the pitcher. -The Apalachicola Blountstown game was rained out, while the Panama City Spartans took the Wewahitchka 'Gators 5 to 4. LEAGUE STANDINGS Beach Tract At Wewahitchka Man BeahT rc AtI I DrownedA In Lakes Beacon Hill To In Lakes I Rufus Ke.nneth 8'trickland, Jr., Be DeeVped0)8 24-year-old World War 11 veteran of W\ewahitchka, wais drowned Saturday afternoon a. the upper Work Already Started On 750- end of the Dead Lakes when ,he fell in the 'water. when jumping Acre Project West of from one. barge to aiother. His Port St. Joe t'father was with him 'at the time and he stated that when his son Work of developing a huge 750- rose to the surface hk asked him acre tract on the Gulf between if he needed help; Young Strick- Beacon Hill and Tyndall Field got lanid replied,: "No, I "can make it underway 'this week and when it is all right." and, then sank again, eventually completed' the project failing to reappear. will have cost better than a mil- The )body was found by Sheiift lion dollars, according to W. T. B. E. Parker and a group of McGowin, Panama City realtor, who searchers about 9:00 o'clock Sat- with J. M. 'Wainwright, Birming- urday evening. Funeral services ham contractor, and, G. U. Parker, were held. Monday afternoon trom Blountstown lumberman, have pur- the First Ba.ptist Church in Wewa- chased tract from L. C. Tucker and hitchka. associates of Blountstown. It has Deceased is survived by his wife, a four-mile frontage on the Gulf Mal'jorie, and his parents, Mr. and of Mexico. The property extends Mrs. R. K. Strickland of Wewa- from three miles east of Tyndall hitchka, and several brothers in Field to the Gulf county line at the service. Beacon Hill. I - The new development, which is New Drive-In Cate to be known as Mexico Bepch, ul- F timately will consist of many co-t- Open For Business tages and' homes, a business sec- tion, a tropical garden, a dairy ,Since opening of The White Spot farm, a truck farm, yacht basin last week, Port St. Joe's new drive- and fishing areas, according to in cafe established by George M. McGowin. Anchors and Sam Duren, it has McGowin stated that t h e de- apparently become one of the most velopment will be a year-round popular spots in town if the group project and not just a summer re- of cars continually parked around sort. A site has been selected( for it is any criterion. Team- W L Pet. a tropical garden which will lea- These two returned war veter- Port St. Joe ...--------13 3 .812 ture azaleas and other tropical ans are well versed in catering to Apalachicola '-----'-:-'iE '3 ".785 shrubs andi flow era.'-'A. yacht basin, the public and specialize in' tasty Wewahitchka -------- 11 6 .647 will be dredged itn one of the sandwiches of every description, Panama City --------- 6"10 .375 bayous for free use of property Ice cream, soft drinks and short Blountstown ---------6 10. .375 owners, and' a 50-foot strip in front orders. Carra.belle -------- 0 15 .000 of all beach lots will be reserved The cafe is fully equipped with Results of Sunday's Games for the use of property owners. a modern kitchen presided over by ,Port St'. Joe, 10; Carrabelle, 8. Building restrictions have been Jimmy Richardson (claimed to be Wewahitchka. 6; Panama City, 1. imposed requiring that houses and the best colored cook in the city), AkpalachicOla, 5; Blountstown, 4. cottages along the beach must cost has an up-to-date soda fountain anfI Results of Wednesday's Games at least $3000, and those away the dining room is furnished Port St. Jo, n Carras e 1 rom 'the beach a minimum of with chromium-finished tables and Port St. Joej 22; Carrabelle, 5. $2500chairs. Panama City,; Wewahitca, 4. A 10-acre. tract has been re- If you want a tasty sandwich or Apalachicbla Blountstown game Apalachila Blountstown game served for the tropical garden and a complete meal, drop in at The rainGames Next ed ou. k adjoining it will be, a 40-acre tract White Spot and try your luck. i uGamestt e Panae a for raising fruits and vegetables, The curb service feature of- the July 14-Port St. Joe at Panaima while 100 acres will be allotted for establishment seems particularly chka; Carpalachicobelle at Blountstown. a dairy farm. to appeal to motorists who like to chka;July 17-Panama City at town.t Completion of this project will eat without the necessity of get- St. Joe; Wewahitchka at Apalachi- be a big step forward in develop- ting out of the car. cola; Blountstown at Carrabelle. ing this section as a pleasure area July 21-Wewahitchka at port and will as well as Port benefit to Be Karl Knodel Dies In St. Joe; Panama City at Blounts- con Hill as well as Port St. Joe town; Caranaelle at Apalachicola. and Panama City. Chickasaw Hospital July 24-.Port St. Joe at Wewa- hitchka; Blountstown at Panama COOPER BARBER SHOP Karl Knodel, a resident of Port City; Apalachicola at Carrabelle. INSTALLS NEW CHAIRS St. Joe for the past 10 years, died George Cooper spread himself Friday night in a hospital at Chick- Mrs. Mahon Patient In Hospital this week with the installation of asaw, Ala., near Mobile, following Friends of Mrs. Sallie Mahon of four spanking new barber chairs a throat operation. Funeral serv- Apalachicola 'will learn with re- in his shop. The chairs are of the ices were held Monday in Mobile., gret that she is a patient in the latest design upholstered in black ,Mr. Knodiel is survived by his local hospital, having undergone leo.her, and are resplendent with wife, Clarice Knodel, and the fol- an operation Monday. All wish for white enamel and chromium plat- lowing sons asd daughters, all of her a speedy-recovery. ing. It's a pleasure to get a har Mobile: A. A. Knodel, Mrs. Ellen ____. cut now at Cooper's., even though K. Braswell, Eugene Knodel, Mrs To Make Home Here tlh price has ibe-en boosted to 75c. Anna Ste'ber, C. W. Knodel and Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Morton, re- ----- Henry F. Knodel turned here yesterady from Carra- Rev. Langston Back In Pulpit - belle to again make this city their Rev. and Mrs. 0. D. LangstonI Visiting With Sister and Parents home. Mr.;Morton will be employed have again taken up their resia- Pvt. and Mrs. David K. Brodnax at the St. Joe Paper Company. dence in the Methodist parsonage are visiting here with his parents. y____ ---- _and) are at hotie to all their friends.r. and Mrs. G. W. Brodnax, and Plenty of Chicken, He Says 0. D. took over the pulpit at th-e his sister. Mrs. C. L. Suggs. Pvt. Rev. R. F. Hallford, who has Methodist Church last Sunday, the Erodnax has just been released been conducting a revival in Brook- Rev. W. T. Wrenn, who has been from a Miami hospital where he haben, Miss.. this week, writes us: serving in the absence of Rev. had been recovering from wounds "Having a great time here in Mis- *Langston, having returned to his received int the Battle of the Rhine sissippi. Plenty of tried chicken home in Paducah, Ky. in Germany in 1944. and trimmings."'" ---------- -k Undergoes Operation Tom Parker Discharged Return From Buying Trip Mrs. Rush Chism has recently Tom Parker, Jr., has arrived 'Mr. and Mrs. Miles K. Hurlbut undergone an operation in- the' hpme, having received his dist returned last Saturday from a ten- Druid City hospital in Tuscaloosa, charge from the navy July 5 at day trip to New York, buying for Ala. Her many friends wish for the naval personnel separation Mouchette's Style Shop. heer' a speedy'recovery. 'center, Jacksonville. Saints Shiver As Will Endeavor Cellarettes Show To Get Guard Sudden Strength Unit For City Carrabelle Mullets In Near Win ______ Over Locals In Game Played Expansion of State Organiza. Here Sunday Afternoon ion ____ tion Will Allow for iManager Rich Porter had better New Companies watch 'his training table, for the St. Joe Saints were off ,their feed With Mayor Horace Soule and Sunday afternoon In their game the Port St. Joe Junior Chamber of at the local ball park with the Commerce working on the project 'ellar dwelling CGarrahbell Blue it is possible that one of the., new Mullets. units of the Florida National Guard. Fumbling ground "balls and dirop- will be assigned to *this city. ping. flies, the Saints for a time We are informed by City Clerk staged a pitiful brand of, ball and Mark Tomlinson that in reply to a it began to look as though Carra- letter sent Adj.-Gen. Vivian Col- belle at, last was to chalk up a lins tby Mayor Soule, it was state win. In fact, the support given by Collin.s that a minimum of.80 Terry Hinote., who started on the mound for St. Joe, was exceeding discouraging. However, the local lads to a cer- tain extent made up for their bad .fielding by garnering 8 hits for a total of 10 runs, Leonard Belin leading the. sluggig with a two- bagger and a single out of four trips to the plAte. Alton Dendy also got two in four. The Mullets were credited with 12 hits in mak- ing their eight runs. The Saints started off in their usual style, making two runs in (Continued on page 5) Sees Cheap Power In Chattahoochee Dam ,Construction of)'P b.. tl~ niC. producing dam -near Chattahoo- chee would provide "low cost re- liable power, over- a statewide hookup," Fred Ellit, secretary to the trustees of Florida's Internal Improvement Fund, said. The project has been included in a $1,000,000,000 rivers and har- bors bill approved by congress. The 'bill carries no appropria- tion. Congress must vote. funds for the many projects authorized by the measure before construc- tion can begin. . Elliot said the River Junction dam would prevent "damaging! and costly floods" and conserve: water for domestic uses and agrl-i cultural purposes. The d'am would! be located where the Flint and Chattahoochee rivers unite to form the Apalachicola. Elliot reported the dam would not impede the flow of the Ap- alachicola and would be provided with locks to 'permit the passage of river traffic. The project would deepen the Apalachicola Chatta- hoochee-Flint waterway to nine feet through erection of the River Junction dam and three others to be locafid at Columbia, Ala., Bu- ford, Ga. and Columbus, Ga. Total cost of the four-dam project was set at $73,361,000. ----- --4---- j Called Here By Death of Son-in-law Mrs. Lester White of Memphis, Te.nn., is visiting here with her mother, Mrs. Anna Balkcom. She was called here by the death of her men would, be required to form a unit and that he did not believe this city had the necessary popu- lation to form a company. Reply of the mayor, we have been told, was that he thought differently, and that the. matter will be discussed locally. Active recruiting for the reacti- vated national guard, which prob- ably will include two infantry regi- ments. two field artillery battalions andf anti-aircraft and coast artillery units, will begin about August I, and the units probably will be mus- tered into the federal service by September 1. The advisory board of the Guard has made the following r'ecommen- dations t:. G.:.veraor Caldwell:. , That h- 124tl4 Inani.yv Reg.- .mr ,, be. *isignedi". ,9 and West Florida. . That the 211th Infantry Regi- ment be assigned to South Florida counties. That the 116'Th Field Artillery Battalion be reactivated with head- quarters in Tampa. That the 149th Field Artillery Battalion 'be assigned to various towns in Polk county. That units of two anti-aircraft battalions and of a coast artillery battalion ibe scattered throughout the state, as may be decided later. Tampa, Orlando. St. Petersburg, Jacksonville and Tallahassee are being considered as possible head- quarters for a reserve air squad- ron, 'but the final decision is to "be- left up to the governor. The state headquarters will remain in St. Augustine. According to Col. H. W. Hesterly of Tampa; member of the national guard advisory board for Florida, units generally will be located In the same places as before the war, but since the personnel authorized is nearly -twice as great as -befofe, there will 'be room for many new units. And that is what is being counted on for securing a unit for Port St. Joe. -----r-------- * Billy Howell Home On Leave Billy Howell, F2/c, with the U. S. Coast Guard at the Alligator Reef ligilt station, Islamorada, Fla., arrived here Monday for a 10-day leave to be spent with his parents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Howell. son-in-law, R. K. Strickland. Jr., of ---- ----- Wewahitch'ka. Johnsons Here On Business ----- ----- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. "Whaley" Visiting Daughter and Son-in-law !Johnson, now of Leesburg, Ala., ,Mrs. E. D. Mouchette of Birming- were In town this week from Sun- ham, Ala., is spending a month day until Wednesday transacting here as the guest of her daughter business and visiting friends. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. ------ ------ K. Hurbut. Visiting In Georgia ---- Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Gibson or Carvers Visit Over Week-end Beacon IHill and granddaughter, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Carver and Joan Smith. left Monday for a son of Live Oak were visitors here visit with relatives in Donaldson- last week-end. ville, Ga. I PAGE TWO HE SITAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1946. THE STAR Ptbllshed Every Friday at Pert St. Je*, Plq by The Star PubLishing Company W. 8. SMITH, Edltor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months.......$L.0 -4( Telephone 51 )- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisments, the publishers do not bold themselves liable lor ed ti thougbtfuly weighed. The spoken word barely a ertas the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken wore In lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong GUEST EDITORIAL ON OPA ) (This editorial represents an attempt on the .part of your editor to consolidate the view- points of a number of residents of Port St. J6oe into a concise whole on what they think of the death of the OPA. Naturally it will be interlarded with a few of our own ideas on the subject. However, the gist of opinion is that of local business men, working men and housewives.) We were told that unless OPA is continued wild inflation will be the result, but we were also told that OPA would hold prices in line and assure an equitable distribution of essen- tial goods. It has accomplished neither. We have had inflation right along as the result of artificial scarcity of many articles. The consumer has been convinced that price ceil- ings mean nothing if goods are not available. Full production with resulting competition will be our best guarantee -against inflation. When supply is built up to a parity with de- mand, prices will adjust themselves without the necessity .of returning to OPA. The con- sumer will be able to get the things he needs at prices he can afford to pay. Government -ul.-i.i.- will be removed, with a consequertt reduction in taxes. , On the other hand we find some of our lo- cal people bemoaning the removal of price ceilings. Will it work? they ask. Will prices go up for a few months and then level off? They see a spiraling of prices with the aver- age citizen digging out his: savings in order to live. With the rise in living costs labor will be demanding higher wages, with a conse- quent revival of strikes and a dropping off of production. Your editor can see both sides of this vital question, and whether or not OPA is revital- ized, the suggestion we have to offer is that everyone buy no more right now than is absolutely necessary and hold to savings un- til we find out whether we are to get price reductions. If necessary, refuse to buy any items on which prices suddenly shoot up. A buyers strike would automatically forde the price of any article back to a normal level. Frankly, we believe that the country will get along just as well without the government interfering. Our nation is now in its 170th year, and for 166 of those years we got along nicely without "ceilings." FAITH IN STATE'S FUTURE Floridians generally, and Miamians in par- ticular, will hail with delight the interstate commerce commission examiner's recommen- dation that control of the Florida East Coast Railway be turned over to the St. Joe Paper Company-a subsidiary of the Alfred I. du- Pont estate. While the examiner's recommendation iv. - still to be passed on, there seems little reason to doubt that the findings will be approved by those who have the final say. Fact that the duPonts have spent millions in Florida already, and that they are con- stantly increasing their investments here, is a good indication of their faith in the state' s future. In this connection, their representa- tives have demonstrated in the past willing- ness to work with community and state 01- ficials for the general good of all concerned. -The Miami Post. Uncle Willie says that at his age a guy quits trying to make both ends meet-he just tries 'to keep the middle under partial control.-The Jasper News. Whatthis country needs is more individuals who feel that adherence to principle is more important than personal political prestige. Kennimey Makes Last Talk TMTHODIST CHURCH W. T. Wrenn, Temporary Pastor As President of Rotary 9:45-a. m.-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. Basil E. Kenney gave his final 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. address as president of the Rotary 7:30 p. m.-Evening Worship. Club at the last meeting held in Woman's Society meets Mon- June.- J. Lamar Miller took over days at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting, his .duties this week as Kenney's Bible study and choir practice successor and will hold office for Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m. one year. Kenney thanked the 24 mem- CATHOLIC SERVICES hers present at the luncheon for Mass is held at St. Joseph's helping make his term of office a Chapel the first Sunday of each success, saying that Rotary could, month at 8 a.m. Second, third and not have had a year so full of ac- fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. complishment without the help of every individual member. He went Edwards' Have Visitors on t6 say .that during his year In T.d, Doyle of Mobile, Ala., and office, not a single Rotarian had iFain Whittle of Ashland Cal., are failed in any assignment the presi- guests 'this week of Mr. and. Mrs. dent had directed. Chester Edwards. he outgoing president asked Five hundred .scientists and en- the club to support President- gineers are needed to develop one Elect Miller as wholeheartedly as new commercial airplane. It IA, cstoodA behind him land com-. r.limentrd Miller in saying that the new ,president was a capable leader and that through his leider- ship Rotarv would doubtlessly benefit greatly. The regular 'Tnchoon scheduled ,for yesterday noon was not held 'because of the holiday. The foilow- inig meeting, Ju'!y 11, will be h,'l, at Pete Ivey's bach cottage at Beacon Hill, at whikh time a chicken barbecue will be held be- ginning at 6 p. m. Ind at which members of the St. Joe baseball team will be guests of honor. Guests From Ohio Mrs.. Grace Horn and son Her- (bert of Fostoria, Ohio, are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs,. A. P. Wakefield. Visiting In Tampa James Wise left Monday for Tampa, where he will visit with his sister, Mrs. B. H. Sadler and family. Return From Trip To S. Florida Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Owens and daughter Pauline have returned from a week's vacation spent in St. Petersburg, Sarasota and De- Land. Returning home with them for a short visit was their nephew, Dick Carr of St. Petersburg. CARD OF- APPRECIATION We wish to take this means of thanking our many friends for their prayers, cards, phone calls, and beautiful flowers, and. for their interest shown us, during our re- cent anxiety over the serious acc- dent suffered, by our son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cason and family. Advertising doesn't cost-It PAYS! I ---- --- ---- ------------------- ------- WEE CAA HELP YOU! FENDERS REPAIRED SPRAY PAINTING FRONT END ALIGNMENT BODIES REBUILT MOTOR REBUILDING and MOTOR TUNE-UP BRAKES RELINED AND ADJUSTED WAYNE-McGOWINI MOTOR CO. PHONE 129 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. 'U Announcement . We have leased the Sinclair Service Station and in future this station will be known as the WAYNE-McGOWIN SERVICE STA- TION, handling all Sinclair products and accessories, washing and lubrication. Mr. J. T. Campbell will be manager of this station.- SWAYNEE-McGOWIN MOTOR COMPAlY PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA WE WILL NOT RAISE PRICES UNTIL FORCED TO. BY HIGHER COSTS! We hope business will not advance prices until it is absolutely necessary, and we assure our customers that our policy in future will be as in 'the past. We have no intention of taking ad- -vantage of scarce merchandise to boost prices. -- WE OFFER THIS WEEK-- PLENTY WATER GROUND CORN MEAL AA GRADE LAMB-ANY CUT DAIRY FEED FRESH DRESSED HENS Horse and Mule Feed o CHESTNUT'S GROCERY AND MARKET i Let's Keep the SAINTS On Top of the Heap! We Won At Apalach! Now Let's Take Carrabelle to the Cleaners Sunday! COMING GAMES SUNDAY, JULY 7-Carrabelle at Port St. Joe. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10-St Joe at Carrabelle. SUNDAY, JULY 14--Port St. Joe at Panama City. SUPPORT YOUR HOME TEAM! This Advertisement DANLEY FURNITURE CO. COSTIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE ST. JOE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. J. LAMAR MILLER'S STANDARD SERVICE CHAVERS-FOWHAND FURNITURE CO. Sponsored By ST. JOE BAR FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION ST. JOE MOTOR CO. THE STAR LeHARDY'S BAR CARVER DRUG CO. ZIM'S MEN'S STORE ------------r-----------11--~1-..,,,,,,, THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FbbeRlDA PAGE. TWO FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1946,~ PRDY UL .146TESA, OTS. OGLP ONY FOIAPAETRS NON-RESIDENT VETS CAN homeseads on vacant and arable GET HOMESTEADS HERE state lands for war veterans. Non-resident World War H vet- BROTHER OF LOCAL MAN DIES erans who want to take advantage of Florida's law permitting home- Henry H. McQuaig of Panama steadiing of land by former GI's City, brother of J. L. McQuaig of can become residents by filing an Port St. Joe, died at his home Sat- affidavit that they intend to make urday morning. Funeral services their home in the state, according were held Sunday afternoon at the to the state attorney general. The First Methodist Church of Panama 1945 legislature approved 40-acre City. FOR YOUR PARTIES READY TO SERVE ICE AND SERVE! St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. NOW... I AM AGAIN BACK IN THE Trucking Business with a big new truck, and am soliciting moving of all types. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING I am especially set to handle furniture! All loads fully insured. C. W. "Red" HORTON (Only Licensed Transfer Man In Gulf County) -PHONE 227 SUNNY STATE STATION OUR POLICY Since We Opened Our Doors! To offer to the people of Port St. Joe the highest quality merchandise at the most reasonable prices possible. This policy still prevails but with a doubly important objective . to co-operate with our government in the effort to combat inflation. Merchandise Now In Stock In Our Store Will NOT Be Sold Above OPA Prices SCHNEIDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Simple Precautions Aid In Preventing Polio, Says Doctor Lacking 'a preventive or cure for the disease, the public's pro- tection against serious infection with infantile paralysis lies in a rigid adherence to a list of simple precautions, says Dr. Terry Bird, county health officer. The agent which causes polio- myelitis is know as a filterable virus and the germ, a bacteria, has never been isolated, states the doc- tor. The source of infection is thought to be from nose and throat discharges of infected persons. Bowel discharge from infected per- sons also contains the virus. Flies are known to be capable of trans- mitting the virus. With these things in mind, Dr. Bird advises everyone to observe the following precautions:; Any child or adult who has fe- ver of undetermined origin should consult their family physician im- mediately. Children should not be permitted to attend any unnecessary public gatherings during the prevalence of the disease. A high level of sanitary environ- -ment should be established thru fly control, proper disposal of gar- bage and sewerage, and a general community clean-up program. Flies should be controlled by screening, eradication of breeding places and the use of DDT on breeding places and' garbage. Garbage should, be collected reg- ularly and disposed of properly. All garbage cans should. have covers and. be sprayed with DDT. The milk and water supply should be protected' from contami- nation by flies, improper handling and improper sewage disposal. By initiating and. carrying out the above suggestions much more will be accomplished in preventing polio and other serious diseases than by. establishing a quarantine such as Georgia has, instituted against Florida, said Dr. Bird. U U U EEEE E."..- Ito 17 "es 4 n thr .oe USE PURINA FLY SPRAY 1 A Purina quality product ...thoroughly tested to give satisfactory results when used as directed. Purina Fly Spray for the home can be used as a space spray; also on walls, moldings, screens, and other surfaces where insects light. Stainless, vola- tile, effective-has many es- sential uses. PURINA SPRAYS WILL DO THE JOB USE PURINA SCREW WORM CONTROL After... * Dehorning * Castration * Docking * Shearing To Treat...N CUTS, SCRATCHES WOUNDS, ROPE BURNS ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phone 30 Port St. Joe ,;,,;-%A-------,, To Enter Nurses' Training Mrs. J. E. Rollins and Mrs. Gus Creech accompanied Mrs. Rollins' daughter, Miss Peggy Allen, to New Orleans last week for orien- tation class as .pre-entry to nurses' trading at Charity hospital. . New Arrivals The all-time record of well over three, million new baby arrivals Int American homes was made in 1948, Heart Medicine Digitalis is used in small amounts as a heart medicine. ---CAR OWNERS- We Can Give You Better Service Now -Every Car Must Be- Serviced Regularly Your car needs the added attention we can give it. Come in today for BETTER SERVICE and MORE DRIVING SATISFACTION. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES BUMPER TO BUMPER SERVICE ST. JOE MOTOR CO. Charles Peacock, Service Manager PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA - ii S $3.65 DRY MARTINI . $3.80 MANHATTAN COCKTAIL . I il TO OUR CUSTOMERS This is to announce emphatically that we will continue to hold prices down to the same level as under OPA as long as our present supply of merchandise lasts. When we are forced to pay more for our goods, we will only add our same low percentage of mark-up as has been our custom in the past. We strongly urge all retailers to do the same, as this is the only way to hold prices down, get full production and beat inflation. * * *\ THIE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNrTY, FLORIDA PAGE THRMB FRIDA, JUY S,19443 PAGE FOUR "i LOST 52 Lbs.! V:iAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" ?MRS. C. D. WELLS, FT. WORTH As Pictured Heroe V u may lose pounds and have 3 more slender, graceful figure. 'o .e, jrcise. No drugs. No laxativ. .'-t meat, potatoes, gravy, butt.. The experience of Mrs. Wells n ,'. ornmay not be different than youij. but why not try tlhe AYDS Vitamin Cawtv Plan? Look at these results." I Ind clinical tests conducted by medical doctors more than 100 persons lost 14 to 15 pounds average in a few weeks wit the AYDS Vitamin Candy .Reducing Plan. W'th this Ayds Plan you don't cub t out any meals, starches, potatoes , meats orbutter. you simplycut them down. It's simple and easier when . you enjoy delicious (vitamin forti- fied) AYDS before each meal. Abso- lutely harmless. 30 days supply of Ayds only $2.25. If not delighted with results MONEY BACK on the very first box. Phone 27 CARVER DRUG CO. 5 . I Although continually in danger of infection and contagion, you perhaps rarely give it a thought. Your physician, however, is ever mindful of the situation and keeps pace with the advance- ment of medical science by con- stant study. We are glad to cooperate by filling his prescrip- tions with the finest prescrip- tion chemicals, pharmaceuti- cals and biologicals obtainable We use Merck Prescription Chemicals SMITH'S PHARMACY Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription DEATH OF OPA (Continued from Page 1) Store-'I think it will increase the cost of 'living 15 or 20 per cent in a period of six months, hbut-I don't look for any large scale boost in pricess" Ed Pridgeon. Jr.-"I believe in letting it go, as it will be better for all of us." Horace. Soule, St. Joe Hardware Company-"I honestly feel there should be an OPA to take care of the working man in order that he will know what prices he- will pay for various items." , Clarence Pridgeon, Quality Gro- cery & Market-"If all restrictions are lifted. I believe everything would work out well." J. G. Traxler. Carver Drug Com- pany-"I hate to see it go, since this year the black marketers have 'bought so much they will flood the market with goods to get it off their hands." C. G. Costin. Costin's Depart- ment Store-"If all stores will try to keep prices down and in line it won't be necessary to return to OPA. We can keep our same prices except on a few items, and I'm not going to pay exorbitant prices for merchandise just to have it on the shelves of my store--I'll do with- out first." J. R. Chestnut, Chestnut's Gro- cery & Market-"I think the thing we need, is just exactly what we have. Prices will probably go up a bit, but when store shelves are filled where customers can get what they want at any time, and as much as they want. compettlon will keep prices level." Tire Wear Tire wear is increased on curves and steep grades because the tire friction, traction and braking re- quirements are greater than on straight and level sections of high- ways. I- St. Joe Sign Shop UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING STOVE REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES w FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Upholstery Material and Stove Parts In Stock Milstead and Kirkland (In Building Formerly Occupied By City Service Garage) Pleasant Service.. You appreciate it all the more these sultry, hot summer days so drop in at the Capital Garden for good food and drink deliciously prepared and satisfyingly served. . Bring the whole family and let your wife get away from that hot stove. STEAKS SEAFOODS OYSTERS ALL VARIETIES OF SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS o CAPITAL GARDEN Walter Gardner, Owner H. E. Jones, Manager On Beacon Hill Highway 2V2 Miles From Port St. Joe STARDUST and MOONSHINE We like to have relatives drop in for a visit occasionally, but we believe that after this we'll find some other way of entertaining 'em than taking 'em fishing-per- haps a few fast games, of ping-pong or tiddlywinks. What we're leading up to is that last week-end Doc Goody and Sam Bolin, relatives of our wife, came down from Georgia and, naturally we had to take 'em fishing. We fished at Willie Rowell's place on the Dead Lakes Friday (getting up at 5:30-and how we hated that!) but weren't very successful, get- ting rained out. Ed' Pridigeon, Jr., volunteered to take our guests to a spot where they could really -each some fish, so early Saturday morning (5:30 again!) we set out up the canal in Ed's boat. After fishing an hour or two a rain blew up and we were forced to take .shelter in a'palmetto hut about a mile up the stream, getting a super drenching during the trip. We sat around a couple of hours with Sam and Ed smoking us like hams in their efforts to get a fire going, and then started fishing again. The fish were quite co-op- erative, but in about an hour we hit slam-bang into a real rain storm and decided to head for home. Actually the rain was so heavy that coming down the c:aial fish were swimming right along beside us, shoulder high they couldn't tell where the water of the canal left off and the ra'n began. We like to fish, but .we're dog- gcned if we like to take a bath on the installment plan. (And Ed sure knows where the fish hang out, for we brought back a-plenty.) ,.And speaking of fish if you want something out of the ordin- ary, go down .to the St. Joe Hard- ware Co. and ask Horace Soule for one of his "Fisherman's Yard- sticks." And speaking of Horace Soule, did you notice our esteemed mayor tarring the root of The Star building a week or so back? Probably working up good will -come election time. We'll let you know for sure after we get his bill for the job. We followed a pair of ears hall a block down the street the other day and slapped them on the back in the belief it was Stanford Beck- ham-only to have them turn out to be a perfect stranger. And were our earsered'! Nifty sign Miles Hurlbut has in- stalled on, his new building Tor Mouchette's Style Shop. The front of the postoffice, received a new coat of paint this week. Our fingerprints, along with a lot or others, are recorded in the Job, for who can resist a "Wet Paint" sign? We understand Mrs. A. D. Lawson lost out in a battle with her washing machine. Seems, a sheet got tangled in the wringer and had to be cut to shreds to re- mlove it. DISTRICT SCOUT MEET (Continued from page 1) Progress being made in negro Scouting was discussed and Tom Reynolds, Scout executive, stated that an effort was being made to employ a full-time negro field ex- ecutive. Roy Morris, chairman of the or- ganization and extension commllit- tee, reported that the district had lost eight units and had gained but- one this year, but that six units were now in process of organiza- tion and; some of the lapsed unit? would be revitalized. This includes all phases of Scout work, Clubbing. Boy Scouts and the Senior Scout program. Present at the meeting were Ira Hill, Tabie Schneider, W. H. Sapp and Rpy Morris from Panama City; CONTRACTING FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1946 M. P. Tomlinson, Dr. A. L. Ward, Jimmy Greer, Harry McKnight and Floyd Hunt, from this city; Tom Reyonlds, Scout executive, from Pensacola, and. Norman Savell ot Panama City, Scout field execu- tive. Move To 'Tallahassee Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Hughes left last Friday for Tallahassee where Mr. Hughes will be service man- ager at the Hughes Garage in that city. Mr. Hughes has been serv- ice manager for some time past at the Wayne-McGowin Motor Co. SERVICE Advertising dosen't cost-It PAYSI For Those Who Think of Appearance Run- down shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and well polished. Let us be your footwear valets. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP PHONE 259 REPAIR - MOTOR WINDING Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceiles Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136-W -:-- WE DELIVER Our Policy On Prices WE WILL NOT INCREASE THE PRICE OF ONE PIECE OF MERCHANDISE NOW IN OUR STOCKS. Our Pledge O 0 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY,.FLORIDA ST. JOE ELECTRIC SHOP Our policy in the future will continue to be that of pricing our merchandise on the basis of affording you maximum value. Our pledge is to protect our customers. Your interest is our interest. Twenty-five years of faith in Port St. Joe and in our customers cannot change our methods of doing Lusiness now. We shall do everything possible to keep prices down. COSTING'S DEPARTMENT STORE I .RDA.. J 5 1 Tt Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 Movie To Be Shown Revival Meeting Is At Baptist Church Underway Here On Tuesday evening, July 9, at H. D. Ferrell, former pastor of 8 o'clock, a most interesting sound the Mill.ville Assemibly of Gold movie, "The Romance of a Cen- Church and conductor of the '"Bread tury," will be presented at the of Life" radio program, who has First Baptist Church. recently returned from a tour ot "This film, which is being shown part of Canada and soon will leave to growing audiences all over the on a world tour, is now conducting country, is well-planned and pre- a revival meeting at the Assembly sents in a gripping, unforgettable of God Church in Highland View. manner the things which con- The revival will move to Port tribute to, and made a glorious St. Joe next week in a large tent success, the first century of South- to be erected at the corner of ern Baptist history," said Rev. R. Long Avenue and Third Street. F. Hallford, pastor. "There is noth- A cordial invitation is extended ing dull about it, ;but, on the con- to the public to attend any or all trary, it is thought-provoking to of these meetings. every person who sees it." t t t The public is cordially invited to BAND BOOSTERS TO MEET see this educational, inspiring pic- A meeting of the Band Boosters ture. No admission charge will be Association has been called for made, and everyone will be cor- 8 o'clock next Monday evening at dially welcome, the school house. All members are I tf urged to be present at that time Attends Wedding of Daughter as important business will come Jimmy Greer and daughter Judy up for discussion. left Sunday for Cusseta, Ga., where I t SI they attended the wedding of his Visiting Sister daughter, Doris, returning hom.' Miss Jewel Dean Williams of Al- Tuesday. tha is the guest this week of her o st t sister, Mrs. Fred Perry. Here For Extended Visit aI ir I. IMiss Betty Thurman of Camdel, Visiting With Friends Ark., ari'ived Sufiday for an ex- Mrs. Delmar Jones left Monday tended visit here with her aunt, for Tallahassee and Perry to visit Mrs. Carol Warner. with relatives and friends. EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ... -- A.w . "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1946 9:45-Bible School for all, 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: SERMON BY JOHN EARL HALL. 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon Topic: SERMON BY JOHN EARL HALL. ------ - LET'S BE SENSIBLE In the absence of government price regulation, we've set up our own price-control policy, in conformity with previous regulations. We're * going to do our level best to hold the lid on, and with your co-operation we can succeed. So le't's be sensible. Let's buy only those things we actually need. Let's not be carried away by rumors and idle conversation. Let's prove we can lick the threat of inflation with or without " government control. . BOYLES . Department Store -3. 43, 0 HOWDY, FOLKS! Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall are an. nouncing the birth of a daughter, Margie Ann, on June 22. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Newsome ot White City announce the birth ot a son on June 22. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kelley of Highland, View are announcing the birth of a son, George Henry, on June 30. st Mr. and' Mrs. J. H. Wood of Ap- alachicola announce the birth of a daughter on July 2. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gaskin are the proud parents of a daugh. ter, born July 3. (All births occurred at the Port St. Joe municipal hospital.) MRS. CREECH HOSTESS AT SHOWER AND BRIDGE PARTY IMrs. Gus B. Screech entertained at her home on Friday, June 21, with a stork shower and ;bridge party honoring Mrs. Guy Little oi Wakulla Springs, Mrs. W. L. B'ou- ton of Bilrmingham, Ala., sister o01 Mrs. Creech, and, Mrs. Dan Brooks. Honor guests were presented with plastic aprons. High score bridge prize went to Mrs. Massey Ward and the floating prize to Mrs. Edna Ward. Mrs. Brooks, honoree for the shower, was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Present were Mrs. Roy Evans and her mother, Mrs,. Logan of Washington, D. C., Mrs. George Wimberly, Mrs. Bill Whaley, Mrs. A. L. Ward, Mrs. Massey Ward, Mrs. Gale Traxler, Mrs. Robert Bellows, Mrs. Sol Cucchiari, Mrs. Ned Porter, Mrs. S. B. Shuford, Mrs. Robert Tapper, Mrs. J. R. Smith, MArs. Bud Gaskin and the honorees. Tea guests were Mrs. J. E. Rollins, Mrs. W. L. Horn, Mra. Frank Hannon and Miss Peggy Allen. \ The hostess served homemade ice cream and cookies to her guests. BAPTIST W. M. S. IN BUSINESS MEETING The business meeting of the Baptist W. M. S. was held at the church Monday afternoon with the president, Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon, presiding. The year song was sung and the scripture, Luke 6:27-37, waste read in unison, followed with prayer by Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Reports were given by all officers and chairmen present. At this time it was voted to give a*donation to the crippled children's home and to have a pro gram next Monday on "World Needs," instead of the Bible study. The meeting was dismissed with prayer. MAKES HONOR ROLL Miss Willa Dean Lowery is listed on the honor roll at Stetson University, DeLand', for the spring quarter of 1946. This is .a recogni- tion given for exceptional scholar- ship. Visiting In Bonifay Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chitty left Monday for a week's visit in Boni- fay with. Mr. Chitty's mother, Mrs Etta Chitty. Visiting Father In Orlando Miss Grace. Earline Hunter left Sunday for Orlando to visit with her father, 0. G. Hunter. COLD WAVE Each kit contains 3 full O nAA Bunce of Salon-type solution. ULU C0 Curlers. 60 end tissues. 555 ottoin applicator, nestrahzer SW *ad complete instructions. a MILLER'S DRUG STORE URGES LOCAL WOMEN TO LOOK FOR 'PLEDGE' Mrs. Gus Creech, president of the Port St. Joe Woman's Club, urges all members of the club as well as those who do not belong to the organization, to look for "The Pledge of the American Housewife" in stores and' newspa- pers. She urges all -to sign it in gooO faith and leave it with or send to the local stores sponsoring the campaign. Mrs. C. C. Burns and children ot Savannah, Ga., are guests of Mrs. Burns' mother, Mrs. A. M. Jones, and sisters, Mrs. D. B. Lay and Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson, for several weeks. , DR. C. L. REICHERTER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED- GLASSES FITTED $ Ritz Theatre Building Hours: 8 to 5 1 First Floor -Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. FJi A 'I 1~ HME ELEPHANTs OU 6EE tI" Tft IRCUS ARE ALL PROM OD4A. .THE AFRIOAN ELEPHANts I ARE MICH HOne viIeour. Don't strain to "keep up with the Joneses" don't buy things you don't need . but when Costume Jewelry is necessary to set off your latest outfit, make your selection at LIUIUS'! Port Theatre , A Martin Theatre SPort St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. FRIDAY ONLY JULY 5 SATURDAY, JULY 6 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - r G^RANT _, FUZZY KNIGHT - FEATURE NO. 2 - Also - Chapter 7 of Serial 'The Monster and the Ape' SUNDAY, JULY 7 MONDAY AND TUESDAY July 8 and 9 NEWS and "PASSING PARADE" WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 -HIT NO. 1 ---- HIT NO. 2 - W^ JIMMY WAKELEY Chapter 6 of Serial "WHO'S GUILTY?" THURSDAY FRIDAY July 11 and 12 Also- IAL so ---' TRAVELOGUE and i . "FLICKER FLASHBACKS" . Adolphe MENJOU S NEWSREEL PICTURES OF LOUIS-CONN FIGHT F : MAY JUL 5,1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA PAGE FIVE' THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIODA FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1946 WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE J --- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT- THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED This Would Be a Good Place To Let People Know About YOUR Business Plumbinm LeGRONE'S HOME SUPPLIES R&PAIR ( Plumbing and Heating Contractors CONTACT US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Every Job Receives Careful Workmanship Monument Ave. At 2nd St. Phone 233-W THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Estate Registered Real Estate Broker COSTIN BUILDING PHONES-DAY 201: NIGHT 105-2 CUCCHIARI'S MARKET Fruits Vegetables Seafoods FRYERS AN DRESSED WHILE D HENS YOU WAIT cKnow 9ur HESTNUTTrS C GROCERY ES CHESTNUT'S. G R & Market "THE STORE WHERE YOUR PENNIES COUNT" YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND WHAT 4 YOU WANT WHEN YOU SHOP HERE (4WOneAd*7W PIRPmTncl A* Let Us Design You a Letterhead To Fit Your Business THE STAR Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MR. AND MRS. PROPERTY OWNER Do you realize that now is the tiTne to sell at a good profit! During past 30 days I have sold $23,000 worth of real estate in Port St. Joe. Why not list your prop- erty with me for sale! My commis- sions include Notary Work and' Abstracts of Title. See me at Costin Building or phone day 201; night 105-2 THOSE. R. L. CARTER NEW 5-ROOM HOLLOW TILE HOUSE, 3 miles south of city. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE in Bayview Heights with screened-in porches -and bath. ACREAGE Close to city limits. From 5-acre tracts to 160 acres. ALSO LOTS in colored quarters and White. City. Listings Wanted -- See FRANK HANNON Realtor St. Joe Motor Co. Phone' 37 FHA LOAN APPLICATIONS for building houses and financing sales are coming in fast., Why not get yours in NOW! We make loans to finance existing construction as well as to build homes. CARTER, Costin Building AUTOMOTIVE 1940 LINCOLN SEDAN-A-1 con- dition. Radio, heater, overdrive; $100 under ceiling price. Let's keep prices down! St. Joe Motor Com- pany. Phone 37. 1. WANTED TO BUY STOVES WANTED-We want to buy oldl sloves and used furni- ture. St. Joe Sign Shop. Phone 94 anid -we will call. 7-5 26 WANTED-Room and' board bY quiet young man. Phone 6. 1 AdvrtlIln4 d e't oest--it PAYS! .NOTICE' ALBRITTON-WILLIAMS are in a position to serve Port St. Joe. Special attention to veterans problems. MARVIN SMITH Superintendent P. 0. Box 310 Phone 159 Apalachicola, Fla. TENUOUS FIRST PLACE (Continued from page 1) at home on a sacrifice by Hannon to end the scoring. LEAGUE STANDINGS Team- W L Pct. Port St. Joe ---------11 3 .785 Apalachicola --------- 10 3 .770 Wewahitchka -------- 10 5 .667 Blountstown ---------. 6 9 .400 Paniama City --------- 5 9 .357 C':,-rra.belle ----------- 0 13 .000 Results of Wednesday's Games . Port St. Joe. 10; Apalachicola, 4. Blountstown; 10; Wewahitchka, 6 Games Next Week July 7-Carrahbelle at Port St. Joe; Blountstown at Apalachicola; Panama City at Wewahitchka. July 10-Port St. Joe at Carra- belle; Wewahitchka at Panama City; Apalaibicola at Blountstown July 14-Port St. Joe at Panama City: Apalachicola at WewahiP- 'ihka: Carrabelle at Blountstown. July 17-Panama City at Fort St. Joe; Wewahitchka a't Apalachi- cola; Blountstown at Carrabelle. TWO CARS CRASH ON HIGHWAY WEDNESDAY A near-serious accident occurred late Wednesday afternoon on the SFOR SALE ". tj G U V"alachicola highway about twelve HAVE TWO HOUSES FOR SALE miles south of this city when W. on 8th Street and one on 10th. B. Poling of Highland View, in a Also have prospect for a small Ford pickup truck passed the car farm with up-to-date residence close-in to St. Joe. Will not have of W. H- Calvert of Iselin, N. J., these long. on the right ha'n.d side. CARTER, Costin Building According to Calvert, the Poling car struck the front of his car as OIL STOVES-Good, reconditioned it passed him on the right and oil -stoves at reasonable prices, pulled back onto the road' in front Special-Tabletop model in first of him. Both cars, traveling in the class, condition, See them at the St. Joe Sign Srop. 7-5 26 same direction, were hurled across the. highway into the opposite FOR SALE-SNew U. S,. slicing ditch, the Calvert car coming to machine. See J. R. Chestnut at Chestnut's Grocery. 6-21tt rest upside down and the Poling car on its side. FOR SALE Child'ern's all metal No one was seriously hurt. Mr. lawn swings. If we haven't got what you want, we'll build it to Calvert had, with him his wife and suit you. Also one motor scooter, small son and, his mother, Mrs. H. cheap for cash. G. E. McGill, Jr., M. Calvert o"' Panama City. Riding Long Ave. and 15th Street, or P. with Poling was Bill Conners, who 0. Box 886. 7-12* received a gaph on the forehead FOR RENT" and bruises and contusions. HOUSE-Small cottage, unfurnish- rSheriff Byrdl Parker and Chief ed; two rooms, screen porch, of Police Buck Griffin, who had at- shower, etc. See. Wayne at Wayne- tended' the ball' game in Apalachl- McGowin Motor Co. I cola, investigated the affair. - - APARTMENTS FOR RENT ------ Called Here By Accident FOR APARTMENTS See The Carlton Parker of Jacksonville Shirey Apartments. 8-3 was called here Sunday by the ac- MISCELLANEOUS cid.ent suffered by his nephew, HAVE JUST RECEIVED SMALL Emory Cason. HOMES ANNUAL 1946-47 LODGE NOTICES Contains 116 small homes, de- signs, pointers on finance, con- MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- struction and landscaping. Have Port St. Joe Lodge 1I11. Regular only one copy, so cannot lend A meetings 2nd and 4th Frl- same, but prospective HOME days each month, 8:00 p. nl. BUILDERS are welcome to come t '+ \ Members urged to attend; ,to, the. office and look it over. visiting brothers welcome. G, W S... Cooper, W. M.; G. C. Adkins, See.i CARTER, Costin Building I SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 40, I. 0.' 0. F-Meets every Wednesday IF YOU WANT TIRES night at 8 o'clock in Masonic hall. All members urged to attend and, We Have Them In All Sizes! visiting brethren invited. W. C. ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Forehand, N, G.; W. H. Sansom, Phone 37 6-21 Secretary. car SOWER'S SUNNY STATE SERVICE aJa/, If you want EXPERT SERVICE in a Hurry, We Have It. We Also Give ROAD SERVICE. , r 22 S a -, .. _,M- AM .. A, f= L-fl RAI A NI .lNi, a -a'-si Sirsi /Aid R EPAItRSt- WHEEL BALANCING, Cars Polished, Waxed and Steam Cleaned PHONE 227 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SCHNEIDER'S Clothing for All the Family THE MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire C ey'lo BUCK ALEXANDER" = 11 MEET YOUR 1 L- FRIENDS AT LeHARDY'S BAR Modern Beauty Shop LILLIE PEARL WATKINS, Owner IW For Appointment Phone 41 SWILKS JEWELRY COMPANY Diamonds and Jewelry WE TEACH WATCHES TO TELL THE TRUTH -TA -I FOR DEPENDABLE TAXI SERVICE CALL 234 24-HOUR SERVICE (Next Door to Cooper's Barbar Shop) qpe OWNED BY MILTON J. DUKE When it rains never fret, Call 234 and you'll never get wet Have Visitors Returns Home After Visit Mr. and Mrs. James Greer had Mrs. W. D. Burley left Tuesday. ts their guests last week Mrs. for her home in New Orleans, La., 3arah Roberts and son Joe of At- after a visit of two weeks here lanta. Ga.. and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- with her sister, Mrs. L. R. Holiday. .*hall Vol'berg and children from ---- Kingsport, Tenn. Subscribe to The Star--$ year. We Are Holding the Line The following self-explanatory telegram was received by us this week from Jacksonville: ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE FORD MOTOR CO. HAD AN APPLICATION ON FILE WITH OPA FOR A PRICE IN- CREASE WE ARE HOLDING THE PRICE LINE AND WE ARE COUNTING ON ALL OUR DEALERS TO DO LIKEWISE. FORD DAVIDSON. We are co-operating with the Ford Motor Company and will do all in our power to adhere to former OPA prices for the benefit of our customers and to assist in staving off inflation. ST. JOE MOTOR CO. FLORIDA PAOE SIX PORT ST. JOE 06 .AygRA "V |