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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME IX PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 NUMBER 38 Pet Show Feature Don't Make U-Turns On Of Recreation Main Drag After Sunday Program Friday ;Ordinance No. 101X providing a F a or traffic regulation in Port St. Joe. passed 'by the city commis- Eighty-five Children Participate, sion at its June 4 meeting, will go Exhibiting Everything From into effect next Monday, and one Ants To Horses of the main clauses in the ordin- --- ance is the prohibiting of U-turns About the only things missing on Reid Avenue except at Fifth from the pet show staged Friday and First Streets.' as part of the city's' summer rec- The signs have been painted at reaction program Tor the children, intersections for some time, L%. , were trained fleas and elephants police officers; have merely been *when 85 tiny tots paraded their warning those making turns. After pets before the judges. Sunday, violators will :be haled ibe- 1 Prize winners were as follows: fore the municipal judge and as- iMost unusual pet, Jackie Davis, sessed a fine commensurate with: horned toadt; ugliest pet, Sonny the offense. So watch your step '%Mawhon, spider; smartest pet, and, don't ibe tempted to make a Bemmie Roberts, dog; prettiest, U-turn on the main drag except Ruth Lynn Ramsey, Persian cat; at the proper places. smallest, Alex Guilford, ants, and --- -- the largest pet, Philip Chatham's INFANTILE PARALYSIS hnrqp. A nion- othpr t tie were Ui1rse. m. l ng o er enri riL H s3 1 turtles, chickens, birds and more dogs and cats. During the afternoon the Blues met the Reds in a hotly contested baseball game. .Special games are the order this morning beginning at 9 o'clock, with lemonade and cookies, being served at 11. Another baseball tilt bletweenf the Red and Blue teams is scheduled to begin at 4 p. in. 'Recreation Director H. E. Bailey announces that a special feature next week, will be mask-making and' hat-making, to be made from cheesecloth, paper tape and two layers of newspaner- Watch for this, as' it will add color to the head dress of St. Joe little folk. Total attendance for the first week was 591 children, divided as follows: Monday, 124; Tuesday, 95; Wednesday, 117; Thursday, 122; Friday, 133. Milstead and Kirkland 1% 0. n' L rFOUNDATU IUON unrCHAPTER TO ELECT OFFICERS The Gulf county chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis will, hold its annual meeting on Monday, June 24, at 3 p. m. in the office of E. Clay Leiwis Jr., for the purpose of electing ot- ficers for the ensuing year. All .parties interested are re- quested to be present at that time. WORTHY -GRAND MATRON TO VISIT LOCAL O.E.S. CHAPTER Worthy Grand, Matron Bessie Christian of the Grand Chapter of Florida, Order of.,;pasJ:ern Star, will make her official visit to Gulf Chapter 191 next Tuesday, June 25. All officers and members are urged to be present at that time. and visiting members are invited. PERUVIANS STOP AT TYNDALL Making Tyndall .Field the. third stop on. the long overland journey from Miami to Lima, IPeru, twelve planes of the 'Peruvian Air Force Upen Sign-Kepair ShoP landed at the nearby air base last 'Friday'afternoon for refueling. The G. W. Milstead and H. D. Kirk- trip will 'be about 7000 miles, en- land this week opened a sign and tirely overland through Central repair shop in the building on See- and South America. ond Street formerly occupied by - the City 'Service Gar-age. Stop Over For Visit These two young men are of the >Mrs. Ed Parker of Tallahassee, opinion that their business will Miss Bessie Lee O'Quinn of Perry fill a long-felt want in this city, as and Mrs. C. C. Parker of Jackson- they will provide. signs, do furnt- ville visited here Monday withT ture and stove repairing and up- Mrs. E. C. Cason. Mrs. Ed Parker bolstering. They will carry a stock and Miss O'Quinn were en .route of stove part's and upholstery ma- to Pensacola, while Mrs. C. C. trial of all kinds. Parker., mother of Mrs. Cason, ru- .-.-- mained for a week's visit. CHOICE TOMATOES - Ivey Williams last week sent in Wins Cake three choice tomatoes to Ye Ed H. C. Davis, J-., won the cake that he had grown in his garden. that was raffled .off last Saturday They were smooth and ,firm and by Mrs. Verna Smith for benefit ot had an excellent flavor. the American Legion Auziliary. __. The cake brought $17, which will Visits Here From Tuscaloosa be used' for repairs on the club Ladd Adkinson from the Uni- room ini the Legion home. 'versity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, i spent the past week here at the On Vacation home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elder.f Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon left the guest of Miss Margaret Elder. Wednesday for a week's vacation ___ in Lake Charles, La., and Houston, Spending Week At Beacon Hill !Texas. IThey will 'be accompanied Mrs. Jack Finney and children i home iby their daughter, Virginia, of Monticello and Mrs. J. E. An- who has 'been visiting in Louisl- derson and baby of Fort Myers ana for the past two weeks. are spending the, week at Beacon Hill. Have Visitors From Georgia _______ Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Spillers had Have Niece As Guest as their guests this week Dr. and iMr. and' Mrs. D. C. Miller have Mrs. C. H.. Stoner of Atlanta, Ga., as their guest this week the lat- jand Mrs. G. M. Donalson of Atta- ter's niece, Miss Marilyn Wages of pulgus, Ga., mother and sister of Apalachicola. Mrs. Spillers. -- ---- --- -_-_ -_ - Visit Here From Georgia 1 On Business Trip To Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bateman of C. G. Costin and son Ashley Attapulgus, Ga., visited here Sun- mad;. a business trip to Atlanta day with Mrs. C. C. Taunton. the first of the week. .......... =====^*"^=wi= " PROCLAMATION Whereas, Infantile paralysis has appeared in several South Florida cities during the past few weeks; and, Whereas, The summer months are now at hand to encourage ,propagation of diseaseicarrying insects; and, Whereas., Our citizens are de- sirous of maintaining at a high standard our health, cleanliness and general appearance of streets and grounds; ,Now, therefore, I,. Horace W. Soule, by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Port St. Joe, do hereby designate and proclaim the week of June 24 as CLEAN-UP WEEK and urge all citizens to put forth their best efforts to put their premises in a clean, sanitary and attractive condition.. Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of June A. D. 1946. HORACE W. SOULE, (SEAL) Mayor. .****.** *, o. . .. . *.**.. Fund Drive For Children's Home Will Open Soon Hope To Raise $800 In County For Crippled Children's Home In Pensacofa Final plans are being made for the drive to raise $800 in Gulf ,county toward the fund for con- struction of the new crippled' chii dren's home in Pensacola. Mrs. A. L. Ward states that the members of the local committee will begin their drive next week. which will consist of a house-to- house canvass. All civic and church organiza- tions are being asked to co-oper- ate with the committee in raising the county quota, as this hospital will benefit children from all ot West Florida. The present crippled children's home, a wooden structure formerly a private residence, is far too small for today's needs. It has S1 beds crowded into small rooms, and the nursery has four baby beds and four bassinets crowded into one dark, dingy room. Sanitary condi- tions and facilities consist of one bathroom with tub and toilet. The small kitchen has but one sink that is much smaller than those found in most private residences. It is hope.'d to raise $125,000 In this drive for construction of the new home, and when it is com- pleted it will be turned over to the American Legion Auxiliary of the Third District of Florida for opera- tion and maintenance. Huge Double Egg Is White City Product Carter Ward brought in a huge egg to The Star office Tuesday that was produced iby one of the hens on his rancho at White City. The egg, eight inches in circum- ference and weighing five ounces, had, a normal size egg inside it. "Looks like that hen is .trying to keep up with the high price of the Pupina feed' that Horace Soule has been selling ine." remarked; Ward. Visiting In Alabama Mrs. Harold Powell left Monday for points in Alabama .to visit rel- atives and friends. Would Employ Full Time ' Field Secretary For Gulf And Bay TB Associations 1A meeting of the board of di- rectors of the Gulf County Tu- berculosis and Health Association will -be held at 4 o'clock this after- noon at the high'slchool for the purpose of discussing a proposal for Gulf and Bay counties to join in employing a full tilile field sec- retary for the two couilties. The program as outlined will cost $6000 annually, and' Gulf county has been asked, to con- tribute $1000 of this amount in ex- change for services up to 50 per cent of the field secretary's time. If the plan is approved, it will be' the responsibility of the field' sec- retary to direct the mechanics of the Christmas Seal sale, assist Ini preparation of reports and be re- sponsible for certain adminis-tra- tive duties. She will direct a pro- gramn with balanced emphasis on case finding, health education and co-operation with all existing agen- cies on case management and re- halbilitation. FAMILY ALLOWANCES TO EXPIRE ON JULY I It was announced, today by W. W. W. Hyche, CM, in *charge of the navy recruiting station at Marl- anna, that this station will remain open all day Sundlay, June 30, in order to enlist men. who h.J.h to benefit by the navy. family allow- ance policy, which expires on July 1 this year. Men enlisting prior to July 1, 1946, are allowed all the benefits of family allowances through the term of their enlistment, regard. less of whether it is for two, three, four or six years.. LOCAL CHAVERS-FOWHAND STORE HOST AT BANQUET The local Chavers-Fowhand Fur- niture Store, managed by Durel Briggman, was host Thursday night of last week to personnel of other stores !n th ,,strict at a ci.::'kenu and s;apper steak supper s',rved at Martin's Beach Club. Fifty-seven were present from I Chavers-Fowhand stores in. Chip- ley, Marianna and Panama City,! and all reported a wonderful time. Must Keep Sidewalks Clear Business houses that have 'been using the sidewalks in front of their stores for the display ot wares will ibe requested to dispense with this practice in future, ac- cording to Chief of Police Griffin, as the sidewalks are not any too wide for ,pedestrian use without being cluttered up with outside displays. --- ---- -- To Make Home In Alabama Mrs. Arthur Bryan and children left last Friday to join Mr. Bryan in Samson, Ala., where they will make their future home. ------- T | Robert Bellows Discharged Robert E. Bellows, Jr.. S1/c. re- ceived his discharge from the nav I Tuesday at the naval personnel separation center, Jacksonville. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. James Wise and Mrs. Joe Wise of Attala, Ala,, were week-end guests of Mr.. apd Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon. Blounts Have Visitors, Mrs. Annie McPherson of Marl- anna and Mrs. Earl Preston and sons of Cypress were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, John Blount. Port St. Joe Leads League After Two Wins Over Wewa Saints Decisively Defeat First Po- sition Gators 13-7 and 9-3; BI.ountstown Here Sunday The Port -St. Joe Saints detfi- nitely took over top position, in the Gulf Coast League when they took Sam Husband's Weewahitchka Ga- tors to the cleaners Sunday by a score of 13-7 on the Gators' home field and 9 3 at the St. Joe ball park Wednesday afternoon. Terry Hinote held the mound for the Saints in Wednesday's game, going the full route and hurling an excellent brand of ball. The grandstand was loaded witn Wewahitchka fans, and, during the first inning, when the Gatora shoved over two runs, the air was filled with lusty cheers. Neither team scored in the second, arid in the 'third the rabid Gator fans really went to town when Bill Lin- ton came in on a passed ball .by Bert Cox to make the score 3 0. However, as in the Sunday game, the fourth inning was the lucky one for the Saints when they made six runs to really sew up the game. Tommy Mitchell led off, being out on a long fly to right field. Leon- ard Belin got a two-bagge.r on a hefty drive to the center' field fence; Dallas Weeks,1-o. 1- J, " two-bagger to center to bring''Be- lin in for the Saints' 'first score. Frank Hannon got .a single andl Weeks slid. safely into third, Han- non stealing second; W. J. Herr- ing was oit at first on a hit to third; Bert Cox got a two-base hit. to bring in Weeks and Hannon to (Continued on page 6) Body of Apalachicola Man, Missing for Week, Is Found The body of Angel Georgopolis, 63, of Apalachicola, who hadi been missing for a week a-fter going on a catfishing trip, was found last SFriday floating in Clark's, Creek, I about four miles from Huckleberry Landing on the Jackson River, by two boys who were fishing. The Ibody was badly decomposed and eaten by fish and turtles. It was taken to Apalachicola for in- terment. Sheriff B. E. Parker, who was called in on the case since the body was found, in Gulf county, stated that it was presumed the aged man !had' fallen from his boat and was drowned. BUYS TAXI SERVICE M. J. Duke has purchased the taxi business operated 'by J. P. Bass and is now working Vthree taxis on a 24-hour-a-day basis from the small office adjoining Cooper's barber shop. Dave Maddox Discharged Dave Maddox received his dis- charge -from the navy last week at the naval personnel separation center, Jacksonville, and is now at home. Visits Brother and Family Miss Tommie Sue Blount of Geneva, Ala., was the guest last week of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Blount. Visit In Frink Mrs. Fred Maddox andi son Dave spent two days this week in Frink as guests of Mrs. Maddox' father, Frank McFarland. P__t_ TW TH TR OTS.JEGL ONY LR_ FIAJN 1.14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as eecond-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE. IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months.......31.00 -< Telephone 51 9- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisement, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for dsmnags further than amount received for such. advrtitsemiv. 1t. spoken word ie given cant attention; the printed wod Jo thoughtiully weighed. The spoken word barely -aeerte the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken worO is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong WE NEED VISION TO GET ACTION Progress, like everything else, begins at home, but at present the nation is witnessing just the opposite as an unrivalled spread of selfish interest robs America of those fruits of war and inventive genius which could put our sort of democarcy far in the vanguard of world development. To see what we're driving at, we need only to turn back the calendar a few months and remember how visionary leaders. of industry were predicting a new "golden age" for Americo as a result of some 3000 inventions of a war which were to be released for peace- time adaptation. Even government joined the fanfare and predicted that we were on the verge of the greatest period of advancement and general prosperity the world has ever known. Now, bring the calendar up to date and we see that not only are these "miracles" of progress scarce, but so is everything else-in- clididg some of the ordinary incidentals of life which we considered essential before the war. Hamstrung by labor, strikes and a de- cidedly "unvisionary" government, we see our progress reverting to a state where today we can't even get a three-cent letter through the mails with any degree of certainty. Yet the materials and the concept of the "golden age" remain within the grasp of our society, providing someone visionary enough takes a lead in sorting out all the human ele- ments and putting them in their correct rela- tionship. If some of the-drive behind selfish demands today can be put into the larger cre- ative view of progress, we might even be able to overhaul and pass Russia on the road to tomorrow's greatness. We are blind if we can't see all of the clar- ity and health of tomorrow's architecture in the realm of plastics, electronics and prefab- rication. We are falling far short of any chal- lenge if we don't push television and kindred assets to their utmost and, generally, we have missed the whole design if we don't see the opportunity to spread mankind out Into a more natural environment through rapid transportation, while bringing him all the as- sets of our genius. LAGGING BEHIND Yes, you read it rightly. It was no typo- graphical error. The story about the Army Air Forces yesterday DID say that "within six weeks its first super-sonic man-carrying plane will fly at speeds above 1500 miles an hour." And a couple of paragraphs further on it casually noted that the researchers are thinking in terms of 4500 miles per hour. Or was it 45,000? There were oldsters watching the Auto Jubilee parade who believed in their youth that the human body couldn't stand speeds higher than a few miles an hour. Now look at the blamed thing! Around the world in a few ours? Sure! There are disturbing aspects. Ever since the devising of the club and spear, man's ca- pacity to be a decent, neighborly animal has lagged light years behind his sagacity of in- vention. Even a second World War has not put wings on our social-economic-political thinking. It's still in the ox-cart area. Here's something to trouble the world's best brains as the super-sonic space ships ,whisk past, arriving at their destinations even before they start.-Detroit Free Press. A plastic canoe, made in sections, which' can be thrown together in ten minutes, Ti doubtless what the country needs, for riding out inflation when the dam goes.-San Fran- cisco Chronicle. METHODIST CHURCH W. T. Wreun, Temporary Pastor 9:45 a. m,-Church school. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30 p. ;m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:,30 p. m.-Evening Worship. Woman's Society meets Mon- days at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting, Bible study and choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. CATHOLIC SERVICES Mass is held at St. Joseph's Chapel the first Sunday of each month at 8 a.m. Second, third and fourth Sundays at 10 a. m. SERVICE PHONE 259 CONTRACTING PHONE 136-W "I LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" MRS. C. D. WELLS, FT. WORTH As Pictured Here -* - You may lose pounds and have a more slender, graceful figure. No " exercise. No drugs. No laxativec. Eat meat, potatoes. gravy, butter. The experience of Mrs. Wells m a v l or may not be different than your. S but why not try the AYDS Vitamin Candy Plan? Look at these results. In clinical tests conducted by | medical doctors more than 100 | . persons lost 14 to 15 pounds average in a few weeks with . the AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan.. | With this Ayds Plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, potatoes. meats or butter, yoa simply cut them down. It's simple and easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin forti- fled) AYDS before each meal. Abso- lutely harmless. 30 days supply of Avds only 12.25. If not delighted with results MONEY BACK on the very rst box. Phone 27 CARVER DRUG CO. REPAIR - MOTOR WINDING Ye #64 Question Brings A ,5oo00,000oo.OOANSWER This company is engaged in a $20,000,000 expansion program to provide more dependable service at ever lower rates. The question of electric service rates is sometimes referred to as the $64 question by the homemaker constantly beset with rising prices and an equally rapidly diminishing .homemaking dollar. The $64 question brings a $3,500,000.00 answer in accrued savings to the customers served by the Florida Power Corporation, resulting from a series of volun- tary rate reductions over the past ten years. / While other- cost of living items have jumped 50% and 100%, your electrical dollar buys twice as much as it did 10 years ago. Un- less inflation completely destroys the value of the American dollar, other voluntary elec- tric rate reductions will be made and the con- venience of electrical living will be brought to more and more people at constantly lowered costs. FLORIDA POWER S CORPORATION ST. JOE ELECTRIC SHOP Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats- Dry Goods WE DELIVER ._. i __~ I-. -.- .__...... .... FRIDAY, JUNE 21, T1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF -COUNTY, FLeRDAb PAGE TWO I FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1948 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULI~ COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THR~ - -~ m - D. D.T. Now Chief Weapon To Fight Garden Insects STRIf>p APHID ASPARAA4S BU.STR1 CUCl/MBEAC LEA 81171. 51171.1 551 TSI 3117 POTATO POTATO CUTWO*M SQUASH MEXI/CAN BEETLE LEAFHOPPER1 BUG BEAN BEETLE these Are the Insects That Will Attack Your Victory Garden. Knov Them, So You Can Fight Them Effectively. BASE PERSONNEL AT TYNDALL TO BE 3500 With reactivation of Tyndall Field as an air tactical school, It is announced that the base person- nel would be about 3500 men, to be stationed, there by Septem- ber 1. It is anticipated the two yearly classes will each ultimately reach a strength of 1000 officers. SELLS HOME J. E. 'Byrd of Panama City has purchased' the home of Austin Huggins at Simmons Hammocle, fiye miles south of this city, con- sisting of 51% acres, of land and a modern cottage. The Huggins fam- ily will move to town-if they can find' a place to live. RUBBER IS'SCARCE! Let us check your wheels and front alignment. We have the most modern equipment to do this work. COME IN AND VISIT OUR SHOP WAYNE-McGOWIN MOTOR CO. James L. Hughes, Service Manager PHONE 129 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. . .. . ^ ^ ,. ,. .. ^ . Fighting insects which invade gardens has been simplified by D.D.T., which is fatal to all except a'few garden pests, arid kills' both '.eaf eaters and juice drinkers. The common garden insects which D.D.T. does not kill are the Mexican bean beetle, red spider and most aphids. It does kill the beetles, caterpillars, leaf hoppers, Olea beetizs, borers (including the European corn borer) and thrips which attack both vegetables and Sowers To kill the Mexican bean beetle, red spider and aphids, rotenone ran be used, mixed with D.D.T. if desired, to make a combination which few if any insects can sur- vive. D.D.T., like arsenic. is poisonous; it should be used with the same precautions which are followed with arsenic. The government per .mits a residue of D.D.T. on food crops offered for sale, which is the same as the tolerance for arsenic. Solutions of D.D.T. in oil are def- initely more toxic to warm-blooded' animals than dusts, or the wettable powder which can be used in sprays. Do not spray anifnals with an oil solution of D.D.T. and avoid getting such a solution on your skin. *D.D.T can bee"' -nixed' with any common insecticide or fungicide except highly alkaline.preparations such as lime and lime-sulphur. It is obtainable for garden use as' a dust in various strengths, as a wet- table.powder which can be mixed with water to make a spray, and Also in liquid form for preparing a spray. Dust of three per cent strength will control most garden insects, but a 5 per cent dust gives protection over a longer period. Squash, cucumbers and melons may be injured by D.D.T. sprays and dusts, and young tomato plants less than 12 inches high may have their leaves curled by too heavy or too frequent applications. The chart which accompanies this article shows the general char- acteristics of the commonest gar- den insects and brief descriptions, and suggestions for combating the most common follow: Aphids cling to the underside of leaves, or on the growing ends ot stems of many vegetables, multi- plying with amazing rapidity. Usa ro.tenone, pyrethrum or nicotine dust or spray, immediately first specimens are detected. The striped cucumber beetle is yellow with three black strips. It breeds in the blossom ends of cu- cumber, squash and melon vines, eats leaves and, spreads disease. Dust new growth as it develops with dust composed of'l lb. calcium arsenate and 10 pounds of talc or gypsum, repeating until vines arc several feet long. Flea beetles are small flea-like in- sects which riddle leaves with small holes. Use D.D.T. dust or spray. Leaf hoppers are a serious pest on potatoes, beans, carrots and as- ters. They drink the plant juices and seriously reduce vigor, besides transmitting the aster yellows dis- ease from weeds to asters and car- rots. Beans are often infested, causing their leaves to become crinkly and eventually to die. D.D.T. dust will control this pest better than any other material. Cutwormt are caterpillars of va- rious moths which hide by day and at night cut off young plants at the soil surface:' Prodtdt life plants with collars of heavy paper or card- board surrounding the stems, ex- tending an inch below the soil sur- face and two inches above, when the plants are set out. The Mexican bean beetle is a black sheep of the lady bug family. Coppery brown, 8 black spots orn each wing cover; it eats vines and lays yellow egg clusters on under side of leaves, which hatch out into larvae with voracious appetites. Plants must be thoroughly sprayed or dusted with rotenone or calcium arsenate but not lead arsenate. Cabbage worms are pale green caterpillars one and one-quarter inch long, hatched from eggs laid by white butterflies, which are found on cabbage, cauliflower and other members of the cabbage fam. ily. Dust or spray with D.D.T. Grasshoppers may attack all gar. den crops and are best controlled by using the poison bait Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. i-- BUY ATHE STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN .41JUIST PAINT THE ROOSTS ROOST PAIN T WORMY PIGS USE UP TO CHICK WATER TABLET with THREE-WAY Action! Only water table to act as germ ! killer, bowel astringent, fungi- ..| cide. Easy, economical to use. ReFly oPURINA CHEK-R-TABS, IS 20% MORE FEED . It's a fact that one Pigtab can save as much as $3.00 - in feed cost! Ask us about Pigtabs * today. Remove Large Roundworms with PURINA PIGTABS 2^" JUST DUST THE BIRDS to f//I lke with A r WAKE UP SLEEPY LAYERS 9 ^ ^ tHENRI - PURINA CHEK-R-TOH Helps get sluggish birds to eat the feed needed to get 'em back in condition. When birds are "off feed" remember Chek-R-Ton. USE PURINA k.REW WORM CONTROL After... " Dehorning " Castration " Docking " Shearing To Treat... CUTS, SCRATCHES WOUNDS, ROPE BURNS GROW WEEDS PURINA WEED KILLER Don't tolerate Weeds this year Kill them with Purina Weed Killer. Economical- easy to use. Available for lawns and gardens in pow- der form and for pastures, golf courses and other lqrge areas in concentrate liquid form. SEE DIRECTIONS ON LABEL GET READY for Chiks SPRAY the BROODER HOUSE with Purina CHEK-R-FECT Don't let germs kill chicks, Spray walls and floor with new brooder house disinfectant ;z I 57e4 d '70e USE PURINA FLY SPRAY A Purina quality product ...thoroughly tested to give satisfactory results when used as directed. Purina Fly Spray for the home can be used as a space spray; also on walls, molding, screens, and other surfaces where insects light. Stainless, vola- tile, effective-has many es- sential uses. PURINA SPRAYS WILL DO THE JOB ST. JOE .HARDWARE CO. We Deliver Port St. Joe, Florida Pleasant Service You appreciate it all the more these sultry, hot summer days so drop in at the Capital Garden for good food and drink deliciously prepared and satisfyingly served .. Bring the whole family and let your wife get away from that hot stove. OYSTERS SEAFOODS STEAKS ALL VARIETIES OF SANDWICHES ALL KINDS OF DRINKS o CAPITAL GARDEN Walter Gardner, Owner H. E. Jones, Manager On Beacon Hill Highway 2/2 Miles From Port St. Joe i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^_ PAGE THREBI THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA Fft IDAY, J U NE 21, 1946 * . PAGE WOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRlDAY,.JUNE~21, 1946' State Woods and Swamps Georgia Places Ban On Are Rich In Resources Floridians Due To Polio Possible new commercial prod- The Georgia state health depart- ucts from Florida's woods and ment Monday imposed, a quaran- swamplands are described 'by tine on persons coming from Flor- James L. Orr, managing director ida because of the presence of in- of the Miami Research Foundation, fantile paralysis in this state. who said the southern counties All persons coming from Flor- could produce enough to support ida will he placed in quarantine in a population of 5,000,000. Georgia for two weeks. All Geor- Orr declares that wood products gians who come to Florida and re- could be utilized to fill scores of turn to Georgia also will be placed needs, and bolster the economy of in quarantine for a similar period. a section that has looked on tour- The quarantine will not apply to ists as its chief source of revenue. pe sons traveling interstate. Governor Caldiwell is seeking to He cites experiments to show h . that while ,pul.pwood is a great and nient lif the qtarantine. He has industry, the same acre that .pro- +o. ,. o.th ,.. " lt CIU t lk ih th- venor duces $15 worth of pulp 'could be made to yield 8300 worth of ma- hogany in a year. Florida ma- hogany is of the ,best grade, he said, and- can be grown on millions of acres. Orr said that Australian pine, grown widely in south Florida, is heavier and denser than teakwood and, can Ibe used for the same pur- poses. The m.nn'' ve can be a ma- jor source of tannin for the tan- nin.g industry and is also a good building wood, he said. A tung nut, which Florida could produce commercially, not only yields the finest tung oil for var- nishes. Ibut is edible, Orr said. In contrast, tung grown in North Car- olina is poisonous, he asserted. The native malaleuca tree, nu- merous in the Everglades, pro- duces a fiber from its bark, he re- ports. It is a bard-grained wood and its leaves produce valuable medicinal oils which are now im- ported. It grows three to four times as fast.in Florida as else- where, he said., , The .foundation is currently con- ducting a survey of South Florida to determine ;prospects for ,future developments. - Visit In Jacksonville 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyler and iMr. and Mrs. Joe Mira spent the week-end visiting in Jacksonville. of North Carolina, which earlier had placed a quarantine against Floridians. Dr. Wilson T. Sowder, Florida state health officer, declares that there is "'little reason" for action of the two states in invoking a quarantine as .poliomyelitis "has not reached epidemic proportions at any time or in any locality In Florida during the present year." --- q(-- -- SCHOOLS TO GET FAT FUND County school funds in Florida will receive $11.886,86-2 in automo- bile license tag .receipts levied in the last seven months alone, a to- tal exceeding intake .for the whole of last year [by $1,498,289. The tag sale year runs from December 1 to December 1. i.-1= recorded by this time last year were $9,718,220. For Those Who Think of Appearance Run- down -shoes make you look sloppy and unattractive. Better keep yours in repair and wpll polished ,Lpt us be, your footwear valets. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP "MAKE IT A MILLION!,' ENLIST IN A GRADE WITH YOUR ARMY MOS Army veterans who held certain Military Occupational Specialties may reenlist in a grade commensu- rate with their skill and experience, provided they were honorably dis- charged on orafter May 12, 1945- -and provided they reenlist before July 1, 1946. Over three-quarters of a million men have joined the new Regular Army already. MAKE IT A MILLION! Full facts are at any Army Camp, Post, or Recruiting Station. NOW... I AM AGAIN BACK IN THE Trucking Business with a big new truck, and am soliciting moving of all types. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING I am especially set to handle furniture! All loads fully insured. C. W. "Red" HORTON (Only Licensed Transfer Man In Gulf County) PHONE 227 SUNNY STATE STATION BUY ON Firestone EASY BUDGET TERMS Girls Appreciate 4-H Short Course Awards Dear Gulf County Friends: We would like to express our ap- preciation to those who made it possible .for us to attend the girls 4-1I short course in Tallahassee. Five days we were on the col- lege campus studying foods, mu- sic, 'poultry, devotional training, !-H organization, recreation, can- ning and clothing. Governor and AMrs. Caldwell in- vited us to attend a tea at the man- sion.. There we saw the silver table settings from the battleship Florida which were presented to the state of Florida. The famous -orbam silversmiths molded the silver, and there is no other pat- tern like it. There 'were many types of en- tertainment on the campus that we could enjoy. 'We went swim- ming every day and had various types of music. On our way home $2100 IN 'E' BONDS Mrs. Revell carried us to Wakulla Residents, of Gulf county during Springs. the month of May purchased $2100 If it had not been 'for you who worth of series "E" U. S,. Savings contributed to our scholarships, Bonds. Total for the state for the we would ont have had this won- month was $4,504,716. derful experience. We 'feel so -- grateful to each o.f you. Discharged Inez Bozeman .Mary Ellen Gay William ISullivan, son of Mrs. M. Geraldine Parker Lela ,Griffin F Sapp, arrived, home last week Maxine Guilford Betty Shirley after receiving his discharge from Jewel Lester Pattie Redfern the navy.' S WE WANT TO MOVE -IT! GODDARD'S RUM-4-5 Quart $2.95 RON CHIKOTO RUM-4-5 Quart $2.95 Imported Spanish Sherry Wine-4-5 Qt. $1.95 St. Joe Bar St. Joe Liquor Store PHONE 114 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. - ~ s-rqx r~-l- YII-X---- ~I~I-YY T--~--L~ dish Quality Steel Hand- Forged .F- 7/ 71r &I. 6/ 79 'The round-pointed, smooth-edged "spoon" pre- vents damage to tire or 'ube. 15-inch length. PRICES SLASHED Reg. 25c BItRIVfEilS 19c Reg. S9c' S-Oz. Ball Pein hAMMERS 7Pe Reg. 1.69 [RATCHETS ,1.29 Reg. 1.79 10-Inch MONKEY WRENCHES This Week's Five-Star Special! WE WILL REPLACE L ALL BATTERIES IN ANY STANDARD FLASHLIGHT important: This offer good only if you bring the flashlight In with youJ' Come In and See the New Virestone De -Lxe Champion The Tiro that Stays Safer, Longer 1. UP TO 55% STRONGER! -r2. UP TO 60% MORE NON-SKID ANGLES 3. UP TO 32% LONGER MILEAGE ' ,,-4. RAYON CORD AT REGULAR PRICES! *Il sieb 6.50 4"d aSer Navl m~re raeo is available. Covers 35-Foot Diameter Reg. 1.49 LIFETIME pevolves. The head, water cha-mber-and standard arc zolid aluminum. Does a thorough, speedy jo.b. EXTRA SpECIAL Reg. 2.79 WALL-TONE 2.09 Gal. Goes on like magic... makes wall beautiful! Just mix with water, then roll or brush it on. Many lovely shades. Reg. 89c Wall-Tone ROLLER ..............69c Folds Into Small Space Metal CAMP STOOL.. Only 1,.29 Rustproof metal. Sturdy and comfortable. Measures only 9/4 x61/4 inches when folded. Plenty of Bounce I Reg. 1.39 TENNIS BALLS 3for lel9 i Approved by U. S. Lawn Tennis Association. Per- fectly balanced, accurately Inflated. Firestow HOw andir to St pply B. W. F.F1 .I S, Owner Port St. Joe, Fla. 210 Harrison Avenue PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA THE STAR,-PORT ST. JOE,-.GULF POUNTYii FL*RIDA-: FRI DAY, JU N E,21,.1946; PAGE FOUR PAGE FIVE FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches MYRTICE 0. SMITH, Editor PHONE 51 MISS FLORENCE HALL AND HARRY TRAWICK MARRIED The First Baptist Church ot Tallahassee was the scene of a lovely wedding last Sunday after- noon when Florence Quintion Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Edigar Hall, became the bride of Harry Lee Trawick, son of Mrs. Oscar L. Roberts of Port St. Joe. Dr. Harold G. Sanders, pastor ot the church, solemnized the cere- .mony against a beautiful back- ground of gladiolius, mixed, flowers and fern. The bride, attractive in a lovely gown of white crepe with white accessories and wearing a corsage of white carnations, was given in marriage by her father and had as her matron of honor Mrs. Lang Spell. Robert Trawick, brother of tre groom, acted as best man tageous points. The .bride's book was kept by Miss Gladys Odom, and Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Miss Margaret Odom, Mrs. Lang Spell, Miss ,Anna Lou Bullard and Miss Dorothy Trawick assisted In serv- ing. Immediately after the reception the bi ide and groom left for a wed- ding trip to points in South Flor- idia. The bridle wore for traveling a dove blue crepe with navy ac- cessories. Upon their return they will be at home at 705 Boulevard Street, Tallahassee. ft t.r BAPTIST BUSINESS WOMAN'S CIRCLE IN MEETING TUESDAY The Business'Woman's Circle ot the Baptist Church met Tuesday evening at the church with eight members present. The program, having for its theme "A Nation's Morals," was After the wedding, a reception as follows: Bi'ble study, Miss Ber- was, held! at the home of the bride's nice Posey; "A Nation's Morals," parents which was attractive with Elnita Duffell; "Conditions That vases of pink and white gladiolius and coral vine placed, at advan- -------- -- - -- -' NOTICE ALBRITTON-WILLIAMS are in a position to serve Port St. Joe. Special attention to veterans problems. MARVIN SMITH Superintendent P.O. Box 310 Phone 159 Apalachicola, Fla. - - Alarm," Alma Baggett; "HabIts That Harm," Mrs. Jessie Bect- ham; "Living Up to Our Moral Standards," Mrs. Lillian McNair. The next meeting of this circle will be held. on July 2 at the. home of Mrs. 'Beckhaam. All members are urged to attend and )bring a friend. < DR. C. L REICHERTER 4 OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED-GLASSES FITTED Ritz Theatre Building Hours:8 to5 5 First Floor Phone 560 PANAMA CITY, FLA. St. Joe Sign Shop UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING STOVE REPAIRING FREE ESTIMATES W FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL 94 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Upholstery Material and Stove Parts In Stock Milstead and Kirkland (In Building Formerly Occupied By City Service Garage) EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH -,. ,: W. S. C. S. MEETS MONDAY The" Woman's Society for Chris- tian Service of the Methodist Church met Monday afternoon at the church for its regular meeting. Mrs. Ralph Swatts acted as chair- man in the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. R. .G. Boyles, andi the Susie Peach Foster Circle was -in charge of the program, which was developed 'by Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. W. T. Mosely, Mrs. W. F. Johnson and Mrs. Roy Gaskin. tt .was decided that during the summer months business meetings be comibinedi with home meetings on one day during July, August and September. The first meeting will be held. July 2 at the home of Mrs. George Patton. Mrs. Glenn Boyles resigned as president of the W. S. C. S. and Mrs. Winston Jones resigned, as chairman of one of the, circles, as she is leaving town. MRS. FAIRLEY HOSTESS TO BAPTIST CIRCLE TWO Circle Two of the Baptist W. M. U. met Monday with Mrs. P. B. Fairley. The devotional was given by Mrs. W..J. Daughtry and prayer by Mrs. Wesley Ramsey. Theme of the program was "Our Missionaries." Reports of chair- men were, received and accepted. The chairman, Mrs. Daughtry, re quested that absentees, be visited, and one member, Mrs. T. V. Mor- ris, was reported ill. The meeting was closed% with prayer -by Mrs. Daughtry, following which the hos- tess served' sandwiches and coca- colas to nine members and, two visitors. The next meeting of the circle will be held in July with Mrs. E. C. Cason as hostess. att R REBEKAH CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. WO. NICHOLS The Rebekah Circle of the Bap- tist W. 'AI: U. met Monday after- noon with Mrs. W. 0. Nichols at her home on Monument Avenue' with 17 members present. The devotional was given, ;by Mrs. Otis Pyle, followed with prayer by Mrs. Andrew Martin. Reports of all chairmen were pre- sented and, accepted, and at this time four new members were wel- comed into the circle. The, meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Charles Crawford, following which the hostess served sandwiches, cookies and cocacolas to all present. Mrs. B. H. Smith visited Tues- day in Panama City with Ensign and Mrs. 1. K. Chambers and Mrs. Karl Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whitehead of Lake Wales were guests last week of Mrs. A. C. Whitehead. Es0 \rAVa HOWDY, FOLKS! The gladiolus the iris family. Mr. and' Mrs. W. F. Faircloth an- nounce the birth of an 8-pound son on Monday, June 17. This is the first boy in the Faircloth family of nine children. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Howard of Apalachicola announce the birth of a daughter June 14 at the Port St. Joe municipal hospital. a tf a BRAZEAL -TRAWEEK Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Traweek an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Sally Myra, to J. C. Bra- zeal of Hollis, Okla., on Monday, June 17, at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Anita Hamilton of Clayton, N. M. The young couple will make their home in Oklahoma. COLD.WAVE SS UPREtlS -COLD WAVE *NAcdi kit contains 3 full /l w 0 tiss ues., vAcat *ppotr, neutrlizer W o let oin stiructioans V MILLER'S DRUG STORE is a member of ake I Although continually in danger of infection and contagion, you perhaps rarely give it a thought. Your physician, however, is ever mindful of the situation and keeps pace with the advance- ment of medical science by con- stant study. We are glad to cooperate by filling his prescrip- tions with the finest prescrip- tion chemicals, pharmaceuti- cals and biologicals obtainable W* we Mertk Pcrioio4W Cheonka SMITH'S PHARMACY Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription -o- -- -h e- at r e - Port TheatreI A Martin Theatre SPort St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, JUNE 22 GENE AUTREY in "MAN FROM MUSIC MOUNTAIN" Also - THE 3 STOOGES in- "IF A BODY MEETS A BODY" Also - Chapter 5 of Serial 'The Monster and the Ape' SUNDAY, JUNE 23 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM - FEATURE NO. 1 - - FEATURE NO. 2- "got Gibson Beatrice Grey Ralph "ems Chapter 4 of Senal "WHO'S GUILTY?" THURSDAY FRIDAY June 27 and 28 MONDAY AND TUESDAY News and Screen Snapshot3 LAST TIME FRIDAY mmbf OVIRON THIGA go A* ~-- dn--4~--t---4tL1)-- *--f-44--CAL-11-Z- -)~-~--- FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 THE STAR, PaORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA 1TWIF Ar4 ly4ar-or or rArcAqAoqw- I'MESE AWMALS HAVE A .1 ') BA-rri-E FORKATION IN VM" TIEY F-IGHT WliEN ATTACKED. , TREY F'O;M A CIRCLE WM4 HEAVZO AND /5*fAtf-TO-THE OUTSIEW. The best battle formation against "nagging wives" is an occasional gift from the LILI- US JEWELRY COMPANY. We suggest Crystal and Glassware it's always appreciated. e 156 "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephoi SUNDAY, JUNE 23 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic-: "REVIVAL SOLVES PROBLEMS." 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:W-Evening Worshi'. 5ermon Topic:. "WHO CAN St SAYEQ?11 one A Is o WHO'S WHO IN PORT ST. JOE CTS.1 -- SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME WHERE YOU WILL GET ANOTHER CRACK AT IT rOSPPLE ,, THESE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OFFER YOU GOODS AND SERVICES UNEXCELLED This Would Be a Good Place To Let People Know About YOUR Business LeGRONE'S HOME SUPPLIES Plumbing and Heating Contractors CONTACT US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Every Job Receives Careful Workmanship Monument Ave. At 2nd St. Phone 233-W THOSE. R. L. CARTER Abstracts of Title Loans on Real Est Registered Real Estate Broker COSTIN BUILDING PHONES-DAY 201: NIGHT 105-2 C CUCCHIARI'S MARK Fruits Vegetables Seafood FRYERS AND HEN DRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT CHESTNUT'&SrOC i& Mark 1 L : "THE STORE WHERE YOUR PENNIES COUNT YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND WHA 4;YOU WANT WHEN YOU SHOP HE BRING YOUR FORD "BACK HOME" FOR A FREE SAFETY CHECK f BRAKES / LIGHTS 4 TIRES 4 HORN #1 WINDSHIELD WIPER ate ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE ST. JOE LEADS LEAGUE T (Continued from Page 1) ET tie the score at 3-all. Hinote was s safe at first on a hit to third, and Beniie Burke was walked by Roy S lenks to load the bases. Alton r Dendy hit a sizzler through second to bring in Cox, and Mitchell hi-. a long fly to center field to drive in Hinnte and Burke. The Saints RY we, e retired when Dendy was out ket at home when making a dash for " the plate after a passed ball at T third Score, 6 to 3. The Gators failed to score In ERE their half of thie fifth and St. Joe marked tip three, Belin leading oft Modern Beauty Shop LILLIE PEARL WATKINS, Owner SFor Appointment Phone 41 .s with a sweet homer over the left W tr I K wMd atId' Let Ts Design You a Letterhead, -ield fence. Weeks. took two bags WILKS STD when the center fielder dropped STo Fit Your Business his fly; Hannon was out on a high Dia SA fy to center; Herring got a two- W.E T "T H E S T A R" bagger to center field, bringing :11 Phone 51 Port St. Joe, Fla. Weeks from second,; Cox got to .- first on a line drive through short and Herring came home. Hinote Visiting Sisters Transact Business In Marianna 1hit for one bag and Cox was FOR DEPE Mrs, Raymond Hubbard of Ma- Roy Evans and nephew, Buddy tagged trying to reach third. Burke rion, Ala., is the guest of her sis- Evans, were transacting business got on on a fly to center fiela and y CALL 234 ters, Mrs. Roy Evans and Mrs. in Marianna last Mvonday. Dendly retired the side by striking (Next Do John Gaskin. -------out. OWNI ----- --- J. D. Smith of Telogia visited, The fifth marked end of scoring, When it rains ne Called To Bedside of Father here over the week-end with his for neither team got a man home Mrs. M: M. Ervin of Bessemer, stepmother, Mrs. Pearl Smith. in the next four innings, both Hi- Ala., was called to the bedside ot ----- -- ---- .note an.d Jenks pitching a superb in the Wew'a park when he plIed her father, Jimmy Anderson, last Elephants like onions as much brand of ball andi both teams out a homer in the fourth. Others week. as peanuts, tightening up generally and elimi- boosting their ;batting percentage nating the errors that were pre- were Bennie Burke with three for dosminately the cause of f most ot five times at the plate, ald Bert S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING thie runss in the first five frames. Cox and W. J. Herring, who co- The Blountstown Flyers play -ins elected two bingles each in four Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost. the local park Sunday and this times at bat. holds promise of being an exciting game, as the 'Blountstown team Is REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT showingg married improvement, ad- LEAGUE STANDINGS ACREAGE Close to city limits. 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE vancing rapidly from a cellar po Team- W L Pct. From 5-acre tracts to 160 acres. See W. C. Forehand, Highalnd sition tie with Carrablelle during Port St. Joe ------- 9 2 .818 Prices Reasonable. Phone 79 J, View. 6-21- the first go-round. Lefty Kirkland, Apala.chicola --------- 8 2 .8QO Port St. Joe. 5-24tf hi--hk APARTMENTS FOR RENT showy moundisman for the Flyers, Wewahitchka ---------8 4 .666( NEW 5-ROOM HOLLOW TILE is credited, with a no-hit game Panama City ---------5 7 .417 HOUSE. 3 miles south of city. FOir APARTMENTS See The against the Panama City Spartans Blountstown ---------4 8 .333 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE in Bayview pte n.8 Wednesday afternoon. Carrabelle-------------0.11 .000 Heights with screened-in porches WANTED TO BUY Results of Sunday's Games -and bath. Results-of Sunday's Gime3 ALSO LOTS in colored quarters WANTED TO BUY-Electric sew- SUNDAY'S GAME Port St. Joe, 13; Wewahitchka, 7 and White City. ing machine. Call 235, Port St. The Saints took over the Gulf Panama City, 10; Blountstown, 9 Listings Wanted Joe. 6-21* Coast League lead .at Wewahitchka Apalachicola, 5; Carrabelle, 4. See FRANK HANNON LOST AND FOUND Sunday 'when they downed the Results of Wednesday's Games Realtor 37 league-leading Wewa Gators 13 7. Port St. Joe, 9; Wewahitchka, 3. St. Joe Motor C. FOUND, CAR TAGS--Two Florida The locals drove Davidson, former Apalachicola, 12: Carrabelle. 5. FOR SALE '46 tags; 66K -I and 3 V- 161. _ORALEOwniers may have saame by calling pitcher for the Saints, from the ,Blountstown, 8; Panama- City, 4. FOR SALE-New U. S. slicing at The Star office and paying foi mound' in the fourth inning with a Games Next Weelk machine. See J. R. Chestnut at this advertisement., -21 six-run, attack that put the game June 23 Blountstown at Port Chestnut's Grocery. 6-21tf MISCELLANEOUS on ice. St. Joe; Apalachicola at Panama FOR SALE-2 pair French doors St. Joe made two runs In the City; Wewahitchka at Carrabelle. 2 ft. h1v 7 ft.; 2 Dutch doors 2 ft. IF YOU WANT TIRES initial inning, with the Gators get- June 26-Port St. Joe at Blounts- 6 in. by 6 ft. 8 in; also upholstered ting a goose egg. However, Wewa town;; Panama City at Apalachl- porch set of couch and two chairs. We Have Them In All Sizes! t a oose e. However, Wew towa City at Aiaac Telephone 84' 6-21tf ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY made one run in the second and cola: Carratihlle at Wewahitchka. Phone 37 6-21 two in the third to take the lead, June 30-Apalachicola at Port GUEST CHECKS for restaurants, 'but lost their advantage in the St. Joe; Panama City at Carra- in, pads of 100; 75c per thousand. SCRATCH PADS-4 ;by 6 inches. fourth when the Saints went on belle; Wewahitclhka at Blounts- The Star. tf Good white bond paper. Package Illeir hitting spree. St. Joe chalked town. LODGE NOTICES of 12 pads 30c. TS i .. tf, :ip.one in the fifth, one in the July 3-Port St. Joe at A palachl- MA '6NIC TEMPLE A' A FISH BAIT Fresh, clean'wormss sixth and three in the final frame, cola; Carrabelle at Panama City, PArt St. Joe Le ill. Regular t hat "re guaranteed to get the while Wewa managed to get two Blountstown at Wewnhitchka. Meetings 2nd and 4th Frl- In the Sheffiory eel-- -eR -erl in the sixth andi two more In the ----- - lday each month, $:s 0 p. n* tc eighth. TlTirty to 40 million tons of raw visiting broth'ersuWe8 ime. -G. Wn Every ads carrles a nmeiiage- Tommy Mitchell is credited with material and foodstuffs are im- Cooper, W .M; G. C. Adkins, Sec. a eaak ge thai will' iav`e'I.oney. hitting the longest drive ever seen ported into Great Britain annually. JEWELRY COMPANY amonds and .Jewelry EACH WATCHES TO ELL THE TRUTH ENDABLE TAXI SERVICE 4 24-HOUR SERVICE dor to Cooper's Barbar Shop) ED BY MILTON J. DUKE ver fret, Call 234 'and you'll never get wet LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby give that pursuant to Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941, the undersigned persons intend to register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Gulf County, Florida, four weeks after the first publication of this notice, the fictitious name or trade name under which they will be-engaged in business and in which said business is to be carried on. to-wit: WAYNE-Mc(-OWIIN O1TOR CO., Port St. Joe. Florida. t. ewflE.c .T. WAYNER. 6.7 2S C. .\. McOWIN. NOTICE The public is hereby notified that I am severing my connection with the St. Joe Electric Shop, Port St. Joe, Florida, and that 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by the above aom- -pany after this date. Dated May 31, 1946. 6-21" V.". M. PRIEST. NOTICE OF ADOPTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN CHANCERY In re.: Tjhe ad-option of Frances Louise Roberts. The State of Florida To: Arthur Hubbard, whose place of residence is unknown. You are hereby notified that on the 13th day of November, 1945, Ralph Willis Benty and wife, Mary Dye Beaty, filed in the above styled court their petition praying for the adoption of Frances Louise Roberts. a minllor. You are there- fore commanded to be and appear in the above styled court on the 8th day of July, 19486, to show cause, if any you may have, why the aforesaid petition should not be granted. Witness my hand and official seal at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Florida, this 1st day of June, 1946. (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, Clerk of the Circuit Cour, Gulf County. Florida. t. CLAY LEWIS. Jr. 6-7 2 ' Attorney for Petitioners. Car SOWER'S SUNNY STATE SERVICE SIB ^K If you want EXPERT SERVICE in a Hurry, We Have It. We Also Give ROAD SERVICE. I/''. First Aid REPAIRS WHEEL BALANCING S Cars Polished, Waxed and Steam Cleaned PHONE 227 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. cSA 1RS 1 SCHNEIDER'S are our es-. Clothing for All the Family THE CITY COMPLETE SERVICE WE HANDLE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE FIRE LIFE CASUALTY BONDS ; .g We recommend fire insurance because its easy to start a fire esy BUCK ALEXANDER H MEET YOUR , FRIENDS AT -LeHARDY'S BART - LeHARDY'S BAR ~9-~ii FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 194% TME STAR, PORT S8T. JOE, GULF COUNTY-. FLORI.DA PAGE SIX |