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HE STAR Tile Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center Official Newspaper of C Gulf County ^ . VOLUME IX PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1945 NUMBER 11 Jimmy Morton In States James E. Morton, Y J/c, phone his mother, Mrs. P. J. Lovett. last Saturday that he had arrived ii Oakland, Calif., from the South Pa -cific and' expected to be sent to Savannah, Ga., for his discharge andd that he hoped *to be home for Christmas. Billy Hammock Home for Holidays Pvt. Billy Hammock arrived home yesterday morning from the naval hospital at Philadelphia to spend the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ham knock. Bill Whaley Discharged Mrs. Bill Whaley met her hus- band in Tallahassee Tuesday, both returning here Wednesday. Bill has just received his discharge from the service. Thomas Duncan Discharged Thomas Duncan arrived home Saturday from Camp Blanding, where ,he received his discharge from the army. He spent over two years overseas. John Lane Discharged Lt. John Lane has received his discharge at El Paso, Texas, and expects to arrive home today or to- morrow. Evans Home From Philippines J. C. Evans, Sl/c, who has just returned, from the Philippines., is home on a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Evans. Billy Howell Visits B. illyy I-lowell. S 21c. who is sta- tiop. i at Key Welr."..U t sevi.ral days her- laist week with his par- ents, Mr. and, Mrs..W. H. Howell. Tom Parker Home On Leave Tom Parker, Jr., S 1/c, from Camp Perry, Va., is home on a 10-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Parker. New Manager At Beach Club J. C. "Chris" Martin has secured the services of W. V. Peeke to op- erate and manage Martin's Beach elulb at Beacon Hill. Mr. Peelce and his wife have had consider- alble experience in entertaining the public and can be depended on to serve real food to patrons. Vessel Puts In For Repairs Thea SS WaukeshA out of Gal- veston, Texas, tied up at the paper mill dock Tuesday night to effect temporary repairs. 'The ship, bound for Tampa with a cargo of sulphur, sailed Wednesday. Spending Holidays In Alabama 'Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knodel left Tuesday for Mobile and -Daphne. Ala., to spend the Christmas holi- days with relatives. Home. For Holidays. Miss..Betty Jo Lane .will arrive home.,today .from Auburn, Ala,, to spend the holidays here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.. J. D. Lane. CHpIM EA9 City Tax Rate Set At 15 Mills Same As Last Year; Will Raise e Approximately $26,Q00 ;-. r $1,730,000 Assessment The board of city commissioners s in session Wednesday evening as I a board of equalization, approved the city budget for the forthcom- ing year as submitted iby the tax * assessor, and, set the tax rate at - 15 mills, which'is the same as las, year. It is estimated that this village will raise approximately $26,000 * on a real and personal property assessment of $1,730,000. Estimated; operating expenses or * the city for the year follows: Police Department ..- $ 9,400.00 Garbage Collection -- 6,450.00 Executive 2,400.00 Fire' Department ----- 5,000.00 Street Lighting ------- 680.00 Office ----------------- 4,600.00 Legal --550.UU Street Maintenance -. f7,500.00 Park Maintenance ------3,100.00 Miscellaneous ----------1,100.00 Contingencies ---------- 248.91 Street Work -----------7,671.00 Public Buildings --------... 1,700.00 General Fund Total ---$50,400.00 Interest and Sinking SFund $13,700.00 Construction Fund .--- ,800,.00 Grand Total ---------$68,900.00 The water and sewer systems and) the municipal hospital are no"t included in the above t'iures;. ai t'he y are, elt'-.sut.ihm . In the item for "Executive," $600 is included for the possibility of a five-man commission. Th'e park maintenance item In- cludes salary of mowing machine operator and expenses for keeping" weeds cut on vacant lots 'through- out the city, as well as -upkeep of Centennial Park; $600 is, also set up in the budget for salary of a recreational director for a three- month period, the schools to pay the balance of his salary. The item for street work is to pay for construction done by the Smith Engineering & Construction Company and Faulk & Coleman. This item- last year' was $2500. Fire department operating ex- penses will be derived, from 40% of the recent 10% utility tax au- thorized by the city, and the bal- ance of 60% will go to the public building fund, which will be useu for erection of a new city hall, jai; and fire station. VET REPRESENTATIVE CHANGES HOURS HERE Veterans of Port St. Joe and sur- rounding area are advised that the office hours of the Veterans Administration representative who is at *the local selective service board office each Wednesday. has been changed to 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. --- --+-----.... Spending Christmas In California Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens ot this city andi Mrs. Percy Stevens andi Mrs. Jack Pridgeon of Wewa- hitchka left Wednesday for San Francisco, Calif., to spend Christ-I mas with Percy Stevens, who is In service and expects to be in the California city for the holidays. __-_----- __ Called Here By Mother's Illness E Mr. and Mrs. J. A.'Kelly and'A. E. Williams of Pensacola were called here'this week diue. to 'tih illness of their mother, Mrs. Sarah Williams. Prevent TB Junior Class Play Joe Thompson S'Tonight At Schobl Is Still Missing "Where's Grandma?", a Three-Act Boat and Hat -of Apalachicola Man Comedy, Promises Good In .Entertainment The junior class of the P'ort St. Joe high school tonight presents at the school auditorium a three- act comedy, "Where's Grandma?", which promises much'good enter- taininent and many laughs. Making up the cast are Jewel McMullen, Carol Whitney, P. 'B. S Fairley Jr., Will Ramsey, Jerry Ed- Buy Christma wards, Helen Hienderson, J. D. Shealy, Mary Woonen, Joan Smith and Luther Garden. Construction Started The play is under the direction of Miss Katherine Nix, class spon- On White City Bridge sor, and Luther Ca-den. Preliminary work was started Tuesday on construction of a draw span across the intracoastal wva- terway at White City, and: it is hoped to complete the structure by July 4. In anticipation of its completioL, the board of county commission- ers and Mayor J. L. Sharit have arranged for a fish try on that date and' have extended invitations to Governor Millard Caldwell ana F. Elgin Bayless, chairman of the state road department, to be- press ent. In. case fishing is bad, the event will take the form of a bar- becue. Last Call for Hammock Fund The- fund for Billy Hammock, which now stands at $278.95, will be closed next Friday, and the money deposited in 'the bank In the form of a Christmas presentu from the people of this community to a Marine who lost his left leg at Okinawa. Last contribution to the fund is $2 from E. J. Bass. Anyone else desiring to contribute may leave the money at The Star office, with T. M. Schneider, or with' Alex Young at the Kenney Mercantile Company. STANDARD OIL SUBSCRIBES $1000 IN VICTORY BOND LOANI The Gulf county quota in tnt, Victory Loan Drive is nearer fu,- fillment today due to the subscrip- tion of $1000 by S-tandard Oil Con,- pany of Kentucky. J. Lamar Miller, the company's local agent, entered the subscrip- tion for Standard Oil and received expressions of appreciation from the committee. J. Lamar said the action of tli- Standard Oil Company was taken as an expression of 'the genuine interest of the organization. in the success of the Victory Loan Drive in Gulf county and Florida. Undergoes Tonsilectomy Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Morton ana son Mike of Carr;.beolls were guests Sunday and Mondlay of Mr. antl Mrs. P. J. Lovett. Mike underwent a tonsilectomy, Monday at the lo- cal hospital and he and Mrs. Mor- -1n are si endin Er tlhi, wpl kl he Everyone is urged to take tn this show, tonight. And,, incident-' ally, someone will be the lucky re- cipient of a turkey to be given away between acts, HEALTH UNIT PERSONNEL ATTEND ANNUAL MEETING The personnel of the Gulf county health unit attended th)e annual meeting of the State Health Asso- elation held; in Gainesv jle Decem- her 3 to 5, at which tihe the en- tire group became more familiar with the achievements of public health in this" state anpl the du- ties to be performed' by the local unit. Among the topics discussed per- taining particularly to. this area, were: "Veneral Disease, Control Program," "'Public H,,rilith doe- &r Tuberculosis," "Toxicity. and Po- tential Dangers of DDT," "Rodent Control" and 'Relationship of Milk Sanitation to Food Sanitation." Any information desired on the arbove-mentioned phases may be obtained through your local pub- lic health nurse and sanitary of- ficer. Attend' McCoy Funeral Those from out-of-town attend- ing funeral services, for W. G. Mc- Coy Wednesday of last week were Mr. and, Mrs. John Flowers and Mr. and Mrs. H. Meghee of Moul- trie, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bruce of Jacksonville, Fla.; Loydd Me- ghee of Thomasville, Ga.. and Mrs. C. L. Haddock of Hillard, Fla. Chief Rowan Still Abed Chief of Police John Rowan, who has been incapacitated for some time past due to a heart ailment, is reported as convalescing but is still forced to remain in his ibed. Buck Griffin is acting chief'in the absence of Mr. Rowan. Return To Home In Bonifay Lucious L. Allen of Bonifay was a visitor at the J. 0. Baggett home Sunday. Mrs.. Allen and twin sons. Lauren and Lucious., returned to their Bonifay home with Mr. Al- len after spending two weeks here. Guests From California, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskin ot California are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans. Mr.. Gaskin has just received his dis- ,1 .- ..g s ....." ".. charge from the army at Mont- ----- with tire Lovetts. gomery, Ala, Visiting In Mississippi S- Mris. W. M. Upshaw left Tuesday Visitors From Georgia Has Biggest Victory Bonds I for an extended visit with her S/1Sgt. and Mrs. H. D. Smith aniu Jimmy White over at the A & P daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. daughter Wanda of Macon, la., Store has two of the biggest Vic- Jonny Todd. in Pascagoula, Miss. spent Monday here with Mr. and tory Bonds in town-not the larg- i---- Mrs. Bert. Hall. i st in denomination, but in size. -Week-end Visitors ---- ---- He has th'e bond's displayed on the Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Brunson or Dig down for' the Victory Loan. wall back of the counter, a $200 iChipley were guests of Mr. and Remember, our boys dug down in special Roosevelt bond and a $1001 Mrs. Durel Brigman over the week- Coxholes, bond, each 14 by 28 inches, in size. end. Found On Goose Island, But No Trace .of Body The search for Joe Thompson, Apalachicola baker and well known in Port St. Joe, who failed to re- turn from a duck hunting trip on Tuesday of last week, was still continuing yesterday as'The Star went to press, but no trace of his body had been found. Thompson's boat, with the mo- tor pulled, up inside it,-and his hat were found last week on Goose Is- land, near Apalachicola. His shot- gun and a special waterproof shell box he carried were not in the boat and' one surmise is that he may have picked up the gun in one hand and, the box in the other, lost his balance and fallen overboard. The missing man was last seen about 11 o'clock on Tuesday of last week by Belton Tarantino and- Rocco Donato, who had accom- panied, him on *the duck hunting trip, each of the men being in a separate boat. At that time Joe told, his companions he was going to another blind, a short distance away. His motor was heard to stop a short time later, and start up again, and the two men continued 'to hear it until it was out of hear- ing distance. When he failed to return home a search began early Wednesday morning. Planes were secured from Tyndall Field and Camp Gor- dion Johnston, and approximately 50 boaGt-eiabadthe 6ua- .-.L ot- creeks, inlets and small islands'in, 'the vicinity where he was last seen, ,but without result. Thompson was an expert swim- mer and boatman, and is said to have known the 'terrain well where he had hunted and fished' for years, and; with that knowledge it would have been hard for him to become lost. Consequently the conclusion is that he was either drowned, or became caught In quicksand. BAND BOOSTERS TO SELL HAMBURGERS TOMORROW The Band' Boosters' Association will operate their hamburger stand all day Saturday next to Barrier-s on, Reid Avenue, and' urge every- one to stop by and have a snack. Proceeds from the stand will go into the fund for the purchase of uniforms for 'the school band. ------ Making Geodetic 'Survey Lt. Commander E. L. Jones of the Coast and Geodetic Survey is in Apalachicola with some 30 men to prepare new charts on the In- tracoastal waterways from here to New Orleans, and has established headquarters in the court house at Apalachicola. It is estimated that the group will be in this section for about six weeks. New Sign John Blount this week had a nifty sign painted on the front or the St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Company'. PAGE FOUR THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla. by The Star Publishing Comrpany W. 8. SMI-TH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -.4 Telephone 51 J3- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong DEMOBILIZATION DISINTEGRATION? There has been niuch criticism of the de- mobilization program. Part of the criticism springs from citizens who detest militarism. Part derives from those who want to get members of their families home, and view any obstruction, no matter how unavoidable, with belligerence. Part comes from the fact that some phases of demobilization actually have been tripped up by confusion. In justice to the military forces who served the nation so faithfully and efficiently through the worst crisis in the history of this country, their 'side of the story should be included in the record. Though it may surprise some, the army is discharging more than 40,000 men a day. Both the army and navy are ahead of schedule in demobilizing. The army plans to release 54 per cent more men by Christmas than was thought possible a few weeks ago. In reality, demobilization is proceeding at a dangerously rapid pace. General Marshall, who believes in releasting men at the fastest possible rate, warns that: "For the moment, in a widesperad emotioial- crisis of the American people,, de- mobilization has become, in effect, disintegra- tion, not only of the armed forces but appar- ently of all conception of world responsibil- ity and what it demands of us." Admiral King has vehemently expressed a similar opinion. This is something to ponder. Moreover, in spite of the tumult of criti- cism, it should not be forgotten that military leadership, American style, red tape and all, can on occasion be very human. There was the incident in San Francisco a short time ago when Rear Admiral Wright, commandant of that district, acting on his own initiative, re- moved more than a hundred men eligible for discharge, from a Japan-bound transport min- STARDUST and MOONSHINE (Reprinted by request from the "Stardust and Moonshine" col- umn of December 17, 1937). Have you noticed that handsome Christmas tree in the office win- dow of The Star building? . You have? Well, there's a tale connected with it that may cost me my job, but it's well worth the risk. Here 'tis: The tree, an unusually perfect specimen of the genus pinus, was brought in from its primeval set- ting and erected on a suitable base . "And now," quoth Editor Bill, "I will show you the proper way to decorate a Christmas tree." He moved a stepladder as near to the tree as the lower spreading branches would allow. He then climbed, to the top step and, with glittering peak bauble in hand hoped; to fasten the same on the very tip of the evergreen. The ladder slipped on the concrete floor and Editor Bill, as safe as a baby in a crib, was deposited in the branches of the tree. He was a man completely immersed, in his utes before sailing time. f finally therei could be heard a Yes, there are two sides to every story, !noise in the space between the ceiling and the roof. The even in the case of demobilization. Have the Great Tree ecorator had bored a American people forgotten Pearl Harbor; hole in the 'ceiling and was pre- the long uphill pull from there to Midway, to pared to shower tinsel down on Okinawa, to Japan? Have they forgotten the the tree below! Normandy invasion, the miseries of the whole -- long European campaign? Have they forgot- A co-ordinator has been defined long European campaign? Have theyforot a man who brings organized Z> .. as a man who brings organized ,ten the miracles of military skill that lifted chaos out of Tegimented confusion. them out of the depths of despair to victory? Have they forgotten that this victory came ........ just a few short months ago, and that the gen- 1" erals and admirals have had to switch from n- invasion and attack to demobilization in an ,. . incredibly short time? An injection of old-fashioned patriotism would be a good thing for all of us. d THE TRUE VIEW A tendency "not to see -the forest for the trees" is particularly noticeable in communi- ties like Port St. Joe where we are apt to know a great deal about our nearby forests and forest industries and yet. lose sight or their real importance to each and every one of us. It is all very well to know that paper comes from pulpwood cut from forests and farm woodlands, that pulp and paper is America's sixth largest industry, or that the industry employs more than 300,000 in woods and milt work at an annual payroll cost of $500,000,- 000. The truth is that all of these assorted facts and figures are merely incidental, cap- able even of hiding the true view of this in- dustry's vital importance to those of us who live here. Steel, oil, textiles, automobiles and meat packing may be larger than the pulp and pa- per industry, but their manufacturing is lo- cated mostly in big- cities. More than 80 per cent of the pulp and paper mills of this coun- try are located in cities of,'le-s than 100,000 population, and of these more than 75 per cent are located in cities of less ;than 10,000 popu- lation-cities, like Port St. Joe. In other words, despite, its great size, the pulp and paper industry is really a small town industry-our own industry-operating in and( dependent on communities like this for its workers and its raw materials. With a record for stability unequalled by any other major American industry, and with its future prospects brighter than ever be- fore, pulp and paper holds, forth a promise 01 glowing prosperity for Gulf county and ah important cushion against the shock of future depression. The man who has no friends has one con- solatiion-no one hits him for a loan. work, as it were. S"You will note," said the great tree decorator, as he clambered from his resting place and, thereby tipped the tree over, "that I did not break the fbauible!" He surveyed the scene .. "Anu you will also note that by placing the tree on its side, as I wisely concluded to do, I can now fasten the decoration with ease and safety." The gadget, which was made or thin glass, was properly fastener to the tip of the -tree, which Editor Bill then essayed to place in an upright position. There was a pop when the thing hit the ceil- ing, andi the editor was showered with fine glass. "I have decided," said our heiru, "that that decoration was not ap- propriate. I shall secure another, Now- if this tree were only on a revolving stand, which I shall have on The market next year, I could stand here and throw the tinsel at it as it turned around." For an hour or so Editor Bilh walked around the tree, dropping strings of shining stuff here and there, tying bells and globes to the branches and seeking to con- ceal the electric wires. Finally he stood off 20 feet, squinted anu shook his head, kicked the cat, told the folks to keep still, and yet was unsatisfied. 'I have it!" he shouted, and rushed to the work bench for his tool chest. He was gone some time, but GIFTS for All theFamily - LADIES' COSMETIC SETS MEN'S TOILET SETS JEWELRY TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! We Take Subscriptions for All Magazineis-Give a Sub-. scription for a Christmas Gift! Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe Wo Fill Any Doctor's Presorition ^^s^.s~s.I Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Branka spent. the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cason. Mr. Branka bas just recently received his, dis- charge from the army and is con- nected with National Air Lines in Jacksonville, where they will maka their future home. -----+4------ Write a letter today to that boy of yours in the service. LOTS OF EGGS Eggs are money this fall, and Purina Lay Chow fe. built for lots of eggs. h !a < t a LAY CHOW THIS COMPLETE FEED... THAT'S ALL YOU NEED START CHICKS sRiht For quick growth, high livability, depend on America's favorite chick starter. Two pounds per chick is all you need. Call for PURINwrSTARTENA For Full-Flavo' Chicken, Feed, BROILER CHOW For money-making broilers, depend on BROILER , ,- Broiler Chow. High livability, quick CHOW growth, cheap gains, delicious flavor, GOOD CALVES One bag of Calf Startena replaces 40 gallons of milk, and grows big,' 'A rigorous, thrifty calves. Saves time, 3 A labor, and money. Start'em with STARTENA P ,DOOS0 FORS IT Purina Research, dogs preferred PURINA Dog Chow over other dry foods G tested. Economical! Easy to feed. 7O - Feed Purina DOG CHOW ' Th r .S OTS oSF M.... n. *. ": ^- &PURINA .COW CHOW Feed a proven dairy feed built to help . keep cows in condition for capacity CNOW production and long milking life. EP 'EM WORKING Heavy, crimped oats balanced out with conditioning feeds like lin- seed oil meal, soybean oil meal and molasses. A real feed! Depend on Purina Omolene PAGE FOUR THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945- MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION Minutes of Special Meeting amendment to. Section 9 of C of the City Commission of ter 18816, Laws of Florida, Ac the City of Port St. Joe 1937, as amended by Chaptel held in City Hall on the 089, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1st day of August, A. D. provided for in House Bill 1945, at 12:00 noon. 967, Laws of Florida, Acts of A special meeting was .held at has been duly adopted and the above time and place pursuant acted by the electo s of the to Charter and Ordinance require- of Port St. Joe, Florida, by a ments for purpose of canvassing cial election held for that pur returns of Special Charter Amend- on the 31st day of J oly, A.D. meant Election held on the 31st day Adopted this 1st ay of Au. of July, 1945. A.D. 1945, and moved its adrop The meeting was called, to order Upon the call of the roll on 'by Mayor-Commissioner Sharit and adoption of Resolutign No. 135 upon call of the roll the following vote was: -Ayes, 3; Nays, non answered present: Mayor-Commls- There being no further 'busi sioner Sharit, Commissioners Soule tfhe Commission adjourned. and Smith. Clerk Tomlinson was --- also present. Minutes of RegularMeE Mayor-Commissioner Sharit and of the City dommissio Clerk Tomlinson 'presented to the the City of Port St. Commission sealed envelopes con- held in City Hall on Gaining tally sheets of votes signed 7th day of Aulgust, 194 ]by Mrs. W. D. Dare, I. C. Nedley 8:00 P. M. lan&d. Troy Jones, Inspectors, and The meeting was called to ( "W. W. Barrier, Clerk of the elec- 'by Commissioner Sotl'e, who tion held' on July 31, 1945. After as Chairman in tqe absence carefully verifying said tally sheets Mayor-Commissioner] Sharit. 1 Commissioner Smith Introduced the call of 'the roll, the follo Resolution No. 135 as follows: answered present: pomlmissi( RESOLUTION NO. 135 Soule and, Smith. Clerk Tomli Be It Resolved By the Commis- was also present. sion of 'the City of Port St. Joe, iMinutes of previous mee Florida: were read and. approved as.re Section 1-It is hereby ascer- Exception was made to re tainted, found', determined, and de- ruling that the Commission claredi that' the special Charter prove of all 'bills before payx Amendment Election held on the In the case of rents payable t 31st day'of July, A.D. 1945, to ae- Joe Homes, Inc., for, nurses h termine whether or not the City of Bills presented to the Commi: Port St Joe, Florid'a, should &ratify for approval were authorized t and affirm andi duly adopt amend- paid'. ment to Section 9 of Chapter 188. The Clerk was instructed' to 816, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1937, out legal procedure in colle as amended' 'by Chapter 20089,, of garbage bills in cases Laws of Florida, Acts of 1939, re- payment was delinquent or lating to the City Charter of the been refused. City of Port St. Joe, Florida, as The Chief of Police was inst requitr d""by -S'ectfBi"2'-"df House ed to collect street taxes Bill No.. 967, Laws of Florida, Acts firemen, inasmuch as the firn of 1945, which became a law with- apartment personnel is now 1 out the Governor's approval, and paid for its services. was filed in the office of Secre- The Clerk was instructed tary of State June 11, 1945, and write Florida Power Corpor Resolution No. 134 of the City asking that survey be made ft Commission of the City of Port St. additional street lights and for Joe, Florida, adopted on July 3rd. power company to report its 1945, was held in all matters, re- wings at meeting to be held on aspects and' things in full and com- gust 21. plete compliance with the Consti- The Commissioners agree tuition and Laws of the State ot ask the public to attend Co. Florida, and the Charter and Or- sion meeting on August 21 dinances of the City of Port St. Joe. which time amendment to Section 2-It is further ascer- Charter adopted at a referee tainted, determined', found and de- held on July 31 would be disc cared that: with the City Attorney. (a) (There were 323 qualified Payment .of Water and S electors who participated in saia Revenue Debenture No. 23 election, authorized. (Ib). Of votes cast in said elec- There being no further tion, there were cast in favor or ness, the Commission adjour Amendment to Charter 216 votes; and there were cast against amend- Minutes of Regular .Me ment 'to Charter 105 votes; and of the City Commissio there were, spoiled 2 ballots, the City of Port St. (c) A majority of the electors held in City Hall on participating in said 'election voted 21st day of August, 19 in favor of amendment to Charter. 8:00 P. M. .Section 3-It Is hereby ascer- Regular meeting of th tained, determined, found, and de- Regula' meeting of th, cared, and proclaimed', that the m s amendment of Section 9 of Chap- with Mayor-Commisioner -S ter 18816, Laws of Florida, Acts Commissioners Sonle, and S -of 1937, as amended by Chapter Attorney Lewis, and Clerk Tc 20089, Laws of Florida, Acts of son, present. 1939, as provided for and contained Minutes of previous mee in House Bill No. 967, Laws o0 were read and approved. Florida, Acts of 1945, which be- Attorney Lewis presented came a law without the Governor's views on the City Charter An approval, and was filed, in the or- ment as adopted, by a recent fice of Secretary of State Jane 11, erendumi. It was the decisi 1945, has been approved by a ma- the Commission to retrain jority of the votes cast in an elec- taking any action unless requ tion held in accordance with the to do so by representative provision of Section 2 of said zens of Port St. Joe.,. . House Bill No. 967, Laws of Flor- Mr. A. V. Benson; present ida, Acts of 1945, on July 31, 1945, the Commission his comp such election being held, nm the policy in matter of street lig manner then prescribed by law, additions with the request thi and in full and complete compll- Commission prepare a sket ance with the provisions of the proposed addition to .the pm Constitution and Laws of the State lighting system so that his of Florida, and the Charter and neers could work up detailed Orinances andi Resolutions of the posal. City of Port St. Joe, Florida. The Clerk was instructed t Section 4-It. is hereby ascer- lect garbage collection fees tained, determined, found' and de- quired by City Ordinance. cleared arl', proclaimed that the Whereupon Commissioner I I Chap- ts of r 20- 1939, No. 1945, en- City spe- rpose 1945. gust, 'tion. the 5 the e. iness eting n of Joe the 5, a, order actedl e or Upon Owing )onrs inson tings ad. ecen1, ap- ment. o St. lomle. ssion to be fine ction- where had truct-. from e de- being d to action or 24 r the .find- n Au- d to amis- 1, at City ndum ussea Sewer was busi- lned. etinig on of Joe n the 45, at City .time harit. Smith, imlini; 'tings his mend- t ret- on of from testedI citi- ed to pany's ghting iat the ch or 'esent engi- d pro- to col- as re- Smit moved that the rules be waived glect, or refuse to pay to the seller Commissioner Smith moved the and Ordinance No. 97X entitled as the seller's said charge and the tax adoption of the aforesaid amend- follows: "As Ordinance Levying a hereby imposed and as hereby re- ment to Ordinance' No. 97X an.i Tax On Sales of Electricity, Gas quired on account of the sale for upon calT of the roll thereon, Corn- (Natural or Manufactured), ana wihch such charge 'is made, or missioners Smtih and Sharit voted Telephone and Telegraph Service either, the seller shall have and for the adoption of such amend- In the City of Port St. Joe, In Ad- is hereby invested with the right ment, and' Commissioner Souls edition to Any Tax Levied, on Such to immediately discontinue further voted against adoption of such Sales By Existing Ordinances; service to such purchaser, until amendment. Whereupon Mayor- Providing for the Collection of the tax and the seller's bill has Commissioner Sharit declared said Such Taxes; and Providing for the been paid in full. amendment adopted. Disposition Thereof; and Prescrib- Section 3. Each and every sell- There being no further bust- ing Penalties For the Violation ot er of electricity, metered or bot- ness, the Commission adjourned. the Provisions of This Ordinance- tied gas (natural, liquified' pe- be read a second time by its title troleum gas or manufactured) and Minutes of Special Meeting only, and' such motion was duly telephone service in respect ,of of the, City Commission of put and carried, and said Ordin- sale on which a tax is hereby the City of Port St. Joe ance No. 97X was read a second levied, shall keep complete records held in Mayor Sharit's of- time by its title only. showing all sales in said City or fice on Septpember 4, 1945 Whereupon Commissioner Smita such ,electricity, metered" or botti- at 3: 00 P. M. offered *the following amendment ed gas (natural, liquified petroleum A special meeting was held, at to Ordinance No. 97X: Strike out gas or manufactured), and tele- this time by mutual consent of all before the enacting clause and phone service, which records shall th commission for purpose of re- insert in lieu thereof the follow- show the price charged upon each viewing the City's finances and ing: "An Ordinance. Levying a Tai" sale, the date thereof, and the date water softening proposed plant On Each and Every Porchase of of payment thereof, and 'said rec- with some of the citizens. .Th- Elecricity, Metered or Bottled Gas ords shall at all reasonable times following were present: Mayor (Natural, Liqulfied Petroleum Gas be open for inspection tby the duly Sharit and Commissioner Soule and or Manufactured), and Telephone authorized agents of said City, who Clerk Tomlinson, also Mr. B. W. Service Within th e Corporate shall have authority 'to make such Eells, J. L. Temple, T. G. Frary, Limits of the City of Port St. Joe, transcripts therefore as they may H. A. Drake, C. G. Costin. H. C. Florida; Providing for the Collec- desire. Brown and I. C. Nedley. tion of Such Taxes, Providing for Section 4. IThe tax hereby levied May-or Sharit opened' the meet- the Disposition of Such Tax and on sales of telephone service shalt ing by reviewing method by which Prescribing Penalties for the Vio- apply to all charges made for o- the 'Water' and Sewer System wa% lation of the 'Provisions of This cal exchange telephone service for constructed, namely from proceeds Ordinance." Commissioner Smith telephones, excepting coin box tel- of $200,000 Water and' Sewer Rev- moved the adoption of the afore- phoness, located' in the City oft enue Debentures, $25,037.41 note said amendment to Ordinance No. Port St. Joe, whether on a monthly given by the City of Port St. Joe 97X apd upon call of the roll there- basis or otherwise. The tax hereby and $154,662.23 FWA grant and on, Commissioners Smith and Shar- levied shall also apply to all sales fact anticipated consumers in year it' voted for the adoption of said of electricity, metered or bottled 1945 at time pro ect was started amendment, a n d Commissioner gas (natural, liquified petroleum was 1,400 as compared to present Soule voted against the adoption gas or manufactured) whether de- 457 actually in service. He also of such amendment. Whereupon livered through the medium of a explained the Revenue Debentures Mayor-Commissioner ,Sharit d5- meter or other measuring device, are now in arrears $25,000 princi- clared, said. amendment adopted. or otherwise, to premises located pal and $13,360 interest with ap- Whereupon Commissioner Smith in the City of Port St. Joe. proximately $11,000 being applied offered the following amendment iSection 5. In all cases wherw on principal and, interest annually to Ordinance No. 97X: Strike out the seller of electricity, meterea as compared to approximately $18,- all after the enacting clause and or bottled gas (natural, liquified 000 maturities and, fact proposal insert in lieu thereof the follow- petroleum gas or manufactured) was being made by the -Commis- ing: and telephone service collects the sion 'to construct a water treat- Section i. That in addition to price therefore at monthly periods, meant and softening plant at esti- all other taxes of every kind now the tax hereby levied may be corn- mated cost of $50,000 to $60,000 if imposed by ordinance there is putedi on the aggregate amount of buyer of refunding bonds can be hereby levied 'by the City of Port' sales during such period, provided found, and refunding bonds legally St. Joe on each and every purchase that the amount of tax to be col- issued. Proposed refunding bond in said City of electricity, me- elected shall be the nearest whole issue to be made as follows: tered or bottled gas (natural, liqui- cent 'to the amount computed-, and Water and Sewer Revenue . fled petroleum gas or manufac- provided further that the maxi- Debentures now out- tured), andi telephone service, a mum amount of tax that may be standing ---------------..$177,000 tax equal to ten (10%) per cent collected under this ordinance on Interest now in arrears -- 13,360 of the charge made by 'the seller the sales for any monthly period Retirement of $25,037.41 of such electricity, metered or to any individual purchaser or con- note app. -- 30,000 bottled gas (natural, liquified pe- summer by each seller shall not ex- Cost of Treatment and Soft- troleum gas or manufactured) and ceed Six and no/100 Dollars ($6.00) ening Plant ------------ 50,000 telephone service, as the case may on, each purchaser at each separ- Total refunding issue---$270,000 be, which tax shall in every case ate service or station where serv- and refunding bonds to be amor- be paid by the purchaser for the ice Ato such purchaser is rendered, tized approximately in e qual use of the City of Port St. Joe, to Section 6. Any purchaser wil- amounts annually for 25 years, with the seller of such electricity, me- fully .failing or refusing to pay 40% of collections from proposed tered or bottled gas (natural, liqui- when due and payable the tax 10% of utilities tax to be applied field, petroleum gas or manufac- hierelby imposed, and any seller to the Water and Sewer System tured), and telephone service, at violating the provisions hereof, or for services rendered the municr- the time of paying the charge by any officer, agent, or employee of pality for fire protection service, the seller thereof, and. not less of- any seller violating the provisions such billing 'to be discontinued for ten than monthly. hereof shall be deemed guilty of fire protection when and if the Section 2. It shall be the duty evading the tax and, upon convic- water and sewer revenue was sur- of every seller of electricity, me- tion shall be subject to fine of not ficient to amortize the proposed tered or bottled gas (natural, liqui- more than Five Hundred Dollars $270,000 refunding issue. flied petroleum gas or manurac- ($500.00) or to be imprisoned for After thorough discussion of tured), and telephone service In nlot more than sixty (60) days, or proposal by those present, Coin- the City of Port St. Joe to collect by both such fine and imprison- missioner Soule withdrew his oi- from the purchaser for 'the use ot mnent for each and every violation,. sections to recent ordinance' ITn- the said' City the tax hereby levied Section 7., Sixty per cent of all posing 10% tax on utilities within at the time of collecting the sell- money accruing from the tax here- the City. ing price charged In each transac- by levied shall be paid into the There being no further bust- tion. and report and pay over "Construction Fund Account" of ness, the Commission adjourned. monthly to said City all such taxes, the City to be used only for the It shall be unlawful for any seller purpose of building and' construct- Minutes of Special Meeting to collect the price of any sale o0 iug a City Hall. ,Jail, an'd Fire Sta- of the City Commission of electricity, metered or bottled gas tion: the remainder (or 40 per the City of Port St. Joe (natural, liquified petroleum gas service in said City without at the Account" of the Ci'ty to be, used P. M. same time collecting the tax here- in payment of monthly rentals on A special meeting was held at by levied in respect of such sales. fire hydrants distributed through- this time for purpose of consider- Any seller failing to collect such out the City. ing street maintenance work to be tax at the time of collecting the Section 8. All ordinances and performed on various streets by price of any sale shall be liable to parts of ordinances in conflict Faulk & Coleman, Cocoa, Florida, the said City for the amount of herewith be and' the same are while doing other work in Port St. such tax inl like manner as if the hereby repealed. Joe. same had been actually paid to Section 9. This shall not apply The meeting was called to order thile seller, and the City Treasurer to service rendered to the United by Mayor Sharit with Commls- and Collector shall bring and cause States of America, State of Flor- sioners Soule and Smith and Clerk to be brought all such suits and ida and political subdivisions ithere- Tomlinson present. actions and take all such proceed- I of. Mayor Sharit presented proposal inrgs as may be necessary for the I Section 10. This ordinance shal from Faulk & Coleman to re-worn recovery of such .tax. take effect on the first day of Oc- streets 'as follows: h If any purchaser. shall ifail,. ne- .tober, A.. D. 1945. FRIDA, DEEMBE 14,1945 .(Continueaa d.. on. pop.e 4) THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE PAGE~- FOUR. THE STR OTS.JE UFCUTFLRD RDY EEBR1,14 Have Guests From Georgia trie, Ga. ,Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniels havy. ----- as their guests this week Mr. ana Write a letter today to that boy Mrs. Ralph Shirah, Jr., of Moul- of yours in the service. MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION (Continued from Page Three) 3rd Street-Long to Mc- Clellan Ave. -----------$1229.00 McClellan Avenue 3rd to 6th Street------------- 1088.20 Long Ave.-5th St. to point 1250 feet south -------- 1S12.00 7th Street Monument to Long Avenue ---------- 1112.60 Avenue A Highway to Avenue F ------------- 954.70 Avenu" F Avenue A to Avenue D ------------- 1371.30 6th St.-Reid to Long Ave. 805.70 7th Street Long to Wood- ward Avenue ---------1274.60 Total -------------$9,648.10 payment to become due $2,500.00 February 1, 1946, and .balance Feb- ruary 1, 1947. This proposal was accepted, unanimously by the Com- mission -and Mayor Sharit was in- structed to advise'Faulk & Cole- man to begin, work. There being no further busi- ness, the Commission adjourned. Minutes of Regular Meeting of thi City Commission of the City of Port. St. Joe held in City Hall on the 18th of September, 1945, at 8:00 P. M. Regular meeting Was held at this time with Commissioners Soule and Smith, Attorney Lewis and, Clerk Tomlinson present. Due to absence of Mayor Sharit, Commissioners Soule acted, as the Chairman. Minutes of meeting held August 21st were read and approved ex- cept Sectio4n 10. of Ord'inanice No. 97X was 'changed to read, as fol- lows: "Section 10. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 1st day. of October, A. D. 1945." Letter from Gulf County Schoo! Superintendent Owens to Corn- ance. There being no further bust- ness, the Commission adjourned. Minutes of Regular Meeting .of the City Commission of the City of Port St. Joe held in City Hall on the 2nd, day of October, 1945, at S:00 P. M. Regular meeting of the Commis- sion was, held' at this time with Mayor Sharit, Commissioners Soule and Smith and Clerk Tomlinson and Attorney Lewis and HospitaS Superintendent Smith present. Bills presented to the Commls- sion were approved for payment. Petition from approximately 2uu residents of colored section re- qutesting resti'iction on number or liquor stores in that section was presented. The Clerk was instruct- ed to withhold any 'new licenses for present. Letter from F. M. Hall relative ,to congested condition of streets due to improper parking was pre- sented, the Chief of Police being instructed to !have condition im- proved'. $125,000 General Obligation bonds issued under dklrta of January 1. 1937. for purpose of purchasing dock, and numbered, 1 to 125 in- clusive, with all interest coupons attached, were destroyed. Attorney Lewis was instructeu to prepare Plumbing and Electri- cal Code ordinances for cousidera- "ionr of the Commission at its wet- ing 'to be held on Novemiber 6th. F. E. T. m -ll. ',ill County Health .O.icer, ,l',-pe'i r.-lativ'e to garbage collection in business section and toilet partitions in jail and was assured by the Commis- sion condition would be correcten. He was requested to condemn all residences within ordinance dis- tance of sewer mains which do not missioner Soule requesting exemnp- ave 'proper facilities. Assurance tion from utility tax was presented. was given the Commission proper no action being taken as tax units steps would be taken by his office are not subject to this tax. toward -this end. Water and Sewet J. R. Wilkins appeared request- Superintendent Dare was instruc:- ing approval of the Commission for his erecting Gospel tent out- side City limits. No action was taken as this is not under jurisdic- tion of the Commission. The Clerk was authorized to have mowing machine cut grass on football field.' Mr. J. A. Mira and T. G. Frary appeared requesting the 'Commis- sion to appropriate $600.00 an- nually for salary of athletic direc- tor. The Commissioners present agreed to include this item in the 1946 budget. Permission was also granted the Recreation Association to build tennis courts in area be- tween Centennial Building ana Long Avenue. Mr. A. D. Lawson appeared to inquire whether or not the city has an. electrical code. The Clerk was instructed to get copy of Se Un- derwriters Code for guidance 'of Commission in having City code prepared. Proposal to purchase quantity of DDT for use within the City was not approved upon advice of At- torney Lewis due to unknown character of this insecticide. Attorney Lewis was instructed to prepare. revised garbage ordin- SRON HAUTEY 89 PROOF Was $4.6 ed to investigate possibilities ot installing mains to serve Blocks 1007 to 1018 inclusive and to re- port at next meeting. The Clerk was instructed to ac cept payment from J. S. Shirey in amount of $50.00 for payment of 1945 taxes in full on Shirey's Bar and, LeHardy's Bar. Miss. Bertha Smith, Superinten- dent of The Municipal Hospita., was present at the request of the Commission for purpose of clarify- ing her position as regards other employees. She was advised by Santa Claus, Ind., Attracts Volumes Of Christmas Mail About 75 years ago the people of a community in Indiana applied for % post office, asking Santa Fe as a name. There already was a post of- fice by that name in Indiana, and since it was a short time before Christmas, the people decided to name the town Santaclause, in one word. In 1938 the name was changed to two words, Santa Claus., Since then letters from all over the world have come in, until now it takes a force of about eight people through No- vember and December to handle the Christmas mail with a new electric canceling machine. About 60,OOC pieces a day are dispatched around Christmas. A Santa Claus/ headquarters is maintained where thousands of tour- ists and visitors buy gifts and post cards. During the Christmas week, Santa Claus, in full uniform and long whiskers, presides. Although this is the only town in the world bearing this name, other places have names associated with the Yule holiday. Christmas island, in the Pacific ocean, is so named because Captain Cook landed there Christmas day, 1777. Five communities in the United States are named for this holiday. There is a Christmas in Gila 'coun- ty, Arizona; Oranige county, Flor- ida; Lawrence county, Kentucky; Bolivar county, Mississippi; and Roane county, Tennessee. Minnesota boasts of a lake by the name of Christmas. It is located in Scott county. Federal Tax Returns Due After January 1 John L. Fahs of Jacksonville, collector of internal revenue, wants returns filed early on 1945 in- comes, but before January 1 is too early. Income tax blanks have been mailed to 'the thousands of Florida wage earners, and apparently in a hurry to get it over with, some tax- payers already have, filled in and returned their forms to the collec- tor. Under the law, returns for a calendar year must be for the !full year andt the collector is prohibited from accepting them until January 1, so those who have sent them in early will get them back andt will have to go through the filing pro- cess again. In past years, returns filed too early that were returned were for- gotten by some taxpayers and when the March 15 deadline passed they became delinquent and had to pay penalties. The. filing period for 1945 in- comes begins January 1 and ends on March 15. Collector Fahs asks that returns be sent as soon at- ter the first of 'the year as pos- sible. Mayor- Sharit, with concurrence of __ Commissioners Soule and Smith, the Commission expected her 'to be New Vets Six To One in full charge of the hospital with For Military Training exception of office work, with all r a n g employees responsible to her alone and she in turn responsible to the Of 25,401 discharged World War City Commission for operation of II veterans in the New York area the institution,, with provision if quizzed on the issue of peacetime she needed help from the Commis- military training, 22,026, or 86.7%. sion between regular meetings or 6 to 1, were in favor of such a Commissioner Soule should be con- security policy. A total of 3,198, oi suited. Commissioner Soule was 12.6%. were against such a pro- d'esignated to so advise employees gram, and 177, or .7% were unlde- not familiar with this procedure by cided.. The poll was taken by the noon of Octolber 3rd. New York City director of selec- There being no further busl- tive service. ness, the Commission adjourned. Local drafl boards submitted the following question to these dis- charred veterans: "Are you in fa- SCUBAN R VUM vor or against a universal military 6 training law which would require' 56I~l.IIJJii~o~iIateaeo ;lla men, upon alttaining the age or 18 years, to enter military training for a period of 12 months? If you I are opposed' to such training, I please state your reasons briefly." Most objections to the plan were Ipn the grounds of interruption to educational careers. H The city of Now Orleans was Sfoqundd, in 17717. FLORIDA EAST COAST R. R. IN some time this week. !. GOOD FINAM AL CONDITION Scott M. Loftin, FEC trustee, ~complying with Judge Strum's re- Petitions affecting the financial future and reorganization of the quest for a financial report, de- Florida East Coast Railway which cleared the railroad, was in good fi- the -St. Joe Paper Company is en- nancial condition. He said assets deavoring to purchase, were airetI were in excess of liabilities and in the U. S. district court at Jack- after deduction of taxes, the road's sonville last week with Judge L. financial condition as of Decem- W. Strum expected to rule on them ber 31, 1945, would be $24,885,117. Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats- Dry Goods PHONE 136-W -:-- WE DELIVER Martin's Beach Club Now Under New Management W. V. (BILL) PEEKE On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field S0 DINE AND DANCE EVERY NIGHT 0 Specializing in FRIED CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS Also Sandwiches and Refreshments We Take Pleasure In Serving You On Birthdays, Anniversaries and. All Occasions WINDPROOF LIGHTERS NOW IN STOCK $2.50 COMING SOON! Place Your Orders Now For BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS EVINRUDE Outboard MOTORS DUNPHY BOATS Philco RADIOS and PHONOGRAPHS Oil-Fired High Pressure Boilers 5 to 250 Horsepower Dan J. Brooks, Jr. OE.ECH & BROOKS LAUNDRY PORT ST. JTQ FLORIDA NOW. -a HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Runm $3 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW..-...... 1-(i RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW......... SST, JOE ,8R O~RIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 19.45 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNlTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR i FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 liHE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE Mrs. W. J. Daughtry and Mrs. State College for Women, Talla- Ellen Kirkland left yesterday foe hassee, were guests over the week- Auburn, Ala. They will be accom- end of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Eells. panied home by Miss Margie Kirk- -Mrs. G. E. McGill and Mrs. B. land, who will spend the holiday H. Smith, accompanied by Mrs. vacation here. Mary Barham of Panama City, )Miss Elizabeth McLean and Miss were shopping Tuesday in Dothan. Betty LaBree, students at' Florida Ala. ;r -- - --.- -. -.- _ -_ _ $300.00 $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN NO RED TAPE - IT ONLY TAKES ABOUTr FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE $300.00 FLORIDA $300.00 - -- EVERYBODY WELCOME ! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH .- . "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1945 9:45-Bible School for all. 10:55-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: "THE TRUE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS." 6:25-Baptist Training Union. S 7:30--EvEning Worship. Sermon topic: "CHRISTMAS PROTECTION." 4 4 1 iAM ON)DS .. .,_ .. -. Fine brilliant diamond set in tail- ored 14 K. yellow t400 gold mounting... ..... A truly matched wed- 1000 dingring ....... .... Here indeed, is an unusually fine ring, the brilliant center diamond is flanked by two brilliant diamonds set fishtail q2 O0 style ................ $12500 Note the perfectly matched five diamond wedding ring $750' The brilliant Gem of Quality center stone is enhanced by thc four large diamonds on the sides. .......... $250 The matching fishtail style five diamond wedding ring $100 * Brilliant Gem of Quality set in fine hand carved mount- $5000 ing ..... ........... The perfectly matched $ic50 wedding ring.......... -12 4 MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and. Mrs. C. G. Costin an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Dorothy Louise, to Melvin C. Magidson of New York City. Mrs. Magidson expects to join her husband in January. -He. has just recently received his dis- charge from the AAC. Mrs. H. M. Hammock and Mrs. .James Bass made a business trip to Dothbn, Ala., last Monday. AdvertIslng doesn't cost--It PAYS! DON'T WAIT -- - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP SEastern Star Elects Officers for Year The local chapter of the Order of Eastern Star held its annual election Tuesday night in a meet- ing at the Masonic hall, and the following officers were named for the ensuing year: Pauline Smith, worthy matron i Watson Smith, worthy patron; Al- ma Parker, associate matron; B. E. Parker,, associate patron; Lovie Coburn. secretary; Syble Scheffer. treasurer; Esutelel Griffin, conduc- tress; Wilma Cooper, associate :oiiniutress; Florrie Connell, mar- shal; Bessie Powell, chaplain, IMyrtice Smith, organist; Mable Christmas, Ada; Lyda Adkina, auth; Della Mize, Esther; Onnie 3reer, Martha; Ruth Ramsey, EleL- -a; Virginia Talley, warder, and leorge Cooper, sentinel. These officers will be installed tt a joint installation ceremony with the Masons on December 27. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. George H. Griffin are the proud parents of a son, born, Dccember 11. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest- H. Kinard announce the birth of a daughter on December 3. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis are an- nouncing the arrival of a daugh- ter on November 26. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. White- burst are the proud parents of a son, born November 25. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Daniels an- nounce the birth of a son on No- ventber 22. Mr. and' Mrs. Michael A. Stanley of Apalachicola announce the ar- rival of a son on December 9. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gail- braith of Apalachicola announce the birth of a son, December S. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Rolsteadi of Apalachicola are announcing the birth of a daughter December 6. 'Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sirmon of Mobile. Ala., announce the birth ot a daughter on December 4. (All births occurred at the Port St. Joe municipal hospital.) BAPTIST W. M. S. MEETS FOR BIBLE STUDY The Baptist Woman's Mission- ary Society met at the church Monday afternoon for the Bilble study conducted! by the pastor, R. F. Hallford, taken from the second chapter of Acts. 40 During the business period, the meeting for Monday, December 17, was announced, to meet at .the home of Mrs. WV. H. Howell for the Royal Service program and Christmas party. The program is to be in charge of Circle. One. METHODIST W. S. C. S. TO HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY The Woman's Society for Chris- tian Service of the Methodist Church will enjoy a Christmas party next Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the TWoman's Club room at the Centennial Building, at which time a Christmas play is to be presented. Mothers may take their children to the nursery at the church, which will be in chLrge of Mrs. Mark Tomlinson and Mrs. Whaley John- son. PANAMA CITY FLORIDA Sr--- ---- T h .r -- -.- ----.--. 4 Port Theatre W Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAY AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. A Martin Theatre SATURDAY, DEC. 15 2 .mtb2 Charles STARRETT Tex HARDING.Dub TAYLOR Chapter Three of Serial "SECRET AGENT X-9" - FEATURE NO. 2 - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 MONDAY and TUESDAY December 17 and 18 -- Also LATEST NEWS "FLICKER FLASHBACKS" -D WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19 Chapter Five of Serial "JUNGLE RAIDERS" BRONCSS and BRANDS" THURSDAY FRIDAY December 20 and 21 JOAN LESLIE and ROBERT HUTTON in Whether you purchase a Garland dia-, mond ring for $32.50 or $500.00, 1t/ ghalityofdiamondsarelhesaime-Thert is a matching wedding ring avail. able for every Garland diamond ring, LILIUS JEWELRY COMPANY Mrs. Nannie Roan of Apalachi- AeooSu cola is the guest this week of her MEpIus- daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.L " Otto Anderson. Harold Palmer of Macon, Ga., was the guest Monday of his wife and children, also his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Also - Pvt. Devain Wright of the U. b. 'WINGMEN of TOMORROW' Marines, Camp Legune, N. C., was the guest of Mr. andA .Mrs. .J. H. 'BLACK GOLD and CACTUS' Aultman last Friday. To Know" - Short Subjects LATEST NEWS Cartoon: "TALE OF TWO MICE" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 T;HE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE. We Can Handle a Few More Orders for Christmas Delivery . BUT HURRY! Open Daily from 10 to 5 Except Sunday and Wednesday When We Are Closed All Day. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! BOYLE STUDIO I PAGE SIX CARD OF THANKS Set y We wish to express our sincere Victory thanks to our friends and relative t paign, t for their sympathy, beautiful floral offerings andi their help during the recent death of our husband and father. C Mrs. W. (G. McCoy and Lcina. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDaniel of We.wahi.tchka were the guiesis rWednesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. CHRISt want P,'idgc'ono. or write Joe. LEGAL ADVERTISING OUTBO NOTICE TO APPEAR ,Johns - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF Creech COUNTY, FLORIDA. HOUSE IN CHANCERY. W. C. Roche, doing business as SEWINI Confidential Loan Company, able. Plantiff, phone 1 vs. FURNII William Joseph Jones. et ux, chair ,Defendants. haie ro On Monday, January 7, 1946, Wil- thave ro liam Joseph Jones, one of the de- (we don fendan.ts in the above entitled this as cause, which is a suit to foreclose othis as a mortgage held by the plaintiff condition on the following described land, Mrs. W. to-wit: fice. Lot 17 on Block 1008 of Mil- view Addition. Unit No. 1 of the City of Port St. Joo, Flor- -- ida, according to 'the obficiai .WANTE ma) on file in the office of the Box 4 Clerk of the Circi:a Court of ing qua Gulf County, Florida, in Book address. No. 1, page 33, is required 'to file an appearance -_ in said suit in the office of the LOST-I Clerk of the above styled Court. case. I Witness my hand and the seal Piece o of said Court at Wewahitchka, Gulf Please r County, Florida,, this 5th day o0 roy Gain December. 1945. (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, APAI As Clerk of Circuit Court, FOR Al Gulf County, Florida. Shirey E. CLAY LEWIS, JR. 12-14 Attorney for Plaintiff. 1-4 NOTICE TO APPEAR 'Red IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA. LOCAL IN CHANCERY. Estell Harris, Plaintiff, We / vs. Transfer Stephen Jack Harris, Defendant. aser TO: Stephen Jack Harris, ASN Day Ph'b 14041i35, Hdq. & Base Service Sqd. Or See I 384th Air Service OP-. (:Sp.), APO 72. c/o P. M,.; San Francisco, Cali- fornia. On Monday,s January 7, 1946, the defendant -in, the above .entitled T cause, which is a suit for divorce, is required to file an appearance in said suit in the office of 'the Clerk of 'the above styled' Court. FISH BA Witness my hand and the sea, that a of said Court at Wewahitchka, Gulf fish for County. Florida, this 8th day of In the ,S December, 1945. (Court Seal) CoJ. R. HUNTER, As Clerk of Circuit Court, CHI Gulf County, Florida. WITH ' E. CLAY LE/.IS, JR. 12-14 Attorney for Plaintiff. 1-1 E NOTICE TO APPEAR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF See We COUNTY, FLORIDA. C CASE .NO. 1 No. 781 . Port St. Joe Terminal Company, A corporation. Plaintiff, MASON vs.MASONI Charles C. Smith, doing business Port St. as Charles C. Smith & Company, m Defendant. d a On Monday, January 7, 1946, the visitingM defendant Charles C. Smith, doing Temple, business as Charles C. Smith & Company. in the above entitled NOTICE OF cause, which is an action ex de- licto, is required to file an appear- Notive is ance in said suit in the office or cates has the Clerk of this Court. tax deed t Witness my hand and the seal oI it 'nab description of said Court at Wewahitchka, Gulf :n which i County, Florida, this 8th day of Certificat December, 1945. el ,,ripti (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, sw 1/4, As Clerk of Circuit Court, 5. TWp. Gulf County, Florida. N aie.von E. CLAY T.EWIS. JR. 12-1.' All of sa Attorney for 'Plaintiff. 1-4 of1 1lf. stl Unles S shall be r NOTICE TO APPEAR property dl IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF certificat es COTTTY. FLO.RIDA. Monday in CASE NO. 2 'No. 782 "ahiah i'.s , Port St. Joe Terminal Company, (SEAL,) A corporation. Plaintiff,. 11.-1 .2-2 vs. NOTICE OF Charles C. Smith. doing business NOTICE OF as Charles C. Smith & Company, Naatica is Defendant. roant Co., ti On Mondnv. January 7, 1946, 'the taesy Idosl defendant Charles C. Smith, doina; cite aanimhi- business as Charles C. Smith & aloe'ialion Company, in tlae above -entitled r',.,if(.iicl, cause, which is an action ex de- lncripitr lieto, is required to file an appear- S 1/4 n ance in said suit in the office of '.,v a the Clerk of this Court. Name ina Wita "ass my han.'d and the seal All of s'' a" of said Ct"ort at Wewahitchka, Gulf of Calf st, County, Florida, this 8th day of Tel-es s December. 1945. property dc (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, "a-rtifcates As Clerk of Circuit Court, .. '" ( Gulf County, Florida. whi'h is tihe E. CLAY LEWIS, JR. 12-14 Aliorney for Plaintift. -4 iS-. our personal qaota in the ,llllillllllIIIIIImilHi!llhllllllIlIlllllIllllil"illlllillll Loan $11,000,000,000 cam- then. make it. OSSIFIED ADS FOR SALE TMAS TURKEYS If you.' a turkey, see J. 'L. Suggs me P. 0. Box 464, Port St. 12-21* ARD MOTOR 51/3 h. p. on. See Gus Creeh at the & Brooks Laundry. 12-14 HOLD GOODS FOR SALE G MACHINE-Singer port- See Mrs. Gus Creech, city, 152-J. 11-7 2t rURE-Large Krohler easy and ottoman (we don't om for it), $40; large end 7.50'; GE food, dehydrator 't particularly want to sell we may get a dag, and it make as ideal electrically- ned doghouse), $30. See S. Smith at The Star of- 11-7tf HELP WANTED ED-Stenographer. Write 56, Port St. Joe, Fla., giy- lifications, experience and 12-14 21 LOST AND FOUND Child's eyeglasses in black Dr. Barton's name on case. f adhesive tape in case. return to Star office or Le- nous, 8th Street. 1* RTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS See The SApartments. 8-3 MISCELLANEOUS I' Horton's Transfer L AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Are Your Only Licensed r Company In Gulf County ine 227 Night Phone 191 Me at Sunny State Service Station 11-23 For Dependable [AXI SERVICE CALL 234 J. P. BASS, Owner 914tt IT Fresh, clean worms re guaranteed to get the you. See Eddie Beverly heffield colored quarters RISTMAS CARDS 'OUR NAME IMPRINTED BOX OF 25 ,$2.00 sley Ramsey at The Star iffice-after 4 p. m. LODGE NOTICES C TEMPLE F & A M- Joe Lodge 111. Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- ys each month, 8:00 p. rn. embers urged to attend; brothers welcome. J. L. W.M.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. * APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House -Bill No. 1862 hereby given that St. Johns River the holder of the following certifi- filed said certificates for a o be issued thereon. The certifi- ers alIl years of issuance, the of the property, and the names t was assessed are as follows: te No. 13. Year of issuance 1942. on of Property: S1/2 of SW 1/4, NE 1/4 of less Canal Rwv 23 A. Sec. 6 S. R 11 W. which assessed: St. Joseph Laid cat Conmpinv. aid property heing in the County ite of Florida. snch certificate or certificates edeemned aceoraling to law the described in such certificate or will he sold to the highest hid- court house door on l'he first the nionlih of Januarv. 1946, * 7thl il.d of J.Tnuav 194r,. .. R. HUNTER, Clerk of Circuit Court of Calif Connty, Florida, APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Ilousi Bill No. 1602 hereby aiVciVe tilhat S. Johns Rivera h'.- dler atf the fllhwing certifi- filed said certificates for a a lie issued thereon. The certifi- rs anil years of issuance, the of the properly, and the names ,l ws assqrscd 'ir" as follows; I X6o. 14. Year of issuance 1942. on of Property: S1 /4 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4. of NEI 1/4. less 54 A. Canal 7. Tp. I S. R 11 W. which assessed: St. Joseph Land ent Colnmnay. id property being in the County te of Flonri',c uch certificate or certificates 'eaflondl i nc-or'ling to law the sc'-ihbdl in sucli certificate or will be sold to the highest bila- onnnrt hnise dnor -on the first the imontb of Januarv. 1946, 7th day of J.nun" ,- ioe. J. R. HUNTER. Clerk 'of Circuit Court of Oulf County, Flurida, " SCHOOL NEWS By WESLEY RAMSEY Christmas is coming! Candy, cakes. pies, turkey, puddings and everything! The aroma of Chrts.- 'nlas trees seems to jill the air aa- read.y. 3anta is polishing up iiuo sleigh and dad is using his pocKer- )oolk more these days. This Christ- mas has all the aspects of being a 'very merry one. IThe juniors are presenting their 1 first play of the year 'this evening in the auditorium. We hear they're going to have a 'turkey raffle be- tween acts. There's someone's Christmas dinner! Hear ye! Hear ye! New rules and laws have 'been compiled. Herewith and, all dates hither- forth no student. boy or girl, shall be caught in the dastardly act of cheating. All peoples caught vio- lating said law shall forfeit one week's grade on first offense; six weeks' grade on second offense; half semester grade on third of- fense, and year's grade on fourth offense. All cads and rouges vio- lating said act will be brought be- fore the Right Honorable Bodle Traxler, president of the Student Council, and his Student Council- ites, to have their just punishment meted out. So stated, ad valorenm, ipsofacto. transatlantic and written this the ll11th day of the 12th month of the year nineteen hundred and forty-five. We heard-; -that Mr. Biggart's wife called up the school house the other day about 11:30 and said: r I I I I L I I i i I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945 "What do you want for dinner?" He must have said "Sandwiches'" if he wanted anything to eat at that late hour. Mrs. Dendy doesn't have her mind on teaching these days. It seems Alton is coming home. Looks like a merry Christmas for her- OR RIPPING AV I-IEIR OPPOM1EHTS MTH 11*. POWERFUL,GOUGdE-LIW1 HAIL W%ATH WHICH THE MIDDLE TOE. IS ARMED. WITH T'HIS A 54G AMU BADKANGAiROO CAN DO COHS%(E~t PMAr.E There's no more favorable shoi0 in Port St. Joe. to. buy Zirceon Rings the birthstone or those born in December. than the LILIUS JEWELRY COM- PANY. We feature Diamonu Rings, Watches, and also have expert Watch repairing. I 'Buying Victory Bonds is invest- ing in a peace. that, pays $4 for every $3 invested. H OW much life insur- .imce is enough? That depends upon a lot of things-and the correct answer must be based, upon your individual require- ments. That's why Jefferson Standard "Planned Protec- tion" service is tailor-made to fit you. At no cost to you, your Jefferson Standard rep- resentative will be glad to ' talk with you and h~lp you work out your -"Planned Pro- tection" program. Call o( write him today. Frank Hannon Office St. Joe Motor' Company Phone 37 Polrt St. Joe, Fla. -I aWhat do you see i nthe .-woods? i aK -Zt Remember the old saying about the man products manufactured from pulpwood. who "couldn't see the forest for the trees"? They see jobs and wealth. Security for Lots of people are like that. All they see is the workers and prosperity for the entire trees. Others look at the forest and see it community. And if this forest wealth is filled with books, magazines, newspapers., properly harvested, it will increase in They see the raw materials of many great value in the years to come. industries which depend on pulpwood, Let's take another look at our woods. such as rayon and plastics. They see car- Let's look at the trees and see the oppor7 tons and boxes, and many other tunities that lie within. Cut This Ad Out- IIf you know some man getting out of * the service, or out of war work and e i looking for a future that offers a good e' income and a good life, cut this ad out and send it to him. 0 Maybe his big opportunity lies right here. a P mYOUR VICTORY PULPWOOD COMMIi EE.. YOUR VICTORY PULPWOOD COMMITTEE J. B. WHITE W. S. SMITH CUBIE R. LAIRD C. N. JOHNSON DON'T WASTE PRECIOUS TIME * * CUT TOP QUALITY WOOD THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA VICTORY PULPWOOD CAMPAIGN _ __ w i r |