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nll ti ii tiitniIIIIIiII iiiIIIIIIIII1i1i II IIIIIIi ttilil11 WITH TH1 VOLUME IX SllIIIIIIIIIlllll~lll1ll111l1l1111111l1l1l11ll1ll11l11l1lt11111l1l1 THE STAR Official Newspaper of ^ Gulf County - - - The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 RO GASK INNKOREA Contributions To National Airport New Industries Korea-Pfc. Roy F. asking, an anp P Ari s F tomatic rifleman in the veteran War Fund Drive Plan Ma Give St. May Arise From 7th Infantry Division, is serving with American occupation forces o oe Air Facilities I southern Korea. Joe Air Facilities South's Forests "The people here have strange But $355.90 of $2,285 County Quota customs but are very friendly. I Raised To Date; Half of Con- still peeWetF i tributions Remain HeneFo G as commented after arriving in Seoul, t __ propriates $553,000 to As Waste, Is Basis for Korea's capital city, where the Gulf County Many Products Americans have established head- Unions thorughout the Unite Gulf County Many Products quarters. States are staunchly backing tne Theson of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. National War Fund, states Hari- Word received from Congross-. Sawdust, a waste product of the Gaskin of Blountstown, Pfc. Gas- McKnight, Gulf county chairman. man Bob Sikes Wednesday stated South's forests, holds the possibil- kin worked for the St. Joe Paper President William Green of the that the house of representatives ity of a new :and vast industry, in Company in Port St. Joe, Fla., AFL states that the labor league completed consideration this week the opinion of Forester Charles A. where his wife resides. He has for human rights is endorsing and of a national airport plan which Gillett of American Forest Prod- been overseas since Jun'e of this working for the fund as a means is designed to bring civilain fly- ucts Industries, Inc. of relieving suffering of our fel- ing into every corner, of the, land, At a meeting held in Atlanta, year. low men and providing recreation and that Port St. Joe is included Gillett told the Southeast Ship- BILL LUDLUM RE-ENLISTS for those in the service of our in the plan for a Class Two field pers advisory 'board that forest William J .Ludlum, brother or country. Local union leaders have costing $39,6,750, as well as a Class I wastes' were being converted into Mns. Oscar Gilmore, arrived here also pledged their wholehearted 'lwo field for Wewahitchka cost- amazing new .products in researcti Tuesday on a 90-day furlough. He support and are actively promot- ing $156,350. laboratoriest and that the consump- -has been in service four years ant ing the local drive. Costing in its. entirety over a tion of these products would seven months, of which 34 months Incomplete returns frcm various billion dollars, the measure is in- strongly bolster the economy of was spent overseas. Bill has seen workers bring the total for the St. tended to serve as a long range the entire South. service in Africa, Italy, Austria, Joe area up to $355.90 at this time, postwar development program. "No area of similar size in the France and Germany. He received stated McKnight. Contributions of A landing strip has already been entire world was endowed with his discharge at Camp Blanding $5 or more are as follows: L. P. leveled, off at the 'eastern city forests of greater potential value last Saturday and immediately re- Sutton $7.50, Herman Barbee $5, limits for the use of light planes, than were the states of Georgia, enlisted for another three-year Mrs. Ellen Anderson $10, Max Kil- and as this is about the only prac- Florida, North Carolina, Tennes- streach of foreign duty. bourn $10, Ch.estnut's Grocery $15, tical site for any type of airport see, South Carolina, Mississippi Chris Martin $16, Kenney Mercan- development, if and when funds and Alabama," Gillett said. SENDS CAMP PAPER tile Company $20, Gulf Hardware become available under the fed- He pointed out that fertilizer, Sealbee Kenneth Creech sends Company $2.5. Florida Power Cor- eral plan, the present site will be molded plastics and even explo- us a copy of "The Bulldozer," or- portion $25. Danley Furniture developed as a municipal airport. sives were being derived from ficial paper of the U. S. Nava' Con- Company $25, Schneider's Depart- Air travel is the coming thing, wood, and added: The future struction Training Center at Camp ment Store $25, Miles 5 & 10c and too much emphasis cannot be economy of the, South will be, ma- Endicott, R. I. We sort look ror Store $25, Kenney's Mill shop em- placed upon development of an air terially affected by the fact that Ken to be coming home shortly, as ployes $30, Kenney's Mill yard em- field here, as within the next ten an acre of good pine can produce he soon will have the necessary ployes $38, Costin's Department years a community of any size five times as much cellulose yearly number of points for discharge. Store $50, Machinists Local $25. that does not have an airport will as onQ acre of cotton, in spite of Quota set for the county is be relegated, to the horse and the fact that cotton is almost pure Jesse Stone Discharged $2,285 of which $1,850- has been a- lbuggy age. as far as trans.porta- cellulose." Jesse V. Stone blew into town located to the Port St. Joe area. tion is concerned. Gillett also pointed out that Wednesday after receiving his dis- Workers are urged to complete layers of wood pulp paper wera charge from the navy last Friday their campaigns and leave no one Apalachicola Oysters being converted into translucent at Jacksonville. Jesse, who served in their districts unsolicited. In Are keh, Says Board aluminum and yet with almost the '39 months and 10 days, 30 months order to clear up the question as tensile strength of steel. of which were outside the con'tin- to whether employes are to be so- _ mental United States, says he's sure licited at the St. Joe Paper Corn- Word was received last Satur- 'glad to be a civilian again but he pany plant or the railroad, Mr. Mc- day from the state board, of health Band Association Is ,can't find a thing to wear. Knight states that they will not (too late 'to correct the story in At Meti I be solicited, and it will be up to the last issue of The Star) that Formed At Meeting Jimmy Taylor Expected Home the employes to contribute indl- oysters from Apalachicola Ba I -- Lt. James McNeill is, expected vidlually to workers or at home. may continue to be eaten wita At a meeting held Monday eve- arrive today from California on a The Kiwanis booth down town safety, as there are no condemned ning at the high school the Port 30-day leave, will be kept open all day Satur- commercial oyster beds in the bay. St. Joe Band Boosters Association Sday as a convenient means of con- $This was good news to oyster- was formed for the purpose on John Lane Home On Leave tributing. The campaign official-y eaters of Port `". Joe. as the hi- promoting the best interests of the 'Lt. John Lane arrived Tuescay closes on October 20. valves from the Apalachico'a area school .band. A 'arge number or from Muroc, Calif., on a 45-day County township chairmen who are considered as among the best I priblic-spirited citizens were pres- furlough, are hard at work are Alf Miller- in the nation. ent to become charter members. gren, Wewahitchka; J. 0. Brag- ---- 1 Officers elected were: President, Jimmy McNeill To Arrive don, Indian Pass; Mrs. Edena L. Improvements Made T. G. Frary; vice-president, Mrs. Lt. James McNeill is ezpecteqt Hardy, Overstreet; Chris Martin, At Smith's Pharmacy L. P. Sutton; secretary, W. L. to arrive this week-end and will Beacon Hill, and Carter Ward at S.mnith; treasurer, C. P. Moxley. visit here with his mother while White City. John Rnbert Smith has just com- A steeilng committee was im- awaiting his discharge. "It is hoped that everyone in the pleted a remodeling job on the mediately appointed by the pres.- Port St. Joe area will realize that interior of his drug store which dent for the purpose of planning a Darcey Leaves After Visit at 'east half of every contribution not only gives him a great deal program for the organization. T/jS Wil'bur Darcey and wife left will remain at home and will be more space for the display of his It will be customary hereafter Wednesday for Jacksonville after used primarily for the recreation wares. but greatly improves the for the meetings to be held in con- a 5-day visit here with hi;s mother. of our children, and' secondarily appearance of the store. junction with or immediately fol- for the recreation of adults," said A former storage room at the lowing band rehearsals. Talmon Smith To Get Diseharje Chairman McKnight. "President iear has been done away with and Prof. W. A. Biggart and the Lt. Talmon Smith, son of Mr. Truman says, 'There are .good rea- the prescription compounding de- and director are greatly encour- and Mrs. Dave Smith. arrived sons why everyone should: approve apartment moved into thle space aged over the outlook for the band home\Mon.day and will lay around heartily the decision of the Na- take by the toe room. This cae of tis organization an until his discharge comes through tiona' War Fund to carry on with allowed c removal of the partition feel that the band will go places (Continued on Page 2) an undiminished sense of responsl- the bapk ofithe store ves ow that it has sbch a fine group ability to our own forces and to ourJ. R. approximately 360 square of citizens back of it. P.-T. A. Hallowe'en Fete friends who suffered most in the feet more o floor space.Anyone interested in seeing our Fete -- community prosper is urged to Will Be Held October long and bitter war'." VISITING SPEAKER ATcom uta boe ameme Will Be Held October 27 BAPTIST CURCH SUNDAY come out and become a member. Gets Plenty Flying Students BAPTIST CURCH SUNDA There will be a social side to the Gets Plenty Flying Students In the absence of R. F. Hallford r The annual Hallowe'en carnival' Capt. Paul Metcalf, who ran an the visiting speaker at the First orgluizaion as well business. sponsored, by the Parent-Teachers ad for two weeks in The Star for Baptist Church next Sunday will i Association will be held this year flying students, tells us that he be Rev. J. C. Alexander of Pan- Marine Is Visiting on Saturday, October 27, on the lot has 28 signed up for his course, ama City. who will, deliver the Prc. Frank Las; owski of Scran- opposite the postoffice. I which is just about all he can sermon at both the morning and ton, Pa.. who has just received his Everyone is asked' to come out. take care of right now. evening services. discharge from the Marines, is a -There will be plenty to eat, in- -- guest this week of Edward Eells. eluding home-made cakes and pies, To Make Home In Tallahassee WEEKLY CLINICS ------ as wel'.as plenty of fun. Mr. andi Mrs. H. E. Hall and fain- The regular weekly clinics of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Jones All' ,proceeds derived from the ily will leave this week-en3 for the Gulf county .health department and son, Larry, left Monday for carnival will be used for the bene- Tallahassee where they will re- will be held as before on Tuesdays Birminghain, Ala., for a visit of fit of the local school, sidle in future. from 4 to 5 p. m. EST. two weeks with Mr. Jones' mother. NUMBER 3 Possible RFC Loan Looms for Water Softening Plant Federal Bureau Announces Availability of Cash Up To 100 Per Cent I A release received this week by The Star from the Atlanta office of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation states that RFC loans are now available to municipali- ties and other public agencies to aid in' finanTcing public construc- tion projects. Included, among a considerable' number of projects listed as eligible for RFC financing is con- struction or improvement of mu- unicipal water supply and distri- bution systems. For some time the city of Port St. Joe has Ihad plans drawn up for the installation of a water- softening plant and a number of attempts -have been made to se- cure financing for the project without avail. Right now is the time for our board of city commis- sioners to get busy and make the necessary arrangements for ain RFC loan for this .plant, for if there is one thing we really do need here it is something ISte that and if anyone differs, with us, all they have to do is ask any housewife .in Port St. Joe. 'The release stated that loans. will be of 'the type repayable from the earnings.of the proi 't that is financed, through the purchase of revenue bonds from municipall- ties. In this way, a water soften- ing plant for this city would pay for itself out of revenue collected and could be repaid over a period of from 25 to 30 years. Van Fleet Guest Speaker At Rotary Club Meeting. Ralph Van Fleet, recreational di- rector of Panama City, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Ro- tary Clulb last week. His subject was "Recreational Activities." Mr. Van Fleet 'told of the many mistakes that have been made by not thoroughly planning and" or- ganizing before recreational pro- grams were undertaken. He i'lus- trated the success of careful plan- ning by pointing to what has been accomplished at Panama City. Mr. Van Fleet is assisting the lo- cal recreational steering commit- tee with its organizing and plan- ning for a recreational program in Port St. Joe. Legion To Sponsor Willis V. Rowan Post 116, Amer- ican Legion, has contracted to bring back to this city the same carnival that played here last year under sponsorship of the post. The carnival will set up on the vacant lot behind the Port theater and consists of five modern rides and a midway with varied attrac- ions. Visitors From California Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Owens, Jr., of Chula Vista, Calif., are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith. They are en route to Chr- cago to attend the national Ameri- can Legion convention. PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 THE STAR I Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla. by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the 1',utofficie, Fort St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months.. .... $1.00 --- Telephone 51 )-- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for . damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken r7ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong KEEPING PROSPERITY The editor of The Star is in receipt of a booklet entitled "Sell America Into Jobs," sent out by General Motors Corporation, and one of the paragraphs to strike our eye force- fully was this: "Somebody has to sell something if some- body else is going to keep on making it and so have money to hire other somebodies tt. help him make it, and thus-provide jobs." This reads like a practical digest of the complicated problems we have to solve in or- der to start the ball rolling toward full em- ployment and prosperity. If stores in Port St. Joe find it hard to get housewives to buy their canned goods, they aren't likely to be buying much in the way of canned goods from wholesalers, while the wholesalers will certainly have to cut down on the orders they place with canneries. Fur, thermore, the canneries won't be needing any fruits or vegetables, and even if the farmer has exceptional crops, he isn't going to need extra help to harvest his fruit or vegetables because he won't have much of a market for t.hcm andow. And when that happens we are in a depres- siaon. Fortunately, this nation came out of the war with. p-baebly the greatest pentup de- nmand for goods in its history, and according to the formula in the booklet ve have little reason to wurry. Let us hope that the rea- soning is sound. Pvt, and Mrs. L. E. Thursby and Son from Camp Bland'ing visited here over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Thursiby. I tihee to the Publie The undersigned Stations of Port Service St. Joe have agreed to observe the following business hours in future: OPEN 7:30 A. M. CLOSE 7:00 P. M. We ask that motorists of the city transact their business during these hours. Sunny State Service Miller's Standard Service St. Joe Motor Company St. Joe Texaco Station Clark's Gulf Station KIingry's Sinclair Station HUMAN JUDGMENT BEST WEAPON illI !!lr!*!!"iuluIl!l!UmamillIitllmu!!l!III! In years to come there will be less excuse SCHOOL NEWS than ever for uncurbed fire waste in this By WESLEY RAMSEY country. Effective new ways of fighting fire !lllll !lI! ll;lli IIl lii][ i| I l.H i ll!il lll ill |lll l illllillillllli -ave been developed during the war and were widely used in saving such famous naval ves- The seniors inflicted penalties Sn on the freshmen two weeks ago at sels as the carriers Franklin, Bunker Hill, chapel for not obeying initiation Saratoga and Ticonderoga. rules. Charles Guilford, Elzie Gay One of the many unique fog and foam andt H1urtis Chestnut were required methods developed by the navy for wartime to roll a very small potato across use was the perfection of a liquid foam, par- the stage with their nose. Lucy McCoy managed to down a tooth- ticularly effective against oil fires. Made pase an cracersandwich. enry nasie and cracker sandwich. Henry from soybeans, fish scales and iron salts, it is Collier, was asked to sing, but re- nicknamed( "navy bean soup." fused and was dubbed a "poor Fire prevention authorities are the first to sport." Luther Parrot and Charles welcome innovations in fire fighting. How- Wondin participated in a cracker- ever, regardless of the new devices that may eating contest. Benny Elder r:- Scited a poem composed, by one of be invented, they can never take the place of the seniors. Amaryllis Raffield preventing a fire, and only human judgment and Mildredi McMullon sang "Pis- can do that. Only human judgment can re- tol Packin' Mama" while rubbing move combustible materials to safe places; their stomachs and, patting their only human judgment can use caution in the heads at 'the same time. Tommie Burge and Massey Davidson sang use of matches, and in the construction de- Bu" Arend My Sunshine," sup- tails of homes, factories and schools; only posedly in harmony. All in all, the human judgment can actually prevent fire- initiation, was, a howling success. and that is the objective of the professional Pictures for the annual were fire fighter. taken last week. Monday was de- So, while there is no excuse for a soaring voted to making group pictures of i tr i o e s f a s the lower grades; Tuesday, the in- annual fire bill and thousands of deaths by dividual pictures were taken, and fire annually, these evils will be with us as Wednesday, pictures of the foot- long as the element of human carelessness bal Iteam were taken. exists. Don't think that buying a fancy new Whadda ya know? One six weeks fire extinguisher eliminates the danger of period' under our belts already. All fire on your property. The best course to fol- that has been heard around school the last few days are moans, either low is to eliminate fire hazards and buy the of grief at failing tests or relief at extinguishers too! passing them. Some report cards "-- are red, some black, and some are In Denver, Colo., recently, the Denver Post red and black. A band council has been former in a correction embarrassedly announced that to carry on the governing of the Michael Hawkins and Darrel J. Suer had not band. It consists of Wesley Ram- been married after all, as the Post had pre- say, P. B. Pairley. George Suber, viously reported, but had merely joined the Dnad Dean and. Elbert Sutton. police force together. The senior clas-s and the rest o0' SEE US FOR THESE SPECIALS t DINT TO REMEMBER I C , A1 "A. RIASE ABDJITS' :ie schoo- Is gl'a to nave li.owar I eley ac'< ,t sesms the army It is estinl-lted thacrt thltAC Soon will be S -he II~ 1 -, 2m brIno e p1 ple i till 01 -1t'ynot m clmliiig*. u-k for 11tli-lllt i.ig- uot . y g 'oil )e nill' Fnr~la- so wild. Are yo Bonds? With the Colors (Continued -from Page 1) on November 11. Finishes 'Boot' Training L'oyce Davis, S 2/c, has com- plete.d his "boot" training at Bain- brdge, Md., and is spending a nine- lay leavee here with his parents. Mr. and M.'s. Dewey Davis. ADDRESSES Pvt. Maurice Burch, 44108046, 615th Ord Amno. Co., APO 70, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. K. A. Creech, SSMT 1/c, NCTC, Barrack I 5, Davisville, R. . Tiom E. Parker Jr., S 2/c, Ship's Co. Disbursing Office, USN, TA, DC, Camp Perry, Va. Pfc. Roy F. Gaskin 44007959, Co. ,B, 17th Inf., USA, APO 7, c/o Post- master, San Francisco, Ca!if. Thanks, Pal We want to thank Edward Eells for turning in most of the newt; this week for the "With the Col- ors" column. He gets about more than we do, and' besides he know all these young fellows coming back from the service. We should make him editor of the column. -- _----k____ Agents To Be Out of County C. R. Laird, county agent, and; Miss Wilma Alsobrook, home dem- onstration agent, will be out of the county from October 22 to November 3 to attend' the annual extension agent's conference In Gainesville. sd. some 1 sow birds" that aren't )u buying your share of Victory Steel Pay In three years' time the average weekly pay of steelworkers has ris- en 50 per cent to over $50. i.-ife: DON'T WAIT -- - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP To Returning Service Men and Women I will be glad to assist you in vour insurance problems Buck Alexander - - - Malrti's Beach Clnub On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and. S Tyndall Field * DANCING EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON FEATURE ENTERTAINMENT Sandwiches and Refreshments - r BUILT FOR EGG BASKETS BALANCE YOUR GRAIN PuRINA LAY CHOW RAISE YOUR OWN MEAT AT HOME- Grow a BIG hog fast- S have lots of pork and plenty of red gravy. It's H OG easy when, you FATESA HOG FrATENA !.pw 'COW' U T 6 Built to keep cows in condition for top production and long milking life. Depend on COW CHOW Work Horses... OMOLENE Keep 'em working S with this popular f ed, containing S ood oats, oil meal. -Raie 'em on, Calf S TARTEI.A One bag replaces 40 gallons .llk. Helps grow 3ig, vigorous calves. ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phone 30 Port St. Joe -a iA" f" "r. " IlllllllllllUll I I I U dUUIUI !. U -- -------- -- - PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 I 1 0. J. BENTON, Photographer REBEKAH CIRCLE ELECTS will be at the Staff House on week- OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR ends doing all kind's of photo- Repekah Circle No. 3 of the Bap- graphic work. Call for an appoint- tist W. M. U. met Monday after- ment. 10-26* i noon at the home of Mrs. R. F. Hallford, for the regular meeting. NOTICE OF ELECTION SPECIAL 4 this time officers for the en- TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 i GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA.s-uing year were elected as tfol- Pursuant to Section 438 of the ows: Mrs. Otis Pyle, chairman; Florida School Laws of 1939, no- Mrs. Milton Chafin, co-chairman; twice is hereby given that the next Mrs. G. W. Cooper, secretary- regular biennial election in Spe- treasurer; Mrs. Andrew Martin, cial Tax School District Number rar r; Mrsndw ri One is qsJled for Tuesday, the 6th program chairman; Mrs. T. Strick- d.ay of November A. D. 1945, at the land, mission study; Mrs. Durel County Court House in Wewa- Brigman. social and library; Mrs. hitchka, Florida, for the said Dis- .. Smith, White Cross; Mrs trict to determine the rae of mill- I age to be assessed and collected on Bert Hall. Margaret fund; Mrs. 'the property therein for the next -M. Chafin, children's home; Mrs. ensuing two years, and to elect Lee Crawford, flowers; Mrs. G. W. three trustees, for the District for licity the next ensuing two years. All I ooper, publicity. 'qualified electors, resident within Following the business session, said District, who pay a tax on ithe hostess served a salad course real or personal property and are and punch to members present. otherwise qualified according to q law, are entitled to vote at said I " election. It is determined that Mrs. Marc Fleishel Jr., is visit- three and one-half mills will be ing in Jacksonville with her mother necessary to maintain a uniform system of free schools, within said while her husband and M. Fleishe District. Sr., are transacting 'business in , The' Inspectors are: Mrs. Kate St. Paul, Minn. Lanier. Mrs. P. F. McDaniel, Floyd Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cumbie and Lister. The Clerk: A. W. Briscoe. i Attest: Tho. Meriwether son of Washington, D. C., visited. ms A. hos Cir. here this week with their uncle Thomas A. Owens Chairman. C. u i. County Stuperintendent. 10-12 4 and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thursby. I - - - ww- -- :$300.00 $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN --NO RED TAPE-- WOMAN'S CLUB PLANS j NAMED DEPUTY COMMANDER FOR DISTRICT MEETING AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY At the first meeting of the year Mrs. Basil E. Kenney of this city for the Port St. Joe Woman's Clut, has been named deputy state corm- held Octo,ber 3 and presided over mander of the Florida Division, by Mrs. A. L. Ward, initial plans 1Field Army,' American Cancer So- were developed for the district city, according to word from the meeting to be held here on Novem- Tampa headquarters. ber 16. Mrs. Kenney's position will call Mrs. G. A. Patton announced the for her organizing the state into following appointments to handle county units. In anticipation of the the affair: Mrs. J. L. Sharit, regis- trar; Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson, secre- tary of convention; Messdames A. L. Wardf, Nobie Stone. Basil Ken- ney, Ned. Porter and Floyd Hunt, hostesses; Meslda.mes Joe Whit- field, J. L. Temple and J. C. Far- nell, corsages and dcecorations; Barbara Boyles and Memorie Por- ter, pages; Mrs. R. R. Minus, chair- man of tables; Mrs. J. R. Smith. chairman of chairs; Mrs. Glenu Boyles, chairman of luncheon; six Teenette girls, waitresses. At this meeting Mrs. R. R. Mi- nus was appointed as youth con- servation chairman. TOMMY SPEAKMAN, JR., HONORED ON BIRTHDAY 'Mrs. Frank Manning and Mrs. T. L. Speakman' honored Tommy Jr., on his second' birthday last Friday at the home of his grand- mother, Mrs. Manning. The young guests played games and were presented with favors of animals on wheels. Individual birthday cakes trimmed in pink and bearing candles were served with ice cream, Highlight of the af ternoon was Tommy opening his IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES Iany lovely gifts. STO GET UP TO $300.00! Enjoying the affair with the honoree were Barbara and; Betty At Ward, Glenna 'oyles, Ann Carol Rowan, Ann Ward, Wanda and Confidential Loan Co. e Renington.:CarolHy, CdlC Neese Litius and, Gerald, Ruley. PR Assisting the hostesses in en- PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA tevrtanin-,g the youngsters were 830000 .: 8300. 00 M's. John Rwan, Mrs. Kenning- $300.) --1 .0 ton, Mrs. Morris. Bonin Jr.. Mrs. A, Lov-;e Coo burn and Mrs. Watsoin Smith. This is a very g-ood time to start your Sterlihg Silver Flatware. We can now supply Knives, Forks, Tea Spobns, Table Spoons, Salad Forks and Soup Spoons in 'the Chantilly pattern (Gorhamn Sterling Silver). Other popular patterns may also be had. APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA c-12* FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH S-t .- M:'.- an(u "'::'?. 3. F. D..,igh'ry and 'ta-iher Lo-s spent .':st week- end _'-i rotitao A5a., vi'sti:-g rela- tives. Mrs. Harriet Rowell and Mrs. An nie Avirett of Wewahitchka -were overnight guests Monday of Mrs. F"cr;ie Connell. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our appre- ciation to those who aided us and offered, words of condolence during the illness and dea:h of Mrs. Lulu McQuaig. We particularly desire to thank those who remembered with Ioral tri'.' i tes. The McQuaig Family. second annual state institute to be held in Miami November 9 and 10, Mrs. Kenney has already organized Sarasota, Manatee, Dixie and Pin- ellas counties so their representa- iives may attend this meeting. Mrs. Kenney is active on the state board of directors of the Flor- ida Tuberculosis and 'Health As- sociation and is treasurer of the Gulf county organization. She also serves as a member or the national committee of camp and hospital service, American Red Cross, which services 15 Florida counties and 20 south Georgia counties. Mrs. H. C. Spence of Cocoa ar- rived Tuesday night for a short visit here with friends. The Misses Juanita and Rachel Gunn spent the week-end' in Live Oak with their parents. IA.- SA 2 rI ,' sI> THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Port Theatre S A Martin Theatre "' > *v. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. kTURDAY, OCTOBER 20 MONDAY and TUESDAY October 22 and 23 21 S times V2 'ee play that *WALLOP -"~ - LATEST NEWS SCartoon: "AIN'T THAT a DUCKY" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Chapter 8 of Serial "THE MASTER KEY" - FEATURE NO. 2 - Port St. Joe, Fla. "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" r). R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 -' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 a 945-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "PAUL'S DESIRE FOR ISRAEL." 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00--Evening Worship. Sermon topic: "ALL, THAT THIRST." EVERYBODY WELCOME.! ----------------------------- -- -------------- A20,h C1401 OX P1Y0X U 10 ---- Short Subjects - LATEST NEWS Oddity: "SCHOOL FOR MERMAIDS" FRIAY, OTL 3h l 114 VI -Also- Chapter 9 of Serial "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP" Sport: "FUN FOR ALL" THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 25 and 26 ,--virV. natvct D 1. 10945 Ir --- - - I I, -- -- 4w I' PAGE THREE LEROY GAINOUS OBSERVES BIRTHDAY WITH PARTY Leroy Gainous celebrated his tenth birthday last week with a "tacky" party at the home of his parents. A Hallowe'en motif was used: anrd paper lanterns lit the lawn, while witches and pumpkins were used for decorations. Fisr1 pond, bobbing for apples and other games were enjoyed. Prizes for being the tackiest went to Don- ald Ramsey and Ruth Coe. Guests were Billy Morris, Don- aid- Ramsey, Wayne Gay, Edwarl -Pridgeon. Pierce Taunton, Buddy Scott, Billy Gailliard, George At- kinson, Charles Crawford, Ronnzi Dean, Eward Ramsey, Ruth Coe, Bolbbie Smith, Sally Lanier, Ida Ethel Kilbourn, Jacquelyn Ken- ney, Jack Frost, Francis Smith anet Gladys Jean Perritt. Mrs. Gainous was assisted by Mrs. Naoimi Lanier, Miss Betty Mc- Quaig, Miss Peggy Hardy and Miss Joyce Redd. . Mrs. W. V. Branka left Monday for Jacksonville to visit with her grandparents and other relatives for several weeks. Send The Star to. a friend. Send The Star to a friend. i S '.7ff 1" 1 PAGEFOU TH STR, ORTST. OEGUL CONTY FLRIDAFRIAYOCTBER19,194 Starts Demolition Work Patty Lovett, who recently pur- chased The Hut and. the airplane spotting tower from the American Legion post, this week, with tit, help of George Johnson, started demolishing' the two structures to salvage the lumber. More than 600,000,000 tons of coal are mined each year in the United States. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE BOAT-New 13-foot metal boat; also complete foot for Champion outboard' motor. See Guns Creech at laundry. 10-19tf BICYCLE Ladies' bicycle; pre- war balloon tires, wire basket; good- condition; $25. See L. E. Jones, Kenney's Mill. 1"* CHICKEN BROODER and feeders. Brooder is equipped with elec- trical appliances. Phone 170-J. 1* BABY BED, complete with mat- tress. See Mrs. J. 0. Baggett on 7th St. Phone 19. 19* CABBAGE PLANTS for sale. At Claude Rish residence in Wewa- lhitchka. 10-12 26 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 1roeshler easy chair and otto- man; a bargain ----------$45.00 General Electric Vegetable Dehydrator. New -------- $30.00 INQUIRE MRS. W. S. SMITH The Star Office. Phone 51 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO BUY-Four or fie- roo.m house in. city. See Mrs. Walter Roberts at Miller's Stan- dard Station. .,* HELP WANTED COLORED MAID at Port Theater. see Ben Rivers at theater. 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 MISCELLANEOUS For Dependable TAXI SERVICE CALL 234 J. P. BASS, Owner 9 14tf SCRATCH PADS 4 x 7 inches, 100 sheets to pad. Blue, or white bond paper; 3 x 5-inch. about 40 sheets to pad, white only; 15c per pound. The Star. 10-12 tf FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the Sheffield colored quarters LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular a meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- <,,g.- days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W.l.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. Special meeting Oct. 19, 7 p. m.; work in E. A. and F. C. Degrees. * A VALUABLE DOCUMENT Your doctor's prescription is a valuable document. More than a piece of paper bearing queer words and odd characters, it represents his years of training, expe- rience and skill applied directly to your individual case. As'such, the prescription deserves the care and accuracy exercised by our registered pharmacists and the purity and uniformity of the prescription chemicals and drugs we dispense. We use Meck Prsscrip#o Chfmical 4Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Any Dootor's Pr.oripttln I METHODIST WSCS NAMES Missionary Is Visitor NOMINATING COMMITTEE I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beaty had I The program meeting of the as their guest last week Mr. Methodist W. S. C. S. was he'd at Beaty's sister. Miss Mildred Beaty, the church Monday afternoon un- j who is a medical missionary in der the leadership of Mrs. J. L. Morelias, Mexico. Temple. The devotional was con- ---- --- ducted by Mrs. Temple and a talk,i Mr. and. Mrs. J. L. Sharit left '-Women of the Working World," Wednesday for Atlanta to meet given by Mrs. Ralph Swatts. their son, J. L. .Jr., who will ac- At this meeting the nominating company them home for a short committee was appointed as fol-[ visit. lows: Mrs. J. T. McNeil:, chai- -- -.-.- man; Mrs. Noble Stone, Mrs. Ed- NOTICE OF ELECTION SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 win Ramsey and Mrs. Charles GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. Brown. Pursuant to Section 43S of the Next week the Mary Vic Mauk Florida School Laws of 1939. no- Circle will meet with Mrs. J. L. tice is hereby given that the next I regular biennial election in Spe- Temple, and the Ruth Lawrence cial Tax School District Numbert Circle with Mrs. M. p. Tomllinsoci. ITwo is called for Tuesday, the; 6th The announcement for the SusieI day of Novemlber A. D. 1945, at Peach Foster Circle will be made I the City Hall, Port St. Joe, Flor- Peachida for the said District to de- later. termine the rate of village to be assessed] and collected on the BAPTIST CIRCLE TWO I property therein for the next en- Ssuing two years, and! to elect ELECTS OFFICERS three trustees tor- the District for Baptist Circle Two met Monday the next ensuing two years. All at the home of Mrs. Wesley Ram- qualified electors, resident within sey. Devotional and prayer were said District, who pay a tax on sey. Devotional and paye we real or personal property and are by Mrs. W. J. Daughtry. otherwise qualified according to At this time officers for the en- law, are: entitled' to vote a't said suing year were elected a,s for- election. It is determined that three and one-half mills will be lows: Mrs. W. J. Daughtry, chair- necessary to'maintain a uniform man; Mrs. W. Ramsey, co-chalr- system of free schools within said man; Mrs. L. E. Voss, secretary; District. Mrs. P. B. Fairley, treasurer; Mrs. The Inspectors are: Mrs. H. C. Brown, Mrs. Sarah Kenney, Jr.. Nick Kelly, mission study chair- Mrs. Massey Ward. The Clerk: T. man; Mrs. T. V. Morris, steward- H. Stone. ship chairman; Mrs. H. G. Harvey, Attest: Thos. Meriwether Thomas A. Owens Chairman. training school chairman; Mrs. County Superintendent. 10-12 4 Fred Maddox, Margaret fund chair- man; Mrs. W. S. Smith, White A RESOLUTION PROVIDED FOR Cross chairman; Mrs. E. C. Cason, PUBLIC WO R K S RESERVE FUND FOR THE SEVERAL community missions chairman; SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF GULF Mrs. W. Ramsey. children's home. COUNTY. It was announced that the Royal WHEREAS', Under and -by vir- Service program for October will ti'e of Chapter 23310, Special' Acts. be in chage of Cicle o an otf the, Legislature of the. State of be in change of Circle wo an Florida 1945, the Boardi of Public will be held at the church next Instruction of Gulf County, Flor- Monday. ida, was authorized and' empower- The meeting was dismissed with ed to establish and maintain a Pub- i lic Works Reserve Fund for the prayer by Mrs. Ramsey, following several School Districts of the which s he served sandwiches, County for the purpose of con- cookies and. puiuch to the eight struction and remodeling Public members an one visitor present School' Buildings in said Districts and to levy a three mills tax on S the Tlaxabh Property in such Dis- 'TAG SALE' NETS $156 tricts for a period of fifteen years FOR LOCAL HOSPITAL for said purposes; and providing in said Act and election whether, The "Tag Sale" held last Satini- said millage shall be levied. And. day, sponsored by the Port St. Joe WIIEREAS the Board o'f Public Woman's Club for the purpose or Instruction of Gulf CouInty, Florida, purchasing linens for the municI- has determined that the creation P h l, e thof, establishing and maintenance pal hospital, met with a large (f su-ch Public Works Fund to be measure of success, $156 being; deemed a proper school, purpose raised, for which such fund shall be ex- The "tags" were sold' by the Ju- pended;W, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- niorettes andl the Teenettes, ant SOLVED by the' Board of Public too much credit cannot be given Instruction of Gulf County, Florida, these young ladies for their par- that there shall be and the same n iltis venture., shall be levied upon the taxable ticipation in this venture, property of the several School Districts of the County, a three Move Back To St. Joe From Texas mills tax upon all real and, per- Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Eells Jr., sonal property of the several a School Districts of the County, for and children moved back to Port a period of Fifteen Years for a St. Joe last week from Liberty, Public Reserve Fund, in and for Texas. the several School Districts of the ____ County, such fund's to be used ex- clusively for the purposes of con- Mrs. Mar'Tce Burch and daugb- sitruction and/or remodeling school ter and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Yar- buildings in the several School rough of TamPa visited here over Districts of the County. aBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the week-end .with Mr. and, Mrs. 'BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC IN- J. B. Traweek. Mrs. Traweek ac- STRUCTION that an election to conmpanied them back to Tamp, be and, the. same is hereby called for an extended visit to be held in the several School Districts of the County of Gulf to determine whether or not three In the 38 months between Janu- millage tax shall be levied and ary 1, 1942. and March 1, 1945, a collected upon the taxable prop- erty of the several Schooli Districts tot'l of 50,484 medbs were awardeaof the County for the. 'purposes in the Ametrican armed service-. hetreinatbove mentioned, at the ;next regular Biennial Election of l -""' .ni. School Districts of the County for IF ANYBODY HAS- the election of Trustees of the sev- eral Districts, at which election only the Elecl.ors' paying tax upon Eloped real and, personal property voting Married al such election are qualified elec- tors. That in the event that the Divorced qualified electors shall vote in fa- Had a Fire vor or. the levying of three mills Sold a Farm tax on the taxable property or the Been Arrested several Schoel Districts of the Count y of Gulf, as in said- Act pro- Been Your Guest vided(r. immediately thereafter the Started in Business County Board of Public Instruc- Left You a Fortttne tion shall certify such millage to Bought a New Home Tthe o('luny Board of County Conm-I S. missioners of (Iulf Colultyv. Flor- S\Wiped Your Chickens mida, to levy stul'h millige on the Met WVith An Accident taxable mopetiv of the several Had a Visit From the Stork School Districts of the County. I BEi IT FURTHER RESOLVED. T ATS NEW hat in time event that such elec- THAT'S NEWS i tion is carried in favor of such TELL THE EDITOR :taxes to be levied as hereinabove }provided', that the funds to be es- Phone 51 THE STAR tabilshed pursuant to this Act. forn uthe sevenn S hool Districts of Gulf County, shall be k~e'pt se~par- ate from any and all other funds that a notice shall be published: in of the County Board of Public In- the County, in a newspaper pub- struction of the County, and the lished in thel County of Gulf, two millage levied and the monies col- times within' thirty days next prior elected shall be deposited into a to said election. The, form of said separate fund to be known as Pub- notice to be as follows: lic Works Reserve Fund of the sev- "Notice is hereby given at -the eral School Districts of the Coun- next Biennial Election of the sev- ty, for the period as provided in eral School Districts, of the County said Act. That in the printing of of Gulf, State of Florida, to be held the ballot for the election of vot- on the 6th day of November'A. D. ing for Trustees of the several 1945, for the election of Trustees School Districts, of the County, at- of the several School Districts of ter such form the following words the County, an election will be shall be added: held to determine in the several "For levying three mills tax for Districts of the County whether public reserve fund of District or not a three mills tax shall be No. affirmative vote make levied on the property of the' Dis- "'" mark in the square to the tricts for the purpose of creating right of the words, 'For levying 3 a public reserve fund for each mills tax for public reserve fund.' District." "For a negative vote make a PASSED AND ADOPTED AT similar mark in the square to the REGULAR MEETING of the Board right of the words, 'Against levy- of Public Instruction, this 2nd day ing 3 mills tax for public reserve of Octolber, 19415. fund'." Attest: Thos. Meriwether BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Thomas 0. Owens Chairman, By the Board of Public Instruction County Superintendent. Do You Want To Build a Home or a Business Building? See Buck Alexander 10-1* RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $3 25 NOW.... ...5 HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW ....... .. P RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican RumC $3.2 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW-....-. .a. ST. JOE BAR Kenney Mercantile Company ' THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Our Body Shop Now We have secured the services of an expert body repair man and painter and are now in a position to take care of body repairs and a paint job on your car. Bring in that old bus to- day and let us make it look like new. Incidentally, too, it's just about time to have your car checked for winter driving. ST. JOE MOTOR CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. A l PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 |