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Jesse Stone Writes Interesting Epistle From the Aleutians Expects Soon To Be Promoted To Rank of Civilian; Believes Ye Ed Should Get Medal Dutch Harbor, Aleutians September 19, 1945 Dear Editor Bill-This letter is to serve a double purpose. First to -authorize you to stop my copy of The Star until further notice, and second, to notify you of an ad- THE STAR The Home Newpaper of Northweet Florida's Future Industrial Center S Official Newspaper of Gulf County VOLUME IX PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1945 NUMBER 2 22 Oyster Areas Mrs. Lulu McQuaig County to Furnish Are Condemned Is Taken By Deathi Band Instruments State Board of Health Puts Indian Supreme Court Sticks To Labor Act Decision The United States supreme court at WVashington Mondlay refused to reconsider a decision which held invakd two sections of the recent- ly enacted Florida law regulating labor union activities. ;The sections required licensing of paid business agents of unions and registration of labor organiza- tions and their officials. The court's refusal to recon- sider its earlier ruling in the case hatd the effect of conclusively knocking out 'the only two pro- visions of the 1943 statute that have been tested. The, ruling does not involve other provisions of the law which make it unlawful to strike without a secret' ballot majority vote t) affected employes, collect dues or assessments ,beyond' those author- i: 'b., a union constitution, cause any stoppage of work be- c. Uh'- of a union jurisdictional dis- i i,. pi'ket an employer's home, - Or pikt- a plant' in such a man- ner as to block entrance. or exit. Nor does the decision affect the Validity of the Florida cons-titu- 'i"ijiart amendment outlawing la- boi's. 'closed, shop. That provision now is pending before the supreme court for a test after being upheld by a federal district court. Had Been Resident of County for Meeting To Be Held Monday Eve- Past 32 Years; Services ning for Formation Of Band Held Friday Boosters' Association Mrs. Lulu McQuaig, 74, passed One big problem confronting the away Th.ursday of last we 'k at the Port St. Joe school band-the mat- Port St. Joe municipal, hospital af- ter of securing extra instruments ter a wee-k's illness. -was solved this week with the Funeral services were held last announcement by County Superin- Fridav at the home of J. L. Mc- tended Tom Owens that the county Quaig. with Rev. R. F. Hallford board would supply needed instru- conducting the last rites. Inter- ments, as well as music, for the ment was in Jehu cemetery at We- band. wahibehka. But there is still another mat- Pall bearers were L. W. Owens, te; to be settled -uniforms for Buck Alexander, M. A. Freeman, members of the band-and in or- Byrd Parker. Albert Register and' der to secure, them, a meeting has J. R. Chestnut. been called, for 8 o'clock Monday Mrs. McQuaig was born July 30, night in the school auditorium for 1871, in Manor, Ga., and came to I the purpose of organizing a band Gulf county in 1913, residing here boosters' association. It is the plan until the time of her death. She is o1 this organization, to put on a vance in rating. Yes, I am now in Sign On Apalachicola Bay and the process of being promoted to Panama City In This Section the rank of Civilian. ,I have been detached from NOB Among 22 oyster producing areas Navy 15,1 and am now in the stag- in Florida condemned this week by jing area awaiting transportation the state board of health due to to the good old USA. With good ravw or inadequately treated sew- iuck in getting off this rock, my age from cities and towns empty- advancement in rank should go ing into the regions, were Apalachi- into effect prior to the 15th of Oc- cola Bay and Panama City. tober. Happy days are here again: In issuing the information, the Here,-The Star only arrives state board urges oyster buyers to -aba.t very .four to. six weeks. Just le their own inspectors when pur- 'last week I was lucky enough to chasing shellfish by looking at the receive four copies of it. I tell can from which the dealer fills' you now, the work that I was do- your container. All containers of ing was, let go until I had, read legitimately harvested and, handled every one of them. There is noth- shellfish must plainly bear the ing quite like The Star. For the name, address and certificatL num- past four years that paper has I ber, together with the date the brightened many a day for me, for meats, were gathered or shucked. it is really "A Letter From Home- It was emphasized' that oysters as stated on the wrapper. Thought from polluted waters may be the tIil mail service has not been so means of transmitting typhoid, road on it. and sometimes not at paratyphoid. bacillary dysent-ry all, I owe -, great debt of gratitude and other intestinal infections. It to The St .- Thank you. is easy to imagine what can hap- 'Today is another typical Aleu- pen if the human wastes from tian day, the rain coming down "in persons suffering from, or who are bucketfuls, the wind blowing like carriers of these diseases should drain into a condemned' oyster- all forty, and the temperature be- low the point of com'fortability. bearing region, should bivalves The entire, lower portion of the Is- from such regions be eaten. land is, only a sea of mud and: mucki We are completely sur- Legionnaires Plan To rounded by lofty hills, from 1300 to Attend Panama Meet 8000 feet. The vegetation is some- Attend Panama Meet thing to behold. All the hills have -" at least a 'half inch of green moss A number of members of the lo- covering-their-barren rocks, moss cal American Legion- post plan to the same at that which grows on attend a meeting and, fish fry at the bottom of ships. This is due Panama City this evening being to constant exposure to the Call- sponsored by James McKniglht post fornia sunshine that we have here of the neighboring city. -all liquid. The Bering Sea pouno- Mn!td W i!son, state commander, ing down on the rocKs from the and Reid Mann, state adjutant. north sends up a spray sufficient wiLl be present at the meeting atnd to compete with the rain. And the discuss tle year's aims of the tranquil North Pacific beating up- Florida Department. on fthe southern beaches is nor Any vet'elrans of World War I or quite as peaceful as the name in- n who would care to attend this dictates. meeting are asked to be in front When I came to this rock i of Schneider's store by 7 p. m. and transportation will be provided. (Continued on page 6) ____ -- TO OPEN 'BARBECUE STAND drive to raise the necessary fund's Sor the purchase of uniforms. Every resident of the. city should attend this meeting, as a first class, well-dressed school band is one of the biggest assets any city can have. Not only does it help the students, but it is invaluable when there is a celebration of any kind staged. in our community. St. Joe Harbor Project Waits Federal Funds The Mobile district office of the U. S. Engineers stated Saturday that it was ready to prCoceed' with rivers and hailbors imt.,vemente in this section as soon as cIr- gress provides the funds. Authorized projects in this area include improvement of St. Josephs Bay at an estimated initial cost of $225,000. and extension of the in- tra-coastal waterway from Apa- la'chicola Bay to St. Marks River with channel dimensions of 12 feat deep and 125 feet wide, at ain estimated cost of $737.500. E. R. DuBOSE DISCHARGED Cpl. E. R. DuBlose arrived home Saturday jubilantly waving his dis- charge after 30 months' service in t three and one- nlat mills tax fo.' he S south Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. everyone git, and everyone l. A lot of us have been wondering school purposes and also select DuBos'e plan to leave next week the community will benefit from what Walter Gardiner was building three school tru tees. I for a visit with relatives in Geofr- the local fund, which will be used out on Palm Point, west of the Anyone desiring to have their' gia andi Soutth Florida. to help provide an adequate and city, and this week he broke down names placed on the ballot as a --- progressive recreation program for and confessed, that he is Dputting candidate for trustee must send COODY HOMEWARD BOUND children and grownups alike. This up the building for use as a high their name to thI office of Suiper- T/Sgt. Billy Cood. writes that is Port St. Joe's opportunity to I class eating place, specializing in intendent Tom Owens and their ihi's at last homeward bound, hav- make stridCes toward realizing that barbecued pork, beef and chicken. petition must be .signed by five in, scrounged a lift from Guam to t)rograam. In addition he intends to special- qualified' electors. Saipan via air, but will have to "Also, let us be reminded that ize on chicken, steak and seafood ---- wait for a transport from the lat- that gift to the' National War dinners.. He states emphatically tSharks n Mer island. Fund is to a nationally recognized that this will be no "juke joint," Sharks Down Marianna -- agency whiclh is engaged in the -but strictly a first class eating Industrial School 32-0 Returns To Duty support of the USO, United Sea- place.. t Capt. D. M. Hall returned to men's Service, aid to American Charleston, S. C., Wednesday at- prisoners of war, and to the help- P.-T. A. TO MEET The Port St. Joe high school ter a 15-day furlough spent here less and needy peoples of 13 al- --- Sharks defeated the Marianna In- with his family. lied nations. The war is won, yes, The regular meeting of the Par- dustrial School football team 32 .!.-- -- but we've still work to do," con- e.nt-Teachers Association will be to 0 in a fast game here last Fri- Return From Carolina, eluded McKnight. held next Thursday, October 18, at day night on Centennial Field. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Towery and - 3:45 p. m. in the high school au- First touchdown was made on a ..u'ghter returned home ,last week MANY ITEMS OMITTED ditorium. Ralph Van Fleet, city pass by Gale Traxler to Chuck Gib- rnit n brief business trip to North recreation director of Panama City, son, the second was shoved over and South Carolina. ertisino a number of interestin- will speak on "Understanding hv Donald Linton, and the third vertising numbm w er of interesting week Youth." All members are urged to was made by Jack Mahon, who ran Visitors From Alabama lot erns were o unie o th eek attend. 50 yards for his first score otf the Dr. andr Mrs. C. P. Hayes of in th e next issue. And w while we're S- ____--__ season. Score at the half was 19-0. Elba, Ala.. visited here Mondayin the next issue. And whlle we're Spend Sunday At Frink During the second half touch- with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brooks. talking we'd like to say that last Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maddox and owns were chalked up by Linton week I it was stated ihat' Roy (it)- Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Ferrell spent and Traxler for the final 32-0 tally. Home From New York son was named as chairman of the Sunday in Frink visiting relatives No game is scheduled for the Mrs. Sara Johnson has returned Navy Day celebration to be staged and friends. Sharks this week-end due to a from New York, where she visited by the American Legion-it should .-- cancellation by Blountstown, but her 0a:ghter and family. have been "Cousin" Roy Evans. To Make Home In ,Bonifay they meet Carrabelle here next ----------- tMr. and Mrs. L. L. Allen and Friday. Visit In Marianna Taken To Hospital twin sons, Lucious and Laren, left ---- ----- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Horton spent I M.iss Margaret Mincy was taken last Friday for Bonifay. where they Write a letter today to that boy IW-ednesday in Marianna on bus!- to the local hospital yesterday suf- will make their future home. ofyours in the,. erylce. ness and pleasure. fearing from "strep" throat. Committees Work In War Fund Drive Everyone Urged To Make Contri- butions As. So-on As Possible, As But 10 Days Remain Chairman Harry McKnight, in change of the National War Fund Drive in Gulf county, stated' yes- terday that more than 30 people are at work on the campaign in thilr Port St. Joe section, and that while it is yet too early to give an accurate report on contributions, more, than $250 has been turned in to date. The honor of making the first contribution goes to Mrs. Ellen Anderson of Oak Grove, who gave her check for $10 to Mrs. A. P. Wakefield. Last year Capt. and Mrs. Anderson were among the first to contribute to the fund. The advance gifts committee in the business district is headed by C. G. Costin, and his workers are Robert Bellows, Opp Moore, Miles Hurlibut, Glenn Boyles, W. C. Prid- geon, Gus Creech and J. R. Chest- nut. W. A. Biggart heads general so- licitation, and, workers on that committee are Jimmie Greer, Mrs. Pauline Brigman, D. M. Jones, Mrs. R. H: Brinson, Miss Dorothy Tra- wick, Miss, Lenora Johnson, Mrs. RoYbert Tapper, Miss Margaret Be- lin, Horace Soule, Mrs. R. R. Mi- nus, Mrs. Frank Hannon, Mrs. R. G. Boyles, Mrs. Lindisey Temple, Mrs. B. 1. Gibson. Mrs. J. C. Cult pepper, Mrs. Della Mize, Mrs. Le- roy Gainous, MrI. J. A. Mira, Mrii, George Wimberly, Mrs.A.Yt. wvaKe- field, Joe Ferrell, Mrs. Paul Fen- som, Mrs. J. L. Sharit, Mrs. Gale Traxler, Mrs. Norman Allemore, Mrs. B. W. Bray, Mrs. B. E. Ken- ney. Jr., Ralph Wimberly, W. H. Weeks and Ted Frary. Damon Peters represents the colored sec- tion. "With only ten more days re- maining in the campaign, every- one is urged to make contribu- tions as early as possible," said Chairman McKnight. "Let's not lose sight of the fact that our com- munity has an equal sha.e in survived by four sons, H. H. M.c- Quaig of Panama City, J. E. Mc- Quaig of Jacksonville, J. L. Mc- Quaig of this city, and. C. C. Me- Quaiig of Ridgeville, Ga. Those attending the funeral ser- vices from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McQuaig. Mr. and Mrs. J. Trawick, Mihs Jean Mc- Cormick, Mrs. Styles Booth, Pan- ama City; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Me- Quaig, Ridgeville, Ga.; J. E. Mc- Quaig, Miss Louree. McQuaig, Jack- sonville,; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis John- son. Mr. and, Mrs. G. M. Johnson, G0lynn McQuaig, Pensacola. Voters To Pass On School Millage Levy November 6 To do away with voting on the matter every two years, the Gulf county school board has decided to put up to the voters next No- vember 6 a proposition authoriz- ing a levy of three mills upon all real and personal property for th?, next 15 years for the creation of a public reserve fund to be used exclusively for the purpose of con- structing or remodeling school buildings in the school districts. At the same time the voters will pass upon the matter of levying, THE STAR, POR' ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA MRS. SHARIT HOSTESS TO ty, for the period as provided in to said elhetion. The form of said MARY VIC MAUK CIRCLE 'said Act. That in the printing of notice to be as follows: !the ballot for the election of vot- "Notice is hereby given at the Mrs. J. L. Sharit was hostess ing for Trustees of the several next Biennial Election of the sev- Monday afternoon to the Mary School Districts of the. County, af- eral Scholi Districts of the County Vic Mauk Circle of the Methodist !ter such form the following words of Gulf. State of Florida, to be held W. S. C. S. at the first regular shull be added: on the 6th day of November A. D. "For levying three mills tax for 1945, for the election of Trustees meeting of the atum season. public reserve fund of District of t.he several School Districts of Mrs. R. G. Boyles gave the devo-,No. ---- affirmative vote make the Coun-y, an election will be tional and presided over the busi- i "" mark in the square to the held to determine in the several nesa session. The program wasg ri'1h of the words, 'For levying 3 Districts of the County whether S' es mills tax for public reserve fund.' or not a three mills tax shall be given oy Mars. Bloyes and Ms. J. "'For a negative vote make a levied on the property of the Dis- J. Rowan. This wxxs followed by a similar mark in the square to the tricts for the purpose of creating discussion in which all members risht of the words, 'Against levy-, a public reserve fund for each took art. i"g 3 mills tax for public reserve District." SI v ,t h ejoyeT fund'." PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A d..-a! hour was enjoyed afer PE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, REGULAR MEETING of the Board the n-eet':ig. during which t1e hos- By ~ he Board of Public Instruction of' Public Instruction, this 2nd day tess s:rve-d refreshments of sand- that a notice shall bO published : in ot Octolber, 191-6. vices. cookies and hot tea. the County, in a newspaper pub- Attest: Thos. Meriwether Th xt m in o the circle shed in the County of Gulf. two Thomas 0. Owens Chairman. he next meeting of the circle times within thirty days next prior County Superintendent. wilv be Monday, October 22, at the home of Mrs. J. L. Temple. All members are urged to be present. Arlie Eastep, S 1/c, with thody Sh o Coast Guard at Cape San Bias, has returned from a two weeks' leave spent with relatives in Oklahoma City, Okla. ^ W Raymond Foster of Fitzgerald, Ga., is the guest of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Youal Wages. He has just received his discharge after four years' service. A RESOLUTION PROVIDED FOR PUBLIC WORKS RESERVE FUND FOR THE SEVERAL We have secured the SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF GULF services of an expert COUNTY. WHEREAS,, Under and by vir- body repair man and tue, of Chapter 23310, Special Acts namntr an are now in painter and are now in of the Legislature of the' State of Florida 1945, the Boardi of Public Instruction of Gulf County, Flor- ida, was authorized and' empower- ed to establish and maintain a Pub- lic Works Reserve Fund for the several School Districts of the County for the purpose of con- struction and remodeling Public School' Buildings in said Districts and to levy a three mills tax on the Taxaible Property in such Dis- tricts for a period of fifteen years lor said purposes; and providing in said Act and' election whether said millage shall be levied. And, WNHEREAS the Board of Public ast auction of Gulf County, Florida, has determined that the creation of, establishing and maintenance o0 such Public Works Fund to be tieenr ed a proper school purpose for which such fund shall be ex- pended; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOL bED by he Board of -Public Instruction of Gulf County. Flo:ida, that there shall be and the, same shall be levied upon the taxable property of the several School Districts of the County, a three mills, ax upon all real and, per- sen.al property of the several School Districts of 'he County, for a. period of Fifteen Years for a Public Reserve Fund, in and for the several School Districts of the County, such fund's to be used ex- clusively for the purposes of con- struction and./or remodeling school b ildings in the several School Districts of the County. JIE IT FURTHER RESOLVED 'BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC IN- STRUCTION that an election to be and. the same is heresby called to be held in the several School Districts, of the County of Gulf to determine whether or not three millage tax shall be levied anrl collected upon The taxable prop- erty of the s5sveral School Districts cf the County for the purposes bereinalbove mentioned, at t he next regular Biennial Election of School Districts of the County for the election, of Trustees of the sev- eral Districts. at which election on?y the Electorsi paying tax upon real and personal property voting at such election are qualified elec- tors. That in the event that the qualified electors shall vote in fa- vyor o.f the levying of three mills tax on the taxable property of the E'everal Scho."l Districts of the County of Gulf. as in said Act pro- vide6 immediately thereafter the County Board of Public Instruc- tion shall certify such millage to the County Board of County Com- missioners of Gulf County, Flor- ida, to levy such village on the taxable property of the several School Districts of the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event that such elec- tion is carried in favor of such taxes to be levied as hereinabove provided', that the funds to be es- tabilsheud pursuant to this Act, for the several School Districts of Gulf County, shall be kept separ- ate from any and all other funds of the County Board of Public In- strtction of the County, and the village levied .and the monies col, ]o.-tor shal! be deposited into a! separate fund to be known as Pub- 1t Works Reserve Fund of the sev- eral! School Districts of the Coun- I paint job on your car. . doy and let us make it look lik a position to take care of body repairs and a Bring in that old bus to- .e new. I Incidentally, too, it's just about time to have your car checked for winter driving. ST. JOE MOTORT CO. PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. LOTS OF .EGGS a~nd Purina Lay Chow ig built for lots of eggs. Il 4 LAY CHOW SJUT DUST THE BIRDS kilto l l ice ItCE hth iCE ICPOWDER THIS COMPLETE FEED...THAT'S ALL YOU NEED T7 IN- WE S. A W NO4~ lg. RR - v I_ wq:_0 IN11 10 I INOM IMMI'M i mi; aK IM:AA ol Your Gift Is Needed Now... More Than Ever A Community Service Adveritserrent of LO RIDA POWEl CO IPO NATION HELPS GET BIRDS BACK IN, 6 CONDITION T I .D CVEK-R-T0t4 ars~p=stlp~ IL~l I -. PAGE TWO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1945- FRDY OTER2.14THSTRPOTS.OE UFCUYLRIAAGTRE U ****I ** EXTRA VALUE Two-Piece Living Room iites ONE-THIRD OFF A nice assortment of Tapestry Covers in good colors with heavy hardwood frames and full spring construc- tion. Just the thing for the Modern Home. WAS $169.50 --NOW - $11,3.00 I Occasional Chairs One-Third Off Original Price Make your living room more pleasant and comfortable 9 11 to during the winter months of staying inside. We have 1190 95 t $ 9.50 a nice assortment of colors and styles to select from. Don't Forget the Baby Four-Drawer Chest With building material scarce, be practical and utilize your living room space by con- verting it into a bedroom by night and a living room by day. $ 7 4 .5 Tapestry Covers. Drop-side Baby Bed with steel springs and Waterproof Mattress $29.95 For that much-needed extra drawer space get this roodmy Chest Walnut Finish $18.95 Complete Home Frnishings.. Every boy should have one of these metal outfits. They are young only once. Takes only half the space, leaving plenty of room for airplanes and toys. $ 7 9 5 Priced Complete-- PORT ST. JOE, FLA. MONTHi! V----C~~a c i~~RsPrr~~~"--- ~ ---- ~ ~ '-c ~~ r 174 PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE,-GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 1945 AG FT T T O, F N F IE 4 THE STAR PuNitshed Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla. by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 193-7, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year. .....$2.00 Six Months....... $.00 -.. Telephone 51 )is- TO ADVERTISERS--n case of errororr omissions in adver- tisemeinte, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for sucn advertisement. The ,,oken t,;ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME A wonderful new age of scientific magic is just around the corner. It may be along any day now, depending only upon how soon the American people can get the wheels of peace- time industry rolling. Stores will be getting new merchandise, and most of us will be in for a pleasant shock when. we see the amazing and unusual new products that research has brought us. Here is a preview of just a few of the many surprises we may expect to find: Paper sheets and pillowcases. Packaging that will protect foodstuffs from mould. Livestock feeds of high protein content, distilled from wood. Top quality sugar, also from wood. Alcohol made from wood that isn't wood alcohol, but equal to the finest grain distilled product. Rayon cord for tires that will outlast cars and trucks. Furniture and flooring made out of lami- nated paper, having the tensile strength of aluminum. Surprised at those items? Well-you'll be even more surprised to learn that they're all made of pulpwood-yes, pulpwood grown right here in Gulf county. Port St. Joe and Gulf county has a double stake in this age of magic. Not only do we stand to benefit from'the jobs that pulpwood production affords, but also by cutting the pulpwood so. urgently needed we can make these products available sooner. WHO-O-OOSH!*!! !* How about jumping in the car this morn- ing and driving out to Los Angeles? We can be back in time for supper.! Fantastic! the average citizen will exclaim. And yet- British Fleet Air Arm Pilot Lt. Robert Morgan this week disclosed that he and as. sociates have developed a jet-propelled car which he hopes to drive at a speed of approxi- mately 520 miles an hour. Morgan plans to make his main trial run on a Chilean beach within the next year. The car will look like a bomb. It consists of a single giant wheel, 12 feet in diameter, cov- ered by a streamlined, pear-shaped body 23 feet long and 15 feet high. The lone wheei will revolve on oil bearings and Morgan will drive from a seat inside the wheel. Really, we're beginning to think that Buck Rogers is a piker.-The Miami Post. NO CONTROL There seems to be quite a demand to elimi- nate all rationing, especially the rationing of meat. There is also a demand to wipe out the OPA, take off the brakes and let busi- ness go wild, free and reckless. Rationing is not pleasant and price,control often works hardships on some merchants, but how much meat do you think would come into Sebring if they quit rationiing it?. Con- cerns nearest the packing plants would get the choice, and by the time it dribbled this far the cheapest white bacon would be all that was left. Prices would go so high that only the rich could afford ordinary medium cuts. Inflation would grow so fast that you couldn't load, enough money in your car to buy enough groceries for lunch. While the black markets are now taking the choicest merchandise, especially meat, there are still a few legitimate merchants left and they are able to get some merchandise that is much better than it would be if we take off the brakes entirely. Some people think the black mraket is something they have in New York or Europe, but a prominent citizen told us recently that there has not been a day since the war that he has not had a good big steak for dinner. Do you know anyone who had enough red points to eat steak every day? The same man also said: "The OPA should be wiped out now." A little more observance of the law and a little less cussing of the government would not hurt a bit at this time. We are facing an emergency now, just as great as we faced in December 1941. A different enemy, but one just as ruthless..-and tricky, and a lot more dangerous.-Highlands County News. WHERE ARE THE 'JOBLESS'? The great throbs of sympathy and tears of grief being exhibited in Washington by some of the politicians for the "jobless" are not fooling many people around here. It is cer- tain that the American taxpayer has intelli- gence to see the silliness of it all. In this area there is hardly a business or industry, that is not seriously handicapped and curtailed for lack, of labor. Strenuous ef- forts have been made and are being made in this community to secure painters, cooks, beauticians, printers and various types of other help without results. Common labor is just as difficult to find. Shall we then be taxed to pay a weekly wage to men who just prefer not to work? Is a man "unemployed" when he chooses not to work? When politicians scream about hunger and distress from unemployment and at the same- time employers are closing their busi- nesses for lack of labor, it is hard to find printable words to describe such perversion and quackery.-Delray Beach News. A Kansas paper notes: "Over 8000 unem- ployment claims were filed in Kansas last week, but it is still difficult to find anyone to do real work.", Another tough reconversion problem will be getting the women out of the war plants into the kitchen-or, from nuts to soup, as it were.-Cincinnati Enquirer, Even this early, the balmy Florida 'air is heavily laden with political talk. thefe with Otto Anderson. . STARDUSTn and Winston Jones, who had made up his ,mind to seek his' fortune in MOONSH INE Utah, can't get the Florida sand out of his shoes, and is working at the. Hughes Garage. Bill A lot of familiar faces are again FerrLell, fat and sassy, is parading around the streets enjoying that appearing on the. streets as our good old feeling of being "home" boysr get their discharges and re- again. Billy Bowen, who turn home to take their places In has put on plenty of solid beef, the life of our community. after a week or two of just lazing George Tapper's familiar grin is around, figures on going back to again seen at a desk in the St. Joe w ork with the telephone company. Mro, Company, and! Vic Ander. Jimmy Plair, former pur- son has also taken on ,his old. job veyor of ice for the St. Joe Ice Company, looks brown, and fit and too, is just enjoying being home. . Roy Redd, was' around for a while, but the call of the. army was too much for him, so he re- enlisted'. C. L. Belin's familiar face is again beaming out. of a civilian getup, as is 'that of Woodrow Chason. And we soon expect to see Ken Creech's shining pate soon, as well as Jesse Stone and many other local boys. . We know how they all feel -it's' a grand, and, glorious feeling' to be home again! Otf the four citizens from Port DON'T WAIT - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP PHONE 136-W Sunny Sta'te Service Miller's Standard Service St. Joe Motor Company St. Joe Texaco Station Clark's Gulf Station Kingry's Sinclair Station PORT ST. JOE, FLA. 0To Retuwing Service I will be glad to assist you in vour insurance problems uk Alexander Kenney Mercantile iCompany THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS S A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods Martinf'N Beach Clublll On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field o DANCING EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON FEATURE ENTERTAINMENT Sandwiches and Refreshments St. Joe selected to serve on the grand jury at Marianna last week, three, Joe Mira, Gale Traxler and Otto Anderson, were Rotarians and ,J. C. Farnell was a Kiwanian. We understand that the lone Kiwanian rookedi a bed from two of the Rotes. Shoes For Discharged Servicemen Servicemen leaving the armed forces may obtain shoe ration stamps from any ration board in the' United States rather than hav- ing to wait until they return home. Each man is entitled to two shoe stamps. Send The Star to a friend. RATION NOTES Meats and Fats, Red Stamps: Al to El expire Octoiber 31; F1 to K1 expire November 30; LI to Q1 expire Decesmber 31; R1 to VI ex- pire January 31. All now valid. Sugar-Stamp 38 is now valid; for 5 pounds; expires Dec. 31. I Shoes-Airplane stamps, 1, 2, 3 and 4 now valid. The undersigned Service Stations of Port St. Joe have agreed to observe Sthe following business hours in future: OPEN 7:30 A. M. CLOSE 7:00 P. M. We ask that motorists of . the city transact their business during these hours. PAGE FOUR THE SITAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULUF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY OCTOBER 12 195 I Write a letter today to that boy af yours in the service. Notice to the Public FT 0. J. BENTON, Photographer 0. E. S. HONORS MRS. SMITH will be at the Staff House on week- WITH 'SURPRISE' SHOWER ends doing all kinds of photo- After the regular meeting of the graphic work. Call for an appoint- Order of Eastern Star Tuesday meant. 10-26* night, Mrs. Myrtice Smith was hon- ored with a surprise miscellaneous NOTICE OF ELECTION SPECIAL' shower. 1. TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1! Mrs. Patty Gibson sang "We GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. j Pursuant to Section 438 of the Love You Truly," after which Mrs.. Florida School Laws of 1939, no- Lovie Coburn and Mrs. Leslie twice is hereby given that the next Spillers presented the honoree with regular biennial election in Spe- a basket loaded with lovely gifts. cial Tax School District Number One is c' ed for Tucsday, the t11h Refreshments of cookies, sane- (ay of Novemiber A. D. 1945, at tle wiches and. punch were served to County Court House in \\ewa- about 25 mnen-bers. hltchka, Florida, for the said Dis- trict to determine the rate of mill- - age to be assessed and collected on hMr. and iMrs. 1-. H. Smith and the property therein for the next ons went to Tallihassee. Sunday ensuing two years, and to elect here Ernest caught thv t'-ain to three, trustees for the Disnrict for the next ensuing two years. Alt return to Camp Endicott, K. I., qualified electors, resident within where he i in training with th"i said District, who pay a tax on eabees. real or personal property and are T/ Earl W. am, o Stone otherwise qualified according to f Stone- law, are entitled' to vote at said wall Ham, is visiting here this election. It is determined that week. He just recently received three and one-half mills wilbe his discharge from the army at necessary to maintain a uniform, system of'free schools within said Fort Devens, Mass. District. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holley had' as The, Insipectors are: Mrs. Kate their -guests over the week-end Rex Lanier, Mrs. P. F. -McDaniel, Floyd - T.itpr. The Clerk: A. W. Briscoe. Davis Jr., Lowell Dawhin, Jimmie Artest: Thos. Meriwether Lee Holley, Mary Frances Holley Th .:ma A. Owns Chairman. and' John Wood Ayers, all from County Siiperintendent. 10-12'4 Blountstown. - --y - - I - I - - --.- - - -, I $300.00 $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN :O -- NO RED TAPE -- IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA $300.00 $300.00 This is a very good time to start your Sterling- Silver Flatware. We can lnow supply Knives, Forks, Tea Spoons, Table Spoons, Salad Forks and Soup Spoons in the Chantilly pattern (Gorham Sterling Silver). Other popular patt may also be had. ASPALACHICOLA, FLORIDA 12 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lob "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE"' R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00--Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "WHY DO YOU WISH TO GO TO HEAVEN?" 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic: "MAN'S EXTREMITY GOD'S OPPORTUNITY." EVERYBODY WELCOME! --------------- 1-11 terns BAPTIST W. M. S. HOLDS BUSINESS MEETING MONDAY The October business meeting of MRS. E. C. PRIDGEON IS HOSTESS TO J. A. M. CLUB Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon was hostess! the Baptist W. M. S. was held, at to members of the J. A. M. Club the church Monday afternoon with Monday evening at her home on a splendid attendance. The newly- Third Street. Regular activities of elected president, Mrs. W. C. Prid- the club were enjoyed by all. geon, presided, giving the devo- The hostess served a chicken tional, then leading in prayer, ask- salad course with coca-colas to ing the prayers and support of all Mesd'ames Lola Costin. Ned Gain- members. / ous. Verna Smith, Callie Howell, Reports of the year's work were Ei-la Pridgeon, Gladys oyer, Flor- given by the various officers and rie Connell, Eliza Lawson, Ruby chairmen, sliowmig gratifying re- Pridgeoni and Myrtice Smith. suits. Next meeting of the club will be -Mrs. Wesley Ramsey, retiring held October 22 with Mrs. S. C. president, was given a rising vote Pridgeon. )f thinks for her, two yeIars of 0lo- - val, uintiring leadership. She asked MRS. BRIGMAN HONORS the same co-oeperation for Mrs. DAUGHTER ON NATAL DAY Pridgeon that had been given her. s Durel Brigan on Mrs. Durel Brigman honored her The newly-elected officers and little daughter Carolyn on her c e : s C. Pid little daughter Carolyn on her gchai, president; Mrs. TW. C. MoPrid- eighth birthday October 2 with a geon, president; Mrs. T. V. Mor- p ris, young people's leader; Mrs. C. party at the Brigman home on A. McClellan, first vice-president; Fourth Street. Various outdoor Mrs. W. L. Crawford, second vice- games were enjoyed by 25 little president; Mrs. W. H. Howell, sec- friends who gathered to wish Caro- retary; Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, treas- lyn a happy birthday. urer; Mrs. Curtis Palmer, stew- Mrs. Brigman was assisted by ardship; Mrs. W. I. Carden, train- Mrs. Andrew Martin in serving ing school; Mrs. T. H. Strickland, cake, cookies, punch and candy to Margaret fund; Mrs. Milford Col- all present. lier, White Cross; Mrs. W. Ram- A sey, children's home; Mrs. C. G. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Johnson Costin, community missions; Mrs. and son of Pensacola are visiting Nick Kelly, flowers; Mrs. J. 0. here this week with Mr. and Mrs. Baggett, publicity; Mrs. R. F. Hall- George Johnson. ford. mission study; Mrs. D. Brig- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powell left man, social, yesterday for Marianna, Fla., and It was announced that the cir- Slocomfb, Ala., where they will visit cles would meet next Mvonday as relatives over the week-end. follows: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. C. A. McClellan; Circle No. 2 with -..-------- Mrs. Wesely Ramsey; Circle No. 3 with fMrs. R. F. Hallford. The meeting was dismissed with P o r t prayer by Mrs. Baggett. WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS A Martin Theatre INTERESTING PROGRAM Arter the regular business meet- THEATRE OPENS SATL ing of the Port St. Joe Woman's CONTINUOUS PERFC SClub held Wednesday of last week, a reception was held for faculty members of the local school. The welcome. ad.i 'ess was given by MIrs. B. E. Kenney, and Mrs. G. A., Patuon introduced the teachers and other visitors. New members welcomed into the club 'vete Mes- dames Dan Brooks, John Rowan, P. D. Farmer and Irene Jemison. Mrs. Whitfieldi introduced Miss Wilma Alsobrook, the new county home demonstrate n agent, after which Mrs. Ned Porter, chairman of the American citizenship de- partment, presented a splendid program, the theme of which was "Peace." Invocation was made by Sirs. Robert Tapper, and the fol- lowing< talks given: "Woodrow Wilson,"S Mrs. Parter; "Franklin D. Roosevelt," Nohbie Stone; "Win- ston Churchill," W. A. Biggart. Following singing of Che Star Spangled, Banner," delicious re- freshments were enjoyed by tie assembly. MRS. HOLLY HONORS SON ON SIXTH BIRTHDAY Mrs. J. B. Holly honored her little son, J. B. Jr., on his sixth birthday last Saturday at her home on Sixth Street. About 28 of J. B.'s little friends 2;athered to enjoy this happy oc-- casion with him. and each was given' a popgun or horn as a favor. Pinning the donkey's tail on at- forded much fun for all, with Bruce Parker taking the prize. The hostess served ice cream and cake to all present. OBSERVES BIRTHDAY Kenneth Hurlbut celebrated' his fifth birthday Monday, October 1, with a party at his home on Eighth Street. The children played games on the'lawn, and after gifts were opened, a huge birthday cake was served to 50 of Kenneth's friends. Betty Tharpe and. Margaret Mincey assisted Mrs. Hurlibut in enter- taining and serving the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mizner and daughter Norma, of Brenham, Tex, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Davis. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 GENE AUTREY in E Chapter 7 of Serial "THE MASTER KEY" - FEATURE NO. 2 - THREE STOOGES in "Booby Dupes" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 , Short Subjects - Sport: "BIRDS and BEASTS" "FLICKER FLASHBACKS" -Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Lewis of Marl- anna were recent guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. E. Clay Lewis, Jr. BLACKER---' AT eIRTH -rT-HE -LACK BEAR CUBS ARE NO LARGER IMAN THE SMALLEST PUPPY The policy of the LILIUS JEW- ELRY COMPANY is no different today than it was 'in the begin- ning. It's still LILIUS' for JEWELRY VALUES! Shop with pleasure .you might as well get the best, whether you're buying a diamond ring or get- ting your watch repaired. I I--fl-I i -l--1,'- "3iK i 'I -. .- .- T -- T- - Theatre "-' Pert St. Joe, Fla. URDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. ORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY October 15 and 16 LATEST NEWS Oddity: "ABC PINUP" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 Chapter 8 of Serial "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP" Adventure: "The MAILMAN of SNAKE RIVER" THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 18 and 19 0ABE In I OBiIC1on? LATEST NEWS Cartoon 'MOUSE TROUBLE' I I mm&& a ---..A -WM -I III I I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA " FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 194S, PAGE FIVE I -W- II -- I I : PAGE S~IX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1945 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE BABY BED, complete with mat- tress; also play pen. See Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, on 7th St. 19* SEWING MACHINE and chicken ;broodler and feeders. Brooder is equipped with electrical appli- ances. Phone 170-J. 1* CABBAGE PLANTS for sale. At C'l.aude Rish residence in Wewa- hitchka. 10-12 26 FOR SALE-8 mm. movie camera and projector in good condition. See Maur-ice Maige, or call 167, Port St. Joe. 9-28tt HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Kroehler easy chair and otto- man; a bargain ----------$45.00 Oneeyed Cast Iron Heater $ 7.50 General Electric Vegetable Dehydrator. New -------$30.00 INQUIRE MRS. W. S. SMITH The Star Office. Phone 51 WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Boy's bicycle, second- hand. See Y. L. Wages at the Quality Grocery. 10-12* LOST AND FOUND LOST-1942 class ring, Holt, Ala- bama, high school. Initials P. L. D. $10 reward; if returned to Ruben Dickey at Quality Grocery. 1* LOST Ladies' pocketbook on Reid Avenue Sunday afternoon. Finder keep money and return pa- pers and lacketibook to Mrs. C. C. Williams. Reward. 10-5 19 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 MISCELLANEOUS G. L. KISTLER SHEET METAL WORKS ALL KINDS OF ROOF WORK GUTTERS AND DOWN SPOUTS ROOF PAINTING BLOW PIPE ASBESTOS SHINGLES Phone 1038 534 Oak Ave. PANAMA CITY, FLA. 10-12* For Dependable TAXI SERVICE CALL 234 J. P. BASS, Owner 914tt SCRATCH PADS 4 x 7 inches, 100 sheets, to pad. Bluei or white bond paper; 3 x 5-inch. about 40 sheets to pad, white only; 15c per pound. The Star. 10-12 tf FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the Sheffield colored quarters. LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular V meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- CG days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W.i.; G. C. Adkins, Sec. * A VALUABLE DOCUMENT Your doctor's prescription is a valuable document. More than a piece of paper bearing queer words and odd characters, it represents his years of training, expe- rience and skill applied directly to your individual case. As such, the prescription deserves the care and accuracy exercised by our registered pharmacists and the purity and'iformityof the prescription chemicals and drugs we dispense. We use Merck PrescraphU Chemicali Smith's Phlar i'cy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Anyf ODtor'o Presription ___ ____ JESSE STONE WRITES rendered throughout the war - es.pecially to the men in the serv- (Continued from Page 1) ice. You should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for June I found that it was still day-Cngress al Medal of Honor o light at midnight. Now it gets mineritorious service in upholding light at midnight. Now it gets I m o l dark about 7 o'clock, and in about the morale of local men. three months it will be dark by 4 Yours with Victory, o'clock in the afternoon. J . The Russian and Aleutian settle- Advertisnt doesn't cost--It PAYS! mnent of Un-Alaska on the island of Un-Alaska is just across a short NOTICE OF ELECTION SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 channel from the base. The town GULFCOUNTY, FLORIDA. was opened to military personnel, Pursuant to Section 438 of the b:tt due to the vast spread of vein- Florida School Laws of 1939. no- ereal diseases. .was prohibited to tice is hereby given that the next regular biennial election in Spe- naval personnel shortly after. The clal Tax School District Number town has a population of about ',Iwo is called for Tuesday, the 6th 300, mostly Aleuts. some Russians. day of Novemlber A. D. 1945, at Th.-, Is a very nice Russ an the City Hall, Port St. Joe, Flor- ida for the said District to de- church over there, the inside of termine the rate of village to which will compare with most any be assessed and collected on the of our churches in finery and dec- property therein for the next en- orations. suing two years. and' to elect orations. three trustees for the District for This, base -is far superior to the next ensuing two years. All what it was when I first came up qualified electors, resident within said. District, who pay a tax on here in '43. Now it is the best duty real or personal' property and are that 1 have seen In the navy com- otherwise qualified according to pared to the islands in the South law, are entitled, to vote at said Pacific. election. It is deiernmiied that three and )one-half mills will be During the entire time I was in necessary to maintain a uniform the South Pacific. sweating like I system of free schools within said never sweated before. I had ice District. Icremtw eweha ice The Inspectors are: NIrs. -. 2C. cream twice. Here we have ice Brown, Mrs. Sarah Kenney, Jr., cream seven times per week. 1, Mrs. Massey Ward. The Clerk: T. i is very seldom that we miss It. H. Stone. In, closing off, let me .thank you Attest: Thos. Meriwether Thomas' A. Qwens Chairman. again for the service you have .County Superintendent. 10-12-4 Course $100 Cash PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. One Price: No More, No Less. For $100 We Guarantee You to Learn to Fly Alone Have Room for 15 Additional Students. ENROLL NOW! BETTER HURRY! This offer will be closed after next 15 enrollments. Flying Operations to Start November 1, 1945 U. S. Government Licensed Commercial Flight Instructors. NEW CUB TRAINERS If Interested Write At Once for More Particulars To Capt. Paul E. Metcalf BOX 342 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER MEETS LAWITH MRS. SMITHLE Frequent d SMrs. R. W. Smith was hostess to ride into crac door facings a Wewahitchka, Fla., Oct. 9. 1945 "W. T. Cumlbie, repairing the Ruth Lawrence Circle of the rid of silver The Board of County Commis- window .....----------------- 2.00 Methodist W. S. C. S. Monday af- freely where sioners of Gulf County met this .1. E. Whatley, repairing ternoon, with Mrs. M. P. Tomlin- lent, will des day in regular session with the machines --- ---------- 10.00 son presiding. The prog.'am. sub- against moths following members present: W. R. Fine and Forfeiture Fund of Our sealing clothe Counell, Chairman: W. C. Roche, Gaie & Fr-vlh Water Fishi. tingamothballh Vice-Chairman; J. S. Daniels. j.C Com., arrest tickets $ 27.25 Fathers," was directed by Mrs. in winter cl Martin and Basil E. Kenney, Jr. J. R. Hunter, cost bills. Cir- Ralph Siatts, assisted by all the and vacuum-, Clerk. Sheriff and County Attor- cuit Court and recording members present. both sides of ney were also in attendance, convictions -------. 143.78,mebr presnt . The meeting came to order at E Pridgeon ost bills-- 267.23 Mrs. Tomlinson reported an- The meeting came to ord a E. Clay Lewis, Jr., salary other bond for the building fund. Visito interveing10:00 A. M. Meetinutes of stated and and convictons 22.35 Mrs. H. C. Brown' reported work on Mr. and i indterveningd things were read Tobe Gay, witness CJ court 1.20' and adopted.i Je Shutes -- 2.50 the telephone directory completed. Brenham, Te John J. Rowan presented his G eorge Ramsey ---- 2.50 and the circle welcomed three new ties and fri bondi the sum of $1t000 as Deputy iim Branch -- 2.50 members,,Mrs. Winston Jones, Mrs. alachicola th Sheriff of Glt County, with Basil E. EParl.ir, cosi t bills l 1013.74 E. Kenney and L. W. Owens as ; 5% Retirement Tax Acct., Ed Stokes and Mrs. Bud Gaskin. - sureties, and the same was ap- withheld --------------- 86.74 The next W. S. C. S. meeting will Mrs. Ellen proved. Road and Bridge Fund be hell at the church next Mon- Fred Maddox J. E P ridg eon C ou nty Judge, A J. Jenks, salary a nd ex p. $140.09 d All m o a c a P an' a a oC t presented his semi-annual report M. Thoms, salary and ex. day. All members of all circles are Panama City of receipts and expenses for the Sunny State Service, a/ 4968 urged to attend. -1 period ending June 30th, 1945, as G. T. Rhames, road, work 34.00 r & Mrs. R. V. required, by law, and the same was C. W. Whitchai-rd, tractor approved, !mani-------- 129.70 Mr. and Mrs. E. Clay Lewis Jr., I Manning and The Home Demonstration Agent Ivey Adkins, tractor man -- 106.40 were business visitors in Jackson- man and son and Farm Agent presented their W. M. Branch, road work -- 50.00 ville last Tuesday. d'ay in Talla reports for the month of Septem- Sam Raybourn 2.00 ber and the, same were ordered R. J. Capps --- 28.00 filed in the office of the Clerk W. B. Smith 2S.00 of the Circuit Court as part of the j. C. Hanlon --- 4.00 W records of the County. Silas Whitchard,, tractor D o X u W a-n The Health Unit also filed its man ---------------------15.00 detailed report for the month of R.L. Redd, road work .. 1S.00 il August, togeterwith copy of theJaes Laurioe ---- 3000 B u ild a H om e budget for the next fiscal year, and Guite Holmes -" 8.00 the same were filed in the office Oscar Hoines 800 * of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Robert Rhaes ---- 3.00 B u sin eSS B u"l Whereupon, after a general* dis- John White --- 6.00 cussion ,f County affairs and 'the i. C. Corbin & Co., a/c---- 11.70 S e e proposed work on the County j Collins Garage, a/c ---- 16.50 roads, the Board did, then ex- Wewa. Hardware Co., a/c-- 4.25 B u ck A lex a amine,. approve and order the fol- Gulf Hard ware & Supply B u ck A lex a i lowing hills,, chargeable to the sev- Co.. a/c.------------------72 eral funds of the County, be paid, Pridgeon's Supply Store., a/c 43.00 to-wit: Burford -T oothaker Co., a/c 58.60 General Fund \20% Tax a/c, withheld -- 19.40 J.E. Lanier, insanityinquiry $ 2.00 B. E. Parker, cost bills ..---- 142.50 Dr. L. H. Barteei --- 5.00 5% Retirement Tax Account RON HAUTEY CUBAI Dr. A. L. Ward __ 5o n withheld ------------------15.00 J. E. Pridgeon ---- 1.90 A. B. Rhames. road work 89 PROOF Was $4.66 The Star Publishing Co. self and truck -- ------- 72.00 NOW $ printing 'minutes ------- 35.00 Mothers Pension Fund W. T. Strange. county ind._ 10.00 E. C. Pridgeon. order Min- HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum Mrs. Polly Hardy ---- 10.00 uie Paul ------ $ 6.00 HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum Mrs. Etta Rhames ---- 10.00 Mrs. Jessie Walsingham, 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW-.........- C. G. Rish, salary, less tax-- 70.80 mothers pension ------- 3.00 Robert Scott, salary and Mrs..J C. Laurimore _. 6.00 RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum 4 yards, less tax ------- 116.55 Mrs. Julia Odom ---- 3.00 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW ... ,1. R. Hunter, salary, less tax 130.50 Mrs. Corine Jenks --- 3.00 W. R. Connell -- 47.40 Mrs. Rosa Stevens 3.00 T. S. Daniels. salary and .Mrs. R. L. Williams ---- 3.00 S J ,. J mileage, less -tax 50.90 tMrs. Eliza Williams ---- 6.00 J. C. Martin ___- 50.90 Mrs. Causey Griffin ____ 6.00 Basil, E. Kenney, Jr. --_ 62.50 Mrs. Fred G. Hall --- 3.00 W. C. Roch 50.00 Agriculture and Livestock Fund E. Clay Lewis, Jr., salary, C. R. Laird,, salary, less tax $115.90 'less tax -------- 37.50 20% Ttx Acct., withheld _- 9.10 State Road Dept.. ,-ounuy Canal Toll Fund O l Y O U maps ----------- 12.00 R. J. Pitts; salary, less tax $119.05 State T. B. Sanatorium, 20% Tax Ac t.. withheld -- 9.20 Gulf County patient ___- 38.75 5% Retirement Tax, -_- 6.75 H & W B Dew Co., a/c --- 55.88 Race Track Fund Su:ber's,a/c --------- .96 Agriculture and Livestock St. Jos. Tel & T, 1. Co.. a/c 1.85 Fund, transfer --..----. $250.00 Gulf County Breeze, a/c -_ 37.75 Mothers Pension Fund _- 100.00 Gulf Drug Co., a/c -------- 9.50 Thera being no further business Gulf Hard(ware & Supply to come before the Board, it did Company, a/c ----------- 3.00 then adjourn until the next regu- Postmaster, county postage 9.00 lar meeting in November, the same Miss Wilma Alsobrook, sal- being the 13th day of said month, ary and travel exp ----- 101.62 1 nless called in special session by HERE IN.PORT ST. J( 20% Tax Account, withheld 17.00 the Chairman. 5% Ta;x Account Retire- s/ W. R. CONNELL, ment Fund, withheld ---- 27.55 Attest: Chairman. B. E. Parker, a/c 8.55 J. R. HUN,TRE. Clerk. Oiar anteed THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1945 PAGE SIX 'est Purge stings of sodium fluo- cks behind window and nd baseboards will get fish, and if sprinkled cockroaches are preva- troy them too. Guard s and carpet beetles by es in airtight bags, put- s or naphthalene flakes othes, sunning clothes, cleaning furniture and the carpets frequently. rs From Texas Mrs. Cecil Lewis of xas, are visiting rela- ends here and in Ap- is week. --i- Kirkland and Mrs. x shopped Monday In Y. Coburn, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Dorothy Speak- were shoppers Tues, ahassee. t To or a ding? under 10-19* NRUM '3.25 $3.25 $3.25 AR CAN FLY On E 9010n |