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THE STAR Official Newspaper of Gulf County The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Centrr VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1943 NUMBER 47 i Pvt. Hillard M. Hammock, Jr., returned home last week from the Naval Hospital at Philadel- phia, Pa., where he had been for ,a couple of weeks after being transferred from the Naval Hos- ,pital at Mare Island, Calif. He entered the service in Novem- ber, 1943, and served overseas with the 11th Regiment, First Marine Division,- being sent to the Pacific theater in September of last year. It was during a lull in the fighting on Okinawa last April 13 that Pvt. Hammock lost his left leg. Serving as a Browning automatic rifleman at the time, he was talking with a sergeant in charge of al machine gun. "Suddenly there'was a whistl- ing sound," said Hammock, "and a Jap shell exploded pretty close byl Fragments hit me. in the left leg and cut it up so badly that the doctors had to amputate the leg a short time after I was hit. Fact of the matter is, they dii; the job right on the field. "Okinawa was the first and only, action I saw, but, believe me, it was enough to last a life- time. I didn't last any too long in that battle, but I was. there long enough to discover that the chips were down." Seabee Ralph Silva Visits Ralph Silva, now with the Sea- bees, visited here last week. He reported back to Rhode Island for a new assignment. Cpl. Matthews Is Visitor Cpl. Carlyle Matthews, who Is [stationed at Montgomery, Ala., vis- ited here 'last week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Verna Smith. 'Mickey' Stone Home On Furlough First Lt. Roselle Stone, who has been in Germany for some time, has arrived, home for a few days' furlough before going to Califor- nia and the Pacific area. Lt. Mathison In Philippines Word has been received here that Lt. Enid, Mathison is on her way to Manila by plane to be as- signed to the hospital in whicu our prisoners of war of the Jaip-- auese are recuperating. ADDRESSES OpI. Glen G. Grimsley 14084288, Sqd.n. Q, 3702 AAF BU, Buckley Fleldi, Colo. Pfc.'Thos. Smith 44006498, Co. F, 345th Infantry, Ft. Benning, Ga. Lieut. Eniad Mathison, N 765275, AN Coips, AlPO 14979, c/o Post- master, San Francisco, Calif. T/5 Paul J. Blount 34034340, White City Bridge AtWhat Date Did LocalRationBoard Reveal That Many On the Fire, Says Will Work To Fight On the Fire, Says Florida Actually o Iglti Ships Were Sunk Road Department Post War Inflation! Re LerBecome A State?I By Subs In Area In Reply To Letter By Mayor, F. Transition Period Can Be Dyna-1 B S Elgin Bayless Says'Bids Should mite If Not Handled Properly, Be Called for Within 30 Days Some Historians Say March 3, Says Chairman Costin Information Shows That 44 1845; Others Insist It Was Vessels Attacked-One In In a few lines in connection with On June 25, 1845 Their rationing jobs done, mem- a story on surfacing of the road to bers of the gasoline and food Vicinty of Port St. Joe the St. Joe Lumber & Export Corn- panels of the Gulf County War pany mill last week The Star com- mented that "maybe soon we will see the road department get 691st Repl. Co., 61st Repl. Bn., New Orleans for a 'two weeks' va- 29th Repl. Depot, APO 238, c/o 'cation to be spent with relatives Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal. and friends. Member of Governing Board. P. K. Yonge Library of Floridau History, Univ. of Florida Did Florida enter the Union on March 3 or June 25, 1845? On March 3, 1945. Pres-ident John Tyler signed an act of congress which provided that the states of Iowa and Florida be, and the same .are hereby, declared to be States of the United States of America, and are hereby admitted into the -Union on equal footing with the original states in all re- spects whatsoever." This apparently conclusive evi- dence of admission to statehood was questioned by men ,ln 1845 and is questioned by some. present-day historians. No one denies either the validity or the date of 'the act of congress, but a few people de- clare the Territory of Florida did not become a state in finality un- til the inauguration of Governor Moseley on June 25. Proponents of this, reasoning have many arguments to support their view. Although the act o0 congress, provided for the admis- .sion of lowa and, Florida, Iowa ac- tually did not enter the Union un- til December, 1846. If an act of congress alone determined' state- 'hood. then Iowa would have been Price and Rationing Board were asked Wednesday by Chairman C. G. Costin to "stand by for further service to the cdimunity." BR pointed out "there is still a big job to be done in the ,field' o.f price control aiding merchants of Gu'f county through the difficult tran- sition period from war to peace." Costin said' that the gasoline and food 'panel members will ,be asked to assist merchants in "an even bigger job" than. was the al- locating of !gasoline. "Of para- mount importance now is seeing that all of our merchants under- stand. how they can 'help in avoia- ing inflation," he declared. "There is evidence of OPA's re- so've to keel) the promise made months ago that just as soon as the supply of civilian commodities balances the demand, price and rationing controls will ibe removed, (Continued on Page 2) Mrs. Norton Recovering After Serious Accident Mrs. J. R. Nort.on is recovering in a Dothan hospital from a gun- shot wound through .the temple suffered, late Thursday 'of last week at her home on Garrison 'admitted on March 3. Avenue. It is thought that she will In the American system the peo- lose tihe sight of one eye. around to building us a bridge across the canal at White City-it has 'been promised long enough." Saturday Mayor J. L. Sharit fol- lowed up with the following letter to F. E. 'Bayless', chairman of the state road department: "I do not believe that it Is neces- sary for me to go into the history of the promises of the past several administrations, looking toward the possibility of building a bridge across the canal at White City. However, you are certainly aware that during the Cone administra- tion that we were promised' this' bridge; it was set up in the bud- get during the entire time of Gov- ernor Holland's administration, and it Is my understanding that it is' on the present budget. (Continued on page 6) Please Pay Street Tax, Urges Chief of Police Chief of Police John Rowan' is seriously considering, buying a book on "How to Influence People and Win Friends," as he says all able-bodlied male residents of the city are shying away from him and calling him all kinds of names be- cause he is endeavoring, in his ot- ficial capacity, to collect the an- nual street tax of two bucks. The chief says' he hates to go around collecting the tax, but un- der a city ordinance that is out- lined as his duty, and he urges everyone to please be helpful and either give him the money or take it to the city hall, otherwise he will be compelled to swear out and serve warrants on recalcitrants. All able-bodied, male citizens are subject to the tax, including city commissioners, the mayor anu members of the fire department. Let's. all get together and gel this load off Chief Rowan's mine by paying the tax today. Revival Services At Presbyterian Church Rev. W. A. Daniel announces that revival services will be held at the Presbyterian Church begin- ning Monday evening, August 27,, and continuing through Sunday, September 2. Presbyterial Evange- ist D. A. Swicord, of Panama City will conduct the meeting. Everyone is cordially invited to attend any or all of the services. which will be held at 8 o'clock each evening throughout the week. Receives Discharge T/S'gt. Elmer Davidson has re- ceived, his discharge from the army and after a short visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Davidson of Kenney's Mill, left Monday 'for Texas to see his wife. -- -------- Vacationing In New Orleans Nolan Raiwls left Monday for The accident is believed to have occurred when Mrs. Norton was hanging up a clothes dryer on the wall of a sleeping porch at her home. Dr. Norton has a number or revolvers of various types whicn, he has collected, and they are hung high on the walls to be out of reach of their two children. While Mrs. Norton states that all A ,total of 434 gallant merchant seamen and naval armed guards- men of the Allied nations gave their lives, to keep military sup- plies moving to the fighting fronts during the submarine campaign I waged in the waters of the Eighth Naval District during 1942 and 1943. Gross tonnage of ships stUn totaled 196,970 These figures were revealed yesterday by Eighth Na- val District headquarters at New Orleans. The primary objective of the German high command during the submarine, campaign in the Gulf of Mexico was to force the United States to resort to convoying in the Gulf with the attendant dimin- ishing of efficiency of our cargo transport, especially crippling our oil supplies and scattering out naval forces. As far as, Port St. Joe was concerned, they were suc- cessful to a certain extent, for tankers could, no longer enter our harbor; but oil was brought here by 'barges through the intracoastal waterway 'to be pumped through the line of the Southeastern Pipe- line Corporation to the east coast, The secondary aim of the Axis was to fonce the United States to withdraw her naval forces from offensive action and assume the defense in our coastal waters. In carrying out this mission, the enemy first attacked in, .the North Atalntic and subsequently moved southward al on g the Atlantic coast, around the tip of Florida and eventually into the Gulf. This showed a .well-planned method of forcing convoying, restriction of tanker traffic, and concentration of naval craft in an area. When this was accomplished' in one area she knows is tLhat something hIL t , Sthe U-boats shiftedto the nextarea her a terrific blow on the head, it un il ts shfe toar eare -,, until t';he entire seaboard was COT- is believed that as she hung up the nil clothes, dryer cn the wall h a ere- U1....... Me... u.i......i u... i, u .... .. ... .u. Fonty-four ships *were attacked American states., cidentally touched the trigger ost ie jttdc- Prior to this date the Territory a revolver hanging at the spot, as tion of the Eigrs under the uNaval Dstric of Florida remained in being, for I the bullet ranged downward thru (This area was described as that h e territorial governor, John her temple just back of the eyes. portion of the Gulf of Mexico wes Branch, and other officials wnose The tragedy was, discovered as of a straight line drawn from th salaries were paid by the federal Dr. Norton returned home about 8 mouth of the Apalawhicola River zovernmen't, continued to govern o'clock in the evening, and as the t the e t aa n Chan- Florida. Even Governor Moseley in blood from the wound had coagu- nel between Cba and Mextico.) his inaugural address of June 26 lated, it was believed to have oc- At hat cloube.range this cam referred, to the state as now curred about an hour before. An pain was waged was revealed about to become a member of the ambulance was called from Panama when it was announced that 25 great family of states. ... ." .Evi City and she was rushed to a Do- ships were attacked within 150 dently he belTeved that Florida than hospital and placed under the miles of New Orleans during the would not be a state until after care of a head specialist. period from May 6 to August 1i, the organization of the govern- 194:2. Seventeen of the ships were ment in Talliahassee. Roche Buys, Remodels sunk, while six managed to ePape Those who favor March 3 as the and make point. Two of the shipS date of statehood have excellent Stet Pridgeon Property were salvaged from the sea and (Continued on Page 4) I towed to port where they were re- "- ,W. C. Roche recently bought the paired and returned to sea to con- MIAMI C. OF C. BACKS ST. JOE small building on Reid Avenue op- (Continued on Page 3) PAPER CO. ON RAILROAD BUY pos.ite the postoffice from Stetson ----- *- -- Pridgeon and has, done a complete Vacationing At Beacon Hill fThe Miami chamber of corn- remodeling job on it. A brick front Mrs. T. S. Gibson Jr., Mrs. T. T, merce evidently feels, as no doubt has been added, the interior cow- I Gates and daughters Martha and do a large number of other Fbor- pletely rebuilt and when they ,,b- Frances of Huntsville, Ala., ald idians, that it is to the best inter- come available the outside will be 'Mrs. Carl Gates and son Jimmy of ests of Florida that the Florida covered with asbestos shingles. Birmingham, Ala., are enjoying a East Coast Railway be operated as Mr. Roche has moved the office vacation at Beacon Hill this week. a separate road and not linked of the Confidential Loan Company ----- ---- with any other system, and it Is into one side of the building, and Ed George Is Visitor backing the interstate commerce E. Cla- Lewis Jr., has set up hIs Ed George of Panama City was commission in its decision which law office, in the other half. Mr. a visitor here Monday. Says he gives the St. Joe Paper Company Roche also plans' to open an elee- bas been laid off at the shipyard interests the right to operate the trical appliance store in the front and that they dtldn't even ask if railroad'. portion of the building. he wanted to quit. ple of a territory had the right to accept 'or reject statehood. Dis- pleased by the state boundaries as fixed .by congress, the people oi, Iowa refused to enter the Union.. Floridians could also have oe- clined' statehood. They did not, but accepted by electing a general a,. sembly and a governor. Not untiv the assembly was organized and tlhe governor inrugn'urated, declare those who favor June 25, did, Flor- ida finally become the 27th state and the olitical r-mual af nthpr I pAGl W H TR OTS.JE UFCONY LRD RDY UUT2,14 POST-)VAR FLYING IN YOUR HOME TOWN By C. C. CAMPBELL TMember, Aviation waiterss By C. C. CAMPBELL, aociation, Wlatingt, D. The Aviation Committee When it comes to consideration of the establishment of an airpark or other aviation landing facility, each community finds itself faced with its individual needs and problems. A landing facility for each of two com- munities only a few miles apart may have to meet quite different require- ments. Before construction can start, even before a bond issue can be listed, pertinent information should be tabulated and plans made 'ac- cordingly. Such matters as location of the airpark, sire, prospective use, cost, potential irtcome, related busi- ness enterprise and many other sub- had an intimate connection with any phase of aviation, such as having a part in the Civil Air Patrol program, or experience as commercial air op- erators, they would by all means be urged to participate. In addition to representatives of the community's officialdom, there should be a cross section of local business and social enterprise. The components of this will differ ac- cording to the area, but generally speaking, may include merchants, professional men, labor leaders, farmers and school principals and teachers. This is recognized as a logical pro- cedure since the airpark must be a community affair and if it is to Leaders in community affairs compose the board of directors and of- ficers of the Webster City, Iowa (population 7,000) chapter of the National "Aeronautic Association. Left to right: Willis Scott, airport manager and operator; Richard Hahne, Vice President, publisher; Robert McCar- thy, President, implement dealer; Paul Swope, Director, dry cleaning; John Whaley, Director, chamber of commerce secretary; Harland W. Mead, Secretary, high school principal. jects must be studied, at least in a preliminary way, if the venture is to be a success. An airpark is usually considered .a public utility, much the same as streets, highways and parks. The chief difference is that an airpark :may ultimately provide self-support- .ing revenue if correctly planned, ,whereas other community utilities generally do not. Based upon experience, aviation authorities advise that the first step taken by a community should be the 'organization of an air landing fa- cility committee. All members pref- erably should be local people who ,know the community's history, its relation to other communities and -to the state, and its plans for the future. It is suggested" that committee members might include representa- tives of the city or town council, chamber of commerce, civic clubs, -and newspapers. If there are any ,persons in the community who have succeed must cater to all local in- terests. It will probably surprise many people to discover how many varied activities in even a small community will be influenced in one way or another by the coming era of flight. The appointed committee, after obtaining and classifying the neces- sary local data, will then be in a position to take up its preliminary plans with aviation authorities and profit by their experienced advice and criticism. Forty-four states now have aviation boards or commissions ready to help and Washington au- thorities such as the. Civil Aeronau- tics Administration of the Depart- ment of Commerce, the Personal Aircraft Council of the Aircraft In- dustries Association of America and the National Aeronautic Association, will also aid the local planning group. This is the fourth of a series of arti- cles on post-war flying and its effect on community life. The next article. "Determining Local Needs," will ap- pear in an early issue. brings the good news that high-octane trW i Gaie will soon be available again in Port St. Joe for civilian use. And in Port St. Joe it's . 0 J. LAMAR MILLER'S STANDARD SERVICE Pulpwood Key to Peace-Time Jobs Will Be Needed for Packaging Articles On Which Production Will Begin At Once A special 'bulletin to The Star from Pulpwood Campaign head- quarters reports that increasing shortages in pulpwood may be ex- pected, for many months to come a s a result of plans of recon- version, and predicts that pulp- .wood wiill be an important key' factor in determining the speed of peace-time reemployment. The message follows,: "Expect immediate increases in demand, for all pulpwood products as a result of need for packaging peacetime articles on which pro- duction will begin at once. Pulp- wood shortages will continue. In fact, shortages, may be expected to increase since military reguir' ments. will probably remain high into 1947, while civilian needs will substantially exceed, pre-war pulp- wood requirements. "Economists estimate much ot 'post-war jolb question may diepeno upon ability of nation's farmers, and pulpwood workers to meet new demands for more pulpwooa, 'as nation's, ,manufacturing pac, .will ,be limited by shipping and dis- tribution facilities." This .message .can only mean that the 1945 goal of 16,000,000 cords of pulpwood, set iby tnri government last January, must he a new and higher goal. Mills in this area urgently need more top quality pulpwood now. Last Rites Are Held For Henry Parker Funeral services were held on Thursday of last week at Wewa- hitchka for Henry Parker, 11, son of Sheriff and Mrs. B. E. Parker, who was instantly killed Sunday of last week when he was struck by a truck driven by B. Williams of Port St. Joe. Tihe services were held at the Wewahitchka Baptist Church with the pastor, Dr. G. T. Hinton, of- ficatin~g. Assisting were Rev. W. A. Daniel of the Wewahitchka Presbyterian Church and Rev. U. D. Langston, pastor of the Port St. Joe Methodist Church. Active pallbearers were Thos. A. Owens, Horace Soule, T. Mc- Daniel, J. B. White, Stetson PriQ- ,geon and Charles Gaskin. Honor- ary pallbearers were G. W. White, C. S. Melvin. E. C. Prid(geon, C. S. Melvin, W. R. Connell, John Grit- fin, Sea)b Price, W. N. Connell, J. R. Hunter, John Rowan, W. J. De- lin, Jack Fowler, T. H. Stone, W. J. D'au.gbtry, L. W. Owens, Cap,'. Rolbert Tapper, T. R. L.. Carte.-, N. Comforter, W. 0. Anderson ane George Cooper. Interment was in the Jehu ceme- tery. The large number of floral trib- utes testified to the esteem in which the family and the young boy were held. Louis Perritt In Town Louis Perritt, who is manager of the Idylwild Nurseries at Fort Myers, was in town yesterday looking up old friend's and having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gainous. He is looking fit as a fiddle and still wears the same in- fectious grin. Attend Baptist W, M. U. Meeting Those attending the executive board meeting of the Baptist W. M. U. in Panama City Tuesday were Mrs. J. O. Baggett, Mrs. T. V. Mor- ris, Mrs. W. J. Daughtry and Mrs. W. C. Pridtgeon. Lt. and Mrs. Pete, Bernal and! children were called here. last I wre.-k- i' doe to the illness 01 Mre. J. R. Norton. Local Ration Board Have Guest From Georgia Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Howell have as, their guest this week Miss (Continued from page 1) Wilba Lee Liles of Tifton., Ga. and. this transition period can be __ dynamite if it isn't handled prop- Oscar Gilmore and son of Tampa early and unless our citizens all are visitors here this week. help.1 Mr.' and Mrs. Otha Rowan anti The ruinous inflation that swept sons. of Greensboro were week-end America after the last war, Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Co- Costin reminded, "didn't begin un- burn, Mr. and Mrs. John Rowan til six months after the armistice, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowan. Then, by 19.20, more than a hun- a & dred thousand businesses failed BROOKLYN 'WOIM' and nearly a half million farmer, A soldier from Brooklyn down lost their farms. We can't let that at Camp Gordon Johnston strolled happen again." out in the piney woods one eve- For this reason, the members of ning after chow and soon came the gasoline and, food, panels wiFl back with a handful of rattlesnake be asked to .stay on the job to rattles. help Gulf county merchants and "Where the deuce did you get the buying public during the next those?" .gasped his pal. several months. "Off'n a woim." replied the lad from Brooklyn. Write a letter today to that boy ----- ----- )f yours in the service. Send The Star to a friend. RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $ . N NOW HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW- .....-.. RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3'02 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW---.... .-- W a ST. 'JOE BAR FACILITIES which have been devoted exclusively to the production of high-octane aviation gasoline for our armed forces will soon be available for the refining of civilian gasoline ...The new CROWN and CROWN EXTRA gasolines will be far superior to any motor fuel we have ever been able to offer.. .You will have these products shortly, just as soon as they can be manufactured and transported by boat, rail, pipeline and truck to your Standard Oil dealer's pumps-a high reward for a little wait. Remem- ber CROWN and CROWN EXTRA gasolines, .'Tii-ff ltid o~a ot ~i eae'i'ot yaW' ; ii i ,iiO jainfi~8i. b THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLOREIDA PAGE -TWO FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1945 FRDY UUS 4 9& H TR PR T OE UPCUNY LRDAPG HE P I Ci t ClaseSd esat target. The U-boat opened up gross tons; June, 9 ships totaling with her deck gun and fired 78 53,414 gross tons,; July, 7 ships As 'Distressed' Area rounds at her during the chase that totaling 29,153 gorss. tons'; August, lasted 40 minutes. The Alcoa Purl- 1 ship of 6,769 gross, tons; Septenft- The War Manpower Commission tan was ordered to be abandoned ber, 1 ship of 6A;11 gross tons; De- at Washington has stated that but only after her steering apparatus member 1943, 1 ship of 10,175 gross nine of the nation's 166 principal had become disabled. tons. labor market areas face the pros- The, submarine then closed, in on Credit for making the Gulf "too pect of "extremely serious tempor- the vessel and fired a torpedo into hot" for ,the undersea raiders has ary unemployment by October 15" her which caused, the vessel to *been attributed to several factors, and one of these areas is listed as sink by the stern. The entire crew 'the most important of which was Panama City where the Wain- of 41 miraculously survived the the increased concentration of sur- wright Shipyard Is laying off attack and were picked up by the face forces' otf the navy and coast workers as operations at the yard coast guard cutter Bout-well and guard, as well as the. increase of are curtailed. landed at Burrwood, La. air strength of the navy, coast , Other areas listed are Portland, The German command had founa guard and army. Me., Buffalo-Niagara Falls, N. Y., a happy hunting ground for their Defenses had to be spread s* Detroit and Flint, Mich., Wichita, U-boats and they were going to thin during the summer of 1942 Kan., Los Angeles, Calif., Talla- take advantage of it. dega, Ala., and Portland, Ore. Wol'f pack attacks were, never An area is regarded as' "dis- used in the Gult as they were In tressed" when an, average of from the, North Atlantic. However, a- 20 to 25 per cent of its work force many as three enemy submarines is unemployed, are known to have operated! in the S_____ __ Gulf at the same time. The, U boats that waged the Gult REVEAL THAT MANY campaign are thought to have . SHIPS WERE SUNK been of the 517 and 7,40-ton class. BY SUBS IN AREA They remained in the area for as i l--ong as three or four weeks before (Continued From Page 11 they were relieved by submarines tinue the 'battle against the under- arriving from home bases. II 1 sea raiders. A tabulation of the total tonnage The Gulf coastal shipping lanes sunk during the campaign re- between Ships Shoal, off the Lou- veals the following figures,: isiana coast, and the passes of the May, 14 ships totaling 90,948 Mississippi River became known as "Torpedo Junction," but navy armed guardsmen and merchant DON'T W AIT "- - seamen, continued to meet the as- until your shoes are entirely sault until naval surface craft and worn out! Have them repaired air power could be brought to bear now. We give you savings and on the, enemy. For a long period satisfaction with quick and are sure yo a seaplane carrying two bombs dependable service. ances be available for was stationed here at Port St. Joe with its mother ship and fuel suip THE LEADER SHOE to when we expect to I ply lighter. SHOP for sale. Nearest the German subs came to Port St. J'oe, while undoubtedly some of them may have lurked oft In spite of 'all the entrance to 'the bay at times, newspapers and over t was the sinking of the Empire eral months away Mica, a British tanker of 8000 tons eral months away. under the command of Capt. Hugh Bradford of Bristol, England, which It is true that ti was torpedoed and sunk about 1 t into production, but r miles off the Cape San Blas light- ,f house. The -,.ip wa. carrying avi- materials they must h action gasoline and the smoke from ahead with their reco the burning fuel made a huge pil- ready along with the lar of smoke for more than eight hours that was visible from this trials from their sup city. But 14 members of the crew or It may happen t 47 managed to get clear in one lifEboat, while two other lifeboats items will have their a with their occupants were caught inghouse. We know in the flaming gas on the sea and TO SAFEGUARD and washers. These destroyed'. The survivors were HEALTH picked up .by a coast guard boat YOUR HEALTH days and, no doubt, we operating out of Apalachicola, @ The' purity and uniformity of thA you do not let this mi brought in to that city and after drugs and chemicals-we use in cqm- receiving treatment were taken to pounding yodfr physician's prescription will be late. Most I are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Panama City and later to New Control Laboratories. Even during the problems as all the oti Orleans. manufacture of a simple product a score Thefirst sinking occurred on or more of exacting telts for purity are of Westinghouse, if ai The it sinking occurred on made. Thus, we compound prescriptions May 6, 1942. when the American with full confidence in the reliability of aro shlhip, Alcoa Puritan, w as tlheingredientsyour physicianprescribes. It is not our pol first attacked by a submarine that We ue Merck PrescrVipe Chohcals fore such time as we fired a torpedo which missed the Smith's Pharmacy ested in buying an elect stern of the vessel by 15 feet. The sub immediately surfaced andl the Phone 5 Port St. Joe appliance, we ask that captain of the ship ordered the ject with you an- enter course changed to put the attacker We Fill Any Dootor's Presorlption ject with you and enter "dead astern" to present the small- purchasing WESTINC --------------------- -------- --------------- You will be kep when these goods becc SBCeverything we can to started and will do ou On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field 9 0 DANCING EVERY THURSDAY, , 4 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT S AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON FEATURE ENTERTAINMENT Complete Ham#e Y4- PORT ST. JOE : Sandwiches and Refreshments : ^ ^ _.._ ^ ^ ^ .....H., that it was only through the co- operation of fishing vessels and their crews that as many lives were saved from the ill-fated ships. Shrimpers along the Louisiana and Mississippi coast and deep sea fishermen from Florida, Alabama and Texas, were, useful andl suc- cessful in the rescue efforts. Rec- ords in the -Eighth Naval District reveal' that 311. survivors, were res- cued by these craft. They also played; an outstanding part in keeping th e submarines sub-, merged and reporting their post- tion's when they were surfaced. Advertising doesn't cost--It PAYSI One guy who still lives on the fat of the land is the girdle, manu- facturer. I F you drive in at Sunny State for" gasoline and don't get your wind shield cleaned, we'll give you your purchase! . COME IN TODAY! SUNNY STATE SERVICE SFrom Banley Company About luse Appliances u are, no doubt, asking when will Westinghouse Appli- sale. We receive numerous questions every day as have electric refrigerators, ranges and other appliances the publicity that has been given this subject in the the radio, the delivery of these appliances is still sev- the Government has released manufacturers to go back no provision was made for them to get the necessary ave before this can be done. Westinghouse is going version job and you may be sure that they will, be. other leaders as soon as they can get necessary ma- pliers. that some manufacturers who make only one or two samples out ahead of large companies such as West- of this having already happened in the case of ranges are not new models, but are carry-overs from prewar ere held back for this purpose. ,Our suggestion is that slead you into thinking that Westinghouse appliances ikely these manufacturers have the same production Iers, and 'their goods will not be available much ahead ny. icy to accept orders or make sales for appliances be- may have them to deliver; however, if you are inter- ctric refrigerator, range, washer, or somt other electric you contact us. We will be glad to discuss this sub-' er your name on our list as one who is interested ins GHOUSE appliances for postwar use. pt advised about this situation as we approach the time ome available. You may be assured that we are doing 'be ready for the appliance business when it is again r utmost to serve you as efficiently as possible. Furnishings.. FLORIDA _ FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 194& THE STAR, PORT ST.'JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE ..A.E I ITE.iii nTlTIO, UFCO NY L AI 2 I THE STAR Publlshed Every Friday at Pert St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. 8. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -# Telephone 51 ).- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word i thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country I Right or Wrong PRIMER ON TOMORROW 'That bright new tomorrow we have all bgen seeking is at hand. A huge backlog of orders for goods of all kinds is only being, withheld until manufac- turing restrictions are ended. The greatest accumulation of savings in the history of'the American people is ready to back up this pent-up consumer demand. In fact, prosperity is right around the corner, providing . providing only that we as a nation enjoy full employment. And we shall continue to have full employment only as long as we continue to experience full, peacetime pro- duction. "But we have the orders and the buying power," yoti ask, "what then, is to prevent our manufacturing industries from operating full blast? Certainly enough steel and tin and rubber and everything will be available to make the .flatitons "and radios and all the other things we may want to buy!" True! Yet there is a danger! Economists predict that a bottleneck of our whole con- version can. be pulpwood. Millions of cords of pulpwood are going to be needed immediately to supply cartons, boxes, wadding, wrapping and other forms of packaging for peacetime refrigerators, flat- irons, shoes, foodstuffs and clothing. Our army and navy will continue to need paper and paperboard for packaging supplies for oui troops, and if our soldiers, sailors and marines were to be re-turned to this' country at -the rate of 10,000 per day, it would require almost two years before military demands for paper could be expected to relax. The truth is that new uses for paper have skyrocketed during the war, and only the pa- triotism of the American farmer has made it possible to, keep abreast of growing civilian and military needs. Inadequate pulpwood supplies could dis- rupt our whole re-employment program. Manufacturers will certainly not hire workers, to make products which cannot be shipped. In other words, jobs-America's No. 1 peacetime need-are keyed to one of Gulf county's pfft- cipal products--pulpwood and pulpwood pro- ducts. The advice of quieting a child by brushing his hair is .a. suggestion of putting the brush at the wrong end.-MacClenny Press. Stark tragedy struck our household re- cently. And it is doubtful whether we will re- cover from this cruel blow. Yes, we lost a shoe stanip.-Jasper News. Many a man has stopped calling his wife "the little woman" after taking a good look at .her in slacks. OUTLOOK ISN'T BAD AT -ALL A lot of people around Port St. Joe are pre- dicting that the unexpectedly sudden end of the war will bring on disastrous times within the next year or so due to the fact that our civilian economy will be completely upset. We don't agree with them at all. And even if such was the case, it would be well- worth it, for a lot of people who have sons and daughters, husbands and sweethearts in the service will no longer have to worry about them being killed or wounded. True, there will be some areas, like Pan- ama City for instance, where a large number of workers will be out of jobs, but the na- tion's manufacturers are already converting for the production of civilian goods, and that means that soon there will be. jobs for the greater part of those who will be out of work. We here in Port St. Joe need have no fear of unemployment, for we have had no large influx of workers to fill positions in war plants. In fact, the paper mill has been run- ning shorthanded for several years. We are lucky in this respect, for we will continue on 'now that the war is over just as we did be- fore that fateful December 7 of 1941. We're glad the war, has ended, and we wouldn't have wanted to see it go on a single day longer than it did, regardless of conse- quences, for it was terrible while it lastea, and we hope never to see another one. PERPETUATE OUR AIR SUPREMACY At the close of World War I commercial aviation was in its infancy and presented no postwar problems. Today it is a vital branch of transportation, and its place in domestic and international trade can only be assured by wise and careful planning. The federal government recognized its re- sponsibilities to aviation when it enacted the. civil aeronautics act of 1938. The wisdom of its action has been well attested by the praise of the air transport industry from high mili- tary and naval officials for its great contribu- tions to the prosecution of the war. But plans and policies adopted seven years ago are be- coming as obosolete as the airplanes of the pre-war days. In domestic commerce many questions must be solved involving trunk routes, feeder lines, additional airports, zoning regulations, con- tract carriers and duplicating state and local' laws. In tire international picture there must be established new trade routes and interna- tional rights.and treaties. Still other problems are involved in the aircraft manufacturing in- 'dus'try, and the development of future pilots, technicians and mechanics, though the latter group will be taken care of by our returned "servicemen. As ai nation, we must solve these problems through legislation designed to promote and co-ordinate the national and international transportation system. Congress must act on well-considered findings in order that Amer- ica's system of airways may be kept the finest in the world. 'KEEP THOSE RATION BOOKS If your fingers are itching to tear up your ration books just because victory is here, you'd better think twice, for, while OPA of- ficials state that controls will be lifted as quickly as possible, some time must elapse be- fore this can be done. And, incidentally, don't harass the local ra- tion board begging for more shoes, tires, red points, or more of anything else that is still "-rationed. Just have patience, and don't de- stroy your ration books until you receive the official- word that they are kaput. Making Home With Parents Week-end Visitors Mrs. Walter Branka of Panama: Mrs. Erie Sanford and daugh- City is making her *home here for ters, Doro-thy A'n'a nd:I inda Jean, the present with her parents, Mr. of Tampa, were the guests of Mrs. andi Mrs. E. C. Cason. Verna Smith over the week-end. -- -__ .. . Vacatlowtng in "Alabama Vacationing In Virginia-Carolinas Billy Traweek lett Sunday for a Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Boyles and two 'weeks' vacation in. Greenville, daughters left Sunday for a vaca- Ala., yi'itiang elatives,. li tion in Virginia and- the Carolinas. Visiting In Georgia Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McQuai,g and -daughter 'Betty left Sunday for a 'week's vacation in Darian, Ga., with relativA s -.di fripnil; Guest. From 'North Carolina 'Mrs. Ethel Camden of Lauren. burg, N. C., is the guest this week '6f Mr. 'aid Mrs. Stone'wall'Ham. STAMPING OUT THE EVIL. Army Navy Planning 'On Quick Release of Personnel The army has -statted it hopes to discharge 5,000,000 men in the next 12 months, -while 'ithe navy re- ve'als that it -will demobilize 1,500,- 000 to 2,500,000 men and women within the next 18 months. Point score required for dis- charge from the army will remain at 85 for t)he present, buit In th' future it will be lowered from time to time in the Interest of 'orderly demobilization. ,, I )( The age level for enlisted army personnel eligible for discharge has -been lowered from 40 to 38, and effective immediately men over 38 may apply for discharge ana become eligible for release within 90 days after application. Navy demobilization will be car- ried. out under a new .point system of its own giving preference to men wtho have been longest at sea or overseas. The coast guard will use the same system. Tie army-navy announcements,. mean that -as. many as 8,000,000 members of the armed forces will be -demobilized within 18 montnn. This does not mean, however, that the strength of the armed forces, now estimated at 11,500,000, will bw reduced to 3,500,000. since army in- duction alone -will proceed at the rate of 50,000 a month, a reduction of 30,000 a month. AT WHAT DATE DID The Low Down fromI Editor The Star: One thing our U. S. 'A. could do, and pronto is to set down ana dope out where in heck we'd be coming' out 10 years hence, if wff keep on. putting' in more of our time and cash takin' care of fol Ks in furrin countries' vs. our own folks here in Florida, Georgia, At- abama and 45 other'states. It's. okay to be a Christian and think about yer neighbor, and, help if you kin, but it ain't bein' a Christian or havin' 'horse sense to neglect yer own. family and let it hustle fer itself-or go hungry. Might be we're closer t o the ,bottom idf, the barrel than we think -and when we do hit bottom, jest what country is gonna offer us a loan, or present us a gift? Once we're on our uppers, other nations will give us the cold shoulder - which is human nature. Why didn't the guy-, they'll say, have some gumption when he was flush va. actin' like his sock 'was a mile deep and had no (bottom? When some furrin country-ex- cept Finland sends us a check andi pays up, it's gonna make a man bitin' a mounting lion look puny and sick-as news. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA. FLORIDA ACTUALLY of entry. In editorial after edr- BECOME A STATE? trial they referred to the "State of Florida," not the "Territory of (Continued from page 1) Florid-a," after receiving news or arguments for their contention, the Passage of the act of congress. T'he St. Joseph constitution, writ. Advertisements of .the Santa Rosa ten by elected representatives of Superior Court, Western- District, Florida and approved by a popular Territory of Florida, were changed vote, expressly provided for the on March 22, 1845, to read Santa continuation of the laws and gov- Rosa Superior Court,"Western Dis- ernment of the territory -after ao- trict, State of Florida. The judici- mission to statehood and until the ary of 1845 apparently concluded organization of a state govern- that Elorida had become a state ment. Although officials, appointed on March 3. and paid -by the .federal govern- The overwhelming weight or ment, remained in power until present-day legal opinion hn'ds June 25, they did so under author- that Florida entered' the Union rn it of the cons tion of or March. Judge James B. Whitfiela ' At any time after March 3 these believes this, and the executives or officials could -have been dismissed -the Florida Historical Society, af- and replaced by. elected represen- ter securing legal advice, fixed tatives of the people of Florida. March 3. 1945, as the date for the TTltimate control then rested with celebration -of Plorida's 100th an- Floridians and not the federal gov- niversary of statehood. ernment and, therefore, it is con- tended, Florida had become a Spends Week-end Here State on March 3.'1845. 'Miss Onnie Lou LeHardy from The newspaper editors of 184i1 Dothan spent the week-end here 'believed March 3 the official date with her mother, Mrs., J. Greer. THE- STAR, PORT ST. -JOE, GULFdO`U'NTYI 'FLORI0A FR'IDX', AUGUSTT 24, 1M. PAGE FOUR I FRIDAY AUGUST 24, 1945 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted APALACHICOLA, FLA. GAY PALMIST and ADVISER Hours-9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Tells you everything you wish to know. The object of your visit, your correct future, how to overcome your troubles, when to make a change, when you will marry, if friends are true or false, if you will be successful in your plans, how to settle estates, how to win the one you love, and .other true. facts about your Life, Love, Health, Business, Mar- riage, Work, Divorce. Will hd- vise you properly and solve your problems correctly, will ,guide you to success and hap- piness. LOOK FOR SIGNi 3 Miles Out on Highway 98 BAY HARBOR, FLA. $300.00 Radios, Nylons, Tires iKiwanis Club Sets Up Promised Before Long Post-War Objectives Seeking to speeed reconversion Residents of Port St. Joe may and aid returning veterans, KI- get new tires, nylon stockings and I wanis International has announced new radios before long. nine tar-reaching post-war objec- Government officials, said mo- tives as the Kiwanis Clulb of Port tourists may get a break on tires St. Joe considered ways and means within 90 days. They predicted pro- of rendering greater community duction will jump 100 per cent in the next three months, which means lots of tires. Nylon stockings may be back in circulation by Thanksgiving, or at least by Christmas, since the go,. ernment has turned loose its con- trols on nylon, and rayon. WIPB said three and a half mil- lion radios may be on the store shelves by Christmas because .or an 80 per cent cut in military oi- ders for radar and radio. OPA has indicated that meat points will be reduced., beginning next month, and meat rationing may be ended soon. Controls on building have been taken off, but the government has retained them on some materials, like lumber. Mrs. Anais Joughin returned last Friday after five months spent visiting relatives and friends. in South Florida. $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN NO RED TAPE IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA $300.00 -3:- 3o0.00 Kenney Mercantile Company , t THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "BIRTHMARKS OF REGENERATION." '6:55-Baptist Training Union., 8:00-Eveniing Worship. Sermon topic: "GOD KEEPS BOOKS!" VERIYBObY WELC O6 E * ^^ A ^ ^ ^- -- --^--^ ^ ^.j ^ ^ ^ ^ .- -- _*^ *_*^^_^ .^ service in peacetime. R. G. Boyles, president of the local club, said that International's post-war objectives had the unani- mous endorsement of Kiwanians here, and revealed that the service organization's theme would be "Build' for Peace Unity Oppor- tunity." The nine objectives are: 1. Develop an understanding of the United Nations Charter in sup- port of world peace. 2. Aid returning veterans. 3. Encourage sound programs of reconversion. 4. Strengthen democracy by per- I sonal acceptance of citizenship re- sponsibilities. 5. Expand youth services to build character and citizenship. 6. Mobilize public opinion In support of individual enterprise- andi opportunity. 7. Conserve natural resources.. 8. Further good will between Canada and. the United States as an outstanding example of inter- national co-operation. 9. Develop national unity thru increased emphasis on human and spiritual values. Pastor Is Visitor Rev. and' Mrs. S. Wilkersedndy of Dalton, Ga., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Spillers. While here, Rev. Wilkersdendy filled the pulpit at the Methodist Church on Sunday, August 12. Vacationing At St. Petersburg Mrs. Verna Smith, 3Mrs. Marn- gene Taunton, Mrs. D. C. Smith and MIiss Emily Ogilvie left Sun- day morning for a week's vacation' to be spent on the :beach at St. Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Prows of Panama City were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism and Mr. and Mrs. John Blount. Visiting in Talvlahassee Thurs- day of last week were Mrs. Mari- gene Taunton, Miss Margaret Be- lin and Miss Juanita Chason. Mrs. R. W. Steward, welfare worker from Apalachicola, was in town Monday. Mrs. Archie Williams and daugh- ter of Sneads were visitors here Monday. Mrs. Alton Dendy of St. Augus- tine is the guest of Mrs.. E. B. Dendy. Mrs. Durel Brigman and daugh- ter Carolyn and, Mrs. Della Good- son are spending the week at Long Beach,, near Panama City Guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maddox on Victory Day 'were Mr. and Mrs. Perry McFarland and children, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mc- Farland and family, Frankie Mc- Farland, andi Mrs. Viola Wimberly and nephews, Frank and Murphy McFarland, all of Frink. W. N. Routh of Oxford, Ala., spent the week-endi here with his wife and sons. Mrs. Routh will be remembered as Miss Mildred John- son. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sutton and son Buddy were in Tallahassee Wednesday of last week to visit their daughter, Miss Merita Sut- ton, who is attending the summer music camp at Florida State Coi- lege for Women. iMiss Eunice Scott is visiting in Sumatra this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sharit spent Tuesday in Tallahassee attending to business matters. Mr. and, Mrs. Chester Edwarao had as their week-end, guests Mrs. Charles Do-.le .and Miss Eva Doyle of Apalachicola. Mert M.cKeitben of Chipley, a former resident of this city, 'was saying 'hello to his many friends hlre Saturday. RATION NOTES !!llil lltl!!il m li ll'llll lllll ll ~lti[ t'rl' liI";!illm l!Itl Meats and; Fats Red stamps: Q2 to U2 valid, expire August 31; V2 to Z2 now valid, expire Sept. 30; Al to El valid, expire Oct. 31; F1 to K1 valid, expire Nov. 30. Sugar -Su gar stamp 36 is now valid, expires August 31. Good for five pounds. Shoes-Airplane stamps, 1, 2, b and 4 now valid. TO MY FRIENDS It is with a heart full of grati- tude that I thank each personal friend, church, fraternal ,civic and professional organizations t h a t combined their efforts toward my well-being and comfort during my stay at the hospital and through my convalesence period at home. Their kindness shall not be for- gotten. JIMMY GREER. Mrs. Elgin Bayless and sons of Tallahassee are guests' this weeK of Mrs. Nora Howard. Called Home By Illness of Father The Misses Vingie Mae and Mar- gu-rite Arnett were called home la-t week-end by the illness of their father, D. C. Arnptt, who un- derwent an appendectomy at the local hospital : Have Your Tires: SChecked for BALANCE: S. Makes your car run smoother, saves wear on your tires, makes tires * wear evenly. COME IN AND LET US.: CHECK YOUR CAR! * SUNNY STATE * ;* SERVICE .* .* t S # #4 ------- ---------- vvvvv ---- A Port Theatre A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla., THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, August 25 MONDAY and TUESDA August 27 and 28 WESTERN THRILLS! Chapter 13 of Serial "BRENDA STARR REPORTER" FEATURE NO. 2 - y LATEST NEWS Oddity: "PIGTAIL PILOT" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29 W M Vi .,,, -, -;.:, -.. The A I s o ------- Chapter 1 of NEW SERIAL "ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP" Adventure Short "MEXICAN MAJESTY" THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 30 and 31 Veronica Diana LATEST NEWS EVENTS Cartoon.: "SEPTEMBER IN THE RAIN" PICTURES OF SERVICE MEN SHOWN ON OUR SCREEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY -- ___ _^ __' ff "i- if r- n * Sport Short: "LONG SHOTS ARE FAVORITES" SCREEN SNAPSHOTS PAGE FIVe I - - ------------ ------ -----" - ~iiri~-- la I ~-; -, 1---- -d_ - 2 w 4 "'2 WE: PAGESIXTHE TAR POT ST JO, GLF CUNT, FORID FRDAY AUGST.~4,19' To South Florida ,Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stebel and son of White City left Sunday for a two weeks' vacation in West Palm Beach. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941, the undersigned person intends to g'. .- ,irih I Culerk ut the Circuit Court of Gulf County, Florida, four weeks alter the first publication of this notice, the fictitious name or trade name under which he will be engaged in business and in which said business is to be carried on. to-wit: SUNNY STATI'E SERVICE. Port St. Joe, Florida. 8-17 9-7 C. W. HORTON. NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941, the undersigned person intends to register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Gulf County, Florida, four weeks after the first publication of this notice, the fictitious name or trade name under which be will be engaged in business and in which said business is to be carried on, to-wit: CONFIDENTIAL LOAN COMPANY, Port St. Joe, Florida. 8-10 31 W. C. ROCHE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 16. Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, Block "B", Beaty Subdivision. Sec. 11, Twp. 7 S, R 10 W. Name in which assessed: Ruby Clanton. All of said property being in the County of Gulf. State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bia- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of September, 1945, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this 3rd day of August. 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the nAmes in which it was 'assessed*are as follows, Certificate No. 17. Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 33, 34, 35, Block "F", Beaty Subdivision. Sec. 11, Twp. 7 S, R 10 W. Name in which assessed: Sandy Johnson. All of said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be 'redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bi- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of September, 1945, which is the 3rd day of September. 194a, Dated this 3rd day of August, 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon.. The certifi. cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names .n which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 23 Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 13, 15, 17, 19, Block 5, Beacon Hill Subdivision. See. 31, Twp. 6 S,. R 11 W. Name in which assessed: S. B. Atkins. All of said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bid- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of Spnteniber, 1045, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated'this 3rd day of August. 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court '8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. IRoche, the holder of the following certifi- cates bus filed said certificates for a tax dled to' be issued thereon. The certifi- ,cate numbers and years of issuance, tue description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 24 Year of issuance 1943. Description' of Property: Lots 14, 16, 18, Block 5. Beacon Hill Subdivision. Sec. 31, Twp. 6 S, R 11 W. Ngme in which assessed: S. B. Atkins. All of said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bia- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of September, 1945, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this 3rd day of August. 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 31 Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lot 5. Block 61. Port St. Joe. Sec. 12. Twp. 8 S. R 11 W. Nnme in which assessed: John O'Keef All of said property being in the County of Gulf. State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certifica+es will he sold to the highest bid- der atnthe court house door on the first Monday in the month of September. 1945. which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this 3rd day of August. 1945, SA.T. R, HUNTER. (SFAI,) Clerk of Circuit Court 3-3 $1 of Gulf County, Florida. Vanished Village Vexing OKINAWA (Delayed) The Marine on the telephone was irritated, reports Staff Sgt. George R. Voigt, Marine Corps combat correspondent. "No," he yelled into the mouthpiece. "I don't give a damn what the map says. There ain't any village around here." Then he looked up at Ma- rine Lt. Edward M. Sullivan f#U Xvtf0 \of Minneapolis, Minn., who tt was standing nearby. St" '(i "Mr. Sullivan," he said. e AP'" "Artillery's forward observer S insists there's a village around 1 ~ here. Do you know of any?" , S"eah," said the lieutenant, SA' / "you're standing in the middle -" _^ /;/; ,, j of it." The Marine looked around him. A few piles of stone and little stacks of smoldering debris were scattered about the area. "Okay," he said into the telephone. "There's a village here. I'm standing in the middle of it. And all I got to say is you artillery guys ought to be ashamed of yourself." Local Boy Is Serving Capt. Tapper Is Flight Test Aboard USS Alabama Engineer At Marianna Base Aboard the UiSS Alabama, In the Pacific, Aug. 21-Rolbert L. Smith, BM 2/c, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Coburn of Port St. Joe, FIla., and whose wife, Mary, also lives' in that city, is serving aboard this battleship which in one month's time raided, the Japanese main- land twice, lbonmbarded a Jap-held island north of Okinawa, and suf- fered considerable damage in a typhoon which hit the Third Fleet on June 5. One of the raids against the Nip homeland w as uneventful, but during the other operation the "Mighty A," as the manro'-war Is known to her crewmen, ran into a hornet's, nest of Jap suicide pilots. Scores of the Kamikaze planes were shot down outside the task force formation, but at least four can in close, enough to be splashed 'by the guns of this and other ships. Alba'ma gunners claim credit for downing two of these planes and for assisting in destroy- ing another. One Kamikaze. a "Zeke"-type fighter, flew through clouds of ack-ack before singling out this sthi p as his target, but as he turned to make his deah run his plane hit and, crashedt flaming, a scant 300 yards away. iDuring her bombardment assign- ment, the Alabama turned loose her 5- and 16-inch guns to pulver- ize Jap shore installation's. The typhoon the 'battleship ex- perienced pounded tihe 35,000-ton vessel for hours', causing her to pitch and toss heavily, but the damage incurred was quickly re- paired and she went about doing t big andl tough job quietly and efficiently. ____-)(----- Softball Results In Tuesday night's game the Pa- per Mill ran .through the High School 13 to 3, the school lads scoring all their counters in the third inning. The box score: Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-R HE Mill --- 0 1 2 4 3 3 x-13 10 3 School -- 0 0 3 0 0 0 0- 3 6 7 CLUB STANDINGS Team- W L Pct. Kiwanis Club ------- 3 0 1.000 American Legion ---- 2 1 .667 High School -------- 1 2 .333 Rotary Club --------1 2 .333 Paper Mill --------- 1 3 .250 Two makeup games now remain to be played to complete the sea- son, after which' the American Le- gion, winner of the first half, will play the winner of the second half for, championship honors. The High School and Kiwanis play tonight and the Rotary Club and Legion tangle next Tuesday evening. Should, the Kiwanians lose anta the Legion win. it would place these two teams in a tie for first place. A veteran B-25 pilot who saw ac- 1 tion in the Mediterranean theater serves as the flight test engineer- ing officer at Marianna Army Air Field. He. is Capt. George G. Tap- per of Port St. Joe, who returned to the States after completing 55 missions in the combat zone,. Capt. Tapper organized t.he base flight test department in October 1944. The unit tests all planes which have undergone mainten- ance repairs, checks all engine changes and landing equipment. Before a plane is assigned: to tne field it receives an okay from the f lilght test department. Assisting Capt. Tapper are two other Marianna officers who also saw action, overseas. Lt. Davia Summers, who hails from Atlanta, Ga., chalked up 40 missions as a B-26 pilot in the Mediterranean area, and Lt. Conwell Dirickson of Charlottesville, Va., has 75 mis- sions to his' credit piloting a B-26. enlistedd, personnel who serve as engineers' in the department are also combat veteran.s.-The Marl- anna Floridian. Home From Visit In North Miss Wanda Mae Spencer re- turned home Monday from Chi- ,cago. 111., and Louisville, Ky., where she spent the summer. [ Return Here To Make Home Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Voss ha''e re- turned there from Bastrop, La., af- ter an absence of 15 months to again make this city their home. Welcome Iback, Mr. and Mrs. Voss. Here From Tampa Mrs. Lewis Presnell and chil- dren of Tampa arrived Tuesday for an extended vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hol'.iday. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE GREETING, CARDS of all kinds, including Christmas and every- day cards. Name printed if desired. See Mrs. Pat Bray at Kenney's Mill. 9-7* APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT-Small furnished ap- artment; large bedroom, kitchen and shower; hot water furnished. See Joe Mira. 8-24tf FOR A ARTMENTS See The ,Shirey Apartments. 8-3 HELP WANTED CASHIER--Must have experience. Apply Manager A & P Store. MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly In the Sheffield colored quarters LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St Joe Llde 111 Regular --- --- A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri-, Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Thursby days each month, 8:00 p. rm. and children spent the week-end /i"\ tMembers urged to attend;I vhere it Mr. isid C. ting brothers welcome. J.L. here with Mr. and Mrs, C. Thursby. Temple, W. M.; G. C. Atkins, 'Sec. White City Bridge (Continued From Page 11 "We. the people of Gulf county, appealed to the WPB on behalf of the state as we'll as, the county to get them to allow the state toad department the necessary critical materials to construct this bridge and were turned down severs' times,. This was in the beginning of the war, and when we realized the necessity.for the critical ma- terials we refrained from urging WiPB to consider our further re- quesLt. as well as we did not pusnl the road department for the same reason. "It is, now announced that W'PB ,hass relinquished control over all aluminum, copper and steel, and we. therefore, feel that our bridge - U"mi should' be given immediate con- sideration by your department."' In reply to the mayor's letter, Mr. Bayless wrote as' .follows': "I am happy to inform, you that we have secured the necessary ap- proval from the War Production Board and are now in the process of perfecting plans for the pro- posed structure and hope, to be able to advertise for 'bids within the next thirty days. "You know of my Interest in this bridgee and also the replace- ment of the obsolete structure at Scott's Ferry, and. you can be as- sured that both of these project will be advertised within the net. sixty days." Miss Susan Saunders returneE home last Friday from a weeks vacation spent at Wakulla Springs. M1i~~ urn Ur Ul U U .EW " m WIU N EU WEE E3 TRAVELING SALESMEN... When you order printing from a travel- ing salesman, you are never sure whe, you will get it or what it will look like. We can show you proofs and deliver the job the same day. No letter to write, no packages to cart from the postoffice-juat a telephone call to our office and we do the rest. THE STAR , PHONE 51 PORT ST. JOE Good Sanitation pays here is what the U.S.D.A. says in their Yearbook "It has been deter- mined that whereas an average of 3.1 lb. of feed produced a gain of 1 lb. in 7 weeks in chicks pro- tected from parasites, 4.5 lbs. of feed was required to produce this gain in parasitized birds."- This is approximately 45% more feed consumed. At this time of year laying hens are run down, start to molt (shed their feathers), and are susceptible to sore head, roup, and kindred ailments. THEY NEED A TONIC TO REBUILD THEM TO FULL PRODUCTION. Remember--egg prices in the Fall are high. Take advantage of your laying hens by using CHEK-R- TON. It will pay for itself many times over. Use it now while your layer are in this low period. St. Joe Hardware Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA uMlA N __OVO _ ~__ ___ __ -a I _ __ __ __ _~__ I FRIDAY, AUGUST. 24Y, !Wj1 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX I |