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IlfflllluimiittHfilfiflflttittilitatimfittililmmmii H il lluIII IIIIIIIHIII II IIlllllllllllllllllllllll llll lllllllll APPRECIATES THE STAR Panama, July: 29, 1945. Dear Editor Bill-I just received another copy of The Star which, by the way, was the first one am over two months. No, I'm not griping. I'm glad I received it, re- Igardless of how late. Better late than never. Right? I enjoy read- ing the paper and it's a great morale booster. The fellows here like to read it, too, even though they know nothing about that nice little town where the, paper is printed. Say! I'll bet you really got tired of changing that address so much, didn't you? Well, just think of the headaches It meant for me to move. around so much. It certainly wasn't my idea. I noticed that in order to receive The Star when the subscription is renewed a request- Is necessary. Well, I'm requesting-and practic- ally begging ya-to keep The S'af coming toward "The Big Ditch." Wa.nteha? 'Best regards to you and tme many, friends in St. Joe. Buenos noches. JIMMIE ADAMS. ADDRESSES Ferrell 0. Allen, S1/c, MAM, R/S Navy No. 926, c/o Fleet Post- office, San, Francisco, Calif. Softball Results The Kiwanis Club continued tol hold the lead in the St. Joe Soft-J ball League by virtue of their 12 to 9 win over the Ratarians Mon- day night. The .Legion defeed the High School laat Frida7 night to enter into a second-place tie with the school lads, while the Ro- tary Club dropped to fourth posi- tion and the Paper Mill continued to hold its cellar rating. Results of games: Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- R HE Legion 2 0 3 1 1 0 2- 9 11 5 School -- 1 2 1 20 0 2- 8 14 5 Team- 1 2 3 4 56 7- R HE Kiwanis 0 0 5 3 1 2 1-12 13 9 Rotary -- 4 0 3 0 1 0 1- 9 11 4 ,CLUB STANDINGS Team- W L Pct. Kiwanis Club ---- ---3 1.000 American Legion -..--- 1 1 "High School .------. 1 1 Rotary Club -------- 1 2 Paper Mill ----- 0 2 The Legion and the Paper .500 .500 .333 .000 MiMl meet tonight; the High School and Kiwanis Club play next Tuesdlay night, and the Rotary and Legion tangle next Friday night. The game scheduled for Tues. day night may have to be post- pon'ed on account of the tourna- ment play In Panama City. _----4--- Going Into Navy .Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Smith and ,sons Ernest and, Charles left Fri- /day for Jacksonville, from where Ernest will continue on to Bain- bridge, Md., to. begin his "boot training" in the navy. ------4----.. -4- Return From Vacation In St. Pete Mrs. Austin. Huggins and sons returned home last week from St. Petersburg, where they visited for three weeks. Visiting In Panama City Mrs. A. C. Whitehead left last Friday for Panama City where she is visiting with her son and' wife, Mr. and Mrs. Everette Whitehead. -4' Returns To Home In Alabama 'Mrs. Guy ,1aigler left Monday to return to her home in Cullman, Ala., after a two weeks' visit here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Martin. THE STAR The Ho me Newspae of Natlawo FlosJdls Futuy lamusIal Cemtier Official Newspaper of Gulf County VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST tO, 1945 NUMBER 45 Sgt. Billy Hurlbut, Board of County Back From Luzon, Commissioners Now Facing Draft Set 1945 Millage Discharged On Points,. Veteran Award Contract for Court House- Registers With Orlanso Jail Heating Plant and Local Board Pay Bills S/Sgt, William E. Hurlbut,, bro- The board of county commis- 'ther of Milkes Hurlbut of this city, sioners at their regular meeting ar ved back in the States on July on August 1 fixed the county tax 2.2,and was discharged from the levy for 1945 at 201/2 mills, made ,service. on points July 27. He ar- up as follows: , rived.at his home in Orlando on General Revenue Fund ------ 3 July 28 and, on July 30 he regis' Fine and Forfeiture Fund -- --1/ tered' again for the draft with the Road and Bridge Fundi ------ 3 Orlando local board. Agriculture & Livestook Fund % Mothers Pension Fund -------- Billy spent 34 months overseas Franklin-Gulf Health Unit in 'the Pacific, won the Combat in- Fund --------------------- 1% fantryman's Badge, the Good Con- Court House and Jail Interest duct Medial, the, Purple Heart, the and Sinking Fund-------- 2% to eia, t P H art, te$15,000 Time Warrant Interest Liberation Ribbon with star issued and Sinking. Fund ------ % by the Philippine Commonwealth, Judgment No. 2 (Lister) -.. % and five .stars and a Philippine ar- General School ------------- 6 rowhead on his Pacific Theater Special Building Fund ------- 3 ribbon., Total County-wide Millage 20% Sgt. Hurlbut first went to Guad- In addition they also fixed the alcanal, from there into the N,w millage for the special school tax Georgia campaign and then on to districts of the county upon recom- New Guinea. the Lingayen Gulf mendation of the district trustees beachhead, and the battle for Lu. and the county school board. A zon. He got the Purple Heart In levy of 031/2 mills was fixed for the Philippines when a Japbomb the two districts, Wewahitchka landed a bit 'too close, and in the ad Port St. Joe, and a special same area later ,he almost won a bond levy of mill was set for star to go with it. He was sweat- rict No. 1 and two levies of Ing out his time to get home. He mill each on two bond issues had been lying in a foxhole on ILu- mill each On two bond issues zon and been lyingeft in a foxhole on in District No. 2 (Port St. Joe). zon and just left it when a Jap 'Contract for furnishing and in- ,bomb landed where he most re- stalling a new heating system in cently had been. That was perhaps calling a new heating s his closest call of the.ar. the court -house and jail was given his closest call of the war.7 ,. "' Billy was a. former, m.ploye of, to G. B. Shef.field" of ths city on the St. Joe Paper Company and hfilow bids of.$2.475.. their bid. was among ,the first-'married men ders were G. L. Bowen, $3,200; to be called from here. He and his Gulf Hardware Co., $3,383.26, and, wife plan to visit here with Mr. Haynesworth Plumbing .& Heating and Mrs. Miles Hurlbut during the Co., Panama City, $2,700. latter part of this, month. Bills, against the county were or- ___ ________ dered paid and other minor buai- CIVIC RECREATION ROOM ness transacted, all of which ap- TO BE OPEN WEDNESDAY, pears in the minutes of the board Announcement is made that the published in this issue of The Star. recreation room in the Costin- Building Is now open' on Wednea- LEGION CARDS HERE day nights from 8 to 10:30 o'cLoch Commander T. M. Schneider an- for children from 8 to 14 years o0 nounced, yesterday that the new age. American Legion membership As in the past, the room is open card are on hand and urges all on Friady and Saturday nights for present members and prospective. young people between 'the ages of members to corne in and pay up. I 12 and 20 years. either with him or Adjutant Ralph V-.-.... .. Rich. Youngsters O Lthe city in the to 14-year group are urged, to make use of these recreational facilities on the night assigned them. To Begin 'Boot Training' Loyce Davis' left last Friday for Jacksonville, from where he will continue on to Balnibridge, Md., to begin his "boot training" In the navy. Guests From Marianna Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Drake had as their guests last weeik-end Mrs. Lewis, Humphreyville and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newman and baby of Marianna. Visit In Jacksonville Mr. and Mrs.'Gus Sempler and Mrs. Frank LeGrange spent last week in Jacksonville visiting with Frank LeGranige, PhM 2/c. ---+--(---- Home From Visit &Mr.' and Mrs. W. B. Ferrel! re- turned home Wednesday from a visit of several days with relatives in Mount Pleasant and Greensboro. Teaches Bible School Miss Carolyn Baggett arrived home last week from a six weeks' tour in daily vacation Bible school in Crestview. St. Joe Enters Softball Meet All-Star Team Selected From Lo- cal Teams to Play In District Tourney At Panama City An all-star team from the St. Joe softball teams was selected this week by Manager Terry Hinote to participate in. the district cham- pionship softball tournament which gets under way neAt Monday night at the field in Millville. The toui- nament is being sponsored. by th- Pantama City Rotary Club. Those selected are J. C, Farnell, Buster Owens, Tommty Mitchel', Tom Owens, Dallas Weeks, Floyd Hunt, J. Lamar Miller, Frank Han- non, Alex Youn'g, Peck Boyer, Jeff Plair, George Wimiberly. Hector Jones, Terry Hintote and Simpkins. Prizes' will be given for eacn base hit, for every home run, for the outstanding player ipd for the best player on detfeatpd teams. There will be an awards of $100 for the team winning 'the cham- pionship. Plans Being Made for New Capitql Center The newly created F1orida state improvement commission is mak- ing plans for new buildings in Tallahassee for the state's new capitol center, to include office andi other state buildings already constructed and others to be b1it. A new supreme 'court building pitobably will be..onti~,rcvted, leav- ing the present building to the railroad commission and perhaps the state library. Other state buila- ings contemplated are a new gen- eral, office building and a new building for the state road depart- ment. The commission' will finance and own the buildings until the in- debtedness is paid off under a rental system, just as the state is now paying the city of Tallahassee Tor rental of office buildings con- structed in 1940. ---- RECREATION CENTER TO BE OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS The recreation center of the First Baptist Church will be open German Life Raft Is Found In Gulf was last seen heading west, in di- rect contrast to his generally recognized desire to drive to the east." NEW COUNTY AGENT Cubhie R. Tairai' has been named .-_*___I__ i every Monday night at 8 o'clock ----------------....... !eve ry Moneay ightht8ococ as, farm agent for Gulf county, re- Visitors From illinois until further notice. The public f placing S. L. Brothers, who was ap- Mrs. Willis V. Rowan and twinS, cordially Invited: to attend. pointed to the position upon the Willis Jr. and Diann, arrived this resignation of Jake White short week from Decatur, Ill.. for a visit Visits Parents Over Week-End time back. with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Rowan Miss Willa Dean Lowery, who ___ _____ and family. has 'been engaged in Baptist Train- --- ---- ing Union work 'this summer, Undergoes Tonsilectomy Home From Vacation spent the week-end here with her Mrs. James Rish andi Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Marc L. Fleishel parents. Rish of Wewahitchka accompanied Jr and daughter returned home ----- Miss Amy Lou Rish here Tuesday Sunday from Ponta Vedra Beach, Fred Perry Visiting where the latter underwent a ton- where they have spent the, past ISgt. Fred Perry from Kessler silectomy at the local hospital. two months. Field, Miss., is visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. U. Home From Vacation Vacationing In New Orleans Thursby, before leaving for a new Mrs. Ed Guest and children re- Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Wardi and assignment in Utah. turned home Sunday from Col- daughters, Bobby and Betty, left quitt, Ga., where they spent their Sunday for a vacation to be spent To Vacation In Utah vacation. in New Orleans. Sgt. and Mrs. Winston Jones and I- 4--- --- son of Tampa stopped here over- Have Guest From Illinois Visiting In Live Oak night Monday' with Mrs. A. M. Mrs. Cecil Conger from IlliaoaI Mrsi. Asa Montgomery and son, Jones. They were 'en route to arrived here last Saturday for Jimm ., left Saturday for a visit in Utah for their vacation, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Live Oak with Mrs. Montgomery's --- ---- Conger. sister. I Vacationing In Georgia. -I- --------n----- 4'- Return Home. After- Visit Mr. and Mrs'. Bill Carr returned to their home In Tuskegee, Ala., last Friday after a visit here. -4-----. Home From Visit . Miss Erline McClellam returned home last-.week from Eufaula, Ala. I Mr. and Mrs. S. B.' Shuford and On Vacation Sonny left Saturday for a two Mrs. Durel Brigman and daugh- weeks' vacation to be spent In ter Carolyn, and Mrs. Della Good- West Point, Ga. son left Monday for a week's va- ----- ----- cation in Westville, Fla. Spending Leave With Parents ---- Bobby Bellows, S i/c, arrived Guests At Wakulla, Springs this week from Maine for a leave Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gunn of this to ibe spent here with his parents, city are guests this week 'at Wa- .where she visited for two week. Mr. and, Mrs. R. E. Bellows. kulla Spring$. I Near Dog Island Believed To Have Been In Water About Six Weeks; Provisions Bear Recent Inspection Date A submarine rubber life raft, identified as. of German manufac- ture and well stocked' with emer- gency rations was picked up Sun- day, July 29, in the Gulf about four miles off the west end of Dog Is- land by an army boat from Cami Gordon Johnston which was re- turning from a fishing trip. Provisions aboard the raft in- cluded signal equipment, a distress flag, concentarted foods, tobacco, fishing gear, pervitin (fatigue elim- inating drug) and schnapps. In-' spection dates Indicated that most of the. material had been in Ger- many as late as December 28, 1944. The material was turned over to the security and intelligence, d~ vision at Gordon Johnston. The theory was put forth that the raft had been afloat no longer than six weeks, due to the imma- ture formation of barnacles and marine matter on its bottom, and the possibility was also presented that the raft may have washed ashore several months ago and subsequently carried; back to sea by the recent high tides. Further information. regarding the mystery raft is exipectedtpo be released. by higher headquarters, as, the evidence (including the schnapps) has' 'been sent to service command headquarters' for de- tailed study. The, following item, in regard to the raft, appeared, in last Satur- day's issue of "The Amphibian," Gordon Johnston's camp newspa- per: "REWARD-The Amphibian will pay $10 for information leading to the arrest of A. Hitler, nee Schicr- elgru:ber, who may have been oc- cupant of German raft found in Gulf. Schickelgruber is tricky and L J. A. Coleman of Melbourne was Miss Evelyn Childs of Eagle " the guest last week of Mr. and Lake and Miss Emma Lee Childs Mrs. R. G. Boyles. of Altha are the guests this week ., Mrs. J. 0. Smith and daughter, of the Misses Peggie Wise and '. Winnie Sue, of Sumatra spent Fri- Ruby Hall. .'".- day and Saturday here last week, The Misses Ruiby Hall, Peggie ""- the guest of Mrs. Joe Johnson and Wise and Joan Smith spent the ' Editor Bill Smith. week-end in Altha visiting friends. t ''w -. ' Miss Grace Waller of Atmore, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall spent the ''" "'" Ala., is the guest this week Of week-endi in Live Oak, the guests ..,' " Miss Katherine Jones. of relatives and friends. ''" ' as their guest this week Miss end in Blountstown, the guest of -.. ". Erma Curry of Decatur, Ill. friends. 0 ... Y 0U. INE if ',10 START CHICKS Right I For quick growth, high livability, depend on America's favorite chick starter. Two pounds per chick is all you need. Call for PURINA STARTENA For Full-Flavor Chicken, Feed . BROILER CHOW For money-making broilers, depend on Broiler Chow. High livability, quick growth, cheap gains, delicious flavor, BUDGET PRICED LUXURY! Beautiful Six-Piece Group! A living room ensemble of rich appearance and relaxing com- fort at one low price for the 1 6 r complete group! Here's exactly what you get: Spacious Sofa Cocktail T&ble * Lounge Chair to match 0 End Table * Occasional Chair Lamp Table to match A WHOLE YEAR TO PAY! * . GER DRI FOU One Chek R Tab to quart of chick drinking water prevents spread of dangerous disease germs. Also acts as bowel astringent and fungicide. Economical. ,Rely on Purina CHEK-R-TABS I i RMS IN NKING INTAINE HELPS SAVE CHICKS Don'I let bEcoder houe aerms'kill GAL chcks. Spray floor and walls with Chek-R-Fect new, popular soap-type disinfectant. One ounce makes gallon of spray. Easy, eco- e comical to use. Purina CHEE-R-FECT BROODER HOUSE DISINFECTANT or Top Quality Eggs Get eggs with uniform yolks, strong shell, delicious flavor. Complete feed-your choice, mash or pellets. Feed PURINA LAYENA Feed LAY CHOW It pays to balance your grain wi Purina Lay Chow. Quality ) ingredients supply what your own scratch grains lock. See us. 3 For FULL EGG BASKETS SAY .. FOR WHAT YOU NEED TO RAISE EY \POULTRY AND a "" ,: LIVESTOCK RIGHT 9ET YOUR PULLET GROWING NEEDS NOW I MNffAIION1 lU/RRy! GET YOUR ,. LIVESTOCK SPRAY |REQUIREMENTS NOW!! Our a upple of this AA kiling-pbw-er pray are now good. Costs only Ic per AY day per cow. Order now. PURINA LIVESTOCK SPRAY St. Joe Hardware Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA !' r .. __ ?~' ~- u" ? ll; fl~lWC A a 1 1U1WW STREAMLINED BEDROOM! $139.50 Stunning new waterfall design in rich V-matchea and swirl grain walnut veneers with other se- lected cabinet woods. Includes Bed, Chest and your choice of either Vanity or Dresser with plate glass mirror. PEDESTAL SMOKER From $3.95 A nicely designed pedestal smoker with removable ash tray, decorative carved stand. CLIP-ON SHADES Assorted boudoir lamp shades with spring clamps to clip on bulb. Your croice $100 of colors. Up from..... BEAUTIFUL LAMPS $8. 95 up We have a lovely selection of table lamps with decorative vase bases, graceful shades. Ip^A!. ,; I I l TI i L i !A --- W%. -_ __ -',__________ -te 7" ~ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FL.ORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 PAGE TWO FRDY AGS.tO 145TESAR OTST.JEGL OUTFLRD AG HE Can You Recognize the March of Death, Jap bridge ot S YO Recognizdead the Cabanatuan prison raid, Prisoners Rescued In Battle of Bataan, bolo knives vs. Raid On Jap Prison? guns, daring guerilla raids, Yanks landing at Leyte, and more. Theater-goers are urged not to In every section of the country m t ig dra people are interested in or have _____d_____ loved ones who saw action in the Battles of Battan and Corregidor, SOMETHING TO WORRY OVER were in the "March of Death" or Bride: "Darling, what's troubl- assisted in the liberation of Am- ing you? You look so depressed. erican prisoners from Cabanatuan Remember that now your worries Prison by Stanley"s Rangers. are OUR worries." Therefore you cannot miss the Groom: "Oh, very well. I've just history-recording epic of the screen had a, letter from a girl in New "Back to Bataan," playing at the York, and she's suing US for Port theater Monday and Tuesday, 'breach of promise." August 13 and 14. -. It shows the inside story of the He who laughs last has found a invisibel army of the Philippines, double meaning. J i Sugar Sugar stamp 36 is now valid, expires August 31. Good for five pounds. Shoes-Airplane stamps 1, 2, 3 land 4 now valid. SOMETHING TO DO ABOUT A DREAM' People oai areaming rnese days thinking about all the things they are going to do for their homes when war is over. Maybe it's a new home-or your present home made new-but in either event electricity is figuring in these plans an all- electric home where leisure and comfort is the everyday rule. You can do something about that dream today. You can . PREPARE YOUR HOME NOW FOR THE V-DAY ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN the first thing that has to be done to have that all-electric home you want, is to see that your home is adequately wired. You can do that now there is no need to wait in fact,, you shouldn't wait. If you do it now, you'll be able to use those appliances you want just as soon as your dealer has them. YOUR OWN WIRING PLAN SWe will prepare special plans 1 A for you that-will fit all your electrical needs, whether for a new home or your present one. Call at FrP vFlorida Power office and ask to talk to the "Adequate :Wirino Man." .. ^There is no charge. HELPFUL BOOKLETS 2 0 These two booklets, "ELEC- S. TRICITY IN YOUR HOME M WP LLA N S," and "ELECTRICAL GUIDE TO THE POST-WAR HOME," are yours for the asking, l and they contain many practical -plans and ideas for your "Holme S-of Tomorrow." IM READY- ARE YOU? DON'T WAIT -WIR- TWIIRDIIR POliJEil ft OPOaIliTI -m L I I I L, .* I . . SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Here are your favorite cleaners, line quality wares, chamois and cloths to do the job quickly, easily and with professional results. Keep your-car looking shiny-new with these excellent "cleaner-uppers." Special low prices for a e Trouble Rely SHe r Itstoeocp Perma-Life, Battery SFil-O-Matic Covers Heavy, Interlocked Plates Selected Best Quality Separators Now, more than ever, it's important to buy the best. ,So,,for dependable, economical, trouble-free service, choose a Firestone battery and know you have the best! Firestone Home & Auto Suply B. W. Eells, Owner Port St. Joe, Fla. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HII WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII I RATION NOTES Processed Foods-Blue stamps: Y2, Z2, Al, B1, C1 now valid, ex- pire August 31; DI to H1 now valid, expire September 30; J1 to N1 now valid, expire October 31; P.1 to TI valid, expire Nov. 30. Meats and: Fats Red stamps: Q2 to U2, valid, expire August 31; V2 to Z2 now valid, expire Sept. 30; Al to El valid, expire Oct. 31; F1 to K1 valid, expire Nov. 30. PAGE THREE FRIDAY, 'AUGUCST, tO, 1945 THE':S'TXR, PORT ST'. JOE, GULF COUiNTY, FI-ORICA Gasoline-A16 coupons are valid A FELLOW FEELING through September 21. "Ethel, I'm not feeling myself 4-- -- tonight." Buy MORE Bonds today,! "You're telling me,. Charlie!!!" SWih I PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTRY FLORIDA FRIDAY ALDGLJBT 2l~t I94~ THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 --s Telephone 51 )e,- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for daniages further than amount receiWed for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed.' The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong INCREDIBLE POWER Discovery of how to unleash the power ot the atom, which was demonstrated this week in the dropping of an experimental "atomic" bomb on Hiro Shima, opens up undreamed of benefits for the human race in years to' come. It has long been the dream of scientists to harness the power they knew lurked in the atom, and if it has been done, which appar- ently seems the case, it is one of the biggest things that any of us living today may expect to see in our lifetime. This discovery means that a relatively small amount of inert matter such as copper, for instance, can be used to develop power that will put to shame our largest hydroelectric or steam plants. It is probable that harnessed atomic power would do away with coal and petroleum products for the development of power, and eventually we may see our automobiles, airplanes, railroad locomotives and ships powered with small but incredibly powerful atomic engines. Perhaps this is the one thing- that will even- tuallv outlaw war on this old world, for with the terrible destruction that could be utin- leashed with atomic weapons, no nation would dare to start a war for domination. While World War I failed of its effort to be "the war to end all wars," it looks like the present war may do just that due to, this new ,discovery. TWO WAYS TO 'SKIN' A CAT When Harry S. Truman joined recently with Winston Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek in sending an ultimatum to Japan, he prob- ably knew in advance that the Japanese war lords would scorn these "final" peace terms. Therefore it might be wise to look for the less obvious purposes behind this joint act ot Britain, China and the United States. Of course there was a great advantage in re-stating the basis upon which the' United Nations would make peace with Japan, thus putting an end to the hopes of the "soft" peace advocates. Yet there was another anct perhaps even more important value attached to the n'-eparation of the ultimatum at this time, one that has been reflected by dis- patches appearing from our command out- posts in the Pacific. The text of the ultimatum has been trans- lated into Japanese and imprinted on leaflets and more than 500,000 of these are being flown to Japanese civilians and soldiers every day in a continuous series of bomber sorties over various parts of the Japanese homeland. Our psycholQgical warfare department knows what a tremendous part surrender leaflets are playing in the destruction of Jap- anese morale. They have seen how the once- vaunted "no surrender" attitude of the ordin- ary Jap soldier has been collapsing under tne influence of American "paper" bullets. They know now that the Jap soldier is after, all just a plain human being despite the fanatical teachings of their overlords, and that thou- sands of American lives are being saved be- cause the Jap is being taught to surrender. The Japanese military caste had no altern- ative but to reject the ultimatum, unless com- mitting hara-kiri or being tried as a war crim- inal can be considered alternatives. Yet, it is a certainty that this very ultimatum, con- taining no threats to the safety of 'the ordin- ary citizens of Japan, will hasten the crack- up of Japanese morale as a result of our "pa- per" bombing. And when we place on top of this the newly-released atomic bomb, with its high destructive power, we should soon see the collapse of the Japanese empire. Failing to return a borrowed article is diplomatic stealing. to see these up-an'comin' boys. ;So this essay today is a pat on the back for the guys who never walk, but run. Yours with the lowdown, JO SERRA. -- ---k - Profits may .be wicked things but our experience is that they meet the payrolls better than deficits. DON'T WAIT -- - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with -quick and dependable service. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP $300.00 GOOD NEWS Two men met. "A little bundle from heaven came to our housfa yesterday." To which his friend replied: "So --boy or girl?" 'Neither one. My laundry came back.". Syou drive in at Sunny State for gasoline and don't get your wind- shield cleaned, we'll give you your purchase! . COME IN TODAY! SUNNY STATE SERVICE $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN NO RED TAPE IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE $300.00 FLORIDA $300.00 us and worry about our health and STARDUST and well-being, but our life insurance The Low Down company is always brooding about MOONSHINE how we're getting along, from M Well, we might look around and Willis Swamp see what.we can do about the mat- _____ W We just got a form letter from ter of keeping our company happy - -the insurance company with which and contented and maybe extend- Editor The Star: we carry a couple of policIes' 'in- inlg our own life expectancy a few You know, for bein' alert and on forming us that married men and years, though personally we've al- yer toes, you'll look high and low women live longer than single ready set 117 years as, our time on to outdo some of the boys a, the ditto. Of course, they know that this earthly sphere. gas stations. Even with things up- we are single now, but it seems sot the way they is', you hardly that insurance companies look out AMERICAN LEGION come to a stop at the pump 'til for you better than you look out POST IS ORGANIZED one of 'em is Johnny-o-the spot, for yourself. POST ORGANIZED wiping' 'his hands and preparing' to They point out that, according AT WEWAHITCHKA wait on you like as if'n you was to statistics, .married people live --- his one and best customer. longer than single people (natur- An A-merican Legion -post, to be So many folks, in the writing' allly, we can't drink as' much when known as Greer-King Post in honor business, and the comment-on-the- we're married as when we are of the first veteran from Gulf radio racket is tellin' what's wrong single) and, that, contrary to gen- county killed in World War I and -and how to fix it-that we don't eral opinion, it just isn't that it the first to fall in. World, War II, hetr much about noth.in' that is al- seems, longer. I has been formed at Wewahitchka. reddy okeh and' don't need no They also point out that married Officers elected to head, the new meddlin' with. You don't hear of women live longer than single wo- post. who will 'be installed next many pats on the Iback, just as if'n men, and, so why shouldn't' we Sunday night,'are: C. F. Brunner, no'budidy anymore ever did a extend the life expectancy otC commander; S. B. Brown, first skookum job at anything. So I'm some worthy woman a few years vice-commander; Roy Rish, second gonna be kind of a rustic, or un. by marrying her (off course, they vice-commander; 0. N. Thomas- couth.. or something, and admit didn't come right out and say tdat son, adjutant; Walter K. Hendrix, that something is olkeh. in so many words, 'but we could' sergeant-at-arms; B. F. Lanter, How'si business, I says to Jimmy read between the lines). Which is chaplain. Gre.er a while back 'fore he went all right as far as it goes, but why'; Heretofore veterans from the to the hospit'tle-me venturin' up should we give up our happy northern portion of the county out of the .Swamp on our new (- single life. with almost an un-i have held memberships in Willis gallon coupon. Not too bad, he ser, limited choice of females', just to V. Rowan Post, Port St. Joe, but but getting" a little better, like, he please some insurance company? few were able to attend meetings sez, if your fever has bin 104 and Of course, we can see the ang'e during the past few years due to it drops 'to 103. Thet boy will git from which the insurance company the rationing of tires and gasoline, along--he',s a optimist-some day is working-they want us to drink so formation of a second post In he'll be further up the ladder. He's more milk and less intoxicating the county was the logical answer,. a shinin' "exahiple fer others. And beverages so that they can collect then I drops over to Red Horton's a few more years' premiums on SUPPOSIN'? gas emporium, and fust thing, be- our policies. Nobody, as Ar as we "When your wife returns from fore I kin even git outa my car, know, is more interested in our the hospital you will have a dif- a colored hboy starts polishing up' welfare than our life insurance ferent woman." my windshield and what o her'l company. Of course our mother, "But. Doc, what tf she finds glass is left in the old bus. Yep, I were she still living, would .love out?" it sure makes: a feller feel good -- ---------- --------- - - Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Martin's Beach Club On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field DANCING Every Night 8 P. M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT Feature Entertainment COVER CHARGE ON FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS 50c PER PERSON * FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS * SUNDAY FROM 1:00 P. M. TO 7:00 P. M. *- - - --- ---- RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $ NOW [] HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW--........ 32 RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW .......... , ST. JOE BAR I - - - THE STAR, PORT ST. JO-E, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGQOT J! 2j -194 PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, AUGUST tO, 1945 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE Mrs. 0. D. Langston returned home Thursday of last week from a visit in Auburn, Ala., with her sister. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted APALACHICOLA, FLA. *% e *@ **e *0 Have Your Tires Checked for BALANCE , '' Makes your car run smoother, saves wear on your tires, makes tires * wear evenly. COME IN AND LET US CHECK YOUR CAR! * SUNNY STATE , SERVICE * bOO 5000*e* 00 a a m MRS. PATRICK OBSERVES HER 75TH BIRTHDAY Mrs. T. L. Patrick of Overstreet celebrated her 75th birthday last Sunday, August 5, with a family rte- union at her home. The table, was centered with a (beautiful" cake bearing 75 lighted 'candles, aud a basket lunch with barbecue was served the many guests who gath- ered to help Grandmother Patrick enjoy this day. Out-of-town children and grand- children present- were Mrs. Emmie Bowen, Lyons, Ga.; W. R. Patrick and son Larry, Savannah, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook, Mrs. W. E. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Panama City; Mr. and; Mrs. R. H. Roehlk, Sanford; Mrs. Bud Depuy and daughter, West Palm Beach; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Howell anti Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hardy and children. Friends from Port St. *Joe present were Rev. and Mrs. 0:' D. Lang-ton, Mrs. M. I. Lupton, and Mrs. Sara Williams. The honoree was the recipient of many beautiful flowers and lovely gifts as mementos, of the occasion. Write a letter today to that boy .f yours in the service. .7HREE O'CLOCK AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINKOO WAKEFUL NIGHTS --how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired thaI when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful nii ght and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner- vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after. you get to bed- try DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) DR. MILES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension to permit re- freshing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Iiles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large Package 75*, Small Package 350; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle 250, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. Read directions and use only as directed. - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1945 9:45-Sunday School for all. / 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: EXPOSITION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Eveniing Worship. Sermon topic: THE SOLUTION OF EVERY HUMAN PROBLEM EVERYBODY WELCOME! Announcing--- Change of Office Hours _= As of July Ist We will remain open all day Wednesday and = close Saturday at 1 p. m. Monday through Fridays 9 a. i. to 6 p. m. Saturday 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. DR. G. T. NEWBERRY -8-31 OPTOMETRIST 428 Harrison Ave. Phone 21 428 Harrison Ave. Phone 21 Panama City, Fla. -EA. n in ilet iiIii iiiiiiiilllii MONTHLY MEETING OF W. S. C. S. HELD WITH MRS. HUNT The August meeting of the Wo- man's Society for Christian Serv- ice of the Methodist Church was held '"uesday at the home of Mrs. Floyd Hunt. This very enjoyable all-day affair began about 11 a. m. with the worship program, fol- lowed by the regular program. both being conducted, by Mrs. R. G. Boyles. Songs used were "On- ward Christian Soldliers" and "In Christ There Is No East or WesVt. A beautiful prayer-hymn was read by Mrs'. Boyles. Others taking part were Mrs. Miles Hurlbut, Mrs. 0. D. Langston and Mrs. J. L. Sharit. At the conclusion of the program, parts were assigned for a play to. be given a't the next meeting. Circle meetings were held in ad- jacenit rooms, and when these were over, a delicious, luncheon was. served to twenty members and. one visitor. The afternoon session began with the spiritual life meditation conducted by Mrs. G. A., Patton. This was a beautiful and; most in- spiring message, bringing out the differences in love and lust. The .business meeting was coL ducted by Mrs. Sharit. At this time splendid reports: were made by al. the circles and different depart- ments of the society. The group voted to install an efficient win- dow fan in the parsonage, to hire a "young janitor" to see that the church is properly closed' after the services, and a committee was ap pointed to see about planting trees on the parsonage gorunds; Mrs>. Charles Brown', Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Ben Dickens were named on this committee. Mrs. R. G. Boyles offered her, home as the next meeting plac-. following which the closing prayer was made by Mrs. Langston. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston. Pastor 9:45 a. n.---hurch school 11:00 a. m.-Mcrnring worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p, m.-Evening worship. \Voman's Society meets Mon- days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Bible study and choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A, Daniel, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching services every first and third Sunday at 11 a, m. You are cordially invited to wor. ship with us. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Little Miss, Patti Brooks' is the guest of Mary. Lee Little at Wa- kulla Springs.. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith and daughter Sandy, of Telogia, and Miss- Sara Ann McReynlolds o' Fiorala, Ala., were guests this week of Miss Pearl Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall and sons spent the week-end in Blountstown visiting relatives. Miss Betty Waller of Atmore, Ala., is the guest of Miss Eloise Scheffer. Mrs. J. A. Connell and daughter Ruth Moore spent Sunday in We- wahitch.ka, the guests of Mrs. Har- riet Rowell. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Daughtryand daughters spent Sunday in Wewa- hitchka, the guests of Mrs. Charlie Redd. Mrs. Wm. J. Ferrell spent the week-end in Wewahitchka with her grandmother, Mrs. Harriett Rowell. Miss Katherine Lister of Pensa- cola has returned to her home at- ter a visit of two weeks here with her sister and family, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward. Trhe Misses Virgie Mae and Mar- gueritte Arnett of Chattahoochee spbnt ,the week-end here with t their ihoteAr, Mrs, D. C. Arnett. Port TI r, A Martin Theatre 'q THEATRE OPENS SATURD CONTINUOUS PERFORM SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 STFRILLS : ", ACTION! I 1 I theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. E DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY August 13 and 14 THEY WERE - The men who re-took the Phitippines! ' VA n K DAYS 1ANC V ,,,,,, Chapter 11 of Serial "BRENDA STARR REPORTER" - FEATURE NO. 2 - I DA-NGER! Is Tahcir Business AwIth CHESTER MORRIS NANCY KELLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 LATEST NEWS EVENTS "OVERSEAS ROUNDUP" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 Chapter 12 of Serial "JUNGLE QUEEN" "SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T EAT" THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 16 and 17 "GIRLS PREFERRED" "SCREEN SNAPSHOTS" -._ .... 3-- LATEST NEWS "JASPER'S CLOSE SHAVE" MISS ALLYNE EVANS IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY iMrs. Curtis, Evans honored her I daugther, Allyne, on her thirteenth birthday Wednesday evening at the Evans home on Seventh Street. with a birthday party. Games of various kinds were en- joyed during the evening, after which about 25 guests invite-d to enjoy the occasion were ushered to the dining room where they were served the traditional birthday cake, ice cream and coca-colas. b All voted it a most enjoyable evening and wished Allyne many more happy birthdays. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George Wim.ber'.y announce t(he birth of a son on August 2 at the municipal hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. M. F. McCorvey are the proud parents of a daugh- ier, born August 3 at the munici- pal hospital. Earl Scott, from, Fort 'Benning, Ga., arrived Thursday to visit with his mother, Mrs. Stonewall Ham. - - - - - L FRIDAY AUGUST tO, 1945 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE Buy MORE Bonds today!' MADAM GAY PALMISTT and ADVISER, Hours-9 a. m. to 9 p. rr. Tells you everything you wish to know. The object of your L visit, your correct future, how to overcome your troubles, * when to make a change, when you will marry, if friends are true or false, if you will be successful in your plans, how to settle estates, how to win the one you love, and other true facts about your Life, Love, Health, Business, Mar- riage, Work, Divorce. Will ad- vise you properly and solve your problems correctly, will guide you to success and hap- Spiness. LOOK FOR SIGN! 3 Miles Out on Highway 98 BAY HARBOR, FLA. IA(O TRLIU Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Horne and daughter LaRue, of Dothan, Ala., and Ross. Clark of Elba, Ala., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Dan Brooks. Ed Ramsey returned last Thurs- day from a short business trip toe New Orleans. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Rochlie, the holder of the following sertifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 16 Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, Block "B", Beaty Subdivision. Sec. 11, Twp. 7 S, R 10 W. Name in which assessed: Ruby Clanton. All of said property being in the County of Gulf. State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bi- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of September. 1945, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this 3rd day of August, 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be iss-ed thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows Certificate No. 17 Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: I Lots 33, 34, 35, Block "F", Beaty I Subdivision. Sec. 11. 'Twp 7 S. R10 VW. Name in which assessed: Sandy Johnson. All of said property being in the County of Gulf. State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall he redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bia. *der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of September. 1945, which is the 3rd day of September, 194o. Dated this 3rd (ay of August, 1945, J. R. HUNTER. (REAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 23. Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 13, 15, 17, 19, Block 5, Beacon Hill Subdivision. See. 31, Twp. 6 S, R 11 W. Name in which assessed: S. B. Atkins. All of said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida. .. Unless such certificate or certificates shala be redeemed according to' law 'the property described in such certificate or .certificates will be sold to the highest bid- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of September. 1945, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this 3rd day of August, 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax dIed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, tie description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate "No. 24 Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 14, 16, 18, Block 5, Beacon Hill Subdivision, Sec. 31, Twp. 6 S, R 11 W. Name in which assessed: S. B. Atkins. All of. said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described In such certificate or c-rtificates 'will be sold to the highest, bia- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month 'of Seutember. 1945, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this 3rd day of August. 1945, J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W. C. Roche, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi-. cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: -Certificate No. 31 Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lot 5, Block 61, Port St. Joe, See. 12. 'Twp S S. R 11 W. Name in which assessed: John O'Keef. All of said property being in the County of Gulf. State of Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bid- der at the court house bnar on the first Monday in the month of Sentember, 1945, which is the 3rd day of September. 1945, Dated this 3rd dav of August. 1945. J. R. HUNTER. (SEAL)" Clerk of Circuit Court 8-3 31 of Gulf County. Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that W C. Roche. the ho dor of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 33. Year of issuance 1943. Description of Property: Lots 20 and 2,. Block f19. Port St. .Toe. Sec. 12, Twp. 8 S. R 11 W. Name' in which assessed: E B. Loftin. All of said property being.in the 'oftnt of G.ilf. State of Florida. UTnless such certificate or certificates shall le redeemed according ton i""' the property described in-such certficate or certificates will be solpid to the highest hid- der at the court house dnnr on the first Monday in the mnnth of qostemher '"A.5, which is the 3rd day of September, 1945, Dated this Srd day o' Ag,*t 10air,. T. R. HUNTER, 8-s 31 of Gulf county, Florida. HABIT Gorporal: "That new recruit used to be a clerk." Sergeant: "How do you know?" Corporal: "Every) time he stand's at ease, he tries to put his rifle behind his ear." FAIR EXCHANGE Mrs. Jones: "Goodness, George, this isn't our baby. It's the wrong carriage." Mr. Jones: "Shut up-this one has rubber tires." CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Universal Hot Plate, two units; practically new; price $10. Call 173-W. 1'F PEARS FOR SALE at my place at Overstreet; 75c per bushel at the grove if you pick them your- self; $1.50 per bushel delivered. Send your order by the Guilford Dairy truck. W. G. Hardy, Sr. FURNITURE Kitchen cabinet, ice box, studio couch, three- quarter bed complete; all in good( condition. See A. V. Bateman, Long Ave. between Seventh and Eighth Streets. 8-12* MOVIE EQUIPQMENT-All types of 8 and 16 mm. cameras, projec- tors and films. See Maurice Maige at P 't Theater. 7-6tt APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR APARTMENTS See The Shirey Apartments. 8-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FIVE ACRES two miles southeast of citev limits; 3-room house anu outbuildings; $650. .See CARTER at Costin Building. or phone 201; night phone 105,2. 8-3 10 VACANT LOT AND COTTAGES at Beacon Hill. Priced reason- ably. L. N. Smith. Port St. Joe, Route 3. 7-13 8-3 HELP WANTED CASHIER-sMust have experience. Apply Manager A & P Store. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Pair white Navy trousers On Apalachicolh,- highWay.'Please return to Port St. Joe Police De- partmetn. Liberal, reward. 1* RATION BOOKS Nos. 3 and 4 'bearing names, of Mattie Green, Joy Green, Alice Green. Joe Green and Mandy Lee Green. Please re- turn to local Ration Board. 1* LOST Crawford 17-jewel watch; gold link band, oblong case. Lost between school house andt bank on Long Ave.; $5 reward. Call 167. MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the Sheffield colored quarters. LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular a meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- ,1 ',, days each month 8:00 p. rm. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W. M.; G. C. Atkins, Sec. NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to Chapter 20953, Laws. of Florida, Acts of 1941, the under- signed person intends to register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Gu'f County, Florida, four weeks after the first publication of this notice, the fictitious name or trade name under which he will be engaged, in business and in which said :business is to be carried on. to-wit: Confidential Loan Com- pany, Port St. Joe, Florida. 8-10 31 W. C. ROCHE. I * For Shqlaempeu.. IM*l bNOY. HemSehe a, 'nt boa U d"i to N TWilm ummmir so dwft& "mo MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ," Rhamoe ,a wui- be 6.x 0 i Co., lumber 122.,10 iBurford-Toothaker Co., a/c 7.02 ....... 'A. N. RR' Company. a/c -. 12.69 Wewahitchka, Fla., Aug. 1, 1945. tify, in writing, Mr. G. B. Sheffield ~ r i. .Paker, cost ills The Board of County Commis- that the contract had been award- (les' tax) 147.25 sioners met this day pursuant to ed( to him. Gaskin Bros. Lumber Co., adjournment taken on Jrily 8th, It being made known to this lumber, etc. ------------128.48 1945, with the following members Board that Dallas Alford is in ur- P. F. McDaniel, ,supplies 13.28 present: W. R. Connell, Chairman; gent need of expense money to ge central Tire Co., a/c 6.50 W. C. Roche, Vice,-hairman; J. to th'e Veteran's Hospital in. Mont- PPridgeon'sSupply ,Store, a/c 6.40 S. Daniels, J. C. Martin and Basil gomery, Ala., and to provide ac- Gulf Hdw. & Sap. Co., a/c 11.50 E. Kenney, Jr. Clerk, Sheriff and toal and necessary expenses while C. H. Collins Garage, a/c -- 8.05 County Attorney were also in at- awaiting admittance, it was or- 20% Tax a/c, July ------ --15.50 tendance. dered that a warrant in the amount' 5% Retirement Tax, July- 22.00 The meeting came to order at of $25.00 be issued to him for this James Franklin, road work 12.00 10:00 A. M. and 'the following pro- purpose. John Braxton ---- 12.00 ceedings were had: Whereupon, there being no fur- Canal Toll Fund Mr. G. B. Barfield of the State their business to come before the Postmaster, postage ----$ 3.00 Board of Health, Mrs. Ellsworth, Board at this. time, it did then ad- R. J. Pitts, salary (less County Nurse, and Mr. Trammell, journ until August 7th, on which tax) 119.0t, Sanitation Officer, were present. day it will convene to pay bills 20% Tax a/c, July --- 9.20 The matter of increasing the bud- chargeable to the County. 5% Retire. Fund, July_ 6.75 get for the next fiscal year front Due to the fact that Circuit Wewahitchka State Bank, $3,150.00 to $4,000.00 was dis- Court will bes in session on the War Bonds ---------13,000.00 cussed at length by the Board and date for the riular monthly meet- Race Track Fund the representatives from the State ing, the Board will hold its next Fine and Forefiture Fund, Board of Health. Whereas, the regular meeting on the second transfer ---------------$600.00 budget having been !published as Tuesday in Selptember, the same Mr. Cable R. Laird, Farm Agent, required under Section 129.05 Flor- being, the 11th day. of said month, succeeding Mr. S. L. Brothers, met ida Statutes 1941, there was a mo- unless called in Special Session by with the 'Board and promised full tion by Basil E. Kenney, Jr., that the Chairman. co-operation in all matters in this the following change be made in 4 department. The Board expressed said budget, viz.: That the item August 7ti, 1945. its appreciation and also promised "Franklin-Gulf Health Unit" be The Board met this day with all full co-operation for a better Gulf raised by advalorem tax to $4000.00 members present. The purpose of County. and that the item in expenditures the meeting being to pay bills Whereupon, it being made known of the "Franklin-Gulf Health Unit" chargeable to the County, said to the Board that there had ac- to match Federal and State funds, bills were presented, examined, cumulated a surplus in the Canal. read $4,000.00, making an increase approved and ordered paid from Toll Fund, there was a motion, by in the original budget of $850.00, the several County funds as fol- J. C. Martin, seconded by W. C. and that the ,budget as, corrected, lows: Roche, that a warrant be drawn In be adopted. The motion, was sec- General Fund favor of the Wewahitchka Sfat - onded by J. S. Daniels and upon F. T. Alford, repairing locks $ 2.50 Bank, Wewahitchka, Fla., for the being put to a vote, was unani- Dallas Alford, exp. hospital 25.00 sum of $13,000.00 for the purchase mously carried. Postmaster, county postage. 9.00 of one $10,000.00 and three $1000.00 Whereupon, in order ta meet the Gulf Co. Breeze, stationery 4.50 Series "G"' War Bonds; upon .vote necp.ssar- current expenses charge- St. Jos. Tel. & Tel. Co., a/c 6.25 being called, the motion: was unanl- able to' the several County Funds, C. E. Glass, supplies county mously carried and the Clerk of- as siet forth in the budget, tilhe udigen'ts --------------- 133.10 this Board instructed to purchase Board of County'Commissioners of W. T. Strange, co. indigent- 10.00 the said bonds in the name of Gulf County, Florida, hereby de- Etta Rhames --- 10.00 "County of Gulf, Florida (Canal clare the tax rate on the dollar, as Polly Hardly --- 10.00 Toll: Fund)." set opposite each fund, is, hereby State TB Sanitorlum, Gulf The Home Demonstration Agent levied) assessed and is, hereby! im- county patient -------- 48.75 filed her regular monthly report nosed upon all of the taxable prop- C. G. Rish, salary (less tax) 70.55 for July; the same was approved erty lying and being within the Robt. Scott. salary and and ordered. filed in the office of hoiindaries of the County of Gulf, building doors and win- the Clerk of the Circuit Court as State of Florida. on the first day dows for jail; -----------131.55 art of the records of Gulf County. of January, A. D. 1945. as follows: W. R. Connell, salary (less The Board' did then adjourff un- General Revenue Fund ------3 tax) --------------- 47.40 til its next regular meeting In -Fine and Forfeiture Fund -. % J. S. Daniels ---- 50.40 Septeimber, the same being the Road and Bridge Fund ------ 3 J. C. Martin -- 57.60. 11th dav of, sid month, unless Agriculture & Livestock Fund % Basil E. Kenney Jr. -- 50.00 called in Special Session by the Mothers Pension Fund -------1/ W. C. Roche --- 55.20 Chairman. Franklin-Gulf Health Unit The Star Pub. Co., a/c .--- 84.85 Attest: s/ W. R. CONNELL, Fund ----------------------1% H & W B Drew Co., a/c 20.01 J. R. HUNTER, Chairman. C. H. & J. '." & S. Fund --- 2% J..R. Hunter, salary and cash Clerk. $15,000 T- W:. I. & S. Fund 5/ s -adv. express (less tax).- 130.15 Judgment No. 2 (Lister), 4 Dixie Oanfier Co., a/c -----77.25 General School --------------6 Pearl J. Whitfleld, salary, (F ANYBODIY HAS- Special Building Fund -------3 expense and cash advanc- ed for C.O.D. ------ 112:63 Eloped 1 Total County-wide Mi'lage 201/2 E. Clay Lewis. Jr., salary Married '1 Estimates having 'been made by- (less tx)------------- 37.5Divorced the Trustees of the Special Tax Byrd E. Parker, cost bitts School Districts of the County (less ax) Jul-------------- 157.17 Had a Fire m Gulf, and, the Trustees, with the 20% Tax a/c, July--------17.00 Sold a Farm I School Board, having certified the 5% Retirment Fund, July- 49.73 Been Arrested I rate of villagee to be assessed, It Fine and Forfeiture Fund Been Your Guet is hereby determined and ordered. GulfDrug Co., medicine Started in Busines that the following mills be levied, for prisoners-----------$ 12.7's Started in Business I assessed and arie hereby imposed, George Gaskin, juror C.J. Left You a Fortune I upon all of the property lying and court ------------------ 3.00 Bought a New Home being in the County of Gulf, State A. E. Lanier 3.00 Swiped Your Chickens of Florida, and being within the Jack C. Hall --- 4.80 Yu Accident boundaries of said Districts, on the L. L. Kempo --- 3.00 Met With An Accident first day of Janayr 1945, as fol- A. C. Lupton ------ 3.00 Had a Visit From the Storl lows: Mills E. F. Gunned 5.50 Special Tax School District J.A. Stevens 3.50 THA S NEWS No. 1 -------------------- 31/ H. Strickland ---" 3.10 TELL THE EDITOR Special Tax School District E. F. Jones 51 THE ST.00 No: :o Flhnd(Old 31/21Theo. R. Bishop ", o Phone 51 -THE STAR Special Bond Fund (Old Issue) L. W. Jones 0 .-- No. 1----------------------- D. W.Smith 3.00 Special.Bond Fund (Old Issue) PriCe Gay, witness, C. J. No. / court ------------------- 1.00 Special Bond Fund (New Is- B. Williams 1.00 sue) No., 2 ---------------- J. R. itchard .00-- 3.50 12Voll Daniels 3.50 Whereupon, the Clerk of this Eva Mae Daniells 3.50 Board was directed to certify the Louella Woodley 1.80 foregoing millage to the County Mae Ola Baker 3.50 Assessor of taxes. Flossie Braxton 3.50 This. being the date set for open- Rosetta Stinsc.ni --- 3.50 ing and acting h.pon the bids for Jake Hersey ----- 3.50 furnishing and installing the Heat- Tom Wilbanks "----- 3.50 in.g System in the Court House Jerry Gant ------ 3.50 9 and Jail, pursuant to notice given State Game & Fish Corn- , in The Star, the following bids mission. Report's Nos. having been filed with the Clerk 1029, 1049, 2202 -------- .27.25 of this Board, on July 30th, 1945, J. E. Pridgeon. cost bills I were opened and read in open (less tax) ------------- 419.23 session: E. Clay Lewis, Jr., salary 1. Haynesworth Plumbing and & convictions (less tax) 304.00 Heating Co., Panama City $2,700.00 Byrd- E. Parker, cost bills 2. G. I. Bowen, Port St. Joe, (less tax) -------- 1393.33 Fla --- ---------------- $3,200.00 J. R. Hunter, rec. convic- : G. B. Sheffield, Port St. Joe, tions (less tax) 4223 TO SAFE UA D Fla. ---------------------$2,475.85 5% Retirement Tax. July-. 113.62 TO SU 4. Gulf Hardware & Supply Co., Road and Bridge Fund YOUR HEALTH Pori. St. Joe. Fla. --------$3,383.26 Sunny State Service, ga.s lY UR H EAL There being no othebids, and and oils ----------------$ 19.76 There being no other bids, and Wewa. Hardware Co., sup- O The purity and uniformity of the after considering same, there was plies --------------------228.40 drugs and chemicals we use in com- a motion by W. C. Roche that the j Rbelrts, oa-d work--- 24.00 pounding your physician's prescription hil of B. Sheffield of Port St ICone Godwi n 00 are ensured by the vigilant chemist of bil of G. B. Sheffield of Port St. tCounce Goodwi.n -_- 16.00 Control Laboratories. Even during the Joe. being the lowest bid offered, Rill Williams I.. 10.00 manufacture of a simple product a score the same be accepted and that the rost Porter ....--- 8.00 I or more of exacting telts for purity are contract be awarded to the said G. T. Rhames .-- 20.00 made. Thus, we compound prescriptions G. B. Shetffield for the sum of 'W W. Walsingham 12 .00 with full confidence in the reliability of $2.474.85 and allowing the contrac- Babbv Scott ", 12.00 theindient yourphysicianprscrbes tor to substitute an automatic wa- I udrlv Parber 6.00 W e Meck Premipe C icals ter feedl on the boiler and air Frank Porter 43.50 cocks on all radiators, in lieu of T -ie T -'urimore -- 42.00 Smith's Pharmacy the conservation pump, Which is o. Z. Thomas __8.00 not needed on the system. The mo- Cary Thomas -_ 8.0U P r I* tion was seconded by J. C. Mar- A. J. Jenks. salary and mis- r-- P t S ,os. tin and upon being put to a vote ticeTlaneona (less tax) --. 136.03 We F|ll AGA Daktor's Proriptol -- --~ a~..I ~. ,. e l spDoar.Pmrlsls a u'uu~uui ~iim. 5 U y.aiuaussihjt~ was unanimously carried. T e D. Clerk of this Board directed to no- tax) 1 ---- : 125.85 .FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX p:;. T [ t~ U, Mr sai' yt..- 9- 'Ig -S- - S ~y AV I"JL~ 11A V 0 0 lU ~m C0 CL .4 it' 54 0 0 0 Li' 13~ 0 ~00 j!~. U2 ~ 0 ~ Li -'S 00 0. ~ 2~ ~ .2' ~ ~13 aj_ 5" U ~ a*r~ C F' ;O ~'2 - In. 'A1 'n *L 0 CL.0 0CL *0 U., I3A a i In0. 0 0 .L g- * 0 c 00 0 > x . M, A -~ I 1k~ m Is kg r V r ~K~i Al CA'~ I-- 1A-0 FS Jr r\u' A S ;1 'U. ~- IF U Il ;k: ll~ l l h I *We '. oooml OR ". .. tary panes, In so. places snackb re set to kep,;woun ietr La oi.aketrout dand bass flies,- ... .... .. -.. .. cheer " X- enMb. Nihriigcourses taken by Ame'- Assistqnce nto "l yes phe. to free professional nurses Cross responsibi dl forces. This mother has kept a bed volunteer nurses sh5 shows to the family doctor." qre trained,in .te 1 "5.- - Phpimary,' Rea P'. Making su.pletmental ms to fill Army andAJNVw . kers: like this 'requests ini wartime is a service of the Junior Red' injured child, C Cross. Herq Jynior Red Cross members assemble r iniured. crutches Ihcri wil lo to military hospitals. A BRIEF RECORD OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS Here, in telegraphic form, is a statistical story of Red Cross services' from March, 1944 to- March, 194S, last-few months, estimated. Euture demancdswill be even great- er, for more men are overseas and battle lines are extended. No turn of events can lessen the need! ernal gratitude! Ragged Yugoslav girl Egypt thanks Red Cross' worker for ded though American gifts. 1fT .. --.- : 5 I ASSISTANCE BY HOME SERVICE Servicemen, and families, assisted.. ..... Emergency messages handled.......... Families assisted financially. ... ........ ASSISTANCE BY FIELD DIRECTORS IN CAMPS AND HOSPITALS Servicemen and families assisted ....... Letters, telegrams and cables. .......... RELIEF TO PRISONERS OF WAR Food parcels packed in RC centers ..... Emergency messages for prisoners..... Copies of Prisoner of War Bulletin distributed to next of kin (monthly) . HOSPITAL SERVICE Individual cases helped ................ Movies shown in hospitals ............ 3,500,000 2,000.000 550,000 4,500,000 14,000,000 10.800,000 37.500 125,000- 1,300,000 150,000 "DISASTER SERVICE (DOMESTIC) Number of domestic disasters .......... 259 Money expended by Red Cross. ....... $1,8677,910 Number of persons helped by Red Cross. 68.000 BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Pints of blood donated for year. ......... 5.000,000 NURSING SERVICE Nurses recruited for Army and Navy. .... 15,000 Home nursing certificates issued....... 300.000 VOLUNTEER SERVICES Surgical dressings made ................ 775.000,000 Garments made....................... 1. 000,000 Kit bhugs. fo servicemen 3,24000 JUNIOR RED CROSS Articles made for armed forces ........ 15,000,000 Salvage collected (tons) ............... 50,000 *For fiscal year ending June 30, 1944 r *v't L~t4, .-- -L- lical dressings for wounded-775,000,000 in 1944-are made by Cross production workers in thousands of communities on home front. tRe6 Cross food parcels for Americans in enemy prison camps ore packed by patriotic women working long hours daily in four modern packaging centers. 10,800,000 were packed by production-line methods last year! 40 I mm ~ UrK-. : - Bc. C r rl ARC 113" |