The star

Material Information

The star
Uniform Title:
Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Place of Publication:
Port St. Joe Fla
W.S. Smith
Creation Date:
June 29, 1945


Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
newspaper ( sobekcm )
newspaper ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )


Additional Physical Form:
Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began in 1937.
General Note:
Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note:
Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note:
Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact Digital Services ( with any additional information they can provide.
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IIIllllIII iii lli till IIIIIIliii llli lllllll llll llifIIIIIIII
An Oak Leaf Cluster to the Air
Medal was awarded posthumously
to 1st Lt. Howard C. Taunton, ,with
his widow, Mrs. Marigene Taunton
accepting it, at a special retreat
ceremony held Monday at Tyndall
Field during which 12 other medals
were presented heroic airmen b5
Lt. Col. Marck C. Bane.

Cpl. James W. Burns., an arma-
.ment technician with the Twelfth
Tactical Air Command Fighter
Group in Germany, now wears the
fourth Oak Leaf Cluster to the Dis-
tinguished Unit Badge since his
unit, the' veteran 27th Fighter
Group, has become the first AAF
unit in 'the European theater of
operations to be cited five 'times
in war department general orders.
IThe group flew more than 3500


The Home Newspaper of Northwt Elorida's Future Industrial Center

SNewspaper '
Gulf County


Schedule Set Up

For Last Half of

Softball League

FQirst Half Ends With American
Legion and High School In
Tie for Top Honors

The first half of the St. Joe Soft-
ball League season ended this
week with the American Legion
and High School tied for first place
honors. The school lads tempor-
arily took the lead last week but
the Legion defeated the Paper
Makers Monday night to tie for
top place, and 'the playoff was
scheduled for last night (too late
to make this issue of the paper.)
In a fast and furious game Tues-
day night the Kiwanis Club held
the Rotarians' to a third-place tie
;by winning 12 to'9. The Rotarians

combat missions and when Ger- started off with three runs in the
man- was forced to unconditional first and made it 5-1 in the first
surrender was, operating from a half of the third. But the Kiwan-
captured airbase east of the Rhine ians pulled up their pants in that
River, deep in enemy territory, inning to make it 5-all. Rotary
Corporal Burns was employed chalked up three more runs, in tnhi
with the St. Joe Lumber & Export fourth and fifth and Kiwanis two
Company as a carpenter before en- in the, fifth to make it 8-7. Ro-
tering the service. tary shoved over another in the
sixth for a 9 to 7 count, but the
GETS DISCHARGE Kiwanians got rambunctious in
Frank Stevens, son of Mrs. Lena their half and shoved five count-
Stevens, arrived home Wednesday ers over the plate. The Rotarians
morning from 26 months duty 'failed, to score in the, final frame
in France, and Germany with the and the game ended, 12 to 9 in ta-
paratroopers. He has received his vor of Kiwants.
discharge, but wili be returned to
a government hospital for medical CLUB STANDINGS
attention .after a short visit here Team- W L Pct.
with his, mother. --,----High -Schoo- -L .... -3___7L
American Legion .... 8 3 .72'
Bill Ferrell Home On Leave Rotary Club ......... 6 5 .543
W. W. Ferrell, CCIM, USN, ar- Kiwanis Club ....... 6 5 .545
rived Thursday of last week on a Paper Makers ....... 4 7 .364
30-day leave to be spent here with Maintenance ......... 1 10 .090

his' parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. B.
Ferrell. "Bill," as he is known ':w SECOND HALF SCHEDULE
his friends, has been overseas tor July 2-Rotary and Kiwanis.
the past year or more in Europe. July 3-School and Legion'.
Navy food seems to agree with July' 6-Kiwanis' and School.
him, as he's put on quite a bit July 9-Paker Makers and Main-
of poundage. tenance. -
1 1July 10-Legion and Kiwanis.
Enlists In Navy July 13-Maintenance and Ro-
Olan Howard Caninigton, son or tary.
M July 16-Hi'gh School and Main-
MIr. and' Mrs. J. V. Caninugton of tenance.
this city, last week enlisted in the July 17-Paper Makers and Le-
navy' at the Marianna recruiting [gion.
station. He was enlisted as an ap-! July 20--Paker Makers andi Ro-
prentice seaman, and before be- tary.
ginning his "boot training" la July 23-Maintenance and Ki-
spending a period of inactive duty wants.
at home. July 24-Paper Makers and High
July 27-Legion and Rotary.
Frank Legrange Home On Leave July 30-Paper Makers and Ki-
Frank Legrange, PhM 1/c, son wanis..
,of Mrs Gus Sempler, arrived here July 31-School and Rotary.
.Monday on a-30-,day leave with his August 3-Maintenance and Li-
family and friends after serving gion. 6-Rotary and Kiwanis.
with the navy in the Pacific for August 7-School and Legion.
some time. August 10-Main'tenance and Pa-
r !per Makers.
Sgt. Hicks Visiting Here August 13- Kiwanis and School.
Sgt. Hicks Visiting Here August 14-Legion and Paper
S/Sgt. Clarence Hicks, nephew Makers.
of Mrs. J. W. Simmons, arrived August 17-Maintenance and Ro-
Monday night from oversea duty 'tary.
,in France. He. has a 30-day fui- August 20-School and, Mainten-
lough. ante.
'August 21-Le'gion and Kiwanis,.
Aulgust 24-Paper Makers and
Start Boot Training Rotary.
Tom.Parker Jr., and George W. August 27-Maintenance and Ki-
Tonm Parker Jr., and George W. wanis.
Parrish Jr., left Sunday for Jack- August 28r--Paper Makers wand
sonville to start their "boot train- School.'
ing" in the navy. August 31-Legion and Rotary.'
'Sept. 3-Paper Makers and Ki-
Join the Navy- Sept. 4-School and Rotary.
Loyce Davis and Ernest Smith Sept. 7 Maintenance and Le-
teft Tuesday for Jacksonville to gion.
enter Uncle Sam's navy. LEGIONAUXILIAR MEET
(Continued on Page 2) LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET
a_____ A meeting of the American Le-
See Navy Recruiter gion' Auxiliary will be held today
Budldy Evans and Jack Hammock at 4 o'clock in the, American Le-
spent Monday in Marianna talking gion Hut. .All members and prps-
over -illintment In the navy wittl pective mem;lers are urgdi to- be
the, recruiting 3offiQr. .prsent, t bat time.




Girls to Organize Sand In Shoes To

Softball League' Bring Servicemen

Will Meet Wednesday Afternoon Back To florida
And Endeavor to Form Four
Teams; To Play Men Upon Discharge Many Who Have
Trained Here Will SeeS Em-ploy-
The softball bug bit a lot of lo- ment and Business Chances
cal girls when they put on that -
exhilbiiton game recently at the By RUSSELL KAY
bond rally held on Centennia. Florida sand` in the shoes of
Field,, and now 'they are ambitious servicemen and womeil promises
to form a home town league of to bring thousands of them back
their own, play a series, take on to this state as permanent resl
the men's teams for a number o01 dents after the war. While no on!
games, and possibly play teams knows how many services folks
-fr0u-iniusko oiSi gh -&---.twabv-tajLisied' hl ainc.
Present plans are to form four Pearl Harbor, the number surely
teams, to be sponsored by the St. must run into the millions, and
Joe Paper Company, American Le- among them arel a large percent-
gion, Kenney's Mill an.d the busi- age who want' to return.
ness men. An organization meet- Many of these folks were se-
ing has been called for next Wed- verely critical of the state when
nesday, afternoon at 3 o'clock at they first came. They didn't like
The Star office and any girls de- any part of it, and they were
siring to play are asked to be on frank to say s'o. Most of them were
hand at that time. Any who desire away from their homes, for the
to play but who cannot attend the first time and' they missed their
meeting are asked to phone their friends and loved, ones; they were
names in to The Star. homesick and blue. They didn't
--- -like Florida because their minds

Local Boys Return

After Being Held As

Prisoners of Nazis

Paul Farmer and Foy Scheffer
Home After Weary Months
As Prisoners of War

Somewhat worse, for wear, but
still cocky and with chins held
high, two Port St. Joe boys ar-
rived home this week after being
released, from German prisoner of
war camps where, they hadi been
held for long, weary, months,. They
are Sgt. Paul James Farmer and
Pfc. Richard F. Scheffer. sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Farmer and
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. 'Scheffer.
iSgt. Farmer, who weighed 112
pounds when released' from the
Nazi camp two months ago, now
weighs 157. His plane, a B-17
bomber on which he acted as, en-
gineer, gunner and assistant radio
operator,- was shot down on a raid
over France on January 5, 1944
(his first flight on which he was
credited, with shooting down three
enemy planes). He was seriously
wounded in the. leg when a bullet
shattered a sheet of plexiglass and
the fragments, entered his right
leg. This eventually led to hts
capture after he had parachuted to
The French underground, pro-
vided him with civilian clothes,
but a short time lateVr"'he was
picked up by the gestap'-' -a nt
to a prison camp in ;i r'-rTer-
many. Whe-n the Russians started
their big push. he, with thousands,
of other prisoners, was marched'
from prison camp to prison camp,
ever westward, and covered 623
miles barefoot through snow, mud
and' slush (the Germans having
taken his shoes) between March
and May of this year. Many of the
prisoners on -'this, march died o0
starvation and exposure. .
S'gt. Farmer credits the Inter-
national Red Cross for the fact

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL were not in a receptive mood to tiat ne is anve. ouay [or, ne said,
WILL OPEN NEXT MONDAY asiy place but home. had, it not been for the regular
The annual vacation Bible school Then. they were transferred to weekly arrival of 'the' Red Cross
of the First Baptist Church will a dozen other states. The sand in parce's he surely would have died
open next Monday morning at the their shoes was beginning to work. of malnutrition and starvation. The
church, according to an announce- On the Texas plains they cursed regular fare was: For breakfast, a
ment .by R. F. Hallford. Children the heat and' the sand. storms ana cup of lightly-colored hot watex
of the city. and vicinity between (Continued on Page 3) referred to as coffee; for dinner
the ages of 3 and 16 are urged tou ----- ----- a serving of mixed 'beet tops and
attend, STANDARD OIL AIDS IN turnip greens and an occasional
'Rev. Hallford will act as prin- small potato, and for supper a-
cipal; Miss Margie Kirkland, see- COUNTY'S BOND DRIVE bowl of thin soup (with no meat
retary; Miss Fay Morris, pianist; or vegetables in it) apparently
Miss Dorothy Cosytin, treasure-. The Gulf county quota in' the 7th made from sheep or goat. To sup-
In charge of the various classes War Loan Drive, is nearer fulfi'l- plement this daily, fare, one loaf
will be: Beginners-,Mrs. W. M. mnent today due to the subscrip- of black bread was provided for
Chafin, superintendent; Mrs. R. F. tion of s1000 by the Standardi Oil every seven prisoners, but later on, secretary-pianist; Haze1 Company of Kentucky. even this sma'l amount of bread
Cason, teacher. Primaries Mrs. J. Lamar Miller, the companyNs failed to materialize.
Toni Mitcheill, secretary-pianist; local agent, entered the subscrip- He was not liberated by 'the
Mrs., P. B. Fairley and Mrs. W. J. tion for Standard Oil and received Russians, as was thought here, but
Daughtry, teachers. Juniors-Mrs. expressions of appreciation from by the French, who stormed the
Joe Ferrell, superintendent; Miss 'the committee. camp and released the prisoners.
Sara Jo Costin, secretary-pianist; Mr. Miller states that the action te stated that the Nazis shoved
Miss, Eloise Scheffer and Mrs. W. of the company was taken as an the prisoners, to the front as the
I. Car:ien, teachers. Intermediates expression of genuine interest of' French attacked and that in order

-Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, superinten-
dent; Miss Pay Morris, secretary-
pianist; Mrs. S. Beckham and Mrs.
T. V. Morris, teachers.

Have Guests From Jacksonville
Mr. and Mrs. Oipal Ogburn and,
children of Jlaclqsonville are the
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Stone'.

Vacationing In Chiefland
Mis's Christine Cargle left Tues-
day for her home in Chie-fland,

.where she will spend .1er .acation.

the organization in the- success ol
the Seventh War Loan in Gulf
county and in the state.

Fish Fry, for Railroad Employes
The Apalachicola Northern Rail-
road' Company entertained em-
ployes' Wednesdlay evening with a
fish all the trimmings at
Kenney's boat house on the canal.

Holding Revival At Cottondale
Rev. R. F. Hh.'ford is co 'n1uc'-
ing a revival meeting in Cotton-
dale thia week.

Ito save their lives, they had to
seize weapons from their captors
and. fight their way out.
Sgt. Farmer is the recipient of
the Purple Heart and has been
recommended for the Air Medal.
(Continued on page 6)

Return Home After Visit Here
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Corbitt or
Valdosta, Ga., and Mrs. R. E. Mc-
Donald and children of Lakeland,
Ga., returned to their homes Sun-
day after a ten-day visit here wIth
Mr. and Mrs.. George YWimberly.

. ,. .. .



. j .2, %,*


Danley Announces N'~w Home

Danley Announces New Home

Freezer for Postwar

4. .W .:x

Home Economist Jane Schleicher is shown removing a frozen roast
from a test model of the new upright home freezers that Westinghouse
will build soon after civilian goods production is resumed; As family,
companions to household refrigerators, these new home freezers will
bave'the same "Reach-in Convenience", floor space requirements and
beauty that have always characterized Westinghouse refrigerators.
(Tbe new Westinghouse upright "The two functions of freezing
home freezers for city and farm and storing foods will be done

'use with front-opening doors and
sectional inner doors for easy food
storage and! removal will be, sold
in Port St. Joe and vicinity by' the
Danley Furniture,'Company, it was
announced yesterday by Mr. Opp
Moore, local Danley manager.
"This upright design-in contrast
to- the horizontal models com-
monly in use in food stores-will
make the neiw home freezer the
companion piece to the household
eleictrit refrigerator in size a hn
find i,;and will provide the same
reach-in convenience of the re-
frigerator," said, Mr. Moore.
"Since the cabinet will occupy
no more floor space than' a re-
frigerator of comparable size," he
continued,, "it can be located' in the
most convenient place in the
Mr. Moore said, he had, been ad-
vised by the Westinghouse Elec-
tric Appliance, Division of Mans-
field, Ohio, that they would man-
ufacture home freezers shortly af-
ter civilian production of electric
appliances is resumed, adding:
"We will have for sale in our
Port St. Joe store all three'modes.
of the new home freezer, starting.
with a six-cuibic-foot size, and will,
with this range of product, be able

separately in all models," Mr.
Moore pointed out. "Sectional in-
ner doors 'and' shelves make it
possible to select specific footb
from an individual section of the
cabinet without disturbing food
arrangements or temperatures in
other sections'. Zero temperature
is. maintained in storage comparm-
meats. On the freezing surfaces,
temperatures range from 10 de-
grews below zero to-20 deer2-, : e-
low zero. I
"Defrosting," Mr. Moore added,
"will be as easy, but far less trr-
quent than defrosting an electric
refrigerator, andi it will not be
necessary to remove foods from
the storage sections. Actual home
tests, of the' new home freezers
show that users open their cabi-
nets on an average of only' once
or twice a day-or less in a month
than the average, domes-tic refrig-
erator is opened: every day-and
defrosting therefore need be done
only once every six or nine
The new upright home freezer
will, like the domestic electric re-
frigerator, have a hermetically
sealed system. Thus, service will
be simplified to a point comparable

to meet both urban andi farm re- to household refrigerator servic-
quirements. ing, he, explained,.

Nlortons H-lome From Trip Home From Visit In Alabama
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Norton re- Mrs. R. F. Hallford and son Bob-
turned home Monday night after bie returned home last week from
an extended vacation trip in Soutn Alabama where they visited toi
'Florida. three weeks.

Kenney Mercantile


A Complete Line of

Groceries Meats Dry Goods

PHONE 136- W



A lot of people Fere in Port
St. Joe do not know what the
emblem above represents, yet a
number of our local boys are
wearing it. It says for them, "I
Have Served." Yes, that's what
the little golden emblem-the
United States Service Discharge
Pin says for its wearer. The
wearers are the boys who gave
up the comforts and pleasures of
home to protect the things they
and we believe in and cherish.
And, having given as much as
was in them, they have been, re-
turned to civilian life to
carry on behind the lines.
The publisher of The Star Is
going to endeavor to change tre
meaning ofthis button here in
Port St. Joe from "The Emblem
Nobody Knows" to "The Emblem
Everyone Knows."

With the Colors -

(Continued From Page 11
Pvt. Paul K. Johnson, 1415&910,
1107th AAF Base Unit, ATC, 762
Bomb. Sqd., 460th Bomb. Gp. (H),
APO '695 c/o Postmaster, Miami,
Lt. (jg) W. T. Mosley, 270909,
USS, LST 307, c/o Fleet Postof-
fice, New York, N. Y., Camp Brad-
ford NOB, Amp. Tr. Base, Nor-
folk, Va.
iT/4 James G. Johnson 34242261,
12th Prov. Co., Gp. 525 R, Camp
Butner, N. C.
2nd Lt- John M.,, 0-S_35r70,
498th Bomb. Gp., 875th Sqd, APO
237, c/o Postmaster, San Fran
cisco, Calif.
Burley E. Parker, S 2/c, Medical
Dept., Naval Air Station, Minne-
apols' 6, Minn.
Cp!. Paul J. Blount 34034340, Co.
A, 5th Rgt., AGF RD No.' 2, Fort
Ord, Calif.
Have Week-end Guests
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kingry and
Miss Penney Joyce Belcher or
Columbus, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs.
June Kingry of Cottondjale were
week-end guests of M~r. and Mrs.
Bob Kingry.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powell
spent last Friday shopping in Pan-
ama City.

We Will Be

Closed All




Customers are urged to
come in before that time
to fill their, needs, as
Jimmy Greer is going'
fishing .


Standard Service


A A A.

.FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1945

- ---,.-.. ..'.,- -- -.- ~rr~nrrralrau l~

Come In and- Let, Us Help You
Make Out an Application to Buy




The Tires That Stay

Safer Longer Because?

of These

Extra Value Features:

Tlhe-only tire built
with the famous
Gear-Grip Tread for
extra protection
against skidding.

2. The cnly tire built
-with Safti-Lock
Gum-QDpped 'Cord
Body for extro

3 The only tire built
With Safti-Sured
Construction for
greater safety and
longer mileage.

Bay he Firestone
DeLuxe Champion
.J.-now Yo Have
the Best!

( HERE ARE THE FACTS: It is true that more new
tires are being made but only the most essential
B- and C-card holders are getting them. A-card
holders are not eligible, but you, too, can keep your
car rolling by recapping your tires now.

Firestone Home and Auto Supply
B. W. EELLS, Owner



,w w w W W '' W' 'Y '


w w 'W


Fatal Hours
Nearly two-thirds of all the fatal
traffic accidents occur between 6
p. m. and 8 a. m.,., the National
Safety council reports. Yet traf-
fic for those hours is only about one-
third of the 24-hour total.

until your shoes are entirely
worn out! Have them repaired
now. We give you savings and
satisfaction with quick and
dependable service.


IF you drive in at
Sunny State for
service and don't
get your wind-
shield cleaned, we'll give
you your purchase! .




0 The purity and uniformity of the
drugs and chemicals we use in com-
pounding your physician's prescription
are ensured by the vigilant chemists of
Control Laboratories. Even during the
manufacture of a simple product a score
or more of exacting tests for purity are
made. Thus, we compound prescriptions
with full confidence in the reliability of
the ingedients your physician prescribes,
We u. Merck Prescription Chemicals

Smith's Pharmacy

Phone 5 Port St. Joe
We Fill Any Dootor's Prescrlption



A Alka-Seltzer, start taking it
at. once to relieve, the Dull,
Aching Head, and the Stiff,
Sore Muscles.
B--Be careful, avoid drafts and
sudden changes in tempera-
Sture. Rest preferably in
bed. Keep warm, eat sensi-
bly, drink plenty of water or
S fruit juices. Be sure to. get
enough Vitamins.
C -Comfort your Sore, Raspy
Throat, if caused by the cold,
by gargling witl"'Alka-Selt-
zer. If fever develops, or
symptoms become more
acute call your doctor.'
A.LKA-SELTZER is a' pain re-'
lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant
to take and unusually effective in
STake it for Headache, Muscular
Pains and for IndIgeatioe, Gas on
Stomach, when caused by excess ,
stomach acid.
'At your du store--Large
packae 'w rWO I
by theg CIAat ".4ft M_


(Continued from Page 1)
longed to 'be back in Florida
where 'they could enjoy nature's
air-conditioning, a cooling diip 11
the surf and clean fresh air. Batt-
ling the bitter winds of hte North
during winter months, they re
membered Florida, envied, the
folks who were there and were
comforted as they told their bud-
dies about the wonderful climate.
Then they went overseas, they
visited., foreign lands, compared
them first with their own country
and then withi Florida. They began
Ito realize 'that they never had
hated Florida; they loved it and
they longed' to return.
I know this is true, for during
the past few months I have re-
ceived numerous letters -from serv-
ice people who at one time or an-
other were stationed in this state.
They ask me about conditions
and what I think their chances
would be of finding employment.
Mos' of them could go back to
their old homes and find their old
job waiting for them, but they pre-
fer to live in Florida if possible.
When they left this state many
were sure they never wanted, to
see it again. They climbed aboard
troop trains gleefully, -thumbed
their noses at the sand and scrub
palmetto and, screamed: "Florida,
if'I never see' you again it will be
too soon." But they didn't reckon
with that bit of sand in their
It was, not until they had' been
places and seen things, until they
had had, plenty of opportunity to
make comparisons that it began to
dawn on them that Florida wasn't
such a -bad place after all.
So now they want to come back.
A lot of 'them want to come back
and they want to stay. They aru
looking for opportuitrie's .tor--nerr
ployment or the establishment ot
a business of their own. They asic
about living conditions and costL,
about business' opportunities ana
agricultural advantages.
Many of them have been saving
their money and expect to have a
comfortable nest egg when they
leave the servied.. They are not in-
terested in generalities. about 'thu
state. They want to know about
specific opportunities. What towns
could support a new radio shop,
,machine' shop, book store'? Hoaw
about doctors andl lawyers or pun-
lic accountants?
.Could a fellow find a good piece
of farm land and make a living
starting With a capital of $3000?
Could a fellow with experience
get a job on a railroad in-Plorida'
These and a hundred' other simt-
lar question's are being asked. You
don't have to sell these folk on
coming to Florida. They want to
come'. They know about the clI-
mate, the many attractions, the
flowers and birds and sunshine-
what they are most interested in"
is "Can I get a jolb? Can I make a
The Florida communities that
are smart enough to intelligently
answer such, question-' and which
go out of their way to provide
such information in a friendly ana
helpful manner will reap -a rich
Florida needs' youth and energy
and courage. It wants, -these serv-
icemen to come here, and they will
come if given, proper encourage-

Visiting Mother At Lake Wales
Willard Hatcher and sister, Miss
Elsie Hatcher, left Sunday for a
;wo weeks' visit in Lake Wales
with their mother, Mrs. Artie
Hatcher. '

Tallahaasee Shopperas
Those shopping in Tallahassee
over the week-endwe're Mrs. J. L.
Temple, Mrs. E. M. Godfrey, Miss
Lenora Johnson and Mi's" Ruth



Owners' who wish to make ap-
plication for_ free state veterinary
service for immunizing their hogs
against hog cholera may apply at
the office of County Agent S. L.
Brothers in Wewahitchka or send
their request, giving number of
weaned, pigs, shots, and number
of grown hogss.

Representative of Social
Security Board Will Call
k Here To Work On Claims

*Harry N. Stobt, manager of the
social security board of Dothan,
s Ala., which services six counties
I ia Florida anil seven in Alabama
. on claims adt Information con-
cerning old age and survivors' in-
. surance, dropped in at The Star
office Saturday and, stated that an
order to better service the people
* in this area he has established a
regular schedule and a represen-
tative of the office will be at tue
city hall. in Port St. Joe on the
third Friday of each month from
8 to 10 a. m., and, anyone having
any questions is asked to cll ag.
that time.
"Payments are being made. to re-
tired wage earners over 65 yearn
of age," said!' r. Scott, "and to
young widows and minor children
when the wage earner- dies, yet
many people are not aware- of
their rights, under the, social so-
curity program.
"Two things to remember In
connection with the oldi age ana
survivor program," concluded Mr.
Scott, "are that, in case of death,
the nearest relative should con-
tact the board office at Dothan at
once. The same app'liesEto persons
over 65 years of age retiring from

Visitors From Birmingham
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hubbard
and Mrs. Raymond Hubbard' Jr, of
Birmingham, Ala., are the guests
this week of Mr. and Mrs. Roy

One sure way to fall down on a
job is to lie down on it.



We take this means of

notifying all our Friends and Customers that
it is necessary that our store be closed

JUNE 29 AND 30

for the purpose of taking our annual inventory.

In order that no one

may be inconvenienced, we shall request that

you anticipate your needs as much as possiblee

so that all necessary deliveries may be made

before the above dates.

Gulf Hardware & Supply Co.



June 18, 1945

The supply of Coca-Cola in Port St. Joe definitely will be affected by
the further curtailment in the supply of sugar after July 1st because the
manufacturer of that popular drink will not compromise with the use of

However, an equitable system of rationing will be maintained in Port
St. Joe during the shortage, according to R. P. Nedley, Manager of the
Apalachicola Coca-Cola Bottling Company.
The OPA announced today that the allotment of sugar to industrial users
would be cut to 50% of the sugar used in the Third Quarter of 1941, effec-
tive July 1st. I

"I am informed that this sugar shortage is world-wide and not merely
national, and is directly attributed to the confusion in the production and
distribution of sugar occasioned by the war," said Mr. Nedley.
"Sugar is absolutely necessary in the manufacturing of Coca-Cola. We
cannot and will not use sweetening substitutes, and therefore will not com-
promise Awith the integrity of Coca-Cola. Therefore when sugar is short,
there must be a shortage in the amount of Coca-Cola, but you can be certain
that the quality of Coca-Cola will remain unchanged.
"My Company is committed to play fair with our Government and obey
its regulations in' both letter and spirit; to maintain the quality of our drink
and to maintain an equitable distribution system to serve all our customers
equally, and that we will do.
"We still have a war to win, and that comes first, but we will attempt
still to get you all of the Coca-Cola that is possible and what we have will
be available to all. I only ask that if your dealer does not have Coca-Cola
available on the day you seek it, ask him another day, because we will keep
our distribution up on a regular basis although the supply will be curtailed."

Apalachicola Coca-Cola

Bottling Company


. Thrifty hogs, free of lice and
worms, stand hog cholera vaccina'
tion much better than iindernour.
ished,, lousy, wormy and otherwise
sick hogs. Hogs should, be empty
of feed, in a clean, dry pen to
avoid needle infection, and it is
best to have, them under shelter
so that vaccination on the day
scheduled can be performed, rain
or shine.

Advertising doesn't oost--It PAYSI





" .. ... TRG IlIRG L O NlI ,_ II II I I

Published Every Friday at Pert St. Jee, Fla.
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMITH, Editor

Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the
Poastfiice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879.
One Year.. : ... $2.00 Six Months .......$1.01

-4( Telephone 51 J--
TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in adver-
tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for
damages f rather than amount received for such advertisement

The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word
is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts;
the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
to lost; the printed word remains.

Ow Country Right or Wrong

Here in Port St. Joe we don't hear so very
much about the G. I. Bill of Rights passed by
congress, but from other parts of the coun-
try are coming cries of anguish, and from ail
appearances a big storm is brewing, for while
some parts of the bill are okeh, a number or
portions seem to need rewording and revision.
It seems that there is a heck of a lot of
red tape in connection with it and that the
veteran who wants to borrow money finds
himself stymied at every turn. This is evi-
,denced by the fact that up to the middle of
February this year there were only eight ap-
plications in the entire" nation filed with the
veterans administration for farm-loan guar-
antees, with three granted, and but eleven for
business-loan' guarantees, with six granted.
A million and a half veterans were eligible
for these loans, and that is the record.
Charges have been made that members ot
congress were greatly concerned over cost of
the G.- I BLill :.,.l that they cleverly hedged
it about-with all sorts.of restrictions so what
looked like .nice.setup for the veterans is,_nio
chance at all.
But regardless of how-come the bill got
the way it is, there'll have to be some changes
made in it, and if congress chooses to resist'
making the changes-well, just between you
and me and the gatepost, we'd hate to be a,
member of that congress!

They say beauty is only skin deep. Perhaps
that is so-who are we to say. But much of
it comes from mines hundreds of feet deep in:
the earth. A lot of women here in Port St.
Joe would' be. surprised to learn of some of
the weird chemical tricks that contribute to
their (shall we say breathtaking?) appear-
ance. Most of these chemical tricks use coal.
Nearly all textile dyes are derived from coal.
Dozens of chemicals and resins obtained from
coal are :i...:.-. to process or finish fabrics.
From coal come plastics for dress buttons,
ornaments, shoe heels. Nylons (when you can
get 'em) are made of coal, air and water!,
"Accessories to match" also owe much to
coal; colors fqr lipsticks and nail polish; the
scents for perfumes ; plastics for costume jew-
elry, handbag frames, compacts altogether,
more than 200,000 useful products depend on
coal--and many of them are used to glorify
American women.

A solitary plane appears overhead, wheels
slowly, disgorges a shower of needle-like
bombs 'and slowly disappears into the
cloudless blue.:
Down below- perhaps in some steaming
jungle, twenty'-thousand pairs of Japanese
eyes spot the plane and follow the falling
bombs. Half-way down each bomb bursts
open, exploded by an intricate timing device
into a snowstorm of 15,000 to 50.000 freshly,
printed newspapers. The latest edition ot
Gimji Shimbun is being, delivered! I
The Gimji Shimbun is only orie of many
Japanese language newspapers distributed
regularly to the Japs by our psychological

warfare division. The Parachute News, which
is dropped over enemy-held parts )f the Phil-
ippines, is another. One newspaper goes into
Burma, one is dropped on China, and one is
even flown to the Japanese homeland.
Made up to look like a typical Nipponese
newspaper, and complete with pictures, comfc
strips, editorials and the latest war news,
these newspapers are proving immensely ef-
fective in fighting Japan.
At the beginning of the Burma campaign,
for example, only one in 115 Japa surrendered
the others preferred to fight and die. Yet
after our flyers initiated their "newspaper"
bombardment, one among every 20 Japs be-
gan to lay down their arms.
The army soon discovered that Japs who
surrendered also "talked," giving military in-
formation that saved untold American lives.
All through the Pacific an increasing num-
ber of Japs are beginning to surrender. And
millions of copies of the Gimji Shimbun, the
Parachute News or one of the other newspa-
pers are helping them make up their minds.

At war's end, the South"s forest resource
will be at a dangerous new low. Timberland
owners will be at the crossroads of widely di-
vergent courses. One road leads to conserva-
tion and increased timber growth. The other
way heads toward continued devastation and
final ruin.
Along the conservation route there lie pros-
perity, jobs and ample wood resotirce. Inade-
quate timber supplies, unemployment, and
poverty stalk the other path. Port St. Joe de-
pends for its income primarily on forest pro-
ducts. It is up to the people here to see that
our resources are not wasted.
For generations timber products have held
a foremost place in the South's economy, pro-
viding a livelihood for hundreds of thousands
of our citizens. When war came, the forests
of the South provided a. substantial part of
the material required for national defense, as
witness the thousands of tons of paper and
pullp put out for war use by the St. Joe Pa-
per Company and the hundreds of thousands
of feet of lumber turned out by the St. Joe
Lumber & Export Company for government
Never before has the average citizen been
so fully aware of the vital importance of our
forest resources.
I With nearly 200.000,000 acres of potentially
productive forest land, the South has a re-
source capable of supporting its present tim-
ber industries. But these industries cannot be
maintained unless our forest lands are kept
growing timber ,at something like their full
growing capacity. Even fast-growing south-
ern forests will cease to produce if cut too
heavily, burned too often.
Too much cutting in the past has been done
without regard for the future. The best trees
have been cut out, the poorer species left
to take over the land. Too often nothing has
been left to grow or furnish seed for a new
crop. Too many immature stands have been
cut when they were in their fastest growth.
F- r too many fires have swept away the
young growth that is the promise of future
timber stands.
There is a better way to handle our tim-
ber lands. Intelligent cutting can take out
the old, the overmature, the slow-growing
and the defective trees. The younger, more
vigorous trees can be left to take on more
growth. Young trees can be thinned instead
of slaughtered, leaving a well-spaced stand
to grow more rapidly. Fires can be kept out.
Always, the forest can be kept growing.
Will we have a thriving forest industry in
Gulf county 20 years from now? It all de-
pends on how we treat our woodlands in the
coming years.

Everybody, including the editor of The
SStar, pokes fun at marriage, but the truth of
the matter is that if it wasn't for marriage
a lot of writers would starve to death.




Thete seems to be quite a. dither
over the fact that there are no
"suitable" war songs for our sol-
diers of 'today to sing Back
in '17 and '18 there was. similar
concern. Seems a lot of folks de-
sired us doughboys to march, along
singing songs of high aspiration
and deep sentiment, or noble de-
termination. That's a laugh.
Marching soldiers sing what they
feel like singing and what they
sing usually pains the: ears of 'the
song writers andshb.cks-thP sen-
sibilities of the moralists. It
was anmsing to me when I got
back from France in 1919 to find
that the 'fplks at home had im-
agined us regaling the French
peasants with "Over There," or'
sitting around in. circles singing
"Keep the Home Fires Burning.'
"Annie" and "Home, Sweet
Home." Drizzle, mud, cooties
and- sour wine hardly inspire ro-
bust singing. What was sung?
Well, "Lil' Liza Jane" marched a
heap of weary miles, but two
French gals passed her like sthe
was standing still. "Madelon" ana
"Mademoiselle from Armentieres.'"
. The Mademoiselle made Mad-
elon, appear like a shrinking violet.
Madielon was, in love with the
whole regiment, but the Mademoi-
selle-hot dawg! Wouldn't OB
at all surprised! to see or hear of
a Chinese, Belgian or Australian
gal come marching out of this war

The Low Down
from, -
Willis Swamp

Editor The Star-You know,
bein' civilized or vicy versa, it is
sometimes a question which Is
best. The more civilized we git, the
bloodier the wars, the more. woric
confusion, more unrest, more dis-
satisfaction. A guy don't stop to
chat down at the corner but what
the drift gits around! to what ,
wrong-and how to fix it.
The durn Injuns wasn't civilized,
so we shoved 'em out: But the '-
juns ate buffalo meat-and "plenty
-and no red stamps,. But now, as
civilized as we think we are. we
seldum sniff meat, letalone nibble
same. And also we now have
more nervous prostration, and race
questions, and; less gold" money,
and' more news flashes than we
kin digest. At 12 bucks a day-we're
more disgruntled than when we
made 5 bucks. So money don't
bring happiness. Also, we ate. bet-
ter when we got only 5 )buck&.
W~hat'm I driving' at? It's. to per-
suade folks to git the feel of the
earth under their feet agin-and
their heads outen the clouds. I
ain't got nothing' against inventions,
and science, and politics, and
running' water in the bathroom,
etc., but we bin expectin' miracles
long enuf- and everlastin' secu.-
ity-without too much effort.
Yours with the lowdown,

old boy right out of its mother's

-or mebe a Zulu or some sot arms. Ben says he found the
of Melanisian. or perhaps a gal on kid's cap. but hasn't yet located
the road' to Mandalay, not to men- the kid.
tion Dirty Gertie from Bizer -e- ,the k d.
tion Dirty Gertie from Bizere e- Mrs. Jelff Plair told us that last
but whoever she is you can be Sunday on a fishing trip she caught
pretty sure she will carry carefree 26 brim while Jeff brought in but
associations, with nothing in par- 20. Of course we haven't heard
ticular. But she'll have to e ,Jeff's side o? the story yet, but if
doggone good to even approach the he doesn't bring us three or four
racy insouciance or the sheer
of those brim next time we'll really
breath-taking daring of the Mad- say something mean about him.
emoiselle. Some people are born lucky! .
Manager Ben Rivers turned on With the scarcity of telephones
his new washed'-air cooling system quite rampant, Myrtice Coody has
at the Port theater Thursday night landed- one I t's not listed in
of last week and the 'blast of air the, directory, but the number is 20.
was so strong it blew a two-year- Got any news, give her a ring.

89.PROOF Was $4.66
NOW ... 1 &
HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum tn$325
86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW...---.. -
RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $325
86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW.......... -o



'FRIP ;NE .29, 1946



Miss Evelyn Taunton and
Pfc. F. G. Troutz Wed
Miss Evelyn Taunton, daughter
of Mrs. C. C. Taunton and the late
Cyrus C. Taunton of this city, De-
came the bride of Pfc. Frank G.
Troutz of Collingswood, N. J., as
a double ring ceremony at the
home of the bride's mother on Mc-
Clellan Avenue, Tuesday, June 19,
at 9 p. m., with the Rev. O. D.
Langston officiating.
The bride wore a white street-
lengt'ih model trimmed with Irish
lace and white accessories. Her
corsage was pink rosebuds. Only.
attendant to the bride was. Misc
Barbara Edwrads, maid of honor,
who wore a blue frock with white
accessories and corsage of red
rosebuds. Best man was Pvt. Gene
Lupi of Boston, Mass., now sta-
tioned at Camp Gordon Johnston.
Following the ceremony, an. in-
formal reception was held. The
bride's taible, covered with a beau-
tiful lace cloth, held the wedding
cake and punch bowl, which were
flanked with pink coral vine and
logustrum. Presiding at the table
was Mrs. Roy F. Gaskin of Blounts-
town, sister, of the bride. Punch
w w vv- v y.*.* ,-r .w w y- -r -.,-





/ $300.00


Change of 0

As f J

We will remniain open a

close Saturda'

Mondays through Frida

Saturdays 9 a.

DR. G. T. N

428 Harrison Ave. Phont

resentative of the s-tate of New ceremony.
York, having been given this' Miss Erline McCle:lan acted a-
honor by Mrs. Mable Ramey, ( maid of honor and wore a rose
worthy grand matron of the Grand I beige crepe dress with accessories
Chapter of Florida. iof fuchsia. Her sholdeir corsage
*-, was of tiny lilies of :he Nile. Cap-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Upshaw and tain B. J. Brody of "'yndall Field,
daughter Joy Lynn, and Mr. and served as best man.
Mrs. R. S. Upshaw of Birmingham, The bride chose for her wedding
Ala., were the guests of Mr. and ensemble, a two-piece dress of ciel
Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon several days blue cotton lace fashioned on
this, week. fitted lines with a short peplum
.......... .... and a sweetheart recline. Her
halo hat was of the same soft blue
- $300.00 with matching veil, and her acces-
sories were white. She wore a
4 shoulder corsage of dainty pink
O L A rosebuds intermingled with steipn-
Following the ceremony, the
STAPE -- wedding party and guests were en-
)' JL -tertained at an informal reception.
OUT FIVE MINUTES The bride was graduated from
TO $300.00! the Blakely, Ga., high school and
Andrew College, Cuthbert, Ga.,
t where she studied music. She has
made her home here with her pai-
|l L oaTr' f l fents for the past several year,
S L oan whete she has been. active in civic
FLORIDA and' church work, and for the past
year has been a member of toe
-- $ 00.00t faculty of the local high school.
$300.00 Mr. Lewis is a graduate of the
................. Magnolia, Ark., high school and of
Sthe state A. & M. College, of that
l l 1 l -l -|it-,-Prior, to hiis -recem' discharge.
from the Army Air Foi'rce he
e ,served as a bomber pilot in the
IR-~-' North African and Italian can-
paigns, holding the rank of cap-
tain. He now holds a position witn
Eastern Air Lines, flying the Mi-
ffice Hours I ami-ew 1 York route.
e After July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
n i 1t ,'ill be at home to their friends at
ULy J1 432 N. E. 26th Street, Miami, Fla.
Out-of-town guests attending the
I day Wednesday and wedding were Capt. and Mrs. B. J.
Brod'y, Tyndall Field; Mrs. Annie
y at 1 p. m. Brook, Panama City; Mrs. Orrie
Grimsley, aunt of the bride, re-
ys 9 a. min. to 6 p. m. cently of Eglin Field and South
SGeorgia, and Miss Jamie Gilder,
m. to 1 p. L. Cincinnati, Ohio, also an aunt of
the bride.

,TRIST Mrs. L. C. Rester was hostess to
the. Mary Vic Mauck Circle of the
e 21, Panama City, Fla. Methodist W. S. C. S. Monday af-

R SuTlBaaTilllllllliiHllllllllllllHllill||ia lli|ll

1 -m---'a-

S R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156
9:45--Sunday School ,for all.
S 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic:
"THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL" (1 Tim. 6:10a).
S, 6:55-Baptist Training Union.
: 8:00--Eveniing Worship. Sermon topic:
:* "HIS BROKEN BODY" (1 Cor. 11:24).
A A.: "A f #f. AA- *,-A^ 4 **. --.. 4

ternoon at her home on Fifth
Street. The meeting was opened
with the Lord's Prayer and the
devotional was given by Mrs. R. G.
Boyles, who also presided' over the
business session.
During "the study period the last
chapter of the book, "The Radiant
Heart," was completed. The les
son was given by Mrs. Boyles anc
Mrs. J. T. McNeill, with scripture
being read by Mrs. Rester.
It was announced that the circle
would not meet on the regular
days during July, August and.Se.p-
tember, but would hold a joint
meeting with the other two circle
on the first Tuesdiay of each ot
these months.. Places of meeting
will be announced later.
At 'the conclusion of the meet-
ing a social hour was enjoyed dur-
ing which Mrs. Rester served de-
licious refreshments of chicken
salad, saltines, cookies and punch.
Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism had
as their guests this week Mr. ano .
j Mrs. H. G. Hughes of Mobile, Ala.,
and. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armistead
and children of 'St. Marys, Ga.

and cake were served, the guests Miss Josephine Grinsley
among whom were friends of the Becomes Bride of I. S. Lewis
bride and members of the Harbor-
craft orchestra, of which the In a double ring emony per-
groom is a member. During the formed at 8 o'clock Siturday eve-
reception several selections were nina, June 22, at the home of her
rendered by the orchestra. parents on Eighth Street, with the
The young couple left immedl- Rev. O. D. Langstor officiating,
ately following the ceremony for Miss Josephine Grirmley, daugh-
a short wedding trip and are now ter of Mr. and Mrs Joseph S.
... .. Grinmsley, became tie bride of
at home to their friends at Camp Fraisl. became ie bride ofM
Gordon Johnston. where Pfc. Troutz Francis Samuel Levis of aMag-
Inolia Atrk.
is stationed and Mrs. Troutz s I nola Ar-
employed. The marriage vows were taken
o a ,2 before an improvised altar of
southern smilax and sumac en-
Named Grand Representative twinedt with coral vinu and flankeu
At a regular meeting Tuesday by potted ferns and urns of deli-
night of Gulf Chapter 191, Order cate pink gladioli. Caidelabra witn
of Eastern Star, Mrs. Lovie R. Co- burning tapers cast a soft glow
burn was introduced as grand rep- during thet simple bUt impressive

A Martin Theatre



o F-
S 1 *OT

Chapter 5 of Serial






. ,D 'i tK r

atMs tea -et (b Sury, Jr. .
a 4 *i f Cs



Port St. Joe, Fla.

DAILY AT 2:45 P. M.

July 2 and 3




Chapter 6 of Serial



July 5 and 6




^- J** -^^^l^^^^

Baptist Young People's ity Missions was developed by
Rally Held Tuesday Mrs. Charles Gaskin, assisted iby
Baptist young people from hir- the young people, and the session
teen churches of the Northwest pay5tenr closed with a hymn ana
Coast W. M. U. Association gath- The Royal Ambassadors and the
ered Tuesday at the Port St. Joe o. A ,a.s.dors and th
ered Tu y at te Pt S. Je Girls' Auxiliary of the Port S&. Joe
Baptist Church for an associational aptit Church took hors for be-
rally. Theme of the meeting was I .
ig the only A-I unions present a>.
"Crowning a Century for Christ." -
this meeting.
The ra:ly opened at 10:30 a. m. n g. "
with the hymn, "We've a Story to W111 Act As Matron of Honor
Tell to the Nation," followed with Mrs. E. M. Godfrey expects to
a prayer by Luther Card.en and a leave tomorrow for Knoxville, Ten-
talk, "The Three Centennial R's," 'nessee, where she will serve as
by a member of the St. Andrew matron of honor at the wedding of
Y. V. A. A business session was her sister-in-law, Miss Elizabeth
opened at 11, conducted by Mrs. Godfrey Miss Godfrey's fiance
OIa Bennett, president. has just returned from two and a
At noon a most interesting ad- half years duty in Italy.
dress was made Dy Miss Doris A. A A '
Knight, returned missionary from Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sutton have
China, following which an old- as their guests this week Mrs. Sut-
fashioned., basket lunch was en- ton's sisters, Mrs. Frank Moravec
joyed by the 115 association mem- Jr., of Mobile and Mrs. Frank
hers gathered for the rally. Hughes of Brooklyn, N. Y.
The afternoon session opened
with a musical duet by Miss, Fay "
Morris., organist, and Miss Menta JOS B. SPEAR
Sutton, pianist. Following prayer PT MTT
and devotional, the mission stuay T O E RS
was conducted by Mrs. J. B. Wood- s Examined Glasses Fitted
ham and the stewardship meeting PALACHICOLA FLA.
by Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Commu,-__ _________

FRIDAY,~JUNE .29, 1945







CLARINET In excellent condi-
tion. See C. W. Mathews, 4th
Street. 7-6'
FISHING POLES Cured fishing
poles for sale. Creech & Brooks.
office, Monument Ave. 4-6ttf
The War Bond you buy may be
HIS ticket home!
rent or purchase. Call B. W.
Eells, Phone 39 or 100. 5-25tf
Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular
," meetings 2nd and 4th Fri-
<:/ %',days each month, 8:00 p. m.
Members urged to attend;
visiting brothers welcome. J. L.
Temple, W. M.; G. C. Atkins, Sec.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of County Commissioners of
Gulf County, Florida, will receive
sealed bids until Noon, July 14th,
1945, C.W.T., at the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Wewa-
hitchka, Florida, for installation
of the following equipment com-
1 Only No. 7 L 76 Kewannee
Steel Steam Boiler, Oil Fired.
1 Only No. 6420 Jennings. Con-
, sensation Pump and Receiver,
Capacity 4.000 Square Feet
' against 20-lb. Discharge Steam
1 1 Only No. OR-4CL Crane Con-
servoil Oil Burner with Stan-
dard Controls and low water cut-
Or the equivalent thereof.
Contractor to remove old boiler
and install new steam boiler com-
plete with Oil Burner and Conden-
sation Pump. Boiler to be covered
-with 1-inch thickness Asbestos
,Cement. Pipe and fittings in base-
ment to be covered with 3-ply Air
Cell Covering.
All bidders will Ibe required to
visit the Court House in Weiwa-
hftclka. Florida, before submitting
proposals on complete installation.
The Board reserves the right to
rej t "'v and all bids.
This the 29th day of June, 1945.
Board 'of County Commissioners
Gulf County, Florida.
6-29 7-13 \ Chairman.


Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williamson
and son Dan Jr., of Carraibelle,
were dinner guests Tuesday or
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sharit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson
had as their guests this week Mr,
and Mrs. Tom Wall and daughter
of Jacksonville, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Wall of Mobile, Ala. J. F. has
just recently returned to the U. E.
from Brazil.
Mrs. W. G. Booth and son of
Panama City were the week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Connell
of Wewahitchka were guests Sun-
day of Mr. and, Mrs. Geo. Cooper.
Mrs. Fred Wages and daughters
of Apalachicola visited here Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs. Y. L.
Wages and Mrs. Denver Miller.
Mrs. Dick Spillers spent Friday
in Wewahitchka, the guest of Mrs.
John Griffin and Mrs. Florence
Mrs. George Wimberly has ab
her guests this week her sister,
Mrs. Henry Clay Murry and chil-
dren ..f Charlottsville, Va.
Mrs. John Blount of Panama
City was the guest Monday of Mr.
and Mrs. Rush Chism.
The Misses Peggie Wise, Joan
Smith and Ruby Hall visited Mr.
and Mrs. S. M. Hall in Altha over
the week-end.
Lt. Mel Magidson and FO Tom
Costin from Dale Mabry Fiea,I
Tallahassee, were the week-enuI
guests of Miss Dorothy Costm:
Mrs. H. L. Oliver and daughter .
Mercie Louise, of Apalachicoia,.
were guests over the week-end of
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Eells.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Costin re-
turned home Wednesday from n
four-day visit with Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Carr in Tuskegee, Ala.

Visiting Here
Mrs. Tom Gibs'on and son Tom-
mie of Huntsville. Ala.. are, the
guests of Mrs. R. A. Costin for
several weeks.

Notice is hereby given that the following described lands, or so
much thereof as will be necessary to pay the amount due for taxes
of 1944 herein set opposite to the same, together with cost of such
sale and, advertising, will be sold at public auction on Mondiay, the
second day of July, A. D. 1945. at the hour of 12:00 o'clock, noon, at
the Court House door, the County of Gulf, in the City of Wewahitchka,
State of Florida:

m 0 0
z 3 <
0 w w M
UJ 0 < Q
m) I.- a: < <
S'E% of SW1/4. SW1/4 of
SE2 ... ............. 4 4 9 80 Delia Ash .......... $ 6.35
Lot 26. Blk. F, Alderson
Sub. ...............25 .4 10 Mrs. Allen Cox ...... 1.35
Lot -9, Camp Palms .... 20 9 10 E. W. Neat ....... 12.00
E'/2 of NEB ...........34 5 11 80 Ruthford Allen ..... 3.25
Lot 6, Bk.47, Beacon Hill 31 6 11 C. G. Costing ....... 3.10
Lots 7, 8, Org. less /2 acre
in NW part sold to J.
W. Rainer .............31 6 11 90 Paul Carter ........ 51.01
S/2 of SW4% ...........32 6 11 80 Paul Carter ........ 6.20
Lots 7, 8, Bk. 3, Yons Addl 5 7 11 Virginia P. Moore -.. 4.02
Lot 12, Bik. B, Highland
View ...............:.,26 7 11 George Bennett .... 12.92
Lot 15. Blk: C, Highland
View .................C26 7 11 M. I. Harper 1943-44 9.70
Lot 1, Blk. C, Gauldin.g
Sub. ................ 26 7 11 J. P. Morrison ...... 2.30
Lots 7, 8. Blk. C, Bay-
view Heights .........26 7 11 B. Yon Est. ....... 2.20
Lot, 12, Blk. D, Bayview
Heights .............. 26 7 11 N. A. Johnson ..... 6.0u
Lots 9, 12. Blk. D,, Bay-
view Heights..........26 T 11 David Hollington .. 6.93
Lot 16, Blk. G, Bayview
Heights .............. 26 7 11 W J. Todd ........ 6.30
N'! Lot 5, Blk. A, St. Joe
Heights ............... 2 8 11 Nero Hopps ......... 8.0J
S'2 Lot 4, Blk. B, St. Joe
Heights .............. 2 8 11 J. B. Godwin ....... 6.3u
Lots 1, 3, Blk. 23, Port St.
Joe ................... 1 8 11 Lawson & Lupton .. 23.33
Lot 27, Blk. 36, Port St.
Joe .......... ........ 1 8 11 'Berwey Davis ...... 14.73
Lot 4, Bk.60, Port St. Joe 1 8 11 S. J. Jordan ....... 3.10
Lot 5, Bk. 61, Port St. Joe 1 8 11 Johni Okefe ......... 3.16
Lot 7, Blk. 61, Port St. Harold C. Palmer,
Joe ................... 1 ,8 11 1943 1944 .... 6.06
Lot 6, Bk. 62, Port St. Joe 1 8 11 C. A. Lupton 1943-1944 .. 5.77
Lots 10. 12, BWk. 65, Port .
St. Jo ............... 1 11 R. R. Kingty 1943 .. 5.40
N/2 Lots 2. 4, 6, Blk. 1,
Oak Grove ..........13 S 11 J. L. Hughs ....... 7.22

LOCAL BOYS RETURN AFTER Husband and Son Visiting 1Varys;- Ga.,- where they are em-
BEING IELD AS PRISONERS Mrs. 'J. C. Evans has as he, polyed'in the paper mill.
(Conthiued from Page 1) guests this week her husband anu
Pfc. Schffer, who--was with an son, J. C. and Buddy Evans of St. Send The -Star to a friend.

infantry iQvision, was reported
missing in action in France on
September 8, 19,44. On. November
19 word wts received by his par-
en.ts from the Intetrnational Red
Cross that lie. was being held as a
prisoner oft the Germans'.

He, fared a bit better than ddd
Sgt. Farmer, as he was put to
work on a fai'm and received bet-
ter treatment and, more food. We
have, not teen able to interview
him yet, but hope to get his story
for next week's paper, along within
more dataled' information from
Sgt. Farmei.
Both boys are home on 80-day

Much-Deco-ated Flyer Is Visitor
Mr. and Mlrs. James Duffell had
as their we'k-end guest the form-
er's brother, Joseph B. Duffell of
River Falls. Ala., who has been
discharged from the Army Air
Force after 27 months service in
the North African and European
theaters of war. He holds the fol-
lowing decorations: Air Medal with
cliust'er, European theater ribbon
with five battle stars. Presiden-
tial Unit Citation with Oak Lear
Cluster. Purple Heart, Good Con-
duct Medal and the French Croix
de, Guerre.

Return From Visit In Panama
Mrs. W. M. Upshaw and little
grandson, Nor-man Todd, returned
home Thursday of last week from
Panama City after a visit of two
weeks with Mr. and, Mrs. J. Toda.

Joe Sharit Jr.. returned to At-
lanta, Ga., Thursdiay of last week
after a few days' visit here with
his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. J. L.

-A ^n-yeV tried Aika-Selt-
zerfor Gas on Stomach,
Sour Stomach, "Morning
After" and Cold Distress?
If not, why not? Pleasant,
prompt in action, effective.
Thirty cents and Sixty

TiOR relief from Functional Ner-
vous Disturbances such as Sleep-
lenessn, Crankiness, Excitability,
Nervous Headache and Nervous In-
digestion. Tablets 350 and 750,
Liquid 25 and $1.00. Read direct.
tions and use only as directed.

SINGLE Dr. Miles Anti. \\1
A Pain Pill often relieves _
Headache, Muscular Pains Al. \
or Functional Monthly Q -
Pains- 25 for 250, ,125 / %. "
for$1.00. Get them at your /.
drug store. Read directions f/
and use only as directed.

thfldn iusta /


It's your representative.
It speaks for you in places
you cannot go. You want
your letterhead to give
your prospect assurance
that it represents a firm
of high standing.


"Your Home Town ;Neswapr"

Tax Collector, Gulf County, Fierida.


Martin's Beach Ctub

On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field "'



For Reservations Call Marigene Taunton, Port St. Joe

Special Invitation to the Young Folks

AFTERNOONS 2 TO 7 P. M. Under Reliable Supervision

------ M-- ---------.

Kills flies, mosqui-
toes, gnats, moths,
bedbugs, ants, wa-
ter bugs, silver fish.
Pleasant odor,
stainless, made for "/
home us.

For Vigor and Fast Growth

For chicks with stamina to live
and grow, depend on our
Quality Chix,..hatched from
select, high-prbducing flocks.

Quality Eggs Fo"
Complete-feed for m TARTENA
lots of premium STARTENA
S delicious flavor. 40 gallons milk.
Rely on Layena Helps growbig,
ReonLayena vigorouscalves.

It pays to balance your grain
with Purina Lay Chow. Quality PURINA
ingredients supply what your own LAYOW
oL scratch grains lack. See us.

2 Wys rto


I. Disinfect
Farrowing SAY
Houses .. FOR WHAT YOU.
2. Clean Sow NEED TO RAISE
and Udders POULTRY AND'
Don't let disease 4*0
germs kill pigs. Sani-
tize with Cre-So-Fec.. ..
Approved for official !l." ?
disinfectantbyUSDA .-



--------- ------ ----- I --- --------


FRIPAGY, JUNE 29, 1945



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