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l "iTMll lllllll IIIIIIIlliiili inihllIuiIIIIlll IIIIIIllI FOY SCHEFFER BEING RETURNED TO STATES Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Scheffer re- ceived word' Monday from the war department that their son, Pvt. Foy Scheffer, a German prisoner pf war for some time, was being returned to the States and that upon arrival he would be able to contact them. BILL HARRELSON GETS 18 COPIES OF STAR AT ONCE Philippines, May 31. Ye Ed-It has 'been such a long time that I am almost ashamed to write. However, since I received 18 copies of The Star today I am obliged to send you my sincere gratitude 'for keeping 'em coming. I see in the column, "Our Boys With the Color"," where'somei of the fellas are on the Island of Leyte. It wocid be quite a big event to bump into some. of them while I am here. There have been so many changes around' St. Joe that reading 'the names of the peo- ple that .appear in The Star doesn't mean an awful lot to me. How- ever, it is worth plenty to me just to sort of keep in contact with the fellas who are my fellow soldiers and also you people who are fight- ing a good, battle on the home front. My deepest sympathy for the folks back home whose loved ones have paid the supreme price for Official SNewspaper' of Gulf County VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1945 NUMBER 38 Six Per Cent Tax To Be Levied By City. On Utilities Funds Will Be Earmarked for Con- Atruction of New Municipal Building The 'board, of city commission- ers at its meeting Tuesday night passed a resolution to levy a tax or 6 per cent on all public utilities within the city. This means that' every user of electricity, gas, tele- phone or telegraph will pay an ad- dcitional 6 per cent each month. Funds' raised by the new 'tax will be earmarked for a building fund. to be .used' in the construction of a new municipal building to house city offices, fire station and jail. It is estimated that the levy, which was, passed! unandmous'y by the board, will bring in approxi- mately $8000 yearly. FINANCIAL REPORT OF P.-T. A. IS SUBMITTED The .following financial report of the Port St. Joe, Parent-Teachers Association was submitted at -the last meeting of the association by Mrs. M. J. Ward, treasurer: Balance brought forward ..$ 97.99 .... Credtls- the Victory which is evidently Hallowe'en carnival .......$529.28 ours. And' may the time .be near Membership dues ......... 72.50 when we can all 'drink together Founder's, Day gifts. ...... 13.96 the same toast to the defeat of Donation for carnival ..... 3.30 Japan as we did to the fall of Gei- Return. to funds from ,. 717.03 many carnival.. expenses.-,,......" 7.0Q Bill Harrelson. Return' for credit (.slides) 95.26 WO W. 0. Harrelson W2133443 Total ................... $819.29 15th AAF Emerg. Rescue Boaat Sqd Debits- P-562 APO 719 c/o Postmaster Playground equipment ....$261.19 San Francisco, Calif. Prize for room attendance.. 18.00 Hospitality fund. .......... 14.50 High school ,band ........ 75.00 EDWARD EELS STILL IN Scout books ......... ..... 2.50 U. S., MUCH TO HIS REGRET Lunch room ............... 5.15 Dear Editor Bill-Although it National P.-T. A. dues .... 21.73 may surprise you and all of myFounder's Day gif'......... 13.00 ma Laundry (first aid)) ....... 8.87 friends in St. Joe, I am still here Library books ............. 35.0o in Eainbridige, Md., and regretting Barrier's 5&10 Store ...... 10.60 it very much. Magazines for library ...... 11.50 When I arrived here I started Nat. and state magazines.. 4.00 checking out in order 'to be trans- Carnout picnic.............. 12.0 ferred. When I went up for the - usual physical before .transfer the Total ...................$. 503.14 doctor found my leg in a bad con- Balance on hand .......... $316.15 edition (so he says) and instead 01 signing my release for transfer to' SCHOOL TAKES LEAD Lido Beach, he said: "You are, in IN SOFTBALL LEAGUE no condition to go overseas; fur- thermore, I am turning you in on The High School won from the the sick list." That really irked I Rotary Club 20 'to 8 Thursday me and I protested loudly, but as night of last week and, from Maln- he was alieut. commander and mp tenance 19 to 18 Monday night to just a mere HA1/c, there wasn't take the lead in the St. Joe Soft- much I could do about it. I really ball League. Only other game was wanted to go over, because. I've between the Paper Makers ann been in the navy nearly two Kiwanis, with the former winning years now and am still a land by a score of 9 to 7. sailor. The Paper -Makers play the Le- Continue to send The Star to gion tonight and the Kiwanis ant m- old address. Also give every- Rotary have a maikeu.p game to body my best regards and. -tell play to end' the first 'half. them to keep upthe grand job they CLUB STANDINGS are doing in our little city. Team- W L Pct. Ed Eells. High School ........ 8 .3 .727 E. L. Eells, HA,l/c, U.S.N.R. American Legion .... 7 3 .700 Barracks 865, UTSNH Staff ,Rotary, Club ........ 6 4 .600 Bainbridge, Md. SILVA JOINS NAVY Ralph J. Silva, 17, of this city, took the oath at Jacksonville on Thursday of last week to serve his country as a member of the navy. He. was enlisted as an ap- prentice4 seaman and is spending a period of inactive duty at home before beginning "boot training." Attends Wedding of Sister Mrs. Roy F. Gaskin and daugh- ter of 'Blountstown attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Evelyn Ta'7ittimn,'herei Tuesday alght., Kiwanis C:u'b ....... 5 5 .500 Paper Makers ...... 4 6 .400 Maintenance ........ -1 10 .090 Return To Home In Tuscaloosa Mrs,. Bill Whaley and son and Miss Dorothy Whaley left Monday for their home in Tuscaloosa, Ala., after several weeks'- visit here with Mrs. Ella Chafin. Blounts Are Viaitor. Mr. and Mrs. John Blount of Panama City were the week-entl guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism. Little Delor'e Chism ac-' companied them home for a visit. St. Joe Ma ine Receiv - At an advanced base in the Pacific, Marine Private Hillard M. Hammock,:Jr.. so" of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hammrock of this city, is shown in hia official Coast Guard photo, Aeceiving the Purple Heart Medal -rom Marine Brigadier General Robert Blake. He was one of several hundred Army, Navy and Marine wounded to receive the Purple Heart at impressive ceremonies ,partici- MEET YOUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE ON SCREEN AT POR' "Meet Your Men. adiWomen Ii the Service" is a new feature at tracLion planned by the Port the ater whereby you can meet your service men and women on the screen. The theater plans to show pictures of 10 service men an women on the screen each weel starting on Thursday and running through Saturday. Anyone wishing to see theil son, daughter or husband on tne screen is asked to bring a photo graph to the theater with the fol lowing Information: Parents o wife's name, branch of service where serving, rank, whether o no' wounded, awards, etc. Write this information on the back o the picture. The photograph must Ibe a least postcard, size or larger. Pic tures will be. 'returned undamaged Each week as ten are shown 01 the screen, the names o'f the, ten to be shown the following weel will be announced. Manager Ben Rivers 'desires to make this an outstanding feature and asks the co-operation of .every one in sending in photographs. Attend Graduation ExerciseP Mr. and Mrs. George Suber, Mrs Blackie Milstead, and Mrs. G. L Kennington attended the gradua tion of Miss Kathleen Thagard' a the Florida State Hospital ii Chattahoochee last Friday. Home From Vacation Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Frost and children and Mrs. Whaley Johnsoi returned Thursday of last weel from Georgetown, S. C., where they spent their vacation. Home From Pensacola Mrs. Pearl Smith and son, Harr. Lee, returned home last Frida from Pensacola, where they ha made their home for the past sev eral months. To Hot Springs Mr. andi Mrs. Thos. McPhaul lef Monday night for Hot Springs I THE STAR The Home NwspWper of Nrtwe.t FloriWd's Few In ial Centvr es Purple Heart Award Census Indicates Slight Population Gain For County Approximate Population of Port St. Joe and Environs Is Placed At 4200 Thos. R. L. Carter, in h.arge of ,~ ', compiling the state census in G-ult S-.' .':." county, came through with his _X promised story this. week, which s- indicates (unofficially) that Gulf county made a gain of 77 in popu- la-ion since the 1940 census. This might not seem so good at first glance when we consider the ,. gains, made by other counties in Northwest Florida, but our popu- lation is here to stay, unlike that of neighboring counties where cities have-mushroomed overnight pated in by a score of admirals due to war plants and adjacent and generals, led by Fleet Ad- army and air fields. When V-J Day miral Chester W. Nirtz.-Iln this -arrives, Gulf county will continue picture Pvt. HAmmoqg has his in, the even tenor of its, way while left hand bandaged' 'd fingers the transient population of our in a splint. Recent wq d received neighbors melts away like dew In by his parents was thpt his left the sunshine. Yes, our gain may, leg had been amputated, and he be small, but it is permanent. is now in the hospital at Mare Unofficial figures for Port 6r. Island, Calif.. The medal was Joe within 'the city. limits,, as given received a few week- back by b)y Mr. Carter, is 2,551. The popula- SMr. and Mrs. HammoCk. tion of Highland View, Bay View Heights, Gaulding's Addition anut the unpla'tted part, is 623. Exact, .MAHONS HOLD FAMILY population of Oak Grove cannot b e REUNION FATHER'S DAY given, since it was counted witn r the rest of old Precinct 7 dutsiu'e A family reunion was, held Sun- the city limits, but a fair estima'.e n day, June 17 (Father's Day) at the of the suburb, including "fad'bxo - home of Charlie Mahon in Oak Addition and the unplatted pars, ,Grove, at which 23 members of the would be 500. This would, give St.. r family sat down to a wonderful Joe and environs a' population o0 e dinner with the man ot the hon.., better than 4,200. S"Uncle Chai-lie." Population of Precinct 1, whicu d Present were Mr. and Mrs. Guy includes Wewahitchka, is 1,'651, bit c Little and daughters of Wakulla; a breakdown in and outside tnu g Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Warren and city limits will not be available son. of Chipley; Mrs. Peter Ma- until the official report is made. r hon, of Jacksonville; FPrancis Ma- The unofficial population of the Shown, of Panama City; Mr. and Mrs. county, as given by Mr. Carter, is - James 0. Mahon, of St. Augustine; 7,028, which is a gain of 77 over - Miss Verner Mahon and- Miss Inez the 1940 census of 6,951. Figures r Borders, of Pensacola; Mr. anfi on the remainder of the county by , Mrs. V. G. Sangaree, daughter and precincts will await the official r granddaughter, Mrs. Sally Mahon, report. e Mrs. V. Marks, and Mrs. Jack Zin- In commenting on these figure's, f garelli, of Apalachicola; and Jack Mr. Carter had this to say: "I and Roland Mahon of this' city. might add that the unofficial popu- t lation of Kenney's Mill precinct, - T/4 MONROE DUNCAN IS which included a small part of the AWARDED BRONZE STAR Port St. Joe city limits, was 819. Here are some conclusions which n T/4 Monroe C. Duncan, member I believe are correct: The popula- k of the 186th Field Artillery Bat- tion of St. Joe increased normally talion now with the Fifth Army among the white population but Corps in Czechoslovakia, has been lost in the colored, the latter loss awarded the Bronze Star Medal being, I believe, caused' by the "for meritorious, service in con- decrease in the payroll of the St. section with military operations Joe Lumber & Export Company, against an armed, enemy during There is evidence of a healthy in- tl.e period 18 June 1944 to 9 May crease in the population of Wewa- " 194.5, in France, Belgium, Luxem- h'itchka, and I feel that the in- . burg, Germany, Czechoslovakia," creases shown indicate a heatny " according to the' citation, growth throughout the county." 0 O. E. S. SCHOOL NEW COOLING SYSTEM IS There will be a school of In- 'BEING INSTALLED AT PORT struction for District 3, Order ot Workmen started yesterday on Eastern. Star, held June 27 in 'the installation of a new and larger d Masonic hall beginning at 10 a. ni. washed-air cooling system for the n All members, are urged to be prea- Port theater. k ent. Grand Instructor Frances Day ---- e of Panama City will be in charge.! To Make Home In Alabama -- ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sellers left Attend Red Cross Meet Saturday for Geneva, Ala.. where Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Mrs. J. L. 'they will make their home in the 1 Sharit. Miss Geraldine Parker and future. Mr. Sellers was connected y Miss Sara Brinson attended tne I with the Danley Furniture Coan- ti Red Cross council held Tuesday 'at pany while here. r- Camp Gordon Johnston. ------ ------ 'Discharged From Coast Guard Vlsltlhg In Tampa Harold Powell, who has been in Mrs. Nick Comforter. left Mon- the coast guard for '-he past three .t day for Tampa, where she. will years, has received his discharge s, visit for several weeks with her and is making his home here for siste. tie ~r-seuL istLerI. ht e present. PAETOTESAPR T OGL ONY LRD RDY UE2,14 THE STA] Published Every Friday at Pert 1t by The Star Publishing Camn W. 8. SMITH, Editor Entered as eecond-class matter, December 10, 'uontoftice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of M SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE I One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months -.4 Telephone 51 )-- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omisi tisemenit, the publishers do not hold themse damages further than amount received for such The spoken r/ord is given scant attention; the is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word the printed word thoroughly convinces. The is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right FEDERAL AID FOR PUBLIC Secm like, with all the easy money floating around apparently had merely for the asking, the N; .cation Association, supported byr people-inithe various states, is ma for federal aid for state schools. We don't want it. This is not editor's opinion, for anybody wit: sense can see that if the states al eral government extend them " eventually lead to "control," for government generally controls, dictates and R manages what it puts its money into. With 'a federal appropriation the state t. Joe, Fla, school system eventually would become so pany dependent on federal funds that it couldn't possibly live alone in the manner it had be- come accustomed to. And then the federal 1987, at the larch 3, 1879. government would step in and dictate school IN ADVANCE policy-who should attend them, who should s ....... $1.00 teach, and how they should be managed. The states would be told precisely what to do, and if a state failed to toe the rmark, the sions in ader- money would, be withheld. And if any state lS averiable me wanted to show rugged individuality by breaking away from this control, it would be e printed word helpless te barely assert helpless and impotent. e spoken word No, sir, and no, ma'am, us folks here in Florida don't want the policies of our school t or Wrong dictated by somebody up there in Washing- ton. Maybe our system isn't as good as it SCHOOLS should be, and perhaps it doesn't come up to some systems in other states, but it belongs government to us and we can say how it is to be run. ready t~o be Let the federal "aid" go to anything else,' national Edu- but keep it out of our school systems. some school king a drive War is a time when everyone is supposed merely your to do more with less. h a grain .of low the fedN A Chicago man played a harmonica con- aid" it will tinuously for 48 hours. With all that wind , the federal he ought to be in congress. I Special Invitation to the Young Folks AFTERNOONS 2 TO 7 P. M. Under Reliable Supervision STARDUST and MOONSHINE * / / Saw Windy Tharpe eating a wa- termelon, Sunday alongside the Beacon Hill highway, and, he had seeds and rind in his ears. "Best melon I ever et," said Windy. Little Doris IThursiby, who re- cently underwent a tonsilectomy, asked her mother if the doctor re- moved-here "adenoise." Her moth- er replied' that she didn't know about the "addie" but they sure got the "noise." A't softball game Monday night: Judy Greer, 9, took a foul tip right out of Tom Parker's hands; went after it like a veteran. 'Chuck" Gibson, Jr., had to come half way back from second to touch first ,base on a sure three-bagger. Looks like. Chuck's feet ar.e big enough to cover 'the bag without a bit of trouble. Pat Patterson pass- ing H. I. Wooden coming in to ALKA-SELTZER I I --. ---.................-----. ---- Let Us, Quote You On Your CONCRETE WORK WE BUILD STEPS \SIDEWALKS FLOORS DRIVEWAYS FOUNDATIONS B. B. "Red" MORROW CONCRETE CONTRACTOR P. O. Box 39 APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA Phone 55 I- II- 1 I I II t 1 OCCASIONALLY, I wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes -wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don't want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkling ALKA-SELTZER In just a little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week's ironing tires mne and makes me sore and stiff. Then it's ALKA SELTZER to the r-esue-a tablet or two and a.little rest es me feel more like finish- ing 'the job. .And when I eat "not wisely but too well," ALKA-SELTZE relieves the Acid Indigestion that so often followu" Yes, Alka-Seltzer brigitebs my day. It brings relief from so. many ad a discomforts, that I 'always keep it handy. -'v s *,, ,- *' ' . : .. .. .. .. .3 0 NOTICE We take this means of notifying all our Friends and Customers that it is necessary that our store be 'closed FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JUNE 29 AND 30 for the purpose of taking our annual inventory. In order that no one may be inconvenienced, we shall request that you- anticipate your needs as much' 'as possible so, that all necessary deliveries may be made before the above dates. Gilf hardware & Supply Co. .. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA WHETHER it's baseball or business, Americans expect fair play all the way. In baseball, the umpire sees to it that the game is played according to the rules. But he is not a player. In business, government should be the umpire who enforces fair rules. ; But when government goes into business and com- petes with its own citizens, the American tradition ol fair play is set aside. The umpire then becomes a player, and he enjoys advantages that are denied to all the other players. For example, government and municipal power- plants are not required to pay federal taxes; often get money from the U. S. Treasurer at little or no interest; make up losses out of the pockets of the taxpayers. Maybe you run a store or service station or beauty shop. Would you like to have a next-door competitor who has little or no rent, or taxes, or interest to pay, and who is kept in btiuiness partly by your tax moneyF SRON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $325 'NOW 3 HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW..........--- RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW .....--... w7 ST. JOE BAR :" -_, .; 2-'. .. .' .. -- ... . home, since H. I. was plodding Undergoes Appendectomy along too slow for Pat. Goods thing Ralph Plair underwent 'an ap- Prof. Biggart, the school team's pendectomy at the -local" hospital mentor, didn't see it. It sire last Friday night. His friends wish was a ]alapalooza of a game! You him a speedy recovery. fans. who didn't attend really did ----- -- miss something. Mrs. John Lindsay of Sumatra Jimmy Greer, who still has. a lot is the guest 'this week of her son of young ideas, 'says that in the and family, Mr. and Mrs. James good old days a man could kiss his Lindsay., 'girl without skidding on the lip- Mr. and Mrs'. R. V. Coburn spent stick or getting cigaret ashes, in several days in Greensiboro this. his eyes. week visiting relatives and friends NOW OPEN" Martin's Beach cu BEACON HILL, .FLORIDA On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe- and Tyndall Field '-4, 8:00 P.M.TO DANCING EVERYIN, .12 MIDNIGHT COUPLES ONLY, For Reservations Call Marikenhe Taunton, Port St. Joe i : 1 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FL.ORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1945 PAGE TWO IA J 2 T Harold Palmer of Jacksonville is visiting here this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Mr.'and Mrs. Marion Foley and children of St. Marys, Ga., visi':ed Miss Ruby Hal' this week. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted APALACHICOLA, FLA. 'AV you tried Alka-Selt- S serfor Gascl Stomach, After" and Cold DistressT If not, why not? Pleasant. prompt in action, effective. C. Thirty cents and Sixty cents. N ERVINE OR relief from Fdnctional Ncr- Tvous Disturbances such a SileP- Semnhno. Crankiness, Ezcitability, Nervoga headache and Nervoun* - buigtion. Tablets -d5B0 and 79 " -Liquidt and $.00. Bead dI tione and ue only a direwte BnGLE'D nSil3wsn3 t Papin Pill ofed ri W A tMuw Pals r\ or Sontioal la y W aoly tiw~~nB< Abtuted, ~ $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN NO RED TAPE --- IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At O O. Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE' $300.00oo FLORIDA $300.00 Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1945 9:455-Sunday School for all. 11:00--Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "WHY LIVE A CHRISTIAN LIFE?" 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00---Eveniing Worship. Sermon topic: "PERSONAL SALVATION." EVERYBODY WELCOME;I *- -*- -. ** " '*17" Phone 5 WI Fill J. A. M. CLUB MEETS WITH MISS COODY The regular meeting of the J. A. M. Club was held Monday, evening at the. home of Miss, Myrtice Coody. on Fourth Street. After the regular activities of the club, the hostess served a salad course with devilfood cake and iced tea 'to eight members. Next meeting of the club will be July 2 with Mrs. Florrie Connell at her home on Third Street. Miss Erline McClellan is. visit- ing in Blountstown this week with relatives and friends. Miss Betty Thurman of Camden, Ark., is visiting here for several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. C. M. Warner. IF you drive in at Sunny State for service and don't get your wind- shield cleaned, we'll give you your purchase! * COME IN TODAY!, SUNNY STATE SERVICE A TROPICAL ISL.... OF LOWE AND HATE! SUNDAY, JUNE 24 "Also--- "PROUtLY WE SERVE" Port. St. Joe nmy Docter's Pr-e4rlptile Chapter 5 of Serial "JUNGLE QUEEN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 28 and 29 5,06: M11 I LATEST NEWS SCREENN SNASH&~S"' MRS. LEWIS HONORS SON BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ON FIFTH BIRTHDAY J Mr. and Mrs. George, Whitfield Mrs. E. Clay Lewis honored her announce the .birth of a daughter little son, Clay Jr., on his fifth on May 23. birthday last Friday at her home Mr. and Mrs. Van Jones of We- on Sixteenth Street. wahitchka announce the birth or Party hats, candy-filled baskets a daughter on June 3. and accordion strips of paper Mr. and Mrs'. M. J. Moat are au- made by the little host and his sis- nouncing the birth of a son June 1. ter decorated the dining room iMr. and Mrs. John, H. Chain are table where the! 34 small guests the proud parents of a son, born were served ice cream and cagK-. June 8. All voted the, affair most enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Tillman of able and' wished Clay many mor% Wewahitchka announce the birth happy birthdays to come. of a son on June, 9. Mr. and Mrs. Ruoert .R, Parrishli GARRY BIGGART HONORED of Sumatra announce thethe birth o ON THIRD BIRTHDAY a daughter on June 11. Mrs. W. A. Biggart honored hei Mr. and Mrs.' R. A. Bishop are little son, Garry, on his third birth- announcing the birth of a daugn- day Monday at the city park. After ter, born June 15. various, games were enjoyed, 20 T/Sgt. and Mrs. C. W. McLean small guests were'served birthday of, Randolph Field, Texas, are an- cake, leanonade and candy, anu nouncing the birth of a son, Rich- each was given a story book as a ard Cecil, on June 12. Mrs. Mc- memento of the occasion. Lean will be remembered as Miss Frances Chandler. PEPPER-STEWARiT *f * Mr. and Mrs.. A. P. Wakefield an- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kelly and nounce the marriage of their sons, and Mrs. Sara :Willaims of daughter, Mary K. Stewart, to Pensacola arrived Sunday for a S/'Sgt. Ennis B. Pepper on Sun- visit with Mr Pearl Smith day, June 17, at ,9:45 a. m., at J. B. Traweek and Gaughter, their home on Sixteenth Street. Carolyn are visiting relative's in The happy couple are at home to Montgomery and Greenville, Ala., their friends, at Camp Gordon this, week Johnston. Miss Wanda Mae; Sipencer left last Thursday for the summer to Miss Louise Garrison of Jack- visit relatives in Louisville, Ky., son, Miss., arrived, Wednesday for and Chicago, Ill. an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Evans. --- - Aubrey E. Roiwell, CM 1/c, USN, P of Wewahitchka was a visitor here last week. Aubrey ,has recently returned to the States from threat P T years of overseas duty. Mrs. A. L. Ward and daughter A Martin Theatre left Monday for a visit in Pensa- cola. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY' Pvt. Edwin. Whitehurst from CONTINUOUS PERFORMAO Camp Claiborne, La., spent Satur- day here with his mother. Mrs. Dewey Davis. had as her SATURDAY, JUNE 23 guests Monday and Tuesday her 2 sisters, Mrs. Thomas Mizner, Mrs 'W. H. .Hill and Miss) Malvina Parker, all of Panama City. AUTR M:-s. A. M. Jones and Mrs. M.ENE AUREY P. Tomlinson left Tuesday night for Tampa to visit 'Sgt. and Mrs. Winston Jones and family. Mrs. W. A. Biggart had' as her guests this week her father ana mother, Mr. and Mrs.. J.'W. Gar- rett of Bonifay. M/d and Mrs,. L. 'L. Allen ana twins, Lucius and Loren, 'eft Moi- day for Bonifay to visit relatives. . Miss Patsy Watson left Monday for Chiefland to visit her grand- Chapter 4 of Serial mother, Mrs. Cargle. "BRENDA STARR Mrs. Robert L. Smith of Wewa- hitchka is the guest this week of REPORTER Miss Sara Martin. FE ATUTRIEw P N"- 9 __. S$300.00 TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH; The purity and uniformity of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simpleiproduct a score or more of exacting tests for purity are Made. Thus, we compound prescription* with' full confidence in the reliability, of the ingredients your physician prescribes. W* we Merck Prescrpfhe Chemicaols Smith's Pharmacy iMrs-. W. D. Haygood and daugh- ter, Doris, returned Saturday to Atlanta after spending two weeks here with Mrs. R. A. Chandler' and family. Mrs. R. A. Costin and Miss Dor- othy Costin returned home Thurs- day from Huntsville and other points .in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Y. L. Wages and son spent last week-end in Fitz- gerald, Ga., visiting relatives. DON'T WAIT - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. The LEADER SHOE SHOP MAKE E N ICE CREAM At home-Any flavor-Delicious-Smooth -No ice rystals-No cooking-No re- whipping-No scorched flavor-tofay- Inexpensive-20 recipes in each 154 pkqg. Please send this ad for free full-suze sam- pie offer, or buy from your grocer. LOfDOIlD0 RRi Brand Homemade Ice C ream STA1)ILIZER I ON1 OND[AIY- 835 4WABD. S tANFRANCISCO 3. CALIF. theatree W Port St. Joe, Fla. YS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. NCE DAILY AT 2:45 P.' M. MONDAY and TUESDAY June 25 and 26 LATEST NEWS EVENTS "WRECK of the HESPERUS" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 - - - - -- - - ji __^I__ ~__~~___ ~~ ~~ ~_~ ~~ ~~~ _~ __ iAd k ''E - 1 HE STAR, -PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA , RIPAY, JUNE; -22, 1945. 1" PAGEFOU TH STR, PRT T. OEGUL COUTYFLOIDAFRIDY, UNE22,lO4 MINUTES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wewahitchka, Fla., June 12, 1945 having submitted bids at this The Board of County Commis-'meeting, to submit sealed bids not sioners of Gulf County me' this 'later than Saturday noon, June 16, day in regualr session with the at the office of the' Clerk of the following members present: W. R. Circuit Court. Upon examination Connell, Chairman; W. C. Roche, of said bid's by Commissioner W. Vice-Chairman; J. S. Daniel, J. C. R. Connel, the contract will be Martin and Basil E. Kenney, Jr. awarded' 'by him to 'he lowest bid- Clerk, Deputy. Sheriff and Coun- der. It is, further ordered, that the ty. Attorney were also in attend- successful bidder be paid at sucn ance. time as 'said work shall have been The meeting came to order at inspected and *accepted by Corn- 10:00 A. M. and' the following pro- missioners J. S. Daniels; and J. C. ceedings were had: Martin, and' the Clerk and Chair- Minutes of May 8th, 1945, were man of this Board are hereby au- read and adopted. thorized and.directed to issue war- The Port St. Joe Dock & Terml- rant for amount of said bid, but nal Railway Co.. having submitted in no case shall the, amount be In the original plat together witu excess of $200.00. blueprint thereof of "St. Joseph's Whereupon the. following bills Addition of the City of Port St. were presented. examined, ap- Joe, Florida, Unit Number Four," proved and ordered paid: a part of the Northwest Quarter o0 General Fund Section 12, Twp. 8,S, Range 11W, Robert Scott, janitor etc....$122.80 and the same having been in an- E. Clay Lewis Jr., salary .., 39.50 cordance with specifications as to C. G. Rish, salary ........ 74.30 size adopted by the Board of Postmaster, postage ....... 9.00 County Commissioners on January Mrs. Pear: J. Whitfield, sal- 4th, 1926, the same was approved ary and expenses ....... 100.00 and filed in Plat Book No. 1 at W. R. Connell, salary ...... 49.90 page 38. as nart of the Public Rec- J. S. Daniels, sal. and mil.. 50.90 ords, Gulf County. J. C. Martin ...... .... 53.40 Whereas, this being the meeting Basil El. Keney Jh. .... 52.50 at which the County Depository is W. C. Roche .... 52.50 designated, and applications of the Polly Hardly, co. indigent.. 10.00 Wewahitchka State Bank of We- W. T. Strange .... .... 10.00 wahitchka, Fla., and Florida Bank J. R. Hunter, salary and ex- at Port St. Joe, Port St. Joe, Fla., press. etc. .............. 137.65 having been submitted, there was The Star Pulblishing Com- a motion -by W. C. Roche tha, the pany, minutes ........... 5.00 Wewahitchka State' Bank of We- Municipal Hospital, county wahitchka, Fla., be designated as indigents. ............... 34.25 County Depository for all funau E. C. Pridgeon, commissions 39.59 coming under the jurisdiction nu The Gu'f County Breeze, a/c 14.00 the County Commissioners, for tne Pridgeon's Supply Store a/,c 4.25 period beginning July 1st, 1945, and St. Joe Tel. & Tel. Co. a/c .. 5.28 ending June 30th, 1946. 'The mo- Bishop Off. Equip. Co., a/c 18.35 tion 'was seconded by J. S. Dan- H. & W B Drew 'Co., a/c .... 57.96 iels and upon vote being called, Byrd E. 'Parker, cost bills... 18.50 the motion carried unanimously. 20% Tax Account., withheld Mrs. Sarah 'Campbell, County 'for 'May ................. 17.00 Social Welfare 'Worker, came ibe- Wewa. Power, Light & Ice fore the Board and, discussed' in Co.. a/c ................ 67.06 general' the work within this Fine and Forfeiture Fund County, offering full co-operation J. E. Pridgeon. cost bills..$3'42.00 with the Board, in any matters per- E. Clay Lewis', Jr., salary gaining to this work that might 'be and convictions ......... 265.00 brought before them. Mrs. Camp- J. R. Hunter, recording con- bell expressed her appreciation for victions ................. 36.00 the use of the office and also other, Byrd E. Parker, cost ,bills.. 647.45 courtesies extended her in the Culf Drug Co., a/c ........ 2.10 work. The Boird thanked her *ant Road and Bridge Fund expressed willingness to fully co- W. T. Rowell, cash adv. for operate with her. road crew .............$ 48.00 The, application of Asa G. Mont- D. M.Thomas, sal., less tax 132.60 gomery, for admittance to the, Jesse Gaskin, cashpaid road State T. B. Sanatorium was before crew .................. 86.00 the Board' and approved, under the Henry Rodgers, road work. 4.00 County and State aid maintenance J. R. Hunter. recording R/W plan. deed ..................... 1.25 Whereas. the public schools or A. J. Jenks, salary, etc ... 140.9u the County having closed -as or City Service Garage, a/c .. 6.50 June 1st, it was ordered that the P. F. McDaniel, a/c ....... 9.55 Mothers Pension be discontinued Pridgeon's Supply Store, a/c 6.0u until the next school year and that Wewa. Hardware Co., a/c.. 124.7'7 the Clerk .notify all those hereto- J. J. Roberts, tractorman fore receiving aid, to 'this effect. (less tax) .............. 46.10 It having been made known to St. Joe Motor Co. a/c ..... 9.73 the Board that Mrs. Etta Rhames Johnson's, Garage., a/c ..... .4.00 being in need. and physically un- M. G. Lewis & Sons Gar- able to work, it was ordered that age, a/c.. ............... 4.25 she be placed' on the County In- James Laurimore, a/c ..... 200.&a digent roll for the sum of $10.00 Jno. Strange. repair. bridge 3.75 per month until further notice. A. N. R. 11. Co., a/c ...... 5.6, Mr. F. E. Trammell of the Frank- Ray-Brooks Machinery Co., lin-Gulf Health Unit, came before a/c ..................... 4.48 the Board-in the matter of furnish- Unit 'Steel Corn.. a/c ...... 17.40 ing transportation of sanitary tol- Burford-Toothaker Co., a/c. 56.71 lets from Wakulla to Gulf County. 0. H. .Collins Garage, a/c... 32.0LO After discussion, Mr. Trammell 0. Z. Thomas,. work on ferry 4.00 was advised that, due to lack of Gary Thomas ... 8.00 funds and no county truck avail- Byrd E. Parker, cost bills.. 120.00 able at this time, no steps could ibe 20% Tax Account, withheld taken, and the matter was ordered for May. .............. 25.40 tabled. Sunny State S'ervce, a/c ... 65.58 The 'Clerk of this Board was dl- Roland P,. Hardy. road work 48.00 rected to write to Hon R. A. Gray, Mothers Pension Fund Secretary of State, for certified Minnie Piul, mothers, pension $6.00 copy of the bill authorizing a cer- Minnie Paul. 3 months omitted0 tain percentage of the race track for one child ............. 9.00 money paid to the School Board; Jessie Wals.ingha.m, mothers also for a certified copy of publi- pension .................... 3.00 cation of notice of such act. Mrs. J. C. Laurimore .... 6.00 A.t the request of the State Road Julia Odom ....... .... 3.00 Department, Tallahassee, the Board Etta Rhames, ....... .... 6.00 directed' the Clerk to list the fol- Corine Jenks ....... .... 3.00 lowing as Federal and State see- Rosa Stevens ...... .... 3.00 ondary roads, in the following or- Mrs. R. L. Williams .... 3.00 der: Eliza W illiams ..... .... 6.00 1. Wewahitchka-Overstreet and Mrs.. Cause Griffin. .... 6.00 Beacon Hill 'Road. Mrs. Fred, G. Hall .. .... 3.00 2. Dalkeith Road. Agriculture and Livestock Fund 3. Niles Road. S. L. Brothers, bal. on salary $15.00 4. White' City-Wring Jaw Road. Court House & Jail Interest ant? 5. Willis Landing Road. Sinking Fund 6. Wetappo-Early Road. Wewahi'tchka State Bank, 7. Wewahitcha-Lake Grove Road.I Interest 7/1/45 ........$1470.00 Whereas, there has accumulated Canal Toll Fund to the credit of the Canal Toll $200,000 'Canal Bond Fund,, Fund, money in excess of amount' t-ansfe.r ................ $3400.00 necessary to meet ,principal and in- R. J. Pi'tts, salary. less tax 125.8u terest on the $200,000.00 Canal The Star Publishing Comn- Bond Fund, there. was a motion by pany, stationery ....... 4.50 Basil E. Kenney. Jr., that the .20% 'Tax Account, withheld County purchase an additional $10,- for May ................ 9.20 000 00 War Bond of the series 'G' Race Track Fund and the. Clerk of this Board pu- Court House and Jail Inter- chase said bond through the We- est and Sinking, transfer $1170.91 wahitchka State Bank: the motion Ariculture and Livestock, was seconded by W. C. Roche and transfer ................. 15.00 upon being put to a vote was unan- Franklin-Gulf Health Unit, imously carried. transfer ................ .96.28 It was ordered that all bids sub- Franklin-Gulf Health Unit Fund emitted at 'this meeting for the Florida State Board' .Health, scraping, talking and painting the balance allotment ......$300.00 ferry at Overstreet be rejected, $200,000 Canal Bond Fund and, the Clerk of this Board In- Wewahitchka State' Bank, structed' to notify in writing those interest 7/1/45 .........$3400.00. Wewahitchka State Bank, 1 Series' G War Bond.. 10,000.00 There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, it did then adjourn until the next regular meeting in July, the same being the 10th day of said month, unless called in special ses. sion ,by the .Chairman. Attest: s/ W. R. CONNELL, J. R. Hunter, Clerk. Chairman. Miss Edwina Howell returned home Tuesday from Cottondale, where, she visited, several weexa with her aunt, 'Mrs. W. B. Shores. Mrs. Milton Para.more of Ash- tord, Ala., was the guest Monday of Mrs. B. F. Daughtry. Miss Sara Gill. RN, left Satur- day for her home in Jasper, where she will spend her vacation. Mrs. H. A. Drake is the guesi this week of her sister, Mrs. Tom Yancey. in Marianna. Mrs.. Charles Hill and Mrs. Joe Child's returned last Thursday to their home in West Point, Ga. Mrs. S. B. Shuford and son returned home wtih them for a visit. two weeks' CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE CLARINET In excellent condil- tion. See C. W. Mathews, 4th Street. 7-6* FISHING POLES Cured fishing poles for sale. Creech & Brooks. office, Monument Ave. 4-6tf FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase. Call B. W. Eells, Phone ,39 or 100. 5-25'tf LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- ..days each month, 8:00 p. rlm. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W. M.; G. C. AtWlns, Sec. LEGAL ADVERTISING .. N .O.T ,C E We will meet on July 2, at 10:00 a. m. for hte purpose of hearing complaints 'and receiving testi- mony as to the values fixed by the County Assessor on real and per- sonal property for the year 1945. Signed, Board, of County Commissioners, By W. R. Connell, Chairman. S N NOT ICE S Gulf County, Florida, June 22, 1945. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 18296, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1937, known as the Murphy Act, the following described land in Gulf County, Florida, will be offered for sale at public outcry for the highest and best caali bid, subject to the right of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund to reject any and all bids, at the Court House, WewahitchRa, Florida, beginning at 10:00 o'clock A M., CWT, on the 23rd day of July, 1945. Outside of Municipalities easement for road right of way 200 feet wide will be reserved from any parcel through which there is an existing State Road. As to all lands, title to one-lhalf of ill petroleum and thr6e- fourths of other minerals will be reserved. DESCRIPTION Sec. Twp. Rge. AcreA Lots 18 and 19, Block "A", College Park Addt. to Wewahitchka, Fla. 25 4 S 10 W. TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, By: J. R. HUNTER, Agent Trustees I. I Fund, Gulf County. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following described lands, or so much thereof as will be necessary to pay the amount due for taxes of 1944 herein set opposite to the same,' together with cost of such. sale and, advertising, wil' be sold at public auction on MonUtay, the second day of July, A. D. 1945, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door, the County of Gulf, in the City of Wewahitchka, State of Florida: DESCRIPTION OF LAND SE4 of SWl/4, SWl/4 of SE/ ................. 4 Lot 26. Blk. F, Alderson Sub. .................25 Lot -9, Camp Palms ... .20 EV2 of NE 4 ...........34 Lot 6, Bk. 7, Beacon Hill 31 Lots 7, 8, Org. less 1/2acre in NW part sold to J. W Rainer .............31 SI/2 of SW% ...........32 Lots 7, 8, Bk. 3, Yons Add 5 Lot 12, Blk. B, Highland View .................26 Lot 15. Blk. C, Highland View ................ 26 Lot 1, Blk. C, Gaulding Sub. .......... .......26 Lots 7, 8, Blk. C, Bay- view Heights .........26 Lot 12, Blk. D, Bayview Heights ............... 26 Lots 9, 12. Blk. D, Bay- view Heights .........26 Lot 16, Blk. G, Bayview Heights .............. 26 N1!2 Lot 5, Blik. A, St. Joe H eights ............... 2 S.2 Lot 4, Blk. B, St. Joe Heights .............. 2 Lots 1, 3. Blk. 23, Port St. Joe ................... 1 Lot 27, Blk. 36, Port St. Joe .......... ........ 1 Lot 4, Bk. 60, Port St. Joe.1 Lot 5, Bk. 61, Port St. Joe 1 Lot 7, Blk. 61. Port St. Joe ................... 1 Lot 6, Bk. 62. Port St. Joe 1 Lots 10, 12, B'k. 65, Port St. Joe .... ..... ...... 1 NV2 Lots 2, 4, 6, Blik. 1, Oak Grove ...........13 OWNER 80 Delia Ash ...........$ 6.35, Mrs. Allen Cox ..... 1.35 E. W. Neat ....... 12.00 80 Ruthford Allen ..... 3.25 C. G. Costing ....... 3.10 90 Paul Carter ........ 51.01 80 Paul Carter ........ 6.20 Virginia P. Moore .. 4.02 George, Bennett .... 12.92 M. I. Harper 1943-44 9.70 J. P. Morrison ..... 2.30 B. Yon Est. ....... 2.20 N. A. Johnson ..... 6.0U David Hollington .. 6.93 W. J. Todd ......... 6.3U Nero Hopps ........ 8.07 J. B. Godwin ...... 6.30 Lawson & L-pton .. 23.33 Dewey Davis ...... S. J. Jordan ....... Johfi Okefe ........ Harold C. Palmer, 1943 1944 .... C. A. Lupton 1943-1944 .. 14.73 3.1o 3.16 6.06 ' 5.77 ,R. R. Kingry 1943 .. 5.40 J. L. Hughs ....... 7.22 EDD. C. PRIDGEON, 6-1 6-29 1 Tax Collector, Gulf County, Florida. "Copyrighted Material 1a a l 01Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" l -d WILV 4m "___ -m *4 0 dob -- - moml.- & d gd-on- e' w .1w- - -~ ~ - ~ ~ U- -~ - nmnnm - " - me C S FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1045 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR - 0 |