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THE STAR The Hom~e Nwbi*piper of NortIri*.t Ftwkls Fuluee Iumdsmbtri#m Ceter ; Official N.wapaper ' uof *Gulf County VOLUME VIII FIORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1094 NUMBER 37 CHILDERS GETS 'COWBOY' 13 Girls Attend DRIVERS FOR HIS TANKS 1 rl Attend The Armored School 4-H Short Course Fort Knox, K00 4-H Short Course Dear Editor Bill-Please renew my subscription to The Star as Gulf County Well Represented As soon as it expires. Not knowing Instruction Resumed After when it expires, thought I'd better Three-Year Period write -immediately. (Ed Note: You ___ guys in the U. S. don't have to Outstanding Florida 4-H Club make a written request for re- girls from 37 counties, 340 strong, "newals, only those overseas.) attended the 30th annual 4-H girls' - -We've been having some very short course at Florida State Col- nasty weather here, cold and rainy tege for Women at Tallahassiee last and have been in the field, every week as the climax to their year's day this week with a bunch of project work under the direction tanks, al' sizes. Yesterday dry of their county home demonstra- and dusty; today cold and rainy, tion agents. Attending the course and if you've ever driven a tank from Gulf county werg Dorothy you know what that means. Minus an d Mary Wooden, of Port We have had a couple of acci- St. Joe; Mildred O'Neal, Mary dents, too, one serious. One fel- Ellen qay, Amy Lou Rish, Merle low tried to bite a chunk out of Meredi.th, Alia Davis, Inez Boze- an M-5 and one of the instructors man, Lela Griffin, Shirley Whi!- was ripped, open bp a big log.. He's field and Patty Readfearn, of We in bad shape. So far I only have a bruise on my 'back which I got in. the turret, and you really take a beating up there if you have a cowboy driver such as I generally get. Well, I have to go back to the field this afternoon, so reckon I'd better sign off. Frank E. Childera. WE GET ANOTHER PATCH After loading up M/,S Frank Milenik of Hollidaysburg, Penn.., with boiled shrimp and' beer at the Legion meeting Wednesday night he got real expansive and a ve Ye Ed a holder natch of I wahitchka; Maxine Guilford, Over- street, and Peggy Hardy, of White City. (Turn to 'Short Course' Page 2) Muiclh Data MulsQt Census Figures Add New Fuel to Reapportioning South Floridians Asking That Sen- atorial Districts Be Shifted According to Population New fuel was added to the Flor- ida legislative reapportionment fire Monday with release of of- ficial state census figures showing South Florida counties are en- titled to three more house seats at the expense of North Florida coun- ties if the. legislature follows the constitutional formula and sets- up house representation on, the basis of the new population figures, It would mean a further strengthen-- ing of the South Flbrida balance of power in the hose. South Floridians, who are in a minority in the senate, are also pointing out that three small North Florida counties which have sen- ators, to themselves lost population while several southern counties V. -u<. .* s.' ^,were gaining. They insist that the SCompiled In state's 67 counties be shifted to De COepl U fl orm 38 senatorial districts with "Re. Vet Hospital approximately equal populations. S North Florida legislators insist -- that the number of districts be in- Washington Columnist Says Con- creased, basing senatorial repre- struction of Projects Still sentation upon geography rather Long Time Off than population. The constitution provides that With Port St. Joe in the race house representation shall follow Governor Caldwell Praises Legislature Says Body 'Did Grand Job As a Whole'; More than 350 Acts Have Become Law More than 350 acts 'of the Flor- ida legislature became state law Tuesday with Governor Caldwell's comment that the 1945 regular ses- sion "did a grand job as a whole." Most of the bills which went into the larw books without the governor's signature of approval or disapproval were measures of local application. They included, however, the $27,469,395 general appropriations, bill for paying ex- penses of 'the state's departments and agencies during the next two years. Along with the general appro- priations bill, which sets up nearly $3,000,000 a year more, in expense fund's for the departments and in- stitutions than they receive a1 (Continued on page 6) 'Tipperary' Sends Nephew of St. Joe Man to Nazi Prison Instinctive Recognition of Whis- tled 'Tune By Woman Spy Is Give Away $21,650 In Bonds Is Sold At Rally Tuesday Evening For Articles Provided By Business Firms of City; Ladies' Ball Game Quite An Event ,Gulf county was $21,650 nearer its quota of $110,000 in the Seventh War Loan Drive this week as the result of the bond rally held Tues- day evening at Centennial Field. This amount was raised 'through: the, auctioning of various articles donated by business firms of the city. Purchases were as follows: 'Carton Lucky Strike cigarets, $550, Glenn Boyles; salt water fish- ing reel, $2500, R. S. Carver; pair ladies' hose., $100, C. G. Costin; one month's laundry at Creech & Brooks Laundry, $2,200;, C.. G. Cos- tin; 5 gallons gasoline, $800, C. A. McClellan; dinner for two at Fran- ces' Grill. $100, C. G. Costing; hair- cut and tonic at Hammock barber shop, $200, Dr. A. L. Ward; auto battery, $1000, Dr. A. L. Ward; carton Camel cigarets,, $2100, Geo. Wimberly; $10 worth of groceries, $1300, W. 0. Anderson; two frog- tleg dinners, Miles' Sandwich Shoip, $250. Dr. Ward; pyrex ovenware, $500, R. S. Carver; 10-pound' red- fish, $100. C. G. Costin; carton Camel cigarets, $1250, T. M. Sch- neider; 10 gallons gasoline, $700, C A McClellan: car wax j rh $500 gave x econ Bader, Aph uiu. With many other communities fo0I the formula of three members for The next time 2nd! Lt. Royal D. I v the Second Brigade, Amphibious a George Tapper; large oval pic- Engineers. for our collection. Sgt. a proposed veterans' hospital tuo each of the five biggest counties, Goldenberg, nephew of T. M. Sch- ture, $300. Joe Mira; one month's ilenik, who is stationed at Camp be located somewhere in North- two for each of thenext 1, and neidler of Port St. Joe, hears the dry cleaning at Creecs, $750, Dr. G.-ordon Johnston, had never eaten west Floridta, it ieaksi that a ainum- one eacli for- the other 44. In re- song "It's a Long Way, to Tipper- Ward.; rayon rug, $275, Joe Mra; shrimp previously, and before we her of local citizens have quite a guard to senatorial reipportion- ary," he won't turn around to seeBarke; could stop him he had downed job on their hands in the compila- ment, the constitution prescribes a who is whistling it. tra-vel hit, $200, C. G. Costing; tire three of 'em without removing the tion of facts and figures for sub- population basis but no specific The last time the 24-year-old B-24job T. ider outer husk. One of his buddies mision to the federal board of formula. navigator heard the song he was recap ob, $450. T. M. Schneider; who was also partaking of the hospitalization in Washington. 'The legislature is now in i's sec- disguised as a Frenchman attempt- berly; toy wol George Wim- lucious morsels, said: "Look here, In reply to a letter recently sent qnd week (as we go to press) of ing to escape from the Germans nersy; toy wool dog, $700, W. O. Frankie, you're supposed to take Congressman Bob Sikes by Mayor the special session for reappor- in France. A split-second recog- An ders-n; large floude, $100, C. off the cellophane before you eat L. S t, the congressman's tioning the ste,, which s so dif- tion of the song, whistled by a G. Costin; carton chewing gum, 'em." secretary said. in part: "Other lo- ficult a problem that nothing has Fr-ench woman, led to his capture $1025, Dr. Ward; 1000 lterhe calities have submitted the invita- (Continued on page 6) by the Germans and then 30 days and 100. envelopes, The Star, $1100 DARCEY PROMOTED tion and offered, land sites, aerial in the hands of the gestapo, fol- (Turn to 'Bond Rally' Page 2) H, Q. 10TH AIR FO'RCE, India- photographs of which were in- DON'T BLAME US IF lowed' by 15 months as a prisoner Burma Promotion to staff ser-. eluded along with complete maps YOU DON'T RECEIVE of war. GULF LIFE ALLOCATES geant of Wilbur G. Darcey, hus- of the land showing accessibility A STAR NEXT WEEK 'Recently returned from France, $25,000 TO GULF COUNTY band of Mrs. W. G. Darcey, Jack' by highway, etc. A. transportation -Lt. Golden'berg related his experi- IN 7th WAR LOAN DRIVE sonville, Fla., has been announced map would prove helpful, along A number of "final" subscrip- ences from February 1944, when 'by Maj. Gen. Howard C. Davidson, with a general description of rail tion notices were sent out this his B-24 was' shot down over the Last Fridlay a check for $25,000 commanding general of the. Tenth and bus schedules; describe the Week by The-Star, so if you've re- French coast by anti-aircraft fire. was presented to S. L. Barke W&3 Air Force. water supply and other utilities; eeived one and haven't yet come in "The first thing I knew, our the Florida Bank by E. M. Stanfili, A gunner with the 7th Bombard- annual rainfall, mean temperature, to renew, don't blame us, when bomb bay was ablaze. A full ,burst local representative for the. Gulf ment Group of the Tenth that op- food supply, and everything you you fai' to receive your Star nex: of flak had exploded among the Life Insurance Company, for the rates against the Japs in the can think of that might facilitate week. bombs. 'as lines and hydraulic purchase .of war bonds allocated India-Burma .theater, Sgt. Darcey the operation of such an institu- We hate it worser'n anything to system. The ship was doomed ano to Gulf county 'by the company. has been in the armed forces 24 cut off one of our .subscribers- the pilot ordered' us to 'hit the iMr. Stanftl recently replaced W. months, seven, months. in this the- "In. your brief, request that we'd rather cut off a toe--but be- silk.' I came down in an apple o- L. Waller as representative for aer of operations. He hols;the In yur br reque tween the paper situation and 'the chard and hit with a terrific Gulf Life in Port St. Joe. Air Medal those responsible for the seleion postoffice regulations we can't shock. As I lay there, a couple of __ DI Cof this site be sent to Port St. Joe keep you on our list longer than French farmers came over and I DISCHARGED for an inspection of the site or 30 dlays after the expiration date asked the into hide me.. They took NORTON IN OUTH FLORIDA R. H. Reddick, who with his wife sites which you folks have to of- of your subscription, me to a barn and. hid me deep in We received the following post- visited here a week with friends, fer. I don't know when they wil! So if you wan'.t 'to keep us happy the hay; so deep, in. fact, that card, this week from Mrs. J. R. has. just received his discharge reach 'this stage of the project, but andi continue to receive The Star, when. a German patrol came look- "Brownie" Norton: "Just received from the navy after two years of I feel, sure that a very careful sur- come in when you receive your, ing for me they searched: the barn from Pop the June 8 issue of Star, service. vey will be carried out before any first notice andi pay up-it will twice without locating me. but haven't had time to read same s ^ final action is taken." save us a lot of bother and time "When the Germans had left, as yet; am looking forward 'to it ADDRESSES In Frank A. Kennedy's "Wash- in not sending out two additional the Frenchmen brought me a civil- with the greatest of pleasure. J. Pvt. H. M. Hammock, 916845, inigton Treadmill" column. last Sun- notices. ian outfit. I told them I wanted to R. says tell you we're headed for Naval Hospital, Ward 19, Mare day, that writer had this to say: --- --------go to Paris where I might make Key West and a ride over that fa- Island, Calif. "It's becoming apparent that all Teaching Bible School it 'back to England with the assist- mous highway you gave so much Pfc. H'nes P. Richards, 34248767 (iSee 'Vet Hosepital' Page 4) Miss Carolyn Baggett left Sun- ance of the. underground'. publicity, a while back." 994th Mat. Sqdn.,' 559th Air Serv. *---- day for Crestview, where she wiill (See 'Tipperary' Page 4) Group, APO 14454 c/o, Postmatesr, WANNA.BUY A FORD? teach in the daily vacation Bible ----- ----- Enter College Summer Session San Francisco, Calif. Anyone wanting to buy a 1934 school for two weeks. WE'RE SHORT TWO. STORIES Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Horton car- ,S/,Sgt. W. T. "Bill" Whaley, Tudor Foi'd' probably very cheap, ----- ------ We're short two good stories for ried' Monzel Roberts and Edward 34783061, Cd. C, 757th Rwy. Shop (we don't know what kind of con- Attending'ICamp Meeting this issue. "Alphabet" Carter had Bartee to Milledgeville, Ga., Sun- Bn., APO 350 c/o 'Postmaster, New dition it's in) can enter bids on Rev. and. Mrs. Alton McKeithen promised' us something on census t1iy where the two young men en- York, N. Y. t' the jaloppy with City Clerk Mark left Wednesday for Louisville, Ky., returns for Gulf county (popula- tered summer session of Georgia S/Sgt. Denver C. Miller 14137431 Tomlinson up to 8 p. m. June 19. to attend the 'summer session of tion now 7,010 as compared, with Military College. 490th Bomb. Sqdn., Box 13, APO The notice of sale is on page six camp meeting. 6,951 in 1940), and Horace Soule - 210 c/o -Postmaster, New York. of this issue of The Star. ----- ----- (the rat) had. positively assured us Attend Family Reunion . ---- ----- ----- Returns To Duty After Visit that he. was going to .give us. a Mrs. W. J., Ferrell, Mrs. J. A. Vacationing In Alabama. Home From College i~vt. Carlton Philyaw left last writeup on the municipal hospital Connell and Miss..Ruth Moore Con- Roy. Evans left Saturday .for' a Miss Amelia Gibson arrived this .'riday for Sheppard, field, Texas, inan ial condition. Maybe nall-attended, a.-family .reunion'in week's .cation. In Birmingham i# effroifi Maron, VA.; where'ihe' after a few dayd' vtsit here with they'll .get the lead out of their Wewahitchka Sunday at the. home and other points in Alabamtna. attended college the Pst term. his parents. trousers by next week. of Mrs. Harriet RowelL PAGETWO HE STAR POR ST.JOEGUL COUTY, LORIA FIOAV JUN 15,194 THE STAR Publlehed Every Friday at Pert Lt. Joe, rl. by The Star Publihing Compamy W. 8. SMITH, Editer Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the eostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months .......$1.00 -.- Telephone 51 })l- TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for auch advertisemet-l The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country "Right or Wreng 7--- PAPER TERROR Tokyo is a smouldering wasteland. The palace of the Japanese emperor is reported to be considerably battered. Great industrial cities like Nagoya, Yokohama and Kobe -are being flattened by American bombers with their loads of blockbusters and incendiaries. Yet it is paper--plain, ordinary paper like that turned out by the St. Joe Paper Comne pany, made from pulpwood-that is striking deepest terror ini the hearts of the Japanese warlords. , In a home-service broadcast, addressed to the Japanese people and picked up by Ameri- can listening posts, the Japanese procurator general was heard to say: "The enemy has recently been dropping in earnest on various areas, bombs and leaflets which can be called' paper bombs. The leaflets are all aimed at causing anti-war thoughts and antagonism among the military, governmental and civilian people. Those who pick these up will please hand them in immediately to the nearest po- lice station. It is necessary that every indi- vidual make himself fight against them with strong nerves." Only a great fear could have prompted such a broadcast. It is fear born of truth, and theo realization that the truths expressed in those leaflets could break the chains that bind the ignorant Japanese people to slavery. So pulpwood products are performing a- multiple .mission in this war. Pulpwood is providing the paper with which to wrap, pack and tag the supplies sent to our fighting forces. It is furnishing the smokeless powder with which Japan's great cities are being smashed, and it is providing the 'paper bombs" which are destroying Japanest militarism from within. It is stated that in some places on the Mississippi River the moccasins are so numer- ous the frogs jump backward into the bushes instead of toward the water. Keep smiling-and Buy Bonds! CLOSED SHOP BAN DECLARED VALID A three-judge federal court in session Monday at Tampa held Florida's. anticlosed! shop constitu- tional amendment was not in vio- lation of the federal constitution. In a unanimous opinion, the court said the amendment voted by Flor- idlians was, an appropriate exer- cise of the police power of the state. It dismissed a temporary injunc- tiol granted March 19 on petition of the American Federation of La- bo.r and 56 affiliated unions against enforcement of the amend- ment by the state attorney gen- eral. Labor unions had contended that the amendment was in viola- tion of Article I of the federal con- stitution prohibiting any state from passing any law impairing the ob- ligation of contracts. The amendment, adopted by voters of the, state last fall, pro- vides that a man shall have the OUR SOLDIERS CAN TAKE IT Will our soldiers in the European theater be returned to their native land immediately (barring time for policing Germany) or will they be transferred to the Asiatic .fr6nt with- out being given a chance of a furlough home? These are questions of tremendous import- ance to both the soldiers and to their families. Some argue that the soldiers would find it easier to be transferred direct to the Asiatic front while they are still in. military harness than to be furloughed home for 30 days, only to be transferred then across the Pacific to fight the Japs. The American soldier, time out of mind, has held it to be his inalienable privilege and right to gripe when conditions did not suit him. This question of what is going to be his fate now that the European war has ended, he feels, comes under that category. There is much to be said for his argument that, after having risked his health, limbs and life itself in fighting the Hun, if he has beep so lucky as to escape uninjured, he should not be put in jeopardy a second time. While the soldier of the United States may gripe when he feels he is being unjustly treated, nevertheless, once he is convinced that the orders given him are based on justice and the best interests of his country, he is ever ready to shoulder any added burden which. the authorities may ask him to assume. This is all part of the American tradition. Much as soldiers hate war, they recognize that they are all citizens of a free republic and, as such, they do not have to be driven with threat of whip, spur or bayonet in order to do their duty. It is their full wish to carry their share of the load in preserving their country and their homes. That is why Amer- ica is strong, and America will remain strong so long as that point of view prevails. Present indications are that the best brains in this country are keenly aware that they must find a solution to the various compli- cated problems that plague the world and this country. The GI Joes on every battle front have ;done their part. The civilian population on the home front has done its part. Similar co-operation in peacetime will result in bring- ing prosperity and .happiness to people at home and abroad. The present world up- heaval has cost too much in blood, sacrifice and money not to have,a better world evolve from the ruins. No doubt it will take time. The achievements of this war must add up to a postwar world that will yield some compen- sation. Money doesn't necessarily mean happiness for its possessor. It is very debatable whether a person having $20,000,000 is any happier than the person having $19,000,000. Speed the day when a man will pay as much attention to his own body as he does to his auto body. right to. work whether he belongs to a labor union or not, and pro- hibits employers from making union or nonunion affiliation f condition of employment. Mrs. Madelifie Whitaker return- ed last Friday to her home in. Pan- ama City after a visit of several days here with'Mrs. W. J. Daugh- try. Ashley Costin left Saturday for Ocean Springs, Miss., for a two weeks' visit with friends. Miss Patsy Watson of Dothan, Ala., is visiting her aunt, Miss Christine Cargle, for a few weeks. Mr. and: Mrs. Rush Chism have as their guests this week Mrs. W. C. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wooten and daughter Pattie, an-d Billy Joe Griffith, all of Birming- ham, Ala. Mrs Percy Corbin and son of Blountstown are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClelran. Miss Betty Ann Smith of Balboa. Canal Zone. is the guest this week of her aunt, Mrs. V.eria Smith. Returns To Jacksonville George, Owens returned to Jack- sonville Wednesday after a three- day visit here with his (brother fand family,, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'J. Owens. A Time and Place for. Everything She: "Johnnie, don't you love driving on a night like this?" Johnnie: "Yes, darling, but 1 thought I'd. wait until we get fur- Ather out in the country." Pick the Spot He: "Where can I get hold, of you?" She: "I don't 'know; I'm awfully ticklish." Miss Dorothy Whaley of Tusca- loosa, Ala., arrived last Friday for a visit here with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bill Whaley. Mrs. Verna Smith and Miss Sara Kelly spent last week-end in Jack- sonville. - "ead The or to a IrtNM. STARDUST and MOONSHINE That card we received from -'Brownie" Norton, referred to on another page, leaves us all up ii the air. It was. a picture of a bath- ing 'beauty standing next to four large tarpon with the caption, "It takes a real fisherman to land these beauties in Florida." We're in doubt whether it means the girt or the fish. Explanation,. please. That battling lineup on the Le- zion te'm wih Jeff Plair follow- ing Heck Jones shoul':l ought be Changed. Heck gets on' base ana then Jeff gets, up and knocks, a three-bagger or a home run and. has to ploN down to keep frork running over the puffing H.eck. After seeing, that handsome sign we "painted" on the picture of his store in last weexs, issue of The Star, J. R. Cbestnut just had to have a sign painter make a rea- sonable facsimilie of same on his storefront to keep people from pestering him to death with ques- tions as to where "that sign was we saw in The Star." George Wimberly literally took his hair in his hands when he-vol- unteered to umpire that ladies' softball game Tupsday night, for had! any of those females thought he was giving them a bad decision they might have pulled out what few remaining locks he has. _____-_'I BOND RALLY (Continued From Page W. 0. Anderson; glass bake dish, $200, George Tapper; box choco- lates, $300, C. G. Costin; carton Luckies, $400, C. G. Costin; 25 lbs. hen chow, $100, Dr. Ward. As the bids were. getting rather low at this stage, it was decided! to hold a number of other articles for another auction later on. Auctioneers were Glenn Boyles, Harry McKnight and B. B. Conk- lin, ably assisted in ballyhooing by Jimmy Greer. ,Main feature of the evening, and probably the one that really drew the crowd, was a ladies' three-inn- ing softball- game -between blondes 'and brunettes which resulted in a score of 11 to 5 in favor of the dark-haired' girls. The blonde team was made up as follows: Mrs. Mildred Kenning- ton, c; Miss Marylyn Rowan, p; Mrs. Nell Mitchell, Ib; Mrs. Mil- dred Mira, 3b; Mrs. Jeff Plair, sf; Miss Dorothy Trawick, ms; Mrs. -Lamar Miller, rf; Mrs. Eubanke, 2b; Mrs. Homer Stokes,- cf; -Mise Lois Manasco, If; Joe Gloekler, manager. The brunette team. was made up, of: Miss Emily Ogilvie, ss; Miss Betty Lane, 3b; Mrs. Ruth Soule, Ib; Miss Jewel Covington, p; Mrs. Fischer, sf;. Miss Sally Traweek, 2b; Miss Marguerite Williams, c; Mrs. Colleen Owens, If; Mrs. Julia. Creech, cf; Mrs. Marigene Taln- ton, rf; Mrs. George McLawhon, cf; Paul Fensom, manager. Following the auction, a three- inning exhibition game-was played 'by Rotarians and Kiwanians,, with. Capt. Robert Tapper and, Charley McClellan as the star players. We never did find' out what the final score was. Another attraction of the eve- ning was a number of selections played by the high school band. SHORT COURSE (Continued from Page 1) Resumed after, a lapse Of three years, the short course provided a. week of special instruction in gar- dening, canning, nutrition, poultry, safety, self-improvement and per- sonal grooming, music, clothing, care of the sick, posture, exterior and, interior home improvement, conducting a 4-H Club, and news reporting. It contained a number of inspirational and recreational features also. Centered around the theme; "Florid'a 4-H girls .at work for worthwhile living," the course gave. the girls both inspiration and training to return to their counties and assist their club members in rendering even larger wartime service to their country in the months ahead. Both the girls and their leaders saw demonstrations in the utiliza- tion of fruits with small quantities of sugar, the weaving of rugs, tex- tile painting with stencils and screens, making feather comfort- ers,' making butter and ice cream, killing and dressing chickens, and other practical and timely subjects. Such Grammar! "Her niece is rather good look, ing, I think." "Don't say 'her knees is,' say 'her knees are'." Same Old Story He: "Something seems, to be wrong with this motor. It-' She: "Don't be so foolish. Wait until we get off the main road." Some Question There "They say swimming is the best thing to develop poise and, grace." Oh, yeah. Didja ever get a close look at a duck?" THE ST~AR, PORT ST. JOE,,,GtLF COUNTY, FLORIDA 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1945- PAGE TWO .... [ JUNE. 5. 14 1 Trees Back Up Fighter It requires five trees annually to equip and maintain each man in Canada's armed forces, a Canadian lumber journal reports. Quarters, mess hall, chapel and recreational 'facilities take one tree. Another is needed to create food, clothing, tanks, guns. and ammunition. The remaining three are used in the pro- duction of explosives, planes and gun stocks and in shipyards and factories. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted APALACHICOLA, FLA. IF you drive in at Sunny State for service and don't get your wind- shield cleaned, we'll give you your purchase! . COME IN TODAY! SUNNY STATE SERVICE Hellcat fits Deck U.S. Navy Photo PHILIPPINE SEA Soundphoto These photos were snapped aboard a light carrier near the Philippines recently. Top photo shows Ensign P. C. Myers of Arbuckle, Calif. landing his Hellcat precarious- ly close to the port side of the flight deck as men on the catwalks scurry for cover. Bottom photo shows the-plane as it went over the side, breaking apart just back of the cockpit. One wing and the belly tank are still in the air as the other wing smashes into the catwalk. Ensign Myers is still in plane. TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH * The purity and uniformity of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score or more of exacting tests for purity are made. Thus, we compound prescriptions with full confidence in the reliability of the ingredients your physician prescribes. We use Merck Prescription Chemicals Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription If. ouHadMYJOB K KEEPING HOUSE, helping take care of the family-you would realize that business girls are not the only ones who some- times get Headache and Tired Aching Muscles. We home girls often work just as hard and have just as many Headaches, just as many Stomach Upsets and get just as Tired. About a year ago, I first used ALKA-SELTZER I find that it eases my Aching Head, takes the kinks out of Tired, Aching Muscles and brings relief when I have Acid Indigestion. ' The family says I am a lot easier to live with since I lNave known about Alka-Seltser. SHave you tried ALKA-SELT. ZBRl If not, why don't you got a package tdayt l rge package .S. Smafl also tot the glmU at f r mM , l Progress of Timber, Grazing and Game Idea Holds promise State-Wide Program, Partially In Effect In Gulf County, Bodes Well For Agriculture IProgress and increasing interest in the timber-grazing-game pro- gram bode well for the future of Florida agriculture. The plan is state-wide in scope and in Gulf county a number of ,ranchers and landowners are co-operating to the fu'lest extent in developing the program here. The program, developed and proposed to Florida landowners three years ago by Louis T. NIe- land, agricultural extension serv- ice forester, has attracted wide- spread attention from farmers, cattlemen and other landowners of this state and also from foresters in this and many other states. It is only logical that it should meet with favor by landowners, for its primary purpose is to In- crease the value of the land and the products that come from the land now and, in the future. In a nutshell, the idea is to utilize the" land for the purpose to which it is best suited. Some land is more suited to cul- tivation than other land, some is more suited to forests and game, and some is more suited to live- stock production. Many farmers have all three types on their farms. To realize maximum benefits and profits from all the land by de- voting the different types to their best possible purposes Is the aim of the program. If this program is 'widely de- veloped over the state-and the indications are now quite promis- ing-it will not only mean larger -income. from the land during the next few years, but it will also mean that the land will be im- proved as time goes on. In other words, it will increase the future production possibilities of the land'. War needs are, calling., for enor- mous quantities of forest products and even though efforts are being made to cut only the trees that should be cut according to good RATION NOTES lllll lll illl l n '! i!lil ti iIiii !iin ii| illi lllli llfli ll l! illillll , Processed Foods-Blue stamps: N2 to S2- valid. expire June 30. T2 to X2 now valid, expire July 31. Y2, Z2, Al. Bl, Ci now valid, ex- pire August 31; D1 to I H now valid, expire September 30. Meats and: Fats Red stamps: E2 to J2 now valid, expire June 30; K2 to P2 expire July 31; Qs to U2 expire August 31; V2 to Z2 expire Septemlber 30. Sugar Sugar stamp 36 is now valid, expires August 31. Good for five pounds. Shoes-Airplane stamps 1, 2 and 3 now good. Next stamp (to be designated) will become valid! ou August 1. Gasoline-A15 coupons are valid through June 21. LEGISLATURE PROVED TO BE A "TAX AND SPEND" GROUP 'The 1945 legislature proved to be a "tax and spend" group, for they levied $26,500,000 in new taxes and approved expenditures of $4.300,000 more thaf 'that and dipped! into the $10,000,000 general revenue balance on hand in A-pril to pass out $3,700,000 in deficiency appropriations and extra current expenses. This did not include the cost, of the session, nor does; it cover costs of the extra session, which is, estimated at $2000 daily. forestry management, it is inevit- able that many will tbe removed that must be replaced. The exten- sion program provides for replac- ing these trees, and also for plant- ing hundreds of thousands of trees on lands which are now bare but which could produce good forest growth. It also provides for continued development and improvement of lands best suited to forests and game and the lands that are best 1 suited to grazing. Demonstration areas, embracing the purposes of the program have been established in many counties and farmers in other .counties are approving the idea and planning on similar developments. This trend bodes well for the future of Florida agriculture. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston. Pastor 9:45 a. m.--Church school 11:00 a.m.--Morning worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m.-Evening worship. Woman's Society meets Mon- days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Bible study and choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Reav. W. A. Daniel, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching services every first and third Sunday at 11 a. m. You are cordially invited to-wor- ship with us. Chemical Paradox A new water-soluble adhesive makes possible weatherproof con- tainers made out of paperboard for the armed forces. These boxes will support 500 pounds per square inch after being submerged 24 hours in water. RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $3.25 NOW '.3 HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW....-.. .. RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $325 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW....-.. .. ST.. JOE BAR Our Customers Are Spoiled... It's partly our fault. We helped to spoil 'em. They've learned to depend on us for good printing because we never fail them. 0 THE STAR Fine Commercial Printing Phone 51 Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W SPORT ST. JOE, FLA. NOW OPEN Martin's Beach Club BEACON HILL, FLORIDA On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field 8:00 P. M. TO DANCING ERY NIGHT 12:00 MIDNIGHT COUPLES ONLY For Reservations Call Marigene Taunton, Port St. Joe 0 Special Invitation to the YonIg Folks AFTERNOONS 2 TO 7 P. M. Under Reliable Supervision %-% A- .- .**.-A------------ < s- --- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THREE PRID~AY,- JUNE 15, 1945 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. Vet Hospital nations committee and the senate S p A finance, committee must approve (Continued from Page 1) another bill appropriating the necessary construction funds. of the Florida communities now O'These measures are quite a seeking one of the three proposed long time off yet." veterans' hospitals very nearly wil' As yet no definite site has been spend in promotional work the selected in Port St. Joe for sub- first cost of the three institutions, mission to the veterans' bureau, when and if they are built. Hos- though two or three have been pitals, it seems, have a peculiar mentioned. If, as Columnist Ken- fascination for chambers of com- nedy states. no appropriation, has merce. A look at the facts will yet been made, though local citi- show, however, that the same civic zens were under the impression efforts in attracting a small but that the money had already been profitable local industry would pay allocated', then we here in Port St. more dividends. .. Apart from Joe should have ample time in the first construction cost, the only which to gather the necessary net gain to any community is the data for submission to the bureau. payroll of the hospital staff and - the money that relatives miliht Training Faalitics .spend while visiting the patients. I Most recent army statistics indi- Svtrans administration cate that the fatal accident rate is only one for every 43,478 hours of announcement that 72 more hos- primary flight. On the basis of 100 pitals are planned is exactly that miles per hour that is only one for -they are planned'. Before it may 4,347,800 miles! The record for ba- become locally profitable to organ- sic and advanced training likewise ize a drive for one of the three is remarkably safe. As a matter of fact, one large A.T.S. school doing projected Florida institutions, con- primary flight training has flown gress first must pass an authoriza-, over 395,000 hours without a single tion bill. Next the house appropri- fatality. Raise GOOD CALVES v 40 gallons of mlk, and grows big, I URI* I'vigorous, thrifty calves..Saves tim, . labor, and money. Start 'nr with TARTIMNA for CHOW Lots of MiLK Built to keep cows in condition for top production and long milking life. Depend on COW CHOW Quality Eggs Complete feed for lots of premium quality eggs with delicious flavor. Rely on Layena /t. ICHICK WATER TABLET withh THREE-WAY Action! Only water table to act as germ 9- .^' C killer, bowel astringent, fungi- cide. Easy, economical to use. , Relyon PURINA CHEK-R-TABS n URRY RAISE YOUR OWN M EA. M GET YOUR A, T S LIVESTOCK SPRAY REQUIREMENTS NOW! Our supplies of this i AA killing-power AT HOME spray are now good. ASf m ME Costs only 1 c per Sp.AY Grow a BIG hog fast- day per cow. Order have lots of pork and now. plenty of red gravy. It's i '. PURINA easy when you- ATEKA PURINA 11VESTOCK SPRAY 'HHOG FATEN A S*For Top Quality Eggs Get eggs with uniform yolks, strong shell, delicious flavor. CompleteA LZ A feed-your choice, mash or pellets. LYENA Feed PURINA LAYENA St. Joe Hardware Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA UIN .Ho0 'Tipperary' (Continued from Page 1) "The Frenchmen sneaked me out of the barn, and covered me with hay in a wagon, and then, drove to the railway station. The driver stopped near the station ana' the four Frenchmen with me went to the station and bought tickets for Paris-and one for me. "Soon the train for Paris came along and we boarded it without incident. We took our places in the crowded car. I tried to be as nonchalant and as (French as' pos- sible. which was a hard thing to dio as I rubbed elbows, with Ger- man soldiers and SiS troopers. "The train was well on its way to Paris. The Frenchman seated beside me w as talking with a con-- rade. I leaned back, and began congrautaltin.g myself on. a nice stroke of luck. 'Hell,' I thought. with the help of the underground I should be o-ut of France and back in England in'a onuple of weeks.' "Lost in my thoughts, my ears suddenly picked up a song some- one was whistling across the aisle 'from me. It was 'It's a Long Way to Tipperary.' Unconsciously 1 looked up and, turned slightly, to see who might be whistling the song. "That's all I. had to do. A French woman was, doing the whistling. I didn't realize it until a few min- utes later when a German soldier tapped me on the shoulder and told me I was under arrest. The woman was a spy in the employ of the Germans. She rode the trains and if she saw anyone who, looked like an English or Ameri- can flier dressed in, French clothes she started whistling a song fa- miliar to them. Invariably, the fliers would look to see who was whistling the song. It was, a dead giveaway. In a matter of seconds the woman would signal a, i , soldier andl the'.fliers were cap- tured.. "Anyway. when the German sol- d(ier tapped me on the shoulder, I tried to play the string out. i handed him my 'ticket. He mean business. He scowled, waved the ticket aside and ordered me to 'march!' "The incident had aroused the French in the car. Someone point- ed out the woman who had given me away. As I was leaving I turned and saw several women spitting at her and the men calling her vile names,. What happened after that I don't know." After being taken from the train Lt. Goldlenberg was grilled by the gestapo and then given. 30 days in solitary confinement. He then was sent to Stalag Luf't 3 in Sagan, (Germany--one of the immense air force prisoner of war camps. On January f4. 1945, he was moved to Stalag 1.3-D in Nurniberg, since the Russians were advancing rapidly. He states that life at Nurnberg; "was hell." with little food and practically no medical attention. There was no fuel and in a despei- ate effort to keep warm the pris- oners began ripping the barracks apart for fuel. The prisoners were moved to an- other .camp at Mooseberg as the American armies neared) Nurnberg and Lt. Goldlenberg was 'there on April 29 when cavalary reconnals- sance units of the 14th Armorea Division bariel.ed down the road, blew in the gates and released the thousands of prisoners. "When those recon men came into Moosb6rg." said Goldenlberg. "'we really mobbed them. You could 'aunmh a ship in the tears we shed." Lt. Goldrenberg's mother visited here last January with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Schneider while her son was still a PW at Sagan. Although it was known for centu- ries that objects could be magnified with lenses, it was not until the 13th century that the knowledge was used to correct visual shortcomings. Phone 55 APALACHICOLA,' FLORIDA ' SIT'S ALL IN THE WAY (The lines above may look like a mystic maze. But if you close one eye and tilt this pag to the posi- tion shown, you can e- "ly read four famiiar words.) YOU LOOK AT IT! M AYBE you won't thank us for reminding you of the H C of L. But it doesn't seem nearly so high when you look at it in the light of your electric bill! Almost alone among household necessities, the price of electricity hos not spiraled upward with war. In fact, we have. reduced both residential and commercial rates. since the war began. That's especially good pews now, but it continues a long-time trend. Electric prices have been coming down so steadily that THE AVER- AGE FAMILY IN THIS TERRITORY GETS ABOUT TWICE AS MUCH ELECTRICITY FOR ITS MONEY TODAY AS IT DID 15 YEARS AGO. If our bill is no' smaller, it's because you're using more electricity to do more jobs than you did then. But the saving is THERE. It has been accomplished in spite of rising costs and taxes-on top of huge war demands for service that were met without delay, shost- age or rationing. It was done by efficiency and experience and sound BUSINESS management-by the same American enterprise which built our notion and on which its futewe depends. O110 IDA POWEL *COPOSTION up " NEW WELFARE WORKER TYNDALL FIELD DEFEATS NAMED FOR GULF COUNTY GULF COAST SLUGGERS .Mrs. F. M. Campbell of Wewa- The ball game last Sunday be- hitchka, former teacher and Gulf teen Tyndall Field and the Gulf county NYA supervisor, has been Coast Sluggers (colored) resulted named as welfare worker for this in an 8 to 3 win for the soldiers. county. This makes nine wins. and! three Mrs. Campbell will bein the losses this season for the Sluggers. welfare office at Wewahitchka on The Sluggers play Dale Mabry Monday of each week and at the Field next Sunday and a St. Pe- welfare office at the city hall sday of each tersburg team June 25 and 28. Port St. Joe on Tuesday of each week. Until July 1 she will be at, these offices only by appointment. F Paint Machines On Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- Painting black machines gray or On f Wednesday, Thursdlay and' Fri- pastel colors often improves the see- day of each week she will do field ing conditions more than would work. greatly increased illumination. Let Us Quote You On Your CONCRETE -WORK WE BUI-LD STEPS SIDEWALKS FLOORS DRIVEWAYS FOUNDATIONS. B. B. "Red" MORROW CONCRETE CONTRACTOR P. O. Box 39 r----- -- =_LI~IS"L'"~~ TU~Y FRI!DA~Y, JUNE 15, 1945 PAGE FOUR R JUNE 15. 1 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL WILL OPEN MONDAY Rev. 0. D. Langston announces that the annual vacation Bible school will open at 9:30 Monday morning at the Methodist Church and continue for two weeks. A'-l children, of the city are invited to attend the school. Teachers will be: Mrs. M. J. Donaldson and Mrs. Holsenback, Beginners.; Mrs. Pervis Howell and Miss Margaret Smith, Primaries; Mrs. Ralph Swatts and Mrs. 0. D. Langston, Juniors; Rev. Langston, Intermediates. Mrs. Swatts and Mrs. Roy Evans will be in charge of the music. Mrs. Durel Brigman and daugh- ter Carolyn, and Mrs. Della Good- son left last Friday for a two weeks' vacation in Westville with relatives and friends, tlhdnousta I LIII tHHEADI It's your representative. It speaks for you in places you cannot go. You want your letterhead to give your prospect assurance that it represents a firm of high standing. LET US DESIGN YOUR NEXT LETTERHEAD THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" $300.00 BRIDAL SHOWER HONORS MISS EVELYN TAUNTON Miss Barbara Edward's honored Miss Evelyn Taunton. bride-elect, with a bridal shower last Saturday at her home on Long Avenue. The lace-covered table was cen- tered with a punch bowl sur- rounded with fern and) pink ole- anders.. from which the hostess served delicious punch. together with cookies, to those present. The honoree sat in the bride's chair. where she received many lovely gifts from her many friends who gathered to offer her congra't- ulations. The wedding will be an event of July. Mrs. B. J. Bateman and' son of Horn'erville, Ga.; are visiting this week with Mr. and' Mrs. W. T. Chafin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan Jones Jr., of New Orleans., are the guests this week of Mrs. A. M. Jones. Mrs. Horace Soule and son, Hor- ace Jr., and Mrs. Bessie Powell made a business .trip to Panama City Monday afternoon. Mrs. Leroy Gainous andi children spent Thursday of last week In Panama City, guests of Mrs. J. J. Perritt. Miss Joan McKeithen, Mack and Billy McKeithen are visiting in Panama City this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKeithen. AVE you tried Alka-Selt- ofr for G. a on Stomach. SSour StoMeh, "Merala t Aftr" and Cold Distreym SIf not, why not? Pleasnt. 3 prompt in action, effective. ^ k Thirty cents and Sixty MIL- NE RVINE FOR reliet from Functional Nor- vous Disturbances such as Sleep- eMgness, Crankiness, Exeiability. Nervous eadathe and Nervous In- di tion. ,Tablets a 8 and 7 . -Liquid 25# and $1.00. Read dirso- tlon* and use only as directed. A SINGLE Dr. Miles Anti- Y Pain Pill often relieves Headache, Muscular P ain L ,or Functional Monthly Wl ilnso.-25 for 24t o 1S2 7 fors.00. Get them at.your drug store. Read directions Wi and use only as directed. -1:- * $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN -- NO RED TAPE- IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE $304.00 *-- FLORIDA $300.00 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Paster Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1945 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "Why God Takes Away Branches," John 15:2a. 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8 :00-Evening Service. Sermon topic: "Expectant , Waiting and Glad Receiving," Luke 8:40b. S EVERYBODY WELCOME! -.. --. ----- ...----------------- --.-- -- the hostess served delicious home- made ice cream and' cake. The next meeting of the circle will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Brown on the fourth Monday. In the meanwhile, members are urged to study the entire fourth chapter of Philippians. ENJOY HOUSE PARTY AT BEACON HILL Enjoying,,a most delightful house party at Beacon Hill last week were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brooks and family, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Rol- lins and Miss. Peggy Allen, all of this. city; Miss. Jane Findley, One- onta, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Horn and' family. Dothan, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Huxford. Perry, Fla.; Mrs. W. L. Bouton and son. Birmingham, Ala, and Miss Gail Bice. Gadsden'. Ala. MARY VIC MAUCK CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. ROWAN The Mary Vic Mauck Circle or the Methodist W. S. C. S. met Mon- day afternoon at 'the home of Mrs. John Rowan with eight members and one guest present. Mrs. 0. D. Langston opened the meeting with prayer and the ae- votional was given 'by Mrs. R. G. Boyles. Mrs. Nobie Stone presided over the business session. The Bible study, from chapter VIH of "The Radiant Heart," was led by Mrs. J. L. Temple, assisted by Mrs. Rp. wan and Mrs. L. C. Rester. After the meeting, a social hour was enjoyed' during which the hos- tess served refreshments to her guests. Gainous. Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Smith and daughter of Hinesville, Ga,. have recently moved here to make this city their home. iMr. and Mrs. Bill Crowson of Niceville and Mrs. Laura Martina of Sopchoppy were saying hello to friends here Saturday. Mrs. Lillian Chambers of Tampa is the guest for several weeks! of her sister and family, Mr. and' Mrs. B. H. Smith. Mrs. Bud Gaskin and daughter of Blountstown attended' the mis- cellaneous. bridal, shower given in honor of her sister. Miss Evelyn Taunton Saturday night. Mrs. Charles Doyle and Miss Eva Doyle of Apalachicola were guests Saturday of Mr. and, Mrs. Chester Edwards. Mrs. R. S. McLean and small daughter of Hollywood, Fla., are guests for a few days this week of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward. Po vT 'u,'Vtr ., ', v - , Port Theatre A Martin Theatre I THEATRE OPENS SATUR CONTINUOUS PERFORM LAST TIMES TODAY! E In TectI'srn1-' SATURDAY, JUNE 16 Iwo&. 2 Mir. and Mrs. L. L. Allen had as their guests Sunday Mrs. Mary Al- len and Mrs. Agnes Folsom and children of Marianna. Mrs. Willie Pelt of Bonifay and Mrs. Leland - Calloway of Chattahoochee. a u "TRIGGER" Pvt. and Mrs. R. D. Perry of "TRIGGER". h. Bainbridge. Ga., are guests of Mrs. th e v mes. David Hinote. this week. Mrs. Perry entered the local hospitaler 3 of Serial .Monday morning for an operation. Chapter 3 of Serial Mr. and Mrs. James Greer re- "BRA.ENDA -STARR turned home Sunday night from Athens, Ga. They were accom- REPORTER" panied home by Miss Judy Greer of Cusetta, Ga.. who will spend FEATURE NO. 2 - the summer here. Mr. apd, Mrs. R. H. Reddick of THE THREE STOOGES in Williston are the guests of friends "YOKES ON ME" here this week. Mrs. E. A. ,Sims and son from Grand Bay, Ala., left Saturday af- SUNDAY, JUNE 17 ter several days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. 'Bosarge at Cape San Blas. irt-l RollHKc " Mrs. Ellen Kirkland had as her .- guests over the week-end, Mrs. Datie Lupo and Mrs. Emma Dor- sey of Mobile, Ala. Miss Mamie, Kelly of Dawson, Ga., is the guest this week of Mrs. Verna Smith and.Miss! Sara Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Mercer and Mrs. Ralph Williams spent several days in Bonifay 'this week visiting relatives. Mrs. A. J. Trawick and baby of Bay Harbor spent last Friday here as guests, of Mrs. J. L. McQuaig. 'Mrs. Fred Maddox and Ellen Marie McFarland made a business- "BEACHHEAD TO BERLIN" trip Monday to Blountstown. Port St. Joe, Fla. DAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. MANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. S- _- -- .- - MONDAY and TUESDAY June 18 and 19 JUDY GARLAND ROBERT WALKER ---- Short Subjects - LATEST NEWS "FLICKER FLASHBACKS" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 --Also-a Chapter 4 of Serial "JUNGLE QUEEN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 21 and 22 --Al o - LATEST NEWS EVENTS "OVERSEAS ROUNDUP" MRS. TOMLINSON ENTERTAINS LEGION INSTALLS AND MISS GORDON JOHNSTON TO RUTH LAWRENCE CIRCLE ENJOYS SHRIMP SUPPER WED HARBORCRAFT SOLDIER The Ruth Lawrence Circle ofi Officers of Willis V. Rowan Post The following item of local in- the Methodist W. S. C. S. me't 116, American Legion, were in- terest appeared in the last issue Monday afternoon at the home of stalled Tuesday night at a meet- of "The Amphibian,'" Camp Gor- Mrs. Mark Tomlinson, who pre- ing held at The Hut. Following don Johnston weekly newspaper: sided over the meeting. the installation service, a brief "A wedding of widespread in.ter- Upon completion of the busi- meeting was held and, then the est in camp will be that of Miss ness, the meeting was turned over hungry crowd sat down to a shrimll Evelyn Taunton, post civilian em- to Mrs. Ralph Swatts, who pre- supper with all necessary trim- ploye, and Pfc. Frank Troutz, 112th sented the following program: mings, including beer. Harborcraft Training Co., which Quiet music, Mrs. Tomlinson; Officers for the enusing year will be solemnized in Port St. Joe call to worship, "Rejoice in the are: T. M. Schender, commander; in July. Lord always, and again I say, re- Heck Jones, vice-commander; R. "Miss Taunton, daughter of Mrs. joice"; song, "Rejoice Ye Pure In E. Rich, adjutant; Joe Grimsley, C. C. Taunton of Port St. Joe, was Heart"; prayer, in unison; song. finance officer; Artnur Lupton, voted 'Miss Camp Gordon Johns- "A Charge to Keep"; study, chap- chaplain; Whaley Johnson, ser- ton" during the Fifth War Loan ter VII from "The Radiant Heart," geant-at-arms; W. S. Smith, post Drive. Pfc. Troutz, son of Mr. and conducted by Mrs. Tomlinson; pi- historian. Mrs. Leon S. Troutz of New Jer-. ano solo, concert 'transcription of I ,sey, has been a member of the "I Love to Tell the Story," Mrs. Mrs. Anton Markovic and daugh- Harborcrafter's orchestra since its Ralph Swatts. ter of New York City were recent organization here on the post." At the conclusion of the meeting guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy f - - - - - --- - - - - - THE'SZTAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY,, FLORIoA PAGE RIVE FRIDAY, JUNE- 15, 1945 ,*- Ato THE S TUUN CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE RABBITS Giant New Zealand white rabbits; $3.00 per pair. See Joe Donaldson, 4th St. 6-15* RESTAURANT Frances' Cafe. Must sell on account of health. Troyi Jones, Port St. Joe. 6-1 3t FISHING POLES Cured fishing -poles for sale. Creech & Brooks office, Monument Ave. 4-6tf FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase. Call B. W. Eells, Phone 39 or 100. 5-25.tf MISCELLANEOUS WILL SHARE EXPENSES auno trip to Atldnta week-end June 16; 2 adults, 11-year-old child. Ref- erences exchanged. Call Ralph E. Rich, phone 75-W. 1* LODGE NOTICES MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular A meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- days each month, 8:00 p. n). Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W. M.; G. C. Atkins, Sec. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE - Notice s given that on June 19 1945, the City of Port St. Joe will sell' to the highest bidder for casn the following described motor ve- hicle: 1934 Ford Tudor, Motor No. 18 883550; P Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly mavred "Bid on 1934 Ford Tudor. for opening Juae 19, 1945," and. may 'hbe deposited with the City Auditor and Clerk 4ny time nrior to 8:00 P. M. ES'T, June 19, 1945. 1 Right is reserved 'to reject any nd all bid's: M. P. TOMLINSON, 6 8-15 City Auditor & Clerk. By order of the City Commission of City of Port St. Joe, Florida. NOTICE E We will meet on July 2, at 10:00 a. m. for hte purpose of hearing complaints and receiving testi- mon as to the va.luesfixed, by the KiWANIS NEWS Anyone who might be inclined to think that it isn't hot weather in the rear of the power company of- fice on a summer night should have been on hand the other eve- ning when Welton Roche as- sembled his bundling (sometimes bungling) crew of Kiwanlans and tied up the collection of clothing for United Nations Relief. Welton said he had no idea we had so much energy until he saw it melt- ing off us. The committee reports that something like 3200 pounds of clothing was shipped from Gulf county. Nice going, Welton and Bob Mize on the shipping job. . Nice going, too, all you workers who made this collection possible. We agree it was no one- or two- man job. Cub Scouts from Kenney's Mill are Inviting another den from town to an outing next Wednesday eve- ning. The 'local pack is in some- thing of a dilemma since "Chuck" Gibson announced that he will have. to relinquish 'the job of cubmaster. Those of us who were fortunate enough to hear the fine concert rendered' by the young people's choir of the Baptist Church Sun- day evening enjoyed a rare treat. Few of us realize the fact that we have a wealth of talent among our young people right here in Port St. Joe, and we need the oppor- tunity to hear them more often. They deserve all the support and encouragement we can give them. Enough praise cannot possibly be given to the song and band 'direc- tors who are doing such a fine job. for the boys and girls. And that was also a humdinger of a concert put on by the band at the bond' rally Tuesday night. We are approaching 'the half-way mark in bond purchases in Gulf county, and it's going to take lots more effort on the part of the "E" bond buyers more "cans" than Softball Results The High School took the Ki- wanians 7 to go into to 3 last Friday. night a second-place tie with GOVERNOR. CALDWELL arate., agencies Jinto five, general PRAISES LEGISLATURE classifications . Establish a chair of real estate instruction at. the University of (Continuedfrm Page 1) Florida. present, the governor left his sig- Raise pensions of Confederate nature off other laws that will: e pve ,a and othei, or 'fd6 nfrom gion. Appropriate state hotel commis- S, 4 sion surplus fund's to a vocational Mrs. Harry McMinn and children training school for hotel employes of Laurel. Miss., are the guests particularly for discharged army this week of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff and navy cooks and bakers. Chatham at their home at Ken- Permit construction of a new ney's Mill, supreme court building instead of Mrs. E. E. Ruley and children the addition, to the present struc- returned, home recently from Bell ture authorized by the 1941 legis- City. La., where they visited rela- lature. tives for a month. Consolidate the state's 270 sep- DON'T WAIT - until your shoes 'are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. The LEADER SHOE SHOP County Assessor on real and per- "cant's" on the. part of a whole sonal property for the year 1945. lot of citizens. We'll put the drive Boardof County Commissioners, ver, of course, but not by just By W. R. Connell. Chairman, saying so. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following described lands, or so much thereof as will be necessary to pay the amount due for taxes of 1944 herein set opposite to the same, together with cost of such I sale andk advertising, will be sold at public auction on Monday,' the second day of July, A. D. 1945, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door, the County of Gulf, in the City of We.wahitchka, State of Florida: D 0 I- I-, DESCRIPTION OF LAND Z a. W OWNER 0 0 W ZU W 0 < C < Wi I- Z: < *,h S'E of SW1/4, SW1/4 of SE% ................. .4 Lot 26. Blk. F, Alderson' Sub. ..................25 Lot -9, Camp Palms ....20 Ei of NEI ...........34 Lot 6, Bk. 7, Beacon Hill 31 Lots 7, 8, Org. less % acre in NW ,part sold to J. W. Rainer ............31 1/% of SW ............32 Lots 7, 8, Bk. 3, Yons Adid 5 Lot 12, Blk. B, Highland View ................. 26 Lot 15. Blk. C, Highland View ................ ..26. Lot 1, Blk. C, Gaulding Sub. .......... ..... 26 Lots 7, 8, Blk. C, Bay- view Heights .........26 Lot 12, Blk. D, Bayview Heights ...............26 Lots 9, 12, BIk. D, Bay- view Heights .........2.6 Lot 16, Blk. G; Bayview ' Heights ..............26 N12 Lot 5, Blk. A, St. Joe " Heights ................. 2 8 Lot 4, Blk. B, St. Joe Heights .............. 2 Lots 1, 3, Blk. 23, Port St. Joe ..................... 1 Lot 27, Blk, 36, Port St. Joe ......... ......... 1 Lot 4, Bk. 60, Port St. Joe 1 Lot 5, Bk. 61, Port St. Joe 1 Lot 7, Blk. 61, Port St. Joe ................. 1 Lot 6, Bk. 62, Port St. Joe 1 Lots 10, 12, Bik. 65, Port St. Joe ...... ....... 1 N2 Lots 2, 4, 6,Blk..I, Oak Grove ...........13 80 Delia Ash ...........$ 6.35 Mrs. Allen Cox ..... 1.35 E. W. Neat ....... 12.00 80 Ruthford Allen ..... 3.25 C. G. Costin ....... 3.10 90 Paul Carter ........ 51.01 80 Paul Carter ........ 6.20 Virginia P. Moore .. 4.02 George Bennett .... 12.92 M. I. Harper 1943-44 9.70 J. P. Morrison ..... 2.30 B. Yon Est ........ 2.20 N. A. Johnson ..... 6.00 David. Hollin'gton .. 6.93 W. J. Todd ........ 6.30 Nero Hopps ......... 8.07 J. B. Godwin ....... 6.3u Lawson & Lupton .. 23.33 Dewey Davis ....:. S. .. Jordari...... Jofifi Okefe ....... .Harold C, Palmer, 1943- .1944 .... q.'Ai. Lupton 1943-1944 .. If wishes were horses... " ; beggars would ride" goes the old pocketful of good hard cash. rhyme. Which is just another way of pointing out that wishing, by itself, isn't a very re- liable way to get what you want. You're going to want a lot of things a few years from now. And when it comes to getting them, nobody so far has discovered anything more useful than a nice, big Keep Faith with our Fighters Buy War' Bonds for Keeps LeHARDY'S BAR 14.73 3.10 3.16 6.06 . 3 11 R. R. Kingry 1943 .. 5.40 8 11 J. L. Hughs ....... 7.22 EDD. C. PRIDGEON, S Tax Colecor, 'Gulf County, Flerida. 6-62 I- .- , Put every single cent you can spare into War Bonds now. Hang on to those War Bonds. Let them bring you back $4 for every $3 you put in. There's no way to equal that process for getting what youwant a few years fromn now-and for getting what-we all want most of all today: VICTORY!- - ' Fkijl~A~t 9. is,", '~S THE SITNR,'..PORTS8T.'- 1PE,:GULF COUNTY, tLORMAllr vA(E WX the Rotary C!ub. The box score: Permit cities to levy taxes of up $50 to $60 a month. Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-R HE to 10 per cent of the amount of School .. 0 1 2 0 2 2 0- 7 11 2 10 percentof the amount o -- Kiwanis 0 0 0 2 1 0 0- 3 9 5 light, water and gas bills. CENSUS FIGURES Monday night the Legion de- Outlaw damage suits for aliena- feated a makeshift Maintenance tion of affections, breach of con- (Continued from page 1) team 19-5to hold top position. The tract to marry, and seduction, been done about it for the past 20 box score: Set up a more liberal retirement years in spite of the fact that the Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- R H E system for state employes and of- constitution requires that the state Legion, .. 6 '3 0 6 1 3 x-19.21 4 ficials. be redistricted every 10 years.. Main. ... 0 1 0 1 2 1 0- 5 10 5 Prohibit false and misleading aa- Governor Caldlwell is to be com- CLUB STANDINGS Ivertising by opticians and- optom- mended for calling the special sea- Team- W L Pct. etristsa. sion and, while indications are at American Legion .... 7 3 .700 Increase the salaries of the gov-. this. writing they will not, it is to Rotary Club .......... 6 3 .687 ernor from $9000 to $12,000 a year be hoped that our lawmakers will High School ........ 6 3 .667 and those of cabinet officers, pa-'finally se't aside their selfishness, Kiwanis Club ........ 5 4 .556 role commissioner and several and greed and reapportion the Paper Makers. ...... 3 6 .333 other administrative state offl- state as it should be. However, Maintenance ......... 1 9 .100 cials. !the fight is bitter, and' no one can First Half Games Yet to Be .Played Appropriate $25,000 a year to predict how long it may last or June 14-'Rotary and School. the Everglades National Park comn- how 'bitter it Will become. June 15-iPaper Makers and Ki- mission. ---- --- wanis. Authorize establishment of co- Benny Pridgeon of Wewahitchka June 18-High School and' Main- operative hospital service, plans. is visiting this week with his aunt. tenance. Authorize state 'hospital surveys rMrs. Ben Dickens, and cousin, June 19-Kiwanis, andt Rotary. in an effort to obtain federal "Jig'gs" Pridgeon. June 22-Paper Makers and Le- funds for postwar construction. IN~i '' |