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SOfficial Newspaper THE S AR Gulf County I d The Home H Nw per- of Nothwest Floridz's Future Industrial Center - WITH THU 1 MMS\ VOLUME ViIl PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1945 NUMBER 36 whichE Jos. H. BRis o Jackson-Band Director In SinPfc. FoyBeing ReportShefferd Miss BigBond Rally and Effort W ill Be Dille senditos by air mail-S to me each Efforts have been underway ksor in September 1944 At the requeT of L. P. Sutton, $5,000,000 Project weekgo I asked. I thought B probably some some time to have youraisePlea for uniforms Is Released From i Ball Game Tu esday MadeinToSecure sto spending The Star to me.e iy otherop soldier would like to have purchase of uniforms for the St. JoyousNazi Prison ameceived by charge of the war ond drive in At a meeteran Hoseld Wednesday reason for this request was n Points Out That Good Lookig, Friday with receipt a telegram tar clubs hav e agreed to play a discussed regarding presentation that I did not care for the paper, Well-Trained Organization Is Bond to Be Given Away; but rather that I enjoyed the copy Of Great Benefit to City Had BFoy cheer Jr. had been Prisoner of Germans d will be on h Band to Play Committee Selected To Contact which Jos. H. Riggs of Jackson- the people Since Being Reported Missing Federal Agency In Regard To manille sends by air mail to me each Efforts have been underway fobus- er reeIn Sptember 1944 At the requeginning of L. P. erSut anson, $5,000,000 Project week, andging thought probably some some time, dto raisefunds for thealize camp. In fact, when Mrs. Sche chairman of the commtteeing listed somewhere in Northwest other soldierely would like to have purchase of uniforms for the St. Joyous news telegraph officeived was by charge of the wa cond drive in At a meeting held $5Wednesday the other copy which you haverd bandJoe high school band but as yet Mr and Mrs. R. F. Scheatfer last Gulf county, the e ciwanis and Rll be auevening at the citney hal plans were been sending little has been done. to play Friday with receipt of a telegram tary clubs have agreed to bid-lay a discussated regarding presentation If you will cancel this su.bscrip- Band Director S. Beckhamn, in a from the war department inforni- softball game Tuesday, night at of facts' and figures to the veter- tion and let someone else have it, talk yesterday with the editor, inpeeg tchlem that their son. Pctlegram. Ri Centennial Fieldmongst these higtemh school n's bureau at Washington show- I am sure that it will bring tha, Pointed out that it seems to him ard Foy Scheffer Jr., had been re- band will be on hand at 7:30 and Ing why Port St. Joe would be the small touch of home to some other that the majority of the people in turned to U. S. military control a t- plally a number of selections prior logical location for the v315-bedteranveu- man in a foreign land that it has the community, especially the bus- on Fer release from a Nazi prison to th beginning of the clothilt. eran's hospital which is to be es- abee bringing to me. ness men, do not seemour chitorealize camp. in fact, when Mrs. Scheffptembe During the course of the evening tablished somewhere in Northwest M Sincergeant Edwards.) yours, the pildrenpos-ge t and benefits of a left the telegraph office he was a number of itemscontriby ted by lorida. This is a $5,000000 project M/Sgt. Win. 3. Edwards. band in the com unity which can so overcome with joy that al L sLe merchants of the cBoy will be auc- and the money has already been Sqd. A, 1386th AAF BU, NAD, AT lbe called upon to play for various could do was hurry' down the streeL tioned off to the highest bond bid- amp'ropriated'. AP 610, c/TWo Postmaster occasions, su"which as bond drive, speechless, waving the telegram der-and amongsthe thesewo lubs) item ew Itwilbe necessary to have t rep- New York, N.Y. parades, celebrations and publicpport Foy, who entered the infantry actually be some hmcigarets. It has resentatives of the veteran's bu- (Ed Nte: "Beanie" ha.s gone up gathering of all kindsbut on Fthey arebruar i 19, 1943, was reporter tomalso been suggestInpiden that cllyhing ready income here to look over pos- a bit, you may note. It is now "It is true that our children "missing in active on hin September of some of the club members be sible sites and in order to have Master Sergeant Edwards.) youthe children-get s an inestimae 8, 1944. On November 19 Mr. and auctioned off (particularly Dr. A, this, city considered i' will be navy last week and are benefit from he band," said Mr. Mrs. Scheffer received word that L. Ward and Glenn Boyles. presi- necessary to offer a great deal in TWO JOIN NAVY Bck ham, "which fact alone should their son was being held as a den ings of the two clubs) in an er- the way of inducements, such as Twoie 17-ear-old young men of warrant the wholehearted support prisoner of war by the Germans. fort to send them homand Joe in a Gloekt- entertainment, bathingfacilitiesn and d Port St. oe, George W Pais of the townspeople but they aren't t is hoped that Pfc. Scheffer tomless barrel. Inpidentally,hey the bay, entertainment to keep uin and Thomas E. Parker Jr., co invest the only element to derivorm ith soon be on his way homeol and Nould have a ill chance to redeem tting representatives of the et- plDave B. Maddox, Stenent in the benefit. The band, is a god inve- ~ i e andheir clothes, particularly their the morale of the patients and, In up for the project. .If we ge our csner wite should be chosen with- Frnavy last week and are now back ment for any growing towi, espec Things are getting hot in tFo r Contenders shbe ontribute in the city limits, water and sewer home on inactive, duty. Final ex t coule ofweeksweall in Florida. a tourist state. As a speRot ialry closed attraction a This wil be no sma aminaTions and the navy., oath "To those who want a nice look- For Lead In City three-inning softball ame will be facilities.i were taken aFleet PoJacksonvile Wed-San ng band to appear on the football ose Le played betweal fun and entertawo woinmen'st, pteamsr- Business men andgreat number of rancisco ai J ontin e chool band has had tuniorms, oudanf e ofbrunettes andthe other there city will be asked o get up a nesday, May 30. Both were enl andlSoftballaLeagueb petition and write letters to our tice seamen I Iwane to say, give usp your sup- aging the brunettes and Joe Gloek- senators and congressmen and do S port. If some feel that they can't Legion, drops Two Games To Tie lert iams charge been of the blond thes, everything possib ae o assist in RE ON FURL ew t invest something in the uniform With Rotary; High School and the throats for he past two charged, getting representatives of the ve THREE YEARS ACTIVE fundTY ras e necessathry fundsteast to he talk Kiwais Are Ctop e Ionors Kw a n E everyone is urged to turn baont been worg on the matter for -ADaver P o xl, OM 1 /c, SN .tudn- reaya allties and; High School have but to win next Tuesday night and help win some time. It is a job of major Dave B. Maddox, 2/c, R/S up, for the poject.If we ge mae it a four-wayour the will get a free chance on a bondconferoo ith membess isof our civic Navthis city, is back in the States at- contemplating giving concerts in the bi an r teten ter three years overseaThings are getting hot ins. He has the park during the St. to be contribute y he. Kiwans b s and presentative citizens. Pacific theaters of war. next couple of weeks, give may geto be played w as t hat betweenirs and Rotary cbs. This will be no small undertak- J*On April 1944. while serving uniform fund, Legion and Rotary Monday night Of interest to all lovers of good Sfas done some ground work on the with the 2nd Marines/c, 932-73-49, them in time fr football season." half of the season draws to a Tis promises to be an evening ingas Port St. Joe will be in corn- oSS Brackenwa4,he wa st Div., 1st It has been some time since our close. The Legion, which has held of real fun and entertainment, par- petitihe on with a great number of Se., identiao Fleet Postationffice, San school band has had uniforms,an first place since opening of the ticular aby the youthwo cholubs'ir of the their communities in Northwest Francisco, Calif. He aas Director Beckam points Servicemen deout, in deciding run. First Baptist church Sunday eve commander o the American L in the capture of the islands 011season, dropped games to Rotary teams have been at eachotherh gFlorida which are also seeking the HERE ON FURLOUGH AFTER the part of the townspeople to and the Pape Makers, tying the throats for thine past two year.nd Miss within the next day or so. They will report to Jacksonville on July p aciures of boys from Guls county fifth and sixth to lead. But the Ro- Fay Morris will be at d he piano. wil' gather their data and take it THR urthYEARS' ACTIVE DUTY raise the necessarmed forceunds, as the two teams for top honors. Kiwans Everone is urged to turn o been worahkington the matter for rManager Ben Rivers states that chalked uD two runs i h seventh ess Virginia Pridgeon, and solo the veteran's bureau and our sen- bery LEGION TO INSTALL anyone desiring to have a itire toand High School have but to win next tuesday night and help win soRa m- ator s and congressmen. l bother of Mrs. J. A. Connell of play for any or all events atd ar a game each 1o ma Ike it a four-way thewar with a 'bond purchase. proportions and if success is 'to be this city, is back in the States at- con emplatino giving concerts 810 n fight for first place. attai4 1 3 0 2 2-14 1ned, it will be nec3 6 will be interpreted with appropraking ery fo ter three years overseas. He has the park during the summer. Let's What was considered one of the BAPTIST YOUTH CHOIR everyone to work together and In served in both' the Atlantic and all give careful consideration to best and most thrilling games yet TO PRESENT CONCERT complete harmony. Pacific theaters of war. to b e matter and then give to the to be pRotariye was that between th Mayor J. L. Sharit, who already held On ApriWedesday, 1944 while serving uniform fund. Legion and kers 7 otary Monday ngh Of interestto all lovers of good has done some ground work on the with the 2nd Mares in the Batie parents or wie nin phich n 'the Rotarians cargam ed off music in Port St. Joe will be a project, was named as chairman of of Tarawa, he was awarded the Theate r Plans To Show the tilt in the final frame when concert of sacred music 'to be pre- the committee 'to wbrk on the mat- and.prospectiveal Unit Citation RibbonD'oc Ward sid ome on his stm-sen actonted by the youth choi ixiofnthe t, together with T. M. She chender, ited to be star. He also part cipate Pithres of Servicemen ah to bring in the deciding fu0 0n. Fir0 x 7st Baptist Church Sunday eve- comaner of the American e- hthat all. photos will be well taken paper Mac 0 0 0 0 3 1 0- 4 8 3 tion and praise. in the capture of thislandsoand returnedotry led 10 to 2 up to the fifth ig at o'clock at the church plac n pst. A third member of tssee Saipan, Tinan and adalcan Plans ae underway by the Portm in. henld Mthaintenagione in came out f th of the choir will be directed by committee will be selected byhem day after on a 30-day leave andtheater f showing on the screen kinks to shove 10 runs over in the Miss Erline McCelllcan and Miss within the next day oi so. They will reports parents, Mr. and MJuly iures of boy F rom New Orleansty faith ail d sixth to lead. But the R Ted tay Morris will be at he piano wil gather their data and take it assigned to the South Pacific. ughtes tuned. Satufordes.ay from Paper M. 4 0 2 1 4 1-12 19 me months. Vifo si further duty. lvania or a week. The were acc tarans evened the s taken dowe,12-12, and Pan selections S 1/c, and wife of WaNurse To Leave for presentation T/. and Mrs. Carl Zimmer- pManager Ben Rivers states that chalered up two runs in the seventh Ply Miss Virginia Pridgeon, and solo the veteran's bureau and our sen- LEGIOman and baby left WednesdayLL or an d two grandsons, Georg to win 14 to 13.e and.box score: parts will be sung byWesley Ram- ators and congressmen. Harrisburg, Pa, where they willshown (he plans to use at least (Continued on page 6) week. Seaman Chism has just re-. s. Robet Tappe. She expects illis V. Rowan Post 116, Amer- 10 a week) to bri---- ---g in an 8x10 or Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E sey and E e Bray. The programor overseas duty. cRotary .. 2 4 1 3 0 2 2-14 1,3 6 will be interpreted with appropri- Taking In Derby exletended vaofficrsation. a meeting to be E S Banquet e Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Kenney and ---- -- print. On the back should bae wr- The Rotarians downed the Pa- The entire program will lastap two granddaughters left Tuesday heldFormer Bandaster Visits quet ofenrank, branch of Eastervice, name, per Makers 7 to 4 last Friday eve- proximately one hour and twentyL. J. Trexler returned last Howell. Feature of the evening will age, parents or wife's name, whereThursday evening Tallahassee where they are attend- Lt. Jimmy McNeil, who has for Louisville, Ky.. to take in p tohe maste r a shrimp supper. All me high shooersl, serving, awards, whether wound ing the' first inning. The box score: the Gospel story. following theicago, spent the week-end here as th Smith, Mrs. R. V. orn, Mr.nomics for wek. ese yui nths, is home on a 30-day fur- ., and o their northern points. She and prospective members action. Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- R H E themes of the nativity, crucifixion, that Bas has attended. vited to be present.I The theater manager guarantees Rotary .. 7 0 0 0 0 0 x- 7 14 2 resurrection, salvation, consecra- -.__ -- -- 4K i that all. photos will be well taken Paper M: 0 0 0 0 .3 1 0- 4 8 3 tion and praise. Expects To Go To Sosth Pacific ,care of and' returned 'to those send- Tuesday night the Paper Makers This program will take the place To School In Tennessee Robert Bellows, S. 1/c, left Tues- ing them in. held Maintenance in the cellar by of the regular evening worship The Misses Frances and Jimmy day after a three-day visit here defeating 'them 12 to 11 in a close service. The public Is cordially 4n- Palmer left Saturday for ,Knox- withgue his parents, Mr. and Mr Home From New Orleans tiladie won. The box score:ed o aend and enjoy this le, Tenn., wheie they will com- fobert Bellows. He expects to 'be'Mr. andnin Mrs. M. J. Ward an Team 1 2 3 5 6 7 R H service of inspiring music. bine work and school Orleans. assigned, to the South Pacific. 'Ciu'gh'te-s returned, Saturday from Paper M. 4 0 2 1 4 0, 1-12 19 1 __.... mer mon-ths. New Orleans. where they visited Maint. .. 4 2 1 0 0 0 4-11 15 31 Pacific Theater Vet Is Visitor Visiting In Pennfylvania for a week. Theji were accom-I The Legion was taken down an- D. W. C his. S 1/c, and wife of' Nurse To Leave for Oversea Duty T/,Sg't. and Mrs. Carl Zimmer- panied home by Mrs. George W ard other notoh by the lowly PaperIN. C were, the gue st s eLT o e av hiso n o fe rse s aran and baby left Wednesdayfnightsbyda 6-5ofyMr. andNMrs. Rush Chism last, Corps visitedMhere Sunday with ford. Manning. .classes. Falls, S. D., for future training, daughter, Joan, of New Orltans, ET A TR ,. *THE STAR Publlshed Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla, by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the l'uetotlice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 --{ Telephone 51 )3- TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertlsemenrt. The spoken rord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed wordword thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong THE STUMBLING BLOCK In the feverish haste to progress, civiliza- tion goes through an abundance of trial and error. Often a erreat stunmhlin- block toi ind- vidual independence has been government planning for streamlined living, on the theory that government can standardize a man's life and bring benefits to him by way of a rigidly controlled economy. This inevitably leads to government ownership of enterprise and prop- erty. As a consequence, the man in civilian life is reduced to the status of a dependent on government," when all through history matn- kind has struggled to be free. A politically planned economy for individ- ual living is the egg that hatches dictators. It is the enemy of free men. When will it be realized that the individual cannot reach his highest destiny under government domina- tion? Mankind must preserve free institu- tions in order to be free. \ Will the stumbling block always prevail, or will it be cast aside to make the way cleai for an unfrustrated civilization, free of peri- odical "dark ages" such as we have just been passing through when unchecked government power crushed whole nations? Pill, .e "AC I PHONE 136 W PORT ST. JOE, FLA Aeep'sj.' n(YCaAU U Uy JJU5IS I Al STARDUST and MOONSHINE We were in Barrier's 5 & 10 the other day on a hopeful hunt for shorts for fat men and, much to our surprise, W. W. had some 42- inch army rejects in khaki. We grabbedbe. several pair. Mr. Barrier tol-l us that one local man with a paunch like ours had, to some ex- tent, solved the problem of shorts -he bought three pair of women's rayon panties! J. R. Smith sells headache tab- lets' and powders to his customers over at his drug emporium, yet he sits around all day at times with a splitting headache himself. A. P. Wakefield hopped on us by phone and, in person last'week in regard to those four outs at the Legion-high school softball game. Stated emphatically that but three batters were up in the fifth inn- Ing, that he could prove it by his score book and that we were all sorts of a liar by the clock. Well, we still contend there were four outs (even if we mistook someone else for one of the Plair boys- there are so dadiblamed many of those Plair brats playing that it's hard to keep track of 'em), the books could be juggled, and on top of that, "Wake" takes his softball too seriously. We've been. wondering which Is the easiest to undierstand-love or the Einstein theory of relativity. Doc Ward, who made the decid- ing run in the Legion-Rotary soft- TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH The purity and uniformity of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of,a simple product a score or more of exacting tests for purity are made. Thus, we compound prescriptions with full confidence in the reliability of the ingredients your physician prescribes. We use Merck Prescription Chosicols Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription R EDDY KILOWATT, your lively, happy electric servant, is working at top speed today at the grim job of powering war production. Through farsighted, sound planning, the business managed power companies in America were prepared to meet every wartime demand for electric power. In the wonderful postwar world of tomorrow all of the efforts and resources of electric energy will be used to make your living happier, freer and easier. Reddy Kilowatt, your economical elec- tric servant, will power the dozens of house- hold appliances designed, to make house- keeping less work and more fun. The low cost of a kilowatt hour of elec- tricity is only a few.cents, but every kilowatt hour of electricity you use in your home is equivalent to the service of 13 strong men for an hour. No wonder all progressive postwar homes will be electric homes in the future! f, FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION IN THE SERVICE OF CUSTOMER" COMMUNITY AND .COUNTRY ball tilt Monday night, is contem- Guest From Canal Zone p:ating giving up the practice of Miss Mona Claire Smith from medicine and entering 'the field o*, Balboa, Canal Zone, is the guest baseball. "More excitement," he this week of her aunt, Mrs. Verna. says, "and shorter hours" Smith. Kenney Mercantile ;Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods , p UB c E No PAGE TWO THE STAR,'PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FL.ORIIDA FRIDAY JUNE 8. $945 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Bowen Is Prisoner For Several Hours Captured Day Before Fall of Ger- many, But Captors Give Up ,,Cpl. Billy A. Bowen, with a field atilley battalion in Gemany, has written his mother, Mrs. J. A. Christmas of this city, that for a few house he was held as a pris- oner of the Nazis. But 'et him tell it in his own words: "A day before Germany fell," he writes, "I was captured. I was just held( for a few hours. The bunch that captured me gave up. I done a small bit of sweating that day. i will tell you all about it when I get home." Continuing. Cpl. Bowen wrote: "Over here in Germany you can't talk to any of the people. You know how that hurts me, with all of those pretty girls arid all. "Things sure are in a bad way over here. These people have a big problem to solve. They have had it easy until war came to their homes.. I can't feel sorry for any of them, as they have it coming to them. "'I suppose you know that my $300.00 division caught Von Runsteadt, aI big general of Germany. We have also captured several others. "Yesterday (May 20) I received three copies of The Star-and they sure were -newsy. One of them said that Mrs. J. A. Christmas went to Georgia on business. '"Now that 'the war is over here I am just sweating out whether, they are going to send me home or over to the Pacific. Anyway, they will send me home on a furlough, first, and I want you to tell da I 'to get the motor and the fishing tackle ready, as it can't be much longer now." IT'S A WOMAN'S WORLD Pfc. Louis W. Jeter of Ettrick, Va., was standing timidly iin front of the CO at Camp Gordon Johns- ton: "You see, sir," he said. "my wi e thinks I ain't being advanced fast enough. ',She told, me to ask you to recommend me for a rat- ing." "I understand," smiled the Co. "I'll ask my wife if I can do it." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Daniel, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching services, every first and third Sunday at 11 a. m. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. $300.00 MONEY TO' LOAN --NO RED TAPE- IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA $300.00 $300.00 feedtLAY CHOW It pays to balance your grain with Purina Lay Chow. Quality PurtIMA a ingredients supply what your own LAYCHOW scratch grains lack. See us. For FULL EGG BASKETS For Full-Flavor Chicken, Feed ,* ' BROILER CHOW URINA For money-making broilers, depend on BROILER ,Broiler Chow. High livability, quick CHOW growth, cheap gains, delicious flavor. rre s LOTSoMIK .n. PURINA 'COW CHOW SFeed a proven dairy feed built to help'. Pu RI '1'keep cows ina'condition for capacity CHOW . production and long milking life.' . St. Joe Hardware Co. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA Pump m mm m m m *ammal ST. JOE LUMBER & EXPORT COMPANY PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA May 30, 1945 A lot of people think that on account of the end of the European War that restrictions have been eased up on lumber. This is not a fact at all The truth of the matter is that restrictions are tighter than ever before, and when the War Production Board stated through the press yesterday that domestic building restrictions would be lifted at an early date, they specifically announced that LUMBER WOULD NOT BE IN- CLUDED IN THE COMMODITIES RELEASED. We are, advised by the Government that LUMBER now is a COMBAT WEAPON and the need for lumber in the Pacific is so great that it ranks with ammunition as a combat essential. They state fur- ther that if Chicago were built entirely of wood that all of the lumber used in it's construction would not be enough to build the bases needed in the Pacific War. We sincerely hope that with this information before our -friends, 'that they will not insist on our furnishing them lumber for their needs. We hope that it won't be long before we will be in position to fur- nish lumber locally, however, again we state that we hope our friends will not insist at the present time, on account of the dire need of lumber which is now classed as a COMBAT WEAPON. BASIL E. KENNEY, First Vice-President and General Manager ST. JOE LUMBER & EXPORT COMPANY -4 ^ * "Copyrighted Material. Syndicated Content ' Available from Commercial News Providers" k FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1945- -__-- --, .,,..,,,,,.,,, --, --. --- __- _____ . ---------------------------------------- I I ~I I -- I -~ r=i I I~ I ~ i m Ill lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hllt llIlllllilllim 30; K2 to P2 expire July 31; Qs R ATION NOTE to U2 expire August 31; V2 to Z2 A l NT expire ISeptemiber 30. IIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIl ll iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll iili11ll Sugar- Sugar stamp 36 is now Processed Foods-Blue stamps: valid, expires August 31. Good for N2 to S2 valid, expire June 30. five pounds. T2 to X2.now valid', expire July 31. Shoes-Airplane stamps 1, 2 and Y2. Z2, Al, 81, C1 now valid, ex- 3 now good. Next stamp (to be pire August 31; Dl to H1 now designated) will become valid on valid, expire September 30. August 1. Meats and' Fats Red stamps:. Gasoline-A15 coupons are valid E2 to J2 now valid, expire June through June 21. PAGE THREE EXTRA PAY ILLEGAL The resolution by which mem- bers of the Florida house voted themselves $240 apiece expense money in addition to their $6-a-day constitutional .salaries was, ruled invalid Saturday by an opinion of the state supreme court. Unit of Measurement An "iron" to the shoe industry is a unit of measurement 1/48th of an inch long. _ * 0 mom m m m m m 0 m m I "i PAA ____ CHESTNUT HAS UP-TO-DATE GROCERY AND MARKET Sn.- .t..s-.. Groer Chestnut's Grocery | .. ... , Chestnut's Grbeery! and, Market, brands of staple and fancy gro-1 with modern electrical retrigera-' located at the corner of Reid Ave- series, the ,best of meats, fresh tion, including a large walk-in re- ue a First Street, owned and, vegetables, fruits and everything frigerator box and food counter nue a-t First Street, owned and, op- else conducive to an establishment where everything is kept in the rated tby J. R. Chestnut, is one of of this kind. Housewives of the I most sanitary and freshest condi- Port St. Joe's modern and up-to- city have found that Chestnut's is tion at all times. J. R., standing In date food establishments, a mighty fine place from which to front of his store in the pictnre The store carries a comprehen- secure their need in foods. above, has an establishment that sive line of nationally advertised The meat department is equipt he really can be proud of. Only Sambar Deer Hutchinson, who are familiar to Small sportsmen in the Panama City In North America area, killed a 525-pound stag on December 24. 1943, not far from Found Near Here' Planted On St. Vincent Island By Dr. Pierce, They Have Found Their Way to the Mainland The following article in regard to sambar deer on St. Vincent Is- land, a few miles south of Port St. Joe, appeared in a recent issue of -The Amphibian," camp paper at Camp Gordon Johnston: The only samibar deer in North America are found in the vicinity of Camp Gordon Johnston. The sambar Ys one of the finest species of deer known. It rbafms over extensive., tracts. of wildfe- ness and the jun21-- of M0,.yl It is found in 'the secluded recesses of the Himalayas. It has been seen at the altitude of 10,000 feet, the limit of the timber line on the magic mountains of the Orient. The samibar are huge deer. They average about 54 inches, in shoui- der height and some of them -weigh more than 500' pounds. The sambar is; known in history and, lore. Kipling alludes to its alert sensibilities, its power, and its majestic beauty. Its horns are the pride of hunters ,who 'brave the Asiatic wilds in quest of ,big game 'These antlers .are long tines, heavy at the base, which point upward a n d branch i nt o symmetrical -prong.. The samibar in Florida are the offspring of stock originally im- -ported from Asia.. .Dr. R. V. Pierce. Carrabelle. Squirrel hunters reported that they had seen a sambar along the banks of Depot Creek, between Carrabelle andl Apalachicola. Doc, Ernest and, Ira, yearning to bag the big fellow, persuaded a native of Carrabelle to escort them thru the rugged country and, aid them to find their quarry. They got the deer. There are sambars in -these parts. It may be that the antlered monsters are haunting lands and forest, glens shouting distance of Camp Navy Recruiter Here Today Specialist Al Wilkins of the Marianna navy recruiting station will be in Port St. Joe today at the office of the selective service board, between the hours of 1 ana 4 p. m. Application for enlistment i'n the navy may 'be made at that time by young men and women who are eligible and interested* Write a letter today to that boy of yours in the service. They say a reasonable number him from brooding' over being' a of fleas is good for .a dog-keeps dog.-Edward Westcoott. RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $325 NOW [mS HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW..........- RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW--......... a ST. JOE BAR NOW OPEN Martin's Beach Clinb BEACON HILL, FLORIDA On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field l ggrft gifM y gg 8:00 P. M. TO lUlIU v MIMR 1 1 12:00 MIDNIGHT COUPLES ONLY For Reservations Call Marigene Taunton, Port St. Joe : 0 O 4' Special Invitation to the Young Folks AFTERNOONS 2 TO 7 P. M. Under Reliable Supervision - - --/- - swamp- within Gordon Johnston. '-VMETHODIST CHURCH. Rev. 0. D. Langston. Pastor 9:45 a. m.---hurch school 11: 00 a. m.-Morning, worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Woman's Society meets Mon- days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Biible study and choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. -c EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Send The Star to a friend. of Buffalo, N. Y., who was i in-. % trigued by the charms of the Aph- ,, " lachicola Bay country. He became __. the sole owner of uninhabited St. L - Vincent Island, a semi-tropical neck T ITlH YOUR responsibilities, of forest-covered land in the Gulf W can you afford to let a Head- of Mexico. He believed, that this Is- ache, Muscular Pains, Functional land, which is but a short distance Monthly Pains or Simple Neural- gia slow you down? Dr. Miles from the mainland would servw Anti-Pain Pills have been bring- admirably as a habitat for the ing relief from these common dis- sambar, so he purchased the comforts for nearly sixty years. stately beasts and turned them fCountless American housewives .loose there, consider Anti-Pain Pills almost The original stock ofp St. Vincent as much of a necessity in the multiplied rapidly. It is reported medicine cabinet, as is flour in the that many excellent stags have kitchen cupboard. They have Dr. been seen along the shoreline iby Miles Anti-Pain Pills in the house, fishermen who ply their trade, on many of them carry these little the eabypreefsain relievers in purse or hand- the nearby reefs, bag. They are prepared for these It was inevitable that the sam- minor aches and pains that' some- bars would eventually travel to times occur in almost every family the .mainland.. St. Vincent Isilandl -ARE YOU? Dr. Miles Anti- has sufficient vegetation to sup- Pain .Pills are pleasant to take port only a limited (deer popula- and do not upset the stomach. tion. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills They are here. Perhaps they at your drug store. Regular package 25 tablets 25*, Economy ,came becausee of 'the pressure of package 125 tablets $1.00. Read their struggle for existence. Per- directions and use only as direc- haps they came becausee of luu- 'ted. beingg operations on the island by ,_r._ the St. Joe Lumber & Export Com- pany. Be that as it may, their presence has- been proved-. Doe Watford, Ernest ',Mciae_ and Ira A S SOON as we can, we'll bring to bear on the Japs all the additional might we've been using against Germany. What will it cost, this Moving Day of War? Estimate it in these terms: The job of moving millions of men from one front to another. Thousands of ships to carry the supplies of battle. Swarms of new-type air- craft to blast the path into enemy territory. You can get an idea of the cost from the fact that Uncle Sam needs 7 billions from us in the mighty .'"! Seventh War Loan-now! The Seventh War Loan will call for the greatest bond- buying we have ever done. :.,T-I. If you have an income-whether from work, land or capital-you have a quota in the 7th War Loan. FIND YOUR QUOTA AND MAKE IT! IF YOUR AVERAGE YOUR PERSONAL MATURITY I OWAR BOND VALUE OF PER MONTH IS: QUOTA IS, 7TR WAR. LOAN PER MONTH IS (CASH VALUE) BONDS BOUGHT $250 $187.50 $250 225-250 150.00 200 210-225 131.25 175 200-210 112.50 150 180-200 93.75 12s 1T40180 75.00 100 100-140 37.50 50 Undlr $100 18.75 25 ALL OUT FOR THE MIGHTY 7. WAR LOAN Wilks Jewelry .Company HOW MUCH TO MOVE AWAR? Schneider's Department Store PRIPAY, J.UNE 8, 1945 TOE 4ttirAR, "Ott St. JOE, daL#L COUNTY, FLGRIOA PAGftOeUr RI1 v ~9~F ,RD' Y J 8ERGTE _METHODIST W. S. C. IN I BUSINESS-PROGRAM MEET The Methodist W. S. C. S. held a combined business and, program meeting at the church Monday af- *ternoon, the business session be- ing led by Mrs. J. L. Sharit and the program by Mrs. R. G. Boyles. SATURDAY, JUNE 9 At this time the society decideC to have all-day meetings in tnet I homes during July, August anan September, these meetings to be S* held the first Tuesday of each Month beginning at 10:30 a. m. 4 Prospective hostesses are Mrs. I. T. McNeill, Mrs. Sharit and Mrs. / Floyd, Hunt. The group also voted *fto sen : Mrs. G. A. Patton, spIr- itual life chairman, to the confer- ence spiritual life retreat to be held at Huntingdon College June 8 to 11. Highlight of the afternoon wab the presentation to the president, Mrs. Sharit, ,of a life membership. Chapter 2 of Serial The presentation was made by Mrs. A. M. Jones. "BRENDA STARR "Child Delinquency" was the subject of the interesting program REPORIi t Ri presented by Mrs. Boyles', as fol- lows: Scripture, Mrs. J. L. Sharit; :'Story of a Delinquent Youth," Mrs. O. D. Langston; prayer, Mrb. Boyles; song, "Happy Is the r Home"; study of juvenile delln- q\ uency, led by Mrs. M. P. Tom- linson and developed by means ot questions and answers; discussion of "Bethlehem Center In Mem- '/ phis'" and "Marcy Center in Cht- cago," by Mrs. Boyles; discussion of "Homer Taberman Settlement House and Olinic," by Mrs. John Rowan. The meeting closed with %0V ih'NARY BOLeLD prayer by Mrs. Langston. PHILIP MERIVALE Next Monday the Susie Peach -- Foster Circle will meet with Mrs. T. H. Stone, the Mary Vic MauK SUNDAY, JUNE 10 Circle with Mrs. John Rowan ann the Ruth Lawrence Circle with SPARKING Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson'' AND GAY t* J. A. M. CLUB MEETS R1OMiANCtS WITH MRS. PECK BOYER The regular meeting of the J. A.' TM. Club. was held Monday evening Sat the home of Mrs. Peck Boyet on Fourth Street. A very interest- ing contest was enjoyed by all, ti a prizes going to Mrs. Lawson ana I Miss Coody. SThe hostess served a delicious EUGENE PALLETTE frozen salad' course with pie and VERA VACUE iced tea to Mrs. Callie Howell, Mrs. Marguerite. Pridgeon, Mrs. A. "MARCH OF TIME" D. Lawson, Mrs. Ruby PridIgeon MONDAY and TUESDAY and Miss Myrtice Coody. MONDAY and TUESDAY June 11 and 12 IMr. and Mrs. B. W. Eelis Jr., Academy Award Picture and family of Woodville, Texas, arrived here last week to vis.' Su Of B r t with Mr. "ndi Mrs. B. W. Eells. B. IF W. Jr., flew back to Texas after a day's visit, while his' wife and chil- with dren are remaining until tomorrow. JENNIFER JONES Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson LATEST NEWS and daughter Be'tty spent several "IDOL OF CROWDS" days in Jacksonville last week. __ Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Fairley and WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 son returned Saturday from Mo- bile, where they spent their vaca- ANDREWS'SISTERS tion. a.s ,. M1r. and Mrs. Erskin Johnson and' baby of Pensacola were the guests this week of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. George Jo'hn- son. SMrs. S. D. Spears of Blounts- town and Mrs. G. A. Gilbert of Sop- S", choppy are the guests this week I of Mr. and Mrs. J.T D. Gilbert at their home in Oak Grove. Edward Bartee, who has been S attending mil'tiary school in Mill- I edgeville, Ga., the past term, ar- rived home- Tuesday night for the Chapter 3 of Serial summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Biggart and JUNGLE QUEENL children returned home last Friday from a short vacation spent in THURSDAY and FRIDAY Bonifay. June 14 and 15 \Mr. and Mrs. G. Ortenbach ana daughter expect to return to their home .in New Orleans. tomorrow after a week's visit here with Mrs. Ortenbach's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Eells. M'*** O'SHEA Mrs. Charles E. Hill and Mrs. ATEST NWS EVENTS i.J J.- Childis and daughter Anne of LATEST N WS EVE S West Point, Ga., arrived Thursday BEHIND THE MEAT BALL' for a visit of two weeks with Mr. ** *** ** .. -. a .. Mrs. S. Shuford. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Moore and sons of Tallahassee are the guests this week of Mr. and, Mrs. Massy Warn. Cpl. Elmer Gilbert of Camp But- ner, N. C., is. visiting this week with his wife, who is a patient in the local hospital. Mike Yent of Tallahassee is vis- iting this week with his aunt, Mrs. Thomas McPhaul. Mrs. Byron Merritt and children of Graceville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans for a week. uMrs. R. L. McLendon had' as her guests Tuesday 'her sisters, Mrs. R. R. Bush and son and Mrs. cU. H. Bell and daughter of Panama City. Mrs. R. D. Perry of Bainbridge, Ga., spent Wednesday here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. David Hinote. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carr of Tus- kegee, Ala., ,were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Costin. I I you drive in at Sunny State for service and don't get your wind- shield cleaned, we'll give you your purchase! . COME IN TODAY! SUNNY STATE SERVICE Cla.ude C. MgCoy, S 1/c, from Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferrell, Mrs. Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end J. A. Connell and Miss Ruth Moore here with his wife and daughter. Connell visited with Mrs. Harriet Mrs. Woodrow Talley of Panama 'Rowell in Wewahitchka over the City is visiting this week with week-end. her sister, Mrs. Garland Wright. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon Jr., and sons, ,Jiggs and Anthony, vis- JOS. B. SPEAR ited Saturday in Wewahitchka. OPTOMETRIST Jiggs remained over for a week's Eyes Examined viist with his grandparents, Mr. Examined Glasses Fitted and Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon. APALACHICOLA, FLA. FIRST BAPTISTCHURC H t. "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 1945 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "LOVE WILL FIND A WAY." 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Service: A CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC by the Youth Choir. EVERYBODY WELCOME! M IOVIN MO UNTAINS! AS AMERICA MOVES its might from Europe to the Pacific, it faces a packing and shipping job that staggers the imagination. Mountains of supplies must be re-packed and double wrapped for the trip to the Pacific. Equipment for millions of men must be wrapped and packaged for shipment Job Calls for More Pulpwood Paperboard cartons and special con- tainers of many types; moistureproof wrappings and other packing materials made from pulpwood are needed in vast quantities. This, in addition to the al- ready huge consumption for plastics, explosives and other w~ar uses has made the pulpwood shortage more acute than ever and has put pulpwood close to the top of the War Production priority list. We have a long way to go before the Japs are ready for Unconditional Sur- render. We must not let up on our war job 'til they are beaten! Pulpwood production is a profitable busi- ness now, and it will be a good business in war or peace for many years to come. DON'T WASTE PRECIOUS TIME CUT TOP QUALITY WOOD g VICTORY PULPWOOD. COMMITTEE J. B. WHITE u r C. H. JOHNSON W. S. SMITH .FRI.DAY, JUNE ;8, 1945 .THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA . PAGE .FIVE DAA- r-- IX' --- -- T HE .SI-T P ORT .S J OUNTY, FLORI Softball Results (Continued from page 1) score in a make-up game. The box score: RABBITS Giant New Zealand Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- R H E white rabbits; $3.00 per pair. See Paper M.. 1 0 4 1 0 0 x- 6 10 2 Joe Donaldson, 4th St. 6-15* Legion .. 0 0 0 0 1 0 4- 5 3 1 RESTAURANT Frances' Cafe. CLUB STANDINGS Must sell on account of health. Team- W L Pct. Troyi Jones. Port St. Joe. 6-1 3L American Legion .... 6 3 .667 Rotary Club......... 6 3 .667 FISHING POLES Cured fishing High School ........ 5 .625 poles for sale. Creech & Brooks. Kiwanis Club .......5 3 .625 office, Monument Ave.. 4-6tf Paper Makers ...... 3 6 .333 FOR SALE OR RENT Maintenance ........ 1 8 .111 R Monday night the Legion meet,. HOUSES NOW AVAILABLE for Maintenance; Tuesday night the rent or purchase. Call B. W. Rotary Club and High School will Eells. Phone 39 or 100. 5-25fan Hi ch wil =^ tangle, and next Friday night the LODGE NOTICES Paper Makers and Kiwanis Club MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- meet. Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular ,' meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- /g ..' days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W. M.; G. C. Atkins, Sec. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SALE Notice is given that on June 19 1945, the City of Port St. Joe will sell to the highest bidder for cas-n the following described, motor ve- hicle: 1934 For'd' Tudor, Motor No. 18 883550. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked "Bid on 1934 Ford Tudor. for opening Juwe 19, 1945," and, may Ibe deposited with the City Auditor and Clerk any time nrior to 8:00 P. M. ES+, June 19, 1945.. \ Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. M. P. TOMLINSON, 6 8-15 City Auditor & Clerk. By order of the City Commission of City of Port St. Joe, Florida. Joins Husband In California Mrs. John Gaskin left last week for Muroc. Calif., to join her hus- band, who is stationed there.. Miss Evelyn Taunton from Camp Gordon Johnston spent the week- end- here with her mother, Mrs. C. C. Taunton. DON'T WAIT -- - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. The LEADER SHOE SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans, and, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Harola Kirkland and, daughter visited rel- atives in Graceville over the week- end. iMrs. Bert Wall returned, to her ON1 DAYI I VITAMIN f TAiBLTEr THINK of itt Your min- A J Imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins in one a pleasant tablet. Remember f -_ the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. . has NERVINE 0 TENSE nerves make ).r_ R *you Wakeful, Cranky, Restless? Dr. Miles Nervine telps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug store. Read directions and use only as directed. AMka-Seltzer W HEN Headache, Mus- cunlar Pains or Simple Neuralgia, Dstre after Meah, Ga on Stomach,.or "Morning After" interfere with your work or spoll your fun, try Alka-Se~tter. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE P. O. Box 39 APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA Phone 55 NOTICE Gulf County. Florida, June 5, 1945. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaf pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 18296, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1937, known as tlhe Murphy Act, the following described land in Gulf County, Florida, will be offered for sale at public outcry for the highest and best cash bid, subject to the right of the Trustees of the liiernal Improvement Fund to reject any and all bids, at the Court House, Wewahitchka. Florida, beginning at 10:00 o'clock A M., CWT, on the )9th day of July, 1945. Outside of Municipalities easement for road right of way 200 feet wide will bie isesred irom any parcel through which there is an existing State Road. As to all lands, title to one-half of all petroleum and three- fourths of other minerals will be reserved. D)SlCRIPTION See. Twp. Rge. Acres Lots 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22, Block "A". Lots 1 2 6 11 12 23 28, in Block "C". Lots 1 4 5 6 7 8, Block "L,". " All in*l-ake Side Addition to We(,alihitchka, Florida. 24 4 S. 10 W. TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMl'ROVEMENT FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, By: J. R. HUNTER, Agent Trustees I. I. Fund. Gulf County. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following described lands, or so much thereof as will be necessary to pay the amount d'ue for taxes of 1944 herein set opposite to the same, together with cost of such -sale and6 advertising, will be sold at public auction 'on Monday, the second day of July, A. D. 1945, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door, the County of Gulf, in the City of Wewahitchka, State of Florida: CO DESCRIPTION OF LAND z (. d OWNER z - u) I- a H SE/ of SWI/4, SW1/4 of SE' ................. 4 Lot 26. Blk. F, Alderson Sub...................25 Lot -9, Camp Palms .... 20 Ei/2 of NE ............34 Lot 6, Bk. 7, Beacon Hill 31 Lots 7, 8, Org. less 1/ acre in NW part sold to J. W Rainer .............31 S/2 of SW%/ ...........32 Lots 7, 8, Bk. 3, Yons Addl 5 Lot 12, Bik. B, Highland View .................26 Lot 15. Bik. C, Highland V iew .................26 Lot Bik. C, Gaulding Sub ................... 26 Lots 7, 8. Blk. C, Bay- view Heights .........26 Lot 12, Blk. D, Bayview Height ...............26 Lote 9, 12. Blk. D, Bay- view Heights ......... 2,6 Lot 16, Blk. G, Bayview Heights ........ ..... 26 N"s% Lot 5; Blk. A, St. Joe Heights ............... 2 S&/ Lot 4, Blk. B, St. Joe Heights ............... 2 Lots 1, 3, Bik. 23, Port St. Joe .................... 1 Lo.t 27, Blk. 3-6, Port St. Joe ........... ......... 1 Lot 4, Bk. 60, Port St. Joe 1 Lot 5, Bk. 61, Port St. Joe 1 Lot 7, Blk. 61, Port St. Joe ................... 1 Lot 6, Bk. 62. Port St. Joe 1 Lots 10, 12, BWk. 65, Port St. Joe ................ 1 N/2 Lots 2, 4, 6, Bik. 1, Oak Grove ........... 13 80, Delia Ash .......... $ 6.35 Mrs. Allen Cox ..... 1.35 E. W. Neat ....... 12.00 80 Ruthford Allen ..... 3.25 C. G. Costin ........ 3.10 11 90 11 80 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 S 11 8 11 8 11 b 11 8 11 Paul Carter ........ Paul Carter ........ Virginia P. Moore .. George Bennett .... M. I. Harper 1943-44 J. P. Morrison ..... B. Yon Est. ....... N. A. Johnson ..... David Hollington .. W. J. Todd ........ Nero Hopps ........ J. B. Godwin ...... Lawson & Lupton '.. Deiwey Davis ...... S. J. Jordan ....... Johfi Okefe ....'.... Harold C. Palmer, 1943 1944 .... C.A. Lupton 1943-1944 .. R. R. Kingry 1943 .. J. L. Hughs ....... 51.01 6.20 4.02 12.92 9.70 2.30 2.20 6.0v 6.93 6.3u 8.07 6.30 23.33 14.73 3.1) 3.16 6.06 5.77 5.40 HERE NOWI $98.50 Bring Us Your Certificate MAKE YOUR HOUSE ^^^~~~~~ ^M Ma ^ ^ HOMEI Complete Home FumrtSnis.. A It ( ..... I.. fI"iM W a EDD. C. PRIDGEON, 6-1 6-29 Tax Collector, Gulf County, Florida. I -I home in Jacksonville Sunday after Rt. Mize made a business trip last a two weeks' visit here with Mr. Friday to Marianna. and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson. and Mrs. W. O. Anderson. 1Miss Rachel Irvine left' Friday !Miss Jane Findley of Oneonta, Miss Rachel Irine left Fi Ala., is the guest this week of for her home in Staunton, Va., alt- Miss Peggy Allen. ter having finished her school Mrs. Edwin Ramsey and Mrs. Lr. term here. Let Us Quote You On Your CONCRETE WORK WE BUILD STEPS SIDEWALKS FLOORS DRIVEWAYS FOUNDATIONS B. B. "Red" MORROW CONCRETE CONTRACTOR ----------------------------------------------- TH.E-.fTA.R,,OORTST- 4UZE,,,P-LF CPUNTY FLORM .. ~q'l~jaYaYNE~ OAdE ESIX |