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tatII1 ;oIA"T . SOON TO GO OVERSElllllllllllllllllASllllllllllAllllSllllllllll ll SOON TO GO OVERSEAS - ', .i Lieut. John M. Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lane of this city, who visited here last week be- fore going to Topeka, Kans., for Final training before being sent overseas for aerial combat serv-. ice, recently completed inten- sive training as a crew member of a B-29 Superfortress at Da- vis-Monthan Field, Tucson, Ariz. Lieut. Lane entered the service in April, 1943. BROTHERS MEET ON V-E DAY IN CZECHO-SLOVAKIA ,Sgt. Monroe Duncan and Sgt. Thomas Duncan write that they met up on V-E Day "Somewhere in Czecho-slovakia." They found a caseof gin-and weuse the word '-foun'd" with poetic license and "really celebrated fhe -ay in fine style.'' WRITES FROM PANAMA Dear Editor Bill-It seems as it the boys from St. Joe who are in other parts of the world have al- ready written, you, so here's a few lines from a St. Joe soldier 'way down Panama way. I (like all the rest of the fellows,) am always wondering what earcn soldier, .sailor, marine or coast- guardsman from St. Joe is doing. As for me, I'm a boat operator. Yep! A "sailing .soldier," dressed in a sailor uniform each day, but back to my khak.ia at night. Seem strange? Well, the army has tme strangest wa7 of doing things. They trained me to be a smashing, slashing rifleman, 'but then .sendl me to Panama and start me riding the waves. I"m receiving The Star regu- larly. It really keeps up a fellow's morale and brings back memories of the happy 'days, spent in St. Joe 'before this dreadful monster called war crept up to our back. Since we have two enemeis down and one to go though, I feel sure that it won't be so awfully long before all of us will be coming bac'. My regards ahd best wishes to all the, other fellows, who are away and to all the people there in St. Joe. And to you-a shoulder patchn of the Panama Canal Department Tor your collection. JIMMIE ADAMSa. Pke. James H. Adams 34946392 Batt. 'B, 902nd, AAA-AW Bn. APO 829 c/o Postmaster 'New Orleans, La. (Boat House) ANOTHER 'GIVE 'EM. A BREAK' McCook AAF, Nebr. Dear Bddtor Bill-I was reading In The Star of some GI and. his troubles. I don't seem to be in on all the dope, but so far as the sign "Dogs and Sailors Keep Off the Lawn" goes, well, that's an old one, and after all, I think the sign (Continued on Page 4) -H- -T-R ------- EH Official SNewspaper TA RGulf County The Home Newspaper of Nbrthweet Florida's Future Industrial Center r-------- VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1945 NUMBER 34 Mrs. V. L. Adams Taken By Death Passes Away In Pensacola Hos- pital; 'Services Held Here Sunday Afternoon Funeral services were. held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist Church for Mrs. Von L. Adams, 28, who passed, away last Friday at a Pensacola hospital. Burial was in Jehu cemetery at Wewahitdhka. iPall bearers were Tom Parker, George Cooper, E. J'. Duibus, Charlie Brown, T. A. Win- chester and Albert Wollf. . Mrs. Adams was born at Sneads September 29, 1917, and cane to 'Port St. Joe as' a small child' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Plair. In addition to her parents she is survived, by one sister and five brothers, her husband and four small children. Those from out of town attend- ing the last rites for Mrs. Adams were Mrs. B. D. Griffin, Mrs'. Q. Z. Griffin and William Griffin, of Sneads'; Mr. and 'Mrs. B. D. Griffin and childrene. of Blountstown; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Griffin and. son, of Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. King and family, of River Junction;. Mr. and Mrs. L. Barton and ,family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Messina and family, of Apalachicola; E. J. ,Du- bus, A. Wolif and T. A. Winches- ter, of Pensacola. Softball Results The Kiwanians nosed out 'the Rotarians for third place in their scheduled game last Friday night by a 14 to 10 score in what was said to have been a most Interest- ing game. (we, .missed it). The score stood 9 to 8 in favor of KI- wanis at the end of the fourth; both teams chalked up goose eggs in the sixth, and .Kiwands cinched the game with five bingles in the sixth, holding their 'opponents to two, and the Rotarians failed, to score in the final inning. The, box score: Team- 1 2 3 4 5 16 7- R H E Kiwanis 1 25 1 0 5 x-14 14 4 Rotary .. 2 2 0 4 0 2 0-10 15 7 The Legion .took -the Kiwanians 9 to 7 Monday night, 'but almost lost the game in the final frame. The score stood 9 to 5 in favor 'of the Legion, with Kiwanis having last bats. Seems as. If everybody hit on the Kiwanis lineup when, with two runs tin to make the score 9-7, two outs and the bases loaded, J. C. Farnell came, to bat with a chance to become a hero (or a heel). He swung mightily, popped up a fly right over Catcher Jeff Plair's head and the game. was over. The box score: Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-R HE Legion.. 1 0 0 2 1 0- 9 14 4 Kiwanis 0 1 0 2 1 1 2- 7 9 7 CLUB STANDINGS Team- W L Pet. American Le'gion .... 5 1 .833 High School ......... 4 2 .667 Kiwanis Club ........ 4 3 .571 Rotary Club .......... 3 3 .500 Paper Makers ....... 1 4 .200 Maintenance ......... 1 5 .167 in an effort to get away from the double-headers on Friday nights, which run too late,. Maintenance and Rotary played' last evening; the Paper Makers and the High (Continued on Page 4) Visiting From Tuscaloosa Mrs. W. E. Whaley and son Joe and Mrs. W. S. Quaries and son Billy of Tuscaloosa. Ala., arrived last .Saturday .for a visit. with rel- atives and friends. 1' 4 FIANCES OF NURSES KILLED IN ACTION The Angel of qeath seems to hold a grudge against three nurses in the Port St. Joe municipal hospital, for during a three-mophth period the fiancee of all three have been killed in action. Miss Sara Gill was the first to learn that her. betrothed, Ens. McGarry, a fighter pilot. had' been killed on January 12 of this year. In March, Miss 'Mary Ruth Plummer was notified thai her fiance, Capt. F6ed J. Ken- "dall, U. S. M. C., had met his death on March .10 in the battle for Iwo JimS. Shortly thereafter Miss Ha- zel Neeld received word that Cpl. Francis L. Jones, the man she was to. wed, had been killed in action on April 10 while serving with the First Army in Germany. ' Tomorrow Is Poppy Day Here Members of American Legion Aux- iliary Will Ask Everyone To Buy Flanders Flowers 'Tomorrow Americans all through the nation will pay tribute to their countrymen, who have died in two great wprld war. by. wearing a rea poppy.. In Port St. Joe, as in every other city and, town all over the coun- try, the women. of the American Legion Auxiliaryl will be on tliu streets with poppies for sale. This corps of volunteer workers, or- ganized by. Mrs,. R. V. Coburn, poppy chairman, will see to it that everybody in their city has an op- portunity to buy a poppy. Disabled war veterans m a d e these poppies. These men, who have been working in the hospital during the winter and spring to have the little flowers ready for Poppy Day, have benefited not only financially but mentally as well. To ,be able to earn money, to have a pleasant occupation, has lone a great deal to maintain their interest in life. The memorial flowers have but small intrinsic value, but buyers can give whatever they feel they can for this symbol of the sacri- fice made by our countrymen. All the money goes into rehabili- tation andi welfare funds for the help of disabled, veterans, their children, and the children, of tne dead of both wars', so give gener- ously. LICENSE LAW IN. EFFECT Governor Caldwel has signed the three-diay-wait period marriage license law and it went into ef- fect last Saturday. Home From Visit In Georgia Mrs. J. W. Duncan returned last Friday night from Colquit, Oa., where she visited friends and rela- tives for two weeks. ---k Joins Coast Guard .Billy Howell left Thursday for Jacksonville. From there he will go to Curtis Bay, Md., to 'begin his training in the Coast Guard. Visiting Sister In Pensacola Mrs. Minnie i. Lupton left Wed- nesday for Pensacola for several weeks' visit with her sister. age is also indicated. New Sound System 'At Club Warren G. Deuthaler has, in- stalled an up-to-date sound sym- tem in the Martin Beach Club at Beacon Hill, and "Chris" invited all his friends to drop in and hear this system work. Visitors From Texas Pvt. and Mrs. Roy F. Gaskin and' daughter, from Camp 'Fannin, Tex., spent several days here as guests 'of Mrs. Gaskin's mother, Mrs. C. C. Taunton. Visiting Daughter In MissiseippY Mrs. G. 8. Croxton lett Wednes- day for an extended visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. lic 'W.elfare, Mrs. R. A. Costin, co- Randolph Nolble, in Vicksburg, chairman, Mrs. A. L. Ward; Press, ;Miss. Publicity and Scrapbook, Mrs. R. A. Siwatts, cochairman, Mrs. J. C. FArnell; Fine Arts, Mrs. Charles 'Brown, co-chairman, Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson. Committees: War Service, 'Mrs. Massey Ward; Program, Mrs,. Gale Traxler; Membership, Mrs. H. C. Brown; House' and Hospitality, Mrs G. A.-.Patton; Finance, Mrs. Gus Creech; Endowment Fund, Mrs. Edwin Ramsey. To Birmingham for Several Weeks Mrs. Roy Evans and' daughter, Jane, left Sunday for Birmingham, Ala.. where they will remain for several weeks. In New O.leanr& Hospital C. F. Gautreaux left Wednesday for New Orlns where he will enter a hospital for treatment for, several weeks. High School Days Paul Farmer Freed Over For Seniors From Prison Camp Diplomas and Awards Presented Writes That He Is 'Free Again' Tuesday Evening at Gradua- And Is In Hospital In tion Exercise.i Germany Seventeen members of the class A note of joy was sounded. in of '45 of the Port St. Joe high Port St. Joe Monday with receipt school ended their carefree high of a V-Mail letter from Sgt. Paul school days Tuesdayl evening ac J. Farmer 'by Mrs. F. 0. Allen in- graduation exercises held in the forming the world that "I am free school auditorium, again!" The letter was written As the seniors, ganbed in caps from Lassahn, Germany, and dated and gowns, marched in to the May 2. It said, in part: strains of Mendelssohn's "Priest's "I am free again! You don't March." the assembled parents know how happy I am. I will be andA, friends rose to their feet. As to see you in a couple of months. the class reached their seats Rev. .Boy, will we throw a big time. A R. F. Ha'lford gave the invocation, sure hope you are all feeling o. k,, After the audience was seated, I* am in the hospital here and am Miss Ouida Scott delivered the sa- feeling better.' I just can't wait to, lutatory, thanking those present get home and, see everybody. . for their interest in the occasion It seems like 10 years, since I hav& and expressing the 'hope that all been home. It has been' .pretty would enjoy this, the lqst program rough-like over here. Well, hold on of the class. until I get there. I hope to be abIle ,Mrs. Edwin Ramsey then ren- to write again soon." dered a violin solo., 'IBarcarolle," iSgt. Farmer, a rear gunner ,on a from, the "Tales of Hqffman," ac- B-17, was shot down over France companies at the piano by Miss on January 5, 1944, and has been Erline McClellan. a prisoner in Germany since that The address to the class was de- time. A few brief notes have been livered by Phil S. Taylor, super- received from him from the varl- vis-ing inspector of the state de- ous prison camps by his parents, apartment of agriculture. His droll 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Farmer. humor and. his hilarious, contrasts The only other local boy with a of days gone by with the modern., prisoner of war status yet to Ob speedy world of today had the au- heard from is Pfc. Richard :'. dience convulsed with laughter Sheffer, who has been a prisoner throughout his speech, since -September 2, 1944. Ellis Stevens delivered the vale- -.-k dictory. tanking ev'yo ,e- Who, MOVIE TUESD'AY-'N-tGRH aided the members of the class to AT THE MASONIC HALL reach their goal, and promised Mrs. Fred iMaddox, worthy ma- that they would all endeavor to tron of the Order of Eastern Star, live up to expectations. announces that a moving picture Following a commencement song in connection with the war effort by the class, Prof. W.. A. Biggart will be exhibited Tuesday night at presented awards earned 'by; pu- 8 o'clock in the Masonic hall u.- pils during the term. Forty stu- der sponsorship of the 0. E. ' dents received medals for perfect No admission .will be charged, attendance during the year; 19 and a cordial invitation, to be pres- were awarded medals, for excel- ent Is extended the public. lence in typing, and Miss Jimmie _____ Palmer was presented a gold meda' i GAS INCREASE SOON as winner of the recently-held o- news for a ot of us arden Rtorical contest. fishermen who have to stretch our County Superintendent Tommy gas allotment out thin to get in Owens then presented the diplo- a fishing expedition three or four ma.s to the graduates-without- a times a year. It is announced that speech, as wasi requested by mem- beginning June 22 "A" tickets will Rev. a.lof the n dsmclass.be worth six gallons per each. An Increase in "B" book holders' mile- with prayer, and the graduates filed out to the "Commencement March" as the audience stood. COMMITTEES NAMED FOR WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Noble Stone, recently re- elected president of the Port St. Joe Woman's Club, has selected- her department heads and conm- mittees and has announced them as follows: Heads of departments: Ameri- can Citizenship and International Relations, Mns. Ned Porter; Edu- cation and Legislation, Mrs. J. L. Sharit; American Home, Mrs. R. G. Boyles.; Conservation and Beau- tification, Mrs. B. H. Dickens, co- chairman, Mrs. J. Whitfield; Pub- i PAG TWlH IAPR T QGL OUTFOIAFIAMY2,14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Pert Ot. Joe, 1e by The Star Publishing Company W. 8. SMITH, Editor Entered as secondl-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the 'ostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -. Telephone-51 .- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount receiWed for such advertisement. The spoken rcod is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrons LET'S GET GOING! The people of Gulf county have bought, to date $7,151, or 6 per cent, of their "E" Bond quota in the Seventh War Loan. This is a very poor beginning and falls far short of the record of other counties in the state, some of which have subscribed more than 50 per cent of their quota. Lake-and Okaloosa counties, with far greater quotas' than Gulf, top 'the list of counties with 50 per cent. Lee, Hendry, Baker and Sumter counties rank next with approximately 35 per cent. Sales over the state as .a whole are 26 per cent. The people of Gulf county have never yet STARDUST and MOONSHINE Seems, wei got a rise out of George Cooper in regard to his fishing expedition last week. He claims he went to Lake Winiico andt brought back one of the pret- tiest strings..of fish ever to comet into St. Joe-42 in' all.' All ve can say is tha'twe' didn't -.e 'lii- fish, didn't get a taste of them and) he had more than his 40-limit if Ihe caught all he said he did. And be- 'iltes that,, any guy who catches a big fish .(or fishes) doesn't bring them home by the back alley. Got a new hash slinger over at the Friendly Lunch, by the name of Theima Watkins. She hail'sfrom Blountstown, has. a most pleasant disposition, a wide smile, freckle's and a slight twist to her nose. Sa-yS her proboscis wasn't natur- ally that way-got it broken some t!re back. ,B. W. Eells. is getting in stock for his Firestone Store which he expects to open shortly, and& it looks as though he'll be handling about everything but brassieres and thingumbobs. Seems that at the Kiwanis-Le- gion softball game Monday night several Kiwanians were offering odds of five to one that they wouwd take the tilt. Pretty brash betting, fellers, -you know you ain't that good. Mrs. J. L. McQuaig and Mrs. Carrie Hughes visited last Friday In, iSo'pchoppy with Jasper Davis and family. ONE[A DAY VITAMn sL- TAsILEr THINK of it Your min- | imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B ComplexYitamins, in one plesint tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. pp(( ILNERVINE DO TENSE nerves make RestlTess? Dr. Miles Nervin Kelps to lresen Nervous Tepsion. Get it at your drug store. Read directions and use only as directed,' failed to do more than was .asked of them in patriotic endeavors,. and we hope they may be depended on to keep their colors flying high in this, the most crucial of all war loan campaigns. A GREAT VICTORY FOR THE SOUTH The interstate commerce commission's freight rate decision is a great victory for-the South, since it gives t-he South equal oppor- tunity with the North with respect to trans- portation costs. Equalizing of railroad rates at this particu- lar time will enable the South to retain many of its war industries, and in the postwar pe- riod become more industrialized so that a bet- ter balance can be maintained between ag- riculture and industry. It will also mean a higher standard of living and .better incomes for our people. Yowsuh, it is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to us down here. From Clark University h'as come the' report of an artificial propagation of a rabbit, which just about '-takes all the fun out of being a rabbit. We read in a sporting magazine the other day that "a good dog fills an aching void." Probably referring to a hot dog. Keep smiling-ahd Buy Bonds! Mrs. Robert Tapper, -Mrs. C. G. Costin and IMiss Erline McClellan shopped Saturday in Panama City. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers Mattair of Bay Town, Texas, were the guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Oma Branch. Kenneth O'Brylan of Blounts- town spent .the week-endi here with his grandmother, Mrs. L. C. Wise. Mrs. R. A. Costin and Mrs.' Na- omi Lanier and,"daugnter .Sally left Saturday for Huntsville, Ala., to visit Dr. and Mrs. Tom Gibson.. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Smith, 'Mrs. Ella Chafin and Mrs. John Clenx- ents and daughter Sara Nell spent several days last week in Pensa- coia. Miss Dorothy Pridgeon of Pan- ama City spent the week-end, here as the guest of her' sister and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pitts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chandler and sons, Emmette Daniels, Mr. and. Mrs. J. F. "Daniels, Mrs. Mc- Coy, Jewel Covington and Hazel Eubanks joined Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bass at the Dead Lakes Wednes- day for a fish supper.. Everybody had- good luck until the downpour came. 1..7 TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH The purity and uniformity of the drugs -and' chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score or more of exacting tests for purity are made. Thus, we compound prescriptions with full confidence in the reliability of, the ingredients your physician prescribes. We use Merck Prescripfion Cleiacals Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5: Port St. Joe Wi Fill Any Doetor's Psserfptlin .. .. .. .. ... .. 0i ii NOTICE Gulf County, FiV.rda. MaIv 25, 1945 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 18296, Laws of Florida, A-ts'of 1937, known as the Murphy Act, the following described' land in Gulf County, Fi onaa, .11 be offered for sale at public outcry for the highest and best cash, bid, subj'. tto ".- right of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund, to reject any and all bids, at the Court, House, Wewahitchki, Florida, beginning'at- 10:00. o'clock A. M., on 'the 25th 'day of June. Outside of' municipalitiess easement for road right of way, 200 feet wide will be reserved from any parcel.throughg which there 'is an, existing, State Road. As to all lands, title' to one-half of all petroleum and three- fourths of other minerals will be reserved. DESCRIPTION See. Twp. Rge. Acres Begin 140 yds. S: of NW Cor. Sec. 33, Run S. 140 yds. E 70 yda. N 140 yds. W 70 yds. to beg. 33 5 S. 9 W. 2 TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, By: J. R. HUNTER, Agent Trustees I. I. Fund, Gulf County. NOW OPEN Martin's Beach Club BEACON HILL, FLORIDA On -the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and' Tyndall Field DANCING EVERY NIGHT MIDNIGHT COUPLES ONLY 'For Reservations, Call Marigene Taunton, Port St. J SSpecial nivi taion to the Yong Folks AFTERNOONS 2 TO 7 P. M. Under Reliable Supervisioni American Prisoners say: "WE WANT TO 6E BACK AT THIE JAPS !ilt +5W MA W7Rw Lrin spRIte /Vr 7H WAR LOAN DRIVE YES, despite their long months and years of privation and suffering, those gallant men, just released from filthy Jap Prison Camps, still have their good old fighting spirit. They're itching to get back into the fight and give the Nips a taste of their own medicine. Let's show them that we're not quitting either! Let's match their spirit with our dollars! Let's make this MIGHTY 7th War Loan the mightiest of them all! But to come even close to matching their sacrifices, everyone here at home must buy War Bonds until it hurts. Buy double or treble the extra War Bonds you've bought in any previous drive. Remember, this is really two drives in one. In the same ,period last year, you were asked to subscribe to two War Loans. So let's go, Americans. Our hard- fighting Soldiers, Sailors and Ma- rines are giving their ALL. The least we can do is to lend our dollars. EVERYSOP.BYUYAfMOREad/OMER WAR ONPf MILLER'S McCOY'S Drug Store STORES I --- -------------- --- ------------------- S ... ... ... .. ... .. ... ... ... ...----------- - THE SrTAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORMAS FRIDAY, MAY 25, IW.- PACE TWO LITTLE ANN CARROLL ROWAN MARY VIC MAUCK CIRCLE Mrs. George 'Gore returned Mou- his mother, 'Mrs. L. C. Wise. He IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY MEETS WITH MRS. BOYLES day to her home, in Dothan, Ala., 'was en route to Shoemaker, Calif., UE Mrs. John Rowan honored her The Mary Vic Mauck Circle of after a week's visit here with Mr. for a new assignment. daughter, Aun Carroll, with a the Methodist W. S. C. S. met on and, Mrs. R. V. Coburn. I Mrs. Edith Gibsont of Panama party at their home on Seventh Monday afternoon at the home of James Wise, F 1/i, of Richmond, City visited here Tuesday wita ,For y vour, Street Thursday afternoon, May Mrs. R. G. Boyles, with Mrs. J. T. Va., spent several days here with 'Mrs. Preston Holliday. r "17, on the occasion of her fourth McNeill as co-hostess. The meet- PO U TR birthday. About twenty of Ann's ing opened with'the Lord's Prayer. . | ^ .playmates were present and en- The devotional was given by Mrs. RST B C A TI T H CEEDS! joyed games on the lawn.. Several M. J. Donaldison andi the scripture . pictures were made of the group by Mrs. J. J. Rowan. The Bible and then they gathered around to study, from the fourth chapter of ' admire the many lovely gifts as "The Radiant Heart," was led by, *, 4 -' the honoree opened them. Mrs. J. L. Temple, with Mrs. No- ' Highlight of the event was tne bie Stone and Mrs. Boyles taking Ourstoreislheadquartersfor large birthday! cake decorated in part. Mrs. Stone had charge of the poultry feed and form sup- pink andl green, bearing four pink business session. ploes. Keep 'e on the nest candles. After the candles were. Af the conclusion of the meet- lying strong th... ice cream. Ann Carroll presented and the hostesses, served a e- -9 the girls, with ribbon, hairbows and licious shrimp salad with saltine, For Vigor and Fast Growth the boys with miniature airplanes salted nuts and coca-colas to theR . as souvenirs of the Mhappy occa- twelve members present. HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" sion. The next meeting of this circle R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 -s will be June 11- at the home, o* SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1945 MRS. SUBER HOSTESS TO Mrs. Rowan on Seventh Street. SUNDAY, MAY 27,1945 RUTH LAWRENCE CIRCLE "* 9:45-Sunday School for all. S The Ruth Lawrence Circle of J. A. M. CLUB MEETS 11:00--Morning Worship. Sermon topic: the Methodist W. S. C. S. met WITH MRS. VERNA SMITrH "TAKEN FOR GRANTED" .Monday afternoon, May 14, at the The regular mee-ting of the J. TAKEN FOR GRANTED!" QUALITY CHICKS home of Mrs. George Suber, with A. M. 'Club was held Monday night 6:55-Baptist Training Union. the' chairman, Mrs. M. P. Tom'in- at the home of Mr.s Verna Smith. 4 :00-Eveniing Worship. Sermon topic: For chicks with stamina to live son, presiding over the business After sewing and the regular ac- "WHY JOIN THE CHURCH?" quality d grow depend on our session, tivities of the club' were enjoyed, I E R Y B D Y W E L C O M E Quality Ghix.-hatched from The 'program was. under the 'dl- the hostess, served a delicious spa- IEVER B Y WELCOME select, high-prbducing flocks. rectiofi of Mrs. Ralph Swatts, who ghetti dinner with al the trim- BETTER ORDER Eri. -read two poems, "Till the Master" mings and pound cake and coffee. ' and "Highway and a Low," before The, next meeting of the club Co"m ple Eggs going into the study from "The will 'be with Mrs. Peck Boyer at Qu Oality EjgS Radiant Heart," which was dis. her home on Fourth Street. Complete feed for culssed. by Mesdames Tomlinson, ., *, I lots of premium Suber, R. W. Smith, Walter Joht- SUSIE PEACH FOSTER CIRCLE quality eggs with son and Omar Branch. MEETS WITH MRS. HURLBUT A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. At the conclusion of the meet- The Susie Peach Foster Circi/ Reyo ayen ng the hostess, served' delicious of the Methodist W. S. C. S. met THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. refreshments to her guests. Monday afternoon at the home of CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. S-- Mrs. M. K. Hurlbut. The meeting rol.l WHITE CITY LADIES ARE was opened with prayer by Mrs. ------- HOSTESSES TO J. A., M. CLUB G. A. Patton, followed with the de- SATURDAY, MAY 26 MONDAY and TUESDAY FAST GAIN Mrs. G. S. Croxton and Mrs. votional in charge of the hostess. May 28 and 29 f|LOW CO'-ST Charles Stebel were hostesess on A study of the topic, "The Fellow May 28 and 29 L OVV V Thursday night of last week to La-borers," from the book, "The -T HIGH LIVABILITY members of the J. A. M.'Club at Radiant Heart,",was given by Mrs IN TECHNICOLOR! You get r11 te e i C Pun 'the home of Mrs. Stebel at White Patton. After a brief business ses- TR Chick Startena, Amerioca'. City. Eleven members of the club sion the hostess' served cookies GENE AUTREY W favorite starter. Takes only and two visitors were present to and coca-colas to the seven mem- 2 lbs., per cVick. rinjoy the 'evening. bers present. "in---- Fresh stock just in. The hostesses served a delicious ICKEY ROONEY Prewar quality. buffet supper of potato salad, cole CARD OF THANKS I BI slaw, green beans, noodles, pressed We wish to express our apprec- Denal Crisp.Elizabeth Taylor Fee.d PUrin chicken, jelly, hot rolls, pecan pie ition to our many friends for the EB STARTENA and coffee. beautiful floral offerings and the STAR* S many kindnesses shown us in our LATEST NEWS BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS recent bereavement in the loss or "FI R Rely ov Mr. and Mrs. Willie McQuagge our loved one. "FLICKER FLASHBACKS" Relyor, ow announce the birth of a son on Von- L. Adams and childre,.II Sile 4 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Plair eM Forfasuglowtiow Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Woods are andi family. livabilitW, and top the proud parents of a daughter, IMr. and Mrs. J. W. Daughtry Chapter 15 of Seral market quality. born May, 4. andi family. "Haunted Harbor" I .I See Us Today Mr. and Mrs-. H. W. Dorch are announcing the birth of a daugn- Edward Eells, HAS l/c, arrived FEATURE NO. 2 -_ The Bulliest ' ter on May 2. Weldnesday from Bainbridge, Md., Fun-Fiesta Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Dykes an- to spend a 10-day leave with his Ever! nounEce the birth of a son, May 3. parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Eells. SCREWBALL TURNS - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Floyd of He will go from here to the naval ; l /l Apalachicola are announcing the base hospital at Long Island, N. "Y. e &CetA 'birth of a daughter, May 9. Mrs. Al Pringle of Foley, Ala., JOAN t// GERM SoM 4 visited here over the week-ent DAVIS Mrs. Ferrell O. Allen returned with her sisters, the Misses Rache REL CHICK EQ U IPMENT Tuesday from a vacation of two' and Juanita Gunn. Rinse founts and feeders'with weeks spent in Norfolk, Va., and Miss Evelyn Taunton and Pvt. a Chldorena to cut New York City visiting with her Frank Trautz 'of Camp Gordon ARDY dirt and. kill '. husband'. Johnston visited here .Sunday with -- germs. Helps ,I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of Mrs. C. C. Taunton. A I s o- save chicks. Jacksonville are visiting here with Mrs. J. L. McQuaig and Mrs. Use PURINA their son and daughter, Emmette Dewey Davis spent Monday in Do- Chapter 1 of NEW SERIAL CHLORENA Daniels. and Mrs. McCoy. than, Ala. They were accompanied -LEON "JUNGLE QUEEN" J. L. Sharit left for Chicago Sun- there by their aunt, 'Mrs Carrie ERROt f 0 day on business, and Mrs. Sharit Hughes. went to Atlanta Tuesday to visit THURSDAY and FRIDA1 their son. They both expect to re- JOS. B. SPEAR SUNDAY, MAY 27 May 31 June 1 turn home during the week-end. Ernest Smith of Pensacola, con- I OPTOMETRIST LA nected with the dredge Blackwc- Ees dA SAYS ter, arrived Tuesday to attend th EyesExamind Glases Fitted ./ P11 1 graduation exercises at the high APALACHICOLA, FLA. WHEN 'YOU BUT ALL school. YOUR POULTRY AND Mrs. F. M. Rowan and Mrs. G. LIV.M 1OCK NEEDS AT THIS L. Kennington and two daughters you drive in at ". spent Tuesday in Greensboro vis- Sunny State for StopMr. and Mrs. Leroy Gainous hau service and don't as their guests Sunday Mrs. J. J. get your wind- '" UM SPrritt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Perritt shield cleaned, we'll give liT YOUIR TOWIfNe P and daughter Gladys Jean,, Mrs. you your purchase! tDFNNiS 0KIR HI EN Wxt , Coy Redfd and daughter Joyce and. COME IN TODAY! ED N Df/oSLN0' ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Robert Humanas, all of Panama - Chone 30 ort t. ity. SUNNY STATE ,"- . Phone 30 Port St. Joe i Mrs. John Hannah of Altha vis- .. LATEST NEWS W 166. I cited here Monday with Mrs. L. C. SERVICE 1 MUSICAL- SHORT BOB WILLIS MUSICAL ~~Wise. -- FIRID A, M" 20,.,,19,4 ,T.~S9~,: C~R: T. 49, rjuLF COUNTY, FL;ORI-&A PAliE'"fil4tSE PAGE FOUR' -tHE STAR, PORT St-JOE, GULP COUNTY, FLORIOA I~RIDAY, MAY 25, 1946 Softball Results (Continued from page. 1) 'School play their regularly sched- uled game tonight. The postponed game between the Paper Makers and the Legion will be made up Monday night. Tuesday evening the High School and Legion will meet in what will probably be a battle to the death for first place in the. league. Mrs. M. Fleishel Jr., and daugh- ter left Wednesday for Jackson- ville, where they will spend part of the summer with her/ mother. Mrs.W.W. T. Chason returned Sunday from Greensboro, where, she was called by the illness of her father. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE BICYCLE-Prewar ladies' bike in good condition. Good tires; also wire basket; $25. cash. See L. E. ones, Kenney's Mill. 1* FOR SALE-Automatic gas wateT j tank; double bed innerspriing mattress, good as new; oil stovb and Boss oven; also' other items. Phone 79-J. 5-11tf FISHING POLES Cured fishing :, poles for sale. Creech & Brooks, office, Monument .Ave. 4-6tf FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase. Call B. W. fells, Phone 39 or 100. 5-25itf LOST AND FOUND LOST-Identification bracelet with initials "B. 0. A." Reward if re- turned to W. 0. Anderson, St. Joe Motor Company. 5-25 6-1 MISCELLANEOUS , FOR RENT SIGNS-Two for 25c at The Star office, ti MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. J. L. Temple, W. M.; G.C.Atkins, Sec. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 0, G. Costin, the holder q the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and fears of issuance, the description of the property, and the names .n which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 271. Year of issuance 1940. Description of Property: Lot 6, Block 1, Oak Grove Subdi- vision. Sec. 13, Twp. 8 S, R 11 W. Name in which assessed: W. E. Hancock. All of said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida.. Unless such certificate or certificates shall be redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bid- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of June, 1945, which is the 4th day of June. 1945. Dated this 4th day of May, 1945. J. R. HUNTER, (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court 5-4 6-1 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No. 1862 NOTICE IS HEREEY GIVEN, that C, G. Costin, the holder of the following certifi- cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issuic thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the . description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows Certificate No. 262. Year of issuance 1940. Description of Property: Lots 11 and 13, Block 1002, City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Sec. 1, Twp. 8 S. R 11 W. Name in which assessed: Ernest Williams Estate. All of said property being in the County of Gulf, State of Florida. UTnless 'such certificate or certificates shall be .redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or certificates will be sold to the highest bida- der at the court hotise door on the first Monday in the month of June, 1945, which is the 4th day of June. 1945. Dated this 4th day of May, 1945. J. R. HUNTER, (R EAT,) Clerk of Circuit Court 5-4 6-1 of Gulf County, Florida. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED House Bill No., 1862 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that C. G. Costin, the holder of the following certifi- rates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- cate numbers and years of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 207. Year of issuance 1925. Description of Property: Lot 12, Block 1002, City of Port of Gulf, State of Florida. Umiles such certificate or certificates shan' he redeemed according to law the property described in such certificate or oertificates will be sold to the highest bid- der at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of .Tune. 1945. whioh is the 4th day of June. 1945. hated thi "4th day of May. 1945. ,. f. HUNTER. * (SREATl Clerk of Circuit Court 5-4 8-1 of 8ulf County, Florida. x With the Colors I,',",'"'"'"'"1"'",,,,,,,,,,,,'""'"'"" 1 "'"'""""' I _eO pe SCHOOL NEWS (Continued. from page 1) By WESLEY RAMSEY was misunderstood, just like some of the good citizens of St. Joe, they tllllII|lllllll| !|lllfllffillllll lllll! lllllIIIIIIIlllllttllll mean well but just don't take the Another school term has ended trouble to cheer a soldier or sailor We. believe we can safely say that up a little. And to those who don't everyone is, sad over the fact, understand Yankees, here is a especially the seniors.. We have little dope on them: They are very heard some of them sayi that they stbtuborn and want everything to Iished they were back in the 6th their benefit, especially if they're' grade. The teachers are probably stationed in the South, they think glad to get rid of us hoodlum. they should receive the same hos- Some of us heard the most path- pitality that any tourist operator etic speeches from .some of the would render to, a patron. But teachers a.hout hnw sar they were since some of the service men are quite 'ornery' it causes most of the military personnel to be disre- spected. Wel', getting back to nice places and nice people, give me Okla- homa City, Okla. There's the place -for a nice time andi plenty of nice people. Ask anyone. Yours for Victor.y, Pfc. Hines P.. Richards. BACK FROM OVERSEAS We received a notice from the Army Service Forces that T4 Jas. G. Johnson, Mech. Cav., would ar- rive at Ft. McPherson, Ga., about, MaDy 16 from 14 months overseas in the European theater of opera- tions. And aboutthat time Jimmy blew into town for a visit with his folks out at Kenney's, Mill. On, well, the lad's back again, and af- ter all, that's the, main thing. ADDRESSES Ferrell 0. AlIen, S2/c, MaM, 9329762, Fleet Postofiice, San Francisco, Calif. J. C. Evans. S 1/c. 557-10-66. Armed Guard, SS Frederick Ban- chard, c/o Fleet Postoffice, New York, N. Y. Lient. John M. Lane 0-835637U, 72nd Base Unit, Topeka AAF, To- peka, Kans. Pvt. Frank-'E. Childers 3478309N 7th Armd:. Conv. Cse., ORP ERTO, Fort Knox, Ky Sgt. Roy Redd, 1504th AAF Bas'e Unit, Fairfield, Calif. Sgt. Chas. M. Pridgeon 14059260 339th Base Unit CCTS, (F), Sq. U, Thomasville A. A. B., ThomasviFle, Ga. Lt. (j.g.) Carl N. Kelley, Box 34, Class 194. Naval A.it Station, Jack- sonville, Fla. -------- Mrs. 'D. C. Miller spent severaL -lays in Apalachicola this weeS, the guest of her brother and fam- ly, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wages. -HEADACHE IS SUCH A ALL SET for a good full day's work when a nagging head- ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. , Ready for an evening of relax- ation and enjoyment a pesky headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head- ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Msa- eular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? If not why not? You can get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in th!glonomy package even cheaper. Wxy not get a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions and use only as directed. Your money back if you are r ot M tfei that school was closing andi that they were losing us as pupils, but. even a blind person could see the gleam of joy in their eyes. The senior class must have been mighty flush this year, for in aa- dition to laying a sidewalk in fron. of the main building they left busts of Abraham Lincoln and Rob- ert E. Lee in the hall 'by the au- ditorium. This is the final column this year. I've enjoyed writing it, re- gardless of whether you have en- joyed reading it. I've had a time keeping it in, the paper. Every time space was at a premium, Ed1- tor Bill would get a fiendish gleanm in his, eye, grab the "Schoo- News" in one hand and a blue pen- c0l in the other and then, to the accompaniment of mad laughter, cut it to pieces and leave but a fraction of the original copy. Seri- ously, I have enjoyed writing it and hope all have enjoyed reading it. It'll be back next year unless someone shoots us to keep it out. Mrs. Jack Little and son Jackle of Demopolis, Ala., are the guests this week of Mrs. Anna Balkconm. DON'T WAIT - until your shoes are entirely worn out! Have them repaired now. We give you savings and satisfaction with quick and dependable service. The LEADER SHOE SHOP Are You Doing Your Best In the Seventh War Loan ? ! RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 89 PROOF Was $4.66 $3.25 NOW HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW .......... a RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3 -5 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW.-.-... W ST. JOE BAR -- -- -- -- *- -- -- -- --- -- ---- $300.00 $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN -- NO RED TAPE IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE $300.00 FLORIDA $300.00 Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries -- Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136-W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. goo S-0*a p a '"Copyrighted Material, 4Syndicated ContieWt S mme N 000 Available from Commercial News Providers" aIk MVa =f WI e - * o aifl 4 a -10 a -0- *O S f 'o a a e S -dm- 4D a-e e- e .e *--*- a S -m * * e 4WDe 100-40a wG SI -4De40 -oens. - 4 me -W e. a0G -1*e se e a saC 40ow*-- OEM dPAY, 'X 5:1946 ,'tHF STAR, PORT SiT.--JOE!. GULF COUNTYp' FLORIOAA PAGE FOUR ' |