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LOSES LEG * Pvt. H. M. Hammock, Jr., with the Marine Corps in the South Pacific, who has had a leg am- putated as' the result of wounds received in action at Okinawa. Story was carried last week. TELLS OF TRIP TO PARIS 'Sgt. Claude Gautreaux, with'a cavalry reconnisance squadron in the European war theater, writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux, that he recently made a trip to Paris. Says Sgt. Claude: "Gosh, I've seen things I neves' will forget, for Paris is beautltu; and I could live to be a hundred years old, and never again see any place like, it. If only) you coula have been with me to enjoy it! It would cost a fortune to see what I saw in- Te sort "timeFe- idi; aijin it cost me a good' $,200. It was tae first time I had the occasion to spend my money in an enjoyable .way-and yet I could have spent more." P ADDRESSES Sgt. E. L. Lightfoot, 3478220r, " Co. B, 5th Bn., Welch Cony. Hos- pital, Daytona Beach, Fla. Pfc. James H. Adams, 34946892, Batt. B, 902nd AAA AW Bn., APO 829, c/o Postmaster, New Or- Leans, La., (iBoat House). Lieut. Enid Mathison, N7656765, Foster General Hospital, Jackson, Miss. '.Pfc. Earl Lightfoot, 860453, Co. D, 1st M.P. Bn. FMF Pacific, c/o Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco. ----K--- Attend M. E. District -Conference Those attending the district con- ference of the Methodist church at Greenwood Tuesday were Rev. and Mrs. 0. D. Langston, Mrs. J. L. ,Sharit, Mrs. J. T. McNeill, Mrs. R. G. Boyles and W. H. Weeks. Nurse Is'Visitor Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Biggart had as their guest over the week-end Mr. Biggart's niece, Lieut. ,Gladys Cauthen of the Nurses' Corps who is stationed at Fenny General Hos- pital, Thomasville, Ga. ----------- Lieut Childs To Pacific Area Mrs. W. A. Childs arrived Sun, day from New Orleans to make this city her home. Lieut. Childs has been sent to the Pacific war theater. -----+.-------- Return From Visit Ip Georgia TMr. andi 'Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson Returned Sunday night from Pear- son, Ga., where, they visited Mr. Toilinsion 's parents for several days' last. week. ------4------- To Mobile .On Busineas Patrolman .,andi Mrs.. DaJlas Lee,, Mrs. W. M. Howell and Mrs,. Paul oS avi, ,_ ,. 4 in Mt. . blbe. oa buifia';' THE STAR ' The Home Newspaper of Ncirthweot Floi.4u1m Pu.Im' i~gbi~al Cente'..~,r S Official Newspaper * .G..l .of o n Gulf County VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1945 NUMBER 33 New Oil Well In South Florida Expected To Exceed 500 Barrels Per Day; Should Increase Ac- tivities In This Section An oil well described as a real producer has been 'brought in at Sunniland in Collier county by the Humble Oil & Refining Com- panyb, it has been-'announced fby officials of the company. While making no positive statement as to the well's producing capacity, officials said they had reached a deep pool of oil at 11,549 feet with gast pressure, indicating 'a heavy producer. The well was begun last Octo- ber 31 and is, the fourth test well Humb'e wa's drilling. The first put down is.reported to be producing 15 to 20 barrels daily. The new well is a flowing well, which one of the 'company's engi- neers. is said to have stated will flow fiom "500 to 1500 barrels"' daily, and that production would b e "considerably above 500 bar- rels." Six other wells are being drilled in south Florida; work on three more has been shut down; five have been abandoned, and Humble is preparing to start on its fifth well a mile north of Sunniland. Bringing in of this well should create greater activity in Florida in regard to oil, especially in Gulr county, where the Pure Oil Com- pany has already sunk three 8000- Kiwanians Go To Vets Expected To 17 Graduates Will Town Ladies'Nite Buy First Poppies Receive Diplomas TiieuSv Ev;nnI Hilarity R-Reigns As Civic lub Putss On Most Interesting Pro- gram of the Year "Ladies'" Night," held Thurs- day evening of last week 'by the Kiwanis' Clu'b, proved a "howling" success. The evening's entertain- ment was furnished by members of the club, with high honors for stellar performance,. going to Pres- ident Glenn B'oyjlesI and) Frank Han- non, who portrayed two typical female gossipers, dishing out the dirt over the telephone. To add to the hilarity,. they ,.Fore appropri- ate costumes, and the things they said about certain, members and their wives brought screams of laughter from the audience, not to mention blushes. Another equally enjoyable per- formance was that depicting a courtroom scene, with Jack Frost, resplendent in black robe andi the traditional wig,, acting as judge, and Irlma Boyles and Harry; Mc- Knight posing as attorneys-Irlma for the plaintiff (the wives, whom she, described as "my poor lambs") and Harry for thel defense (the husbands, appropriately dubbed "the goats"). This. affair culmi- nated! in the crowning of their subjects; by the, two attorneys, who read comical verses) to suit each one crowned. Various prizes w;re' awarded. Each guest was presented a num- foot test wellsall_ of whjch,. W,..berand score card at the door, and understand' have had the casing Peck Boyer received a prize for left in them and capped, and. is now .starting on a fourth hole In the Indian Bayou area. Other counties. in which drilling and testing is going on are Dade, Bay, Highlands, Madison, Monroe, and Charlotte. ----- -t-------- Softball Results Due to the fact that games for last Friday were advanced to Wednesday last week, we have but one. tilt to record, this week, that between the High School and Maintenance. It was the closest game yet recorded between these two teams, the .score being 9 to 4, and might have ended differ- ently if the Maintenrance players could have hung onto the pill when it came their way. The box score: Team- 1 2 34 5 6 7-R H E School .. 40 20 0 3 x- 9 9 2 Main. :.. 2 0 0 0 0 2 0- 4 7 19 CLUB STANDINGS Team- W L Pct. American Legion ..... 4 1 .800 High School ......... 4 2 .667 Rotary Club ......... 3 2 .600 Kiwanis Club ........ 3 2 .600 Paper Makers ........ 1 4 .200 Maintenance .......... 1 5 .167 Tonight (if it doesn't rain.) the Kiwanians and Rotarians will le-y cide who goes into third place, ana if the Paper Makers should acci- dentally down the. Legion in the second tilt it would tie the Legion and High School for firnt honors. ----.---- __-. - THREE-DAY WAIT PERIOD MARRIAGE BILL IS PASSED The legislature has passed the threeday wait period marriage bill which is intended to stop the so- called "gin wed4lilngs." The bill requires that couple. would notify -c'ounty judges of ti- tention to apply for a marriage li- cense three days in advance of .its issuance, and the judge must luhcl post' copies of the application at th4 .frtnt,4oor of. the' court ho uni fr 'i.. ree-day period, securing the most guests' num- bers on his card. Mrs. Pat Bray re- ceived the prize for having the greatest number of items in her handbag. Brother Billy Daniel was accorded' first honors for having the most attractive "corsage" (all club members wore one of these "corsages," which were made by their ladies beforehand. They were made up of assorted vegetables, from onions to cauliflower, ana "he collection was, enough to make any produce dealer fairly) drool). The meeting closed with Presi- ,ent Boyles' reading of the V-E Day proclamation of International President Ben Dean, and a prayer by Rev. 0. D. Langston. Guests of the club included 1KI- wanis Lieut. Governor and Mrs. Merritt Brown; Panama Gity club president, and Mrs. Frank Nelson, Rotary President and Mrs. Floyd Hunt, and Key Club President- alect Gale Traxler, Jr.' --- --K- COUNTY GETS $2000 MORE FROM RACE TRACK FUND State Comptroller J. M. Lee an- nounced yesterday that Gulf coun- ty, along with Florida's other 6b counties., ha'di been allocated ati additional $2000 from race track taxes. The comptroller stated, that tWe entire $33,000 guaranteed to coun- ties may be available, from this source. In the event racing taxea fall short of this sum, it will be made up on June 30 from the gen- eral revenue fund of the state. Yesterday's distribution bring.' the. total received to date. by Gull Legion Command t That Ex-Servidemen Know What It'~ All About Veterans of World War I and World) War II are expected to be among the first to buy a poppy on Poppy Day, ,Saturday, 'May 26,- ac- cording to T. M. Schneider, com- mander of Wi"lis V. Rowan Post 116, American Legion. "Todayl as in 1917 and 1918 our men are again fighting overseas, giving their lives that we may be safe," said Schneider. "These boys are our relatives, our neighbors, our friends. It is, grievous to us that they must suffer, and who better appreciates the amount of suffering they endure than the veterans, of this war andi the last? "Those on the home front wish to show that they remember and revere those who died in both wars, and to do this they wear the poppy. The women of the Legion Auxiliary will be on the streets on Poppy Day offering the poppies made 'by disabled veterans to the public. I am sure that veterans and civilians alike will be eager to wear the little ria symbol of sacrifice. We of the American Le- gion should 'be a ong :-.he first to' wear the badge, as nope know better than we the heroism of America's dead soldiers." 4-K JIMMIE PALMER WINS DECLAMATION CONTEST Miss Jimmie Palmer, speaking on "Freedom From Fear," was. ac- judged winner in the dieclamationi contest held at the high school au- diitorium last Friday1 evening. Jack Mahon, taking as his subject "V-E Day," ran a close second. Other contestants, alil of whom done admirably, were Mary RevelI speaking on "Tolerance"; Alfred Rhames, who delivered "The Get- tysburg Address," and Carl Guil- ford," who chose for his subject "What I Intend to Do After Gradu- ation." Miss 'Palmer will be presented a beautiful goMd medal on gradua- tion night. Judges were Rev. 0. D. Langston, Basil E. Kenney and W. S. Smith. The contest was spon- soredi tby the Rotary Club, which plans to make it an annual affair. _____---- BILL WOULD MAKE CHANGE IN SENATORIAL DISTRICTb A reapportionment bill intruo duced' in the legislature proposes to make up the 25th senatorial dis- trict of 'Bay and Calhoun counties, add Washington to Walton and Holmes counties in the 3rd district and group Gulf with Franklin, Lib- erty and Wakulla counties in the 5th district. Attend Legion Convention T. M. Schneider and C. C. Wil- son left Wednesday to attend the one-day state convention of theE American Legion in Orlando. They expect to return today. McKnight To Head '46 Fund Drive At a meeting of the Florida D]- Baccalaureate Service To Be Held Sunday Night In School Auditorium Marking the close of the school ;,ear, 17 members of the senior class of the Port St. Joe high school will receive their diplomas at graduation exercises to be held at' 8:30 next Tuesday evening in the high school auditorium. Pro- gram for the evening follow--. Processional .... "Priests' March" Invocation .. Rev. R. F. Hallfora Salutatory' .......... Ouida Scott, "Barcarolle". .Mrs. Edwin Ramses Address .......... Phil S. Taylor (iSupervisiing Inspector, State, Department of Agriculture) Valedictory .. .... Ellis Stevens Commencement Song ...... Class Presentation of Awards ....... ........'Principal W. A. Biggarc Presentation of Diplomas ..... .s .............Supt. Tom Owena Benediction..Rev. 0. D. Lan'gston Recessional Members of the graduating class are: Maibel Baxley, Helen Cant- well, Lois Manas'co, Hazel Nichols, Jimmie Palmer, G. W. Parish, Tom Parker, Alda Powell, Mary,Revell, A,'.fred Rhames, Hulean Stafford, Margaret Shealy, Ellis Stevens, Ralph Silva, Ouida Scott, Sallie Traweek and Louise Wilder. - Baccalaureate *enisewese will hse held next Sunday evening at 3:30 in the school au'ditoroi'm with the following program: Invocation .... Rev. R. F. Hallfora Hymin ........ "Abide With Me" Scripture ..... Rev. W. A. Daniel "Holy, Holyl Holy," "Adore and Be Still'.'...... Quartet: Erline McClellan. Marigene Taunton, Fay Morris, Josephine Grimsley Sermon.......iRev. 0. D. Langston Benediction... .Rev. W. A. Daniel Recessional The public is invited to attend both of these commencement week services. Attend Birthday Celebration Those attending the 83rd birth- day celebration of Frank MclFar- land, near Talla'hassee, Sunday were Mr. amOd Mrs. Everett Mc- Farland and children, and Mrs. Fred Maddox and niece, Ellen Ma- rie. McFarland. At Convalescent Hospital Sgt. E: L. Lightfoot, now at the Welch Convalescent Hospital at Daytona Beach, spent the week- end here with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Lightfoot, and other rela- tives and friends. Returns To Duty In Kansas Lieut. John Lane left Tuesday to return to Topeka, Kans., where ne has been stationed for the past few .months, after' spending sev- eral days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lane. Former Pastor Is Visitor Rev. Dempsey W. Hodge's and daughter, Mrs. Vertis Johnston, or county to $20,000', leaving a bal- vision, National War Fund, held Dothan, Ala., are the guests this ance due of $13,000. Tuesday in JacksonviMe, Harry week of Mr. and, Mrs. C. G. Costin. --- ---- McKnight was named to head 'the Rev. Hodges was at one time pas- Have Guests From. Savannah fund drive iii Gulf county in 1946. tor of the Baptist church here. Mr. and MT.. A., B. Mpntgomery -------- ---- have as their guests this week. T. Vacationing In Ohio Spending. Week' On Lakes Ja es M'oNamara, Mxr. andA Mrs,' and 'Paul i, gue and Mr. and Mrs, R. V. Cobura aspd B. C. McNamiara a.di twoA siPala :ia e' lt Thur ay ,or their us gAe aA..: Geor daughters, Mrs. 'P. J. McNamara I'a( e 't'esaqt eagai ln ton, :Goq of. Dota, Ala.. a d an4 Liss. MjgAreot 'm ar lOhiD y.a1tiog w'ir ofrelatiqD &a 1the ,wA. a., Al '.. oali 'on of Savannah, Ga. friend. the Desl Likes, L wTSUAM THE STAR Published Every Friday at Pert St. Joe, Fla. by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor ' Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -..{ Telephone 51 B- TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken r:ord is given scant attention; the printed word Is tbihoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts* the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country ,4F Right or Wrong JAPAN! V-E Day has come and gone. The mighty structure of Naziism that was. to last a thou- sand years has crumbled into dust and rubble. Its leaders are dead or imprisoned,. every- where dishonored. The German military ma- chine is smashed. After almost six years of suffering and slaughter, there is peace in Europe. But for us there is no full peace. For mil- lions of Americans there still is further sacri- fice and anxiety. For America there can be no full peace until Japan is finally crushed. We are facing the most stern test in our nation's history. Japan- is cunning,. cruel and STARDUST and MOONSHINE We were pretty sure that with the fishing season opening Tues- day that St. Joe would resemble somewhat a deserted village, but such was, not the case, mainly due to twi-.ac. that Izatk Waltons from Bay county, Geo:'-gia and Al- abama -had ireerved all the cot- tages and boats a month or so aheacD, and-, o local fishermen, unless they !carried, their own boats and went only .to spend the day, were simply out of luck. Eveh George Cooper and Frenchy Guil- lory were on the. job at their re- spective places of business. which was indeed surprising.. However, George suCucumibed Wednesday and left early 'in the morning for the fishing grounds. Whatever, he. says he caught, don't believe him. Mrs,. J. A. Owens,, over at the Friendly Lunch, was in a dither Sunday, .for. her cook had up and quit on her and, she had to do the cooking and a lot of KP. Unsus- pecting customers who made re- marks about the service were immediat.Al;. notified by the har- rassed cook and bottle, washer that .they would take what was given them "or else"-and the "'o else" .was a wicked-looking carv- ing knife. Any of you iolk's see Erbin "Lightnin' Bowen riding tne merry-go-round at the carnival the other evening? He iwas trying to !ook nonchalant, but as, any fooi could plainly see, he was getting strong! A Jap army of 7,000,000 is still in- tact. More than 350,000,000 subject peoples have been slaving to build supporting stock- piles of war materiel in Japan and occupied China while we have been engaged in con- quering Hitlerism in Europe. Bringing Japan to her knees requires that our army and navy overcome the most tre- mendous logistics problem in the annals of warfare. We must transport millions of-men a distance of 15,000 miles from the European var theater to new bases in the Pacific. Mil- lions of tons of new supplies must be shipped 6000 miles from San Francisco to Manila . and Manila is still almost 2000 miles from the Japanese homeland. The long, long .haul to the Pacific is the task that highlights pulpwood's role in the war with Japan. For pulpwood must provide the double wrapping and the double packag- ing of food ammunition, clothing, blood plasma and the thousands of other military items required now by General MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz. This is why pulpwood is on the Production Urgency List, along with planes and bombs. Pulpwood helped to defeat the Nazi war machine. Pulpwood will be needed in large quantities in bringing about the unconditional surrender of the Japanese.- Profoundly grateful, then, to our fighting forces in Europe, we must fight on-with all our hearts and all our strength-in the spirit of dedication to our fighting forces in the Pacific. more fun out of it than *a kid with 'a new toy. -. We noticed the other night that Ruth Freeman, in the ticket of- fice of the *Port theater had one of those OPA tokens in he, cast box. Well, that's one way to get extra points, From the number of-cars receiv- ing new paint jobs, it looks as it somebody has 'feP heir to a barrel or two of red paint. He-re lately when' d 'fir'-- breaks out-one iai hardly tell the fire truck from the passenger cars. We asked Otto Anderson how the shorts situation was, and he replied: .O'Short and getting much shorter." Us fat fellers are sure out of luck. when, it comes to get- ting shorts. Personally, we're go- ing out and buy several 100-pound sacks of four :and convert the sacks into shorts.. Be. nice having "Pure As Drifted Snow" spread across our stern. Returns To Duty At Hospital Miss Hazel Neeld, R.N., returned to her duties at the municipal hos- pital Monday after several weeks' visit with relatives in Talmpn. RON HAUTEY CUBAN RUM 86 PROOF Was $4.66 $3.2 -NOW HAVANA CLUB Puerto Rican Rum $3 25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW..........- , RON CHIKOTO Puerto Rican Rum $3t25 86 Proof Was $4.21. NOW......... ST. JOE BAR NOW OPEN Martin's Beach Club ,BEACON HILL, FLORIDA On the Gulf Between Port St. Joe and Tyndall Field DANCING ..V 8:00 P. M. TO IMHUlll tRIHW fliull l 12:00 MIDiNIGHT COUPLES ONLY r For Reservations Call Marigene Taunton, Port St. Joe 0 Special Invitation to the Young Folks AFTERNOONS 2 TO 7 P. M. Under Reliable Supervision k ---- --- --- --- --- ---- --- IF YOU HAVE AN INOME ir Uunv HI. 0Mui.1 you have a quota in the Mighty 7' War Loan Find your quota and make Itl We've got to make the 7th the biggest yetl .1 YOUR PERSONAL MATURITY IF YOUR WAR BOND VALUE OF AVERAGE INCOME QUOTA !S: 7th WAR LOAN PER MONTH IS: (CASH VALUE) BONDS BOUGHT < F-i., $250 $187.50 $250 225-250 150.00 200 210-225 131.25 175 200-210 112.50 150 180-200 93.75 125 140-180 75.00 100 100-140 37.50 50 Under $100 16.75 [ 25 TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH * The purity and uniformity of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple 'product a score or more of exacting tests for purity are made. Thus, we compound prescriptions with full confidence in the reliability of the ingredients your physician prescribes. We se Merck Prescript on Clhef.als Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port. St. Joe We Fill Any Doetor's tP rirItn: , ALL OUT FOR THE MiGHTY 7WR MIGHTY 7-- WAR LOAN l- -I,-. CIN' Department . Store A I THE STA;R, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1945 PAC E TWr R n A V M A Y l B 1 g 4 T T A P $300.00 -:- $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN -- NO RED TAPE - IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co., PORT ST. JOE $300.00 - - - FLORIDA $300.00 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 4 SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1945 9:45--Sunday School for all. 11:0E-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "THE CHALLENGE OF GOD'S ASSURANCE." 6:55-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Eveniing Worship. Sermon topic: "THE BLINDFOLDED CHRIST." EVERYBODY WELCOME! Ww M SIGN OF 2aa4t The 7th War Loan Is On! \WITH AA KILLING POWER PURINA FLY SPRAY Kills flies, mosqui- toes, gnats, moths, bedlus, ants, wa- -fSW ter bugs, silver fish. /' ' Pleasant odor, ;"./ stainless, made for 'Wi^ " home us... , SAY V' FQR WHAT YOU 'a NEED TO RAISE SPO U'LT R Y AND LIVESTOCK RIGHT SET YOUR PULLET GROWING NEEDS NOW i S Jfe Hardware Co. iT,'-"PORT ST. JOE 'FLORIDA pI Ilar Joe Ha ar.o ENJOYABLE BARBECUE HELD AT OVERSTREET A pit barbecue was, enjoyed by family and friends Sunday, May 0 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hardy at Overstreet. Herman Sullivan acted as chief cook, and it was the consensus of opinion that he can't *be beat when it comes to barbecuing pig. Enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sullivan and daughter Jane, Mr. andl Mrs. Paui N. Sullivan and daughters, Mary,, Julia and Norma, of Montgomery, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hardy Jr., and son Johnnie, of ,Millville; Mr.' and Mrs.. A. L. Kembrough and sons, Charles, and BuddDie, of Panama City; 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiddon and family of Tallahas- see; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitfield and daughter Shirley,' Miss Amy Lou Riqh, Mr. and Mrs. Jake White and daughter, Bobbie Jo, of We- wahitchka; Mr. and, Mrs. H. A. Hardy of White City; Miss Mai- garet Elder, of. Port St. Joe; Mr. and Mrs. Rolan B. Hardy and sou Dan, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guil- ford and family of Overstreet. After lunch the men relaxed and talked over old times, while the ladies washed, the dishes and gos- siped, and the young people went to the beach for a swim. All re- turned about 6 in the evening for the leftovers. All present enjoyed' the day and are looking forward, to another such occasion when the three navy boys, Maxie and Quincy( Haroy and Jimmie Guilford, return. J. A. M. CLUB MEETS The J. A. M. Club met Monday of last week at the home 'of Mrs. W. C. Pridigeon on Monument Ave- nue. An iuntcred-ting contest was enjoyed, the prize going to, Mrs; W. H. Howell. The hostess served a cold salad plate with coca colas to those, present. Next regular meeting of the club will be with Mrs, Verna Smith. ENTERTAIN SENIOR CLASS Mrs. J. B. Traweek and Mrs. Cantwell were hostesses to the senior class of the high school last Wednesday evening when they en- tertained with a scavenger hunt which ended at Frances' Grill, where they were served a de- licious lunch. After lunch was over, all went to the recreation center 'and enjoyed dancing for th'e remainder of the evening. Mr. and MIrs. Harold Powell had as their guests Sunday Mrs. N.V. Knickmeyer of Mobile, Ala., and Mrs. Bub Savel of Blountstown. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sellers and son spent Sunday in Geneva, Ala., visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. R. G. Paulk and children of Sumatra are. visiting this week with Mrs. Paulk's sister and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Stonewall Ham. Mr. and Mrs. W. J., Ferrell and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell spent Sunday in Greenslbor,, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark. S/Sgt. E. B. Ramey from Texas spent several days here as the guest of Miss Erline McClellan. Mr. and. Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon ane the Misses, Wanda Mae Spencer and Barbara Elwardis' left Friday for Birmingham and Montevallo, Ala. They will be accompanied home by their daughter, Virginia Pridgeon, who has -been attending 'school in Montevallo. Mrs. Gordon Thomas and, Mrs. Amelia LelHardy left Monday for Alban7., Ga., where Mrs. LeHardy will undergo treatment from her doctor there. Mrs. J. H. Kingry left Wednes- day for her home in Columbus, Ga., after a week's visit here with her sonand.wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kingry. S/Sgt. Charles, Mattair left 'ast Friday for Carratbelle after several days' visit here with his sister, Mrs. Omar Branch. ,. Sgt. Mattair spent 22 months in the South Pa-1 cific -...... Recreation Center Open Monday The recreation center at the Baptist church will be open Mon- day, May 21, at 8 p. m. The pufl- lic is invited to attend. Attend Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. L. G: Waldrop anna children attended a family re- union .Sunday in Elba, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell and son, Jimmy, spent Sunday in Chat- tahoochee visiting relatives. They were accompanied home 'by Mr. Howell's mother, Mrs. Florida Howell. Mrs.. T. S. Singletary and daugh- ter, Dorothy, spent Monday in Do- than, Ala., on business. J. L. Sharit Jr., arrived Friday night from Atlanta for a visit with his parents. Capt. George Tapper from the Marianna Air Base spent Mother's Day here with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. Robert Tapper. Mrs. FIorrie Connell and Miss Ruth Moore Connell spent Sunday in Wewahitchka, guests of Mrs. Harriet Rowel!. Mrs. Edith Gibson of Panaman City was the guest last Sautrday' of Mrs. Preston Holliday. Miss Ruiby Aultman spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dillard in Blountstown. Port Theatre A Martin Theatre ' Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAY AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, MAY 19 HERE COMES ACTION! EhinlOTT Chapter 14 of Serial "Haunted Harbor" - FEATURE NO. 2 - x IAW ^. SUNDAY, MAY 20 ,F - Shrt Subjects .- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anderson have, as heir house guest this week Mrs. Bert Wall of Jackson- ville. Billy HowelV', who has been at- tending Georgia Military Insti- tute, Barnesville, Ga., is spendlna two ,weeks here with his parents before entering the service of his country. The Misses Margie Kirkland and Betty Jo Lane from Auburn, Ala., spent the week-end here wita their mothers, Mrs. Ellen Kirklanv and Mrs. J. D. Lane. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted APALACHICOLA, FLA. I F you drive in at Sunny State for I service and don't get your wind- shield cleaned, we'll give you your purchase! .. COME IN TODAY! SUNNY STATE SERVICE MONDAY and TUESDAY May 21 and 22 Fr dll tty H F 1 E 4D -11h i py Homeier-Joar Carroll -Also LATEST NEWS COMMUNITY SING 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 7 ry TV V -Also- Chapter 15 of Serial "The Black Arrow" "FURY IN THE PACIFIC?" THURSDAY and FRIDAI May 24 and 25 INNI PIA, MOSS HAWS, Aig (! a I A victor. jE-- Sgt. Mark Daniels Pvt. Lo,;` McCollister Cpl. Do. Taylor J.-C.-Il Darmi,.. Sgt. Edmond O'Brien and many more LATEST NEWS "HOTLIP JA SPER" - I I .PAGE- THREE .THE SrTA'R, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY MAY 18 1945 r. flI IDTE&AR..rF JE'U4yC3*T, ~QW ~IU AY8.14 Mrs. Donaid Birathanddaugh- OUNT ter, Katherine, returned last. Fr-i I. "JiS OF COUNT day from .Cottondale where they visited Mrs. W. B. Shores. Mrs. Wewahitchka, Fla., Kate Harrell accompanied them May 8, 1945. home for a visit of several weeks. I The Board of County Commis- Mrs. Leroy Gainous and ci- singers of Gulf County met this dren spent the week-end in Pan- day in regular session with the ama City as guests of her mother, following .members present: W. R. Mrs. J. J. Perritt. They were ac- Connell, 'Chairman; W. C. Roche,, companded home by Mr. and, Mrs. Vice-Chairman; J. S. Daniels, J. J. E. Perritt and daughter, Gladys C. Martin and, Basil E. Kenney Jr. Jean. Clerk, Sheriff and County, Attor- Mr. and Mrs. Durel Brigman and ney were also in attendance. daughter, Carolyn, spent Sunday The meeting came. to order at in WestviEle, Ga.. visiting rela- 10:00 a. m. and. the following or- tives. der of business taken up: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rollins had Minutes of stated and inte-r as their guest last week Mr. Rol- evening meetings were read and lins' brother, T/5 Lawrence P. adopted. Ro'lins of th e Transportation Whereas,. the Canal Toll Fun of Corps, who has spent two and a Gulf County thas a surplus at this half years in Alaska. The two gen- time of oveaser there $18,000.amount i00; andr tlemen made a trip to Blakley. Ga., excess of the amount required to where thep visited with another meet interest on the $200,000.00 brother, M. F. Rollins. Canal Bond, issue maturing July 1, 1945; and, -. 'Whereas, additional tolls will -be collected, prior to the maturity LE ADS date of the next bonds, of said Canal Bond Fund.,, there was, a CL S I D A motion 'by Basil E. Kenney, Jr., that the County purchase an addi- FOR SALE tion-al $15,000.00 of the iSeries "G" War doonrls from the surplus monew FOR SALE 5 burner Florenc in the Canal Toll Fund account. kerosene cook stove, cabinet The motion was seconded by J. k. style, and one Florence kerosene Martin, unanimously adopted, and heater. Reasonable prices. Sev NV. R. Connell, .Ohairman of this Mrs. Roy Evans, Long Ave. Phone Board, was requested to. purchase ,122-W. 5-18* said Bonds through the Wewa- FOR SALE-Automatic gas water hicthka State Bank of this city, in tank; double bed innerspring the name of "Cowlty of Gulf, Flor- Imattress, good as new; oil stove, ida, (Canal To'l Fund-)." and Boss oven; also other items. Mrs. Pearl J. Whitfield, Home Phone 79-J. 5-11tf Demonstration Agent, came before the Board in the, interest of the FISHING POLES Cured fishing 4-H Club girls, to short course, Tal- poles for sale. Creech & Brooks; lahassee, which would necessitate office, Monument Ave,. 4-6tf the expenditure of approximately $85.00. After discussion, Commia- MISCELLANEOUS sioners Daniels and Roche con- tacted' the School Board and so- FOR RENT SIGNS-Two for 25c cured 50 per cent of the cost, at The Star office. tt whereupon the Board agreed Lt. FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms also pay 50 per cent, and instruct- that are guaranteed to get the ed the Clerk to issue a Warrant fish for you. See EddieBeverly on the Generale Fund in the suth in the Sheffield colored quarters. of $42.50 and deliver same to Mrs. Whitfield. MASONIC TEMPLE F & A M- Whereupon the Board of Public Port St. Joe Lodge 111. Regular Instruction having refunded the meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- sum of $5,000.00 to the County of days each month, 8:00 p. m. the $9,000.00 delivered, to said d Members urged to attend; Board on September 12,1944. there siting brothers welcome. J. L. was a motion byi Basil E. Kenne.y, Temple, W. M.; G. C. Atkins, Sec. Jr., that this amount of $5,000.00 be allocated to the Municipal Hos- LEGAL ADVERTISING pital at Port St. Joe. 'The motion NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED was seconded by Commissioner House Bill No. 1862 Roche, and upon being put to a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that C, G. vote was as follows: Those'in fa- Costin, the holder of the following certifi- vor of the move were, Basil E. cates has filed said certificates for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- Kenney. Jr., W. C. Roche and J. cate numbers and years of issuance, the '. Martin; opposed,, J. S-. Daniels. description of the property, and the names The motion carried and, the Clerk in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No. 271. Year of issuance 1940. and Chairman of this. Board in- Description of Property: structed to issue warrant in the Lot 6, Block 1, Oak Grove Subdi- sum of $5,000.00 drawn on the vision. Sec. 13, Twp. 8 S. R 11 IV. Name in which assessed: W. E. Hancock. Race Track Fund, payable to the AHl of said property being in the County Municipal Hospital at Port St. Joe, of Gulf, State of Florida. Florida. Unless such certificate or certificates r. shaIr be redeemed according to law the The following bills were pre- property described in such certificate or sented, examined, approved and certificates will be sold to the highest bid- ordered paid, from the several der- at the court house door on the first Monday in the month of June, 1945, which County Funds, to-wit: is the 4th day of June. 1945.. General Fund Dated this 4th day of Mayv, 1945. J.R HUNTER, Dr. A. L. Ward, bal. acct. $ 2.00 (SEAL) Clerk of Circuit Court W. R. Connell, salary .... 49.90 5-4 6-1 of Gulf County, Florida. J. Daniels., salary and NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED mileage ................ 50.90 T' House Bill No. 1862 J. C. 'lVMartih ...... 56.90 NO'TICE IS HEREEY GIVEN, that C, G. Basil E. Kenney Jr, .. 55.10 Costin. the holder of te older of the following certifi55 cates has filed said certificates for a W. C. IOche ...... 55.10 tax deed to be issued thereon. The certifi- Geo. Cox, county indigent 10.00 cate numbers and years of issuance, the Polly Hardy ...... 10.00 description of the property, and the names tran 10.00 in which it was assessed are as follows, W. T. Strange 10.00 Certificate No. 262. Year of issuance 1940. J. R. Hunter, salary, cash Description of Property: paid for repairing ma- Lots 11 and 13, Block 1002, Cir hie, tc61.40 of Port St. Joe, Florida, Sec. 1, chines, etc. .P .... .... .... Twp. 8 S. R 11 W. The Star Publishing Co., Name in which assessed: Ernest Williams minutes .............. 35.00 Estate. All of said property being in the County Mrs. Pearl J. Whitfield, sal- of Gulf. State of Florida. ary and expenses ...... 100.00 Unless sucb certificate or certificates Postmaster, co. postage 9.00 shall be' redeemed according to law the, C G Rish salary ........ 74.30 property described' in such certificate or a ........ certificates will be sold to the highest bid- E. Clay Lewis Jr., salary .. 39.50 der at the court house door on the first Robt. Scott, sal. and yards, 122.80 Monday in the month of June, 1945, which C. Glass, supplies county is the ,4th day of June. 1945. C. E. Glas, supplies county ,Dated this 4th day of May, 1945. indigent, Jan. to Apl. inc. 159.18 J. R. HUNTER, City of Wewahitchka, Race -(EAL) Clerk of Circuit Ceurt Track allocation ........ 1500.00 6-4 6-1 of Gulf County, Florida. City of Pori St. Joe, Race NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED Track allocation ....... 1500.00 House Bill No. 1862 IPW T, r ii. Pn Bun 'llesi 96 89 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 0, H&W B Drew Co., supplies- 96.89 Costin, the holder-of the following certifi- Bishop Office Equipment cates has filed said certificates for a Co., supplies ............ 11.88 ta. deed to be issued thereon. The -certifi- Municipal OF1ital Or,,v eate nitmbers and years of issuance, the Municipal Hospital, county descriptiotr bf- the property, and the 'names indigents .............. 33.330 in whtbh lit was assessed are as 'follows: St. Jos. Tdl. & Tel. Co., a/ic 3.0b Certificaf No. 207. Year of issuance 1-925. F. M'. Carplbell, legal work 5.00 Description- of Property:' - Lot 12; Block 1002, City of Port J. R. .Hunter, Guilf Co. vs. St. Joe, Florida, Sec. 1, Twp. 8 Certain Lands suit ..... 6.2i V'e n which assessed: R. A. Costi. Eldd. C. Pridgeon, .postage All of .said property being in the County etc. ... .................. 5.23 of Gulf, State of Florida. The Gulf County Breeze, UnITies siieh "eettificate or certificates stationery ................ 4.50 dishl he redeemed according to law tlie e ' property. described in such- certificate- or 20% Tax Account, withheld certificate will be sold to the higahest'hia- -for Aptfl ................. 17.00 dCr at the court house door on the first Gulfn Hr.wr._ &r Suply Monday in the month of Jupe. 1945, which , iS the 4th day of June. 195. i CO. ............... 13.5 Dated this "4th day of Mav. 1B45. J(. B. P~rd, on infinity -,4-l. ,,' fW- y* Pinti .. Homcr Coe *. .... 2.00 Y COMMISSIONERS Dr. J. R. Norton ...., 5.00 Dr. AL. Ward .... 5.00 B. E. Parker, cost 'bills ... 39.50 Wewa. Power, Light & Ice Co., water and lights .. 55.98 Mrs. Pearl J. Whitfield, 50 pct. ex. 4-H -Club girls.. 42.50 Fine and Forfeiture Fund J. R. Hunter, recording convictions ............ $ 17.2ib J. E. Pridgeon, cost bills.. 150.00 E. Clay Lewis, Jr., salary and, convictions ........ 14'0.00 B. E. Parker, cost 'bills ... 725.0k Road and Bridge Fund Gaskin Brds. Lumn'ber Co. 1,,,trnlpr ...............$ 127.29 D. M. Thomas, salary .... 132.60 C. H. Collins 'Garage, a/c... 2.50 Allen. Kemip, road- work .. 16.00 :TanDIs TRogers, tractor man 48.00 J. J. Roberts ...... 24.0u Ernest Rhames, road work 6.00 A. J. Jenks, salary, etc. .. 140.90 0. Z. Thomas., work on 'ferry 4.00 St. Joe Motor Co., a/c .... 6.15 Estate 'H. C. Lister, mov- ing tractor ............ 35.00 Burford-Toothaker Trac- tor Co., o/c ............ 7.68 St. Joe Lumber .& Export Co.. lumber ............ 5.2.66' Wewa. Hardware Co.. a/c 6.32 20% Tax Account, Rwithheld' 15.50 Gulf Hardware & Supply Co., a/c ............... 15.25 Sunny State Service, a/c 51.46 B. E. Parker, cost bills ... 60.00 -City Service 'Garage. a/c.. 21.75 James Laurimore, clay and hauling ................ 34.40 Cary Thomas, one day on ferry ................... 4.001 J. R: Hunmter, boat for ferry James LaurLmore, building culverts .... ............ Race Track Fund General Fund, transfer, ..$5( Municipal -Hospital, alloca- tion .... ........... 5C Mother's Pension Fund Minnie Paul, mother's pen- sion ..................... Jessie Walsingham .. ,trs. J. C. Laurimore .... Julia Odom ........ Etta Rhames .... Corine Jenks' .... Rosa Stevens .... Mrs. R. L. Williams .... Eliza Williams .... ais. Causey Griffin ..... Mrs. Fred G. Hall .... Canal Toll Fund R. J. Pitts. salary ......$ 20% Tax Acct., withheld Wewa. State Ban.k, pur- ,chase War Bonds. .... 15,( There being no further bus to come Ibefore the. Board at time, it did then adjourn until next regular meeting in Jun same 'being the 12th 'day of month, unless, called in s session by the Chairman. s/ W. R. CONNIE: Attest: Chaii J. R. HUNTER, Clerk. Mr.' and Mrs. R. R. Wilks Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lawson a business trip to Pensacola day. 'Mrs. S. Lisenby left Sati for her home in Dothan, Ala ter a visit of, several days with her son-in-law and ,dau' Mr. andi Mrs. H. A. Campbell. Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. . [ I HEN the stress of modern V living gets "on your nerves" a good sedative can do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make you more comfortable, to permit restful sleep. Next time a day's work and, worry or a night's waketulnessu, makes you Irritable, Restless or, Jumpy-gives you Nervous Head- ache or Nervous Indigestion, try, Dr. Miles Nervine ,(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets), Dr. Miles Nervine is a time-1 tested sedative that has been' bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty, years yet is as up-to-date as this morning's newspaper. Liquid 250 and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 859 arid 75*. Read'directions and use onlyeas directed. ", '"Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" pp- T di 0~ doom 409MM ab 4000 90edm 4domoe 11"GIND pm lw -mo -N 0mv0 q 1111 .~ - a - sme qb -EMo b- 4- 4m .410 lwwmmf " Im a m 4 -4 nam 4 I -TETT~.~RbT~i J~ GI;-.jEI.I, JIRS '' SIA~,;MAY'l-k t 946 An OellRtD -i 25.00 '' Mr. and Mrs' Calvin Fairc'Qtl of the Box R Ranch near Apalach - cola visited here Monday with Mr. i00.00 and Mrs. Fred Maddox. 00.00 Miss Florenice Hall accompanied her father, H. E. Hall,, to Talla- hassee Sunday, returning home $ 6.00 Monday. 3.00 6.00 3.00 6.0u DON'T WAIT - 3.00 3.00 ,until your shoes are entirely 3.00 worn out! Have them repaired 6.00 now. We give you savings and 3.00 satisfaction with tluick and dependable service. 920 The LEADER )00.00 SHOE SHOP miness I t this e, the e'tn CAN'T YOU Ssaict .. man. SLEEP? |