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TH E STAR -- --4.~ SOfficial , iw mpaper A f< 1 "^ "iflf totialt 4 * VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE,, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1945 '.NUMBER 27 general elections and who are also sympathy of the, community goes- Back From Overseas June land owners within the district. out to those who survive her In J. D. Rowan, TM 1/c, who has ( : their hur.,oUo sorrow, been overseas for more than two CAFE IS REMODELED -- -- years, is the guest this week of VETI ANQ ':REPAINTED ROOM FOR SEVERAL NEW his sisters, Mrs. W. L. Smith and Frances' Cafe, which has been SUBSCRIBERS THIS MONTH Mrs. Doris Stewart. closed since last Sunday, will re- After cleckilng off" those Who ---- ----- This open for business- next Tuesday failed to. renew their,-subscriptions Leave, For. St. Augustinm a npti after undergoing, a complete hewr during February and the first week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kidd left veterin face-lift.' Manager Troy Jones La. of March, we find- that there are last Friday for St. Augustine to Joen or having the interior remoidelted and' still available openings, n The make their future home. purpose repainted and i.. installing a cool- Star's mailing' list to the number rabies., tug system. which, he,. says, wilX f t 17. Originally there were 23 Al 1 make it the coolest spot in town. vacancies, -But six new subssribers, RA0TIORN i' -T-S will n ----- have already 'gone on the list: this, I ,Ol l T .lV J the cit Have Visitors Frgr othan e |lllll| I|Hll|l l liiiHt! lllnilll IIIfltllHlIII., dog for Mr. and Mrs. W.. p Uirn -a.aid --------- Precessed Foods---Blue stamps: license daughter, LaRue,' ,of,,Dothan, -Ala., V.1qltng Parenta "D' t" '02 Expre Aprl. 28; H2 to 'og, spent last week' here .a; guests, o Mr., Vera Smth, Mts. .-Wv. '"' '. expire June 2, N'2'to '2 expire a'dvapt Mr and Mrs. Dan .rpokL.. Belin and ;M-iss Margaret Belin June 3 0 T2 to 'X2 empire July 31. ar ove to 'Tallahassee last Priday Meats and Pats Red staps. Atten Vis;t-in Atlanta to meet Mrs. Willard Meyers andT' eats and ats Red stamps. s. 'T5to X5 expire 'Aprl l.28; Y5 to Mrs. Mrs. Whaley Johnson and Mrs. baby of Oharlotte, N. C., who will Z5 and. A2. to D2 expir." June 2; Frida G. R Mize visited Miss Gertrude visit here with her parents, Mr. J ir June to ed Boye inAtlan,t.a; during th and-Mrsj;W.: Bel.,.,,f soe. o J2 expireiJuly -1 Ju. 3 X ct ebra Easter holidays." tine Mrs. M yers will be r'eme4- mother --- bered, as Miss, Marbha.Belin. Sugar-Stamp 35. pod. for' five Spendsastier Holidaiys Here --::: pounds. spires. June 2. 'Miss Carolyn Baggett from Stet. Visiting In Georgia Shoes-Alrfolaa stanBs' lifo. 1 , son University, Deland, spent te- .'a.Saa ely left l .Tuesday 2 and 3 vii indfinitel ville, Easter holidays here-,witkh her par- for a, t fw *jY' vil't with relatives l G .oliae---1eu~.i ar e aow KMrs. IL eots, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Baggett. in Dawson, Ga. valid through M,'rdi'1, 195. tives -61 Six Teams Sign Up Red Cross Drive In Softball League; Ends, Breaking First Tilt Tuesday Local Records WILL VISIT PARENTS Governor ,Tax i Sta Pfc. William- H. Stripling, with Governor Asks Tax Silver Star Awarded the Engineers, is expected to a- Hike;Gray S y s o rive here this week from Daytona ays L t v sse V. ichols Beach to visit his parents, Mr. and 11 -Mrs. J. 0. Stripling. He Is. return- Florida Sell Liquor Third Posthumous Award Will Be ing on furlough after 28 months in Presented His Mother Here the European theater of war. Two Proposals for Additional Rev- Tomorrow MAX MADDOX IN ENGLAND, enue Are Suggested As 1945 ---- FirMAXst MADDOX IN ENGLANDow Legislature Convenes At a special presentation cere- First iLt Max Maddox is now --mony tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 serving at an ATC base in Great In a 3500-wordi message to the. o'clock, Mrs. Viola G. Nichols wilN Britain. He is a member of the 1945 session of the state legisla- receive the Silver Star Medal..on urapeaon division of the Air ture which .got under, way. Tuesday) behalf of her son, Pvt. Jesse, M. Transport Command, U. S. Army at Tallahassee, ,in which, he set Nichols, who was killed in action forth a program for expanded, in France on October 24, 1944. SEND4 J APD BOOT S,-SHOES state services and, post-war 'eco- The presentation will be made SSND .JA P-BOcs SHOES, .nomic, cishiionfilg,- Goverioi. Mil- by Brigadier General W. H. Hol- S Gaston Dickens last week lardiCGald-.ell. also .-asked.,that -the combe, conimandlng officer, of r.ecetved a pair of Jap officer s state solons increasetxe q op o lg- Camp Gordon Johnston. ot a pair of Jap GI Joe shows arets, beer and utilities. to the This is 'the third .posthumous ,alt itoen Dickenl from his tune of ver 13,000,000' awards to be .made to Pvt. Nichols, yotr, Cippienes.ckhey,,whoeres If his s.ugges-tione a.re .-enected- his: mother already -having- re-, Sthe. Pbllcppinea." JThey were into law, citizens .will haie to:dig.ceived the .Purple. Heart an4d their cured from a captured Jap ware-, up. a fQur.-ent-a.package ta ,,. on -Bronze Star Med^a.; SuTe 'n-bpotd woesof s cigarets instead of the present ,Friends. ot Mrs. Nidliols 'and her STh.- rpo ..oP.-so.ft eoatGh.er. and three cenf, 'pay a 'three-cent 'tax son are invited to attend th-cere- S the soleright size or Gaston, have on each 12-ounce bottle of beer money. tomorrow- afternoon, which Th ae and a proportionate rate on, quart will take place in the local Red Begs. The shoes are made ofamany bottles and draft beer instead ot Cross office in the Costin building. mall1 pieces of pigskin and have the present seven-eighths of-. onei ----- ----: h.ls-inch *pure rubber- soles and cent on each bottle, and shell out PAPERMAKERS NAME* heels. The knife, a wicked-looking 10 per cent additional on bills for OFFICERS FOR YEAR curved affair, is hand-made and city, gas andtelephone OFFICERS FOR YEAR complete with wooden scabbard. electricity, gas, and telephone ser- vice. Present utility ly .is St. Joe Local No. 379, affiliated Aper cent. ADDRESSES On the other hand, SenatorCa with the International Brotnei- Sgt. Roy Reddo 34054629, 1505th t ohood of Papeirmakers, this weel Gray, representing Calhoun,rPt ..s AAF Base Unit, Sec. C, Mather Washington and Gulf counties re-elected T. G. Frary as. pres- Field, Calif. Wshgton an Glf counties dent, B. L. McConnels as vice- has a proposed bill to set up state president di Charles Parrtt as Capt. A. W. Bremer 0456041, iquor which he says if president 1 ndi Charles Parrott as Service Co. 701st Tank Bn., APO ncted, uld make t unnece- treasurer. New officers elected 655 c/o Postmaster, 'New York. acted, would akedtional taxes were. T. W. Chandler, recording Sgt. Lewis Walters, USMC S suggested by the governor Hs secretary, and B. H. Munn, finan- 11, MA ,p9. j-l,-A, c./o .Piee measure would Wi'& these' state cial secretary. W. T. Roberts was Postoffice, San Francisco Cai. tores hard liquors made corresponding secretary and ,Major Earl Lupfer, 664th stores sell only ard liquors n C. F. Gautreaux, guard. . Bn., Fort Sills, Okla. option. There wbuld be only pa Trustees elected -for the coming Pvt. Roy F. Gaskin, 44007959, Co. age sales at a fixed pri in year were I. C. Lupton, 0. 0. Cut- B, 67th Bn., 14th Reg., Camp Fan- a s n o t e n rer and G. B. McLawhon. Shop nin, Texas. amounts not more than one gallon stewards appointed were W. M. It is estimated, that, Gray's bill Chafin, James Tryon, Paul Bass, Directors For Soil would -raise betweefi eighteen and 0O. 0. Hammock and John Dend'y. Conservation District -twenty million dollars. T. Davis was appointed to head Are To Be Elected 'a campaign committee. SSERVICES HELD SUNDAY The Papermakers are looking This -issue of The Star carrieR FOR MRS. C. R. MAHON forward to a year of greater pro- announcement of a county-wide Funeral services were held Sun- duction than ever, and a year of election to be -held April 18 for the day at the Sangal;ee Funeral Home grater union activity and mem- purpose of .electing five super- in Apalachicola 'for Mrs. Charles ers visors for the recently-formed'soil R. Mahon, who passed away ,at Conducting Revival conservation district in the county her home in Oak Grove, last Friday Rev. R. F. Hallford is conduct- known as the "Tupelo Soil Con- after a prolonged illness. Inte-i alatPodn - servation District. t pn i s- 'ing a revival at Providence Bap- Voting places will be at the city meant was in the Apalachicola cem twist Chuch near Quincy this week. hall in Port St. Joe andl at the eatery. ,Povidence church is the oldest court house in Wewahitcka. Pols rs. Mahon, familiarly known t.Baptist church in the state of wll -be open from 9 a. m. to 5 everyone as "Aunt Mamie," will Florida, having observed its cen- p. m. Qualified to vote.will be be missed not only 'by her family tennial year in September 1943. those who are qualified to vote! in but by all, who knew her, .and the -K---- e. Z-Ki~wanim and. LegiTI. Continued on Page 2) ERINARY COMING Tdi VA.CINATE DOGS. Kiwanis and Rotary T? Meet In Opener; Three Games To Be Played Each Week Details for a city softball league were worked out Tuesday at a meeting held at Danley's store at- tended by representatives. of six teams, the American Legion, Ro- tary Club, Kiwanis Club, the high' school and two teams.from the St. Joe Paper Company., \ . . It was agreed that the league play would open next Tuesday v ith a tilt between-' the Kiwanis and!: 'Rotary teams. The games will be played on Tuesday and Fri- day nights, with a single game, on. Tuesday and a double-header on Friday, the TuesdAy games to begin' at 8 p. m. and the Friday' games at 7:30 p. -m. Admission will -be 25c for adults and 10c for children.. Arrangements to place the dia- mond in first cla-ss shape' we-re made and the following schedule. of games drawn tip: April 10-Kiwanis and Rotary. April 13-High School and Main- tenance; Papermakers and Amer- loan Legion, April, 17-(Papermakers and Ro- tary. ' April 20-Maintenance and Ki- wanis: Legion and High School;. April 24-Maintenance and Pa- permakers. April' 27-Legion aid Rotary; Kiwanis and High School. May 1--High S,:hool ad -Paper- makers. -May 4-Maintenance and Rotary; Kiwanis and) Legion. May 8-High School and Main- tenance. May 11-Rotary and Kiwanis; Legion and Papermakers. May 15-Papermakers and Ro- tary. May 18-Kiwanis and Mainten- ance; Legion and High School. My 22-Rotary and Legion. May 25--Maintenance and Pa- permakers; High school and Ki- wanis. . May 29-Maintenance and Ro- tary. June 1-Papermakers and High School; Legion and- Kiwanis. June 5-Papermakers and Le- gion. June 8-Maintenance- and High School; Rotary and Kiwanis. June 12-High School and Le- gion.. June 15-Maintenance and Ki- wanis; Rotary and Papermakers: June 19- -Maintenance and Pa- permakers. June 22-Rotary and Legion; Kiwanis and, High School. v3..ol -' ". The United' National Clothing Collection drive for the, relief of issue of The Star carries peoples in freed countries got un- ce that Dr. LaRue Garrett, derway in Port St.. Joe Monday arian, will be in Port St. under the direction of a committee SAiiil 16 and- 23 for the headed, by T. G. Frary. Other mem- e of vaccinating dogs or gers of the committee are H. U. Brown, publicity; Mrs. C. G. Con- ogs treated, by Dr. Garrett tin, collection; W. C. Roche, pack- )t .be subject to license.-'by ing and shipping, and Mrs. A. L. "y, as the charge of $2 per Ward, reports. The collection de- r the treatment include,' h pot has been establishedc, at the fee. office of the Florida Power Cor- owners-'are. urged- .to take poratlon. age off this service. .. .. This drive, designed to provide S "'' the peop6ls of the war-ravaged na- ;ding Weddinfg Ani.ver,ArY.' tons with apparel and. bedding, .A. B. q4qntg.omery.,leift 14~t sorely 'needed, to protect their -: -for -Saiaiidaah-, Ga., tbh at. health andl 'bring at least a inodl- ie '50ti wedding aanniversa'W.; cum of comfort as they strive to tion ,o.f ,her T,4er d re-esta-bllsh themselves, asks us S',. :' all" t6 contribute all types o'f set- '- viceable used clothing and 9hoes. - isior F'Ii latJarn .- Piece goods remnants of all kinds -,D S. iBson' .rofH- s: a yatd,.or more' n lefigth are ailo >, Tvisting her mo&;r, welcome cohtrtbutlonsi, as their ;. C.6stia,' and, other re~' bi-' c be us4d' by those to whom te . 0' clothing will be ipe ' _~I~~ Chairman Conklin Reports That, Gulf County Quota of $6200 Is Exceeded By $3,617 Gulf county's annual Red CrosS War Fund Roll Call produdedi $3,436 over the quota of $6200 as- signed the county, according to' final figures announced by B. B. Conklin, chairman, who called. the response of-thd people here "mag- nificent." . Total contributions in..the county amounted to. $9,817.06... Contributions and amounts col-' .lcted -by the coch'air, n' and' their bl(ck workers- 'fo llbWd:' MrW. Massey, W-ard;i $3.8.05; Mrs. I-.: . Farnell, $55;- Tyndal' Field. civilian employees, .$408,35; Mrs. Jimmiel Kilbourne, $25.30; Teenettes Club, $131.80; Mrs. H. C. Brown-, $8250;6 Mrs. R. W. Smith, $49.07; Mrs.. Rochelle Jackson, $30; Emeline Belin, $6 ; B. i' H. --Smith, $59.35; Mrs. B. C. Gailliard, $52.65; Mrs. Watson S pith,, $16.50 ;,. Damon Pe- ters and Beautician Cluib,. $120.09; Mrs. J.' T. McNeilll Indian Pass,: $136.85;' w. A. Roberts, Beacon- Hill. $51.22; -Mrs. G' A. Patton,, Oak Grove, $59.14; ,Mrs. Alton Hardy, White *City;- $12.75;' Mrs., W. H. Weeks, and Mrs. P. Brig- man, Highlandi View, $79.25; G. H. Redfearn, Wewahitchka, $441.79;. Mrs. J.' R. Guilford, Overstreet, $26; Floyd Hunt, St. Joe, Lumbemi & Export Co., $1,38i.90; E. ',1.4 Ho- .baugh, St. Joe Paper Co., $4851.50; Robert Bellows, special gifts, $1,- 033.50. Credit .for this great showing for Gulf county goes to B. B. Conklin, who has served as war fund' chair- man for a number of years, the, untiring efforts of all co-chairmen and block workers, and the gener- osity of the, contributors, to all of whom the local chapter officials are greatly Indebted. Without this, wonderful spirit of co-opera- tion the local chapter could not carry on the many services to the servicemen, their dleptendents -and returning veterans. Clothing Drive Gets Underway CitizenA of Port St. Joe Asked To Contribute Unused Garments and Shoes for Relief PAG 'TW TH TR OT T.JE'Gl' ONY L~S FI~V PI s 1 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, PFl, by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Aet of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -e{ Telephone 51 '- TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken rord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed, The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Owr Country Right or Wrong - i FOR WANT OF A NAIL- "For want of a nail a shoe was lost .. " Most of us are familiar with the military adage which opens with that line and goes on to tell how the missing nail, by costing the. loss of a shoe, cost the loss of a horse, of the general who rode it and, ultimately, the loss of the battle in which the general's leadership was essential to victory. Through its frequent repetition, or through sayings of similar character, the lesson of the importance of seemingly trivial things to great achievements has- been pretty well es- tablished in American minds. SOFTBALL LEAGUE Visiting From Washingtort Mrs. Alma Guilford of Washing- (Continued from page. 1) ton, D.' C., arrived Wednesday for June 29-Maintenance and Ro- a visit here with her parents, Mr. tary; Papermakers and High and Mrs. W. J. Daughtry. School. __________ July 3-High School and Main- tenance. J. L. Sharit Jr., from Athenb, July 6-Kiwanis and Rotary; Le- Ga., spent the, week-end here with gion and Papermakers. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. U.. July 10-Kiwanis and Maiuten- h t* ance. Sharit. July 13-High School and Le- Mrs. R. F. Hallford and son, gion; Papermakers and Rotary. Bobby, are visiting relatives in July 17-High School and Kr- Alabama this week. wanis. July 20--Maintenance and Pa- Mrs. D. J. Coleman and son of permakers; Rotary and Legion. Carrabelle shopped here Wednes- July 24-Maintenance and Ro- day. tary. July 27-Papermakers and) High School; Legion and Kiwanis. July 31-Kiwanis and Rotary. DON T WAIT August 3-Maintenance and High J WAIT - School; Legion.. and Papeimakers. until your shoes are entirely August 7-Maintenance and Ki- worn out! Have them repaired wanis. August 10-'Rotary and Paper- now. We give. you savings and makers; Legion and High School. satisfaction with quick and August 14-Rotary and Legion. dependable service. August 17-Maintenance and Pa- permaerks; High School and Ki- The LEADER wants. August 21-Legion and Kiwanis. SHOE SHOP August 24-Maintenance andi Ro- tary; High School and Paper- Augst 28- High School and A KA-SELTZER Maintenance. LK LI August 31-KiwanisTn-lTRotary; Papermakers and Legion. Sept. 3-Kiwanis and. Mainten- ance. '6y E Sept. T7-Papermakers and Ro- tary; High -School and Legion. w DAY permakers. Sept. 11-Maintenance and Pa- Sept. 14-Legion and Rotary; f Kiwanis and High School. , Sept. 18-Papermakers and, High School. - Sept. 21-Maintenance and Ro- ; 'W tary; Kiwanis and Legion. i - METHODIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Langston. Pastor 9:46a.m.--hurch school 1A:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30 p. m.--Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship.; Woman's Society meets Mon- ("CCASIONALLY, I wake up iin days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, the mornies wear ith aHeong he Bible study and choir practice middle of the forenoon, but I don't Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. want to wait that long, so I drink a ____ __ ass of sparkling ALKASELTZER. In jPRESBYTERIAN little while I am feeling a PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lot bette. Rev. W. A. Daniel. Pastor. Smwetmnes the week's ironing tire Sunday school 9:45 a. m. meIand makes me se and s. kThe ifS ALKA-SEUZU to the Preaching services every first se-ue.-a tablet or two and.a le and: third. Sunday at. 11 a. m. rest makes me feel mat like fish- You are cordially invited to wor- n g t j ship with us. too well," ALKAI-SILTZERii'~e ______ ____ the Acid I n .sUatWu t-ht so often EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9 A lt-S1e brigt. I Services every Sunday evening daY. It brin relief from so nwy at 7:30 o'clock. 1 I y dont &et a psek. use Mr. and Mrs. Massey Ward and AXLKA SI u etar dr s daughters spent the Easter holl- misy? days In De Funiak Springs vtising e *IMW P as 0, -# k;.' S , Mrs. Ward's .,mothex5 1,- Yet, we wonder how many people here in Dizzy Definition-Old Maid: One kec.'s ,praying. she'll" be asked, the Port St. Joe have thought of the importance who knqw' all the answers and iqudstions.- of their castoff clothes, shoes and bedding to ' the restoration of this war-torn world and W we're Overstocked O . the wholesome and lasting peace which we RON LEO RUM all desire when the final victory over the Axis nations is won. FIFTHS $3.15 For want of adequate clothing during the five or more years of Axis aggression, un- PINTS- -- $1.75 counted numbers of the men, women anid It MUST Be Moved! children-innocent victims of hte Nazis and japs-have been dying of exposure or dis- S T. JO E B A R eases traceable thereto. As our valiant armies PORT ST. JOE -:- FLORIDA liberate their lands and free their peoples, the -.... full extent of their suffering and their pres- .. ent desperate needs are revealed-large fam- ilies forced to share tattered garments that t son; children and older people forced to re- i main in their shattered hovels or to step forth virtually naked into the rigors of harsh Notice is hereby given -to all dog owners that Dr LaRue climates; other.Axis-made conditions equally Garrett, D.V.M., will be at the City Hall Monday, April .,. appalling. 16 from 9 a. m. to 12 noon and on Monday, April 23 from For their want of such clothing, the full 3 to 6 p. m. for the purpose of vaccinating dogs for rabies. fruits, of ultimate victory over the Axis can A charge of, two dollars ($2.00) will be made for each be lost. But there is no need for any such dog treated. lack while storage places in millions of Amer- All dogs treated by Dr. Garrett will not be subject to ican homes are hung with castoff, yet still license by the City of Port St. Joe. All dogs found within serviceable, spare clothes,'shoes and bedding. the City after April 23 that have not been treated for The United National Clothing Collection, rabies will be impounded and disposed of according to law. which opened on April 1, is.designed to trans- Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of March, 1945. fer our serviceable castoffs to these stricken, M. P. TOMLINSON, peoples. : 6-13-20 City Auditor and Clerk. What can you spare that they can wear ?. Soldiers of. the PULPWOOD ARMY they're vital to Victory! The men who wield their axes and saws in the Army of the Woods are playing a vital part in winning the war. In fact, many of them have been specifically draft deferred because their boards felt they could render a more valuable service cutting pulpwood than in the front line. Great credit is also due to the foresters and county agents and others who have supplied the technical information and helped organize the work. A Great Responsibility Pulpwood is a vital material with countless war uses. The shortage of pulpwood is so serious ttat it is nw on the war production urgency list. Men whose war job is pulpwood produc-- tion are keenly, aware of the importance of their assignment and the necessity of getting out every possible cord. VICTORY PULPWOOD COMMITTEE i I c.OR PLftiamsD C. H. JOHNSON ,-^..^... B. WHITE W. S. SMI'H ----- '- --r -=-- 1 - IPAQE TWO TE-;;~i~li;~ranrs~~~,,IJ ~iF- fwtDA~ ..IFRIDAY? APRIL~,8? ~.19~F~ IA A 6, 194 T A O S. JE G EGG HUNT ENJOYED AT KENNEY'S MILL Mrs. B. W. Bray entertained the children of Kenney's Mill with an Easter egg.lunt Sunday afternoon. at 3:30. Prizes were given for tne one finding the prize egg and the largest numbl.er ofeggs. After the fun of the afternoon was over Mrs. Bray was assisted in serving soft drinks and cookies by Mrs. J. B. Traweek and Mrs. G. Manasco. Mrs. Chaney Campbell and two daughters of St. Andrews visited here over the week-end with her mother, Mrs. T. M. Bandy. JOS. B. SPEAR OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted APALACHICOLA, FLA. DRIVE BY' SUNNY STATE SERVICES and Get Your Windshield Cleaned! $300.00 LEGION AUXILIARY TO AID LITTLE MISS BROOKS - tN CHILDREN'S CLINIC ) OBSERVES NATAL DAY A call meeting of the Americau Mrs. Dan Brooks entertained Legion Auxiliary was held Friday Saturday in honor of the thira evening, at the,home of Mrs. R. birthday ofher daughter, Dannettv. V., Coburn for the purpose of nmak- An Easter egg hunt was enjoyea, ing plans ror the crippled chnl- dren's clinic to be held here Aprit 14 at the local health office. ' Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon gave an in- teresting talk about the work be- ing done for crippled children through these clinics. . Mrs. C. C. Taunton told of what the Auxiliary is doing for the re- turned veterans in the various hospitals throughout the country. Mr. and Mrs. Opal Ogburn and children of McClen-ney are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stone. Mrs. Og'burn is the former Miss Ola Stone. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Coburn spent Saturday in Greensboro, guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Otha Row6n. Mrs. Durel Brigmian and daugh- ter, Carolyn, returned ..home Mon- day from Westville, where. the7 visited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Perry McFarland of Frink are the guests this week of Mr. and-Mrs.. Fred Maddox. Mrs. Leroy Gainous and children were guests of Mrs. J. J. Perritt in Panama City over the Easter season. -:-.'- $300.00 MONEY TO LOAN NO RED TAPE - IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT FIVE MINUTES TO GET UP TO $300.00! At Confidential Loan Co. PORT ST. JOE $300.00 FLORIDA $300.00 Kenney Mercantile: Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE. MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136- W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ._ s .=.- -= -% , "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F; HALLFORD, Paut6r Telephoe. 156 ~1 S 11:00-Morning Worship. 9:45--Sunday School for all. 7:0--Baptist Training Union. :00-Eveving Worship. E I.-fRY B6 D Y W" 'LC OME ! I with the prize for finding the most eggs going to Betty Ward. Later punch and cake were served to the fourteen small guests and each re- ceived as a favor a small Easter basket filled with candy. Enjoying this' occasion with Dan- nette were John andi Anne Millet, Lynn Fleishel, Kenneth Hurlbut, Betty and Bolb'by Ward, Clay anli Reed Lewis, Alex Gailliard, Glenn Boy'es, Judith Fensom, Olivia and 1 Sadie: Wooden, Dblores Chism, hEa- ward Smith, Kay Creech andi La- Aue Horn of Dothan. The hostess was, assisted in serving by her mother, Mrs. W. L. Horn of Dothan, Ala. J.A.M. CLUB MEETS AT WHITE CITY WITH MRS. PRIDGEO;N The J. A. M. Olub held its regu- lar meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. B. A. Pridigeon at White City. Upon arrival of tne guests they were, served a de- licious buffet supper. There were ten members pres- ent and three. visitors, Mrs. G. S. Croxton, Mrs. Charels Stebel and Mrs. Willie Ola Upsbaw. *Next meeting of the:club will be held April 16 with .Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs: 0:.J. Moore of this city announce the 'birth of a son on March 28. Mr. and! Mrs. William P, Dock- ery of earrabelle announce the birth of a daughter, March 28, at the Port St. Joe municipal hospital. Mrs. Auburn Taylor and! baby and Mrs. Chuck Gibson and chil- dren spent the Easter holidays In Blakley, Ga., the guests of their mother, Mrs. W. A.- Harper. Mrs. Harper returned home with then- *for a week's visit. Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. W. B. Ferrell, Mrs. W. J. 'Ferrell and Miss Ruth Moore Connell shopped last Friday in Panama City. Douglas Nail, S=[Ar, and family, of Jacksonville, spent -the Easter holidays here with relatives. Miss Sally Traweek returned home- Monday from Montgomery, Ala., .after a visit, with her uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mc- Knight. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pridigeon Jr., and childern visited relatives' and friends in Wewahitchka Saturday. Mrs. James Greer, Miss Onnme Louise LeHardy and Mrs. Canr .Zimmerman and son spent Satur- day' in Apalachicola. Miss Dorothy Jones of Tallahas- see visited her aunt, Mrs. A. M. Jones, and other relatives during the Easter 'season. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs. Bob. Kingry shopped Thurs- day of last week in Panama City. SCHOOL NEWS By WESLEY RAMSEY llllimllll lllHII lfill llll fllllllllll HIIIIIIIIIIIII THREE BIRTHDAYS ARE OBSERVED AT NEDLEY'S Miss Melba Nedley and I. C. Nedley entertained a few friends at Nediey's Cafe Sunday in honor of Mrs. I. C. Nedley, Mrs. Iva Mae Herring and Douglas Nail, S 1/c, whose birthdays fell within the week. The Easter motif was car- ried out in the decorations. A large birthday cake centered h table piled with many lovely gifts for the trio. After the guests were. treated to a sumptuous turkey dinner, music and dancing were enjoyed by the honorees, Mrs. Douglas Nall ot Jacksonville, Mrs. L. J. Herring, Mrs. Joel Carr, Mrs. Barnett Black- mon, Miss Jewel McMu'llon, Misa Marguerite Williams, S/.Sgt. Wil- liam Hunter, Robert Nedley, Pat- tie and Dickie Nall and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Nedley. A NOTE OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to all our .neighbors .and friends and others who by their kindness helped us during the recent illness and in the sad hour of bereave- ment when God called her to her eternal rest, our dearly beloved wife and mother. The Family of the. late Mrs. Chas. R. Mahon (Aunt Mamie) Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Sangree Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lovett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eddi Lovett and family. SATURDAY, ,PRIL 7 ROY at hisBEST! ROY at hi BEST! MRS. DAUGHTRY HONORS DAUGHTER ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. B. F. Daughtry honored her daughter, Louise, on her 8tn birthday last Friday with a party at her home on Second Street. At- ter various games and an egg huu, were enjoyed, the guests were served punch and cake. Present to share this happy oc. were enjoyed', the guests weru casion with Louise were Patsy Daniels, Julia Crosby, Robert Ned- ley, Arthur Crosby, Albert Collier, Marion Parker and Bobby Plair. H 7 AVE you tried Alka-elt- 1 r for Gas on Stomach. SSoIr Stomachn "Morning s If not, why not? Pleasant. Prompt in action, effective. i ,-IK. Thirty cents and Sixty MILE,- NERVINE OR tdef from Functional Ntr- NervoW Beadache andNervos Ina- digstlon.' Tabletsa *and Tt. , Liquid 25# and $1.00. Read drl . tions and use only as directed. . A SINGLE Dr.,Mls Ant . A pain Pill ofte- rel.ev. " Neesadah., Muscular Pa i s Srun etlenal MUaos K* PraiWu-S few I a ' fors.. OO t lMem the oyu dnr ato. m id ddhctlq *in a" a" t onl 10 Mtd f b"841 Port Theatre A Martin Theatre " P Port St. Joe, Fla. MONDAY and TUESDAY April 9 and 10 - Short Subjects LATEST NEWS "AS BABIES" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 'Chapter 8 of Serial "Haunted Harbor" - FEATURE NO. 2 - 'VNEIDDY TAA MAIAV The' seniors and juniors playeu MV l M MIV '_) a real tight softball game Thurs- JACK HALEY ; JEAN PARKER day. The seniors walked' off witn the decision, 4 to 1. Not much has happened thls SUNDAY, APRIL 8 week. We got a vacation though. Everybody is talkitg _six weeks SUSANTA tests now. They come up next FOSTER week. I declare, it seems like we TUKHAN just got through-those tests. BEY All ''he oys were called out . Wednesday afternoon to try out IN for the high school softball team. Coach Hannon is weeding out the players as to their ability and ex- pects. to walk off with the pennant. We wonder why all, the English teachers are going "in' for "public ,. .. y I speaking? Before you know it w*e. :- ... ..:,- . ai a'going:to"'.ie, a flock of tod- "Outdoor Liing" ern Demorthenen be eao'fti * IAlf MOOW ASTER ....... aaEE 'Helen WALKER L RiNHOLD SCHUNZRM ---Also---- Chapter 9 of Serial - "The Black Arrow" THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 12 and 13 MARIA MONTEZ - JON HALL El ~TURHAN BY E LATEST NEWS "LITTLE WHITE LIES" THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. -- - ----..----- --- _ _ M ~1 Ci~ nr ~.- T~~u, *a~ r --r. -~ ~ ~ tr- -.-- ru.~ u ~ _4 FRIPAV,,AP4i- 6, IM TRE eTAR, PORT ST. JOE,. GULF COUNTY' FLORIDA *AMi TH-Se i -07j7M-T RPAwu To Ala ntqheoneq.. KIWANIS NEWS' A ii of J. H. Tradennick, Inc., returned i The Key. :Club, will be repre- last Frid-aj to their home in At- sented at the state ,convention .to lanta, UFa., after several months' be held in Lakeland, April 7 o stay in Q.ur city. Carl Guilford. We., predict.- thai. Carl will enjoy his association Visiting Sister with the .boys, in, Lakeland, anu George Ham, S 1/c, who has will bring back an interesting re- been overseas in England for 16 port to the home club. months, this week is visiting him Under the leadership of Pres!- sister, Mrs. John Ford. d, ent Ellis Stevens the Key Club has had an active year and' has A an enthusiastic membership. The CLASSIFIED ADS local boys last week completed the transplanting of six palm trees in front of the Centennial Building, FOR SALE assisted by several Kiwanians, FOR SALE-Pre-war studio couch andi directed by G. A. Patton. DedI- in good condition. Call second cation, of the trees will be In the house from 16th Street on Monu- ment. Avenue. 1" near future. The Easter sunrise services FISHING POLES -- Cured fishing were well attended in spite of the poles for sale. Creech & Brooks office, Monument Ave. 4-6tf early hour. It was a bit surprising -" ; -. T FOR. SALE to find that many Port St. Joe REAL EST7ATEp F people can get up so early in the FOR SALE Two' choice" resident" morning. i.al lots located'"on Tbong Ave- At a recent meeting, four new nae., Priced ,righ.'Cas, or. terms, members were indicted and. lre SPrings, 1? "- 4 -20* scented membership, certlflCates:. S L.. P. Sutton, Grady Manasco, T. FOR 'ALE 40 lot 611nx131 on H: Stone and E. Hall. We have Madishn. Monument andJ Duval Streets. Oak Grove Subdivision No. achieved our Victory membership 2. S, Karl Knodel; Oak Grove. quota. for, the first quarter of '45. fdr py'rje and. terms. 4-6" Thursday night of last week WANTED TO BUY Cub- Scouts entertained' members ....._ _,n with feats of magic, and' sharp- VWA-WI tU-- t-ill pay, t .1.17- lor a copy of The Saturday Evening Post dated November 25. ,1944.. The Star. 3-30tt LOST AND FOUND LOSTk-"A "'gas .:rTtion be.ok, No. i 31n910.. name of. Eafie Tolbert. Finder return LO' GulfACotinty Ra- Stioning Board. 4-6* MISCELLANEOUS FISH ,BAIT,- Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for 'you; Seb Eddie' Beverly in the Sheffield colored quarters FOR RENT SIGNS-Two for 25c at The Star office. tt MASONIC TEMPLE F S Port-St. Joe- Lodge 111. meetings 2nd and s'%:' days each month, 8 Se.mbers urged to visiting brothers, welcome Temple, W. M.: G. C. Atk LEGAL ADVERTISI N O TI CE l *: I l," I 1< rr1 ^l l% l t ', [J t II c i, iFiipro!. nerir V. -tl re f I'lr.'ia ..iil offt'r ioi l.J ,) tli bigheti L bid'itr. at i l.:i.r ..r 11 .I I' .. r K A. M., 1945 .. .'.1lo ;r.g described GULF COLUTNrY: L..)r l i : rn.l 14, Sectio Township. 6 South, Range 11 containing' 120.87 acres. THIS NOTICE is published in with Section's'270.07, 270:08 a Florida Statutes 1941. The Trustees of the Internal, In rund reserve the right to reject a bids,.. B.Y ORDEl of the Trustees ternal Improvement Fund of th Florida. A .... MILLARD F. CAL Attest: r C ELLTnT. Secretary I n,,rev I, I. Fund' shooting. Everyone was amazed when Jimmy Helms knocked one bottle: off the box without even pulling the .triggei. Other Scouts participating were Leroy Gainous, P. -B. Fairley and Billy Gailliard. CArl Guilford was also a guest or' ,the club. 'Everyone is 'rtged to bring old, clothing to the Florida Power Cor- poration office for the. United Na- tional Clothing Collection drive. J. C. Farnell says he has plenty of, room there. Attend Birthday Celebration ea M- Those attending the 82nd birth- 4th Fri- day ce-lebration of Mrs, Harriett :00 p. rm. 'Rowell in Wewahitchka' Sunday attend; were Mrs. Florrie Connell, Miss L J.L. Ins. Sec. Ruth Moore, CoAnhell and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferrell. NG NOTICE OF ELECTION OF FIVE SUPERVISORS FOR THE TU- i Tc PELO SOIL CONSERVATION 'ale. t. be DISTRICT. rallphai ee. April 18, 1945 Aprdi 17th,., lands in Pursuant to the Florida Soil Con- on o servation Districts. Act, Chapter West, 582, Acts of 1939, and in accord- ance- with Section 582.18 of said compliance Soil Conservation Districts Act, nd 270.09, notice is hereby given of an elec- mprovenment tion to be held April 18, 1945 for ny and an 'theb election of five supervisors of the In- fo the 1Tupelo Soil Conservation e State of 'District. Voting places will be located at: WELLnor Por, $St. Joe, City- Hall Wewahitchka, Court House S-16 .-1 Polls will, be open between the hours of 9:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. at places and on date enumer- S ated. above.', > All. qualified electors residing within, the Tupelo Soil Consetva- tion Dilstrict (all lands' lying with- in the boundaries. of Gulf County, Florida) shall.'be eligible to vote. A qualified elector as,defined in the' Soil Conservation Districts Act includes any person qualified to vote, in .general elections under the Constitution and Statutes of this State. who is also a' lana owner within the district. Pu~bliehed April 6 and 13. 1943. A. P. SPNOECRe;, Administrator State 'Soil Conservation Board. alfj a a10 m-a nasa ael- o - , IA I -4"-7 e * "Copyrighted Material 'rA4icte Content Available from Commercial News Providers" I- SIGHT CONSERVATION WEEK ZApritl8th toI4thu SThe purity and uniformity of the d msad chelucalo we use in conm- 8:m .i physai cr iaidn'@ prescription we burl c th i t chemida of Control-Lefalutoriea Even during the mao d fefumsef a simple product a core o or oa f aemtihg tests for purity are mae d TatYbv compond prescriptions with full aoBdeagI in the reliability of the ngrpditeyour physiciantprescribes. We wo dek eri ripwtfe C&udcele Smiths Pharmacy Phone 5S Port St. Joe W, FIl An DO tor's Proesrllon. -a' NOTICE OF LOCAL. LEGISLATION TO ALL WEOM THIS 'NOTICE -MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that dur- ing the '1945 session of the Legis- lature I th'e State of Floridas and not less -ban thirty days from the publicainipn.,of this notice, a bill of a local-, nature applicable to the, City or 'Prt.. St. Joe. will be pre- sented fdtr passage. - I The substance of this law-is' an amendment to the -City Charter .cbanging the number of City .Com- missioners from three to.'five and he elee.t-d term of office. frpm ,six years to :three- years, And, providing further4,that th'e 1Commission. shall, appoint the SChidf of Pdli.e. and City C-lerk'4 and that the Chief of Police shall hdve I the ppwer to hire and fire policu- Smen who, '-if'aggriv.e,,'dshafl have the right of a hearing before the I Commissi - WEn'DELL 0i. irror: *" ..... -:...-. ..- :." .,:*"." *" .... itt n r ( : .'- ':.' .... ft, i -FLO.-RIDA OUIER CORPOR TIOf1 I.T E-THEi SERViE OF CUSTrOIFI CO TrY AN #MA It.Y5 1 -- `*I r?. WW6? ;I~fin FJX!;P~BS~s~ ib~,.~a~ Lh~scDpJ ~CITI~ ~i~it~Plik; I ,gmi~~jw, iko-MPIIL 0'. vml |