The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00437
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: March 2, 1945
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00437

Full Text

WffN Tun



The Home Nswapsper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center



lHIIIIIlI llI llIIIIIIIlllllll llll ll imlllllllllll llll !l


To Go Up In Home Bitter Cut-Throat Plans are being made b" the lo- Steps To Keep
cal ministers, aided by church ana
rcivic-organizations, to hqld Easter
Windows of St. Joe Commercial War iseservicesinthe City Hospital Open
opposite the old hotel site, on Sun-

Volunteer Workers Making Apalachicola and St. Joseph day Aprill irsinging is planned Resignation of Trustees Is Ac-
.., l Rounds As War Fund Vie With Each Other In De- as a part of the program, andi the cepted; Doctors Will Op.
H l rK .. Drive Opens velopment Programs entire city is, invited and urged to rate Institution
______participate in making this a fitting
Alongside the blue and gold ser- sixthh Article of a Series and inspiring service. Climaxing a series of meetings
vice stars, in windows, of Port St. In this saga of the rise and de- 'between the board of trustees, of
Joe homes soon another symbol or cline of the old city of St. Joseph Sharit Returned the Port St. Joe municipal hospital
Cross contributor's emblem. and insider the rivalry between AS Mayor of City ers, resignation of the, entire board
sB~ervice wS ile ies played "the Red and ^of trustees. was accepted y by the-
Signifying families' participation St. Joseph and Apalachicola after -- of trustees, was accepted by the
in the 1945 Red Cross War Fund the Lake n Wimico u& St. Joseph commission. Making up fhe, board
Railroad began. business in Sep- Commissioner Soule Would Have of trustees, which has been in
Drive, the crimson cross, will be member, 1836. Municipal Judge Appointed chargesince estalis has been of the
distributed by volunteers who will hile the preliminary work for outside of Commission hospital, sincere H. H. Saublishment of the
go from home to home, pushing to- the ,development ofI St. Joseph as ospLamar Mill, wer Marc FH. Saunderse J.
T/Sgt. William L. Tharpe, son ward this year's Gulf county goal i rival to the parent city was be- At the, special called,/meeting of Robert Bellows and W.0. Ander-
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tharps oi $6,200. These solicitors will rb- ing so successfully carried out, the the board, of city commissioners W. O. Ander-
of this city, has been assigned to mind 1944 participants in the drivesupporters of the latter place were held last Friday evening at the Consensus
the AAF Training Command' radu of what their contributions did not idle. At the beginning of 183 city hall J. L. Shart was returned the Consensus of the trustees and
school at the Sioux Falls Army Ar last year, and will familiarize the the Apalachicola.Land Company do- .s mayor for the ensuing, year the best thing to, do was to turn
Field, Sioux Falls, S. D., for train- newcomers to Ihe community withnated $20,000 to be used to deepen upon motion of Watson Smith, sec- operation of the hospital over to
ing a s a radio operator-mechanic the serv- te job that lies ahead for Red the western channel and the har- onde'd, by Horace W. Soule. the doctors of the city and let them
Sgt. Tharpe has t 6, 1941, and was Cross this year. bor, thus permitting all vessels to Commissioners p. B. Conklin operate the institution, since ap-
ice since August 6, 1941, and was When the Red Cross solicitor come within seven miles of the and Miles K. Hurlbu.t, retiring parently it was a losing proposi.
chief clerk in the Marianpost operations leaves each home, he or she hope. city and, those of a maximum board members, expressed their tion 'for the city to continue pts op-
office at the Marianna Army Air to have another contributor signed draught of 12 feet, to the wharves, appreciation to have been able to ration. Mayor Sharit had stated
Field for two years. Prior to be- "on the dotted line" of the mem- At the same time the company s.'rve ,on the board, and Mayor at a previous meeting that the ho-,
ing transferred ttioned at uxMaxwell bersip card. Then the contribut- gave $1000 to the city for purposes Sharit thanked them for their co- pital was i debt somewhere be-
had been stationed at Maxwell or's emblem will go up in the win- of general improvement, and, $5000 operation during their terms, of of- tween $2,00 and somewheree be.
Field, Ala., for four months. Wa lu- dow and another family will have to defray the expenses of filling fice and exprps'sed the, hope that Drs. J. R. Norton, A L War
ler inspector at the St. Joe Lum- done its part to help put the 194a up the hollows and grading the the incoming commissioners would and L H. Bartee wer invited to
ber & Export Compane before en- drive over the top. Let's see if -'- streets. In order to counteract the co-operate in the same whole- confer with the' two boards in re-
ering the service, says it is plenty can have an emblem in the win- influence of the energetic new St. hearted manner for the best In- gard to the matter ad after all
cold whhe is now; snow every- dow of every home and business Joseph Telegraph, the officers o4 terests of the city. details had been thrashed out with
cold where he is now; snow establishment in Port St. Joe this the company financed the estab- Al appointed officials of the Dr. Norton and Dr. Ward (Dr. Bar-
S,, .e. year. ,. lishment of a new paper, the Ap- city were reinstated, E. Clay Lewis tee .failed to attend the meeting),
NAVY GETS THREE HERE Contributors to the 1945 Rea alachicola Gazette, and engaged ab being retained as city attorney, these two doctors agreed: to take
Volunteers at the Marianuia Navy Cross War Fund will also receive editor and ostensible proprietor, M. P. Tomlinson as city auditor, over supervision of the hospital,
recruiting station last week in- the little lapel flag, symbolic or one of the ablest veterans or clerk, treasurer and colecto'r, and stating that "the hospital was go-
cluded three young men from Guir their alliance with the organiza- Georgia journalism, Cosam Emir John Rowan as chief of police. Ing to stay open for service to the
county, according to Speialist A tion which now has more than 10,- Bartlett. The matter of who should serve people of the community -a' hos-
Wilkns. Al 17 years of age, they 000 workers, overseas helping to Consequently the fall of 1836 as municipal judge was brought up pital in. reality as well as, in nam,..
were Dewely J. Gay, son of Mr. and maintain the comfort and morale found, the rivals ready for a bitter by Commissioner Soule, who suB- We will endeavor to make it an
Mrs. C. D. Gay of this city; Van- of our men and women on the commercial war. The record's for gested that the office be divorced institution that everyone will be
don L. Goodwin Jr., so of Mrs. fighting fronts and in battle zones. the years 1836 to 1841 are too from the board and that someone proud of."
Lydia VanHorn Goodwin, Rt. 3 Gulf county men overseas with meagre to be entirely satisfactory. outside the members of the com- Wednesday night the staff of
Port St. Joe, and Thomas Whit- the military are becoming daily The outcome of the rivalry in the mission be named to the post. (Continued on Page 4)
(Continued on Page 4) more aware of the good that the, winter of 1836-37 seems to have stating that by that maneuver a ------ D
R__ ,n ied Cross is doing and are writ- been a decided victory for the lot of ill-feeling against the com-.
ing home to remind their parents older town, although St. Joseph missioners would b.e' eliminated. Interest C OninueS
Bronze Star Medal to donate to the Redi Cross. Sev-.may have fared better than is ap- He suggested that T. H. Stone be
Serial letters praising the work 01 parent, appointed 'to the position, which In Recreation Plan
Awarded J. Nichols the organizatoin have 'been pub-I Our only source of information pays $50 per month, ibt that he
lished in The. Star. Not only the is the partisan Gazette. According had not contacted Mr. Stone to Believe Playground Facilities Will
Killed in France In October Last parents, sisters, brothers, sweet-j (Continued on Page 2) isk whether or not he would a(.- Prevent Juvenile Delinquency
KillYear, Had Received Purple hearts and wives of fighting men _____ ___(d cept such an appointment. Problem From Arisin
Year, HadReceived Purple will want to have the Red Cros After Commissioner !Soule had Problem From Arising
Heart Posthumously service emblem in the windows or Elisha B. Dendy made his suggestion, Mayor Sharit y Clubers are showing prog
their homes their fighting men stated: "I believe that in 60 days
Mrs. Viola G. Nichols lastFri- want it\there, too.re Taken By De e wouk be hoded to death for ss in their efforts to interest
want te there, too. Taken By Death. we would be. hounded to death for the people of Port St. Joe in the
.aday received a letter from ajo change in our municipal judge,t
General J. A. UIli that her son, '" regard less of whether it ws Mr. local playground project. This ac-
Pvt. Jesse M. Nichols, 19, killed ur Four ndetomis were pe.- Passed Away Friday At Home At Stonregardless of whetherlse, anit was Mr. tivity, fostered by the Kiwanis and
action in France on October 24, Formed wrP-"Stone or anyone else, and I sug- Key clubs during the summer of
1944, had been awarded the Bro formed this week at the Norton Age of 67; Last Rites Are gest that we let the matter stand 1944, caused such intense interest
Star Medal posthumously by clinic, being Chritine Padgett on Held Sunday until we can talk it over. In the within the clubs that speia
T'he citation reads as follows: Morgan Anderson on Tuesday and Elisha B. Dendy, 67, a resident longer a member of the board, thammittee bythnamedlat headedpt. Benat
ThBronze citar io reads a follow: Earl McCormick yesterday. of Port St. Joe for 22 years, passed am. by authority, of my office, tlM Dickens. Interest th e saptr Ben
IBronze Star Medal-For meritor-away at his home te Friday judge and wlcoinu Dickens. Interest ias sinoe spread
ous ser of a wire crew, frombat as a memu- Called.Here By Death of Father night as the result of a heart at- to serves judge until we reach to other organizations, and there
ber of a wire crew, from 01 Au Mr. and Mrs. Oris Miller o0 tack. some sot of undestandng. are indications that the city com-
gust 1944 to 29 August 1944, nearBlounttown were called here last Funeral services' were held Sun- (n a statement to The Starmission may soon make available
** *week bl s the illne and death of1day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Wednesday night, Mr. Stone said: a suitable site for that purpose.
Thedecoration will be forwardedweek by the illness, anddeath ofBaptist Church, With R R.F.io e The Kiwanis Club has inaugu-
to the commanding general, Fourth Mrs. Miller's father, E. B. Deady. Hallford and Rev. D. Lan.gston (Continued on page 4) rated a new "work AND fight"
Service Command, at Atlanta, Ga., L-- "-e ------. t officiating. Interment was in Jehu term to keep this all-important
who will select an officer to make Leave On Vacation cemetery at Wewahtchka. WOODWORKING SHOP objective rolling. The boys have
the presentation to Mrs. Nichols, Sgt. and Mrs. John' Gaskin left IPallbearers were, Oapt. Robert OPEN FOR BUSINESS flung the challenge in Port St.
probably at Camp Gordon Johns- Thursday of last week for Blount- Belin B. E. Pare --- Joe's face, so to speak, and it is
ton. j town and points in Louisiana on A. D. Lawson, C. G. Costin and C. D. M. Jones has opened a wood- up beo all of us to put it over.
Private Nichols had previously their vacation. C. Wilson. working shop at the corner of Long While Port St. Joe does not
been awarded the purplee Heart -k- Elisha Dendy was born. in Tala- Avenue and Third Street in the recognize a serious problem of
posthumously. Pvt. Walter Visiting Parents 1 poosa county, Ala., op 'October 24, belief that such an establishment juvenile delinquency, there is no
P---- vt. Billy Waller from Camp 1887, coming to Port St. Joe with will fill a long-felt want in Port St. question to the fact that a super-
CHESTNUT GROCERY Wheeler, Ga., is visiting his par- his family in 1923 'from Marshal Joe. visedt playground, headed by, a
INSTALLS MEAT COOLER ents 'for a few days before being county, Ala., and had resided here He has installed a number of capable and energetic committee
Always. seeking to give, his cus- transferred to another location, since that-time. modern woodworking machines and of local citizens will be a formid-
tomers better service, J. R. Chest- Surviving him are his wife, -Mrs. is prepared to do general furnI- able and lasting obstacle to such a
nut this week Installed a modern Move Here From Apalachicola E. B. Dendy of this city, one daugli- ture repairing, make window and menace, for a playground will pro-
6: by 8-foot .walk-in meot cooler in Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cason and ter,. Mrs. 0. Miller. of Blofnut- door casings to order, construct vide our boys and girls with tnir
1 s grocery and market at the family moved lhere last week from town, .and two sons', Joh ..of..this built-in cabinets of any type, turn kind of wholesome and enjoyable
wruer. or Reide Avenue -and First 'Apalachicola, and. are .at home oni ty" and :Lt. Alton .Deady,.'tow' il oat mouldings and, in fact, do any recreation that they most cot-
Stree,. Long Avenue to their friends. the Philippine Islans3. nr."d t yp1 e nf reA work. thinly need and deserve.

O Official
Gulf County



Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, FI&a,
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMITH, Editor

Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the
Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879.
One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00

-< Telephone 51 }*-
TO ADVERTISkRS-In case of error or omissions in adver-
tisements, the publisheip do not hold themselves liable for
damages further than amount received for sach' advertisement.
The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word
is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts-
the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country ` Right or Wrong

As the months roll by, it is obvious from
records of the American. Red Cross that
home conditions and the health and welfare
of their families are still of paramount im-
portance to the men and women on overseas
Men can fight the enemy, physical discom-
forts, fatigue and illness, but they can't fight
off the haunting fears that assail them when
things are riot going right at home.
Miles away, unable to get home to evaluate
the situations for themselves, GI Joe and Of-
ficer Tom or Harry are equally terrified when
day after day goes by and there is no word
concerning the birth of an expected son or
*daughter. Bridging this gap between home
and the fighting line is your organization--
the American Red Cross-ready to lend ,a
helping hand wherever it is needed.
The Red Cross field director with troops
in the field works through local Red Cross
chapter home service workers visiting fam-
ilies throughout the United States on behalf
of servicemen overseas. And every day, over-
seas, Red Cross field director. are able. tp, set.,,
the minds of anxious or worried boys at rest'
through reports and messages sent them by
these home service workers.
Your dollars, dimes and pennies keep all
Red Cross services and supplies at the side
of those who need them. Support the Red
Cross War Fund! You are the American Red
Cross! .


(Continued from page 1)
to this Apalachicola paper, I
steamers were plying between that
town and Georgia, an increase of
three or more over the preceding
year. The total number of vessels
that arrived between November 1,
1836, and Januaryp 31, 1837, was
115, while during the, same time
in the preceding year the number
had been only 48. The malicious
Gazette announced, with great glee
in its issue of December 31, 1836,
that two steamers were aground
in the Lake Wimlci channel.
The promoters of St. Joseph re-
alized the disadvantages under
which they were laboring. With a
spirit that is not surpassed by any
modern business firm which is
willing to scrap costly machines
for more modern, ones, they 0e-
.cided to construct a new railroad
from the town to the Apalachicola
River at Tennessee Bluff, where
the town of Iola was soon to de-
velop. This new road would have
two advantages over the old
one: the treacherous Lake Wimico
would be avoided and the trans-
portation distance between St.
Joseph and Georgia would be con-
sideraibly. less than between Ap-
alachicola and Georgia-lola being
28 miles from the new town and
70 from the old one-while the

The inclemency of the season had affected ....
the harvests of Syria; and the .price of bread, *'-'

in the markets of Antioch, had naturally risen'
in proportion to the scarcity of corn. But the
fair and reasonable proportion was soon vio-
lated by the rapacious arts of monopoly
In this unequal contest, in which the prod-
uce of the land is claimed by one party as
his exclusive property, is used by another as
a lucrative object of trade, and is required by
a third for the daily and necessary support
of life, all the profits of the intermediate
agents are accumulated on the heads of the,
defenseless consumers. The hardships of
their situation were exaggerated and in-
creased by their own impatience and anxiety;
and the apprehension of a scarcity gradually
produced the appearance of a famine.
When the luxurious citizens of' Antioch
complained of the high price of poultry and
fish, Julian publicly declared that a frugal
city ought to be satisfied with a regular sup-
ply of wine, oil and bread; but he acknowl-
deged that it was the duty of a sovereign to
provide for" the subsistence of his people.
With this salutary view, the emperor ven-
tured on a very dangerous and doubtful step,
of fixing, by legal authority, the value of
corn. He enacted that, in a time of scarcity,
it should be sold at a price which had seldom
been known in the most plentiful years; and:
he sent into the market 422,000 modii,
or measures, which were drawn by his order.
The consequences might have been fore-
seen, and were soon felt. The imperial wheat
was purchased by the rich merchants; the
proprietors of land, or of corn, withheld from
the city the accustomed supply; and the small
quantities that appeared in the market were
secretly sold at an advanced and illegal price.
% Julian still continued to applaud his own
policy. He was persuaded, perhaps
with truth, that the senators of Antioch who'
possessed lands, or were concerned in trade,
had themselves contributed to the calamities,
6' flieir, 'country;- and he imputed the disrke -
spectful boldness which they assumed, to the
sense, not of public duty, but of private in-
terests.-From "The Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire."

Experience has a big charge account of mis-
takes to settle for some of us.

time translating their plans into
deeds. By the end of August, 1837,
The Times announced that $50,000
had been paid to Mr. Chairs, the
contractor, and that 10 miles of
the railroad' had been graded; and
t h e requisite timbers prepared.
However, there was no possibility
of completion of the work for the
season of 1837-38.
The Apalachicolans, not to 'be out-
done by their rivals, had planned
an ambitious building program.
The Gazette announced in March
that there were now completed, or
in. process of construction, 200U
feet of continuous brick stores, on
Water Street-each three stories
high and 80 feet deep.
The second, season of commer-
cial competition between the cities
- the winter of .1837,38 found
Apalachicola retaining her suprem-
acy, although her rival's efforts to
divert trade were much more suc-
cesisful now than in the preceding
While the Saints were exporting
more than 30,000 bales of cotton.
the total shipped tby the older
town exceeded 50,000. St. Joseph
was undoubtedly making inroads
upon Apalachicola's prosperityA, but"
in doing so the railroad, company
was compelled to -lower its freight
rates, to such an extent that the in-
come was barely sufficient to meet
operating expenses, and no divi-
dends could be declared on the ox-
iginal Investment. The main ques-

Lake Wimico route made St. Joseph tion seemed to be which town
.more distant from the cotton fields would be willing to endure the cut-
than Apalachbiola. throat competition the longer.
The Saints never wasted much (Seventh Article Next Week)

Visitors From Georgia
Mrs., Bill Jennings and Mrs. Wit-
bur Schramn ,of Dawson, Ga., vis-
ited last week-end with Mrs. Verna
Smith and Mtie Sara Kelly.

Move Back To Home In North
Sgt. and Mrs. C. W. Anderson,
who have resided here for the
past year, have moved back to
their home in Kane, Pa.

Pvt. and Mrs. Pryor Connell vis-
ited for a few days this week with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Connell. Pvt. Connell re
ported to Fort Meade, Md., yester-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamar Miller
and children are visiting relatives
and friends in Fitzgerald and othoe
points in Georgia this week.

Square-rigged sailing ships from
the Seven Seas tied up at the
docks of old St. Joseph during
its heyday to load cotton anc
other products brought by water
and rail to the thriving new city.
In exchange they left all varie-

ties of goods necessary for the
welfare of the city and, even-
tually, a sailor from ,one of these
ships left the scourge of yellow
fever which did more than any-
thing else to cause St. Joseph to
become an abandoned city.

We're Overstocked On ...


FIFTHS - $3.15
PINTS - $1.75
It MUST Be Moved!



Home Owners!

You can now secure

Lumber for maintenance

and repair

Most Materials Are Available

Loans Are Available For Repairs

Soderberg Lumber Co.




FRIDAY, MAR61-1 2, 1"55





p. 4llS Mrs. C. R. Smith honored her
small daughter, Cora, on her 7th
birthday last Friday afternoon
with a party at the Smith home
.....in W white City.
After enjoying various outdoor
games, the young guests were 1i-
S vited into the dining room whert,
birthday cake, ice cream ana
# s i l I' candy were served.
4y o"' l | The honoree was the recipienil
SIEWES of many lovely and useful gifts
Sand her guests wished her many
-- .. -..... -more happy birthdays.

Baby's oun jewelry WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET
The Port St. Joe Woman's Club
To wear now and treasure will meet next Wednesday after-
noon at 3:45 at the club rooms in
a Lifetime! the Centennial Building. The pro-
An identification bracelet gram will be in charge of the war
A ring A heart or a cross service committee.
on a fine chain. All jewelry- Mr. and Mrs. I. Kidd and Mr.
crafted in 10 Kt. gold. and. Mrs. Charles Kidd visited in
Identification bracelet ...$5.00 Crawfordville last Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. R. I. Kidd continued on tu
Heart on chain .........$7.20 their home in Pelham, Ga.
Cross on chain ..........$7.20 Mrs. Htlton Lewis visited her
mother, Mrs. Perry Lee Thomas,
(20% Federal Tax included) in the hospital at Chattahoochee
LILIUS JEWELRY CO. Mrs. Bertie Williams of Panama
PORT ST. JO FLORIDA ity. was the week-end guest or
PORT ST. JO, LORIDA her sister, Mrs. Florrie Connell.

It Doesn't Cost A Cent

The President's Protective Investment Plan
a safe, flexible means of providing income
for the future doesn't cost a cent if you
die within 20 years, because all deposits you have
made on it will be returned to your family and
the principal amount of the contract paid to them

Springfield. Illinois

Kenney Mercantile



A Complete Line of

Groceries Meats Dry Goods



B -------------- --------


R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156
'SUNDAY MARCH 24, 1945
9:45--Sunday School for all.
11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic:
7:00-Baptist Training Union.
8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic:
i .A*^ *m A ^ f --- *__ *A --^ -

Rotary Observes

40th Anniversary

Local Club Was Organized June 27,
1941, With 17 Members; Spon-
soring Club at Apalachicola


Rotary International observed
its 40th birthday during February.
It was just 40 years ago that the.
first Rotary Club in the world was
organized in Chicago, on Felbruary
23, 1905, by Paul P. Harris, a law-
yer, who suggested the idea to a
group of friends. Because their
first meetings were held, in rota-
tion, in the offices of the various
members, they called it the Rotary
During these past 40 years the
ideas, of Harris and his friend-s
have been. accepted by men of
all nationalities, of all political
and religious .beliefs. Today there
are Rotary Clubs in more than 50
countries of the world.
The general objectives of Rotary
Clubs in every country are the
same the development of fellow-
ship and understanding among tfb
business andi professional men or
the community, the promotion, or
community betterment endeavors
and of high ethical standards in
business, and professional prac-
tices, and the advancement of in-
ternational understanding, good
will and peace.
The local club was organized on
June 27, 1941, with 17 charter mem-
bers. The Panama City Rotary
Club sponsored the new club at
Port St. Joe. Dr. A. L. Ward served
as president, and J. Lamar Miller
as secretary, in 1941-42. The pres-
ident in 1942-43 was Ted Morris,
with Mark Tomlinson as secre-
tary. Dr. Ward again headed the
club for 1943-44, along with Tom-
linson, and Floydi Hunt has served
as president for 1944-45, Tomlinson
still being the secretary.
The Port St. Joe club has the
honor of sponsoring a new Rotary
"lub at Apalachicola. The charter
will be presented on March 5, at
which time Walter J. Matherly,
district governor, will make the of-
ficial charter presentation. Rotar-
ians from Pensacola, Panama City,
Marianna, ChattahoocheR, Talla-
hassee, Quincy and Port St. Joe
will attend.

Mr. and Mrs N. L. Gardner an-
nounce the birth of a son, Herbert
Eugene, on February 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goff are
announcing the birth of a son on
February 19.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Barbee
are the proud parents of a son,
born February 23. He has been
named Joel Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. Clar.en'ce DeWitt
Galloway of Apalachicola are an-
nouncinig the birth of a son, Feb-
ruary 23 at the Port St. Joe mu-
nicipal hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. William Howard
Tate of Carrabelle announce the
birth of a son, George Leonard Al-
bert, at the Port St. Joe municipal
hospital on February 22.

Mr. and; Mrs. W. B. Starr of Tal-
lahlissee announce the birth of a,
8-pound son. Ronald William, Fe'b-
ruiary 23. Mrs. Starr is the. former
Miss Lois Milton and taught school
in Port St. Joe.

Mrs. Douglas Nall and two chil-
dren are making their home in
.TJacksonville for the present. where
Douglas Nall, .S1/c, is stationed.
Miss Mildred, Watkins ot Miami
was the guest last week of he,
sisters, Miss Lillie Pearl,, Watkins
and Mrs; Walter Richardson. '
Mr. and, Mrs. R. V. Coburn and
Mr. aud Mrs. Robert L. Smith
spent Thursday of last week in
Quincy and Greensboro vialting






Chapter 3 of Serial

"Haunted Harbor"

Port St. Joe, Fla.

- SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M.
E DAILY AT 2:45 P. M.

March 5 and 6


Cartoon "JIVIN' BEARS"



^ Brad TRbLOR-*Ruth TERRV

Chapter 4 of Serial
"The Black Arrow"

March 8 and 9

- Also -
"1-A DOGS"

IN I TEC'OI..'LII --- i
..,' beil ,tij* Akim Tia o _io



1 -

The newiy organized Cub Scouts hWe desire to express our sincere
The newly organized Cub Scouts thanks to those who extended aid
held their first pack meeting Sat-: and sympathy during the illness
urday night with three parents, I and death of our beloved, husband
the cuibmaster ard one den. chief and father, E. B. Dendy.
Mrs. E. B. Dendy and family.
present. _____
No. 3 Den, Bobby Cockran, den
chief, presented an interesting SHINE YOUR SHOES!
The next pack meeting will be We have the largest stock
held the second Saturday night in of Shoe Polish in Port St.
March. Let's all go and help the Joe ... All makes! All col-
Cubs make good. ors! .. Paste and Liquid.

Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Kidd of Pel- The LEADER
ham, Ga., were guests last week SHOE SHOP
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kida.

Now Open

Our Modern and Up-to-date Woodworking Shop.
We Are Prepared To Do .
General Furnjture Repairing
Various Sorts of Moulding Made to Order
All Types of Built-In Cabinet Work
Window and Door Casings Made to Order

St. Joe Wood Works

-------- --- -- -- ---- -- ---- --- -- ---- -- -- -


A Martin Theatre



JoAc c 'Ko.Vp

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FR~pAY,,44HH 2, .1945


Kiwanians were shocked and
saddened by the death of Henry
-Young, brother of Kiwanian Alex
Young. HeartIfelt sympathy goes
out to Alex and the other family
members in their great loss.
Those bright blue uniforms that
you see many local youngsters
wearing indicate that they are fu;l-
fledged Cub Scouts. Cubmaster
"Chuck" Gibson reports that most
of the boys have passed their first
tests successfully. This is a re-
flection of the fine co-operation
given by the local Boy Scouts,
who act as den chiefs.


The basketball boys left Wed-
nesday after school for the tour-
nament to be held in Bonifay. Mike
Cantwell came back to school
Wednesday afternoon lugging a
suitcase big enough to satisfy his
needs for the summer. Full, too.
All the teachers were hitting the
ceiling this week. They had to
make- out two sets of tests in or-
der to give the basketball players
theirs.' before they left. Now they
have had a taste of what we have

Last week-the Kiwanians were to go thru every night with tuwe
served a delicious dinner by the homework they give us.

Presbyterian ladies.
L. P. S-utton has been named Ki-
wanis chairman of the United Na-
tions clothing drive which will get
underway within a 'few days. He
will meet with chairmen from' other
local organizations to map out the

Pvt. Buford Connell from Eglin
Field arrived Wednesday of last
week for a few days' visit her,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
N. Connell.
M.rs. Jack Frost, Mrs. R. E. Ho-
baugh, Mrs. Henry Canmpbell and
Mrs. Ralph Williams shopped Sat-
urday in Panama City.


FOR SALE-Dinette table in good
condition; walnut finish; $7.50.
Ca'l 173 J. 2-23
Why hot get it over before the
deadline? See CONKLIN AND
CARTER, Costin Bldg.. 3
pickup truck in perfect condition,
brand new tires. Party leaving city.
Call at The Star office. 2-16
WANTED-Small iron safe, In
good condition. Call or write
The Star. 3-16*
WANT TO BUY-Curtain rods,
need from 1 to 11; also pair of
scissors and coffee pot. See or
call Mrs. C. W. Horton, Port St.
Joe, phone 191. 3-23-16
WANTED Small electric heater.
Call at The Star office. tf
FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms
that are guaranteed to get the
fish for you. See Eddie Beverly
in the Sheffield colored quarters
FOR RENT SIGNS-Two for 25c
at The Star office. ti


*The purity and uniformity of the
drus and chemical, we use in com-
pounding your physician's prescription
are ensured by the vigilant chemists of
Control Laboratorie. Even during the
mamufacturm of aSirple product a score
or more -of exacting tests for purity are
mdde. Thus, we compound prescriptions
with full confidence in the reliability of
the ingredients your physician prescribes.
We se MAerck Prescrpilo Cheohdcals

Smith's Pharmacy

Phone 5

TPort St. Joe

Fill Any. qqotor's Pesorlptln

The senior and junior girls will
honor (?) the whole school witn
what they call a softball game to-
day. That ought to be some knocK-
down and dragout! We'll give you
the results damage and doctor's
bills-next week.
The sophomore and freshmen
boys put on a good softball match
last Friday. The tilt ended in a
10 to 10 tie
The Boy Scouts started, Tuesday
to clean off the, lots. for the play-
grounds. They must be serious to
put out all that hard work.
All the school is lamenting the
loss of Tommy (Bertel, Beaver,
Black Dog, Muscles) Hull. Dear
Beaver has gone out west to Ari-
zona. There will never be another
St. Joe high has a new, or rather
an old, pupil back in, the person of
Hazel Cason. Welcome back. Hazel.
4 z- -



(Continued from page 1)
the hospital met with the city com-
missioners and the two doctors at
the hospital to work out details o0
operation. Mrs. Viola Waters. R.N.,
was named as superintendent and
the commissioners agreed' to meet
with the staff twice monthly in
order that complaints and sugges-
tions for improvements might be
submitted for consideration.
Mayor Sharit asked one hundred
per cent co-operation from mem-
bers of the staff and assured them
of full co-operation from the city.
"Your responsibility," said Mayor
Sharit, "is to 'the community and
the hospital, not to any individual
or individuals, and I .feel sure that
under this new setup you will all
carry on to the best of your abi'.-

Home From V. M. I.
Joe L. Sharit Jr.,, who has been
attending Virginia Military Insti-
tute, is home for two weeks' visit
with hls parents. On his return to
school he will go to Georgia T'ech
at Athens, Ga.

Caleld By Death of Father-in-law
Mrs. R. A. Dendy of St. Augus-
tine was called here last week-end
by the death of her father-in-law
E. B. Dendy.

Miss. Erline McClellan shopped
Saturday in Tallahassee.

(Continued From Page 1)
fiel,2, son of Mrs. Lenia McLemore
Whitfield of Wewahitchka.
The bluejackets', all sworn in as
apprentice seamen at Jacksonville,
have returned home on a period
of inactive duty before beginning
their "boot training."

Another Patch E
The editor of The Star acknow.-
edges another "patch" for his col-
lection. It was. given him by Sgt.
Warren G. Darthaler of Tyndall
Field, and' is a gunnery instructor's
identification patch. Sgt. Darthaler
eut it right off his shirt.

...Dinner Guests
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall had as
their dinner guests Monday sev-
eral relatives of the latter: Col.
Marvin J. Smith of Jackson, Miss.,
Sgt. Harold Sumner of Paris, Is-
land, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bear
of Savannah, Ga., and Mrs. J. A.
Sumner of Blountstown.




and Get Your Windshield

WAKEFUL NIGHTS-- how the time drags!
Minutes seem like hours, we worry over' things,
done and left undone. After such a night, we. get\
up in the morning more tired tha. when we went
to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful
night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner-
vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and
.Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after
you get to bed-try
(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets)
DR. MILES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension- to permit re-
Drehing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take
Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indgetloe.
SGet Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large
Package 75*, Small Package 35* Liquid, Large Bottle $1.", Smal Bole
250, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or
your money back. Read directions and use only as directed.


(Continued from Dage 1)
"I would' be glad to take the posi-
tion as municipal judge in the 'be-
lief that any resident of the city
called upon for any such position
should be willing to serve, for the
best interests of the city. I have
served in that capacity before and
I'm willing to serve again.")
As the meeting neared an end,
Soule brought up the matter of
the municipal hospital, which has
been operating lately at a consid-
enable loss. "I would like to have
a report on the hospital," said
Soule. "I've heard a lot of stories
about it lately, and all have been
detrimental. I, would like to know
how much th'e hospital is in debt
and whether or not the city is re-
sponsible for the debt."
To which Sharit replied: "Our
hospital is in debt about $12,000 to,
$14,000 at present, and the city is
responsible for *the debt. but, like
any other new establishment, it,
takes time to put it on a paying
basis and I believe that in time
the hospital will eventually start
paying for itself, although it may
take some time. If you and Mr.
Smith care to meet with 'the hos-
pital board, we should be. able to
discuss the matter more thorough-
ly. and I suggest we meet with
them Monday evening."
After a few more inconsequen-
tial remarks' from and between' the
three, members of the board, a mo-
tion to adjourn was. submitted.

Patient 'In Hospital
The many friends of Mrs. Wal-
ter Gardner will regret to learn
that she is a patient in the local
hospital, and all wish for her a
speedy recovery.

Harold Powell, S2/c, of Mobile
spent last week-end here with his
Ens. and Mrs. Doyle Smith of
New York and Mrs. Fred Brodnax
of Bastrop, La., are the guests this
week of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Smith.
Miss Carolyni Stoutamire of Tal-
lahassee was the guest last weeK
of her sister, Mrs. Watson Smith.
Mrs. Jonny Todd and .children .or
Panama City were the week-end
guests of 'Mr. and, Mrs. Haro'ld
Kirkland. .'.':

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