The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00436
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: February 23, 1945
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00436

Full Text



M[Sgt. Lucious L. Allen, with an
Eighth Air Force bomber squad-
ron in England, is shown as he
looks over a new engine before
it is 'installed on a B-17 Flying

The Second Division, with whicli
Sgt. Thomas Duncan is serving in
a tank destroyer battalion, re-
ceotly was commended by Major
General W. M. Robertson, the com-
mendation saying, in part:
"The period from 10 December
1944 to 21 December 1944 has been
one during which each individual
in the division .has been tested un-

ditions. The fact that we are now
occupying a key ,position against
the enemy who hurled- his best ab-
sault forces in order to open a
vital road net to the northwest is
evidence of the success of our ef-

"In a span of 12 days the division
has executed a bitter attack
against and captured a strongly
fortified sector of the Siegfried
Line, repelled, a strong arm-
ored and infantry thrust against
the rear and flank of the division,
defended an area against continu-
ous day and night fanatical attacks
by determined enemy armor and
infantry, anid! finally, a night
withdrawal to occupy and defend
that position.
"It was your unwillingness to
yield even a foot of ground, .
and above all your firm determina-
tion to help each other individu-
ally and collectively to win the
battle that has made these achieve-
mnents possible.
"To tell you that I am proud of
each one of you and' the part you,
have played during these trying
days is but small tribute to your
splendid courage. To tell you that
you have written the brightest
page in the history of/our division
and perhaps of our army is a truth
which history will magnify."
In the letter accompanrnlg the
copy, of the commendation, Sgt.
Duncan said: "You heard about
the breakthrough and all the
trouble we haid! stopping it. Well,
we the boys of the 612th, were in
on it, and believe me, it was plenty
rough, but I think the Terries got
the worst of it."

When American doughboys storm-
e d the beaches of North Africa,
Sicily and, southern France, the
"D-Day Medics" of the 56th Medl-
aal Battalion were on hand to give
them aid, and with them was Pvt.
W,. W. EIstley of Port St. Joe, Fla.,
(CGstiouued on page 6)



The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industfial Center

S Official
" Gulf County


Organization Set

Up for Developing

Recreation Plans

Would Provide Both Outdoor and
Indoor Facilities for Young
People of City

The steering committee of the
Port St. Joe Recreation Assocla-
ition met Weldhesday evening in
the school auditorium for the pur-
pose of developing plans to pro-
vide recreation facilities for tle
younger generation' of the city.
This committee is composed of
representatives of the civic clubs
and organizations of Pont St. Joe,
including the Key Club and Junior
Rotarians. Officers elected at this
meeting were W. A. Biggart, chaaii-
man; Joe Mira, co-chairman, and
Mrs. R. R. Minus, secretary.
Plans were discussed for the,
provision of 'both outdoor and in-
door recreation for the young peo-
,ple of the city, such facilities, be-
ing sadly lacking at the present.
Committees were. appointed to sur-
vey lots and investigate buildings
which may be available for this
The following is a partial list of
recreational facilities which tne
committee discussed: basketabll,

Groundwork Laid

For Opening Red

Cross Drive Mch.1

Gulf County Quota This Year
Set at $6200, Largest
Ever Asked

A meeting of, Red Cross officials
and co-chairmen for the forthcom-
ing War Fund :Campaign was held
last night in the Costin Buildlin-g
and' final plans were made for the
Official opening of the drive on
March 1.
B. B. Conklin is War Fund chair-
man for the entire, county and be
has divided the c unty into units
with co-chairmen for each unit.
These units will then be divided
into blocks., i
Co-chairmen for the county and
who attended the meeting last eve-
ning are: Port St. Joe-Mrs. H. C.
Brown, Mrs. J. C. Farnell, Mrs'. B.
C. Galliard., Mrs. WMassey Ward,
Mrs. R. W. Smith, Sirs. James Kil-
*bourne, Mrs. Watson Smith, Miss
Doris Summerford, Miss Emeline
Belin, Mrs. Rochelle Jackson., B.
H. Smith and. E. L. Hobaugh. In-
dian Pass-Mrs. J. T. McNeill. Oak


Miss Ruth Lawrence, who was a
missionary to Poland during the
German occupation, will speak at
th e Metho.-ist. Church Sunday
morning, February 25, at 11 o'clock.
Miss Lawrence was interned by
the Germans many months and
spent several months in a German
prison camp. She has firsthand
knowledge of conditions in Pmland.
Don't fail to hear her.
----4 ---
Soule and Smith

Named To Board

Two New Commissioners Will Be
,Seated Tonight and Mayor

In. a city commissioner race that
created little pre-election stir and
yet brought 438 voters to the pollo
Tuesday, Horace Soule and Wat-
son Smith were named to succeed
B. B. Conklin and Miles K. Hurl-
but, incumbents, both of whom
were seeking re-election.
, In the. tilt for the full three-yeaz.
term the final .count was Conklin
122, Soule 307. In. the race for tae
one year unexpired term of C. J3.
Sullivan, resigned; the count was
Hurlbut 175, Smith 230, and, H. r.

badminton, tennis and volley- ball Grove-Mrs. G. A. Patton. High- Lilius 20.
courts, shuffle board layouts, base- land View Mrs. Paul Brigman.Thetwo new city dads will take
ball and diamond ball fields, sanu- Beacon Hill-W. A. Roberts. Ken- The two se ew city dads whe board tabl ke
boxes, slides andi varied games. ney's Mill- Floyd Hunt. White ther seats at the board table at 8
It was pointed out that recrea- City-Mrs. .Alton -Hardr. Over-
gisn-.- ot-a-1rx ~nry, but '-.ce- street Ns .T R. 4ilfrd. W- the city charter. 4,d. at that time
i '-- y, b c. sr --L .T. the members will nane -their mayor
siLy, and that a recreation pro- wahitchka-- G. R. Redfearn and forthe memberswig twelve months..irmayor
gram has long been needed-1in. Port Mrs. C. L. Morgan. for the ensuing twelve months.
St. Joe, and that in order to brina. Supplies were issued and the duA
about the realization of such a ties of the co-chairmen and their ASSISTANCE FOR VETERANS
program, the people, of the city block workers were discussed. Sug- Any veterans interested in wha.
must give it their full support. gestions were asked for to improve they have coming to them under
The steering committee of the on, contributions, as this year's the GI Bill of Rights may contact
recreation-association urges all the quota of $6,200 is ile largest ever Thos. R. L. Carter at the Red
people of the city to give of their ;asked from Gulf county, and. it was Cross office in. the Costin Building
time and money toward promotion pointed out that this sum is not who has, application blanks for
of this program. A number of voi- going to 'be easy to raise without loans and will be glad to assist in
unteer workers will be needed, and the full co-operation of every citl- filling them out- This is a part of
those interested in volunteering a zen of the county. With the pres- the Red! Cross service to veterans.
portion of their time are asked to ent co-operation and enthusiasm Ir
contact W. A. Biggart. being displayed by those already Back From Overseas
-- appointed, and the expected co- .Sgt. W. W. "Lefty" Wadsworth
Visitors From Marianna operation of those yet to be ap- visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
. Mrs. Joe Newman and baby and (Continued on page 6) Leroy Gainous.- Sgt. Wadsworth
Mrs. Louis Humphreyville and --- ----- has been overseas two years and
baby of Marianna are guests this HOG RAISERS MUST I is now stationed at Tyndall Field.
week of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Drake. PAY COST OF SERUM Before entering the armed forces
S" he was employed by the Gulf Hard-
Visit In Panama City .County Agent S. L. Brothers has ware & Supply Company.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thursday and received word from the state live-1
daughter were guests last Friday stock abeard that the free hog Receives Medal For Son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Thursby in serum appropriation was exhaust- Mrs. Nellie Faulkner' of Chatta-
Panama City. ed January 20 .and .that until fur-. hoochee -was a visitor here Tues,
----- other funds are made available to day, having conie down to receive
Spend Week-end In Pensacola the department, serum and virus the Air MIedal at Tyndall Fieldi on
,Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell and will be distributed at cost ',n dl- behalf, of her son, T/:Sgt. Hilliard
children spent the week-end In reaction of the budget commissit%. R. Parrish, who, has been, a Ger-
Pensacola, guests of Mr. Howell's: Cost of the serum is 62 cents 'an2-:, prisoner of war since Jam!pm
mother, Mrs. Florida Howell. land virus $1.68 per 100 cc's. ary h1, l:'i. "


The young lieutenant, carrying
a small bundle swathed in blankets,
watched' his wife being wheeled
into the regional hospital at Eg-
lin Field, Fla., then giving up the
bundle to a nurse, he slumped into
a chair and lit a cigaret with a
quavering hand. If he was near a
state of collapse, it was pardon-
able, as he had delivered his own
baby just five minutes before.
It was early- in the morning of
Friday, Felbruary 9, 1945, that Mrs.
Virginia C. Bernal anxiously asked
her husband, Lt. Lee G, "Pete"
Bernal, to put in a call to Egliff
Field! for an anmbulance,. -Oa the
way in from their home in Crest-

-f. *t- ** S
view, the Bernal hedress grew Ten minutes, later he drove up
rather insistent upon making her to the hospital with nls 6 pound,
debut into the world andl the har- 11 ounce daughter and his wire.
ried ordnance officer ordered the Making sure they were safely
ambulance driver to push the ac- cared for, he permitted himself the
celerator down to the floor, luxury of a cigaret. Latest reports
Time and the stork waits for no reveal that baby, mother and fa-
one, however, and at 7:05 a. m. their are all doing well.
tradition demandedthat as an of- Lieutenant Bernal, a native of
ficer in the army Lieutenant Ber- Port S't. Joe and known familiarly
nal must act in the emergency, as "Pete," had .been; an employee of
"Stop the ambulance," he dli- the Gulf Hardware Company for
nected the driver, who was just ap- more than six years when he en-
proaching the gate to the air base. tered the armed forces as an en-
Then, in the bleakness. of early listed man in June, 1942, and was
dawn, he delivered his own baby commissioned after his graduation
in the back of the vehicle--an em- from Ordnance Officer Candidate
,ploye of death bringing -life into School February 9, 1943. Mrs. Ber-
the world, nal is the former Virginia Carter.

Tense Excitement

In Ancient City As

Convention Opens

Outlook Dark At Times For
Successful Completion of
Historic Document

(Fifth Article of a Series)
We can. imagine the. tense 'ex.
citement of the Saints as, Monday,
December 3, the day set for the
opening of the constitutional C0ou
vention approached. When the del-
egates, from East and Middle Flor-
ida arrived on the steamer New
Castle from'St. Marks, either late
on Saturday or some time Sunday,
the residents of the town knew
that the long awaited day was at
When the meeting was called to
order at 12 o'clock noon on De,
cember 3, 46 members were prea*
ent out of a total of 56. After a
temporary organization had, been
perfected,, one of the residents of
St. Joseph, the Rev. Peter W. Gau-
tier, opened the convention with
prayer. Little work was done on
the first day, except to examine
credentials of the members. Then ,
the convention adjourned until the
c.ext day, thus giving the delegates
an.-,: inhabitants of the city a furl
their opportunity to get acquainted.
The Saints lei-ined to know
sonie of the mna "'.u ,,nual men
in the history of American Florida
prior to. 1870. There were present
at least two, probably three, fu-
ture governors of Florida: Robert
Raymond Reid, within a year des-
tined to succeed Richard K. Call
as territorial governor; Williamn
Marvin of Key West, who more
than 25 years later was chosen
provisional governor at the close
of the Civil. War, and ThonIma
Brown of Leon county, probably
the same man who was governor
of the state, from 1849 to 1853, The'
first three United States senators
from Florida were members of tnw
convention: James D. Westcott
Jr., David Levy Yulee (his name
at this time was David Levy), ana'
Jackson Morton. Five of them saLe
in the Secession convention with
declared the state no Iunger a
member of the Union, in'January,
1A61: John McGehee, who became
president of the Secession conven-
tion; George T. Ward, Samuel is.
Stephens, Janis G. Cooper ana
Jackson Morton. E. Carrington
Cabell .beame a Florida represen-
tative' in congress.
At least five members of the fu-
'ure supreme court of the state
were members of the convention:
Benjamin D. Wright,. Walker An-
derson, Thomas Batzell, Leslie A.
Thompson and Albert G. Semmee.
Not only were the future politi-
cal and judicial leaders of the statW
at this gathering, .but the two
greatest newspaper editors of te-r-
ritorial Florida were delegates:
Benjamin D. Wright, the able ed-
itor and publisher of the Pensa-
cola Gazette, and Cosman, Emir
Bartlett, the clever and, kindly edo
itor of the Apalachicola Gazette.
Another able editor, Joshua G.
Knowles ef the Florida Watchman
of Tallahassee, was chosen secre,
tary of the convention, but he was
not a delegate.
All in all, It may be truthfully
said that never before nor since
have so many able, men been gath-
ered at one time in, a Florida town,
an4 that town not four years old.
The convention continued In,
(Continued on Page 4)


,(lllflillHlllH fliNi lllIlllllIll llllfIIlti'in Iul Ifllll I Mr. and, Mrs. Everett Whitehead over the week-end with Mr.., and Mrs. R. D. Prows of Panama City Cason of Apalachicola were visi-
SSCHOOL NEWS of' Panama City were week-end Mrs. C. Thursby.'. was- the guest of Mr. andl Mrs. tor T'here last Friday. :
guests of Mrs. A. C. Whitehead. iMrs. Watson Smith and daughter Rush Chlim Thursday and Friday Miss Ruby Hall of Alatra was
:By-WESLEY RAMSEY .Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Thursby Margie spent the eek-enid In .of last week. theguest of MitssPeggie Wise las*
nllllllllllllillillIllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlll""lllllllllllU 1 and children of .Millville -visited Thomasville, Ga, .and 'Tallahassee, Mrs. Dan Suggs and Mrs. E. C. week.
Tuesday was "Kiddie Day" for
the' seniors. They all were dressed
out in first grade attire. Margaret
Shealy set the record for being
Mean and had to stan l in the cor-
ner twice. Ralph Silva and Punk
Stevens had' a fight with a water- |
soaked cloth, but otherwise the
day passed off peacefully.
Miss Catherine Nix requested
that each clas select five songs o
for a surprise What that surprise y
is, no one knows but Miss Nix.uma
It seems a certain dog doesn't m
like Maurice Maige's bugling at 4 r
the flag-raising every morning. lie
(the dog) just sits and howls dur-
ing the bugle call.
An assassin was roaming thru
the halls on Kiddie Day in the per-
Aog of Alfred Rhamnes armed, with
a very lethal rubber band ant
wads of paper. ?o
The Key Club held a meeting
Wednesday and discussed and de-
veloped plans for the recreation
facilities they are working toward.
The band played for chapel last
Thursday and Mr. Becham sent
out a call for more band members .
to build the, band up to 50 pieces. ,- -
The following responded: Margl' -- -. \ t.|
Smith and Hazel Surnette, drums; -"I sincerely pray that all members of the human
Geraldine Parker, Peggy Hardy
and IreneWilrij. clarinet; Dorothy family may, in the time prescribed by the Father of us all,
Minus, sakaphone; Doll Collier, find themselves securely established in the enjoyment of
bass horn, and Bill Traweek, mel- life, liberty and happiness.",
phone. Keep .coming, comrades,
we'll have a good band yet. '

TM.AROYV M ESSARCLE THIS 38th ANNUAL REPORTsummarizes another success-
Mrs. R. G. Boyles was hostess to ful year in Jefferson Standard 'history. It tells the story'of good substantial
the Mary Vic Mauk Circle of the progress. It shows the strong financial position of the Company.... q Behind
Methodist W.-S. C. S. Monday af- the facts and figures are countless 'human interest stories of life insurance at work-of widows and or-
ternoon. She gave the Spiritual phans made financially secure, eof children educated because of foresighted fathers and mothers, of mnei
Life message for the day and, in and women made comfortable in retirement, of mortgages cancelled upon premature death of homeown-
the absence of the chairman, Mrs.
Noble .Stone, presided over the ers, of cash funds provided for emergencies Jefferson Standard, and its representatives from
business -eesion. coast to coast, proudly present the '38th Annual Report u hsppreciation to the many friends and .pplicy.,
As the -program chairman. Mrs. holders who have contributed to the Company's excellent progress.
Frank Manning gave the preface of
the book, "The Radiant Heart," INTEREST EARNING AND INTEREST
which is to be studied this year. PAYMENT MAINTAINED e.ANL
The lesson from the fiyst chapter -Again in 1944, as in every year since 1907, efferson
will be given at the next meeting Again in 1944, as in every year since 1907, Jefferson
by Mesdames Temple, Donaldson Standard maintained its national leadership in in-
atd McNeill. All members are re- terest earned on invested assets. During the year 5% FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1944
quested to bring their Bibles. interest was paid on funds held in trust for policyholders
andfbeneficiaries. ASSETS LIABILITIES
A social hour was enjoyed after andbeneficiaries.
adjournment during which the hoe- INCREASE IN ASSETS Cash .... ... $ 5,128,207 Policy Reserves ....... $112,811,235
tes served salad plateINCREASE IN ASSETS This reserve is required by
tess srved a salad plate with United States Government law toassure payment of
coffee. *Total assets are now $142,939,569 which represents Bbnds ........... .25,237,015 policy obligations.
The next meeting of the circle an increase of $14,693,244 for 1944. For every $100 Reserve for Policy Claims 810,813
State, County and Claims in course of 'settle-
will be March 12 with Mrs. R. V. of liabilities there are $110.17 of assets. Municipal Bonds ... 4,091,192 menit on .which proofs
Coburn at her home on Long have not been received.
Avenue. SURPLUS FUNDS INCREASED All Other Bonds ...... 12,231,105 Reserve for Taxes ..... 642,617
Avenue. SURPLUS FUNDS INCREAEDPremiums and Interest
Stocks .... .. 8,835,827 Pid- nAvnce1.619.919

-.The Susie Peach Foster Girc'le
of the& Methodist W. S. C. S. met
Monday at the home of Mrs. Pat-
ton,. with "M!rs. Patton presiding. ,
The meetfig was opened with
prayer by Mrs.. A. M. Jones. The
first three chapters of "The Radi-
ant Heart" were discussed by Mrs.
Jones, Mrs. R. A. Cost'in and' Mrs.
J. C, Farnell.
After a short business, session
the hostess served delicious re-
freshmen ts, to seven members .and
one visitor, Mrs. Marie Hiclikmn.
The next meeting of the circle
will be with Mrs. Miles Hurlbut.
The executive board' of thle Port
St. Joe Woman's Club will meet
Wednesday, February 28, at 3:4b
p. m. at the home of Mrs. Gale
Traxler.-All members of the board.
are urged to attend, as this is to
be an Iniportant meeting.

We have the largest stock
of Shoe Polish in Port St.
Joe;... All makes! All col-
ors! Paste and Liquid.


*JSurplus, capital, and contingency reserves total
$13,200,000. This represents a high ratio of addi-
tional funds for policyholders' protection.

In 1944 the insurance in force increased $40,032,074.
The total is now $542,565,115 protection on more
than 200,000 policyholders.

*The Company paid policyholders and beneficiaries
$6,377,351 in benefitsin944. Total benefits since
organization in, 1907- $144,149,126.

During 1944 the Jefferson Standard invested $9,640,000
in War Bonds, thus making a substantial contribu-
tron to the anti-inflation battle and toward final victory.
Total U. S. Government Bond holdings- $25,237,015.

Listed securities carried at
market, cost, or call value,
whichever is lowest.
First Mortgage Loans. .
Real Estate . ..
Loans- to Our
-- Policyholders ......
Secured by the cash values
of policies.
Premium Loans and
Liens ........ ....
Secured by the cash values
of policies.
Investment Income in
Course'of Collection .
Premiums in Course of
Collection . ...
All Other Assets .....



Policy Proceeds Left
With Company ..... 10,500,746
Dividends for
Policyholders ...... 1,326,494
Reserve for All Other
Liabilities . . 2,027,745
Liabilities . $129,739,569

Contingency Re-
serve .$2,200,000
2,545,503 A fund for contingencies,
depreciation on real estate
and investment fluctu-
Capital .... 4,000,000
1,144,613 Surplus' Un-
assigned 7,000,000
3,195,383 Total Stirplus Funds for
Additional Protection
157,141 of Policyholder .

Total Admitted Assets $142,939,569


Total ....... .$142,939,569



- ." Li'





.- .. .. .:k J ...... i i ,


Wewah'itchka, Fla.
February 13, 1945.
The Board of County Commis-
sioners of Gulf County met this
day in regular session with the fol-
.lowihg members' present: W. R.
Connell, Chairman; Jim Daniels,
J. C. Martin, Basil E. Kenney Jr.,
and. W. C. Roche. Clerk and Sher-
iff were also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order
at 10:00 A. M. and the following
order of business taken up:
Minutes of stated and inter-
vening meetings were read and
Basil E. Kenney, Jr., moved, that
the County purchase War Bonds
In an' amount of $50,000.00 of the
surplus now held in the Canal Toll
Fund of this County; that said
bonds be of the series "G" and that
said purchase be made only after
the; opinion of E. Clay Lewis, Jr.,
County Attorney, as to the neces-
sary procedure; and further, that
upon completion of all details, the
Clerk and Chairman of this Board
be authorized and directed to is-
sue a warrant in the said sum ot
$50,000.00 on the Canal Toll Fund
payable to the 'bank designated
through which the purchase shall
be made. The motion was seconded
by W. C. Roche and upon being
put to a vote the motion was
unanimously carried..
Whereupon the Chairman ap-
Pointed the following committee to
advise with the County Attorney
for his opinion andi final instruc-
tions: Basil E. Kenney, Jr., W. U.
Roche and J. C. Martin.
The Clerk presented Auditor's
Report No. 2687 for the period end-
ing Sept. 30, 1943, and Sept. 30th,
1944, as provided under Section
125.0,9 Florida Statutes: 1941, and
the same was ordered' filed as part
of the public records of Gulf

E. C. Pridgeon, commissions
and postage ............ 23.70
Wewa. P. L. & I. Co., water
and lights .............. 65.4Z
St. Joe Tel. & Tel. Co., acct. 8.14
The Gulf County Breeze,
legal, etc. ............ .. 43.50
Postmaster, county postage 6.00
Mrs. Polly Hardly, co. in.d... 10.00
W. T. Strange, county ind... 10.90
C. L. Whitfield, wood' ..... 96.00
A. C. Rodenibaugh, suippl'es 3.15
American Flag Co., flag for
Court House Square, ..... 9.21
Q. A. Hutson, repairing
typewriters ......... .... 52.25
Bishop Office Equipment
Co., supplies ............ 2.94
Gulf Hardware & Supply
Co.. miscellaneous ....... 13.91
H. & W B Drew Co, office
supplies .............. 100.48
W. R. Connell, sal., less, tax 49.90
Jim Danie:s', salary and mile-
age, less tax .......... 50.90
J. C. Martin ..... 53.40
Basil E. Kenney, Jr. ... 52.50
W. C. Roche ..... 54.90
Mrs. Pearl J. Whitfield', sal-
ary and exp.. ......:,..... 100.00
C. G. Rish, salary, less tax 74.30
E. Clay Lewis, Jr. ....1 39.50
Robert Scott, salary & wood 143.80.
20% Tax Acct., withheld .... 17.00
J. R. Hunter, salary, less tax 138.95
The Star Pulbishing C*.,
legal forms ....... ....... 18.50
Dixon V. Herring, dues,
County Commissioners .. 25.00
Gulf Insurance Agency, pre-
miums- on officers, bonds.. 145.00
P. F. McDaMtel, casket for
county indigent ......... 35.00
Fine and Forfeiture Fund
J. E. Pridgeon, County Judge
cost bills .............. .$215.54
E. Clay Lewis, Jr., Atty.,
salary and convictions .. 180.00
J. R. Hunter, Clerk, record-
ing convictions .......... 23.25
B. E.' Parker, Sheriff, cost
bills ..................... 573.51
Road and Bridge Fund
Burford-Toothaker Tractor
Co., parts ............... $ 9.84
Sunny State Serv., gas,, etc. 11.17
L. S. Brown Co., jail sup-
plies .................... 12.00
Wewahitchka Har-dware Co.
supplies. .. ............. 5.015
W. W. Walsingham, road
work ................... 6.0
G. T. Rhames, road work .. 2.00
Jno. Land .... 2.00
C. F. Whitfield '" .... 8.00
A J .TJenks s'alaryv petc. lessi

The Sunny State .Service Sta- tubes, batteries and accessories.
tion, which was recently bought Biggest business of the station
by C. W. "Red" Horton. from W. C. right now Ts in retreading and vul-
Roche, offers a -great variety of canizing tires in one of the most
services to the motoring public of modern and up-to-date- establisn-
Port St. Joe and vicinity. In addi- ments, of its kind in, Northwest
tCon to -handling the well-known Florida.
Sunny State gasolines they carry Another innovation for this sec-
well-known brands of tires and I ton recently installed by Mr. Hor-

Husband of Local

Woman Wounded

By Jap Grenade

Instrument of Death Rolls Down
Hill In Guam and Explodes
On Edge of Foxhole

Marine Corps Combat Coirespondent
CIFIC (Delayed) When a Jap
hand grenade wobbled' down a hill
directly for his foxhole on Guam,
Marine Staff Sergeant John _K.
Mudcge of New Orleans, whose
wife, Eva Ruth, resides at Port St.

The Clerk of this Board also tax ....................... 145.85 .. .. ,
presented'his annual report for the D. M. Thomas, .... 132.60
Fiscal Year beginning October 1st, Sam Pridgeou, moving truck
1943, and ending Sept. 30th, 1944; 20% Tax cct, withheld. 15.50. .
same was approved and ordered St. Joe Motor Co., repairs
filed as part of the public records on machinery ............ 346.25 .. .,.
of the County. Ga-skin Bros. Lumber. Co., 7'"*-' "
E. C. Pridlgeon, .Tax Collecto, lumber ................. 110.85 : ?
Pridigeon, axCollec C. R.Teat, bidg. cattle gaps 35.00
and J. E. Pridgeon, County Judge, Cary Thomas, repair. ferry 12.0 .-
presented their annual reports B. E. Parker, cost bills .... 62.0u
showing receipts and disburso- City Service Garage, re-'
ments for the period beginning pairs, etc. .............. 15.75'
James Laurimore, clay and
January 1sat, 1944, and ending De- hauling .................. 33.60 ',.
c.ember 31st, 1944, and the same Judgment No. 2 (Lister) ..
were ordered filed' in the office or Est. H. C.. Lister, payment ',
'the Clerk of the Circuit Court as on judgment and int.. .$1,940.00 .. ..
tirovided by law. Judgment No. 1 Whaley)
The Home Demonstrat'ion Agent W. C. Whaley, payment on "_- -
filed her report for the month of principal and, intereFst ...$159.00 S/SGT. JOHN K. MUDGE
Canal Toll Fund'
January 1945, and the same was R. J. Pitts, salary, less tax. ..$125.80
ordered filed in the office of the 20% Tax Acct., withheld .. 9.20 Joe, Fla., "just ducked down and
Clerk of the Circuit Court. Gulf County Ins. Agency, prayed that it wouldn't roll on top
Whereupon, Frank & Dot's insurance on bonds..... 62.70 of me."
Agency for American Eagle Insur- Agriculture and Livestock Fund Mudge was, a member of a com-
ance Co., of New Orleans, La., pre- tax ...... Broths,.....ary.., les.......$173.60 munications unit doing .dfouble-duty
sented a bill in the sum of $3,- 20% Tax Acct., withheld .., 1.40 in the early days of the. Guam in-
013.64 for premium on the princi- S. L. Brothers, advance for vasion. The men handled ship-to-
pal of $150,682.00 insurance' on the serum .............. ... 50.00 shore communications during tns
Dredge "Blackwater" for a period Race Track Fund day, and went up to the hills at
of three days. Commissioner W.. Mothers Pension Fund, $246 night to fight the, Japs. It was on
transfer................$246.91 one of these night forays that the
C. Roche stated that inasmuch as Agriculture and Live Stock, one of these night frays that the
it was agreed by and between J. transfer ................ 225.00 sergeant was wounded.
L. Sharit, Frank Hannon of the Mothers Pension Fund He had dug in with other mem-
agency of 'Frank & Dot's Agency, Minnie Paul, mothers pension $6.00 bers of his communications unit to
'representing. the American Eagle Jessie Walsingham .... 3.00 defend; a hospital near the Guam
Insurance Co.. of New Orleans, La., Mrs. C. Laurimore 6.00 beach. The Japs made their nightly
Mrs. Julia Odom 3.06
and himself, that, the premium Mrs,. Etta Rhames .... 6.00 charge. Mudge spied the grenade
would not exceed $100.00, there Corine Jenkas .... 3.00 rolling toward him, ready to ex-
was a motion by Commissioner W. Rosa Stevens .... 3.00 plode, and his. praying began.
C. Roche that said bill for $3,013.64 Mrs. R. L. Williams 3.00 "That thing went off on the ver7
1 Eliza Williams .... 6.00 edge of my foxhole," Mudge re-
be refused upon the grounds that Mrs. Causey Griffin .. 6.00 edge of my foxhole," Mudge re-
the amount was far in excess, of Mrs. Fred G. Hall .... 3.00 lated. "One fragment hit me in the
the amount agreed upon. The mo-; Whereupon, there being no tu,- arm. I put some sulfa drug on it
tion was, seconded by Jim Daniels their business to. come before the and bandaged, it up. I got more
and upon being put to a vote the Board at this time, it did.thaet ad-. treatment the. next morning."
motion was unanimously carried journ until the next regular meet.- The communications unit kept
and the Clerk of this Board d,- ing in March, the same bi:,r- tin. up its double duty for several days
rected to mail a copy of the motion 13th day of said month,' u-less and Mudge stayed with'it until No-
to Frank & .Dot's Agency, Port St. called in special session by thi vember, when he left the island.
Joe, Fla. Chairman.
Whereupon the following bills Attest: W. R. CONiNIELL, Overheard in an area where-
were presented, examined, approv- J. R. HUNTER, Chairman. store-bought liquor has, not been
ed and ordered paid from the sev- Clerk. available for some time: "I got
eral fundls of the County, as fol- hold of some pretty old. stuff yes-
lows.: Rem.mber ~When UIncle Sam -used terday;, the bootlegger got caugni
General Fund ]to live within his, inomeI and'witft- in a traffic jam o. te % ayt Q 'de-,
Lounie Baxter, wega ,. .....$ 64.75 ot yots,? .iver it."

ton, is an "automobile laundry"
which steam cleans, the, motor and.
chassis of your car. ,
In addition to these services,
Sunny State also does' grease, pol-
ish and wash jobs and extends all
the little courtesies to customers
that are a part of the operation ,f
a modern establishment like this
catering to motorists' needs.

JEFFERSON STANDARD Net interest earned, on invested
MAKES SUBSTANTIAL assets for the year was 4.53 per
GAINS IN PAST YEAR cent. The average for all life in-
surance companies was 3.3 per
Frank Hannon, local rapresefita- cent in 1943. The company has
tive of the Jefferson Standard Lire paid 5 per cent on dividend ac-
Insurance Company, of Greensboro, cumulations and policy proceeds-,
N. C.. has, received notice from to beneficiaries since organization
hist home office of a net gain of in 1907, a record unmatched by
$40,032,074 in, insurance ini forcel any other life insurance compa7.,
during 1944. Total insurance now War Bond purchases during the
in force is $542.565,115. year amounted to $10,000,000. TO.
President Julian Price paid high tal U. S. government bond hold-
tribute to the agency force which, in-gs now amount to $25,237,015.
without the services of 105 mem- The. company's assets increased
bers, in the armed forces,, paid for byv $14,693,244 and now total $142,-
$60,097,014 new business, an 11 939,569.
per cent increase over 1943. -
The ratio of actual to expected! Lives there a man with soul so
mortality was only 52 per cent, dead, who has, never looked over
which was 2 per 'cent better than his, shoulder' andi said':' "H-m-rn,
in. 1943. The increased 'war m.or-r not bad, not bad!"
tality was more than offset 'by the
very favorable civilian mortality. Send The Star to a friend.

We're Overstocked On...


FIFTHS - $3.15
PINTS - $1.75
It MUST Be Moved!




Home Owners!

You can now secure

Lumber for maintenance

and repair

Most Materials Are Available

Loans Are Available For Repairs

Soderberg Lumber Co.

PHONE 69- J <05@



l= .


PAIDAY, 'Ff8RUAAY 23, 1045


PA*E THili

..... ET ;

Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fl, ,
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMI-TH, Editor

Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the
]Vostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879.
One Year....... $2.00, Six Months....... $1.00

--4{ Telephone 51 ~--

TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or omissions in adver-
tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for
damages further than amount receiWed for such advertisement.

The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word
is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts;
the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country ` Right or Wrong

We've been reading a lot in the papers re-
cently of the fight in congress over Henry
Wallace and the Reconstruction Finance Cor-
poration, and last week we saw part of the
scrap in the newsreel at the Port theater.
The whole squabble seems to be whether
Wallace, apostle of the common man, or
Jesse Jones, representative of the vested in-
terests, shall sit at the first table and do the
pie-cutting in disposing of government prop-'
erty when the war ends.
The war has put into the hands of the gov-
ernment property costing around $75,000,000,-
000, and most of it will go into private hands
when the war is concluded. Whose private
hands? At what price?
Never was there such a pie to be divided,
.and whoever does the dividing will have a
hard time resisting varied temptations. The
"comparatively small pie dished out after the
first World War produced a scandal and led
several prominent men to jail. Will it happen
again? Only time, will tell.
i ---" -< "
Some nations are like some people: When
they are sick they will follow the doctor's or-
ders so that they may recover-but once well
again they are not so sure the doctor knows
what he is talking about when he tells them
what they should do in order to remain well.
This is brought to mind by the frenzied
appeals of the pacifist fringe-plus some hon-
est though forgetful folks-to let the legisla-
tion for universal military training of our
youth wait until the men now in service re-
turn home, so they may have their say.
As a matter of fact, they have spoken. They
favor universal military training. An over-
whelming majority of our armed forces are
for it, and think it should become law. The
percentages have been published-70 per cent
,of the whole forces that have been reached
in surveys, 90 per cent of the officers.
With this opinion of the armed forces al-
ready expressed, it follows that one must
look for another reason behind, these pleas of
"Not now; let's wait!"
Can the real reason be that the forces in op-
position to military training have another rea-
son not yet disclosed? Might this reason be
that they are not so interested in w-hat the
armed forces now think of military training,
as they are in hoping for a delay until the sol-
diers are out of uniform and at home, so they
can apply pressure in whatever ways may pre-
sent themselves, in a hope to persuade these
young men to change their attitude?
We submit that'NOW is the time, to pass
legislation tol provide for universal military
training. People are more prone to listen to
practical men and practical proposals now, for
we are dealing with elemental things the
life and death of men, and the life and death
of nations. If the remedy appears harsh,, it
also is neeessary-so let's have it.
The nation is now used to the fact that
when a young man reaches the age of 18 he
lBecomes subject to the draft and, if physically
qualified, wfll go into uniform. If this is con-;
inued after the war, for the purpose of giv-

ing him military training, it will be nothing I
startling or new. We are used to it. But to
wait months or years to pass universal mili-
'tary training will be to create the necessity
for new adjustments which now will not be
The fact of the matter is that those who
cry "Wait until the boys come home are en-
gaging in "diversionary tacticss" They will
still be opposed to universal military training
after our armed forces are demobilized, re-
gardless of how these forces feel on the sub-
ject. They are not- concerned with what our
forces think; they are simply and plainly op-
posed to military training always have
been; always will be. So you can cancel off
their tearful pleas.
If military training is to be of any value
to the nation and its hope for continued peace
when this war ha seen won, we should pro-
vide for it now-not later.
It is the position of the American Legion,
of the war and navy departments, and of
thousands of thoughtful and patriotic men
and women-mothers and fathers of the.youth
of our land-that universal military training
is a necessity for the nation and will be of
immense value to our youth.
Let us pass the law now.
-The National Legioinaire.

Desertion from the front line in time of
war may be punished by death. In every case
the penalties are severe. But on the home
front absenteeism from an important war
job usually goes unpunished, although the
loss to the war effort may be just as serious.
Congress now is considering "work or
fight" legislation which may alter this unfair
situation. But it would be much better if all
war workers took a solemn peldge not to be V
absent a single day-unless sick-from their
war jobs.
Unfortunately some pulpwood workers in
and around Port St. Joe have not realized
the vital importance of their work and have
been AWOL one or two (lays a week. A War
Manpower Commission official in a southern
state recently stated that there would be no
manpower problem in war industries, such as
pulpwood, if there were no absenteeism.
If every pulpwood worker whetherr he
cuts, hauls or loads the pulpwood, or whether
he works in the paper mill would only re-
alize that his absenteeism is prolonging the
war and costing additional American lives, he
might take a vow to stick to his job until the
boys come marching home victoriously.
After all, it's much easier to cut pulpwood
or work a shift in the mill than to fight Japs
or Nazis, to say nothing of escaping the dan-
gers of the front line. -
Why not be a "Pulpwood Patriot" instead
of a home front slacker?

In a recentissue of .Fuller's Florida Letter
that gentleman from Tampa stated: "There
is a state census next spring which will head-
line the almost state-wide gross inequalities
in county commission districts. Glaring ex-
amples: Gulf county with a county commis-
sion district with only two families in it;' Sar-
asota county with 80 per cent of the people
in the city of Sarasota with one commissioner,
Pinellas with two commissioners." It looks
as though, Mr. Fuller, you are somewhat be-
hind the times and, in the slang of the day,
should "get hep" to yourself. The situation
in Gulf county was corrected quite a while
back when we -held a redistricting election.
and Port St. Joe, in about the same condition'
as Sarasota at that time, now has adequate
representation on the board, the "two family"
district having been eliminated.

Asked to write an essay on the life of Ben-
jamin Franklin, a little girl wrote this gem:n
"He was born in Boston, traveled to Phila-
delphia, met a lady on the street, she laughed
at him, he married her..and discovered elec-
tricity."--W.ihita (Kan.,s.) Democraj. .


(Continued from page 1)
session to January 11-a duration
three times as long as had been
anticipated. Although the proceed-
ings ordinarily were of little In-
terest to the populace, there were
occasions when the attention of al-
most everybody was aroused. Their
delegate, Duval, lost the chairman-
ship of the convention by one vbte
to Judge Reid, but as a partial
compensation for this disa.ppoint-
nent he ;'as made chairman of
the committee on the executive
,epartmeint. and Allen of the com-
mittee on the judicial department.
Through all the sessions these two,
men played very prominent parts.
During t.ie final days, when the
outlook for the successful comple-
:ion of the constitution was very
lark, when the convention had
come to an apparent stalemate
wver the e nation of the important
Article XIII on "Banks and Other
Corpcratio s,"' after long, tedious
'nd acrimonious debates, then Ai-
len saved the day by proposing
on, January 5 the 14th section or
the, article, which was immedi-
ately adopted: by an overwhelming
vote. With the signing of the coin-'
pleted document on the afternoon
of January 11, 1839, St. Joseph was
assured of a prominent place in
the annals, of Florida.
(Sixth article next week)
---"Keep His America Am-- rican.
"Keep His America American."

Future of Ramie Growing
In Florida Looks Excellent

A loosely woven sports shirt is
being exhibited by Commissioner
of Agriculture Nathan Mayo, made
entirely of ramie, the fibre. plant
now being grown commercially In
The ramie cloth is, improved by
laundering and wear. "No human
hands can tear it," states Mayo,
who predicts that ramie will be-
come an outstanding Florida crop.
The plant is fast-growing, produc-
ing at least 'three crops a year.
Several thousands acres are be-
ihg planted in Palm Beach county'
and additional acreage at other
points is planned.
Experimental work with ramie
has been carried on for a number
of years at the prison farm at
Belle Glade. Data and information
gathered by the department of ag-
riculture made it possible for the
Florida Economic Adivancement
Council to interest capital for com-
mercial development.
Dr. Brown Landone, scic~tist of
Winter Park, has been working on
the problem of increasing the
fibre yield and improving methods
of decordication with excellent re-

Hickory, dickory, dock, the girl
pulled up her sock. She snagged
a thread and what she said could
be heard, around the block.

History records only one indis-
pensalble man. That was Adam.

S- Letters from Home

, A marine hite the jackpot! A batch of delayed letters
arrives at a Pacific atoll a few weeks after its capture from.
the Japanese, c-.


FRIDY, FS.RA&Y-93,1946



One of the loveliest parties ot
the season was the Valentine party
sponsored by the Port St. Joe Wo-
man's Club Wednesday evening of
last week and which raised $53.40
for the club treasury.
The scene of this delightful at-
fair was the club room, which waa
beautifully decorated in the Valen-
tine motif, the outstanding fea-
ture being the tea table. This was
covered with a beautiful cloth of
Quaker lace, centered with a.
heart of violets and candelabra,
and further decorated with tiny
red bows in heart-shaped arrang>w-
Bingo and bridgee were enjoyed
by a large nuniber of guests, and
when the games were concluded,
retreshments of dainty sandwiches,
cake and coca-colas were served,
and all present reported a very en-
joyaible evening.
Credit for this lovely party goes
to Mrs. Massey Wardi, assisted by
Mesdames A. L. Ward, Gale Trax-
ler, Rush Chisii, John R. Smitn,
S. B. Shuford, S. L. Towery and G.
A. Patton. Special mention is, given
B. B. Conklin and' Massey" Ware,
who were in charge of the bingo
*& *& *&

advertising doesn't cosr- -itPAYS!

It Doesn't Cost A Cent

The President's Protective Investment Plan .
a safe, flexible means of providing income
for the future doesn't cost a cent if you
die within 20 years, because all deposits you have
made on it will be returned to your family and
the principal amount of the contract paid to them

Springfield, Illinois

Kenney Mercantile I



A Complete Line of

Groceries Meats Dry Goods






R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156
SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1945
9:45-Sunday School for all.
11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon Topic: .
7:00--Baptist Training Union. -.
8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic:
^ .-, -------- -- *- ------.- -j. *'-s p-----

Miss Mary Earle He'ms, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Helm
of this city, became the bride o
Robert L. Smith, BM 2/c, on Sat
urday, February 17, at 1 p. m. a
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross V
Coburn, the Rev. 0. D. Langston o
the Methodist .Church officiating.
The bride wora a suit of pali
blue wool with black accessorle
an9d- a corsage of purple orchids.
Miss Sara Martin, serving as
bricd'esmaid, wore a suit of goli
and black with black accessories
and a, corsage of white carnations
Mlv. Coburn. uncle of the groom
acted as best mnan The bride was
given in marriage by her father.
Fo'lowing the very impressivi
double ring ceremony, the britt
and-groom cut the wedding cakt
a I. punch wasi served to about 3(
friends. and, relatives attending the

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirby of Pen
sacola received word Sunday that
their son, Walter M. Kirby, PhM3c
who is at the U. S. Navy hospital
Memphis, Tenn., was married Sat
urday night in that city to Miss
Carnell Shepard of Jacksonville.

"Keep His America American."


s who spoke briefly, paying tribute
to 'the founders of the organization.
Following three numbers by the
band, B. B. Conklin introduced the
e guest speaker of the evening, Mil-
U lard Davidson, superintendent or
e the Florida Industrial School for
Boys at Marianna, who gave a ver *
interesting talk on juvenile de-
linquency, stressing the need of
more wholesome recreation as a
cure for delinquency.
After adjournment of the meet-
ing, refreshments were served
from a beautifully appointed tab:e
centered with a handsomely dec-
orated birthday cake. Mrs. J. L.
Sharit, Mrs. Paul Fensom and Mrs.
Edwin Ramsey assisted the hospl-
tality chairman, Mrs., L. P. Sutton,
in serving the' more than two hun-
dred guests. A silver offering of
$13.67 was given at this time to be
sent to the national P.-T. A. as a
Founder's Day gift.
,A special word of appreciation, is
extended to the Kiwanis and Ro-
tary clubs for their co-operation.

The Ruth Lawrence Circle of
the Methodist W. S. C. S. met Mon-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Walter Johnson, with Mrs. M. P.
Tomlinson presiding.
After a brief business session,
the meeting was turned over to
Mrs. Ralph Swatts, program chair-
man, who introduced the Bible
study, Costen J. Harrel's "Radiant
Heart." The first chapter, "The,
Story Behind' the Letter," was
taught by Mrs. 0. D. Langston in
a very interesting manner.
At the conclusion of the meeting
the .hostess, served refreshments.
Hostess for the next meeting, on
March 12, will be Mrs. Omar
Branch at the home of Mrs. R. W.
Smith. Members are urged to at-
tend this meeting and in the mean-
time to read and study the first
chapter of Philippians.

Circle Three of- the Baptist W.
M. S. met Monday at the home of
SMrs.- Donal.i Birath on 8th Street.
The meeting was opened with
prayer by Mrs. Durel Brigman and
the devotional was given by ,Mrs.
Tom Strickland.
,After the regular business ses-
sion, the hostess served a delect-
able salad plate to i ten members.
Mrs. Birath was assisted in serv-
ing by Mrs. Lee Crawford.
The next circle nimeeting will be
with Mrs. Brigman at her home on
Furth Street.

Mr. and- Mrs. Donald Birath en-
tertained, with a dinner party on
their second wedding anniversary,
February 14. The dining table was
centered with a beautiful three-
tier valentine cake.
A delicious dinner.consisting of
fried chicken', mashed' potatoes,
creamed peas buttered carrots,
pear salad', pickles, hot biscuits,
coffee and cake was served to Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Howell and Chief
and Mrs. H. E. Bosarge.

-"Mr. and Mrs, ,. H. Parramore
of Dothan, Ala., and Charlie R dd
of, Wewahitchka were' guests Sat-
urda`y ;ofr Mi. adi- Mrsa]B F..Daugth-
try -' _.. ..

club, on March 5, will be with Mrs.
Eliza Lawson.

Mrs. A.. L. Ward honored her
little daughter, Betty, on. her third
birthday Tuesday with a lovely
Valentine party at her home on
Sixteenith Street.
Each little guest was given col-
ored? crayons as favors. After en-
joying a number of games, they
were invited to the dining room
v ere a beautiful two-tier birthday
cake centered the table. They were
then served cake, ice cream, val-
entine cookies, punch and candy.




About 25 of Betty's small friends I re o0 Ue Dears o ay actvl-
shared this happy occasion with ties. A different group will con-
her., duct each service.
f ,t A cordial invitation is extended
Send The Star to a friend. the public to attend these services.

Port Theatre

A Martin Theatre

'" Port St. Joe, Fla.

February 26, 27

1 l l Marafet

T G 1"TOEY SONG"PiftorPl



Chapter 2 of New Serial
"Haunted Harbor"




Chapter 3 of Serial

"The Black Arrow"

March 1 and 2


A ir ew $ S i >l' r. ,J a cz 7' E. S
Edd Car.ie k Crn-ll0n. Ofj .
JoiG.. f l.i'Sydn. y O ent",> rel P.o. Hw lrH 4




The joint celebration of Fathers'. The regular meeting of the J. A.
Night and Founder's Day was hela M. Club was held Monday evening
Thursday evening of last week in at the home of Mrs. W. H. Howell
.the high school auditorium by the on Eighth Street.
Parent-Teachers Association. Mrs. After the regular activities of
,Basil E. Kenney Jr., presiidea. the club were disposed of, the hos-
The meeting was opened with tess served a delicious lunch coin-
the school band playing "The Star i sisting of creamed asparagus on
Spangled Banner," followed with toast, deviled eggs, pressed ham,
the devotional given, by Floyd Hunt congealed fruit salad, cake and
and. prayer by Rev. W. A. Daniel. cocacolas, to Mrs. Verna Smitin,
Mrs. Kenney extended a special Mrs. Ned Gainous, Mrs. Lola Co,-
welcome to the fathers present tin, Mrs. Florrie Connell, Mrs.
and also introduced the past presi- Rubye Pridgeon, Mrs. Donald Bir-
dents of the local P.-T. A. Mrs. H. ath and Miss Myrtice Coody.
C. Brown introduced Nobie Stone, The next regular meeting of the

Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Costin and
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellan were
joint hosts last Sunday at the Con-
tin home when they entertained
with a wild turkey dinner with all
the trimmings. The table was laden
with a most sumptuous repast.
Present to enjoy the occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon
and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pridgeon or
Wewahitchka, B. A. Pridgeon and
-B. A. Pridgeon Jr., of White City,
Mr .and Mrs. Chauncy Costin and
children of Beacon Hill, Miss Eana
Davis of White City, Mr. and, Mrs.
W. C. Pridgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Hor-
ace Soule and son, Mrs. R. A. Cos-
tin, Capt. and Mrs. Robert Tapper-,
Capt. George Tapper of Marianna,
Miss Dorothy Costin, Miss Erline
McClellan, Miss, Wanda Mae Spen-
cer, Miss Sara Jo Costin, Master
Jimmy Costin and little Miss Sal-
lie Costin.

Laymenh's Week will Ibe. observed
at the Methodist Church next -week
beginning at 7:30 Sunday evening,
February 25, and continuing thru
Friday, March 2.
Services each evening will be, in

; LI I._ ____




I FRDAIIma3 14

IIlllllIIIIllllltIiIIIlllllllill i fli llll lllllllllNIIIIIllIIIIIIIii i

Monday saw the last open sub-
scription. for the January quota
filled, when John Dendy came in
and handed us' $2 for a year for
Wilbur Wells out in Texas. We
had 22 cut off the list during
January, 6 of whom came in and
renewed, and the 16 new suu-
scribers are as follows:
C. M. Warner, Alfred Rhames,
Nathan Pe'te.rs, Bob Shaw, Mrs.
Oscar Smith, M. H. Elder, Mrs.
L. C. Wise, R. H. Brinson and L.
J. Trexler, all of Port St. Joe,
Thos. J. Kelley, S 2/c, Palatka,
Fla.; Pvt. Fred S. McLean, c/u
Postmaster, New York; Ferrell
0. Allen, AS, Bainbridge, MC.;
Beatrice Hayes, Caryville, Fla.;
Mrs. .Sandlers Smith, Pensacola,
Fla.; Miss Marjorie Costin, At-
lanta, Ga.; Wilbur Wells, Ama-
rillo, Texas.
We don't know how many va-
cancies we will have during tnt,
coming month, but probably not
many, as' most subscribers re-
ceiving expiration notices roL
February have already dropped.
in and paid up.


FOR SALE-Large 'baby carriage,
with mattress; in excellent con-
dition. Phone 90. 1
FOR SALE-Dinette table in. good
condition; walnut finish; $7.50.
Call 173 J. 2-23
Why not get it over before the
deadline? See CONKLIN AND
CARTER, Costin Bldg. 3
pickup truck in perfect condition,
brand new tires. Party leaving city.
Call at The Star office. 2-16
WE HAVE TWO very anxious ,buy-
ers wanting St. Joe homes. It
you Jhave one or hear of one for
sale, phone or see use. Conklin and
Carter, Costin Bldg., phone day 201
or night 121. 2-9 23
WANTED- Small electric heater.
Call at The Star office, tf
FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms
that are guaranteed to get the
fish for you. See Eddie Beverly
In the ,Sheffield colored quarters
rtfOR RE T SIGNS0 T-.W fr 2q5,

rFu R n I l OI ZIMpJ. wu t-oorz eo
at The Star office, tt


The purity and uniformity of the
drugs and chemicals we use in com-
pounding your physician's prescription
are ensured by the vigilant chemists of
Control Laboratories. Even during the
manufacture of a simple product a score
or more of exacting tests for purity are
mdde. Thus, we compound prescriptions
with full confidence in the reliability of
the ingredients your physician prescribes.
We ui Merck Prescripton Cheradcals

Smith's Pharmacy

Phone 5

Port St. Joe

We Fill Any Doctor's Prescrlptlon

SWith the Colors -Sharks Lose To

(Continued From Page 1) Chapman 31-29 I
a litter bearer. When Anzio beach-
head forces were feeling the ter- Apalachicola Lads Win Out In NI.p
ror of the "Anzio Express," these and Tuck Contest; Will Play
same medics were there, too. Panama City Here Tonight a
Now in, support of combat units --
in Lt. Gen. Jacob L. Devers' 6th The St. Joe high school basket- d
Army Group, the battalion's., unc- ball team lost a thrilling game-. to c
tion is a routine though difficult Chapman high of Apalachicola last t
one. Operating in the snow and Tuesday night by a score of 31 tu a
cold over treacherous mountain 29. The game was a nip and tuck
terrain, these combat medics given affair from start to finish, with the
wounded Yanks their first medical lead changing several times. f
treatment and rush them to hos- At half time, Chapman led 21 to t
pitals where detailed care can be 19, but the' Sharks came back to t
administered. hold a 27-23 lead at the end of the 'b
It first acquired the "D-Day third quarter. With only a minute
Medics" nickname when, detach- and, a half before the final whistle,
ments operated close behind as- the score was tied at 29-all, ana b
sault troops during the invasion then Apalachicola scored, *a field
of Casablanca,' French Morrocco. goal to take the lead with a halr
Ten hours after the first troops minute to go, and from there on
waded ashore at Licata, Sicily, the neither team made a basket.
56th had its first clearing stations Donald Liniton was high point
working. Later, at Anzio, It per- man for the Sharks with 11 points,
formed its most difficult tasl- and Herndon, led the Apalachicola
evacuating wounded on shore-to- scorers with the same number.
ship trips in LS'Ts. and other cratt. Tonight the. Sharks will play the
It lanidled on D-Day in southern Bay high team of Panama City Im
France to repeat its Anzio funo- Centennial Auditorium at 8 o'clock.
tons. The local boys will. play their
last home game of the season
Assigned to Sioux Falls AAF next Tuesday night against We-
Pvt. Raymond Thompson of this wahitchka.
city, has been assigned to the AAF 'Next Thursday night they will
Training Command Radio School go to Bonifay to enter the district
at the Sioux Falls (S. D.) Army tournament, their opening game
Air Field, for training as a radio being against Niceville.
operator-mechanic. ---
A Here From New York
Another Shoulder Patch Harold Smith o( New York City
The editor is in receipt of a is visiting relatives and friends
shoulder patch of the First Army here this, week.
Air Corps from Sgt. Denver C. Mil- -
ler, the patch being turned in by Visiting Husband In Mobile
Mrs. Miller. Thanks. Mrs. Andrew Mazeika and son
left last Friday, for Mobile to visit
ADDRESSES her husband for several weeks.
Robert L. Smith, BM 2jc, 1.0t _____
Div., USS Alabama, care Fleet Mrs. J. L. McQuaig and Mrs.
Postoffice, San Francisco, Calim. Dewey Davis shopped. Wednesday
WIO 'W.' O. Harrelson, 2133443, in Panama City.
254th AAF Emergency Rescue Boat
Crew,' Type II, APO 17284, care
Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. TH ANK S
A. E. Harrelson., MM 1/c, he-
placement Group, Bks. H 2, NCTC, I desire to express my ap-
Davisville, R. I. preciation to the voters of Port
Burley E. Parker, S 2/c, V-6, Co. St. Joe for electing me to the
1994, Naval Air Station, Minneapo- Board of City Commissioners,
1is 6, Minn. and I can assure them that
W. M. Kirby, PhM 3/c, Ward. 1,
US Navy Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. their confidence has not been
Thomas J. Kelley, S 2/c, USNR, misplaced, as I will, at all times
UAAF, Room 250 Gilbert Hotel, work for the best interests of
Palatka, Fla. the city and its citizens.
Pyt. Fred, S. McLean,, 34838223, WATSON SMITH.
Co. C, 4th Platoon, APO No. 15747- -
c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.
Charles Stevens, AMM 3/c, ABA CAN'T YOU
FU Accessory Div., NAS, Lambert -'
Field, St. Louis. 21, Mo.

iMrs.. Edith Hewitt, who was ill L E E P
several days, last week, wishes to
thank all those friends who re-
membered, her with cards during
her illness.

Spends Week-end With Parents
Miss' Dorothy Costin, who s at- f
tending Florida State College for
Women in Tallahassee, spent the
week-end here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Costin. ..

Visit Relatives In Georgia
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kidd spent
several days last week in Pel- '~1HEN the stress of modern
ai living gets "on your nerves"I
ham, oa., visiting relatives. a good sedative can do a lot to
----- lessen -nervous tension, to make,
Mrs. B, H. Smith, Mrs. G. E. Mc- you n r-e comfortable, to permit]
Gill, Mrs. J. C. Evans, Mrs. Flor- restful sleep.
ene Fudge and Miss Allyne were Next time a day's work and
shopping Tuesday in Panama City. worry or a night's wakefulness,
makes you Irritable, Restless or
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Parramore Jumpy-gives you Nervous Head-
and Mrs. B. F. Daughtry and daugh- ache or Nervous Indigestion, try
ter spent Sunday in Wewahitchka, Dr Nrvi
the guests of Charlie Redd. .
Mrs. Carrie Lee Sutton of Ap- .(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets)
alachicola spent the week-end here Dr. Miles Nervine is 'a time-'
as the guest of Mrs. J. T. McNeil.e from Functional
Mr.. and Mrs. A. J. Kirby of Pen- Nervous Disturbances for sixty
sacola were visitors in our city years'yet is as up-to-date as this
morning's newspaper. Liquid 25*
Tuesday. and $1.00, Effervescent tablet 8
Mrs., B. J. Hull and Mrs. Tom and 759. Read directlpns and use
Thomnson ahnnaed Tueeday in Pan- only .as direted, a 1

RED CROSS DRIVE M L. Fleishel Jr., county chair-
man; Thos. R. L. Carter, executive
(Continued from page 1I) secretary; B. B. Conklin, War
pointed as block workers,' there 1 Fund chairman; Robert Bellows,
a confident feeling that the quota chairman of the special gifts c -
will be reached by the deadline of
planned. mittee, and, Mrs. R. R. Minus, pub-
he speedy campaign planned. licity chairman.
The local chapter is asking for Damon Peters, chairman for t
a whirlwind campaign. The open- amp n the coored quarters,
n wll b arc 1 ( t T campaign .in the colored quarters,
ng will be March 1 (next Thrs- will call a special meeting of his
day) and it is hoped that every
) d t s h t e workers at a later date to develop
citizen of Gulf county will be con- plans for the drive, among his
ct Marc 1. E n s plans for the drive. among his
acted by March 10. Everyone is
isked to be .prepared when, the people.
block worker calls, or be -able to
give, a definite time to call back
for the contribution. In this way
the contributor will help the solicd-
tor to complete the assigned work
by the deadline.
Delicious chicken salad and pimi- (Alkd-SeCltzer
ento cheese sandwiches, prepared
by the Teenette Club, were served Headache, "Morning'AlAfteAer Aching
with cocacolas to 'the co-chairmen, Muscles, Acid Indigestion. Pleasant,
prompt, effective. 300 and 600.

igh Vitamin potency at low
ST Y T NE-ABAY Vitamin Tablets. A and
SUNNYt STATE in the yellow box-B-Com-
plex tablets in the grey box.

and Get Your Windshield For sleplessn.ss, Irrlt
Ce d ability Headache, and
Cleaned! eSM ness, when due to Nervo
Tenion. ViUse only ai dfrecteWd. P

took a week


But it wasn't so extravagant as it seemed. Hats were
bigger then-and also fewer. Mother's hand-made mauve
velour was good for several seasons.

Today, Mother's hat bills may totat as much or
more than the price of that quaint old velour. But she
gets many more hats for her money.

It's much the same with electric bills. If yours
seem about the same as they did years ago, it's because
you are enjoying so many more electric conveniences
now. And you're getting far more electricity for your
money than you ever did before-about twice as much
today as you did 15 years ago.

Not only has the price of electricity come down
steadily through the years, but it has stayed down while
war sent other costs climbing.

Hard work and careful business management by
your friends in this company will continue to make
electricity one 61 the big bargains of all time.

* Hear NELSON EDDY in "The Electric Hour," with
Robert Armbruster's Orchestra. NOW every Sunday
afternoon, 4:30 EWT, CBS Network.


ama Otty.

~PRr~ 3




"b ~
