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Ib...TM1JiIHI.-IIWN _ THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME VIII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1944 WOUNDED Cities Will Ask Legislature for Operating Fund Claim Homestead Exemption Has Cut Revenue; Other Groups Will Seek Tax Cash By Russell Kay An inkling of what may be F --'Alooked forward to at the next legis- S lative session was revealed at the recent conference of the Florida ^ League of Municipalities .held in S Jacksonville. ,.. Determined to get their share of state funds to offset loss ex- rise edf oaoffset loSs hx- THAT-THE THRILL OF CHRISTMAS. . --'-*,- ," perienoed with passage of the THRILL OF CHRISTMAS S'homestead exemption amendment, ITS GENUINENESS AND HAPPINESS ....s ......- spokesmen for Florida cities made MAY CONTINUE THROUGH THE YEARS Mrs. Bessie L. Hancock recently, known their intention to seek aid TO COME .. IS OUR SINCERE WSH received word- that her son, Sgt. from the legislature and estimated TO COME ISOUR SINCERE WISHi Earnest L. Lightfoot, was wounded a minimum of $8,000,000 from FOR YOU AND YOURS. in action in Holland on November state funds as necessary if Florida 17. He went into service May n municipalities are to stay in bust- of last year as a paratrooper. He ness and provide citizens with er- is well known here, having been ficien't service. employed by the Smith Construe- These spokesmen point out thatT H E ST A R tion Company on the canal bridge since enactment of the homestead -1 E S 1 \ at Highland View and was also law the revenues of our municipal- employed in the construction; ot ties have been so curtailed that the mill for the St. Joe Lumber & such services as garbage, collec- , Export Company, tion, sewage disposal, policing Sand fire-fighting operations have W e G lf CARD FROM PFC. WILLIAMS been maintained only under the J.W. West Called Gulf County Over Chicago, llinois. sverest handicaps, and few ciie By Death Friday Top In Bond Drive Dec. 20, 1944 ;have had' funds to purchase new By Death Friday Top I Bond Drive Dear Editor Bill-f wish you ana equipment or, even keep such as The 'Star, and, the people of Portthey have in repair. The situation Funeral Services Held Sunday At Total Sales of All Types of Bonds St. Joe and Gulf county a very was described, as both danrou3 Apalachicola With Interment, Exceeds $1S8;0Ok Qlota merry Christmas and a 'Happy New and 'd-eplorable. In Apalachicola Cemetery By $110,100 Year, and many more to come. ,Mayors and, city managers see a The greatest Christmas gift the possible solution to their problem J. W. West, a ,pioneer, citizen of The people of Gulf county really people of St. Joe could give to our in the cigaret tax, and in all prob- Port St Joe, passed away last FrI- have something to be proud of to- boys' in the service would be a new ability .they. will make a deter- day, December 15, at his home. day, for reports up to noon yester- tank, gun, ship or airplane. And mined effort to have this increased Mr. West was born in Cedar- day indicated, that they had almost the way to do that is to buy. an- from three, cents, the present rate, town, Ga., and moved to this city doubled their quota in the Sixth ,other War Bond, so that next year to four cents, funds from such in-'- n 1913. He operated the local ice War Loan Drive. ;a lot of us could spend, Christmas creased revenue to be allocated to plant for several years, after which Committee Chairman L. P. Sut- at home. We would like to very the cities. On the other hand, there he served as chief of police and ton stated that sale of E bonds much. will undoubtedly be an attempt later as deputy sheriff of Gulf amounts to $104,700. Our quota was Sincerely yours, made to reduce or eliminate the coun.ty. The past few years he had $71.000. Sale of bonds other than Pfc. W. C.. Williams. 'cigaret tax, but any such effort followed the plumbing trade. E amounts, to $163,000, against a SA R* would seem to have little hope for He is survived by his wife, Mrs. quota of $87,000. This gives a AND ANOTHER ONE! success. J. W. West; a'step-daughter, Mrs. grand total of $268,100, or $110,100 Editor The Star: Another possible source of reve- Verna Smith, and a stepson, Carl in excess of the $158,000 set. Dear Sir I am sending you a nue suggested was a 20 per cent Matthews. shoulder insignia worn by troops tax on fire insurance policies Funeral services were held Sun- llllllllllllllll stationed, in a port of embarkation. which, it was estimated;, should day at the Sangaree Funeral Home An Open Letter This is the insignia of the Trans- produce about $1,500,000. It goes in Apalachicola, with interment in portation Corps, but worn only by without saying that insurance com- the Apalachicola cemetery. Active llllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll[lllII'IIIIIHll! troops stationed at a POE. panies will not concur and any at- paUllearers were Robert Bellows', To the People of Gulf County: I wish to take this opportunity tempt to impose such a tax at the C. G. Costin, A. D. Lawson, John Gulf county went over the. top to thank you and the citizens of coming session will meet stiff re- Maddox, Arthur Lupton and Max in the ,Sixth War Loan Drive. We, 'your fine city for the swell time distance from insurance :people. Kilbourne.. Honorary pallbearers the workers, are very proud that I had last Saturday night, and the Midnight oil is burning in many were W. J. Belin. Robert Tapper, we had a part in so timely and generous courtesy extended me. an office where representatives of L. W. Owens and W. C. Roche. important an objective,. It took lots Cpl. Charles Weinzappel this or that group or interest are this county responded, as usual. Camp Gordon Johnston. Continued on page 8) Buys Property On Long Avenue Our county prides itself in the Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simmons re-belief that we never lose a cam- Promoted LOCAL PITALWILL Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simmons re paign-that we always go over the Promoted LOCAL HOS W L cently purchased a four-room house top. But we. ARE about to lose a W. W. Feerell, now somewhere DISTRIBUTE PENICILLIN on Long Avenue. Mr. "Simmons is campaign a very necessary and in the Mediterranean area, was re- employed by the St. Joe= Lumber important one. On November 16 I. cently promoted to chief earpen- 'The: Port St. Joe municipal hos- & Export Company. Drive, and my workers, shelved ter's mate. pital this week was designated as -D. -_----' your campaign in order to help Mr. A Sla distribution center for Franklin Have Holiday Guests L. P. Sutton with his Sixth War ADDRESSES and Gulf counties for the wonder Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foster of Lonn Drive. Many people hv W. W. Ferrell, 0CM, USNR, C drug penicillin. A quota of 2,000,- Fitzgerald, Ga., and Mr and Mrs. asked me how thedged War Fund Drive came, out. I hedged around andI & R Div., Navy 827. Fleet Postofer- 000 units has been assigned. Henry Griffin of Rochelle, Ga., are gave them indefinite answers, be- fice, New York, N. Y. I This area has been at a con- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Youa cause I was looking for a nice SPvt. T. A. .Smith, 44006498, Co. C, siderable disadvantage in securing ages during the holidays. break thawou ad b every reason to .Sth:Bn., Camp'-Wheeler, Ga. penicillin and while it has been -be- That "break" has failed to ma- David H. Jones, ;SF a/c, NL FED used in a number, of cases, local Here For Holidays terialize. I wanted, so badly to Ser. 1, TKL Hull Repair, Albany, doctors have had, to beg, borrow Mrs. Bill Crews andi daughter proclaim to the public that we had Calif. or steal )it from nearby distri'bu- arrived Friday night from Charles- r the, ton again. At o Lt. Al L. Schneider, 0-651061, P. tion centers, ton, S. C., to spend the holidays timat I put in a pSone call to state 'O. Box 462, 269th AAF BU CCTS The drug effects almost miracu- here with her parents, Mr. and headquarters to tell them that we ,(PF),Strothers Field, Winfield, Kan. lous cures in cases of pneumonia, Mrs. H. E. Helms. had gone over. How thankful a Pfc. Earl Lightfoot, 860453, Co. meningitis and .venereal diseases. .that rouge phone call d not get ;2nd Train. Bn., FM.F, Itu. Tr. Billy Coody Home On Furlough Now I must tell you, the people lRgt., Tent City, Camp Lejeune, Returns From Tennessee T/Sgt. William M. Coodyi ar- (Continued on page S) 'N,,C. Mrs. E. M. Godfrey returned' Fr- rived, Wednesday on a 15-day fur- ----- ----- ,----------- day night from Tennessee where lough to spends 'Christmas with his BaclkFrom Alaska Capt. George Tappwc. frmm .the she visited relatives. She will 'sister, Myrtice, and his' friends.. T/5 -Elmer Gilbert, who has arilanrna air base, spent .the.week- make ler :home here inl future with ---- spent over two .years in Alaska, Is lend oere with his parents, Capt. her parents, IMr. and Mrs, 3. L. Write a letter today to that boy here visiting his brother and fair- ?Mil Mrs. Roberi Tapper. T :-,. of. yours in the service., iy, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. B. Gilbert. NUMBER 12 Ben H. Dickens Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack Funeral Services Will' Be Held At 2:30 Today; Interment In Panama City Ben Hill Dickens, 61, a resident of Gulf county for the past 18 years and of Port St. Joe for 7 years, passed away at his home Monday night following a heart attack. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist Church with Rev. 0. D. Langston officiating. Interment will be in the Panama City ceme- -ery. Captain Dickens, as ,he was fa- miliarly called., was -born in Cal- houn county in 1883 and in 1906 married, Miss Annie Elizabeth Mc- D'aniel. The young couple moved to Bay county in 1907 and were among the earliest settlers on the peninsula where Tyndall Field is now located. In 1915 they moved to Panama City where Mr. Dickens was prominent in civic affairs un- til 1926, when the family moved to Wewahitchka. When development of Port St. Joe began. in 1937, the family came here to make their home. Mr. Dickens was employed by the prison bureau of the state de- partment of agriculture, for 25 years prior, to I ,- d.iar aig,'wa a close friend and valued, employee or Nathan Mayo, commissioner of agriculture. He was called in to. handle convict strikes, or any sort of disturbance, all over the state gnd was considered to have more influence and: control over con- victs and understood them better than anyone else. He was a mem- ber of district welfare board No. 2 for the past six years and was elected board chairman this year. He was a member and steward of the Port St. Joe Methodist Church and a member of the local Kiwanis Club. At all times he took an active part in civic affairs of the city, county and. state,. In addition to his' widow, Capt. Dickens is survived by two sons, Capt. Ben H. Dickens, Jr.. In the Philippines, and Major Gaston L. Dickens, stationed at Valdosta, Ga; one daughter, Mrs. W. T. Mosely, Jr., of this, city; a 'brother, George L. Dickens of Mobile, Ala., and a large number of nieces and neph- ews in Bay and; Gulf counties. , MILK DELIVERY TO START HERE JAN. 2 After doing without a milk de- livery service for a considerable time, the only milk available being that shipped in from Wisconsin, residents of Port St. Joe will soon be able to secure "home grown" milk and cream again. C. L. Nichols and E. C. Harden have taken over the McClamma Dairy at Wewahitchka, increased the herd of top notch cows con- siderably. and, announce that be- ginning January 2 they will make regular deliveries of grade A raw milk in this city. They hope to have a telephone installed within the next few days and anyone desiring to have milk delivered to their home may call the Nichols and Harden Dairy at vWewah itchka. nl aWd.:t'on to making home de. liveries, their milk will ,be placed in grocery stores, drug stores and cafes of this city. PAG TW H TR OTS.JE UFCUTY LRD DY EEBR2,14 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, PFla. by The Star Publishing Campany W. 8. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the PoBtoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One (,war....... $2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -.4{ Telephone 51 #}p- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- ' tisericnts, the ,ublisihers do not hold themselves liable for damages furth.. than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken *. ord is given scant attention; the printed word is, houghtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; tie printed word remains. Our Country >~r- Right or Wrong CHRISTMAS! We generally head our editorial at this time of year "Merry Christmas !", but it seems fu- tile to wish anyone a "Merry Christmas" this year when the world is so full of suffering and heartbreak. But it was in just such a world that the Saviour came two thousand years ago, and it was in just such a world the Christmas bells have rang out every year Visiting In CottondaTe Mrs. Donald Birath and baby are spending the Christmas holidays in Cottondale with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shores. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wall and granddaughter, Ada Leia Wall, or Jacksonville, John Wall, S 2/c, who has just returned from overseas duty, and Mrs. Nannie Roan or Apala hicola visited here several days this week wIth Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wrign.l ar.nd .on spent Thursday shopping in Panama City. Mr. and 'Irs. J. L. iSharit left Tuesday for Jacksonville where they will be joined, by their son, Joe, Jr., who will accompany them home for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. G. R. Mize, Mrs. Ed Ram- Besy and. Mrs. [Whaley Johnson were shopping Saturday in. Tallahassee. Mrs. Ella Chafin and Mrs. B. H. Smith and son Ernest motored to Panama City Tuesday. Ernest con- tinued on to Milledgeville, Ga., for' a few days' visit. Mrs. R. R. Kingry and' Mrs. George- Wheeler spent last Thurs- day shopping in Panama, City. N OW, more than ever, you want _1o stay on the job and do your full share of the work which must be done. Headache, Muscular Pains, Simple Neuralgia, Func- tional Monthly P4ins slow you down, interfere with your work, spoil your fun. Have you ever tried DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills when any of these common pains have made you miserable? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills are pleasant to take, and prompt in action. They do not upset the stomach or make you constipated. A single tablet. Us.Ially brings relief. Dr. Miles 4nti-Pain Pills are compounded under the super- vision of competent chemists. *Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store. Regular pack- age 250, Economy package $1.00. Read directions and take only as directed. PRESBYTERIA Rev. W. A. Da Sunday school 1 Preaching servi and third Sunday, since. The evil has not always been so con- Returns To Oklahoma I Mrs. Annie Avery returned to spicuous, but it has always been there. Mrs: G. S. Stillwell left Friday her home in Wewahitchka Wed- It is this dark background that makes the morning for her home, in Oklahoma nesday morning after a two weeks" It is this dark background that makes te after spending the summer here visit here with Mrs. Florrie Con- Christmas spirit all the more precious be- with her husband. nell. cause it is needed all the more. When did the world need the joy and }faith and love ofl' Chris.tmas-time more than right now? The gospel did not come into the world-because O UR of the piety and righteousness of the world, but because of 'its sin and wickedness. The light shines into darkness,1 for there it is needed most. We must have faith in the future and in the triumph of truth and right. This Christ- mas-time has come to us, again when we so Ji s //Af 4 much need that faith. We must not neglect . the opportunity, but we must make much of the Christmas spirit this year. O BLIG ATIO N And so next Monday, as we gather in our homes, those of our boys who are in the serv- If the ideals of peace, good will, and ice of our country, while they will not be able kindness to all are not to be for- to be with in person, will be with usgotten, it is our obligation to keep to be with us in person, will be with us in them alive. We should appreciate spirit. So let this b'e a merry Christmas, but and enjoy this great country of ours to its fullest extent. The traditions that are woven into the spirit of Christmas should pre- also a very serious and sincere one as well. dominate in our thinking today, tomorrow, and the years to come. And while it is observed in feasting and gift- In this spirit we can look forward with confidence that the future will continue to bring us those things that make for happiness. giving, let it also be observed with earnest May you spend an old fashioned, joyous holiday and may good prayer that peace may indeed come speedily, health, happiness, and prosperity be yours. and that His will may. indeed prevail in all lands and among all people. , AN CHURCH Here From Chicago 9S aniel, Pastor J. G. Spencer of Chicago, Ill., ar- S C H N E ID E S 0:45 a. mn. rived Thursday to spend, tne ices every first Christmas season with his daugh- DEPARTM ENT STORE in the morning. ters, Mrs. Fred Gilmore and Miss I ___ 1.1 4- ff -- - You are cordially invited to wor- wanda Mivae Spencer. ship with us. 9. -_ ______ Visiting Mother Returns From Tampa Visit James F. Wise, A/S, from Bain- rns FRal Wlaman g bridge, Md., arrived Tuesday eve- Mrs. Ralph Williams and grand- ning for a few days' visit with his daughter, Mary McLawhon, r-mother, Mrs. L. C. Wise, and other turned Wednesday from Tampa,relatives where they visited relatives for .re__a ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Davis of ----- --- Dalkeith were shoppers here Mon- Home From Visit In New Orleans day. Mrs. B. E. 'Rawls returned home I Capt. and Mrs. Roy Ecker of Friday night from New Orleans, Panama City were guests Tuesday where she visited relatives and oof Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell. friends for several weeks. Pvt. and Mrs.. Thomas McDaniel -- ----- of Wewhaitchka were shopping in Mrs. Kate Harrell of Cottondale town Tuesday. is spending the holidays here with Miss Aline Kitler of Jacksonville her children and families, Mrs. W. is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R. H. Howell and Mrs. Edigar Hal'. Kingry, during the holidays. Mrs. J. E. Pridgeon of Wewa- Mrs. Oscar Gilmore was in the hitchka was shopping in this city city Saturday en route to her home Monday. in Tampa. B&B CAFE WE FEATURE STEAKS and FRIED CHICKEN Ask Anyone Who Has Tried One Prepared By Us. OUR FOOD IS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT o WE SERVE REGULAR DINNERS JUST LIKE HOME COOKING FOR SALE New 1944 Ford Trucks Call, Write or Wire S. RAY METCALF Enterprise Motor Co. TELEPHONE 33 ENTERPRISE, ALABAMA .4 B glr MERB.V To Our Loyal friends And Customers / J. LAMAR MILLER'S STANDARD SERVICE ,, PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1944 FU AEEM TAX ROLL TO BE SUBMITTED TO BOARD OF EQUALIZATION City Tax Assessor Mark Tomlin- 'son announces that the city tax assessment roll for the year 1944 will be submitted to the board of equalization for approval next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at -the city hall. Anyone desiring to have correc- FOR A GRAND OLD-FASHIONErD AMERICAN CHRISTMAS LeHA I tions made in the listing or va tion of their property' must' their petition with the assessor or before December 2 and means tomorrow, as the city will be closed Sunday and Chh mas Day. Write a letter today to that of yours in the service. May your ship re- turn to port next year abundantly fill- ed with health, hap- piness, and pro r- ty. pe a r to You alL RDY'S BAR THEY FOUGHT ON NORTH AFRICA That We Mi CHRIS Christmas is a definite part of the American way of life. When American troops stormed the beaches of Guad. alcanal, North Africa and Sicily, they were fighting for those principles which en- able each of us to enjoy the Christmas Seasqn, this year and every year to come. Their efforts have made possible the continuance of these tra- ditions. 0 0 4-T & -- ~~, .arALCANA-! SICILV light Enjoy TMAS Would that we could see each of those from this com- munity, to exprus personally our appreciation 'for the things they have done for our community and for Amer- May they, in some mys- terious manner, realize that at this Christmas season, our shouthts are with them when W9 :4*y "Merry Christmas." lua- W TE HIatwit highly ivolvedand A lot of the money a person file consto tly changing rules on ra- tries to save for a rainy day goes on tioning, one scarcely knows, which for taxes used, to buy an umbrella that side his'bread is oleoed on. fbr some loafer. ^ FOR A CHRISTMAS SEASON Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Scheffer this BRIM FULL OF HAPPINESS week received the first word ai- rect from their son, fc. Richard And a word of appreciation for all the nice things that F. Scheffer, Jr. (above) in the .form of a printed card, as follows:. have come our way in the past year. Prisoner of War Camp, St. XII A' Septtemiber 14, 1944. I have 'been taken prisoner oft war in Germany. I am in good -feoalth. We will be- transported! from here to another camp within the next few days. Please don't! write' until I give new address. Kindest regards, Richard Y.Scheffer. 1:COMPANY Two weeks' -ago Mr. and Mrs.' i M Scheffer received from 'the war de- , apartment the new address of their - son, which is as follows: Pfc. Rich-' .-. .---- -- ------------. ard F. Scheffer, Jr., U. S. Prisoner' of War No. 87490, Stalag 7-A, Germany.' Friends of Pf. Scheffer are urged to write, him, but please do not expect a reply. He is limited as to the number of letters he may Write, and naturally he would send them to his folks, but there, is no ANO ALL limit to the number of letters he L.J may receive. For proper proce- daure, inquire at the postoffice. LETTER'S TO SANTA CLAUS In past years numerous letters to Santa Claus have been pub- The friend , lished' in Tlhe, Star, but this year Phere r naos- there seems to be but three chil- anthe C. ristmas dren, all in the same family, who it brings, ppness tha keep their faith in old Saint Nick. each/ s/ hold aspire .&.i Dear Santa Claus-Please send obligat s to a l ew me a holster set, a watch, funny n for the books, gloves, apples, oranges and n year. com. a handbag. Sincerely yours, Sonny Bosarge. Dear Santa Claus-I want a suit- case, doll, tea set, a purse, apples, oranges, mittens and a locket. Sincerely yours, Bertie Lou Bos'arge. Dear Santa Claus-I want a Shaefer pen and pencil set, gloves, Chest u t's Grocery M arket] locket, pants, socks audd apples, candy and oranges.l . Sincerely yours, Margaret Ann Bosarge. . ,eameg el -fl41Mwfiao No matter what the turmoil about us in the year just past, n, , matter how bitter or unhappy our experiences have been-it's comnifort.I *' ing to know that there is one time of the year when Peace predominates,! It's Christmas! \ And so, with these thoughts in mind, may we oil think kindly, one with another, arind may we enjoy the season to its richest, content that we may be better prepared for the problems of the morrow. Season's Greetings to all! I ; KENNEY MJ.RCANTLiE CO. I k - - OR'nDAY, lDtCEMBER 22,- 1944 THE STAR. -PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THRES PAGE POUR- A MARKED MAN The guest was being shown to his bed in the haunted room by the host's sinister-loaking servant. "By the way," asked the guest, "has anything unusual ever hap- pened in connection with this room?" "Not for over 50 years, sir." To the We will start producing an RAW MILK in Port St. January 2, 1945. Local st< will handle our products. liveries to homes if notif phone our dairy at Wewa] Nichols and I .?,$ U'. Us EU~8 \g uuw FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1944 "And what happened then?" UIillllIIIIIIHHIIIIHIIIIlIHIIimlIIHI IIHlInIllHliill for the schools, and will make it 1 The War Bond you buy may be "A gentleman who spent the ATITOM N certain that the general revenue HIS ticket home! night heTe appeared' at breakfast i RAT IO I Juj fund will not have to be resorted. the next morning."-Hi-Life. 1to in paying increased, benefits to Do It Yourself-at Home thnet mong.--- i, llllllllllllltlllllllllllllllteldllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllti ra the aged a nd blind a s initiated last o/II ll/ We're funny people. We took Processed Foods-Blue A8 thru summer. ERMANENT WAVEq K this country from the Indians, who B2 (Book 4) are now valid at 10 Completewith AVurlr scalped, us, and turned it over to points each. Valid indefinitely. No woman can work around the eas to a paneedywaveS -o3 the politicians, who skin us. Meats and Fats Red AS thru house dressed asi the magazine ads icrmr amazngvreults-lre as S-5 (Book 4) are. now valid at 10 picture her. I VWeeks Dry Goods Store. 1-19* . ... . ... .. .... points each for" use with tokens. Good indefinitely. Sugar-Sugar stamps No. 30, 31, b li32, 33 and 34 good indefinitely for 5 pounds each. Canning Sugar-Sugar stamp 40 nd distributing GRADE A good for five pounds canning su- Joe and Wewahitchka on gar until Feb. 28, 1945. Apply to local board for supplemental ra- ores, cafes and drug stores tions. We will also make de- ,Shoes-Airplane stamps No. 1 ied. For home deliveries 2 and 3 valid indefinitely. Gasoline-A-14 coupons are now hitchka. .'* valid through March 21, 1945. GOVERNOR SAYS STATE fllffllifn FINANCES IN FINE SHAPE larde l i ry I Florida is in the: strongest fi- nancial condition in its history, --...... .. Governor Speasard Holland told the T OuF Customers and to the state last week in his final radio report. 2 F P E "The whole picture of state f-, 25,172 Former A&P Employees nance continues .good and it Is now certain that we shall be, ab:e NOW In the Service. to turn over in January to the in- Am coming administration the state in much the strongest financial con- dition," the governor said, adding, "It now appears almost certain that the revenue from racing this year will :be materially larger than ST O R E it was last year." This means increased revenues PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA for the counties, and in many cases All of us in this organ izati6n realize the val- ue of your good will and patronage and in appreciation join 'in this Christmas mes- sage. The season's best to each of you. THE HIGHWAY OF LIFE! 4 /' CHRISTMAS GREETIN'- May it be lined with all the good things which we can think of to wish for you and yours. We trust you will enjoy good health and good cheer and that you will have happiness and pros- perity and the freedom which is rightfully yours as an American. As you speed along on the highway of life, we trust you will find no detours on your journey, that you will find it a pleasant one. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EACH OF YOU! SODERBERG'S E S. JE M R C. OFFICE ST. JOE MOTOR CO. VU m AN TIr NJ IA T TELEPHONE 37 I J E Wltt ORPHONE YOUR JEFFERSON STANDARD AGENT FOR DETAILS AT NO COST TODAY. k PNuRIN I - ~wn~a~~aramnn.~;Im r*ru i~i (Ilacl rlru~uul Irno~U~I St. Joe Hardware Co. PORT ST. JOE YLORIDA PURW ONWO 0 x WA ma M-0 m THE STAR-.PORT. ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA i F A DC E 21TL O l , IWERY qz~mSa 44 ST. JOE BAR --. -_ A~~~_ May the Christmas Sea- son find you blessed with' all the riches of a joyful, happy and contented life -The Season's Best to Each. of You SUNNY STATE SERVICE C. W. "RED" HORTON q SHINE YOUR SHOES! We have the largest stock of Shoe Polish in Port St. Joe... All makes! All col- ors! Paste and Liquid. The LEADER SHOE SHOP Registrants Over MILTON LAWYER NAMED SECRETARY TO CALDWELL 29 and Under 38 Millard Caldwell has formally Announced that John T. Wiggin- May Be Inducted ton, Milton lawyer, will be his ex- ecutive secretary when he, takes, Over the governor's, reins on Janu- Must Be Engaged In Work That.ary 2. Makes Contribution fto War Ef- Ed Straughn of Milton and R. L. fort If To Be Deferred )Shipp of Tallahassee were named I as assistant secretaries. "Registrants, above the ages of 29 . who have not reached their 38th. birth date are still liable for inauc- tion,," says Brig. General Vivian Callins. state director of selective service, "although many people seem under the impression, that - this group of registrants need no longer furnish information, to the J local board." "Many registrants, age 30 and over, are now in Class I-A and I TH E must be ordered. for induction," 1 T said Collins, "because they or their employer have failed to furnish the local board with current infor- mation regarding their work. Writ- , ten information must be placed in the registrant's file showing that he is actively engaged in some " work that makes a contribution to the welfare of the, community or nation in order that the local board may consider placing, the registrant in a deferred class." ' General Collins stated that the present policy of occupational de- ferment for registrants age 30 and It takes understanirm over is very liberal, and local others happy. Never befc boards are making a strenuous ef- such need of friendships as fort to obtain current information on these registrants in order that To make others happ cases warranting deferment may To maintain these friends be placed in a deferred- classifica- and understanding devotion tion. Without the necessary infor- mation the local board. has no Too often we neglect choice except to order any oft with whom we are associate these registrants now classified In their friendships for granted I-A for induction, the year when all of us are Registrants in this group now relationships we have had c classified in Class I-A should im- unity toacknowledge these mediately contact their local boardknowledge these and furnish current information as of appreciation, whether it to their occupational status if this a kind word of Christmas is required. you accept this message in -------- Ours is a cordial appreciatic PEACE, IT'S WONDERFUL have been cemented by lor Some unknown Camp Gordon We wish you all the good Johnston G.I. has voiced his pro- test agansit the sameness of his ' olive drab and expressed a hope for future sartorial elegance, an / he addresses his post-war tailor . thusly: "Construct for me a sadistic drape, with a murderistic cape, shoulders gibraltar, shiny as a S t. halter; drape it, sock it, drop it, and lock it at the pocket. Give me a mad 35-inch knee that drop frantically down to a 12-inch cuff. As for the color-anything buT brown." d' sIAI l t Adv rtlsing doesn't cost--it PAYS! . 'IME TO Mfl4E 0T4UY 414m~ ig and kindness to make ire has the world been in s it does today. y is to create friendships. ips requires patience, love n. * the friendships of those *ed. Many times we take d but there is one time of e reminded of the splendid and we welcome.the oppor- e friendships by some toker- t be an elaborate gift or s greeting. We ask that the sense that it is offered )n of the friendships whici ig and continuous .r,: things in life imber and A a y 'u 0e bitof P'iruins tis, Prevail Cverywlere , Never before in history has the symbolic significance of Christ- , m. as been of such importance. The past year has been one of many trying circumstances. It has seen many disappointments, many dreams unrealized, and we have all been through, a trying and difficult period. But our heritage has not forsaken uis. In the good old American tradition, we hayp come through another year. It is true that it has not been normal. It is likewise true that we have not enjoyed the, happiness and luxuries to which .we are accustomed. But the satisfaction obtained from success- fully concluding the past, twelve months should give us more courage to face the coming year with utmost confidence. As you enter the Christmas season, please accept our good wishes for your good health and happiness. The season's best . to each of you; ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY -- - ------^ ^ ^ ^ --* ^ ^ _- ^----^* ^^ i, .Y-Y----~ UY-^Y- FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 22, 1944 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GU~LF GOUNTYV- FLORIDA a PAGE' F IVE I PAG -SIX THE-T-AR WON ST..~~ JIGL OUTU~@ An Open Letter (Continued from page 1) of St. Joe and Wewahitchka, just how things stand-you who gave. On January 1, 1945, I shall be facet with the very unpleasant task of writing to the Florida War Fund headquarters to tell them that the Gulf county War Fund, is $445 short because some 500 Gulr county citizens were asked to con- tribute $2 and some 10 merchants were asked, to contribute $10 or $5 (the others gave), and, they turned away, some with vague promises, some with not even so much as a "no." That is what I should like to say, but I won't say it, because I respect the feelings of the peo- ple in my county, though I wonder if they all res-pect mine. Is it because you forgot? Is it because you do not think it worta- while? Thank heaven our military leaders do not think so. The other night a young soldier-a very gen- tlemanly and well-bred soldier- asked me if ftere was a USO In Port St. Joe where he could ge5 a bed for the night. I took him to my home, just as many other loyal American's ara doing -every day. He must have thought it worth- while, too. To you people who so gener- ously gave, we are sincerely grate- ful. To you who perhaps forgot, 1 am making this one last appea'. WILL YOU GIVE BEFORE JANU- ARY FIRST? Respectfully, HARRY McKNIGHT, Chairman Gulf County War Fund (National War Fund). If we are to pass on from here to some other world, we hope it will have finished making history by the time we arrive. S-%t Buys Lots and Will Build Charles. "Bo" Brown recently purchased two lots from T. H. Stone at the corner of Reid Aye- nue and Fourth Street, at present occupied by tle Legion Hut. Mr. Brown states that he will erect a two-story white tile brick office and store building on the site, and hopes to start construction next spring. Advertising doesn't cost-it PAYS! ONE]A&DAY VITAMIN TABLE THINK of it! Your min- imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of E r.' B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. In ag MmsERVINE t 0 TENSE nerves make D you Wakeful, Cranky, Restless? Dr. Miles Nervin.e helps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug store. Pead directions and use only as directed. Alka-Seltzer lr tune try Alk Seltempt. "Meruing Afttr" Intartot ;With 12r work or spoU :Your fuln, tyAlU* tr L-I I At Christmas time it is our privilege to give expression to our thoughts concerning those whose friendship and good will we cherish abova all else. It is a little difficult this year because we rri':ze that in recent months it has been necessary jo, lli of us 'o make some sacrifices that the Americann iwai of life may be preserved. Since we air' aware of most of your problems, we sincerely b"'/liere that we are qualified to express a genuine Chri5tmans Greeting that carries with it the true '""itghlts that are in our hearts for you at this time. In difficult times, as well as in good times, we consider it a privilege to remember you with a word of good cheer and a wish for genuine happiness, and the good things that follow. BE OF CHEER McCOY'S STORES Staple and Fancy Groceries Meats Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Gent's Furnishings ii ~~~ ~ ~ -'4- '4 ~ IC_ I-- re~ii ~~ ~b~;i~It~~e&~e(A~b41k TO OUR FRIENDS 19 44 Frank and Dot's Agency INSURANCE L~ H S THINK OF OTHERS! IT' S . It's that time of the yeat when we should take time to remember our friends with some expression of our appreciation. Let's all say "Merry Christmas" as a gesture of sincere friend, ship. Quality Grocery AND MARKET -~ 1Ti S*t't~ \lll osow someone who will spend Christ- mas this year in the sticky mud of a foxhole in- stead of at home with his loved ones. Maybe this someone is your son, a brother, a husband o just a friend. Christmas '14 won't e he same I- i iay homes because of a vacant chair. We cannot all fight the enemy face to face. But we at home can back up our fighting forces by keeping them plentifully supplied with food, TO JO PAl ammunition and medical gods. Pulpwoob, which grows so abundantly hereaSouts, is critically needed nowtokeep these supplies flowing overseas. Christmas is a.,time for giving. Many of our boys are giving their all for us. TThe least we at home can ido is to give whatever time and effort is necessary to keep them adequately supplieLd. . One way we can do this is to cut more pulp-i wood now than ever before. Arnd perhaps w_ .MW ilprng happier; in 94 A A ~5 '~5 ~ -. ea- ~ ~ i"~J4 ~ '~m(4eA~-5~ 4~ 564 4.~.-(W4~ SAe"C5. 4... .i4~4 ',.' 4..~ ~ f.! THE;--ST-A R,''lrolT i T-, Jar ;, GULF, OUNITYASWLORMAW PAGE SIX - -- -- -- .'FRA~ rl~M~-R:: 9p FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1944 THE STAR, PORT ST JOE, GULF CdUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN PEP SHARKS ENTERTAIN BAPTIST W. M. S. HOLDS MEMBERS OF SENIOR CLASS GRID TEAM AT DANCE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM HONORED WITH DINNER The Pep Sharks entertained the i Members of the Woman's Mis-I Mrs. C. M. Palmer, Mrs. J. B. 1944 football team of the St. Joe sionary Society of the Baptist Traweek, room mothers for the high school with a dance at the Church held their Christmas pro- senior class, and Mrs. G. R. Mize, Centennial Auditorium last Friday gram Monday afternoon, at which teacher, entertained, with a lovely evening, time gifts were presented to Mrs. dinner party Tuesday night at the Miss Lois Manasco was chosen W. J. Daughtry and Mrs. C. M. home of Mrs. Palmer. The living and crowned "Football Queen" by Palmer, circle chairmen. The G. and d-ining rooms were attractively Ra'.ph Silva, who had .been named A.'s and R. A.'s sang Christmas decorated with Christmas. berries. honorary captain, of the team. carols following the devotional Exchanging gifts, singing carols Various games and dancing were given by Fay Morris and Betty and various games featured the enjoyed during the evening, after Waller. evening. which the hostesses served sand- At the conclusion of the program The senior class presented their wiches, cookies and punch to those refreshments of small cakes iced In teacher, Mrs. Mize, with a beauti- present. pink and, green, hot chocolate and ful 15-piece punch set. Guests invited to enjoy the eve- sandwiches were served by Mrs. A delicious dinner consisting of ning were Mr. ana Mrs. W. A. nB%- Durel Brigman and Mrs. J. 0. Bag- baked chicken, dressing, mashed gart, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Owens, Mr. gett. potatoes, peas, giblet gravy, glazedc and Mrs. Frank Hannon and Bob The next meeting, Tuesday, De- apples, lettuce- and tomato salad, Mize. cemiber 26, will be held at 3 p. m. fruit cake and punch was served Sponsors for the entertainment at the church, to Ralph iSilva, Alfred Rhames, G. were Mrs. Bob Mize, Miss Nonie ""' -f W. Parrish, Ellis Stevens, Jimmy Elkins and Miss Rachel Ervine. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirkland; Palmer, Sally Traweek, Lois Man- The Sharks plan to make this an and daughter spent the week-ena asco, Tom Parker, Louise Wilder, annual affair. in Graceville visiting relatives. Hul ean Stafford, Helen! Cantwe'l, T-,---.- -.,- -,,, ,, Margaret Shealey, Mable Baxley, Mary Revell and, Ouida Scott. For Good Eats All expressed their thanks tor a F o G t most enjoyable evening. Short Orders' J. A. M. CLUB ENJOYS CHRISTMAS PARTY Sandw ichles Mrs. C. G. Costin entertianed the Plate Lunch 50c J. A. M. Club with the annual la u Christmas *party Monday night at and -hex home on Monument Avenue. The living and. dining rooms, where "The Best Coffee In Town" the guests assembled were attrac- tively decorated with Yule .berries T R Y and a beautiful Christmas tree, un- TH FR EY LUNCDFIE L LUN H orderr which were gifts foreveryone The hostess served a delicious Mrs. A. J. Owens, Manager Phone 9123 buffet /supper consisting of roast Between A & P and Suwannee Stores chicken, dressing, giblet gravy, po- tato salad, peas, cranberry sauce, --- -- ------------------------ peach pickle, hot rolls, fruitcake, lello with whipped cream, and FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH co'fIe e. S. :. Members present were Mesdames Eula Pridgeon, Verna Smith, Cal- ., lie Howell, Elaine Pridgeon, Eliza ShLawson, Florrie Connell, Ned Gain- ous, Rubye Pridgeon, and Gladys DBoyear, Miss Myrtice CoodWy, and Marguerite Pridgeon and Mrs. Coy Redd. of Panama City. An invited S AY D'ECMguest was Miss Edn.a Davis. All 4 voted it a most enjoyable evening. The next regular meeting of the club, on, January 1, will bhe at the HOLDING FORTH home of Florrie Connell on Third "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 4 S SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 MRS. HURLBUT ENTERTAINS 9:45-Sunday School for all. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: The senior class of the Metho- "IMMANUEL." dist Church enjoyed a Christmas 7:00--Baptist Training Union. party last Wednesday night at the home of their teacher, Mrs. M. K. 8:00-Evening Worship. The Christmas Story in Hurlbut. pantomime. The -living room was adorned EVERYBODY WELCOME! with a beautiful Christmas tree and decorations throughout were in keeping with the Christmas spirit. The coffee table was bankeCt with fruit for the group to enjoy. TI h Games were played and all joined in singing Christmas carols. Gifts were exchanged by the 30 mem- SPORT ST. JOE Kl/WANIS bears present, with Wayne Taun- POR TI JO E 1WNI ton, president of the class, taking # the role of Saint Nick. CL B Se d | Mrs. Hurlbut was assisted by C LUB Sen~ds her sister, Mrs. Mary M. Jones, in entertaining and serving fruitcake and hot chocolate to the happy group. FRENCHIE WOODEN HONORED T ON EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY To Ou r en and WOmen Mrs. H. I. Wooden honored her daughter, Frenchie, on her 18th I f O C birthday with a surprise party In the Service of O ur C OUntry Thursday evening of last weeK. After the guests arrived: they May our message in some way bring you nearer were invited to the dining room, to home and fireside and give you a feeling of where a beautiful two-tier cake centering the lace-covered table Joy and Peace at Christmastide. We shall pray was cut.and served with ice cream for your safety and for the day when we shall to the 15 guests present. all- be together again. The honoree was the recipient al e tog e of many lovely gifts. S pending Christmas In Georgia S{ iW A. B. Montgomery left this week for Savannah, Ga., to spend Christ- ~ mae with his wife and other rela- tives. EMPLOYEES OF MILES' 5 & 10 ENJOY CHICKEN DINNER The employees of .Miles' 5 & 10c Store were entertained last eve- ning with a. chicken dinner at Frances' Grill. The table was set fgr eleven. The' dinner was a small' expression of the deep esteem that Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbut feel for their personnel. Enjoying the dinner were Mrs. E. R. DuBose, Miss Joan McKeith- en, Miss Margaret Tharpe, Miss Margaret Mincey, 'Miss Jeanette Scott, Miss Elise Tharpe and Miss Katie. Pitts. Others present were Kenneth Hurlbut and Mrs. Hurt- but's. sister, Mrs. Mary M. Jones TABLEAU TO BE PRESENTED AT METHODIST CHURCH The Methodist Youth Fellowship will present a tableau, "The Star and a Song," at 7:30 Christmas Eve at the Methodist Church. The free will offering will be sent to the Methodist Children's Home at Selma, Ala. All friends of the, church are cor- dially invited to attend. V 1i < -;T I HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Hugh Wheelis honored her daughter, Dora Louise, on her 9tn birthday last Friday with a lovely party. The dining room where the glests assembled was attractively of Berry, Ala. decorated with Christmas, berries. Mrs. DuBose is celebrating her The hostess served delicious sixth year as an employee of the Ibiithdayi cake, punch and candy to store; Elise Tharpe.has been with ithe twenty young folks gathered to the store for almost three years, enjoy the party with Dora. and the others from one to three i A years. Advertising doesn't cost-It PAYS! Port Theatre A Martin Theatre Port THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAY CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY A SATURDAY, DEC. 23 2A&- -.2 LIGHTNING ACTION! Chapter 6 of Serial "Mystery of the River Boat" - FEATURE NO. 2 - er.. "su .e:zl ___________ SUNDAY, DEC. 24 WATERLOOO BRIDGE" "MARCH OF TIME" St. Joe, Fla. S AT 1:00 P. M. kT 2:45 P. M. MONDAY, DEC. 25 GLORIAA GETS Gloria JEAN- Henr STEPENS LATEST NEWS EVENTS "MOVIE PESTS" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY December 26 27 "BOWERY TO BROADWAY"9 -- Short Subjects "A Day In Death Valley" "Flicker Flashbacks": THURSDAY FRIDAY December 28 29 I KATHARINE HEPBURN fUSTON MacMAHOH TAMIROFF BEY Based n tih no l by Pl S. BI S LATEST NEWS EVENTS "BATTY BASEBALL" I ~MMMIM;WV~-r r~Cllr CI~NCUhVIMMMMNCrC~CUIMNWUMMIUIMMMh ~I L I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1944 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GUL:F CC;UNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN PAEEGTTESAR OTS.JE UL QNY LRD FIAI ECME 22; 194 Mrs. H. E. Helms spent Tuesday1 JUNIORETTES ENJOY PARTY shopping in Panama City. The Juniorettes, young folks be-, .'tween the ages of 11 and 13, were 0 IFI E AD AD 4 honored Wednesday night with a Party held at the Florida Power L Corporation office sponsored by -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMrs Massey Ward, Mrs. Glenn -_ RSALE-SLots33 and 35 i IBoyles and Mrs. Ned Porter. FOR SALE-,Lots 33 and 35 in I Games wr played gifts - Block 20, Port St. Joe. Write Ada Games were played, gifts dis- Rich, 16.2 Commerce Street, Ap- tribute from a beautifully decor- alachicola, F'a.' 1-19* ated Christmas tree and a buffet MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' supper served to about 30 young people who had gathered for the' IS YOUR BAND INSTRUMENT affair. WORKING FOR THE ENEMY? ________ Every musical instrument is need- ed today to hasten VICTORY-to PUPILS ENJOY PARTY encourage and inspire on the Mrs. Thomas McPhaul enter- home and on the fighting fronts. If your instrument is collecting tained the pupils of her room with dust, put it into uniform. We will a Christmas party at her home on pay cash for it and enlist it in ac- Eighth Street Tuesday evening. tive service. Write PhiliDs' Music Exchanging gifts was the feature Mart, Panama City, Fla. 1-26! Lt Exhanginggt of the evening. APARTMENTS FOR RENT The, hostess served' a luncheon APARTMENT FOR RENT-Three consisting of sandwiches, fruitcake, rooms, furnished; lights and punch and candy to about 42 small water included; $30 month. See guests. Paul Farmer, Oak Grove. tf FOR RENT SIGNS-Two for 25c' SURPRISE DINNER at The Star office. ttl at The Star office. tt Honoring her husband on his WANTED TO RENT birthday, Mrs.' John. Rowan enter- HOUSE WANTED-Desire to rent tained with a surprise dinner last unfurnished house as soon as Sunday. This also being R, V. Co- possible. See. Mrs. Dan, Brooks Jr., burn's birthday, Mr. and. Mrs. Co- phone 157. 12-8tf burn and Charles Kidd were invited WANTED TO BUY to share the celebration. WANTED-Small electric heater. Call at The Star office. tf CITIES TO ASK FUNDS CASH! CASH! It's the patriotic thing to cash in (Continued from page 1) on your unused musical instrument, busy with schemes and plans to We will pla ce it inacti serv "gettheirshare" of the tax money either on, the home front or In the g te sv, re" of the ta mn hands, of our fighting men. The and! none of them care very much more music we have-inspiring, what happens to the other fellow. cheering, encouraging-the sooner 1Schools, boardse, bureaus, depart- Victory will be won. We will pay coute and dis OASH! Write Philips' Music Mart, cents, agencies counties and dis- Panama City, Fla. 1-26* tricts all want their piece of pie, "M- -A"^ "^- and if ,there' isn't enough to go MISCELLANEOUS aroinrd, well, then we can always FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms figure out way to "tax and. tax ann that are guaranteed to get the spend and spend," and so legisia- fish for you. See Eddie Beverly tors who nobody in the Sheffield colored quarters paid much aen- tion to a few months ago are find- LEGAL ADVERTISING ing themselves very, very popular N O T I C E today. Notice is hereby given that the The old watchword "economy" City Tax Assessment Roll for the has become obsolete of late years City of Port St. Joe, Florida, for tit f Ie the year 1944 will be submitted to and the general attitude of the the Equalizing Board for approval public and! public -servant today on the 26th day of December 1944, seems to be: "What do we care at the City Hall at 8:00 O'clock p. for expenses, we've got lots of 'em, m. All persons desiring to have corrections made in such roll, so set 'em up in the other alley, whether in the: listing, valuation of boy. and hand me that BIG ball property or otherwise, are re- and be ready to check up another quested to file with the under- strike." signed on or before the 215th day strike. of December 1944, their petition -'- setting forth their objections to Attend Methodist Zone Meeting such assessment and the correc- Those attending the, zone meet- tions which they desire to have made. ing of the Methodist 'Church held Witness my hand and the of- last Friday in Wewahitchka were ficial seal of the City of Port St. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Stone, Mrs. .. Joe, F'orlda.this 13th day of De- L. Sharit, Mrs. G. A. Patton, Mrs. cemb'er,' 1944. k -rM. P. TOMLINSON, M. P. Momlinson, Mrs. R. A. Cot- (iSeal) City Auditor and Clerk, tin, Mrs. A. M. Jones, Mrs. H. C. as ex-officio Tax As- Brown, Mrs. C. L. Costin and Rev. sessor. 12-18 2t and Mrs. .O. D. Langston. Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. J We mil Any Dtws'. Premeptitt M.*. ^- "* .Tt ***-.*<*< tY *l ^ -^i-. COLLEGE STUDENTS HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS The following students have re- turned' home to spend the holidays with their folks: Misses Dorothy Costin, Margie Philyaw and; Florence. Hall, Florida State College, for Women, Talla- hassee. Miss Frances Palmer, University o.f Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Peggy Allen, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Miss Amelia Gibson, Marion Ju- nior College, Marion, Va. Miss Virginia Pridgeon, Alabama State College, Montevallo, Aea. Misses Betty Jo Lane and Mar- gie Kirkland, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Misses Willa Dean Lowery and Carolyn Baggett, Stetson Univer- sity, Deland', Fla. Cadet Edward Bartee and Cor- poral Lanell Rowan, Milledigevihe, Ga. lCadet Billy Howell and Sergeant George Wimberly, Gordon Univer- stiy, Barnesville, Ga. Sergeant Ashley M. Costin, *G. C. M. C., Gulfport, Miss: Send The Star to a friend. PORT THEATRE SPECIAL NEW YEARS EVE TREAT 11:00 P. M. Late Show To Greet The New Year MAKE UP A NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY We wish all of you the many pleasures and happiness which are deservedly you. Closed for Christmas For the patronage you have given us the past year we- are deeply grateful. It has not only been a pleasure to serve you, but to have such fine associations and such fine friends behooves us to a desire to serve you during the coming year. WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM SUNDAY, DECEM- BER 24, TO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1944 THE HUT Port St. Joe Highway APALACHICOLA, FLA. .New Operator At Beauty Shop I George Parrish, Jr.; of Panama Miss Louise Horton arrived here City spent-the week-end here with Sunday from Tallahassee where his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. George she has completed a beauty culture Parrish. course. She will be employed at Miss Frances Clayton left Sat- Jean's iBeauty Shoppe, which i' urday for her home in Miami. She operated by Miss Lilly Pearl Wat- will visit in Live Oak before con- kins. tinuing on to Miami. --------- Mr. and IMrs. R. V. Coburn spent Chief H. E. Bosarge and family I Thursday of last week in Quincy of the Cape San Bias lighthouse, and Greensiboro with relatives and left Wednesday morning for Mo- friends. bile to spend the Christmas' holl- Mrs. S. D. Speaks of Blountstown days. spent the week-end here with Mr. Mrs. Youal Wages and son and and Mrs. J. B. Gilbert. Mrs. Denver Miller spent Saturday Miss Coy Redid of Panama City in Apalachicola, guests of Mrs. !visited here Monday with her sis- Fred Wages. i ter, Mrs. Leroy Gainous. A )RS AND FRIENDS!, It's the cordial relationships of the past year which .prompt us to send Seasons Greetings and to thank you for your pa. tronage. Miller's Drug Store It has been our good fortune to serve you during the past year and we want to take this means of expressing our thanks. We trust the coming year will be one of utmost success for you and yours. S9 Department C STIN "Store "ST. JOE'S SHOPPING CENTER" 0'.o o o o o o 0 00 'CHRISTMAS GIFT p We have just a friendly word to say in appreciation 0 of your indulgence to our efforts to be of service. 0 0 0 00 | 0 0 : SEASON'So o 0 o7 GREETINGS STo our friends , of this community < ' 0 0 I GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY COMPANY ~~,- U I_ rpll THE LSTAR, PORT ST. JOE.. GULF. 9OUNT.Y, FLORIDA-,. FRIDAY, -DECEMSER 22,,-944. PAGE EIGHT |