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STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Indust'ial Center VOLUME VII) PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1944 NUMBER 11 NUMBER1 (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men .ervijg in th armed forces. Pictures, Which should be in uniform, will be returned.) IN ALEUTIANS r ^" '"" '-; -,, e le 't e s t r FIGHTS WITH INFANTRY IN finest that we have. received from FLORENCE-BOLOGNA DRIVE any of the West Florida counties T/Sgt. Clyriton C. Peterson, pla- during this or any other year. toon sergeant, of Port St. Joe, Is "I want to thank all of those fighting with the 36'3rd Infantry who helped in any way, not only Regiment in the current Florence- in getting up the monies-, but in Bologna offensive in Italy. The sending in the fine lot of canned regiment is part of the 91st goods. I want to thank especially "Powder River" Division with Lt.- the principal, teachers and, pupils Gen. Mark W Clark's Fifth Army. I of the schools' at Port St. Joe who The 363rd experienced one of its were responsible for securing over toughest battles south of Chiannl. $200 of the total amount.." One, of the, regiment's battalions Mrs. Fleishel states that the; fought its way through the north- main credit fo." th ..local contribu-' ern district o 'L-egliorn to be the tion goes to the scllool children first American troops to enter the and the 'Teeneftes, who all worked city. They next broke' across the long and. hard contacting residents canal north of Leghorn an'di occu- of the city. pied the coastal sector from Leg- -- "horn to Pisa, one of its battalions "RED" HORTON BUYS entering the city before dawn July SUNNY STATE STATION :24, and another one reaching the city of the Leaning Tower that C. W. "Red" Horton this weel. light. purchased the Sunny State Service Station and' tire recapping ,plant. JOHN NICHOLS WOUNDED from W. C. Roche, who established Pfc. John W. Nichols, who, was the .business several, years ago. slightly wounded, November 18 lu Mr. Horton states that he will France, is now at a hospital somea continue to operate. the estaiblis'h- where in England and 'is improv- meant along the high stafidard set ing nicely, according, to word ir" by Mr. Roche of .courtesy and serv- ceived 1byn his another. ice to customers. For the present Mr. Roche will ANOTHER FOR YE ED remain with .Mr. Horton to assist Pvt. Bfrney Packard, lat6 of Gai- him in 'operation of the concern. .veston, Texas, now of Camp, GOo- ----- don, Johnston, in town last Satur- property Changes Hands .day night for ithe dance, atthe, Cen- Miles. K. Hurlbut has, sold to tennial Auditorium, contributed a Troy Jones the two-story house on' shoulder patch. of the Iar.borcraft Ninth Street he recently bought Division' to the, editor's collection. from Mrs. B. H. Smith and. has: Thanx, Barney. purchased 'from C. ,J. Sullivan three large .lots and a small drwell- ON LEYTE ISLAND ing on -.the.corner ot First Street Plc. E. R. DuBose, with the Air and, (Long Avenue. Corps iu the .Southwest Pacific, --4 - writes his wife that h.ls nnow on Vsiti; In Jacksonville Leyte I land'. Looks like he and Mrs. Robert Tapper, Mrs. Roy General. MacArthur" are doing 1ll Gibson, Mrs.,Mudge and Miss Mar- right., I gle Costin spent severa:- days this 1 S' .J week in Jacksonville. . SEND$ FLOWERS ------ Despite the ;fact that Paul John- Leaves St. Joe Motor Company L ,son is somewhere in, Italy, he is W. M. Howell, long-time employ keeping live a romance with Miss at the St. Joe Motor Company, has Pauline xOwens whhie: began on accepted, a position with ;the. South December"l'-l1941. This- week the eastern' Pipeitne Corpor tion. a young lady received a large bouquet f of gorgeous white chrysanthe- Spending Furlough Here ( mums from Paul, "the fourthh an- Pfc. J. F. Pitts and wife from a niversary'of our first date," writes Tampa are here. on furlough, vis- (y,)tlnued on page 4) iting Mrs. Pitts' .parents, Mr. and Mrs, Anderson Davish Visiting During Holidays -------- --- J Mrs. Dkaver ,Miller of Charles- Return From Tennes ee in ton, S. C., is vtsltilg relatives ana Mr. and,.'Mrs. Harry Saunders "indfe here during the holiday returned last lriday from a trIp tCAhato To the People of this Community Five billion dollars of the 14 billion dollars our country needs to press the war against our ene- mies must come: fror individual invews,.rs. That BjRing like, and Sis. a lot of Ic ty. Actually succe.s or fail- fire of the Sixth S War Loan is up tr each individ- u, American. v t Every war loan has been oversubscribed S S b because Ameri- dcns by the mil- Slions have shared its responsi- bility. .Americans such as you have recognized the need of extra War Bond' purchases over ,and above their normal payroll sav- Sings. I . There is no sut4h thing as a little fellow in a War Bond drive. Your War Bond purchases, mul- tiplied by the War Bond pur- chases ofyour frields-and neigh- bors, become fighting Power which saves lives .ofAmeicans on the battlefronts and brings us nearer our common objective. THE EDITOR. Port St. Joe Has Large Heart for Children's Hom( Drive for Contributions for Homrn In Pensacola Brings Cash, Groceries, Clothing Mrs. Marc Fledshel, chairman o0 the sponsoring committee of the recent drive for the Children's Home Society, reports, that the people of Port St. Joe gave gene ously, cash contributions amount ing to $345.97. In addition, grocer- ies. to the amount of .$75 were given and $15 .worth of clothing. Total for Wewahitchka has not yet been turned in,. but it is an- ticipated' it will be in the neigh- borhood of $100. In commending this section for its fine showing, Marcus C. Fagg, state superintendent, writes,: "It it were not so far away, I would be greatly tempted to get on the next bus in an effort to personally thank all of you for the wonderful contribution, which is one of the Kiwanis Will Hold County Lags On Final Bond Auction Bond Sales As Considerable Numbr of Hard-to- Last Day Near Get Items Will ee Bid for Tomorrow Afternoon While the bond action held by the Kiwanis Club on Pearl Harbor Duy netted $27,000 int E bondsA in spite of the fact thak the auction was rained out, club members are not satisfied and consequently lihave arranged, for another auction Lo b'e held tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock at the. Kiwahis booth op- posite the postoffice. Among a few of the articles to b put up-most of them hard to get-anra several cartons of cig- arets (,please don't crowd), a 10d- foot roll of poultry wire, ten gal- lons of gas (no coupons needed), a Iarge and beautiful vase, cook- ing oil, a month's dry' cleaning ser- vice, a car grease job and a large number of smaller items too nu- morous to mention. Everyone is. urged to turn out tomorrow .at 5 o'clock and take a part in this auction, as it will un- doubtedly be the final' shove neces- sary to put Gulf county over the top in the Sixth War Loan Drive. SON OF MRS. JOUGHIN IS KILLED IN ACTION' Mrs. W. A. Joughin received a wire froni the war department Wednesday informing her that hei- son, Pfc. Wallace Albepr Joughln', Jr.,' 24. had been killed, in, action. November 25 on the, island or Leyete, in the, Philippines. In addition to. his mother, Pfc. Joughin is survived by one sister, Mrs. H.,S. Lilius of this city; a brother, Sgt. Jack W. Joughin, at present stationed, on Guam; his wife, an Australian girl whom li married in Newcastle, Australia, and a 7-months-old son, W. A. Joughin, III. The heartfelt sympaipthy of the, entire community goes, out to the family in their hour of bereave- ment. -K HORTON HOMiE NEAR WEWAHITCHKA BURNS The large 'two-story home of Mr. ( .and Mrs. C. W..Horton near We- s wahitchka was- destroyed .by fire Monday night with a loss estimated here from..Marianna, where he was by Mr. Horton at about $6000, par- director for the past year. during tially .covered' by insurance, a leave of absence of the regular, War Loan Drive is nearer fulfill- As the Horton, home was some. band director. ment today diue to the.subscription distance from the county seat city-, Now that the band is being re- of $1000 by the Standard Oil Com- little assistance in fighting th'- fire organized, states Prof. W.. A. Big- pany of Kentucky. J. Lamar.Miller, was available. gart, it needs, the support of the the company's local agent for Port The Hortons have moved back entire community, both morally St. Joe and. Apalachicola, entered to Port St. Joe to make their home. and financially, in order that it the subscription for Standard Oil -- -- may be built back up to the Doint and received expressions'. of ap- Attend Ship Launching of high perfection that it had at-' preciation from the :committee. 'Mrs. Hilton Lewis and Miss trained under the direction of Fraak :.Mr. Miller stated that the action Edna Davis attended the christen- Lodwick. of- the. Standard Oil Company was g an lancing of the Liberty " taken as an expression of the gen- ship ."Wendell Willkie" at the Visiting In South Carolina rine interest of the organization Wainwright Shipyard in Panama Sgt. and' Mrs. Charles Stewart', in the success of the Sixth War City Saturday. The ship was chris- and son left Saturday night for - Loan in Gulf county and the state. tened by Mrs. Willkle. Columbia, S. C., where they will ---- K---- visit relatives and friends during' Spending Xmas In Georgia Visits 'Sister Over Week-end the Christmas season. vt. -an.d Mrs.. Whit Christian Ralph Gloze, S 1/c, visited over ndo son, Jqhn, left Monday night the week-end with his sister, Mis. Mother Fractures Hip or Cedartown, Ga., to spend the Harold Powell. Ralph has been w Mrs. Tom Thompson left Tues- Christmas holidays with relatives the South Pacific for the past two day for Little Rock, Ark., where and friends. years, she has gone to be with her mother ------ ----------- who had the misfortune to fall Week-end Visitors Visits From Georgia and fracture her hip. Mr. and Mrs,. A. Morgan .Jones, L. H. Tmdples of .Mledgevlle, -- ----- Jr., of New Orleans were visitors Ga., visited here this week with Spend Tuesday In.Tallahasee n town over the week-end, jhis daughter, Mrs. d. N. Hobbs. Mr. and. Mrs. Charles McClellan, '--His little granddaughter, Noqrmla Miss Erline McClellan, Mrs. W. .'. The War Bond you buy may be' Shirley, celebrated h er second PFerrell and, L. W. Owens spent IUS ticket home! birthday, on Monrday, .December ll. Tuesday in. Tallahassee. CUB SCOUT PACK ORGANIZED HERE A ,Cub Scout pack was organ- ized and' a three-hour training course was held at the high "school last Saturday night;, with Norman Savelle, Boy Scout executive for Northwest Florida, in charge. A large audience was. present, with parents as well as Cub candidates taking the course. Nineteen boys were signed up as charter mem- bers of the. new organizaito.n and C. L. "Ciuc' Ci,-:,:,n was named cubmaster. Mr.. Gibsonii stated that he was well pleased with the en- thusiasm of the boys and their parents, and believes that thle -o- cal pack has gotten off. to a good start. Ages of Cub Scouts range from 9 to 12 years. The Port St. Joe Cub Scouts are sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, and: it was largely through the ef- forts of Kiwanians J. C. Culpepper and 0. D. Langston that organiza- tion of the pack got underway. The sponsoring committee Is composed of MIr. Culpepper, J. R. Smith, Frank Hannon- 'and S. D. Frost. Anyone desiring further information needs only to contact Mr. Culpepper at the Gulf Hardl- ware Company, or Mr. Gibson. STANDARD OIL 'BOOSTS COUNTY'S BOND SALES Gulf county's quota in the Sixth Pvt. Braxton McMullen, son of Mrs. J. D. McMullen, wh.o en. listed in the infantry February 28, 1943, is now stationed in tUl* Aleutian Islands. The above ptc- ture was taken around midnight -land of the midnight sun, you know. rs * Another Buying Spurt Needed If 'E' Quota of $71,000 Is To Be Reached With tomorrow slated as the closing day for the Sixth War Loan Drive, another spurt on the part of bond buyers is needed if Gulf county is to meet its E bond quota of $71,000. Committee Chair- man L. P. Suttoon reports, that up to yesterday $42,367 worth of E bonds, had been purchased in Port St. Joe and environs, but that fig- ures for the north end of the county had not yet been turned in. The Wewahitchka area had a quota of $21,000 and, if that amount has been purchased, we are still ap- proximately $8,000 short. Entire quota for .the county is $158,000, but .bonds other than E have been purchased to the tune of $122,600, thereby oversubscrib- ing by a considerable amount the quota of $87,000. Purchases were made as follows: St. Joe Paper Company, Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company and St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Company, $90,000; Southeastern Pipeline Cor- poration, $25,000; Martin Theaters, $5000; State of Florida, $1400; Standard, Oil 'Company, $106li0. Undoubtedly the cuointy'-S' quota would, have bei-n ri-ached 'before now had i,:.i. i,- v. ',b ..i.. the damper on. our Pearl Harbor Day bond rally, but a considerable amount of bbn'ds were sold. in spit e, of the rainy and blustery' weather. Everyone agreed, that the stage show presented, at the Centennial Building that evening, which was put on by personnel from Camp Gordon Johnston, was something exceptional. The, camp has, some of the country's most outstanding musicians, singers, stage and cir-. cus entertainers in their show. SCHOOL SECURES BAND DIRECTOR After going for some time with- out a band director, the local school has secured the services of Stanford Beckham, who comes 1 : T~E A TEU F I F A D 'Despite this assurance, however, the fact Roche's service station and tire THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, FPi., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the l'ostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -.<{ Telephone 51 >1--- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for sr c(h advertisement. The spoken r:ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong CONGRESSMAN SIKES' MISSION Two weeks ago the office of Congressman Robert Sikes in Washington announced the resignation of the congressman to accept "an important military appointment by the war department." According to the announcement, the appointment is to be effective only during the present 78th session of congress, and does not mean a vacancy will occur in the term for which Mr. Sikes was elected this past No- vember and which will begin in January. Be- fore the beginning of that term Mr. Sikes, it is said, will have completed this special mis- sion and will again take up the duties of congressman.- ONES DAY BL VITAMIN "**.TABl.ETy B . T HINK of iti Your min. *i tmum daily requirements of A and D Vitaniins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one (( pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONlEA-DAY MILES NERVINE Df 0 TENSE nerves make you Wakeful, Cranky, Restless? Dr. Miles Nervine helps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug store. Read direction and use only as directed. Alka-Seltzer W HEN Headache, Mus- cular Pains or Simple Neuralgia, Distress after Meals, Gas on Stomach, or "Morning After" Interfere with your work or spoil your fun, try Alka-Seltzer.* STARDUST and MOONSHINE By THE OTHER FELLOW Don't know whether we'll have time' to keep this doggone column going, but it looks as though The Other Fellow has left permanently for the wars this time, but we'll do the best we can with the ma- in shape, for Thanksgiving. Whal will his' patients think? Any- way, we, know it wasn't Mrs. Nor- ton's cooking, for we had breakfast with them Sunday morning, and Mrs. Doc's biscuits were really something to shout about. (We had to fry our own eggs.) There's been some changes made hereabouts recently. "Red." Hor- ton apparently has, given up rais- ing beefsteaks and has bought outu remains that in the present session of the 78th congress the Third District is without repre- sentation, and at a time when matters of vi- tal interest to the district and to the whole nation are being considered in congress. Perhaps this special (and said to be secret) mission which Mr. Sikes has permitted the war department to thrust upon him, is more important than the commission which the people of the Third District have imposed upon him for the past several years, and that when its nature and scope can be revealed it will reflect honor and credit upon both Mr. Sikes and the district which he represents. On the other hand, some are disposed to look with antipathy upon what seems to them a "grandstand play," and to anticipate with something near contempt the political ex- ploitation of an easy-won military .honor. True, this feeling may be the result of lack of information and the secrecy- surrounding the matter. But whatever the outcome, it Is to be seriously hoped that the interests of this district will not suffer materially during Mr. Sikes' .absence, and that his "mission" will prove to be one that will reflect credit and honor upon himself and the people he repre- sents.-Holmes County Advertiser. Can you answer this right off the bat: How many slices are there in a machine-sliced loaf of bread? Keep smiling! trial availabl'e.-Ed. Seems that Doc Norton didn't get to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner due to the fact that he had stom- ach trouble and dined off soup, I milk and crackers. A fine howde- I do when a medic can't get himself SB& B CAFE WE FEATURE, , STEAKS and FRIED CHICKEN Ask Anyone Who Has Tried One Prepared By Us. OUR FOOD IS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT 0 WE SERVE REGULAR DINNERS JUST LIKE HOME COOKING FOR SALE .New 19414 Ford Trucks Call, Write or Wire S. RAY METCALF Enterprise Motor Co." TELEPHONE 33 ENTERPRISE, ALABAMA Again the Government Requests There Be No Outdoor Christmas Lighting This .Year We know that you will co-operate in this wartime conserve. tion measure the same as you have the past two years. Please read the following: "The office of war utilities of the War Production Board asks that city officials, civic clubs, chambers of commerce, merchants and citizens generally dispense with outdoor decorative lighting this Christmas, as was done in 1942 and 1943, since the fuel situation in most areas of the country is critical and strict conservation is essential. "OWU is not asking that indoor Christmas lighting, whether in homes or in stores, be eliminated, but believes that out- door lighting, such as festooned store fronts and decorated streets, should be dispensed with as long as fuels are In co-operation with the Office of War Utilities of the War Production Board, we are glad to publish the above statement FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION [ I [ II[ow n Off for Alabama With My Bana- jough On My Knee." SHINE YOUR-SHOES! We have the largest stock of Shoe Polish in Port St. Joe.... All makes! All col- ors! Paste and Liquid. The LEADER SHOE SHOP THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAA PAGE TWO .FRID)AY,- DECEMBER 15, 1944- retreading plant. Might ibe a goo( thing, too, for we believe' a couple of .steaks, that we got recently came from Red's ranch, and we could, have used, 'em to retread a tire with very easily. And W. M. Howell has left the St. Joe Mo- tor Company to work for the pipe- line company. Won't be the, same to drive up to the Ford, place ana not see W. M.'s homely smiling face. And speaking of changes, wu were thinking -of the new nam- Nell Connell took when she got hitched-Bandjough. There's one man .who, when he takes' his wife on his lap, can truthfully/sing "I'm * v v s ALL SET for a good full day's A work when a nagging head, PRESCRIPTION ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. DEPARTMENT Ready for an evening of relax- DEPARTMENT action and enjoyment-a pesky headache interferes with your fun,' rest, enjoyment or relaxation. , * We are justly proud of our pre- scription department and cordially DR. MILES invite you to inspect it. Only regis- Anti-Pain Pills tered pharmacists compound pre- usually relieve not only Head- scriptions, and only the finest chem- ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus- icals, pharmaceuticals, and biologi- cular Pains and Functional cals are used. Visit us and become Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain better acquainted with our service. Pills? If not why not? You can We use Merck Prescription Chemicalsl'' get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular SPhapackage for only a penny apiece Smit- 's Pharm acy and in the economy package even. cheaper. Why not get a package Phor.-' 5 Port St. Joe today? Your druggist has them. We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription Read directions, and use only as directed. Your money back if you are not satisfied. .J--^iL gye -h _i^Al~o fl .j t's i-'^ T --^--^- --H ^_ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1944 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULP COUNTY. PLORIDA *A~ff 7MUW~ U * ORDER OF EASTERN STAR ELECTS OFFICERS. The Order of Eastern Star hela Its annual election of officers on Tuesday night, naming the follow- ing officers for 1945: Worthy matron, Zola Maddox; worthy patron, Dick Spillers; as- sociate matron,,Pauline Smith; as- sociate patron, Watson Smith; sec- retary, Lovie Coburn; treasurer, Esther Bartee; conductress, Alma Parker; assistant conductress, Es- telle Girffin; marshall, Mable Christmas-; pianist, Myrtice Coody; chaplain, Wilma Cooper; Ada, Lyda Adkins; Ruth, Ruth Ramsey, Es-[ ther, Euphamia Roberts; Martha, I Edith Hewitt; Electa, Patty Gib- WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS i Mrs. Roy Connell and daughter, J. 0. Smith of Sumatra was It. son; warder, HarriettRowell; sen- CHRISTMAS PARTY IMrs. E. A. Bandj0ugh, of Wewa- town yesterday having Doc Nor- tinel, Bessie. Powell. The Port St. Jo Woman's Club 'hitchka, spent Thursday in St Joe ton look over his innards. held its regular meeting and an- shopping. Mrs. Bandjough will be ----- Mr. and Mrs. C. LI Morgan and nual Christmas .party Wednesday, remembered as Nell Connell. At times we believe we have, Mrs. John Griffin of Wewahitehka December 6, with Mrs. Nobie Stone J. C. Evans left last Friday for reason to envy the prehistoric were visitors in town Saturday. presiding. The clubrooms, which Panama City where he will join a man who carried a club and was Mrs. J. J. Perritt of Panama City have been recently painted, were construction crew and will con- his own government. visited here last week with her beautifully decorated with ever- tinue on to Montgomery, where -- daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. greens, colored lights, a Christmas he will work in the future. Send The Scar to a friend. Leroy Gainous. Miss Robibie Nell Hardy of I than, Ala., visited here over t week-end with Mrs. Lillian M Nair. Miss Mae Spaun of Tallahass was in town Tuesday visiting Wh sister', Miss Lou Spann. For Good Eats Short Orders Sandwiches Plate Lunch 50c and ----- "The Best Coffee In Town" TRY THE FRIENDLY LUNCH Mrs. A. J. Owens, Manager Phone 9123 Between A & P and Suwannee Stores FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ., . ,.W A ^ .. "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, DEC. 17, 1944 * 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "MODERN IDOLATRY." 7:00-Baptist Training Union, 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic: "CHRISTMAS ATTITUDES." EVERYBODY WELCOME! ATTENTION Home Owners! You can now secure Lumber for maintenance and repair Most Materials Are Available Loans Are Available For Repairs ,' Soderberg Lumber Co. PHONE 69 J PORT ST. JOE WE DO MILL WORK AND BUILD BOATS S' , j tree and! nativity scene. Do- The me-eting was opened with he Ithe singing of "America," fol Ic- lowed by the. salute to the flag and club creed. Mrs. Ned Porter ,ee gave an interesting article en 'er titled "The Star That Gleams In the Darkness." Mrs. A. L. Ward re- ported $75 worth of food collected and sent to the Childrens Home in SPensacola. A most enjoyable feature of the afternoon was the all-girl, vesteC choir ,presented by Mrs. Charles 3Brown in a program of Christmas music. The choir, composed, of 25 young girls, sang beautifully and rendered the -following program: "0 Little Town of Bethlehem".. S..................... Choir Flute Interlude......... .Fay Morris "Hark, the. Herald Angels. Sing" ........................... Choir "Silent Night" ............... .... ...Choir and' Fay Morris A Christmas Story, "Why the Chimes Rang"... Barbara Boyles "White Christmas"......... Choir "The Night Before. Christmas,".. ............. Ida Ethel Kilbourn Flue Solo, "Ave Maria"......... ................... Fay Morris The hostesses for the afternoon e-rved delicious' refreshments ot fruitcake and coffee. A silver offering, taken for the purpose of buying operating gowns and linen for *the municipal hos- pital, amounted to $16.50. RUTH LAWRENCE CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. BOYLES The Ruth Lawrence Circle of the Woman's' Society for Christian: Service of the Methodist Church met Monday at the home of Mrs. R. G. Boyles with ten members present. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. 0. D. Langston. The Bible study outlined in the b3ok, "Thse. Word of His Grace," was continued, andi the scripture readingwas given, by Mrs. FranM Manning. Theme of the study was. "The Christian's Manner of Liv- ing." Mrs. M. P. Tomlinson dis- cussed "Unity in the Church" and' Mrs. Nobie. Stone spoke on the topic, "Find Your Place in the Church and Fill It." 'Mrs. Charles Brown discussed, "A 'Christian In the World." At the conclusion or the business meeting, the hostess served a delicious, salad course and coffee. . The next and' last: meeting ot the year for this circle will be on Thursday, December 28, at the home of Mrs. G. A. Patton. MRS. PAUL BRIGMAN I'S' HONORED WITH SHOWER Mrs. :Paul Brigman was honored at a stork shower given last- Fri- day night by Mrs. Louis, Johnson, Mrs. Harry McKnight and ,Mrs. T"-n Byrd' at the -home of Mrs. Johnson, the living room of which .as attractively decorated With .nt fall flowers. Following -a session of games, >rizes goin- to Mirs. J. 'B. Traweek and Mrs. .Maurice Burch,. the honr y-,e opened, her many gifts, which she di played to the. guests. R efreshments' of sandwiches, do- nuts and coffee were served! by the, hostesses to Mrs. Ourel Brig- man, Mrs. CliffordiTharpe, Mrs. 3. B. Traweek, Mrs. Nick Kelly, Mrs.' S. Kelley, Mrs. B.. W. Brayk Mrs. Maurice' Burch, Mrs'. Foy Scheffer, Mrs. Ernest Lowxery, Mrs. rank Gunn, Mrs. Aex Young, Mrs. W.I F. Farris. Mrs. E. Hall and Mrs. L. E. Jones. j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pair spent I Sunday in Plounitstown visiting a brother of Mr. Plair's who had a: very painful accident recently, be- Ing burned by a gasoline fire. SKenney Mercantile THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PHONE 136 W Port' A Martin Theatre THEATRE OPENS SATU CONTINUOUS PERFOI SATURDAY, DEC. 16 2 402 "Swihgi g In the Saddle" Chapter 5 of Serial "Mystery of the River Boat" - FEATURE NO. 2 - BONITA GRANVILLE in IWild" I i ll. SUNDAY, DEC 17 Sport "SAILS ALOFT" "JUNGLE THRILLS" MONDAY and TUESDAY December 18 19 J:ANAPTURNE lam 's CRAIG job M"o LATEST NEWS EVENTS "SOMIEWHEc. U. S. A." PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. RDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. ROMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20 , Ri YRIPE with JUDY CANCQVA --Also- Chapter 8 of Serial "Desert Hawk" THURSDAY and FRIDAY December 21 22 BU gmuRUKBU Rif uvomlflca IN TECHN IC 0 LO0 R:l -Also - LATEST NEWS EVENTS "AVIATION EXPERT" TODAY ------- 1:00 P. M. - FREE BOND SHOW! - ON THE SCREEN - DOROTHY LAMOUR in. "Rainbow, Island" In Technicolor ---------- I FRIDAYI, bkCESMBER 15, IW94 THE STAR, PORT ST. jOE, GULF eOUNTY.. FLORIDA Paer TMHW F, - ~- ATA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 With the Colo Rev. W. A. Daniel, Pastor C r Sunday school 10:45 a. m. Preaching services every first (Continued from page 1) and third Sunday, in the morning, the young cavalier. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. ADDRESSES H. L. Trawick, Mo. MM 2/c, tel Wisconsin, Nordburg Unit, CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE-Four rooms and bath on two 50x170-ft. lots, corner First St. and Long Ave.; $2,250. Write C. J. Sullivan, Florala Ala., or see W. C. Roche, Port St. Joe. 12-15* FOR SALE PREWAR BICYCLE Man's bi- cycle, balloon tires. good condi- tion. Call 34, or see D. B. Lay. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IS YOUR BAND INSTRUMENT WORKING FOR THE ENEMY? Every musical instrument is need- ed today to hasten VICTORY-to encourage and inspire on the home and on the fighting fronts. If your instrument is collecting dust, put it into uniform. We will pay cash for it and enlist it in ac- tive service. Write Philips' Music Mart, Panama City, Fla. 1-26* APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT-Three rooms, furnished; lights, and water included; $30 month. See Paul Farmer, Oak Grove. tf FOR RENT SIGNS-Two for 25c at The. Star office, tt WANTED TO RENT HOUSE WANTED-Desire to rent unfurnished house as sooa as possible. 'See, Mrs. Dan Brooks Jr., phone 157. 12-Stf WANTED TO BUY WANTED- Small electric heater. Call at The Star office. tt CASH! CASH! It's the patriotic thing to cash in on your unused, musical instrument. We will place it in. active service either on the home front or in the hands, of our fighting men.. The more music w.e have-inspiring, cheering, encouraging-the sooner Victory will be won. We will pay CASH! Write Philips' Music Mart, Panama City, Fla. 1-26* AGENTS WANTED WANT PLEASANT OUTDOOR WORK in a business of your own? Good profits selling over 200 widely advisrtised. Rawleigh home- farm necessities.. Pays better tha-a most occupations. Hundreds in business; 5 to 20 years or more! Products, equipment on credit. No experience needed to start we teach *you how. Wrle TffMry-for full particulars .Rawleigh's, Dept. FAL-T99-145, Memphis, Tenn. 1* MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly In the Sheffield colored quarters. LEGAL ADVERTISING ,N O T I C. E Notice is -hereby given that the City Tax Assessment ol .for the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, for the yeai 1944 will be submijttedt to the Equalizing Board for approval on the 26th day of TDecember :1:944, at;,the Glty Hall at 8.100 o'clock p. m. All persons -dssiring to .have corrections -made in .such rolT, whether in the listing, valuation ot property or otherwise, are rO- quested to file with the under- signed on or before the 25th day of December 1944, their petition setting forth their obj;3ctions to such assessment and the correc- tions which they desire to have made. Witness my hand and' th of- ficial seal of the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, this 13th day of De- cember, 1944. M. P. TOMLINSON, (.Seal) C. ity Auditor and Clerk, as ex-officio Tax As- .sessor. 12-18 2t NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to Chapter 20953, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941, the under- signed intends to register with the Clerk of. the Circuit Court of Guir County, Florida, four weeks after the first publication .of this no- tice, the, fictitious name or trade; npple under which he will be en- gaged In.'business and in which! said business is to be carries on, to-wit: THE FRIENT)LY LUNCH, 12-15 S. A. Yoang, Owner. waukee, Wis. Pfc. W. A. Montgomery, H & S Battalion, 1st Marine Bn., 15th Ma- rines, 6th Marine Div., c/o Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco, Callr. Pfc. Arthur W. Bryan, 2115 AAF BU. Sec. C-2, Box 18, Courtland AAF, Courtland, Ala. Lt. James T. McN'eill, 0-836825, Squadron B, Lincoln Army Air Base, Lincoln, Nebr. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston. Pastor 9:45 a. m.---hurch school 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. Woman's Society meets Mon- days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Bible study and choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evenlag at 7:30 o'clock. * *,,* ' Photos of Port Inn fire no\ available at The Star office. Do It Yourself-at Home PRMANENT WAVE Kl1 Completewith ceurlers, tr *q- shampooandwaveset, fi It's easy to do and sae for every type of r' hair. For amazing results-be sure to ask for Charmn-Kutl. Over 6 million sold- Weeks Dry Goods Store. 1-19, Elmmll)(RirJIllllnsm mlimlfllllfuMiflllllnmm lllllll, fTt Give an for Christmas GUARANTEED OLD AND REGISTERED PATTERNS Mrs. Charles Brown Port St. Joe, Fla. ffillilif filii ifin i iigiiiiBiii i fiiu i]Bh8 i hiinin lsiif ;V i W To Our Customers and to the 25,172 Former A&P Employees Now In the Service. PORT ST. JOE FFOOD STORE PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA I1q 'I / * * * * General Eisenhower says: T want more supplies than we ( of ammunition are being poured into German de- ar senses every minute; 6,000,000 rounds of artillery ". .... .... ,shells and 2,000,000 rounds of mortar shells are adl I think the soldier wants more than he is getting, being hurled at the Nazis every month. ibotht now and in the future ... Unless everyone all tsway through the nation, those at the front andGuns Fired Wilh Pulpwood those at home, keeps on the job everlastingly and Eighty percent of the powder that fires these !with mounting intensity we are only postponing the shells is made of pulpwood, and every shell f9 vi0 Ilj" sent overseas is shipped in a carton made of .ulpvwood Packs Suppie pulpwoodf GENERAL lisenhower means you .heAn Ir lelds Pon't you "postpone the day of victory", Every for more production on the Home Frott 4jcausne hour of peak pulpwood production on the Home' pulpwood is now a No. 1 Critical War $martaje and Front hastens Victory, and every lagging or wastedt this is a pulpwood-producing area. -, hour that could be used in cutting more pulpiood iito General Eisenhower, 5,000 rounds postpones it. S- ring Your Boys Home Sooner by Cutting Pulpwood Today! VICTORY PULPWOOD COMMITTEE III1 C. H. JOHNSON W. S. SMITH F E J. B, WHITE 'Vy A ^ Aii r t PAGE FOUR THE STAR, eURY ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1SeF Ie_4Y \. |