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THE STAR TOR {OOR S 9^ 4fThe Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center S VOLUME VIll PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY,, OCTOBER 20, 1944 NUMBER 3, (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men :ui v -in tho armed forces. pictures, which Iuia, o.. 1oonjirm,-wli-b- retuned. should br in uniform, will be returned.) E IIlllIIIIIIIIIIlllll Hll l ll lll i lllllllll!lll!:1lllll|||ll! COY CASTLEBERRY WOUNDED IN FRAN Cpl. Coy Castleberry, with I A. E. F. in France, writes that received a minor wound in t left leg recently and, will soon awarded the Purple Heart. In writing to his sister, Mrs. ID. Nichols, he says:, "Don't wor for it was nothing serious, ji enough to put me in bed for a fe days. I'll bo up ..nd around aga -in a few days." Has "Reading" Good Time Plc. Billy Montgomery, with t Marines somev.Iiere in the Sou Pacific,. writes his mother that t recently received 22 letters and copies of The Star all at one tin at mail call, and that he! had "reading good time" catching u on the home town news. More Shoulder Patches The editor of The Star acknow edges with thanks two more shou der patches for his rapidly grow ing collection. One is the insign of the 36th (Texas) Division, sei in by Cpl. Billy A. Bowen, who 1 with a field artillery, battalion l Italy. The other is a navy patcl petty officer third class, and cam from Paul Kirby at Savannah, Ga Spends Week-end Here Douglas -all, S 1/c, U. S. Navy spent 'the week-end here with hi wife and son and his mother, Mrs I. C. Nedley. He is stationed 1n Jacksonville at present. *t Leaves After Furlough J. C. Evans, S 2/c, left Wednes day night of last week to report back for duty after spending hi furlough here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans. Returns To Duty Haroldi Powell, S 2/c, and Mrs Powell visited relatives in Ala bama last week. Harold left Tues day to resume his duties, at his station in Mobile, Ala. Dave Maddox Home On Furlough Dave Maddox, S2/c, arrived on Wednesday of last week for an eight-day furlough with his par- ents and friends. ADDRESSES Pvt. W. S. Turner Jr., 3365,2352 Bty. D, 567th AAA, Camp Stewart Georgia; Pvt. Ronald E. Blackman, 5&3rO AAF, BU-20 TU, Homestead AAB, Homestead, Fla. Albert T. Thames., S'2/c, 21st NCB, Hq. Co., c/o Fleet Postof- fice, San Fransisco. Calif. John Williams, S2/c, USS LS.M No. 63, c/o Fleet Postoffice, New York. N. Y. Ptc. Arthur Bryan, AAB, Court- 'land, Ala. Jefferson Morrison. SS George H. Dern, Seas Shipping Co., c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Pvt. Frank E. Childers 34783096 Hq. Co., IRTC. ECS, Gp. 2, Camp Robinson, Arkansas. M. Douglas Nall, Sl/c, A. C. I., Bldg. 26. N. A. G. S., Jackson- ville, Fla. SGT. ROY STANLEY IS REPORTED -MISSING Tech. Sgt. Roy E. Stanley, 26, son of Mrs. Adelia Davis Stanley ot Millville, well known here, where he worked for the. St. Joe Paper Company at the time of his induc- tion and who was recently awarded the, Air Medal at an air base in England, last weeK was reported as .missing in action. ,Sgt. Stanley enlisted, in the Air, Force in February, 1942 and han' been in England since June of thls year. He participated in air at- tacks against enemy installations in Germany, France and Belgium. Return From Vacation Mrs. D. C. Smith and Mrs. Verna Smith returned home Sunday eve- ning after a very enjoyable vaca- tion spent with relatives in Or- lando. Here From Texas Byron Eells Jr., arrived in town Saturday from Port Arthur, Texas, for a visit with his wife and new son aniS parents, Mr. and' Mrs. B. W. Zells, li; Navy Day to Be "-I","",""",,,,,",," ",, War Fund Drive Port Inn Is Razed CE Observed Here LE THE TR Shows Progress By Fire Tuesday the TO THE EDITOR ire Tuesday n b ,11 1 1 1 p ., p ." llll IIIlll IIIIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the Legion Post Plans Dance October County Quota Set At $2285; Corn- East Wind Prevents Blae From be 27 for Benefit of Navy Dear Editor Bil: mit tee Heads Named T $2285 om- EastWind revent e From Relief Fund I may be sticking my neck out mittee Heads Named To Endangering Nearby Buildings; J. with what I have to say, :but I've Conduct Campaign Loss Estimated, At $35,000 ry -- just got to get it off my chest. ust Navy Day, 1944, a day of grati- I have been here two and a half The Gulf county War Fund( drive The Port Inn, built in 1909 ann ew tude and; rejoicing, but most of all years and have tried to ,co-ope has gotten off to a good start, ac- longive The Port Inn, built in 1909 anaPor in -t day of re-dedication to the stern ate with every bond drive, ed cording to a report last week from c-St. Joe, was completelyan destroyed in Por tasks ahead, will be observed in Cross drive and anything that ha Harry McKnight. crairnlan. Fig- by flames, about 9 o'clock Tuesday Port St. Joe, next Friday nigi,, come along. In a manner or es are ot available, since the morning. Cause of the fire was be-day October 27, when a dance will ye speaking, my company and my- chairman has been as quiet as a lived to have been a defective sponsored by. Willis V. Ro-w.un Post self have bent over backwards to clam all this week. Total for thea lie leading from hthe la ge fire- he 116, American Legion, at the Cen- do our part in lour small way to county is $2285. lace in the lobby. Thlarge building ihl tennial auditorium. Music will be help the war effort, and on each The National War Fund cop- was owned by the b St. Joseph Lan he10 furnished by the 318th Army Serv- occasion .every effort is miserably ducts one campaign a year, corn- was ownDevelopment Company and T 10 ice Forces Band from lJamp Gor- repaid. bluing 22 different agencies tha' V. lorris stated that loss oan the al. don Johnston. e This last, .the Florida War Fund before have conducted their iand- building was estimated at approx- u Proceeds of the dance will go to' drive, one of the most worthy oa vidual campaigns. USO received imately $35,000, which was par- the navy relief fund. Tickets will all causes to come out of this war, 52 per cent of this fund, with the tially covered by insurance. be on sale at Miller's drug store i,l I think, the greatest of all dis- United Seamens Seatvice and aic The blaze, which started in the beginning tomorrow and admis- appointments. With all respect to oedr war prisoners coming in for roof of the central portion of the sion will be $1.50 for civilians ant the. few who realize a war is be- to on cosidnable share of theacentral portion of the rt- 75 cents for servicemen. ing fought to preserve their frel a considerable share of the bal- U-shaped .building, was discovered ~ 75 cents for servicemen. ing fought to preserve their freeu- aur. Allied relief agencies are by \W. 0. Anderson and Capt. Rob- -- Anyone desiring to reserve i dom, their right to earn a living benefited, and clothing is ds- byert Tapper, wo were standing Rob w- tlb)le for. the, affair may do so by in their own way, and to give tribute to refugees. front of the, whoSt. weroe Motor Coandin-g ia phoning 31. them security, while other human Committees of the county drivepany Mr. Anderson immediatelyor it ------- ------ beings live in poverty and suffer- s fto ri Mr Anders immediately l-ings that w no ofvtheirt donge are headed as follows: Amus- !turned in an alarm and ran over R MEETING TO BE HELD ing thatwas not of their doing, ments and, advance gifts, Mar. to the hotel to inform guests sit- and TO PLAN BOND Dtothinksolittleofhuait Stewart and Mrs. George McLaw- ting in the lobby around, a roaring TO PLAN BOND DRIVE and the, suffering of others that e.,n: qi~ecial gifts. Margaret Be- fire in the fireplace that "they hac e ____ they are not willing to extend a s gi Margabet e fire in the fireplace that "they ha ae. 1telpiy ha no, wiiesn t extmendAm nu; individual contributions, Mrs. 'better get out, as the hotel is on A conference to outline plans helping hand, doesn't, seem Amenr- Geo'e W imberly and H. Soule. Sp., a for the Sixth War Loan-MNovem- can. In Wewahitchka, J. B. White is, The fire quickly spread across ber 20 to December 16-wil' be For example, the chairman o chairman: in White City,, Carter the roof and by the time the fire Y, held at the city hall Thursday, No- the War Fund drive asked me .to ',ard is chairman, and Jesse Gas- truck arrived on the scene, a few member 2, at 1:30 p. m., and all cooperate in this worthy cause. kin heads the Dalkeith divisio-. moments after the siren sounded, n members of the committee to be H-, as well as myself, devoted his Every individual is being called it was evident that the old wooden in charge of the drive in Port St. spare time in an effort to make upon to contribute his and her building, dry as tinder, had seen Joe are requested to attend. a success of this drive. Then to ia and anye wishing to make its l t days. Thirty minutes later S The conference will last just see just how much interest is be- a contribution should leave it with' t ained u a il o Theconferencewillastjeush Inothing remained but 'a pile o one hour, beginning promptly at Ing taken in the cause is a shame, any local merchant or mail it dl- smouldering, charred timbers. s- the time announced, and will be I had my home office give us for rectly to Harry McKnight, Chair- Luckily a fairly strong east wind conducted by Karl Lehmann, ex- this drive a show free of charge, man Gulf County War Fund was owing, and the flames bi s ecutive manager, Florida war fi- the service oef our employes with G- __ a lowing and the flames buil-ng nance committee of the U. S. treas- no reward. for their effort, our lowing from toward the b ay.urning builHaing ury department. building offered free for this oc- BOYLES IS ELECTED were diverted toward the bay. Had i dp____a e _____ casion, and then went out with 50B KIWANIS PRESIDENT the wind been from any other di- tickets to sell, with all proceeds reaction there doubtless would have LOCAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH to go to this fund, and sold ex- e been several other nearby build- SUPPLIES NAVY CHAPLAIN actly 47 tickets for $54. I venture R. Glenn Boyles was elected wings set afire. As it was, the only St. James Episcopal Church of to say that if those 50Q tickets had 1945 president of the Port St. Joe w structure damaged was the ai- s this city is, among the eighteen been aice tchkefsoir-chances, on Kiwanis Club 'at the _- ular clu) joiinn 'ri.., which ll ,,ime side Florida churches supplying chap- a quart of whiskey, 500 wouldn't meeting Thursday night of last wall ,,,,:,i a lains which were presented cer- have been enough. In plain Eng- week. Tom Owens is the new vice- Feature display of the day was I tificates of recognition and letters lish, what I'm getting at is that president, succeeding Mr. Boyles, when a large hot water boiler in from the secretary of the navy on the public can spend $5 or $10 for who is serving during the present' the kitchen exploded, going thru n Sunday, October 8, at recognition an evening's entertainment at the year. A. P. Wake.field was re- the roof and sailing majestically Services throughout the Seventh Centennial auditorium and think elected secretary. .skyward to an estimated seven or Naval District, nothing of it, but they can't afford Due to the recent growth of .the eight hundred, feet. As the boiler Lieut. (j. g.) Frank Dearing 35 or 50 cents for a ticket to a club. it became necessary, to re- exploded with a loud "poom!" former rectof of rSt. James, left worthy cause because they feel vive the office of treasurer in or- spectators ran for cover to escape his charge at Port St. Joe in Au- they aren't getting anything in re- der 'to relieve the secretary or falling debris carried upward and ust, 1943, and entered the navy turn. some of.1his burden who heretofore, also to be where the falling tank chaplain's school. He was first as In our bond drives, .for instance, has held the post of secretary- wouldn't be-they hoped. As it signed to a base on, Long Island we sell bonds, yes, but in order treasurer. The. new treasurer will was, the win.di carried the tank to- and in December was sent to a to dwo so, our local merchants have be elected at the regular meetis i ward the bay and it fell with a base in England. It is reported to give merchandise to be sold to of the club Thursday, October 26. resounding thud in the walk dl- that he has recently been trans- the highest bidder in order to sell Directors, for the coming year rectly in front of the Chato. Had ferred to a base in France. the bonds. Why should you have are Capt. Ben Dickens, Welton C. it came down twenty feet further -c. _to give someone a diamond ring Roche and Jack Frost, incumbents, to the east it wou'd have hit the as an inducement to buy a bond? and George, Wimberly, Pat Bray. Chato roof. ROYAL AMBASSADORS Doesn't he get four for three when J. C. Farnell and "Opp" Moore,. Destruction of the Inn leaves ENJOY OUTING TUESDAY he buys the bond? Is. is necessary President Harry McKnight, Alex the city without a hotel and while The Royal Ambassador Sunday to give him something in order to Young and George Wimberly at- nothing definite has been said by school c'ass of the Baptist Church make him buy it? If. it takes that, tended the annual district conven- the duPont interests about erec- went on a picnic Tuesday evening give him the choice of a rifle or tion in Tampa over the week-ert. tion of a new hotel, plans have in the sand dunes adjacent ( o the the buying ,of a bondi and see how The club lost its charter, flags been contemplated for the past 18 church. Games were enjoyed and quick he decides on the bond. In and bell in the fire that destroyed months for construction of a mod- a weiner roast held. the War Fund show itf they hadL the Port Inn. This is the second ern hostelry. Perhaps now that the Prior to the picnic, the class their choice between shouldering time this has occurred, the -first old Inn is no-more these plans will elected the following officers: a rifle or giving a dollar for a being when the Woman's Club take more concrete form. Bobby Lee Ramsey, president; ticket for the benefit of a worthy building at Wewahitchka burned. ---- ----- John Barrier, first assistant; Al- cause, you wouldn't have to hand -.3---J. E. BOBBITT BUYS ;ert.Sutton, second assistant; Frea out the, first rifle. M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL Ford, steward; Howard Wooden, 'Frankly I think it's a terrible COUNCIL MEETING HELD T. H. STONE PROPERTY custodian; Lincoln Hall, secretary, disgrace to see howlightly the COThe regular monthly meeting of HELDH. STONE PROPERTY and Billy Cutrer, herald effort that I have spent on these the Methodist Sunday school was J. E. Bobbitt of Monticello, who BRRK 40; drives since th war started] I feel held last week at the home of has been operating the St. Joe BRISTOL DOWNS SHARKS 40-0; has been wasted, 'but I have Mrs. H. A. Drake. After the regu- Bar for. some time past, Tuesday PLAY CHATTAHOOCHEE HERE learned that the man who thinks lar business session was over, the purchased from T. H. Stone the The St. oe Shark six-man grid he is such a good American is hostess served delicious refresh- brick building on Reid Avenue In team went down to defeat 40 to 0 sometimes a poor excuse- meats to those present. which the husin'ss is housed. tea went down to defeat 40 0 sometlolsing might add that I The next meeting of the council Bobbitt also purchased from Mr. before the Bristol high team at ake In a drin I spend money for will, be held at the home of Mr. 'Stone a lot and a half across the The local lads play Chattahou- dance tickets and I buy whiskey, and Mrs. Nobie Stone on Reid street between the Lawson and "' "co-op at in every Avenue. i Hurlbut buildings on which is .c- chee here this evening at 8 o'clock but I also co-operate i every cated a small building formerly he harks beaort, the attitude Will Soon Return From Oregon occupied by the Midget Cafe. hoochee 20 to 14 in the opening I've found in Port St. Joe. while Mrs. B. R. Gibson Jr. (nee Lun- .... E R game of the season, and it is an- I have been here, I'm about fed'laP. .nette Hammock) and Miss Mar- JUDGE PRIDGEON REPORTS ticipated that tonight's tilt will be BEN RIVERS. jorie Costin will leave Portland, 1585 DRIVERS LICENSES SOLD a touch-and-go affair. ----- ----- Ore., the last of this month for F Pridgeon, county judge, re- WILKS JEWELRY HAS Port St. Joe. They plan to visit ports that up to October 10 the COOPERS ENTERTAIN NEW ELECTRIC SIGN for several days in Los Angeles following diers'licenses haeen Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper en- The Wilks eweLry company this and Hollywood. Calif., and in New sold in Gulf county: 1250 opera- Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper en- The Wilks Jewelry company this Orleans en route. Miss Costin, tors licenses; 300 chauffeur, tax terbained with an oyster supper week ,blossomed forth with a hand who is now in Ashland,, Ore., has cab tuck and bus drivers' licenses at their home Thursday evening some new neon sign equipped, with been the guest of S/.Sgt. and Mrs. and' 35 junior operators' licenses. of last week, having as their an illuminated clock that actually Gibson in Portland. I __ guests Misa Doris Suilimerford, keeps time. Mr. Wilks is so proud _____Ig Mliss Jewel Lewis, Miss Lucille of the sign that one can find him aents Visiting With Daughter Duncan. Miss H.aeel Neeld and I walking down Reid Avenue at al Edard Bartee Visits Parents Mrs. alli Mae Willis of Blak- Mrs. Made Prichetit, all of whore hours of the night just so he can Cadet Edward Bartlee, who is in y, Ga., is visiting her daughter, are nurses at the hospital. gaze on his latest acquisition. the weekend here wth his par Mrs. E. Rch, at her home near _----- -- -------- cents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyer. White City. Home From DeFuniak Return From Tampa. ------- Miss Ruth Moore Connell re-1 iMr. and Mrs. J. L. Sharit and Visiting In Alabama Corporal Pridgeon Is Visitor turned home last Friday after Mrs..G. A. Patton returned Wed- Mrs. 0. D. Langston left Wed- Cpl. Charles Pridgeon visited in several weeks' vacation with rela- 'nesday from a eek' T visit it n rdav of last week for a visit St. Joe last week from Wewa- tives at Deuntiak Springs. Tampa. wth her sister in Auburn, Ala. hitchka. I I THE STAR Pvbilshed Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Campany W. 8. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -4{ Telephone 51 }- TO ADVERTISERS---In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken r-ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weghed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong OUR WAR FUND DRIVE Up to the time we set this editorial we had not heard from Harry McKnight as to how the War Fund drive was coming along, but if the interest taken in the show at the Port theater last Friday night is any cri- terion, it would seem that the drive is not going over so good. However, Gulf county has always gone over the top in similar campaigns and undoubtedly will do so again. The Florida War Fund is one of the most extensive and important patriotic demonstra- tions of the year. It combines the appeal of a large number of relief and service organi- PRESBYTERIAN AUXILIARY MEETS WITH MRS. NORTON Mrs. J. R. Norton was hostess to the Presbyterian Auxiliary Tues- day afternoon at her Vbme on Gar- rison Avenue. A report was made concerning the shipment of cloth- ing from the Auxiliary to the war- Stricken area, and it was stated that 94 garments were donated by the members. Plans were made at this time for the purchase or linoleum -for the kitchen floor at the church. Rev. W. A. Dahiel d1i- rected the Bible study, which was taken from: the last four chapters of 2 Corinthians, following which the meeting was adjourned with prayer. Mrs. Norton served tempting sandwiches and soft drinks to the fifteen members present. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Connell spent the week-end in Georgia vis- iting with relatives. zations in the war services. The proceeds will HALLOWE'EN PARTY FOR OUT-OF.TOWN GUEST put the means of efficient service in the Little Pattle and Danette Brooks hands of all these agencies operating among entertained with a Hallowe'en ,party last week at the home or our boys at home and abroad. ;,their parents, honoring their cou- As the benefits go to all in the service, at sin, Gayle Creech of Dothan, Ala. Shlie back yard was appropr. home or abroad, and to all needy in all occu- ately decorated with black cats, pied lands, so its support should come from pumpkins and witches. After en- joying a number of games, the all at home. It is a truly democratic move in guests were served delicious re- the interest of those who are fighting ana 'freshments b ny the, hostesses- mother, Mrs. Dan J. Brooks, as- suffering to preserve democracy. ,ZiLec, oy Mrs. Charles Creech or Many hands make light work. It is little Dothan and Mrs. Gus Creech. I About thirty small guesfsE werm that is asked if all will help. Just how small present. it is may be seen from the comparison. If The butterfly table, the comb- every worker in Gulf county would give his The butterfly tae, the comb. g backed Windsor chair and tne wages for just one hour, his known earnings rocking chair are pieces of furnl- or his estimated earnings, the quota would be ture which are purely American filled several times over. in type. But all -can not be reached by any prac- tical plan of solicitation or collection. Some I must give more, and they must give it freely A without being pressed, We must hunt up our' T T collectors 'and pay them. Yes, pay is the word, for we owe it, if ever we owed a debt. Let us see that our boys from Gulf county at the front will be proud of our record when H o m e news comes to them of our work. Let our money go on its mission of mercy, with the backing of spontaneous good will and free- y hearted benevolence. Let us put this War 1 Y ou can, n Fund drive over in Gulf county enthusiastic- ally; let us give ourselves with our gift. U -r f-. .r "-f-.1 ~ lJH d d To make a long story short is why an ed- itor uses a blue pencil. MRS. JONES HOSTESS TO MARY VIC MAUK CIRCLE Mrs. Clyde Jones was hostess Monday afternoon of last week to the Mary Vie Mauk Circle of the Methodist Church. The meeting was under the leadership of Mrs. E. E. Somerset. The, opening prayer was foi- lowed by a meditation on "Prayer" by Mrs. R. A. Costin. Study was begun on the book, "The Word of Grace," by Costen J. Harrell, parts being taken by Mrs. Costin and Mrs. M. J. Donaldson. After comple;tio4 of the usual business session, the meeting ad- journed in order that the mem- bers might attend the surprise Should a person be required to pay tribute to a union overlord for the "Right to Work"? Should a person be required to join a union against his or her will in order to secure employment? The RIGHT TO WORK Amendment, No. 5 on your ballot Nov. 7th, if approved will GUARANTEE the "Right- to Work" to everyone regard- less of unions. "IT IS SIMPLE AMERICANISM" Vite for Amendment No. -3 Nov. 7th I shower for Mrs. Floyd Hunt at the home of Mrs. H. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pridgeon and son and Mrs. John Jones, ot We- wahitchka, were visitors in town Monday. Mrs. N. Lemon of Live Oak Is here as a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. G. Montgomery. Mrs. W. J. Ferrell, Mrs. Whaley Johnson, Mrs. Donald Birath and W. H. Howell spent Monday in Dothan, Ala. Do it yourself at home. Each kit contains Per- :goo S manent Wave Solution, j shampoo- curlers and Save set. Sate Money back guar- antee. Get a Charm-Kiun Kit todav. Weeks' Dry Goods Store 11-3* BUY MORE THAN BEFORE TELEPHONE YOUR> FEED ORDERS WE DELIVER-We have regular delivery routes in t6wn and coun- try. Save time and auto tires by letting us deliver. ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phone 30 Port St. Joe N mn 1m,n0O. nN (i VTION Owners! low secure maintenance and repair Most Materials Are Available rf- Loans Are Available For Repairs P, derberg umber Co. PHONE 69- J 3 PORT ST. JOE BOATS lenn-ey Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Complete Line- of Groceries Meats Dry Goods PORT ST. JOE, FLA. -~ 00-10 4ba----m - -owS 4mm- W 104MMNW4 -0 -m WE DO MILL WORK AND BUILD - do a~ &m SCopyrighted Material Syndicated Content * Available from Commercial News Providers" I PHONE 136-W Aleii~ '"" 'L I I PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JO~E, GULF COUNTYr FLORIDA FRIDAI, OCTOBER 20, 1we me FRIDY, CTOER 0, 9 4 4H E SARPOR ST JO; GLF GUNT, FORIA PGE HRE BAPTIST CIRCLE MEETS J.'A. M. CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. STRICKLAND WITH MRS. PRIDGEON Circle No. 3 of the Baptist W. The regular meeting of the J. M. S. met Monday at the home or A. M. Club was held tMonday eve- Mrs. Tom Strickland on Garrison ning at the home of Mrs. W. C. Avenue. jPridgeon on Monument Avenue. The devotional was given by After a very interesting contest Mrs. W. L. Durant and prayer was enjoyed by all, the hostess served by Mrs. R. F. Hallford. Mrs. Strick- chicken salad, saltines, cranberry land was elected chairman and sauce, fruit cocktail, cake, coffee Mrs. Tommy Mitchell co-chairman and hot chocolate to Mesdames U. for the coming year. E. Boyer, W. H. Howell, C. G. Cos- After the business meeting, Mrs. tin, J. A. ,Connell, B. A. Pridgeon Strickland served delicious pie and and 'S. C. Pridgeon.. coffee to the ten members present. The next regular meeting of the EVERYBODY WELCOME! club will be October 30 with Mrs. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Details will be announced later. Verna Smith at her home on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tharpe ara Circle meetings will be held at ument Avenue. the proud parents of a son, Ronala 3:30 next Monday. And ladies- Kenneth, born October 4. don't forget your coupons! Mrs. Ellen Kirkland, Mrs. R. V. j* " Coburn and Miss Myrtice CoodyD Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson an- MRS. MITCHELL ENTERTAINS spent last Friday in Dothan, Ala., nounce the. birth of a daughter, FOR YOUNG DAUGHTER attending to business and shop- Linda Gail, born October 4. Mrs. Tom Mitchell entertained home by Miss Margie Kirklandd her small, daughter, Barbara, with for the week-end. Margie returned) Mr and Mrs. Byron W. Eells Jr., a lovely birthday diinner Sun- to Auburn, Ala., Sunday morning are announcing the birth of a son, day night, October 8, at her where she is attending school. Byron Eells III, on Ootober 6. home on McClellan Avenue. A Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farr of beautiful birthday cake formed the "-' chnee are guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Roebuck Linton centhose resento enjoythis oc- of Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper. announce the birth of a daughter casion with the honoree were the on October 7. The young lady has Misses Reed Lewis, Marietta Cha- been named Linda Gail. fin, Ruth Lynn Ramsey and Ar- lene Hall. The "RIGHT TO WORK" Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey R. Tomlin- son announce the 'birth of a daugh- Amendment simply guaran- ter, October 17. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1944 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00--Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "WHAT SIN DOES TO SAVED PEOPLE." 7:00-Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic: "WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE?" tees all workers the right te employment whether they- belong to a union or not. It will put an end to the evil practice of forcing worK- ers to pay some union over- lord for a "Permit" before they can get a job. "IT IS SIMPLE AMERICANISM" Vote for Amendment No. 5 Nov. 7th (All births were at 'the Port St. Joe municipal hospital.) INTERESTING PROGRAM HELD BY METHODIST W. S. C. S. A very interesting program was given at the Methodist Churcu Monday afternoon by the Woman's Society of Christian Service. Mrs. R. G. Boyles conducted the program, the title of whicu was "Call and Answer" and con- cerned Clara Swain, the .first mIs- sionary doctor in India, and the hospital which was named in her honor. Assisting Mrs. Boyles were Mesdames Ed Ramsey, Mark Tom- linson, John Rowan and J. f1. Temple. The devotional, in line with the afternoon's program, consisted ot a series of songs and prayers, meditation by Mrs. Boyles, and scripture lesson by Mrs. Ralph Swatts. Mrs. Temple announced that 4a birthday party, honoring the older members of the society, was bD,- ing planned .for the regular pro- gram day in November. Plans also were made for a study to be held on the fifth Monday of this montn. When our fighting men return are they going to be compelled to PAY for a PERMIT TO' WORK? Will they be FORCED to join a union and pay exorbi- tant initiation fees,, dues and assessments, in order to hold a job? The Passage of the "Right- to-Work" Amendment No. I oq the ballot November 7th will prevent this evil. "IT IS SIMPLE AMERICANISM" Vote FOR Amendment Nov. 7th No, . I.' w .W" Important in Peace asin War! Few products are playing a more vital role in win- ning the war than pulpwood. And the South is proud of the fact that about half the nation's supply of this essential war material comes from this area. Out of war-time developments will come a greatly enlarged field for pulpwood products and the South can look forward to a vast post-war market for this important crop. .0notg.ce of quit Only the best is good enough for our boys, and you can't make the best munitions and supplies from wood that is rotted, charred or excessively crooked and knotty. Make every axe-stroke count. Cut only wood that is sound and straight. A WAR TIME JOB WITH A POST WAR FUTURE . . . . (* . SComing to the . THEATRE A Martin Theatre Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 Wolves Howled at Her Door! . r' jl~ljmcaa ", i Chapter 10 of Serial "RAIDERS OF GHOST CITY" -- FEATURE NO. 2- "MYSTEIRY ,MAN" SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22 MONDAY TUESDAY October 23 24 Also ---- LATEST NEWS EVENTS "CAMOUFLAGE" 3 GREAT DAYS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25 THURSDAY, OCT. 26 FRIDAY, OCT. 27 The Picture You've Been Waiting For! -U BING CROSBY - SRISE STEVENS ^-- Comedy- "GOODNIGHT, RUSTY" VICTORY PULPWO 0 COMMITTEE C. H. JOHNSON W. S. SMiTH "LUCKY COWBOY" .".' .. ..' J. B. WHITE, County Agent '.4p: "Mighty T"RILLS! Mighty STORYI JECHNICOLolt UUouwi p- . A A . A . A C_ FRIDAY, OCTOBF-14 20, 1944` THE STAk, PO T ST .. JOE,* :WLF COUNTY, FLORIDA' PAGE THREI ! ,( PAEPU H SA,'."ST UFCONY LRDAFIAOTOE O 94 PERSONAL MENTION N. A. Simmons left last Friday for his home in Tampa after a week's visit here with Mr. ant Mrs. A. G. Montgomery. Mrs. Harry Sawyer and Mrs. Rosa Sawyer of Apalachicola were rs in town Thursday of last week. Jim Rowell of Greencove Springs and Willie Rowell of Wewahitchka visited Wednesday with their sis- ter, Mrs. J. A. Connell. Notice of Election To the Sheriff of Gulf County, or the State of Florida: Be It Known, That I, R. A. GRAY, Secretary of State of the State of Florida, do hereby give notice that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in Gulf County, State of Florida, on Tuesday next suc- ceeding the first Monday in No- vember, A. D. 1944, the said Tues- day being the Seventh Day of November * For United States Senator from the State of Florida, for six years from January 3, 1945. For Eight (8) Presidential Elec- tors. For Representative of the Third Congressional District of the State of Florida, in the Seventy-ninth Congress of the United States. For Governor of the State of Florida. For Secretary of State of the State of Florida. For Attorney General of the State of Florida. For Comptroller of the State or Florida. For Treasurer of the State of Florida. For Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Floriaa. For Commissioner of Agricul- ture of the State of Florida. For Two (2) Justices of the Supreme Court of the State ot Florida. For ,One (1) Railroad Comm-e- sioner of the State of Floi'ida. For State Senator for Twenty- fifth Senatorial District of the State of Florida. For One Member of the House of Representatives of the State of Florida. For County Judge. For Sheriff. For Clerk of the Circuit Court. For County Assessor of Taxes. For Tax Collector. For County Superintendent of Public Instruction. For Supervisor of Registration. For Five County Commissioners. For Two Members of the County Board of Public Instruction. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the SGreat Seal of the ,State (SEAL) of Florida, at Tallahas- see, the Capital, this tne twenty-fifth day of Au- gust, A.D. 1944. R. A. GRAY, 9-8 11-3 Secretary of State. To Hon. Byrd E. Parker, Siheriff Gulf County. If.YouHad MYJOB KEEPING HOUSE, helping take care of the family-you would realize that business girls are not the only ones who some- times get Headache and Tired Aching Muscles. We home girls often work just as hard and have just, as many Headaches, just as many Stomach Upsets and get just as Tired. About a year ago, I first used ALKA-SELTZER I find that it eases my Aching Head, takes the kinks out of Tired, Aching Muscles and brings relief ,when I have Acid Indigestion. The family says I am a lot easier to,live with since I have known about Alka-Seltzer. 'Have you tried ALKA-SELT- ZER? If not, why don't you get a package today?, Large package No, Small package 30*, also by the glass at Soda Fountains. CLASSIFIED ADS RATES-One cent per word for one inser- Lion (count initials and figures as single words); minimum charge 25 cents. Addi- tion:l ;nsertions of same ad take lower rate To eliminate bookkeeping, all ads must be paid for at time of first insertion. HELP WANTED WANTED-White woman to care for small baby in afternoons; $10 per week, Sundays off. See Mrs. C. L. Gibson, corner Long Avenue arnd 15th Street. 10-27* The "Right-to-Work" Amendment DOES NOT Prevent a person joining a union. Interfere with the right tu strike. Prevent picketing. Prohibit collective bargain- ing. IT DOES Outlaw the "Closed Shop.'" Guarantee employment to every person, un-on and non- union alike. Specifically protect the right of employees to bargain collectively. "IT IS SIMPLE AMERICANISM" Vote FOR Amendment No. b Nov. 7th REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE-Two-story apartment house; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Can be converted into ideal rooming house. Write Postoffice Box G, Port St. Joe. I* FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE-Maple dining room table and four chairs; three- quarter-size bed, complete. Mrs. H. E. Scott, last house to right oia Long Avenue. 1* This is approximately $75 each for every man, woman and child in Florida. Of coYrse, the money was not loaned on that basis, but much of it finally reached the pockets of workers, doctors, dentists, mer- chants and thousands of other individuals because almost all of this money was loaned to businesses, farmers and indus- tries in Florida. Bank loans stimulate pro- gress when the money goes into the hands of business and indi- viduals who are using it for new enterprises or the development and expansion of established concerns. Instead of being merely dollars, these loans quickly translate themselves into payrolls, supplies, materi- als --the thousand and one --- IMortgage Notes, Rent or Lease LOST AND FOUND Contracts, Promfssory Notes, and SPurchaser Agreements. We carry LOST-Lady Elgin wrist watch on a stock of these blank forms at black silk band. Lost Monday. all times. The Star, Phone 51. Finder please return to Frank Hannon at St. Joe Motor Co. anti Advertising doesn't cost--it PAYS! receive reward. 1 MISCELLANEOUS __ FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the Sheffield colored quarters LEGAL FORMS-Warranty Deeds, NOW OPEN! BEACON BAR AT VAN'S PLACE Beacon Hill -- Complete Stock of -- WHISKIES GIN WINES BEER RUM CORDIALS H R WEEK DAYS U SATURDAYS -9:00 A. M. TO 11 P. M. - 9:00 A. M.' TO 12 P. M. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT 0 We are justly proud of our pre- scription department and cordially invite you to inspect it. Only regis- tered pharmacists compound pre- scriptions, and only the finest chem- icals, pharmaceuticals, and biologi- cals are used. Visit us and become better acquainted with our service. We use. Merck Prescripiona Clmeals Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription material things that make up, our daily lives. Think of loans in this light.1 And then think of the tremen-" dous impetus given to Florida's growth by the vast sum of money made available through' the Florida National Group: No other group of banks in Florida can compare with this total of money loaned. We are proud of this because it is clear evidence of our sincerity when we say that we believe that nothing must stand in the way of sound, constructive develop- ment of Florida and the South-. east. It is clear evidence that we support this belief by co- operating with commerce, in; dustry and agriculture by means of loans-the lifeblood of progress. FLORIDANATIONA - -- .----.. ~ GR.. OUP- of BANKS *--- $1r 2 # I. Z Loaned by Florida National Group- $ )223)G Banks During the Last 12 Months THE STAR, Poi-rr ST. Jog, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 PAGE FOUR |