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UnfIIfiWtiII IlII MIfiliHIffBIllIfIlIH inifll (The Star wants photos of Gulf county me serving in tho armed forces. Pictures, which should be in uniform, will be returned.) mlIIl lIlllll l IIIlIi llIllIIIII ll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIin nnlll PAUL K. JOHNSON TAKING IN THE SIGHTS OF ITAL' Somewhere In Ital Sept. 2, 1944 Dear Editor Bill-Now that I am With my permanent unit here, yoi can Ahange my address and maybe .this will be the last time, for little while. I have traveled quite a bit since I last wrote you from KMarns, Utah, and I have really Seten some interesting sights. I. was down at the Red Cross service men's canteen one day and saw in the register where some ot our home boys were there and had registered. I saw the names of "Oaseyf' Jones and Aubrey L. ,"Shine" Williams. I wish I could rtin into some of them, but I sup- pose they are about due to vo, going back. Things over here are much dtf- lil THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Centr VOLUME VII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 194V, NUMBER 61 n COUNTY COMMITTEE I Capt. B. H. Dickens DISTRICT GOVERNOR O Five Killed As AIDS FOOD FIGHTS FOR ROTARY HERE SEPT. 28FAs Y FREEDOM PROGRAM Is Shooting Breeze Bomber Crashes Campaigning to keep America On Island of Guam Near This Cit fit, the Gulf county nutrition con- u mititee, made up of Mrs. Basil R. e Kenney, Mrs. J. M. Griffin an Tells of Hilarious Broadcasts of Nine Men On B-24 Parachute To a Mrs. R. Y. Griffin, this month 1 "Tokyo Rose"; Gives High Safety As Plane Falls In e joining with similar groups thru- Praise to Infantry. San Blas Area out the country in the Food Fights IB A for Freedom program, dedicated In a letter to his sister, Mrs. Five men died Thursday .after. especially to nutrition. Estelle Mosely, Capt. B.. H. Dick- noon of last week when a B24 Members of the committee wile ens writes of his activities, on the four-engined bomber from Tyndall attempt to reach every housewife island of Guam. We quote, in part: Field crazed on a combat train- in the county with information "We are well settled down in a ing flight, with nine men para- I about the importance of planning bivouac which we are making chuting to safety before the planS the family's meals to provide max- fuite comfortable. Today I moved fell into the San Bias peninsula imum nutritional value from the into my new headquartersr, builh- area near Dead Man's Curve ten available food supply and to giv% ing'-an unassuming structure on miles south of this city. practical suggestions about how to which I have had the whole bat- Ten of the 14-man crew took to do it. tery working off and on for four I their chutes, but one was missing A "Basic 7" -food chart in every days. We constructed it from until Saturday, when his body was kitchen will be the committee's sheet iron and mahogany front WAI-C luA-u- rD,,, found by a search party. He was iDR. WALTER J_ MATHER found by a search party. He waig ferent from those back home and goal in helping the housewife get wrecked buildings. I might add, A/C. , it makes a fellow appreciate his all essential elements in her fain- the mahogapyi isn't polished or merd . own country just that much more ily's diet. The chart also will help waxed nor does it have the usual The Port St. Joe Rotary Club er to see -how these people have to her to choose alternate foods that aristocratic appearance of that n Walter J. Matherly, governor ban live around here. are scarce or out of season. furniture stores at home, but I of the 167th dstrct of Rotary In F. have visited, Naples and. Fog- wil-l--- .sa it holds. the tin up, a I the 167th district of Rotary In, .tadt have visited Naples and. Fog- will say it holds the tin up, at ternational, which includes 67 Ro- atadt is thtenatioal, which includes 67 Ro- gia, but I can't say when nor how B. ALEXANDER REOPENS is the best structure in this bat- tary clubs .in Florida. Dr. Math- B. W I got there. One can really do INSURANCE OFFtalion. erly, a former member of the Cpl. some sightseeing in those places. COf course I made the mistake Gainesville Rotary Club, and dean Heig It Is my wish that I can visit of constructing a fancy desk an.of the college of business admin- Th Rome while I am over here. Buck Alexander has reopened it immediately filled up with pa-' istration at the University of p m. Surely would like too see a copy his in surance agency voice in the pers. Mimeograph machines are Florida. was nominated as gover- be en o The Startin building and with his wif the curse of the army. I'm prob- nor at the district conference hed and f of The Star, for I 'haven't had one . ha over a month. Keep it coming. once aga setedn ts cty ably the most adept officer in the a etereurg raced Pvt. Paul K. Johnson. The Alexander agency special- army at hiding behind a desk piled ar. p rl Petel b e the scene Pvt. Paul K. Johnson. Dr. Matherly, who will be the I lsent izes in life insurance but also high with papers, looking busy guest speaker at the meeting of too l !handles fire and casualty insur- while the rest of the officers do thelc speaker at the m ting ot iwento William V. Burke Wounded t The office will be open at whe t res o the lcal club, will advise with ana went Mrs. William V. Burke of Ver- ance. The oandice will be in charge on at the work. suppose it is the same assist President Floyd L. Hunt,' non as received word that herall timrs. Alexander in charge o trait that made e wear darkSecretary M. P. Tomlinson and FOO non has received word that her Mrs. Alexander. glasses in college so I could sleep other officers of the club on mat- -h "ban-'-Pvt. Wi. y, Burke,.was other-officirs of the club on mat- wounded in action with the in- KWANIS AND ROTARY SOFT in classtter made e eel very ters pertaining to club .ad.ministra. A fantry in southern France. He re- KIWANIS DEFEAT PANAMA SOFT "Your letter mademe feel very tion and Rotary service activities, turned eived a bullet in theback whic BALLERS DEFEAT PANAMA ood, butm afraid I don't de-He is one of the 140 governors son a went through his' body and came ,Wednesday night saw the local serve all the credit. As far as the Routary International who are .s- tice i out near the right collarbone. P. Kiwaniss-ottall team trek to Pan-artillery is concerned, I can truth- pervising he activities of 5200 o- held Burke stated in his letter that he ama Citub for a game with the K- fully say that in the fight for tary, clubs with a quarter ,of a mil- Supt. was receiving the very best of at- wanis lub of that city the esu Guam we had a lot more to fear lion members in more than fifty The tentlon and hoped to be out soon. being a 13 to 9 score in favor of from accidents than we did from countries throughout the world. with. He was employed by the St. Joe the St. Joe aggregation. The Pan- the Japanese army. However, the Friday' Paper Company two years before amanians will play a return em- infantry did a splendid job, and a RHAMES OPENS FISH for t his induction eight months ago gagement here next Wednesda, tough one. The infantry is fight- M next , and has many friends here, night at 8:30. ing this war and paying for it MARKET, EATING PLACE Eve The St. Joe Rotarians also met dearly without a lot of credit games a Panama City Rotary team here Nobody can quite realize who has In this issue of The Star, P. H. and t Expects To Be Shipped Wednesday night at Centenniat not been in a war, the hell that Rhames announces, the opening of Edward Eells, S 2brdge, leftlast Field and defeated the invaders by a doughboy goes through. Though a fish market and sandwich shop DANe SFriday for Bainbridge, Md.,after a scoie of 14 to 6. They'will play I didn't know Cornelius Kirkland at Highland View in the old An- Ii' a week's furlough spent here with in Panama City a week from next very well, I often think of him. I derso.n fish house. A his parents,expe Mr. ctandMrs. B. ippedWednesday night. wonder if many of the people at .In addition to handling fish n.ing bells. He expects to be shippedhome realize what Cornelius went shrimp and oysters, Mr. Rhames 'nial B overseas shortly. Visiting With Chisms through in Italy before he died. Hle will offer oysters on the half shell, local ' Another Patch for Our Collecti Cap and Mrs. Henry G. Hughes was in the infantry, you know. tasty sandwiches and short orders. Camp Another Patch for Our Collection Jr., arrived yesterday from Mobile W have it awfully easy n the tra, th We acknowledge with thhankse for a visit of several day with artillery compared to the infantry. Home On Furlough St. Jo another sholletion t is cthe insign his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. "We have quite an interesting Pvt. Geoorge B. Connell has at the tors collection. It ision id was and Ms. Rush Chism. Captain and humorous time here on Guam. been enjoying a 12-day furlough the m tin by Pt. N. H. Sasser. Pete Hughes has just returned from We aren't doing much except with his parents before reporting Thos Man bypromisevt.N. us a Seventh D- the Mediterranean theater where shooting the breeze among our- for duty at Eglin Field, where he reserve vision patch, but Gs far it hasn't he served as a B-24 Liberator pilot selves, about the Pacific. These will be stationed for ,the present. 163 af some In. and squadron flight commander Japanese are such simple crea- -___ _oe.___ and operations officer. He com- tureS ,in some respects that you Enter Stetson University Mo Attn pleted 510 missions and has the can't, help but laugh at them, serl- Miss Carolyn Baggett and Miss Mr. Attend Agriculture Meet Distinguished Flying- Cross for. ous as they are as, an enemy. On Williedeani Lowery left Tuesday called laymond Hardy and H. W. Soule, crashing a Liberator in the Adri- our short wave radio we get Radio for Deland, where they will enter the sud local Purina specialists, met Mnati Sea with the 10 crew mem- Toklo (Tokyo Rose) every day. tetson University. mother day in Marianna with other deal- hers uninjured. He also has the Boy, their news broadcasts are hi- -- ers from Georgia and Northwest Air Medal with seven oak lear various! 'We listen to them an Visitors From Apalachicola Florida. General discussion cen- terms Mrs Hughes was an n- roll in laughter. The day after we Joe Thompson and Mrs. E teredH on postwar planning for ag- clus invaded Guam, Tokyo Rose sai, Mrs. Joe Thompson and Mrs. C. E Ticulture. postwar planning for ag-structor in the local schools last invaded Guam, Toky etRose said, Victor Anderson of Apalachicola son dr U o----- Opi----- year.. but .they will never take San Fran- visited Sunday with Mrs. George day to Undergoes Operation cisco back.' A short while ago Montgomer _soon h -Mrs. Duffy Lewis underwent an Return From Vacation they broadcast that they had tahen Attend Funeral of Cousin At operation in a Dothan, Ala., hos- Mr. and Mrs. Fennon Talley and the Panama Canal and) now the Mr Attend M rs. Fred Maddo x at-f Cosin At Dital last Saturday. Mr. Lewis re- daughter returned Sunday from Japanese soldiers were camped in Mr. an d Mrs. Fred Maddox at- J. C p.rts she is improving nicely. Ier their vacation. Mrs. Talley ant Washington. ende th funeral of Mrs, Matr funeral many friends wish for her a daughter visited her mother in "Don't ever worry about me, lasox' cousinturd Mal Kinard at Fin Graa speedy recovery. Panama Olty, while Mr. Talley please. We in the artillery seldom _lur _y _____ _ -- .--- visited in New Orleans. see the front." Spends Week-end Here With Wife Pfc. Mrs. Montgomery improving Spend Week-end Here With Wife Pfc. Ms M o IHarold Powell, SC2/c, ef Mo- turned, Mrs. Harvey Childs of Panama Patients At Hospital Visits Brothers bile, spent the week-end here with after a 'City was called, here Saturday 'by Mrs. Sam Pridgeon' of Wews- Bert Hall this week visited 'his his 'wie. the illness of her mother, Mre. hitchka and Mrs. George Mont- brothers, Rev. R. M. Hall of Lake- ._ $pea Sally Montgomnery. We are glad gomery of Oak Grove are patients land and 0. D. Hall of Pine Castle. IMrs Coy Redd of Panama City Mr to report that Mrs. Montgomery is at the municipal? hospital this Re*. Hall was, pastor of the local aa the guest Wednesday of hey Mrs. improving now, I week. Batist Ohrtroh qa oeroA years, ag0. slai0, Mrs, Leroyr Gainous. eral day Nicholas, A. Raiella of Wil- ing, Pa. The other four fly- ki:led were Lt. Wm. J. Mona- of Dorchester, Mass., pilot; Anthony T. Fusco of Car- , N. J., co-pilot; Cpl. Raymona Vise of Drumright, Okla., and John C. Murphy of JacksonB hts, Queens, N. Y. e accident occurred about I ., with the cause believed to engine failure. A crash wagon fire engine from Tyndall Field through this city to, the e of the accident but arrived ate to save the four men who down with the bomber. BALL PRACTICE AT SCHOOL IS UNDERWAY large number of boys have d' out for toot'? .this '~Sa- at the high school and prac- s well under way. Practice ti every day at 3 o'clock, With Tom Owens coaching. & first game will be played Carrabelle at Carrabelle next y, September 29. The lineup he game will be announced week. ryone is urged to attend the s and back up the school he team. CE WILL BE HELD IN INTEREST OF FUND DRIVE dance will be held the eve- of October 6 at the Centen. building in the interest of the War Fund drive. 'he famous Gordoon Johnston orches- at made such a hit in Port e on June 30 when it played e Port theater 'will furnish music. ie who wish to make table nations should phone 31 or ter 4 p. m. their of Mrs. Chafin Dies and Mrs. W. T. Chafin were to Quincy last week due to dden death of Mrs. Chafin's Mrs. Elizabeth Graham. Returns From Hospital Boyer and Mrs. A. D. Iaw- ove to Panama City Tues- bring Mrs. Boyer and new ome from the hospital. tends Funeral of Aunt Culpepper attended the of his aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth i, in Quincy last week. return From Vacation and Mrs. Jack Roth re- Thursday from Pueblo, Ool., three weeks' vacation. ----<---r- nd. Several Days In Jax B. M. Kenney and Mr. and f. 0. Anderson spegt set.Y ersthti week in Jacksoavllla, ___~_U_YYYI--_-___--_ PG TO TE T OR T O THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fid, by The Star Publishing Company W. 8. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -'.. Telephone 51 )l-- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken .:ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country ` Right or Wrong YOUR PART IS GIVING Compassion evoked by grim war news would become an unbearable burden it It could find no outlet. For the human spirit, ennobled by imagination, is also most vulner- able through imagination. The mother who looks after a sick child at home can find in her nursing duties some measure of relief for her own troubled heart. But anxiety mounts for the woman whose son lies wounded overseas. Over and over she re- peats the broken words: "If I were only there-if I coul donly help-if I could just do Something." Those words have come to embody the yearning of millions of us here in America. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Croppeli and Miss Eva Croppell left Satur- day for Morgan City, La., for a Visit of several weeks. Jim Smith of Sumatra was a visitor in town last Saturday. Henry E. Beard, AMM2'/c, oa- joyed a three-day pass here with his mother., Henry is stationed at J3ronson Fild, Pensacola. IMrs. Archie Williams of Carra. belle was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Suggs were saying hello .to friends in town Tuesday. Mr. Suggs is connected with the Pure Oil Company and. will be stationed in Bainbridge, Ga., in the near future. Mrs. John Montgomery and daughter Vivian, of St. Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phshard of Tyndall Field visited Sunday with Mrs. Sally 7Montgomery. 'Miss Royce Goforth stopped a shqrt while last week en route to Tallahassee 'where she entered F. S. C. W. for the fall term. The many friends, of J. A. Christ- mas will ibe glad to learn he has left the hospital and is convalesc- ing at the home of his mother in HJghland View.' Mrss. Fred' Gilmore and Miss Wanda Mae Spencer spent Satur- day- shopping in Panama City. Mr.. and Mirs. W. C.\ Pridgeon motored io Panama City on busi- ness Tuesday. morning. Mr. and; Mrs. Dan Brooks and children, Mrs. Helen ,Rollins and Miss. Peggie Allen went to Dothan, Ala., Saturday. Miss Allen con- tinued, on to Tuscaloosa, Ala, to enter the University of Alabama. She will major in laboratory tech- nical work. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech drove to. Dothan, Ala., Monday, bringing i Mrs, ,Helen Rollins home with them Tuesday. .TIgIPHONW Y1i R^ SWE DLIVER- W have r.Ilr ar S t. Svetime, -.d ito tire's by vtt us .i eliv.r. < ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phne 30 -Vt St. 3'9e dUW~c'yI ~EU Mrs. Walter We couldn't shut out--if we would--the 0 *06* *s* * stories of suffering beyond our shores, and LOOK WHATS COMING we couldn't bear passive awareness. So we've TO THE PORT! found a way to make our awareness count. .agrB 0 CS ivera \Manager Ben Rivers announces This year, through the National War Fund, a ao S that in the near future a great . headed in Gulf county by Harry McKnight, number of topnotch films will be we can provide a "USO away from home" for shown at the Port theater, includ- our men and women in uniform. Through it ing "Christmas Holiday," White we can send help to seamen who need rest Cliffs of Dover," "Mask of Dimit- and comfort after watchful weeks in subma- frios,. Story of Dr. Wassell" and rine-infested waters. Through it we can send fGoing My Way." a little cheer to men trapped for the duration -, -as war prisoners.' Through it we can provide Miss, Maxie Ferrell has' ac- food, shelter and clothing for millions who cepted a position as junior opera- have been hounded from their own lands. tor at Jean's Beauty Shoppe. Miss Ferrell was quite a talented bean- Through it we can sustain 17 war-related tician befoFe attending a beauty agencies. And finally, through it we can culture school and her many maintain the community 'services that keep friends, wish her' much success In the light of humanity burning here at home. fhis vocation. This month National War Fund leaders Mrs. George Core and Pfe. and call on us Americans for $115,000,000. Of this Mrs. Jack Roth spent Sunday at amount, Florida's quota is $1,238,000. Here in Mrs. Hettie Euford of Wewa- Port St. Joe we are being counted on to give hitchka was shopping Port S't. Joe $1900. We'll give it freely and in giving, we last Friday. shall minister not only to our men and women from Gulf county in the armed services, to the needy on the home front, and to the ' stricken beyond the seas, but to our own hor- ror-shocked souls. A friend of ours admits to being an old Try Alk)'-Selt-er for fogey by insisting that women don't look | headache, "Marnins After" Achins SMu.les, Acid Indigestion. Pleasant, good to him in either pants or politics.-KinKmg Pro, effective. 3q* d'po.., City (Mo.) Chronicle.. AI "' v i MIN ABLT 7Y "- "High Vitamin potency at low coat-- Keep smiling-and buy more bonds. ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and SD tablets in the yellow box-B-Com- Palex tablets in the onev box. Richardson ana daughter and Miss Mildred Wat- kins returned home Sunday from a visit with relatives in Blounts- town. Miss Watkins has accepted a position with the St. Joe Paper Company. Mrs. Norman Cook, Mrs. Donale Birath and' the Misses Betty Dar. cey andi Wiimberth Manasco mo- tored, to New Orleans, last Satur- day. Mrs. Oscar Gilmore left Tuesday for her home in Tampa after u few days' visit here with friends. Mrs. L. L. Lanier and son anca Mrs. Steve Nations of Wewn- hitchka were visitors in our city Tuesday. Mrs.' W. M. Upshaw returned OR. MILESs last week from a visit withrela- (NERE RYN tives in Jackson, Tenn., and Au- p Ir For Sleeplessness, Irrita- burndale and Tampa, Fla. blity, Headache, and lestlesmness, when due to Nervous Tom Gilmore of Wewahitchka Tenion. tse only As directed. 1 b was. in town Monday on business. Mrs. Myrtice Howard of Greens- boroo visited, Mrs. R. A. Costin an< Mrs. George Johnson last weet. Mrs. Ellen Kirkland. and the ML Misses Nonnie Elkins, Juanlta an Rachel unn spent Saturday in Adjoining Chestnut's Groc Panama City. Mrs. R. W. Stewart of Apalachi- FISH OYST cola, social welfare worker of this district, was in town Tuesday ait- Short Ordel tending to business and shopping. Mrs. Lillian McNair spent Tues- 1 day in Panama City. SIZZLING SIRL( r"THREE O'CLOCK . AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went topbed. Nervous Tension causes manyI a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner- vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after oyou get to bed-try DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) DR. MILES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension to permit re- fishing sleep are Key(d Up, Cranky, Fdge Wakeful,take m. Nervsne. -Try it for Nervous Headaehe andlNervous Indigestion. Get Dr. M q Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large -re S t, b eualy efecve as 'sedative, gua tee to tisfy or yor money back. Read directions and use only as directed. D R Mrs. Jamep E. Morton. arrived last week, for a short visit, with Mr. and Mrs. Patty Lovett. .. ..-- SHINE YOUR SHOES!: We have the largest stock of Shoe Polish in Port St. Joe.... All makes! All col- ors! Paste and Liquid. The LEADER SHOE SHOP OUR SPRESCRIPTIONS1 DEPARTMENT i 0 We are justly proud of our pre-. scription department and cordially invite you to inspect it. Only regis-,. -tered pharmacislte compound pre4. scriptions, and only the finest chem-, ceals, pharmaceuticals, and biologi- cals are used. Visit us and become, better acquainted with our service. wo use M* k Precfiptiousa C nalsJ Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe' We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription Sandwich Shop and Fish Market ery Port St. Joe, Fla. ERS SHRIMP , rs a Specialty Oc HOT DOGS DIN STEAKS $1.25 10% OFF ON ALL RUMS, GINS AND BRANDIES COMBINED OR THREE OF A KIND (Special Discount In Case Lots) LeHAIRDY'S BAR 1 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Kenney Mercantile Company THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A Ceniplete Line of Groceries Meats Dry ioods PHONE IU --W '1 4 k 1 4 ,1 406 LIFE UNS URANCE E FIRE INSURANCE CASUALTY BONDS - w e% % W Costin Building Teleptone 101 PORT ST., JOE, FLORIDA 1 3 ' PORT ST. JOE, FLA. - - -- - THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE,GULF COUNTY, ,FLORIDA -.RDA-Yj,SEPTEMBER 221; 1944, PAGE TWO FRDYSPTMER2, 94 H SA, QT S. O, UF UTY LOIA Coleman Schneider returned to ing his parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. P.-T. A. OUTLINES PLANS Tulane University Tuesday after 'M. Schneider. FOR SCHOOL YEAR spending several days here visit- frs.. Pridgeon Jr., and son, The executive committee of the Tommy Bartee, Charles Boyer ana Parent-Teacher Association met in '.LL.At~ lhI/ 1 .,... M '/ Miss Myrtice Coody visited Mrs. the school auditorium Thursday, B--- ffl~~p C. B oyer and young son at the 1*]' Lisenby hospital, Panama City, yourself t home. r Sunday afternoon. Each kit contains Per- flu Oscar Gilmore and son, Luicy, manent Wave Solutiond were visitors in town last Satur- I tWavesGetae" Moneb-afck K day, leaving that night for their Weeks Dry Good Store. 11-3* home in Tampa. ; Rhames Fish Market Highland View STERS SHELL F FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD, OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor / Telephone 156 SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, 1944 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: 'WHEN IS THE TIME TO HAVE A REVIVAL?' 7:00-Baptist Training Union. S8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic: S"BELIEVE IT OR NOT!" *!?*-------- -- ----^ -- --- --- -- Neel's Market Located In Griffin's Store Port St. Joe A COMPLETE LINE OF FEDERAL GRADED MEAT SATURDAY SPECIALS Rump - Chuck English Ci STEW--Grade Boneless Brisket - Price 27c 29c uts 30c 3A S- 29c 22c Points S8. 5 S5" 0 0 LAMB HOME DRESSED HENS AND, FRYERS A SPECIALTY IF ITS GOOD --WE HAE IT! TEENETTES MEET WITM MISS SARA BRINSON The Teenettes Club met Friday at the home of Sara Brinson, witu the meeting in charge of the pres- ident, Maxie Brown. Club members had collected a number of phonograph recorab and magazines and! sent them to Camp Gordon Johnston. They re- ceived a very nice letter from the Red Cross field director telling them how much their efforts were appreciated, so the members, de- cided to redouble their efforts and last Saturday collected 400 maga- zines, and they desire to thank the public for its co-operation. Following. the completion or other business the meeting was adjourned and all present enjoyed refreshments served by the hostess. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS ORGANIZE PEP CLUB The girls of the Port St. Joe high school, decided that the foot- ball, and, basketball players needed a little pepping at/games, and so have formed, a "Peip Club." Theseniors elected Sallie Tra- week as president, and the juniors named Bunnie Martin as vice- president. Sponsors are Mise El- kins, Mrs. Mize and Miss Irvine. Purpose of the club is to liven the school spirit and get the busi- ness men and wAmen of the city interested in the school and its activities. The club members re- alize that there ire going to be transportation difficulties, and are asking everyone to take some or the girls, if they can, to every game they attend. 4, ..r J. A. M. CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. PRIDGEON The regular, meeting of the 3. A. M. Club was held, Mbnday night at the home of Mrs. E. C. Prta- geon Jr., at her home on Thirl Street. Aft r the usual activities of the c'ub, the hostess served a delicious salad course with ice tea The next meeting of the club will be held, Monday, October 2 with .Mrs, S...C. Prigepn at her White City home. .11111- ':PAGSE THRE BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Dinner Party for Daughter- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyer are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rollins en- announcing' the birth of a son, Sep- tertained with a dinner party last tember 14, at the Lisenby hospital, 'Friday night honoring thedr daugh- Panama City. The young man has ter, Miss PeWgie Allen. Those e-* been named George Edwin. joying the occasion were Mr. and a 1Mrs. Dan Brooks and children an& Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Carlton ol Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech. Thomasville, Ga., were guests this * week of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. CuT- John Allen of Apalachicola was pepper, a visitor in town last Saturday. 1 7 September 7, for the first regular meeting of the current school term. The committee discussed plans for the school year and, it seems that the entire community will benefit if the people will co-oper- ate and help carry out the plans. The membership drive is now on, and those who have not yet joined are urged to see Mrs. Joe Mira immediately. The fee is only 50 cents. Each father and mother in the city should be interested in his or her child enough to become a member of the P.-T. A. and work to build a larger and better school. The P.-T. A. is going to work toward a better lunch room, school library, more equipment for the playgrounds and a Girl Scout or- ganization. The first regular meeting was held yesterday, with Principal W. A. Biggart as! the guest si aker. Program for the 'balance o. the 1944-45 school year follows: IThenie: "Building Today for To- morrow's World." October 17-Devotional, Rev. 0. D. Langston. Speaker, Dr. Colin english, state superintendent of schools. ,November 16- Devotional Mrs. R. F. Halltord. Speaker, Girl Scout leader. Deceritber 21-Devotional, Rev. W. A. Daniel. Program, Christmas play by primary department. January 18 Devotional, Mrs. Robert Tapper. Speaker, Miss Enid Mathison. February Devotional, to be filled later. Speaker, Millard Da- vidson. This is to be Fathers' Night. March-Devotional, Mrs. 0. D. Langston. Speaker, Floyd Hunt. April-Devotional, Mrs. C. M. Palmer. Speaker, Ralph VanFleet. May Devotional, Miss Faye Morris. Program by home eco- Pomics class. Coming to the .: THEATPORT ^^*TTHEATRE A Martin Theatre ^-Z Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 MONDAY and TUESDA September 25 26 V lvl 7 "d J UE ALL SO I iT MES I GLOA ADeM TE XAVIER CAoMT LATEST NEWS EVENTS "HOW TO PLAY GOLF" WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27 Chapter 6 of Serial "RAIDERS OF GHOST CITY" - FEATURE NO. 2-- "I Can Hardly Wait" A THREE STOOGE COMEDY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 "INTO THE CLOUDSt SOONERR CROONER" Located In Old Anderson Fish House FISH AND OY OYSTERS ON HALF Sandwiches and Short Orders EVE RY BODY WEL Y STEAKS-Grade A Sirloin Round T-Bone - 49c 13 - 42c 15 - 40c 14 ROASTS-Grade A ALSO IHE BEST GRADES OF VEAL AND WE HAVE PEANUT FED PORK LIVER SALAMI COLD SAUSAGE CHEI CUTS BACON HAMS FSE BUTTER vInlyn Anters Chapter 12 of Serial "Captain America" THURSDAY FRIDAY September 28 29 LATEST NEWS EVENTS "LULU GETS BIRDIE" I -- -T44E.fT ,.PP.fT,,ST -JE,-r,,.4L,-eOU-14T FLORIDA.. F~RIDAY, .EPTWEgift. 24 19. Natural Finish Tennessee CEDAR CHESTS We have just received a large shipment of these beautiful chests. See them in our window today. Protect your clothes from moths with one of these large, roomy storage chests. $39 50 TERMS TERMS CHAVERS-FOWHAND FURNITURE CO. PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA 16. a~C~ AO THE intention of every man with a family is that his property be passed on to his wife and children at his death. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen be- cause the family may be the very last to receive a part of the estate property. Funeral expenses, other death costs and outstanding debts have to be paid, and they come ahead of the family. Thousands of far-seeing men are using our special Jefferson Standard Clean Up Plan to take care of last expenses. This plan will put your family first and assure them of receiving all of the property that you leave. It can also be combined with other Jefferson Standard plans to provide replacement of income. At no cost, ask about our Clean Up glan today, FRANK HANNON OFFICE ST. JOE MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 37 G RE ..4`00R`i N 0.k.T AR LI N Would Close Bars On V-Day The state beverage commission has inaugurated a statewide cam- paign to encourage the closing o01 all bars, beer parlors and estab- lishmenits selling alcoholic liquors on V-Day. The move is .in co-op- eration with state and national al- coholic beverage manufacturers associations. Stoves Soon To Be Unrationed Coal and wood heating and cook- ing stoves will *be removed from rationing to consumers 'October 15, OPA announces. However, oil and gas stoves will continue to be ra- tioned. CLASSIFIED ADS RATES--One cent per word for one inser- tion (count initials and figures as single words); minimum charge 25 cents. Addi- tional insertions of same ad take lower rate. To eliminate bookkeeping, all ads must be paid for at time of first insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE-1Six-eye coal or woomc- burning r-ange. See Mrs. J. E. Johnson, or write Box 933, Port St. Joe. 1* COW FOR, SALE-Jersey-Guern- sey; good milker; $115. See Paul D. Farmer,' or Mrs. Farmer at the Griffin Grocery. WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Harmonica in key of G for soldier overseas. Bring to The Star office. Will pay cash. MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms That are guaranteed to get the fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the .Sheffield colored quarters. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the Hon- Sorable E. C. Welch, Judge of the I Circuit Court of Gulf County, Flor- ida, at his office in the City or Marianna, Jackson County, Flor- ida, on the third day of Octobel, 1944, for a Charter to conduct ane operate the Gulf County Fair, In- corporated, for the benefit and de- velopment of the home, agricul- tural, horticultural, livestock, pour- try and other resources of the State of Florida and Gulf County, with its principal office to be lo- cated in Port St. Joe, County ot Gulf, and State of Florida. T. M. Sohneider, Pres. W. S. Smith, Sec. J. E. Grimsley; Treas. .40 oe g~ % It's NOT done with mirrors! enob TOM 8'tl !8lonisim dtiw rLL A MIRROR makes two out of one . but it's just an illusion, of course. You can't collect on it. There is a 2-for-1 that the average American family can and does collect on. And that's the double amount of electric service such a family gets today ... for the same money it paid 15 years ago. Yes, your bill may be as much as or more than-it was in 1929. But you're using more electric conveniences now- and getting about twice as much for what you pay Remember, too, that unlike other prices, the price of electricity has stayed down. What's the secret? Efficient business operation. Experienced men, women and management, who know their business from long years of serving you! "Copyrighted Material r Syndicated Content i" Available from Commercial News Providers" -.0 G 411 qo f 401. 4w am a mmm4m0 * 40 a .1 qm a-t- m o oda 0 no 4b OEM j -.*4b 4640b -0-o m * M .40 ~/s ~cOKPORATION - ~. Mrs,. James Martin and baby! Money doesn't always Ibring and Mrs,. W. M. Upshaw left Wed- happiness. A man with ten million nesday night for Thomasville, Ga., dollars is no happier than a man to be with little Jimmy Martin, with nine million dolalrs. who is a patient in the hospital there. Notice of Election Clarence Williams, pay clerk, U. S. Navy, and his wife and children To the .Sheriff of Gulf County,.' of visited over the week-end with Mr. the State of Florida: , visited oer e. week-enBe It Known, That I, R. A. and Mrs. B. A. Pridgeon at their GRAY, Secretary of State of the home in White City. Mr. Williams State of Florida, do hereby give is in transit to New York, where notice that a he will be stationed. GENERAL ELECTION will be held in Gulf County, State of Florida, on Tuesday next suc- REGISTRATION BOOKS OPEN ceeding the first Monday in No- This is to notify that the Regis- member, A. D. 1944, the said Tues5 tration, Books are now open in the day being the office of the Supervisor of Regis- Seventh Day of November tration in the Court House, We- For Unitedi States Senator from wahitchka, Fla., for the purpose o he Sate of Florida, for sixenator registering those who wish to vot t tate of Florida,J for sx years in the General Election in Novem- from Januhart (8) Presidential Elec ber. This applies, to those who are tFor Es. ht Presidential Elec not already registered. The books Representative of the Thrd will close October 15th, 1944. For Representative of the Third (Seal) C. G. RI~, Congressional District of the State Supervisor of Registration in and of Florida, in the Seventy-ninth for Gulf County Fation 9-8 22 Congress of the United States. fo For Governor of the State Of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF Florida. COUNTY, FLA. IN CHANCERY.! For Secretary of State of the E. L. FLEMING, Plaintiff, State of Florida. Svs. For Attorney General, of .Jr" MARY LEiFLEMING, Defendant. State of Florida, V THE STATE OF FLORIDA: For Comptroller of the State of TO: Mary Lee Fleming, 686. Lex- Florida. ington Ave,, Brooklyn, New, York. For Treasurer of the State You are 'hereby notified and or- of, Florida. dered to appear on the 9th day of. For Superintendent of Public October, 1944, before the above Instruction of tb[ State of Florida. named court to the bill of comrn- For Conimistioner of Agricut- plaint for divorce filed against you ture of the State of Florida. , in the above entitled cause. For Two (2) Justices, of the Witness my hand and official Supreme Court of the State gr seal at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Florida. Florida, this 2nd day of Septem- For One (1) Railroad Commw- ber, 1944. sioner of the State of Florida. . (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, For State Senator for Twenty- Cl-rk Circuit Court, Gulf fifth Senatorial District of the County, Florida. State of Florida. E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. For One Member of the House Attorney for Plaintiff. 9-829 of Representatives of the Stateof Florida. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, GULF For County Judge. COUNTY, FLA. IN CHANCERY. For Sheriff. CARL D. OWENS, Plaintiff, For Clerk of the Circuit Court. Vs. For County Assessor of Taxes. ANNIE B. OWENiS, Defendant. For Tax Collector. THE STATE OF FLORIDA: For County Superintendent of TO: Annie B. Owens, Route 2, Bar- Public Instruction. ,ney, Georgia. For Supervisor of Registration. You are hereby notified and oz- For Five County Commissioners. dered to appear on the 9th day or For Two Members of the County October, 1944, before the above Board of Public Instruction. named court to the bill of com- In Testimony Whereof, plaint for divorce filed against you I have hereunto set my in, the above entitled cause, hand and affixed the Witness my hand' and official Great Seal of the State seal at Wewahitchka, Gulf County, (SEAL) of Florida, at Tallahas- Floridia, this 2nd day of Septem- see, the Capital, this the ber, 1944. twenty-fifth day of Ali- (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, gust, A. D. 1944. Clerk Circuit Court, Gult R. A. GRAY, County, Florida. 9-8 11-3 Secretairy of State. E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. To Hon. Byrd E. Parker, Sheriff Attorney for Plaintiff. 9-8 29 Gu'f County. 1 -" r PACE FOUR THE STAR, PON1T ST. JOE, OULF COUNTY, .FLOR1IDA F RIDAY, SEPTEMi3ER 22, .19444 |