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luHII UlHfIII i llbiiii Millllllmu i tiii inimtiflH ilimmiln WITH TH W (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men vervmng in the armed forces. Pictures, which Should beor in uniform, will be returned.) i IIllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllll lllllllllll llll illlllllllll JAMES TRAWEEK WRITES FROM SOUTHWEST PACIFIC Southwest Pacitic July 18, 1944 Dear Editor Bill-This is the first time that I have written you. I've had plenty( of opportunities but not quite the ambition, bui now that I've been missing the home town paper (or "rag" as i have heard, you call it) so muca that I thought I had better write in and "give you the word" about my pew address. Out here on this particular. South Sea island isn't exactly llm" it was back in the )States, but 1t isn't as bad as some of the others. It rains quite a bit and when we wash our clothes, it takes forever and a day for- them to dry. Jap, don't' bother us and the mosqui- toes are not too bad. Coconuts and other tropical fruit grow in abun- dance and thie. jungles are fall ot parrots, wild hogs and spiders, but I haven't seen a .monkey yet. The natives are very friendly, THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Centrr VOLUME VII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1944 NUMBER 44 Home-to-Work Eisenhower and Bradley Inspect Rocket Site Voters Urged To Drivers Must Join! Get Out Tuesday Car-Share PoolAnd Cast Ballots Thirty-Day Probationary Sup- r'A *, Ma n C d f ply of Gasoline Will I Many Candidates for County Be Allowed Commission In Three of Th.e Gulf County War Price and Rationing Board has been In- structed by OPA in Washingtou not to renew "B" and "C" ration books for home-to-work driving ex- cept to motorists participating In carshairing pools after August 1, C. G. Costin, chairman, said yes- terday. Rereiwable home-to-work ration books-those expiring after July 31-will be individually considered and where motorists cannot prove participation in car-sharing, the boards is authorized to issue only a 30-day probationary supply of gas- and they look and act quite come- olinie with instructions that the cal wearing parts of different, car owner must join or form a car- kinds of uniforms that they have pool before additional rations can acquired from almost every branch be issued. of service of the Allied nations. An estimated 20 per cent of all Some of them have short sticks or "B" and "C" book 'holders in the bones stuck through their noses Port St. Joe area now face suspen- and safety pins through their ear sion of these supplementary gaso- lobes. A few missionaries over ,line rations through failure to join here teach some of the natives .a fully in car-sharing requirements, little English and they, pick up a continued Mr. Costlin. little from the fellows. Pointing out that motorists who When we aren't working on our t drive to work daily with empty planes we spend our spare time seats are severely handicapping the playing ball, swimming and taking war effort, he emphasized that cai- short hikes into -the jungle. So- you sharing -is the only feasible ,-reliet see. we don"t lave a bad time of it from a serious civilian trans.porta- at all. In fact, Mrs. Roosevelt tion crisis that threatens to result called this island "the Coney Is.e from inevitable reduction in the of the Southwest Pacific." numibeir of usable automobiles. I've seen two of the fellows from Full co-operation with the car- home since I've been here. I saw sharing program, Costin pointed, Frank LaGrange and Buck Wal- ters. They are both doing fine ana Buck is supposed, to go back to the .States pretty soon. Frank has himself a parrot that he bought off one of the natives. It can say a few Words. I sure enjoyed talk- ing over old times with them, for they were the first ones that I had seen from St. Joe in about a year. qnllnfl. A olrtt A.11 thereo is3 to tefll out, means use of every available seat. OPA regulations require, the motorist to carry three ride-slhar- ing passengers in addition to him- self to be eligible for home-to-work allotments. PURE OIL COMPANY TO SINK WELL IN COUNTY County's Districts -- ' __U. S. Signal Corps Radiophoto FRANCE--Soiindphoto-General Dwight D. Eisenhower, second from the top of tly steps, and General Omar N. Bradley, nearest the top, are shown. as fhey examine a Nazi rocket launching site captured by American troops somewhere in France. Legislators Pick Speaker; Discuss Teacher Salaries More Money for Aged and Aid For Disabled Veterans Are Brought Up At-Caucus Closing a three-day caucus in Tampa over the week-end, Florida legisaltors elected Representative Evins Crary, of Stuart, speaker and J. Min Ayers, of Trenton, as speaker pro-tem for the 1945 ses- sion. Crary was elected on a unani- mous verbal vote, while Ayers gathered a majority on the third ballot f'oir speaker pro-tem. A resolution introduced by Rep- resentative Crews of Jacksonville. would, give school legislation first consideration on th e caAendar when the 1945 session opens next We have been informed! that spring. It calls retroactive pa spring. It calls for retroactive pay Sharp Decline Revealed In VDI Cases In Stat Penicillin Treatment Is Nov Available At Centrally Located Points Figures revealing a sharp de. cline in the number of primary and, secondary cases of syphilis in Florida those types most con- tagious and constituting a public health menace-were released this week .by officials of the state board of health. Dr. R. F. Sondag, director of the state's. division of venereal disease control, said that "this decline may be just a trend, but it is felt that wei are finally realizing re- sults of the extensive control pro- gram being pushed in Florida. We All voters of Gulf county are urged to turn out next Tuesday and cast their ballots for selection of members, of the board of county commissioners. It is of the utmost importance that everyone take part in this election, since the members Of the board represent the people ana are, empowered to transact the business of the county in the name of all the people. It is entirely up to you, Mr. and Mrs. Voter, to see .that the most capable, men (la your opinion) are named, to the J board. In the north endi of the county W. R. Connell has no competition for re-election, to the board from District One, nor has Jim Danie!s in District Two. But down in thl9 neck of the woods, candidates for seats on the board are thicker than fleas on a dog's back. In District Three we find, C. Martin and Thos. R. R. Carter o Beacon Hill, Wiley Collinsworth of Highland View, and Roy B. Whitfiteld, incumbent, of the Over- street section, lined up. District Four, which 'n'oladez that pourion it Port St. Joe north of Fifth Street, the Kenney, Mill area and White City, hast but two contenders for the title of com. missioner, George W. Cooper and Basil E. Kenney, Jr. District Five, which included that part of Port St. Joe south of Fifth Street, Oak Grove and the southern part of the county, has five candidates-W. C. Roche, In- cumbent, C. H. Johnson, J. 0. Brag- don, B. W. Eelils and T. D. Whit- field. Candidate Eells was, the darx horse we mentioned last week, fil- ing almost at the last minute. LUMBER COMPANY taau. the Pure Ol Company, which re- k o lnow definitely that the epidemic . of out here-or at least all that the re Company, which re- increases to date back to the start of syphilis will stop when alep pri- IMPORTS LABORERS tht censors will let me tell-so 1 gently made a survey of Gult of the 1944-46 school term. county with a view to checking on i nature vot a mary and secondary cases of syph- will close with my best wishes to ipossibilitiesisconstructinga The 1943 legislature voted a $95 ilis are placed under immediate Forty-eight laborers from British all the folks back home and in the isteacheir unit appropriation for pay- treatment. Honduras arrived here Monday service. Derrick n ea r Lister's Still, below meant of teacher's salaries, but Go "Therefore, redoubled efforts to go to work or the t. Joe um I eagerly await the next issue of W ewahitchka, for the purpos orernor Holland, vetoed it in belief and special emphasis on the treat- br & Export Company for a pl- The Star. So long. sinking a deep, well. that revenues would not permit a .specialemphassoonithrtreat The Star. So long. It has always beentheconten- that revenues would not ermit meant of early infectious cases of riod of several month. MB 43, U.S.H.C. r tion. of the editor of The Star that "The adoption of this resl- syphilis may; prevent the reporting The laborersmost of wom are VM.B 433, U.S.H.C. discovered The adoptin of this resolu- of a thousand or more cases in the experienced loggers, were brought c/o Fleet Postoffice, in oil rida it will be founddiscovere tion, Rep. Richard H. Simpson, state during the next six months. in through the U. S. Manpower anFrancisco,Cali northern of tf.e state 1943 speaker, told m fellow that leis The report showed that only Commission due to inability of t e BILLY BOWEN WRITES FROM givt eac th 1,362 cases of the disease were re- lumber company to. obtain suffi- BILLY BOWEN WRITES FROM won't give the teachers more than months cient local labor. ITALY "IT WON'T BE LONG" EELLS ENTERS COUNTY 1$950, if the money is available. It por is yering the fist s th Italy, July 10, 1944. COMMISSIONER'S RACE just commits us to provide at least in 1943, and 2,041 for the same pe- BROTHER OF J. B. TRAWEEK Dear Editor Bill-Just a few t- hat much." riod in 1942. PASSES AWAY IN ALABAMA lines to let you hear .from me. To- B. W. Eells tossed his hat into i Virtu'lly every legislator pres- These figures, Sondag stressed, J. B. Traweek was called to day, is one of the old Florida days the political arena just a few ent at the caucus signed his name should not be confused, with thos Monterey, Ala., ast week by the -it's a day for fishing and hunt- hours before the deadline for quall- as a co-introducer of the resolu-shoul not be confused, with those Monterey, Ala., brother, William H. ing. Days like today sure make mi fiction of candidates in the county tion which Crews, who introduced released ten days ago reporting death of his brother, William H. homesick, commissioner race when he an- it, said had the approval of Super-more than 18,000 cases of syph- Traweek, following a long ll I received two Stars and they nounced as a candidate for mem-(intendent of Public Instruction Those figures constituted an over- Funeral services Were held at sure are mice. They take me right ber of the .board from the Fifth Coin English, who was a guest at all picture while only the 1,36 the Monterey Meth6dist Church, of back home. I was sorry to hear (Port St. Joe.) District. ;the caucus. cases are new (primary and sec- which he had been a life-long that Dr. Norton has been sick an. Mr. Bells, states that his main I While no resolutions were pro- ondary) and "spreadable." member very glad to hear that he is bet- interest in 'being elected to the Isented dealing with the question Dr. Sondag said that penicillin, In addition to J. B. Traweek of ter. We just couldn't do without board is to work for development of more money forf there aged, or aleatment fo this city him. He sure has been a good don- of post-war plans to care for the for disabled v.te-rans. tbe-se sub- syphilis, is now available at the by five other brothers L. L. ndv tor. I also saw where the ,Fifth returning servicemen. iects were fr--Iy discus-.j and rapid treatment centers (Duval R. B. Traweek of Monterey, T. W. War Loan went over big. That's ----- ----- j (Continued, on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) Traweek of Birmingham, C. M, just what it takes to whip the Visitor From Arcadia -- ----_.-- -. Traweek of Eutaw, Ala.,- and M. Axis. That means that us boys Mrs. C. P .Wilson of Arcadia vis- Cooper's Have Visitors Returning From School J. Traweek of New Onleans, La., will be home before long. The Rus- ited for a week with her sisters, Mr. .and Mrs. Howard Fare of Miss Joyce Morris will return and one sister, Mrs. M. T. Bar- slans s-dre are giving the Heinies Mrs. Carl Stevens of Port St. Joe Ochloohnee, 'Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. home this week-end from Provi- ganicr. the blues. jand' Mrs. J. A. Christmas of We- Mari'vn Cormm of Thomas.ille, -Ga., dence, R. I., where she has been ---- -- - .TIbere, won't be any furlough for wah'itchka. She returned Tuesday are the. guests. of Mr. aal Mrs. AttendiAn Bryant College for the Write a letter today to that boy (Coninued on Page 2). to keir home. George W. Coop .. past eleven months. of yours in the service. I 'A TW T S PORT ST. JOE, GL N FR F A4 ,.THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St; 'Joe, Fla, by The Star Publishing Campany W. S. SMI-TH, Editor Entered as. second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879t SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months....... $1.00 -.){ Telephone 51 .*- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisements. The spoken r:ord is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong WHY THE ARMY NEEDS PULPWOOD Ordnance equipment and supplies are be- ing shipped overseas at the rate of 14 tons a minute day and night, the army reports. A lot of the material is destroyed before it reaches.the battlefront; more is lost in action as our fighting, men press forward in Europe and on Pacific beachheads. While tanks, planes and artillery account for a large share of the weight, more than 700,000. separate items-some of them in the millions-are supplied to our forces abroad. Many of them, even such large items as' tank or bomber -replacement motors, are wrapped in specially treated paper. It was because these vast supplies were provided in such.huge quantities and in good condition that our troops which landed on French beacehs or behind German lines were .completely equipped with the most modern weapons. Certainly this equipment was largely re- .sponsible for the fact that our losses in the, first phases of the invasion ,were lower than had been expected. Pulp,', ,:,i played an important role in get- ting these supplies overseas in good condi- tion. Yet most of the paper and paperboard consumed in packaging this equipment cannot be 'returned or used again. It must be re- placed by thousands more cords of pulpwood as yet uncut. Softball Results 'Last Friday, night's game in the local softball league, between the Paper Makers and the Rotary Club, startedi.off veen-Ste.phen, with each team making one run in the first Inning. But after that the RBotar- lans could not seem to connect with Joel Canr's pitches, while the mill boys took hurter Floyd Hun; for 13 more runs, to win by a 14-o score. However, it wasn't all the fault of Pitcher Hunt, for the Ro- tary made 15 errors. Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7- RH I Rotary ...1 0 1 0 2 1 1- 6 12 15 Paper M. 1 5 3 3, 1 1 x-14 22' 9 Tuesday evening's tilt resulted ;n another rout of the Rotarians by the High School team, the, final score being 27 to 17 in favor of the youngsters. Both teams made plenty of errors, as will be noted by the following box score: Team- 1 2 34567- R H. E Hi School 1 7 0 6 2 110-27 29 17 Rotary ...3 0 833 ( 1 7-17 26 22 Team Standings Team- W L Pct, Paper Makers ......... 0 1.000 Kiwanis Cluib ........ 4 2 .667 High Sdhool ......... 3 4 .429' Rotary Club ......... 0 7 .000 The Kiwanis Club meets tnhe Paper Makers tonight, and next Friday night the Rotary and Kt- wanis clubs will- tangle. According. to our schedule there is nU gane set for next Tuesday nigbt. A woman never-believes the' last act is the end, she keeps on walt- ing for another-one. S.'i .. ',War s Keep On Buying War Bonds STAR GAZING Meteors have appeared lately in the suim- * mer sky,y flaming across the heavens by night aiid arousing wonder and fear. among mariy observers. In olden times, within great wars ... progress, such. sights. would have been re- garded as significant portents. ,Astrologers would have pored over their mystical books, trying to find in them the answers to our present problems and future fate. But few people take such" things seriously now. Science has dissipated the magic poetry and fear formerly attending such sights. The astrologers are gone, and in their place are astronomers, with scientific instruments in- stead of magic scrolls, who know where the, comets come from and perhaps also where they are going. Also the stuff 'they are made of, and how much it weighs, and how long it will be until they are dissipated in space. All in all, this is now a practical and scien- tific world. So much so that many people, with a little imagination, poetry and mystery still left in them, regret the hardheaded ma- terialism they see all around. But there are still plenty of mysteries to be solved for those who know where to look for them.- Sanford Herald. SMALL BUSINESS IN RUSSIA Soviet Russia permits the establishment-of small businesses for profit as an aid toward reconstruction in areas liberated from the fascists. While it was never "disallowed by law, not since the inception of the five-yeai plan in 1928, have small businesses flourished in Russia. Recently the Kiev Pravda officially an- nounced that any willing person may start a small business. Immediately several private enterprises sprung up while plans for others came to the fore. In a socialist nation,' this is a revolutionary tendency. While only a tem-. porary expedient, the plan to allow business to exist for profit is' based on individualist motives rather than on Marxist collectTvTsm. -Christian Science Monitor. The humble hamburger has at last got into the social register, due to rationing. Keep smiling! << With the Colors (Continued from page 1) us until we whip Jenry. It won't be; long now. When I come home all I want to do is set around and eat. I want to be finished with this kind, of stuff. Will close now. Tell everybody hello for me. Cpl. Billy A. Bowen, Hq. Btry, 132 FA Bn. APO 36 c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. OLIN SUTTON JOINS NAVY Olin Steven iSutton, 17-year-o'ld son of William W. iSutton of this city, last week took the oath to serve his country as a member of the navy, it is announced *by Spe- cialist J. A. Wilkins, in charge, or the Marianna navy recruiting sta- tion. After taking the navy oath at Jacksonville, young Sutton re-/ turned home to await his call to begin his "boot" training at one of the naval training stations. LEGISLATORS PICK SPEAKER (Continued from page 1) will be "fticially considered at an- other caucus to be held in Miami in September or October. .Many legislators feel that it will be up to the state to provide legis- lation that 'will safeguard the In- terests of not only disabled vet- erans, but all those returning to the state ,ai; the'en'dl- of 'the' wat. Most onemibers '0epenly. e prteip d thmnselves.'in favor,.-''an- incregs In ~i4 age pensk1ni kojme advoeatw nlag $20alostatefun&di to .match th - federal allotment, ., . IF ANYBODY HAS- Eloped Married Divorced Had a Fire Sold a Farm Been Arrested Been Your Guest Started in Business Left You a Fortune Bought a New Home Swiped Your Chickens Met With An Accident Had a Visit From the Stork THAT'S NEWS TELL THE EDITOR Phone 51-The Star 1iliiiiiiiiiii1iiiii 1 1i llIIIIIIII llIIIIiiii ili llIIIIIIII rr I've Aaidoj, miwheatbou 4ra "Copyrighted Material [Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" NOT FAIR This story of a German lieuten- ant captured by a British officer comes from Italy: They talked of the war as they waited for an es- cort to take theiri prisoner: down the line for interrogation. "Your bombing ,of Berlin is in- excusable," he complained. "But the Germans bombed Lon- don first," pointed out his captor. "Yes," replied the, German, "but look how large your bombs are." -London Answers. START YOUR CHICKS RIGHT j 1ST;; TPURINA SSTARTENA ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phone 30 Port St. Joe mm .... aDUNU I N n * ROOM AND: BOARD BY THE . WEEK $. Diniig Room Open to the Public Club Breakfast, 6 to 9.. ..2o Lunch, 12 to 2...........40c Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery, Building 5 BUY MORE THAN BEFORE ALKA-SELTZER S llMY DAY - -' fI\11 11 OCCASIONALLY, I wake up in the morning with a Headache. It sometimes wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don't want to wait that long, so I drink a glass of sparkling AJtA1.SELTZER. In just a'little while I am feeling a lot better. Sometimes the week's ironing tires me and makes me sore and stiff. Then it's ALKA- SELTZER to 'the rescue-a tablet or two and a little rest makes me feel more like finish- ing the job. And when I eat "not wisely but too well," ALKA-SELTZER relieves the Acid Indigestion that so often follows. Yes, Alka Seltzer brightens my day. It brings relief from so many of my discomforts, that I always keep it handy. Why don't you get a package-of ALKA-SELTZER at your drug store today? -' .Large Package 60, Small 300.' Kenney Mercantile CompaRny THE STORE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS THE MOST CENTS A oih-plete Line f Groceries Medas Dry (Ms PHONE 136- W PORT ST. JOE, FLA. I' THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1944 '.PAGE .TWO SA S. 4 4 4E A ORT ST. JE, OUTYFLORIDJ " SCOUTS TO ENJOY OUTING AT 'JOURNEY'S END ANNEX' The local Boy Scout troop .will leave Monday for a four-day camp- ing trip at B. 'B. Conklin's cabin, "Journey's End. Annex," on We- tappo Creek. O. D. Langston, scoutmaster, will go with the boys as leader. SHARP DECLINE IN VD CASES .,METHOPJ.IS9 CHURCH . ,Rev: 0. >',La'ngston. Pastor 9:45 a. m.-1:Qurch school 11:00 a. m.-Morning' worship. 6:30 p. m.-Youth; Fellowship. 7:30 p.Am.-Evenjng 'worship. . Woman's Society meets Mon- days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Bible study and. choir practice Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Send The Star to a friend. i SHINE YOUR SHOES! We have the largest stock of Shoe Polish in Port St. Joe.... All makes! All col- ors! ... Paste and Liquid. The LEADER SHOE SHOP WELCOME! Ki -s j.- .-.. a -*.. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 1944 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic.: "CHEERFUL GIVING." 7:00-Baptist Training Union.. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic: "RELAYED LOVE." - -- .. -> -------------- -. -- - KEEP 'EM WRITING! A Gift He'll Appreciate . Military Stationery with his name imprinted, together with the insignia of the branch of service with which he is serving Marines, Army, Navy, Coast Guard or the Air Corps. 'TiHE STAR "Your ome Town New1 PORT ST. JOE F FLOR4DA' 4P4- --A A'~ ~ -' (Continued from page 1) county hospital, Ocala and. Wa- kulla). He predicted because pen- icillin therapy requires only four to eight days hospitalization, that individuals with early infectious syphiis will now voluntarily seek this modern form of treatment. "In the past, patients were often reluctant to undergo treatment for syphilis because of the long and teClious treatment," said Dr. Son- dag. "Now, with the wonder drug available, no one need hesitate to, seek treatment 'because of the time element." Visitors From Tampa Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Graves of Tampa visited over the week-end here with W. S. Smith and' in We- wahitchka with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christmas. My announced promise is, in brief, "Service men first," and it remains just that way. However, to help the service man we must of necessity help ourselves. To this end, if chosen by you, I propose to urge upon my col- leagues the crying need for careful study of post war planning as al- ready being outlined by Federal and State Agencies, the State and United States Chambers of Com- merce, the Civic Clubs, the Legion, the Churches and School authori- ties. *With thorough understand- ing of what may happen, we can in a measure prepare ourselves for events that will rapidly 'unfold at the close of hostilities. It has been repeatedly said: "What can the county do besides what it is already doing? What Is to be, will be," and so on. I sub- mit if we meekly .take what Is given us and make no effort to' get our share of the" benefits, we will be guilty of negligence in the extreme. We will richly deserve the censure of those who have fought to keep "the land of the free and the home of the brave," "To keep America American.* Let me beg of you, whoever you vote for, to take thought of what is just, around, the corner. We have the:, opportunity of maKing Gulf County what he Is potentially along ma9teral, social and-religious li.es May I .ugioest that you give mature consideration to- the forBe. O ind.I making young selection t candidaes 'o1i.' August 8th. Faithiully, . THOSE. R. L. CARTER, HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER HONORS CIRCLE MEMBERS: , Circle No. 3 of the, Bapjtist W. M. S.' londred Mrs.: Charles Craw- forda and 'VMr.&,Roscoe Bylrd with a handkerchief shower 'in the city .park Wednesday of last week., A delicious picnic lunch and soft drinks were; served to the follow- ing members: Mrs. R. F. Hallfora, Mrs. Otis Pyle, Mrs. Bert Hall, Mrs. Donaild Birath, Mrs. Lucious Allen, Mrs .0. W. Nichols, Mrs. 0. W. Cooper, -Mrs. Wilbur Smiti, Mrs. Tom Mitchell, Mrs. Milton Chafin, Mrs. Tom Strickland, Mrs. Lee Crawford, Mrs. Milford Collier and the two honorees. Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Byrd were the recipients of many beau- tiful handkerchiefs. BAPTIST W. M. S. HOLDS STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM .Members of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the Baptist Church met Monday afternoon .at the church for a stewardship pro- gram, which was led by Mrs. %. A. McClellan. .Members were reminded that the first chapter of the book, "Rightly Dividing the World of Truth," will be taught by Reiv. R. F. Halford' at the 'regular meeting next Mon- day. Everyone is urged to attend. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and ,Mrs. H. A. Davis are announcing thie, birth of a son, Au- gust 1, at the municipal hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harris are the proud parents of a daughter, 'born August 1 at the municipal hospital. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Paid Political Advertising To the Democratic Voters of Gulf County Since I will be unable to contact you personally to solicit your vote for County Commissioner in Dis- trict 3 due to lack of time, gas and a great deal of unfinished title work contracted for prior to my decision to run, I am taking this means of discussing matters with you. "Great Alaskan Mystery" -- FEATURE NO. 2-- ROY ROGERS in "YELLOW IROS OFSUNDTEXAS" SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 iWAiN -"WOfM N tEIT "WRED'S YOUNS.ST OL^A v~y~.,L to the rRE Port St. Joe, Fla. SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. 'E DAILY AT 2:45 ,P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY August 7 8 syAGl'KYE In DAoNNY W Ir a , Short Subjects : ', .. i ., LATEST NEWS EVENTS, "MEATLESS FLY DAY" IIIII~llllllllllilllllll -lllllllllllll llllllllIIlllgliIlllllllllllll NAVY RECRUITER H ERE S AT 7 IS,.iit.AiI' Wilkins, navy re- cruiter, will be,, in Port St. Jpe at the, office of. the selective.,service tlllll0ll"l111 ""lllj"ll"lll"ltIlllll lllllllt l llllll!!IltI1"lll llt1 board., today< between the hours of Processed Foods-Blue A8 thru \ and 4 p. m., to take applications A5 (Book 4) now valid at 10 points on both young men and women for each, for use with tokens. Good immediate enlistment in the navy. indefinitely. B5 through F5 be- Ic came valid August 1 at 10 points "Keep His America American." each, good indefinitely. Meats and Fats Redi AS thru ZS, andi A5 through C5 (Book 4) now valid at 10 points each for use with tokens. Good indefinitely.V Sugar-Sugar stamps No. 30, 31I and 32 (Book 4) good for 5 pounds each indefinitely. 'Canning Sugar-Sugar stamp 40 good for five pounds canning Su- 0 gar until Feb. 28, 1945. Apply to local board for supplemental ra- tions. - ,Shoes-Airplane stamps No. I builds the and 2 (Book 3) valid indefinitely dependable Gasoline-A12 coupons are now ble valid west of the Apalachicola River. Famous Last Words: "Well, if he won't dim his lights, I'll be L [ighl Truck dimmed if I'll dim mine." V:tPassenger Car tV Light Tractor . -- Power Plant Advertising doesn't cost--it PAYS! OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT 0 We are justly proud of our pre- scription department and cordially Invite you to inspect it. Only regis- tered pharmacists compound pre- scriptions, and only the finest chem- icals, pharmaceuticals, and biologi- 'cals are used. Visit us and become better acquainted with our service. 4 We we Merc Precripion ChWmiao.i Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We F.ll Any Doctor's Prescription EVERYBODY- ComingI f THEAl A Martin Theatre THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 -Hit No. 1- - - - -0 -, . ----- ----- I I'- .b#&&4-! -- ----#*#*--A r ,-FRJAY, AU GY tT.;!ep T. S.M. STAR,. PORT ST. JOE, GULF: C YUTY FLORI :DA IT'S A SCREAM! A 1 s o,-.- LATEST NEWS EVENTS "HER PICKED ROOSTER" WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 SANDERS BRUCE Also Chapter 5 of Serial "Captain America" "MOVIES AT WAR" THURSDAY FRIDAY August 10 11 4 -------------- PAGE POUR THE STAR, P~I~r ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, AUGUST 4,1944 Paid Political Advertising Says Anti-Closed Shop that 761 persons-1 per cent of COUNTY COMMISSIONER Bill Vitally Importantamp igthose who applied for drivers' 11- censes-failed to pass the fitness To the People of Gulf County:- test during June, and were denite I herewith submit for your care-. Terming the "anti-closed shop or of Highway Patrol pesits to drive Mem, and rs o the ful consideration my announce- right to work" amendment, to Do p patrol conducted 7,656 examina- ment as a candidate for Countyj voted on in November, one of the ataltios of license applicants. Commissioner from the Port St. most vital Questions ever to be Licenses of 181 drivers were re- Jaoe district. I promise to be guided I considered by voters, of this or any oke during June for violation of solely by what I believe to be for ,other state, R. D. Keene, president ,N Members of Armed Forces safety laws. They can be, restored the best interests of my county asof Florida Voters for Constitu-mbers of ArmedForcessafety laws.hey can be restored a whole-to act as my conscience tional Government, stated this Killed During June On only by the state parole commis- dictates and not from any motive week at Winter Garden that his Florida's Roads sion. Llclenses are revoked, only by of personalprofit or prestige Iorganization considered the pas- judges of trial courts upon convic- of personal profit or prestige. organization tion for violation of the safety respectfully seek your support and age of this amendment of utmost The safety campaign of the state laws. vote and assure you your help will importance' and urged voters to highway patrol has cut Florida ___ be genuinely appreciated. give the matter their thoughtful J traffic fatalities to the lowest fig- It is maddening to an arguing GEORGE W. COOPER consideration ,ure in eight months. There were man to meet a fellow who will not The amendment provides that 23 fatal accidents .on highways and'th COUNTY COMMISSIONER "the right to work shall not city streets during June-the ow- disagree withhim. I herewith announce my candi- denied or abridged because o est figure for any month this year. subscribe to The Star-$2 year. dacy for re-election to the office of membes'rhip or non-medmbership In For- the first six months of 1944 County Commissioner from the any labor union or organization." 'there were 260 traffic deaths, 35 Fifth District (Port St. Joe). Ifer cent below the comparative returned to office I promise to Paid Political Advertising per cent below the comparative returned to office I promise to figure. for 1941 when th highway Priz W continue in the future handling COUNTY COMMISSIONER patrol was increased in personnel A e W in the taxpayers' money as I have in DISTRICT 5 PORT ST. JOE by the legislature and Director J. the past, with special privileges to I herewith announce my cana- j. Gilliam launched a campaign to e none and justice for, all. dacy for County Commissioner reduce fatalities. O. T m e W. C. ROCHE from the Fifth District, subject u the will of the voters at the special I F figures compiled for June show COUNTY COMMISSIONER primary next Tuesday. I make'that no member of the armed Awarded first Prize at a DITRC NO only one promise-to work dill- forces had been killed in highway National Editorial Associa DISTRICT NO. 3 gently for a post-war county de- first such record in first appeared in the Eus To the Voters of Gulf County: velopment plan to provide employ- acdens,, t first such re pleased to inthis b I hereby announce my candidacy ment for returning servicemen."a year and a half. Eleven of the pleased to print this by for County Commissioner for Dis- Your vote and support will be sin- fatalities occurred in accidents on HopkiNs, Editor and Pu trict No. 3, subject to the August cerely appreciated. city streets, and 12 were on rural REGI . primaries. As I am duly qualified, B. W. EELLS highways. FREE ENTERPRIS I feel that I can do as much as the 'I B W E FREE ENTERPRIS other fellow has done or will do. 1 SION State highway patrolmen made, AMERICAN DEM will make no wild promises, as I COUNTY COMMISSIONER 151 arrests during June and 282 of will be one of a board of five, and DISTRICT 3 BEACON HILL them were for drunken or reckless make only one definite promise, TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS driving. Director Gilliam listed the and that is to serve the entire OF GULF COUNTY driving. irect Gllamlisted e Free Enterprise is not county equitably and fairly. Being I wish to announce for your con- "figures in a report of activities for people seem to think tha a World War I veteran, I will na- sideration my candidacy for County the month which he made to Gov- to advance the idea that turally lean toward taking care or Commissioner from District Three ernor Holland. dustry, Commerce or Ag returning veterans of the present in the forthcoming primary. If! All arrests made by patrolmen Free Enterprise in this conflict in all ways possible. Your elected I promise to 'urge upon my vote and support will be greatly colleagues the supreme necessity are turned over to county officers Republican. appreciated. of most careful and painstaking in the county wheirie the offense As a matter of fact F WILEY COLLINSWORTH post-war planning for a better and occurred, and prosecution is then American principle, as f a more prosperous county to the handled by the sheriff of t~i~ Constitution of the Unite end that in co-operation with State COUNTY COMMISSIONER and FederalUnitsand such agen- county. Court costs and fees. in into being with the Const (DISTRICT NO. FIVE) cies as the American Legion, The such cases go to the county and such episodes in America] I desire to announce my candidacy American' Red Cross, we .may do not to the, highway patrol, which Tea Party," and drew il for County Commissioner from all things legally possible for the is financed with revenue from the at Bunker Hill. District No. 5, Gulf County, sub- returning boys and girls, who have:is financed with revenue from the at Bunker Hill ject to the will of the voters at risked their all for us, and for the sale, of drivers' licenses at $1 each. The implication of Fr the forthcoming election. I promise memory of and the bereaved sur- The department also reported straightforward and honor a fair and impartial business ad-, vivors of those who have paid the from a natural human il ministration, taking into consider- supreme penalty for God, their individual to the initial: action all sections of the county. country and posterity. LA SSIUIE A D liberties guaranteed in 't Your vote and support will be sin- THOS. R. L. CARTER bought with the blood o J. 0. BRAGDON COUNTY COMMISSIONER their lives and their sac 5TH DISTRICT PORT ST. JOE, RATES-One cent per word for one inser- L iont (count initials and figures as single The American people COUNTY COMMISSIONER I herewith present my candidacy words); minimum charge 25 cents. Addi- e er DISTRICT 3 BEACON HILL for County Commissioner from the' tioual. nsertions of same ad take lower their liberties to their rep Fifth District to the citizens or ra'e To eliminate bookkeeping, all ads ernment, which is of, by a Gulf County, subject to the will o must be paid for at 'time of first insertion. ever liberties we have lo the voters at the forthcoming pri- WANTED TO BUY has been usurped by them marines. I feel that I know the found in the Constitution. needs of the county'and its people WANT TO BUY-Studio couch, In and that if elected to the board I good condition. Will pay cash. Our form of Governmer can serve fairly and impartially all Call at The Star office, or tele- the Congress to follow. TI sections of the county. I will ap- phone 51. 1* States and the Congress preciate sincerely your vote and FOR SALE oath that they will "d Support. "FORSALE o against all enemies. V C. H. "Whaley" JOHNSON PEARS FOR SALE-$1 per bushel If Congresshad dutiful on the trees. We, will help you If Congress had dutifu COUNTY COMMISSIONER pick. W. G. Hardy, Overstreet. obligation Free Enterpris I wish to announce my candidacy for election to the office of County Commissioner from the Third Dis- trict (Beacon Hill), subject to the will of the voters of Gulf County. If elected I promise, to the best of my ability, to conduct the affairs of the office along strictly busi- ness lines, fairly, impartially and honestly. Your favorable consid- eration of my candidacy will be genuinely appreciated. J. C. "Chris" MARTIN SECOND DISTRICT I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office or County Commissioner from thu Second District, subject to the will of the voters of Gulf County at the forthcoming election. If returned as a member of the board, I prone. ise *o continue to conduct the af- fairs of the county in the same businesslike and impartial manner in.the future as I'have in the past. Vour vote and support will be sin- cerely appreciated. JIM S. DANIELS COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 4- PORT ST. JOE I wish to announce my candi- dacy for County Commissioner from the Fourth District of Gulf County, subject to the decision of the Gulf County voters. If elected to this office, I promise to give my time and effort to the important administration of the county's business in a fair and honest man- t- V--. 0 -+X- n. 0unuort will ner. Your vote and suppi. wm, COUNTY COMMISSIONER be greatly appreciated. DISTRICT 5 PORT ST. JOE BASIL E. KENNEY, JR. I hereby announce my candidacy _ for the office of member of the Ci NTY COMMISSIONER Board o'f County Commissioners of Gulf County from District 5, Port DISTRICT NO. 3 St. Joe, subject to the will of the I hereby announce my candidacy voters at the coming election, and for County Commissioner from' I will appreciate the vote and sup- District No. 3,' subject to"the au-1 port of all electors. The only tion of the voters in Special Pri- promise I make is that, if elected, marines August S and 1'; If nomr-. I will work to the best of my nated and elected, I promise to dis- ability-to serve the interests not charge the duties of the office to only of the residents of my dis- the very best,of my. ability. Your' trict, but the people of the county vote and support is earnestly so- as a whole. elicited. T. D9. "Doc. WHITFIELD ROY a. WMITFIELD FOR RENT FOR RENT-Lovelyi ,6-room house on Hunter's Circle. See or call Mrs. Dan Brooks, phone 157, Port Et. Joe. 7-28tf MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get there fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the ,Sheffield colored quarters. LEGAL FORMS-Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Notes, Rent or Lease Contracts, Promfssbry Notes, and Purchaser Agreements. We carry a stock of these blank forms at all times. The Star, Phone 51. AVE you triedAlka.Selt. ser for Gas on Stomach, s Boar Stomach, "Morning er" and Cold Distress? If not, why not? Pleasant. kd, S^^ prompt in action, effective. ,, -. Thirty cents and Sixty cents. OR. NERVINE FOR relief from Functional Ner- vous Disturbances such as Sleep- lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Nervous Headache and Nervouas n- disestion. Tablets 365 and 75., Liquid 28^ and $1.00. Read direc- ASI GLE Dr. Miles Anti- Neadach, Musecular Pansdrtu. s- or Functional Monthlay t Pains-t a for 2aib 15 ad7 ad K sor B l dlotead di r insteau of a tradition , Congress can, and shou return to the basic prir .enterprise system. If sue on the part of the Con people have the right to rf who has by voice and vo little or no regard for Cc Free Enterprise has fit It has created more w people tlan exists in the enabled us to spend appr dollars to train, equip an fight for the principles of selves, and that other p Therefore, Free Enterprise claimed by some; it is no1 is based on human initiate share, enjoy and spend th individual and collective As Democrats and RepI Americans, we will not s to National Socialism; to a to bureaucracy or dictator been the downfall of go ginning of History, becau a fundamental human ri liberty and the pursuit of to the wealth the indiviv by creative genius and th Free Enterprise IS A action ! FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION P n Wso-= -"i THE STAR, Puiq ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 4,1!944 I- GUARANTEED $1.00 VALUE Send film negative of your favorite photo to Thrifty Dan with only 15c (either. coins or stamps) you will promptly receive TWO 8 x 5 Luxurtone enlargements on beautiful, double weight Eastman Portrait paper. Satisfacti6n- or money back guarantee. This "get acquainted" offer is limited so act now. Send your film or negative an' just 15c for TWO enlargement., If you do not h-o a flm of negaie. send a picl or nph.ot. but included 35c ,tr fo'man lng new negative. So THRIFTY DAN "The Camera Man" S 'PARIS AVE. end COTTAGE GROVE ST. GRAND RAPIDS 2, MICHIGAN ning Editorial ly Subject recent convention of the tion the following editorial tis Lake Region. We are permission of George W. publisher of THE LAKE E IN OCRACY a political term. Some at as soon as one begins t American Business, In-- riculture was built up on country, one must be a ree Enterprise is a basic 'ree from politics as the ed States itself. It came itution. It emerged from n History as "the Boston ts first baptism of blood ree Enterprise is simple, *able. It 'derives its rights impulse; the right of the tive, and to enjoy the he Constitution; liberties f patriots who "pledged *red honor," to establish have never surrendered representatives, or the Gov- nd for the people. What- st through these agencies by assuming powers not it is definitely set up for he President of the United smen have taken solemn defend" the Constitution lly considered this sworn e would today be a fact ld, reverse its trend and nciples of the American h action is not voluntary igressmen, the American' place every mother's son ote indicated that he has institutional Government. danced two World Wars. health among 130,000,000 rest of the World; it has 'oximately 400 billions of Ld mechanize an army to Free Enterprise for our- peoples may be enriched. is not a selfish system as t founded upon greed. It ve and the right to create, ie wealth amassed by our efforts as a people. iblicans, and especially as surrender Free Enterprise any system of paternalism; *ship. Such agencies have >vernments since the be- use they fail to recognize ight-the right to "life, happiness" and the right dual has honestly earned e sweat of the brow. Lmerican Democracy ia L :i I |