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THE 'Aw1w1 IMIpW umllINHIIUIUlgl IIIItHIllitlin MWIT T I-- -------- (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men serving in the armed forces. Pictures, which should be in uniform, will be returned.) CAPT. GEORGE TAPPER IS AWARDED FLYING CROSS Capt. George Tapper has re- ceived a letter from the War De- partment notifying him that he .has been awarded the Distin- guished Flying Cross. The letter said: "By direction of the president, the Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded to you tby the commanding general, Twelfth Air Force. "The Distinguished Flyting Cross will be; forwarded to the command- ing officer, 1020th Army Air Force Base Unit; Miami Beach, and that officer will make the& necessary ar- rangements to present the decora- tion to you with appropriately cere- mony." Capt. Tapper, who has also won the Silven Star an.di a number of other decorations, has 55 combat missions to his credit in the Afri- can and Italian war theaters. CAPT. W. C. FOREHAND IS .- AWARDED FLYING CROSS Capt. Wm. C. Forehand, pilot in the Eighth Army Air Force In England, has received the Dis- . tinguished Flying Cross, according a' to word received here by his .-L _ grandfather, W. C. Forehand. lie '.i, had previously been awarded the .- Air Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster, These are our boys ending on These are our boys landing onC denoting more than 20 missions .eration of Axis Europe. .Note the over enemy territory, the one on the right carries a 'T, Capt. Forehand, a former em- ploye of the St. Joe Paper Corn- .-''-. pany, is at present piloting a Mus- '. . tang P-51, ones of the fastest fight- J;i-- ' v~pse. CHARLtES PRIDGEON AND DAL WALSINGHAM HOME Pfc. Charles Pridgeon and Pfc. Dalton Walsingham of Wewahit- chka arrived home last week from overseas on a 21-day furlough. WE ACKNOWLEDGE Some local boy over in Italy has sent the editor a shoulder patch for his collections but the address on the envelope was obliterated by moisture. Thanks anyway, -budidy, whoever you are. We now have 27 shoulder patches in our collection. How about a few more contribu- tors? We need a lot of 'em yet. Reunion In South Pacific Frank Lagrange writes that he ran across Jimmy; Traweek in the South Pacific, and that the two of them we're going to look. up Buck Walters, who is stationed nearby. Brothers Meet In England Monroe Duncan and Thomas Duncan, apparently both stationed at the same base in England if AiPO numbers are any indication, have met up several times lately. Wants Fishing Tackle Jimmy Traweek writes his dad to send' him some heavy fishing tackle, as he wants to catch some big fish down in the, Southwest (Continued on Page 4) STORES HERE TO CLOSE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY The majority of the business es- tablishments in the city. will close their doors all day Tuesd:ay ana Wednesday, July 4 and 5, in ob- servance of the Fourth of July and to give their employes a holi- day. Jimmy Greer and his assistants at J. Lamar Miller's Standard Sta- tion, will take a real layoff, that establishment closing on Saturday iight and reopening Wednesday morning, Invasion! STAR SToday Is Big Day In Gulf County's War Bond Drive ,', g .. ,.,. :_ -.-- ." Army Signal Corps Photo, the Norman coast on "D Day," with their full equipment ready for the lib-' e expressions on their faces. The soldier on the left is a bazooka man-while ommy Gun. In the distance offshore is an armada of invasion craft. :T :^: - JL .. .. ... .;'^ ^ ^ ^' Military Cavalcade From Gordon Johnston Will Take Over City To Promote Bond Sales "The best show that ever played here," said citizens, of Apalachu- cola last Sunday after seeing the Camp Gordon Johnston Army Serv- ice Forces military War Bond, cav- alcad:e which featured soldiers, their equipment and show per' former of the highest talent. The same show, playing Port St. Joe today in an all-out effort to hit the entire Gulf county bond quota in the one-day drive, will' be aug- mented by a nine-ton laundry unit pulled by, a six-ton tractor. Here civilians may see how the army washes clothes in the field; how five enlisted men can run this giant washer and turn out the laundered product, all folded, in 45 minutes. Residents of the city are urged tobring their, laundry with them today and have it run through this mobile unit free of cost. :t Other equipment on- parade, as stated last week, will include the DUKWs, the famous amphibian trucks, deep-sea diving equipment, captured Jap and. Nazi equipment, Red Cross packages for our own- men in foreign prison camps, orl- en er an Fo ice so wi le the Al do au Ge Ja ch ho the du 311 'nis mo tur wi] the I the led sta wo Cit Ga- six Paper Makers Are of the seventh. aMakers was the fastest yet played,, The Kiwanians took an early lasting but 40 minutes, with the sel Leading In Local lead, chalking up nine runs in the Paper Makers coming out on the sho 1 first three' innings against the Pa- long end of a 13 to. 10 score. Softball League per Makers' four, but the latter The mill team held a nine-run gradually whittled, down the lead lead oh the high school lads at j and held their opponents scoreless j the end of the fourth inning, but Defeat High School and Rotarians from' the fourth to the seventh 'a change of pitchers, Pat.terson for In Good Games; Kiwanis inning, when. they chalked up four Montgomery, apparently was- an rWins Over Rotary uns to tie the score. incentive for the youngsters to get J In the extra frame Tommy (Continued on Page 4) this Mitchell poledi out a homer, driv- -- --- toss Fast and close -games marked in three men ahead of him to, STAR OFFICE AND P. 0. mi: this week in the Port St. Joe Soft- -mae the total 16. The Kiwanian TO BE CLOSED JULY4TH ca -make the total 16. The Kiwaniano I ball League, with the Paper Mak- labored diligently, but the best Postmaster H. A. Drake states Otl ers taking the lead for the time they could do was three runs. that their postoffice will be closed wh, being, having won two tilts and e box score follows: all d'ayi next Tuesday in obser-. Roc dropped none. The box score follows: ance of the Fourth of July. ;Wh The mill boys- won last Friday Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S-R H E The Star office will also be i night's game from the Kiwanians Paper M....1 1 2 3 1 0 4 4-16 23 7 eosed all day Tuesday. This or- no' by a score of 16 to 15, the, game Kiwanis ... 0 3 6 3 0 0 0 3-15 24 11 fiee will also be closed tomorrow cai going an extra inning, as the Tuesday 'night's game between afternoon in order that the editor and teams were tied 12-12 at the end the High School and, the Paper may get out and' vet a hdoolk. tion station material handled by sev- al wounded veterans of this war, d study courses from the Armed brces Institute, .the famed "Fox ole Un.iversity" open to all ser-V- e personnel. Voicing the thoughts of fighting Idlers, as speaker of the day, ll be Col. 'Thomas L. Allen, ade: of an assault regiment In e North African campaign. Col. len has seen what War Bond liars can do in pay-off territory. Another attraction will *be a big action, sale in, charge of Capt. eorge Tapper and County Agent ke White, where, various, mer- and-ise contributed by business uses of the city will be sold to e highest War Bond bidders. Adding the extra military, touch ring the day will be the famous 8th ASFTC band:, which fur- shes .martial music to suit the >st fastidious taste. Veterans re- rned from every theater of war il circulate in the crowd, tell of sir experiences and sell bonds. n the night show at the Port eater, performers will again ibe *by the Metropolitan Opera ,r, T/5 Elwood Gary, who has wed the customers at Panama y, Wakulla and Apalachicola. ry is accorded the honor of th ranking tenor in the nation. A new performer joins the bond" ling troupe for the Port St. Joe w, T/5 Louie 'Toth, who can (Continued on Page 4) 0. BRAGDON ENTERS COMMISSIONER RACE 0. Bragdon of Indian Pass, in s issue of The Star, officially ses his hat into the county cornl ssioner race, announcing as a Ldidate from the Fifth District. her candidates in this district o have announced are W. C. che, incumbent, and T. D. "Doc" itfield. ir. Bragdon says he is making' promises but will conduct his mpaign on the basis of a fair 1 impartial business admainistra- for all sections of the county. The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME VII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1944 NUMBER 39 1 Army Signal Corps Phbot American assault troops land on a beachhead on the northern coast of France. Half-tracks towing artillery and beached "Ducks" indicate that the landings of the first wave were successful. A long line of troops is mov- ing forward from center to far right. The smoke is from a barrage being laid down by naval forces to protect the landing. Fight by the side of these fighting men of ours by buvinr EXTRA War Bonds during the Fifth War Loan. -- t' E L U T O THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Flaq by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year ....... $2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 -*. Telephone 51 ~- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong, WHY WE SAVE NO SCRAP MATERIAL The editor of The Star receives a constant barrage of posters, window cards, stories and edicts on salvage-paper, fats, scrap iron, etc. -from governmental agencies and from the Florida Defense Council, all of which we are urged to publish or pass out to merchants and 'the public. When the variiops salvage programs got under way we worked like a beaver putting the material in type and handing out the posters and window cards. We saved news- papers and scrap paper from our paper cut- ting; we even saved the worn out rubber crutch tips from our crutches; and our wife began saving waste fats. We scraped up all the old iron, steel brass, and aluminum we could find and tossed it onto the community scrap heap. And 'most everybody else in the city followed suit. Pretty soon we had about a ton of waste paper in the back of our print shop and our wife had a couple of gallon cans full of waste fat. We tried to get somebody to take the paper away; our wife took the cans of fat to the meat market-but nobody was inter- ested. The butchers told us that they. had no way of disposing of the fats, and we also discovered that no provision could be made to have the waste paper picked up. And every- one else who had worked assiduously to save scrap metal, paper and waste fats discovered the same fact. Otto Anderson, whpo had'a pile of old automobile bodies beside his garage was told to turn them in to the scrap drive or else. He contacted every available source to have them taken up-and he's still got 'em. We put our waste paper and fats out in the alley and let the garbage truck haul them off, as did everyone else. And still we're urged to, save all scrap material and fats. The people of Port St. Joe tried to comply with all these requests, but it soon became apparent that their efforts were wasted. Now no one is saving these waste materials. And we can't blame them. The editor of The Star about six months NEW FISH AND GAME RULES ANNOUNCED Beginning tomorrow the follow- Ing new game and fresh water fish rules become effective: The number of fish taken front any boat will be limited' to the string allowed, to two persons. In other words, the' usual string of bream, stumnpknockers and. shell .crackers caught hereabouts will be limited to 50 for a boat containing two or more persons. Deer hunting will be banned for the summer. A 12-month closed season on al- ligator hunting in 18 counties. This does not include Gulf county. The alligator closed season will run as usual here-March, April and May. However, no alligators less than four feet long may be killed, or captured during the open season. SFuture closed seasons on the SDead -Lakes in Gulf. and., Calhou, pounties.will also include the ovew- flow lands of the lake region. ago contacted the state defense council in re- | gard to having this material collected and re- I ceived a two-page telegram to the effect that arrangements for collection would be made' immediately. As we say, that was six months ago-and nothing has been done yet. We know that this material is badly needect and undoubtedly there are thousands of small communities in the nation in the same fix as we are. If something could be done about making collections from all these small com- munities, thousands of tons of scrap paper and metal would be added to the nation's stock pile, as well as thousands of pounds of waste fats. -Wt^ TOJO YOU'RE A CARD! Americans have need for a laugh in these grim days. Recently war-harried Toklo un- wittingly went out of its way to provide the necessary titillation. With U. S. might forging an ever shorten- ing ring of steel around their Nip's embattled empire, with the enemy's proud fleet now in hiding, and with defeat literally staring them in the face, diminutive leaders of this upstart nation took time out to issue-of all things- the imperial government's peace terms for a "Jap-conquered" America. Here they are (get ready to laugh) : (1) , Transfer of the entire United States navy and all large merchant ships to Japanese registry. (2) The entire naval air force to be put at the disposal of the Japanese. (3) All naval air bases and air installations to be destroyed except those needed by Japan. (4) Steel and oil production to be permitted on a reduced scale only. (5) All expenses of taking over American ships by Japan to be paid by the United States. (6) All naval installations, stations, dockyards, arsenals, colleges and other centers of naval education to be de- stroyed. (7) In case of scuttling of a single ship, ten times its value to be paid to the Jap goverhfmient. (8) Private banking to be elimi- nated; monopolies, trusts, cartels and capital- ist methods in agriculture "to be liquidated. (9) All stock markets to be abrogated- (10), All trade unions to be abolished-and, oh yes!: -peace terms to be dictated in the White House! Seriously, though, things -must be in a bad way in Japan when the leaders (who know the devastating facts) have to feed their dumb citizenry tripe like that.-Miami Post. CAR STAMP DEADLINE Just a reminder to Port St. Joe motorists that tomorrow is the deadline for obtaining the federal use stamp for your car. The cost is $5, and you buy them, just like ordinary stamps, from Postmaster 4. A. Drake. There's one way to eliaginate any postwar problems with Japs-eliminate all'the Japs. OIL SURVEY BEING DRAKE ANNOUNCES MADE IN COUNTY NEW MAIL SCHEDULE A large crew of men from the tPostmaster H. A. Drake an- Magnolia Petroleum Company are nounces new mall schedules to go making a geophysical survey of into effect tomorrow,. as follows: Gulf county lands by gravity-meter. 'Star route now operating daily If the survey, which will take from Port St. Joe to Marianna and from six to eight months, shows return, via Wewahitchka, Blounts- indications of oil, drilling may be town and Altha, is to be discon- started quickly, it is understood. tinued'. Mails for exchange with ---- ---- those offices will be routed twice METHODIST CHURCH daily via the, Apalachicola North- 9:45 a. m.-Church school em Railroad on the present sched- 11:00 a.m.-Morning worship. ule, and- the star route, Port St. 6:30 p.m.-Youth Fellowship. Joe to Panama City. 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. The outward dispatch via Pan- Woman's Society meets Mon- ama City will close at 9' a. m., with days at 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, I the return trip arriving at Post St. Bible study :and ehoir practice Joe, about 5 o'clock in the after- Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. noon daily except Sunday. SI The train schedules will be the GOT YOUR EXTRA BOND? 'same as at present, including Sun- Buying an extra $100 War day service. Bond is like buying a two- ---- pants suit-you are develop- Miss Blanche LeHardy Visiting ing a second front and pre- Miss Blanche LetHardy of Al- venting a break-through in bany, Ga., is the guest of Mr. and , the rear. Mrs. Gordon Thomas. 'A' CARD DRIVERS MAY GET TIRES BY OCTOBER "A" card drivers may roll on brand new rubber ,this fail. Pro- duction of passenger *car tires probably will reach the 2,000,000 mark some time in October, says the rubber administration. And, according to Charles F. Phillips, the OPA's new chief of rationing, "A" card drivers can expect their first new tires since the start of the war when monthly allocations of synthetics hits the two million mark. CATS WANTED-I pay high- est prices for all varieties of cats. H. Soule, St. Joe Hard- ware Co., Port St. Joe. SHINE YOUR SHOES! We have the largest stock of Shoe Polish in Port St. Joe.... All makes! All col- ors! Paste and Liquid. The LEADER SHOE SHOP Girls Sell Bonds 'Working for tickets to the army show at the: Port theater tonight, Mary Wooden, Geraldine Parker and, Sarah Brinson sold $500 wortn of war 'bonds Saturday for the k1- wanis Club. HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company INSURANCE Aee FRANK & DOT'S AGENCY St. Joe Motor Co. Phone 37 (ASK ABOUT FREE EGG CARTONS i| ST. JOE HARDWARE CO. Phone 30 Port St. Joe * I U l U si I BI mnammu an Ii I ta n nmm "THREE O'CLOCK .. AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL .NIGHTS- how the time dragsl Minutes seem 'like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner- vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed-try DR. MILES NERVINE (Liqudd or Effervescent Tablets) DR. MILES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension-to permit re- freshng sleep. When you am Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it' for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large Package 75*, Small Package 35; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle 2sO, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. Read directions and use only as directed. - S EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1944 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "GOI'S FOUR FREEDOMS." 7:00--Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship. Sermon topic: "THE LORD'S SUPPER A PROPHECY." Kenney Mercantile Company Groceries Meats Dry Goods Fresh Fish Shrimp Oysters Phone 136-W Port St. Je, Fla. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1944 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF GOUNT', FLORIDA PAGE TWO IY JUNE 30. 194 TH S P FORMER TEACHER AWARDED .POST-GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Miss Gem Pickett, sister of Mrs. Max Kilbourn of this city and a ,former primary teacher in the Port St. Joe schools, has' received the first and only post-graduate cei- tificate in the state of Florida. This certificate was offered in 1941 and; was, first issued in 1944. Miss Pickett has received her Master of Arts degree from the LUniversityi of Florida. She is, a member of the Kappa Phi Kappa inte national scholastic fraternity and Alpha Delta Pi, national edu- cational fraternity. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cam- eron announce the birth Qf a son .June 7 at the municipal hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stokes are the proud parents of a daughter, born June 28..at the local hospital. EPISCOPAL CHURCH-' Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. REV. DANIEL TO PREACH SERMON FOR MASONS Rev. W. A. Daniel will preach a, special sermon for Masons at the Presyterian Church next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is, cordially invited to attend. Sheppards Are Visitors .S/Sgt. and. Mrs. Charles; Shep- pard and. daughter of Sacramento, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Sheppard of Tallahassee visited here last Friday with Mr. and. Mrs. W. S. Smith. Sgt. Shepparu formerly was enemployed on The Star and was a clerk at the local postoffice. Return From Hot Springs Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller have returned from a three-weeks' visit to Hot Springs, Ark., where they took the mineral baths. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends for the many kind expressions of sym- pathy, also for the beautiful floral offerings at the death of my bro- ther, Charles Austin Reed. Mrs. H. A .Drakei IIIIIIIIIIIii lllllllllliiillllllHIIWIlHllllllll HIRlll lllllllII RATION NOTES Processed, Foods-Blue A8 thru V81(Book4) now valid at 10 points each, for use with tokens. Good indefinitely. W8, X8, Y8, Z8 and A5 become good July 1. Meats and Fats-Red; A8 thru W8 (Book 4) now 'valid at 10 points each, for use with to-kens. Good indefinitely. X8, Y8 ani Z8 become good July 2. Sugar--Sugar stamps 30, 31 and 32 (Book 4) good for five pounab indefinitely., Canning Sugar---Sugar stamp 40 good for five pounds oT canning sugar until Feib. 28, 1945. Apply to local board for supplemental ra- tions. Shoes-Airplane stamps No. 1 and 2 (Book 3) valid indefinitely. Gasoline-A12 Coupons nowj valid west of Apalachicola River. The War Bond you buy may be HIS ticket home! ONLY BOOBS ARE BUYING BONDS' JOE GOEBBELS, No. 2 Nazi loud- mouth, has thought up a new one. He says, "Only boobs are buying War Bonds!" . You can't blame him. He's wor- ried. So is Hitler. So is Tojo. For every time you buy a War Bond it's bad news for them. Bso news because it pays for more planes for our side, more hips, more bombs, more bullets, more tanks, more hell for Berlin and Tokyo. And all from buying War Bonds! The safest place a man can put his money today. So how about it? Buy another War Bond today! BROTHER OF MRS. DRAKE DIES IN ASHEVILLE, N. C. Charles Austin Reed of Talla- hasse, brother of Mrs. H. A. Drake of this city, died on Thursday of last week in an Asheville, N. C., hospital. Burial Was at Hosford, Fla., Sun- day afternoon, Mr. and; Mrs. Drake attending the last rites. Advertising doesn't cost-It PAYS! HE SHOOTS IT OUT with Cottle Rustlers! eaha% &a W*MA"- Mystery" - FEATURE NO. 2-- i a KEEP BACKING THE ATTACK! This Advertisement Sponsored By the Following Patriotic Concerns of Port St Joe: The automobile brought good roads and a paved highway to the River Styx. Bj jiDo it yourself at home. ONL -. E> Each kit contains Per-' L5 c 4 'K manent Wave Solution, J shampoo, curlers and wave set. Safe. Money back guar- cks' antee Get a Char7-KI -7 Kit tod Weeks' Dry Goods Store 7-7m WOW hnbwmm 09 Also "ANVIL CHORUS" WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 -Also- Chapter 15 of Serial "THE PHANTOM" THURSDAY FRIDAY July 6 7 *x * mpahlb Am9 ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY SUNNY STATE SERVICE STATION DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY CHAVER'S-FOWHAND FURNITURE CO. D. Brigman, Manager KENNEY MERCANTILE COMPANY MILLER'S DRUG STORE CHESTNUT'S GROCERY & MARKET ST. JOE ICE COMPANY M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE COSTING'S DEPARTMENT STORE .. MILES 5 & 1*e STORE.. SCHNEIDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. CREECH AND BROOKS LAUNDRY J. LAMAR MILLER'S STANDARD SERVICE Jimmy Greer, Manager FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE ST. JOE BAR McCOY'S GROCERY & MARKET ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY ST. JOE LUMBER & EXPORT COMPANY LeHARDY'S BAR THE STAR FIRST NEWSREEL OF THE INVASION OF 'FRANCE! (Authentic Scenes) Short Subjects LATEST NEWS EVENTS "Yankee Doodle Mouse" * *****S******* WAR BONDS **** *. *CAk~S. TT-- -- T T T T< REOPENING Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Holley Cordially Invite the Public to Come and Try Our Toasted Sandwiches AT NEW' BUS STATION Gene's Sandwich Shop ----- ---------- Coming to the PORT y THEATRE A Martin Theatre ` Port St. Joe, Fla. : THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, JULY 1 MONDAY and TUESDAY -' 1 3 July 3 4 I I ; ~L- PAOR THRUE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULLF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY JUNE 30 1944 TODAY IS BIG DAY l With the Colors PAPER MAKERS LEAD Frank Hannon, George Tapper and' Week-end Visitors George Wimberly.. Mr. and- Mrs. Bunard Cumbie of (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) Peck Boyer, catching for the KI- Bainbrid.ge Ga., spent the week- make a fiddle talk and can. do it (Continued from -page 1) in and dig, for -by the end of tne 'wanians, presented the Rotarians end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. with either hand and/or while Pacific, where he is. stationed. sixth the Paper Makers had but with a home run by calling a foul C. Th.ursbay. standing on his head. I a three-run lead, the, high. schoolers- fair, Ben Rivers for the' Rotary Other performers who have Sgt. Miller Returns To Camp having held their opponents to juggled a couple for. extra bases, pleased West Florida audiences Sgt. Denver Miller left Sunday tw6 runs while they, chalked up Cecil Costin muffed a couple of - are. Opl. W. Tucker, bull whip ar- for Greensboro, N. C., after spend- eight. Had; the game gone another fast grounders, Opp Moore let two tist; Lieut. Francis A. Malloy, a ing the week-end here with his two innings the High School prob- get by him at first andi Dan BrooKs crackerjack magician; T/Sgt. D. parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J. F. Miller. ably would have won. passed up a sure fly, but other- M'urphy, singer of sweet songs, The box score: wise the game was good. (ilka Selte and T/4 Billy Sutton, gag man, Dick Burnham On B-17 Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-R H E The box score follows: a Se imitator and MC for the show. J. P. "Dick" Burnham of Wewa- Paper M...3 0 4 4 0 2 0-13 17 11 Team- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7--R H E Try Alka-Seltzer for hitchka writes his folks from Eng- Hi School 0 0 2 0 5 3 0-10 13 8 Kiwanis ..3 0 Z 0 2 0 x- 7 11 8 Headache, "Morning After" Aching It is hard for a sewing circle to land that he is now a crew Inem- The, tilt between the Kiwanis Rotary .. .0 0 2, 2 0 1 0- 5 13 7 prompt, effective. 30o and 60.ant, her on a B-17 flying fortress. Tuesday night the Kiwanis Club ; break the thread of conversation. ber on a B-17 flying and Rotary clubs scheduled for Tuesday night the Kiwanis lub This evening was- advanced' to Wed- takes on the, High School and Fri- Paid Political Advertising Claude Gautreaux Promoted nesday, on account of the bond day night the Rotary Club will CMMlaude Gautreaux has been pro- show at the theater tonight, and meet the, Paper: Makers. E-AD Vitamin Tablets. an COUNTY COMMISSIONER moted from ,Pfc. to corporal. Cp. ithe Kiwanians took the long end Team Standings pIle tablets in theellow bxB-Com (DISTRICT NO. FIVE) Gautreaux, with the cavalry (mech-,of an 8 to 7 score. 'Paper Makers, .......... 2 & 1.000 I desire to announce my candidacy anized), spent i9 months in Northi The game was fast and. close, Kiwanis Club .......... 1 1 .500 A MNERVIN E) District No. 5, Gulf County, sub Africa and is now in Italy. with the Kiwanians taking a two- High .School ........... 1 1 .500 " ject to the will of the voters at run lead in the first inning and Rotary Club .......... 0 2 .000 Sbllityeeplessnesache,ran the forthcoming election. I promise August Mahon Transferred holding it all through the game. ------ Restlessness, when due to Nervous a fair and impartial business ad- Apprentice Seaman August L.'Both pitchers, Flod Hunt for the vertising doesn't cost-t PAYS! Tension. Use only as directed. ministration, taking into consider- n the Nav Both pitches, F loyd Hunt for the Advertising doesn't cot-It PAYS ation all sections of the county. Mhon, enrolled in the Navy Rotary and Harry McKnight fori I Your vote and support will be sin- program at Emory University, At- the Kiwani had a number of cerely appreciated. lanta, Ga., has been transferred to strikeouts the N O T IC E T O T H E J. 0. BRAGDON the Navy, V-12 unit at the Univer, given by their tea mates was S sity of North Carolina, to. study ien y trOutstanding were wa s T COUNTY COMMISSIONER supply.better than usua Outstandingwee DISTRICT 3 BEACON HILL Wilmer Thursbay At Fort Knox Pvt. Wilmer 1E. Thursday, son CLASSIFIED ADS PUBLIC of Mr. and. Mrs. C. Thursday, has I .. been transferred to Fort Knox, 'RATES-One cent per word for one inser- tion (count initials and figures as single i 4-Ky., where, all of that gold is words); minimum charge 25 cents. Addi- O t o gi r emp o stoed tional ; nsertions of same ad take lower In order to i e our mplyees -a stoe. rate. To eliminate, bookkeeping, all adas must be paid for at time of first insertion. ADDRESSES FOR SALE much -e rest, the following C.. "" J. C. Evans, S 1/c, SSS W m. D. ni.u 4'? Mosley, c/o Fleet Postoffice, New FORSALE-Antique bed, dresserestablishments will be and chest of drawers; solid business establishments will be ;;i. ",.. York, N. Y. walnut; in perfect condition. See : ;:*. Pvt. Robert L. Creamer, Battery i Mrs. Richard Porter, phone. 10, A TUA D, 566th AAA AW Bn, Fort Port St. Joe. 6-30 CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY AND Fisher, N. C. WANTED TO BUY Cpl. Claude Gautreaux, 3405723S- WATD TO BY WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 AND 5 "" -t Troop A, 117th Cav. Rcn. Sq.a:' WANT TO BUY-Air rifle. Must T. roop A, 1A1 O ay. c s be in good condition. Call 59 or ;, (Mech.), APO 464, c/o Ppstmaster 75, Port St. Joe. 6-30 7-14 COSTIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE New York, N. Y. 6 Cpl. Win. C. Roberts, 34538964, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SCHNEIDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE '. g "'. Hq. and Base Serv. Sqd., 303rd BEACH PROPERTY-At Beacon Service Group, APO 55,53, c/o Post- Hill. One 4-room, one 5-room oot- MILES 5c AND 10c STORE Master, San Francisco Calif. tage; electric lights, water pump, master, San Francisco, bal plumbing. Very reasonably price. BARRIER'S 5c AND 10c STORE Pyt. Wilmer E. Thursday, 34y- See H. A. Drake. 4-21tf I wish to announce my candidacy 8464, B-18i ART.C, Fort Knox, Ky. ST OE HARDWARE COMPANY for election to the office of County Cr e ulin 6, MISCELLANEOUS ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Commissioner from the Third Dis-i Ens. Carl N. Kelley, Building 6, MISCELLANEOPS tri (Beacon Hill), subject to the Naval Air.Station, Dallas 2, Texas. FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. ictthat are guaranteed to get the ( will of the voters of Gulf County Pfc. Frank W. Locke, 32938124, that are guaSanteed o gver h If elected I promise, to the best of try. 11th FA B. APO 3 fish for you. See Eddie Beverly my ability, to conduct the affairs A Btry., 61th FA Bn.,PO 3,n he Sheffield colored quarters. of the office along strictly, busi- Camp Swift, Texas. ness lines, fairly, impartially and ----- - honestly. Your favorable consit- B. PARKER NAMED OFFICER OF eration of my candidacy will be STATE SHERIFF ASSOCIATION * genuinely appreciated. STATE SHERIFF ASSOCIATION o J. C. "Chris" MARTIN At the annual convention of the o f. ,s .t' A.nssociation held COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 5.- PORT ST. JOE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of member of the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County' from District 5, Port St. Joe, subject to the will of the voters at the coming election, and I will appreciate the vote and sup- port of all electors. The only promise I make is that, if elected, I will work to' the best' of my ability to serve 'the interests not only of the residents of my dis- trict, but the people of the county as a whole. T. D. "Doc" WHITFIELD COUNTY COMMISSIONER To the People of Gulf County: I herewith submit for your care- ful consideration my announce- ment as a candidate for County Commissioner from the Port St. Joe district. I promise to be guided solely-by what I believe to be for the best 'interests of my county as a whole-to act as my conscience dictates and not from any motivee of personal profit or prestige. I respectfully seek your support and vote and assure you your help will be genuinely appreciated. GEORGE W. COOPER COUNTY COMMISSIONER .I herewith announce my candi- dacy for re-election to the office of 'County Oommissioner from the iFifth District (Port St. Joe). If returned to office I promise to continue in the future handling the taxpayers' money as I havi in the past, with special privileges to nowe and justice for all. W. C. OCHE Florida s6i'5' - in Jacksonville, Sheriff Byrd, E. Parker was elected to the office of first vice-president. "It sure was, news to me," said -B. E., sincee I didn't even attend the convention.." "Keep His America American." TO SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH The purity and uniformity, of the drugs and chemicals we use in com- pounding your physician's prescription are ensured by the vigilant chemists of Control Laboratories. Even during the manufacture of a simple product a score or more of exacting tests for purity are made. Thus, we compound prescriptions with full confidence in the reliability of tlhe ingredients your physician prescribes. We swe Merck Prescription Chemoicls Smith's Pharmacy Phone 5 Port St. Joe We Fill 'Any Dooter's Presorlption Copyrighted Material -- dSyndicated Content# Available from Commercial News Pro P g !e 4p.- 41b--.m .p viders" Lol 0.0 -WOM0- w -o mo a * maS-Amb . Pa- MEO% f- .fto- 4 ma- ~ _ THE STAR, POKY ST. JoE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1944 w q * AMAp cAclawlep 44", |