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THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men serving in the armed forces. Pictures, which should be in uniform, will be returned.) ,s iliiill IIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIII inll IIIi IIIIII IIiiillll III III)i ADDITIONAL NAMES FOR OUR HONOR ROLL i ARMY Pfc. Billie Aurin Bowen Opl. Al Schneider NAVY C. G. Costin, Jr. "- IInIiII 1IIIIIIIIIIIln IIIIIIIII {IIn iIIII IIIIIIIi IliiiI; i Airmen Make New Plane By Splicing Two Wrecks At the Lockbourne Army Air Bl3se at Columbus, Ohio, where Pec. Carlyle Matthews is stationed; the training squadroi- took two b-ig B-17s (Flying Fortresses) -that; were cracked up so badly they were considered beyond repair, and joined them together to make one good plane. SThe reconstruction feat was con- iidered most interesting because one of the planes was -built by Boeing, while the other came off the -line at Vega, which makes the finished salvage job a combination Boeing-Vega. Has Week's Furlough -Pfc. Carlyle Matthews arrived in town last Friday on a week's furlough from the'Lockbourne Air Base' at Co'umbus, .,Qhio,--to visirT with his parents,'" Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Davis: . Pvt. Montgomery Is Visitor .Pvt. Wm. A. Montgomery of th Camp Lejeune, N. .0i.after 'a five days' furlough speht lere with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Mont- gomery, - Likes Pearl Harbor Issue -Cpl. Al Schneider, who is attend- ing Officer Candidate School at Miami Beach, writes that the De- cember 3 issue of The Star "was a swell tribute to .the men in thfe service." Thanks, Al. Star Goes To Servicemen Three more men in the service begin getting 'The Star -this week. They are: Lieut. Howard C. Taun- ton, Sgt. Roy_ Redd and Pfc. Ar- thur Bryan. Two More "Care of Postmaster" Two mote local boys are now getting thie-ir mail "Care of Post- master." They -are Pvt. Benjamin G. Kirkland, c/o P. M.,:New York, and Cpl. George Y. Core, c/o P. M. San Francisco, EQUALIZING BOARD MEETS DECEMBER 21 Members of -the city commission will meet at the city hall at 8:00 p. m., December 21, for .the pur- pose of sitting as a board of equil- ization. At this, time the city tax assessment roll for 1943 will be submitted by the city tax asses- sor for approval by the board. ,Any property owners desiring to have .corrections made in the roll must file. their petitions with the assessor before December 20. HOSPITAL ISSUES CALL FOR CLEAN COTTON RAGS Mrs. M. K. Hurlbut, superinten- dent of the municipal hospital, states that the institution is bad:y In need' of clean cotton rags and asks that anyone having any to please bring them to the hospital or leave them at the Miles Five and Ten store. VOLUME VII PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 NUMBER 1U .-js "GREEN DRAGONS" ON THE PROWL NEW GUINEA-U, S Navy Photograph-As the sun sets beyond the South Pacific Islands .Undle Sam's nocturnal prowlers, the "Green Dragons," slip from their concealed bases in ungl inlets, fTr a raid upon Jap installations and inter-island shipping. These PT-boats,"aanned bipicked crews, have played an important part' in-stemming and rolling back the Jap tide through the islands and noi a1re helpin- isolate -the enemy- arrisons by-destrbyini his lines of, commiihications". *,io December Named, As Safety Month Proclamation By Mayor Urgers Co- Operation By Pedestrians 'And Car Drivers 'Following the .lead of Governor' Holland in proclaiming the month of December "Safety Month" for .the state, of Florida, Mayor J. L. Sharit yesterday issued a procla- -mation designitating this month as "Safety. Month" for the city of Port St. Joe, and calling upon the people of the city ,to niake Decem- ber one of the safest months of the year. , . The,.prociam tnhoh f l'j, : l .. . Whereas, during the month of December 1942, there werb 41 per- sons killed, and so far this year over, 2000 persons died in acci- dental deaths; and, Whereas, four and one-half times more persons have been killed on the home front by accidental deaths than have lost their live&i in the war from the state of Floi- ida; and, Whereas, the Lord ,did not in- tend that the month of December should, be a period of bloodsheda and the unnecessary waste of life, through reckless, careless an d drunken drivers and careless anu drunken pedestrians; and, Whereas, in co-operation with the governor's safety proclamation the Florida Safety Council is call- ing on a'll citizens, civic clubs, en- forcement officers and others, ana is trying -to make this mouth o01 December one of th-e, safest months, Now, therefore, I, J. L. Sharit, mayor of the city ,of Port St. Joe, designate the month of December as a safe and careful mouth, urg- ing 'that drivers and pedestrians be careful and co-operate, so that this month will bring joy and hap- piness to all. J. L. SHARIT, Mayor. Sees Expansion for South at War's End Georgia Governor Asserts Postwar Decentralization of Industry Is Inevitable 'The postwar period will -bring the South "an era of expansion such as we have not known since the War Between the States," Gov- ernor Ellis Arnall of Georgia told the Southern Society recently at ai meeting in New York. Decentralization of industry is "inevitable" after peace returns, Arnall said, adding: "The only choice other than decentralized in- dustry is that ruinous totalitarian- ism that destroys individual free-" dom. America is not bent on mak- ing that mistake." That the South "will make tre- (Continued on Page 4) SUBSCRIPTIONS I Junior Class Pla ARE GOING FAST io Pass Play ^ Set for Thursday Our 12 allocated subscriptions to The Star for the month of De- cember are going fast. Many Amusing Incidents Occur In New subscribers since December "Go Slow, Many", Matinee 1 are: C. T. O'Brlan; Mrs. Lewis For' Bus-R.iding Pupils J. H6rring, F. W. Chandler, W. B. ' Ferredl, C. Thursby, E. E. Somer- The junior class of the Port St. set, Mrs. Charles Martin, all lo- Joe high. school will present the sal, and Frank D. Upchurch, St. annual class p'ay at the school Augufftine. auditorium next Thursday night, That leaves four vacancies on December 16, at 8 o'clock. The" the list for the balance of the presentation is under the direction year. of Mrs. Della Mize. "Go Slow, Mary" is" the title of un -n the. play, and is an account of the Indications Point trials an(id ,a.t- ,, to t' ^* maried. .-l .,. f*^m-ae (.,3 to State DOOIml who'are, dissatisfied.- With. their're-' "" _spective jobs. To solve their pro;b- lems, they decide to exchange May. Equal Realty Spurt of '20's; positions-Mary to e to exhange Big Demand for Maps of the positions-Mary to be thebread- SEverglades Section winner and Billy to keep house. Everglades Section Many amusing incidents occur due to the drastic sit-aaon, and eve'y- If the demand for maps showing to the drasticc si Go o evy the Everglades area, where dis- one is urged to see' "Go Slow, covery of oil was announced Oc- Mary" next Thursday. tober 23 by the Humble Oil comn- The cast of characters is as fol- lows: pany, is an indication, Florida Is die-stined to witness an oil 'boom Mary Abbey ...... .Jimie, Palmer comparable to the real estate boom Blly Ablbey......... alph Slva of 1925-26, particularly, that section -r. Bedo......Huln St r around Miami, says an .article .in Sally Carter.......Sallie Trawee! the Miami Daily News. Harry Stevens......John Williams Karl Squires, civil engineer and map-maker. reports the demand Bobby Berdon.......Ellis Stevens for maps showing the areas under oil and mineral lease far exceeds the supply. "I find that I cannot begin to keep up with the orders pouring in from aE over the United States;" said Squires. "Re- quests for maps are coming in from every state in the Union, 'with oil-wise Texas anid) Oklahoma leading." An-other contributing factor 'to the potential boom is the, existence of rare minerals in the Glades area which, geologists say, will equal, if not excel, the value of oil. Princess Beauty Shoppe Offers Holiday Specials This week the Princess Beauty Shoppe is advertising a number of holiday specials to make mi- lady look her best during the year-end holiday season. You ladies who are contemplat- ing getting a permanent or having other beautifying work done, had better phone, for an appointment today, for this popular shop is al- .ways crowded, and more so than usual at this time of the year. The Star is like a Tettef from home to your man in the service. Send it to him 'before he goes ott- sidte the U. S., otherwise "he will have to make a request for it. War Prisoners Camp For Gulf County Okehed Dolly Berdoen... ..Margaret Shealy appreciate the praise w r- Katie ............. Hazel Nichols appreciate the praise we re- ceived on the editioll, to which we Danny Grubb.......G. W. Parrish devoted a great deal of time and Murphy ............. Tom Parker thought. It could have been almost 'There will b-e a matinee at 1 doubled in size had we had the p. m. Thursday for the benefit oi o i e a we had time to devote to it, as we had a the grammar school children who great deal of material left over ride thebuswhich will be used from time te time in future as space permits. Bill by Sikes Would' we have a few copies of the ed- I ition still on hand for anyone who Give Counties A i d desires them, and we will be glad to mail them to any address in the continental United States. Provides Federal Aid for Expand- __ ------ ing Industries or Attracting TOY MATINEE AT PORT New Industries THEATER DECEMBER 20 Counties which have been ad- versely affected by labor migration Manager Ben Rivers of the Port during the war would receive fed- theater announces that a toy mati- eral aid for expanding industries nee will be held- at the theater or attracting new ones under a on Monday, December 20. Every bill introduced in the house by child bringing a new or used toy 'Representative Bob Sikes of the will be admitted to the show free Third Florida distr.iht. of charge. Help would be extended only to Manager Rivers asks that the those counties which have lost used toys be in the best possible population and which develop an condition, since they will be re- employment program. ,paired by the Boy Scouts, and as Sikes declared his idea was to they will have but four days in "help counties which seek to be I which to repair and paint the toys self-sustaining rather than re- they should ,be in fair condition. sorting to WPA or similar pro- The toys taken in at the box of- grams." fice, (after 'being repaired, will be "Included in the scope of these given away Christmas morning at plans is promotion, research, ad- a Christmas tree on the stage of (Continued on page 6) the theater. - eIIIIIIIUUlllmIIII!IIIIH1IHHIIIIHIIIII r Nlsrr nruw u Dw-lrwwran a-r mr :-I r- MVIMRY LB UY slAK .6m OrDs OXDS AND TAMn Exact Site and Other Necessary Preliminaries Awaiting Ap-! iproval By Army , The Star this 1*week is in reedipt of a communication from head- quarters of the Fourth Service Command, Atlanta, Ga., stating that applications for .16 temporary prisoner camps in this section have received approval of the War Ma- i _gqlommission, among the ,l6 ae at Wewahitchka. - a -communicationi did not "say 'by whom the application' for one of these -camps for Gulf county Was submitted. It was pointed out in the letter that farmers in southeastern states who br.dinarily might encounter manpower difficulties in harvest- ing pulpwood, mixing fertilizer and guano, saw milling, and in other essential industries, Would be able to use these .prisoners. of war. The camps. will be placed In opl eration as soon as the exact site's and other essential preliminaries are approved by the army. Other sites for camps' in Florida given approval were at Telogla, Cottondale, Worthington Springs, Tallahassee and Falmouth. Su. I'ib,-rSi Uy' .......- ...- " 'G, I. Joe' Edition Few Copies of Last Week's Pearl Harbor Edition Are Still Available Despite the fact that there was but little' local news in the, Pearl Harbor edition of The Star last week, practically all of it being devoted to pictures, letters and short items about the men In the service from .Gulf county, all our subscribers we have talked to in regard to the issue were enthusi- astic over it and told us we should do it again soon. *U THEY CONTINUE TO ADVANCE ITALY-The road already cleared of mines, Allied soldiers jam -a long column of jeeps that head for -the fighting lips. This party was one of the first to engage enemy troops in the battle on the Italian piainland. WRITE 'EM A LU R A/S RONALD E. BLACK 8,.A.A.A.B. Sqd. 26 eanta Ana, Calif. Opl. PAUL. J. BLOUNT 340343340 Hq. & Hq. Batt., USA Troops Burrwood, Louisiana Pfc, BILLIE A. BOWEN 34208821 APO 36 Hq. Bat. 132nd F. A. Bn. e/'o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Leout, RONALD W. CHILDERS N T S (1) 12008 Fort Schuyler 61, N. Y. Cpl. F. E. CHILDERS D.8.3 FARTC 34783096 Fort Bragg, North Carolina ,Capt. ROBT. W, COWART 9S5th Eng. Bn. APO 184 CAMA Los Angeles, Calif. Pvt, ROBT. L. CREAMER 34784466 Sty. D, 566"th AAA AW Bn. Camp Stewart, Georgia Capt .BN DICKENS 0-422963 AP P -,314th FIg. A. St. Camp Pickett, Virginia Majd GASTON L. DICKENS APO 4 Hq. 44th F. A. Bn. Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla. S/Sgt. WM. J. EDWAIRDS 23rd Trans, Sqd. Morrison Field West Palm Beach, Fla. Cpl. GEO. Y. CORE 34536463 Batt. A, 206th AAA AW Bn. APO 9026 c/o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. Sgt. PUAL J. FARMER 469 Bom Group, 736 Bom Sqd. AAB Alexandria, Louisiana Q. L. HARDY, RM/2c Receiving Station Fort Stevens, Oregon JAS. M. HARDY, MM/2c USN Des. Base, 7th Outside Mach. San Diego, Calif. Pvt. P. K. JOHNSON 14153910 767 T.S.S. Bks. C303 Tech. School, Buckley Field Denver, Colorado Pfc. JAS. G. JOHNSON 3424226 Tr. B 85th Cav. Ren. Sqd/Mecn. Pine Camp, New York Pfc. H. D. JOHNSON 34242250 APO 256 Co. B, 44 Arm. Inf. Bn. Camp Cooke, Calif, A. '". I~HtRIE1rON, Qm/2c JSNIt 0. B. fOth USN Cons. Bn. b/o Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco Lieut. JOHN G. LEWIS 0-346694 Ser. Co. 326 Gli. Inf. AAB ALLIANCE, NEB. Pvt. BENJ. C. KIRKLAND ARO 1500.5 ASN 34783019 c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. jar-- Ask any soldier what he is fighting for, and the chances / are he'll say: "So I can go home!" When he comes home vTcforious, let's give him the re-. \ ward he will appreciate mostf Si .. a new home. We can do if, too we have the funds In Victory Bonds, the best in- vestment on the market. 7 *--^-~'''^ / // s Remodeling and New F Construction up to $200. 1 No Limit on Repairs. Soderberg Lumber Co. (Formerly St. Joe Lumber Company) PHONE 69-J PORT ST. JOE, FLA. VICTORY"TUYW :R a.B SEES EXPANSION FOR NOTICE SOUTH AT WAR'S END Notice is hereby given that the City Tax Assessment Ro:llfor the (Continued from page 1) City of Port St. Joe, Florida, for the year 1943 will be submitted to mendous strides forward," he as- the Equalizing Board for approval sorted, is a belief based not on on the 21st day of December, 1943, sentiment, but on "a recognition at the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock 1. M. All persons desiring to have of economic trends." It will come corrections made in such robl, about, he said, because the South whether in the listing, valuation can support the type of agrarian- of property or otherwise,, are re- industria: economy that will be oiested to file with the under- necesstryifAmericaishto designed on or before the 20th day of necessary, if America is to prosper. December, 1943, their Vetition set- Postwar decentarlization of in- ting forth their objecfons to such dustry, he said, would make it eco- assessment and the corrections nomically sound for ships bound I which they desire to have made. for ,South America to use the har-1 Witness my hand and the offi- cial seal of the City of Port St. bors of Jacksonville, Port St. Joe, Joe, Florida, this 8th day of De- Savannah, Brunswick, Tampa and cember, 1943. Charleston. M. P. TOMLINSOM, (Seal) City Auditor and Olerk, as Advertising doesn't cost-It PAYS! 2t ex-officio Tax Assessor. 1 ELIMINATE DAYLIGHT ILLUMINATION of indoor and outdoor advertising, promotional and display, signs; show windows which provide no essential interior illumination; mar- ques and biulding entrance signs; outdoor business es- tablishments. ' 2 Eliminate exterior and non-essential interior dec- orative a n d ornamental lighting an d decorative f 10 ood lighting. Reduce wattage of essential in- terior lighting if practi- cable. NOTICE FOR DIVORCE In the Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida. IN CHANCERY. David Lee Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Otto Bell Smith, Defendhut. THE STATE OF FLORIDA: TO Otto Bell Smith, whose residence, domicile and address as particu- larly as known is Flomaton, Ala- bama. You are hereby ordered to ap- pear on the 28th day of Decem- ber, 1943, before the above styled court to the bill of complaint for divorce filed against you in the above entitled cause. Witness my hand and official seal in the City of Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Florida, this, 27th da.? of November, 1943. (Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER, Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida. E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff. 12-3 24 3 Reduce wattage of all lighting used without im- pairing safety considera- tions. 4 Use exterior lighting for an interval of not more than two hours at night. Turn off lights when not actually needed or when establishment is not open for business, except for lighting necessary for plo- tection. USE WHAT YOU NEED . ... BUT NEED WHAT YOU USE FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION IN THE SERVICE OF CUSTOMER, COMMUNITY AND COUNTRY * - A Patriotic flessage ert o0/; With you, we rejoice that the submarine menace has been eliminated by the officers and men of our gallant Navy, and other branches of our armed forces. This fact has sus- pended dim-out regulations. However, your bovernment oa ... nd we urge ... that you co-operate in the recently announced NATION- WIDE CONSERVATION PROGRAM to reduce the demand for fuel, critical materials, transportation and manpower... by conserving in your use of electricity. In the Interests of Conservation Your Government Asks That You Do These Things - -I I I FRiDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 PAGE FOUR THE STAR, PORT SiT. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA A D M 1RI HUMBLE COMPANY CLAIMS OIL AWARD The Humble Oil company last week claimed the $50,000 cash award offered by legislative ac- tion for the first producing oil well brought in in Florida. The Sunniland well in Collier county is now recognized as a producer and the company announces that it has selected a location for a second wel1 in the same area. In claiming the award, the oil company advised Governor Hol- land that if their claim is recog- nized they would contribute $2b,- 000 of the amount to the Florida State College for Women and the remaining $25,000 to the Univer- sity of Florida, and will donate an additional $5000 to each institu- tion upon the signing of bonus o1n leases on 40,000 acres in Collier county. The cabinet has referred the oil claim to the attorney gen- eral and the state geologist. ODT Certificates Are Good for the Duration ,Certificates of war ..neceesslty issued by the Office of Defense Transportation are for the dura- tion of the war and need not be renewed for 1944, according to word from the ODT office, at Ta.- lahassee. The mileage allotments author- ized by the certificates for 1943 will stand for 1944 unless change by ODT. Such certificated are-, necessary for operators of commercial ve; hicles to get gasoline and tires. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES R. F. Hallford, Pastor 9;45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. 7:00 p. m.-B. T; U. . 8:00 p. m. Evening worship, CHRISTMAS GIFTS for all members of the family. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! LeHardy Pharmacy We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription Phone 5 Port St. Joe IN GOVERNOR RACE Senator Frank D.'ULchurch last Thursday at St. Augustine an- nounced his candidacy for gov- ernor of Florida, subject to the 1944 Democratic primary. ,Cotton rope treated with a new preservative is being used as a substitute for manila' rope. on ships. The preservative gives the cotton rope firmness andi resist- ance, to wear, and protection from marine, organisms. Advertising doesn't cost---It PAYS! DR. J. C. COE --DENTIS T - Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 88 Free Booklet Tells Of Thrilling. Discovery; New Hope For Millions One of the most sensational scientific dis- coveries of modern times is an anti-gray hair vitamin that re- stores natural, nor-, mat color to gray hair in nature's own. way. Scientific investigation has revealed that gray hair, in many cases, may be due to a vitamin deficiency. Scientists have also discovered the particular vi- tamin that is necessary to restore col- or to the hair in such cases. Reports of tests made indicate remarkable results. Not a dye-not a tint-not a drug-not a medicine! It is a valuable food sup- plement. If you are among the millions of people who find themselves handi- capped, in business or socially, because of gray hair, mail coupon below (or write) for free booklet about this marvelous new vitamin discovery. There is no cost or obligation, so send today. United Vitamin Products, 9 W. Washington St. Chicago, Ill., Dept. 5 Send me FREE BOOKLET about the new ANTI-GRAY HAIR VITAMIN. Name.......................a.. Address ............. ............. ; Cty..... ..;. -.=........State ...- V Kenney Mercantile Cor mpany Groceries Meats Dry Goods .Fresh Fish Oysters Shrimp Our Fish Market Is Open from 9 to 11 a. m. Every Sunday for Your Convenience DECEMBER 15 LAST DAY TO SETTLE INCOME TAX John L. Fahs, collector of inter- nal revenue, announces .that state- ments have been sent to all indi- vidual taxpayers who filed an es- timated declaration for the year 1943 on September 15. All individuals who at this. time find that their estimate prepared and filed on September 15 is still at least 80 per -cent correct should return the statement which has been forwarded to them, with their remittance covering the totait balance due, on or before Dec. 15., All taxpayers who find that their September e-stimate was nor, within 80 per cent correct, should file an amended estimate on Form 1040ES. ,Costa Rica is now sending in- creasing quantities of coffee, ba- nanas, cocoa and rubber to the United States. KEEP THEM ON THE JOB! Comfortable, well repaired ,work shoes are anaid to foot health. At the first sign of wear, have us repair! The LEADER SHOE SHOP High Vitamin pooteney at low cost- ONE-A-DAY Vitamni- ableta. -A a4 D tablets in the yellow box--B-OoQIA plex tablets in the grey box. . DROS14ER. S 7-I b For Sleetlesnes, Irns I i- ^ I .ty, H.Badche, and Retles enes, when due to NetvOn Tension. Use only as directed. * LHEt Us Fat UNAFRAID Let Us Face It UNAFRAID! ,-. -.---------- a -- -a-- -~ - ~ ~-4 - -.'- --------.--~ - I' ~ ~ - ~Z- -:--z~~- -- -- .- --4---~ - - - -, --* -~n - - mari New York. FThet- three hundred years our forefathers faced the future with courage and stout hearts, with fortitude and the wisdom born of trying times. They bequeathed us the ways, means and ability to accomplish the impossible during the past- two years. Throughout our history there has always been a very vocal minority crying aloud that America -has already passed her zenith, only to have ever greater achievements repudiate their dire prophecies. How dark were the days of Valley Forge and how wonderful the years which followed! To have less faith and fortitude and wisdom than did ouir forefathers is to ' spiritually desert our children and their children's children in these trying times. We believe that the American people of today will fully measure up to the heritage our forefathers bequeathed us. Our belief in the American people is so strong -' that we are now making plans for the invest- .VICTORY ment of substantial sums of private capital to pro- BUY vide ever-increasing opportunities for gainful employment in the development of those great BONDS natural resources of Florida-fertile soil, adequate srTAMPS S^ rainfall and plenteous sunshine. UNITED STATES SUGAR CO RPORATI ON CLEWISTON, FLORIDA PHONE 136 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. NAVY WANTS WOMEN for specialized instruction. AS AEROGRAPHERS Duty assignment may mean any naval air station in the U. S. Jobs that members of the wom- en's reserve f the Navy can handle Send Thq Star to your man n1 as well as men include that of the service-only $1 for a year. aerographer's mate, it was ex- plained here yesterday by Mrs. R. Coburn, local WAVE recruiter. Enlisted as apprentice seamen, recruits are sent to Hunter Col- lege in New 'York for. basic train- CS el ing. Those selected -f6r aerograpin- 1 - er's work are sent to the Nava a Try Alka.8elt(er for Air Station at Lakehurst, N. J., Headache, "Morning After" Aching Muscles, Acid Indigestion. Pleasoat [waft 7mrw Wmeno PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JO.E, GULF COUNTY, FLO.RIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 PAGE TOUR THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 Three Months............. 650 -.-e Telephone 51 )}<--- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully *eighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong 'CHRISTMAS MAIL In years of peace the Port St. Joe postof- fice had difficulty enough to clear up Defore Christmas Eve the rush of Christmnas mail. In this wartime the rush is greater than everI and the means of coping with it less. We should -bear in mind that the postoftice- and the mail ..trains alike have their., ma.- power problems. In the past Postmaster H. A. Drake could increase"his holid.-.y w\orkiixg force. That ..capnot be done so -vell "now, i4 it can .be done at all--in fact, Mr. Drake is on pins aid. needles -for fear the draft board will take one or more of his present clerks" before the Christmas holidays are over. The only way to insure delivery) of Christ-nma mail before Christmas Eve is to allow much. extra time. bct,'.ec mailing and the delivery of Christmas packages. The need to be early-very early-with the mail for men in the service has been ade- quately emphasized and, to a great extent, heeded. There is equal need for early con- signment now of domestic Christmas ma il. Bear in mind that Christmas Day is now orl." two weeks away. -'n--- "-" The war has eliminated one pest-the gad- -et agent who sticks his foot in the door and asists upon a demonstration. GERMANY IS TOTTERING Don't take the above head to mean that we should slack up in our war effort or stop buy- ing bonds, for we shouldn't-in fact we should all redouble our efforts to bring the war to an end sooner. What we are pointing out is that the war in Europe has reached a phase in which it is only a question of time when Germany will collapse. Since the turn of the tide at El Ala- mein and Stalingrad in 1942 and the sequences in Tunisia, Sicily, Italy and Russia, it has been evident that Germany could not win. Now events on the political as well as the military fronts push her inexorably toward final defeat. Her submarines have lost the war at sea; her air force has virtually lost ... the war in the air; her armies, though still powerful, are losing the war on land; her re- maining satellites are going'the way of Italy; .her last hope of splitting the United Nations died on the doorstep of the Moscow confer- 'ence; and now a new word of doom has is- sued from the meeting of Roosevelt, Stalin. and Churchill. r' Some time back the editor of The Star pre- dicted that one of the decisive battles in the fall of Germany would take .place in the vi- "- cinity, of Perugia, on the Italian peninsula, and that a revolution of the people of Ger- rmany would aidn.m leading to her collapse. We .still stick to our guns, and hope the day is _not- far off when-we see our far-fetched state- ln iit; come true. SButthe fall of Germany is but the first .,:step. After that comes what promises to be a' .,.'a battle to the death with Japan. So we must all keep on with our war activities and our bond buying until the Axis powers are wiped off the face of the earth. As we set this we're sitting in the breeze from an electric fan. Consider all those poor dopes up North vwio know not of our Flor- ida climate. July in December, as it were. Keep busy. Flies never light on a boiling pot. When in doubt, consult your wife. t e0 *.1. C opyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" *'~'M APRAI D- i CAN'T CET .IN TO TI4 I,-PI.Ai T TODY72,K>' > W1ILL'YOUl DELIVER TW4AT SPEECH ON ABSENTiUISN FOR MEe2', STARDUST and MOONSHINE By THE OTHER FELLOW As usual, when there is a press of advertising, my column gets it in the neck. I was talking with Hig Stone, the other day and he claims to be the best-bossed man in Port St. Joe. Says that since all the boys are in the serv- ice -his wife has taken him to raise, and that he never knew he did ,So many wri-g thingss beforee, He hopes the- war will be over, real soon and the boys come back and. take their place in the household. '. I overheard a five or six-year-oed boy over at the LeHardy Pharmacy telling an- other youngster about his birth- day party. "Before we had the ice cream and cake," he said, "we all played drop the kleenex." It evi- dently was quite a sanitary party. Send The Scar to a friend. ROOM AND4 BOARD BY THE 00 WEEK Dining Room Open to the Public Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....2-6c Lunch, 12 to 2...........40c Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Corner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building 4 - - - - - - We have colisiderable curiosity but not quite so much as the guy who wrote a questions and an- swers- column to ask how much it costs to launder a circus tent. REAl DISCOVERTI FO HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Essential Hypertension) is usually marked by distressing symptoms such as dizziness, throbbing head- aches, sleeplessness and \nervous- *nces. If disregarded, this may lead ,to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis, Hardening of the Arteries or Kid- ney Trouble. Diamonex. discovery of,'a h .art spcjisalis designed to quickly' aid in the relief of these distressing symptoms, i A Chicago resident says: "I suf- fered from High Blood Pressure for several years with increasingly severe throbbing headaches, dizzi. ness and shortness- of breath. I showed the Diamonex formula to my doctor and, on his advice, tried ,the treatment for two weeks under identical' conditions as previous ,treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was reduced and I sleep fine.'I Diamonex goes directly to work in three-different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symp- toms. Results are speedy-within as short a time as two weeks suf- ferers often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total re- duction possible with this formula.' If you suffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIAMONEX .without risking a penny. To intro-' duce this wonderful treatment to a million new sufferers this liberal trial offer is made for ft limited time only. i Send only $1.50 to the Diamonex 'Company, 318-A North Michigan, Ave., Chicago, Illinois for a full ,TWO weeks,..supply of genuine iDIAMONEX,k prepaid. Use Dia- monex according to the simple di- rections for only two weeks. If, at the end of that test period you are not delighted with results youf money will be refunded immedi-. ately on request. There are no strings or conditions-you owe it to, yourself to make this wonderfulI test at once. Write today as this offer is fullv"-uaranteod. - __ -.o 4b OE-lw- 1 - q b "THREE O'CLOCK AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS-how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner- vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed--try DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent. Tablets) DR. MILES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension- to permit re- freshing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take .Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large Package 750, Small Package 350; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle 25*, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or your money back. Read directions and use only as. directed. D RI7 rvu THE STAR, PORT ST. J.OE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19.4 PAGE FOUR I . . . - - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1q43 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PA~ TH~FN OAK GROVE SEWING ROOM IS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS Mrs. J. F. Miller, in charge of \ the Red Cross sewing room at Oak Grove, reports that they are turn- ing out surgical dressings at a rapid rate and that an average of five volunteer workers are on hand, twice a week. 2 for 15c l0c l0c 5c 5c 5c 5c lOc Quality Grocery AND MARKET Port St. Joe Florida inlIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIil RATION NOTES Processed Foods-Green stamps, A, B, C (Book 4) expire December 20. Green stamps D, E. F. (Book 4) expire January 20. Meats and Fats-Brown stamps L, M, N (Book 3) expire January 1. Sugar-Sltamp No. 29 (Book 4) good for 5 'bs. until January 15, Shoes-Airplane stamp 1 in Ra. tion Book 3 became valid Novem- ber 1. Stamp 18 in Book 1 valid indefinitely. Gasoline A-9 coupons expire February 8, 1944. Tires-Don't ask us about that! BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. M. Crober are an- nouncing the birth of a daughter on Sunday, November 28. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Colilnsworth are the proud parents of a daugh- ter, born Thursday, December 2. Mr. and! Mrs. W. T. Moseley Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, Kathleen Anne, December 7 at a Panama City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Brown of Ap. alachicola announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, December 5, at the Port St. Joe municipal hospital. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Some people have the idea they can make both ends meet witfi elastic currency. S E------VERY -----BODY WELCOME! ------- EVERYBODY WELCOME! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE" R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor Telephone 156 SUNDAY, DEC. 12, 1943 9:45-Sunday School for all. 11:00-Morning Worship: Sermon topic, "NO ROOM FOR JESUS !" 7:00--Baptist Training Union. 8:00-Evening Worship: Sermon topic, "THE OF- FENSE OF THE CROSS." - -- -- - - --- - - - - Holiday Specials! FOR HOLIDAY BEAUTY You can afford to appear your loveliest at all times, at these special prices. Come in today. SPECIAL $7.50 Creme Oil Permanent Wave With each SHAMPOO AND SET we will give an EYEBROW and LASH DYE and FREE ARCH With each HAIR DYE we will give a Free Manicure PRINCESS BEAUTY ALL SENIOR OPERATE SHOPPE ALL SENIOR OPERATORS Phone 55 for Appointment Port St. Joe, Fla. Ten Amendments To Constitution I To Be Voted On1 Voters of State Will Pass Judg- ment On Changes At 1944 General Election Herewith is the list of titles to joint resolutions adopted by the Florida legislature of 1943 provid- ing for amendments to the state constitution. These amendments will be voted on in the general election in November, 1944: Senate Joint Resolution 203 A joint resolution proposing to amena Sections 6 and 7 of Article CVIII of the Constitution 'of 'the State of Florida relating to the, term of of- fice of persons' appointed or elected to fill vacancies in'elective office under said constitution. .Senate Joint Resolution No. 314 -A joint resolution proposing to amend Section 5, Article VIII of the Constitution, of the State o Florida relating to county commis- sioners. Senate Joint Resolution 419 -A joint resolution proposing to amend Section 2.1 of Article V of .the Con- stitution of the State of Florida relative to justice districts and jus- tices of the peace. Senate Joint Resolution No. 670 -A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Article 7, Section 3 of the Constitution of the State of Florida relative to census and ap- portionment by amending Section 3 of said article so as to designate Osceola and Okeechobee counties as a senatorial district; designate Broward county as a senatorial district, and designate Calhoun and Gulf counties as a senatorial district. Senate Joint Resolution Nb. 746 -A joint resolution Droposing to amend Article VIII of the .Consti- tution of the State of Florida rela- tive to assessment of property tor taxes and the collection of taxes, by adding thereto additional sec- tions to provide that in the county of HilIlsbborough the county tax aw- sessor shall assess the property or the county for the purpose of levy- Ing state, county, school and mu- nicipal taxes levied by the state, county, county school board, school districts, special tax 'school dis- tricts and municipalities of the county. House. Joint Resolution No. 13- Proposing an amendment to Sec- tion 12 of the Declaration of Rights in the Constitution of the State of Florida, .relating to double jeop- ardy, 'self-incrimination, due pro- cess of law, and the taking of pri- vate property without just com- pensation, 'by providing the, right of persons to work shall not be denied or abridged on account of membership or non-membership in any labor union or labor organiza- tion; and! providing that the right of employes to collectively bar- gain shall be preserved. ! House Joint Resolution No. 55- Proposing an amendment to Sec- tion 24 of Article III of the Con- stitution of the State of Flormaa, relative ,to uniform county and mi-- nicipal government and the classi- fication of cities' and towns. House Joint Resolution No. 322 -Proposing an amendment to Ar- ticle V of the Constitution of the State of Florida by adding thereto an additional section relating to the election of state attorneys, Judges of criminal courts of record and county solicitors, andi provid- ing for filling vacancies in any of such offices prior to the first Tues- day after the first Monday in Jan- uary, 1949, by appointment by tne .governor and confirmation by the senate. House Joint Resolution No. 348 !- Proposing the amendment of Section 1 of Article IX of the Con- stitution of the State of F:orida relating to taxation. House Joint Resolution No. 786 -Proposing an amendment to the courts and duties of tax collector. Constitution of Florida to be known with the clerk of the circuit court. as Article XX, Sections 1-9 threof relating to the consolidation of P.-T. A. WILL MEET certain offices in the counties of NEXT THURSDAY Dade and Orange, and providing la The Port St. Joe Parent-Teacher said counties for the combination association will hold its regular of assessments and, collections and meeting next Thursday, December equalization of county, municipal 16, in the high school auditorium and district taxes, and permitting at 3-0 p. m. municipal referendum, and the con- The devotional will be conducted solidation of the office of county by Mrs. Edwin Ramsey and-gradei prosecutor and solicitor with that school children will sing carols. of state attorney, and combining ANl members of the organization the clerk of the criminal and civil are urged to be present. - - THEATRE A Martin Theatre Rw F Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATREOPENS SATURDAY SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. * CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. SATURDAY, DE. --- TUESDAY, DEC 14 SATURDAY, DEC. 11 TUESDAY, DEC. 14 Chapter 5 of Serial "THE BATMAN" an from - INa fro.., BILL ' ELLIOTT y "GABBY" HAYES ANNE JEFFREYS SUNDAY MONDAY December 12 13 SBetty Rc.erte GRABLE .- YOUNG ahvoille: in ,- - NEWS FLASHES Also "WILD HORSES" lrn m ^I~f^^A^ It'fsa qoinq to@costBillions is cie Firqtheiep! #W 0.4. 1WA A BOW S STAMPSS! Chapter 14 of Serial "SECRET CODE" WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15 Also POPULAR SCIENCE Government Short "SUGGESTION BOX" THURSDAY ONLY, Dec. 16. TE SEA0N's 5 SOJ COMEDY Louise Ailbritton Robert Paige Diana Barrymore Walter Abel NEWS EVENTS Novelty: "STEP OUT" FRIDAY ONLY, DEC. 17 Released Again for Your Enjoyment! 'In Old Chicago' "GOOFY GOPHER" "RODEO ROUNDUP" "'''''''''''' --------- -'''----- -l- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, PLORIDA PAGE THREE I PAG SI H TR o T bGL CUTFOIAFIADCME 10, 194 FARMERS WARNED YELLOW CROTALARIA WILL KILL ANIMALS If livestock or poultry eat enough crotalaria spectabilis, it will kill them. This warning comes from Dr. W. M. Emmel, state experiment station veterinarian, Gainesville, af- ter receiving reports of livestock and poultry losses resulting from consumption of this plant, the yel- low-flowered spikes of which are very much in evidence in many Florida fields and along roadsides. "Crotalaria spectabilis is an ex- cellent soil-building plant, but, un- CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Used piano in good condition for Intermediate. De- partment of Baptist Church. Call .Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, phone 19, Port St. Joe. 12-3tf .FOR SALE UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC MIXER with juicer and two mixing ,,bowls. Has been used but six ,times. Will make an ideal gift for Christmas; $35. Inquire at The Star office. 11-5* FOR RENT .FOR RENT-After Jan. 1, a .six- room house, suitable for 2 small families, 6 miles north of Wewa- hitchka on the Dead Lakes. Three- quarters mile, off pavadi highway on county road. For particulars see or write C. F. Hanlon, Wewa- fortunately, it is poisonous to livestock and poultry," Dr. Em- mel said. "The farmer who doesn't want to run the risk of losing anI- mals and_ birds will keep them out of fields where it is growing or wait until it is plowed under." He also pointed out that the et- fects of the poison in the plant are cumulative in the animal's body, and that animals that have eaten it may die of poisoning sev- eral months after they have been removed from the fields where It is growing. His experiments have indicated that even well-fed ani- mals will eat the plant at times. Leaves, stems, and seed of the plant, green or dry, are poisonous. 'BILL BY SIKES WOULD GIVE COUNTIES AID (Continued from page 1) ventising .and other, activities de- signed for the expansion of exist- ing industries or the development of new industries through the util- ization of the resources and tlabol' of the several counties," he as- serted. Before counties can participate in the. program, their respective states must have passed enabling legislation and must match the federal funds allocated, he. .ex- plained. "Oibviously such an undertaking will not be without its difficulties but at the same time it offers a challenge and an opportunity ,for counties which seek 'to be self-Sus- taining," Sikes concluded. itca, immediately. 12-17 .... . METHODIST CHURCH PERSONALRev 0. D. Langston. Pastor PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your 9:45 a. m.-Church school own Permanent with Charm-Kurl 11: a. .m.-4-lMorning worship. Kit. Complete equipment, includ-. ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy 6:30 p. m-Youth Fellowship. to do, absolutely harmless. Praised 7:30 p. m.-Evening worship. by thousands including June Lang, Woman's Society meets Mon- glamorous movie star. Money re- d a .. m Official board fundled-if not satisfied. Weeks Dry days at 3:00 p. m. Official board Goods Store, Highland View. 2-18 meets fourth Tuesday evening of MISCEL O 'US I each month. Workers' Council of MISCELLANEOUS I I the church school meets second FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms Tuesday evening of each month. that are guaranteed to get the Prayer meeting, Bible study and fish for you. See Eddie Beverly in the Sheffield colored quarters. choir, practice Wednesday, 7:30. ^^ KBW~~fia^- i-*f------ __--- ,-- .--*(--"=---" ----*'j-M- Kfi- ws.a....-- *" HOW TO PRODUCE MORE EGGS S VICTORY .............. 1. PROVIDE ENOUGH ROOM. Every pullet needs 3 to 4 square feet of floor space in the laying house. Make sure, too, , that they have plenty of nests, roosting space and water space. Birds must be comfortable to give top production. 3. WORM IF NECESSARY. You can prevent worm infestation by growing birds on clean range. If birds have worms, treat them when you put .them into the laying house. Use a worm expeller that mixes into the mash to save time and labor. 2. CLEAN LAYING HOUSE. Before you put pullets into the laying house, clean the building thoroughly and spray with a good germ-killing disinfectant. Birds from the range are usually healthy. A clean house will help keep them that way. 4. CULL BIRDS. Practice continuous cull- ing, removing all birds that are sickly, weak, inferior and not up to standard. Don't waste feed on birds that stana no chance. Each non-producing hen wastes 64 pounds of feed a year to keep alive. THE STORE WITH THE CHECKER.- BOARD SIGN ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Your Local Feed and Seed Dealer Port St. Joe, Fla mi m.n a "-0 ."a.".-.-.- .*. a -I-". -uIaI m 0 U To our men and women in the service of their Country --- To our men and women from Port St. Joe --- From Gulf County Our men and women of America --- To all men and women who love and fight for Freedom, we send SEASON'S GREETINGS And this is our means of wishing you God speed, and it isour prayer that the Victory that is surely ours will come swiftly and that you will come safely through and to let you know that Kiwanis shall remain steadfastly with you and to you men and women in American service, we say that we shall strive with our countrymen to keep your America American, for that day when He shall with gladness see -'- _W Wa En THE KIWA S fLUB OF PORT ST. JOE, iLl. OCCASIONAL TABLES... The Ideal Christmas Gift! ,. 7/,- I i [: : !. ._. ---_-- UoDER.wINAW BooVCASE J END TABLE S. Practically every style I you could want to ,g : '.* ~ ^ j ~ place by a favorite 'j-" .. , chair .. at each end of Si--the Divan or to fill in --- that awkward wall space. Buy not one but ... . "te"- ^ ^ -. several at the remark- | _'Y... ": "- ably LOW sale price! TIR TABLE ..., .... T~.ULC L '."- _ _----- '-:c- z -4 1 -i.' .: :. F t.O r T I -I --'-'- M , *?*.. .. - S- ,. ' 7 ? -- I .. 6 L"; o. r,- ERL, ? --.-.-... 1 '. ..U 1 T- L __ LA FFEE 4BL E DN YT FURNITURE DANLEY COMPANY .............. ...... I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19433 THE STAR, PuR-r ST. JbE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SIX |