The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00370
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: November 19, 1943
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00370

Full Text


(The Star wants photos of Gulf county men -
serving in tho armed forces. Pictures, which
should be in uniform, will be returned.) Servicemen Must THROWS HAT IN RING Counties Can Now Pearl Harbor Day
.-lIlllllllllllllll IIlllilllllllllll llllllll llI Illlll V ,
IN CALIFORNIA Have Hunting and Give Clear -Titles Edition Will Carry

Fishing Licenses On Tax Sale Land Honor Roll Names

Only Persons Over 65 and Under 'New Tax Law Sounds the Death December 3 Issue of The Star
15 Years of Age Not Required Knell to Practice of vading Will Be Dedicated To Boys of
To Have Licenses I Advalorem Lev s Gulf County n Service

There has been some question Driving the last nail in a coffin The December 3 issue of The
in regard to the matter of whether for the counties' delinquent tax Star has been designated 'as the
of fz .' or not men in military service aret -probl'ems, uniform pleadings and "Peanl Harbor Edition," marking
required to secure hunting and forms for foreclosing and selling the second anniversary of the
Fishing licenses, but the following properties under tax certificates sneak attack by the Japs on De-
S ..formation from County Judge J two years or older have been cember 7, 1941, and it will con.
E. Pridgeon, furnished at the e- adopted following conferences be- tain the names of all men from
.quest of Horace Soule, should clear tween county attorneys, circuit Gulf county serving in the armed
the matter up satisfactorily. Says court clerks, chairmen of county forces as complete as it is possible
SJudge Pridgeon: commissioners and the state comp- to obtain them.
"Everybody that hunts, for even troller and his tax authorities, and In addition a page will be de-
one day, will have to have a hunt- copies of the series have reached voted to messages to boys in the
ing license unless they are ..over i the clerks of the various counties. service from parents. and friends.
65 years of age or under 15 years ,- -I Comptroller J. M. Lee believess Anyone desiring to place a greet-
of age, and the is over-age must haveej eo j the united front being presented ing in this special edition, which
S-p". Julian A. Raburn, son of a permit issued by the Judge of following a conference in Jackson- should reach most of the boys in
Rev. W. D. Raburn of Alma, Ga., some county in the state, but the Ernest R. Graham, farmer and ville last week sounds the dearth service on or before December 25.
and brother of Mrs. A. M. under-age will not have to have a dairyman and Dade county sen- knell to evasion of advalorem is asked to contact The Star im-
Jones Jr., of this city, who is in permit under the new law. ator, yesterday at Miami an- taxes, completing as it does the mediate~y.
the Marine Corps and is at pres-. "As for service. men, they will nounced his candidacy ifor gov- chain started when the 1941 legis- 'There will also be. pictures of
ent stationed at Camp Pendelton, have to have a license just like ernor of Florida. Sound prosper- nature passed the 100 per cent tax the boys in service, as many as. we
Calif., near Oceanside. Corporal any other person, as hunting and ity, based on a united Florida, assessment laws and then tied the have on hand. You parents who
Raburn, a former chemist with fishing is a sport audi not a neces- with all sections of the state loose pieces together with further would like to see your boy's pic-
the St. Joe Paper company, en- sity. But if they-are stationed in working in close harmony, will revision at the 1943 session. "It ture in the paper are asked to get
listed in the Marine Corps on Gulf county they can buy a county be the watchword of the Graham looks like everybody will have to it in to The Star office noi later
December 15, 1942. license for $1.25, and if stationed program. pay advalorem taxes from now on than November 2o6. There is no
in some other county they can buy or lose their property" said Lee. charge for running pictures, but
PASS PHYSICAL AND ARE a Florida state license, or a $3.25 At the meeting in Jacksonville they must be in uniform.
SWORN INTO THE NAVY additional county license for Gulf Officers are Elected the necessity of a uned front It is anticipated that te Le-
Word was received this week county." c ri ice by all counties was pointed out by gion's Honor Roll board will be
from Specialist Al WiEkins of the That seems to clarify, the license for P planning Boar county attorneys, who stressed the completed by that time:, and if Ye
Marianna Navy recruiting station situation, but there's one thing the facts that the interests of every Ed can beg, borrow or steal some
that James Cdurfi' .his Jr., aiid, judge tailed to- se'ai-thd mat- B Ecounty will be vit aut- at stake film it is- ho9edto carry a picture
Carl Adrian Weeks passed their ter of securing ammunition after B. W. Eells H-eads"OrganizationIn every .attempt '-by-a delinquent of the board.
final physical examinations in getting a hunting license. For Post-War Development taxpayer to evade final payment Every effort will be made to get
Jacksonville and were sworn in the In Gulf County in full under the new laws. the names of all men from Gulf
Navy. Both boys were sent to the Bank Opens Office "By standing together," said V. county in the) armed services, but
Navy's large training station at"Bo Eighteen representative citizens G. Phillips, chairman of the Leon undoubtedly some wi'l be left out.
Bainbridge, Md., for their "boot" At Nearby Cam p of Gulf county gathered at the city county board of commissioners. These will ,be carried in later is-
training. hall here Tuesday afternoon for '"we can eliminate 'from future cal- sues, as they are sent in to us.
:Specilaist Wilkins will .be at thethe purpose of completing organi- culations all thought of Murphy
selective service office all.1 day to- Florida Bank of Port St. Joe Now nation of a Gulf County Planning adjustment acts and discounts for Lar e Number
day to interview men who, are Providing Facilities At Board to take up post-war prob- delinquent taxes. This will mean
qualified for a rating the Navy's Gordon Johnston lems. less taxes for the man who has Inspect hospital
newly-organized Ship Repair Unit, The meeting was opened by B. been paying year in and year out."
as well as to talk to young women T no
about enlistment in the WAVES. On November 8 the Florida Bank E. Kenney, named as temporary The unity of action from the -
at at Port St. Joe opened a banking chairman at a previous meeting, various counties, their officials Approximately 400 Visitors View
Let's Have Some Letters facility or fficein Camp Gordon and he promptly appointed a nom- and state officials, marks the cli- Institution Sunday; Louise
The editor of The Star has two Johnston, near Carrabelle, at the inting committee, consisting of .max of a new era in tax collec- Wilder First Patient
r three editor ofn hd ro boys request of the treasury depart- Harry McKnight, Mrs. E. Clay tions. It looks like counties will be
or there letters on hand from boys ent. Complete banking service Lewis, Mrs. Pearl Whitfied and able to acquire and deliver a
in the service, which we are going m not avmlabe, only checking W. S. Smith, to submit names for merchantable and insurable title Approximately 400 visitors in-
to holefor 3 "pubearl atHarn in our Dedition, accounts, transerrin o fund, the chairman, vice-chairman and sec- from future tax foreclosures. spected Port St. Joe's new hospital
Wcember 3 "Pearl Harbor" edition f accounts, ansiger g o ndr g unse ar during the open house held Sun.
sale of travelers cheques and War retary-treasurer. day afternoon prior to the official
n the service will write us a few Savings Bonds and stamps, and This committee presented the SEEK INSCRIPTION ay afternoon prior to the offuesicay.
in the service will write us a few names of B. W. Eels for chairopening of the .institution Tuesday.
lines' before, then for that issue. these are available only to those mes of B W. Eels or chairman, FOR HONOR ROLL Allwere visibly impressed with
And you parents, bring us in the living in the camp. C.L. Morgan for vicechirman,the building and its equipment, and
letters from your sons in order W. A. Cook, who has been with and Thos. R. L. Carter for secre- Work was finally started this well they might be, for it is said
that we may have something to say the bank here for several months, tary-treasurer. No other nomina- week on inscribing the names of to be one of the nest hospital
about them in that issue,. is manager of the facility, assisted tions were made, and these men Gulf county men In the armed ser- in this area, being topped only by
.- by two, tellers and a bookkeeper. Were. unanimously elected. An ex- vices on the Honor 'Roll 'board similar establishments in Atlanta
Sees Gene Autrey Colonel Smith, camp 'command-1 ecutive committee and other com- erected several months ago by the and Jacksonville.
Pvt. Bill Montgomery, stationed er; Joseph Riggs, vice-president ofmittees will be selected at a fu- American Legion post at the cor- The hospital has one of the most
at the Marife Barracks, Boston the Florida National Bank, Jack-,. ture meeting. ner of Fourth street and Reid ave, modern operating rooms obtain-
Navy Yard, writes that while at a sonville, and S. L. Barke, prest- In a round-table discussion of nue.able, first-class -ray equipment,
Marine entertainment Gene Autrey dent of the local bank, were pres- post-war development Mr. Kenney The Legion desires an inscrip- ale fadeivery-class room second to
was a guest and, says Bill, "He ent at the opening, stated that our port was the big- tion to place at the top of the non a delivery rooms a nd private t
looked just like he does on the It was principally through Co gest thing we, have here, and that board, such as "They Fight for God none. The colowards and white are
screen." Well, Bill, they do say onel Smith's 'efforts that the fa- while.it has been dormant during and Country," and ask the public frooms,u wished an other equiP-
that the camera never lies. Pri- cility was established, and he said, the past year, it soon will become to send in suggestions. Just write nt throughout is of the finest
vate Montgomery hopes to get a it is the answer to a long- felt need active again With the removal of your suggestion pn a plenny post- me it throughout is of the finest.al
furlough to spend New 'Year's with of the camp. Mr. Riggs and Mr. the submarine menace. He stated card and send it to The Star. The Te first patient t the hospital
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Barke both stated that they were that it has great possibilities after/ various suggestions wi'l 'be turned was Miss Louise Wilder,
(Continued on Page 4) glad to establish the facility and the war and that we should, get over to the Legion and a commit- derwent an appendectomy Tuesday.
_____ that it was in line with the usual out now and tell shipping interests tee, will select the one they con- Others undergoing operations for
STORES WILL CLOSE policy of the Florida National (Continued on Page 4) sider the most appropriate. appendicitis Tuesday were Miss
STORES WILL CLOSE group of banks and of banks all ---- There are no, prizes offered, Sarah Brinson and Mrs. Ethel
THANKSGIVING DAY over the. nation to do everything METHODIST SERVICES but the name of the person sub- Mizner.
--A possible to further the war effort Rev. W. A. Daniel will preach mitting the inscription chosen Little Miss Patsy O'Day under-
All business houses and offices and the fight to preserve our coun- Sunday morning at the Methodist will be published, as well as the went a tonsilectomy Tuesday, as
in Port St. Joe will be closed all try and its institutions, church in the absence of the pas- names of two or three runners-up. did Mrs. M. H. Pitts Wednesday
dlay next Thursday, November 25 -- --_ tor, Rev. O. D. Langston. ------ Other patients at the hospital are
-Thanksgiving Day. FREE TICKETS No service Sunday evening un- In Jacksonville On Business Mrs. Core of ApaTachicola and
However, in order to accommo- Turn to the Port theater adver- less announced at the morning City Clerk and Mrs. M. P. Tom- little Miss Jo Ann Tillman.
date housewives who may be a bit tisement right now. If your name service. '. llnson left Sunday for Jacksonville
tardy in their shopping, the stores appears somewhere in the ad, you. Rev. Langston announces that on city business. They expect to Falls and Breaks Nose
will, forego the usual Wednesday are entitled to a :free pass to the there will be a special Thanks- return today. Woody Dare has Mrs. M. O. Freeman slipped and
afternoon closing next week. and theater, good for any show, except- giving service 'at the church next been holding down the clerk's fell Monday while, stepping out of
will remain open all day. ing special fature. Thursday morning at 10:30. chair in the interim, the bathtub and broke her nose.


Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla,
by The Star Publishing Company
W. S. SMITH, Editor
Entered as second-class matter,- December 10, 1937, at the
Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879.
One Year ... .$2.00 Six Months ..... .. $1.00
Three Months............. 65o

-.o{ Telephone 51 ]f-
TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver-
tisemenets, ,he ,-ublishers do not hold themselves liable for
damages further than amount retiwed for such advertisement.
The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word
is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts;
the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word
is lost; the printed word remains.

Our Country Right or Wrong

When the big artillery shells of the A. E. F.
fell on Sedan, France, in early November, 25
years ago, the east and west armies of Kaiser
Bill were cut in two and his goose was
cooked. Then came the armistice.
Der Fuerher's goose will be cooked one
day, too, and then Tojo's. How soon depends
on us at home as much as .on our fighting
men. For they can't win victories unless we
keep them supplied with more and better
equipment than the enemy's.,
Planes, ships, tanks and guns are essential
needs, we know, but just as essential are
ammunition, equipment, food, medical sup-
plies and a hundred other materials of .war
needed in each day's battle.
One of the essential products of hundreds
of items of war today is pulpwood. It goes
into the manufacture of smokeless powder,
surgical dressings, mine covers, cargo para-
chutes, vests for aviators, weatherproof
maps, containers for blood plasma, first aid
kits and emergency rations, just to name a
few. Tons of food and equipment are shipped
overseas each month in waterproof -boxes
and bags made of pulpwood, which has re-
placed millions of pounds of critical metals.
Now the nation, at war, is suffering from
a serious pulpwood shortage which can be
only relieved by the farmers and woodcutters
in pulpwood producing areas like ours. We
can't all work on the planes and ships and
tanks' and guns, but every ablebodied man in
Gulf county can give them life by the fruits
of his axe and saw. \
Remember the Victory Pulpwood Cam-
paign slogan: "Cut a Cord of Pulpwood for
Every Local Boy in Service." We aren't
asked to give, but to cut a cord, with profit
to ourselves and with service to the nation.
Your cord may help bring Sedan a little
closer for Hitler and Tojo and provide the
fire for the cooking of the Axis goose.

We don't have to wonder any more-Presi-
dent Rgosevelt has officially proclaimed next
Thursday as Thanksgiving Day.
-------- T B __
A man praises his wife's hat to her face
and cusses it behind her back when he gets
the bill.

With organization of the Gulf County Plan-
ning Board underway for the development
of post-war projects in Gulf county, mem-
bers of the body should and will include inl
plans the matter of returning servicemen,
for they are really going to be one of the
big post-war problems.
These men must of necessity be fitted back
into the pattern of things, and naturally
when they return they will expect to take
up their lives in the community where they
dropped it to go into service to offer their
lives, if need be, in order that our mode of
existence might be perpetuated.
We must plan to give them back their olo
jobs, if they want them, and we must plan
for public works over a period of two or
three years to provide jobs for those who
were not employed at the time of entering
the armed services, particularly those who
left us as boys and who will return as men.
It can be done, but it will require that all
of us put in a great deal of time, thought and
work on the problem.

Sumner was the southern division of an-

cient Babylon
phrates. From
ago a Universi
dug a clay table
is of special int
The words,
curator of the
story for the J
tal society, we
merian poet of
archeologist re
"Within th
in our own,
major scour
own day, th
nomic greed,
istic designs,
and heroic n
ciousness br
state of inse
Nearly 4500
much as the an
it-even, to thE
changed. Afte
time we tried?

The depart
the cost of livii
in the last yea
the department
saying that fig
In figuring
merce departmc
chandise which
of these comm
some haven't g
about you, bro
seem to be the
ford Herald.

Looks like
slice of Turkey

then find that it has been moved
STARDUST and over to the left siae. But John
Robert was caught In his own trap
MIOONSHINE the other day. I saw him start to
open the door on the right hand

By THE OTHER FELLOW side, snap his fingers, blush to
the roots of his hair, 160ok guiltily
L *- 8 around and then sidestep over to
After living for six years in Port the left. You know, he's about the
St. Joe I have just learned that blushingest man I know of. I un-
"Buster" Owens'" nime, 'is really derstand (this comes to me fourth
Andrew Owen's. Wal, I swow, will hand) that a mother brought her
wonders never cease! 16-year-old daughter into the drug
John Robert Smith, efficient and store a couple of weeks ago and
energetic proprietor of LeHardy's said, "Mr. Smith, would you mind
Pharmacy, has switched around blushing? You see, my daughter
the double doors on his place of doesn't know what a blush is, and
business, much to the mystification I'd like to show her." And John
and chagrin of his steady cus- Robert, much to his own embar-
tomers, who cannot' 'break them- rassment, blushed mightily.
selves of the habit of reaching for Charlie Mahon and George Pat-
the handle on the right side and ton are, conducting a two-man gar-

"Copyrighted Material -'

Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"
AL -,,r-

in the lower valley of the Eu-

a mound there half a century ness.
ity of Pennsylvania expedition Among the "few" nimrods who
trekked to the fastnesses of Willis
et whose cuneiform inscription Swamp and' other places for the
terest now. opening of the hunting season were
as Dr. S. N. Kramer, assistant Cecil Costii. and Charlie McCles'
university museum, tells the lan (they had to go in Cecil's cai-,
ournal of the American Orien- since Charlie's was stolen and
ere those of an unknown Su- later found wrecked a while back).
What I'm wondering is where, did
about 2000 B. C. This, as the they get the ammunition? Prob-
,constructs it, was the poet's ably got connections, since Charlie
is on the. rationing board and Cecil
ais ancient universe, as with- owns a hardware store. E. Clay
war and poverty were the Lewis is going to join them today,
ges of mankind. As in our but he says all he can afford is
es of mankd. As worms ammunition is beyond
e clashes provoked by eco- his reach.
narrow tribalism, imperial- There's a story going the rounds
the search, for martial fame on Bert MMTi which is too good
lame, and just plain pugna- to keep. Seems that recently he
ought about an ever-present told his wife he was going out
for an hour or two, and she said,
2curity and fear." "Night before last you came home
years later the world is here yesterday. Last night you came
cient poet and his people found home today. If you go out tonight
e dream that it still could be and come home tomorrow-look
er forty-five centuries, isn't it out." .
-Atlantaournal. 'Tuesday night, just as I was go-
-Atlanta Journal. ing into the Port theater, a, wom-
an tumbled down the stairs from
)PULAR PRICES the balconyy and slid several feet
out into the lobby. Sara Beth
ient of commerce figures that 'Crews, who was taking tickets,
ng has gone up only 7 per cent was the first to reach her, and
r. That may be true, the way she asked sympathetically. "Did
t figures it, but there is an old you tear your nylons?" It
res don't lietakes a woman to, tell nylon from
,ures don't lie. rayon-I look at all the gals' legs
the cost of living, the com- on the street, but the only thing
ent includes every item of mer- I can recognize is bareskin and
is for sale to the public. Some cotton.
odities have doubled in price; Emmett Daniels, who joined up
with the Seabees about two weeks
one up at all. We don't ago, told me that his grandfather,
their but the things we buy an ardent fisherman and a great
ones that have doubled.-San- believer in signs (so am I), said
that the best time to go fishing
is when the pupils of a cat's eyes
lie horizontally instead of standing
Hitler may be considering a vertically. I watched a darn cat
y for Thanksgiving. for the past six month, and' missed
a lot of good fishing days, before I
dening competition out there in accidentally learned that the pu-
Oak Grove. From last reports from pils of a cat's eyes NEVIR do lie
the front, Charlie is 'way in the horizontaTly. It"s a good thing Em-
lead, and I understand George is mett has Uncle Sam to protect him
literally turning green with envy. or I'd commit mayhem or arson or
... But really, Charlie, has sump'in' on him.
a garden to brag about. Go out
and take a look at it some after- XMAS CARDS FOR SOLDIERS
noon-and while you're about it, OVERSEAS GO FIRST CLASS
stop in and have a chat with Aunt The Star has received an an-
Mamie. She'd love it, for she says nouncement from the war depart-
she's stuck way off out there in ment stating that Christmas greet-
the wilderness with nothing to do ing cards for soldiers overseas
but watch the menfolks of the must be sent in sealed envelopes
neighborhood drive off to work and prepaid at the first-class rate.
every morning. What Aunt Mamie, The department further urges
wants. is all the local gossip the that such, cards be mailed at once,
gossipier the better. Charlie stating that cards mailed now will,
Junior is not involved in the "Food according to the army postal ser-
for Victory" war between his fa- vice, reach even the most remote
their and Mr. Patton he'3 quite APO's by December 25.
too busy with his insurance busi- Ad
Adver doesn't ioat--It PAYS!

Busy, Battling,

Building, Bees

HIS is' the insignia of the
Seabees, the Construction
Battalinfis ob the U. S. Navy.
Seabees are. a war-born branch
of the Navy, whose members use
building skills acquired in civil-
ian life, augmented by military
training, to make life miserable
for Hitler and Tojo. Because'
they fight as well as construct,
their motto is: "We Fight For
What We Build." .
Seabee is the phonetic pro-
nunciation of the initials of Con-
.struction Battalions. The insig-
nia -a caricatured, bee, fighting
mad, with construction tools and
tommy gun in multiple hands -
typifies the spirit of, the organi-
zation. Emblematic of the Navy,
are the hawser, forming the out-
side border of the circle, and the
white sailor's hat perched atop
the embattled bee's head.
The Seabees need craftsmen
familiar with construction work
-with experience ranging from
apprentice to foreman giving
them a chance to qualify for
petty officers' ratings" at 'pay
from $78 to, $126 monthly, plus
food and quarters, free uniforms,
with 20 per cent increase in base
pay for overseas service, de-
pendency allotments and other 1
extras. Men between 18 and 38,
can apply "at Navy Recruiting
Stations for -voluntary induction,
while youths 17 years old and
men between 38 and 50 may be
accepted by voluntary enlist-
ment. There are similar oppor-
tunities in the Army Engineers.

The fire department was called
out late Thursday of last week to
extinguish a 'blaze in the roof of
the two-story dwelling at the cor-
ner of Third street and Woodward
avenue recently acquired by Frank
LeHardly. Cause of the fire was be-
lieved to have been a defective
flue. Damage is estimated at $500.

Roland Mahon subscribed for
The Star this week, which leaves
three vacancies on our mailing :ist
for new subscribers or old sub-
scribers whose names were taken
from the list during October.

A basic unit of 100 army ve-
hicles shipped overseas requires a
spare parts -shipment of 35,000
pieces weighing: 20 'tons.

MOP ow db Ow




RY-,E- ,Y nE1

Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5
Sunday By Appointment
Costin Building Phone 55

fast relief for Headache,
Simple Neuralgia, "Morn-
S iang After", Cold Distress,
I Muscular Pains and
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Ask your Druggist-
30 Cents and 60 Cents

Dr. Miles Nervine ror
vous Irritability, l
Excitability ', ,e
Nervous Head-
ache. Read direc- fS "f/
tions and use only
as directed.

Get your daily quota of
Vitamins A and D and B-
Complex by taking ONE-
A-DAY (brand) Vitamin
# Tablets. Economi-
r" cal convenient. At
o your drug Btoroe--
SLook for the big Ion box.




R. F. HALLFORD, Pastor
9:45-Sunday School for all.
11:00-Morning. Worship: Sern
S7:00-Baptist Tmihing Unio
8:C(0-E ening. Worship: "HI

S...Ta s TO AM

And THANKS, too, to the farmers
our soldiers fed and fighting! In
the following farmers have joi
Crusade", and have pledged thi
feed'and plug production leaks so
pound of meat, milk and eggs for

'Tood for Victory

We In

Your Local Feed and 'Seed Deale


e t ice -on L o y1 r ma n in
the service--only $1 for a year.

The Rebekah Cirrle of the Bap- The Middle. Gulf Red Cross
tist W. M. S. met Monday after- Camp and Hospital Service Coun-
noon at the home of Mrs. W. 0. cil he'd its quarterly meeting Mon-
Nichols. After the usual opening. day at Tyndall Field with a num-
a short business session was held ber of local women in attendance.
during which various chairman Major C. M. Miller, post sur-
submitted their reports. geon, was the principal speaker,
Following the business meeting telling of the recreation and ru
Mrs. Charles Crawford. conducted habilitation program now in effect
a Bible quiz, after which the hos- at the TyndaE Field hospital. He
tess served refreshments to the pointed out that the patient having
seven members present, the benefit of this reconditioning
'A' and recreation program returns
BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT to his outfit sooner than he would
Mr. and Mrs. W. HI. Creamer an- otherwise, stronger and better
ounce the birth of a son on Sun- physically fit than before he be-
lay, November 14. came ill. He also stated that a rec-
S)a Z creation building has been ap-
EPISCOPAL CHURCH proved and wilE be under con-
Services, every Sunday evening struction. It will be staffed with
it 7:30 o'clock. Red Cross personnel.
r The camp and hospital council
It requires 26 seconds for a 2000 can play an important part in help-
pound bomb to reach its target ing meet the needs for the hos-
when dropped from a height of pital, further stated., Major Mil-
0,000 feet. ler, as it is the channel through
which civilian individuals, groups
and organizations may participate,.
WELCOME He thanked the council for its co-
operation and commended it for
*the work that has already been
S done.
S After a tour of the hospital, the
-.. guests had luncheon in the hos-
pital mess at tables appropriately
decorated with Red Crosses.
SMrs. T. J. Sherman of Panama
City, chairman of the council, pre-
sided over the meeting, which was
attended by representatives from
Bay, Jackson, Gulf and Franklin
counties. Miss Nell Jewel Howze,
S R CH general field Red Cross represen-
S T C UR CH I tative, and Mrs. BasR E. Kenney,
WORD OF LIFE" member of the national camp and
Telephone 156 V hospital committee, were also
V. 21, 1943 present. Attending from Port St.
V. 21, 1943 Joe were Mrs. G. A. Patton, Mrs.
J. L. Sharit and Mrs. J. L. Temple.
mon t9pic, "WE DON'T Trhe Gulf county council commit-
UNTIL__- tee, is made up of Mrs. J. L. Sharit,
Port St. Joe chairman, Mrs. Pat
n. .' '" <*. ton and Mrs. Bellows;' Mrs. C. L,
DING IN THE BUSHES" Morgan, Wewah.itcihll chairma-n,
4 Mrs. John Griffin, Mrs. Pearl Whit-
field and Mrs. B. E. Parker.

A third year birthday party was
given for Jimmy Hlughes on Wed-
nesday, November 10, by Mrs. J.
L. Waller and his mother, ,Mrs.
Lloyd Hughes, at the home of the
former on McCleflan avenue. Red,
white and blue decorations wer.,
used. The hostesses were assisted
by the Misses Betty and Grace
Waller in entertaining and serving
refreshments of ice cream and
cake to the young guests.
Present were Patti and Dannette
SMBrooks, Morris Bowen, J. B. Ho11-
S': s Kley, Frank Jr. and Bo:bby Chand-
Ss ler', Sonny and Marietta Chafin,
I' Karen Lee Nihcols, Joyce Wal-
Sler, Gail Weeks, Necie Li'ius, Ava
Jordan, Frankie LeHardy, Carnell
and Jerry Stokes, Glena Boyles,
PReed and Clay Lewis, Mary Le6
ERICAN FARMERS Little, Eslaine Wood aind the hops-
of this community who keep. oree, .Jimmy Hughes.
response to the nation's call, BAPTIST CIRCLE 2 MEETS
ned nthe "Food, for Victory, WITH MRS. DAUGHTRY
eir all-out effort to conserve 'Circle NO. 2 of the Baptist W.
as to provide every possible M. s..me,t Monday afternoon with
Victory. Mrs. W. J. Daughtry.
Mrs. J. 0. Baggett read the 113th
SPsalm for the devotional, followed
lHonor Roll with prEayer by Mrs. L. E. Voss.
Mrs. Curtis Palmer had charge of af
a very interesting program on
DIN THE CRUSADE I foreign missions. Mrs. Baggatt
vite other farmers of this com.- presided over the business ses-
y to join the "Food for Victory sion, after which Mrs. Garrett
:e". To enroll, simply ask us dismissed the meeting with prayer.
the recommended management During the social hour the hos-
yos aimed at helpFng ou tess served delicious refreshments
yr. to Mrs. BaggeLt, Mrs. W. I. Car-
den, Mrs. C. A. House, Mrs. Wes-
ley Ramsey, Mrs. C. W. Prid-
geon, Mrs. Asa Montgomery, Mrs.
RE COMPANY, W. E. Wa~ler, Mrs. Nick Kelly,
Port St. Joe, Fla Mrs. Voss, Mrs. Garrett and Mrs.

UsendUUU U T qta t o r inm

are urged to keep this in mind and do
their shopping accordingly

~- 'r r -r -r r -r -r T 'r -r '' '. - _~'

Coming to the

A Martin Theatre '. = Port St. Joe, Fla.



DAILY AT 2:45 P. M.


Chapter 2 of Serial


2,. .,- .

November 21 22
Red ,
I .- n...

'M-O. r ? i r J r ,I. 9

"Hollywood Daredevils"

Also Mrs J Shannon

November 25 26




Visits Uncle and Aunt Rev. Langston To Alabama
Miss Mary Devine Thorp oft Rev. 0. D. Laligston will leave
Everglades City, who is attending today for Auburn, Ala., where his
F. S. C. W. at Tallahassee, spent wife is at present with her Sister,
the week-end here as the guest of Miss Lucille Burton, who has been
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. ill for some time.. He expects to
B. H. Dickens. return next Tuesday.



All Business Establishments in

Port St. Joe Will








PAG < T R EL .


Fathers who are necessary. men
in essential industry must file in-
formation as to their occupational
status with their seiective service
local boards, says General Vivian
Collins, state director of selective
Prior to October 1 fathers were
deferred! in Class III-A. Now that
deferment on account of family re-
lationship has been removed, local
boards are engaged in reclassity-
ing fathers from this group. In re-
classifying, local boards must have
information regarding the occu-
pational status of these registrants
if they are to be considered for
deferment for this reason.
Such registrants should immedi-
ately file with the local board DSS
Form 42-A, Request f6r Occupa-
tional Deferment, setting forth
their occupational status.

The Star is like a letter from
home to your man in the service.
Send it to him for only $1 a year.


with juicer and two mixing
bowls. Has been used but six
times. Will make an ideal gift
for Christmas; $35. Inquire at
The Star office. 11-5*
FOR SALE-One Norge crude oil
heater; $50. Can be seen at the
City Hall. 1*
cycle -in good condition. See Mrs.
W. H. Wellington, Phone 110, Port
St. Joe. 11-12 26
,PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your
own Permanent with Charm-Kurl
Kit. Complete equipment, includ-
ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy
to do, absolutely harmless. Praised
*by thousands including June Lang,
glamorous movie star. Money re-
fundled if not satisfied. Weeks Dry
Goods Store, Highland View. 2-18
LEGAL FORMS-Warranty Deeds,
Mortgage Notes, Rent or Lease
Contracts, Promfssory Notes, and
Purchaser Agreements. We carry
a stock of these blank forms at
all times. The Star, Phone 51.
FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms
that are guaranteed to get the
fish for you. See Eddie Beverly
in the Sheffield colored quarters.
To Whom It May Concern-No-
tice is hereby given that tne under-
signed, pursuant to the "Fictitious
Name Statute," House Bill No. 1175,
Chap. No 20953, Laws of Florida,
1941, will register with the. Clerk
of the Circuit Court, in and for
Gulf County, Florida, upon. receipt
of' proof of publication of this no-
tice, the .fictitious name, to-wit:
which I am engaged in business at
Highland View, Florida. That the
party interested in said business
enterprise is as follows: C. A.
Dated at Highland View, Gulf
County, Florida, October 22, 1943.
10-22 11-19

In the Circuit Court, Gulf County,
Florida. IN CHANCERY.,
Doris C. Whealton, Plaintiff,
Morris Frank Whealton, Jr.,
TO: Morris Frank Whealton, Jr.,
whose residence, domicile and ad-
dress as particularly as known is
Pvt. Mornis Frank Whealton, Jr.,
325th Fighter Control Squadron,
A A B Suffolk County A A F, West-
hampton Beach, New York.
You are hereby ordered to ap-
pear on the 6th day of December,
1943, before the above styled court
to the bill of complaint for divorce
filed against you in the above en-
titled cause.
Witness my hand and official
seal at Wewahitchka, 'Gulf County,
Florida, this Sth day of November,
(Court Seal) J. R. HUNTER,
Clerk of Circuit Court,
.Gulf County, Florida.
Attorney for Plaintiff. 11-12 12-3

Early Start On

Letters to Santa

Kiddies Apparently Heeding Plea
To Shop Early and Mail
Early This Year

Apparently one little girl has lis-
tened to the pleas of the postof-
fice department and the railroads
to shop and mail early, for this
week the first letter to Santa
Claus came in, fully three weeks
ahead of the normal time for
such epistles.
Since Santa is a busy man, and
is a regular subscriber to The Star
we are printing the letter here-
Dear Santa Claus-I want two
pr. of riding pants for Christ-
mas because it is getting cold. I
also want some dolls. Would
like to hdve a ball for Betty (my
cousin). If you can find a desk
and chair, would like to have so
I can study my lessons every
night. Will appreciate very much
if you can get these things for
me Christmas. Lots love.
Sib'bie Bell Brinson
P. S.-I want a Dr. kit set if
you can find one4,
The young lady's wants do not
seem to be extravagant and we
feel sure that Santa will be alb:e
to fill the order.

With the Colors ,>

(Continued from page 1)
Montgomery-and', we suppose, he
will see "Betty," too.

Gilbert With Seabees
Alfonso Gilbert, who resided in
Port St. Joe for four years before
going to. work in the shipyard at
Mobile, is now a second, class petty
officer in the ,Sealbees, and is sta-
tioned at Norfok, Va.

Want To Write To Dick Porter?
If anyone wants to send a Christ-
mas greeting to genial Richard
G. Porter, former manager of the
Florida Power corporation office
here, his address is: Richard G.
Porter, AM 1/c, 106 Const. Bat.,
Co. C, Camp Endicott, Davisville,
Rhode Island. (P. S.-How about
sending us your picture, Dick, for
The Star's..Pearl Harbor Edition?)


(Continued from page 1)
what we have here.
Mr. Eells pointed out that the
federal government after the war
will co-operate with matching
funds in the way of public works,
and that Gulf county should make
plans now to provide funds to take
advantage of this federal assist-
Other matters were touched on,
such as providing work and. posl-
tions for servicemen, development
of air facilities 'and such. .'



We're all so sorry that Louise
Wilder is sick this week. When
someone like that, so full of fun
and vitality, is out we really-miss
them. Here's wishing you the
speediest of speedy recoveries,
Sharks Tie With Carrabelle
After losing every game so far
this season, the Sharks went to a
0-0 tie with the Carrabelle grid
team last Friday at the neigh-
boring town. They meet the un-
defeated Bristol team herb this
evening at 7:30 on Centennial
Field in the last game of the sea-
son. Let's all turn out.
We he-ar J. F. trom Apalach has
been given a new chance by J. P. I
Please don't, stand him up again,
Jimmy. '. Flossie is a'l smiles
this week. Anchors aweigh Navy!
. We wonder if E. J. will stay
single long after the 19th. Smitty's
coming then. One couple that
never gives us any trouble about
fussing is Ralph and Bunny. Ha!
Ha!! Pip is all a'flutter this
week. She's expecting her soldier
this week-end. Whose ring is
B E. wearing, third finger, left
hand'? Seeing Tommy and
Onnie and Alfred and Wanda Mae
back together agaifi seems like
old times. We hear Sallie has
two Jacks now.

New Police Officer
Jim Land of Sneads, who has
been on the Port St. Joe police
force for the past six months, has
been drafted by the army and his
place has been filled by Moses
Hill of Marianna, a big six-footer
who should tip the scales at about
225 pounds.



Dining Room

Open to the Public
Club Breakfast, 6 to 9.... 286
Lunch, 12 to 2...........40C
Dinner, 6 to 8 ...........4406

Corner Red Ave. and 3rd St.
Griffin Grocery Building

Present were Robert Bellows, Free eBook etTells Of ThWilung\
Mrs. E. C. Lewis, Mrs. R. R. Mi- Discovery; MNw Nope For M on
nus, Mrs. Pearl Whitfiad, W. C. One of the most sensational sci ntific dis-
coveries of modern times is an.ant.-gray
Roche,, J. L. Sharit, C. L. Morgan, hair vitamin that re-
B. E. Kenney, W. S. Smith. C. G. stores natural, nor-
Costin, Coy Raffield, Jake White, min nature's own.ay
Harry McKnight, B. W. Eells, C, Scientific investigation
F. Hanlon, Dave Gaskin, T. R.L. has revealed that gray
Carter and B. E. Paker. hair, in manycases, may
Carter and B. E. Parker. be due to a vitamin
----------- deficiency. Scientists
COMMENDED have also discovered the particular vi-
MRS. COBURN COM.MENDED taminnthatlsnecessary torestorecol-
FOR RECRUITING ACTIVITIES or to the hair in such cases. Reports of
tests made indicate remarkable results.
Mrs. Lovie Coburn, the volunteer Not a dye-not a tint-not a drug-not
WAVE recruiter for Port St. Joe, a medicine! It isa valuable food sup-
Se a p na lt- plement. If you are among the millions
has just received a personal let- of people who find themselves handi-
ter of commendation from Ad- capped, in business or socially, because of
miral W. H. Allen, Office of Naval gray hair, mail coupon below (or write)
for free booklet about this marvelous
Officer Procurement, Atlanta, Ga., new vitamin discovery. There is no cost
congratulating her on the work she or obligation, so send today.
has done in securing applicants for United Vitamin Products, 9 W. Washington St.
the WAVES. Chicago, I11., Dept. 5
Send me FREE BOOKLET about the nev
Mrs. Coburn has been serving as ANTI-GRAY HAIR VITAMIN.
a volunteer recruiter for the I
WAVES since her appointment in i ame...........................
February of this year. I Addrss .................. .......

Send The Str to a friend. C*y. .......S....... state ....

Guest On Ship's Trial Run
B. H. Dickens was a guest on
the trial run Tuesday of one of the
latest Liberty ships completed at

Comfortable, well repaired
work shoes are an aid to foot
health. At the first sign
of wear, have us repair!



Automobile -
Casualty -

Fire Life
- Bonds

Frank and Dot's

Phone 37 Port St. Joe



for all members

of the family.





LeHardy Pharmacy
We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription

Phone 5

Port St. Joe

- -a ---- - --d;)


the, Wainwright Shipyand, at Pan-
ama City.


You Can Still .
Your Home 2
'"Up to -200
- See Us For Estimate --
We Do Millwork and Build Boats

St. Joe Lumber Co.

Smust have
S I Of course everybody
I gets SOME Vitamins.
a r Surveys show that mil-
lions of people do not
P l get ENOUGH. "
A pleasant, convenient
S economical way to be
sure that you and your
4 j I family do not lack essen-
StialB Complex Vitamin
e -is to take ONE-A-DAY brand
Vitamin B Complex tablets.
An insufficient supply of B
Complex Vitantins causes In-
ditstion. ConrtJppation.Nerv-
Soushess, Sleeplessness, Crank-
iness, Lack of Appetite. There are
other causes for these conditions. but'
why not guard against-this one cause
by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand
Vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday?,
Important Get your money's
worth, always compare potencies
and price.



35 semplte lesses-ever 700 Ilnutratils
Special $1.00 Introductory offer 7
Limted tim "Iy!
These lessons are deigned for young s and old .
it tkies tlhm (lp-by-t Isp ihro th 0sIrious fld-
of drawing. For those desiring to take up drawing, as a prefion, thua lusons
dilligendy followed will help prepare your entrance into a very profitable Sld.
We believe that not even a $10.00 book could be more complete- there are
lessons on lettering how to make comic strips .. cartoons how to draw
pictures to make money.
Send no money .. Pay the pos mnn only $1.00 plus a few cents postage !and C.O.D.
fee-or if you prefer send 1.00 fully and if you atre not entirely sat-
with order and we pay postage. sied return them-o us within 10
MONEY BACK GUARANT13. days nd your money will be cheer.
Aftsr you receive our lesons on fully refunded. WRITB ART.
bow to draw-examine thea care. 14 N. Michigan Ave., Chcags.

Kenney Mercantile


Groceries Meats Dry Goods

Fresh Fish Oysters Shrimp

Our Fish Market Is Open from 9 to 11 a. m. Every
Sunday -for Your Convenience

FRIDAY, NOVEMbER 19, 1943: