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WITH THE (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men serving In the armed forces. Pictures, whici should, be in uniform, will be returned.) 5 illi lllllllllliiiii llllli ini f ii illin !ii ullm lill JIMMY McNEILL AND JOHN LANE GO TO NASHVILLE Aviation Student James McNeill son of Mrs. G. A. McNeill, an Aviation Student John Lane have entered the Army Air Center at Nashville, Tenn. The, two will -take physical and psychological examinations to de termine for which 'branch of air crew service, bombardiering, navi gating or piloting, they are besI fitted. Physical training, academic ptudy and military drill are also part, of the training at the center. This.is the, first step in a training program that will eventually grad- uate McNeill and Lane as commis- sion'ed officers, with wings, in the Army Air Forces. Both young men are 19 and are graduates of the Port St. Joe high school. Tr HERE'S A TIP You folks who are sending gift pac.kages to your men in the serT- ice, here's a little 'tip from the ei itor, a guy who knows: Don't wrap the items in fancy tissue pa- f- per, use a copy of The Star if he doesn't receive it, or some other paper if he is a Star subscriber. If there is some space left in the box, drop in a magazine you have finished reading, or today's issue of some daily paper. HIe'll apprect- ate it and so will his buddies, for practically every piece of reading matter reaching the men overseas is passed! from hand to hand unfil it is in tatters. Gdeorge Core Asks 'forThe Star Floyd Hunt dropped in at The Star office Wednesday and. sub- scribed for the paper for a year to be sent to Cpl. George Y. Core, with an anti-aircraft battalion in Louisisria on maneuvers.. He said that George had been moaning for some time to have The Star sent to him. Incidentally, George says that he bumped into John Dendly, who is with an armored division. Sends Photo From New Guinea Opl. E. R. Dubose, who is sta- 4ioned in New Guinea, sent a photograph of a group of; natives to his wife. The group, Papuans, are strong and healthy looking and have frizzlyy" hair. All wear a minimum of clothing. Mrs. Du- bose, .who works at Miles 5 and 10, we feel sure will *be glad to show the photo to anyone interested. Gets Good Conduct Medal Mrs. J. W. Duncan yesterday subscribed for The Star, to be sent to her son, Sgt. Monroe Duncan, ,who is a cook with the Field Ar- ,tillery at Fort Dix, N. J. She stated, that Monroe had just re- turned from maneuvers in Tennes- see and that he had been awarded the good conduct medal. THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Noithwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME Vi PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1943 NUMBER 1 VOLUME Vi PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1943 NUMBER 51 , Price Panel Head Calls Attention to SNew Ceiling Prices e t Asks That Customers Report Al Overcharges to War Price and Rationing Office - C. G. Costin, .chairman of thi - price panel of the. Gulf county t war price and, rationing board a yesterday issued a statement call ing attention to the new cellin . prices on food items recently es tablished by the Jacksonville dis - trict OPA office, and requesting - the co-operation of merchants and consumers in this new anti-infla tion program. The order issued by the Jack 1 sonville office, effective the second week in September, specifies In 'dollars and cents the top lega prices on some 150 important food items in Florida. Copies of the price list are available at the lo cal board office on Reid avenue. "Our price panel has been given the responsibility for administer ing this new program,'" Costim said. "We anticipate that in the beginning, due to misunderstand ing or carelessness on. the part of the merchant, consumers may find some prices in excess of the legal ceilings. All such overcharges or attempted overcharges should be reported immediately to our office. "Forms on which consumers can report violations are available at the board office. Every complaint (Continued_-qn page 4) Tax Collections Over State High Gulf County One of Four Collect- ing One Hundred Per Cent of 1942 Real Estate Levy Give. credit to Uncle Edd Prid- geon, tax collector, for being on the joib, -for accondling to a 'report from the office of State Comp- troller J. M. Lee at Tallahassee, Gulf county is one of four coun- ties in the state that have, col- lected- every penny of' their 1942 levy on real estate. The othei counties are Bradford, Collier and Union. According to the figures put oun 'by the comptroller's, office, 98.88 per cent of a levy of $18,033,149.84 in 56 counties has been collected --an unequaled record for Florida., Only, $208,220.30 of last year's taxe's remain uncollected after thb June sales of ,tax delinquent prop- (Continued on Page 4) St. Joe Hi Grid WEE F WAL Squad Rounding WEEK W A s Into Condition LOAN DRIVE OPENS 1 Coach Hannon Reports 21 Out for _A. Practice; First Tilt Td Be At Gulf County Yet Has $7000 of Apalachicola October 1 Gul County Yet Has $7000 of Gulf County Quota to Raise; Last-Day e Coach Frank Hannon of Port St. Quota Rally for Wednesday Y Joe high 'school announces that he 3rd War Loan , has 21 boys on the St. Joe Sharks The last week of the Third War - football squad who are battling Loan Drive started today with ap- a for starting positions when the - first game is played with Chapman proximately $7000 yet to be raised - high on October 1. He states that. ? ? ? ? on Gulf county's quota of $56,039. g the boys have been hard at wor Up to yesterday afternoon Bond for almost two weeks Preparing . Drive Chairman Horace Soule had for the coming gridiron season. $56,039 a total of $49,000. Six games have already 'been "Every campaign or-drive, after placed on the schedule, ghd an at- $55,000 starting off at top speed, runs into. tempt is being made to get two hard going along toward the fin- more games. $50,000 ish line," said Soule. "These last Among the 21 candidates are seven days are going to be the five lettermen from last year's $45,000 toughest part of this d.ive. We're squad. 'These boys have put on ad $40,000 confident that we will exceed the ditional weight and are expected quota set but we are not letting to be the nucleus of the team this $35,000 up and have our plans formulated year. They are Gale Traxler, quar- for a last-minute sprint. I'm call- terback; Tommy Kelly, right half; $30,000 ing on every man, woman and Alfred Rhames, left half; RalpB child in Gulf county .to buy just Silvia, end, and Donald Linton, $25,000 one more bond or one more stamp end. $20,000 during these last seven days." John Williams., a newcomer .to As a climax to the three-week the squad, is showing up well at $15,000 drive, a grand rally and dance Is the center position and will prdb- scheduled for Wednesday night ably start the opening game in $10,000 at the Centennial auditorium, be- that position as his closest rival, ginning at 7:45, and everybody is Glenwood iStevens, will be out two $ 5,000 invited, to attend and bring. their weeks with a badly, sprained ankle. spare change and checkbooks; with Noland Rawls and Roy Lee Burch them. will also see some service at cen- It is to be a gala affair with all ter, along with- Jimmy 'Guilford. '. kinds of devices on. hand to pro- J. C. Evans and. Carl Guilford mote the sale. ot bonds 'nd stamps will probably relieve Linton and such as bingo games, dartboards, Silva at the end positions. Backs Kiwanis ClubBond wheels of fortune, number games, that have been showing well are raffles and a country auction. No- George Philyaw, Wayne, Taunton Rally Brings $6,600 body loses, everybody wins, since and Carl Weeks. Taunton will not all transactions and prizes will be be able to play during the first Amphibious Truck and Jeep R in the form of War Stamps and few games due to dislocated arm. Amphibious Truck and War Bonds. Civic organizations Other, members of the squad arm Offered Bond: and Stamp Buyers participating in the affair are the Alwyn Garrett, Henry Lunsford, Prove ,Profitable Attraction Rotary club, Kiwanis Club, Pilot Duant Garrett, Ralph McElreath, club, St. Joe Woman's club, the Amos Rhames, Ed Bartee and Billy By far the most interesting day American Legion and the Paper Gibson. of the Third War Loan Drive in Makers Local. Their first game next Friday Port St. Joe, occurred last Satur-. Big event of the evening will be with Chapman high should be close day afternoon when the Kiwanis the awarding of a $1000 War Bond (Continued on Page 2) club sponsored a bond rally on at 10:30 o'clock to some lucky in- Reid avenue in front of the post- dividual Music for -the dance, bte- 'SURPRISE NIGHT' FOR office, offering free rides in jeeps ginning at 9:30, will be furnished PORT THEATERGOERS andi two huge amphibian trucks to by the Tyndall Field orchestra. The ---- bond and stamp buyers. A total of dance and reserved tables will be Manager Ben Rivers of the Port $6,600 was credited to the civic in charge of the Pilot club, sand- theater has inaugurated what he c6ub's total for the afternoon's wiches and hot dogs will be of- calls 'Surprise Night" for his pa- work. fered by the Woman's club, and ttrons, to be -held every Wednesday In addition to the "ducks" antd soft drinks will be handled by night at 9:30 o'clock. jeeps, an airplane turret gun truckT frommy Thompson. Manager Rivers promises fun was present from Tyndall Field Everybody is urged to be present for everybody, and profit for some. and anyone interested was allowed at the Centennial auditorium next If you didn't attend the show last to climb into the gunner's seat; op- Wednesday night to assist in giv- Wednesday evening, do so next rate the twin .50 calibre machine ing the final shove to' 'put Gulf Wednesday and learn all about it. (Continued on Page 4) ,county over the top in this Third War Loan Drive. SRemember, it's YOUR duty! A VICTORY RIDE IN AN AMPHIBIAN DUTCH PILOT IS By PAULINE OWENS o t'f down Reid avenue. Imagine KILLED IN CRASH To a casual observer, Port St. the surprise of one and all when Joe was a city teeming with ex- the bumps were hardly felt (ten One Dutch pilot was killed and citement last Saturday. But every- wheels with enormous tires). One two other Royal Netherlands fliers one in this vicinity knew that it of the passengers remarked that attached to the Army Air Forces was a bond rally sponsored by the he would like to trade the family gunnery school at Tyndall .Field Kiwanis club. car for one like this. parachuted ito safety in the sky The crowd was gathered in front Straight to the bay down Fifth over Mississifipi Saturday night. of the postoffice, and from Grand- street we went and out into the The fliers were en route from pa and Grandma to Junior and water, amid the squeals of excite. Tyndlall Field to Jackson, Miss., Sister they were, exictedly await, ment and a frantic grasping of the when their planes encountered bad ing a ride on the amphibian. So, nearest thing to hold onto. weather near Meridian. The pilot half afraid, but with a terrific de- Like a duck takes to water, the and passenger of one of the planes sire to ride in one of these mod- amphibian seemed as much at leaped to safety., but the pilot of ern monsters, young and old clam- home in the water as it did on the other, who was flying alone, .bered aboard. land. Slowly at first, but gatheri- died, in the crash of his ship. After a few minutes wait that ing speed as it went along, the Name of the pilot killed is being seemed a lifetime, the driver amphibian plowed through the ws- withheld pending notification of 'climbed into the driver's seat and ter. With the cool Gulf breeze the next of kin. I the enormous machine lumbered bolwing in their faces, each pas- senger 'felt a new sense of won- Ration Book Four To Be Issued Soon derment and appreciation of the works of modern science and me- Designed for Use Beginning In No- chanics. vember and Will Last a Pe- To make the trip more exciting, riod of Two Years the major in command, who ac- companied the amphibian I was War Ration Book 4, for use be- in, lost his sun helmet right there: ginning in November and designed in the middle of the bay. So there to last at least two years, was ex- we were with everyone trying to, plained this week by OPA. grasp the hat floating serenly on The n.e.w book, to be issued at a the waves just out of reach. With nationwide schoolhouse registra- careful maneuvering it was finally tion the last 10 days of October, picked up with the aid of a boat- will combine point and unit stamps. hook, part of the equipment of There will be .384 stamps, printed the "duck," and we continued on in blue, red, green and black. our way. After coming ashore I The red andl blue stamps will be heard Editor Bill remark' to the used in conjunction with red and major, "Why go to all the trouble blue tokens, to I* introduced early (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on page 4) Rllllllillllllllll1lllllll1l11llllnl Le n n Y h e e e ri I e MVICTORY kTAIJMITdD L BUY T1912 ANDNDS S nAMM T ALS THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla, by The Star Publishing Company W. S. SMITH, Editor Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year.......$2.00 Six Months.......$1.00 Three Months............. 65c -.< Telephone 51 >)- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention'; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. Our Country Right or Wrong WHAT ABOUT OUR MILK PROBLEM? Milk deliveries into Port St. 'Joe were cut off almost two weeks ago, and yet nobody seems to care whether we get milk or not, whether the health of our children and our babies is endangered by lack of this com- modity. A lot of people are talking about the matter but no one seems willing to do any- thing about it. Recently in Panama City a milk shortage developed and the people over there didn't stand around wringing their hands and moan- ing. They took the matter up with the proper authorities, with their congressman and sen- ator in Washington, and soon sufficient milk to meet most needs was flowing into their city and has continued to do so. One of the reasons we are getting no milk is that dairymen cannot produce and deliver it at the ceiling price set by OPA, and they are drying, up or selling their cows. We can't blame them for that, for we should not ex- pect them to operate at a loss. The same situation prevails all over the nation, not just in this area, and the matter is now before :.:i.niress. As usual, the matter has ,developed into a squabble over whether the dairymen should receive a subsidy or be allowed to increase the selling cost of their dairy products. Practically all of the people we have talked with in Port St. Joe say "Let them raise the price of milk, we're willing to pay more for it if that will bring it back." And that proD- ably would be found to be the general opinion all over the nation. A subsidy to the producers will not solve the problem. They should be allowed a fair profit over their cost of production. A goV- ernment subsidy merely adds to the already heavy tax burden and places the dairyman in the position of accepting a dole, a "hand- out," or charity-whatever you want to call it-from the people he serves. We in Port St. Joe could take the matter up with the regional OPA office, and the answer we probably would get would be something like this: "Your dairymen have been delivering milk to Port St. Joe at such and such a price, therefore they must con- tinue to deliver it at that price." Sure, but if the dairyman can't show a profit he isn't going to bring in the milk, regardless of what the OPA says. And he'll probably tell the OPA to go straight to. What we need to do here is to take the matter up with Washington authorities, through our senators and congressman, to allow the price of milk to be increased in this section, regardless of the OPA. A committee should be formed immedi- ately to handle the matter or the city gov- ernment itself should take it up. From the way Allied planes are battering the Fortress Europe, there won't be a wall left intact against which to stand Herr Schickelgruber when they take him out to shoot him at sunrise. Congress may not do anything to suit youth -but it keeps on trying. THE DRIVE PROGRESSES Perhaps some readers of The Star are won- dering why we are devoting so much space to the Third War Loan Drive. Well, folks, it's because we consider this war loan for in- vasion one of the most important things in the world, and we will continue to consider it so until the drive ends. Reports from the Gulf county home front indicate that the people of the county are considering the Third War Loan just as im- portant as we consider it. It may be 'a bit premature, and then again it may not be, but from here it looks like Gulf county will go way over the top of its quota of $56,039. Most people are buying more than that extra $100 bond over their regular monthly quota. And folks, that is something, for most of us are not what you might call "monied," but just plain everyday working people. To those of you who have bought your ex- tra bond in this campaign we say "well done." To those of you who have not yet bought that extra bond, we say "buy it today!" Americans on the home front are going to, show Americans on the fighting front that +Ii;' (-CTTPD ---- __ + + 1-- --1 I-. STARDUST and MOONSHINE By THE OTHER FELLOW "Great guns and little fishes!' was the average exclamation heard Saturday afternoon when the? two army amphibian trucks "ducks" iun the lingo of the army-rolled up Reid, avenue: Saturday .after- noon to take bond) and. stamp buyers for a ride out into the bay on the Kiwanis Day drive of the Third War Loan. And they are appropriately named, for with the low, tub-shaped body, they some- what resembled ducks as they waddled down the street and hesitated momentarily before, div- ing into the water's of the bay. The kids were tickled spitless over the opportunity to ride in one of these seagoing monstrosities, and on every hand could be hear cheeps of "Daddy (or mama, as the case might be), give; me five dollars to buy stamps so's I can, ride in that there thing." . And' not only the kids were en- Lils is JU war, not just the soldiers war, - thralled bvy t h e "ducks" the the sailors' war and the marines' war! gronus were, almost as bad, and grownups were. almost as bad, and There are seven days left. Get that bond- I think mo-re adults rode, in- them that extra bond-if you have to sweat blood than children. to do it! Remermiber, our boys are spilling Hig Stone tried to sneak on for blood for us! a ride without his wife, and im- agine his surprise when his wife -1 )bl)obbed up right beisde him-she'd A -GOOD START become fascinated with the ug:y ducklings and bought a bond, too, A recent newspaper article says that Ches- iorderlings and bought a bo nd .Bentoo in order to ride-. .... And Ben ter Bowles, acting administartor of the OPA, Dickens, I think he bought three said in an interview that merchants should be bonds for three rides. I don't protected against "needless meddling, snoop-' know whether it was for the ride,! ing, and gestapo methods." That is good news in the ducksk" or because of the to merchants of Port St. Joe who have been two fascinating WACs that came to merchants of Port St. oe who have been with' it and who, were selling the doing their level best to help carry out the bones. And C. A. Soder- complicated and multitudinous OPA rulings, berg bought three bonds so that Merchants and consumers alike know that he could take' his father and wife the OPA must be-supported. Anything Mr. :for. the ride. .... I watcher. thp p';pression on the face of Mrs. Bowles can do to simplify.OPA methods and -1 .i ped at the ... Knb:.rle a; ,I I ",.-k'.l. stopped at the conduct its operations: alofig truly American water's edge and then plunged in. lines of fair play, will gain public approval There was .,a look of alarm, and and co-operation, the knuckles of her hands which Mr. Bowles would have'to spend a week in grasped the side of the truck. a local grocery store to find out what the turned white machine held o firmly.eon Port St. Joe merchant is up against in try- smoothly, her face and fingers red ing to comply with OPA regulations. -It is laxed, and a smile tilted up the almost a safe bet that neither Mr.' Bowles corners of her mouth. For one, I'd nor any of his official family would attempt say she enjoyed the trip .. 1- to read or comply with the blanks and form noticed Editor Bill up in front him with which the average; merchant is bom- hog the best position-and he barded by the OPA, without consulting a seemed( to "be getting a big kick lawyer-and the average small merchant has (whether it was the WACs or the no lawyer. rid, 'tis- hard to say.). I heard. him An authority who has looked into the mat- remark that he wishnged he had car- teried his deep-sea fishing tackle. ter says more than 7800 Pages, averaging at And speaking of those WACs- least 2000 words each, mu-t be comprehended when they plunked themselves and complied with by food retailers. How A down at the typewriters in the Ki- many OPA officials, with no customers clan'- i'alis booth to rie out the rbon oring to be waited on, ori ration stamps to1 -u b K pre e a gen sort, could read, much Ies, comprehend such' rush by ooth to help em.sent to get an overwhelming array Of regulations an,! J;n ,:lount and J. C. Farnell, red tape? '- .ig tactics of the football field, Surely there is fome :way to simplify, squirmed in over the writhing rather than complicate OPA practices, in the mas and held their posts most or Bill. St p t r the afternoon, though Edito-r Bill. interest of the producers, the merchants and Glenn Boyles and J. A. Williams the consumers. did manage to squeeze in for a. '-short time. Too bad Doc A soldier back on a furlough says the new Norton had so many patients that he, couldn't get out of his office, or army rifle weighs 8.69 pounds. He found thai he'd have geen in the booth to(o. on recent maneuvers, however, the decimal And those jeep rides! Supposedly point dropped out after a few hours.-Titus- for the kids, there were just as ville Star-Advocate. many, adults in the foreshortened puddle-jumpers. And what a ride %_75 those Coast Guard drivers gave the Best Simile of the Week: Private James customers! Tearing over sidewalk-s Braddy of Dublin, Ga., in telling of his ac- and curbs and through the bushes tivities in the Solomon Islands, said in regard and sand bedis-wow, it was a to Jap snipers: "They couldn't hit a bull ineal thrill. Anyway, a lot ah of us are better acquainted with the back with a bass fiddle." some of the vehicles that are com-, "-- monplace to the boys in the serv- Barbers in Illinois are forbidden to talk ice. about the war. It's a good idea, but those A woman spends considerable three words,- "about the war," weaken it.- time, thought, energy and money Philadelphia Inquirer. in keeping personally presentable. a ___Being a woman is a lot of trouble, Z= but, for all we know, it may be Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds! worth it. A VICTORY RIDE (Continued; From Page 1) of salvaging that helmet wheA. the army would issue you a:s-, other?" Then quoth the major, removing the headpiece, "See that label?-tlais is my lucky, ha." "Well, bless my; soul,' said the ed- itor, ""Rangoon, India!" "Yep," re- plied the major, "I came back two months ago." After circling the navy boat an- chored in the bay andl approach- ing the shore, the wheels were thrown into gear. Occasionally we would pass over a sand bar and we could feel the wheels take -hold and carry us across. And so we rolled, onto the land with as ..much ease as we entered the water. Then back down Monument ave- nue, a tijrn at First street, and -we came to a standstill -in the exact place that about fifteen minutes before we were waiting in sus- pense for the- trip to -begin. It was over, and with regret every- one climbed down with tho thought that this day would be re- membered a long time, The dollars in war stamps and bonds .raised at this rally will be, uesd, to buy guns, ammunition, a new lease on life and millions of othea things that our boys need to defeat the war tyrants on this earth who are interfering with our American way, of life. Yes, we all enjoyed the ride and we felt 100 per cent lbeatter .to know that this particular kind of enjoyment was helping us on the road to VICTORY. ST. JOE HI SQUAD (Continued From Page 1) when last year's record of the Oyster City team is taken into consideration, but Coach Hannon. feels that his -boys will comSa out with the heavy, end of the score. Other games scheduled. thus far are as follows: ,,.rh:' -Blountstoivn, here. October 15-Carrabelle, here. October 22-0Open. October 29-Apalachicola. here. November 5-Blountstown, .there. November 12--Carrabelle, there. November 19-Open. Coach' Hannon states that. all home games will be played at night on Centennial Fieldl if night football is allowed, in the Gulf C-oast area, otherwise they will bk played in the afternoon. Definite information on this matter is ex- pected to be forthcoming within tna next few days. ALL SET for a good full day's work when a nagging head- ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. I Ready for an evening of relax- ation and enjoyment-a pesky, headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head- ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus- cular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? If not why not? You can get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in the economy package even cheaper. Why not get a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions and use only as -directed. Your money back if y6a are not satisfied. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1943 PAGE TWO THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA~ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1943 Mrs. Gussie Garland- Norton of Harrison, Ark., arrived Thursday of last week for a visit with her - brother andi sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Norton. She is assist- ing the doctor at his office. The war will end sooner and later-spooner than the pessimists think it will, and later than the optimists predict. THE STAR, PORT ST. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA BAPTIST CIRCLE MEETS P.-T. A. H FIRST school auditorium. WITH MRS. N. KELLEY MEETI NG YEAR New committee chairman were Circle No. 2 of the Baptist W The Po" Joe ParenMt-Teacher introduced as follows: Member- M. S. met Monday afternoon at associate' eld its first meeting ship, Mrs. W. S. Quarles; hospl- the home of Mrs. Nick Kelley at of the school year Thursday tality, Mrs. Massey Ward, chair- Kenney's Mill. after f last week in the high man, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs.. Glenn A very interesting Bible, study school ditorium with Mrs. J. O. Boyles.; luncheon. Mrs. R. R. Mi- was given by .Mrs. Kate Harrell Bag 1 presiding. nus; beautification, Mrs. W. H. and Mrs. C. M. Palmer, followean ght of ihe program was Wellington room representative with prayer by Mrs. C. McCleilan. th gh school band under the Mrs' Ned S. Po rter, Mrs. Palmer, assisted by Mrs. L. dion of Bandmaster Franki Following the meeting, cookies, E. Voss, Mrs. W. Ramsey, Mrs. C. 'ick. Mr. Lodwick's. talk on brownies and punch were served W. Pridgeon and Mrs. Kelley. gave /work done during the summer by the lo.spitality committee. a short but interesting proga-am o.n' the music department .of the ,BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS "Youth." /orida State, College for Women BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS After a short business session nd the development of harmony Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Earnest an. presided, over by Mrs. J. 0. B in music was very interesting. The nounce the birth of a daughter on gett, the meeting was dismiss hand played several hymns to i- Friday, eptem with prayer by Mrs. Hunt a lustrate his talk on harmony., and r delightful social hour fol also some well-rendered marches. during which -the hostess ed Nobe Stone, new supervisor announce the ,birth of a son on ding which -the hostess Noble Stone, new supervisor oi September 18, 1943. refreshments to the eleveer"m Gulf and Franklin county schools, bers present. gave the devotional and explained B M r v, .... - what his work includes. He also explained the. state law regarding a devotional period in school and expressed the view that this time should be devoted to a character- building program. S Prof. W. A. Biggart noted, the problems facing the school thib yea-r, but stated that he felt the school year had made a good, start. He also introduced the teachers. During the .business meeting there was some discussion of thi recommendation of the executive board, that no carnival be held this year at Hallowe'en, but that baker. goods sales be, given to raise money. A motion was made and carried at this time that those In favor of continuing the, carnival meet with the executive board at the next regular meeting on Octo- ge,r 14 at 3:30 p. m. in the hig-I Mr'. and M rs. R. v. yat are the proud parents of a son, born Saturday, September 18. Mr. and Mrs. George Whitting- ton are announcing the birth of a son on Monday, September 20. Mr. and' Mrs. J. J. Edenfield an- nounce, the birth of a son on Mon- day, September 20. iMr. and Mrs. Joe Grimsley, Mrs. W. S. Smith and Miss Josephine PAGE THREE ATTENTION You Can Still . BUILD REPAIR REROOF PAINT INSULATE Your Home 0 Up to $20 ON - Se We Do qt T Grimsley spent Sunday in DothaL, *.e J ' Ala., where the itwo. ladies con- sulted an eye specialist. - SComing to tt S THEATRE A Martin Theatre : N EASY LOANS e Us For Estimate - Millwork and Build Boats oe Lumber Co. PHONE 69-J Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAYS SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIMES TODAY! 'Constant Nymph' You MUST See It! SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 "Th udering Chapter 9 of Serial "Overland Mail" - FEATURE NO. 2- -. , 51 .h TUESDAY, SEPT. 28 Chapter 3 of Serial "SECRET CODE" WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29 THE END of September is in sight. And the end of September brings us close to the end of the 3rd War Loan drive. If you haven't bought $100 worth of extra War Bonds-extra, mind you-dig up that money and buy your share today! Men who are fighting for you ... bleed- ing for you ready to die for you . 'are waiting for the news that you people ht home are backing them up 100%. They know what invasion costs in blood and lives. They know, too, what it costs in equipment, munitions, supplies, that must reach the front in a ne\;r-ending stream. And they're counting on you for the money that goes to keep that stream flowing. No matter what you have to sacrifice .. no matter how much it pinches.., you cannot let them down! They're calling on you to hurry, hurry, hurry! Get that $100 extra into War Bonds before the drive is over. SUNDAY MONDAY September 26 27 THURSDAY FRIDAY September 30 October I Thi Advertisement Sponsored by the Following Business Establishments of Port St. Joe: DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY ST. JOE LUMBER & EXPORT CO. CREECH & BROOKS LAUNDRY ST. JOE FURNITURE COMPANY SUNNY STATE SERVICE FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. ST. JOE ICE COMPANY ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY SCHNEIDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE KENNEY MERCANTILE COMPANY News Events and T R L Carter NEWS EVENTS and Mrs W Ramsey Who's Superstitious?" "PORTRAIT of a GENIUS" NOTI CE Turn right now to the Port tie- ater advertisement and qee if your name is in it. If so, you can call at The Star office and get a free pass to the Port. What this country'needs is fewer peolile telling us what this oounz- try needs. DR. J. C. COE -- DE NTI ST- Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 88 --~-------------------4-~----L i ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANYl 1G COU TUHNT, EL STAR, -KIUAT, b- I T- --< Z4, 1"o-. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER24. 194. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE- Double-size Beauty- rest mattress and coil spring in excellent condition. Phone 35. TYPEWRITER FOR SkLE See Mrs. George Lunsford at Hurl- but's garage apartment on Eighth Street. 9-24* AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE-1937 V-8 Ford; good ,tires; $326 cash. St. Joe Lum- ber Company. 7-23tf MISCELLANEOUS FISH BAIT Fresh, clean worms that are guaranteed to get the fIsh for you. See Eddie Beverly in the ,Sheffield colored quarters. PORT THEATRE /- BUG SWAATtiR cost mouueq' BUY U.S.WARBONDSITAMPS SURPRISE NIGHT! WEDNESDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 29 9:30 FUN FOR ALL! PROFIT FOR SOME! - On the Screen - BOMBERS MOON A Whiz Bang! and "MARCH OF TIME" BE PRESENT! bay.. and no one knows how many took advantage of the opportunity to ride in the fast-moving, puddle- jumping jeeps ;sent here through courtesy of the Coast Guard. More details of the day may bt- gathered from the article by Paul- ine Owens, "A Victory Ride In an Amphibian," andi the "Stadust and Moonshine" column on page two. PRICE PANEL HEAD (Continued from Page 1) received will be investigated. The name of the complainant wi'l not be revealed, but he will be in- form'ed of -the results of the in- vestigation when it is concluded. "Merchants will be given every opportunity to. correct uninten- tional mistakes and to come into voluntary compliance," concluded. Mr. Costin. "Penalties will be im- posed only in the case of persist- ent violations. One of these pen- athlies is the right of any customer to collect from a merchant through court action three times the amount of any overcharge, or $50, whichever is greater, plus court costs and attorney fees.." TAX COLLECTIONS (Continued from Page, 1) erty. ,State officials attributed thte record collections to war pros- perity, Governor Holland's no-com- promise tax program and! Com.. troller Lee's bargain-counter mer- chandiising of tax delinquent prop- erties. The state government re- ceives nothing from the county tax on real estate. Copyrighted Material SndicatedCon ent Available from commercial News Providers" - -.~.- - -~ 0 - -~ - 0 S - _ --mo L AP a mately 600 adults and children S LAP TBHATAPI rode the amphibians out into tht - -~ - KIWANIS CLUB RALLY (Continued from page 1) guns, which fire 800 rounds a min- ute, and otherwise, operate the tur- ret just as a gunner on a plane would. Those, who took advantage of this chance to become more fa- miliar with some of the imple- ment's of this war got a real "kick' out of the turret gun. A further display of war materiel consisted of an exhibit of airplane bombs from the little 100-pounders up to the" one-ton "block busters.'" This came here from Dale Mabry Field' at Tallahasese. But one of the biggest attrac- tions of the exhibit, at least for the menfolks, were two WACs from Dale Mabrey, Sergeant Car- mel A. Ponti and Pfc. Rosa Hill. .These two attractive, young ladies were the cynosure of all eyes in their uniforms, and aided greatly in the sale of bonds and stamps. It was estimated) that approxi- RATION BOO.,OUR BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES receipt of proof of publication of R. F. Hallford, Pastor this notice, the fictitious name, to- (Continued from ;wit: ST. JOE BAR, under which I in 1944 and given as" 1 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. am engaged in business at Port. stinamp expend gituren s fo nge in 11:00 a. m. -Morning worship. St. Joe Florida. That the party., mp expenditures dairy Sermo topic: "On to Pentecost!'" interested in said busine-s ente - products and processed f 7:00 p. m-B. T.U prise is as follows: J. E. BOBBITT'. The green stamps will' 7:0 p m.B. T. Dated, at Port gt. Joe, Gulf one green "interimi used 8:004) p. m. Evening worship, County, Florida, September 3, 1943. on an "interim sis" wlu Topic: "Salvation-Conscious." 9-3 10-8 stamps, much in the mann the -' brown stamps of Book 3 are Advertising doesn't "osA-it PAYS! being used; in the meats-fats KEEP THEM ON gram LEGAL ADVERTISING THE JOB! Tw.eveaof 96unit stamps, prim NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS Comfortable, well repaired in black, are designated for suga NAME LAW Comfortable, well rep an aid to foot The same number are marked torO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: hewor shoes are an aid the first sign coffee, which no. longer is ra- Notice is hereby given that the hea At the first sign Bioned. These and 72 others market designed, pursuant to the "Fic- of wear, have us repair! / l be r e f a -pus Name Statute," House Bill "spares" will be reserved for any 1175, chapter No. 20953, Laws The LEADER additional foods rationed, says +lorida, 1941, will register with OPA. .lerk of the Circuit Court, in SHOE SHOP anG'r Gulf County, Florida, upen We Are NowIn Position To Give One Wek 's Service On Your Laundry If Quicker Servyie Is Desired, Bring Us Your laundry On Thursday, Friday Or Saturday DeLuxe One-Day Dry Cleaning Service CREEC &AND DRY CLEANERSADY AND DRY CLEANERS THE STAR, Fl~ttl ST. JuE, _~_~ ,;, PAGE FOUR dlb& SOPS Qdp% |