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IIIIl TH THll l Eil!IIIIIIIIII!1111 1111 111 !!!ll1111 THE STAR The Home Newspaper of Northwest Florida's Future Industrial Center VOLUME VI II 111111111111111llilllllllllllllilil;:ili]li|llililll!ill!l||ll1 SEABEE KEN CREECH PREFERS GULF COUNT' Kenneth Creech, with the Sea bees "Somewhere In the Pacific,' and apparently quite, some dis tance from home, for he says i takes a letter 13 days' to reach hin by air mall, writes his brother Gus: Creech, as follows: "Guess I am getting along pretty good. How's. the fishing? I sure would' like to be .there, as so far behind' with my, fishing and drink ing I don't think I could. evei catch up, if I even had a chance I get along well dulling the day but these long nights are pretty lonesome-have to go to bed' by dark as the mosquitoes will eat you up. -Have to do a washing every few days, we get dirty so quick here as there are no floors in the tents. My letters will drop off for a few weeks soon. Can probably tell you the reason later on. I don't think I have told you that this- island has lots of wild' deer and pigeons on it; have not seen any yet, in fact I haven't been. very far from camp. We are getting cigarets. for 50c a carton and .I got a. carton. of gum today, for 7,5c. This is the first half day I have had off sincehere; been on duty from, day- light 'till dark and no light in our tent at night, so have gotten bt- hindi with my writing. I go on duty at noon, today and get off at mia- night. Am sitting out in .the woods writing on my knees. Having to lead a pretty rough life. Do. al1 my shaving, laundry and bathing in a three-gallon 'bucket and have to carry water most a block. Sure would appreciate, a '1kth in 'the batt'bub. Had to'put out a washing this morning and would, have ap- preciated some Creech & Brooks laundry service very much. "Flies, and mosquitoes are after you all day, and the mosquitoes keep "it up at night. We have a good' net that fits over the cot, so can get a good night's. sleep. Our food is pretty good-will keep you from starving. Have to watch out or the flies will get it eaten up first. Had some rain for a few days last week, and it sure got things in a m'ess. Our let- ters are censored so can't tell much about where we, are. I can say we are on an island in the Pacific Ocean and the natives' are, black. I met three the other day and could only talk with them in, the sign language, so I did not learn much from them. It has started toe rain. so will finisfa this in myj tent. Sure miss you. folks a lot and the good meals, we had. So Richard Porter joined the Seaibeeis'? Poor fellow. I didn't think the army was that close af- ter him. This rain is com- ing down, -and I know things will ,be in. a mess. before the day is' over. If I ever get back home, I don't think I will ever leave Gulf county. This island is a long way from home.. Didn't see much on' the way over, other than lots of flying fish. Last week we had to sit out in the rain to eat several of our meals; don't think 'I will. ever be aJble to' -get 'clean again. How Some Buck Spooner is back at. (stin's, and, what does, *his wife lbok like? Is, he the same ..cla-Buck, or has married life changed, him? Tell .him I said "hello" andi take a few drinks, for me. I sure am getting behind with my drinking. Will close for this time." *r Visits From California Sgt. Otis HarrlIson was in Port St. Joe for several days visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. (Continued on Page 2). Y Blackout Test Is Gas Book Forms : Scheduled Here ow vailbl t At Ration Board o Wednesday Night Wa Night Motorists May Secure Applicatior Blanks for Renewal of Basic e Ordered By Army and Will. Mileage Books A or D r Affect All Area West of Ap- - alachicola River; Co-opera' Application blanks for the re- tion of Public Is Urged. newal of basic mileage ration -- books A or D now are available at Port St. Joe and' Gulf county the Gulf county ration board, office, . will have the second blackout test and also may be obtained at all t inf tthe last few weeks next Wed- gasoline stations, Chairman C. G. nesday night, according to infor- Costin announces. maation received, here by B. b. The application blank, when 'Conklin, head. of the Gulf County properly filled out, may be mailed 'Defense Council. to the ,board together with: The test has been ordered by 1. The present tire inspection Sthe U. S. Army, and has been ap- record. for the vehicle for which 'proved by the Southern Defense the application is made. The record 'Command, 'through the Fourth Ser- must show that at least one' in- vice Command. All the area west section has been made and' ap- of the, Apalachicola river will be proval given. affected. 2. The back cover of the pres- The test is to 'begin at 8:33 and 'ent A or D ration book showing 'end' at 9:29 o'clock, Central War the signature and address on the 'Time, which will make it 9:33 and lines provided. 10:29 in this area; If the application is approved, The time and signals will be as the board will mail a new book to follows: Yellow, 9:33 p. m. (E.W. the name and' address shown in ff.); Blue, 9:55; Red, 10:04; Blue the address listed on the, front '10:14; White, 10:29. page of the blank. Commander Conklin urges, all Only those spaces in heavy bor- members of the Defense Council der must be filled out by their ap- ito be prepared to take up their plicant. assigned, stations, and asks full co- Those securing the new books ;operation of the public in making must immediately write' the license the, test a success, number of their car on the back of He states, thaat while the practice all stamps in the u'ook. blackout held' several weeks aglo Filling station operators, have was considered good, there were been authorized to refuse sale ot a number of violations of the gasoline unless the coupons are blackout regulations, mostly from properly .signed. Penalty for viola- ignorance', and he asks that all tion of the rule is not more than lights. visible from outside be ex- $1000 or imprisonment for not ,tinguished Wednesday night, that more, than one ye3.r, or both. cars be kept off the streets, dur- ---- ---- ing the blackout period and that Coffee Drinkers pedestrians do. not move about on the streets. Begin to Perk Up FDA Urges Larger -- Java Addicts Beginning to Crawl Purchases of Spuds Out of Holes and Take More Cheerful View of Life Chairman S. A. Young of the Gulf County Food Advisory Commit- That low moaning sound we've Urges People To Eat More been hearing since last November when restrictions were placed on S. A. Young, chairman of the the sale of coffee has taken on a Gulf County Food Advisory Corn- more cheerful note since the first mittee, states that word from the of this month when OPA allowed Food' Distribution Administration a pound, of the roasted, bean .to is that large scale wastage of Irish each individual every, three weeks. potatoes is' imminent unless the Our heavy coffee .drinkers, such consuming public exe-rts every er-1'as Doc Norton, Mike Smith, Hor- fort to step up the demand fo I, ace Soule, L. W. Owens, Otto An- this highly important staple foo;. i person, George Maddox, C. J. 'Red' "Scarce for many weeks, pota- Sullivan, Jack Fowler and Doc toes are now rolling in fiom the -Carver, who drool at the' thought' potato-producing districts in ui- of coffee steaming in a cup, arL, precedented .quantities," said Mr. crawling out of their holes, with Young. "In fact, production is run- whoops of joy and lapping up all ning about 3-5 per cent ahead ot the surplus, java that local food last year. And as these, early po- dispensaries. are willing to let tatoes are more perishable than them have. Their faces are losing usual 'because of the het spell we that woebegone expression tha-. are having, they must be, d1s- has marked them as doomed souls tri'buted and. consumed, quickly or for the past seven months, ana they will polll" they are taking a more active in- Mr. Young urges, housewives, res- terest in living. taurants and boarding houses to We urge them to drink heartily se su more otatoes.' oinrtia R n -r. o ii. .- .' Af L', .o.o., the .UMBER 41 wn i "I Seven Negroes Dro Wh C R wT LCen aurl" o I Ferry At Overstreet '" NEW MANAGER *Coast Guardsmen Rushed To -- Scene In Vain Effort To Re- suscitate Vlctims; H. E. Hall Is Eyewitness To Tragedy. 'Seven negroes, slix of. them wo- men, all from this. city, met death "t by drowning Monday evening whRen the car in which they were riding rolled Pbackward, off the ferry boat used for crossing the Intracoaqtal Canal at Overstreeit. The victims were Rev. Ed Pat. terson, owner of the car, who was ..driving, Josephine Johnson, Rosa Lee Perry, Virginia Hayes, Stella Harris, Lizzie Blue and Lola D. Brown. r .''. ". The accident occurred about 8:30 m. as the party was on its way home from a fishing trip, and, ac- S...i cording to H. E. Hall of this&city, whose car was on the ferry with A. V. "Swede" Benson of High that occupied by the negroes, Pat- Springs, Fla., who has been terson's car started to roll off the named as district manager fo' barge backward and when. the the Florida Power corporation's ferryman told' him to stop he, re western division, replacing the plied It hat he co sdn't. late J. P. Coombs. Story will be Mr. Hall stated it all happened found on page three. Mr. Hall stated it all halpened so quickly none of the victims had time to get out of the car or even Purina Dealer shout. He sdid that after 'the ma- chine sunk from sigbl into thae Joins In''Food for nine feet of water at .,that point, one or two- of the women came to 'Victory' Drive the surface, and that although he shouted at them to swim to the bank they swam down the middle Must Stretch Our Feed to Produce of the canal. More Meat, Milk and Eggs, iMr. Hall and the ferryman took Says Hprac'e Soule the ferry to the bank over the spot where the car had gone down A good example, of how local business 'men are helping to win the war 'is Horace Soule's newly- adopted plan of assisting farmers. and home poultry growers to pro- duce more Food, for Victory. The iSt. Joe Hardware company, of which Mr. Soule is, manager, has just enrolled in the Purina "Food for Victory" crusade which is aimed, at conserving feed, plug- ging sanitation and management leaks and increasing our national! food production. "We are approaching a very serious crisis in the feeding of but could do nothing to rescue the occupants. They then pulled the ferry across the canal again and. Mr. Hall drove at breakneck speed to the Coast Guard station at Bea- con Hill to report the accident. He then came on to Port St. Joe and reported to Chief of Police M. 0. Freeman, who in turn relayed the information to Sheriff Byrd E,. Parker. Mr. Hall was of the opinion that as his car, which was empty, was on the front end of the ferry and the Patterson car with its seven passengers was on the back end, livestock and' poutiry." Mr. Soule the barge had a tendency to sin. explains. "On the one hand, ou- lower at the back end. Several country is calling for more, and colored residents here stated fhat more food for our armed forces Patterson was an inexpert driver and allies. On the other hand, there is not enough feed to' meet the demand, and with uniprece- dented numbers of livestock and poultry on farms and in back yard pens, feed supplies' are dwindlingg at an alarming rate. It is up to us to. stretch our feed' to produce more meat, milk and eggs. From the contacts we have made with our customers we are convinced that this. can- be done by elimi- nating costly waste due to im- proper feeding .and management, noor sanitation and unpreventable accidents." Mr. Soule states that he or a -- -- ;- f i m il e ll tav thei ui s vr usP UI u p whiiue t iy .mcay-, anu oreou e' representative of his .firm wl tca that their use could' out down on- questionable practice ot endeavor- on farmers andi others and assis . meats, thus saving meat points. ing to probe top deeply, into the in filling out "action sheets" onr So. let's all pitch in and' eat po- future; for whether 'this -new lease all livestock an.d poultry opera- tatoes fried, baked and boiled. In |on life granted, them is a forerun- (Continued on page 6) fact.*the tubers ain't so. bad when !ner of even better things to come --- eaten raw with salt .on 'em. i or merely a prelude to stricter ra, N O T I C E Dig out the cook book and you'll itioning. no one knows. We. doubt Turn right now to the Por* the- find a number of different way tou 'even if OPA itself could answer after advertisement and Vee if prepare spuds that should mak that question. But it does mark a your name is in it. If so, you can them go over big with members of cheery high-light.' tn the -erstwhile rl1 at The Star office and get a the family. gloomy picture. for java 4imbi'bers. free lass'to 'the Port. and( that his car had very, bad (Continued on Page 3)' STAMP SAkLES HERE SHOW STEADY RISE Postal receipts of a community are always a good, barometer of a community's growth or decline, and. if of growth, whether it is of a permanent character or the "'boom" variety. Receipts of the Port St. Joe postoffice' have increased steadily and in an unbroken manner dur- ing the past six years, nothing to shout about, but indicative of a growth of our community that is steady and permanent-something that is here to stay. Postal receipts at the local post- office for the six months ended June 30, 1943, totaled $8,425.01, an increase ,of $1,144.16 over the first half of the year 1942, Postmaster H. -A. Drake announced .yesterday. There were 12,653 .money orders issued during the six months-just ended. PORT ST. JO, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1943 _ rnt f rf TNE TA- POTS.JE UFCUTFLRD RDY UY1,14 Sikes Would Use Prisoners of War To Harvest Crops Advocates Establishment of Camp In West Florida To Get. In Peanut Crop Congressman Bob Sikes would make use of war prisoners to har- vest Florida crops, and at his urgence representatives of the War Food Admihistration are In conference with state officials to see what can be done. Sikes advocates the establish- ment of a camp in West Florida to help in harvesting the peanut croi, and the food administration is also considering similar camps in Win- ter Haven, Belle Gladse and Home- steadi, where prisoners could be employed in helping with fruit and vegetable harvesting next season. Under international law war prisoners, may be compelled to work in any capacity not directly connected with the, production of war materials'. Prevailing wages must be .paid prisoners, who re- main under .guard of military au- thorities. War prisoners now being as- sembled at Camp Blanding could be used, Sikes points out. Mr. and Mrs. George McLawhon ind children have returned from North' Carolina, where Mr.s. McLaw- lion and the children spent a month visiting and' Mr. M-cL. a week. - -*e S S E w. wI q ,- LOOK WHAT'S COMING TO THE PORT! July 28-"Hangmen Also Die.' July 29-"Lady of Burlesque.' August 1-"Bataan." August 5 and' 6-"Reap the Wild Wind." In order tna everyone will have a ohance- to see this pic- ture, the doors of the theater will open at 10 a. m. Thursday, Au- gust 5, the first day. ------ -----* Returns From Hospital Mrs. J. E. Rollins returned last week from a Dothan hospital where she had been for two. weeks after undergoing a major opera- tion. She is confineda to her be-d at present, but is reliorted recuper- ating nicely. Mrs. Freeman Home From Hospital ,Mrs. M. 0. Freeman returned, to her home. here Wednesday from a Dothan, Ala.; hospital where she had, been for two weeks after un- dergoing an. operation. .---~.-----.-- Trees Make Soap Rosin from pine trees is being substituted, for fats, in making soap. Turpentine is the base for synthetic camphor, and can be made into, synthetic rubber. "Economy is the only thing now that will save civilization," states an editor. Well, so long, Civiliza- tion; in some respects it was nice having known you. -K ,The pot of gold is always at the other end of the rainbow. REPORT OF CONDITION OF FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE of Port St. Joe in the State of Florida at the close of business on June 30, 1943. ASSETS Loans and discounts (including $-none- overdrafts.) ...$ 56,485.92 TU.:S. Government obligations, direct and, guaranteed .... 1,074,233.76 Obligations of States, and political subdivisions ........... 115,934.29 Cash, 'balances with other banks, including reserve 'bal- ances, and cash items, in' process of collection ......... 245,10.8.52 B&nk premises owned (none), furniture and fixtures $1858 1,858.00 Other Assets ......................................... 644.41 TOTAL ASSETS .................... .......$1,494,z64.89 LIAB rLITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpora- tions ................................................... $ 526,994.58 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 81,087.66 Deposits of U. S. Government (including postal savings).. 600,000.00 Deposits of States and political subdivisions ............. 237,083.73 Other deposits, (certified andi officers' checks, etc.) ...... 1,17317 TOTAL DEPOSITS .................. $1,446,339.14 Other liabilities ... ................ .................... 104.39 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) .................... .$1,446,443.53 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital .... . . . ........................ . $ 25,000.00 Surplus ................................................. 11,000.00 Undivided profits ............................. . ..... 9,321.36 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) .. 2,500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .................... 47,821.36 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,494,264.89 This bank's, capital consists of common stock with a par value of $25,000.00. MEMO RA N D A Pledged assets (and securities loaned.) (.book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, 'direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and 'other liabilities ...... $1,000,000.00 (bh) Other assets pledged to secure, deposits, and other liabilities (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) ........ 65,000.00 TOTAL ................... ......... .. .......$1,065,000.00 Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by. pledged assets, pursuant to re- quirements of law ......................... ......... 810,000.00 TOTAL ........... ............................. $ 810,000.00 On date of report the required legal reserve against de- iposits of this bank was ................................. $289,267.80 Assets reported above which were eligible as. legal reserve amounted to ...........................................$370,311.25 I, S. L. Barke, President, of the above-named bank, dio solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and cor- rectly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to, the best of my knowledge, and belief. Correct-Attest: S. I HARRY H. SAUNDERS, J. L. SHARIT, M. L. FLEISHEL, JR. L. BARKE. Directors. State .of Florida, County of Gulf, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before, me this 12th day of July, 1943, and I hereby certify that I am niot an officer or director of this bank. (SiAL) 1S Na PILLINGIM, My commission expires Sept. 6, 1943. Notary Public. -lo U"on 1 S"Copyrighted Material L Syndicated Content SAvailable from Commercial News Providers" Italian troops, hands raised, rushing to surrender to British soldiers after they had put up a brief but futile fight near Pachino on Sicily. Indications seem to point to the faot that Italians don't particularly want to fight but are forced to by the Germans. CONVOY CLOSES ON SICILY '.5 1 ,.. :~ Anti-aircraft guns of a convoying battleship fire at one of the few Axis planes that managed to, get through the Allied air urmbtrella as the 2000 or more shTps and barges in the greatest invasion fleet of history head for Sicily from North African bases. t K. Johnson, up in Nashville, Tenn. << W ith the Colo S > made a notation to "look on page 18," but the only item of in- (The Star wants photos of Gulf county men (ervng in the armed forces. Pictures, which teres.t we found there was a pic- should be in uniform, will be returned.) ture o.f film actress Shirley Pat- ---- person in an abbreviated bathing (Continued From Page 1) suit exposing several square yards J. Harrelson, and contacting old of shapely epidermis, so we guess friends after being away from that's what *he meant us to see. home for two years. Sgt. Harrel- Anyway, thanks for the "Yank," son is with the Army Air Forces Paul-now maybe some of you fei- at Mather Field, Calif. lows will send us a copy or two of "The Stars and Stripes." Charles Stevens Jr., Joins Navy A farewell dance was held in the Beautiful Gals Centennial auditorium the evening iGus Creech' dropped in yester- of July 2 for Charles Stervens Jr., -day just as we were goingI-topress who left July 4 to join the Navy. ond showed us a pos:;-ard he h,. He is now stationed at Pensacola. received from Ken Creech. It was The farewell dance was given by a group of half-naked, fuzzy- his brother, Ellis, and Miss Louise headed black gals with the nota- Wilder. tion at the bottom, "Native Belles, A* Solomon Islands," so apparently Arthur Soderberg Home On Visit that is where Ken is located. You A/,C Arthur Sodecberg, who has girls who have been worrying been in training at the Air Force about scme of those island belles school at Coral Gables, spent from grabbing off Ken don't have to Saturday to Tuesday here visiting worry-just go around to the lann- his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. A. dfi. anud ask Gus to-show you that Soderberg. He left for Atlanta and postcard'. expects to be assigned from there, to some pre-flight school for fur-' Put every dollar above the other training. To date he has 60 necessities of life into War hours, in the air and has gained Bonds. Payroll Savings is .14 pounds. "They sure feed good," the best means of doing your I I best iii helping your sons and he remarked, friends on the fighting fronts. Fig- tire it out yourself. Alton Dendy Visiting .Sgt. Alton Dendy from Louisiana is, visiting this week with his par- ents, Mr. And Mrs. E. B. Dendy. *r Kirby Misses Paper, Hospital Attendant Walter M. Kirby; somewhere In the, Pacific with the, U. S. fleet, V-mall's us that he hasn't been receiving The Star lately, stating, "There is notli- ing that will boost a fellow's mor- ale like. his ho-ne paper." We're sorry, Walter. but the paper has been going each week to the ad- dress you give-you'll probably get five or six In a bunch shortly. Paul Johnson Sends Us "Yank" We received- a copy of "Yank,'" the soldier's paper, trban A/S Pau'l Ill llII /IIIII IIII I IIl !lllll0l|IIIIIIl lll lllll IIIIIIIIIIl lll IF ANYBODY HAS- Eloped Married Divorced Had a Fire Sold a Farm Been Arrested Been Your Guest Started in Business Left You a Fortune Bought a New Home Swiped Your Chickens Met With An Accident Had a Visit From the Stork THAT'S NEWS TELL THE EDITOR Phone 51-Th7 Star Ii llltiU i i lfli llii 111i1111 lltiiii 111 i llltiiiuniiiiii FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1.643 Send The Star to your man in the service-only $1 for a year. Buck Alexander Insurance Agency -- ALL KINDS OF - INSURANCE Phone 101 -:- Costin Bldg. ,ROOM AND BOARD BY THE $800 A WEEK w Dining Room Open to the Publi& 'Club Breakfast, 6 to 9....25e Lunch, 12 to 2....... :.40c " Dinner, 6 to 8 ..........40c MRS. M. 0. FREEMAN Coiner Reid Ave. and 3rd St. Griffin Grocery Building i - - ^YouWanh-l We'll Produce a Good Job at the Promised Time at a Moderate Price Your order will receive promp4 attention in our shop and it will be printed at a reasonable price. Yco can be confident of delivery when promised. THE STAR "Your Home Town Newspaper" RiEA DISCOVEVRYTOR HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dangerous High Blood Pressure (Essential Hypertension) is usually marked by distressing symptoms such as dizziness, throbbing head- aches, sleeplessness and nervous- ness. If disregarded, this may lead 4to Heart Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis, Hardening of the Arteries or Kid- ney Trouble. Diamonex, discovery of a heart specialist, is designed to quickly aid in the relief of these distressing symptoms. A Chicago resident says: "I suf- fered from High Blood Pressure for several years with increasingly severe throbbing headaches, dizzi- ness and shortness- of breath. I *showed the Diamonex formula to'. my doctor and, on his advice, tried .the treatment for two weeks urder identical' conditions as .previous treatments. Within only three days my bad headaches and dizzy spells were gone. My high blood pressure was reduced and I sleep fine.", ; Diamonex goes directly to work in three.-different ways to aid in the relief of these dangerous symp- toms. Results are speedy-within as short a time as two weeks suf- ferers.often find that Diamonex has accomplished 75% of the total re- duction possible with this formula. If you stiffer from High Blood Pressure you may try DIAMONEX' without risking a enny. To intro- duce this wonderful -reatment to a Mnilliot new suffered jis liberal trial offpr -la made for jjted time ony. " Send only $1.50 to the Diamon- Company, 318-A North -MichigaVn Ave.. Chicago, Illinois for a ful ,TWO week)s,.pupply of .genuine DIAMQNEXr, prepaid. Use Dia- mnonex according to the simple di- rections for only two'weeks. If. at the end of that test period you are not deligIted with result; your money will' be riftnded imimedi- Sttly on request There are no strings or conditions-you owe it t yourself to make thip wonderful test at once. Write today as third offer is faully-uarmt-1"- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COU14TY,:FLORIDA PAGE TWOurn FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1943 Benson Is Named District Manager For Florida Power Comes To Western Division From High Springs to Succeed the Late J. P. Coombs Florida Power corporation of- ficials stated' yesterday that A. V. "Swede" Benson had been placed in charge' of the western division of the company's utility opera- tions. Benson comes to West Flor- ida from High Springs, where he hag been manager for the past 14 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORiBA years. Before joining the Florida Power corporation, nearly 15 years ago, Benson spent the previous 10 years with various organizations engaged in the electrical utility and allied industries. When Interviewed here, Benson expressed pleasure at the growth of this section and said 'he hoped to work with all constructive groups to help bring about further expansion and progress. Mr. Benson paid high tribute to his predecessor, the late J. P. Coombs, and stated' that Coombs had, left an outstanding record, ot unselfish service to West Florida and that in his humble way he ~;------------------~ ----- would try to carry on in the tradi- and then placed his foot on the tion that his late' friend had es- accelerator. Several colored resi- tablished. dents here stated that Patterson "Swede," his wife' and three childe,hisn will make their home in was an inexpert driver and that his wi make their ome inca had very bad brakes. Apalachicola, and, .as one of his car had Ver bad brakes. favorite sports is fishing, it looks Immediately upon receiving news favorite sports is fishing, it looks of the accident, Coast Guardsmen like he will get along famously ofer ruhe to verstreet rodsmen with all of us. in this section. were rushed to Overstreet troza with all of u in this section the St. Joseph Point station ana from the beach patrol station at SEVEN NEGROES DROWN- Beacon Hill. The Guard also dis- AS CAR ROLLS OFF FERRY pached a crew of men experienced -in administering artificail respira- (Continued from Page 1) .tion from the Panama City station brakes, as well as a boat with dragging home from a fishing trip, and it equipment. A Wainwrlgit Ship- 'is surmised that Patterson, feel- yard crew from Panama City hur- 'ing the car rolling backward, put tried to the scene with its inshaa- 4t in reverse instead of low gear tor, and' Tyndall Field rushed a The Southeast is On the March! Compare these figures Here is positive evidence of the industrial and business expansion that is taking place in Florida and the Southeast. Much of it has been stimulated by war-expenditures, to be sure, but it provides a solid foundation for even greater peace-time accomplishments. Banks of the Florida National Group have played an important role in financing this growth . a role consistent with their long-range policy of fur- thering the development of business and industry in America's last great frontier area. The Southeast is on the march . providing new opportunities for capital and initiative! Combined Statements FLORIDA NATIONAL GROUP of BANKS RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Banking House and Furniture, Including Office Buildings Other Real Estate Owned Prepaid Expenses Other Resources Customers Liability A/C Letters of Credit Accrued Interest and Income Receivable.... U. S. Government Securities Listed New York Stock Exchange Bonds and Other Securities Cash oi Hand and Due from Banks .......... JUNE 30, 1943 $ 29,800,102.99 917.39 5,197,732.12 372,291.21 28,784.12 75.00 JUNE 30, 1942 $ 32,100,467.98 1,363.03 1,808,642.19 319,075.24 36,609.50 193.21 60,755.17 570,833.54 76,545,203.88 15,875,328.60 65,310,177.25 158,301,543.27 $193,762,201.27 297,852.96 22,561,281.25 15,996,784.50 45,493,309.86 LI ABILITIES Capital toc-k Surplus Undivided Profits Reserves Dividends Declared, not yet payable ....:....... Other Liabilities Interest and Income Collected, not earned Letters of Credit Deposits S- 6,225,000.00 4,318,500.00 659,860.35 987,179.81 4,187.50 396.61, 104,212,.24 61,957.17 1,81,400,907.59 $193,762,201.27 $ 6,150,000.00 3,811,700.00 475,093.31 775,693.15 4,"00.00 894.13 137,843.57 187,260,355.56 $118,615,579.72 We Are a Member of the Florida National Group of Banks FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA 84,349,228.57 $118,615,579.72 PAGE THREE wrecker and mechanics to raise their car. The body of Patterson and two of the women were recovered, at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning, being in the car when it was raised. The other four were brought up by Coast Guardsmen at 9 o'clock near the spot where they had jumped from the car. These bodies were half buried in the, mud at the bottom of the canal. About 20 men worked all'of Mon- day night in recovering the bodies and' raising the automobile. An, economic expert is, a guy who thinks he would know what to do with money it he had some. -- -"I, L A A J 1 .4 THE STAR Published Every Friday at Port St. Joe, Fla., by The Star Publishing Company W. 8. SMITH, Editor Btered as Second-clan matter, December 10, 117. at, the POatoffice, Port St. Aoe, Flrid, under Act of, March 3, 179. Subscription Invariably Payable In Advanpe One Year..........00 Six Months ...... 1,00 Three Months..........650 --( Telephone 51 ji The spoken word is given scant attention; the, printed word is thoughttfuy wellgh.L The spoken word barely asarats; the pri"tgd word thoroughly convinces. The spoken *rd is lost; the printed word renmins. Our Country Right or Wrong OUR SOLDIERS AND POST-WAR PLANS Now that a move to develop post-war plans for Gulf county has been started by the Ki- wanis and Rotary clubs, there is one most important point to be considered' that has not yet been brought opt. That is: What plans will be made for the returni'ng'soldiers when this war is over and they come home? Not only must we take into consideration our own boys, but a lot of other young men, who, having got Florida sand in their shoes while training at the numerous camps in the state, will return here because they like our people, our climate and the opportunities'we. have to offer them. And Port St. Joe, being at the crossroads of the two Americas, should offer plenty o-l opportunity to these .young men if our plans atre developed and everything set to go when the conflict ends. If we can develop our port as one of the principal shipping points for water and airborne commerce to South Amer- ica there will be unlimited opportunity here. Arid that calls ,for a lot of groundwork right now-mainly the securing of an airfield and the bringing, of more industries here that Will be nece-.-ar,, for greater development and ex- pansion of existing dock facilities. As W. C. Roche has pointed out, we can't sit around and say, "Why don't THEY .do something," because WE are THEY, and ill's up to US -to do whatever is done. And right now is the time to fall to and begin to do something about this matter. BEGINNING OF THE END? The landing of American, Canadian and British forces on Sicily in the early morning of July 10 seems to indicate that the big drive to Rome and Berlin has begun. General "Ike" Eisenhower, under whose command the move- ment, is proceeding, describes it as ."the first stage in the liberation of the European con- tinent." Ex-servicemen who saw active duty in World War I perhaps will recall that in July, 1918,. when that conflict had been under way a little over 47 months, a turn in the fortunes of war at that time brought that war to an end in November. Now, in July, 19'43, World War II has been under "way a little less than 47 months. Is history repeatingg itself? Does the invasion of Sicily represent the turning point in the present war? Perhaps Col. E. R. Bradleln, Palm Beach sportsman, isn't so fool- ish after all in laying bets that the war will be& over by January 1, 1944. We're not trying to raise false hopes, but we've always been interested in coincidents and the fact that history has a habit of re- peating itself; Study of a relief map of Italy would seem to indicate that when the Allied forces get a strong foothold on Italy itself, via Sardinia, 'Sicily and Corsica, that the logical point for Axis forces to make a stand would be in the vicinity of Perugia, in central Italy, as this section offers an ideal site for the German tactics of leaving the Italians for a rearguard while they retreat. The Axis is still strong, and chances are that Hitler, in a last desperate fling, will. en- deavor to drive to the Suez Canal by an in- vasion of Turkey via the Dardanelles and thence into Syria. He already has built a num- ber of airfields in eastern Bulgaria, close to the Turkish border and has a considerable number of troops in that area. But regardless of guesses or predictions, a new act in the war drama has opened, bring- ing nearer the day of total victory. SERVICE ON THE HOME FRONT The Star is running a series of advertise- ments for the Standard Oil company which we commend to the special attention of our readers. These are. unique, in that they make no mention of Standard ,Oil products. They are designed to let the public know what Stan- dard Oil agents, dealers, tank-wagon drivers, etc., are doing on the home front in the pres- ent war emergency. The Standard Oil company has been serv- ing the people of Gulf county for many years. 'They began this service back in the days when coal-oil and axle grease were their principal products, when roads were bad-in fact, there were only woods trails leading into Port St. Joe, practically everything coming in) :by boat-and when serving the rural South was difficult. In those days we didn't have electricity, and the people depended upon the Standard Oil company for the kerosene to light their lamps. And good weather or bad, they always managed to get this kerosene to us. When the automobile came along, they made gasoline and' motor oil available fr-om one end of Florida to the other. They have never forgotten their country friends, who were their first customers. Today, wherever we drive, we're never far from a Standard. station. The Standard Oil Company of Kentucky is a good example of a Southern business or- ganization-of the South, for the South, and by the 'South-serving the peopt.e of the South with necessary products of dependabiility. The coal miners have agreed to work until next October with proviso that mines remain under government jurisdiction. They may not realize it, but they're playing with fire-and fire in' a coal mine is bad business. Tokyo says that "the situation in our be-. loved Italy is extremely grave." The only reason Italy is "beloved" to Japan is that the fighting there is keeping the main forces of the United aNtions off Japan's neck. "Butch" Goering probably means that hos- tile airplanes would not drop more than 2500 tons of bombs on any one German city in the course of any one evening prior to June, 1943. -Sanford Herald. They're no longer WAACs-they're now WACs-for the "Auxiliary" is out, now that the organization has become officially an in- tegral part of the army. But if men who wish to keep on working .must quit to help a union boss collect graft, .why do we call this a free land? Daily Oklahoman. A one-armed paperhanger, found in real life in California, has never had hives. The search, therefore presses on.-Columbia (S. C.) State. .,.-. __ '-_ _.--. -._--= It begins to look that if congress has its way, the initial of Mr. Davis' agency will stand for "Outside Wanting In." Savannah News. As far as we can learn, no gate-crasher has ever got by St. Peter. Keep smiling-and buy War Bonds! S Copyrighted Material " A Syndicated Content rs Available from Commercial News Providers" d4w w do * ~ 0 im 0 4 o - - -' . qb-= * * "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" ~- * - - 7 S * - . ..~- -- -~ . - S.-." - Modern dehydration cn reduce 80 pounds of peas to 15 pounds in less than 10 hours. R'tmorse is the mother of most good resolutions. Ninety-six cents out of every dollar goes for War expenditures. SThe other four cents goes for Government expenses "as For Freedom's Sake usual." 'a - - C = - THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, JULY 16,. 1943 4m 4w Q R F P FIV DR. J. C. C0E DENTIST - Office Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5 Sunday By Appointment Costin Building Phone 88 HELP CONSERVE LEATHER By Having Your Shoes Re- paired Instead of Buying a New Pair The LEADER SHOE SHOP Dr.L.H.Chelgren OPTOMETRIST Eyes Glasses Tested Fitted OFFICE IN COSTIN BLDG. Open Fridays Only-9 a. m. to 6 p. m. PERMANENT OFFICE 120 Harrison Avenue, Panama City " Free Booklet Tells Of Thrilling. Discovery; New Hope For Millions One of the most sensational scientific dis- coveries of modern times is an anti-gray hair vitamin that re- tstores natural, nor- mal color to gray hair in nature's own way- Scientific investigation has revealed that gray hair, in many cases, may be due to a vitamin deficiency. Scientists have also discovered the particulaticular vi- tamin that is necessary to restore col- or. to the hair in such cases. Reports 64 tests made indicate remarkable results. Not a dye-not a tint-not a drug-noi a medicine! It is a valuable food sup- plement. If you are among the millions of people who find themselves handi- capped, in business or socially, because of grayhair, mail coupon below (or write) ,for free booklet about this niarvelous new, vitamin discovery. There isno cost or obligation, so send today. United Vitamin Products, 9 W. Washington St. Chicago, III., Dept. 5 Send me FREE BOOKLET about the new ANTI-GRAY HAIR VITAMIN. Name.............. .. .......... - Address ................ ..... ...... C&ty .......... ... ....State .. ..* \VTITH YOUR responsibilities, V can you afford to let a Head- ache, Muscular Pains, Functional Monthly Pains or Simple Neural- gia slow you ,down? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills have been bring- ing relief from these common dis- comforts for nearly' sixty years. Countless American housewives consider Anti-Pain Pills almost as much of a necessity in the medicine cabinet, as is flour in the kitchen cupboard. They have Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills in the house, many of them carry these little pain relievers in purse o hand- bag. They are prepared for these minor achehs-nd pains that some.. times ocoer in almost every family --AJf YOU? Dr. Miles Anti- Paia Pills are pleasant to take and do not upset the stomach. Get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain PilMs at 7W package 125 tablets $1.00. Read direction and use only as direc- IIIIIII HI IIU i l IIIIIII III IIIIiiIII IIIIIIIlIII IIIIIll SOCIETY CHURCHES -:- PERSONALS DR. A. L. WARD HEADS ROTARY CLUB Newly-elected officers of the Ro- tary club took their seats at the regular meeting of the organiza- tion held Thursday noon Of last week at the Poirt' Inn. Dr. A. L. Ward is again presi- dent of the club, succeeding T. V. Morris; Floyd Hunt went in ab vice-president; M. P. Tomlinson, secretary; Paul Fensom, treab- urer; W. A. Biggart, sergeant-at- arms. Directors are W. 0. Ander- son, B. B. Conklin, C. G. Costin, Floyd Hunt, B. E. Kenney, T. V. Morris and Dr. Ward. Committee chairmen: Clay Lewis,, club serv. ice; B. E. Kenney, community service; W. 0. Anderson, voca- tional service; Joe Mira, interna- tional service. W. C. Roche, from the Kiwanis club, appeared' before the club at this meeting to urge co-operation of the Rotarians in. the formation of a chamber of commerce, board of traae, or some similar body, to work out post-war plans for Port St. Joe and Gulf county. He wa& accorded ;n enthusiastic recep- tion and President Ward' named a committee. consissitng of himself, Ben Rivers, C. G. Costin and M. P. Tom'inson to meet with a simi- lar committee from the, Kiwanis club and work out details. KIWANIANS VOTE TO ,MAKE SURGICAL DRESSINGS At the regualr meeting of the Kiwanis lub Thursday evening of last week the members voted unanimously to forego, three din- ner meetings each month and go to the Red Cross room .to make surgical dressings,. The money thus saved on the dinners will be used to furnish a room at the mu- nicipal hospital. ... Members and their wives put In ,-he. first shift making dressings last evening. Mr. andi Mrs. Charles Greech and' two children of Dothan, Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Moore and son and' Miss Loren Dorsey of Andalusia, Ala., left Thursday of last week for their homes aftei spending five days here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech. Mrs. Cari Stevens is visiting in Arcadia with her sister and' faiu- 'v. She also expects to visit with friends in Fort Myers. Mr. and. Mrs. R. H. Sewell have returned from a visit in Geogria. U SWAT'S NEW? *Your physician is continually study- ing the advances in medicine and surgery. He watches new investiga- tions in both fields, and is prepared, when necessary,..to prescribe-new products developed in famous research laboratories. We, too, keep abreast of . new developments and are ready at all times to. fill your physician's preseuip- tion-promptly and accurately. - We wo MMoos PfrssvfWD@ Cks.kelc LeHardy Pharmacy We Fill Any Doctor's Prescription Phone 5 Port St. Joe I Up Your Savings . .. . WELL PAY YOU BACK TOJO ifit toA-es our lost dime! i There will beAmerican justice for the savages of Tokio but our trial and punishment of Tojo and his criminals will cost blood, sweat, toil and tears and money. You can sup- ply the money by upping your war bond buying through the payroll sav- ings plan. Figure it out yourself and see where the money is coming from. How much does it cost you and your family to live each month? How much money is coming in from all members of your family? Put the extra money into war bonds, every penny of it. Let 10 per cent be only the starting point for figur- ing your allotment. Illl lllllllllllllllllllll tlllllliI llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI RATION NOTES Meats, Cheese, Fats and Canned Fish-Red stamps P, Q and R now valid; S valid July 18. All these expire July 31. Red stamp T be- conmes valid July 25. Canned Fruits and Vegetables- N, P and Q stamps now valid; ex- pire Aigust 7. Sugar-Stamp 13 good. for five pounds expires August 15; stamp 15 and 16 good for five pounds it needed for canning, through Octo- ber 31. Coffee-Stamp 21 (War Ration Book 1) good, for one pound thru July 21; stamp 22 will be valid for one pound July 22 to August 11. Shoes-Stamp 18 valid for on,. pair through October 31. Gasoline-All "A" books expire July 21; new 'books are being is- sued by local boards' upon presen- tation of tire. certificate and back cover of old "A" book. Ration Book 3-If you have not received your copy, wait until Au- gust 1 to report your troubles tto your ration board. RED CROSS NURSING CLASS TO BE FORMED HERE A course in nursing will open next, Wednesday, July 21, at the health office on Sixth street, un- der direction 'o.f a registered nurse to be sent here by the. Red Cross. Two night classes and two af- ternoon classes of two hours each will be held weekly on Monday, Wednesday a n d Thursday, the -omplete course consisting of 24 hours o.f instruction. Those, taking the course will be required to be present at two classes each week. These classes are for the beno- fit of all women of the. community and as many as possible are urged to attend. Those desiring to enroll are asked to contact Mrs. R. R. Minus, Mrs. B. C. Gaillard, Mrs. Robert Tapper, Mrs. Tom Mitchell or Mrs. Bert Hull at the, credit union of- fice, next the postoffice,. Tlie Misses Pat and Jac Lump- kin of Perry, nieces of Mr. and ,Mrs. Gus Creech, who spent a week visiting in Panama City with Miss Joan O'Quinn, have re- turned here. They were accom- panied by Joan. who will be the house, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Creech for a week. - *f *,. The Star is like a ..letter from! home to your man In the service.' Send it to hm 'for -olly TF a yar. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES R. F. Hallford, Pastor 9:45 a. m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.-Morning worship. Sermon topic: "The Prayer That Jesus' Refused to Pray." 7:00 p. m.-B. T. U. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. Topic: "Fellowship With God." EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. 0. D. Langston. Pastoi 9:45 a. m.---Church school. 11:06 a. m.-Morning worship. 6:30-Youth Fellowship. 7:30-Evening worship. The Woman's -society meets Monday at 3 p. m. First Tuesday after first Sunday, official board meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer and Bible study. Choir practice. Pig .iron today is generally cast in molds of metal;, formerly it was cast in molds of sand. Enjoy Beach Picnic Mr. and; Mrs. Cleo Dorsey of Opp, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. Gus Creech and the Misses Pat'and Jac Lump- kin and Joan O'Quinn spent Sun- day at Cape San Bias sw-mming, fishing and crabbing, and enjoyed' a picnic lunch on the sand. J. L. Peveto of Port Arthur, Texas, is visiting his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and' Mrs. E. M. Bowen, at their home on McClei- lan avenue. Mrs. J. J. Darcey arrived in the -city last Friday from Port Arthur, Texas, and is the guest of her two daughters, Mrs. George Lunsford and Miss Betty Darcey, ,Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Do.rsey and daughter, Dinah, of Opp, Ala., spent their week-end, here as. guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brooks. Sgt. Clarence Christmas has re- turned to camp at Jacksonville, af- ter visiting 'here, with his mother, Mrs. D. N. Christmas, who has been quite 1ll. Tha# THEATRE " A Martin Theatre S Port St. Joe, Fla. THEATRE OPENS SATURDAY SUNDAYS AT 1:00 P. M. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE DAILY AT 2:45 P. M. LAST TIMES TODAY! TUESDAY, JULY 20 "The Desperados" LookWhat'sBUzzin'! NEWS and "FIRST AID" ** m .* -..i.. ..... eLAUREL SATURDAY, JULY 17 &HARDY 2 BIG HITS in -Hit No. 1-s SADVEuRE! THRILLS! A, SIOMANCE! ... Chapter 12 of Serial "Don Winslow of the Coast Guard" HIT NO. 2- I Chapter 8 of Serial "Perils of the Royal Mounted" WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 The Picture You Won't Want to Miss! IT'S GREAT ! THURSDAY FRIDAY July 22 and 23 SUNDAY MONDAY July s18 and NgWS FLASHES - "TULIPS SOALL GRHOW" NEWS FLASHES ------------ ----- -- ------ ------ -~-- ------------------,, THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORMAA PAGE FIVE FRIPAY, JULY 16, 1943 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AG S T S Raids On U. S. Said Possible Vigorous Warning Is Issued By %A/--, . -0"Copyrighted Material SSyndicated Content e:, Available from Commercial News Providers" .RATION BOOK III TO BE IE. CLAY LEWIS GOES ON DISTRIBUTED BY JULY 211 POLITICAL FISHING TRIP The nation-wide distribution of; Ration Book No. III should be completed by July 2.1, according to information released, this week by OPA. This distribution is only to those who have made application for the ne-w books. Those who have not yet applied) are required to, wait until August 1 before sending in application. Many local people have already received their books, -which are being mailed out from the state prison in Raiford, and additional ibools are arriving daily. Earlier questions concerning val- *idation of the new books have been clarified, according to the OPA, which indicates that the rub- ber stamp over 'the place originally intended for a stamp is sufficient validation. The books need not be taken to the local board for vali- dation, it is emphasized. Book-holders themselves are ex- pected to fill Tn their address, age, eight, weight, etc., and, place their signatures in the place indicated. No announcement has yet been ma te as to which stamps will be used for various articles. GULF CATTLEMEN ARE DEVELOPING PASTURES Pasture development in. Gulf county is expected to make rapid strides in the. near, future% County Agent J. B. White and, a group of leading cattlemen have just com- pleted an investigation of pasture development and equipment in the state. C. L. Morgan, Dave, Gaskin, H. C. Lister, John Griffin and James F. Rish of Wewahitchka, C. W. Horton andl C. H. Johnson of Port St. Joe and Doc Redfern of Ap- alachicola, who own or control all but 15,000 acres, in the county, have just concluded their investi- gation. They, expect to establish pastures and improve cattle along most modern and successful lines. Dixie Wood In Wa'r The national forests in eleven Southern .states, sold almost $2,000,- 000. worth of timber and forest products during the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1943. Vir- tually all these products were, used in -producing war materials. Egypt has decreed 'that the Arabic language must be used in bookkeeping. The bow andi arrow was used in the defense of England as late as 1688. Future Florida legislative poli- cies, accomplishments of the 1943 session andi gubernatorial pros- pects were subjects of discussion last week by a group of legislators on a fishing, trip in the Florida keys. In the group were Senators Le- roy Collins of Tallahassee, Harri- s-on E. Barringer of Sarasota, Wal- lace E. Sturgis, of Ocala and Ray Carroll of Deer Park. Representatives. included reti-- ing Speaker Richard H. Sim,pson of Monticello, E. Clay Lewis Jr., of Port St. Joe, George W. Laird of Hollywood, G. Warren Sanchez of Live Oak, Good.win M. Nilson of Deland,, L. C. Leedy of Orlando and J. W. Turner Jr., of Chiefland. Wood Flies to War In addition to its countless other war uses, wood is used to make laminated, molded plywood used in the great cargo gliders now being to-wed across the Atlantic to carry war materials to the battle fronts. ATTENTION You Can Still . BUILD REPAIR REROOF PAINT INSULATE Your Home Up to $200 ON EASY LOANS - See Us For Estimate - We Do Millwork and Build Boats St. Joe Lumber Co. in the sponge and give up his post as a bad job. He's over here and drop a bomb or two so that people would get back on their watches. -- a =Mwmm" (Continued from page 1) Lions. Guide sheets include a com- plete list of approved management andt sanitation practices, recom- mendeid by both national and state A vigorous warning that the United States might be subjected' to aerial bombing by the Axis. this summer has been voiced in Wash- ington. D. C. Speaker, the mythical Dis- trict of Columbia spokesman who, however, frequently represents au- thoritative sources who will not be quoted, by name, said: "No major military damage could be inflicted' by such raids, but the Axis could well be count- ing on utilizing such raids to cre- ate a frantic defensive psychology within this country in, an effort to compel the Allied command to pull back its strength to the home front to satisfy public clamor. "If they succeeded' in any such plan, it would prolong the war in- definitely and, result in an enor- mous waste of life'." Speaker, who said' he spoke with full knowledge of the. United Na- tions military situation, said the army, which is responsible. for the defense of the country against air attack, had never lost sight of the possibility. But, he added, the army also was determined, not to allow the possibility to play a dis- proportionate part in the alloca- tion of its forces. There you are, you folks' who have been failing to put In an ap- pearance at the AWS tower to spot planes. If raiding enemy air- planes sneak through Port St. Joe don't blame, it onto your chief ob- server. He's about ready to throw NEW WARTIME SERVICE .for Livestock and Poultry Owners OUR GOVERNMENT is calling for the greatest food production ,in his- tory. Farmers of this community are answering the call with long hours, hard work, real sacrifice and true patriotism. But these are not enough. There are serious leaks to be 'plugged, and real problems to be overcome before we can possibly reach the tremendous food goals necessary for VICTORY. Feed is'scarce-protein feeds in par- ticular. W4 are'doing everything in our power 'to supply our customers. But there is not enough to go around. Ye must therefore stretch our limited sup- plies to produce the most meat, milk .and eggs. To do' this, we mus pot waste pre- cious feed on unthriffy livetook or poultry. We, -must cull' aprofitable producers. We must sta np out disease and parasites aesaboteuas of produc- tion. We must do a better job with what-we have. We know from our many farm con- tacts that most of such losses can be prevented. We are convinced that our fodd goals*can be reached without additional feed, labor or expense - perhaps even with less simply by plugging unnecessary leaks and stop- ping easily-preventable losses. Accordingly, as our part in the "Fod for Victory" effort, we have volunteered our services to the feeders of this community tohelp stamp out Production Saboteurs and Feed 'Wasters. At any, time of day or night we will call at your farm to assist in such feed- saving practices as culling. chickens, worming pigs, disinfecting against disease and parasites, checking feed- er anrd watering space, etc. We will also help you with a war-time check-up eof your feeding operations, based on a series of practical production guides suggested and recommended by lboth national and state agricul- tural authorities. We offer this service to all feeders of this community whether'they are our customerss or not and to the fill limit of our time, tires and gasoline. Our assistance will not obligate you in any way. Our only recompense will be the inner assurance that we are sharing with you and other- patriotic Americans the important task of win- ning the Wart St. Joe'HardwareCo. 0 8 w re ". Your Local Feed and Seed Dealer BONDS PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA sa~ TRAVELING SALESMEN ... When you order printing from a travel- ing salesman, you are never sure when you will get it or what it will look like. We can show you proofs and deliver the job the same day. No letter to write, no packages to cart from the postoffice-just a telephone call to our office and we do the rest. THE STAR PHONE 51 PORT ST. JOE -agricultural authorities and aimed at conserving feed and increasing' food production. This service, Mr. Soule states, is open to all feeders of this. section, regardless of the feed. they use. "Whose customer is whose isn't important any, more," he said. "Winning the war is the big thing now, and unless this food job is done, lots of fouks even in this country will go hungry, and Vic- tory will be seriously delayed." Send The Sxar to a friend. washington Authority; Would itPURINA DEALER JOINS IN Be of No Military Value FOOD FOR VICTORY DRIVE "--4 THE STAR, PORY ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1943 PAGE SIX |